#Katie The Rabbit
naimahtaylor · 5 months
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Here's a Post of My Female Anthropomorphic Blue Bunny Rabbit Katie Her Standing on the Green Grass She Put Her Hands of Her Chin The Sky is Blue There are 4 White Clouds and i hope you all gonna like it Please Add Comments Likes and Reblogs
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snucius · 2 years
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I'm simply in love with this scene 🖤.
When Draco fell off his broom, Severus literally jumped out of his skin -just like the mama bear he is- but Lucius was just like "Huh, whose son is he? Definitely not mine."
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katy-pawz · 4 months
drew rainy for a monthly art challenge on discord! (impori’s server to be exact, aka catville)
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akysi · 11 months
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This one was a long time coming, updates to The Chamaeleon Three! It was a difficult and delicate balance to strike with editing each of these, making sure their concepts and symbol integration were strengthened while streamlining a few things as well.
Lepus’s palette and design accents are very similar to Centaurus’s right now, as I plan to overhaul Rus’s colour palette with his own tweaks later. Between the two I think it fits Lepus a bit more.
I was already happy with Lynx’s prior pose so most of that was copied over here, and overall his tweaks are slightly more subtle compared to the others.
It was just a matter of cutting back on a few things to balance the level of detail and colour placement, which was easier said than done! Chamaeleon especially, I didn’t want her to lose her neon flare when trying to simplify parts of her design, so I had to take a long break after looping back on myself too many times. I’m not sure why it didn’t occur to me earlier to combine the concept of the mottled skin of a chameleon with spray paint splatter for her, but better late than never I guess! I wanted it to be more obvious that she’s a tagger without having to rely on her holding her spray gun or paint cans all the time.
I’m not sure who got the biggest glowup between them, but I’m super happy with all three, especially the improvements in the posing and overall anatomy/structure. This was quite a few months in the making, but it’s nice to see it complete now :) ---------- The constellation symbols for Chamaeleon, Lynx, and Lepus were originally designed by Denis Moskowitz and released to the public domain
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I am not, in fact, enjoying life. It sucks.
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I had a dream about some sort of monster… it looked like Riggy, but it didn’t have a tail. It had floating limbs. It was one messed up looking rabbit.
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kellisanth · 2 years
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icezansky · 8 months
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androidcharles · 1 year
*peeks in* Maybe Sven and Burt trying to do some origami? Or Burt trying to teach Sven how to make an origami shark? (I still like that hc of Burt doing origami along with drawing comics for his office)
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Discussing origami legends. If you make 1000 origami grasshoppers, you'll summon another plague of locusts.
If you have any requests, make sure they're at least Burt or Sven themed!
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gruesomejack · 3 months
Alex/Chris is just so spoiled by Rabbit ❤️
Rabbit would do pretty much anything for him, sexual or otherwise?? He could probably count on his fingers the amount of times he's said no and meant it dHXHCH
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k4tie75 · 3 months
My Instagram rn is 97% silly little animal videos 3% the 1975, chappell and charli
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naimahtaylor · 8 months
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Here's a Post of My Female Anthropomorphic Blue Bunny Rabbit OC Katie The Rabbit and The Background is Blue and There are Pink Spots and i hope you gonna like the Post of her and Please Add Comments and Likes
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crittercrossing · 4 months
Return from another unannounced hiatus... four years later! With big updates and a blog revival
Well... sometimes, time gets away from you. Anyway, it's Blaze here, and I'm glad to be back.
I've had this pet blog for, I think, 11 years now, and it hasn't been updated in over four years. I left off here pretty early into the start of the pandemic. I didn't mean to abandon the blog with no notice, but life was... like that, and I just didn't have it in me for a while to keep up with taking, editing, and posting photos.
That being said, I'm reviving this blog because I really miss sharing photos and stories about my pets. I realize now how important it is to me to share with the world how much I love these little guys.
So, starting now, I'm going to be regularly posting here again (to the best of my ability) with lots of photos! There will be a good mixture of things that I consider my "real camera photography" and silly phone photos.
I have some brief updates I want to go over here, though there will also be individual update posts on each animal soon.
(Content warning below the cut: pet loss and illness, though not discussed in extreme detail.)
Cats: My best friend, Smokey, passed away in 2021. It's been over three years now, and the pain is still with me every single day. I see now that I was closer to him than to any other animal in my entire life so far. After he passed, Violet was my only cat. I had only posted about Violet a few times when I was last active here, and I have a lot to share about her in her own post. She's probably the second-closest cat friend I've ever had, and I am savoring every single moment I get to spend with her because she has terminal cancer and it is really unclear how much time she has left. Three semi-feral cats appeared, hung around, and then passed away and/or disappeared during the hiatus: Shadow, Artemis, and The Void. Two more semi-feral cats appeared, who are still hanging around and doing very well: Leonard and Tree. Both are pretty tame now, both were neutered, and Tree may very well join me indoors someday. And, though I kind of thought I may never have another house cat for years after losing Smokey, I made two more indoor cat friends in 2021: Dorothea and Ivy. They are lovable disasters and I can't wait to start sharing more about them regularly.
Dogs: Katy, Chevelle, and my mom's dog Holly are all still around and doing moderately well, given that Katy and Holly are now old, and Chevelle is solidly middle-aged.
Chickens: I've lost most of my chickens within the past four years. Jamal, Jesse, Miah, Ezekiel, Sheba, Mahalia, Mykerion, and Jamie are all gone now. JD and Willow are the only two chickens from pre-hiatus that are still around, and both are extremely old, but doing pretty well. I have two new chickens since then, two sons of JD's, named Dominic and Jakob. Having three roosters and one hen is far from an ideal setup, but everyone is getting along relatively well. Additionally, due to my current living situation and my planned near future change in living situation, I'm just not able to get more chickens for the foreseeable future, which I am really sad about. But, I will keep my fingers crossed that someday, I can have chickens again in the future!
Rabbits: I am sad to say that I no longer have any rabbits. Bruce passed away in 2021. In 2020, a few months after the hiatus began, I took in a young rabbit named Jersey. He passed away in 2023. Due to my living situation and other complicating circumstances, I decided that now isn't a good time to have any more rabbits. I love rabbits dearly, and would love to have more in the future.
So, here's to a new future for my silly little blog for my photography hobby and the love I have for these silly little critters.
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alphabetbl0cks · 10 months
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Katie Morag And The Tiresome Ted - Mairi Hedderwick (1986)
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forestdalecomic · 1 year
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What goes around comes around
if you’re interested in supporting the growth of the series, why not become a supporter on buymeacoffee.com. Supporters get exclusive early access to pages not yet published on any of the currently active sites.
(credit to Nauyaco and Talos Lives for creating and producing this series. You can also follow their lovely series on Twitter, DeviantArt, and Webtoons)
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some of you are like creatures to me i cannot lie
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