#Kane & Abel
shewolfofficial · 1 month
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wormsforbrains · 2 months
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The first time making this. 😭 also this is in my opinion on how I feel they would’ve reacted, feel free to include your own opinion.
(I went to the shops today and I feel so good right now! 🐸)
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ghostlyarchaeologist · 4 months
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Leverage Redemption S01E13 The Hurricane Job.
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winniethewife · 3 months
Oscar Isaac Characters as angsty Quotes/Lyrics
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Steven Grant: I am not a violent dog, I don't know why I bite
Marc Spector: I am not your pet, I never liked you, I don't care about you, I won't wait for you. I bite.
Jake Lockley: I suppose if it worked, we'd be dead already
Llewyn Davis: I Know I could have Loved you (But you would not let me) 
Kane: I'm well beyond you now, and travelling very fast
Leto Atreides: No good deed goes unpunished
Blue Jones: It is sometimes an appropriate response to reality to go insane.
Nathan Bateman: Genius must ever be imperfect.
Santiago Garcia: A hero of war, Is that what they see? Just medals and scars, So damn proud of me.
Abel Morales: I can pardon everybody’s mistakes except my own.
William Tell: I lost a game you couldn't even lose in.
Poe Dameron: When heroes fall from the sky, many more will learn to fly.
Rydal Keener: If you're not having me nor I you that doesn't mean I will stop loving you 
Peter Roiter: I love you in every universe
Mikael Boghosion: I got soul, but I'm not a soldier
Miguel O'hara: Listen, don't meet your heroes. If you meet your heroes, you're always going to be disappointed.
Jonathan Levy: Maybe then you could've loved me like you don't know how to
Outcome 3: I could disappear forever and it wouldn’t make a difference.
Orestes: If I'm a pagan of the good times, My lover's the sunlight
Taglist: @silvernight-m @queerponcho @boredzillenial
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unes23 · 3 months
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Roos Abels at Christopher Kane SS17
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gritsandbrits · 7 months
So how;s adam and eve reunion gotta be ? it's must be full with drama
"So this is what youve been up to all these centuries?" Adam remarked, taking note of Eve's outfit. 
Gone were the elegant blue, pink and white robes that denoted her as his Other. Now she wore overalls and a plain gray shirt. A leather ultility belt hung around her hips. Her hair, once a luscious river of brown, was cut shorter and braided. 
"If youre here to take back there the answer is no," replied the brunette.
Hm. it seems looks werent the only thing that changed about Eve.
"I'm not here to take you back, Im just wanted to know how youve been," said Adam. Hs lips formed a sly grin. 
"Though if you want to, I can convince Sera to-"
"You will convince nobody, Im through with that place."  Eve's voice sharpened some more. 
Adam was taken aback. The audacity of this woman he grumbled internally. He didnt know what to think! He was so used to her soft, demure mannerisms. She never raised her voice at anyine not when the kids were acting up, and definitely not at him. 
What changed? 
Adam glanced over at his sweet wittle Abel, who only stood awkwardly at the unexpected family reunion.
Of course, if he played his cards right then Eve would be back by his side by the night's end. She would do anything for their real kids!
But then he remembered Kané. He had told her to hide, that he would not reveal her until he could persuade Eve to hear him out. 
Charlie felt it wasnt her place to interrupt. She didnt know what to say. But she did know Adam had a trick of his sleeve. So she sent him a warning glare, daring him to mess up.
"Ooh this is better than a soap opera," Angel Dust whispered excitedly as he cradeled Phat Nuggets. He was enjoying the mayhem unfolding.
"Normally I wouldnt care about Adam but I'm bored," Veggie replied with equal interest. Even back in her exterminator days it was no secret how Adam treated Eve. He never defended her when other angels scorned & looked down at her, so when news of her disappearance reached her ears, Veggie was not surprised. 
Besides, he had this coming a LONG while. She was glad to have a front row seat at the day of reckoning. 
Husk simply took out his flask. This was going to be a long night. 
All the while Kané stood in her hiding spot behind the cacti. She could see the resemeblance between her mama and Eve, even with obvious differences there was no doubt the First Woman Ever was their grandmother. The way she presented herself caused a wave of comfort for the girl, as if she could trust her with her deepest, darkest secrets. 
Adam was not moved. He didnt expect his wife, his soulmate to reject him like that.
"Now look after everything we've been through, you dont want to be in paradise? We worked hard for it, Evie! You deserve to stay here."
Eve crossed her arms. Adam began to sweat. He really wished he had his mask. 
"I mean, not here in this shitstain or Earth, but up there", he pointed up at the ceiling. "Please Evie, come back to us. We miss you, the rest of the brood miss you."
That part was genuine. He really did miss her. He hated that the one chance at being together again was slipping through his fingers. Lilith was probably cheering somewhere at this update.
Eve shuddered at the pet name. She loathed him for pulling that out, and loathed herself for nearly buying that. Centuries apart and he still managed to makr her weak in the knees.
But she had to keep going! Evelyn Lambert worked too far and too hard to succumb back to that demure helpless trophy everyone expected her to be.
"No. You dont get to call me that! You knew how they treated me and did nothing to stop it! All they did was insult and belittle me, you were my husband and supposed to protect me!" She pointed an accusatory finger at him. 
"Well what did you expect me to do punch every angel who ever looked at us funny? That's not exactly holy behavior," chided Adam. 
"Oh you are a real piece of work my love," Eve snipped. "Like we're all supoosed to ignore that you went off on a mad crusade because you were too spineless to admit all of us are capable of sin? You didnt even think twice that doing so would cause a war!"
Adam winced. He hadn't thought of that. But no matter! There was no war and a mere instance of hell figthing back didn't erase countless years of victories his extermination squad achieved.
"Hey a war wouldn't be possible anyways because look at them! We are much more stronger, they just got lucky," boasted the First Man. 
"And they cheated! That fucking thing stabbed me in the back!" He pointed at Nifty, who could only reply with a satisfied grin. 
"An unnarmed man! And left his kids without both parents!" Adam continued, hoping his put-on was enough to soothe his beloved' heart. 
Abel cupped his face and sighed. Even during a serious moment his fayher loved being a drama king. It was such a common put-on Abel could smell it a mile away. 
Unknown to him, Kané shared the same sentiment. She pinched her nose, wasn't Adam's arrogance the reason why he was in hell in the first place? Why is he regressing all of a sudden? She held her tongue.
Eve gritted her teeth. God, she was so done with her ex's mind games!
As if somebody left the window opened a cold wind blasted through the room. Everyone tensed, Vaggie and Angel ready to move in case things got uglier.
"Talk about hell hath no fury," muttered Kané shrinking hwrself further away. Whisps of curls flew about Eve's face, her eyes glowing even more purple with a protective fury.
Charlie tugged her jacket tightly, her drealocks blowing around her face.  She watched as Eve posed herself straighter. She swore she could see the faint outlines of butterfly wings on the woman.
Before Adam could say anything else (preferably HIDE), Abel finally stepped in and placed comforting hands on his mom's shoulders. He spoke to her in a language Kané couldnt ubdertand. It seemed to calm her down as the wind stopped blowing and the room temp returned to normal. 
"Come on, Let's all sit down and discuss this like real adults." Abel directed that last part at his dad.
"I believe this matter also concerns you Your Highness," he addressed Charlie. 
"Hopefully we can get all this sorted out peacefully," the hell princess spoke. She was ready to intervened one she felt that wind. She wouldnt let anyone get hurt, especially at Adam's hand. 
Shrugging, Adam went over to the table, as Eve Abel and Charlie sat down. The older brunette took a place on the opposite end but still kept her violet eyes on Adam. She had a good mind to throw a wrench at his stupid smexy face. 
Kané still watched as her family began to convers, interspersed with bits of Angel Dust's disappointment at the lackluster resolution. 
For some reason she couldnt muster the courage to step out. Was it fear? Eve would probably hate her if she found out she was Cain's grandkid. 
Suddenly she felt something tugging at the bottom of her jacket. She turned to see a little purple lamb nibbling at her. 
"Hey hey hey shoo shoo!" She spoke as loudly as she could to not give away her position. The lamb was too entranced by the flavor of unwashed polyester. Kané tried to pushed it away but some how she tripped.
"Gah! Fuck!" 
The poor girl fell forward, causing everyone to turn her away. The mischievous scampered off with its prize, a piece of green cloth. 
The four royals got up to see the irritated girl laying on the floor. Eve and Abel could only gape as Charlie rushed over the help her.
Adam froze.
The jig was up.
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browsethestacks · 11 months
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Tomb Of Dracula #010 (1973)
Pencils by Gil Kane
Inks by Tom Palmer
Pencils by Gene Colan
Inks by Jack Abel
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veryslowreader · 2 months
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Kane and Abel by Jeffrey Archer
The Return of Shelley: "Come Fly With Me"
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musictyme · 8 months
Kane and Abel - Shake It Like A Dog
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transistoradio · 2 years
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Four paperbacks with cover art by Roger Kastel (b. 1932).
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blowflyfag · 5 months
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shewolfofficial · 2 months
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the bathroom victims 💔
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fetchmearum420 · 1 year
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I’m going on a wild goose chase for 1776 actors in other shit (thanks IMDB) and first up is my good pal Jonathan Moore. I smiled so big when I saw this.
I’m used to him with a mustache ngl
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umbral-fantome · 1 year
Random facts about Abel:
- He was created initially by Gazpaccio as his attempt to stop Kane... except with his ability to feel came with the curse to hate just as strongly. After he found out what he did to Kane, he left the Clock Works through a window in Gazpaccio’s tower and hijacked a ship to leave for Cadiz.
- Abel has four “children”: Battle Angel Captain Militus Limatrix (daughter), Marine Commander Militus Modatrix (daughter), Elite Armada Sniper Presidos Modus (son) and Dragoon Captain Militus Crassatrix. They all live with Abel on his luxurious island estate.
- Officially, Abel is known as the Grand Admiral of the Armada, commanding his own Armada galleon The Citadel.
- He is Kane’s right hand man, though he rarely left Cadiz, and mostly sends Pirate Hunter Seraphus Argentus to do his bidding.
- Contrary to most other’s perceptions about him: Abel is cruel to anyone that opposed the Armada or to his children, never one to hesitate to lean into violence or more extreme methods if needed to remove some obstacle in their path. Out of everyone in the spiral, there is nobody that he hated more than Gazpaccio, who had once sought to use Kane for his own selfish means. (granted to anyone that actually knows him, this is moreso fucking gremlin territory tbh)
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aaliya040700 · 2 years
"She only stopped screaming when she died. It was then that he started to scream."
This is first sentence of the book KANE AND ABEL by Jeffrey Archer. This line made me to pick this book up.
The way the one life exit the world and another life come into existence so easily.
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gritsandbrits · 7 months
I'm thinking of another au but this time it's one of those "adam gets a 3rd wife" stories. The difference being instead of making one for him, Heaven decides to recruit an existing human from earth to try teach adam relearn humanity and to see if they can redeem someone before they become a Sinner.
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