w0wls · 11 months
Still love that the tiny second sort of moon earth has Kamoʻoalewa has a 366 day year because its slower orbiting the sun or something like that. Its like a quasi satellite asteroid thing
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aperint · 7 months
Nuestra luna se aleja, tiene un hijo y la UNAM inmersa en “Peregrine"
Nuestra luna se aleja, tiene un hijo y la UNAM inmersa en “Peregrine" #aperturaintelectual #vmrfaintelectual @victormanrf @Victor M. Reyes Ferriz @vicmanrf @victormrferriz Víctor Manuel Reyes Ferriz
05 DE MARZO DE 2024 Nuestra luna se aleja, tiene un hijo y la UNAM inmersa en “Peregrine” POR: VÍCTOR MANUEL REYES FERRIZ Es innegable que el ser humano durante su existencia en este planeta, ha intentado resolver grandes cuestionamientos comenzando por el origen de la tierra, la evolución que se tuvo para llegar al punto en que nos encontramos, las etapas que se han tenido que sortear para…
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scarybeetle · 1 year
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pepikhipik · 11 months
Blízkozemní asteroid Kamoʻoalewa je ve skutečnosti vyvržený kus Měsíce
Mohl by být blízkozemní asteroid původně kusem Měsíce? Astronomové z Arizonské univerzity se domnívají, že ano. Nejnovější objev naznačuje, že by blízkozemní asteroid Kamoʻoalewa skutečně mohl být úlomkem vyvrženým z naší jediné přirozené družice, informuje magazín SpaceChatter. Podobnost jeho odrazového spektra s měsíčními křemičitany a jeho dráha podobná zemské naznačují, že pochází z měsíčního povrchu.
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scienza-magia · 4 years
La Cina sta per essere la prima superpotenza nel Sistema Solare
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La Cina prepara ZhengHe, una missione multipla nel sistema solare. L’agenzia spaziale cinese (CNSA) ha aumentato notevolmente le attività spaziali negli ultimi anni e ha grosse ambizioni per il futuro. Sulla Luna è in piena fase operativa la missione Chang’e 4, con un lander e un rover che operano da più di un anno, mentre la sonda Tianwen-1 è in viaggio verso Marte, partita a fine luglio per quella che è la prima missione interplanetaria cinese completamente indipendente. A fine anno dovrebbe partire una nuova missione verso la Luna, che riporterà campioni di suolo a Terra, e dall’anno prossimo inizierà la costruzione della nuova stazione spaziale tutta fatta in casa. Prossimamente, invece, è prevista un’avventura spaziale nuova e un po’ particolare, per certi versi abbastanza unica nel suo genere. Si tratta di ZhengHe (in cinese semplificato 郑和, traslitterato Zhèng Hé), una missione esplorativa nel sistema solare con (almeno) due obiettivi molto distanti tra di loro. Il termine deriva dall’omonimo esploratore cinese, molto famoso nella cultura locale, un ammiraglio che nel XV secolo con più di 300 navi andò in Indonesia, in India, in Arabia e in Africa. A CNSA announcement today makes clear that China has approved a very ambitious asteroid/comet mission. It will collect samples from near-Earth asteroid 2016 HO3 & deliver them to Earth then head to main belt comet 133P via Mars flyby. That profile calls for launch in 2022. pic.twitter.com/SCCBLOSC58 — Read the full article
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valen-dreth · 3 years
https://vm.tiktok.com/ZM8V9trof/ :)
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!!!!!! YES i was just reading abt this the other day!! kamoʻoalewa my beloved......
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scienceatlas · 3 years
A Massive Rock Orbiting The Sun Appears to Have Originated Surprisingly Close to Us
A Massive Rock Orbiting The Sun Appears to Have Originated Surprisingly Close to Us
It appears that our Moon has been careless. According to a new analysis, a chunk of rock that hangs out near Earth’s orbital path along the Sun seems to be made of the same material as the Moon, suggesting that it broke off at some point to be flung into space. But how, and when, remains a mystery.   The rock is named 469219 Kamoʻoalewa, and astronomers already found it interesting before this…
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roversrovers · 3 years
Quasi-satellite Kamo'oalewa might be a fragment of Earth's Moon!
Based on their observations of its movement and spectrum, astronomers concluded that the best explanation they can currently find for Kamo'oalewa's apparent composition and orbit is that it's a fragment of the Moon that broke off (for example during a collission event, although the actual reason is unknown) rather than a typical Near-Earth Asteroid that was pulled into Earth's orbit.
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You can check out the findings in the paper (linked above) or read about the details in this Science Daily article.
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mattnicholls69 · 3 years
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tracygrenier-blog · 3 years
NYTimes: A Missing Piece of the Moon May Be Following Earth Around the Sun
A Missing Piece of the Moon May Be Following Earth Around the Sun https://nyti.ms/3C8SfxZ
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A Missing Piece of the Moon May Be Following Earth Around the Sun
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By Robin George Andrews New data suggest an object known as Kamoʻoalewa was shorn off the moon by a meteor impact before becoming a quasi-satellite of our planet. Published: November 10, 2021 at 04:00PM from Science via New York TimesNYT
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ciuvba-kouvta · 3 years
A Missing Piece of the Moon May Be Following Earth Around the Sun
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By Robin George Andrews New data suggest an object known as Kamoʻoalewa was shorn off the moon by a meteor impact before becoming a quasi-satellite of our planet. Published: November 10, 2021 at 02:00PM from NYT Science https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/11/science/moon-kamooalewa-asteroid.html?partner=IFTTT via IFTTT
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isfeed · 3 years
Maybe It's a Lost Piece of the Moon, but Don't Call It a Moon
Maybe It's a Lost Piece of the Moon, but Don't Call It a Moon
New data suggest an object known as Kamoʻoalewa was shorn off the moon by a meteor impact before becoming a quasi-satellite of our planet. Source: New York Times
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leanpick · 3 years
Maybe It's a Lost Piece of the Moon, but Don't Call It a Moon
Maybe It’s a Lost Piece of the Moon, but Don’t Call It a Moon
Space is vast and lonely. It is perfectly understandable, then, that a little rock would decide to tag along with Earth and the moon on their yearly circumnavigation of the sun. Said rock, 165 feet long, was discovered in 2016 by Hawaii’s Pan-STARRS 1 asteroid-hunting telescope. This eccentric entity’s Hawaiian name, (469219) Kamoʻoalewa, means “wobbling celestial object.” As it repeatedly loops…
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mironivanov · 3 years
Maybe It's a Lost Piece of the Moon, but Don't Call It a Moon
New data suggest an object known as Kamoʻoalewa was shorn off the moon by a meteor impact before becoming a quasi-satellite of our planet.
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constance-mcentee · 3 years
Related Wikipedia Links:
469219 Kamoʻoalewa
ZhengHe (spacecraft)
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