#Katherine Howard x Catherine Parr
sixaus-meaa · 3 months
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character sheet (queens)
(the characters are BASED ON the historical figures)
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leoleolovesdc · 11 months
Howard: Hey guys, do y’all know where’s Cathy?
Aragon, somewhat annoyed: In her room. Writing.
Howard: Oh, so she’s back?
Cleves: Uhh.. she never left?
Howard, disbelieving: She hasn’t shown up in like, five days, and you’re saying that all this time she was just in her room working?
Cleves, shrugging: Workaholics, go figure.
Howard: I’m pretty sure that’s not healthy.
Howard: Like, at all.
Boleyn: Just let her be, Kat. If she wants to work then let her work. It’s her choice and all that shit.
Seymour: No, no, no! Kat’s right, we can’t let Cathy lock herself into a room for a whole week and act like nothing’s wrong!
Aragon: Yeah, someone should definetly go check on her.
Aragon, agressively pointing at Anne: Bo-loser, you’re going. If someone can annoy people out of motivation then that’s you.
Boleyn: What?! I don’t want to!
Cleves: No, Lina’s right. You should go.
Seymour: Yeah, it has to be you, Annie.
Boleyn: Kat? Please?
Howard: As you once wisely said; sorry not sorry, sis.
Boleyn: Ugh, fine! I’ll do it, but you owe me! All of you!
6 hours later
Cleves: Damn, Annie’s surely taking her time, huh?
Aragon: Hm… You’re right. I thought with how enraging she can be Cathy would have given up like, five hours ago
Seymour, uncertainly: Maybe she’s trying a more mature approach?
Seymour: Or maybe Cathy’s just being specially stubborn!
Howard: That’s it, I’m going in.
Howard, kicking the door open: What’s taking so godda-
Cathy is sitting on her desk while writing on a laptop, Anne’s on her lap, belly-to-belly, while reading “Torwards a Gay Communism”.
Aragon: How the fu- ?!
Boleyn: I got distracted!
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that-random-outsider · 4 months
Things I wish I saw more of in the SIX fandom
imma be honest most of these are about Kat
Okay so first and foremost Katherine's unhinged side, like I get it I know we all love our kitten but like hear me out she can be such a b**** when she wants to. And I say that with complete adoration because that's absolutely my favorite part of her character. Like her introduction is literally just her roasting every other queen and it's incredible! Not to mention her Sarcasm is absolute peak "Now all I want to do is thank all of the POWERFUL MEN who got me to where I am today!!!" Like she's just so iconic and it low-key makes me sad when I read a fanfic and she's like not funny at all? Like I get it she's had it rough but please don't always takeaway her ability to look back on it and not exactly "laugh" per se but at least slowly let it affect her less.
Okay two, Kat in college. "But Jae there are already tons of college aus" I hear you cry. However I said KAT in college not SIX in college. Allow me to explain. Howard is undoubtedly the youngest queen having died at 18, leading me to imagine her between the ages 18-21 coincidentally the perfect age of a college student. Meanwhile however, the other queens seem to be a bit older by a few years so having Kat go to college not only gives you an excuse to highlight the history nerd part of her personality, but also if you're an angst fan like me you get a chance to explore how she carries herself without the other queens.
Uhm for number three honestly just more aramour content like they are officially my OTP of this fandom and simply make me happy so... yeah, just aramour, especially in the aus where the kids come back like it'd be interesting for any of the kids to realize like "OMG MY MOM IS A HOMOSEXUAL" like bringing kids from the 16th century to the 21st century is just always going to be silly no matter which way you spin it so yeah.
For number four hopefully like the queens getting out the house more often lol. I'd love to find more SIX chaos fics, half the time they only go to the stage and go home like that's so boring put them in a trampoline park or something. Or on a similar note like them just getting away from each other like they live together, work together, eat together, sleep together, at some point they must get a bit agitated right? Like I've only been home for summer 2 weeks and these people are already starting to drive me insane lol.
Uhm that's mostly it I might like use some of these in a fanfic but more likely then not I won't be able to focus enough to make the long format ideas I want to make out of this so yk.. oh and if you have any short promts to like piggy back over whatever this is feel please tag me so I can read it or send me an ask so I can write it myself.
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mackeydoodledoo · 1 year
Pov: Catherine of Aragon chooses you specifically to be her "Lady in Waiting"
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A/n: I went to see SIX [The US Tour Boleyn Cast] once, and now it's my new hyperfixation. You can kinda tell who my favorite queen is
It's very rare that the Six wives would 'propose' to a Lady in Waiting while touring. First of all, there's only four of you. Second, they're singing to compete for who had it worse with Henry VIII after all.
You were a part of that "Ladies in Waiting" Band, interacting with the Queens between shows was difficult for you, especially. To at least catch the attention of the Golden Queen: Catherine of Aragon.
But seeing how she was always bitter about her divorce with Henry VIII, you just kept your feelings to yourself
It wasn't like you were King Henry VIII's younger sister
You often like to be by your lonesome between shows. To practice even more before the evening show.
That was... Until Catherine of Aragon began joining you on your extra practice sessions.
You also helped her in any way you could with her solo No Way.
You slowly opened up to the idea of enjoying someone's company.
She would often be the one to bring the both of you lunch while you remain behind.
One day, you made the decision to go with her to a lunch outing.
You underestimated how fun it is to be around people. Catherine of Aragon showed that to you.
Right before the evening show, you began unraveling how you felt about her, to her face
"Every time I watch you, whether it was rehearsal or a show... I'm... I'm in awe. I see how your crown makes it look like it was made from the rays of the sun... My Lady, you are as beautiful as the first sunrise..."
Catherine got down on a knee and 'proposes'
"Will you be my 'Lady in Waiting'?"
She gives you a gold rose to place somewhere on your instrument or outfit
Aragon smiles smugly as she catches every glimpse of you wearing the gold rose with pride
Boleyn, Seymour, Cleves, Howard & Parr were surprised to see Catherine finally boasting about something that wasn't about her bitter resentment towards Henry.
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pikapals16 · 7 months
I made a six x hazbin hotel thing :)
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ignore the terrible pun-
also here's some other doodles i made in class
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jely-bely · 2 years
Ex Wives
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gulnarsultan · 1 year
I can’t get out of my head the scene where Daemon slices Vaemond head, saying “he can keep the tongue”. So how would Henry 8 and Anna Boleyn , katherine Howard , Catherine Parr, Anne of Cleves Jane Seymour , Catherine of Aragon (separately) react to Reader doing the same in the court? Reader slicing someone’s head, because he insulted king’s wife. Reader is Henry’s sister
Queen (for whom she did it) is astonished by what the reader is doing. He is both happy and proud. She feels lucky to have a sister-in-law defending her in this way. She will not forget to thank the reader. From now on she will try to have a closer and better relationship with the reader. Henry's reaction will depend on which Queen he is. But he will ask the reader not to do such a dangerous thing after that.
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turtlele · 11 months
I'm sorry but Catherine is gay af
and don't ask which one I'm talking about
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littleorangecactus · 2 years
Disgust...or is it intrigue?
Catherine knew one thing in this new world and that would be that she still could not, for any reason, stand that good for nothing Boleyn girl. Deep down Catherine knew she shouldn’t be mad at her, but the truth was buried by so much hatred that she could do nothing to see it. Catherine had the perfect life. She was married to the king, had a beautiful daughter, and was well respected for her knowledge and love of the church. Her life couldn’t get better if it possibly tried, and so of course, it got worse. All the way from France comes this dark haired, doe eyed, baby faced young woman. She was to be a royal guest and treated with the utmost care. Anne Boleyn was a young, quick witted, spunky woman who dreamed of nothing but knowledge and power. She wanted to be respected and in charge and she knew the way to get it was to go to the top. So with much trial and error, Anne got what she wanted, no matter what Catherine did to try and stop her, and while one gained everything the other lost it all. 
Centuries pass, the queens come back to life in modern day England, and now Catherine must deal with her worst nightmare all over again. To say Catherine hated Anne was an understatement. She hated everything about her, just the existence of Anne Boleyn made her upset. That sassy, loud mouthed, ball of wild untamed energy was on her shit list. How dare she walk around like she wasn’t the reason that Catherine and Henry split?! How dare she act unaffected with what she had done?! Catherine could not stand to be in the same room with her, let alone stand next to her to preform. No matter how hard she tried to get along with the other queens, successfully bonding with most of them, she would avoid Anne at all costs. She would look at the second queen and feel anger boil in her gut. A sickly feeling, that’s what it was. 
She hated Anne for being able to take Henry. For being able to take her entire life and completely destroy it with no thought or regard for anyone else’s feelings. Anne was many things to many people: annoying, rude, abrasive, wickedly smart, charming, beautiful, the list goes on. Wait, beautiful? There was no way in the entirety of the great universe that Catherine would have actually thought that Anne was beautiful.  Because if she admitted any of these statements it would mean that in some way, deep down in her heart, she cared for that petulant girl and that just wouldn't do at all! Why would she say that Anne was beautiful? She had great bone structure sure, and her witty remarks were actually pretty funny but no way would Catherine openly admit this about Anne!
Quickly getting up from her chair in the living room, Catherine hurries to her room and slams the door. Leaning up against it, she takes deep breaths trying to calm her heart. Saying those words, accepting what they truly meant, was something Catherine couldn’t do. She had always loved Henry, in her mind they were the stars and the moon, never had there been someone so perfect for each other. Her heart was set on him from the moment she was placed near him. Her heart beat would speed up, a flush would cover her cheeks, her mind filled with things she wished to tell him. Now though, she was getting that tingly feeling again, and deep down she knew who it was about. 
Slamming her hand on the wall, Catherine pushed away from the door and started to pace. She can’t understand the way she thinks about that dark haired brat, there isn’t a single excuse that makes up for these feelings about her! Catherine pressed her forehead against the floor length mirror on the wall, tears coming to her eyes. Looking at her reflection in the mirror, deep down she knew what these feelings were, why she had them. She knew the reason Anne came to the castle, why she picked Henry, it was a smart move she must admit. That was the worst part for Catherine, she understood what Anne was going through. It made her hatred for her lessen even more! She couldn’t hate a woman who didn’t want to be in a relationship but was forced too anyway! 
The more she thought about Anne and what occurred during their time together, the more angry she got. Pacing around the room while trying to conceal her deeper feelings, Catherine was getting more and more upset. God was her most devoted love, her savior above all, and yet he was allowing his child to suffer? Hadn’t she done that enough with all that she had lost? This was all too much. Looking back at her reflection, she was truly disgusted. Seeing red, she threw her fist forward. She didn’t even realize she was doing it until she hit it hard enough to crack. Catherine jumped back startled. She had hit her fist so hard on the glass that it had shattered, shards and chunks falling around her feet. Shocked, she backed away only to stumble and become all dizzy. Red was spotting her vision and her floor as well. Looking down at her hand, she could see the blood starting to spill from a large gash on the side of her wrist. Inadvertently, Catherine had nicked a vein with a shard of glass. Blood was pouring from the wound. Finally allowing herself a release of emotions, she let out a scream and slowly stumbled to her knees. The shattering noise and her scream was enough to get the attention of the other queens who came running to her side.
Jane came in first, being the room closest to her, and gasped at the sight. She ran over to Catherine and used her shirt to put pressure on her hand. Anna and Kat were next, with Anna stopping in her tracks in the door blocking Kat from getting in. She told Kat to phone 911 and to go to her room in such a voice that Kat didn’t argue. Anna then went to the side of Catherine and started checking the rest of her arm for cuts and trying to get her to hold still. Finally, Anne came down from upstairs and almost threw up at the sight. She looked at the woman who hated her most in the world kneeling on the ground surrounded by her own blood with glass all around her. “I don’t want her..” Catherine croaked out. The hurt in Anne’s eyes wasn’t hidden. The other two queens looked at her with a sympathetic look and she quickly ran from the room in tears. They look down at Catherine who had curled in on herself, trying to absorb the pain. She was fading in and out of consciousness, still trying to speak. “To see.” She finally finished. She hadn’t wanted Anne to see her like this, she was embarrassed enough with Jane and Anna having to help her. “Sweetie, we are gonna take you to the hospital okay? You’re going to be fine, we just need to get you patched up okay?” Jane tries to keep her voice calm as possible. Catherine just nodded, trying to make here eyes stay focused. Slowly, as she hears the sirens, Catherine’s eyes close as she loses consciousness. 
At the hospital, Catherine slowly wakes up and realized what happened. She feels so stupid for not paying attention to her own body movements. Her sole job in this world was to protect the others and here she was scaring them because she lost her cool. Looking around she sees the tear tracks on the faces of the other queens, who are all curled up in chairs around her bed. Catherine’s gut turns as she thinks of what she put them through and she realizes she needs to explain. Making a small movement to turn her body, the noise of the rustling of sheets awaking the others.
Jane is the first to react, getting up from her spot to quickly go to Catherine’s side. “Hello my little sunshine, it’s good to see you awake.” She says as she gently takes Catherine’s good hand in her own. “Wh-when can I go home?” She wheezes out, her throat having gone dry from being asleep for so long. “I’m not quite sure love, but I can go ask the doctor if you’d like?” Jane’s soft smile gives Catherine a small reprieve from the guilt she’s feeling as she nods her head gently. Jane goes to the other side of her bed and grabs a cup of water and brings it to Catherine. “I’ll be right back, I’m just gonna go talk to the nurses and doctor real quick and we will get it all settled.” She hands the cup to Catherine and places a gentle kiss on her forehead before heading out the door.
Cathy is the next one to speak, taking Jane’s place beside her godmother. “What happened Catherine? I walked in the house and no one was home, I got to see if you’re in your room, and the floor is covered in glass and blood. I hadn’t checked my phone because it was on silent, and I missed the first calls from the other queens telling me to get to the hospital.” Cathy’s eyes fill with tears as she looks down on the woman she considers her mother. “Mi pequeña amor, I am so incredibly sorry I scared you. I was upset, thinking in my room. I hadn’t realized that I was hitting the mirror that hard until it shattered under my touch. I truly never meant for this to happen my love. I’m sorry for scaring you so badly.” Catherine looks up at her godchild and fellow queen, letting her true emotions come through. With tears forming in her eyes she gently takes Cathy’s hand and hold it to her lips, giving her a tiny, soft kiss. “I can see you’re tired. I will hopefully be discharged soon and will be back home before you know it. Please go back to the house and get some rest. I know it will be hard to do but if anything happens we will notify you immediately. Take Kitty too, she shouldn’t be here, poor thing is probably a nervous wreck.” Cathy tries to argue but can see there’s no point in trying with the look in her chosen mother’s eyes. She sighs and nods her head, kissing Catherine’s cheek as she goes over to the chair she’s been sitting in to grab her purse. “Come on Kitty. When we get home maybe we can bake some brownies for Aragon to enjoy when she gets back?” Cathy offers a hopeful smile towards the young girl and let’s out a quick sigh of relief when she nods her head.
Kitty walks over to the bed, leans over it as she softly pulls Catherine into a hug. “Please come back really soon?” She looks into the oldest queen’s eyes as Catherine nods her head while it’s leant against her chest. “I will, love. Go on and make sure Cathy gets some sleep after the kitchen rendezvous you two are going to get up too.” She gives a gentle smile as Kitty laughs and goes over to the door where Cathy is waiting. Grabbing her hand the pair head out to the main lobby, headed for home.
“And then there were three.” Anna jokes as she slowly stands up, letting her stiff joints stretch out. “I am going to go with them to make sure they don’t set anything on fire. I will be glad when you are back at home.” Anna smiles as she gently squeezes Catherine’s good hand and heads out the door to follow the others. Catherine watches her leave with a small smile on her face. Turning her head, she looks to the side to see the last queen still in the room. Anne has curled herself into a ball and is looking at the floor, her eyes red and puffy. “Anne-“ she starts out. “I-I should go, you don’t want me to stay here.” Anne starts to unfold her body which she is sure is melded to the chair. “Anne, stay. Please?” Catherine’s voice is so soft Anne almost didn’t hear it. Standing stock still, the dark haired girl looks up to meet the older woman’s eyes. “Come here, come sit beside me.” Anne looks at her hesitantly before complying and sitting on the corner of Catherine’s bed. “I owe you a lot of explaining.” She starts to say, quickly covering the young woman’s mouth as she tries to comment. “No it’s true I do. I cannot excuse my behavior or label it something it isn’t and I’m sorry. I have definitely not been treating you fairly and for that I’m sorry.” Catherine hopes she is portraying as much emotions in her words as her heart felt. “You have every reason not to like me, I wouldn’t if the roles were reversed.” Anne says softly with a shrug, playing with the corner of the blanket to avoid eye contact.
Catherine’s heart breaks as she looks at the younger queen. She had been so rude and spiteful towards her, and yet hearing how she truly felt made her feel nothing but guilt and sadness. “Anne, I don’t hate you-“ she stops when the brunette looks at her with a non believing stare. “No let me explain. For a while yes, I was very upset at you. I had the perfect life, everything I ever wanted. But I also know where you were coming from. You didn’t make this choice, your father did. You wanted to be free to explore not to be locked down. After my anger settled, I realized you were just a lost young girl trying to make it in a foreign place. I never even gave you a chance. I will never be able to apologize enough for not thinking from your perspective until it was too late.” Catherine reaches out and gently puts her hand over Anne’s, trying to show how true her words were.
“I understood why you didn’t like me, I never felt like I didn’t deserve it. I wanted so much to be my own person and instead I just followed orders as a good daughter was supposed too. Turns out I was just never any good at following them.” Anne let’s put a quiet laugh and Catherine smiles at her softly. “I also need to admit something to you. I have been harsher on you lately and it hasn’t been for anything you’ve done. I have been in my head for a while about some feelings and thoughts I’ve been having and I’ve taken it out on you. I realize that it was wrong but it’s too late to try and go back and just be brave about it all.” Catherine looks at her hand which it still on the younger queen’s lap, gently placed on the pale hand of her counterpart. “Anne. I need to tell you something. And I will understand if this makes you hate me, I wouldn’t object to it in the slightest. Against all moral high grounds and standings within my relationship with God, I have realized something. I can’t help but feel a pull towards you. And I keep trying, I want it to stop, please know I do! But I just can’t stop the feelings whenever I’m around you. Your laugh, your smile, the way you always know how to brighten anyone’s mood, your thirst for knowledge astounds me. You stand up for what you believe in and you are so protective of the ones you love. I can’t help but want to look at you whenever you are near me because it seems like there’s just a light that surrounds you that’s so bright and pure. And I’m sorry. I know this is wrong, okay?! I know. And I just can’t keep this to myself anymore because I can’t keep hiding these emotions! I mean for Pete’s sake, this is why I’m in this damned bed!” Catherine was practically hysterical at this point, ranting her feelings towards the younger woman. She needed to get this out and she needed it out now. She knew this would be disastrous but she couldn’t even find it in herself to care anymore, she had so much pent up inside her. Trying to slow her breathing she looked up at the other queen, trying to gauge her reaction. Anne was sitting there, wide eyed, staring right back at her with her mouth hanging slightly open. “You- you have feelings for me? This happened because of me?” Her voice was so quiet Catherine could barely hear her. She nodded her head, ashamed of herself for feeling this way and ashamed at how this had all come to be. Looking down at her hands, Catherine kept her head down. “I just couldn’t take it anymore. It was so confusing and enraging and I just needed to make it stop…” she tried to explain her behavior but the reality was, there really wasn’t an explanation for it. She hears Anne getting ready to move, knowing that she was going to leave and never speak to her again. Catherine’s eyes clenched up as the tears she had been trying to hold back came through. Suddenly, she feels a crooked finger under her chin, tilting her face to meet the other queen’s.
“I have been having the same problem with you. Your entire being is so calming and protective, you’re like a security blanket around our home. Your kindness and willingness to do anything for the others proves this with everything you do, even if we don’t say anything. I knew from the moment I met you that you were something special, I just couldn’t find it in myself to ever tell you. I wasn’t going too actually, I was just going to let you hate me because I felt like I deserved it. I feel butterflies every time you walk into the room, your aura makes me feel safer than I’ve ever been.” Anne looks deep into her eyes as she says this, taking her other hand and gently wiping away the tears from Catherine’s eyes. The older queen looks into her eyes and smiles at her, a true bright smile that takes Anne’s breath away. “I would very much like to kiss you right now if you would let me.” She says looking back and forth between Anne’s lips and her eyes. The younger queen smiles and nods her head, tucking a stray hair behind her ear. They both start to lean in, so close to touching they could feel each other’s breath on the own lips. Before they could connect however, they hear familiar footsteps coming quickly towards their room.
Leaning away from each other quickly, they try to pretend as if nothing had happened as the door opened and in walks Jane. “Good news! The doctor said as long as we keep it bandaged and clean you’re clear to go home! Now I have a change of clothes for you and I figured you’d want to leave as soon as possible!” Jane is practically bursting with joy as she goes to her chair and grabs the small bag she had Cathy bring with her when she came. “Thank you Jane, truly. I don’t know what would have happened if you and Anna didn’t act so quickly.” Catherine smiles at her and grabs the bag from Jane’s outstretched hand. “Let me change real quick and we can sign the papers and head home.” Getting off the bed, she takes the bag to the bathroom attached to her room and quickly changes into comfier clothes. “Alright, I’m ready to go. I must confess I am very drained and would love to go home to some tea and a good night’s sleep.” Catherine gathers her belongings while the others help her get ready to leave. Heading to the receptionist, they quickly get the papers signed and given back to the nurse, who smiles kindly at them as they head towards the exit. Walking the short walk to the car, Jane leads the way with Anne and Catherine walking slower behind her.
Catherine slowly extends her hand, hoping the other queen will take it. She gives her a big grin when Anne takes her hand and the walk silently towards the car. This, this feels good. This feels right. If loving Anne felt like this all the time, then how could it possibly be that bad? Once settled in the car and on the way home, Catherine feels like she can finally breathe. A deep, full chested, wonderfully free breath. Turning her head to look at her emerald lover, she smiles, a true smile, and leans her head on her shoulder. Anne places a gentle peck on the crown of her head and she knows this is what it felt like to be home.
@blizabeth-elount i told you I had a fanfic for you, oh about a year ago, maybe two at this point. Well, i finally got back to it and i am finished. Here is Aargon/Boleyn in a angsty love story.
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krispycreamcake · 2 months
Can you do a Diabolik Lovers/ Six: The Musical AU (X Reader) Headcanons? So all the songs are being sun by different readers with different Henry’s (The Sakamaki brothers of course) instead of one Henry. I don't know if you've heard of Six the musical or heard any songs from them.
Six (stylised in all caps) is a British musical comedy in the style of a pop concert. Its music, book, and lyrics were written by Toby Marlow and Lucy Moss.[1] It is a modern retelling of the lives of the six wives of Henry VIII, presented in the form of a singing competition. In the show, the wives (Catherine of Aragon, Anne Boleyn, Jane Seymour, Anna of Cleves, Katherine Howard, and Catherine Parr) take turns telling their story to determine who suffered the most from their shared husband, but ultimately seek to reclaim their individual identities and rewrite their stories.
From author: I am literally so sorry, I did NOT see this at all! I'll be working on it as soon as I can, please be patient with me. Once again, super sorry!
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sixaus-meaa · 2 months
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Go for it, Cathy! (ParrWard)
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augustiscoquette · 4 months
I must rant
Okay, so I was talking to my friend and she said that Jane Seymour song is saddest in six excuse you all you want to do is wait sadder than a heart of Stone literally Catherine was sexually assaulted from ages 3 to 16 no one cared about her genuinely especially if we're going off historical facts Jane did not have a sad life at all she literally died of natural causes womp womp but Catherine was beheaded for something she didn't even do yet it's yet her song only sounds sad because it has a sad Melody to it more minor chords Catherine songs happier cuz it has more major chords but Captain literally starts crying at the end of all you want to do Jane was just yapping about her son and how she died of natural causes literally Henry even said himself James was the only one he ever liked Jane also says it herself she says in x wives I was the only one he ever loved and again going off historical facts that is completely and utterly true so Katherine Howard song is the saddest she went through more hardships than any of the wives she went through more hardships then Catherine of Aragon because Catherine all she did was watch him cheat literally almost all the wives saw that anne was literally a homewrecker that couldn't keep her legs shut and I already told you about Jane Seymour's shit and Anne of cleaves imagine being rejected on your looks could never be me she was literally wrongly painted it even says in her song they make the princesses look more beautiful than they are in the portrait and then we have my queen Catherine Howard she went through so many hardships and can do no wrong and then Catherine Parr surviving going through no hardships womp womp anyways that was my rant
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fryingpan1234567 · 2 years
maybe. maybe I’ve been inspired by a TikTok by data_craft (pls their Ren cosplay?? help). Hermitcraft SIX the musical au.
It will make more sense when I get into it
So I’m thinking Henry can be Doc, not for a similarity in personality, but because I think he’s been shipped with pretty much everyone XD I can use that to my advantage
Bdubs! Grian! Ren! Xisuma! Etho! Scar! Can you imagine them in glitter like that I-
Bdubs as Catherine of Aragon. Glowstone fit, yelling “NO WAY!” in Doc’s face (a foot or two up I might add) as a reminder of the mansion days😔
Grian is Anne Boleyn. Green isn’t exactly his color, but the song is SO PERFECT PLS- just him flouncing around the stage, flirting with one of the most dangerous men on the server, and then… well, he pays the price (L).
Jane is tough because I could do Etho for the color palette or X for closest personality, but Etho’s won out bc I want X for someone else more. Etho, uh, “died”, but he really just faked his death and went into hiding lol because raising a kid? Ew.
You know what I’m just gonna show you
SEE. Like dude
Anyways! My dude Ren is perfect for this song like wow. And! Red is totally his color! That spiky crown looks great on him.
Scar, our favorite server resident manwhore (affectionate), for Katherine Howard. Because tell me you can’t imagine his character (the fandom’s decided he’s hot and entirely ripped so) in glittery pink, dyed hair as well, and wouldn’t that be sick?
Finally, X as Catherine Parr. I can’t exactly explain it, I just like him for that character? Idk what to say, but I know he’s perfect for it, so. X. Cathy Parr. Also, he’d rock the blue sparkles, fight me.
These losers (affectionate) are such a fun combo, like just imagine them onstage together
I’m sorry I can’t get the glitter images out of my head just PLEASE THE GLITTER
The spiky crowns are a vibe
OH and the musicians? Impulse on drums, Tango on guitar, xB on bass and Hypno on keyboard (THE SUNGLASSES)
I’m not quite sure the context for why this show even gets put on in the first place, it might just need to be an actor au (probably different from the one with @zzzaru but honestly who knows)
Whether or not you imagine the fits with skirts or redone for a more masc look, it’s fantastic either way omg
The German accents kill me (they killed Doc too lemme tell you)
Even though Grian is Scar’s actual bf, he has to pretend he’s not dying inside during the song where he’s fuckin dirty dancing and talking about being railed because GRIAN IS ONSTAGE TOO AND HE CAN’T BREAK CHARACTER
No one knew Etho could sing until this but? Dude? Wow? What?
It’s funny because it works for both the Americans and the British people
Listen just next time you listen to either of the recordings just. Picture it
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yall read the title. heres the character list
Katherine Howard- Zig 
Jane Seymour - Anna
Henry - Alice
Catherine of Aragon - Peggy
Anne of Cleves - Justin
Catherine Parr -  Lissy
Anne Boleyn - Vickette
The one with zig is in progress i actually started it yesterday lol
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mackeydoodledoo · 8 months
POV: Catherine of Aragon catches you Singing
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You were in the "Ladies in Waiting" band (Reader can pick any instrument they choose)
Not once did any of you sing. You always claimed you weren't a singer.
You actually were a singer. You were too modest to admit it to anyone.
But, the thought of wanting to at least sing just to sing had crossed your mind many times.
So one day during a time-gap between the shows, you took to the stage and began singing No Way: Aragon's solo
Aragon coincidentally walks into the wing of the stage and just so happens to catch you reaching that high C
"Oh! Muy bien! I never sought you out as a singer! And that articulation leading up to that note... Fantastique!"
"Because... I'm not?..."
She didn't believe you. At all.
You couldn't argue with her: because she was a queen for starters, but she also caught you red-handed being a singer
But for her to tell you that you were an exquisite singer, made you feel giddy.
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skittle-bop69 · 9 months
ok ok ok uhhhhhhhhh six x total drama
courtney as catherine of aragon-it just works
gwen as anne boleyn-this might be a questionable choice but it makes sense with courtney being catherine of aragon and the whole boyfriend kisser thing
zoey as jane seymour-(if im being honest with you i didnt know who to put as jane and i saw someone else use zoey as jane so-)
leshawna as anna of cleves-get down matches leshawna's energy perfectly
vito as katherine howard-the trauma
bridgette as catherine parr-by far the choice im not 100% sure with but like her convincing the others that they are more than what history perceives them to be is smth i can see her doing
also drama brothers as ladies in waiting :D
trent as maggie
harold as bessie
cody as joan
justin as seniorita maria
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