#Kay thanks 🙃
katstwistedmind · 2 years
im looking into meal prep in a desperatele attempt to eat normal full meals consistently and I checked for videos in my language to get ingredients that actually exist where i live. and both i clicked on were by moms and :^) THEY CARE SO MUCH????? they prepare their kids' meals to have healthy food throughout the day and at school. when i was a kid i was given cereal with sugar for breakfast most years and okay some years when i was on meds mom would wake up early and make me tiganites but at school? nothing. back home? i was alone, i mostly made toast or had crackers, a fruit or whatever, sometimes any leftovers that were disgusting, salads if i could bother to cut so many stuff (my fingers included) and then id eat a normal meal at like 9pm with my parents. my sleep schedule was always fucked but bow could it not be?? if i had most of my food at the time when most kids go to bed??? i was lethargic and tired all day. but according to my parents i just didn't sleep early. it was just me they had no control over it. and if i even go anywhere near "hey maybe u could have done x differently" they suddenly act like i accused them of beating me or smthn. and ye idk man seeing how my cousins and other kids had a general goal in life and options and how i was like???? I didn't know how shit worked. nobody ever told me and my parents never looked anything up. no fucking wonder im a fuckup but of course its 1000% my fault.
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jossambird · 2 years
Heard there was a mean anon, I've got my baseball bat ready and am crouching in the shadows (for legal reasons, I don't have a baseball bat and am not crouching in the shadows)
Srsly tho, I hope you're okay. Pls don't let any anons get to you, they're cowards who don't have anything better to do with their lives than be miserable on the internet
Please kiss me in the shadows (for legal reasons, I have not been kissed in the shadows and this is a travesty)
THANK YOU!! 🥹💕 Im okay, sick due to my body being very bad at its job (🔪) and burnt out but other then that, Im okay! Little cowards like Mean anon do not occupy a space in my mind for long, unless its when I start to make a poll 👀
*me moment when I put a Hater option on a poll and haters actually vote for it*
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pretty-little-mind33 · 4 months
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Tangerine x fem!reader
Summary: You never told Tangerine he has a daughter in the hopes of never seeing him again.
Genre: Angst (happy ending)
Warnings: swearing, single mom!reader, allusions to sex, pregnancy, kinda wanted to give Tan a real name for this story's sake but I couldn't decide on one (🙃) so let's all pretend Tangerine is an appropriate first name end not make it weird? kay? love you guys :)
~ honestly inspired by all of @little-miss-dilf-lover's dad!Tan content ~
Family is important to Tangerine. You've known this ever since you'd met him—which is why when you lay in the hospital bed, beads of sweat dampening your hairline and your mother asked you if you'd changed your mind and wanted someone to call him, prompting you to shake your head, it broke your heart almost more than it had the night he'd left. 
How could you keep her from him?
How could he leave you like he did? 
So, you raised your daughter on your own with the hopes that you'd never run into Tangerine or his brother. By Cerise's fourth birthday, there were still no signs of them and as much as you ignored how her brown curls reminded you of him and how she had his mannerisms, you couldn't deny their similarity anymore. 
"Darling, you can't have candy now, it's almost supper," you reprimand when Cerise reaches for a candy bar as you pay for your groceries and the older lady at the counter chuckles.
Cerise looks at you with an annoyed pout as she crosses her arms. You ruffle her hair, "I'm sorry, Cece," you say and kiss her forehead behind her bangs.
You're too busy with the cashier to see Cerise slip down from the cart and wander off. When you finish paying and turn to hand her a box of raspberries, your heart sinks. "Cece?" you call, turning to the old woman who doesn't know how to help you.
Your heart thumps loudly, your skin clammy and cold as you abandon your groceries and call out again, "Cerise!"
The store isn't that huge so in theory, Cerise shouldn't be far and you just pray she didn't wander off into the open road. You feel hopeless until you turn into the fruit aisle.
Your breath leaves you when you see Cerise. "Oh thank God!" you exclaim and run to her, kneeling on your knees and pulling her into your arms. You hold her to you and caress her pigtails. "You can't scare Mummy like that, okay?" you whisper into her small shoulder. 
"The man said he would buy me candy," Cerise declares, holding onto your neck. 
"What?!" you exclaim, finally looking up at the man who'd been talking to your daughter. You're prepared to find some creepy old man but instead, a familiar face is staring down at you.
He's dressed in dressy clothes, his hair slicked neatly, and he has a thick mustache—he didn't have a mustache the last time you saw him, but that had been four years ago.  
This has to be a joke. "Y/n?" Tangerine says your name so smoothly and the sound causes a shiver down your spine. You stand, taking Cerise into your arms as she holds onto you.
"Tangerine," you whisper, staring into his striking blue eyes and you realize with a heavy heart that Cerise's are truly a carbon copy of his.
Tangerine looks at the child in your arms and clears his throat, "I- she ran over here and started talking to me. She wanted candy and I said I could buy 'er a chocolate bar if she'd help me find 'er parents—are ya—?" 
"Yeah, she's mine," you say, voice strained. "I- thank you for the offer but I told her no to candy."
Tangerine looks embarrassed and he rubs his nape as he says, "Y-yeah, sorry." He looks at Cerise more closely as she turns her head to him and smiles. "How old is she?" he asks and your heart pounds. 
Tangerine is smart, and you wonder if he sees through you already. You wonder if he'll know she's his daughter. 
You feel your cheeks warm. "She just turned four." You can't lie to him. You've never been able to lie directly to his face. He's always known you too well for that. Tangerine's face falls for a moment and you can almost see the panic. He blinks and then his expression turns blank as if a switch had been turned on. 
You always hated it when he did that.
"Ah, right, well, it'was pleasant seeing ya, darlin'," he says, adjusting his cuffs, and just like that he turns away without a second glance and he disappears from your life—again.
Your heart feels like someone had just stomped on it a thousand times and you want to cry. You hold Cerise tighter as she plays with your hair. 
He didn't even ask for her name. 
* * *
"You didn't even ask for her name?" Lemon asks with disbelief, watching from the small couch in their hotel room as his brother completely loses his mind.
Tangerine doesn't look at Lemon and his voice is strained, "Why would I do that?" 
"'Cause she's probably your kid, dimwit," Lemon sounds unamused. 
"Bull," Tangerine throws the knife he'd been using to cut an apple into the small sink and turns around, angrily popping a slice into his mouth, "Absolute bull, Lem, she's not mine. I mean—Y/n was definitely with other guys after me—like I was with other girls—" his sentence dies. 
"Yeah, 'cause you're a slut, and the only reason ya shagged those other birds that soon was because you missed 'er and wouldn't admit it. Ya know she isn't like that. She's better than ya," Lemon says honestly.
"And she was madly in love with ya. Isn't that why we left? Because she loved ya and you loved her? 'Cause ya didn't want her mixed up in our life? Do'you really think she'd fuck some other bastard that soon? No. Tangerine, that kid is yours."
Tangerine pinches the bridge of his nose, "No. She would have told me."
"Would she?" Lemon raises an eyebrow, "You left 'er."
Tangerine is annoyed at Lemon because he's right. He isn't stupid, the little girl with you had looked too much like him not to be his daughter, and that realization alone makes him want to throw up. 
He cannot be a father—not when he couldn't even be a good lover. You and your baby girl deserved so much better than him. 
"Listen, it's your life, but will ya ever forgive yourself if ya don't at least find out for sure?" Lemon adds, looking at his brother with sympathy. He shrugs. "If anything, bruv, help 'er with money. Ya'know we have loads extra and t'is the least you could do for 'er."
Tangerine knows Lemon's right—at least on the money. He wants you and your baby to live comfortably. 
"Yeah," is all he answers. 
* * *
You feel tired gross and dirty as Cerise runs around your small suburban house outside of the city, refusing to put on her socks. You haven't showered in three terribly long days and your hair is a mess.
"Cece, no, come here," you say, desperately trying to keep your phone pressed to your ear to continue your conversation.
"No mum, I know that and I've been looking around but I can't afford any private pre-schools," you say, catching Cerise mid-run and scooping her into your arms, "I turned out just fine without a fancy pre-school, didn't I?"
Your mother continues to chat your ear off you hear the doorbell and you position Cerise on your hip, ignoring her cries as you try and find her little feet. "Mum, someone's at the door, I'll call you later, okay," you say, walking and opening the door.
You're thankful that your mother hung up because otherwise, she would have heard your gasp as you see who your visitor is.
"Tangerine," you say, holding Cerise closer as you put your phone in the back pocket of your jeans. 
"Hi, darlin'," Tangerine says. He's holding a basket filled with cookies, candies, and flowers. Your favorites. "Can I come in?" he asks.
You're star-struck as you nod and move aside so he can come inside. You shut the door behind him and set Cerise down, who immediately runs back to the living room where her toys are scattered around. Tangerine can't hide his smile as he watches her. "How did you find me?" you ask quietly, which causes him to turn around and hand you the basket. 
You take it as he says, "I have my ways," he cracks an all-too-familiar smile that makes your heart flutter. 
"Cryptic," you tease, your sentence dying, you look down and then try to tame your hair, "Sorry—I look like such a mess," you whisper.
Tangerine smiles kindly, "Nonsense, you look beautiful."
You strain a smile and focus on the real question, "Tangerine, why are you here?"
He walks closer and it takes everything in you not to stay put and let his warmth envelope you.
God, you missed him.
Instead, you back away and stare into his eyes. "Y/n, is she mine?" he whispers, his voice cracking. 
You frown. "No," you say, and then your voice softens, "I mean yes, she has your DNA but she's not yours. You don't even know her name. You don't know her. She's mine. I'm her mother and you're just some guy I fucked," your voice sounds breathless and you inhale as you shut your mouth. You feel dizzy as you see Tangerine's hurt look.
"I deserved that," he says calmly after a moment and runs a hand in his hair, "But, was I really just someone you fucked?" he asks, unfamiliar insecurities creeping into his voice. 
You lean against your wall, exhausted, "I- no- you weren't but you left," you say.
"I had to leave—ya don't understand—"
"Yeah, because you never let me understand," you whisper and look up at him with a look that leaves him completely heartbroken.
He sniffs and looks away and down the hall where he sees Cerise run up to you and envelop her tiny hands around your knees. She looks up at him, her eyes round and her brown curly hair framing her forehead, and she smiles. 
Tangerine knees feel weak as she grins at him and he knows that he would kill to make so no one ever wipes that smile from his daughter's face. He would rather die. He looks up at you and you're running a hand in Cerise's hair— "Maybe you should leave—"
"What's her name?" he interrupts and looks at you for permission to let him kneel and speak to her. 
You nod, unable to deny him that. 
"Hi, angel, what's your name?" he says and crouches in front of her, smiling as he looks at her. She's adorable. She looks like you. Tangerine's heart melts. 
"Cece," she says, holding you tighter and looking up at you. 
"Cerise," you say as Tangerine stands again, "It means Cherry in French, but everyone just calls her Cece because she can't pronounce her full name correctly yet."
Tangerine smiles, "It's a very pretty name," he looks you over and then clears his throat, "Would you mind if I–stay a little?" 
You look at him sternly and frown, "I was gonna take her to the playground. She has so much energy this afternoon," you whisper and Cerise takes this as a cue to sprint back into the living room and make more chaos. 
"One cuppa?" Tangerine almost pleads again, his tone hopeful. He looks genuinely sincere. "I want to know all about her—and you," he pauses and then hesitates, "I did miss you, darlin'."
Your heart clenches and you run a hand in your hair again, murmuring a curse under your breath. You missed him too.
"One cup," you say and hold out your arm to take his suit jacket, "on the condition we drink it at Cerise's play-table. I promised her I'd play with her."
Tangerine nods and sheds his suit jacket and his shoes. He looks around your house at all the pictures you have of your friends, family, and of course Cerise. His heart aches and he realizes that he's missing from all these pictures. 
"Black tea?" you call from the kitchen and Tangerine smiles. You remember that it's his favorite. 
"Yes, luv, thank you."
So, Tangerine finds himself sitting on one of Cerise's small chairs as she sits in front of him, pouring him some invisible tea in the tiny cup on the small table in front of him. His knees bang on the table and Cerise looks at him, her tiny nose scrunched in disapproval.
Tangerine's heart flutters. She looks so much like you. "Sorry, angel," he whispers and steadies the table with his hand. 
Cerise hums and continues to pour air into the cups. 
You walk back in, holding a mug of tea for Tangerine and one for you and Cerise to share. You can't help the smile that forms on your lips when you see Tangerine sitting with your daughter.
You sit on the ground next to them and hand him his cup. He shakes his head, causing you to put the mug down near his arm, and he picks up the small cup and pretends to sip the non-existent contents for Cerise. 
The little girl's smile widens when he says, "Mmm, yum," and puts the cup down. Your heart melts when you hear Cerise's happy laugh and she says, 
"There's no tea in there, silly," she tilts her head, "it's all pretend."
Tangerine looks embarrassed and you feel bad so you put your hand on his arm, silently thanking him for the kind gesture. "She's a smart kid—she just has a big imagination," you explain softly, smiling at Tangerine kindly. 
You hate how familiar this feels but oh god do you love it too.
"She's smart, just like you," Tangerine breathes out, drinking his real tea this time and he puts his hand on the one you have on his forearm. "I'm sorry," he says sincerely, his voice small and as you stare into his eyes, time stands frozen. 
You strain a small smile and answer honestly. "We'll have plenty of time for sorries," you whisper and are revived by the instant nod Tangerine does.
Yes, we will, he says with his eyes, and although he wouldn't say it aloud, he's determined not to leave you again.
"For now, let's have a tea party," you tickle Cerise's tummy with your other hand.
Cerise giggles and Tangerine knows he's done for.
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ellecdc · 8 months
Get in the Car!
Modern AU, James Potter x gn reader (no pronouns used)
Fluff, fluff, fluff. Absolutely did not think this story up while I brushed my own car off this morning......absolutely not..... 🙃
Your fingers were quickly becoming simultaneously numb and increasingly painful as you begrudgingly brushed snow off your car after your closing shift. You were about to acquiesce and put your mittens on that you were sure you could do without when a car quickly pulled up behind yours.
You were tense until you realized you recognized the vehicle, and more importantly, it's driver.
"Baby!" James squealed as rushed out of his car to greet you. "Get inside!"
You couldn't help to laugh at him shouting at you as if you were a small child about to touch a hot burner on the stove. "What? What are you doing here?"
"Get in the car! It's freezing out." He answers instead, vying for the snow brush in your hand.
"I know it's freezing out! That's why I'm bundled up in my jacket. Did you just leave the gym?" You asked, taking note of his still slightly sweaty skin and his hoodie and joggers combo.
"Yes, I stopped on my way home, thought I could get here before you came off work." He said a bit quieter now, kissing the side of your head.
"You came here just to brush my car off?" You asked in awe, arms going slack with your grip still on the brush.
"'Course I did! You're too pretty to be brushing snow off your car in this cold!" He says as if it is the most obvious thing in the world.
You barked a laugh. "Oh please! You're pretty too!"
James batted his eyelashes at you from behind his frames. "Well thank you baby." He said, voice sticky sweet. "But next to you I am one ugly bastard. Get in the car."
"Jamie..." you started but relinquished your grasp on the brush.
"In, in, in!" He chanted, punctuating each word with a gentle pat on your bum as you moved to climb in and start your car. The defroster was working over time as you rubbed your numb hands together in hopes to regain some circulation.
You couldn't help but marvel at James as he made quick work of your car; his messy curls bouncing with each pass of the brush, and the flex of his muscles under his sweater as he extended his arms.
You wanted to cry, thinking about how he had also worked today and gone to the gym and had to brush his own car off and then raced to your work hoping to brush your car off before you got off just so you wouldn't have to.
You absolutely would have started crying, but thankfully James was already knocking at your trunk, asking for you to pop it so he could put the brush away.
You rolled down your window as he came up to your door. "Did you plan all this?"
"Nope." He said with a pop at the P. "It was just a very happy accident."
You smiled and kissed him. "I don't believe you."
He smiled so wide that both dimples made an appearance on his beautifully tanned face. "I love you."
"I love you too Jamie." You said, mirroring his smile. "Drive safe, 'kay?" You offered as he backed away from your door.
"Pfft, I always do! Gotta make sure I get home to my angel." He sang with a wink as he back towards his car.
You watched him pull his car out of the parking lot as your cheeks began to feel sore from smiling so hard. You hit the absolute jackpot with James Potter.
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mountttmase · 6 months
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liked by masonmount, freyaaaaxo, declanrice and others
y/n George’s first Easter 🪺 I fear I’m turning into one one those mum’s but I don’t even care at this point 🩷
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masonmount if by one of those mums you mean the best mummy in the world then yes you are 😘 thank you for all you do for me George and Parker, I know they had the best day 🩷
y/n my three favourite boys 🥰 I’m so lucky to have you, my perfect partner in crime 🩷
freyaaaaxo I miss my little chunk 😩 can’t wait to see you guys soon
y/n George misses his auntie Frey 😘
woody_ Parker on baby sitting duties I see
masonmount does a better job than you
y/n I mean he’s not wrong
declanrice happy Easter little man ❤️ looks like the egg hunt tired Mason out 🤣
y/n Are we surprised 🙄
masonmount Hey I put a lot of effort in
benchilwell sorry where was my invite?
y/n must have got lots in the post soz
lukeshaw23 was a utd only party so you didn’t qualify
sophiaaemeila the most beautiful family I can’t 😭 we miss you guys so much 🤍
y/n we miss youuuu, we’ll have to reunite the boys soon I know Mase misses Kai
masonmount I really do bro
kaihavertz29 😘
manchesterunited George looks like he’s having the best time! happy Easter to the Mounts ❤️
y/n thanks guys! ❤️
Lew.mount hope you’re ready for round two when we turn up ❤️😂
y/n of course, and I’ve given Mason a talking too so he doesn’t cheat 🙃
masonmount stop bullying me
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heyhihellosworld · 1 year
𝐃𝐨𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧
Trent Alexander Arnold x reader
Instagram Au
Notes: This is the first social media Au's I've made and it was a lot of fun, though I'll admit it took a lot longer than it should. Don't know about this to be honest
All photos are from instagram or pinterest
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Liked by masonmount, yourfriendsname and 78 892 others
yourusername if somebody asks if I love my job, hell yeah I do!
View all 768 comments
yourfriendsname go gurllll
masonmount traitor
yourusername 😘
fan living the dream right there
mm19m your gorgous
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Liked by trentarnold66, yourfriendsname and 98 839 others
yourusername When my boss tells me I can't have favoruites but I can't really remove the evideneces
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yourfriendsname red red reeed
trentarnold66 nice tattoo
stanfan Trent??
Liverpooool Huh? What is happening??
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Liked by trentarnold66, virgilvandijk and 78 782 others
yourusername changed arena for the weekend, maybe I should switch
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lewishamilton Yes please Miss Y/ln
yourusername 😏
masonmount Heey don't even think about it
yourusername 🫣 🫣
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Liked by trentarnold66, virgilvandijk and 76 920 others
yourusername People always be asking for personal content, here you go 😌
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yourfriendsname Oooh, finally some interesting content
yourusername heyy, mean
mountsgf Why is trent just liking everything lately
chelseaaa she is friends with many of the players, it's nothing weird
pulii Are we all ignoring the fact the she has a MAN in these photos??
chellsa right??? Is she dating 👀
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Liked by virgilvandijk, judebellingham and 873 789 others
trentarnold66 🚩
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judebellingham brooo
masonmount 👀 👀
alexoxchamberlain hmm
fan2 No-no way
taagf WHAT am I seeing???
arnoldd No... the day has come you all 🥲
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Liked by masonmount, trentarnold66 and 128 982 others
yourusername My favs from the week😜
View all 17 789 comments
masonmount we look cool
yourusername dream on mount
virgilvandijk 🤗
trentarnold66 🙃
andyrobertson94 you bring your camera everywhere
yourusername of course, it's the love of my life
andyrobertson94 sad
yourusername 🖕
yourfriendsname cuteee
fan4 we see you trent
y/nwifeyy this is just.. awh how cute
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Liked by roberto_firmino, trentarnold66 and 120 903 others
yourusername the only day I don't love my job. Thank you lads 🥲❤️
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roberto_firmino ❤
yourfriendsname never seen you cry before
yourusername the saddest time of my life
yourfriendsname oh shut up it's not
arnoldswifeyy agree on saddest time of my life
fifa2323 Y/nnn, too real
lpool she always seems to be able to squeeze in a pic of Trent
mountsgf If I had pics of Trent I would too
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Liked by yourusername, trentarnold66 and 359 982 others
masonmount wanted to meet y/n but been thirdwheeling instead
View all 3 902 comments
yourusername aww poor mase
masonmount it is poor mase
trentarnold66 bit dramatic no?
masonmount shut up bro
yourusername need to get used to it 🙄
chelseafan1 what does this mean?? 👀
benchilwell Y/n recently 🙄
yourusername just because you're all single as fuck
kaihavertz29 love it
yourusername aww love you Kai
reecejames poor boy
fan1 Trent??
fan2 love this!
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Liked by masonmount, benchilwell and 78 897 others
yourusername I promise he wasn't that much of an third-wheel
View all 7 893 comments
masonmount traumatic
yourusername drama queen
trentarnold66 😒
benchilwell Mason need to be the center of attention, how you never learn y/n
mountsgff Aw he is so cute
fan3 Fav couple
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Liked by masonwifeyy, wags11 and 781 892 others
Fotballwagsgossip Me thinking a little too hard about all the Trent and Y/n interactions 🤨😳🥹🫣
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mason19mount Riiight it's a bit suspicious
trentski They don't even try to hide it you guys
wag4 I'm just waiting for them to admit it
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Liked by trentarnold66, masonmount and 93 893 others
yourusername Liverpool is always charming 😊
View all 7 654 comments
masonmount Oh
benchilwell 👀
virgilvandijk 😶
ynstan I'm just sitting here... waiting for them to confirm it
trentskiies Uhhh it's done for us
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Liked by yourusername, virgilvandijk and 659 903 others
trentarnold66 My favourite girl ❤️
View all 43 674 comments
yourusername ❤️
virgilvandijk Finally
joegomez5 This was too obvious
andyrobertson94 Simp
lpool OH
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Liked by trentarnold66, masonmount and 89 982 others
yourusername My scouse 😋
View all 32 723 comments
trentarnold66 ❤️
masonmount 🤢🤮
yourusername shut up
benchilwell Cutee
lewishamilton 💗💗
marchusrashford Finally you two
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Being Karasuno's Manager:
Yaku Falls for Miss Manager
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Yaku Morisake featuring Nekoma and Karasuno x Female Manager
Warnings: light swearing, fluff
A/N: This is an request from @lilacveiledsea!
Ahh Yn you are one lucky lady
Seriously Yaku 🥰 he’s such a sweetheart
Demon senpai to some but not to our precious Angel Yn
You unfortunately fortunately were the 2nd year manager for our lovely bby crows
Kiyoko didn’t want to leave you alone so she said you should get another manager 😂
Honestly such a caring move
And trust me, you’ll need it
Not only managing the demon first years but our feral second years as well
But it’s all good because these boys adore you so much
Your relationship was strictly platonic with all of them, despite their very visible crush on you
Honestly, you preferred someone a little more… mature?
Sure let’s go with that 😌
So before Yachi joined the crew it was just you and Kiyoko
Dream team honestly
Kiyoko dealt with all the technical things and you, well you dealt with the children
You and Daichi were a dream team
Daichi was the hard ass disciplinarian and YN was out sweet, consoling angel
“HEY DORKS CUT THAT OUT!” Daichi would scream
“Please be careful! We don’t want you to get hurt!” You’d add
It honestly was so perfect
The atmosphere around Golden week was so exciting
The boys were ready to face their unknown rivals, Nekoma
This was the first time they would be facing Nekoma so everyone was fired up
When you arrived, Kiyoko took care of monitoring the children while you began to gather the water bottles
The crew was talking with Nekoma, Daichi and Kuroo being BeStIeS 🤪
Tanaka and Yamamoto being weirdly twin like and Asahi being the scary, non-scary person scaring all the children
You noticed Suga was talking with someone who looked to be the Libero of Nekoma
You didn’t really have a chance to look at him because you were busy carrying things
BUT 👀 trust when I say he definitely saw you
The sunshine’s on your beautiful hair, you started to glow and Yaku absolutely fell in love
You smiled as Ennoshita offered to help you, Yaku becoming jealous that the smile wasn’t for him
“She’s cute right?” Suga interrupted his thoughts 🙃
“Uhh yeah, who is she?” Yaku questioned, eyes still watching you
“She’s our second year manager AND she’s single,” wing man Suga says
“Good to know,” Yaku says as you walk into the gym
Inside is when you first noticed Yaku watching you
You noticed how cute he was and you blushed when your eyes met his
Suga 👉🏻👀 📝
Kiyoko 👉🏻😐😳😏
team work makes the dream work 💅
“Hey YN why don’t you ask Nekoma if they need help with their water bottles?” Kiyoko suggests as your eyes widen
“O-ok,” you say, turning to head over to them
Nekoma watches you approach
Kuroo smirks
Yamamoto faints
And Yaku, Yaku stares 👁️👄👁️
“Hey, umm I’m YN and I was wondering if you needed help with the water bottles?” You as ask Coach Nekomata nodded and thanked you
Inuoka was just about to ask if you needed help when Yaku spoke up
“ILL HELP!” He may have yelled a little louder
Kai and Kenma 👉🏻👀👀
Kuroo 👉🏻🤨😏
You 👉🏻😳 ok-
Please he was so cute!
“Here let me carry those for you,” Yaku says as you nod
Kiyoko, Suga and Kai 👉🏻😍😍😍
“Is it just me or is Nekoma’s Libero hitting on Yn?” Daichi asks
Tanaka and Noya 👉🏻🔥👄🔥
“Thank you so much for helping me,” you blush as you continue to fill water bottles
“Call me Morisuke please,” Yaku says with a smile
“Thank you Mori,” you say
Yaku dies 😫
As you walk back to the gym, you enter and EVERYONE is looking at you
“Uhh what happened?” You ask Yaku
Yaku 👉🏻😐😑
Please he knows what’s going on
“It’s nothing Yn, they literally are all just sharing one braincell and it’s not functioning right now,” he says as you giggle a little
Yaku 👉🏻 💀
While you observed the game, you continued to sneak glances at Yaku
He didn’t pay much mine but again he was in the game but during timeouts 👀 Yaku would practically stare at you
You blushed as Tanaka and Noya growled
“Knock it off!” You said smacking their heads, “don’t ruin this for me!”
The team 👉🏻😐😳
“Dang Yn and Daichi did a switch,” Yamaguchi said as Tsukki nodded
After the game, Suga and Yaku talked while Noya stared at Yaku
“You are an excellent Libero, even if you are annoying when you stare at OUR Yn,” he says as he runs away
“Ignore him! YN doesn’t belong to anyone,” Suga adds
Yaku nods as he looks over to you as you help clean up
As the boys are prepared to leave, Yaku says ‘it’s now or never’
He runs to you, as you stop and stare
“YN can I have you phone number?” Yaku asks as you smile and nod
“I’d like that!”
Yaku literally swoons as you type your number into his phone
“I’ll text you later!” Yaku yells as he runs back to the team and waves to you
Suga and Kiyoko 👉🏻🥹 our baby is growing up
You smile ad you walk back to your team who are all watching you
“Please don’t make this weird?” You groan as you get on the bus and the team follows asking you a million question
What you don’t realize is Yaku is going through the same thing
Yet he doesn’t regret getting your number, quickly going to text you
“Hey Yn it’s Mori 🙂”
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captainwans · 1 year
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Liked by yourbestfriend, sasha__rebecca and others
yourinstagram 🧚🏼✨
view all the comments
yourbestfriend no photo creds? 🤨
benchilwell excuse you i took the picture
yourbestfriend and i took the other one ☝️
yourfriend 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️
cmpulisic here we go again
username babe yourinstagram just posted
username the ✨ aesthetics ✨
kaihavrtz29 you’ve summoned me
sophiaamelia he’s literally kicking his feet giggling rn at the comment section
kaihavrtz29 it’s my favorite time of the day
yoursister looking at y/n comment section?
kaihavrtz29 yoursister don’t ruin my mood 😒
yourbestfriend watch it havertz you’re next
kaihavrtz29 😶😶
benchilwell good luck mate
kennedyalexa 🤍🤍
yourinstagram it’s right before i disable all the comments 🤦🏻‍♀️ guys behave
benchilwell you heard my girl
yourbestfriend like you’re the one to talk
masonmount 😭😭😭
reecejames pls-
odegaard.98 spar noe syltetøy til meg 🍓 ( save some jam for me )
yourinstagram skal det! 🤭 ( will do )
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Liked by aliciaknebel, yoursister and others
yourinstagram italy has been treating us well 🇮🇹
view all the comments
masonmount so that’s where chillys been hiding
yourinstagram sorry you’ll get him back in a week 🙈
benchilwell ❤️❤️
alexchilwell have so much fun you two 💕
yourinstagram thanks, lovie 🫶🏼
kaihavertz29 yourbestfriend has been real quiet
cmpulisic i’m actually concerned
username the beef between these two is the highlight of y/n comment section
masonmount agreed
username lmao mason
yourbestfriend enjoy your holiday love birds 🙂
kaihavertz29 and so she speaks!!
sophiaamelia babe not now
username ok but why that emoji tho?
username y’all are over-analyzing now 😭
benchilwell yourbestfriend that’s it?
yourbestfriend you expect me to give you a love letter mate? 🤨
kaihavertz29 *grabs popcorn*
username kai pls
username I CANT—
yourusername i don’t even know why i try anymore 🙃🙃
username y/n just wants to post man
username lowkey im loving this ngl
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Liked by katrinefogtfriis, benchilwell and others
yourinstagram good day today ☀️
view all the comments
katrinefogtfriis your captions are always slaying
yourinstagram you’re slaying girlie 💋
kaihavertz29 what about yourbestfriend?
username STOP
cmpulisic you’re making it worse man
yourfriend sophiaamelia pls come get ur man
sophiaamelia trust me i’m trying
username i’m crying and laughing at the same time
username i just love how everyone gathers around here tbh im all here for it
username i bet they have a group chat where they bicker and act like children just like the comment section
reecejames we actually do
username told ya
masonmount wonder who those flowers are from 👀😉
yourbestfriend definitely not from benchilwell
benchilwell and how do you know? you are literally at the other side of the globe 😑
rlc you guys need to make up 😭😭
📌 yourusername first things first, kaihavertz29 you’re so close to getting blocked (and sophia agrees)
yourusername benchilwell you’re sleeping on the couch tonight (don’t argue!)
yourusername yourbestfriend apologize to ben rn and i don’t want any buts i’m literally going to implode your brain
yourusername masonmount since you’re so curious of my flowers they are from my beautiful mother 🥰
yourusername and lastly, the rest of you, kindly stay away from my comment section my brain is hurting from all the spam 🫶🏼
cmpulisic yes ma’am 🫡
reecejames 👍🏼👍🏼
username i lost so many brain cells
username y’all listen to our queen
username this legit made my day
211 notes · View notes
lilmisssona · 8 months
✯ My mooties (づᴗ _ᴗ)づ♡
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People who keep me sane, feral, giddy, giggly, curious and happy 🫶
𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒𓂃🦋 @atinyniki Met Niki randomly on a lazy day scrolling tumblr fyp, cupids arrow is her first fic I read and fell in love. Oh! Quite literally if you will, because turned out we are each other's platonic soulmates. You're my home my comfort and I am grateful to find you bby and will always support you, no matter what! ❤️❤️❤️
𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒𓂃🦋 @hearts4leeknow Second sweet bby, Oh ILY so much you're so sweet, I really love your works. They are a treat to my soul. You're so funny, And I'll support you always bby 💖
𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒𓂃🦋 @cinnamostar From your works to everything else, your blog is literally so aesthetic, and your works 🤌 So happy to be your mootie! ( Currently patiently waiting for 5 dates to fall in love to end so that I can read from the beginning and not end up in a cliffhanger 🙃 )
𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒𓂃🦋 @writingforstraykids Newest addition to my community! Literally so down to earth, very sweet! I really love your works, so I will love you and support you always 🫶
𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒𓂃🦋 @kai-lee08 Your fic blog
@j-oneproduces are my go to whenever I want to read which members will do what to yn. They are so so sweet, I love it. Gives me warm and giggly feelings inside! You're so sweet and I'm so glad to be mooties with you 🫶💓
𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒𓂃🦋@jinnie-ret I was always a silent followers of yours, reading your fics time and time again. But the oddinary one really moved me. You're so nice and cute, Thank you for being mooties with me! 🤭💕🫶
𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒𓂃🦋@michelle4eve Sweet newbie mutual of mine 💓 So glad we became mooties. You are literally sweetest 🤗❤️🥹
𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒𓂃🦋@skzoologist Oh, Zehina you're so sweet. I'm so lucky to have you as my mootie. Talking to you feels so comforting! 💕🫶💓
𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒𓂃🦋 @minholing Jenny, you're so sweet. Its such a bliss to meet you and talk to you everyday. You're so cute 💕🫶
𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒𓂃🦋 @cheesemonky Leisel, you're so sweet my love. I love talking with you, however brief our conversations are due to the time difference but I still love it 🫶❤️
𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒𓂃🦋 @livelovelaughmiko Miko, Thank you for being such a sweet gem. I know we just became mooties but I love you already 🥺🫶🤗
𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒𓂃🦋 @thatonedemigodfromseoul Mutual friend of Jinnie and I. Glad I found you. You're so sweet and your works are amazing. Hugs 🥺🤗🫶
𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒𓂃🦋 @silverstarburst Mutual mootie of mine and Nat's. I was actually kinda so scared when you followed me. Like you're kinda like an idol to me. As I saw yours and Nat's asks everyday, I was so intrigued by you. I got so happy when you became my mootie and then binged through my page. Love you hun 💕🥺💗🤗
𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒𓂃🦋 @yangbbokari Mumu bby I'm the worst why didn't I add you here 😭😭😭 You're one of my sweetest savage mooties. Like you're so cool, I'm blown away 🤭💖🤗
𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒𓂃🦋 @galaxycatdrawz Just a random sweet encounter through ask game. You are so sweet 🤗💖 Glad to become a mootie of you!
𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒𓂃🦋 @hwangism143 Another Bengali friend. Woo-hoo! Will be Glad to get to know you better Via 🤗💞
𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒𓂃🦋 @straykidsholicleigh Just became moots. Btw I know you since long before Soul was mentioning you in their posts. You're cute. I like you 🤗🤗💕💕
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bluelizze · 4 months
I DECIDED TO MAKE A POST ABOUT MY GENERINE REACTIONS TO ACCIDENTAL BF PT 4 (omg pls read this series it’s a gem by the wonderful @tenkover)
also i was just causally looping this edit while i was doing this
"You reach up and fix his crooked septum. He blushes. That damn thing."
SINCE WHEN DID TOMURA HAD A SEPTUM (ngl I actually looked up what it was bc idk what it was and I WAS SHOCKED MY JAW DROPPED)
“Why would I want to,” Tomura smiles and kisses the top of your head. He wants to absorb you… you can crawl into his ribcage any day and make yourself at home."
“The Izuku thing, for example, like, we started off as friends just getting to know each other and out of the blue he gets handsy. It felt like all the friendship building was just… fake– and it was. His entire personality changed when I told him I won't be with him. I've had that happen before. It makes me feel… so alone. Or just generally talking to men. If you're nice you are flirting and they feel entitled to your… well, body. It hurts. And if you aren't nice… you put yourself in danger. My dad taught me to always be polite– well, too much because…. I was nice to my stalker. It's dumb– I am. That's also why I always do what people want… it is the path of least resistance.”
also reader being real here bc I always feel like I have to put on a mask around certain people so I sometimes have identity crisis (that’s why I relate to furina and mafuyu A LOT)
“He's always late!” Himiko sighs. “I'd never let you wait, (Y/N)-chan! If Tomura ever lets you wait– just text me, kay?”
“Really? Voice changer? Cmon, man,” Tomura says and pinches his nose.
“Is it because… your friend who got a girlfriend?” He sobs.
OMG????? Does touya love reader?!?! (I wouldn’t be surprised if that were the case)
“Y-Yes. Sorry. I… I wanted to ask if I can soft launch you on Instagram?”
“When I'm back… can we maybe go on a date? Get Boba and sit in the park?
BOBA DATE BOBA DATE BOBA DATE (I’m drinking one rn)
“Please just leave… go to your boyfriend.” You frown and a lump grows steadily in your throat. You look at the back of his head. His light hair looks badly tangled. “Touya… is that the problem?” “Yep.”
OH I AM RIGHT!!! (not but surprised but STILL THE REVEAL 😤😤😤)
Yes. Thank… you. Hey, one more thing… you're not a serial killer?” “When does it become serial?” “After 5?” “Oh no then we're good.”
“During semester break he showed up here and introduced himself as my boyfriend to my dad. I don’t know if you know how charming Izuku can be… my dad loved him. And… I had to play along because if my dad knew that I have a stalker he would never let me go back to uni. So… when he finally pissed off I tried to do damage control and told my dad that I was planning to break up with him– this is so stupid.”
IZUKU you mother fucker 🙃
He snorts. “Talk later… honey..?”
HE CALLS US HONEY 🥹🥹🥹 (I love nicknames like those)
Toshinori wraps his arms around you, almost smothering you with the intensity of his embrace. “Kid, you don’t ever need to justify coming home.”
“You love him,” Toshinori chuckles and wipes his hands on a kitchen towel before starting to chop up some tomatoes. “You should see how your eyes are sparkling right now.”
“You are Dabi!” You wave the phone.
“Holy shit. Now I get what you were saying– Tomura is the guy you have a crush on."
omg first spinner and now touya. everyone having a crush on tomura on this fic and honstly, that's valid
"Dude, I thought you were confessing TO ME!”
“No– did you just forget I am gay or what?! Be for real.”
Tenko doesn't remember and Tomura can't face the truth.
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pnutbutter-n-j-elyy · 2 months
guys I’m genuinely so happy you all enjoyed Never Say Never.
tbh I was feeling a lot of writers blocked when it came to figuring out how to wrap everything up. And how to write things in a way that made sense for the reconciliation of a relationship. So I spent a lot of time debating that.
in all actuality my first thought was to have y/n and Hyunjin break up- and have Hyunjin be the one to move on first- having him harbor something to the likes of resentment rather than guilt. And y/n would have been endgame with another member after their breakup with Kai- and Hyunjin wouldn’t have realized what y/n meant to him until he saw one of his closest friends making them happy.
but I’m a hopeless romantic and I like to think that things of that sort can be fixed after time.
and overall I’m really really joyed with how it came out.
thank you for all the love and support you guys give me 😭 ❤️
most of my requests are queued to drop at odd times 🙃
so I WILL be opening Request up again temporarily for SKZ :)
I’ll take the first five to ten requests I get :) ❤️
much love sunshine’s ;)
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xuchiya · 3 months
I feel like si Hongjoong yung makakaaway mo sa may bilihan ng mango shake sa dapitan side near ust 😅
I saw your post abt Ateez's filo names and can i say na ang pogi ng Enzo for Yeosang and feel ko si Jongho yung tipong mas gugustuhin na matawag na JC kesa Caloy HAHAH and super bagay ng Santi for San !!
It feels so refreshing to interact with Filo-Atiny here sa Tumblr 😭😭 pero sweets, lemme tell you.
I'M A RIZALIAN, LIKE JRU STUDENT AKO, NOT UST 😭. Its just Hongjoong gives off that energy of being a UST student. Please don't be mad po huhuhu.
Pero yes like Hongjoong being the sassiest member and him being an 'aircon humor' and 'conyo'. That's how I imagine him 😭
PERO HUHUHUHU THANK YOU FOR THE FEEDBACK 🥺💕 I thought through the names for them along with the explanation from Chat GPT yung mga meaning ng names nila (kasi i need help, im not smart 🙃) !! THABK YOUUU!!! YUNG KILIG KO SOBRA KAY SAN JUSQ !!
Soon, I hope you—sweets and sweethearts— are updated for the upcoming mini-series of Filipino Ateez AU !!!
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virgo-mess · 5 months
Rambles and Updates
The number of times I've woken up from a dead sleep crying because I dreamt up some super sad scene between Terry and Veda or Cash and Shay is ridiculous. Does this happen to anyone else with OCs or just me?
Like I'd blame it on the fact that I feel asleep to the new T-Swift album (which my brain won't let ne unsee as a Terry and John breakup album for some reason...😂😭🙃) only I can't because I wasn't listening to it all the other times. Although I do remember noting Shay was crying to Fearless of all things in one of the dreams 😂🫣
Anyway, I 100 percent just woke up crying from a dream about Terry and Veda. I can't even recall now. You're more than welcome to ignore my half asleep rambles. I'm happy to see and hang out with you guys during our movie night tomorrow. My sister Jenny is gonna join us and crash halfway through Excessive Force, I'm sure. If you follow me on Twitter, you probably saw her adorable reaction to me getting her a cobra kai sweatshirt 🥲, she'll be sure to talk your ear about it in Jenny babble, and I can't wait! (Small clip of some of her excitement below)
Thanks for reading my late night rambles 😂. As for story updates, I'm working on Chapter 2 of the Birds and the Bees, but that's the story I kind of threw out my whole outline for. So I'm winging it and changing things as I go after this chapter. I will hunker down and finally get back to Terry and Veda and work on your requests, I promise!
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sturns-4-life · 2 months
Lilly and I woke up to people in our inbox still going off on us about this situation and we chose to respond because we can. I stated yesterday and today multiple times that I would apologize to Kay and addi if they can honestly and truthfully admit the anons and the hate acct was not them.
I also stated I would be more inclined to apologize to addi more than Kay cause Kay has done too much and I will admit, addi hasn’t really done anything to me, I just don’t like how she tries to play mediator for Kay when Kay is grown and should be able to handle herself when she starts sum mess.
I don’t have anything against you personally, and I’m sorry you’re getting hate because it truly don’t have anything to do with you, but in my opinion, I don’t think you should have made a post saying it’s dragged out when all of this went down for one day and you yourself are admitting you’re friends with addi and you don’t really know what’s happening. I understand wanting to defend your friends cause that’s exactly what I’m doing, but a simple post saying “plz don’t send hate to me about others, mainly my friends” would have done the job, cause you’re making me and Lilly look bad when in reality, I’m responding to anons about apologizing, and Lilly is responding to people saying she’s dragging it out.
I never meant to make you look bad, it was not pointed straight to you two as I have seen other people lead it on just forgot who🙃 but thanks for being respectful about it as many people have cursed me out and other things like that when I say at least one little thing. And the reason I said it's dragged out is because this isn't the first time it has happened, and I was kinda apart of it. As I was framed for sending rape threats to rose from anons (which was ignored and was on my old acc). And the reason I made a full blown post about it is because some anons (which are now deleted) have asked me since it first started to make a post about it and I just wanted to shut them up.🫶🫶🫶
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the-grim-and-sanguine · 11 months
Nine People You Want To Know Better!
Thank you @k-v-briarwood aka Mr. Ah Shitz for the tag! I am so behind on my tags but 🙃 I made a list so hopefully I'll do them all this week lol Last Song: Devil Town by Cavetown (will probably be something else before I even finish this since I listen to music 24/7 ((Teeth by 5 Seconds of Summer, Pretty Pills for Broken Hearts by Cloudy June, I Know What You Did In The Dark by Fall Out Boy, FU In MY Head by Cloudy June, DARKSIDE by Neoni, Engravings by Ethan Bortnick))) Last Movie: Oof uh the last one I saw in theaters was Spider-Man Across The Spider-Verse (I got a poster!) but I couldn't tell you what I've watched in my freetime Currently Watching: Uhhh I occasionally watch Dragon Ball Z Kai with my cousin! And I'm trying to finally finish Star vs. The Forces of Evil but it's been almost a year since I started the last season and it's a struggle (even tho I really like it I'm just forgetful) Currently Reading: Does uh...Fanfiction count? Cause if so...glances at my 99+ tabs open...um...hahaha Currently Craving: For my body to work hahaha I currently have bile in my throat and I take two meds to fix that 🙃 Last Thing You Searched For Writing Purposes: My current hyperfixation project is a Form-Fillable Survival Guide for the general public so
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As someone who was raised by a survivalist father...he would be SO DISAPPOINTED in me for searching up the fire one- Gentle tags - @theknightswhosay @the-chiefster @oh-judas @darkleap @fayeiswriting @surroundedbypearls @serotoninshift @warriorblood1 @mothbutcher
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rayslittlekitten · 8 months
Anyone wanna take a request? 🙃
Will Miller or Raymond Smith (I’m open to Jax Teller, Frankie Morales or Joel Miller, even Kai) going feral for his significant other particularly right before her period starts. He just gets so turned on by her pheromones and just wants to breed her.
I’m too lazy to write it myself 🙃
Please and thank you!
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