#Keene Ice
mammoth-clangen · 2 months
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Itty bitty reference of everyone bc i am Tired of colourpicking from the previous page (and bc everyone has some semblance of consistent design now XD )
I drew this between posting Moon 3 (part 2 and 3) so sorry for the lack of Small Boi, he will be added when i get time + when he has a name revealed!
Fun notes!
- Poppy's short tail and Dart's nub-butt are both caused by the manx gene, Dart just has a higher expression! (it's dominant so Pine doesn't have it at all) - Burnet and Quiver have the exact same eye colour and very close skin tone - Pine's mullet will get bigger as he grows but it's important to note even as a baby bc i think it's funni - Poppy looks like a unit but is mostly fluff, Burnet is actually stocky - age can be at least partially determined by how yellow someone's teeth are lmao - Quiver's angry eyes started as a joke but stuck around bc it's fun to draw - Pounce (and Lilac to an extent) is the only character with dark brown pads bc of a silly headcannon I have regarding fully white characters being polar adapted, most characters will continue to have pinkish red ones! (except new lil guy bc he has melanism) - I like to imagine Burnet isn't piebald but actually has a somatic cell mutation similar to bloodmark horses. Why? idk, i think it's fun, and also genuine piebaldism comes with health issues - everyone has different ear tufts bc i think that's cute cx - Lilac is tall
has ANYONE noticed the sclera thing yet? No? ok
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isbergillustration · 2 months
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I still think someone should buy that painting because I think it’s pretty cool. Also, cat enforced break from the painting I'm working on. She is painting too, but only in Norwegian*.
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kusatta · 14 days
eyes  sultry   &   adoring,   he pulls back,   kissing down his lover's neck.   the paladin takes his time,   worshipping   fervent   skin as his hands run down her abdomen,   taking hold of the curve of their waist.   slowly,   he kisses down acxa's chest,   across their stomach,   between their hips.
settling upon his knees,   he looks up at them,   eyes full of want as he gently massages at their inner thighs.   opening his mouth,   he lets out a chuff,   tongue   poking out to tease at the other's clit as a low purr emits from his throat.   he can taste himself upon their skin,   remnants of his own sweet slick mixed with theirs.  
he moans,   working his tongue deeper between her folds.   fingertips spreading them apart,   he runs his tongue up   &  down her opening.   a hand maneuvering its way up,   playing with their clit as he lowers his mouth further down.  
he slips a finger in,   then another,   before returning his attention back to the other before him.   pulling back,   he allows herself to breathe,   gasping a little bit before practically leaping back to them, lips meshing together roughly, as if hungry for more. / @maudlxne.
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kxjostarr · 3 months
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Absolutely disagrees with that.
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bladesfromthedark · 26 days
the puffball looked up at the swordsman before waving their arm before walking up to them and tilting their head. The Swordsman looked weird but she didn't mind! She tried to go up to them and boop them! Besides she didn't want to cause harm at least for now! They didn't seem harmful right now at least!
-@candymaildelivery (Hellooo!! Hopefully this is ok ^^)
. . .
Something familiar approached them.
Someone they had absolutely wanted to avoid.
Yet, it was strange. The other's demeanor was not threatening. Not that the Dark Matter trusted her. Still. Curious entity that they are, they couldn't help warily watching. See what the puffball would do—
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Wait. No no no. Drawing too close. DANGER. DANGER. DANGER.
Swordsman jerks backwards, and a rainbow-hued blade materializes out of thin air. The weapon is promptly jabbed in Kirby's direction… but merely as a threat. It doesn't actually come close to making contact.
"Stay. Back."
Their previous defeat remained perfectly clear in their mind. Engaging this hero in combat is ill-advised.
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iceiclehorned · 1 month
starter for @frogprinceus
Walking graciously across one of Liyue's many open fields, the half-qilin finds herself enamoured by the views. It did not matter how many times her eyes had scanned the landmarks surrounding her favourite place to take a nap, there was no getting tired of the way the sun managed to keep its firm glaze over the greenery, an eager participant of photosynthesis. As her role as a secretary became her everything, finding time to spend by herself had become increasingly difficult. By all means, she had wanted this herself, but with the harder she worked, the more she questioned who she was without the work clouding any intruding thoughts. As she lay across the warm floor of the earth, her mind slowly slipped into a coma of nothingness, unallowing for anything to interrupt the much needed rest.
Any problems that had been weighing her down previously would hold no meaning until she woke up.
Hours pass before she stirrs awake, rubbing away any sleep from her eyes. It would not be long before she would be needed once again, after all. Opening those violet eyes, it would take a moment to dawn on her that this was not at all where she had initially found respite. With hesitancy, she found herself standing, a slight shake of her wrist as her mind fills itself with images of unseen-before land. A large cliff that lacked mother nature's gentle touch stood prominent, with the carvings of four faces of men, and one a woman. Her mouth falls open, almost admiring the work that had been promoted. The land beneath it was beautiful and vibrant, and it did not take long before she had taken note of the bustling village that seemed to live comfortably underneath.
It appeared that the village is where she would seek answers first.
Within mere moments of making it to the front gates, she knew that she was far from Teyvat. "Kono... hagakure?" Her voice calls out, remembering the name of said village from a signpost she had read while on her journey forward. It only seemed to sink further in that this was really happening, and there would be no easy way to untangle herself from the mess she had seemingly gotten into through no obvious means.
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The gates had been left unattended, presenting the opportunity for the secretary to walk straight through without being interrogated. She figured that, if she could reach whoever was in charge around here and explain her situation, then she might just be able to find a way back to Liyue. Though, there was no denying the wondrous landscape of the place, a surge from within taking a liking to this newfound land. Would it be so wrong for her not to rush back? The waves of people walking along the unpaved streets, friendly conversations being exchanged at market stalls and children freely running around? It was not unlike the place she called home in retrospect.
Upon the first instance her gaze lands on a rather well-built man, with a mess of white hair that was tied back in a ponytail, she found herself feeling both safe and intrigued. Taking a few steps toward the man, she found herself towered over, her hand gently moving to tap his arm.
“E—excuse me? Do you know where I could find… the person in charge?”
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piltover-sharpshooter · 2 months
"See, we are confused about reading old gods and the seemingly vast and occasionally unrelated objects and domains the have control over because we look back on those stories and see a static end point."
"In reality, for the longest time people were actively adding to these stories, for centuries or even millenia, changing or adding, making new connections. Some of these survive, while others got lost. What to us looks like a God of Wine, Theater, Madness and Fertility, was in reality a god of wine to some, theater to others, and so on, which later got smashed together."
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rabbitcruiser · 2 months
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Cow Appreciation Day 
Dress up as a cow and forego the beef by heading to Chick Fil A on Cow Appreciation Day for a free (and cow-free) chicken entrée. Cows will thank you!
1995 marked the beginning of the cow revolution, when herds of beef cattle everywhere decided to take a stand for the future of the bovine race. Far more intelligent than the others, Heff R. Jones (now known as Eaton Birds) took his limited grasp of his owner’s language and painted “EAT MOR CHIKIN” on a billboard.
With this daring move he set in motion a movement among cows everywhere, to encourage us to eat more chicken, so we wouldn’t be eating them. Cow Appreciation Day commemorates Heff (I’m sorry, we mean Mr. Birds) and everything he’s done for cattlekind.
Learn about Cow Appreciation Day
Cow Appreciation Day is a day that has been designed to raise awareness about cows and appreciate everything that they do! You will see some weird things going on during Cow Appreciation Day. A lot of people dress up like cows for free food, and that’s just the start of it! So, we hope that you have a spare cow suit handy. We are reminded of all of the amazing products that cows bring our way, and a lot of people like to milk the occasion. Sorry for the awful pun…
History of Cow Appreciation Day
Alright, it’s a fun story, but ultimately Cow Appreciation Day was the clever brainchild of the Chik-Fil-A company, creating the story of the daring cow to encourage people to skip their favorite burger joint, and come to their local Chik-Fil-A instead. Little did people know that indulging in this bit of fanciful celebration would introduce them to a fundamental truth about fast food.
There isn’t anything quite as delicious as chicken. Chicken can be prepared any number of ways, but there’s a rich, juicy, light flavor it brings to the table that just beats out beef on every front. Rich marinades, the delicious taste yet healthful taste of grilled chicken, or wings dipped in Barbeque Sauce, however you like it it’s impossible to deny that chicken is an incredibly versatile meat.
Also… It’s not beef, so that makes Eaton happy, and saves cows everywhere one more day. Speaking from a health perspective, chicken is also immeasurably healthier for you, and has been shown to not be a harbinger of quite as many carcinogens as you find in beef. Isn’t that thoughtful? By saving themselves, the cows are saving you. That’s what you call a win-win proposition!
How to celebrate Cow Appreciation Day
Well, this is the simplest thing ever honey! You just find your way down to your local Chik-Fil-A and indulge in a great tasting meal made with tender juicy chicken. While you’re at it, dress up as a cow and you’ll win yourself a free entrée. You might say that Eaton and his crew have been working hard with Chik-Fil-A to make the prospect of eating their feathered (ahem) friends a lot more enticing. Children get free sandwiches, adults get free entrees, and everyone goes away happy on Chicken Eatin… We mean Cow Appreciation Day!
There are a lot of different ways that you can celebrate Cow Appreciation Day. Why not hug a cow? If you are lucky enough to live close to a cattle farm, why not pay a visit? You can spend some time close with these animals, showing your appreciation for them in the best possible day! Of course, we are sure that cows probably don’t know that there is a day just for them, but you can make them feel like this is the case by giving them some much-deserved attention.
Another great way to celebrate Cow Appreciation Day is to celebrate and support local dairy farmers. Why not take a trip to your local farm shop and make a purchase from there instead of buying your groceries from a branded supermarket? You can also go out of your way to make sure that the local farmer in your area knows how much you appreciate all of their hard work and effort. After all, it is always good to make people feel nice, no matter the date or occasion, right?
Of course, you can spend some time finding out more about these animals. Did you know that cows are very social? This is another reason why you should make them feel appreciated on this date and pay them a visit. Cows are emotional and social creatures. They form tight bonds with their family and friends. This is especially the case when it comes to the relationship between calves and their mothers. If they are separated, they will show extreme distress.
There are a lot of other interesting facts about cows as well. Did you know that they can create a monumental 125 pounds of saliva every day? That is pretty insane, right? While cows don’t actually have four stomachs, as some people believe, they have four chambers in their stomach. These are the abomasum, omasum, reticulum, and rumen chambers, and they all help with breaking down the tough grass that they digest. This is why they produce a lot of salivae!
Another fact is that cows create a lot more milk when they are happier. This is something that has been concluded in a study, showing that cattle have lived a happier life, creating more nutritious milk that has a greater amount of calcium. This probably should not come as much of a surprise. After all, as humans, we tend to be more productive when we are happier!
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demonsfate · 3 months
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@xluciifer asked . . . How much sawdust can you put into a Rice Krispie Treat before people start to notice?
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❝ I'd notice. I'd notice if you put even just a couple of specks in my Rice Krispie Treat. You better not. ❞
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❝ You better not put any sawdust in my Rice Krispie Treat. ❞
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pinkgrapefloyd · 1 year
am i delusional or is the tina harwood / joan carlyle dynamic in the last scene of ice princess (2004) very lawrusso. "i can't afford this, we'll need a sponsor" "i'm already on it" alrighty.... "i'm her coach!" "well i'm her mother! mother trumps coach, ask anyone" "ask any professional athlete--" uh-huh. keep it in your pants
anyways what i'm taking away from that two minute scene is
robby keene ice skater au
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missallanea · 4 months
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@heartheaded : "I've spent too much of this life alone." (scanlan to vex :") )
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Maybe it's the warmth of just-shy-of-too-much alcohol in her system. Maybe it's the soft firelight in this particular tavern, reflecting off stained glass windows and casting the room in multicolor hues. Or maybe, it's the simple fact that this strange little family she has forged has survived another fight, another day, and that is more than worth holding close to her heart.
Whatever it was, Vex'ahlia leans over in her chair, resting her weight ( carefully ) against the gnome and looping her arm around his shoulder.
He is being self-pitying, or self-hating. She isn't entirely sure which one is lurking in his tone, but both are becoming more commonplace for Scanlan, and tonight? Tonight, she will have none of it.
"Not anymore. You've been travelling with us long enough, now, we've imprinted on you. You couldn't get away from us even if you tried." A cheeky grin, and perhaps a bit too sisterly a gesture as she presses a kiss into his hairline. "Besides, Trinket's marked you, darling. Now he could find you anywhere you go."
She almost makes being pissed on by a bear sound like a good thing.
prompts for found families / adopted families
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kxjostarr · 3 months
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"I don't know him."
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dutybcrne · 5 months
Me BSing hcs like: The fact that Kae is not only able to create a shield when he is dangerously low HP but also the fact that he is able to regenerate HP when he hits opponents with Frostgnaw is definitely due to him receiving his Vision when Diluc had tried to kill him in their Confrontation...but could it be possible that his familial ties to the Abyss Order could have influenced that HP drain of his-
#//And that's without mentioning the fact that Glacial Waltz's duration increases FOR EVERY OPPONENT DEFEATED#//Between that and his lil teleporting trick like an Abyss mage's (minus the flurries of ice); I have SO many thinkings#//Deffo love the abilities of his being an amalgam of Vision based and Abyssal energy imbued#//Deffo love that fact meaning it hurts a bit to use his Vision at all; esp with the teleporting being such a Staple to his combat style#☆ ┆ ( .ooc. );#//Sidetracking a bit; but I also like to think that even after the Abyss is defeated/beaten back enough to not be such a threat; he'd still#keep his abilities from it/some connection to it. Bc he's so used to it being such a big PART of his fighting style/assets to use in a pinc#//But also bc keeping that connection means it'd help him keep track of any remnants of the Order far easier#//He could track them down with far more ease; sense if they are growing stronger; get intel from Domains/abyssal traces#//Of course being very mindful to keep it a secret & trying to not involve his loved ones/fellow knights of it all#//But he very much is careful esp bc of risks of him being corrupted by it; keeping a keen eye on his mental/physical/emotional states#//Deffo has plans to leave Mond and/or end his own life if he starts seeing the Abyssal corruption affecting him irreversibly#suicide mention tw#//Kind of but also kind of not; considering some of the ways how he'd go abt it#//Knows it'd be harder to the further it goes; so he has particular criteria he keeps tracks of to ensure if they come to pass#//he; in a clearer state of mind; would either 1) use his Vision to try & purge the energy out of himself (extremely painful; COULD kill#if the corruption runs deep enough & save him the trouble) or 2) use the aggressiveness of the corruption to provoke someone (esp Luc)#into taking care of him &thus ending the problem all together. Bc he KNOWS he's strong; only a handful of beings could actually kill him#//& actually be WILLING to; without hesitation. Luc comes to mind first bc of their Confrontation. But also bc Kae'd be happy w him being#the last person he ever sees. Thinks it'd be comforting more than anyone else. Esp since a lover would just break his heart to see them#//Worst case scenario is him falling to the corruption & sb breaking it out of him in the moment#//Bc the Instant he realizes what's happening; esp if they are crying and/or angered at him; he WILL fatally wound himself#//And make SURE it's not something he can come back from; save by a miracle (or 'curse' as he'd see it)#//Probably making an icicle and slitting his own throat; if not jamming the thing into his heart#//he won't hesitate; wont offer explanations; final words or apologies; he cant risk that moment of clarity being too short for it#//he HAS to make sure he can't hurt anyone any further; no matter what it means for him#//Which is partly why he'd be so keen to make sure it's not found out; bc he KNOWS he can be talked out of keeping those abilities#//Or worse; he'd fight them on it; and thus make for a fucken MESS in the aftermath if he's been too far along in the corruption#//But he KNOWS that even with the risks; the powers are a VALUABLE asset to him; &thus desperately wants to keep them#//'sidetracking a bit'; I said. Proceed to write a wHOLE FUCKEN NEW HC IN TAGS; I did; kjfbgkftg. Whoops lmao
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industrise · 6 months
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the cool quiet air brushes politely through her hair , as if asking permission , and the movement brings her comfort . the stars glisten down on them , but , as they're nothing akin to the sun , she's thankful for her long sleeves and layers . that is , until she notices her dear friend , sleeveless , and she worries she'll grow increasingly more uncomfortable the longer they're out here . . . but she doesn't want to give this moment up . not yet . she's so comfortable in korra's presence ; she finally feels at peace .
a silent moment passes but there's no hesitancy when it comes to removing her outer garb and placing it gently atop her friend's shoulders , and before she can deny her , she defends herself , ❛ come on , aren't you cold ? ❜ she stifles a giggle , raising her hand above her lips , careful not to smear her lipstick , and smiles , ❛ i wanted to stay out here for awhile longer . what do you think ? ❜
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. @decursus .
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agonizedembrace · 6 months
Reports scramble around the popstar diva, crews pointing their cameras at her, photographers taking picture after picture, flashes filling the air.
"Ms. Evelynn!" "Excuse me—" "Would you be interested in an exclusive int..." "Are you dating anyone?!" Someone manages to stick a microphone in her face after shoving aside many other media company representatives. "The diva of K/DA herself! You usually have other members with you. Tell us, is the band planning another release anytime soon? It's been years since your EP was put out. Or maybe you're planning a solo album?!"
Really, all Evelynn wanted to do was take a nice stroll around the city, basking in the night for the very reason to avoid paparazzi. Lucky, evidently, isn't on her side and it's not long before people flock to her. Certainly not the first time, nor the last, as these humans never learned.
Bombarding questions, most don't reach her ears, but she nearly has the mind to scream 'YES' at the inquiry of her relationship status. How many times now has she answered this questions for the spineless men not quite understand?!
Evelynn barely masks utter disgust at the microphone shoved in her face, a dignified sigh as she pushes it back. Brows soon furrow at the question ( and the truth, she is normally accompanied with Akali ), glancing back to the coward who eagerly awaits her answer.
"The rest of the band is busy tonight," she says calmly ( it's a lie, she just needed some fresh air ), she takes a step back then, arms folding across her chest. "I do think Ahri would have my head if I gave away too many details, darling. However we are all very hard at work currently."
"There's no solo album, I've no need. K/DA is where I belong." It's her only home. "My only work has been some idle fashion work and the collab I did with Sona."
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bitsybytescomic · 1 year
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Ésta es una de mis páginas favoritas.
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