#ash’s smut
silverhallow · 1 year
Accidents Happen
pairing: Benedict Bridgerton x Sophie Beckett
summary: Sophie and Benedict are roommates and when Benedict accidentally walks in on a rather private moment things get awkward between them until Benedict decides to act
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warnings: masturbation, accidental voyeurism, accidental exhibitionism, mutual masturbation, sofa sex, woman on top, teasing,
word count: 5012 words
author's note: this is just smut, no one asked for it but it’s roommates to lovers and my muse fancied writing it so I hope you enjoy it. It’s only going to be on here it’s not going on ao3.
Sophie had only been living with Benedict for four months, two weeks and three days when he walked in on her masturbating. He'd originally left with an overnight bag swinging from his arm and a casual comment thrown over his shoulder to let her know he was heading back to his mother’s for the weekend.
Not even ten minutes after he walked out the door she stripped down to her vest top and knickers, feeling an urgent need to relieve some of the tension that being around him regularly caused.
Everything about Benedict made him the perfect housemate, except for the fact that he was gorgeous. That had proven to be a distraction. His eyes and hair were a blue that made her want to get lost in them, along his addiction to rowing, combined with his job as a photographer and artist, helped maintain a long lean body. The playful way he had about him, from his sense of humour to his relaxed personality, pushed all the right buttons, and far more often than she wanted to admit.
She'd removed her bra and sat cross-legged on the sofa with a movie playing on TV for inspiration. Just as she really started getting into it, one hand inside her knickers and the other cupping the breast she'd tugged her top down to expose, Benedict barged into the flat rambling about having forgotten something.
He stopped mid-sentence and stared, his mouth opened, completely shocked as amusement filled his bright blue eyes.
Sophie seemed to recover first and screamed, "Oh my God, Oh, my God! Get out! Close your eyes! Stay there! Fuck! Just Fuck!" She scrambled to pull up her top and clamped her legs together, throwing the remote at him as a distraction while she sprinted from the room, mortified beyond belief.
Embarrassment swept over her again at the memory and she wondered for about the hundredth time whether she'd ever get over it, whether she needed to move out and just avoid him completely for the rest of her life.
She had to admit that she was lucky that she hadn't been calling out his name at the time. If he'd turned up a few seconds later it would have been a completely different story and she’d probably have left the country.
She sipped her glass of wine and stirred the sauce bubbling in the pot on the stove. It was already after seven. He'd be home any minute now.
Her exhibitionist moment had become that elephant in the room no one dared speak about but it was only a matter of time before he cracked and brought up the subject.
Since coming home from his weekend away a week ago he kept sending her amused glaces, seemed to confirm her hunch, the only reason he held back from talking about it was because it made her uncomfortable, it was making her squirm. This whole situation was entertaining for him.
Sophie heard the front door open and close and felt her heart hammering, she knew his routine, he usually headed down the hall to get rid of his art gear or his camera which ever he’d been using that day before he came looking for dinner. She took the pot of sauce off the hob and started to dish up.
Moments later he entered the kitchen, sending her a grin while he strolled across the tiled floor barefoot. She just knew every time he looked at her now he pictured that scene all over again.
"Hey," he said. He’d changed into a pair of shorts and a tight white t-shirt, showing his muscles off and making Sophie want to cry.
"Hi." Sophie smiled and met his eyes briefly. "Dinner's almost ready if you want to set the table."
She hated the way he made her feel, the way his chestnut hair gleamed almost red under the lights. He always looked so healthy and full of life while she felt like she was almost on the sickly side of skinny with mostly unremarkable features. Her only saving grace was a plump mouth tha, according to her last boyfriend, made her look like a pin up model when she wore red lipstick and a pair of breasts that were far too big for her frame.
Her job as a writer meant she sometimes worked from home so she'd thrown on an old grey t-shirt and black leggings this morning. Her feet were bare and her dark-framed glasses perched on the bridge of her nose. A butterfly clip just barely held her messy blonde bun together at the back of her head. She felt like a complete tramp compared to Benedict.
When they were both sitting in the dining room near the window Sophie was barely paying attention as she speared a piece of chicken and shoved it into her mouth. She chewed and swallowed, then quickly replaced it with another to avoid having to talk to him. She figured she’d speed eat like she had done for the last few nights and she’d disappear back into her room.
She wanted things to return to normal between them, that they could go back to sharing their flirty ways, teasing and having fun together. They'd clicked from the moment they met when she was desperate for a place to live and Kate had known Benedict needed a roommate and someone to help cook for him.
But now it was just awkward and the fault lay entirely with her, he hadn't changed a bit, she’d been the cause of the change in their dynamic.
Her eyes remained directed at her plate, determined to get through the meal without speaking to him. It was only when Benedict let out a snort of amusement that she raised her head and looked at him.
"It's natural, you know," he said, his gaze roamed her face, taking everything inch of her in. "To want to do it, I mean. Everyone does it."
Sophie closed her eyes. "I don't want to talk about this, Ben."
"I know."
She opened her eyes and made herself look at him, incredulous that he was bringing it up. "Then why are you bringing it up?"
"Because we need to talk about it." He balanced his fork on the edge of his plate. "This is serious, the tension around here's putting me off my food, it was bad before Sophie but this… it’s getting ridiculous."
Can't we just pretend it never happened?" she asked hopelessly.
"Sophie, it did happen and it's not a big deal. You're the one that is turning it into one."
Her eyes widened in disbelief, "That's easy for you to say. How would you feel if I walked in on you…” she paused for a moment before continuing “you know… pleasuring yourself?"
"I don't know because it's never happened to me. I always go somewhere private to...pleasure myself." Sophie could hear the humour in his tone and wanted to cry. "I've never set myself up on the joint sofa before and just gone for it."
Oh, my God. If the humiliation at hearing his words wasn't enough now she had the image of him all aroused to contend with, too, this really was hell.
Sophie pushed her plate away feeling physically sick and started to bang her forehead gently against the table. "I'm just going to bang my head here until I knock myself out, okay? Then maybe i’ll wake up and this was just some horrible nightmare."
"Oh come on Soph." His amusement only made the situation that much worse and honestly she was questioning why couldn't she be the mature one here? The one to just talk about it and clear the air and make things right. She was supposed to be the grown up one in this flat.
Sophie had her eyes closed but she heard the chair legs scraping against the floor then felt his hand wrapped around her upper arm. He tugged her reluctantly into a standing position, she knew he wanted to talk about it rather than eat his dinner and given she’d made one of his favourites in an attempt to distract her, made her realise just how determined he was to fix this problem.
She opened her eyes and looked up to stare up at him, blown away by the jolt of awareness she experienced, how close they were, how she could see the little flecks of light blue in his eyes, the black of his eyes seemed to smoulder.
"Why does it bother you so much?" he asked as his brows pulled together as he studied her, curious as to why this was really bothering her so much. Hoping that it meant what he hoped it would.
"Is it really that hard to understand? You saw me with my hand in my… you know…, Benedict. You saw my boobs, too." She turned her head and her entire body as she stared out the window, wishing she could be anywhere other than here.
She didn’t want to be reliving and talking about the most embarrassing moment in her entire life.
“I only saw one boob," he corrected. "Albeit, a very...very nice one."
Her eyes flicked back to his eyes to check whether he was making fun of her but his compliment appeared to be sincere and she felt herself flush, "Thank you," she said.
"No, thank you."
A reluctant smile appeared on her lips, the compliment had caught her off guard and made her realise that she should have talked about it with him when it actually happened instead of leaving it to him to address the issue. It would have been a lot easier and possibly a lot less painful.
"It just feels like I'm at a disadvantage. You saw me during a very private moment. Which I know you think it's funny but I don't like you having that over me."
His mouth turned up at one corner, a smirk crossing his lips, playful and teasing as he asked "You want me to wank off in front of you to make things even?"
Her stomach fluttered at the thought, she felt herself growing wet at the thought of it even if he was joking to lighten the mood, she went to open her mouth, the word she knew what she wanted to utter, but all that came out was “erm….” as she gave a tentative and embarrassed smile
Benedict let out a bark of laughter, “I can't believe it. You actually want me to wank off in front of you”
Sophie kept her eyes on him and her mouth shut, waiting not wanting to give into her baser urges to herself, she refused to get herself in any deeper without some indication that he felt even a tiny portion of the attraction that tormented her on a daily basis.
He watched her and the humour slowly slipped from his expression, his eyes burned with an intensity that made her want to squirm where she stood, silence stretched between them, growing unbearable and almost tangible.
The silence stretched on and the strain between them grew until it eventually became unbearable. His gaze dropped to her breasts as they lifted and fell beneath her vest. When his eyes met hers again the intensity in them left her stunned. "If we're doing this I'll need some inspiration."
Her breath seemed to catch as her pulse raced. "Like...what?" She could barely get the words out as her body seemed to fizz.
"You’re a writer…Use your imagination." He smirked, taking her wrist and led her into the living room towards the two oversized leather sofas, the scene of her humiliation. He took her over to the coffee table and urged her to sit on the edge as he positioned himself on the exact same sofa that she’d been on and settled himself opposite her and relaxed and he raised his brow, "When this is over, so is all the awkwardness between us. I want the old Sophie back, I want us to go back to the way we were okay?."
She swallowed, she had no idea if he intended to go through with this, or if he was teasing her, waiting for the right moment to burst into laughter. If it had been any other Bridgerton, she’d have been assuming this was a set up but there was a heat in his eyes, that made her feel like this was for real. "Okay” she swallowed, knowing he was waiting expectantly for her to do something so just to be safe, she reached up to tug at the clip holding her hair in place. She pulled it free and her long blonde hair tumbled over her shoulders and she tossed it side to side. "Does that inspire you?" she asked, already knowing the answer.
Benedict smirked and let out an amused breath, "You're beautiful Soph but No, I'm going to need more."
She hid her little smile of happiness at his words, at the warmth they encouraged inside her. Sophie pinched the temple of her glasses and went to take them off but he reached out quickly and stopped her "Leave 'em on," he said. “please…”
So he liked her in her glasses? That was interesting. She nibbled her lower lip, wondering how far to go, where to go next. She looked at him, she could see affection and a tenderness that filled her heart with happiness and he looked at her like she was some sort of goddess, wanting her to keep going. He just sat there patiently waiting, his hands resting on his knees while his gaze swept over her, helping her relax.
He wasn't pushing her or teasing her so she decided to take the next step, to stop being so afraid that he was going to laugh at her.
Sophie held her breath, steeling her nerves and gripping the hem of her vest, dragging it over her torso. The vest dropped from her slackened fingertips and she sat before him wearing only her blue lace bra and black leggings, an intense longing spread through her as she watched him watching her, the fire in his eyes almost burning her.
"Now we're getting somewhere," he said.
She heard the huskiness in his voice and shivers tickled the surface of her skin. Before she could change her mind Sophie stood up and made quick work of removing her leggings. "I seem to be the only one who's actually doing anything."
She sat back down in her matching blue thong, gripping the edge of the table to keep her trembling fingers steady. "Don't you have a job to do?"
His mouth quivered with the smile she knew and loved. "Why don't you just tell me you want to see my cock?"
Desire swelled inside her, crashing in the pit of her stomach, making her feel as if she'd just lost her footing. She met his eyes and in a voice that had turned surprisingly breathy she said, "I really want to see your cock."
Benedict swallowed and he wanted to groan, wanting to throw her onto the sofa and have his way with her as he replied, "Keep that up and you'll be doing a lot more than looking."
He grabbed his top and leaned forward, drawing it over his head to reveal his entire upper body to her for the first time and Sophie nearly gasped. He'd never been one for strutting around the apartment half-naked and she regretted that the moment she set eyes on his bare chest.
"Wow." She felt a sudden urge to run her tongue over his abs. "You've got an incredible body, but I still don't see your...you know."
He chuckled and it thrilled her that they could find time to laugh despite the sensual nature of the moment. "You're a little eager, aren't you? Been a while?"
"Ages." she replied as she threw the last of her courage into the wind and reached behind her to the clasp on her bra. Sophie flicked it open and drew the straps down her arms until they settled at her bent elbows. She kept the cups in place with her hands and sent him an expectant look.
The idea of baring herself to him in this way made her heart race. He'd already told her he liked what he saw when he caught her here on the sofa a week ago but that wasn't the problem. It was her being almost naked and sitting just across from him while he was still covered up and she had to drag in a steadying breath.
He grinned and lifted his hips, shoving at the waistbands of both his shorts and underwear. He lowered them at the same time, stopping just before he got to the good stuff. "Are you sure you can handle this?"
She watched the ridges in his stomach contract and her mouth went dry. She really wasn't sure of anything right now and decided to play coy and smirked, "I won't be the one handling it, but I'm sure I'll enjoy watching."
He huffed out a laugh and his thumbs stayed tucked in the top of his shorts, teasing her with the skin he had on display and the mystery of what remained hidden. "There's only one problem here," he said.
She clutched her loosened bra to her breasts. "And what would that be?"
He met her eyes. "I didn't get to see you cum."
Her cheeks flushed and a quick thrill ran through her. She knew exactly what he was getting at; she'd have to be content with an unfinished show from him or join in so they could reach that peak together.
The thought of him in that moment, watching that look come over his face, she didn't want to miss out on seeing it for real, if this was her only chance at that, she had to take it. "You want to watch me?"
He gave her a wicked smile. "I'd rather make you come than sit back and watch, but I'll take whatever I can get."
Her heart slowed to a heavy thud and her mouth fell open "What?"
Benedict shook his head and laughed. "So pretty, yet so dense," he teased. "What do you think all the flirting has been about?"
"I just thought… I thought you flirted with all women like that." Knowing she'd jumped to the wrong conclusion made her happier than she'd thought possible. "You want to have sex with me?" Sophie narrowed her green eyes, staring at him. He'd better not be joking, this might actually kill her with mortification if he was.
"Hmm, no." His gaze travelled over her, pausing at her mouth before moving slowly down her body, taking her in, hungrily, greedily, knowing he could stare at her forever and never take her all in until he finally looked her in the eyes. "Having sex sounds so clinical. I want to fuck you."
She let out the breath she'd been holding, a little gasp of shock and pleasure as a surge of something completely and utterly carnal took hold of her, knowing "I didn't know," she said breathlessly. "I mean, look at you...and...look at me."
He frowned, appearing annoyed by that, as if he couldn't understand why she felt so out of her depth when it came to his physical appeal. "If you don't shut up and come over here I'm going to start wondering why I'm so hopelessly attracted to you."
She couldn't catch her breath. Her fingers tightened around the delicate material of her bra as she took it from her breasts and let it fall to the floor. Sophie shook her head slowly. "I still want to watch you," she heard herself saying.
His gaze dropped to her bare breasts and his jaw clenched as he fought back a groan. "Better lose the thong, then."
The expression on his face made her want to kiss him. A rush of need swept through her. Her nipples tightened into sensitive buds. She pushed herself off the coffee table and slipped her fingers into the waistband of her thong. Benedict's eyes followed her every movement and as she lowered the last offending garment he pushed his shorts and boxers down his thighs.
She stepped from her underwear just as he revealed his cock, inch by delectable inch. Her pulse raced. She couldn't tear her eyes away from the sight. It was already hard and now she'd just found somewhere else on his body that she wanted to lick.
He kicked his shorts free as Sophie sat back down on the table. She perched on the edge, torn between the need to climb over him and straddle his lap or keep her distance for a better view.
"Ladies first," he said as a muscle twitched in his jaw. His eyes burned with need. She'd never seen this side of him before. Desperate, needy.
With a daring and boldness she didn’t know she possessed she lifted her feet, resting them on the side of the coffee table, while she slowly, slowly parted her knees. One hand reached behind her, her palm flattening against the table top for support. The other dipped between her thighs to tease her damp folds. Moisture coated her fingertips. She sighed, wanting to tip her head back but unwilling to lose sight of him for a second.
Benedict groaned and grabbed hold of his cock, stroking the thick, hard length as he watched her. His eyes slid over every part of her, from her face to her breasts, dropping between her legs like a physical caress. The veins in the back of his hand stood out. The way his fingers gripped his erection made her own move faster over her slick pussy.
She wanted his hands on her, all over her. She wanted to feel the damp heat of his mouth as it travelled across her skin, the rigid length of him as it sank inside her.
"I was thinking about you," she said, struggling to put the words together. "When you walked in on me, I mean." Her fingers slid over her clit, massaging the swollen bud while her gaze meshed with his. She hit a sensitive spot and closed her eyes briefly, swallowing a moan. "I always think about you."
"Sophie." She opened her eyes at the sound of her name. He let out a heavy breath that bordered on a groan, working his cock with increasing speed. The head glistened with moisture. She imagined lapping at it with the tip of her tongue. "Come here…. I want you."
His words gave her a head rush. She drew her legs together and warmth pulsed between her thighs as she rose from her position on the table. She took the two steps that lay between them, leaning over him to bring her mouth into close contact with his. He reached up with one hand and filled his palm with her flesh, massaging her breast, teasing her nipple while his lips brushed hers in a heated soul consuming kiss.
Sophie sighed and climbed over him, hovering with her legs spread either side of his thighs. She clasped her hand around his, encouraging him to keep stroking his cock. He groaned and pressed his mouth to hers, taking control, guiding the kiss. He took it deeper, drawing it out with slow sweeps of his tongue, soft nibbles of his lips.
He thumbed her nipple as a whimper sounded in her throat and her hand skated over her belly to delve back between her thighs. She found her wetness, teasing her clit once more.
With a moan she began to rock her hips to meet the firm glide of her fingertips. The slick head of his cock bumped against her knuckles as they both pleasured themselves.
Her control faltered and she kissed him harder, thrusting her tongue against his as her desire grew. Her hips jerked. She broke the kiss, her breaths coming heavily as she whispered, "Your cock...I want to ride it."
He growled and tugged harder at his thick length, using his free hand to grab a fistful of her hair at the back of her head. "Cum for me first," he said, "then it's all yours..." He used his grip on her hair to hold her right there and crushed his lips to hers.
His tongue plunged into her mouth. A wanton moan tore from her and she rubbed her clit, massaging, teasing...pushing herself closer to the edge. Her eyes closed tightly, her only focus to hit her peak. She needed him inside her.
She needed him like she never needed another in her life. His hard, wet cock kept sliding against the back of her hand, taunting her, urging her on.
He seemed to sense her impending release. Either that or he was close himself. His mouth grew more demanding, his groans more frequent. Sophie's fingertips increased pressure on her clit, slipping back and forth. Her other hand cupped the back of his neck, holding on. Her belly tensed and her hips thrust.
His mouth roamed over hers, his tongue caressed. It only increased her desire, her need for him. His hand in her hair, his body beneath her, she wanted him so much.
Sophie pulled her mouth free to drag in a shaky breath before her forehead rested against his, their eyes meeting before she cried out his name as she began shuddering. It flowed through her in a surge of complete bliss. Her moan, when it came, was throaty and full of pleasure. Her fingers kept rubbing, her hips jerking.
While the final tremors still shook her body Benedict released her hair and clasped her hips and without a warning, knowing how badly they both needed it, he shoved his cock inside her, pulling her down to deepen the connection causing her to scream with pleasure. He filled her, harsh, fast. Her wet fingers dug into his shoulder, her other hand clutched his hair.
His deep groan against her throat made her shiver. He wrapped his arms tightly around her and fucked her hard. Sophie held on, turning her head to press her lips to his temple. Her breasts jolted against his chest. Her stomach quivered as the need built inside her all over again.
His arm tightened around her and he lifted her, still connected with him, lowering her onto her back on the sofa. He rested on one elbow, using his other hand to grasp her arse as he took her even harder. His cock plunged inside her, his hips smacking hers.
Sweat-slicked skin met sweat-slicked skin, his chest brushed against her taut nipples.
Benedict looked into her eyes, a glint of something wild in his gaze. His mouth lifted in a half-smile. "You're so fucking beautiful," he said.
Sophie clenched her thighs around him, linking her ankles at the base of his spine. "Shut up and make me cum."
He nuzzled her throat and chuckled. Damned if the sound didn't make a shiver pass right through her. His pace increased, growing in intensity until she found herself having a brand new appreciation for athletic men.
She met his thrusts with her bucking hips, tipping her head back and biting her lip. She felt it coming, the throb beginning between her thighs. Benedict's teeth grazed her throat and it was all she needed to give her that final push. Sophie gripped his shoulders and let out a hoarse moan, writhing beneath him. She was still so sensitive from the last effort that she wanted to pull away from him and get closer all at the same time.
Her release only spurred him on. Benedict's fingers dug into the flesh of her arse, pulling her toward his thrusts. His mouth travelled across her collarbone, moving up to her jaw. He rested his lips there, his warm breaths whispering her name over and over as he reached his peak. Sophie held on, bracing herself as he gave a couple of final, forceful thrusts, letting out a loud roar of her name as he came inside her.
She hugged him, her arms and thighs wrapping around him to keep him close. He relaxed against her, his heart thudding hard, his breaths wrenching from him.
Her eyes drifted closed and a smile claimed her features. She relished in the weight of him pressing against her. She couldn't believe how much had changed between them in such a short space of time. From the awkwardness this morning to this...
Sophie let out a trembling breath and pressed her cheek to his, closing her eyes to take it all in, committing the moment to her memory.
A short while later Benedict stirred against her and lifted his head. "Hi." He smiled, his eyes heavy-lidded as he lowered his mouth to give her a long, lazy kiss. She lifted her arms above her head, stretching leisurely beneath him and sighing as his lips moved over hers.
He gave her one final soft kiss and pulled back to look her over. "We're going to have to come up with some arrangement here… because I need to do this again."
Sophie lowered her arms, hugging his neck as she squeezed her thighs around him. He was still inside her and judging by that look on his face he'd be hard again in no time. "Really? You want to do it again, huh?" She could barely keep the pleasure from her voice.
"Yeah." He slipped his hand over her breast, massaging her flesh. "We were in such a hurry I neglected these glorious breasts. I need to make up for that oversight." Her breath caught and her hips lifted beneath him. He smiled. "Are you okay with that?" He dipped his head to draw her nipple into his mouth.
Sophie let out a sound that couldn't decide if it wanted to be a laugh or a moan. "Yeah, I think I can handle that."
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httpdwaekki · 2 months
warm | b.c.
summary: after a long day, your channie knows exactly what you need to relax.
wc: 449
warnings: 18+ minors and ageless blogs DNI, fem!reader, nudity, cockwarming, clit play, ddlg (if u squint), alot of pet names.
a/n: i’m ngl i wrote this one morning when i was high i forgot about it until now LMAO. anyway after binnie month i’m gonna start writing for minho, hyunjin, seungmin n jeongin more because i feel like i’ve been neglecting them so look forward to that :3. remember to eat, drink water and take your meds, ily <3
please consider donating to this fundraiser!
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(photos are not mine! credit to owners!)
“come here baby.” he whispers, arms open for you. you bite your lip to stop the tears of relief that threaten to spill.
you lay on top of him, sitting on his hips with both legs to the side. you wrap your arms around him, shoving your face in his neck, taking in his scent.
“can i help you relax sweetheart?” he knew what the pet name did to you.
you nodded, poking out your lip before he taps your hip. “up for me baby girl.” you whine before hesitantly letting go.
“good girl.” he praises as he helps you take your shorts and light pink panties off. he pushes his sweatpants down just enough to reveal his pretty cock, his tip slightly leaking.
“come here my sweetheart.” you cheeks warm as you already feel the hold of your headspace welcoming you in with open arms. once back in your original position, he wraps his arms around you once more, placing kisses all over your face.
“channie stop it.” you giggle as his attacks continue.
he pulls you down for a slow kiss, one hand on your cheek, the other on your thigh, rubbing soothing circles to your soft skin.
“you’re beautiful you know that.” he asks after pulling away, “my beautiful, gorgeous, smart girl.” he pulls you in for another kiss before you feel him move the hand that was on your thigh.
he brings his hand down to your pretty nub, giving it a few rubs pulling a whine from you.
“is my pretty baby ready?” he asks against your lips, causing you to nod. he grabs is cock, lining it up to your soaked entrance. once his tip was in your walls his hands grabbed your hips, easing you down the rest of the way.
your mouth fell open, your forehead resting against his. “daddy.” you moan, clutching onto him. “i’m here baby, don’t worry about a thing.” he places a kiss to your lips before your head falls to his shoulder, relaxing into him.
“there you go, my sleepy girl, just relax.” he whispers before placing a kiss on your temple. “here you go sweetheart.” he hands you your stuffie, pulling a blanket over the both of you.
“sleep sweetheart, you’ve had a long day.” you nod against his, sinking deeper and deeper into him.
“full” you mumble, feeling yourself drifting off. “you feel full baby?” you nod once again humming in agreement, adjusting one last time before melting further into him.
“goodnight, baby girl.” he mumbles into your head, placing a kiss there before he lays his head against yours.
“g’ni channie.” your words slurred with sleep and you drift off into dreamland.
and yes you do wake up to him fucking into you a few hours later
do not repost
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crimsonbubble · 1 year
no bc just imagine how sexually frustrated miguel would be after chasing you around like cat and mouse… the breeding has entered the chat
cw. nsfw, afab!reader, breeding kink, creampies, hair pulling, degradation, overstimulation, a bit of manhandling, improper use of webs *not proofread, just pure horny
[I want him so bad why can't he be real 😔😔😔]
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he's getting tired of this, but your pretty eyes and soft lips draw in him each time he swore that he wouldn't fall for your games. as tired as he is, he always lets you get away with it.
letting you get away with it a little too easily. though now he's stopped his chasing, trying to keep himself occupied to stop himself from playing into your games. he can feel your eyes on him, burning into his back as he continues working through anomaly reports.
as you tried to sneak up on him, you felt something spread across your chest, wrapping around your arms. with a sharp tug, miguel pulled you into him. you collided with his chest, a hand holding his webs and a hand on your lower back. you struggled against the webs, only making him spread more around you.
miguel quickly tugged your mask off, a smirk playing on his lips as he saw the shock written on your face. "not so tough now, huh?" you struggled against the webs again, trying to pull yourself away from him. "don't try and run from me now, you earned this."
miguel let out a grunt, pushing you up against his desk. he pressed a heavy hand to your back, webbing your wrists together. with little to no care, his talons rip through the crotch of your spider suit. the cloth is torn to shreds on the platform. "you've been nothing but a pain in the ass,"
miguel takes in the sight of you bound in crimson webs and bent over his desk. "a real thorn in my side." you try to peer over your shoulder only for miguel to press your head down to his desk. "we're not done til I say we're done." he disengages his suit with a flash, grinding his throbbing cock through your folds.
"you're lucky I'm even letting you have my cock." he says this yet he's just as needy for you as you are for him. the back and forth, the pushing and pulling, the cat and mouse games; he loves them but sometimes all he really wants is to web you up and fuck you til your legs give out.
and that is exactly what he's going to do. miguel lets his own fantasies and desires lead him, letting himself act on his impulses. miguel bottomed out in one sharp thrust, your walls convulsing and tightening around him as he fucked you. each thrust was heavier than the last, hips hips knocking you up further onto his desk.
with the hand pushing your face into his desk, he's tangling his fingers into your hair, pulling your head back as he rocked his hips into yours. you can't get words out because of how rough his pace is. miguel set a hand on your hip, using it to pull your ass back on his dick.
every thrust in and pull back forced his cock deeper, stretching your walls to accommodate his size. you're practically seeing stars shoot across your vision, mouth hanging open with each moan and cry that leaves you breathier than the last. with how easily miguel is leading you to orgasm, you know that you're not getting out of this for a while.
"only the first and you're already this fuckin' messy, huh?" the condescending tone makes your pussy flutter, as miguel tracks a finger over your pulsing clit. he rubs circles against the throbbing bud as you tumble head first into another orgasm. "m-miggy-" the words are caught in your throat, being passed by lewd cries and heavy moans.
your slick is gushing around his cock, and the wet noises of skin on skin finally make it to your ringing ears. miguel pushes your head against his desk again, grunting as he speeds through his release. it's a flood of warmth as miguel keeps his pace, groaning as much cum spills out of you. "fuck, look at you. such a messy little thing."
you can't tell up from down as miguel guides you to another orgasm. you're trying to alleviate the heavy plows of his hips by raising to your toes, but it only motivates miguel to go even harder, as if he's trying to knock the sense out of you. your eyes are blurring with tears, the stinging of the overstimulation starting to bite.
in a feeble attempt at pushing miguel away, he pins your wrists against your back. he uses it as more leverage to pull you back on his cock, letting another heavy load paint your walls white. "it's okay, take it just like that." the moans he's letting out are deep and guttural, a noise you would've missed if you weren't being drowned in his mere presence.
you're struggling against the webs again, the tingle of the overstimulation reaching new heights. miguels superhuman nature granted him increased stamina and endurance, making it easy for him to ride out his second high while you're crashing through your third. "c'mon now, is that all you got?"
you outwardly whine at his words, pushing your hips back to meet him halfway. miguel leans down, his chest to your back as he kisses up your neck. his fangs pushed against your skin, lightly grazing it with a featherlike pressure. it's as if he's teasing the idea that he could sink his teeth in. he very much could but he wants you to feel everything that he's doing to you.
he's got you trapped, and he doesn't intend on letting you go any time soon.
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taifenggg · 4 months
hi! 🌷 i love your scenarios so i instantly came to rq here <3
could you write about mc and the brothers having possessive s3x for the first time? their relationship is relatively new and they did it a few times, but for some reason they got jealous and the way they deal with it is by having somewhat angry / possessive s3x with reader (which is very different from what they're used to do
for example: belphie is usually lazy or slow, satan is a gentleman and spends a lot of time on foreplay, reader notices how their usual this time is almost the opposite bc the brother in question is SO jealous
idk if it made sense </3 if writing the 7 of them feels too much for you, then would mammon + satan + barbatos be okay? they're my favorites!
have an amazing day btw i love your content
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Content Warning(s): NSFW obviously LMAO, hairpulling(Lucifer, Belphie), semi-public(Mammon, Asmo), overstimulation(Satan), slight degradation(Belphie), not proofread LOL
Character(s): GN!Reader(no pronouns mentioned), Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmo, Beel, Belphie, Barbatos
Authors Notes: hi there! i'm so flattered you love my writing, it means a lot! and dw I saw your other ask, so you're all good no worries about verification. nonnie, I'll do you one better and I ended up writing all the bros plus barbs as a bonus lol. enjoy!
nsfw under the cut! minors dni or i will block you :)
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Reminder to abide by my guidelines for NSFW content tysm :]
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Lucifer [🦚💙]
Others keep occupying your time.
"Remind me again, who exactly do you belong to?"
Your moans are stifled as you press your face against the pillow. Lucifer's pace is relentless and although he can be rough in general, tonight feels different. There's something far more carnal and possessive in the way Lucifer thrusts into you. His movements are done so with reckless abandon, a stark contrast to how he usually takes you.
"Y-you Lucifer!" you gasp, body shaking from the intense pleasure coursing through your body. You yelp and moan out his name as he runs a hand through your scalp, pulling your face so that you're staring at him, his hands having a firm grip on your hair. "I can't hear you, louder," he commands you, your faces practically centimeters away from each other.
"You Lucifer!" you sob, feeling his large hand pressing into the small of your back, pushing you down against the mattress. Lucifer smirks, his other hand trailing down to your neck, holding you there firmly. "That's right my love, me. Not my brothers and certainly not that shady sorcerer," he practically spits out those last words. Lucifer's head falls back as he continues to thrust roughly into you, feeling himself close to his release.
You can feel yourself tightening around him, and you arch your back, body shaking as your orgasm washes over you. Lucifer lets out a low moan, making a few more shallow thrusts into you before spilling his seed into your hole. Chest heaving, he pulls out, watching with satisfaction as his release trickles out of you. Taking two fingers, he trails them up your inner thighs, causing you to jump from how sensitive you were after your high. Lucifer takes his fingers and takes the excess that spills out, prodding it back in.
"Keep that in there my love, it's proof that you're mine after all, if not, I'll have to punish you a bit more unfortunately. You can do that, can't you?"
Mammon [💰💛]
Someone thought flirting with you at the casino was a good idea.
"Dammit, you drive me crazy y'know?"
Your legs are currently wrapped around Mammon's waist, goosebumps littering your skin as you feel the wall against your back, your shirt long discarded. Your arms are wrapped securely around Mammon's neck for support. Mammon kisses you roughly, hungrily, as if he were scared of you running away or disappearing from right in front of him.
"That damn incubus," he hisses, pushing into you, "Thinking they have anything on the Great Mammon. You're my lucky charm, no one else's." His teeth scrape at your neck as he leaves mark after mark. You're pretty sure your back is rubbed raw from how fast and hard Mammon is thrusting into you, and your legs shake around Mammon's waist, but despite this Mammon holds you securely, his grip on your thighs giving you enough support.
"Mammon!" you whine, your hands tangled in his hair. Your face is pressed into the crook of his neck, and you can hear Mammon gasp, groan, and curse with each thrust he makes. Judging by how loud the two of you were being, you had no doubt that the entire casino knew that you were getting fucked hard by Mammon.
"You're mine alright? Mine, mine, mine, my treasure," he whispers in your ear, and he accentuates each of his words with a slap of his hips against yours. Your moans become louder and you can practically feel yourself on the verge of releasing onto him.
"Mine." And with one last word, Mammon makes one last thrust up into you, hitting your most sensitive spot and you practically go limp in his arms as your orgasm washes over you. Mammon's hips slowly still, and he checks over you, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
"I won't let anyone take you from me alright? Much less some random incubus who thinks they can steal my treasure from me."
Leviathan [🐍🧡]
You showed him your duo in an online game.
"Levi, they're just a friend!" You gasp softly as he pushes you into his bathtub, a pout on his face. Immediately, he presses himself up against you, rubbing his cheek against your exposed collarbone. "I don't care," he grumbles softly, one hand snaking up to pin your hands above your head, his other hand trailing underneath your shirt, caressing your sides. "I should be the only one to carry you, not anyone else. You're my player 2, my Henry," he nips at your shoulder and you shudder, feeling yourself grow aroused from the close proximity and from his touches.
"I don't care if they're ranked number one, I'll prove I'm better than them by beating them!" His pupils are dilated as he looks at you below him, and he can't help the sudden ache and the growing tent in his pants. Gasping softly, he starts grinding up against you, and you can't help but reach up for him, pulling his hips flush against yours, in search of some very much needed friction to relieve the tension you're feeling.
Both of your gasps can be heard, and you're pretty sure that if Levi didn't soundproof his room, anyone walking outside could probably hear just how heated the two of you were getting. You tighten your grasp on him, your hands snaking up to tug at the back of his hair cause Levi to moan against you as he kisses you roughly.
You stare up at him blearily, not even realizing when he shifted into his demon form. Shivering, one of your hands move from the back of his head, down to his abdomen and Levi jerks in your grasp, a flush painting his pale face.
"Do you know how badly I want you? Please don't give your attention to others, just stay focused on me."
Satan [😾💚]
Gets riled up because he sees Lucifer closer to you than he'd like.
Your chest heaves from exertion as Satan brings you to your umpteenth release. Your legs are shaking from overstimulation and you're pretty sure you've lost count of how many times Satan has made you come. His bangs stick to his forehead as he dives back between your legs, sucking marks along your inner thighs, his grip digging into the flesh of your thighs.
Your hands make their way to his hair, tugging on the golden strands and you feel Satan groan, his moans sending vibrations down your core. He looks up at you, pupils dilated. "Satan no more please! I can't take it anymore," you whimper softly, feeling tears prick at the edge of your vision. Satan only laughs looking up at you, using a hand to push his hair out of his eyes. "Nono, we're not finished yet," his voice is dangerously soft as he stares at you, body trembling underneath his gaze. His nose wrinkles and his eyes narrow as he pulls your bottom closer to him, once again positioning himself between your legs. "I can still smell him on you and I intend to erase every trace of Lucifer from you, from your mind, and from your body. Understand?"
You slowly nod, your thighs quivering either from anticipation or overstimulation, you weren't sure at this point anymore.
Satan smiles as he licks a stripe up where you're most sensitive, and your body jerks still sensitive from all your orgasming from earlier. You squirm to get your body away from him but his grip holds tight to you.
"Stay right where you are. I thoroughly intend to take my time with you tonight."
Asmodeus [💋🩷]
Your fans started getting too touchy with you.
Asmo isn't one to get jealous easily....not usually.
However, today was supposed to be about just you and him and it frustrated him to no end seeing your fans flock over to you, occupying all of your time. Asmo's eyes narrow as he watches them practically latch themselves onto you, and you barely pushing them away, laughing it off lightly. You're shocked by his sudden actions, grabbing your wrist and pulling you away from the crowd and down a secluded alleyway. His silence is rather unsettling, and there's a strange gleam in his eyes.
"A-Asmo slow down!" You gasp out, feeling your back pressed against the wall, and Asmo's gaze trained on you, his hands sliding up your arms, pinning them above your head. You shiver, feeling his breath grace the outer shell of your ear, and you unintentionally tilt your head to the side, giving him more room to slot his face into your neck.
"Do you love me?" His question catches you off guard and you stare at him quizzically. "What? Of course I do." you frown slightly pulling on your hands, but Asmo holds your hands in place firmly. He presses his body against yours, and you gasp slightly, feeling his knee pressing against your crotch. "You sure seemed to be having fun entertaining those fans of yours. While I don't mind everyone fawning over you, today was just supposed to be about me and you was it not?" He has a slight pout on his face, lip jutting out.
You stare at him incredulously, eyes wide. If you were being honest, Asmo was adorable, especially with that little pout on his face. "It's not like you to be this jealous," you laugh a little, your face flushing. You feel him press your body more against the wall, and you have to suppress the urge to let out a moan as he continues grinding his leg against where you're most sensitive. His hand snakes past the waistband of your pants and you nearly keel over from his touch, leaning against him for support.
"I'm only like this for you, and no one else."
Beelzebub [🍔❤️]
His Fangol teammates were far friendlier to you than he'd like.
Your throat is sore, but that's a given considering you had spent the good part of the last few hours screaming out Beel's name, cheering him on after he scored point after point. What you certainly didn't forsee was you practically folded over one of the benches in the locker room, Beel holding one of your legs wide open as he thrusts into you roughly. The way you're positioned, if someone were to open the door to the locker room would end up seeing you sprawled out as Beel rammed himself against you.
"S-slow down Beel! It's too much!" Your head falls back, and you feel like you're being split apart by how big he is. Normally, Beel is much more gentle, taking his time with you but it seems that in the heat of the moment, he chose to forgo any sense of moderation.
"I don't like that my teammates got too close to you," he grunts, hips stuttering as he pulls you closer, his chest heaving from exertion. Ah that's right, he's referring to his teammates that immediately crowded around you to thank you for cheering so fervently for them. You remember the way Beel watched you from outside the crowd, his expression unreadable. You can recall conversing with his fellow teammates before feeling a pair of hands loop around your waist, pulling you towards them....which somehow led to the situation that you were currently in.
Beel's grip on your thigh is borderline painful, and you're sure that there'll be marks there come tomorrow from how roughly he's currently manhandling you. You reach up grasping at his arm, momentarily causing his movements to falter as he looks at you, temporarily shaken out of his frenzy. "Beel slow down please, I swear I only have eyes for you," you whimper softly, your legs shaking. His expression softens as he stares down at you, leaning over to press an apologetic kiss to your forehead. His motions are slower now, you notice, and there's a tenderness in the way he holds onto you now, one hand pressed against your waist, the other still holding onto your thigh but much less tight now.
"Sorry, you drive me crazy. I promise I'll make this up to you later."
Belphegor [🐮💜]
Your project partner was getting too buddy-buddy with you.
"Hahh, fuck you're so tight~"
Belphie practically hisses this in your ear as he sinks into you, bent over one of the desks in an empty classroom. The surface is cold against your front, your RAD uniform unbuttoned, and shirt pushed up as Belphie leans entirely against you. Your knuckles are white from how hard they're gripping the desk, meanwhile, Belphie has a good grasp on you from behind, his hand tugging at your scalp.
Your back arches as he thrusts into you, using your head as leverage, and you're pretty sure everyone outside has a pretty good idea of what's going on, based on how loudly the desk is scraping against the floor. Your gasp, shoulders hunched as you hold onto desperately to the desk. Belphie's tail flicks irritably as he watches your expression. "Enjoying this are you? Do you really like everyone outside knowing how I'm using you right now? Let them know how desperate you are for me to fuck you dumb like this. Go on, moan louder why don't you."
Your heart pounds in your chest and you let out shuddering breaths as Belphie's hips snap against you, hitting your most sensitive spots. He leans over, whispering in your ear, "The door's unlocked, and anyone could walk in right now and see the two of us like this. Are you getting off to this? To the idea of others seeing what a mess you are right now? Well, that's too damn bad because no one can have you like I can, and certainly not your project partner....what's their face?" He practically spits out, and you can feel the jealousy practically dripping off of him.
"Thinking they're better than me, too bad they'll never get the chance to see you like this. Oh well, you'll behave for me won't you?"
+ Bonus
Barbatos [⌛🖤]
The Young Master was occupying too much of your time.
"Apologies, I'm afraid I won't be able to restrain myself tonight."
You stare at Barbatos confused, watching as he approaches you at the foot of the bed, smoothly pushing you down in one swift moment with one hand. The other lifted to his mouth as he bites at the finger, and pulls it off just as swiftly. Your mouth is agape as he switches hands, holding you down with ease as he removes his other glove.
"As much as I'd like to thank the young master for consistently inviting you over for tea, I will admit there are times when it was just the two of us without his presence." His hands trail your figure, and you're not quite sure what it is about him tonight but he seems.....different. He's far more forward, taking the initiative rather than waiting for you to take the lead. You gasp as you feel his mouth on you, his teeth scraping along your neck. You gasp, leaning away so he has more room to do as he pleases.
"Barbatos-" He presses a finger to your lips, effectively shushing you. There's just something that turns him on so much, seeing you underneath him so helpless and pliant. His nose is wrinkled slightly as he gazes at you. You lay there, back arching as Barbatos has his way with you, cold hands caressing you, but not touching you where you ached for him the most.
"Hush now, let me take care of you, my love."
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ashdaidiot · 9 months
Just tried to have a nap but instead thought about werewolf!Katsuki and Bunny!reader and i thought i should share😙
(if somebody already made something similar to this i didn't know this just popped up in my head while trying to have my afternoon nap)
Werewolf!Katsuki who walks through a bright, little forest one hot spring day and comes across little Bunny!reader in her garden collecting her veggies and fruits she had planted
Werewolf!Katsuki who wants a closer look at the little bunny and walks behind a tree to get a good look at the bunny in her short sundress
Werewolf!Katsuki who watches her as she collects up her carrots and moves on to her strawberry bush which is covered in large red strawberries
Werewolf!Katsuki who gets bored now watching the little bunny until she bends down to grab the strawberries that are lower in the bush and catches a glimpse of her bare pussy under the dress and her twitchy cotton ball tail
Werewolf!Katsuki who now has a large tent in his pants as he watches her with desire and lust as she swings her hips left and right as she collects the yummy strawberries
Werewolf!Katsuki who can't get enough of her little cunt on display for him in the warm sunlight
Werewolf!Katsuki who walks away from the tree and quietly climbs over her fence surrounding her garden and is intoxicated by the closer sight of her cunt covered in her slick and who just now needs a taste for himself
Werewolf!Katsuki who kneels down behind the obvious little bunny and sticks his face right in her cunt making her yelp out in surprise and quickly turns her head to glare at him
Werewolf!Katsuki who doesn't even give her a chance to speak before he licked a long strip of her pussy making her moan out
Werewolf!Katsuki whose pupils dilate at the taste of her cunt and starts lapping at her pussy with greed
Bunny!Reader who tries moving away from his tongue making him roughly grab her by waist and flipping her around so her back in on the grass and so there's a less likely chance of her wiggling away from his grip and greedy tongue
Werewolf!Katsuki who holds the bunny down by her thighs as he licks, sucks and sips on her little cunt leaving her a whining and whimpering mess
Werewolf!Katsuki who makes the bunny squirt on his face as she cums
Werewolf!Katsuki who sits up and wipes his chin with the back of his hand from her cum and his sip and she lays on the floor panting and trying to catch her breath
Werewolf!Katsuki who sees her little bucket of carrots and picks a nice thick one before shoving it up her cunt making her moan loudly
Werewolf!Katsuki who picks Bunny!reader up and fixes her little sundress off from grass and dirt while she stands there with wobbly legs and a carrot shoved up her cunt
Werewolf!Katsuki who stands up straight looking down at the bunny before press his lips to hers for a brief moment letting her taste herself before pulling and away and speaking with a lazy smirk on his face "Be a good little bunny and keep that carrot up there for me later, yeah?" he speaks with a soft-ish tone while the little bunny nods her head even though there's nothing really going on in there since it's hazy from her orgasm
"Good bunny" he says before giving her a little pat on the ass and leaving
Uhm so this is like my first writing like post so i know there's probably mistakes somewhere in it but if you could please point it out or just tell me so i could improve that'll be great!
xx, Ashie
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achenetype · 7 months
the place i left behind — luke castellan // explicit
luke is on the run. things would be going perfectly if only he could stay away from you.
pairing: luke castellan x reader
word count: 2.1k
content: smut/explicit content, oral (f receiving), slight choking, coming in pants, afab reader, unclaimed reader, weed mention, a bit of angst but it’s all for the plot
🎧: the place i left behind by the deep dark woods
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it was a bad idea for luke to come back to camp. you knew it; he knew it better. returning after what he had done wasn’t just stupid — it was a death sentence.
but here he is, tapping on the window of the cabin you used to share.
you meet his eyes through the warped glass and his face curls upward into a lazy smile. hey, he mouths. it knocks the wind out of you, sudden and disarming; seeing that familiar grin makes your chest ache.
“hey,” you whisper back, knowing he can’t hear you. hoping he can read your lips, knowing you won’t get your breath back until you can see him face-to-face.
outside? luke says, gesturing to the door of the cabin. moonlight falls in bars through the windows, illuminating a stripe across the worn brass doorknob.
you nod. the simple motion makes you nauseous. this isn’t safe. you’re going to get caught. you’re going to get him caught, and then—
you’re standing in front of the door before you know it. cold brass meets your fingertips and you bite your tongue, pretending you don’t feel how your hands shake as you turn the knob with a soft click.
outside, it's hot and humid. the air seems to hang in place for a split-second before luke is on you; his arms wrap around you and his face finds a home in the crook of your neck. this close, you can feel him breathing, feel the muscles shift as he inhales and exhales.
your fingertips roll over luke’s back — over his deltoids, those powerful ropes of tissue hooked into the bones of his shoulders. you joked about him being missing a pair of wings before, but that was before this.
before you could feel exactly how much potential he had shifting under his skin. before he squeezes you and murmurs into your pulse, “shit, angel, i missed you.”
hearing that nickname from his mouth feels like someone has ripped a hole in everything you are. luke smells like sweat and sunscreen and just a hint of weed smoke, and he missed you.
“i missed you too,” you breathe, and luke reaches up to hold your face in his hands. his forehead presses to yours, his dark curls damp against your skin. the bridge of his nose brushes yours, quick, barely-there.
you pull back, lacing your fingers with his, and he follows. it’s almost like nothing’s changed, you think, the two of us sneaking out, the closeness. the rhythm between the two of you picks up just like it would any other day.
except luke’s hair is longer, creeping uncut towards his eyes, and there are new scars on his hands and his back. there’s a knife on his belt and the outline of a gun — a mortal gun — silhouetted through the white fabric of his tank top, the metal of it still cold despite being pressed against his stomach—
you wonder if he knows how to use it. if he had lined up a shot, pressed the barrel against someone’s chest or forehead or the underside of their chin, and pulled the trigger. you wonder how luke’s face would look spattered with blood.
you wonder how it would feel to wipe that blood off of him with your fingertips or a wet rag, sitting with his knees bracketing your hips, just like every other time you’d cleaned him up.
—and luke had never held you like that before; like he was afraid to lose you before you could even say one word to him. like crushing you to his chest would keep you there forever.
“why did you come back?” you ask, praying that he won’t say what you already know.
luke sighs and rubs his thumb over your knuckles. “you get right to the point, dont’cha?”
his voice is teasing, low enough that a few of his words blur together. y’get right to the point. his thumb moves in twisting, concentric circles around the ridges of your fingers. his eyes dart up to yours.
luke reaches to cradle your face again, his knuckles grazing your cheeks as his palms flatten, one at a time and molasses-slow, against your jaw. “i wanted to see you,” he says.
there it is.
you step back and luke follows, matching your steps until you feel the rough-hewn stone of the cabin wall against your back. “you shouldn’t be here,” you whisper.
that lazy grin finds its way onto luke’s face again. “what, you scared?”
you don’t respond, and luke tangles his fingers in your hair before pulling your forehead back to rest against his. “hey, are you— are you scared of me?” his voice falters; his thumb moves in tiny circles at the junction of your jawbone and your neck. he frowns. "angel, c'mon," he whispers.
you shake your head. tears prick at the corners of your eyes and you bite the inside of your cheek hard enough to bleed. “i’m scared for you,” you breathe.
you reach up to cup luke’s face with your hands, mirroring his posture. “but i’m not scared of you.”
slowly, you wrap your fingers around luke’s wrist and drag his hand away from your face. his fingertips run down your neck, across your collarbones. his hands linger for a split-second longer around your chest before his palm flattens against your stomach and he leans forward.
luke stops at the loose hem of your camp shirt. “can i?” he murmurs, hooking two fingers under the fabric. his thumb resumes its movement over your hipbone, calluses catching on the exposed strap of your underwear.
“can i,” he repeats. “please, angel?”
this is a terrible idea. luke tried to kill you. he tried to kill your friends. he nearly started a war between the gods. he’s a traitor, a walking betrayal.
luke is your best friend, and you have missed him more than anything.
the soft yes barely leaves your mouth before luke steps forward that final inch, caging you against the wall.
his hands slip under your shirt and pull it over your head, leaving you only briefly self-conscious before he finds your mouth with his. he kisses you hard, bruising, biting at your bottom lip. he makes a sound low in his throat, pulling you impossibly closer.
“i missed you,” he murmurs in the tiny pockets of air between your kisses. “fuck, angel, i missed you so much.”
“i know,” you say. i missed you too.
luke presses kisses to your lips and your cheeks. your jaw. the bridge of your nose. please stay.
he buries his face in your shoulder and laves his tongue over your pulse, drags his mouth from your neck to your collarbones to just above your navel. in his wake, a trail of reddish-purple bruises unfolds under your skin.
luke speaks in half-caught sentences into your skin. “i’m so sorry,” he whispers. “i miss you so much— so much, i’m sorry, angel.”
when he finally sinks to his knees in front of you, his lips slightly parted and his breath coming in shallow gasps, luke lets his head drop to rest against your hip. his pupils are blown wide, swallowing the brown of his irises with desperate, inky want.
“lemme taste you,” he murmurs, pressing open-mouthed kisses to your exposed hip and stomach. his adam’s apple bobs as he swallows and continues murmuring into your skin.
your hand finds purchase against luke’s collarbone and slides to rest against his throat; you match his jugular vein with the junction of your thumb and your palm, stroking the sides of his neck gently.
his breath catches, his heartbeat fluttering wild and needy against your fingertips. you half-expect him to pull away or to move your hand and continue kissing his way down your body.
instead, luke tips his head back that extra inch, his gaze flicking up and down before finally holding yours. his eyes are glossy and his mouth is open. his chest heaves against your thigh, trying and failing to control his breathing.
“are you sure?” you ask softly.
luke nods so feverishly that you worry his head will split from his neck. “c’mon,” he murmurs. “you know i wouldn’t ask if i didn’t want it.”
you do know, and it’s for that exact reason that you slide your thumb over luke’s adam’s apple again, pressing down just enough to make him gasp. it’s a broken, strangled sound, breathy and rough, and he sings it into your hipbone as he drags your shorts down your legs. the fabric pools around your ankles, and luke closes what little space is left between you in an instant.
he hooks his fingers under the sides of your underwear, toying with the lace idly as he mouths at the ruined fabric covering your cunt.
“gods, luke,” you say softly, tangling one hand in his sweat-damp hair and tugging. it’s more to test the waters than anything, but luke groans and shifts underneath you, and—
—and he’s hard, rolling his hips into nothing, chasing friction that isn’t there. his eyes, half-lidded and glassy, meet yours. you shiver — luke’s eyes are dark and intense, barely containing the want that lights up both of your bodies.
gods, he’s pretty like this, too, you think. who knew boys could look so good on their knees in the dirt?
luke pulls your underwear to the side and presses a quick kiss to your clit, mumbling in half-sentences as he laves his tongue over your soaked cunt. “my darling,” he breathes, dragging his hand up your thigh and reaching between your legs, sliding two fingers into you easily. “my angel, my everything.”
you rock your hips against his face, tightening your grip on his hair — which must be crossing some wires in his brain, because he shudders and points his tongue, flicking it against your clit as he curls his fingers.
“luke,” you gasp, tension building in your stomach. “i— i’m close, luke, please.”
luke looks up at you and smiles. you can feel his dimples against your inner thighs for a split second before he doubles down on his efforts, licking and sucking until something inside you snaps and you cum with a stifled moan, tears welling up in the corners of your eyes.
between your legs, luke licks his lips. “beautiful,” he says. his voice is raspy and he takes a deep breath, in-out, in-out. “there’s my girl. there you are, baby.”
you slowly sink to your knees next to him, your heart thudding against your rib cage like a trapped bird. “luke,” you whisper.
“yeah, angel?” he asks, wrapping one arm around you and tugging you closer. his fingers trace unseen patterns on the expanse of your thigh and you shuffle closer still to him, leaning your head on his shoulder. you can taste his sweat, electric and desperate. the smell of sex is probably all over both of you.
there’s a dark spot on the front of luke’s shorts and he tenses up when you slide your hand up his thigh. “did you— just from that?” you ask.
“oh, shit,” luke says, looking down. “uh— fuck, angel, i—”
“it’s okay,” you say, leaning forward to press your forehead to his again.
he sighs, tangling his fingers back into your hair. “i know.”
the two of you stay like that for what could have been minutes or hours before luke presses a kiss to your jaw and murmurs, “i have to go.”
something in your chest twists. the words slip out before you can stop them: “i don’t want you to.” you press your nose into luke’s hair and inhale the smell of sweat, of smoke. your fingers find the straps of luke’s tank top. look at this barrier. look at what’s keeping you apart.
“you know i can’t,” he murmurs, and you swear the crack in his voice breaks your heart all over again.
"i know," you say, tucking your head into his chest. "but i don't want you to go." you look up.
luke's eyes sparkle, brilliant and terrible, and when he kisses your forehead you can feel tears landing in tiny constellations across your head. "you deserve better," luke whispers. "better than me. than all of this."
do i? you ask yourself. and: do i want it?
when luke kisses you one last time and stands, drawing his sword out of nowhere, you know it as well as he does: you don't want better.
when he leaves — when there is nothing for days, when your dreams are haunted by the memory of his lips against yours and the smell of his hair, you know.
you only want luke.
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spideyriki · 3 months
oh man if u could so sub hybrid!hee or jake i’d love u forever … ur kitty jungwon one was so good !!! looking forward to more stuff from ur blog :D
puppy boy!
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pairings: sub!jake x dom!reader
c. warnings: hybrid puppy!jake, mommy kink, pegging, drooling, collars, finger sucking + lmk if i missed anything!
w. count: 1.3k+
a. note: i'm so so sorry, anon, for how long overdue this was :(( i hope you like it tho, feedback n reblogs r always appreciated <3
it was late in the night and you were still busy doing your assignments, jake had supposedly gone off to bed hours ago.
"mommy", jake's small voice called out to you, snapping you out of work trance. you hum out confused as you turn around and see jake looking at you, an adorable pout adorning his face and his pretty pink collar still securely around his neck.
"what's wrong, jakey?",
jake's big puppy eyes looked nearly on the verge of tears, his puppy ears laying flat on his disheveled hair. unable to resist, you open your arms to invite jake to sit on your lap. in an istant, jake planted himself on your lap, the sound of his little bell from his collar jingling at how quickly he ran into your lap. despite his tired face, his tail wagged happily as your hand gently ran up and down the small of his back and his face burried in my neck.
"hurts, mommy...", jake whined out quietly.
"what hurts, pup?" you ask, concerned. jake's face flushed and he hid deeper in your neck, as his little puppy ears twitched. jake's hand gently holds your wrist, shyly guiding it down to his crotch and oh.
it was a miracle how you hadn't noticed how hard jake was earlier when he walked into your office, considering the large bulge his pajama shorts were barely covering. you coo at jake before your wrist palmed his covered erection, moving in small circular motions. at your teasing touch, jake lets out a pitiful whimper, subconsciously bucking his hips up into your touch.
"mommy, please fuck me...", jake's pout deepened as he continued grinding into your palm, his tongue mouthing your neck, letting his saliva coat your skin as a purple mark forms there for him to admire after.
you let him continue his ministrations for awhile longer until you notice his hips desperately bucking up into your palm and his hands travelled all over your body until he finally reaches up to squeeze your breast, a whine is ripped out of him as jake feels his orgasm approaching.
"i've barely done anything puppy and you're already such a mess", you taunt.
jake's cheeks flushed a red hue, his drool sliding down your neck, unshed tears brimming at his big puppy eyes and at some point, jake's hips had changed into a humping motion, trying to chase as much friction as possible.
at all the tell tale signs of his impending orgasm, you pull your hand away from his clothed dick, depriving him of his much needed release.
"mommy!", jake cries out. his eyes that were previously closed shut, jutting open to look at up at you as tears threaten to fall.
you quickly shush him and rub up and down his back in an attempt to soothe your puppy. your fingers reach to pull down his pajama pants, jake lifting his hips to help ease you. as the garment is removed, his throbbing cock jumps out, smacking his stomach. his tip an angry red as precum glistened on his slit, a drop of precum gathers and falls down the side of his long length, down a prominent vein. jake bites his lip as your thumb swipes at his slit, gathering his precum on it before bringing it up to your lips to wrap your tongue around the digit, humming out slightly at his taste, your beautiful eyes never once leaving his.
as you release your thumb, you usher jake off your lap. another sad whimper exits your puppy at the loss of your close proximity.
"take off your clothes, pup", you instruct jake as to which he quickly obeys. while jake, hurriedly strips himself, you clear your desk and reach in the drawer drawer to pull out jake's favourite strap.
by the time you turn back to face jake, he's completely nude. his pretty cock standing proud against his stomach, hard and aching. a small smile etches onto your face at jake's eagerness, his tail continuing to wag happily.
your fingers tap the desk once, immediately jake is bent over your desk, his back arched and resting on his forearms, just as you've trained him to.
reaching up, you ruffle his hair, "good boy, jakey", you praise, his ears perking up at the praise as he mumbles a shy thank you.
your hands roam all over his body, stroking from his shoulders to his slim waist before finally reaching his ass. gently you squeeze and massage his cheeks, rubbing the skin softly before your finger circles around his tight hole which flutters around nothing.
slowly, you push a finger in. his hole practically swallowing your digit. gently you gradually add more fingers into jake to stretch him out. as you begin to thrust your fingers into him slowly, jake whines out, rolling his hips back against your fingers.
"mommy, puppy's already streched for you."
a small chuckle leaves you at his desperation. pulling out your fingers, you spit into your hand to lube up your strap.
once you deem your strap ready, your hands circle around jake's slender waist before pushing your large cock into his hole. a moan is ripped out of jake's throat as he feels you deep in him, his body and chest flushing. your body stilled as you waited for jake to adjust to your girth, not even a minute later jake's hips begin to move against you.
your fingers stroke his waist soothingly, as you admire the way his delicate hips move languidly along your cock, struggling to take in your full length. his ass cheeks jump at each of his own thrusts, desperate to feel all of you in him.
"you can go faster than this, can't you puppy?", you coo encouragingly at jake.
multiple whimpers resonate throughout the room as you watch him do all the work himself, his movements fastening.
finally taking pity on jake, you finally begin to thrust into jake. the tip of your cock hitting directly into his prostate, jake lets out a loud cry at the overwhelming pleasure.
your poor baby is a mess by now, big pretty tears rolling down his pink cheeks, a mantra of moans and 'mommy' leaving him. tongue lolling out of his mouth drooling all over himself and your desk as he pants.
"look at the mess your making, baby", reaching forward you shove two fingers into jake's mouth to which he immediately sucks on, gagging slightly as they reach the back of his throat.
at the new angle, your cock reaches into his hole deeper, repeatedly abusing his prostate. despite your fingers in his mouth, it does little to stop your puppy from drooling, his saliva rolling down your arm. muffled moans and whines alongside your groans and the sound of your skin against jake's rings through the room.
jake's throbbing cock hangs heavily between his thighs, droplets of precum falling onto your wooden floors at your hard and deep thrusts. your other finger, reaches up to pinch at his pink nipples, jake mewls around your fingers at the pleasure. more tears are streaming down his pretty face, his mind is only filled with the thoughts of you as you fuck him dumb.
his hands gently pull at your wrist, "mommy please, need to cum!", he hurries out before sucking on your digits once again.
you release his now puffy nipple and reach for his cock, stroking it quickly, in pace with your thrust.
"cum for mommy, puppy. be mommy's good boy."
at your words, your fingers toying with his cock and your cock continuously kissing his prostate, jake moans around your fingers. his back arching beautifully as his cock releases a nearly concerningly large amount of cum, your hand strokes him through his orgasm.
his moans now quietened down to whimpers from the strength of his release, your hips slowing before finally going still. you gently pull out of jake, removing your fingers from his mouth, a string of saliva connecting you.
immediately, praises fall out of you. jake lets you manhandle him gently until he's resting on your lap on your chair once again. a comforting hand patting over jake's back while pressing soft kisses wherever you can reach as he rests his head on your shoulder, arms wrapping around you tightly, his tail wagging as he basks in your praise.
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©spideyriki 🍉
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nctsplug02 · 1 year
Soft dom husband!mark , coming tired from practice and just needs his wife, fluff and smut pls add whatever u think will be fine, your mind works better than mine lol
Love your writings♡♡
Shower Sex M.Lee
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GENRE: fluff, smut, married couple.
WARNINGS: shower sex
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it was eleven-thirty at night and mark still wasn’t home.
the door unlocking has your ears perked up and has you pushing off the couch. you pause your show and walk towards the front door of the penthouse.
your husband walks in with his duffle bag hanging from his shoulder and his beanie nearly falling off.
“hey, markie. welcome home.” mark looks up and instantly smile. “oh, baby.” mark stumbles forward and drops his bag, wrapping his arms around your waist and burying his face in your neck.
“didn’t wanna use the elevator tonight?” your hands softly pat marks back and head. “it’s been such a long day and.. i really.. really needed to see you.” mark sighs heavily.
you pinch his red ears and smooth the shell. “i’ll reheat dinner and we can talk about how today was while we eat, yeah?”
mark pulls away from you and rubs his eyes. “i know— i’m sorry, baby. i wasn’t home for dinner.” you shake your head and kick the door shut with your foot, the top lock locks instantly.
“that’s alright, baby.” you cup marks face and you kiss his lips. “wanna take a shower instead? you’re kind of stinky.” you say with a giggle.
mark follows your giggle and groans. “i’d love to and i really don’t want to be a pain in the ass but.. i’m really sore and..” mark sighs and rubs his face.
“yes, mark. i can help wash you, that’s fine. you’ve been at practice for over twelve hours, you deserve a break and some caretaking.” you take his hand and drag him to the bathroom.
you don’t bother closing the door since it was just you and mark who lived in the small penthouse.
you undress mark who vents to you about his day, telling you how he barely took breaks because he didn’t want to mess up for their performances.
“okay, go in the shower first. i’m gonna grab some to towels and i’ll join you in a second.” you push mark towards the running shower but the butt naked man watches as you leave and come back with a stack of towels.
“mark,” you whine when seeing him just standing there . “you were supposed to go in the shower and soak up first.” you set the stack of towels on the toilet lid.
“i know,” mark bites his lip and places a hand on the door handle. “just wanted to wait for you.” he whispers and enters the shower.
you shake your head and undress yourself before joining mark in the hot, steaming shower.
“mm, the water feels amazing.” you shut your eyes and sigh. “you mind if i turn the water a bit colder?” you open your eyes to see mark already holding the faucet. “whatever helps you relax, baby.”
you let out a little gasp when the water turns icy cold. “geez,” you mumble, looking down when feeling your nipples grow crazy hard.
“sorry, babe.” mark holds your waist and rubs little circles on your soft skin.
you grab your navy blue loofa and squirt some watermelon body wash onto it, fluffing it up and turning to mark.
“you’ve been working so hard, markie.” you turn him around and scrub the loofa on his back. “i’m so proud of you, markie.” you then scrub his shoulders, a moan exhales from marks throat. “you’re a bit tight there, mark. i’ll give you a massage when we get out.” mark rolls his neck and sighs.
you turn him around and begin to rub the loofa on his chest. “you’re smelling a lot better than before.” you giggle and watch as he inhales the watermelon scent with a giggle.
you move down to his abs, lubing his body with the scented bubbles. “oh,” you stop when seeing how hard mark was.
you look up at mark who bites his lip and flexes his abs making his cock twitch and nudge your arm.
“should i wash this too?” you move the loofa down to his cock. “oh, fuck.” mark gasps and jerks, quickly grabbing your hand and looking down at you.
you bite your lip and grin. “may i?” mark takes in your puppy eyes and nods. you drop the loofa and grab mark by the base.
“you’re so hard.” you whisper, jerking him off and washing away the bubbles. “geez, y/n.” mark groans as you take him in your mouth.
you circle your tongue around his tip and tease his tiny slit. you moan around him as the tip of your tongue massages right under his head.
“ooh, fuck.” mark pants, placing a hand on your head and forcing himself to stop himself before he gets out of hand.
you drop your hands and look up at mark, softly nodding and allowing him to fuck your face. you shut your eyes while mark forces his cock down your throat.
your throat tightens around mark and he moans loudly. his noises bouncing off the tight shower walls. “fuck, y/n. f—fuck!” mark pants and groans, hugging your head and keeping his stuttering hips in place.
marks cum shooting down your throat while you choke and slap his thigh. “just a little bit more, baby.” mark mutters, bucking his hips as if your nose wasn’t already touching his abdomen.
marks tip tickling the back of your throat causing you to gag. your eyes water and tears slip past your cheeks.
you gasp and fall on your ass when mark releases you. you wipe the drool from your chin and attempt to catch your breath. globs of tears slip down your cheeks and the shower quickly washes them away.
“i’m sorry, baby.” mark helps you up and hugs your body against his. “i got a bit outta control.” mark presses a few kisses on your shoulder and jaw.
“that’s okay,” you pinch his ears and rub his jaw. “you feelin’ better?” mark looks up at you. “a little bit. but,” you raise an eyebrow. “but?” you question.
instead of answering, mark pins you against the wall and lifts your leg. he pins your thigh to his hips and slips his fingers into you.
“oh, fuck.” you gasp, dropping your head and letting your knees buckle. mark catches you and rests his forehead against yours, droplets fall from his nose and strands of hair.
“try and stay up for me, gorgeous.” mark mutters with a smirk.
it was torture, mark fingering you while telling you to not cum yet. his thumb rubbing your clit while he fingers push past your gummy walls. his fingers curling and brushing your g-spot.
“hold on, baby.” mark grunts as he grabs his dick and holds it against your entrance. “mark, please hurry!” you whine desperately.
“you’re so eager,” mark chuckles. “it’s pathetic.” he scoffs and pushes himself into you.
you dig your nails into his shoulders as mark brings you to your tip-toes. mark squeezes your thigh and moans as you tighten around him.
mark fucks you quickly.
his hips smacking against yours roughly, his vocals kicking in and mixing with yours. the sounds of skin smacking against skin echos in the small shower.
“oh, mark.” you moan, pulling him closer so that his chest is pressed against yours. “i’m gonna cum, mark.” you gasp as mark rolls his hips and pushes himself deeper inside you.
you hug mark tightly as you cream all over mark. “s—shit, y/n!” mark shudders and thrusts one last time before shooting his load into you.
uncontrollably, marks hips stutter into yours.
mark drops your leg and backs his hips up, just a bit so his cock falls out of you.
mark drops to his knees and lifts your other leg, giving the first leg a rest. “mark, what are you—?” mark gives you one look and buries his face between your thighs.
“oohh, wow.” you gasp and grab a fistful of his hair. marks tongue enters you before leaving and licking a long stripe on your clit.
“shit.” you hold your breath.
you run your fingers through his wet tangled hair while his tongue circles your clit. “fuck,” you groan and watch as mark eats you out like a hungry man. “oh, my god.”
mark turns his head and laps your juice from a different position.
“i’m gonna cum, m—markie!” you jerk forward as mark sucks your clit. his mouth fully attached to your clit, his only focus.
marks tongue suckles and brings your orgasm closer… and closer… and—
you shudder and let out a cry when your orgasm hits you. it stings you like a bee and doesn’t go away until mark is pulling away, heavily breathing.
his chest falls as fast as it rises.
“you taste,” mark wipes the back of his mouth with his backhand. “so fucking sweet.” he chuckles with a taunting smirk.
mark stands up with his hands on your hips.
“i do, huh?” your legs buzz and slowly turn numb. “you taste very sweet, baby.” mark pulls you by the waist and hugs you to his chest.
“i wonder how sweet you’re gonna taste.” mark inhales to say something but doesn’t say a word, instead he watches as you lower yourself onto your knees.
you bite your lip and grab him by the base, “mwah.” you press a soft kiss on his tip. “fuck, baby. this is gonna be a long night, huh?”
you swirl your tongue around his tip and hum. “uh-huh.” you giggle before swallowing him whole.
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AN| this was so shit but it’ll have to do for now! i love you all, i’m sorry for being inactive. i’m so busy! <3
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miupow · 7 months
who in svt mlt hold your head still to fuck your throat….i am insane over this
(like until you GAG)
also sorry I feel like I should have started that nastiness with a hello LMAO
omg ash... ur insane (hi bb ilysm mwah)
im gonna do just the hh unit for this one to make it more concise hehehe but i can do the vocal and performance units too if u'd like ><
mtl -> rough throat fucking (hip hop unit)
vernon -> i just know he loves lazy sex n getting his dick sucked sm n gets so caught up in his own pleasure that he'll use u like a toy <3 hold you down to the base of his cock w his hand cupping the back of ur neck... he doesn't even realize he's doing it until you sob n gag, scratching weakly at his hips.. feels bad but can't get out much more than a "sorry, baby" before he's going back to fucking your face <3
seungcheol -> def uses rough face fucking as a punishment if you make him mad or jealous <3 needs to remind you of your place by making you choke n gag around his big cock! so mean w it too, telling you how much of a slut you are and what a bad girl you’ve been~
wonwoo -> wonwoo likes making you do all of the work hehe, would rather sit back and watch you make yourself gag n choke n cry than make you do it <3 arms crossed resting behind his head while you make a mess out of yourself between his legs, his glasses all foggy from how hard he’s breathing watching you deepthroat his long thick cock down to his balls ^^ one hand holding his base and the other massaging his balls.. yeah
mingyu -> i don’t think gyu would ever do something that mean to you :( esp on purpose.. he’s such a service top he just wants to make you feel good n give you all of his love <3 much more likely to let you take the lead when giving him head, just cupping the back of ur head n rubbing your neck <3 groaning deep in his throat n praising you for making him feel so good
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zombiec · 7 months
Behave | Gojo Satoru
(Top male reader)(could be read as gender neutral reader)
(Rock band au)
Synopsis ☆: Gojo and reader are in a rock band and gojo gets mad because reader keeps flirting/leading on fans
Warnings: mirror fucking, riding, little sub reader but they redeem themself
A/n: please yall I been so lazy but trust some more are coming out (I be lyin.) also this is kinda really long or atleast it took me a long time to make it
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You were currently backstage about to get ready for your show. Your band ‘The Painkillers’ was about to perform one of your newest albums. Your band consists of you (lead guitarist), Gojo (lead vocalist), Getou (drummer) and Shoko (backing vocalist). Your band was a rock/punk type, which was very popular.
You were currently in a chair in a room that was provided to you, getting your face touched up by a make-up artist. You were looking at yourself in the mirror admiring how fine you look. Suddenly someone busted the door open scaring both you and your makeup artist. Unfortunately for you when your makeup artist got scared she accidentally poked your eye, causing her to apologize profusely. You held onto your eye a little pissed off but you knew it wasn't her fault it was the idiots behind her.
Getou and Gojo both behind her with little smirks on their face which pissed you off. You politely turned to the make-up artist and asked her to please leave. She scurried out of the room with her head down taking her things with her. You looked at getou and scowled at him. “What the fuck do you two want? And next time knock??” gojo came over to you and put his arm behind your neck “Aren’t you excited??” you looked at him from your peripheral vision and moved his arm off of you. “I guess I am” Getou rolled his eyes and groaned “Stop trynna act all cool you know you're excited” “??? i’m acting completely normal” Gojo slapped your shoulder to get your attention…. Which kind of hurt, but you’d never admit that.
“Whatt?” you whined. Gojo looked at Getou then the door and he took the sign to get out. Gojo then walked to the door and locked it. You just stood there confused because what is about to happen….. He turned around and looked you right in your eyes. Gojo walked towards you slowly and wrapped his arms around your neck. It was cute to you because he had to go on his tippy toes. “Are you gonna behave yourself tonight?” your dick throbbed in your pants. You wrapped your arms around his waist and smirked: “What do you mean behave?” gojo put his hands in your hair and pulled you a bit closer “You know exactly what I mean” you knew exactly what he meant.
You made a confused face just to tease him. He pinched your ear and you let go of his waist groaning in pain. “I’m serious” you looked up at him and he had a little pout on his face. “Awee you look so cute” you said to him gushing because of how cute he looks! Gojo was tired of you teasing him and twisted your ear making sure it hurt more. “AHH STOP IT” you slapped his thigh and he let go of your ear.
Before anyone could say anything else there were continuous knocks on the door. You walked to the door and unlocked it. Opening the door you see Shoko. “SHOKOOO MY LOVEE” you engulfed her in a hug and kissed her cheeks “ok ok get off me” she replied giggling at your enthusiastic mood. You and Shoko are best friends you love her so much she’s such a sweetheart. “What’re you here for?” Gojo spoke up from behind you. “I’m here to get you two so we can get ready to go on stage” “damn it’s already time?” You said. “Yes now let’s go.”
Shoko grabbed your hand and walked towards the stage your band needed to be at. Unbeknownst to you gojo was behind you two frowning. The 3 of you made it to the stage, where Getou was waiting. “Damn finally we go on in like 10 minutes” Getou spoke up.
Finally, it was your band's turn. All 4 of you were dressed up in something that consists of black and purple, your band colors. All the lights went off and you could hear gasps in the crowd. Snickering a bit you and the rest went on the stage.
You walked to the side, gojo in the middle, Shoko next to him, and Getou at the end. You picked up your guitar and played a mini little riff while the lights were still off. Everyone’s attention was on the stage, it was completely silent. Suddenly the lights turned on.
Everyone in the crowd erupted into cheers and screams. You and Getou looked at each other with a shocked face because this is a big ass fucking crowd. Usually you guys fans fill up a bar or something..but jeez this is like a stadium.
Gojo introduced the band and we started to play our sets. In the middle of one of the songs you had a solo and you were currently in the middle on your knees playing the guitar like crazy. Sweat was dripping down your body and you were panting. Gojo could not take his eyes off you he just wanted his mouth on your dick immediately.
In your own world you saw how your fans were screaming and raising their hands like they wanted you to touch them. You saw this one cute boy who was kinda short and getting pushed around in the crowd. He has blue hair and had cute little glasses with thin frames. When your guitar solo was over and Shoko started to sing you walked to the edge of the stage and took the boys hand placing it on your stomach and dragging it down to your belt.
The boy immediately blushed and started squealing. Everyone around him started screaming louder and you couldn’t help but smirk. You leaned down and gave the boy a kiss on the cheek and mouthed ‘call me’ while handing him a slip of paper with your number on it.
You felt a little bad though, Because you only did that to make gojo jealous. You and gojo weren’t a couple at all but you guys have fucked a few times. You both have no feelings for each other whatsoever or that’s what you thought atleast.
On Gojos part he does have feelings for you. He knows you don’t have any for him, but he’s cocky enough to think that he could make you fall for him.
After you went back to to your place you looked to your side to see Getou laughing. You made a confused face at him and he mouthed “you’re in trouble.” You sulked. You weren’t ready for after the concert. 30 minutes later the concert ended. You and the others were now signing anything people handed to you. You were lucky because a girl asked you to sign her boobs, had you giggling like a little girl.
The line for VIP guests was ending and at the very end of the line was the boy who you interacted with during the concert. You smirked at him when he came up. “Hi beautiful.” the boy looked up and you can't even lie he was so gorgeous, if you and Gojo didn't have anything going on you definitely would be going after him.
“Um hi can you sign this for me” he spoke up shyly and pushed what he had in his hand towards you. What he gave to you was a cute mini Spiderman plushie that you thought was so cute. You cooed at his shy persona and signed the plushie on its big ass head. you handed it back to him expecting him to walk away but he stayed where he was. “Did um- did you really want me to call you?” he was so shy it was so cute. “Sure if you want to, you're really cute I wouldn't mind getting to know you better” You were lying, you don’t want to be in a relationship . Especially with a fan. His face brightened up. He giggled, said thank you, then ran away.
….” oh boy,” you thought. You turned around to see if the others were done just to see Gojo glaring at you from the side. You looked back at him and made a confused face. He rolled his eyes and stood up. Once he stood up he roughly grabbed you by your collar and dragged you to his dressing room. Not without telling getou and shoko that you two will be right back.
Gojo walked to his dressing room and pushed you in. He locked the door behind him and glared at you. “What do you think you’re doing” you looked at him with a smirk on your face. “Im not doing anything..are you jealous baby?”
Gojo groaned. He was so fucking annoyed by you and your dumb-ass charm. He hates how stupid you are, He hates that you always flirt with the fans and give them false hope. He hates that you're doing this to make him jealous. He hates that he can’t do anything about it because you two are not together. He fucking hates you.
Gojo went up to you hitting you on your chest constantly. “I.Fucking.Hate.You” you knew how gojo felt for you, but you just can’t reciprocate his feelings. If things go bad in your relationship you dont want it to ruin your friendship with him. You love gojo but you can’t lose him just because you both decided to turn your friendship romantic.
With gojo still hitting your chest which was starting to sting a little (a lot.) you caught his wrists in both your hands before he could hit your chest again. He looked up at you. you could see the tears in his eyes and it made you soften a little bit.
Wrapping his arms around your neck, you leaned down and connected your lips onto his. Almost immediately he kissed you back. At first the kiss was slow and a bit romantical but then the kiss turned hot and steamy. Gojo pushed you in the chair that was conveniently placed behind you. You fell back with a “umph” and he crawled right ontop of your lap
“We can’t do it in here gojo” you said with a little panic in your voice because gojo is very vocal and these rooms are NOT soundproof. You started to adjust yourself so you could stand up but gojo pushed you into the chair with more force…you can’t even lie his aggressiveness was turning you on.
“I know you want me as bad as I want you” he whispered in your ear unbuttoning your shirt. All rationality left your head. Gojo kissed down your neck leaving marks on it like y’all both won’t get in trouble with your manager later. Gojo saw you not paying attention to him and pressed his palm on your crotch.
You winced and looked down at him. “Focus only on me” he spoke against your lips. You’ve had enough. You grabbed gojo by his ass and kissed him causing him to moan into your mouth. You grounded his ass onto your still clothed cock and moved on your hands to his hair. Pulling on his hair to separate you two you looked at his face flushed and his breath being hitched.
You giggled a bit “we’ve barely done anything and you’re already fucked up” gojo rolled his eyes and unzipped your pants. You were intrigued by what he was about to do so you just let him do whatever he was going to. He pulled out your semi hard dick and stroked it until it was fully erect, earning a little groan from you.
Gojo got up from your lap and pulled down his pants. He then took off his shirt and hopped right back onto your lap. Taking your dick in his hands before he lined it up with his hole. “W-wait! Don’t you need to be prepped” you stuttered out taken aback by his eager attitude. “No” is all he said as he sat on your dick and took it fully. “Holy fuck” you breathily let out, he was so tight and warm you could stay buried in him forever.
Gojo let out a moan as he started riding you slowly. You were sitting in the chair while gojo was sitting on your lap knees on the sides of your thighs riding you. “Speed up” you grunted out. Not wanting to disappoint gojo sped up thinking about how you gave that blue haired freak your number making him angrier.
All of a sudden gojo starts riding you like a fucking maniac. “F-fuck yes this dick is mine isn’t it” he said while rocking back and forth on your dick causing you to get a little vocal. “Fuck yes it’s yours. All yours baby” hearing that made gojo go feral. He placed his feet next to your thighs and started bouncing on your dick.
Infront you two was a mirror so you could see your entering and exiting Gojos hole and it was doing something to you. You could feel your release building up in your stomach and you could tell gojo was almost at his limit by the way he was shaking. Gojo grabbed the back of your neck and slammed his lips onto yours causing him to cum right on your stomach. Even though he came he kept bouncing because he wanted your seed in him..he needed it. “Come onn cum in meee. I wanna be bred” him saying he wants to be full of your cum sent you over the edge as you fill him up, watching as it leaks out of him in the mirror.
Gojo looks up at you seeing you panting, he smirks and chuckles. “who’s fucked up now?” No way in hell were you about to get bitched by gojo. You hopped off the chair with him on you still and placed him on the counter infront of you. You flipped him over so he was facing the mirror. “W-what’re you doing?” He spoke up “You wanted it right? It’s yours? So take it.”
You immediately entered gojo from the back causing him to let out a moan and grip onto whatever was in his line of vision. You gripped him by his waist and started thrusting into him. “A-AH FUCK PLEASE” you shushed him and reminded him that you two need to be quiet because again this room is NOT sound proof. “Shh baby we gotta be quiet” you said slivering your hand around his neck and fucking into him in that position.
“IM GONNA CUM PLEASE PLEASE GO HARDER” you lifted his leg and put it on your shoulder going harder than before causing the
Counter infront of y’all to shake. “Come on baby cum for me” you pulled his head up towards the mirror “look at yourself so pretty and fucked out. You look best like this.” You said and kissed him. He came with a loud moan his cum shooting on the mirror. It was quiet in the room for a few. Gojo catching his breath and you starting to clean up the cum on the mirror.
Both of you paused what you were doing when you heard a knock on the door. Gojo looked at you to answer it since he was obviously fucked out of his mind. “Who is it” “it’s nanami your manager” “oh shit” both you and gojo muttered at the same time.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
Hi guys
Ts MIGHT be ass idk
Please request someone as a cam boy so I can go crazy 😽
Also sorry for not posting and posting late I’ve been in a slumpppp. Senior year of highschool is NOT for the weak.
HI COOKIE @xozombiee this one’s for youuu
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silverhallow · 1 year
Best Laid Plans
pairing: Anthony Bridgerton x Kate Sharma
summary: As Maid of Honour and Best Man, Kate and Anthony have been struggling to get on...
Sophie's idea was to send them into the wilderness on a hike to make them at least stop sniping and bickering with one another...
Sophie knows her future brother-in-law and Best Friend well enough to know that forcing them to talk and not avoid one another, their preferred method of dealing with each other...
So what happens when the Best Laid Plans really do come to pass...
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warnings: Enemies to Lovers, Hiking, Outdoor Sex, Platonic Cuddling, Smut, Vaginal Fingering, Sex on a Car, Bickering, Forced Proximity,
word count: 5607 words
author's note: this was a fic formerly on ao3. It’s an mature fic. So Minors DNI
"I've never known anyone so uncoordinated in all my life." Anthony laughed as he gripped the handle on the top of Kate's backpack. "You're hopeless," he said, dragging her none-too-gently onto the boulder where he'd spent the last five minutes waiting for her.
"Oh, fuck off." Kate gained her footing and shoved his hand off her, annoyed by the way everything physical came so easily to him. She turned her back on him and stood facing the valley below, taking in the peaceful scenery so at odds with the tension inside her.
She'd pulled her black hair into a ponytail; the cool breeze whipped the ends and rippled across her Nirvana t-shirt while she mentally cursed her best friend for putting her in this situation.
"I've heard unrequited love often makes women a bit testy. Now I know it's true."
She sneaked a glance at him and snorted in spite of herself. "You wish." Kate pulled her water bottle from the side pocket of her bag and popped the top, tilting it to her mouth to take a drink.
He moved in beside her and bumped her shoulder, causing her to lose her grip and send water dribbling down her chin. Kate shot him a lethal glare. She caught the droplets and wiped her damp fingers on her shorts. "You did that on purpose."
His mouth tilted in a half-smile and he turned the full weight of his striking brown eyes on her. "I need to make my own fun. In case you haven't noticed you're shitty company."
"I'm normally delightful, Trust me, it's you , not me." Kate watched as the afternoon sun played across his features, wishing he'd at least show some sign he was as tired as her. The breeze ruffled his dark hair and his skin glowed with a light sheen of perspiration. He wore khaki shorts and the straps on his backpack stretched his navy top across his chest. Her slim figure and curved features always made her feel insignificant standing next to him. She continuously tried to make up for it with a healthy dose of attitude.
"I've never seen you as anything other than a smartass," he said.
"That's because you're always around at the time." She slipped her bottle into her backpack. "You bring out the worst in me."
"Is this a sexual tension thing? If I let you get into my pants will it help improve your mood?" Anthony lifted his arms above his head and his eyes remained on her while he indulged in a leisurely stretch.
"Hmm...no. There are things I want to do to you but none of them would be enjoyable… well not for you, anyway." She hated the fact that she couldn't stop her attention from drifting to the enticing vision of a flat, taut belly revealed by his raised top. Her eyes followed the trail of dark hair from his navel to the waistband of his low-slung shorts.
A deep chuckle brought her gaze back to his and she had to steel herself against the humour his knowing smile stirred inside her. "Just checking," he said. "I'll take one for the team if I have to. Keep that in mind."
She rolled her eyes and tried to decide which would be more painful, diving into the valley below or spending another three hours with him. "I honestly don't think I can take any more of this."
"Blame your best friend," he said, dropping his arms to his side. "She's the one playing the peacemaker."
"All the stress of planning the wedding must have finally driven her insane. Anyone can see you and I are never going to get along." Her best friend Sophie began seeing Anthony's younger brother Benedict two years ago, becoming engaged to him twelve months later. As the maid of honour at their wedding next week, Kate had been paired with the best man. Two guesses who that happened to be.
Sophie decided a spur-of-the-moment bonding session in the mountains was just what Kate and Anthony needed to end the hostility between them because she was not having the sniping ruin her wedding day and there wasn’t much either would do for Sophie so they had agreed despite neither wanting to. However, so far the idea was turning out to be a complete flop.
Kate couldn't stop sniping at him and he hadn't even tried to hold back from needling her during the two hours they'd already spent together.
"Aw, don't say 'never'." He rested his arm across her shoulder and pulled her in against his side. "We'll be BFFs after this, I just know it."
Kate pressed her lips together and tried to keep a straight face. She pushed his arm off her and took a deep breath, forging ahead in an effort to hide her amusement. Anthony only let her take the lead for a few minutes before he gripped her shoulders and physically moved her aside so he could pass through. She sighed and tried to focus on the scenery to take her mind off her predicament.
Her pack was a heavy burden at her shoulders, blisters had formed on her toes and sweat trickled down her spine. The trail grew denser and the terrain more challenging the deeper they hiked into the mountains. They hadn't passed a single person on their journey which only served to make her feel even more isolated. In normal circumstances she had a lot of patience, but her control began to slip as the minutes ticked by and her exhaustion grew.
She continued her verbal jousting with Anthony, becoming more personal and less tactful as the hike progressed. The main problem she faced was that her behaviour appeared to annoy her more than it did him. Sometimes he'd reply with a witty comeback and other times she'd notice his shoulders moving in a silent laugh as he turned his head away from her.
Kate was twenty-two and Anthony twenty-four when they were first introduced to each other at a barbeque thrown by his parents. The intention had been to bring the families together since Sophie and Benedict were beginning to get serious. Sophie had no other family save for Kate who had been her best friend since she was 12 and had been by her side through her father’s divorce from Sophie’s wicked step-mother and then her father’s death four years earlier.
From the Kate and Anthony had met, sparks had flown between them, sometimes driven by attraction but more often annoyance. Eighteen months later nothing had really changed but neither of them had tried all that hard to improve their situation either. Up until now their usual method of dealing with the tension had been avoidance, which really didn't solve anything.
Kate released a loud breath and shook her head, knowing what needed to be done. There was nothing like an over-long hike in the fresh mountain air to help bring some clarity to your thinking. For the sake of her best friend’s happiness on the big day she had to put more effort into being less...abrasive toward Anthony.
Over an hour later they reached a clearing and Anthony slipped his arms from his backpack, letting it drop to the ground. He rested against a rock and pulled in air. Kate wanted to cheer with relief as she slid free from her pack to join him. Even though it was the middle of autumn and the days had begun to cool she felt unusually warm.
A smile hovered at his mouth as he glanced at her. "I only stopped so I could take a break from listening to you wheeze."
Kate moved in beside him to share the rock. She let out a breathless laugh, too tired to fight with him. "I'd kiss you in gratitude if I didn't think you'd hurt me." She stared at the tree-filled landscape, listening to the wind rustle through the leaves while she braced herself for his reply. When the silence stretched on her gaze shifted to him. "Why so quiet?" she asked. "No more digs?"
Anthony's body remained facing straight ahead; only his eyes slid in her direction. "We need to stop that."
She threw a furtive glance his way. "I've been thinking the same thing."
"It's going to take a lot of effort, more on your part than mine."
She hummed her agreement, the humour in his tone making her smile. Kate soaked up the silence with him for a while, losing herself in her thoughts. She couldn't imagine what it would be like being friends with him now, they'd spent too long as...she didn't even know what to call the relationship they currently shared. Maybe a truce was the easiest option.
"Say something nice to me," she finally said, wanting to test him. "I bet you can't even come up with one thing."
He pushed off the rock and took a couple of steps away, turning to face her once he'd put some distance between them. He appeared to be thinking it over but it didn't take him too long to find an answer. "All right," he said, "even though you dress like a sixteen-year-old skater chick I can tell there's a hot body hidden somewhere under there."
She shifted gravel around with the toe of her sneaker and hid her amusement. "Wow, thanks. I guess a backhanded compliment is better than nothing at all." Kate looked up at him, deciding to have a try at this nice thing herself. "I like you’re erm… that bit," she said pointing to the area between his navel and waistband.
"This?" he asked, lifting the hem of his top. She kept her mouth shut and nodded, not trusting herself to speak. He let his top fall back into place and said, "Okay, I'll admit I also find your sense of humour entertaining."
Kate bit the inside of her cheek, enjoying herself. She wanted to draw the moment out even longer but figured she'd be pushing her luck. "I think you're annoyingly funny sometimes, too," she finally relented.
He laughed as he bent to pick up her backpack. "Thanks. That's more than enough for one day. Let's keep moving before I get all emotional." He helped her slip into her straps, the gesture so considerate it left her feeling unsure how to respond. She made the wisest decision and just offered a simple thank you. When he'd shouldered his own pack he tugged her ponytail, a reminder they weren't quite friends yet, and headed off to begin the rest of their journey.
Kate stood there for a while longer, feeling hopeful about this new development. A sense of warmth had begun to develop between them that she'd never experienced with him before now. Maybe Sophie had been right and spending time in a situation where they couldn't avoid each other was just what they needed. She'd have to keep an open mind about it all and see where it headed.
His movements distracted her from her thoughts. Kate's gaze lowered to his legs and she watched him walk, taking note of the way the muscles shifted beneath his smooth tanned skin. His shorts were just tight enough for her to get a decent rear view and once she'd set eyes on him she couldn't look away.
"You have a nice ass!" she yelled out before she could stop herself.
Anthony lifted his arm, did a fist pump above his head and kept trudging on.
"So that's it, then." Kate shoved her backpack into the trunk of her car and lowered the lid. Sophie had urged them to travel in one vehicle but there's only been so much togetherness they were willing to tolerate. Anthony drove himself here and parked alongside her in what was now an otherwise empty lot.
Having already stowed his bag he stood with her between their cars to say goodbye. His hands were splayed low on his hips and he regarded her with a friendlier expression than she'd grown used to expecting from him. "Yep. It didn't turn out too badly after all," he said.
Her mouth curved with a hesitant smile. "You're actually an okay person once you stop trying to be so irritating."
He chuckled as he looked her over. "And you're pretty good company when you're too tired to speak."
She huffed out a laugh and looked away, surprised by how much easier it was to be around him. The last few hours had opened her eyes to the man hidden beneath the antagonistic exterior and Kate had to reluctantly admit she liked what she'd discovered. "I hope everything's going to be okay between us at the wedding now," she said, meeting his eyes.
Anthony leaned past her to open the driver's side door, resting his arm along the top edge. "If we can manage to find some tape for your mouth to match the colour of your dress I think we'll be fine."
She laughed and gave him a playful shove. "I was being serious."
"Hey." He let go of the door and grabbed her wrists in defence, holding her at bay. "So was I."
His patient amusement and the feel of his warm fingers on her skin encouraged a twinge of something intimate and unexpected inside her. She stared at him while he held her, not sure whether she wanted him to pull her closer or release her. Going by the expression on his face she guessed similar thoughts were whirling around in his mind. "I'm done attacking you," she said, reminding him that he still held her.
"I know. I'm not letting you go just yet." Anthony kept his eyes on her while he tugged her slowly toward him. "I want to show you something."
Kate's gaze narrowed. "What?"
"Relax. Stop looking at me like I'm going to hurt you." A sliver of space separated their bodies. She could feel the heat emanating from him. "Benedict and I used to beat the crap out of each other when we were younger, as did the rest of our siblings" he said. "Our mother always stopped the fighting and made us hug, her theory being that you can't be angry at someone when you're hugging them."
"Your mother's a hippy. I'm not getting all cuddly with you." Kate teased
The sound that came from him was somewhere between a laugh and a growl. "Let’s just Try it, Kate. You can Give me hell later if it doesn't work."
Anthony released her wrists and slid his hands slowly over the curve of her shoulders. He watched her while he touched her, somehow making the connection more personal. She shivered and before she could take a bracing breath he drew her into his arms, wrapping her up in a hug so tight, so comforting, that she actually sighed.
Kate sank into the moment and turned her head to rest her cheek against his chest. Her arms came up to encircle his waist and she held him, immersing herself in his strength and warmth. His heart beat strong and steadily beneath her cheek, his chin resting on the top of her head while he kept her close. She had no idea how long they stood there like that but the feel of his palm stroking her spine, squeezing the back of her neck before it slid down again, felt so good she didn't want him to let her go.
She could've sworn he placed a soft kiss on her hair before he eventually clasped her arms to pull her back from him. The separation made her want to cry out in protest. Kate looked up at him, still dazed by the contact.
"Do you feel like arguing with me?" he asked, sweeping his thumbs over her shoulders.
She moistened her lower lip and shook her head, overwhelmed by the tenderness of the moment. Kate felt like doing something but it had nothing to do with arguing. "I take it back. She was right." Her body swayed toward him of its own accord. She laughed, uncomfortable with her needs but unwilling to give up the opportunity for more. "You're good at that. I want another one," she said.
A look of amusement passed over his features and he tugged her back into his arms without even questioning her request. She surprised herself by hugging him tightly and rubbing her cheek against his chest, soaking up the solid heat of him. His hands warmed her back, his fingers flexing against her muscles in a rubbing, massaging motion that had her closing her eyes to savour the touch. Kate's own palms moved tentatively over his spine, stroking, soothing.
He located a sore muscle just above her shoulder blade and she arched her back, pressing her body closer. She heard and felt the groan that travelled through him; a responding tingle of excitement hit her deep in her belly. Even though she'd always found him physically attractive she hadn't been able to see him as anything other than just the annoying brother of her best friend’s boyfriend. Now she could barely remember what it was about him that had rubbed her up the wrong way.
Anthony dipped his head and left a soft kiss on her temple. He kept her snugly against him with one arm while his other hand tilted her chin. She clutched his waist and held her breath as she gazed up at him, wondering what she'd find in his expression.
His brown eyes were intense as they met hers, his jaw clenched while he looked her over. His thumb swept across her lower lip and his mouth tilted in the slightest of smiles. He leaned closer and said in a low voice, "If I knew in the beginning all you needed was one good...hug to make you more agreeable, I would've done it when I first met you."
Kate scowled at him while trying to hide her smile. Just because there was a chance he might be right didn't mean she wanted him getting ahead of himself. "You think you can shut me up with a hug?"
"I doubt that'll keep you quiet. This will, though." His hand curved around her neck and he pulled her up on her toes to press his mouth to hers.
Her eyes closed and a sigh rippled through her. She grasped his t-shirt and held on. Her heart thudded and her stomach plummeted at the suddenness of it all. One thought filled her mind in that moment: Oh, God...Finally... Finally .
The kiss started out slow, his warm, firm lips coaxing hers to respond. She let him pull her along with him, opening her mouth to accept the silky invasion of his tongue. Just the tip flicked over hers then retreated, his hands resuming their arousing caresses up and down her back.
Kate trembled with a quick shiver, flattening her palms against his chest. She no longer noticed the chill in the air, the tiredness in her bones. Her mind focused entirely on Anthony, still reeling at their change in circumstances. She leaned into him. A moan came from her as her arms slid around his neck and her tongue thrust against his. The connection went deeper, the kiss turned wilder. His hands supported her while his mouth took control, guiding, arousing. She couldn't get close enough. The urge came over her to climb his body and clamp her legs at his waist.
Anthony's fingers wrapped around her ponytail and he broke the kiss to tug her head back. His lips moved over her exposed throat, flicking his tongue here, sucking lightly there and driving her to the point where she wanted to beg him for more. He dipped his tongue into the hollow at the base of her throat and her mouth dropped open. She let out a sigh, neediness growing inside her until it took on a life of its own. She sank her hands into his hair and pulled him up so she could bring his mouth back to hers.
"You're a good hugger," she said breathlessly, brushing her lips over his, "and a good kisser. That mouth...I knew you would be."
His teeth nibbled her earlobe while he gripped her ass and pulled her against him. "Wanna see something else I do well?" he asked.
Although she heard the humour in his voice his erection was impossible to miss. She knew the offer was a serious one. Desire rolled through her and she laughed when she least expected to want to laugh. "Yeah."
A husky chuckle vibrated against her throat. "Here?"
Kate's eyes flickered open, sweeping over their surroundings. They were still alone. At this late hour no one would be starting out on a hike. "Yeah," she repeated.
He groaned and took her mouth again, one hand cradling the back of her head while the other squeezed her ass, grinding her against his erection. He was hard... so hard. She slipped her hand between their bodies and stroked him, her fingertips running along his rigid length. He growled and his tongue swept over hers, his hands growing more demanding. She massaged his cock, wanting to feel his silky skin without any barriers, to find out what it was like to have him, the last man she'd ever expected to actually be with in this way, thrusting inside her, filling her, making her come.
Anthony pulled his mouth from hers and spent one breath-stealing second looking into her eyes then he turned her and closed the door, pressing her against the car. She'd expected him to drag her into the back seat, now her stomach churned in anticipation. Kate closed her eyes as his hands slipped under her t-shirt and smoothed over her ribs, roaming upwards to enclose her breasts. She let out a harsh breath, her ass pushing back against him. His hands kneaded her flesh, his thumbs slowly sweeping over her hardened nipples.
Anthony leaned down and kissed the back of her neck. His fingers tugged the cups of her bra down, shoving them under her breasts. He teased her nipple with one hand, the other drifting over her stomach to work on the button at the waistband of her shorts.
He released the catch and dipped his hand inside, slipping his fingers under her panties to discover her wet warmth. The rapid change in movement and the confidence behind his touch had her heart pounding. She pushed back even harder and let out a whimper, needing to feel his cock.
"Fuck, Kate, you're so wet." Anthony clasped her breast, teasing her nipple while his fingertips stroked her pussy.
"I need you," she said. "I need..." She dragged in a breath and leaned her forehead on the car, the cool metal a stark contrast to her flushed skin.
His hand released her breast and he grabbed the hem of her top. "Get rid of this," he said.
Kate straightened and tore her t-shirt from her body, dropping it beside her. The haze of desire had her barely able to comprehend what was happening between them. She'd started the day arguing with him and now he had her pinned against her car with her top off and his hand in her panties. "Inside me," she said. "Put your cock inside me."
He groaned and gripped the back of her shorts. "Not yet." He yanked them down with her panties until both dropped freely to her ankles. She only had a moment to feel exposed before he shocked her again by pushing his hand between her thighs. His fingers slipped into her pussy from behind while his other hand teased her clit from the front.
"Anthony!" Her hips jerked and a husky moan tore from her. Her body wanted to push back against one hand and buck forward against the other. His wrist nestled between her legs, his fingers driving slowly into her. Her eyes clenched shut and she felt him kiss her throat. The cool breeze caressed her bare skin.
He circled her clit, teasing and massaging, his strokes firm and thorough. His fingers kept steadily pumping, lifting her to her toes with the pleasure they brought to her. He surrounded her, overwhelmed her. She could smell his clean sweat...feel his strength. He aroused her beyond control.
Kate pressed her palms to the roof of her car, needing to hang on to something, anything. Her eyes flickered open and she focused on his reflection in the glass. His mouth moved to her jaw where he left soft, damp kisses on her skin.
"I'm going to make you come," he said, his voice a low rumble beside her ear. "Then I'm going to fuck you hard...right here...outside...where anyone could see you." He timed his words with the thrust of his fingers, each pump growing in intensity until he had her begging for release.
She lowered one hand to her breast, cupping her flesh, rubbing her nipple. He massaged her clit, caressing the sensitive bud until she just couldn't take any more. Her hips moved back again and again to meet the slide of his fingers. She bent her head and sucked in air as it came over her. Her body shuddered and her hips lifted from his hand. She moaned, losing herself in the moment until she finally closed her eyes and cried out, "Anthony. Oh...my God!"
She nearly collapsed but his arm wrapped around her. Kate relaxed against him, letting him take her weight as her body shook with the last of her tremors. He groaned and kissed her cheek, his lips lingering. "You might be a pain in the ass but you're an unbelievably sexy pain in the ass."
She managed a smile; she would have laughed if she still had her wits about her. Kate leaned her head on his shoulder and felt his fingers leave her. He kissed her jaw and moved behind her. A few seconds later the sound of a zipper filled the silence and a new wave of desire crashed through her.
She closed her eyes, tilting her hips backwards to welcome the thick glide of his cock. He sank inside her, filling her, letting out a deep sigh as she took him in. His hips rested against her then he drew back and plunged inside her again. "Ohhh...that feels..." Kate tried to put the words together but they wouldn't come. "I can't even speak."
Anthony slipped one arm across the front of her hips, keeping her right where he wanted her. His other hand gathered her wrists together and rested them on the roof of her car. Her breasts flattened against the glass. He leaned on her back, his thrusts gaining intensity. Kate felt his harsh breaths on her neck, the flex of his fingertips digging into her hip. The sensations were almost too much but she didn't want him to stop. She wanted the closeness between them to continue on...and on.
His hold on her tightened as his cock plunged inside her. He lowered his head and pressed his lips to her cheek, her throat, his mouth hot and damp on her skin. "Kate," he said, his deep voice sounding breathless beside her ear. "Kate."
Her eyes drifted open. The way he spoke her name made her stomach flutter. He drove into her so hard that she cried out with every thrust. He kept up the pace for so long that his stamina left her breathless. She braced herself for something that seemed just out of reach but then without warning it came over her again. Her muscles tensed as it hit her in a rush. She pulsed deep inside, her stomach clenching, her thighs clamping around him. A low scream came from her and she quivered in his arms.
Anthony gave her a squeeze and let go of her wrists. He cupped her breast, holding her while his thrusts slowed to a deep grind. Kate rested her palm over his hand, whispering unintelligible words. He pressed his lips to her cheek and let out a long, shuddering breath as he came inside her.
The only sounds for a while were the wind rustling through the trees and the distant call of a flock of birds. The afternoon had begun to slip into early evening, the shadows lengthening across the ground. Neither of them spoke as he withdrew from her and tucked himself back into his shorts. Kate felt exposed now the urgency had passed, the cold air sending a shiver through her. She pulled up the cups of her bra and busied herself redressing, trying not to think too much about whether or not she'd get the opportunity to do this again with him. Now she'd experienced a taste of him; it only made her want more, much more.
She finally looked up only to discover Anthony standing there with his hands in his pockets, watching her with an amused expression. "You're overthinking this now, aren't you," he said.
"No, I'm not." Kate smiled at him, refusing to let on what had been going through her mind just now. "I'm wondering how you're going to go about telling my best friend you seduced me and took advantage of me."
His eyes glimmered with humour as he looked her over. "Some things are best kept quiet. I'd hate to stress out the bride. She has enough to worry about." He dipped his head and pressed his lips to hers, silencing her with a deep leisurely kiss. When he eventually pulled away the sweetness of it had her leaning forward for more. He smiled and kissed her again, slipping a hand from his pocket to curve around her neck. This time when he broke the contact he rested his forehead against hers. "I'm giving you fair warning we'll be doing this again soon ...and if you say no I have my ways of convincing you to change your mind."
Kate bit her lip to try to contain the happiness that wanted to break free. Despite everything that had occurred between them she still couldn't resist the temptation to stir him up a little. "No," she said, her smile issuing a challenge she knew he'd take on.
Kate stood with the other guests and watched as Benedict led Sophie through the bridal waltz, the vision of them together under the subtle lighting one of the most romantic she'd ever seen. Sophie looked stunning in her strapless white dress with diamonds sparkling at her neck, her blonde hair arranged in a bun. Benedict made a handsome figure with his dark hair and charcoal suit. Neither of them could take their eyes off each other.
The wedding and the reception had turned out to be perfect. Everything fell into place just as Kate had expected it would under the supervision of her well-organised best friend. Even the weather had cooperated.
She heard the DJ interrupt the music to announce the best man and maid of honour would now be joining the happy couple on the floor. Just as Kate turned her head to search for Anthony he appeared at her side and held his elbow out for her. No matter how many times she'd seen him today dressed in his suit and crisp white shirt, he still took her breath away. She smiled up at him and linked her arm through his, following him out to the middle of the dance floor.
He took her in his arms, gazing down at her as they danced. The intimacy in his expression would be impossible to miss for anyone who happened to be watching them. Kate had given up trying to hide the developing relationship between them now the formalities of the day were over. She'd chosen to just enjoy it for what it was and try not to think too far ahead. They'd spent every night together this past week and the passion they shared in the parking lot had turned out to only be a hint of what was to come.
"I like you in a dress," he said as he turned with her in his arms.
Kate wore a strapless berry-coloured gown and her hair had been styled similar to Sophie's, sitting off to the side in a low, intricate bun. "So you've said about a hundred times. I like you in a suit but that's not going to happen every day either."
He raised his brows and gave her a once over. "So this is the first and last time I'll ever see your legs, apart from when we're..."
Her eyes widened and she spoke to him in a loud whisper. "Oh, my God. Don't talk to me like that in front of everyone. They're all watching!"
"What?" Anthony stared at her as if she'd taken him all wrong. He kept his voice low as he continued on. "You have a dirty mind. That was completely innocent. I was just going to say 'when we're fucking'."
Kate tipped her head back and laughed, her body swaying toward him. He pulled her closer, wrapping her up in his arms. Even though they were surrounded by family and friends and supposed to still be dancing Anthony had a way about him that made her get all caught up in his world and forget about what was going on around her.
He dipped her in his arms, leaning down to press his lips to her throat. She closed her eyes and smiled, realising she couldn't think of anywhere she'd rather be in that moment
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httpdwaekki · 1 month
tummy | s.c.
wc: 2.7k
summary: binnie is feeling a bit insecure about he tummy, but you’re there to tell him how much you love it.
warnings: smut 18+ (MDNI), chubbyfem!reader, tummy praise !!!, petnames, hand job (m. rec), unprotected sex (use protection!!), crying, def more, read at ur own risk!!
a/n: happy binnie day!!! happy birthday to my favorite boy <33 and of course i had to do a lil something for his tummy :3 this is week two or binnie month w @straykeedz !! special thank you to @thefantasyden for doing a quick proofread for me <33. i hope you enjoy, remember to eat, drink water and take your meds, ily <3
자기야 = honey.
my library | bee’s vers | bee | binnie month | fundraiser
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(photos not mine! credit to owners!)
you love binnie’s tummy, you never let him forget it, and you touch it every chance you get.
but you had noticed a slight change in him. he was wearing less compression shirts and would tense up whenever you’d even brush his tummy. you knew what was happening, you knew the feeling all too well.
you made it your mission to make sure he knew how much you loved his tummy. and you finally got your chance.
you walk into your bedroom to find him laying on your bed, fresh out of the shower, towel wrapped around his waist. the water droplets still drying on his tan skin - his soft tummy on full display. he had his legs hanging off the front of your bed, scrolling through his phone, oblivious to your presence.
you make your way over to where he was, grabbing his attention as you climb onto the bed. he moves his phone, focusing on you as you move to lay on his tummy. you feel him tense for a moment, before he relaxes, putting his phone down next to him, giving you a soft smile.
“hi 자기야.” he whispers, placing one hand on your cheek, the other laying the cover the rest of his tummy. you feel a pang in your chest as you glance at his hand, covering his tan skin.
“hi bub.” you whisper back, placing a hand on top of the one that’s on your cheek. you look at each other for a moment before you turn your head, placing kisses across his soft tummy, feeling him tense once more
your hand still holding his, thumb brushing his fingers in a soothing motion- you sit up on your knees next to him, taking his free hand in yours.
you lean down, placing more kisses, looking up at him through your lashes as you place your lips across his plush tummy. you pull away, moving yourself to straddle him, placing his hands to your soft thighs.
you lean down to become eye level with him, place your hands on his cheeks. his eyes are wide, filled with confusion, the slightest glint of unshed tears.
“you know you’re gorgeous right?” you ask searching his eyes for any refusal. “and that i love your tummy so much, it’s one of my favorite parts of you.” the tears now prominent on his lash line, he shakes his head slighty. your heart breaks a little, you feel a familiar sting behind your eyes.
“you know how you always tell me how much you love every part of me, especially my tummy because you know i’m eating good and healthy.” he nods his head as a tear slips down his face. you quickly wipe the tear, continuing the soothing motion.
“i feel the same way about you. you’re the reason i can look at my tummy and not feel completely disgusted with myself. because i see a piece of you in myself when i look in the mirror. and i could never feel that way about you.” you feel a tear slip down your cheek, ignoring it, focusing on the man in front of you.
you lean back, quickly ridding yourself of your shirt, exposing your chubby tummy to him. leaving you in only your pink panties, feeling vulnerable under his gaze. you place his hands on either side of your waist, before continuing, “is this ugly or disgusting to you?” you ask quietly, slightly scared of the answer but you knew he needed this.
he shakes his head quickly, more tears shedding in wake of the movement. “then why is it any different from this?” you place your hands on his soft tummy.
you lean down, placing more kisses to the area, rubbing gentle circles to his sides as you do. his hands fall to your thighs once again, drawing circles on each one.
you kiss your way up his sternum, giving his pecs a few stare kisses as well before each nipple. he inhales a sharp breath as you kiss the sensitive buds.
you kiss all the way up his neck, across his jawline, each cheek before coming face to face with him. “i love you no matter what you look like,” you pause looking into his eyes, “as long as you’re happy and healthy, i don’t care if you have abs or a chubby tummy. as long as you are alive and well i will love you and your body no matter what, okay?”
his eyes are bloodshot but full of love as they look into yours. he sniffles, nodding his head before you lean down, giving him a passionate kiss. you bring one hand up to his cheek, the other staying on his tummy.
his hand moves to your cheek, pulling you impossibly closer. after a couple minutes, you pull away resting your forehead against his, both of you catching your breath.
“i love you so much.” he whispers, his chest raising and falling as he breathes. you smile pressing a kiss to the corner of his mouth. “can i show you how much i love you?” you ask quietly against his skin.
he nods softly, pulling you back to his lips once more. you slowly make your way back down his body, leaving kisses as you make your way down, sparing a few extra to his tummy. you carefully kneel in front of the bed as he sits up.
you undo his towel, revealing his semi hard length, his pink tip leaking slightly. you give his thighs soft kiss each, causing him to tense, inhaling sharply, looking down at you.
you kiss your way up his thigh before grabbing his cock, give his tip a kiss. you move up, placing a kiss to his lips. “relax pretty boy,” you whisper against his lips, your thumb brushing his tip, causing him to stutter. “i got you, 자기야.” he groans into your mouth, kissing you before pulling away.
“you’re gonna be the death of me.” he sighs, leaning back on his hands. you giggle, placing kisses on body as you stroke his dick, making sure to pay extra attention to the glistening tip.
“god i love your tummy,” you say quietly into the soft flesh, picking up your movements, tightening your hand slightly.
“ah- fuck.” he hisses, throwing his head back, a hand coming up to cover his face. you grab his hand on his face, lacing his finger through yours, placing the intertwined hands on his thigh.
you feel his tummy tighten under your lips, signaling him coming closer to his release. you kiss your way up his body once, making it up to his ear, nibbling on the lobe.
“i know you close baby boy,” you kiss behind his ear, “let go.” you place a kiss to his jaw, giving extra attention to his tip, sending him tumbling into his release.
he squeezes your hand, turning his head into you as he groans, his cum spurts all over his soft tummy and your hands. you stroke him through his orgasm, his breathing heavy as he comes down from his high.
you pull away, looking at the mess he created, wasting no time bringing your hand down up to lick the salty substance off your fingers. you keep eye contact as you pull the digits out of your mouth.
“god i fucking love you.” he grabs your cheeks pulling your lips back to his. you grab the edge of the large towel, wiping his tummy before he grabs your hips, manhandling you onto his lap. you let out a noise of surprise into his mouth and as he grips your waist.
your arms wrap around his shoulder as he pulls your legs to wrap around his waist, pulling back slightly. “hold on sweet girl.” he warns but barely gives you time to react before he stands up.
he tosses the towel to the side, before laying you on the mattress. he places a kiss to the white bow on your panties, moving up to your soft tummy. mirroring exactly what you did to him, placing soft kisses over your tummy, trailing them up your sternum, placing a kiss to each peaked bud.
his arms move to cage you in, kissing up your neck and jaw, coming face to face to you. you smile, your hands coming up to lay on his biceps, turning your head to give one a kiss. “hi 자기야.” he whispers, loving eyes, flicker across your whole face.
“hi pretty boy.” you whisper back, bringing your hand up to lay against his chubby cheek. your thumb brushes his soft lips as he places a kiss to your kiss, pulling a giggle from you.
“as much as i love you worshiping my body, i thought it’s your turn this time big boy.” you lean up, placing a kiss on his soft lips. you tap his bicep, “come on.” you say against his lips.
he sighs before flipping over, laying flat on his back next to you. you sit up on your knees patting his thigh, “scoot up bub.” he complies, moving to lay against the pillows.
once he settled you moved to straddle him, your clothed core pressing against his bare semi hard cock. you lean down, hands finding his plush tummy once more as your lips find his.
you rock your hips, as your lips move against his, feeling him harden beneath your soaked panties. he has one hand positioned on your thigh, the other on your cheek, keeping you close to him.
he moaned into the kiss, kneading the soft flesh of your thigh. you pull away, sliding your thumbs into the waistband of your pink garment. you move your leg to get up but he quickly brings a hand up to stop it.
you pause looking at him, silently asking him what was wrong. “sorry-“ he gently pulls your leg back to the bed, bringing his hands to your hips. “can you just- lean back for me for a second baby.”
you listen, leaning back, placing your hands between his legs for balance. your legs spread a bit at the action, revealing the darkened spot on your panties to him.
he brings his hand up to rest on your pelvis, thumb rubbing slow circles on your clothes clit. “ah.” you sigh at the slight stimulation, your breathing picking up. he slowly picks up the pace, “look you, my sweet girl, treating me so well.” he sits up, causing you to fall back a little further.
he places kisses in the little bow on your waistband before sparing a kiss to your tummy. “my baby deserves something too, no?” his circles becoming faster and tighter, just like the coil in your belly.
“ah- bin-nie” you stutter, the more the coil tightens. you’re breathing is heavy, your hips have amind of their own, grinding against the signle digit.
“come on, bunny, give it to me, give it to binnie.” his words causing the coil to snap instantly.
“ah- fuck!” you whine, bringing a hand up to your tit, squeezing the soft flesh, brushing your senstive nipples in the process. “binnie- ah.” you moan as he continues the stimulation through your high.
once you come down he takes in the now bigger darkened patch. he places a kiss to the soaked fabric before tapping your leg, helping you pull off the material.
once you relax again, back in your previous position, leaning on your elbows this time. he uses one hand to spread your lips, giving your bundle a flick or two, your legs spasm at the action.
you sit back up, meeting him face to face, pushing him back down on the bed, “this is still about you, you know?” you ask, rolling your hips, causing your wet core to slide against his hard cock.
“you ready?” you whisper, looking into his eyes. he nods leaning up to give your lips a peck. you reached down, pumping his length a few times before rubbing his angry, leaking tip between your wet folds.
“ah fuck bunny.” he hisses, his hands finding your thighs once more, gripping the flesh. you whine as you slowly sink down on his thick length, thankful for your arousal allowing for easier access.
once you’re fully seated on his cock you lay onto his chest for a moment, enjoying the closeness and getting used to the stretch. he brings his arm to wrap around you, placing a kissing to the side of your head before you lift it.
“hi pretty boy.” you say softly, smile spreading across your face. “hi pretty girl.” he replies just as softly, smile gracing his lips.
you place you hands firming on his chest, bouncing slightly, your mouth falling open at the sensation. “fuck.” you whisper, dropping your head in pure bliss.
his cock stretching you so deliciously, the postion making it so he hits that one gummy spot that makes your toes curl. changbin wasn’t doing much better, one hand on your knee, the other squeezing your tit, pinching your nipples.
“ah! fuck i’m so full.” you groan, feeling filled to the brim and loving every second.
his hand drops to your bundle of nerves, pulling a high pitched moan from you. you slide your hands down to his soft tummy, loving the way it feels under your touch.
“fuck look at you,” you look at him as you bounce. “my big boy making me feel so good, like no else ever could.” you caress the soft skin, feeling him tense under your touch as your own release approaches.
“fuck i love you so much.” he groans, before thrusting up into your, making you lost your balance and fall into his chest. “i love you too.” you moan.
“rub your pretty little clit for me baby.” you comply, to fucked out to think about anything but changbin and your release.
you bring your hand down between your bodies, finding the senstive nub, rubbing quick circles. you clench at the added stimulation, pulling a groan from the man below you.
“god it’s like you’re made for me.” you nod, tears feeling your eyes because of the pleasure and love you have for him. he wraps his arms around you, rubbing your back as you ride him.
“made for binnie.” you babble, your circles getting sloppier, boucy becoming hard as your legs give out.
he takes notice of this, wrapping his arms tighter before quickly thrusting into you, pulling a silent scream from you. your eyes roll to the back of your head as changbin pounds into you, chasing both your releases.
“ah! fuck i love you, you fill me up so good, mine.” you babble, pure ecstasy floods your veins.
“i can feel it 자기야, let go for me, show me how much you love me.” the coil snaps once more, you’re not even sure you’re rubbing your clit, your fingers just brushing it with every thrust.
he follows soon after, your release was enough to send him other the edge. “ah- fuck .” he moans in your ear as he cums. he fucks you through both your orgasms before he stills, keeping you on him.
after a few moments you finally places your hands on his chest, gaining some sort of leverage to look at him. you whine as you feel him shift inside of you as you move.
you place a hand to his flushed cheek, rubbing it softly. “i love you soso much, no matter what you look like, that will never change.” you kiss him passionately, wrapping your arms around him as best you could.
you both wince at the movement, both of you feeling senstive. “i love you too my beautiful girl.” he kisses the side of your face wrapping his arms around you.
after a moment or too he taps you butt (to watch it jiggle) to signal you to get up. you slowly make your way off him, his soft length slipping out of you with ease, his cum sure to follow.
once you both pee, get changed and change the sheets, you cuddle up in bed, laying on his naked chest, pressing kisses every few seconds.
“i love you, bin, not matter what you look like okay? you’re mine forever.” you mumble into his pec, placing a kiss over his heart as if to seal it.
“i wouldn’t want it any other way.” you whispers , placing a kiss to your temple at you both drift off in each other’s arms.
do not repost
(comments and reblogs are always appreciated <3)
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crimsonbubble · 1 year
Cod men being absolute munches please ❤️❤️
cw. nsfw, afab!reader, oral, overstimulation, panty stealing (dont ask pls im depraved), beard burn, scent kink of some sort *not proofread, just pure horny
kinktober masterlist
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ghost is messy and kinda pervy. like he'll keep his mask on when he tells you to sit on his face type messy. will not take the mask off until you've soaked through it but you can feel his tongue push against the rough fabric as he bumps it against your clit. he has definitely used the soaked mask as fap material when he's away from you. though he's not opposed to stealing your panties if his masks aren't available to him.
if ghost was messy, then soap is sloppy. he's doped out on your taste and scent. he just wants all his senses to be you. loves to squeeze your hips while your push his face closer against your pretty cunt. once he starts, he won't stop. he just thinks you always have too much on your mind, so he's doing you a favour and making him the only thing on your mind. also, you just look extra pretty when you're tearing up sensitivity. loves how you can't tell if you want to pull him closer or push him away.
price is so so attentive. he's peering up at you as he sucks your pretty clit into his mouth. makes your thighs clench around his head just because he loves seeing how easily your body reacts to him. also loves to hear you complain that your skin is raw and sensitive but then again it is unbelievably hot to see your captain's beard dripping in your arousal.
gaz loves to have you sit on his face. literally smother him, it's what he wants. heavily encourages you to ride his face as you please. grabs your ass like he's getting paid to do so. can not and will not keep his hands off you. if you offer to suck him off, good god he'd make sure to give you the most mind blowing, toe curling, gut wrenching orgasm ever.
alejandro loves control, but he's always willing to sacrifice it for you. he'll let you take the reigns; want to sit on his face? he'll happily lie down for you. want to have him on his kness? he's already there. while his mouth is busy working on your sticky cunt, his hands are roaming all over you. it's like he's trying to commit the curves and slopes of your body to memory.
rudy is a certified lover boy. literal hearts in his eyes when he's needy for you. wants, no needs you to sit on his face. he just wants to feel your thighs on him. holds your hips down on his face so he can tongue fuck you and bump his nose into your clit.
horangi downright abuses your sweet little clit. he can't help it, you make the sweetest noises when he overstims you. he'll pin your hips down on the bed so he can trace his name on your clit with his tongue. loves to hold eye contact with you when he goes down on you. def the type to stop when you close your eyes or look away.
konig forces you to put your weight down on him. don't just hover on him. sit on him. full weight. doesn't matter if he can breathe or not. though he prefers to situate himself between your thighs with his hood on, so you can't see what he's gonna do. once you cum on his face, he isn't letting you go until you do it again. forces your body to move along his face so he can continue to please you.
keegan finds it more amusing to just pull his mask up over his nose to eat you out. simply bc he can't be bothered to take it off completely. he's a clit kisser. and he makes out with your pussy too. sitting in his office chair while he's kneeling under his desk so he can eat you out. loves to finger you while he kisses and licks your clit.
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taifenggg · 2 months
Drunk Luci shyly “breaking into” MC’s room in tears because he can’t suck his own dick is absolutely sending me into hysterics
"MC I'm having a dilemma and only you can help me" and there's tears streaming down his face.
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scream4ash · 2 months
size kink w/ amber??
silly lil drabble bc i’m too fucked up to write smthn real
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my gf is just so silly n so pretty 😵‍💫
amber freeman x f!reader
warnings: smut 18+; strap on (r giving); size kink; name calling?; multiple orgasms; spanking; pussy slapping; pussy eating; subby!amber >_<
summary: ambs just wants needs her pretty cunny stretched out 😣😣
a/n: sorry guys, i genuinely haven’t been sober in weeks. i would say i’m trying, but i’m really not. addiction sucks, don’t do it. again, sorry for these fuck ass drabbles.
nsfw content below, mdni.
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loosely inspired by this
“a-ah, fuck.” a strained moan left amber’s lips, her head lulling forward. ur hips gained a faster pace, thrusting the giant dildo into her stretched cunt faster, smacking her ass.
“fucking whore. jus’ been needing me to stretch ur pretty cunny, hm baby?” ur words were mocking, ur hands guiding her hips to get her to take more of the fake cock. u could see the way her cunt stretched around the silicon, the way her thighs trembled as she struggled to ride u.
“y/n!”, she nearly sobbed as u pulled her down, forcing the whole length into her tight pussy. she wiggled her ass from side to side, enjoying the feeling of being so fucking full. u let out a soft moan feeling the friction against ur core. fingers grip the fat of her ass, nearly whining as u watched her.
“fuck, ambs. u like it? u like being full?”, u asked mockingly, delivering a harsh smack to her ass. “since u like being so fucking full, ride.” ur tone was harsh, demanding. the hand still on her hip guided her to start riding, the strap brushing against ur clit perfectly. “amber, shit. look s’ pretty, baby. taking my big fat cock.”
u hear a choked sob leave her lips, though her hips moved faster, her pussy practically swallowing the fake dick. “gon’- gonna cum y/n.. oh, fuck!”, her words are slurred, too caught up in her pleasure.
“c’mon, amber. don’t tell me this little fucking made u stupid now. u know what u gotta do, pretty girl.”, u said sternly, thrusting ur hips up in timing with hers. the base of the strap hit ur clit perfectly, bringing u closer n closer to ur orgasm.
“please.. lemme-“, she cuts herself off with a moan, speeding up her bounces. u can see her pussy clench around ur cock, how she’s practically sucking it in. “fuck.. lemme- lemme cum, y/n.. please..” her ass jiggled each time ur guys’ hips met. it was the prettiest sight u had ever seen.
her melodic moans and pleas were music to ur ears. u wanted to be mean, to edge her, but u couldn’t. not when she sounded so pretty. not when u were this close to ur own climax.
“c’mon, baby.. cum for me, u fucking whore.”, ur words are followed by a low groan, ur hands guiding her hips to speed up. her hips stuttered, her thighs trembling in ur hold.
u didn’t even need the breathy “i’m- i’m cumming..”, that left her pouty lips to know she was cumming. she continued to bounce on the silicone cock, riding out her orgasm.
u felt ur own climax building, just begging for release. “ambs, fuck.. ‘m gonna cum baby..”
she rolled her hips against the strap, watching u over her shoulder. “oh?”, she muttered teasingly, tugging her bottom lip between her teeth seductively. “u gonna cum inside me? i want u to fill me up..” she shook her ass teasingly, watching pleasure overtake ur features.
“amber, fuck..” u thrusted ur hips up, u moaned in sync with each other, her second orgasm of the night approaching.
her soft moans turned into broken cries, just begging to cum, begging for u to cum. u cum with a breathy moan, a whine getting caught in the back of ur throat. u watch her pussy cum around ur cock for the second time tonight, seeing a creamy, white ring around the base.
u pull out of her, lightly slapping her pussy, chucking when u heard a soft cry from her. “c’mon, baby.. i wanna taste u, lay down for me.”, u said sweetly, undoing the straps around ur waist and putting the toy aside.
she layed back against the duvet, spreading her legs, giving u a glimpse of her ruined pussy. she looked so pretty like this, her lip tugged between her teeth, her stretched pussy lips glistening with cum and a fresh layer of arousal.
u dip ur finger into her pussy, a playful ‘tsk’ leaving ur lips when she tries to pull away. “just lay there and take it, baby.. be a good girl.”, u mutter sweetly, pressing a kiss against her thigh. u attach ur lips to her clit almost immediately, moaning into her pussy when she tugs at ur hair.
“baby, fuck.. fuckfuckfuck..”, she whispers as she desperately tries to push u away from her overstimulated cunt. she arches into u, whining so pathetically when u pin her against the bed by her thighs. u flick ur tongue against her clit, pushing two fingers into her dripping hole.
“i know u have one more for me, ambs.. c’mon.. jus’ lemme have one more..”, u mutter against her pussy, ur words muffled by her cunt. she bucks her hips into ur mouth, moaning.
u feel her walls squeeze ur fingers, her clit pulsing against ur tongue rhythmically, she was close. u trace hearts against her hips with ur thumb, speeding up ur assault on her pussy.
she cums with a silent scream, her head thrown back in ecstasy. her thighs tremble, her hands pushing u away once she finally came down, overstimulation becoming a very real thing. u trail gentle kisses up her body, finally pressing a kiss against her lips.
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a/n2: so uh, this is actually really long. but it’s pure smut. maybe even the best thing i’ve ever written. in my opinion, at least. yay4relapse?!!?!?
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pedrospatch · 1 year
a safe haven l five
Jackson! Joel Miller x Female Reader
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series masterlist
summary: You and Ellie have a talk outside your house in the middle of the night and you discover her secret; Joel asks you one more time to tell him to back off and you don’t comply.
warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI. (TW) mention of reader’s injuries from the previous chapter (very minimal use of color description, i try to keep it was vague as possible), mentions of domestic violence, talk of possible infertility, pregnancy loss, reader describes her miscarriage (mention of cramping/bleeding), infedility. SMUT. fingering, oral sex (f receiving).
Word Count: 7.5k
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You stare up blankly into the pitch black darkness of your bedroom—at Luke’s request, you’d drawn the linen curtains over the window, keeping out the moonlight so it wouldn’t disturb his slumber. Unable to see the hour on your watch, you can’t be too sure as to what time it is, but you’re fairly certain it’s well past the middle of the night, possibly even past the earlier hours of the morning. The harder that you try forcing yourself to fall asleep, the more you find yourself tossing and turning under the covers in frustration. It’s beginning to break what little sanity you have left and eventually, you realize it’s better just to give up on sleep altogether.
Luke is laying beside you, although he’d rolled over onto his side with his back to you. He had gone straight to bed after dinner while you’d been washing the dishes and cleaning up the kitchen and you couldn’t have been more grateful. You often have very little choice but to fulfill your wifely duties in the bedroom, but lately, Luke had been so tired that he hadn’t even bothered with you, and for that, you’d also been grateful. You had grown to loathe whenever he touched you, it disgusted you whenever he would kiss you or put his hands on you in an intimate manner—you couldn’t even stand it when he so much as breathed in your direction.
Being careful not to wake him, you swing your legs over the side of the mattress and climb out of bed, quietly padding your way over into the bathroom. Closing the door, you flip on the lights and take a look at yourself in the large, oval shaped mirror hanging on the wall above the porcelain sink. You begin to silently inspect your reflection, silently praying that you’d somehow made it through another incident with Luke unscathed. Though your face still stings, thankfully no mark from the blow had been left behind—the same can’t be said for your upper arm. Your skin is blemished, soft flesh tender and irritated from the iron grip he’d had on you earlier in the kitchen. It’s splotched, and the harder you stare at it, the easier it is to make out the shape of his fingerprints, an injury you can’t exactly blame on running into the door or an accidental kick from a horse.
It would be hell having to wear a shirt with longer sleeves to cover yourself up in this heat while working outside in the paddock and inside the stables—the mere thought of it alone makes you sweat. Either that or you can hide away at home for a few days until the marks heal, or at least start to fade. It wouldn’t be the first time you’d have to pretend to be sick and miss your work duties long enough for an injury to heal.
You take the thin, cotton gray robe hanging from a hook on the bathroom door and tug it on over your sleepwear before turning off the lights and stepping out of the bathroom. Brushing past your bed, you slip out of the bedroom. You’re careful to be quiet as you swiftly make your way downstairs and dip out through the front door and onto the porch. During the day, the weather is scorching, but evenings aren’t quite as bad—you wrap the billowy fabric of your robe around yourself as you sink down, taking a seat on the top step of the porch.
“Fuck,” you mutter softly.
Covering your face with both hands, you shake your head as you will yourself to keep it together—you fail at holding back the incoming tears. You curse again, angry at yourself for crying over Luke. Bastard doesn’t deserve a single tear, and yet, the number of them you’d shed over him in the last couple of years would be enough to power the hydroelectric dam outside the town’s walls.
You lift a hand to your mouth and muffle your sobs, but one or two slip out into the silence of the night. Not that it matters, because no one’s around to hear them. Besides the patrolmen working the wall on the opposite end of the settlement, everyone is at home, fast asleep in their beds. No one in their right mind was up at this hour if they didn’t have to be. Or so you’d thought.
The familiar sound of Ellie’s voice saying your name startles you, prompting you to let out a loud, audible gasp as your head snaps up and whips to the side. Instinctively, you reach up and quickly, almost furiously, wipe at your eyes with the sleeve of your robe. “Ellie?” you say her name in a confused, questioning manner as she approaches. Though your voice is thick with your emotions, your concern for her is still evident in your tone. “What are you doing outside at this time of night? What’s the matter? Is everything alright?”
“I couldn’t really sleep, so I decided to take a stroll. Wanted to get some fresh air,” she says. She draws closer to you and in the soft, dim glow of the porch light, she notices the tear stains that streak the sides of your face. “You know, I thought I heard someone crying and for a minute, I could’ve sworn I was losing my fucking shit or something. But I guess not.” Pausing, she shoves her hands into the packets of her plaid pajama pants. “You okay? And before you lie to me and say that you’re fine, just know that I’m not blind and I’m as hell not fucking stupid, either.”
You could have laughed—you actually almost do.
The girl’s too smart for her own good.
“Mind if I sit with you?” Ellie asks, gesturing with a nod of her head to the spot beside you.  
You nod and as she sits down, your hand wraps itself around your sore arm. It’s not like she can see it through the sleeve of your robe, but it’s a force of habit. Hiding this, concealing that—covering it all up.
It’s wired into your brain.
Ellie pulls her hands out of her pockets and brings one of them onto your bare knee in a soft, light slap. “Alright, princess. Fess up.” She’d pinned you with that nickname since the night she had seen you in a dress at the party. Nudging your side with her elbow, she continues to say, “Talk to me. What happened?”
“Ellie—” You abruptly stop, realizing it’s a waste of breath trying to convince her that nothing is wrong. You’d gotten to know just how stubborn that she could be. Exhaling a sigh of defeat, you confess, “I had a fight with Luke.”
“What did he do?”
Perplexed, you turn and raise an eyebrow at her. Ellie still hadn’t had the chance to meet Luke, and after what he’d said about her, you had every intention of keeping it that way—you want him to stay far, far away from her. Still, her assumption about him being the one at fault catches you off guard. It makes you wonder just how observant the teenager really is and whether or not she has any preconceived notions about your marriage. “What makes you think that it was him? How do you know it wasn’t my fault?”
Ellie scoffs, “Please. What on earth could little miss perfect possibly do wrong?”
Another one of her silly nicknames for you.
Unable to help yourself, you crack a small smile.
You release a breathy little laugh and feel another tear slide down the side of your face. Reaching up, you wipe it away with the back of your hand. “I’m not perfect, Ellie. I’m far from it, actually,” you tell her, quietly. “I haven’t always been the best wife—definitely not a perfect one, that’s for damn sure. You might not believe me, but I’ve made my fair share of mistakes in the past, and those mistakes really caused a rift between us that we were never quite able to repair.”
Her eyebrows knit together. “Aw, come on. What could you have done that was so fucking terrible?”
You sigh.
“When my father got sick, I let myself drift away. I just had so much on my plate between learning how to take care of the horses and looking after my father as his health deteriorated. It was so overwhelming and I just—I shut Luke out.” You don’t have the slightest clue as to why you’re confessing any of this to a fifteen year old, but it eases the heaviness, lifts a weight that you’d been carrying on your shoulders for far, far too long. “I neglected him, Ellie. I neglected him, and I neglected my marriage.” Your voice breaks off into a trembling whisper, prompting her to nudge you with her elbow once more. Though she hadn’t said anything, it was her way of encouraging you to let it out and god only knew that you needed to get the guilt off your chest and out into the open. Luke is an awful man and you don’t want to justify the terrible things he’s done to you, but you still feel partially responsible for how badly things had fallen apart, how they began crumbling long before the first time he’d ever put his hands on you. “I know Luke never forgave me for that, Ellie. In fact, I would say he fucking hates me for it.”
“Your dad was fucking dying! You had to learn how to be a veterinarian in what—a year or two?” Ellie sounds angry and it doesn’t surprise you. You know she’s grown to love you over the last couple of months—you two spend more time with one another than with anyone else and have become incredibly close. Ellie takes a moment to calm herself down before asking, “How long have you and Luke been married to each other, anyway?”
“For about a few years now. We’ve been together since I got to Jackson,” you explain. “A few months after we met, we exchanged vows in the old church that’s just up the road.”
Ellie brings her knees up and hugs them against her chest. “Can I ask you something? It’s really fucking personal, though.” She notices the amused look you toss at her and rolls her eyes. “More personal than what I’ve asked you up until now.”
“Depends. How personal are we talking?” Though you’re mostly joking, part of you is worried about what’s going to come out of the brazen teenager’s mouth. 
“How come you and Luke don’t have any kids?”
Your eyes fall down to your hands, which you’re subconsciously wringing together anxiously in your lap. “I don’t know, Ellie.”
“What do you mean you don’t know?”
“Exactly that. I don’t know.” You shrug and feel her lean against you as you elaborate on it a little further. “Once we’d realized that Jackson was just about as safe and secure as we could hope for, we tried starting a family. We wanted to have children like the other couples here in the community, but it never happened for us. I did get pregnant once. It was right before my dad got sick. I miscarried just a couple of days after taking one of those home pregnancy tests. I had just told Maria about the positive result—I was at her place when I started cramping, and then I started bleeding a little bit. Luke said it was normal for some women to experience that, but the next morning, I used the bathroom and—” You trail off, letting her piece together the last piece of the puzzle.
“Shit, I’m sorry—”
“It’s alright,” you reassure her, not wanting her to feel bad for having asked. “Anyway, after a couple of months, we decided to try for another baby, but I never got pregnant again.” Out of the corner of your eye, you notice the expression on her face and beat her to the punch. “And before you ask me, we don’t know who the problem is. It could be me, it could be Luke—it could be both of us for all we know. But without proper medical testing, there’s no way we can know for sure what’s going on. It’s something that we’re probably never going to figure out.”
For a moment, Ellie’s silent. 
You can feel she’s itching to ask another question, tell that it’s right there on the tip of her tongue.
“Go ahead,” you encourage her. “It’s okay.”
“Are you happy with Luke?”
You hadn’t known what to expect.
But you certainly hadn’t expected that.  
Maybe you should have. 
Masking the shock on your expression, you turn to her and say, “He’s my husband, Ellie.”
She blinks. “You didn’t answer the question.”
You open your mouth to speak, but words fail you, and you quickly clamp it shut.
She’d stumped you. Hard.
After a minute, Ellie laughs, “Well, your silence answered the question a hell of a lot better than you fucking did, princess.” She sees you wring your hands together again and her grin fades. She speaks again, her tone going serious. “I don’t get it. If you’re not happy with him, then why not leave and find someone you can actually be happy with?”
“Come on, I see how all the men around here look at you,” she scoffs, shaking her head. 
“Elle, please,” you sigh in exasperation. “That’s not true.”
She rolls her bottom lip between her teeth and peers at you.
“What? Why are you looking at me like that?”
“I know Joel’s definitely got a thing for you—he’s got a thing for you big time.”
You stiffen beside her. 
“And I know you’ve got a thing for him too.” Ellie’s eyes glimmer mischievously, the corners of her mouth tugging up into a smirk as she watches the color drain from your face.
Say something, you silently urge yourself. Anything. 
“Ellie, I’m married,” you manage to stammer out.
Ellie snorts and shoots you a knowing look. “Listen, princess. It’s like I told you. I’m not blind and I’m not stupid. I know something happened between you two in Ranger’s stall right before me and Dina walked in.”
Again, she has you at a complete loss for words.
“So,” she prompts. “Who kissed who first?”
“Fuck,” you mumble. Embarrassed, you drop your head into your hands, unable to look at her. “I can’t even imagine what you must think of me—”
She touches your shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze.
Surprised, you lift your head and turn to meet her gaze. 
“I think you’re someone who just wants to be happy,” she states. “And for some fucking reason I don’t think I will ever understand, I’m guessing that Joel makes you happy?”
“I like him a lot, Ellie. Since the moment I first saw him back during the winter, there was something that drew me to him,” you admit, feeling your cheeks grow warm. After a minute, you squint at her and chuckle. “You probably find that pretty weird, don’t you?”
“Uh, yeah. Really fucking weird,” Ellie replies, causing you to laugh again. “Joel’s a different breed, man. Joel is—well, Joel is Joel. I didn’t see that asshole crack a smile until weeks after I first met him. We come here and not only do you have smiling—you got him to fucking dance at a party in front of a bunch of people. You might not think anything of it, but if you knew the Joel that I met a year ago, the Joel who hated the whole world and every motherfucker in it, you’d be shocked.”
You blurt the question before you can stop yourself. “How exactly did you and Joel wind up together, anyway?”
Ellie’s eyes widen slightly. “Um, I met him back in the Boston QZ.”
Suddenly, she seems nervous. Afraid, even.  
Whatever secrets Ellie carries, she can’t speak of them—and you respect that.
“It’s okay,” you assure her, shaking your head. “You don’t have to tell me anything you don’t want to tell me, alright?”
She nibbles the inside of her cheek. “It’s not that I don’t want to tell you—I do. I haven’t been able to tell anyone and it’s been weighing down on me for months now. It’s the reason I can’t fucking sleep at night. It’s on my mind almost all day, every fucking day,” she confesses with an exhausted sigh. “I know if there’s one person that I can trust to tell, it’s gonna be you and only you.”
Patiently, you wait for her to make her choice.
Ellie sighs again.
“If I do tell you, I need you to promise me a couple things—the first is that you won’t fucking freak out on me.”
“I won’t freak out on you,” you swear. 
“And the second is that you can’t tell Romeo that I told you anything about what I’m about to tell you, no matter what,” she warns you. “Got it?”
“Oh, please don’t call him that,” you mutter with a small shake of your head. She narrows her eyes at you and you hold your hands up. “Don’t worry, Ellie. Whatever we talk about tonight, it stays between the two of us. I promise.”
“Okay.” Ellie inhales a deep breath, then exhales it slowly before she lifts her arm. Slowly, she peels back the sleeve of her shirt and holds her arm out for you to see.
“Ellie,” you gasp her name softly. Taking it into your hands, your eyes glaze over what appears to be a large, healed bite wound. After a moment, you look back up at her in complete disbelief. “Is this from—?”
She nods. “Yeah. I got bit a year ago, but I never got sick.”
“How is that even possible?”
“I’m immune.” Ellie withdraws her arm, tugging her sleeve back down into place. That’s when she finally begins to tell you the entire story, beginning to end. She spends the next hour sparing absolutely no details as she recounts each and every one of the events from the abandoned mall in the Boston QZ right down to the Firefly hospital in Salt Lake City.
She tells you about her best friend, Riley. She tells you about Marlene and the Fireflies. She tells you about Joel and his former smuggling partner, Tess, and how Marlene had entrusted them to smuggle Ellie out of Boston. She tells you all about how she and Joel had spent several months traveling on foot halfway across the country to get her to where she needed to be. Losses, near fatal injuries, failures—Ellie spills it all right into your lap, leaving you speechless.
“Joel told me there’s a bunch more people like me who are immune. He said they’ve stopped looking for a cure.” Ellie’s eyes glaze over with tears, but she furiously blinks them back. “I shouldn’t even be here. I should be dead. But I’m not. I’m living in an actual fucking town, living a decent life. I’m going to fucking parties when I should really be dead.”
Finally, you find your voice.
“Ellie, don’t say that,” you say, softly. “That’s not true.”
“It is. I should be fucking dead, just like Riley. Like Tess. Like Sam—”
You turn, angling your body towards hers. You want to reassure her—but you don’t want to dismiss her feelings, either. “Ellie, I can’t even imagine how you must feel after everything you’ve been through, so I won’t sit here and pretend that I can.” Lifting your hands, you take her face between your palms and hold it gingerly, your thumb brushing a stray tear that had slipped and rolled down her cheek. “But if you’re still alive, it’s for a reason.”
“I thought I had a reason,” she mumbles. “But it’s gone now. I thought I had a purpose, but turns out I fucking don’t. My immunity, it means nothing. It meant nothing, all the fucking shit that I had to go through, that Joel had to go through—it was all for fucking nothing.”
Dropping your hands from her face, you place an arm around her and pull her close. “It might not have worked out the way you wanted it to and for that, I’m sorry,” you say, giving her shoulders a squeeze. “I know nothing I say is going to make what you’re feeling just go away. But one thing is for sure, Ellie. You don’t deserve to be dead. None of what happened out there is on you. None of it is your fault. You shouldn’t feel guilty because you’re still alive. It’s like I told you—if you’re still here, it’s for a reason.”
She sniffs. “Maybe the reason is being a thorn in your side.”
Grinning, you reach up and lightly pinch her flushed cheek, prompting her to laugh and slap your hand away. “For the record, you could never be a thorn in my side, Ellie. Not even if you tried.” You wait until her giggles subside before adding, “And just so you know, you have my word about this staying between the two of us.”
“Swear it?”
“I swear it,” you promise her with confidence. 
She flashes you a tiny, appreciative smile. “Thanks.”
A comfortable silence settles over the both of you. You take in the sounds of the night—crickets chirping, owls cooing, and you can even hear a coyote howling in the distance.
“It’s pretty late,” you say, breaking it a few minutes later when you realize how long she’d been out of bed. “You should get home now.” You stand up and hold a hand out to her, helping her up to her feet. “Come on, I’ll take you to the door.”
You walk her back over to her and Joel’s unit and stand at the foot of the porch with her.
“Hey.” Ellie turns to you. “Is it alright if I like—give you a hug or something?”
Her request takes you by slight surprise, but you nod. “Of course.”
She hesitates, at first. But then she takes a step towards you and slips her arms around your waist.
As you wrap your own around her shoulders, it suddenly dawns on you that Ellie hadn’t asked for a hug because she needed one—but because she realized that you needed one.
A minute or two passes and Ellie doesn’t let you go.
An emotional lump rises to the back of your throat and you bury your face into her soft brown hair, warm tears brimming your eyes and threatening to fall.
“Ellie,” you croak her name, trying to warn her. 
“It’s okay,” she assures you. She rests her head on your chest over your heartbeat. She hears it pounding, feels it thrumming against her cheekbone.
She holds you tightly and you finally break, choking a sob into her hair. As your body shudders in her arms, she squeezes you harder, almost as if she’s trying to somehow hug your pain away.
For the first time in two years, you’re finally allowing yourself to cry in front of someone else—for the first time in two years, you don’t feel completely alone.
Suddenly, the front door of the house swings open in such an aggressive manner that it startles you apart from one another.
“Jesus Christ,” Joel breathes, letting out a sigh of relief as he descends the porch steps. “Ellie, what the hell are you doin’ out of bed at two o’ clock in the goddamn mornin’? I went to check up on you and you were gone! Scared the fuckn’ shit outta me—” He stops abruptly when he finally realizes she’s not alone. He steps closer and even in the darkness, he sees the tears you’re trying to wipe away. “What’s the matter? What happened?”
“Nothing,” you say, quickly. “Sorry, Joel. She was with me. We were just at my house talking out on my front porch and we lost track of time—”
He cuts you off. “Why are you cryin’?”
Ellie’s eyes helplessly bounce between the two of you.
“Joel, it’s nothing. I promise it’s nothing. I’m fine.”
“The hell you are.” Joel turns to Ellie. “Go inside and get to bed. Go on now.”
“But Joel—”
He pins her with a stern look and she sighs. She gives you one more hug, a quick one, before disappearing inside the house, closing the door behind her.
“C’mere darlin’,” Joel murmurs, taking your hand in his. He leads you up the steps of his porch. The light is off, but the moon and stars light up the night sky bright enough that you’re able to make out the concern written all over his face. Joel keeps your hand in his own as he guides you to sit down on the porch swing he’d built and hung for Ellie. He sits down beside you. “What happened?”
“Nothing,” you fib again. 
“Really?” He hums. “‘Cause those tears are tellin’ me a whole different story.”
You can’t help but wonder if Ellie had always been stubborn—or if she’d picked it up from Joel. The latter wouldn’t surprise you.
“I had a fight with Luke. It was on my mind and I couldn’t sleep, so I stepped outside to try and clear my head a little bit,” you explain to him, keeping everything as vague as possible. “I was sitting on my porch—Ellie couldn’t sleep either and was taking a walk when she saw me. She noticed I’d been crying and offered to keep me company for a while.”
“You had a fight with Luke,” he repeats.
“Why did you two fight? He do somethin’ to you?”
You sigh. “He said something to me he knew would hit a nerve,” you tell him, hoping it’s enough of an explanation for him. “I got upset and said something stupid to him that I really shouldn’t have and we got into an argument.”
Joel squeezes your hand, momentarily hesitating.
You’re almost afraid to ask, but you do anyway. “What?”
“Are you happy with him?”
You stare at him. “I beg your pardon?”
“Don’t think I stuttered, peach. I asked if you’re happy with him.”
Pulling your hand out of Joel’s, you stand up and walk over to the wooden railing that circles his porch. You look across the road, fixing your eyes on the front door of a neighboring house.
When Ellie had asked you that question, it’d been fairly innocent.
But now that it’s Joel asking you, it’s different.
You hear the sound of his footsteps coming up behind you and swallow harshly. Slowly, you turn around to face him, though you hadn’t realized he had been so close. Your eyes meet his chest, clad in the same navy blue shirt he’d been wearing when you had dropped off your father’s guitar.
Nervously, they flicker up to meet his. “Luke is my husband, Joel.”
Joel echoes Ellie’s words. “You didn’t answer the question.”
Like father, like daughter. 
“We’re fine, Joel. Our marriage is fine. Alright?”
Scoffing, he shakes his head. “Still didn’t answer the question.”
“What does it matter to you?” you challenge him. You’re certain you know the answer to your own question. Still, part of you, the part that lacks all common sense, wants to hear it from his own mouth. You need to hear it from him. 
“I think you know why, darlin’.” He takes a step closer. He’s now standing so close that his chest touches yours.
“Joel—” You stop, unsure of what to say.
“Tell me to back off,” Joel utters the same words he’d said to you back at the stables. He leans down, inching closer and closer to you. “Please. I need you to tell me to back off right now before I do somethin’ stupid.”
You try to oblige—you really, really try to do what he’s asking of you. But you can’t.
You don’t want to.
Your heart pounds and you can hear the roar of your own blood rushing in your ears as the adrenaline shoots through your veins.
He hasn’t even touched you yet. 
“Please,” Joel nearly pleads. “Tell me to back off.”
“I can’t,” you admit, sounding as weak as you feel. “I can’t do that, Joel.”
“Why not?”
“I think you know why,” you reply, parroting his own words back to him.
He inches closer and your breaths fall from your lips in tiny, pathetic little pants. Your chest heaves as you try to steady them, but it’s useless. There’s no masking the effect he has on you, no hiding how he’s making you feel.
Joel gingerly takes the side of your face and cradles your cheek in his palm. “Baby.”
It’s ironic. Just hours ago, Luke had struck you there in a painful slap and now here is Joel, holding it so softly and so gently in his hand. His touch is comforting, it’s soothing—somehow you already know it has the power to heal the wounds you thought you’d have to live with for the rest of your life.
His other hand moves to your hip and he pulls you in even closer to him. He leans in and presses his lips to yours lightly, carefully, as if he’s testing the waters before allowing himself to take the plunge into the deep end. The moment he feels you melt right into his hands, his tongue sweeps across your bottom lip, silently asking you permission for more.
Eager, your mouth parts for him and he backs you into the wooden railing as he kisses you deeper, with fervor. Your hands slide up his chest, past his wide shoulders, and tangle themselves in his soft, graying curls.
Groaning, Joel tears his mouth away from yours and pins you between himself and the railing, his lips meeting the sensitive flesh of your neck and latching on in desperation. He pushes your robe off your shoulders and it falls to the ground with a soft thud. Your breath catches in your throat as his warm, calloused hands slide up the hem of your shirt and up the length of your sides, his fingers gliding across your smooth skin.
“Joel,” you faintly whimper his name, your hands falling back down onto his shoulders. You grasp them, holding on as if you’re holding onto dear life itself.
You can’t help but imagine what it would be like to feel those hands roam and explore the entirety of your body, touching every last inch of skin you have to offer him. Your mind wanders even further and you wonder how your name would sound rolling off of his tongue while he’s buried inside of you, making you his own.
“You really ain’t gonna tell me to back off,” he mumbles the realization into the hollow of your neck. Inhaling deeply, he commits your scent to memory—the sweet, subtle, fragrance of homemade milk and honey bath soap blends together with the delicate lavender from the calming salve you smother yourself in every night before bed. 
“No,” you exhale the world shakily. “I’m not. Because I don’t want you to back off.”
Joel pushes one of his hands further up your shirt, cupping one of your breasts and eliciting another whimper as he kneads the soft mound of flesh, a thumb brushing over your hard nipple. His other hand moves around your waist and he holds you close as his teeth scrape across your collarbone, nipping at it lightly.
He silently reminds himself to be careful not to leave behind marks. He can’t send you home to your husband covered in evidence.
Withdrawing his hand from underneath your shirt, he drags it down to the waistband of your thin, cotton blue shorts. His index finger skims along the elastic. 
“Joel,” you mewl his name into his chest, thighs clenching together as the arousal pools between them, drenching your panties.
Surely he has to know what he’s doing to you by now.
“What is it, my little peach?” he asks, humming against your collarbone. “What do you what?”
You dig your fingernails into his shoulders in a silent plea.
“Y’gotta tell me what you want, baby,” Joel murmurs quietly. “Ain’t doin’ anythin’ unless you tell me you want me to. Use your words, sweet girl.”
“Touch me, Joel. Please, I need you to touch me. I need you to fucking touch me,” you beg him in a low, husky voice you don’t even recognize.
Slotting his lips against yours, he does as you ask him and slips his hand down the front of your bottoms. He groans into the kiss the second he makes contact with your heat. “Fuckin’ Christ,” he curses quietly, his eyes snapping open and meeting yours in the moonlight. “Baby, you’re soakin’ wet. This all for me, sweetheart?”
You exhale sharply as he drags his index finger along your entrance—it’s then followed by a loud, audible gasp when he pushes it into your throbbing cunt.
“Joel,” you moan, prompting him to quickly cover your mouth with his once again, swallowing the noise. 
After a moment, Joel pulls away slightly and warns, “Can’t be too loud, darlin’. Kid can’t see us, but I’m willin’ to bet she’s got her ear pressed against the door tryin’ to eavesdrop. Gonna need you to be a real good girl and stay quiet for me, alright?”
You nod, biting down on your lip.
“Good.” He pushes a second finger into your pussy, relishing in how deliciously tight you feel around his digits. He can only imagine how heavenly you would feel wrapped around something else of his.
You sink your teeth harder into your lip and swallow back a moan as he curls his fingers inside of you in an upward, come hither motion, brushing against a spot in your body you didn’t even know existed. Joel withdraws them ever so slightly, then thrusts them back into you, intensifying the flames deep in your lower belly.
“Fuck, peach. Gotta fuckin’ taste you, darlin’,” he mutters as he pulls his hand away from you and takes a step backwards, giving himself enough space to sink down onto his knees.
Realizing what he means, you open your eyes and quickly stop him, pulling him back up his feet. “Joel. Wait.”
He frowns—had you changed your mind? 
“What’s the matter?”
“No one’s ever—I’ve never had anyone do that to me before.” Blazing heat scorches your cheeks as you make the admission.
Joel scoffs in disbelief. “You’re kiddin’ me, right?”
Embarrassed, you shake your head. “No. I’m not.”
He leans forward and his lips brush against the shell of your ear, making you shiver as he whispers lustfully, “Will you let me make you feel good, sweetheart?”
Your insecurities make you hesitate—but your need for him is bigger than your fears, it’s bigger than the anxieties that stem from your lack of experience. Pulling away, you meet his gaze and nod. “Please.”
Joel drops down to one knee in front of you. He hooks his fingers underneath the elastic band of your shorts and slides them down your legs along with your cotton panties. He carefully frees one of your ankles from the articles of clothing and proceeds to drape your leg over his shoulder. He peppers a trail of soft kisses along the inside of your thigh, his beard scratching at the tender flesh there. As he draws closer and closer to where where he’s aching to be, the tip of his nose brushes lightly against your cunt and he groans your name quietly underneath his breath. He’s already intoxicated—if the scent of your sex is this fucking sweet, he’s willing to bet his life that the taste of you is going to be something beyond his wildest imagination.
You don’t trust yourself not to collapse on top of him. Reaching behind yourself, you grip the railing and your fingers claw at the wood, running the risk of painful splinters. But you don’t even think about that. You can’t think about anything except Joel Miller being on his knees in front of you.
He glances up at you and asks, “You sure ‘bout this, baby?”
“Yes,” you reply, already breathless. “I’m sure.”
He spreads your legs further and moves his head to the apex of your thighs, his mouth, hungry and searing, meeting your cunt. Nose buried in tufts of damp, silky soft curls, Joel slips his tongue between your glistening folds, flattening it out as he slowly drags it forward, savoring the taste of your slick. One of your hands abandons the railing and buries itself into his hair, your fingernails lighty scraping at his scalp. Your knee shakes and you fight to keep yourself upright, but with the way Joel’s ravishing your pussy, it’s only a matter of time before he brings you down. He moans into you, devours you like a man starved—a man who wouldn’t dare leave any part of you not licked, not sucked, not kissed. He swallows everything you have to offer him, drinks it down like it’s water.
“Oh fuck,” you gasp, hearing the audible slurping coming from underneath you. It’s a sheer pleasure you’ve never experienced before—a pleasure you didn’t even know was possible. You’d never been touched like this before. Tasted like this before. 
Joel wraps his lips around your clit, taking extra care to give plenty of his attention to the swollen bundle of nerves as he slides two thick fingers into your pussy, stretching your walls.
“Fuck—Joel,” you whisper, willing yourself not to be too loud. He begins thrusting them in and out of you, gradually increasing his pace until the squelching sound of him finger fucking you breaks the calm, quiet silence of the night. All the while, his mouth remains latched onto your clit. Combined with the strokes of his fingers, the way they hit that soft, sensitive spongy spot inside your cunt, you’re approaching a release you’ve only ever give yourself when you were home alone. “God, that feels so fucking good, Joel. Don’t stop, please don’t fucking stop—”
And he doesn’t.
As desperate as you are, his own desperation tops it.
You’re dripping around his fingers, wetness slowly trickling down the palm of his hand, dribbling down to his wrist. Joel keeps his pace, but his tongue flattens over your clit in firm, broad strokes. He lifts his other arm and hooks it around your trembling thigh, holding you firmly in place as your body involuntarily tries squirming away from him. He keeps you right where he needs you, his face still buried in your cunt.
The pressure that’s been building between your hips nears its peak—there isn’t a single part of you that isn’t aching for that sweet, sweet release. “Joel, fuck, I’m gonna—I’m so fucking close.”
He tears his mouth away from you and looks up, whispering, “C’mon, baby. C’mon. Come for me,” he whispers hoarsely. “Wanna feel this sweet little pussy squeeze my fingers.”
You sink your teeth hard into your bottom lip to keep yourself from crying out his name. It’s unlike anything you’ve ever felt before, feels different than the orgasms you’d give yourself, better than the orgasms you would give yourself—after coming on his fingers, coming on your own won’t ever be the same. The muscles in your stomach tense, and then an explosion follows, sending you tumbling over the edge as you fall apart right in the palm of his hand. He slows his pace as he helps you right through the tumultuous wave of pleasure that crashes over you.
Unable to hold yourself steady any longer, you feel the leg that’s supporting your weight buckle and if it wasn’t for Joel’s hands flying to your hips, you would have collapsed to the floor.
“S’alright baby, I got you,” he reassures as he holds you up. “I’ve got you, sweetheart.”
Joel feathers his last few kisses on the inside of your thigh, leaving a trail of burning fire behind in his wake. He then pulls your underwear and shorts up your legs back into place before rising to his feet with a small, labored grunt. Taking you in his arms, he pulls your body flush against his as he kisses you, allowing you to get a taste of yourself on his lips. It’s foreign but intoxicating, and it makes you drip for him all over again.
As he holds you even closer, you feel his cock brush against your hip and you moan. You squeeze an arm between your bodies and eagerly cup him in the palm of your hand through his gray sweatpants, eliciting a groan from him as he licks into your mouth. He’s hard for you and all you want is to see him, taste him, feel him. 
Breaking away from his embrace, you start to sink down to your knees when his hands catch your shoulders and pull you back up to your feet.
“You ain’t gotta do that,” he whispers, tucking a loose lock of your hair behind your ear. “You don’t owe me anythin’ back, alright?”
“I know I don’t, but I want to,” you insist, batting your eyelashes. Tugging your lip between your teeth, you give him an innocent face that almost makes him come on on the spot. “I really, really want to.”
Joel takes your hands in his. “I believe you, peach. I do. But tonight, all I wanted—all I needed was to take care of you. Make you feel good. That’s it. We can worry ‘bout me another night.”
Another night. It takes you a minute to realize what he means. 
He wants to keep seeing you. Like this.
In secret. In the dead of night, when nobody else is around.
You glance up at him, lips parted slightly in surprise. Then, your eyes flicker down to your hands, still in his, your stomach sinking when your wedding band gleams in the moonlight, garnering your attention. It’s not because you feel guilty, but rather, it’s only a frustrating reminder that you belong to Luke. He would never set you free, not in this lifetime. He’d rather see you six feet under the ground than allow you to end your marriage.
Stolen moments and clandestine meetings in the middle of the night were all you could ever have with Joel Miller.
The man you’re falling for too hard, too fast.
Joel’s thinking the same. He’s not an idiot. He knows that you’re not happy in your marriage, but even so, there’s not a chance in hell Luke’s going to be willing to let you go—much less to be with another man. He remembers the night at the party, the way Luke held you possessively, marked his territory and made it known you’re his. Not his wife, but his property.
He hooks an index finger underneath your chin, bringing your eyes back up to meet his. “Need to ask you somethin’ and I’m gonna need you to be real honest with me, darlin’. Alright?”
Nervously, you nod. “Okay,” you reply, tentatively. “What is it?”
“He ever hurt you, sweet girl?”
A chill runs down the length of your spine. In the steadiest voice you can muster, you ask, “What are you talking about, Joel?”
He clocks the way you stiffen, feels your discomfort. “Luke. He ever put his hands on you or anythin’ like that?”
Your throat goes dry like sandpaper.
Does he know something? 
No, that’s impossible. 
He’d only ever seen you with Luke once.
“No, of course not,” you lie to him, furiously shaking your head. “We do fight a lot, but he’s never gotten physical with me.”
Suspicious, Joel peers at you. “You tellin’ me the truth, peach?”
No, I’m not! I’m trapped in a fucking nightmare of a marriage and I can’t do anything about it.
You want to take him by his shirt, curl it in your fists and shout it in his face. There isn’t a single part of you that doesn’t want to confess everything to him, tell him about the hell Luke’s been putting you through since your father passed away. But you know better than that. You know that if Joel ever finds out, he’ll go straight to Tommy and Maria
Or worse.
He’ll go straight to Luke himself.
After everything Ellie had told you about him from their journey across the country, you now have a clear idea of just what Joel Miller is capable of, the lengths he would go to just to protect the people he cares about.
“I am,” you finally answer, looking him straight in the eye. “I’m telling the truth. I swear.”
You can see it. Feel it. 
Joel doesn’t believe you.
Without an admission, though, he doesn’t have much choice but to nod his head, accepting the lie. “Alright.”
“I don’t want to talk about him anymore,” you mumble, taking your hands out of his. You place them on his chest and look up at him through the thickness of your eyelashes. “We might not always get a lot of alone time together, Joel. So what little time we do get together, I don’t want to waste a single second of it by talking about him. Okay?”
Joel wraps his arms around your waist. “Okay,” he agrees with another nod. 
Something tells him that you’re protecting Luke and he doesn’t know why. 
But there is one thing that he does know. 
If he ever catches wind of what Luke is doing to you behind closed door, Joel’s going to fucking kill him. 
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