#Kanthony drabble
ladykettlechips · 7 months
Sweet Little Loaf (A Drabble)
I have no idea what to title this, so... yeah. This. This is a random drabble of 935 words based on a tweet that @folklauerate thought was very Kate and Anthony. In a nutshell, a woman was driving home from the shops and saw someone walking a corgi, came to a stop and went to say hi. Turns out, it was her corgi and her husband. So, I made a drabble out of after writing some random dialogue between Kate and Anthony. Enjoy! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tapping the steering wheel with a hum, Kate’s eyes slid from the empty road to the path closest to her. The warm evening sun had cast a golden hue upon the dark concrete, bereft of the life she had witnessed just a half hour ago.
Then, she saw it: a glimmer of red and white, streaks of late summer sun bouncing off soft fur. A wiggling bottom and a wagging tail, attached to a loaf-shaped body and carried by stumpy little legs. His ears pricked up, eyes bright as the little guy turned his head, tongue lolling and trying to keep up with his owner’s pace.
Gasping, Kate slowed her car until she crawled to a stop, her own eyes wide and shining at the sweet little corgi. She had to say hi, perhaps give the sweetheart some scratches, a little bit of fuss and love because, well, he simply deserved it.
At the very idea Kate’s own fingers began to itch and, opening her car door, stepped out onto the pavement a short walk ahead of the precious loaf.
She felt her smile stretch across her face when the corgi caught sight of her and, with an energetic yip, began pulling on his lead, his tiny paws scrabbling to get to her. Kate nearly melted at the sight, his precious face lighting up at the thought of being adored.
Bending down, Kate laughed when the corgi all but shoved his head into her hand, his paws resting on her knees with eyes shut, enjoying the fuss. Above her, Kate heard the owner groan and even tap his foot. Good God, she hoped the poor baby hadn’t been stuck with a miserable bugger for an owner.
“Babe,” the voice was low, a sigh heavy on his lips. “I thought I told you to stop coming up to strangers who have corgis.”
Looking up, Kate scowled at Anthony, now tugging on Newton’s lead, and narrowed her eyes. Shit.
“Oh, shut up,” she muttered, and with another stroke of Newton’s beautiful fur, she stood to her full height and snatched the lead from Anthony’s grasp. “It’s not like you haven’t done it yourself.”
A low growl fell from Anthony’s lips and, turning on her heel, Kate walked Newton over to her car. Opening the back door, she picked up her – admittedly, quite heavy – dog, and placed him on the seat where he obediently parked his bum and panted up at her excitedly.
“I was chatting you up, Kate,” Anthony hissed from behind her, one arm wrapping around her waist and tugging her into him. “I was not interested in the corgi.” Flattening his other palm onto the window of the car door, Anthony slammed it shut.
Huffing, Kate wriggled in Anthony’s grasp, which only served to make him pull her that much closer.
“Funny, because I distinctly remember you only asking about Newton when you pulled up beside us,” she teased, and lowering her voice to a gruff cadence, continued with a grin. “What was it you said? Oh, yeah, What a beautiful little dog. You take such good care of his fur…”
Anthony groaned, his head dropping onto her shoulder, his arm tightening. Before Kate could finish her impression of their first meeting, she felt her body turn until her back was pressed up against the car, Anthony’s face mere inches away from her own.
His eyes were dark, lips slightly parted while he took her in, his gaze lowering down to her mouth before returning to her eyes again.
“I only asked because you were walking him, you menace,” he murmured, his nose barely brushing against hers. Kate shivered. “You can’t believe that everybody who walks up to a corgi has innocent intentions, sweetheart, nor should you believe all corgi owners won’t think twice about asking you out.”
Sliding her hands over his shirt, Kate hummed. “So, you didn’t have innocent intentions, then?” she asked with a tilt of her head, her arms wrapping around his neck and tugging him closer. Anthony smirked, a low chuckle rumbling from his chest.
“Not even one,” he whispered, his lips impossibly close to hers. Kate’s eyes fluttered closed.
“Poor Newton will be heartbroken,” she sighed softly, her fingers playing with the curls at the nape of Anthony’s neck. “He really thought you liked him.”
“Oh, I do,” Anthony admitted, his nose brushing against her cheek as he inhaled. “I like that he adores you just as much as I do.” His lips ghosted over her cheek and over her jaw. “I like him because he makes you happy.”
He kissed her brow, her chin, the tip of her nose, both of his arms crushing her against him, and Kate sighed contentedly.
“I like that fat corgi because he’s yours, Kate,” Anthony murmured, giving her hip a gentle squeeze. “I like him because he gave me a reason to meet you.” And then he captured her lips with his in a bruising kiss, swallowing any further arguments.
They broke apart moments later when a whistle sounded in the distance. Faces burning brighter than the evening sun, Kate rushed to get in the car and started up the car again, Anthony sliding into the passenger seat beside her.
They started the quiet drive home, Anthony’s large hand resting on her knee. Looking up into the rearview mirror, Kate spied her beloved corgi, now snoozing on the backseat and smiled to herself.
She loved Newton, her perfect little corgi, and she had to thank him, too; without his aid, Kate probably wouldn’t have met the man she now called her husband.
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silverhallow · 9 months
Best Laid Plans
pairing: Anthony Bridgerton x Kate Sharma
summary: As Maid of Honour and Best Man, Kate and Anthony have been struggling to get on...
Sophie's idea was to send them into the wilderness on a hike to make them at least stop sniping and bickering with one another...
Sophie knows her future brother-in-law and Best Friend well enough to know that forcing them to talk and not avoid one another, their preferred method of dealing with each other...
So what happens when the Best Laid Plans really do come to pass...
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warnings: Enemies to Lovers, Hiking, Outdoor Sex, Platonic Cuddling, Smut, Vaginal Fingering, Sex on a Car, Bickering, Forced Proximity,
word count: 5607 words
author's note: this was a fic formerly on ao3. It’s an mature fic. So Minors DNI
"I've never known anyone so uncoordinated in all my life." Anthony laughed as he gripped the handle on the top of Kate's backpack. "You're hopeless," he said, dragging her none-too-gently onto the boulder where he'd spent the last five minutes waiting for her.
"Oh, fuck off." Kate gained her footing and shoved his hand off her, annoyed by the way everything physical came so easily to him. She turned her back on him and stood facing the valley below, taking in the peaceful scenery so at odds with the tension inside her.
She'd pulled her black hair into a ponytail; the cool breeze whipped the ends and rippled across her Nirvana t-shirt while she mentally cursed her best friend for putting her in this situation.
"I've heard unrequited love often makes women a bit testy. Now I know it's true."
She sneaked a glance at him and snorted in spite of herself. "You wish." Kate pulled her water bottle from the side pocket of her bag and popped the top, tilting it to her mouth to take a drink.
He moved in beside her and bumped her shoulder, causing her to lose her grip and send water dribbling down her chin. Kate shot him a lethal glare. She caught the droplets and wiped her damp fingers on her shorts. "You did that on purpose."
His mouth tilted in a half-smile and he turned the full weight of his striking brown eyes on her. "I need to make my own fun. In case you haven't noticed you're shitty company."
"I'm normally delightful, Trust me, it's you , not me." Kate watched as the afternoon sun played across his features, wishing he'd at least show some sign he was as tired as her. The breeze ruffled his dark hair and his skin glowed with a light sheen of perspiration. He wore khaki shorts and the straps on his backpack stretched his navy top across his chest. Her slim figure and curved features always made her feel insignificant standing next to him. She continuously tried to make up for it with a healthy dose of attitude.
"I've never seen you as anything other than a smartass," he said.
"That's because you're always around at the time." She slipped her bottle into her backpack. "You bring out the worst in me."
"Is this a sexual tension thing? If I let you get into my pants will it help improve your mood?" Anthony lifted his arms above his head and his eyes remained on her while he indulged in a leisurely stretch.
"Hmm...no. There are things I want to do to you but none of them would be enjoyable… well not for you, anyway." She hated the fact that she couldn't stop her attention from drifting to the enticing vision of a flat, taut belly revealed by his raised top. Her eyes followed the trail of dark hair from his navel to the waistband of his low-slung shorts.
A deep chuckle brought her gaze back to his and she had to steel herself against the humour his knowing smile stirred inside her. "Just checking," he said. "I'll take one for the team if I have to. Keep that in mind."
She rolled her eyes and tried to decide which would be more painful, diving into the valley below or spending another three hours with him. "I honestly don't think I can take any more of this."
"Blame your best friend," he said, dropping his arms to his side. "She's the one playing the peacemaker."
"All the stress of planning the wedding must have finally driven her insane. Anyone can see you and I are never going to get along." Her best friend Sophie began seeing Anthony's younger brother Benedict two years ago, becoming engaged to him twelve months later. As the maid of honour at their wedding next week, Kate had been paired with the best man. Two guesses who that happened to be.
Sophie decided a spur-of-the-moment bonding session in the mountains was just what Kate and Anthony needed to end the hostility between them because she was not having the sniping ruin her wedding day and there wasn’t much either would do for Sophie so they had agreed despite neither wanting to. However, so far the idea was turning out to be a complete flop.
Kate couldn't stop sniping at him and he hadn't even tried to hold back from needling her during the two hours they'd already spent together.
"Aw, don't say 'never'." He rested his arm across her shoulder and pulled her in against his side. "We'll be BFFs after this, I just know it."
Kate pressed her lips together and tried to keep a straight face. She pushed his arm off her and took a deep breath, forging ahead in an effort to hide her amusement. Anthony only let her take the lead for a few minutes before he gripped her shoulders and physically moved her aside so he could pass through. She sighed and tried to focus on the scenery to take her mind off her predicament.
Her pack was a heavy burden at her shoulders, blisters had formed on her toes and sweat trickled down her spine. The trail grew denser and the terrain more challenging the deeper they hiked into the mountains. They hadn't passed a single person on their journey which only served to make her feel even more isolated. In normal circumstances she had a lot of patience, but her control began to slip as the minutes ticked by and her exhaustion grew.
She continued her verbal jousting with Anthony, becoming more personal and less tactful as the hike progressed. The main problem she faced was that her behaviour appeared to annoy her more than it did him. Sometimes he'd reply with a witty comeback and other times she'd notice his shoulders moving in a silent laugh as he turned his head away from her.
Kate was twenty-two and Anthony twenty-four when they were first introduced to each other at a barbeque thrown by his parents. The intention had been to bring the families together since Sophie and Benedict were beginning to get serious. Sophie had no other family save for Kate who had been her best friend since she was 12 and had been by her side through her father’s divorce from Sophie’s wicked step-mother and then her father’s death four years earlier.
From the Kate and Anthony had met, sparks had flown between them, sometimes driven by attraction but more often annoyance. Eighteen months later nothing had really changed but neither of them had tried all that hard to improve their situation either. Up until now their usual method of dealing with the tension had been avoidance, which really didn't solve anything.
Kate released a loud breath and shook her head, knowing what needed to be done. There was nothing like an over-long hike in the fresh mountain air to help bring some clarity to your thinking. For the sake of her best friend’s happiness on the big day she had to put more effort into being less...abrasive toward Anthony.
Over an hour later they reached a clearing and Anthony slipped his arms from his backpack, letting it drop to the ground. He rested against a rock and pulled in air. Kate wanted to cheer with relief as she slid free from her pack to join him. Even though it was the middle of autumn and the days had begun to cool she felt unusually warm.
A smile hovered at his mouth as he glanced at her. "I only stopped so I could take a break from listening to you wheeze."
Kate moved in beside him to share the rock. She let out a breathless laugh, too tired to fight with him. "I'd kiss you in gratitude if I didn't think you'd hurt me." She stared at the tree-filled landscape, listening to the wind rustle through the leaves while she braced herself for his reply. When the silence stretched on her gaze shifted to him. "Why so quiet?" she asked. "No more digs?"
Anthony's body remained facing straight ahead; only his eyes slid in her direction. "We need to stop that."
She threw a furtive glance his way. "I've been thinking the same thing."
"It's going to take a lot of effort, more on your part than mine."
She hummed her agreement, the humour in his tone making her smile. Kate soaked up the silence with him for a while, losing herself in her thoughts. She couldn't imagine what it would be like being friends with him now, they'd spent too long as...she didn't even know what to call the relationship they currently shared. Maybe a truce was the easiest option.
"Say something nice to me," she finally said, wanting to test him. "I bet you can't even come up with one thing."
He pushed off the rock and took a couple of steps away, turning to face her once he'd put some distance between them. He appeared to be thinking it over but it didn't take him too long to find an answer. "All right," he said, "even though you dress like a sixteen-year-old skater chick I can tell there's a hot body hidden somewhere under there."
She shifted gravel around with the toe of her sneaker and hid her amusement. "Wow, thanks. I guess a backhanded compliment is better than nothing at all." Kate looked up at him, deciding to have a try at this nice thing herself. "I like you’re erm… that bit," she said pointing to the area between his navel and waistband.
"This?" he asked, lifting the hem of his top. She kept her mouth shut and nodded, not trusting herself to speak. He let his top fall back into place and said, "Okay, I'll admit I also find your sense of humour entertaining."
Kate bit the inside of her cheek, enjoying herself. She wanted to draw the moment out even longer but figured she'd be pushing her luck. "I think you're annoyingly funny sometimes, too," she finally relented.
He laughed as he bent to pick up her backpack. "Thanks. That's more than enough for one day. Let's keep moving before I get all emotional." He helped her slip into her straps, the gesture so considerate it left her feeling unsure how to respond. She made the wisest decision and just offered a simple thank you. When he'd shouldered his own pack he tugged her ponytail, a reminder they weren't quite friends yet, and headed off to begin the rest of their journey.
Kate stood there for a while longer, feeling hopeful about this new development. A sense of warmth had begun to develop between them that she'd never experienced with him before now. Maybe Sophie had been right and spending time in a situation where they couldn't avoid each other was just what they needed. She'd have to keep an open mind about it all and see where it headed.
His movements distracted her from her thoughts. Kate's gaze lowered to his legs and she watched him walk, taking note of the way the muscles shifted beneath his smooth tanned skin. His shorts were just tight enough for her to get a decent rear view and once she'd set eyes on him she couldn't look away.
"You have a nice ass!" she yelled out before she could stop herself.
Anthony lifted his arm, did a fist pump above his head and kept trudging on.
"So that's it, then." Kate shoved her backpack into the trunk of her car and lowered the lid. Sophie had urged them to travel in one vehicle but there's only been so much togetherness they were willing to tolerate. Anthony drove himself here and parked alongside her in what was now an otherwise empty lot.
Having already stowed his bag he stood with her between their cars to say goodbye. His hands were splayed low on his hips and he regarded her with a friendlier expression than she'd grown used to expecting from him. "Yep. It didn't turn out too badly after all," he said.
Her mouth curved with a hesitant smile. "You're actually an okay person once you stop trying to be so irritating."
He chuckled as he looked her over. "And you're pretty good company when you're too tired to speak."
She huffed out a laugh and looked away, surprised by how much easier it was to be around him. The last few hours had opened her eyes to the man hidden beneath the antagonistic exterior and Kate had to reluctantly admit she liked what she'd discovered. "I hope everything's going to be okay between us at the wedding now," she said, meeting his eyes.
Anthony leaned past her to open the driver's side door, resting his arm along the top edge. "If we can manage to find some tape for your mouth to match the colour of your dress I think we'll be fine."
She laughed and gave him a playful shove. "I was being serious."
"Hey." He let go of the door and grabbed her wrists in defence, holding her at bay. "So was I."
His patient amusement and the feel of his warm fingers on her skin encouraged a twinge of something intimate and unexpected inside her. She stared at him while he held her, not sure whether she wanted him to pull her closer or release her. Going by the expression on his face she guessed similar thoughts were whirling around in his mind. "I'm done attacking you," she said, reminding him that he still held her.
"I know. I'm not letting you go just yet." Anthony kept his eyes on her while he tugged her slowly toward him. "I want to show you something."
Kate's gaze narrowed. "What?"
"Relax. Stop looking at me like I'm going to hurt you." A sliver of space separated their bodies. She could feel the heat emanating from him. "Benedict and I used to beat the crap out of each other when we were younger, as did the rest of our siblings" he said. "Our mother always stopped the fighting and made us hug, her theory being that you can't be angry at someone when you're hugging them."
"Your mother's a hippy. I'm not getting all cuddly with you." Kate teased
The sound that came from him was somewhere between a laugh and a growl. "Let’s just Try it, Kate. You can Give me hell later if it doesn't work."
Anthony released her wrists and slid his hands slowly over the curve of her shoulders. He watched her while he touched her, somehow making the connection more personal. She shivered and before she could take a bracing breath he drew her into his arms, wrapping her up in a hug so tight, so comforting, that she actually sighed.
Kate sank into the moment and turned her head to rest her cheek against his chest. Her arms came up to encircle his waist and she held him, immersing herself in his strength and warmth. His heart beat strong and steadily beneath her cheek, his chin resting on the top of her head while he kept her close. She had no idea how long they stood there like that but the feel of his palm stroking her spine, squeezing the back of her neck before it slid down again, felt so good she didn't want him to let her go.
She could've sworn he placed a soft kiss on her hair before he eventually clasped her arms to pull her back from him. The separation made her want to cry out in protest. Kate looked up at him, still dazed by the contact.
"Do you feel like arguing with me?" he asked, sweeping his thumbs over her shoulders.
She moistened her lower lip and shook her head, overwhelmed by the tenderness of the moment. Kate felt like doing something but it had nothing to do with arguing. "I take it back. She was right." Her body swayed toward him of its own accord. She laughed, uncomfortable with her needs but unwilling to give up the opportunity for more. "You're good at that. I want another one," she said.
A look of amusement passed over his features and he tugged her back into his arms without even questioning her request. She surprised herself by hugging him tightly and rubbing her cheek against his chest, soaking up the solid heat of him. His hands warmed her back, his fingers flexing against her muscles in a rubbing, massaging motion that had her closing her eyes to savour the touch. Kate's own palms moved tentatively over his spine, stroking, soothing.
He located a sore muscle just above her shoulder blade and she arched her back, pressing her body closer. She heard and felt the groan that travelled through him; a responding tingle of excitement hit her deep in her belly. Even though she'd always found him physically attractive she hadn't been able to see him as anything other than just the annoying brother of her best friend’s boyfriend. Now she could barely remember what it was about him that had rubbed her up the wrong way.
Anthony dipped his head and left a soft kiss on her temple. He kept her snugly against him with one arm while his other hand tilted her chin. She clutched his waist and held her breath as she gazed up at him, wondering what she'd find in his expression.
His brown eyes were intense as they met hers, his jaw clenched while he looked her over. His thumb swept across her lower lip and his mouth tilted in the slightest of smiles. He leaned closer and said in a low voice, "If I knew in the beginning all you needed was one good...hug to make you more agreeable, I would've done it when I first met you."
Kate scowled at him while trying to hide her smile. Just because there was a chance he might be right didn't mean she wanted him getting ahead of himself. "You think you can shut me up with a hug?"
"I doubt that'll keep you quiet. This will, though." His hand curved around her neck and he pulled her up on her toes to press his mouth to hers.
Her eyes closed and a sigh rippled through her. She grasped his t-shirt and held on. Her heart thudded and her stomach plummeted at the suddenness of it all. One thought filled her mind in that moment: Oh, God...Finally... Finally .
The kiss started out slow, his warm, firm lips coaxing hers to respond. She let him pull her along with him, opening her mouth to accept the silky invasion of his tongue. Just the tip flicked over hers then retreated, his hands resuming their arousing caresses up and down her back.
Kate trembled with a quick shiver, flattening her palms against his chest. She no longer noticed the chill in the air, the tiredness in her bones. Her mind focused entirely on Anthony, still reeling at their change in circumstances. She leaned into him. A moan came from her as her arms slid around his neck and her tongue thrust against his. The connection went deeper, the kiss turned wilder. His hands supported her while his mouth took control, guiding, arousing. She couldn't get close enough. The urge came over her to climb his body and clamp her legs at his waist.
Anthony's fingers wrapped around her ponytail and he broke the kiss to tug her head back. His lips moved over her exposed throat, flicking his tongue here, sucking lightly there and driving her to the point where she wanted to beg him for more. He dipped his tongue into the hollow at the base of her throat and her mouth dropped open. She let out a sigh, neediness growing inside her until it took on a life of its own. She sank her hands into his hair and pulled him up so she could bring his mouth back to hers.
"You're a good hugger," she said breathlessly, brushing her lips over his, "and a good kisser. That mouth...I knew you would be."
His teeth nibbled her earlobe while he gripped her ass and pulled her against him. "Wanna see something else I do well?" he asked.
Although she heard the humour in his voice his erection was impossible to miss. She knew the offer was a serious one. Desire rolled through her and she laughed when she least expected to want to laugh. "Yeah."
A husky chuckle vibrated against her throat. "Here?"
Kate's eyes flickered open, sweeping over their surroundings. They were still alone. At this late hour no one would be starting out on a hike. "Yeah," she repeated.
He groaned and took her mouth again, one hand cradling the back of her head while the other squeezed her ass, grinding her against his erection. He was hard... so hard. She slipped her hand between their bodies and stroked him, her fingertips running along his rigid length. He growled and his tongue swept over hers, his hands growing more demanding. She massaged his cock, wanting to feel his silky skin without any barriers, to find out what it was like to have him, the last man she'd ever expected to actually be with in this way, thrusting inside her, filling her, making her come.
Anthony pulled his mouth from hers and spent one breath-stealing second looking into her eyes then he turned her and closed the door, pressing her against the car. She'd expected him to drag her into the back seat, now her stomach churned in anticipation. Kate closed her eyes as his hands slipped under her t-shirt and smoothed over her ribs, roaming upwards to enclose her breasts. She let out a harsh breath, her ass pushing back against him. His hands kneaded her flesh, his thumbs slowly sweeping over her hardened nipples.
Anthony leaned down and kissed the back of her neck. His fingers tugged the cups of her bra down, shoving them under her breasts. He teased her nipple with one hand, the other drifting over her stomach to work on the button at the waistband of her shorts.
He released the catch and dipped his hand inside, slipping his fingers under her panties to discover her wet warmth. The rapid change in movement and the confidence behind his touch had her heart pounding. She pushed back even harder and let out a whimper, needing to feel his cock.
"Fuck, Kate, you're so wet." Anthony clasped her breast, teasing her nipple while his fingertips stroked her pussy.
"I need you," she said. "I need..." She dragged in a breath and leaned her forehead on the car, the cool metal a stark contrast to her flushed skin.
His hand released her breast and he grabbed the hem of her top. "Get rid of this," he said.
Kate straightened and tore her t-shirt from her body, dropping it beside her. The haze of desire had her barely able to comprehend what was happening between them. She'd started the day arguing with him and now he had her pinned against her car with her top off and his hand in her panties. "Inside me," she said. "Put your cock inside me."
He groaned and gripped the back of her shorts. "Not yet." He yanked them down with her panties until both dropped freely to her ankles. She only had a moment to feel exposed before he shocked her again by pushing his hand between her thighs. His fingers slipped into her pussy from behind while his other hand teased her clit from the front.
"Anthony!" Her hips jerked and a husky moan tore from her. Her body wanted to push back against one hand and buck forward against the other. His wrist nestled between her legs, his fingers driving slowly into her. Her eyes clenched shut and she felt him kiss her throat. The cool breeze caressed her bare skin.
He circled her clit, teasing and massaging, his strokes firm and thorough. His fingers kept steadily pumping, lifting her to her toes with the pleasure they brought to her. He surrounded her, overwhelmed her. She could smell his clean sweat...feel his strength. He aroused her beyond control.
Kate pressed her palms to the roof of her car, needing to hang on to something, anything. Her eyes flickered open and she focused on his reflection in the glass. His mouth moved to her jaw where he left soft, damp kisses on her skin.
"I'm going to make you come," he said, his voice a low rumble beside her ear. "Then I'm going to fuck you hard...right here...outside...where anyone could see you." He timed his words with the thrust of his fingers, each pump growing in intensity until he had her begging for release.
She lowered one hand to her breast, cupping her flesh, rubbing her nipple. He massaged her clit, caressing the sensitive bud until she just couldn't take any more. Her hips moved back again and again to meet the slide of his fingers. She bent her head and sucked in air as it came over her. Her body shuddered and her hips lifted from his hand. She moaned, losing herself in the moment until she finally closed her eyes and cried out, "Anthony. Oh...my God!"
She nearly collapsed but his arm wrapped around her. Kate relaxed against him, letting him take her weight as her body shook with the last of her tremors. He groaned and kissed her cheek, his lips lingering. "You might be a pain in the ass but you're an unbelievably sexy pain in the ass."
She managed a smile; she would have laughed if she still had her wits about her. Kate leaned her head on his shoulder and felt his fingers leave her. He kissed her jaw and moved behind her. A few seconds later the sound of a zipper filled the silence and a new wave of desire crashed through her.
She closed her eyes, tilting her hips backwards to welcome the thick glide of his cock. He sank inside her, filling her, letting out a deep sigh as she took him in. His hips rested against her then he drew back and plunged inside her again. "Ohhh...that feels..." Kate tried to put the words together but they wouldn't come. "I can't even speak."
Anthony slipped one arm across the front of her hips, keeping her right where he wanted her. His other hand gathered her wrists together and rested them on the roof of her car. Her breasts flattened against the glass. He leaned on her back, his thrusts gaining intensity. Kate felt his harsh breaths on her neck, the flex of his fingertips digging into her hip. The sensations were almost too much but she didn't want him to stop. She wanted the closeness between them to continue on...and on.
His hold on her tightened as his cock plunged inside her. He lowered his head and pressed his lips to her cheek, her throat, his mouth hot and damp on her skin. "Kate," he said, his deep voice sounding breathless beside her ear. "Kate."
Her eyes drifted open. The way he spoke her name made her stomach flutter. He drove into her so hard that she cried out with every thrust. He kept up the pace for so long that his stamina left her breathless. She braced herself for something that seemed just out of reach but then without warning it came over her again. Her muscles tensed as it hit her in a rush. She pulsed deep inside, her stomach clenching, her thighs clamping around him. A low scream came from her and she quivered in his arms.
Anthony gave her a squeeze and let go of her wrists. He cupped her breast, holding her while his thrusts slowed to a deep grind. Kate rested her palm over his hand, whispering unintelligible words. He pressed his lips to her cheek and let out a long, shuddering breath as he came inside her.
The only sounds for a while were the wind rustling through the trees and the distant call of a flock of birds. The afternoon had begun to slip into early evening, the shadows lengthening across the ground. Neither of them spoke as he withdrew from her and tucked himself back into his shorts. Kate felt exposed now the urgency had passed, the cold air sending a shiver through her. She pulled up the cups of her bra and busied herself redressing, trying not to think too much about whether or not she'd get the opportunity to do this again with him. Now she'd experienced a taste of him; it only made her want more, much more.
She finally looked up only to discover Anthony standing there with his hands in his pockets, watching her with an amused expression. "You're overthinking this now, aren't you," he said.
"No, I'm not." Kate smiled at him, refusing to let on what had been going through her mind just now. "I'm wondering how you're going to go about telling my best friend you seduced me and took advantage of me."
His eyes glimmered with humour as he looked her over. "Some things are best kept quiet. I'd hate to stress out the bride. She has enough to worry about." He dipped his head and pressed his lips to hers, silencing her with a deep leisurely kiss. When he eventually pulled away the sweetness of it had her leaning forward for more. He smiled and kissed her again, slipping a hand from his pocket to curve around her neck. This time when he broke the contact he rested his forehead against hers. "I'm giving you fair warning we'll be doing this again soon ...and if you say no I have my ways of convincing you to change your mind."
Kate bit her lip to try to contain the happiness that wanted to break free. Despite everything that had occurred between them she still couldn't resist the temptation to stir him up a little. "No," she said, her smile issuing a challenge she knew he'd take on.
Kate stood with the other guests and watched as Benedict led Sophie through the bridal waltz, the vision of them together under the subtle lighting one of the most romantic she'd ever seen. Sophie looked stunning in her strapless white dress with diamonds sparkling at her neck, her blonde hair arranged in a bun. Benedict made a handsome figure with his dark hair and charcoal suit. Neither of them could take their eyes off each other.
The wedding and the reception had turned out to be perfect. Everything fell into place just as Kate had expected it would under the supervision of her well-organised best friend. Even the weather had cooperated.
She heard the DJ interrupt the music to announce the best man and maid of honour would now be joining the happy couple on the floor. Just as Kate turned her head to search for Anthony he appeared at her side and held his elbow out for her. No matter how many times she'd seen him today dressed in his suit and crisp white shirt, he still took her breath away. She smiled up at him and linked her arm through his, following him out to the middle of the dance floor.
He took her in his arms, gazing down at her as they danced. The intimacy in his expression would be impossible to miss for anyone who happened to be watching them. Kate had given up trying to hide the developing relationship between them now the formalities of the day were over. She'd chosen to just enjoy it for what it was and try not to think too far ahead. They'd spent every night together this past week and the passion they shared in the parking lot had turned out to only be a hint of what was to come.
"I like you in a dress," he said as he turned with her in his arms.
Kate wore a strapless berry-coloured gown and her hair had been styled similar to Sophie's, sitting off to the side in a low, intricate bun. "So you've said about a hundred times. I like you in a suit but that's not going to happen every day either."
He raised his brows and gave her a once over. "So this is the first and last time I'll ever see your legs, apart from when we're..."
Her eyes widened and she spoke to him in a loud whisper. "Oh, my God. Don't talk to me like that in front of everyone. They're all watching!"
"What?" Anthony stared at her as if she'd taken him all wrong. He kept his voice low as he continued on. "You have a dirty mind. That was completely innocent. I was just going to say 'when we're fucking'."
Kate tipped her head back and laughed, her body swaying toward him. He pulled her closer, wrapping her up in his arms. Even though they were surrounded by family and friends and supposed to still be dancing Anthony had a way about him that made her get all caught up in his world and forget about what was going on around her.
He dipped her in his arms, leaning down to press his lips to her throat. She closed her eyes and smiled, realising she couldn't think of anywhere she'd rather be in that moment
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lookingfts · 1 month
New drabble!
After watching that five-minute sneak peek of S3, I was inspired to write what Kate and Anthony were doing before they met with the family (specifically, how Kate helped Anthony relax for the big day).
Her husband shifted a bit, his arm tightening around her. As often happened in the mornings, his hardness pressed into her arse, a consequence of Anthony preferring to sleep in the nude. Not that she minded.
An idea stirred in her mind. She would find ways to soothe him during the presentation, of course, but perhaps she could also relieve Anthony of his anxiety in a more proactive manner.
Carefully so as not to disturb him, Kate gathered up her nightdress until it was bunched around her waist. Her husband had been persistent in his attempts to convince her to sleep bare as he did, and in moments like these, she could see the wisdom in it.
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livingonfanficseyra · 2 years
Anthony Bridgerton is obsessed with his wife's hair. Whenever he sees them pinned up, his hand involuntarily goes to her hair to remove the pins.
Kate was walking up the corridor, looking breathtaking as always, her hair done up in a fancy updo and Anthony felt the sudden urge to see her hair fall down across her back.
He went behind her and pulled one of the pins as Kate turned around. Her eyes widened in shock and she was about to curse him for ruining her hair but the look in Anthony’s eyes and his finger on her lips asking her to shush made her stop and stand still.
Anthony removed the pins one by one, watching the dark curls fall down to her waist like a waterfall, in utter fascination.
He finished removing the last of the pins and he stood there admiring his work. A tiny smirk appeared on his face, making Kate drop out of the daze.
"It took more than thirty minutes to get my hair done, Anthony." Kate glared at him.
Anthony loved watching her face flush when she got annoyed at him. He gave her a sheepish smile, "It's cruel to hide beautiful things, Kate. Your hair is stunning and requires to be admired, just like you, my love."
Anthony saw her glare falter at that and he slid his hand over her waist, pulling her closer. He lent into her intoxicating hair and drew in a deep breath, and was flooded by the smell of home -Kate!
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Kanthony song fic drabble
i can’t love you (yet)
Kanthony drabble inspired by The Healing by Zara Larsson. This song immediately made me think of his confession speech at the end of the Featherington ball.
The Anthony before the Anthony that existed now, that didn’t know Kate Sharma, wasn’t careful. He was reckless. That Anthony lived his life with thoughtless abandon. That Anthony would’ve kicked his own heart around, if ever allowed or let in. His heart was at a core he couldn’t even reach himself anymore, battered and bruised and neglected. For eighteen years he grew up seeing a fairytale, without knowing love could be a contact sport.
It wasn’t Kate’s fault, none of this was. It’s not Kate’s fault that he didn’t allow himself to love her. Now, in humility, he all but kneels before her. He wants to be with Kate, this woman he loves more than air itself, but only when he knows he will be the man she deserves. He wants to be with Kate as he heals, and after he heals. After he stops carrying the hurt and burden of his father’s death and his mother’s grief, he wants to be with Kate. After he releases the monsters living in his father’s absence, he wants to be with Kate. He all but kneels before her, every fibre of his being desiring her to desire him the same way.
The Anthony before Kate checked his pocket watch more than was healthy, as a distraction and a comfort. That Anthony had found a moment of pain in every second since the timepiece became his. That Anthony felt like he was gripping the edge of a cliff at every heightened emotion, at every raised voice, or every tear stained cheek, to happen in his household. That Anthony closed his eyes and only remembered the darkness of mourning, kept awake by the feeling of a bee sting he never even felt.
Anthony all but kneels before Kate, swearing that all he needs is time. He does not promise he will cry, or that he will not. He just promises that it is his burden to bear. This Anthony knows that this Kate has been unduly plagued by responsibility, and so he swears without contemplation to the fireworks above Featherington House that he will heal for her. He will not be healed by her.
Anthony Bridgerton requests, most humbly, if he may have the honour of Kathani Sharma’s presence after he has healed. After the healing is done.
[Thanks for reading, sorry if you cried, I like to write these short song inspired pieces. Let me know if you want more. Ideas/requests always welcome.]
–Grace Williams xo
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caramelpenguin · 1 month
Kathani Sharma hates the summer It doesn’t take long for her to tan. For her skin to turn from brown to dark brown. While her friends skip and chase and spin in the sun, shorts and crop tops and the heat burning into their skin, Kate walks in the shade.  A distant aunty still sends her ‘Fair & Lovely’ as a birthday gift each year.
I love projecting onto fictional characters
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9 | Temperature
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Fandom: Bridgerton
Character(s): Anthony Bridgerton x Kate Sharma
Rating: T
Summary: kate catches a cold
Wordcount: 100 | ao3
Prompt: stranded (from @whumpster-dumpster ’s 100 Drabble Challenge: Whump Edition)
“It’s just a cold,” Kate told him the first day.
By the third, she was ashen and shivering under thick blankets.
Anthony managed an hour by her bedside until he found it hard to breathe and had to go outside. He pressed his forehead against a cool wooden gable and closed his eyes. If the idea of losing her then had nearly wrecked him, the idea of losing her now…
No. He could not let his fear make him hide from her. Not again.
He took a deep breath.
Kate smiled weakly when he entered again. Anthony took her hand.
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bridgertonbabe · 2 years
Allow me to give a synopsis of the Bridgerton Strictly Come Dancing AU I will never write:
After losing a bet to his brother-in-law, Anthony Bridgerton tells his agent to accept the BBC’s offer (one they have approached him with countless times over the years) to join the cast for the upcoming series of Strictly Come Dancing. Coming from a prominent acting family where his parents, siblings, and extended family are all highly regarded, Anthony doesn’t have anything to really gain from the show’s exposure and views his contestant role as nothing more than a bit of a joke. 
Upon an initial meeting with all the professional dancers for the producers to figure out the pairings, Anthony makes a offhand comment to fellow contestant and TV presenter Thom Dorset. “With any luck I’ll be eliminated early and not have to put up with these professional dancers for too long. Honestly every single one I’ve met throughout my career always have an air of desperation to them. To quote my little sister; it’s super cringe.”
What he didn’t realise was that one of the show’s dancers, Kate Sharma, had just been behind them, ready to introduce herself when she overheard his patronising comment. Despite finding him attractive and initially believing him to be quite charming, after hearing his comment Kate despises the man. She complains to the newest professional dancer, Sophie Beckett, about how arrogant Anthony is and says she hopes neither one gets lumped with him. 
Fortunately for Kate she ends up paired with Thom - but she’s disappointed on her new friend’s behalf when Sophie is paired up with Anthony. She had wished for Sophie to have had a better and more willing partner for her very first series and feels sorry for her. 
“Honestly, you deserve so much better, Soph.” she said to her friend when they met up for drinks ahead of the first live show. “It’s so unfair you get lumbered with a contestant who’s not even going to put the effort in.”
“He’s actually not that bad.” Sophie replied. “In fact, not bad is a complete understatement. He wants this a lot more than you might think.”
“Hmph. I’ll believe it when I see.”
And then just days later Kate does in fact have to eat her own words when much to her shock and great horror Anthony Bridgerton proves not just to be a contender but the very one to beat in the contest.
Kate had always been determined to win the Glitterball trophy but now she was more motivated than ever to clinch the title, if only to wipe off that smirk off of Anthony Bridgerton’s face. Meanwhile in the run-up to his first dance, Anthony had discovered that he actually loved dancing more than he realised and his previously blase attitude towards the competition is quickly replaced by an innate competitive nature that he can’t wait to put to good use. 
Before the second live show he came across his dance partner talking with Kate - who in Anthony’s opinion is the most gorgeous woman he has ever seen - and came over to introduce himself. 
“Sorry, I would humour you with conversation but I know just how cringe you find us professional dancers to be. You know, what with our desperate air and all.” 
Anthony was left dumbfounded as Kate strutted away and when he tried to apologise to her later on, to tell her he hadn’t meant what he had said and that he was just talking shit, Kate refused to hear him, telling him to just stay out of her way so she could win the trophy. Riled up and agitated (and on some subconcious level feeling rejected), Anthony decides to get even with her for not accepting his apology by working even harder to remain the frontrunner of the competition. 
As the weeks go by the top scorers on the leaderboard alternate between Kate and Thom, and Anthony and Sophie as the competition heats up. Anthony and Kate remain at loggerheads and constantly throw barbed comments at one another behind the scenes, all of which Anthony recounts and complains to his brother about. As supportive as he is of his brother, Benedict isn’t all that interested in the non-stop moaning about Kate Sharma. The only time his ears ever prick up during Anthony’s rants are when he mentions Sophie. 
The Strictly newcomer has occupied Benedict’s mind ever since she was paired up with his brother and he’s been trying for weeks to coax any information he can find out about her from Anthony without making it obvious that he’s crushing on her. He had tried to play it cool, telling Anthony to invite his dance partner along to the opening of Benedict’s new play on the West End, but due to Anthony’s mind being clouded by his immense dislike for Kate Sharma, he had forgotten to ask her. Benedict would have liked nothing more than to be in the audience during the live shows in the hopes he could finally meet Sophie but unfortunately the Saturday shows coincided with his play. 
As put out as Benedict was, little did he know that his crush was actually reciprocated. Sophie had been in the audience of one of his plays a couple of years previously and she had had the biggest crush on him ever since. When she learnt she was paired up with Anthony, she didn’t even care that he thought she was cringe or anything; all she saw was an actual opportunity to meet Benedict Bridgerton. It was a secret she kept to herself, being a Benedict Bridgerton fangirl, and she extensively read and watched every interview he gave, went to see every play he was in and watched any film or TV show he had a part in. Perhaps she was being silly in thinking her celebrity crush might like her back - but oh god what if he did? (And while she didn’t agree with Anthony’s opinion that all professional dancers were cringe, individually she couldn’t help but agree that she herself was quite cringe for fanning over his brother like she was a teenage girl all over again.)
Whenever Anthony mentioned his brother in passing, Sophie tried her best to play it cool and enquire after him, seeming like she was just making conversation. One day when talking about Benedict she quite daringly asked if he was seeing anyone.
“He doesn’t really talk to me about that stuff but I think last I knew he was hooking up with that supermodel that got stunt-casted in his play before last. Tessa Somethingorother.” Anthony had shrugged, completely oblivious to the palpable disappointment on his partner’s face and lacking the inquisitive nature to even consider why Sophie was asking about Benedict’s relationship status in the first place. 
Halfway through the competition and much to the shared horror of both Kate and Benedict, the celebrity gossip blog, Whistledown, claimed that Anthony Bridgerton was in a relationship with his dance partner Sophie Beckett. Kate couldn’t believe that Sophie would be any bit interested in someone as pompous and entitled as Anthony, while Benedict was devastated at the thought that his brother was dating the woman he wanted to be dating. 
“I really can’t believe you, Soph.” Kate had said to her colleague when she next saw her after her supposed relationship had made the headlines. “I thought you were better than that. Dating Anthony of all people!”
Sophie had laughed it off, assuming Kate was joking because obviously it wasn’t true, seeing as the tabloids felt the need to speculate every year that a contestant was seeing one of the professional dancers on the sly - but Kate thought Sophie had laughed off her comments to dismiss the conversation about the relationship, thinking she didn’t want to talk about it, especially when Kate was so pissed off about it. 
Meanwhile Benedict had decided to torture himself by rewatching all of Anthony’s dances, trying to look at them through the lenses of his brother being in a relationship with his partner. When he had caught up with the dances before, he honestly paid no attention to his own brother as his eyes remained transfixed on Sophie, in awe of the way she moved her body so effortlessly, wishing he was the one who got to hold her close as they swept across the dancefloor. Now that he properly took his brother into account in the dancing, Benedict inflicted even further anguish on himself by convincing himself that Anthony and Sophie were clearly into each other, completely forgetting the fact that a key part of the performances included storytelling and emoting and thinking the way his brother and Sophie looked at each other during the more romantic or heated dances was because they really felt some type of way for one another. 
After the show held in the Blackpool Tower ballroom, all the cast and crew have a wild night out in celebration. Kate finds herself carefully watching Anthony and Sophie, completely ignoring Thom’s drunken attempts to flirt with her. She can’t help but think that for a couple in the early stages of a relationship that they’re not very touchy-feely and she’s never spotted them kiss either. Sophie had previously shared with Kate before the start of the series of what she’d want from a relationship; to be with someone affectionate, who didn’t shy away from her, who was proud to be with her and show her off. Knowing Sophie’s background, Kate firmly believed her friend deserved the world and nothing but the best; and she knew she certainly wasn’t going to get that with Anthony. He was friendly enough with Sophie in public but from what Kate could see he wanted to save their relationship for behind closed doors. Sophie didn’t deserve to be kept a secret and even though Kate understood that there was a need for privacy when in the public eye like they all were, this party was exclusively for everyone who worked on the show and nobody would say anything if Anthony dared kiss his girlfriend or even simply hold her hand. 
Later on after one too many drinks Kate made her way back to her hotel room only to find Anthony, also inebriated, as he sat in the middle of the corridor. When she asked what he was doing there he drunkenly informed her that he couldn’t remember where his room was or even what floor he was meant to be on. Kate rolled her eyes and went to grab her phone to text Sophie asking if she knew where Anthony’s room was (and thinking that there was a possibility that the pair were sharing one) when she discovered she had left her phone behind at the party. Groaning at the effort of having to go back downstairs, she decided to just leave it till morning. With a weary sigh she beckoned Anthony to crash in her room because as annoying as he was she would feel bad for just abandoning him in the corridor. 
Once in the room they raided the mini fridge and shared the snacks and much to Kate’s surprise she found she actually got along really well with him. They shared a few laughs as they lounged on her bed and began chucking peanut shells at one another, with Anthony cackling with laughter when Kate tried to dodge a shell so hard that she ended up falling off of the bed. She clambered back on, laughing at herself and being able to see the funny side, and then she noticed a piece of shell in Anthony’s hair. Without thinking she reached out to brush it away but the second she did the air around them stilled. The single touch of her fingers through his hair had suddenly shifted the tension between them and Kate could feel her entire body tightening with anticipation. 
“Your hair... it’s so soft.” she slurred. “So fluffy...” she said as she continued to card her hand through his hair. 
“You... you smell pretty.” Anthony responded dopily. 
“Lillies.” she said. “I use a lily-scented bath soap... soak... suds...” she informed him (even if she was struggling for the right word).
“Lillies.” he echoed with fascination and leaned in closer.
As she continued brushing a hand through his hair, he brought his face closer to hers and inhaled her scent. They had never been so close to each other and it was the most weirdly intimate moment that Kate had ever experienced. She turned her face to meet his - he was even closer than she thought - their noses practically touching, their lips mere inches away from one another.
She wasn’t sure who moved first, who initiated it, but either way they both wanted it. Their lips sealed together in a gentle kiss, which turned into a more heated second kiss, and then a more fervent third kiss, and then an even deeper fourth kiss, and then clothes were flying off and kisses were being trailed all across each other’s bodies and soon enough they were rocking their hips together, their hands clutched tightly as they cried out at the same time...
And when Kate woke up the next morning and realised she had spent the night with Anthony she was momentarily stunned before the guilt sunk in - she had just slept with Sophie’s boyfriend. Anthony stirred seconds after she did and he seemed surprised with where he was waking up but she didn’t give him a second to fully process it all before she was ushering him out of her room. 
Kate was wracked with guilt for betraying Sophie so horribly and she had to try and weigh up when the best time to tell her was. She feared if she told Sophie right away that it would jeopardise Sophie and Anthony’s partnership in the competition. They could so easily win the whole show but if Kate told Sophie this terrible thing she had done her best friend might be too heartbroken to even want to continue in the contest. In the end Kate knew it was best to come clean now instead of letting her best friend have a false sense of trust in her relationship. When she sat Sophie down the next day she told her what happened and burst into tears as she braced herself for Sophie’s reaction.
What she wasn’t expecting was Sophie’s very impassive response. “Yeah, I saw that coming from a mile off.” 
Mystified by such a reaction, Kate asked her what she meant by that - did Sophie truly think lowly enough of her to predict that she’d sleep with her boyfriend? Sophie shrugged and explained that it was obvious that the mutual loathing Kate and Anthony shared was all based in sexual tension. Kate was shocked by Sophie’s nonchalance and questioned why she wasn’t angry with her for sleeping with her boyfriend.
“What fucking boyfriend?” Sophie spluttered. 
“Anthony! Your boyfriend Anthony! You’re together!” 
“What?! Ew! No! God no! Not Anthony! Never!” Sophie squawked. 
Kate then realised that she had fallen for the tabloid fodder and had stupidly never directly asked her friend outright if she was actually seeing Anthony. 
“Kate, please for the love of god date him all you want, or at least fuck him all you want. Whatever puts a stop to you two constantly arguing with each other, please!” Sophie begged of her. 
That week the show was thrown into chaos when a stomach bug took down several contestants and professional dancers, Thom and Sophie included. It meant a reshuffle of partnerships for the one week which is how Kate and Anthony found themselves paired up for the samba. Neither had spoken to the other since their hook-up and while Anthony wanted to talk about it, Kate wanted to focus on the dance and avoided the subject altogether. 
Meanwhile as she recovered from her illness, Sophie was pleasantly surprised with an unexpected delivery of flowers. She of course thought it sweet that someone had sent them to her as a get well soon gift, but she nearly dropped them when she saw they were from Benedict. She had never met the man and yet here he was being so thoughtful and generous to wish her well. Sophie knew she had to grab this bull by the horns and later that evening after Benedict’s latest performance he returned to his dressing room to find a bouquet of flowers from the woman his brother was dating. He felt giddy as he read her handwriting, telling him to break a leg, and his heart felt so light at the sweetly returned gesture from her - until he reminded himself that she was his brother’s girlfriend. That was a line he would never cross even if he thought that there was a possibility that Sophie might just be the woman he could see himself marrying one day. 
In spite of the tension between them, the inherent passion between Kate and Anthony worked massively in their favour the following Saturday and as a result they scored a perfect 40 for their samba. In that moment Anthony felt like kissing Kate from the euphoric high of such a score - but for god’s sake they were live on air, he had to control himself, not to mention that Kate was barely talking to him even when they weren’t on camera. Backstage after the show he finally caught a moment alone with Kate and got the chance to bring up what happened between them the week prior only for Kate to wave it off.
“We had fun. It was a good time. We can just leave it there.” 
She may as well have kicked him in the crotch while she was at it. He couldn’t understand how she didn’t feel the palpable tension between them still, how she seemed so removed from what they shared and how it had felt, like it was meaningless. He wanted to argue, to fight for whatever it was they had, but in the end he thought it best to not push it. If Kate didn’t want him then she didn’t want him and he was powerless to change her mind on that. 
But little did he know that Kate did in fact feel just as strongly for him - she just wasn’t ready to put her feelings out there, to make herself feel vulnerable, to let herself be used by Anthony until he got bored and left. She had never felt like this about anyone before, had never felt such passion and desire for another human being; but irregardless, she had to keep Anthony at arm’s length. It was for the best. 
With Sophie and Thom recovered, the partnerships continued with both Anthony and Kate trying to forget about the other by putting all their energy into the next week’s dance. Benedict’s play had wrapped up after it’s ten week run and so he popped in while Anthony and Sophie were rehearsing for a VT to offer his brother some advice ahead of Musicals Week, seeing as Benedict had once played the character Anthony was taking the role of for the dance. He hugged Anthony first when he entered the room and then he came face to face with Sophie for the first time - it would be a moment Benedict would look back on the rest of his life. She was somehow even more beautiful in person and the way she smiled at him... he had never experienced the fluttering in his heart that he was feeling. They politely shook hands in greeting even though Benedict could have easily swept her up into a kiss, hoping she would want him as much as he wanted her, and they would melt into each other’s arms before Anthony and the camera crew took the hint and left them to it - but once again, he had to remember that it didn’t matter if that wasn’t the proper way to behave in public with someone you’d only just met; she was dating Anthony. It wasn’t meant to be even if his heart felt so very differently. 
After his visit Anthony walked him back out and once they were out of hearing distance, his brother whacked him on the back.
“Ow! What was that for?!”
“You idiot, why didn’t you tell me you liked her?”
Benedict stilled as he stared back at Anthony at a complete loss of words. He couldn’t believe just how obvious it was that he clearly liked Sophie for his brother to notice and feel the need to remark on it. 
“I uh... I... what?” he tried playing dumb. 
“You like Sophie.” Anthony stated.
Benedict’s mouth opened and closed before he sagged in defeat. “Okay, yeah. I do. I do like her.”
“Well why didn’t you say something sooner?” 
“Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t think you’d want to hear me saying that I can see myself marrying your girlfriend one day!” 
It was then that Benedict realised that instead of believing everything he read in the papers about his brother, that he could instead, you know, ask himself for clarification. 
“So... so you two... you’re not actually together?”
“Of course not! She’s just my dance partner! And besides I’m in love with Kate-”
“Wait, what?!”
“Oh. Uh...” Anthony had not meant to let that one slip. In fact he didn’t know he felt so deeply for Kate until the words had left his mouth. 
“You’re in love-”
“We’re not talking about me right now, okay? We can circle back to that another time - Sophie is single, Ben.”
“And... do you... do you think... she would be interested-”
“I think she would be if you were single.”
“... Which I am.”
“You are?”
“I thought you were with Tessa?”
“... Yeah, eighteen months ago now, Ant.” 
“... You think we should maybe learn to communicate with each other better?”
As soon as Anthony returned to rehearse with Sophie, he gave her Benedict’s phone number, saying that he thought they’d make a great couple, leaving Sophie so thrilled she was rendered speechless. 
She and Benedict began texting all the time, doing video calls and talking non-stop. At Musicals Week Benedict finally got the chance to sit in the audience and experience Sophie’s mesmerizing dancing ability with his own eyes, feeling as though he could watch her dance forever with how perfectly she moved with the music. He brought her flowers after the show and the following day they went on their first date as they went for a brisk December walk around Hampstead Heath. Neither one had felt so at ease with another before and Sophie even found herself admitting she was a fangirl of his. She was momentarily mortified at letting that slip, terrified he would get freaked out, cut the date short, and never want to hear from her again. But on the contrary, Benedict loved that she was already a fan of his, considering he was certain he was her biggest fan (and would happily fight anyone who challenged him). 
While they still talked all round the clock they didn’t have a chance to meet for another date, what with preparation for the semi-finals and then the finals the following week, which Anthony and Sophie, and Kate and Thom sailed through to. In the dressing room ahead of the final Sophie and Kate were getting made up for their respective first dances of the night as the former told the latter all about Benedict. Kate was over the moon that her best friend was so ecstatically happy and just from listening to her, Kate was sure Sophie had found the one. 
“I’d recommend it, you know.” Sophie raised a brow at Kate.
“Recommend what?” Kate frowned.
“Dating a Bridgerton man.” Sophie smiled simply. “They are very lovable. And sweet. And very easy on the eye.” 
“I don’t want to get hurt.” Kate said quietly so only Sophie could hear. 
“He wouldn’t hurt you.” Sophie assured her. “He’d never dream of it.” 
“But... but...”
“But what?”
“... What if he still thinks I’m cringe?” 
“Oh, but my dear Kate; what if he thinks you’re hella dope?” 
“Sophie.” she rolled her eyes.
“No but come on, Kate. Anyone with eyes can see just how much he likes you. You should see the way he looks at you when you’re not looking.”
Before they made their grand entrances Anthony wished Kate the best of luck and she squeezed his hand back, a gentle smile on her lips as she took in the joy on his handsome face from the interaction. 
“You’ve got this.”
“That’s no fighting talk, Kate.” he noted. “What happened to wiping your arse using my white flag of surrender?”
Kate grinned broadly. “That was one of my best lines.”
“It’s certainly my favourite line of yours.” he laughed. 
Kate did humour him with some playful fighting talk but there wasn’t as much heat behind the words. He had been the bookie’s favourite pretty much from the beginning and there was no denying the show-stopping performances he did with Sophie made them the worthy winners that they became. 
Later that night at the wrap party everyone celebrated and while Anthony was the man of the hour, all he wanted was to do was dance with Kate, the pair of them dancing freely without any choreographed technical steps. When they finally broke free outside for a breath of fresh air, they found Benedict and Sophie cuddled together waiting for a taxi, Benedict’s jacket wrapped around Sophie as they traded kisses. 
When the taxi pulled up Anthony wished them a good night, knowing they probably wouldn’t resurface from Benedict’s flat until Christmas (plus he had the misfortune of being present when Benedict came to congratulate them after their win and Sophie kissed her boyfriend before saying the only way the night could get better is if he provided her with an mind-blowing orgasm). Before he whisked his beau away, Benedict pointed out the mistletoe hung up above Kate and Anthony and left them to it as he closed the taxi door.
Kate didn’t hesitate to pull him in for a kiss and after he wrapped his arms around her and held her to his chest, she couldn’t help but confess that she was in love with him. To her amazement he returned the sentiment, kissing her sweetly, before taking a leaf out of Benedict and Sophie’s book, hailing down a taxi and leaving the party early to spend the night back at his flat (and hopefully not resurface until Christmas). 
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ladykettlechips · 10 months
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Chapter 12 of 'The moments in-between' is inspired by a commercial disguised as a poem, and finds Anthony stumbling upon a journal entry from his wife about his poor taste in tea. I will most likely write a second part to this from Anthony's hand! You can read the new drabble HERE! Title: Despite His Taste in Tea Rating: G Tags: Tea, Married, Journal entry Inspired by: Mountain Dew Commercial Disguised as a Love Poem Wordcount: 514
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silverhallow · 11 months
14-"This is so stupid."
let's get that muse going
I’ve no idea what this but I hope you like it…
“This is so stupid”
Anthony scowled as he looked at himself in the mirror, his fingers moving to the top of the costume and he let out an annoyed growl as the door opened and Benedict walked through the door, his own costume on and looking as thrilled as Anthony looked.
“This is so stupid” Anthony complained again, “how on earth did we get roped into this”
“Because Sophie was desperate for characters for the school kids as an end of term treat and I find it physically impossible to say no to Sophie, and Kate threatened you if you didn’t agree…” Benedict sighed
“I know but really, Spongebob and Patrick?” he groaned
“Yes but the kids are into Spongebob at the moment… and at least you got to be Spongebob! I look ridiculous as Patrick…” Benedict groaned
“You’re Patrick because you’re taller, at least neither of us are Squidward…” Anthony sighed.
“I wonder which poor soul she’s roped into doing that or if it’s just us two… but come on, we’ve gotta go, the kids are waiting for us” Benedict said, grabbing Patrick’s head.
As they made their way out of the changing room and headed down the corridor towards Sophie’s classroom feeling completely ridiculous but knowing it was for a good cause.
But what they didn’t know was Kate was in the classroom waiting with a camera to film them with the kids and in their costumes.
Anthony jammed the top of his spongebob costume, rueing the day he let Kate introduce Benedict to Sophie as they knocked on the door.
The excited chatter stopped and they heard Sophie’s voice “I wonder who that could be…”
There was a giggle and a squeak from the kids and then a shhhhh from a few of the kids and they heard Sophie’s footsteps coming towards the door “ohhhh kids, I think we have some extra special guests waiting for us… can you remember the words of the song that introduces them?” she asked brightly.
As Sophie opened the door, the words of the Spongebob Song started being sung loudly and very out of key and Anthony and Benedict, fully dressed in their costumes, bounced into the room singing along with the kids.
Kate sat at the back of the room trying not to laugh as she filmed the entire thing. “Oh this is so stupid I love it” she laughed as Sophie made her way over as Anthony and Benedict had started answering questions that the kids were asking.
Sophie giggled “it is rather stupid but it was a genius idea”
“Well Anthony, did say he’d do anything to make up for stepping on Newton… but Benedict…?”
“Spongebob would have been lonely, and honestly, I didn’t think he’d go for it…”
“Just shows you how much he loves you” Kate grinned
“Very true… and they are very cute with the kids” Sophie sighed happily. “They’re going to be amazing dads”
“One sooner rather than later” Kate said quietly.
Sophie gasped, “you… your?!”
“We told our parents and Edi last night…” Kate said her voice low. “I wanted you to be the next one to know… and I wanted to see Ant around kids so this was just a win win”
Sophie squealed and hugged her best friend happily “best news ever”
Their hug was interrupted by a loud grunt as Anthony lost his balance in his costume and toppled to the floor and was being hugged by all the kids “Kate… babe… a little help…”
“Should we?” Sophie said,
“Nah, he’ll work it out, or Ben will when that little boy stops swinging on his arms…” Kate laughed moving the camera back onto them, laughing as they watched the school kids with their husband and boyfriend.
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lookingfts · 2 months
Oh so excited you’re on Tumblr. I love your Kanthony fics and I would say my top three are The Consultant, Say My Name and A world without color is a world without you. Also excited to hear you’re looking at writing some epilogues. Will you also be updating your Kanthony drabbles For you, I am fragile? Those are soooo good! 😊 thank you 🙏🥳
Thank you! I'm happy to be here!
A little fun behind the scenes fact: I absolutely hated "A world without color" when I was done writing it. 😂 I wrote it out of sequence and it felt so disjointed and messy to me. I very nearly didn't post it but I had spent so much time on it that I decided, what the hell - and it became probably my most successful one-shot. (I have since learned to love it, and it taught me to share my work freely instead of getting in my head.)
I will definitely keep going with For you, I am fragile! My newest one-shot Mistaken was supposed to be a drabble for that collection, but it got too long so I posted it separately. I try to keep the drabbles to 1000 words or less. But I love drabbles for exploring tons of little ideas and even other genres - it's the only place that I do any regency writing. I have a few drabble ideas that have been lingering in limbo, so maybe it's time to dust those off! I'd love to get to 100 eventually.
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livingonfanficseyra · 2 years
Greg likes Kate a lot. She always listens to him and understands him better than anyone else in the family. She takes him seriously and does not make fun of him.
It's a warm sunny day and Greg accompanies Kate for taking Newton on a walk.
They are walking through the gardens when Greg picks up a peony from the ground and gives it to Kate, smiling shyly.
Kate gives him a wide smile. "Thank you, Greg. They are beautiful." Kate has a beautiful smile, he thinks.
Greg finds himself smiling back even more widely if that was possible.
He clears his throat and replies with as much confidence as he could muster, "You're welcome. Beautiful flowers for a beautiful lady."
Kate turns to him in surprise, "You are a sweetheart, Gregory. Almost makes me think that I married the wrong Bridgerton."
Greg's feels his face burn at the compliment from Kate. It's a shame that Anthony married Kate. If he was a few more years older, he could have married Kate himself.
His thoughts are suddenly interrupted when Anthony jumps from behind the bushes, shouting,
"NO!! No take backs! You already married me Kate and I am your husband."
Kate rolls her eyes. "Sorry, Greg. I had to take pity on your idiot brother and marry him."
Anthony grins widely. "Ha! Take that Gregory!!"
Kate smacks Anthony on the head and Greg laughs watching his brother's face.
Greg does not know much about love or marriage. But he knows that his brother and sister-in-law love each other a lot and watching them, he knows that if he gets married, he wants to have a marriage like theirs.
Thanks for reading this little drabble (I wanted to write something other than just incorrect quotes). I know I've already written something about Greg having a crush on Kate but I just want to see this so bad in S3.
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When it comes to Charlotte, Anthony's having trouble with beying strict, and Kate knows just what to do;
"I am sorry Anthony, but I cannot be the one that has to discipline her. I won't do it anymore." 
Anthony looked at his wife, he assumed he looked guilty but he tried to smirk and bite his lip in order to distract Kate of his failure.
His little girl was just too damn cute, and she knew it.
Yup, Anthony was well aware his daughter was his weak spot.
He put in some extra effort and raised his eyebrows.
"This isn't going to work, not this time." Kate said sternly while she folded her arms, but he heard her breathing becoming a little faster anyway.
"Just this once, I'll promise I'll show you just how thankful I am later." Anthony licked his lips and untied his cravat a bit. 
Things he knew Kate can't resist.
"Anthony! No! You were with Charlie today, you saw her kicking Miles and going into the water when she wasn't allowed." Kate gasped a bit but her voice was steady. "Me punishing her for things I didn't see, it doesn't make sense," Kate ran a hand through her thick curls, a gesture that made Anthony shiver, even after all those years. "You're going to tell and punish her, and when you're done with it, I might reward you. Because I know how hard it is for you." 
That menace, she's playing him like he's playing her. 
Anthony frowns and sighs loudly at the sight of his wife playing with her hair.
As always… he's am the one that can't resist.
But he doesn't care, not when her eyes look like this.
"Ah, how, if I might be so free to ask?"
Kate let her hand go over her legs, slow but steady, and Anthony followed her every move. "If you're open for suggestions, I am not asking for ice cream or anything in that regard..." 
Anthony felt his eyes darken as he stepped into the direction of his wife. 
He stood so close they nearly touched, but all he did was inhale deeply and moan softly while exhaling.
Kate shivered from anticipation, she was the one that took him in, made the physical contact. 
She licked his earlobe and whispered; "I see, are you okay with me licking something then?"
Anthony answered before thinking.
"Give me five."
And he ran away so quickly, he could only hear Kate cackling from afar while he was on his way to the nursery.
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pichipeachy · 2 years
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I'm currently listening to this one song with a line that goes "No more distance, let's just dance" and I just can't help but picture Kate and Anthony attending their first society function as newlyweds. They're dancing to a waltz. Nobody notices how they're brimming with tension and mischievousness...
Here's a quick drabble.
Anthony held her close by the waist, his fingers brushing the exposed skin of her back. Warmth crawled through Kate's body at Anthony's light touch, making her stare up at her husband with a heated gaze. Kate reaches for Anthony's shoulder in response, brushing her gloved fingers on the skin right above the side of his collar before settling her hand on his shoulders. Anthony inhales at his wife's actions, heat creeping from the spot Kate touched.
They danced to the rhythm of the waltz, Anthony adjusting his hold on Kate to the most socially acceptable positions. Kate raised an eyebrow at him.
"What? I am a gentleman with manners," Anthony said.
"Yes, your manners are impeccable indeed. I remember how you said please as you devoured me in our dressing room before we got here." Kate whispered, a wicked gleam in her eye.
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al-ghvl · 2 years
hi i’m [redacted] and i like creating au’s where character A is actually Zoya Nazyalensky’s second life, and oh- look! is that Nikolai Lantsov not as character B, character A’s love interest in this universe???? whoops
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bridgertonbabe · 2 years
Do you think Michael wears kilts?
 😈 😈 😈 It's Michael Stirling, of course he does! And as a "true Scotsman", naturally he wouldn't be wearing anything underneath 😏
I like to think in a modern au for his and Francesca's wedding he'd insist that the Bridgerton brothers adhere to Scottish tradition and wear kilts, something which ABC aren't keen on but after Francesca comes to them and says it would be a nice way to welcome her fiance into the family, they acquiesce - and you know what, fuck it, here’s a little drabble covering the horny consequences of Michael’s plotting;
"Well don't you lads scrub up well!" Michael boomed when he catches sight of ABC decked out in the traditional formalwear at the church. "I'll make honorary Scotsmen of you all by the end of the night!"
"Will all due respect, Stirling, I think I speak on behalf of my brothers when I say I can't wait to get this thing off after the reception." Anthony said.
"Is it not freeing though? Letting your laddies be free and unrestrained?"
"Our laddies?" Colin snorted immaturely, catching his sister's fiance's drift, though Michael chose to interpret Colin's question as one of incomprehension.
"Aye, your cocks."
"Would you keep your voice down!" Anthony hissed at Michael, while Benedict face-palmed and Colin brought a hand to his mouth to stop himself from laughing. "You can't be saying that in a church!" He insisted, darting his eyes around them nervously, even though nobody else in the surrounding area seemed to notice nor care.
"Now you've all done as the groom's requested, right? All commando?" Michael grinned.
"I don't get why of all the things you could have requested as the groom you chose that," Anthony tutted.
"It's my special day; I can request whatever I want. Now; have ya done as I've asked?"
"Yes." Benedict groaned. "We're all... liberated, as per your request."
"I swear to god, Stirling, if there's even so much as a breeze when we take the photos outside," Anthony snarled through gritted teeth.
"Well if there is, we'll all be brothers in arms, won't we? And besides, it'll make a lovely treat for the girls and the gays if there is a gust of wind." Michael nudged Anthony with a wink and a shit-eating grin, something which the eldest Bridgerton didn't care for in the slightest. "And you all remembered to wear the garters too, right?"
"Can confirm." Colin nodded. "I never knew garters were a thing with kilts."
"Aye, they sure are. Noble tradition and all that." Michael said - however the garters he had told the Bridgerton brothers to wear were not the typical ones worn with the attire. No, Michael had decided to be a little dastardly, and had purchased his brothers-in-law tartan patterned garters meant for brides, and had told them to slip one onto their thigh. There was one reason for his trickery and one reason alone; to give his sisters-in-law a treat. "What did your wives have to say about your new look, anyway?" he enquired.
And that was the thing that had puzzled ABC the most. Each one had expected their respective wife to take great amusement in their attire. Colin thought Penelope would have a quip ready and waiting, Benedict had expected Sophie to giggle at the sight, and Anthony was sure Kate would have a permanent smirk on her lips. However, their wives hadn't reacted in that way at all. All three of them had regarded their husbands with a strange look, something indiscernible flashing across their faces. The brothers figured their wives would simply have a delayed reaction and laugh at them later on, or perhaps they didn't want to be rude about the traditional formalwear while they were around Michael.
But on the contrary, Kate, Sophie, and Penelope all had very strong feelings on their husbands attire for the wedding - and the strong feelings entirely pertained to lust.
"I can’t stop staring." Kate said as she sat with her two sisters-in-law in their pew on the other side of the church, staring as their husbands chatted with the groom. "Anthony in a kilt is doing things for me that I never could have imagined..."
"Am I the only one who's foaming at the mouth at the knee-high socks?" Penelope asked, her eyes round as she ogled her husband's sock-clad calves.
"Do you know what? It's the easy access for me." Sophie whispered as her eyes raked over her husband.
"God bless Michael Stirling, is all I can say." Kate breathed.
And it wouldn't be until later on at the reception that ABC realised exactly how their wives felt about the kilts they were wearing.
"Pen!" Colin quietly gasped after his wife groped his arse in the middle of the dancefloor as they slow-danced amongst other couples.
"God, I love knowing you're commando." she whispered, her eyes twinkling with mischief up into his.
Colin stared at her, shocked by her words. "Really?"
"Mmhm." she hummed and brought her lips to his ear. "I think I need you wearing skirts and knee-high socks more often."
Colin truly hadn’t expected such a reaction from his wife but a grin tugged at his lips at the thought that this specific outfit was turning Penelope on so much. 
Meanwhile sat at their table, Anthony's knee bucked up suddenly and shook the table, causing the glasses and plates to tremble momentarily. Anthony apologised to those around the table before his eyes turned to Kate, who had caused such a reaction after sliding her hand up his kilt and up his thigh.
"Kate." he warned under his breath. "What are you doing?"
She leaned in closer until nobody else could hear her say; "I was just thinking of dropping to my knees under this table and sucking you off."
"Kate!" he hissed incredulously. "What on earth has gotten into you?!"
"You wearing this kilt is what's gotten into me." she purred back. "I can’t wait to get you back to our room. I’m itching to get my hands on you.” 
Anthony gulped, taken aback by his wife’s heated words, as she began trailing her finger nails up his thigh once more.
At the same time, another Bridgerton wife couldn’t put off scratching her itch any longer as Benedict was hurled into the disabled toilet, barely having a second to breathe as his wife shoved him up against the wall and began kissing him hungrily. 
“Soph.” he groaned in between kisses, perplexed by her sudden eagerness though he wasn’t complaining. “Why don’t we just take this back to our - Soph!” he squealed as suddenly he was manhandled by his petite but deceptively strong wife, who had grabbed him by the back of the thighs and had deposited him to perch on the sink. “What are you -” but her lips had collided with his. 
She had stepped between his legs, the heat between them intensifying, and then her hand snuck up his kilt and grabbed a hold of him, eliciting a gasp from Benedict right into her mouth. 
“Jesus Christ, Soph.” he cried out. 
“God, you’re hot. You’re so fucking hot in your kilt, Ben.” she growled against his lips, barely giving him any time to react to her words as instead she prompted a more vocal reaction from him due to her actions. 
And later on that night the three Mrs Bridgertons hauled their respective husbands back into their rooms, their men being pushed down onto the bed, sock-clad calves being draped over their wives shoulders as their garters were removed from their thighs by their wives teeth, before the rest of their nights continued into the wee hours. 
The next morning at breakfast Michael was surrounded by Kate, Sophie, and Penelope, the three women thanking him profusely for his efforts to the cause as he was pulled into a four-way hug. “And getting them to wear those garters? An absolute stroke of fucking genius, Michael.” Penelope added. 
And just before he and Francesca left for their honeymoon, Michael was pulled aside by the three Bridgerton brothers, the trio practically glowing with satisfaction. 
“It was a wonderful wedding, Stirling.” Anthony chirped.
“Such a wonderful wedding.” Colin chimed in.
“It was such a wonderful wedding that you know, I could see you and Fran celebrating your one year anniversary with a vow renewal.” Benedict suggested brightly. 
“Absolutely! You should totally do this again!” Colin nodded keenly. 
“You should do it every year!” Anthony enthused, his eyes dancing with hope.
Michael grinned triumphantly, thoroughly pleased with himself for achieving his goal of making honorary Scotsmen of the Bridgerton brothers.  
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