#Kappa is MVP
katarh-mest · 6 months
alcohol PSA for writers
If your characters are drinking alcohol, but you yourself have never had any alcohol, it can be very VERY obvious if you have them get drunk within the first few sips of a strong drink.
Continue below if you want some education from a professional lush.
Alcohol actually takes some time to absorb in the bloodstream and start impacting behavior. It's why it is such a dangerous drug, and SO easy to abuse.
At a minimum, most people take at least 10 minutes before they start to get it circulating through the blood stream. That's on an empty stomach. You might have other effects besides the ethanol poisoning - strong liquor can make someone cough if they're not expecting it - but the euphoria and lowered inhibitions don't kick in for quite a while if you are drinking lower ABV stuff.
Most liquor is not drunk straight. Exceptions are things like whiskey and fortified wines like cognac. Mix the drinks with something non alcoholic, usually cut with sugar. Your characters are not going to down straight vodka (unless it's Mao Mao... then she totally would.)
Beer, wine, and ciders range in ABV from 3% (weaker beers) to 15% (stronger wines) compared to liquors which start at 20% ABV for the most part. The whiskey I drink straight is 35% ABV... and I drink it very slowly, very carefully, about 10 drams at a time (roughly 1.5 oz or so.) That is, one "standard" drink.
Other standard drinks: One 5% beer (12 oz can or bottle), one 5 oz pour of 15% wine, and 1.5-2 oz of a liquor that is 35%-40% (80 proof), vs a 0.75-1 oz pour of a 150 proof liquor. Proof maxes out at 190 and that's Everclear, aka 95% pure ethanol. 100 proof is 50% alcohol and you'll find that in things like vodka, gin, and tequila. These DO have flavors! But the flavors are buried underneath the ethanol, and need to be thinned out to be tasted, so they're almost always cut with something else to make the alcohol not be unpalatable.
If I'm drinking, here's about the levels of alcohol and how they affect me (I'm a 44 year old woman that has fairly high tolerance. Use this guide as a metric for your characters who can handle their liquor. Move everyone down a level if they are "lightweights" or have never had alcohol at all.)
1 standard drink makes me happy and pleasant, fun and giggly. I can still think, I can still drive as long as I've had something to eat and waited 30-45 minutes, and I get some of my best house cleaning done in this state
2 standard drinks make me slightly buzzed and approaching unsafe to drive (I hand over my keys at this point to the DD). Still fun and giggly, but also starting to lose my inhibitions. More likely to break something while cleaning.
3 standard drinks start to impair my ability to speak with my normal levels of clarity and articulation. I am not yet slurring my words, but my brain's CPU is now overheating.
4 standard drinks takes me out of the happy space and starts to make me sick. Its no longer fun. I cannot stand up straight. This is binge drinking.
5 standard drinks is going to have me vomiting if I drunk them too fast. I've got high tolerance so if I ate food I'll be okay, but if I don't drink enough water, I'll be hung over the next day.
If I'm beyond this, I'm probably passed out someplace. All but once that 1 time has been at home (that time I woke up on the couch of the fraternity whose party I was at. I was okay. I was lucky. Thank you, Alpha Kappa Psi bros, for putting me on the couch and giving me a glass of water. You were the MVPs.)
Alcohol is a poison. It is a poison. It's a delicious poison, and humans have the ability to process it, but it's still something that will make you very sick or kill you if you go too fast.
BONUS: High tolerance, low tolerance, and a tendency to alcoholism are all somewhat genetic. Our bodies need two enzymes to process alcohol, and if one processes fast and the other processes slow, the result is that some people "handle their liquor" naturally well, and others are going to be "lightweights" no matter how much they practice. Some folks actually get 0 of the happy euphoria from alcohol and go straight into the poison symptoms (this is known as "Asian Flush Syndrome" but it can impact people from any part of the world.) These folks will get sick from a single "standard" drink - but they are unlikely to ever get drunk, because they'll get sick long before they drink enough alcohol to reach that point. They make some of the best DDs out there, though, so if you know someone who experiences it, make them your best friend, offer to buy their coca colas and bar snacks, and hand them the keys after you have had drink #2.
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wolftattoo · 4 months
iont even go to riverdale but i know aj kappa is the mvp
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iwasntfree · 5 months
toi is the fucking mvp bro just casually pulled out a gun and atarted firing why does he still have that while he's in kappa form
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tobitori101052 · 1 year
「今の時代は多 様 性 だから」
それ以外にも体型に関するネタ台詞なんかは「演劇舞台の界隈ってまだこれが面白がって笑っていいと思ってる段階なのか?」というがっかり感はあった。普段様々見たりしていないから実際全体的にどうなのかはわからない。少なくとも今回の公演のは アレはおそらく"冗談"や"ネタ"としてやっているらしくて、観客もそれを笑っていたが。
八戒の台詞などは、元小説での男色言及や、大前提そもそもの好色な人物像があり「八戒なら言う」台詞なので舞台上の台詞、として彼の性質を理解するためにはなるんだが、「多 様 性」のくだりはあれ本筋にもなんの関係もないただの台詞だったわけで。
ここまで沙悟浄と一緒にいて使い捨てはしないだろうけどもそれにしてもどうするのか全然予想がつかなかった 旅の仲間になるんでもなさそうだしな、と。
ことここにおいては観音様と が先生に説明もせず普通にコイツは駄目っすわで切り捨ててるのが悪いとも思うけども。二人これだけ一緒にいるのを見ておいて、あえてわざわざ引き裂くから!ほれみたことか。
先生が言う「そこからさっさと出て逃げてくれ!」は" 囚われているという実際的な状況"では至極ごもっともなんだけれど、あそこで一緒にいるのはあの"強いお師さん"で
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garyovintage · 1 year
Tumblr media Tumblr media
90's MVP COR Inc. Sweat "KAPPA DELTA/ Made in U.S.A."
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hydralisk98 · 1 year
Servitor random content-dump #2
I was simply editing my bucket-list / wishlist for 2023 and this came out as I was editing the retro computer hardware section.
Some brands in Angora and some of their products
Luna_Minimakhs Kex, Kora, Ren
Utalics Vixen, Wax, Ukiren
Pflaumen Alef (upper), Beya (mid) & Kappa (minis)
Macroware Bel & Fira
EBM Wyatt
Sphinx Perseus
Symbolics Union, Fraya
May_Timesharing Druid
Teko_Bevel Savy, SASS
Nineveh_Equipments Undex, Sakex
Hitachi Ural (upper tier but costly), Ouya (lower-tier but FLOSS-compliant)
Ideal Angora workflow:
Community Wyatt Maximus mainframe bulletin board system for jobs, gigs and other processing workloads in the Maskoch town
My Luna Kora workshop power-station
My Pflaumen Kappa household mid-station
My Utalics Vixen smartphone (thin-station PDA but handheld)
Symbolics Fraya retro game engine (think successor to Ken_Silverman's BUILD2 but as a Y2K engine outdoing Quake), useful for leisure and casual chatting
Sphinx Perseus Lex rich media editor, useful for fast wiki documentation & rich research workloads
Memex Miropad, useful for collaborative & cooperative time scheduling, creative activities & mainlined process management, also doubles as a memory sharing site, a digital marketplace and a utility suite for sapient autonomous processors aka "humans" in most cases
May Druid agent processing flow (Syndicated social assistance multilingual suite for androids)
Sakex Vox-Populis Ava synthetic serf (my own unit is called 'Nova' and has a similar software build mod of Ouya than mine except it is less stable due to being a testbench to my own)
Hitachi Ouya, (customized forked edition by myself decentrally shared with Ava, built for looser lower-level access than default to disjoint Haywire cerebral monitoring, much closer to natural liberty than IRL surveillance) cyberware suite
Klara Ker's Selfless Ker (my main blog name's being AutisticAngora, with a couple of side ones like MagneticHelix & NeueHashDotList) hand-curated blog & multimedia RSS tracker for journaling, analog privacy-focused personal projects and sidestream data processing that is easy to share with other wider LittleBearnet users (a smaller indie community within Angora than the wider SalvoNet, that is less centralized more transparent, more varied and more spiritual)
Much collecting of retro hardware + software technologies from many worlds to build a handsome yet deep meta-narrative simulations, aka vector-animated short films with interactive components & other silly cute physical media contents. Polymer, Maynard and SalveHistoryCarto being some of these silly personal creative outbursts
Not gonna lie, it seems to grow into a stronger and stronger vibe of Cyberpunk/Solarpunk every time I add something in there. Maybe I could provide more information about the less... dystopian and more suburb/rural side of the world eventually. Especially as I am still figuring out the exact details of the overhead map and other miscellaneous details to give ourselves much space to breathe away from such... dark or restrictive tropes. (I mean, I call for a nicer and more comforting vibe future world without sacrificing too much familiarity or 'personalization', so that's why I would need to tweak this emerging situation before it becomes too close to recent shared universes like idk, Cyberpunk 2077, Halo & Half-Life franchises.)
Btw, when (not just if) you got any suggestions, comments or criticism to share, I am welcoming such big time because I am getting closer and closer to some first milestone to reach some MVP shareware demos and I appreciate feedback so much. Mostly because it is not just a world for myself as far as I am aware, it is one I share with the rest of you (the current worldly context is not that horrendous all things considered but I don't trust quality change to occur by itself without some additional incentives... hence why I share it to serve as a refeuge and a sampler of what we could do better) and also manifest at least bits of it somewhat.
So yep, find victories + joys for yourself in this world's mess and take care of yourselves. (^*^)//
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wesker20 · 5 years
Fallen Hero 1.5 Episode 11 The Rise of Sidestep Part 1: Like a Doll
Episode 10 MIA
            Years ago – The Farm
            You remember the days when it happened, a domino effect of circumstances set on by the last person you expected it to do. Your team was on the final days of a yearlong mission where a politician had ties to a rising criminal organization with a very powerful boost at the helm. You and Alpha posed as a rich couple interested in supporting the politician. You remember Alpha got way into the role much more than you did, always hugging you and kissing you when you least expected it. Not that you minded at the time, you and Alpha have been playing this little game long before the mission, but had to do it quietly. Thanks to General Slyther. This mission in particular gave Alpha all the freedom she needed to show you how she felt.
But it was a mistake, a very stupid one.
            The mission was a success because of course it was, you were Trevor’s team. You never really failed. What could be counted as failures still had small victories that Slyther could not deny, even at his angriest. When you came back, Trevor congratulated all of you much to Slyther’s annoyance, as he instantly intervened.
            “Stop your sappy reinforcement, Ms. Trevor. The dogs did their jobs, dismiss them.”
            She stared at him with the same contempt that we all did and said, “Positive reinforcement goes a long way of making them better at their job Slyther. Proven by the scientists themselves.”
            “And yet you are the only one who does it. Every other unit succeeds without your so called ‘positive reinforcement.’ Enough of this. Cuckoos you are dismissed.”
            You held back the urge to remind him that your team has a bigger success rate than most of the others. Maybe you should have told him anyway, considering it changed nothing of what was to come.
            That night you and Alpha got back to the roof one last time, staring into the woods, side by side.
            “I wonder if this will ever get old,” Alpha chuckled.
            “Well let’s see. We have been sneaking up here for years and we have yet to fall asleep out of sheer boredom, so I’ll say not anytime soon,” you responded.
            “Yeah,” she sighed, “you’re right. I’m going to miss it.”
            “What?” you blurted out, turning to her. She turns to you with eyes wide open.
            “Oh, uh, nothing,” she began and turned back towards the woods. “Was just thinking that if Ms. Trevor moves we will probably move with her, and if it happens, well, I’ll miss this.” A quite elaborated thought if you think about it yourself. And you told her as such. “I’m smarter than you, remember,” she nudged you, chuckling. “I always have more complex thoughts.” You accepted it at the time, just as you had accepted it before. Maybe indeed you were not as smart as she was, because if you had, you would have called bullshit. But you didn’t, you just accepted it and let it pass.
            You remember her getting closer to you, turning you around to look straight into your eyes. Eyes that could pierce your mind and stick there forever, in a soft tranquil state, swimming in them. They made you feel safe, secure, that nothing could happen, that, like her, this moment was indestructible. And her lips touched yours, a soft rub that brought you back from that gaze you loved so much. It’s funny how soft they were despite her invulnerability, they were as soft as a drop of water, effortlessly sliding around yours. You did not wanted to stop looking at her eyes, but you also wanted this to continue. An impossible choice, so she made it for you, closing her eyes and turning her head sideways to deepen the kiss. You brought her body closer to yours as the kiss deepened, a dream you did not wanted to end, a dream you wish had continued. And the sudden impact of the door opening brought you back to reality, much to your chagrin.
            “Time’s up. Soldier’s are coming,” Kappa said with Zeta right behind her. Alpha gave you an apologetic look before turning towards the other exit. It wasn’t an exit per se, but it was a small ledge you four could easily hide in. Easily as in not the first time you have done that. In the outside anyway. You were never really caught before this point on the rooftop so this was an experiment to see if it worked.
            The four of you stood tightly packed together as the soldiers busted through the door, forming a perimeter. Strange, a lot more than you had seen at any part of the facility. And soon after you realized why as General Slyther steps through the door with the same look of superiority he always have. You wonder if he ever had an off button for it.
            “Did you find them?” he asked to one of the soldiers. The soldier shakes their head and Slyther huffed. “Unit Alpha 203, if you are here, show yourself, now!” he yelled. You looked at Alpha but she just shrugged her shoulders. You remained hidden for several minutes, Slyther had surprising patience now that you think about it, before he finally decided to leave. As soon as he left, you questioned Alpha.
            “What was all that about?”
            “I don’t know. Maybe Slyther is pissy again?” she said with a shrug and a smile. You glared.
            “It’s fine Jeremy. You know it’s not the first time Slyther comes looking for one of us because he doesn’t like us. Come on, we’ll talk with Ms. Trevor. She has to know.” you kept your glare but nodded and followed her back. But even then you could feel someone else’s glare directed at Alpha. When you turned you realized it was Kappa. Strange, Kappa barely showed any emotion most of the time. But once again, as ignorant as you were then, you didn’t think much on it and went back to your quarters. Next day was quite the show.
            Trevor did not say anything but the expression on her face was enough to show that she was unaware of Slyther’s search. And she was pissed. You remember swallowing hard at the sight. Almost none of her features changed except for her eyebrows but it was more than enough, to convey her fury. You had never seen her angry. She dismissed you almost immediately and called her secretary, probably to call the good General. But before you walked out, he was already here.
            “There you are,” he said eyeing up Alpha with disdain.
            “What about it scarface?” Alpha said. Sometimes you forgot how much she liked antagonizing the general.
            “You will not address me until I order it too. And even less in such a manner.”
            “Of course sir. Permission to tell you to kiss my ass,” she said with mock obedience and an exaggerated salute.
            “Alpha please,” Zeta said sheepishly at her. As Slyther walked closer Trevor interfered.
            “I have on good information that you proceeded without my authorization general.”
            “I don’t need your authorization for anything Trevor.”
            “You do when it falls on my jurisdiction. In this case my team.” She emphasizes the ‘my.’
            “Your unit has been compromised. Unit Alpha has gone beyond her design and is en route to corrupting the rest. Starting with it,” he pointed at you and for the first time you saw Alpha almost flare up.
            “May I ask what evidence you have of this,” Trevor asked, standing between the four of you and Slyther.
            “Of course,” he responded with mocked obedience and hands her over a tablet with a video; a video of you and Alpha last night kissing on the roof.
            “It’s this it?” Trevor responded unimpressed.
            “It’s that it! These dogs are not even supposed to know this sort of things,” his eyes flare up in rage.
            “They had just gone on a mission that required this exact thing out of them. And besides even if it was something more, what about it? They do their job well, better actually. Out of all the cuckoo units in this facility, my team has the highest success rate. Whatever they do in between missions, as long as it does not interfere with their performance, makes no difference to me,” she said, walking towards the general and he is forced to step back. Then he stopped and glared back at her.
            “Ah, but you see general, it does affects their performance. What if in the middle of a mission they decide that the “lives” of their fellow dogs is more important than the mission? You would risk the success of a mission because of your neglect. And how about if they decide that they no longer want to do any more missions? What then? We will have to reeducate them and waste years of investment and skill sets when we could have stopped the cancer before it spreads.”
            “General Slyther. If such a thing were to happen, I will deal with it myself. You are stepping out of bounds. This is my responsibility, not yours,” Trevor said in a calmer albeit more intimidating tone.
            “NO! I will not let you risk the people of this facility and the reputation of our army for the sake of your ego! I have put up with your pathetic measures for long enough. Soldiers, prepare Unit Alpha 203 for reeducation.” Immediately all four of you spring into action. Even without your powers you were still far better trained than any soldier. No way in hell were you going to let Slyther get away with this.
            “Frank don’t you dare! This is my team. I will take this to the secretary of defense-” but before she could continue, Slyther slapped her away with almost inhuman strength. You then heard the sound of something coming from his arm. You know that sound: the sound of mods, old ones at that.
            “When I’m done here and explain it to the secretary, they will understand and accept my reasoning,” he muttered. “Unit Alpha 203, stand down and prepare for reeducation.”
            “Yeah, how about you go fuck yourself,” she answered in her typical cocky tone. The soldiers prepared, but before any of them could do anything, Kappa was on them faster than any of you. She may not have her invisibility, but her mods still made her fast enough to appear out of nowhere. Several soldiers fell down injured and that was the cue for the rest of you to tag in. And there you were all four of you fighting off a dozen soldiers. Without powers you relied on your skills and you realized just how good Alpha really was. She always relied on her strength and endurance, there was really no reason not to. But you always saw her training, practicing and learning new moves on the fly. And here all of that skill came into play. She was ruthless and minimal, nothing flashy or dramatic, just punches and kicks aimed at specific points, most of them to the liver, though some also went to joints and you were certain you saw some legs and arms contorted in ways they shouldn’t ever be.
            Kappa fought as she always did, dodging and evading attacks, working through her opponents attacks to counter. The same reckless abandon that most re-genes take, but unlike them, with elegance and making sure never to get tagged. You and Zeta fought side by side, although you clearly had more experience considering your powers weren’t always all that useful in combat, whereas Zeta always relied on his teleportation. You distracted your opponents, while Zeta snuck up behind them and took them down.
            “That’s enough!” you heard a familiar voice yell, and before you knew it, a gloved hand wrapped around your throat and lifted you up. “Unit Alpha 203, stand down. Or I’ll terminate unit Beta 010,” the fight ended there. With your weak ass being lifted by the General and used as a hostage. Alpha stared worried at you and then looked at Kappa and Zeta too, as if she was thinking about something. And she knelt down, raising her arms in defeat. You tried to say something but you had no voice thanks to Slyther’s choke. The unharmed soldiers moved in and cuffed Alpha, Kappa, and Zeta. When Slyther released his grip on you, you got cuffed too.
            “Alpha no,” you yelled as they began to take her while the general ordered the soldier to take you to a cell.
            “It’s ok,” she whispers, smiling and with tears rolling out of her eyes.
            “It’s ok, it’s alright. I’m sorry. I love you…”
            “Alpha!” was the last thing you heard yourself say before it all went black.
            Farm – Cell – Hours later
            You didn’t know how long you were out but it did not matter. It was over. Soon you were going be reeducated and turned into someone else, an empty shell to be remade. All because of one stupid mistake, one you should have known better. Now thanks to it, Alpha, Kappa, Zeta and you were all going to disappear.
Your fault, it was your fault.
            You rested your head against the wall as you waited that final fate, where you would live the rest of that life without knowing who you were, without remembering them. Alpha’s kisses and quips, Kappa’s cold but caring stare, Zeta’s shy but friendly voice. All of it, as if it never happened, just another leaf blown away by the wind… but you didn’t wanted that. You don’t want to give up all of it. You can’t, there has to be a way out, you can’t let them erase all of it. What would be the point of it all if it’s just whisked away? It can’t end like this. You banged on the door, trying to get the attention of the guards, begging them not to do it, begging them to tell you what you had to do to resolve it, make up for it. So that you, Alpha, Kappa, and Zeta could go back to how things were, to how it all was. You promise to never do it again, to never hug or kiss Alpha again, if it means that they will be back and keep their memories, their personalities. But the guards did not care and laughed at you, taunted you. Told you to “be quiet dog.” You fell down on your knees, arms against the door. Defeated, broken.
            “Not like this…” you whispered. “Not like this…”
            And then it happened. The lights went out, darkness surrounded you, everyone yelled and asked what was going on. The emergency lights turned on, covering everything in red, but you noticed something else, something that shouldn’t be happening, something you have not felt in almost a day; you were hearing the scared thoughts of the two guards in your cell. And they were inside your cell, telling you lie down on your stomach and put your hands behind your back. But that was not going to happen. You heard their scared thoughts, you heard more than you thought you could. You stared at them and smiled as you felt the next step one of them was going to take. You acted immediately, kicking the man down right as he lifted his foot. The other one did not have time to react as you pushed him against the wall head first, his head bouncing inside his helmet. The downed one tried to get up but you locked him in a rear naked choke hold and knocked him out.
            You grabbed one of their guns and ammo and walked out of your cell only to be received by a group of five soldiers raising their guns at you. You tried searching for a cover but there was none, a wide open space with no cover. Shit.
            “Get on your knees,” they yelled and you begrudgingly obeyed. So much for your great escape. But then one of them fell down; cut in half. The others tried to yell but they were quickly cut down as well. You didn’t saw anything, only blood sliding down from an invisible blade. You couldn’t help but smile.
            “Kappa!” you yelled and instantly the invisible form was visible. You never thought you would ever see the day were Kappa would smile, but you did. The biggest smile adorned her face as she ran to you, hugged you before you could get up.
            “Are you alright?” Kappa asked as she released you.
            “Yeah, yeah, I’m fine. What’s going on?” you ask because you were curious about this.
            “Alpha. This was Alpha’s plan to get everyone out. Turn the lights out and get all those who wanted to get out, including us. She’s been planning this for years.” What? Years? Alpha? All of this was her?
            “Who else knows?” you asked.
            “No one. Only me.”
            “Why you? How long?” you asked as your rage began to rise.
            “She only told me a couple of days ago, ok? She was waiting for the right and was planning of doing this much more quietly, but Slyther began investigating and she needed to get the EMP in the main generator,” she pauses as she lets you swallow everything in. “She needed someone who could get in without anyone else knowing. The best one at that.” she finished. You anger somewhat subsided as you put the pieces together. Alpha been planning this for years and all by herself?
            “Why didn’t she say anything?”
            “To protect us. She did not wanted anyone else to risk it…” the look on Kappa’s face said she understood what you were feeling, she felt it too when Alpha told her. “Come on, we have to find Zeta and Alpha,” she said, suddenly back to her cold demeanor but offering you her hand. You take it and stand up, ready to find your friends and get out of here.
              It surprised you how many Re-genes wanted to get out, not just cuckoos, but also blue ones. What should have been you and Kappa against the world, turned into you, Kappa, and dozens of others against the soldiers. But the battles were far from one sided and hundreds died. You and Kappa walked through hallway after hallway, some paths blocked by fire, others by soldiers ordered to shoot on sight.
            A bullet grazed your arm and you took cover, as a re-gene with wind control abilities blew the soldiers against the walls. But then what you did expected happened, another re-gene came in and attacked the one who had just saved your life. Obviously not all re-genes thought of getting out, and most fought against the escapees. Kappa dragged you off of the ground as the two re-genes duked it out. But in one motion Kappa took out a small knife and threw it at the enemy re-gene, hitting her on the back of the neck. The re-gene fell down, probably dead, and the wind re-gene nodded at the two of you.
            The two of you wandered through the halls, passing through dozens of bodies, searching for the room, the reeducation room. Where Alpha was most likely to be. It didn’t took long for the two of you to decide to go after Alpha first, since she was running the most risk. As shy as Zeta was, he could take care of himself just as well as any of you. So you decided to trust that he would keep himself alive long enough while you searched for Alpha. Yes, search and find Alpha so you can all get out of here. Suddenly it dawned on you that all of your dreams could now be a reality. To get out of here, to see the world, to live in it. And all of it with Alpha, Kappa, and Zeta at your side. Maybe explore the cities, go to the beach, fly to other countries, maybe even scale the Everest if you were feeling bold. There was so much you could do now. Just like she said days ago, ‘soon, it will all be a reality.’ You finally found the room but just as you were going to wrap your hand around the handle, a sudden pain invades you and you turn with a scream. You looked at your hand to find a small knife deep into your right hand.
            “Units Beta 010 and Kappa 331 stand down and return to your quarters immediately. This is your final warning,” you heard a very familiar monotone voice and turned to its source. Delta.
            “Delta listen just let us get-” before you finished Kappa pulled you out of the way as a whip covered in spikes passed you by.
            “He’s not going to listen,” Kappa told you as she took a stance. You took yours right next to her.
            “You will be reassigned back to my unit once your reeducation is complete Kappa 331.”
            “I prefer my current team Delta,” she responded before charging in. You stood back, knowing full well you will only get in the way. As she always does with others, Kappa danced through Delta’s whip with little effort. But Delta was just as fast as even when she caught him in the middle of an attack he managed to dodge all the same. In honesty that’s how you could describe their fight: a dance, each one doing a move meant to pass the defenses of the other but the target always dodging at the last second. It soon became clear you were only witnessing half of the fight. The other half was happening too fast for your eyes to see, only in your telepathy you realized this, as Kappa’s thoughts spoke of attacks from both her and her opponent that you could not see. You wondered why she did not turned invisible, why she was fighting him head on, then in her scattered thoughts you caught a glimpse of knowledge; Delta had modded eyes that could see heat. Meaning he could see her even if she turned invisible. A draw, tie, stalemate. There was no way one could get through the other’s defenses. And she was clearly not trying to, a trap. She’s pushing Delta to focus only on her, to never take his eyes off of her, because if he did she would take him out. But if he didn’t, you could easily sneak up on him and take him down. Kappa has him between a rock and a hard place. He knows it, but can’t come up with a solution, this is clearly too much for his brain to handle.
            You smile as you take out the knife of your hand, biting back a scream. You take point, ready to do what Kappa just did minutes ago. A thought screams on your head to do it now, her thought. This is what it was like to fight with Kappa by your side. You were always the primary infiltrator, you got in, extracted, and got out before they saw you. And when it was time to fight, Kappa would do just this, keep them occupied while the real threat, you, snuck behind them. You fought many battles together for so long that you did not communicate through words anymore, but through thoughts. She would always think of something hoping you would catch it, knowing the information you needed. When you fought together, you were not just a team, but an unit working in tandem. You did as the thought said and threw the knife aiming it at the base of Delta’s neck.
            And then knife was swept away by the whip, and you could see the eyes of Delta boring into you. Big mistake. As he stared into you Kappa’s blade tore through the back of his neck and out the front. Gurgling, Delta did one final move and threw his whip at Kappa wrapping her in it. Damn it! You ran to her almost immediately as Delta fell, pulling on the whip and the spikes tore into Kappa, slashing and tearing at her skin. You catch her just as the whip untangles, leaving Kappa covered in cuts, but alive.
            “Scared me there for a second,” you said as you helped her up.
            “So did I,” she responded with a chuckle. She limped beside you towards the door ready to free Alpha and get out of there.
            The scientists cowered at the sight of Kappa, grouping on one side of the room. The room had several beds with straps and some sort of helmet at the edge, where the head goes. You looked at the scientists, and asked “Where’s Alpha.” When they did not respond, you repeated the question again, louder. They pointed to an open room at the end of the end. Strange you could feel nothing there. But it did not matter. You ran towards the room, your smile already breaking through when you saw a silhouette sitting at the end. “Alpha!” you yelled, finally Alpha. You hugged her almost immediately, even if it only been hours since you last saw her it felt like days.
            “Sorry for the wait, traffic was terrible,” you said, already expecting her classic quips. “Come on let’s get out of here,” you said, releasing her from the hug and finally staring at her for the first time.
            “Beta,” you hear Kappa say behind you but you ignore her. All you wanted at that moment was stare at Alpha’s eyes again, to tell her how much you care, to thank her for getting you out of here, and also to tell her how stupid she was for going with this plan. To tell her…
            Her eyes did not stare back. They did not look back at you, they did not swept you in, caught you in a whirlwind of emotions like they used to do. They simply… pointed at you, pass you. No emotion, no intensity, just emptiness. “Alpha?” you whispered, hoping to get some reaction. “Alpha, come on, we have to get out of here. This was your plan, remember?” you whispered but she did not say anything, she simply looked…
            “Beta,” Kappa said again. But her voice was far away.
            “Alpha,” you said again, but she did not react. “Alpha,” you said again. And again, and again, and again. Each time louder. You shook her, you begged her, to be there, to be here. “Alpha!” you yelled, but she did not react. You pushed your forehead to hers, trying to find something in her mind. Anything, a hint of the woman she was. But only emptiness remains. A black void devoid of energy and color, an empty shell.
            “Beta, we have to go,” you heard Kappa again, her voice weak, almost breaking, her hand on your shoulder.
            “No! not without her!” you yelled, pushing the hand away. “Alpha come on. Listen to me, I know you are in there, you have to be in there, you have to be in there, you have to be in there, you have to be- you can’t just-” your voice breaks, your air gets stuck on your throat. “You have to be in there! You have to be in there! You have to! You can’t just leave, you can’t just leave! Not like this Not like-” you voice breaks again. Air once again stuck in your throat.
            “Beta,” Kappa said again turning you around. You resist, you scream, you fight her, but in the end you surrender to her embrace. “I’m sorry,” she said, the weakest you have ever heard her voice. You look at her, straight into her red wet eyes.
            “We can’t leave her,” you said.
            “We have to. We can’t get her out like this.”
            “No! We have to.”
            “In this state she would slow us down. She can’t defend herself, she can’t fight, she can’t run. Think, she wouldn’t want us to get captured because of her,” you shook your head, turning away from her and to Alpha. “This was her goal. To get us out of here, all of us. She wanted us to escape. You especially. If you get captured again, it was all for nothing.” She was right. She was painfully right. Alpha wouldn’t have wanted you to remain here, she would have wanted you to keep going, to live. But… you can’t just… this was Alpha. Your leader, your friend, you partner, your… you knelt in front of her again, staring into her empty eyes. You close your eyes as you kiss her one last time. But she’s unresponsive, empty, her lips don’t even move.
            “I’m sorry,” you whispered. “I’m so, so sorry.” But once again, she did not respond. You stood up and Kappa knelt in front of her, hugging her and whispering something in her ear. She stood up, cleaning her face and turning to you. No words. You both turned, ignoring the scientists and heading for the entrance. You sneak a look one last time, and there she remains, Alpha, the strongest person you’ve ever met, still, unmoving, empty, like a doll…
  To be continued…
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everykawamatsu · 3 years
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askkrenko · 5 years
Nuzlocke Recap (in progress)
I have just gotten home from vacation, and I beat the 8th gym leader today, so it’s time to recap my Nuzlocke of Shield so far! This is gonna be long, so... break lines.
First off, the rules: If a Pokemon faints, it goes into the Ded box. I’m not releasing them, because once I either lose entirely or win, I plan to use the same save file to start doing actual game-completion stuff. If it gets up on its own in a Dynamax raid, it’s not dead, but if the raid ends with it down, it is. Each new location, I can only catch the first pokemon I encounter on land, and the first pokemon I encounter other than on land. They’re now using overworld wandering stuff, so I AM allowed to try and dodge things I don’t want as much. On Land generally means “in the grass,” but anything that pops up and wanders, or the ! pokemon in grasses. It also includes flying pokemon. Not-on-land means fishing, swimming, berry tree pounces, dynamax raid, NPC gift or trade, etc. I can skip a pokemon if it’s the same species (or evolutionary line) of one I already have, but I don’t have to. Pokemon too high level for the game to let me catch don’t count. NO ITEMS IN BATTLE except for Held Items. This is what makes things actually get really hard. Otherwise you just spam super potions and X Defense and such. Also, I’m TRYING not to over-grind and just get ridiculous, but I don’t actually know what levels things are because it’s a blind run, so trying to grind up to a decent level gets.. odd. So far, this game is... weird and sometimes mean. A lot of things are no trouble at all, the game has a tendency to throw out sudden battles against things much higher level than you, and of course, Self-Destruct and Counter are moves that exist. I lost three guys to a trainer with two level 37 pokemon in an area where everything else was mid-20s. Now, I’m going to give the list of EVERY POKEMON I HAVE, with their names and current status. And here’s a little game to play: Guess why each Pokemon has that name! Some are obvious, some are somewhat obscure,  some are layered, and one is literally impossible for a random person to know. THE DED Tympole- Gitrog -  I honestly don’t remember what happened to this one... Or ever using it. I think I just threw it in the way of something. Mudbray- Mudbriar - Caught in my first Dynamax raid, Part of the TPK against Nessa Corvisquire - Liliana - fell to Nessa, and she was doing so well, too Carkol- Koth - had the misfortune of being in my party when I lost to Nessa. Had no intent to use him against her, but he was there. Toxel - Kindra  -  ... I have no memory of this loss. Cherubi- Sherri - Was SUPPOSED to beat Nessa. She did not. Zigzagoon - Sorin -  Also Nessa Drizzile - Willow - My starter! Final member of the first Nessa failure. Lombre- Kappa - Was trained up for Nessa round 2! ... Died in training. Stufful - Fuzzy-Wu - also died in training. I may have taken too many training-based risks, but seriously, random wild pokemon in this game are just huge. Koffing- Douglass -... Really wish I’d taken notes. Helioptile- Sunshine - Caught and then basically immediately died to... something or other. Boltund- Thunderbutt - helped fight through Nessa, died shortly after. One of these three pokemon was a Self-Destructing Drifloom, but I don’t remember which. Vanillite - Friendly Roselia - Darien Skorupi - Venom:   After Darien took down Nessa, things were going great, and then some random guy with two level 37s in a cafe challenged me and killed these three. Note that the gym leader AFTER this was still only like level 25. Pawniard- Gwyn - Took to the fairy gym to use Steel type moves against, but didn’t survive the gym leader. Morgrem  - Jareth - Taken out by a surprise fighting attack on a non-fighting pokemon. Greedent - Rastogar - Okay, this name is impossible to know because I got it wrong, but if I got it right, you’d just google it, so points if you can figure out what name I forgot and mangled into this. He fell on me from a tree, and he sucked the whole time. He was there to fill space and no tears were shed when he fell. Pangoro- Gray - Bonus points if you can figure out the super roundabout way I came to a name that’s really just a mixture of his colors. Never amounted to much. Vullaby- Carri -... Never did anything. Died somehow. Perrserker- Gimli - Counter-Death the first. He was doing so well before that, too! Arcanine - James - the best boy. Was one of my earliest catches, only survived the first Nessa wipe because he was hiding in my box so Cherubi could fight. Carried me through a huge chunk of the game. First pokemon to get that super-friendship where it’s constantly bugging you about it. Soft and fluffy. Defeated on Route 9 by Sawk using Counter. Abomasnow- Michelle - ...This was earlier today, how did I already forget? Xatu- Maya - Took her on a Dynamax raid. For the record, I’ve done a decent number, but the difficulty seems to have risen with levels and she got smushed. Garrploct- El Ocho- Captured and overtrained him for the Dark gym which worked out great! Fell to the ‘Dragon’ gym leader. Dusclops- Grimm - Fell to the Dragon gym leader. Beartic- Polerberr - Was supposed to be my ace against the Dragon gym leader, but he got one-shot by a dynamax rock move. Also, what kind of a dragon leader only has two dragons? THE LIVING:
So, that was a lot of dead, here are the... four pokemon I have in a box, not including my team. Barboach- Mudkip  - He’s cool, but I’m overflowing with water types. Octillery- Hugs- Caught him, haven’t used him. Chewtle- Spike - Caught him super early, never used him. Gyarados - Shenron- Fished him up, only put him in my party enough to evolve him. And now, MY TEAM! I do have an extra spot on it, but I already have two water types and literally everything I have left in my box is a water type. Corvisquire - LumDul- Yeah, species clause, but I saw him and I wanted a new one.  Haven’t gotten much use of him yet. He just slid in after the recent losses to Raihan. Dracovish - Abomination -  kinda wanna just kill this thing myself, it’s made with mad and horrid science, but I’m low on Pokemon. Toxicroak - Napoleon - Trained him up for the Dark gym, and he’s been doing pretty well. Skutank - Gross - I slid this into my party way back to fight Ghosts and it just... keeps doing good work. I’ve never been a fan of this pokemon, but she’s doing really well, and Toxic + Venoshock is just good stuff. And finally, the most important pokemon in my game... Wishiwashi- Fish- With leftovers and Aqua Ring, often hiding with Dive, Fish are able to stand up to just about anything and just chill through long fights. Fish are my longest-running team member at this point by a significant margin, having joined right after the Nessa wipe to replace Willow, and they have continually been the backbone of my team. Also this one time they survived a Claydoll Self-Destruct at 2 HP. If I make it through this Nuzlocke, even if I lose Wishiwashi now, Fish will have been the MVP. 
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murasaki-murasame · 5 years
Thoughts on Sarazanmai Episode 9: “I Want To Connect, But I Can’t Express It”
We’ve officially reached the point where the tonal ratio of the show has shifted to 10% comedy, 90% “try not to cry. lay on the floor. cry a lot :(”
Thoughts under the cut.
Oh boy this episode sure was a lot all at once. Thankfully it managed to successfully juggle all the different character arcs and plot points it was dealing with.
Starting off with Reo and Mabu, it seems like Mabu has gotten good enough at cooking that Reo’s now finally convinced that he’s ‘back to his old self’, and he even sings Sara and Keppi’s little song about being the ‘ultimate couple’ while bringing home wine and pancakes for Mabu, in case anyone needed it spelled out even more explicitly that they’re in a relationship, lmao. But then things take a turn for the worse when Reo finds out that Mabu’s off being maintained, which leads to Maximum Cucking when he walks in on it happening, and the sexual element of the maintenance gets made as clear as ever. And of course Reo misunderstands the whole situation and Mabu’s feelings and motives, and now he’s back to even more aggressively rejecting Mabu as he is now. The visual of him standing in the circle diagram thing that’s usually used to show kappa zombie victims being ejected from the circle of society is very worrying. Let’s just hope he can realize what’s really going on before it’s all too late.
I’m kinda worrying more and more as this goes on that Reo and Mabu’s relationship and it’s nuances might not be getting across properly to anime-only people, since the anime hasn’t really given them a whole lot of screen-time, and like 99% of their backstory and prior relationship is just shown in external media. Maybe I’m just worrying too much, but I’ve definitely been seeing some people be confused about some of what’s going on with them. Though tbh I do also think that the whole maintenance scene in this episode was a little confusing in general. But still.
Over on Kazuki’s side of things, pretty much all of his scenes were about setting up his decision to go after Reo and Mabu to reclaim the stolen dishes of hope so that he can use the wish to save Enta’s life. Thankfully he’s finally starting to truly realize how important his connections with Enta and Toi are. It also looks like he finally remembered his meeting with Toi after Haruka showed him that poster of the soccer player they’ve been mimicking, so hopefully those two get to reunite before this all ends.
I don’t know if Toi is going to want to try and get the plates for himself, but we’re at least definitely looking at a conflict between Reo and Kazuki, who both in this episode have resolved to steal the other person’s plates so they can make a wish to save someone else. In a lot of ways this episode really hammers in the parallel going on between Reo-Mabu and Kazuki-Enta, but I still do think that, out of the two of them, Kazuki probably deserves the wish more, since Enta’s in a genuinely life or death state, whereas Reo just needs to accept that Mabu is still Mabu. The synopsis for ep10 [which was accidentally leaked in place of ep9′s synopsis last week, lol] spells out that Kazuki is going to infiltrate the otter hide-out to retrieve the plates, so we’re barrelling head-on into endgame territory. In a lot of ways I think this show would have benefited from more than 11 episodes, but at the very least I think they could wrap things up pretty nicely with just two more episodes.
And over on the topic of Toi, he and his brother sure ended up being the tragic MVPs of this episode. It wasn’t exactly the most unexpected thing over, but they really drove home the tragedy of Chikai’s inevitable death. He was just too far gone, with too many enemies to ever be able to live a normal life. And the idea of crossing a line you can’t go back from is something that Chikai seems completely aware of, since throughout this episode he seems to be trying to give Toi every chance to change his mind and go back, while reminding him that if goes through with this, it’ll be irreversible. I think that even the whole scene at the end of him putting a gun to Toi’s head was his way of trying to scare him into going back to his old life once and for all.
Chikai’s a really morally grey character, and I think a lot of people are gonna hate him after this episode, but I think he just serves as a tragic example of what Toi’s life could turn out like if he ‘crosses the river’ that he can never return from. I don’t think he exactly enjoys any of the criminal activities he’s been doing, but he just doesn’t have any options left, especially now that the cops are onto him and the other gang people he knows are turning on him. Even when he killed Masa, I think he only did it because he could tell that he might have leaked out the fact that Toi was the one to shoot that gang leader four years ago, which Chikai’s been taking the blame for to protect him.
And on the whole note of moral ambiguity, Toi also literally kills at least one dude in this episode. I’m pretty sure he at least killed one of the gang members in this episode, if I’m remembering right. And we found out that he’s been holding onto the real gun he used to kill the gang leader dude, after having previously thrown out a copy. Though I guess we knew right from the start of the show that he still had the gun on him.
The whole sequence before and after the credits of Chikai dying on the boat and Toi remembering their childhood together and then angrily throwing away all of his cash was absolutely heartbreaking, and so much more emotionally blunt than I expected. I’m very curious to see if he’s going to want to take the plates for himself to revive his brother, or if he’s going to accept his death and move on with his life, for better or worse. He’s at least at the point where he still has a chance to go back to his old life, especially now that everyone who knew about his more criminal acts are dead [except for Kazuki and Enta]. Considering the whole ‘crossing the river’ theme, it’s pretty fitting that Toi’s on top of a boat sailing through the middle of the river when Chikai dies. He’s in this transitory space where he still has one last chance to step back before he fully crosses over.
I have a feeling that the big showdown will just be between Reo and Kazuki, but I think Toi’s still going to be important to the last two episodes, and he’s probably going to reunite with the trio again before it ends. So I’m curious to see how that all turns out.
I’ve never really cared too much for shipping any of the main trio, but I could honestly see Kazuki and Toi ending up together at this rate, with how the story as a whole is building up.
Before I forget, there’s also the whole thing with how Keppi was able to apparently turn Enta into a kappa so that he can presumably help Kazuki with getting back the plates, even though he’s on a time limit before he dies once and for all. Which sets up some pretty tangible stakes for these final few episodes. I’m at least glad they got to hug, though. That was really cute, in a sad way. I still hope that Enta’s able to properly let Kazuki know how he feels about him before this all ends.
The next episode synopsis also seems to imply that we’ll get more backstory about Reo and Mabu’s connection to Keppi, so that’ll be exciting. There’s still a lot of aspects to their role in the otter-kappa war that’s still confusing and unclear even to people who’ve been keeping up with all the side material for the series, so it’d be good to get that sorted out. And with how surprisingly blunt a lot of the exposition and backstory has been in this show, I wouldn’t be too surprised if it does all get spelled out in the next episode.
Most of all I’m still hoping that the anime delves into Reo and Mabu’s connection to Sara, since that hasn’t really come up at all, aside from the vague references to Sara knowing them and thinking that they’re good people. I’m pretty sure it’s been said multiple times that the manga [and the twitter] aren’t alternate universe stories, but actually part of the timeline of the series, so it’d be a bit weird if the whole aspect of them having raised her doesn’t come up.
I’m still keeping in mind the possibility that the manga might be some sort of an epilogue where the anime [hypothetically] ends with time being looped back, and Sara choosing to insert herself into Reo and Mabu’s lives. So it could still be ‘canon’ to the anime without being a conventional prequel.
Anyway, we’re firmly in the final arc of the series now, and pretty much all of the previous patterns and recycled sequences have been abandoned in favour of more important plot stuff. I wouldn’t be too surprised if we get one last Sarazanmai no Uta and/or Kawausoiya sequence for good measure before it all ends, though.
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kashnrs · 5 years
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( herman tommeraas, cismale, he/him ) have you heard of KASH NAIR ? that TWENTY-TWO year old JUNIOR studying ECONOMICS? i hear they're CALM & OBNOXIOUS. maybe that’s why they got into LAMBDA KAPPA NU, but who knows. whenever i hear DAMSELFLY by LOYLE CARNER & TOM MISCH i think of them, but most people just say they’re the INDOLENT. maybe you’ll see them around !! + baseball + vice president of frat
staring into space, cat naps, unmade sheets, incensed room, lingering cigarette scent, horror themed novels, old worn t-shirts, hot showers every night, mismatched socks, brewing tea, muffled screams, opened books, & making soup at two AM
Nothing is really interesting about Kasper Ashley Nair, or better known as Kash, and he knows that. He’s born into a very well off family; his father’s side of the family is old money, his father holds a share in the conglomerate company, aside from that his father’s got his own business he built from scratch; meanwhile his mother’s a hard working real estate broker. Kash didn’t really bother to know how they fell in love, but the schist of it was his parents known each other since high-school and now have a family of six. Kash is the third child, they all thought he’d be the last one (he wasn’t).
His childhood was pretty okay, nothing sad, nothing scarring. His parents had always been there for school events, for PTAs, for times where he got called to the Principal’s office. There were no holidays that they weren’t complete. Kash just had it good, he supposed. He didn’t even really have a rivalry with his older siblings, because he doesn’t even have it in him to spite them about something.
Elementary, middle school, high school passed. If there was anything even slightly remarkable that he could talk about was that he was in the baseball team ever since he could remember. He wasn’t the MVP or anything, but he was good enough to have stayed the team. That’s the thing about him, he wasn’t bad and he wasn’t the best. He just is.
Although if Kash tried, if he really did, he could be best at something, but he really doesn’t want to. His mother finds it quit daunting for her son to be astoundingly aimless. Kash, despite being like this, knew that he had to do what he should do as told by his parents. After all he’s always the kid “who needs a little push”, honestly if his mother didn’t push him to do this and do that he probably wouldn’t even gotten in some good college.
Now, on his own without somebody pestering him about actually trying, surprisingly so he’s (barely) surviving.
It wasn’t something you’d expect from Kash, but for some reason he couldn’t quit playing baseball. Perhaps he’s an all american boy who loved the game. Having teammates in Lambda Kappa Nu, Kash then soon joined the frat, and again it was something you’d least expect from him, but his brothers actually kept him motivated (most of the time he’s still quite lazy), he even became the vice president of the house for some reason he couldn’t comprehend.
He’s a bit of slack, but that doesn’t he’s a slack when it comes to interpersonal relationships. Kash is a good friend, if you need someone who’d tolerate the shit that you do and just go along with you, since he’s kind of too lazy to remind people ‘bro this shit’s gonna send you on fire’. He’s very protective, brother bear, kind of thing. It’s difficult for him to be stressed, he’s honestly the calm person you can go to, but that doesn’t mean he’s rational.
He can be quite obnoxious, honestly would fucking hit on you as a joke. He does this to boys a lot, especially ones who claim to be straight. It’s for fun, he explains. Honestly a walking meme. 
an ex of his from sophomore year: they dated during kash’s sophomore year for a couple of months or so, we could talk about the details for this.
a best friend: honestly want a bro for kash, if not a bro then a sis! come up at me with this one please, i love the brotps.
a ride or die: or most likely someone who drags kash’s out of his place to go do stupid shite, and kash just couldn’t say NO to them.
someone kash is protective of: kash is honestly a brother bear, okay, and he’s protective of this person and cares so much.
a list of friends w/ benefits: lmao self-explanatory, kash is a mess and sleeps around a lot, i mean he doesn’t seek it, when he gets propositioned he goes for it.
an enemy: they butted heads and just don’t get along.
i’m not good w/ this shit i’m more of like a chemistry kinda gal tbh but i’d really love to plot so come up at me in my IMs please!!!
bro just come at me pls at discord cher#3078
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fili12group5-blog · 5 years
Tungkol sa Batch ‘81 at AKO: Isang Pagsusuri
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Ang Batch ‘81 ay isang pelikulang isinagawa noong 1982. Ginawa ito sa ilalim ng talyer ng MVP Pictures. Si Mike de Leon ang tagapangasiwa ng paggawa ng pelikula na ito at sina Clodualdo del Mundo Jr., Raquel Villavicencio, at Mike de Leon naman ang gumawa ng manuskrito nito. Ang mga gumanap ay sina Mark Gil bilang Sid Lucero, Ward Luarca bilang Pacoy Ledesma, Noel Trinidad bilang Santi Santillan, Ricky Sandico bilang Ronnie Roxas, Jr., Rod Leido bilang Arnulfo "Arni" Enriquez, Dodo Cabasal bilang Pete Magtibay, at Edwin Reyes bilang Ding Quintos (“Batch ‘81”).
Sa kabilang dako, ang Alpha Kappa Omega o AKO naman ay isang adaptasyon ng Batch ‘81 na isinagawa sa 2019 sa pamantasan ng Atene o de Manila. Si Guelan Varela-Luarca ang nagsulat ng manuskrito nito. Ang mga gumanap ay sina John Sanchez bilang Sid Lucero, Earvin Estioco bilang Arni Enriquez, Ron Capinding bilang Santi Santillan, Nico Nepomuceno bilang Ronnie Roxas, Jr., Ymo Escurel at si Cholo Ledesma bilang Pacoy Ledesma (depende sa petsa ng dula), at si Ram Catan bilang Ding Magtibay (Lastscoop).
May mga tauhan at eksena na pinakita sa AKO ngunit hindi pinakita sa Batch ‘81. Pinakitang may kasintahan si Vince. Pinakita ang eksena ng pagbibigay-ligaya ni Pacoy sa sarili niya. Pinakita ang pagkain ni Santi ng cup noodles, at pinakitang may suot siyang digital na relo. Pinakita ang paggamit ng iPhone upang tumawag at kumuha ng mga litrato. Pinakita ang eksena ni Ding na nagbibigay ng kulambo at bentilador sa kanyang master. Pinakita ang pagtatalo nina Santi Santillan at Ma’am Casuso; walang tauhang nagngangalang Ma’am Casuso sa Batch ‘81. Pinakita ang pagsisisi ni Santi sa pagsali sa fraternity.
May mga tauhan at eksena sa AKO na binago. Walang Ding Magtibay sa Batch ‘81; sa pelikula, Quintos ang apelyido ni Ding at Pete ang pangalan ng tauhan na may apelyidong Magtibay. Pinalitan ang mga kagamitang panteknolohiya na ginamit sa AKO, sapagkat inilaan ito para sa kontemporanyong manonood. Sa Batch ‘81, nasa video tape ang iskandalo ni Pacoy. Sa AKO, nasa Facebook Live na ang iskandalo ni Pacoy. Pinalitan rin ang estilo ng buhok at pamamaraan ng pananamit ng mga tauhan mula sa AKO, at pareho ang dahilan nito sa pagpalit ng kagamitang panteknolohiya: ginawa ito para sa kontemporanyong manonood. Sa Batch ‘81, uso ang mahahabang gupit at bigote sa mga lalaki. Makakapal ang mga gupit nila. Sa mga babae naman, uso ang buhok na dumaan muna sa hair roller. Makakapal ang mga buhok nila. Hindi na tanyag ang mga ito sa mga lalaki at babae na gumanap sa AKO. Mas maikli na ang mga buhok ng mga lalaki at wala silang mga bigote (kung mayroon man, hindi ito makakapal tulad sa Batch ‘81). Sa mga babae naman, makina na ang nagbibigay-estilo sa buhok nila. Sa pangkalahatan, mas halata ang pagkakaiba ng mga estilo ng buhok nila. Pinalitan ang pagsagawa ng mga fraternity ng battle of the bands sa Batch ‘81 sa pagsagawa ng mga fraternity ng parodya ng Miss Universe sa AKO.
Nasa punto de bista ni Sid Lucero ang Batch ‘81. Dito, pinagtuunan ng pansin ang mga pangyayari sa loob ng fraternity. Pinakita sa pelikula na ang pagiging bahagi ng fraternity ang basehan ng pagtatagumpay ng mga tauhan.
Sa kabilang banda, nasa punto de bista ni Santi Santillan ang AKO. Sa AKO, pinagtuunan ng pansin ang mga epekto ng pagsali ng fraternity. Pinakita ng dula na hindi nasusukat ng pagpasok sa fraternity ang tagumpay. Inilantad ng dula ang mga suliraning panlipunan ng Pilipinas sa kasalukuyan, tulad ng paggiit ng mga Intsik ng kanilang kapangyarihan sa Pilipinas.
Naging matagumpay ang AKO sa pagpapakita ng lipunan sa kasalukuyan. Sa ngayon, laganap pa rin ang hazing sa mga fraternity. Isang halimbawa ang hazing na naganap sa Pamantasan ng Santo Tomas (UST) na nagdulot ng pagkamatay ng isang mag-aaral dito. Nagpaalam si Atyo, ang nasabing mag-aaral, sa kanyang mga magulang na magpapagabi siya sa UST para sa pagbibigay-pugay sa isang fraternity. Sa susunod na araw, nalaman ng mga magulang na si Atyo na dinala ang kanilang anak sa ospital. Sumugod sila upang makita nila ang anak nila, ngunit huli na ang lahat. Nabalitaan nila na punumpuno ng gasgas at candle wax ang katawan ni Atyo (Arcangel & Jiao, 2017). Dahil may mga insidenteng ganito sa kasalukuyan, importante ang pagsasadula na ginawa ng AKO. Nagsisilbi itong paalala ng mga kasamaang naidudulot ng fraternity. Hindi lamang ito pahamak sa buhay ng isang mag-aaral. Sinisira din nito ang relasyon ng isang indibidwal sa kanyang mga mahal sa buhay. Halimbawa nito ang pagsawalang-bahala ni Sid kay Arni at ang paghiwalay niya sa kasintahan niya, para sa fraternity. Pinagpalit ni Sid sa fraternity ang kanyang mga mahal sa buhay. Ipinakita din ng AKO ang pagkawala ng dangal na dulot ng pagsali sa fraternity. Sinunod ng mga neophytes ang mga utos ng mga master, kahit na labag na ito sa kanilang moralidad. Sa proseso, wala nang pagkakakilalanlan ang mga neophytes, dahil hinayaan nilang umikot ang mga mundo nila sa fraternity.
Arcangel, Xianne, and Claire Jiao. “UST Law Student Dead after Alleged  Hazing.” CNN, nine.cnnphilippines.com/news/2017/09/18/UST-Law-                    hazing-Horacio-Tomas-Castillo-III.html. 
“Batch '81.” ‎Letterboxd, letterboxd.com/film/batch-81/crew/.
Lastscoop. “NEWS: ‘AKO: ALPHA KAPPA OMEGA’ - TANGHALANG ATENEO    BRINGS MIKE DE LEON'S BATCH 81 TO THE STAGE ON MARCH 20              – APRIL 13.” The Jellicle Blog, 8 Mar. 2019, www.                                                jellicleblog.com/2019/03/news-ako-alpha-kappa-omega-tanghalang-ateneo-brings-mike-de-leons-batch-81-to-the-stage-on-march-20-april-13/.
“Theater Treats 2019: Ako: Alpha Kappa Omega By Tanghalang Ateneo .”          Spil.ph, 20 Mar. 2019, spil.ph/information/2019/03/20/theater-treats-                    2019-ako-alpha-kappa-omega-by-tanghalang-ateneo-march-20-april-13-              rizal-mini-theater-ateneo-de-manila-loyola-heights-qc/.
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myblckcty · 2 years
Andaiza Dockery
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Join My Black City in Celebrating and Supporting Andaiza Dockery. We Shine Brighter Together. #MyBlackCity https://myblackcity.org/andaiza-dockery/?feed_id=9066 >> Colorado Beautillion-Cotillion, Inc | Youth Feature 2020 >> Attended: Manual High School Academic Honors: 4 Year Honor Roll Student College Preference: University of Northern Colorado Major: Pre-Medicine Achievements: Senior Class President 2018-20 Principle List Certified Nurse Assistant Certified Basic Life Support Accelerated Placement Student College Ready in Math and English Student Council Leader Star Mentor Exceptional Attendance Award Past Kappa Vou Sorority President Year Book Staff High School Musical Performing Artist Faces Student Cheer Captain and Cheer MVP
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phibetakappa · 6 years
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Congratulations to #PBKStaff member Doris Lawrence, who started working at Phi Beta Kappa 50 years ago today! Doris, your are truly invaluable to the national office, thank you so much for all that you do. #PBKPride #50years #50thanniversary #PhiBetaKappa #50thanniversaryparty #StaffParty #Cake #OfficeParty #MVP (at Phi Beta Kappa Society)
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ladylilabrown · 3 years
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💗💚💕💚 #SkeeWee 💕💚💓💚My Sorority Sister’s #InaugurationDay #KamalaHarrisDay #AlphaKappaAlpha #MadamVicePresident #MVP 🏛 Soror Kamala D. Harris Day – We have declared Wednesday, January 20, 2021 as Soror Kamala D. Harris Day in Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® 🙌🏾🙏🏾 #AlphaKappaAlpha #AKA1908 #KamalaHarris #HBCU #HBCUPride #Soror #PinkandGreen #WhiteHouse #VicePresident #USCapitol (at Washington D.C.) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKRf-dEM211/?igshid=1bn78cnr3alnu
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megmaxino · 4 years
Batch ‘81: A Film of Cowardly Boys! But That’s Exactly The Point
Hello! I’m Meg :)
Today, I’ve got some things to say about Batch ‘81. Let’s get to it!
[Warning: Spoilers ahead.]
Batch ‘81: A Film of Cowardly Boys! But That’s Exactly The Point
About the Film
MVP Pictures’ Batch ‘81, released in 1982, was directed by Mike De Leon and was selected for the Directors Fortnight at the 1982 Cannes Film Festival. It stars Mike De Leon as Sid Lucero, Ward Luarca as Pacoy Ledesma, Noel Trinidad as Santi Santillan, Ricky Sandico as Ronnie Roxas, Jr., Jimmy Javier as Vince, Rod Leido as Arni Enrizuez, and Vic Lima as Gonzales. These 8 boys decide to take up the ambitious challenge of signing up for the fraternity, Alpha Kappa Omega, supposedly the best frat of the university. The film follows these neophytes as they go through the tortuous hazing process to become an official member of the fraternity. 
During my first viewing of Batch ‘81, I found myself constantly mad at everyone. “You idiots!” I said, “This is so stupid; this makes no sense.” I wasn’t referring to how the film was shot or the flow of the story. No, I was referring to what was happening in the story. I was referring to how the character’s choices were making me feel. I couldn’t help but question all the dumb decisions being made. What were they playing at?
“Kaisahan: Isang kalooban, Isang Katwiran” (Unity: One Will, One Righteousness)
That was something that was always emphasized and gone back to. But what did unity actually mean to them? To me, in the context of the film, it meant being selfish and cowardly- BUT, maybe that was the point?
Cowardly Boys and their Questionable Intentions and Decisions
Frat? All for What?  After another round of initiation, Arni and Sid return to their dorm room. Arni complains about his aching bones. What exactly is all this pain for again?
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[Arni: Shit, my neck hurts.  Sid: That’s okay, Arni: “That’s okay,” yeah right. We’re being tortured! Sid: Just think about the advantages of being in a frat.]
Unity? Really? Sounds More Selfish to Me When one of the boys shares to the others that he wants to quit, Sid Lucero asks, “Eh, ano namang mangyayari sa batch?” Is that all you care about, Sid? Throughout the course of the film, it’s another thing always gone back to. “What about the batch?” they’ll ask, “We need to stick together.” But what do you care if he leaves? If you want to stay, by all means. Let him if he can’t take it anymore. How selfish.
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[Sid: Then what’s gonna happen to the batch?]
What Kind of Friends Are You? In another moment, Pacoy feels betrayed by his own batchmates - friends, even - when they didn’t tell him they knew about an embarrassing incident with one of their professors. The said incident was streamed and the frat leaders made them watch. Sid gets Pacoy to calm down and Pacoy opens up saying that this was meant to be some form of therapy due to his anxiety towards people.
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[Pacoy: I didn’t even want to join the frat. It was my mom!... And doctor. He said it’d be my therapy.] 
Just Let Him Go! Arni is another boy of the batch that expresses his desire to leave. This causes Sid to say he’s weak and even gets into a fight over it. But what for? Like I said earlier, just let him leave! It’s his life, not yours.
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The Girl that Said It for Me
When Sid goes out on a date with his girlfriend, Mariel, they discuss this whole frat hazing situation. She knows how it goes and she knows how dangerous it is. She wants him out of there. Her own brother died from initiations trying to join that same fraternity. But still, Sid won’t listen. Mariel goes on to say that he doesn’t have his own mind anymore. No matter how ridiculous, he’ll follow orders of the frat leaders.
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[Sid: Look, I know what I’m doing. You know me. I have my own mind. Mariel: Maybe before, but not anymore. The day will come when you’re all just the same. You jump at any requests they have.]
Batch ‘81: A Film of Cowardly Boys… But That’s Exactly The Point
To my understanding, they’re really just scared to be alone. At any mention of quitting, someone jumps up immediately to prevent whoever from leaving. But why? Just let them leave if they really want to. It’s their loss if they don’t get in and gain all these “advantages” of being in that fraternity.
“Kaisahan: Isang kalooban, Isang Katwiran” (Unity: One Will, One Righteousness) AGAIN, that was something that was always emphasized and gone back to. But what did unity actually mean to them? To me, in the context of the film, it meant being selfish and cowardly- BUT, maybe that was the point? 
The point of initiations are to test and see if you are worthy of being a part of the group. That specific fraternity values unity, so naturally they would test incoming members on exactly that. It wasn’t about being brave, strong, and tough enough to endure all the dumb and torturous hazing - WHICH, BY THE WAY, I DO NOT APPORVE OF THIS HAZING. It was about making it through as a team. It was to see if you would do anything for your friends. If you passed the test, the frat leaders were sure that you would be a loyal member.
Sure enough, the ones who stuck together made it to the end.
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