#Karen Carlson
classyinfur · 26 days
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Karen Carlson in "The Octagon" (1980)
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squirrelfm · 10 months
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"That's an insult to both of us. It makes me stupid and you... a whore." ~ Scott
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letterboxd-loggd · 2 months
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The Student Nurses (1970) Stephanie Rothman
August 4th 2024
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littletroubledgrrrl · 7 months
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pretty-little-fools · 2 years
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jameszmaguire · 1 year
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TASKMASTER NZ Madeleine Sami in 1x04 'I'm Queer, I'm Here' Urzila Carlson in 2x01 'Flight of Fantasy' Chris Parker in 3x03 'Mexican Lasagna' Karen O'Leary in 4x02 'I'm a Therapist, not a Greengrocer'
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cloudberrylane · 11 months
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Paul + 'none of your beeswax' (Taskmaster NZ: Series 2, 3 & 4)
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coochiequeens · 2 years
“On November 23, Natalee Bingham, a friend of a Club Q victim, appeared on CNN to refute the shooter’s alleged gender identity. When asked for comment on Aldrich’s “non-binary” identity, Bingham called it “ludicrous,” and claimed “it was obvious” Aldrich was a man based on his appearance.”                                     But I thought you couldn’t assume gender based on appearance?
After it was revealed that a shooter who killed 5 people and injured 25 others at an LGBT nightclub in Colorado identifies as “non-binary” and uses gender neutral pronouns, trans activists took to social media to express disbelief over his self-declared identity.
Anderson Lee Aldrich, 22, opened fire at Club Q on November 19, tragically killing Raymond Green Vance, Kelly Loving, Daniel Aston, Derrick Rump and Ashley Paugh. At least 25 others in the venue were also injured during the incident. Aldrich was arrested at the scene and taken into police custody.
Following news of the mass killings, prominent figures blamed “homophobia” and “transphobia” for the shooting.
California Senator Scott Wiener, who introduced a bill that turns the state into a refuge for youth and parents of children seeking out puberty-halting drugs, went so far as to blame the shooting on the use of the word “groomer” online.
However, a recent court filing revealed that Aldrich identifies as a non-binary individual, and therefore could be considered a member of the LGBTQ community according to his chosen status.
On November 22, Aldrich’s legal team submitted court documents stating that their client prefers use they/them pronouns and goes by “Mx. Aldrich” as opposed to “Mr.” or “Ms.” Aldrich. The shooter also had legally changed his name shortly after his 16th birthday, and was born Nicholas Franklin Brink.
The revelation came after days of fierce online assertions over the shooters motivations, with many trans activists blaming both conservatives and gender critical feminists for the shooting. Some took aim at conservative commentators such as Matt Walsh and Tucker Carlson, with others even directing their ire at children’s author JK Rowling.
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“Wow turns out I had never in my life experienced fury until the second I read the sentence ‘the shooter now claims he is non-binary,'” tweeted Gretchen Felker-Martin. Felker-Martin recently published a novelcentered around trans-identified males graphically murdering feminists.
Some reporters even struggled to decide which pronouns to use for the shooter when reporting on the case. One CBS News clip showed reporter Karen Morfitt stumbling over her words as she attempted to use gender neutral pronouns for Aldrich, while CNN presenters speculated that Aldrich wasn’t really non-binary, but was instead setting up his defense case against the hate crime charges. 
On November 23, Natalee Bingham, a friend of a Club Q victim, appeared on CNN to refute the shooter’s alleged gender identity.
When asked for comment on Aldrich’s “non-binary” identity, Bingham called it “ludicrous,” and claimed “it was obvious” Aldrich was a man based on his appearance. 
“It was obvious with the mugshot that’s a man. That’s not a non-binary person because in no way shape or form could they appear as a woman the next day,” Bingham claimed.
Bingham called it “offensive” for a “male” to “play that role,” and reiterated that it was easy to tell Aldrich was not really what he claimed to be.
The clip of Bingham’s appearance began circulating on social media, and many users were quick to point out Bingham’s hypocrisy over not respecting Aldrich’s identity because of his appearance.
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Disclosure notice: @Slatzism is the Editor-in-Chief at Reduxx.
“But I thought we can’t tell anyone’s gender until they tell us? Aren’t we just supposed to believe what people say? Fairly sure Natalee is engaging in some double standards here,” one user said in response to the clip.
“Oh so it sounds like we don’t need to declare or recognize pronouns any more, we can just go by looks. Right?,” another user questioned.
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The narrative that Aldrich is claiming to be non-binary as a legal maneuver to secure leniency during the trial began circulating across social media shortly after news of the court filing broke. Many trans activists are now claiming that Aldrich is only pretending to be non-binary, citing evidence such as family members using he/him pronouns to describe him on social media. 
Trans activist and alleged sex offender Eli Erlick repeatedly misgendered Aldrich on Twitter and claimed he is “playing the media by lying” about his gender identity.
“Using queer and trans self-determination ethos against us is a disgusting but effective way to further harm our communities.” Erlick stated on Twitter. In the past, Erlickhas criticized those who accurately identify him as male, despite some anecdotal evidence that he leveraged his own self-declared transgender status to avoid criticism for alleged crimes he committed. 
The debate amongst trans activists about Aldrich not being “authentically” non-binary are in contrast with long-standing assertion that trans activists claiming the only requirement to being “non-binary” is to self identify as such.
A viral tweet from September asserted that non-binary people “deserve to be respected without having their identity picked apart.”
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The situation with Aldrich resembles recent controversies surrounding non-binary actor Ezra Miller.
Miller, known for his roles in The Flash and We Need to Talk About Kevin, became the subject of international outcry after numerous disturbing incidents came to light.
Miller is alleged to have committed multiple acts of violence against women, some of which were filmed and well-documented. In 2020, Miller was caught on video choking a female fan in Iceland and throwing her to the concrete. Earlier this year, Miller was reported to police by a Hawaiian woman who stated he had hit her in the head with a chair.
Most disturbingly, the mother of a young woman took to Twitter to report that her daughter had been effectively kidnapped by Miller, who had groomed her from when she was a minor, and plied her with illicit drugs.
Environmental activist Sara Jumping Eagle told her followers that her daughter, Tokata Iron Eyes, has not had a phone since January of this year, and that her family has been unable to locate her.
Yet despite all of his controversies, activists on Twitter asserted that Miller’s non-binary identity must be respected regardless of his improprieties. The actor uses the pronouns they/them/it and zir.
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Similarly, earlier this year, internet celebrity Christian Weston Chandler, known more commonly as Chris Chan, appeared in court charged with raping his own 79 year old mother. 
During the court proceedings, people on Twitter began posting about the importance of not misgenderingChandler, who identifies as both a woman and a lesbian.
In addition to those outright denying Aldrich’s identity, some claimed it was “suspicious” for him to have begun using they/them pronouns only after his arrest. 
Trans activist and writer Katelyn Burns tweeted: “I just think it’s very convenient that the first time anyone on the planet has ever heard of you preferring they them pronouns is just after you’ve been arrested for shooting up a queer bar.”
But women’s rights advocates were quick to retort by pointing out that criminals identifying as transgender following an arrest, conviction, or incarceration was a relatively common occurrence.
Responding to Burns, one Twitter user wrote: “It’s almost like gender identity ideology allows males to do as they please and then claim trans status to avoid the repercussions. Most (transwomen) in Scottish jails only discovered they were trans after they were arrested. Funny that.”
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Many pointed to a study published in the British Journal of Criminology which speculated that “the transitions of transgender people might be an attempt by pedophiles or other sex offenders to access cis-women in the female prison estate.” The same study found that a large percentage of men who identified as women in prison detransitioned upon release. 
“So, the Colorado shooting suspect is identifying as ‘non-binary’ with ‘they/them’ pronouns. Many desperate for this inconvenient info to go away are claiming ‘they’ are just gaming the system. Possibly true. But haven’t gender critical women been warning about this for years?” tweeted podcaster Stephen Knight.
The motive for Aldrich’s horrific actions have still yet to be determined by official investigation, despite the array of online speculation. So far, it has been revealed that the shooter had a traumatic upbringing with both parents having criminal backgrounds.
At 16, Aldrich filed a legal petition in Texas seeking to “protect himself” from his father, who had a criminal history including domestic violence against his mother. Aldrich’s father is an MMA fighter and porn actor who is reportedly addicted to methamphetamine. 
Formal charges are to expected to be brought against Aldrich at his next court hearing, set for December 6.
By Shay Woulahan Shay is a writer and social media content creator for Reduxx. She is a proud lesbian activist and feminist who lives in Northern Ireland with her partner and their four-legged, fluffy friends.
It is possible to mourn the dead and point out the hypocrisy of the TRA response to a shooter with pronouns.
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texaschainsawmascara · 7 months
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The chain is a metaphor for both the spoken and unspoken bond of trust and love between two partners in a relationship, as well as the relationship itself. The Chain - Fleetwood Mac song analysis
Ring für Zwei - Otto Künzli / UNDN launch party / Connection - Ksenija Pronina / Connected - Karen Poulson / tbd / Devon Carlson & Jesse Rutherford t-shirt collab for Marc Jacobs / Forgiveness - Paramore
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darkmaga-retard · 4 days
Monday September 16 ,2024 Truth Bomb
Karen Bracken
Nationwide school choice bill clears committee, moves to House floor - THIS IS NOT GOOD - PLEASE contact your US Representative and demand they vote No. Anything the government touches the government destroys. TOTALLY UNCONSTITUTIONAL and all of you constitutionally illiterate Americans need to read, research and understand our founding documents. The truth not the lies fed in our schools and by our government. The federal government has ZERO power or authority over education. Art. 1 Sec. 8 lists the 18 enumerated powers delegated to the federal government when the STATES created the federal government. Do you see any mention of education?? Do you see anything about marriage or health or environment listed? If it is not on the list the federal government has no constitutional power or authority and that goes for the Supreme Court as well. What choice in education do parents not have today? Every state in America already has “school choice.” What they now want is for the taxpayer to not only pay for public education but to now pay for private education too. If people understood the truth behind this movement they would not support it. The agenda is to eventually suck ALL school choices into the federal indoctrination system. Whatever they say school choice is today they can and will change it tomorrow. When they implemented Common Core globally one of the goals was to have ALL children under the same education system. That goal is still in effect today. There could be no outliers. What are the outliers? They are home educated children, religious school and private school children. So how do we get those students into the system? Oh I know.......lets offer a carrot to parents and call it school CHOICE……everyone wants choice, right??? Then we will force the taxpayer to pay for it and then eventually we can move the outliers under the same umbrella as the public/charter school students. One day in the future parents will be very sorry when they realize they got snookered again into yet another federal scheme (lie). Our failing education system needs to be fixed but school choice (taxpayer funded) is not the answer. At one time this country was 98% literate. Today we are at about 30%. What happened? What happened is that the federal government got involved and started dictating what schools will teach......oh not directly because that would violate their authority but they did it through funding and grants holding states hostage by the power of the purse. Want the money; you will do what we dictate. We need to get back to what made education great in this country many decades ago but that is not now and never was the goal of education because highly educated people threatens their power. Knowing how to read threatens their power. Dumbed down citizens are easier to deceive and control. WAKE UP PEOPLE this government NEVER does anything that will benefit you or your children - ARTICLE
Bombshell ABC News affidavit released, exposes disturbing pro-Kamala debate scheme - ARTICLE
ABC Shocks Viewers: Breaks Its Own Rules Less Than 30 Minutes Into Heated Debate - ARTICLE/VIDEO (10 secs.)
Casey Means, M.D.: Why The Rise in Cancer in The Young? - If you have never heard a full interview with Dr. Means and her brother you really need too. The best one I have seen so far is the interview they did with Tucker Carlson. Here is a snippet of an interview Dr. Means did on Children’s Health Defense. 2 min. VIDEO
This is the interview with Carlson and the Means (brother and sister). It is long but worth every minute. I guarantee you will look at a lot of things differently after watching this interview. VIDEO
The disaster that is the Pact for the Future - I have read the 29 page document and it is everything Dr. Nass says and more. By the time the WHO and the UN/WEF get done it will perfectly coincide with the steal of yet another election in order to drive in their one world government because that is what these documents spell out for those that can read between the lines and have been reseaching this stuff for 20 years now. One thing I found in this document was that the implementation must be TURBO CHARGED - ARTICLE
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classyinfur · 11 months
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warrenwoodhouse · 1 year
Cliques - Bully Guide (Game Guides) (Guides)
List of all of the cliques in Bully and in Bully: Scholarship Edition.
Main Game
Algernon “Algie” Papadopoulos
Bucky Pasteur
Earnest Jones
Melvin O’Connor
Donald Anderson
Cornelius Johnson
Fatty Johnson
Thad Carlson
Beatrice Trudeau
The Library
The Observatory
Chad Morris
Gord Vendome
Parker Ogilvie
Tad Spencer
Derby Harrington
Bif Taylor
Bryce Montrose
Justin Vandervelde
Pinky Gauthier
Harrington House
Old Bullworth Vale
Glass Jaw Gym
Johnny Vincent
Ricky Pucino
Hal Esposito
Lefty Mancini
Norton Williams
Peanut Romano
Vance Medici
Lola Lombardi
Auto Shop
Kirby Olsen
Casey Harris
Bo Jackson
Damon West
Dan Wilson
Juri Karamazov
Luis Luna
Ted Thompson
Mandy Wiles
Football Field
Swimming Pool
Gary Smith
Peter “Petey” Kowalski
James “Jimmy” Hopkins
Constantinos Brakus
Ivan Alexander
Gordon Wakefield
Lance Jackson
Pedro De La Hoya
Ray Hughes
Sheldon Thompson
Trevor Moore
Angie Ng
Eunice Pound
Christy Martin
Gloria Jackson
Karen Johnson
Melody Adams
Zoe Taylor
Bullworth Academy
Russell Northrop
Trent Northwick
Davis White
Ethan Robinson
Tom Gurney
Troy Miller
Wade Martin
Bullworth Academy
Carpark - Bullworth Academy
Edgar Munsen
Clint (aka: Henry)
Omar Romero
Otto Tyler
Zoe Taylor (before re-attending Bullworth Academy)
Mr. Doolin
Miss Abby
Old Bullworth Vale
Officer Williams
Old Bullworth Vale
Bullworth Town
Prefect 1
Prefect 2
Prefect 3
Bullworth Academy
Carnival Folk
The Siamese Twins
The Last Mermaid
Billie Crane’s Traveling Carnival
Dr. Crabblesnitch (Principal)
Mr. Burton (Gym Teacher)
Mr. Lionel Galloway (English Teacher)
Mr. Hattrick (Math Teacher) (Scholarship Edition)
Mr. Luntz (Janitor, Shop Attendant)
Mr. Matthews (Geography Teacher) (Scholarship Edition)
Neil (Shop Teacher)
Dr. Slawter (Biology Teacher) (Scholarship Edition)
Dr. Watts (Chemistry Teacher)
Mr. Wiggins (History Teacher) (Scholarship Edition)
Miss. Danvers (Secretary)
Mrs. Carvin (Librarian)
Edna (Cook)
Mrs. Danica McRae (Nurse)
Mrs. Peabody (Girls’ Dorm Hall Monitor)
Miss. Peters (Music Teacher) (Scholarship Edition)
Ms. Deidre Philips (Art Teacher, Photography Teacher)
Bullworth Academy
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olympain · 1 year
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A strange, strange morning at the Taskmaster NZ house Stewart Sowman-Lund gains access to the north Auckland mansion where the TVNZ comedy gameshow is filmed and uncovers the secrets the cameras don’t see.
After four years, the Taskmaster house is a cast member in its own right. The mysterious and ever-evolving setting for the TVNZ comedy show is ostensibly just a house north of Auckland. But for fans of Taskmaster, it’s a memorial to the show itself. Hey look, there are the rafters that David Correos climbed into, in what was probably a health and safety breach. There’s the bar where Leigh Hart attempted to use a leaf blower to make a cocktail. And I think that’s where Urzila Carlson drank a lot of scotch while playing hopscotch?
Returning tonight, season four of Taskmaster NZ sees five new famous faces vying to win a gold bust of Jeremy Wells’ head: Dai Henwood, Mel Bracewell, Ray O’Leary, Karen O’Leary and Sieni Leo’o Olo (aka Bubbah). You’d probably expect that after three seasons, the incoming cast of comedians would be well-versed on how Taskmaster works. But as I found out on a visit to the Taskmaster set back in March, that might not be the case.
It’s a few weeks after Cyclone Gabrielle when I pull up outside the Taskmaster house and am greeted by Paul Williams. In the world of the show, Williams is the Taskmaster’s assistant, a meek and slightly awkward character whose entire purpose is to do whatever it is the Taskmaster, Jeremy Wells, demands. Largely, that means guiding the contestants through the absurd challenges they find written in wax-sealed envelopes. “They all really like me,” Williams says sarcastically of his relationship with the contestants. “I don’t annoy them at all.” (Karen O’Leary later describes Williams to me as “a bit of a dick”, though reluctantly admits that he could be helpful during some tasks.).
In real life, Williams doesn’t seem that far removed from the character he plays on the show, leading me to question whether he’s still in character while showing me around the Taskmaster house. We start our tour upstairs in the study, this season made over with dark green paint and jungle-like vines hanging from the rafters. Behind the desk hangs a Rene Magritte-esque painting of Jeremy Wells with a long bird’s beak. 
The bookshelves have also been packed with an assortment of loosely-themed objects, including a cheetah, a pair of binoculars and a globe. Books about travel and exploration are stacked up too. To the side of the study, just out of shot from the cameras, Williams points out a curtain that conceals an assortment of extra props, like a spare print of the Wells bird painting made “in case the comedians damage the one on the wall”. Given this is Taskmaster, you really do need to prepare for everything.
The study leads through to a small bedroom that Williams, with the awkwardness of a teenage boy apologising for not cleaning up, admits is his. Occasionally he sleeps over in the Taskmaster house so as to avoid an early morning commute to set. Piled up in a drawer next to the bed are artefacts from previous Taskmaster seasons that should really be collected and donated to some sort of Taskmaster museum. The pile includes draft lyrics from a Guy Montgomery musical task in season two and a piece of paper with some frantic scrawling that could only belong to David Correos.
Downstairs, we stop at a washing machine. I’m not sure it’s meant to be part of the tour until Williams grabs out a solitary pair of sodden black socks, which he proceeds to carry around with him until remembering they need to dry.
We head out towards the dock, a small wharf that overlooks a swampy green pond, and the setting for a number of water-based tasks. It’s a surprising distance from the main house and along the way, Williams points out several iconic locations from the show. There’s a life-sized lion sculpture, replacing the cow featured in previous seasons (“the cow’s on loan, I think,” says Williams). We pop into the shed and see the fish poster made internationally famous by Rose Matafeo on Taskmaster UK stuck to the inside of the door. There’s the bathtub used for the infuriating final task of season three: “Relocate the water in this bath to that bath”. We pass through the “enchanted forest” and I’m uncomfortably reminded of Paul Ego’s sex witch. 
All the while, Williams is carrying his all-important iPad (and the socks) which reminds me of a question I’ve always had for the Taskmaster assistant, one that has perplexed Reddit for years. “Can you tell me once and for all if the iPad actually controls anything, or if it’s just a prop?” I ask Williams, who looks at me coyly: “I cannot disclose the secrets of the iPad.”
Later, after Williams has been called back for some filming, I’m standing in a gazebo on the back lawn about to watch a team task involving Dai Henwood, Karen O’Leary and Bubbah. They’ve been instructed to weave their way, blindfolded, through a maze. I’m told the task should only take about 10 minutes, but nearly an hour later we’re still standing there watching the trio of comics flounder as they try to complete it. There’s talk of breaking early for lunch, but the contestants are determined to finish the task no matter how long it takes. A crew member tells me that quite often the team tasks don’t make it to air, but this one definitely will. Why? Because “the other team [Mel Bracewell and Ray O’Leary] did it on their first go”. 
It’s part of the joy of Taskmaster that being really bad at a task is often as impressive as being really good at it. For Wells as Taskmaster, that means his job is often determining whether to give points to the best contestant – or the funniest. Bubbah tells me she’d never even heard of the show before being cast, let alone how it works, and that means her performance in the season hasn’t been tampered by any thought of actually winning points. “It was like halfway in when Paul was like ‘what do you think the Taskmaster’s gonna say’? I was like ‘Who the fuck is the Taskmaster’?” she says. “Obviously I have not been thinking about how he’s going to react.” 
Henwood also went in largely blind, though at least he actually knew what the show was. He was originally set to appear in season one of Taskmaster NZ, but ultimately had to wait another three years before being cast. “I went ‘I don’t want to watch it’ because I didn’t want to be influenced’. I purposefully kept myself in the dark and now I’m going to binge watch the old ones and go ‘I should have prepped for this’,” he laughs. Karen O’Leary was perhaps the most prepared – but she was hardly a diehard Taskmaster fan. She’d watched snippets from previous seasons and admits to trying to appeal to Wells’s ego in her performance. “I think he’s someone who is quite pedantic… My aim is to try and find my own exception to what the tasks are by mucking with how they have been worded,” she says. “I’m sure Jeremy will understand, but time will tell.” 
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While protesting Tennessee’s drag ban, country music star Maren Morris challenged state officials to arrest her for introducing her almost three-year-old son to some drag queens.
This year, Tennessee became the first state to pass a law restricting drag performances. It also recently passed a particularly chilling ban on gender-affirming healthcare for transgender youth that even requires youth currently receiving gender-affirming care to detransition.
Morris was among a host of celebrities who performed at a benefit concert on Monday to oppose the anti-LGBTQ+ legislation. Afterward, she wrote on Instagram that “Love rose up.”
“Thank you Nashville, the gorgeous Queens and the LGBTQ+ community for showing up last night,” she said, adding that at the concert, “A lot of healing happened and it won’t be forgotten.”
As part of the post, Morris included a video of herself on stage at the concert in which she declared, “and yes, I introduced by son to some drag queens today so Tennessee fuckin’ arrest me.” She was met with thunderous applause.
Commenters thanked her for modeling allyship.
“From the bottom of my heart, thank you for letting your actions match what you say that you believe,” one person wrote. “Thank you for screaming your support from the highest rooftops and modeling what true ‘allyship’ looks like. You’re light and you’re love. Keep on keepin’ on— it’s more appreciated than you’ll ever know.”
“Thank you for being such an inclusive voice for country music and the world!” said another. “Your son is so fortunate to have you for his Mama and we are fortunate to be able to hear your message through your music. Keep up the good fight and love will eventually drown out the hate!”
Morris has long been a warrior for LGBTQ+ rights. Last year, she raised over $100,000 for transgender support organizations after Tucker Carlson mocked her on air for standing up for trans people against transphobic comments made by Brittany Kerr Aldean, a beauty lifestyle influencer married to Grammy-nominated country music artist Jason Aldean.
Carlson called Morris a “lunatic,” and a “fake country music singer” after a Twitter battle between Morris and Aldean in which Morris called Aldean a “scumbag human” and “Insurrection Barbie.” Aldean had tweeted that she was grateful to her parents for “not changing my gender when I went through my tomboy phase” because “I love this girly life.”
Morris responded to the video by writing, “You know, I’m glad she didn’t become a boy either because we really don’t need another asshole dude in the world. Sucks when Karens try to hide their homophobia/transphobia behind their ‘protectiveness of the children.’”
After Carlson took aim at Morris, she immediately mocked his insult by publishing a fake image of herself with a chyron from Carlson’s show declaring her as a “lunatic country music person.”
Morris then published a tweet announcing the sale of a t-shirt with the words, “Marren Morris: Lunatic Country Music Person” on it. The shirt also had the phone number of the Trans Lifeline, a peer support phone service run by trans people for trans and questioning peers. She said all proceeds would be split between Trans Lifeline and the GLAAD Transgender Media Program.
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newmarravanna · 1 year
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Karen Carlson is Stella Warden in Buck Rogers in the 25th Century, "Planet of the Slave Girls".
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cloudberrylane · 11 months
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TM assistants getting scared of balloons
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