#Three Cheese and Spinach Dip
rabbitcruiser · 5 months
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National Cheese Lovers Day
Chances are you don't just like cheese, you love it. If that's the case, you are in for a treat—today is National Cheese Lovers Day! Cheese is made from curds—the bits of protein that form when milk sours—from the milk of cows, goats, sheep, and buffalo. Spices, seasonings, mold, temperature, and age help determine its flavor and texture, and these in turn help determine how it is classified. Common classifications and some examples include fresh cheese like ricotta, soft cheese like feta, semi-soft cheese like Fontina, semi-hard cheese like Gouda, hard cheese like Cheddar, double or triple crème cheese like Brillat-Savarin, blue cheese like Gorgonzola, washed rind cheese like Limburger, and bloomy rind cheese like brie. The name "cheese" comes from the Latin word caseus, which stems from the Proto-Indo-European root kwat, which means "to ferment" or "to become sour."
Cheese dates back to before recorded times. Legend has it that it was first made by accident: an Arabian merchant who was keeping milk in an old sheep stomach found that it had separated into curds and whey. This reaction was caused by heat and from rennet, an enzyme found in the stomach. This was perhaps around 8000 BCE, around the time that sheep were first domesticated.
Cheese became a way to preserve milk before the invention of refrigeration. The curds were strained, and salt was added, which helped it keep longer. Still, cheese had a short shelf life and was made fresh and eaten daily. According to archaeological findings, some of the first intentional cheese making was being done around 5,500 BCE, in the area that is now Poland. Beyond Europe, there is evidence of early cheesemaking being done in the Middle East and Central Asia.
Romans made many different kinds of cheese and making it became a culinary art form. They spread their methods north into Europe, where they were adapted by monks. In Northern Europe, the climate was cooler, so less salt was needed for preservation. This cheese tended to be creamier and milder. Aged, ripened, and blue cheeses also came about in these cooler climates. During the Middle Ages, European cheesemakers originated Parmesan, Gouda, Camembert, and Cheddar.
Mass production of cheese started in 1815 when the first commercial cheese factory opened in Switzerland. Processed cheese, which consists of cheese combined with milk, emulsifiers, stabilizers, flavoring, and coloring, made its debut about a century later. It gained in popularity during the World War II era, becoming more popular than natural cheese. In more recent years, artisan cheesemaking has been making a resurgence.
Cheese is easy to love on its own, but it also goes well with soufflés, soups, and pastas, and can be paired with many foods. It many times is also paired with white or red wine. Being that there are so many kinds of cheese, there is plenty of love to spread around. On National Cheese Lovers Day, we eat and enjoy as much cheese as possible.
How to Observe National Cheese Lovers Day
Celebrate National Cheese Lovers Day by eating cheese! Put it on crackers or a sandwich, make yourself a pizza with an extra heaping of it, or eat some nachos. Make your own cheese or try a cheese out of your comfort zone. Buy hard, soft, and blue cheeses, as well as things to pair with them such as grapes, olives, or tomatoes. Don't forget to buy some wine, too. If you are feeling creative, you could design a cheese board. Let your cheese sit out for a half an hour at room temperature to give it a better texture and flavor. Then, enjoy it with your friends, perhaps at a cheese party at your home. To burn off some of those cheese calories, you could get yourself moving and visit a cheese factory or plan a trip to a cheese festival.
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tswaney17 · 5 months
I Do Bad Things with You - Part 43
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It's aliveeeeeee!!! 🙌 I can't even begin to describe how off my game I've been trying to write. I've had the entirety of IDBTWY written for months, but I honestly hated my writing, and editing was such a chore. I'm still not completely in love, but we need to push past so we can finally close this beast. I am slowly working through my creative drought, and hope to have some consistent content coming soon!
Also, credit to @123moiaussi for the "superseed" comment. 😉
My fanfic account: @tswaney17fics​​​
My ao3 account: tswaney17
Please let me know what you think about this update. I love getting your feedback. Constructive criticism is always welcome. 💕
Catch up here.
Credit to @featherymalignancy for Cassian’s nickname, Cash. 😘
Trigger warnings: violence, sexual assault , language, NSFW
Word Count: 6,187
Elain was sitting in the waiting room of the OBGYN office, knee bouncing nervously. This was her first-trimester check-up and she just wanted to make sure that everything was okay. Her nausea had been pretty awful over the last few weeks and she had grown excessively tired—to the point that she had to talk with Thesan about reducing her surgical procedures so she could keep a clear head.
She hated having to do that, not wanting to disappoint her boss just after she reached her attending level earlier that year. But Thesan took it in stride, helping to arrange her schedule to fit what she was comfortable doing and ensuring she had time to take proper meal breaks and rest when she needed it. He rearranged schedules and let her take on leading the resident interns full-time, allowing her to take some of the stress off by guiding them through procedures and running the ER.
He had come into her hospital room after she collapsed to check on her, and she knew she couldn’t keep it from him after what had happened in the operating room. Her boss had been ecstatic, congratulating them both.
It had been about a month since they found out they were pregnant, and she was now sitting at around seven and a half weeks along. She and Azriel decided to keep the news to themselves until she reached week twelve, just to play it safe, and Elain wished she could say they had been successful in their endeavors. But, her boss knew, and Viviane knew. The Moonbeam twins found out two weeks ago when she and Fenrys had exited the elevator of their building and Connall’s breakfast sandwich sent her hurdling for the nearest trashcan. Fen had been quick to slide her hair back, holding it above her head as she heaved. Stepping off the elevator a few minutes later, a startled and confused Azriel took in the sight of Connall and then heard her retching. He instantly was at her side, taking her hair from Fenrys, and running his hand down her back.
“What is in that sandwich,” he demanded.
Blind-sighted, Con rambled out ingredients. “Bacon, cheese, spinach, and egg.”
Elain gagged at the word egg, her stomach violently rolling from the name. “Get rid of it,” she moaned, still leaning into the disgusting garbage.
The dark-haired twin had swallowed the remains of his meal in three large bites.
It took effort to push herself off the trash bin, falling into the comforting embrace of Az’s strong arms that he wrapped around her.
He cupped the side of her face, tucking her under his chin, and let her thumb swoop over the apple of her cheek, the touch gentle and soothing. “Do you want your tea,” he murmured, lips pressing into her hair.
Unable to voice it answer, she dipped her chin.
Fenrys was already on the ground before them, pulling her coffee mug from her bag that she dropped and handing it to Azriel.
Her husband brought the mug up to her lips and allowed her to sip, the peppermint hitting her stomach and calming the raging sea. His hazel eyes glanced at her, a question simmering in them, and read the answer she didn’t even need to speak. “Elain’s pregnant,” he told the twins. “It’s still very early and we’re trying to keep it close to the chest for now, but please don’t bring eggs anywhere near her.”
Her body shuddered at that damn word again, but she managed to gain enough strength to pull herself from Azriel’s arms as she faced the Moonbeam brothers. “Sorry about that,” she said and felt her husband tense as she apologized for being sick. He’d been wildly adamant that she not apologize for the nausea, the cravings, or anything else she needed of him or anyone else. Not after having a meltdown because he went and got her something she asked for, only to start craving something else when he was out and feeling utterly ridiculous about it.
Connall seemed to snap from his shock first. “Congratulations to you both. And I apologize for the sandwich. I won’t bring anything around that has—”
“Please don’t say the word or I might hurl again,” she interrupted, fingertips touching her mouth like she’d hold it back. Fuck, even just the name of it sent her body quaking from the queasiness.
Fen chuckled. “Noted. Is there anything else that sets you off we should be made aware of?”
She shook her head no. “Nothing else that I know of yet.”
He nodded, a charming smile spreading his lips. “Let us know if anything changes. And congratulations on the pregnancy. I’m so happy for you both.”
And she could see it, the joy radiating on both of their faces. It made her heart swell with love for the two men who would likely become Uncle Fen and Uncle Con to their child.
The door opening caught her attention, pulling her from her reverie, and she met the gaze of the nurse who’d come to collect her. Elain glanced back at the elevator, waiting for her husband to show up. He was running late—something that was so very unlike him, which only added to her anxiety. She returned her attention to the nurse. “Can you give him another couple of minutes?”
It wasn’t the first time she asked to delay her appointment and knew it couldn’t continue much longer.
The nurse—Maria as her name badge read—gave her a sad smile. “We really can’t delay much longer. There are a few appointments behind you.”
“Just a couple of minutes,” Elain practically begged.
Maria hedged, shuffling from foot to foot, uncomfortable by the request, but was saved from having to deny her by the elevator door sliding open and Azriel rushing out.
He was at her side instantly, taking her arm to help her stand as if she couldn’t do it herself. Elain had to remind him on occasion that she was not yet showing and could still move about the house without his assistance. “I’m so sorry I’m late. There was an accident downtown and I got caught right in the middle of traffic. I’ll leave a half hour earlier next time.” He leaned down to brush his lips to her cheek.
His presence immediately calmed her and she leaned into his touch.
Azriel, always in tune with her feelings, didn’t miss how she settled into him as they followed the nurse back, his arm slinking around her waist so he could touch his mouth to her ear. “Are you all right?” he asked her. Nothing ever got by him.
She nodded but knew he hadn’t bought it. Still, he let it slide, caressing her arm in a soothing gesture. The nurse took all her vitals and then handed her a gown to change into before the doctor arrived. Az helped her slip it on, tying the strings together for her before assisting her onto the table.
“You’re nervous,” he commented now that they were alone.
Elain blew out a breath. “A bit.”
He swept his thumb over her cheek. “Tell me what’s wrong.”
She shrugged. “I don’t know to be honest. Just want to make sure everything is growing healthy in there,” she said, patting her still-flat stomach. “No surprises.”
Az chuckled, kissing her temple. “I have no doubts that we have a healthy baby, love. Try not to fret.” His words seemed to calm her as she relaxed back onto the table.
A knock on the door announced the arrival of her doctor and she took a moment to introduce herself to her husband, shaking his hand.
“Okay, let’s get started. Elain, if you wouldn’t mind putting your feet into the stirrups.”
She took out the ultrasound wand, spreading lube on the tip, and Elain couldn’t help but smile at her husband’s confused face.
“All right, my dear. You should feel a little pressure,” her doctor said.
“I’m sorry, but I thought she was getting an ultrasound. What is that?” Azriel questioned.
Elain snorted lightly. “Az, it’s a transvaginal ultrasound. It goes inside, not on my belly.”
His eyes widened. “Well, the three baby books I’ve read didn’t discuss the differences in ultrasound types.”
Doctor Chen raised her brows. “You’ve read three baby books already?”
He shrugged. “I just like to be prepared.”
“You’re going to be a great father.”
The comment seemed to startle her husband. “Just because I’ve read a few books?”
Chen’s lips turned up at the corner. “Mr. Archeron-Knight, I can barely get most fathers to read one, let alone three. And before she’s even through the first trimester. Believe me when I say that I can tell who’s going to be well-adjusted to handling fatherhood.” Giving him a wink, she slipped the wand inside, making Elain’s grip on Azriel’s hand tighten slightly.
“All right, here we are,” Doctor Chen said, clicking a few buttons on the keyboard to bring up the monitor. A pitter-patter sound filled the air as she located the baby’s heartbeat.
Tears sprung into her eyes as that beautiful, perfect, innocent noise washed over her and she glanced up at her husband to see him sharing the same look as her. He leaned down to kiss her softly on the lips, the special moment between them growing with the touch of his mouth against hers.
“And here is your baby,” Chen announced, pointing to a little blip on the screen.
Elain’s dark gaze stared at that spot on the screen, feeling like her heart was about to burst with happiness. But when her eyes slid to her doctor, seeing the furrow in her brow, that joy dropped like a rock in her stomach.
Her doctor let out a small noise of contemplation, enough to catch Azriel’s attention. “What is it?” he asked, voice laced with demand and worry.
A few clicks on her keyboard had the screen adjusting, zooming out just slightly. She repositioned the wand inside of her, making her body tense. “Well, I think we should discuss multiple births. Because that right there,” she said, pointing to another blip on the screen, “is a second fetus.” She clicked a button again and two very distinct heartbeats surrounded them. Chen turned to look at them with a smile. “You’re having twins.”
If Elain thought her heart was racing before, it was absolutely pounding now, the sound rushing in her ears. Because there was just no way, no way, right? Twins? Twins! Her head swiveled to look up at her husband. “You and your fucking superseed!” she snarled.
“Elain!” Azriel chastised, looking torn between being guilty of impregnating her with two kids and amused about her foul language in front of the doctor. Mostly the latter.
Chen just laughed. “I’ve told many expecting parents they’re having twins over the years, but that was, by far, the best reaction I’ve ever seen.”
She had the decency to at least look embarrassed as she apologized to her doctor for her outburst, but she just waved her off.
After snapping a few pictures, she pulled the wand out, cleaned her up, and set the printed sonogram photos on the counter for them. “Everything looks good, Elain. You’re growing at an optimum level. I’ll go ahead and prescribe you some anti-nausea medicine that you can take in the morning and before bed for as long as you need it. Unless there are any concerns, you’re free to get dressed. The nurse at the front will schedule you for your next appointment.”
The door clicked shut softly behind her as she left and Elain felt the silence between her and Azriel like a weight on her chest.
He helped her sit up, but before she could slide off the table, he stepped in front of her, finger hooking under her chin to force her gaze to his. “Hey,” he said softly like he was afraid anything louder might startle her. “El, love, I know this is scary, but we can do this.”
“Twins, Azriel. Two kids. As in one whole being more than we even were planning for.”
His mouth quirked up at her zealous explanation. “I’m well aware of how twins work, baby.”
She glared at him for the comment.
But he ignored it, leaning down to capture her mouth in a sweet kiss. “Twins mean two beautiful children of our own. Twins mean twice the amount of love we will have. Twice the amount of joy they will be bringing into our lives. If there is anyone who can take on the challenge of having twins, it’s us. Don’t ever doubt that.”
His words settled inside of her, soothing the jagged worries of her heart into something perfectly beautiful. His confidence, his strength…it was exactly what she needed at that moment and he knew it.
Elain let out a heavy breath. “You’re changing all the diapers.”
He barked out a laugh, folding her into his arms. “I’m okay with that.”
They decided to wait until she reached the fifteen-week mark before they told their family the news. Azriel was ready to burst at week nine, but she managed to hold him off until now with just a little bit of persuasion.
A surprise to both of them was when Elain didn’t have her head in the toilet, she was horny as fuck. Azriel was running hard to keep up with her impressive sex drive. And that was saying something.
He reached out and took her hand across the center console, thumb brushing over her knuckles. “Are you nervous?” he asked, bringing the back of her palm to his lips.
She glanced at him, a soft smile pulling at her mouth. “No. I’m excited. I want to tell everyone about them.” Her hand rubbed over her swollen belly. Swollen was probably the best way to describe her appearance. Truthfully, she looked like she indulged in a very large, carb-based meal of pasta and was extremely bloated from it. Which, to be fair, with Azriel’s amazing skills in the kitchen, it was a fair assessment.
Elain opened her purse and slipped out the sonogram she had a few days before. The one that told them what they were having. Her eyes welled up with tears as her fingers stroked the black-and-white image. She was so blissfully happy. “I’m glad that they’re healthy. That was all I cared about.”
Az kissed the backside of her palm again. “Me too. And I’m happy they’ll be close to Sutton’s age so they can grow up together.”
“Do you think Feyre and Rhys will start thinking about having kids?” she asked, curious if he thought their other siblings might be feeling a touch of the baby fever.
He shrugged. “If they weren’t talking about it before, I’d say they will be now. Rhys has been wanting kids since practically in high school. He always wanted to be a father; better than his, though he wasn’t anything compared to mine.” The words hung between them for a minute before he asked her, “Do you have concerns about me becoming my father?” His voice dropped to a near whisper. Almost as if he were afraid of her answer.
Elain looked at him in shock. “Azriel, gods no. I know exactly the kind of father you’ll be, and it will not even remotely look like what you were given.”
His lips quirked up at the corner. “Yeah? And what kind of a father do you think I’ll be?”
She twisted in her seat to face him better. “You’re going to be the most devoted father because you’re already the most devoted husband. You’ll dote on those kids until they never have a wish or dream unfulfilled. You will love them fiercely—I mean, you already do and they’re still in my stomach,” she giggled lightly, rubbing her belly. “They are going to be the most spoiled children.”
At that, he laughed. “I can’t say you’re wrong. I don’t think I will be able to say ‘no’ to them at all.”
“Azriel, you can’t even tell me no,” she deadpanned.
“It’s just not in my vocabulary when it comes to you.”
Elain shook her head, eyes rolling as she twisted back in her seat to face forward again. She could see the restaurant down the street where they were meeting their siblings for lunch to tell them the news. “Well, I’m not going to take on the mean parent role just because you can’t say no.” She fiddled with her purse, sliding the image back inside. “We may need to find an alternative—” Screeching tires caught her attention and then she screamed, “Azriel! Watch out!”
The car lurched, sending her head sideways to slam against the side window. The last thing she heard was shattering glass as another car collided with them before everything went dark.
Azriel’s eyes blinked open, ears ringing loud enough to make him wince. His body ached across his chest and waist from the seat belt and as he shifted himself, he could tell nothing was seriously injured. Thankfully. He looked over at his wife, fear locking his heart in a deadly force. “Elain,” he murmured, voice hoarse.
Her head lay against the back of the seat, lulled to the side. She had a gash on her forehead, blood dribbling down her temple, and most of her right arm was scratched up from the shattered glass.
He tried to unbuckle his belt, but the damn thing was stuck. Pulling the knife Ruhn had gotten him from his pocket, he cut the fabric, releasing him, then reached over and did the same to Elain’s belt. A scarred hand slid to her cheek, cupping it gently, and then moved down to her throat, searching for his worst nightmare.
The relief he felt when her heartbeat pattered against his fingertips was unlike anything he’d ever experienced. “Elain,” he tried again, moving his palm back to her face. “Elain, sweetheart, open your eyes for me.” His tone took on a desperate sound as he willed her to wake.
Movement caught his eye, the sound of tires crunching on glass flooded him and he looked out the window to see the car that hit them, pulling back and fleeing. “Motherfucker,” he cursed, realizing that this was an intended accident. He had managed to jerk the wheel so Elain didn’t take the brunt of the impact, but it still slammed into the back door, shattering all the windows on her side.
A burning rage built in his gut, one that could not—would not—be stifled without blood. Whoever ordered this hit…
They were as good as dead.
Azriel refocused on his wife, fingers sweeping over her skin. He shoved that wrath building inside of him down until it was a flickering ember, something for him to let rage once he knew she was okay. “Elain, come on. Open your eyes for me.” He gently tapped her cheek, trying to get her to look at him. “Please, love. I need you to open your eyes. Elain.”
A groan passed through her lips, sending tears of relief cascading over his cheeks as her eyelids began fluttering.
“El, baby,” he cried, swooping his thumb across her smooth skin. He collected the soft sounds coming from her parted lips like precious gems, thanking every god for each one.
“Az.” Her voice cracked on his name. “What happened?” she asked, still coming into consciousness.
He shuffled closer, leaning over the center console to kiss her temple with a gentleness he reserved only for her. “We were in an accident, love. I need you to stay still until help gets here.” He felt her pulse kick up under his palm.
Elain’s breathing turned short. “Azriel…” her voice shook in fear. “Az, the babies.”
His heart wrenched, hoping and praying that everything was all right. After all that they had been through, he didn’t think he could handle the world taking something else away from her. From them. But despite his fear, he remained calm, knowing she needed to as well. “Everything is going to be okay,” he promised. “I hear the sirens, love. Help is almost here.”
The words didn’t seem to abate her as she continued to shake. “Please,” she cried, tears gathering at the corner of her eyes and dribbling down her cheeks. “Check if I’m bleeding.”
Azriel knew she needed to know—would not breathe steadily until she did. He placed his hand on the inside of her thigh, sliding up until he reached her panties. Feeling her for any sort of wetness. Any stickiness that would confirm to him there was blood.
She was dry.
There weren’t words to describe how thankful he felt for that confirmation. “No blood,” he told her, pulling his hand out from underneath her dress to show her his clean fingers.
Elain released a sob, her tense body relaxing slightly.
He shushed her, kissing her temple again. “You’re okay,” he murmured, wanting to do everything in his power to reassure her. “Everything is going to be okay.”
Two firetrucks pulling up snagged his attention, as he continued to stroke her cheek soothingly.
“Sir, are you both okay?” one of the responders asked as he approached his side of the car.
He glanced at the man. “We’re conscious but she needs to be looked at.”
The guy rapped his knuckles on the top of the car. “We’ll get you out in a second—”
“Her first,” he told him in a tone that brooked no room for argument.
Another firefighter moved towards his wife’s window. “Ma’am, can you tell me your name?” she asked.
“Elain,” his wife answered.
“Are you in any pain?”
“My head hurts a bit.” Those doe eyes looked at the other woman. “I’m pregnant.”
She turned her head and yelled, “Get me the jaws!” Looking back at Elain, she reached in and wrapped a C-collar around her neck. “How far along are you?”
“Fifteen weeks.”
A nod. “All right, Elain. We’ll have you out in a jiffy and get you over to the hospital to have your baby checked out.”
Neither of them bothered to correct her on the number of babies. It wasn’t relevant, only that they needed to get her out. Once the door was opened, they began moving her onto a backboard. Azriel wrenched the driver’s side open, wanting to get to her as quickly as possible.
“Sir! You need to be checked by the paramedic,” somebody called out but he ignored them, rounding the vehicle to where Elain was being placed on a stretcher. Just before he reached her, another voice called his name—one he couldn’t ignore. He turned, finding Cassian running over to him, flashing a badge to one of the firefighters to get past him. Rhys, Feyre, and Nesta stood just beyond the scene at their cars, all watching his wife being checked out.
“What the hell happened?” Cassian demanded, eyes flitting over to where Elain was being hauled towards an ambulance.
“Hit and run. Fucker took off after T-boning us,” he snarled, tone murderous. They would not get away with this. Not with his pregnant wife in the car with him. Az glanced up and saw the street cameras, angled just right to have caught the entire accident. “Cash, get me the film from that camera,” he indicated with a nod of his head before swiveling on his feet and prowling toward his wife.
Cassian kept stride with him, took in the responders on the scene, and lowered his voice to not be overheard. “Az, the police will investigate. Just let them do their job.”
Azriel whirled on his brother. “You either get me that tape, Cassian, or I’ll get it my way. Either option, I will find out who did this to her.” There was no arguing when he stepped into this role. This wasn’t a brother asking for a favor. This was the head of the Velaris Mob Boss demanding it.
His voice turned deadly, taking on the dangerous threat he used to get what he wanted.
When it looked like his brother was about to argue, the female firefighter shouted, “Victim is fifteen weeks pregnant. She needs to be checked out by a doctor.”
Elain called Az’s name and he turned, striding towards her but not before he caught how Cassian’s face paled. Or the shocked looks from their siblings. Well, that’s one way to find out, he thought to himself as he reached his wife’s side and took her hand.
She clutched his fingers, her face still scrunched with worry. He gave her a reassuring squeeze, placing a kiss on her forehead before they loaded her into the back of the ambulance. Az climbed in after, sitting down on the bench and gripping her hand once more. He glanced back out the door and found Cassian standing there.
“I’ll get you that tape,” he said quietly; fierce determination blazed in his hazel eyes to help his brother wreak havoc over the person who went after his pregnant wife. Only Cassian could understand the fear of something like this, having already gone through a pregnancy with Nesta. Without another word, he shut the doors to the ambulance.
Elain looked up at him, his name falling from her lips. He brushed a thumb over her forehead. “Everything is going to be fine, love. Just try to relax.” It was empty words, they knew that. Knew neither of them would settle until they heard both of those heartbeats on a monitor.
He just hoped he was holding it together enough for her until they could confirm she was still pregnant.
And may God have mercy on the fucker who caused this, if she wasn’t.
They ushered Elain into a private room, hooking her up to a fetal monitor. The doctor moved quickly, shoving her dress up to reveal her bare stomach while a nurse covered her hips with a blanket.
She flinched slightly when the cold gel was applied to her skin and Azriel brought her fingers to his lips, kissing her across the backside of her knuckles.
It was like the world held its breath as they searched for those two heartbeats.
“Baby number one looks good,” the doctor said, clicking a button and sending the hummingbird’s wing pattern of a heartbeat into the room.
Elain squeezed his hand, a soft sound passing between her lips in relief.  
The wand moved on her belly, searching for their other little one. “And, there they are. Hiding behind their sibling.”
When the second heartbeat reached their ears, Elain twisted, sobbing into Az’s chest with utter joy. He wasn’t very far behind her, letting tears of relief slip from his eyes as he cradled her against his torso. His hand rubbed her shoulder, lips pressing to the crown of her head, offering comfort to her through his presence and touch.
The doctor cleaned her off, smiling at the two of them. “Everything looks good on the monitor,” she started after giving them a moment. “We’ll keep you here for another hour or so just to be safe before we discharge you. If you have any bleeding in the next few days, come in right away.”
Elain seemed unable to answer, so he did it for her. “We will, thank you, doctor.”
“There also appears to be a group of people waiting for you guys in the lobby. Would you like me to send them in or give them a message?”
He crouched, putting himself at her eye level, wanting Elain to make the decision. Az cupped her cheek, thumb brushing away the tears under her eyes. “Love, do you want to see the family now?” he asked, voice low.
She sniffed, eyes still flooded with silver. The subtle shake of her head told him she wasn’t quite ready for the company yet.
Azriel rose, perching himself on the edge of her bed, and tucked her back into his chest. “Can you tell them that we’re okay, and I’ll come to get them when we’re ready for visitors?”
“Of course. Page the nurse if you need anything.” Without another word, she slipped from the room, the door clicking shut behind her.
Elain fisted his shirt, taking in his cedar and mist scent deep into her lungs. He gave her whatever time she needed, letting her get herself together. “I was so scared,” she whispered, burying her face further into his embrace.
Azriel was grateful that she seemed to find comfort in him, in his touch, his scent. He held her tighter against him, murmuring, “Me too.”
She held onto him for a few more precious moments before pulling back to look up at his face. “I didn’t see the other car when they pulled me out.” Her brows furrowed as she tried to put the pieces together. “Were we in a hit and run?”
“Yes,” he said, brushing his thumb back and forth over her cheek.
Her eyes flicked between his. “Do you think we were targeted?”
He wouldn’t lie to her—refused to, but also didn’t want her to be even more frightened than she already was. “I do.” Az saw that kid look directly at him, his eyes widening in understanding that he was, in fact, not dead, before taking off from the scene. He didn’t recognize him, but if he had to place a bet, he’d say it was one of Frankie’s lower levels who crossed to Elias’s side.
Az didn’t think either of his brothers would call a hit like that. Middle of the day, busy street. It wasn’t their style. But Elias was careless, greedy, and a poor decision-maker. He sighed, brushing his lips to her forehead. “The kid looked me dead in the eye before leaving. He was scared that I was still alive.”
“How old do you think he was?” Elain asked.
“I’d say we have at least a decade on him. Seventeen, maybe eighteen.”
“So, just a kid then.”
He cocked his head to the side. “You say that like it’s excusable.”
She shook her head. “I’m not excusing what he did, but we both know how young kids are trapped into joining those gangs. Through manipulation and fear. There’s a reason you won’t allow anyone that young to be brought in, Az, and you know it. I don’t think I’m going out on a limb to question if it was his idea or he was put up to it.”
His lips quirked up as she spoke like a true Mob queen. “If you had to guess who would put him up to it—”
“Elias, no doubt. We both know he’s been itching to strike at us since he showed up at the hospital. And you said he was trying to recruit kids from Frankie. Perhaps he offered this kid a way out from under Illyrian rule.”
“There is only one way out from Frankie’s Mob,” he told her, letting the words hang heavily between them.
Elain let out a deep breath. “I know. Either way, he’s dead. Elias is likely to kill him for failing, or Frankie and Nick will for attempting to leave.”
It floored him to just how similar her train of thought was to his. She observed and listened and picked up on every single thread laid down. Understood all of the connections and bloodshed as if she’d been a part of it her whole life. He couldn’t say that the revelation was thrilling, but it also made his chest ache. Az never wanted her to be so in tune with his world. Didn’t want her to have to think about the worst-case scenarios and determine ways around them. But here she was, doing just that and not shying away from it.
To think he couldn’t love her any more than he already did.
“I have to agree with your assessment. Elias will not get away with this; with what he’s done to you.”
She didn’t balk at the threat in his tone, simply took his hand in hers and squeezed. “Despite what he’s done, is going after him the best idea? Things could escalate.”
“We can’t let this go without repercussions, love. Others will hear about this and wait to see how I respond. If it’s not a show of force, they’ll think I’ve gone lax and more will come. I need to be aggressive with my actions.”
It looked like she wanted to argue some more, but decided against it, bringing his hand up to her mouth to kiss his scars. “Do you want to go get the others now? I’m ready to see them.”
He smiled down at her, cupping her cheek one more time. “I’ll be right back.” Az pressed his lips to her forehead before he slipped from the room, knowing that that conversation was far from over. But he’d let it go for now. She had been through enough today without him pushing her on it. But this was one thing he would not, could not budge on. Not if he didn’t want to keep her safe. Especially now with their growing family.
Azriel wasn’t even to the edge of the lobby when Nesta shot out of her chair.
“Is she all right?” his sister asked, face drawn with worry.
His eyes glanced to Cassian behind her, cradling a sleeping Sutton in his large arm, Feyre and Rhys next to him. “She’s fine,” he told them, sensing their relief. “They want to keep her here another hour or so, just to be safe, but you guys are welcome to come back with me if you’d like.”
“Does she want company?” Feyre asked, edging to her eldest sister’s side. “We don’t want to intrude—”
“She asked for you all. No intrusion,” Az interrupted her.
Cassian swallowed, his eyes looking down at the small thing in the crook of his elbow. “You know we all heard the firefighter…is the baby okay?”
He had a feeling one of them would ask, but he wanted to make sure Elain was present for it. So, he said instead, “Everyone is fine. We can talk more in her room.” Turning on his heel, he headed back toward Elain’s private room, knowing they’d follow him closely.
Opening the door, he caught Elain looking intently out the window, seemingly oblivious to the world around her. “Love,” he called out to her, making her snap out of her reverie and turn to face him. “Our siblings are here.”
Her smile lit up his entire chest, despite the current circumstances. Gods, she was radiant when she smiled at him like that.
He held the door open, letting their family shuffle in. Nesta and Feyre made a beeline right to either side of her, gripping her in a firm hug.
“Are you all right?” Nesta asked again, cupping her cheeks in her palms.
Elain laughed slightly. “Yes, I’m fine.” Her eyes landed on his at the foot of her bed and he nodded at her, answering her silent question. One small hand swept down over the slight swell of her belly. “We’re all fine,” she added, a bit more shyly.
“I can’t believe you two are pregnant already,” Rhys stated, resting a palm on her lower leg.
Az laughed. “Strong swimmers,” he boasted.
“Asshole,” Cassian muttered. It wasn’t a secret that he and Nesta had struggled a bit to get pregnant. His wife was, apparently, just incredibly fertile.
Elain just shook her head, eyes rolling at the exchange.
“How far along are you?” Feyre asked, interrupting what she knew was going to be another ridiculous argument.
“Fifteen weeks. Or just over,” she answered.
Nesta blinked in surprise. “Do you know what you’re having?”
Her lips quirked up in the corner as she eyed him. “A boy.”
Their family erupted into congratulatory shouts for them both, grabbing them into hugs. Az waited until they quieted down before announcing, “And a girl.”
All four heads swiveled to him.
Silence descended upon their family for a few tense moments before Rhys finally demanded, “Explain!”
“We’re having a boy and a girl.”
He could see the lightbulbs going off above their heads. It was rather humorous to watch them connect the dots.
“You’re having twins?” Cassian breathed, eyes wide as saucers.
Elain chuckled at their expense. “Yes, my husband infested me with his superseed for two babies.”
Azriel barked out a laugh. “You’re one to talk miss fertile as fuck.”
Their family erupted into a fit of hysterics at the exchange and that brought the largest smile to his face. Elain caught his grin, offering him one of her own. Fuck, he loved her so damn much and he couldn’t wait to have his two little ones welcomed into such a loving family.
He still had to handle Elias, still needed to confirm who else was involved in the hit on them, but he pushed that aside and focused on this moment with his pregnant wife and their siblings. Az would get his revenge…just not today.
Remember, sharing is caring! Please reblog if you liked the fic. It helps spread my work and I truly appreciate it. 💕
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lee-romee · 19 days
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spring recipes
carrot cake coffee cake
carrotcake muffins
coconut cupcakes with coconut cream cheese frosting
frozen yogurt bark
lavender loaf with blueberry icing
lemon zucchini cake
matcha amaretti cookies
rhubarb upside-down cake
robin's egg coconut cake with cream cheese frosting
sugar cookies
green smoothie
rose milk
strawberry latte
thandai (indian drink of nuts & spices)
broccoli burrata pasta salad
greek yogurt chicken salad
seasame ginger steak skewers
spinach pasta
three-cheese lemon basil pizza
zucchini risotto
herb, tomato, cheese salad
kale salad
koreiskaya morkovcha (russian/korean carrot salad)
golden beet hummus
garlic scape butter
roasted garlic white bean dip
lemon peel jam
ramp pesto
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castletown-cafe · 2 years
Castletown Café Episode 17: Moss Dip
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Much like their best friend Susie, Kris has some...rather weird tastes in food. One of their most infamous moments was in Chapter 1, where they had the option to eat moss within one minute of being locked inside a dungeon cell. Their enjoyment of moss even carried over to Chapter 2 in which Kris discovers moss in a secret alley after being run over by a dog driving a toy car. If Susie and Ralsei are with them, Susie will be delighted that Kris found moss and saved some for her, and so the two eat moss together while Ralsei looks on in confusion.
Perhaps this will be a running joke in future chapters. The fandom certainly has a ball with this, and I don’t blame ‘em. I recall seeing this one comic a few years ago - around late 2018 or sometime in 2019, back when all we had was Chapter 1 - where Kris dips a piece of chalk in some moss, and Susie’s mind is blown.
From the beginning, I had the idea to create a spinach-and-artichoke-dip inspired by the moss, with cracker sticks for Susie’s chalk. While I found a fantastic recipe for the dip with my own modifications added, I still need a lot of practice with homemade crackers (some of which you can see in the cover image). Although my first batch of crackers came out too thick, they tasted great, especially with the dip. But on my second try, despite getting them much thinner, I oversalted them to the point they were unedible! So, the “chalk” crackers will have to wait, and be a separate episode in the future as I perfect my homemade crackers.
In the meantime, this dip is AMAZING! I nailed it on the first try, and I’m rather impressed! I didn’t follow the exact measurements from the source’s original recipe, but I added some modifications as I saw fit. For example, I didn’t think one clove of garlic was anywhere near enough, so I added three more, as well as a fair amount of Italian seasoning, which I didn’t measure, but went by taste. Chives would have been perfect in this as well. I suggest about 1/4 cup finely chopped fresh chives for this dip. I didn’t think of adding that when I made it, but I’ll add some in my next batch.
I also didn’t think 1/4 cup of Parmesan cheese was enough, either. I think I used anywhere between 1/3 cup to 1/2 cup, about equal measurement to the mozzarella. You can’t have too much cheese in this dip, and this has a lot (a whole 8 ounces of cream cheese also goes into it)! Creamy and cheesy with herbs, this dip is a great way to eat your artichoke hearts and your spinach. Good with crackers, chips, and an assortment of vegetables such as crackers and celery, it’s perfect for a party.
4 cloves garlic
2 cups fresh spinach
1 14-oz can artichoke hearts, drained
1/4 cup fresh chives
2 tablespoons olive oil
8 ounces cream cheese
1/2 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
4 tablespoons sour cream
Italian seasoning, to taste (I suggest 1 teaspoon)
Salt and pepper, to taste
Wash and dry spinach leaves. Remove stems and finely chop leaves, filling a measuring cup to yield 2 cups of chopped spinach.
Drain a can of artichoke hearts and finely chop them.
Peel and mince garlic.
Wash and dry fresh chives and chop them, filling a 1/4 measuring cup.
Grate Parmesan. As for mozzarella, I used pre-shredded, which is always easier. Fill a 1/2 measuring cup with the grated Parmesan, do the same for mozzarella.
Cut an 8-ounce block of cream cheese into tablespoon-sized cubes.
Measure your sour cream.
Heat 2 tablespoons of oil in a pot on medium heat. Add garlic and cook until fragrant, about 30 seconds.
Add spinach a handful at a time, wilting each handful before adding the next. Cook until the liquid has mostly evaporated from the spinach, about 3 minutes. Stir frequently.
Add artichoke hearts and season with Italian seasoning, chives, salt, and pepper. Cook for a few minutes.
Reduce heat to low and add cream cheese, sour cream, mozzarella, and Parmesan. Stir and cook, letting all the cheese melt. Once all the cheese has melted and everything is fully incorporated, give it a taste test. If it needs more salt, pepper, or seasonings, add them here.
Your dip is ready! Put some in the center bowl of one of those serving plates and surround with carrot sticks, celery, crackers, and even chips!
Roman, Alison: “ Spinach Artichoke Dip “, New York Times Cooking. (cooking.nytimes.com) Link:  https://cooking.nytimes.com/recipes/1018248-spinach-artichoke-dip
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xanadontit · 7 months
Here you go, @itwascaseybitch ❤️
I used fresh spinach because we had it on hand and it works great. This is so easy; the most labor intensive part was cutting up the bread to make crostini and you can easily skip that and buy them (or crackers or whatever).
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imnotsonia · 1 year
bad recipe (partly my fault for burning it)
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poisonnxkki · 2 years
Self-Care & Kitchen Witchcraft💥
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🖤Trigger Warning: This post makes mention of food, eating and food related struggles. Although this post is coming from a healing perspective on these issues, it may be triggering for some readers!
What is Kitchen Witchcraft?
Kitchen witchcraft or kitchen witchery as its more often referred to, is the practice of utilizing cooking as the main medium for spell work. Kitchen witches consider their kitchens (what is traditionally considered the hearth of the home) as a sacred space. They practice their magic by imbuing meals with energy. For example, instead of cleansing using incenses or waters, they may instead choose to make lemon cake, created with the intention to cleanse the body.
The reason kitchen witchery is often very impactful is because it directly affects the body. You are consuming the spells you create, therefore the energy used becomes a part of you (literally). As with any form of witchcraft, intention is super important (not the end all, be all but you get what I mean). It is important that you are specific and clear with your intent.
Incorporating Kitchen Witchery for Self-Care:
As someone who has always had a strained relationship with food, kitchen witchery has become a super helpful way to work through some of those struggles. Charging my meals with the intention to protect or to heal has been helpful on hard days. Thinking of food as just another spell ingredient can sometimes take the pressure off!
Charging my vitamins- I like to place my vitamins under sigils or on slabs of selenite in order to give them an extra little boost of energy.
Growing my own foods- this one may not be realistic for some but growing my own foods has helped me remain grateful for the things I am consuming.
Thanking each ingredient- this sounds a little strange but sometimes I like to thank each ingredient (especially if they are plants) as I add them to the pot/meal. It also helps me remain grateful.
Having meals in silence/outside- something thats helped my relationship with food has been consuming it away from distractions. Eating outside in nature or in silence helps me listen to my body’s cues and keeps me mindful.
Special occasion meals- something my friends and I used to do in university was plan a meal where one of us would cook for everyone. For example, we would have taco night at friend A's house and the next week we would do brunch at friend B's house. Having a social occasion to look forward that involved eating good food was really good for my mental health.
My Favourite Recipes:
Try adding crushed up tortilla chips to the vegetarian chili!
These three recipes are all tested by me and are super simple to make! If you are a meat-eater then feel free to alter them to your liking but they are very delicious as is.
By searching up the magical correspondences to the ingredients you can create some very delicious magic. Remember when in doubt, just putting your energy into making something healthy & delicious for yourself is something to be proud of. You deserve to eat good food!
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*All images are from Pinterest*
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rabbitcruiser · 1 month
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Drop your rules and restrictions around eating and join a movement of no-shaming body positivity and health-focused education on International No Diet day.
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There has been a long-standing movement to shed the shame typically associated with being less than Hollywood perfect. The photoshopped images found in fashion and beauty magazines have been marked as a direct cause of a rising instance of eating disorders among the youth.
Too long has health been associated with unrealistic body types and unhealthy, dangerous fad diets. International No Diet Day has been pushed forward with the intention of promoting healthy lifestyles for all body types.
History of International No Diet Day
International No Diet Day
International No Diet Day was first started by Mary Evans in 1992. The purpose of the day was to help men and women around the world to appreciate their own bodies. Having gone through anorexia herself, Mary began Diet Breakers, which is her organization. She then created the first International No Diet Day, bringing attention to the cause, and of course, her organization as well. Now, the day is used to help tackle tough issues regarding diet and body awareness, focusing on a number of agendas. This includes the following…
Educating people about the right way to diet responsibly and effectively
Having all people take a one-day break from their diets
Celebrating the diversity of different shapes and sizes
Bodies can be beautiful at all shapes and sizes, with both the svelte look of the athletic beach nut and the more Grecian and Rubenesque body types merely exemplifying the natural body type. Considering that the failures of dieting often result in yoyo-ing weight, with all of the weight lost being regained in almost every case within 5 years. To combat these incredibly unhealthy habits organizations all over the world have been engaged in forcing the fashion industry to label those images that have been modified, or outlawing the use of photoshop altogether.
How to celebrate International No Diet Day
Celebrating International No Diet Day is best done by recognizing that your own body is beautiful exactly as it is. De-emphasizing your efforts to shed weight to look a particular way, it is far better to celebrate the holiday with efforts at beginning to live a healthier lifestyle altogether. Worry less about your final goal, and more about getting out and being active and keeping your body healthy. Losing weight rapidly or shooting for unrealistic body types is an excellent way of causing yourself harm in the pursuit of greater health. Instead, love your body by finding active hobbies and love yourself the way you look!
There are a number of different ways that you can participate in International No Diet Day. This includes the following…
Help end weight discrimination, fatphobia, and sizeism.
Understand the inefficacy of commercial diets and learn about the diet industry.
Embrace body diversity and challenge the idea of one ‘right’ body shape.
Declare a day that is free from dieting and obsessing about shape and weight.
Compliment colleagues on contributions, achievements, and skills, rather than focusing on appearance.
Here are some of the suggestions that we have to help you make the most of this day…
Eat what you love! Don’t worry about the calories or anything like this. Instead, eat what you truly want to eat because it tastes good. Let that be your only concern today.
Throw away your scales. Don’t judge yourself based on a number. You will be surprised by how liberating this feels.
Instead, celebrate and embrace your intrinsic qualities, such as your uniqueness, quirkiness, kindness, or strength, for instance!
Be adventurous and cook something that you have always wanted to but you have never cooked before.
You can also use International No Diet Day in order to make people aware of different eating disorders. There are so many ways that you can go about this. If you have had your own personal experience and you feel ready to share it, you may take this opportunity to start a blog about it. You could also decide to fundraise for those who are struggling with eating disorders. Whether you raise funds or you simply raise awareness, you are going to be doing a great thing to help a lot of people.
However, you should not feel guilty about simply using this day as an opportunity to look after number one! After all, we all need to care for ourselves as well. Why not make a list of all of the things you love about your body? Now is the perfect time to start focusing on the positive rather than the negative. Most of us have a tendency to focus on the things we dislike instead of focusing on what we do like about our bodies. Today is the perfect time for you to change this!
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angelkin-food-cake · 1 year
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Focaccia Cake
1 heaping tsp., (½ pkg) active dry yeast
pinch of sugar
⅓ cup warm water, about 100ºF
1 cup + 2 Tbsp. water, at room temperature
1 Tbsp. extra virgin olive oil + more for topping + greasing the pans
1½ tsp. salt
1½ cups bread flour
2 cups or more all-purpose flour 
olive oil, for brushing
cherry tomatoes
about 1 cup parmesan cheese
fresh basil, julienned
salt and pepper
Spinach Dip:
2 Tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
heaping 3 cups baby spinach, coarsely chopped
2 large cloves fresh garlic, minced
6 oz. softened cream cheese
¾ cup light sour cream
6 Tbsp. fresh shredded parmesan cheese
dash of cayenne pepper
a hefty pinch of kosher salt
a generous sprinkle of ground pepper
Pesto Cream Cheese:
1 Tbsp. prepared pesto
6 oz. cream cheese
Stir the yeast and sugar into the warm water. Let it rest for 10 minutes, or until super frothy.
In a large bowl, mix the olive oil into the room temperature water. Add the frothy yeast water. Whisk in the salt and bread flour. Then, one cup at a time, whisk in the rest of the flour. As the mixture goes from a batter to a thick dough, you’ll want to switch to a wooden spoon. By the time you get to the last cup of flour, you’ll be able to knead the dough. Begin to knead it in the bowl trying to incorporate the flour stuck to the sides and bottom of the bowl. Once the bowl is clean, turn dough out onto the cupboard and knead for 8 minutes, adding flour as necessary.*
In a large clean bowl, pour in about a teaspoon of olive oil and using your hand or pastry brush, spread the oil out to cover the bowl. Place the dough in the bowl, turning once to coat. Cover with plastic wrap and set aside to rise for an hour and a half, or until double in size.
Brush the bottom of three 6-inch cake pans with olive oil, lining the bottoms with parchment paper brushing with additional olive oil. Divide the dough between the pans and use your fingertips dimple and spread the dough out to fit. Brush tops with olive oil and divide sliced tomatoes, parmesan, and basil between the loaves. Cover and set aside to rise for an hour and a half. Sprinkle with salt and pepper.
With 30 minutes to go before the rise finishes, place an iron skillet on the lowest shelf, or base of your oven. Preheat the oven to 400ºF. Meanwhile heat up some water. Pour into the skillet when you place the loaves in the oven. The water will create steam for when the bread is baking.
Bake for 20 minutes or until the top is evenly golden, rotating half way through. Turn out onto a wire rack within 3-5 minutes of removing it from the oven; this will keep the bottom of the bread crispy. Cool for at least 10 minutes before eating.
Spinach Dip:
Heat olive oil in a skillet over medium heat. Cook and stir spinach until wilted, about 3 minutes then add garlic, stir while cooking a minute then turn heat off.
Sir together the cream cheese, sour cream, cooked spinach mixture, parmesan cheese, cayenne, salt, and pepper. Mix until combined. Place in the fridge until loaves are cool enough to slice and fill.
Cream Cheese:
Beat together the pesto and cream cheese. Pipe onto your lunch cake.
To assemble and serve, cut each loaf in half horizontally. I do this by placing toothpicks around the perimeter of the loaf exactly in half I then use a long serrated knife to cut above the toothpicks. (Like THIS minus the floss.) Otherwise, I promise, I’d have the most uneven layers ever. Divide spinach dip between each and top with the tomato-covered top of the bread. Pipe pesto cream cheese around the edges. Slice and serve.
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queenofcandynsoda · 1 year
Sol Fertilis Holidays: July to December
Third Sunday- Father’s Day/Day of Peach Roses: It is to commemorate fathers.
28th-National Delta Day/Day of Green Gladiolus: It is the day of celebrating Deltas. Deltas would get gifts from their children, spouses, and siblings. They would go to attend sports games, funfairs, ski resorts, and theaters. Some Deltas would even get promoted to a higher position by their Alpha employers.
1st- Harvest Festival/Day of Grapes and Grains: It marks the beginning of the harvest and the stockpiling of food for the upcoming autumn and winter. The most notable is the large-scale carnival when people would go to parades, block parties, festival shows, barbecues, and dances. Alewives would be in churches giving away wine on this day to all of the ranks. Families would make a large loaf of bread to eat with either salt, spinach artichoke dip, marinara, garlic sauce, beer cheese, whipped feta, or dipping oil. Couples would handfast as they go to parks or gardens. 
8th- National Omega Day/ Lillemore Day/ Day of White Carnations: It is the day of celebrating Omegas and the birthday of Lillemore Rosário, an Omega who was assassinated after the election when the PNP won the majority. Families would take their Omega spouses and children to gardens for picnics or go to funfairs. Many people in Olympia would go to visit the Lillemore statue in front of the Royal Perfume Conservatory to pay their respects. 
24th to 31st- Celebration of Champions: It is a week-long sports festival where young athletes compete in different sports, such as soccer, triathlon, shooting, rowing, boxing, tennis, and fencing. The winner would be given a golden olive wreath and can represent Sol Fertilis in the Olympics. 
Second Sunday- Fest of Elders/Grandparents’ Day/Day of Amaranths: It is to commemorate grandparents and Elders.
Autumn Equinox- Fest of Wine/Day of Gathering: It is the first day of autumn. Alewives would give bottles of harvested beer and wine to start the day. Families would attend church to give offerings to Mars Sol and his family, along with his sister, Vesta Luna. A Delta Plus Lar would then sacrifice an ox to mark the end of the Mars Sol half of the year.
12th-National Beta Day/Day of Blue Hydrangeas: It is the day of celebrating Betas. All of given gifts from their employers and spouses. It is then split up into three categories depending on rank. Beta Pluses would attend theaters of performing arts or opera and formal restaurants. Beta Neutrals would attend dramas or comedies, go to ballrooms to dance, and eat in standard restaurants. For Beta Minuses, their Gamma Minus spouses would join them in a mass dance, similar to this. Then, they have dinner in communal restaurants, parties, and watch plays or musicals. 
31th-Fasting Day/Day of Fast: It is the day of fasting and abstinence. The night before, families would eat meals and would not eat for one day. They would attend mass in the church and pray. Babies and toddlers would be exempt from fasting. As this is a day of sexual abstinence, Mating Ceremonies are postponed and the Pleasure Venues will be closed on this day. 
1st- Fest of Offerings/Day of Folklore: It is the day to commemorate those who had passed on. The families would have a large feast to break the fasting. Alpha pups would gather around a bonfire in the evening. They would play games, wear wreaths, and crowning of the Pumpkin King, or Pumpkin Queen. Children are given sweets to represent giving food to Mars Sol’s children. It also marks the end of the harvest festival.
20th- Children’s Day/Children's Celebration/Day of the Blooming Daisy Sweet Peas: It is to commemorate children and grandchildren.
Winter Solstice- Fest of Midwinter/Day of Vesta Luna: It is the first day of winter. It is celebrated with family gatherings, feasts, gift giving, Midwinter shows, singing, and attending church. In a church, a Delta Plus Lar dances on the ground, usually barefoot on snow. Then an Omega would wear a white dress with red flame designs and a veil and sit on a curule seat. They sing a hymn commemorating Vesta Luna’s gift of the hearth, home, and prosperity. 
31st- New Year’s Eve: The celebration of the end of the Gregorian New Year.
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ketorecipepost · 2 years
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wardpayton · 3 months
Appetizers and Snacks - Hot Artichoke Spinach Dip
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This rich, delectable hot artichoke dip is enhanced by the distinct flavors of three cheeses.
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harveykian · 3 months
Appetizers and Snacks - Hot Artichoke Spinach Dip
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This rich, delectable hot artichoke dip is enhanced by the distinct flavors of three cheeses.
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cuddyclothes · 4 months
Tastes So Good - Supernatural's "The Pissed Off Sandwich" Cookbook, Part Two
Some years ago some dedicated fans of Supernatural put together a cookbook to be sold for charity. It was named after the moment in Season 7, Episode 9, when Dean's turducken sandwich starts to ooze green. "I think you pissed off my sandwich" is Dean's immortal line.
I was asked to provide recipes. They had to tie into actual dialogue from the show John Winchester's recipe for "Kitchen Sink Stew" in Part Two. I'll have you know that making this stew entailed a lot of disgusting stuff, like stewed Slim Jims and beef jerky. Because I am a dedicated fan!!
Note: This is taken from John Winchester’s journal.  It has been left unedited.
Stew: only way to get vegetables down Dean’s gullet.  Constipated Dean is hell to live with.  Sammy loves vegetables.  He’s a freak.  And not just because he has demon blood.
You need a stove.  Tried making this on a hot plate but it took three days and set the motel room on fire.  First ingredients, then cooking directions, then toppings and/or stuff on the side.
2 lbs boneless beef chuck roast cut into medium-sized pieces
4 tablespoons of butter /14 diner packets
2 large onions, peeled and chopped up
2 tablespoons flour.  Or Bisquick
1 teaspoon sugar (skip sugar if using Bisquik)/ 2 Domino sugar packets
2 cups beer.  If you like dark beer, something like Negra Modelo.  My favorite is Budweiser.  Or whatever’s on sale at the gas station.  Guinness is a wuss beer and it costs too much.
2 beef bouillon cubes in 1 1/2 cup water. 
Salt and pepper
Worcestershire sauce
Tabasco sauce
Parsley if you’ve got it
Bay leaf if you’ve got it
Beef jerky or Slim Jims adds a nice flavor.  NO GUMMI WORMS, no matter how much Dean begs.
You can put anything in this stew.  Mix and match:
1 big turnip, cut into big pieces
4 carrots, peeled, cut into chunks 

4 potatoes, peeled, cut into chunks
2 green peppers, chopped up
2 cups lima beans
One big can diced tomatoes
2 cups okra
Canned corn
2 cups string beans
2 cups peas
2 boxes frozen spinach
2 boxes frozen mixed vegetables
What the hell are parsnips?
Brown beef with butter, salt and pepper. If you can't get butter, steal a bottle of Wal-Mart oil, any kind. Not motor oil!
Add flour and stir until beef is coated and browned.
Add Worcestershire sauce—a couple of good shakes. 
Add sugar.  Add onions.  Stir around until the onions are soft.
Add beer and beef broth.  Give it a good stir.
Add vegetables.  Stir it.
Remember to give it a stir!
Cook for 2 hours, covered.  If it looks too dry add water, stock, or beer (of course). 
Crumbled Doritos or B-B-Q potato chips
Party mix – the salty kind, not the sweet kind
Beef jerky
Crispy Chinese noodles from these cheapo restaurants.  If you want to grab a couple of soy sauce packets and add that in to the stew, be my guest.
If no potatoes, use rice, around 2 cups.  Makes one big chunk of stuff.  Boys didn’t much like it: made them eat anyway.
No potatoes or rice, a couple of boxes of mac and cheese without the cheese works.  Save the cheese for something else, like dip.  If you have company.  We don’t.  We sprinkle it on cereal.
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hermithamlet · 5 months
when i die i want you to know it was cause i didn’t have enough three cheese spinach artichoke dip in my life </3
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rabbitcruiser · 8 months
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Food and Drinks in Vancouver
Earls Kitchen + Bar is a Canadian-based premium casual dining chain that operates a total of 68 restaurants in Canada and the United States. Their head office is in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Leroy Earl "Bus" Fuller (1928–2019), the founder of Earls, was a Korean War veteran and an experienced restaurateur with over twenty successful and failed restaurants to his name. His first restaurant was opened in Sunburst, Montana, United States, in 1954 under the name "Green & White". In the late 1950s, Fuller moved his young family to Canada and operated a series of A&W (Canada) locations in Edmonton, Alberta. Soon, the Fullers were operating thirty locations and a series of Fuller’s, a Denny’s type of chain. In the 1970s, the Fullers moved west to Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
It was during this time that Fuller went into business with his son Stan Fuller, founding the first Earls restaurant in 1982 in Edmonton. The chain quickly grew when the Fullers set up an Earls restaurant in their new home town of Vancouver in 1983. Although its menu originally consisted mostly of burgers and beer, Earls has changed the menu to offer "dishes inspired by trips around the world." Over the years, Earls restaurants have spread across Western Canada, the United States, and Ontario.
While the chain was originally a family business, in 2013, Mo Jessa became the first non-Fuller to be named as company president.
The Fullers are involved in a number of other Western Canadian restaurant chains. Jeff Fuller and Stewart Fuller, two other sons of Leroy, are involved in JOEY (a western Canadian restaurant chain) and Cactus Club Cafe, respectively. Ole Stan Fuller owns a 20% share of the latter establishment after the other brothers dropped out.
In December 2017, Earls announced that they would be closing one of their first locations, on Marine Drive in North Vancouver. In early 2018, the chain opened a concept restaurant in West Vancouver as a replacement.
Source: Wikipedia
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