#Ketone Testing
cohendyke · 10 months
i have diabetic ketoacidosis for the first time in 10 years rn… ohh my god. horrible. yikes nasty evil no good very bad
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i-wanna-b-yours · 2 years
gave the worst fucking chem prac of my life
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joga-blog · 6 months
Ketone Bodies Urine Test: Practical Applications in Monitoring Ketogenic Diets
The Ketone Bodies Urine test is a diagnostic tool utilized to measure the levels of ketones in the urine. Ketones are acidic chemicals produced by the liver when the body breaks down fat for energy. While the body primarily uses glucose as its main source of energy, in situations such as fasting, prolonged exercise, or when carbohydrates are restricted, the body begins to break down fat stores, leading to an increase in ketone production. This test helps in monitoring conditions such as diabetes, ketogenic diets, or starvation. Here, we delve into the significance, procedure, and interpretation of this test.
Importance of Ketone Bodies Urine Test:
1. Diabetes Management:
Individuals with diabetes, especially type 1 diabetes, are at risk of developing diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), a life-threatening condition characterized by dangerously high levels of ketones in the blood. Monitoring ketone levels through urine tests aids in early detection and management of DKA.
2. Ketogenic Diet Monitoring: 
The ketogenic diet, which is high in fats and low in carbohydrates, induces ketosis, where the body relies on ketones for energy instead of glucose. Regular monitoring of ketone levels ensures that individuals on this diet achieve and maintain the desired state of ketosis.
3. Assessment of Starvation and Fasting:
During prolonged periods of fasting or starvation, the body resorts to fat breakdown for energy production, resulting in elevated ketone levels. The urine test helps evaluate the extent of ketosis and guides medical interventions if necessary.
1. Gather Supplies:
Obtain a clean, dry urine collection container.
2. Collect Urine Sample:
Urinate into the collection container.
3. Perform Test:
Dip the provided ketone test strip into the urine sample or follow the instructions provided with the test kit.
4. Wait for Results:
Allow the test strip to react with the urine for the specified duration mentioned in the instructions.
5. Interpret Results:
Compare the color change on the test strip with the color chart provided. Different shades indicate varying levels of ketones in the urine.
6. Record Results:
Note down the ketone levels for monitoring purposes or report them to a healthcare professional if necessary.
- Negative:
A negative result indicates the absence of ketones or only trace amounts present in the urine, which is normal in individuals who are not in a state of ketosis.
- Trace to Moderate:
Trace to moderate levels of ketones may be observed in individuals on a ketogenic diet or during prolonged fasting. It may also signify early stages of DKA in diabetic patients and necessitate medical attention.
- High:
High levels of ketones in the urine, especially accompanied by symptoms such as excessive thirst, frequent urination, stomach pain, nausea and confusion, may indicate severe ketosis or diabetic ketoacidosis, requiring immediate medical intervention.
The Ketone Bodies Urine Test is a valuable tool in assessing ketone levels, aiding in the management of various medical conditions such as diabetes and ketogenic diets. Regular monitoring and interpretation of results allow for timely interventions, ensuring optimal health outcomes. However, it's crucial to consult healthcare professionals for proper guidance and interpretation of results, especially in cases of abnormal findings.
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theother-victoria · 2 months
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NOTES: I hope this chapter gives you an idea of the setting and what's to come!
TAGLIST: @tragedy-of-commons, @mitsvriii, @harque, @nariism, @vxnuslogy, @akutasoda , @flowery-jazz , @gabile18 , @khoncore
Somewhere within the heart of the universe lies a perfumery on an unremarkable planet, its simplicity belittling its fame. From its exterior, it looks like any other shop on the street. Simple, with a cute sign and clean exterior. They’re closed on Mondays but for the rest of the week, they open at ten am on the weekdays and close at six pm with extended hours on the weekends. 
The inside, however, tells a different story. It’s far more spacious than the outside would lead one to believe. The poor, overworked air purifiers can be heard running 24/7 to prevent the air from becoming suffocating. The shelves go as far back as the eye can see and are stocked with bottles of different colors, sizes, and designs- each of them hefty and works of art in their own right. Each of them have different scent profiles and all of them are handcrafted by the enigmatic owner who formulates and tests each scent in the lab located behind the shop. 
… The test subjects just happen to be the two shop assistants who are more than happy to be their boss’ guinea pigs. 
The shop itself is split into three sections- male, female, and unisex. Perfumes are arranged based on the fragrance family- fresh, floral, woodsy- before being further arranged by notes- green, fruity, gourmand- since people often walk in wanting to smell like a specific note, which the owner and shop assistants are happy to work with. However, there’s a rumor that you’ll get the best results when you come in with an idea, a concept, in mind. 
“I want to smell like worn, old, musty jewelry that’s probably tangled.” There’s a scent for that.
“Do you have anything that smells like a day at the fair as a kid?” Yes, there is.
“How about a warm rock?” Second display case in the unisex section, fifth shelf down, third bottle from the left, the green one. 
There’s also the option to get a custom-made fragrance, although it’ll carry a heftier price tag than the already-pricy wares. But for many, it’s a small price to pay for something that’s uniquely personal to them. 
All of this has led to celebrities, politicians, and other rich and famous people from across the galaxy to flock to this store, which has been the biggest reason for the store’s meteoric rise to fame. It started off as the name being shared among circles and it gradually rippled out from there until it reached the level of renown it has today. Celebrities often quote a bottle from the store as their signature and/or favorite scent in interviews and the paparazzi always snap a bunch of photos whenever a particularly high-profile person leaves the store with a bag in hand. 
Rumor has it that the advertising benefits for the shop are top-tier too, which is why they practically jump at the chance to promote the newest scents. 
But while the shop’s fame is undeniable, there isn’t much known about the owner. They’ve dodged the media’s questions ever since the shop’s popularity exploded and even the two assistants don’t know much besides what’s publicly available. It seems as if they intend for things to stay that way as well. 
Not only do you want to keep your secrets close, but you also want to preserve that sense of monotony that comes with running a business for as long you have. Wake up, get ready, open the store for business, and handle the various customers that come into the shop until closing.
But unbeknownst to you, there’s a wave of new customers coming, each with their peculiarities that you’ve never quite had to deal with before, and they’re interested in more than just your wares.
Keeping your inventory stocked and your heart guarded is your modus operandi for running your business. But between running your business, staying on top of orders, and dealing with these new customers… this may be a difficult task to follow for the foreseeable future. 
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the taglist is open for this series and the rest of my works!
@ theother-victoria, do not copy, repost, modify, translate, or feed to ai
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academiawho · 8 months
130 Day Productivity Challenge!
6 Feb '24 - Day 46
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I spent the majority of today studying my ass off.
I read through, practiced and revised Moving Charges, Magnetism, EMI, Alcohols Phenols Ethers, Aldehydes Ketones CA, Principles of Inheritance, Molecular Basis, Human Repro and Reproductive Health for tomorrow's test.
I've solved a lot of past papers where the questions are repetitive now. I look forward to tomorrow's paper being the same: familiar and in my area of knowledge and practice.
Hope you had a good day💛
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rederiswrites · 4 months
So ME/CFS (myalgic encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) and fibromyalgia are two syndromes (collections of symptoms often found together, with unknown causative mechanisms) with largely overlapping symptoms. They're currently classified as different diagnoses, but there are plenty of people who aren't convinced that they're actually different things. The biggest diagnostic difference seems to be whether the pain or the fatigue is the biggest problem.
I'm sure there are plenty of people who, like me, couldn't possibly say which of those is ruining my life more. I, like many, fulfill all the diagnostic criteria for both. I have the specific patterns of pain and inflammation characteristic of fibro, but I also have the postural orthostatic problems (Stand Up Feel Real Bad disorder) and extreme fatigue of ME/CFS. There's no test; diagnosis is an inherently subjective thing.
This is just gonna keep being about medical problems, so have a cut.
I also have problems that may be related or may be separate or may be part of the constellation of physical issues associated with ADHD, like loose tendons that lead to terrible core strength and janky joints. So while generally the pain spots for fibromyalgia are considered to have no actual material cause, I am pretty sure that my right hip and shoulder are in fact fucked up, and fibro is just making it experientially worse. I've also got a rib that spends more than half its time in just slightly the wrong goddamn place. I have multiple friends who have hypermobility problems that make mine look like a papercut, but combining them with fibro isn't a lot of fun.
A few months back, at my bestie's prompting and with his help, I started eating keto, which is essentially just restricting carbohydrates so harshly that they represent less than 20% (or less than 10%, this seems to be bioindividual) of your diet, at which point your body begins building energy transport molecules out of fat (ketones) instead of glucose. This has a history of treating several conditions (originally, seizures, but now also diabetes and inflammatory conditions), well before it became popular for weight loss.
It was an experiment. Believe me, I have mixed feelings about the fact that it worked. At first, it worked really, really well. I went from mostly bedbound to up and working full days outside. I've started to hit diminishing returns and having to nap more often, but it's still a radical improvement. I just forget how bad it was too fast. I hate how fast we forget how far we've come.
I haven't talking about it though, because I am so conflicted about restrictive diets as a thing. This started as an experiment, and as an experiment I could sell myself on no apples no potatoes no rice no crackers no no no no etc for a few weeks. After a few weeks I could decide whether it was worth it. And now here we are and it works.
But I've gone through So Much food restriction, starting when Phantom was two and we discovered that gluten fucks us both up. Then the Boy was sensitive to so many things as a baby that I cut out the entire Top Eight allergens (let's see, can I remember? Milk, eggs, peanuts, gluten, corn, soy, uhh....others...) for a year while he was nursing. Once you've cut wheat AND eggs AND corn out there is almost no commercial product you can eat and you have to prepare everything from scratch. With a toddler and a baby. I was literally starving. I used a calorie tracker for a while and found that I was nearly a thousand calories short per day, on average. I could barely think.
It's become a huge depression trigger for me. I tell people that my last major depressive episode was triggered by not being able to eat dairy, and I'm not kidding. I'm struggling with it now, too. Most of the time I'm good, but still, despite medication, I get very low and I just want to be able to fucking eat something tasty and comforting and EASY. I just want...cheese and crackers. A whole piece of fruit. A baked potato. Rice with my stir fry. But then I eat too much fucking watermelon and I can tell the difference in my wellbeing the next day.
Food becomes a minefield. Every meal becomes a struggle. You question every bite, every symptom. At least once a day the whole thing is just too annoying and I decide to just not eat, because fuck it. I dunno if it reaches eating disorder levels, but it's certainly maladaptive. I hate that I've gotten here because what you eat actually DOES matter. it's like the question of how you talk yourself out of anxiety when the world is objectively falling apart.
But I can do the things I love. I owe all this garden progress to not having had a glass of juice or a bowl of pasta in four months. Not to mention the abrupt cessation of all my dermatitis problems, frequent "silent" heartburn, a ton of digestive problems, migraines, most headaches, and more. "Nothing is worth risking depression" but is it though?
I'm holding on to the hope that these changes will allow me to heal. That I'll be able to make long-term progress, as many people say they have, and reintroduce restricted foods gradually. That I'll be able to cement the opportunity diet gave me with regular movement and conditioning and slowly claw my way up the spiral.
But on days when I feel like shit anyway, and I can't have some fucking chips about it....yeah. It's not great.
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uhardite · 8 months
୨୧ day 42 - 58 of 70 ୨୧
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morning stretching
gratitude journaling
skincare before bed
limiting screen time to 1 hour
ray optics pyqs
straight line pyqs
limits pyqs
gave a mock test to check my actual score
circle pyqs
parabola pyqs
electrostatics pyqs
heat and thermodynamics pyqs
electrostatics examples (1/2 done)
limits examples
alkyl halides from ncert exemplar
alkyl halides formula sheet
ray optics examples
p&c examples (1/2 done)
aldehydes and ketones pyqs
indefinite integral hsc
definite integral hsc
differential equations hsc
area under curve hsc
biomolecules hsc
semiconductors hsc
💌 note: posting this bcz there's only 2 weeks left of the challenge which is both a relief and a terror, also i felt like i wasnt studying enough but i actually have finished a lot of things and im pretty proud of myself, the exam i have been studying for is right around the corner and i am confident that i can achieve the marks i have been aiming for, also im really happy because i have been working on all the habits that i wanted to incorporate into my routine this year. my friends have been cheering me on all the way and i love them for that, hoping everyone achieves their goals in 2024 and has an amazing year <3
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shankhachil · 3 months
Countdown to JEE (Main): Week 5/33
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In terms of question-solving, this has been the most unproductive week yet by a long shot. I've been sick for a few days but mostly I've lost a lot of time because I had to go to school a few days for various (annoying) reasons, and also because I'm very easily distracted and was burnt out this week for whatever reason.
Test results:
Test at physics tuition center (JEE (Advanced) pattern): 107/130, rank 1/67 I'M SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!
Online test for mathematics tuition (JEE (Advanced) pattern): 62/112, rank 22/425. I kind of fucky-uppied this one :D
Aryabhatta National Mathematics Competition: 100%, selected for interview round — however, everyone on the internet is saying it's a scam, and also it's under MSME — which is weird — so I'm not going any further for this one.
Topics covered:
Physics: Current Electricity; Simple Harmonic Motion; Modern Physics; Alternating Current (4/3)
Chemistry: Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers; Aldehydes and Ketones; Carboxylic Acids (3/3)
Mathematics: Quadratic Equations; Functions (2/3)
Questions solved:
Physics: - Physics tuition Current Electricity module, single-correct, multiple-correct, matching and comprehension — 137 questions, 116 correct - Allen Simple Harmonic Motion student question bank — 32 questions, 32 correct - Physics tuition Atoms and Nuclei module, single-correct — 30 questions, 25 correct Total: 199/60 questions, 171 correct
Chemistry: - Kota Question Bank, Alcohols, Ethers and Epoxy, single-correct, reasoning and multiple-correct — 59 questions, 45 correct - Allen Ionic Equilibrium module, O1 and O2 — 102 questions, 93 correct Total: 161/60 questions, 138 correct
Mathematics: - Black Book Quadratic Equations, multiple-correct and comprehension — 67 questions, 57 correct Total: 67/60 questions, 57 correct
GRAND TOTAL: 427/400 questions, 366 correct
Upcoming tests:
11/07 (Thursday) — Test at physics tuition center. Topics: Current Electricity; Newton's Laws of Motion; Aldehydes and Ketones; Carboxylic Acids; Amines
See you again next week!
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Look ma, we made it!
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So, I finally graduated from my university program and let me tell ya, I wasn’t sure if I was going to make it. I decided to change life plans and after working with an academic counsellor, I managed to graduate sooner than planned and still get a degree.
I also somehow stumbled through this whole last year with unchecked Type 1 diabetes (somehow missed THAT). So perhaps that’s why I was constantly hungry and tired (and stressed). As much as it sucks having to face this for the rest of eternity, I’m also glad that a bad situation didn’t turn out much worse. (Essentially, my ketones [aka little shitty useless molecules that cause nothing but trouble/j] were tested and instead of being below 0.6 [normal, safe], they were at 6. So. I had a hellish ER stay because of DKA)
Somehow, SOMEHOW, in my drunkenly high blood sugar state, I managed to graduate top of my program. I don’t know, man. It just happened, I showed up to all of my classes tired as heck but I guess my brain still had an ounce of extractable sugar to use for my exams.
(Degree in BS hehe)
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But yeah. I was not doing well. But now I’m trying to get used to the fact that things are how they are now. And I’m slowly LIVING again (instead of going through my days in an absolute daze). Even if it means devoting my time to managing things.
And in autumn, I start my music engineering program :)))
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paleinc · 5 months
amazon sent me some urine sampling kit to test ketone/keto diets instead of my kinesiology tape. no other words for the continued mistakes others make at my inconvenience lol.
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rpgwrites · 7 months
Something personal....
I'm doing really good but I decided to share how my sugar have been. Last year I lost weight. It happened really fast. I was still overweight but not so much. I was getting thinner and thinner. I got lots of compliments and I was no longer seen as the unhealthy one. I was seen as the healthy one. I felt really good about myself. But as no one knew I ate extremely wrong. I cheated a lot. I was a bad diabetic. I skipped breakfast and still do.
The reason for this was I moved and lived on my own. Well sort of.... I rented a room in a house. I couldn't afford my diet but I also didn't care. I cut a lot back and while I could have bought healthier food I didn't. Sometimes when I had extra money and my depression got worse I ate junk food. The thing is I could have done better but didn't. It was easier not to.
Six months ago I was hospitalised with ketones and I thought things would change but didn't. I ate a lot better more healthier. But it's hard for me. Not financially anymore but emotionally.
In February one morning no one could wake me up. Luckily I was surrounded by people that cared and helped me. My sugar got really high then really low and I had to miss work. Everyone at work thought it was stress but I don't think it has been.
Then 3 weeks ago I got sick. Last week it got worse. I had flu symptoms but then developed ketones. I lost my appetite and lost weight again. I went to the doctor and she was concerned about ketones and I tested positive again. Luckily I wasn't hospitalised but the next day it got worse and I had no choice but to go.
So I missed work for a week thanks to my ketones. I don't know if it is because of my sugar that is not under control or if my flu symptoms had a part. I went home last Friday and I'm much better. I'm trying harder.
But the truth is I fell off the wagon. And it's hard to get there. I'm scared to gain all that weight again. But I will get better at this again.
I thought I could share this.
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ask-sibverse · 1 year
How would the reader handle a DKA in the UTMV?
Well how bad are we talking? Cuz you're talking to someone that's been hospitalized three times for DKA and gets ketones way too easily.
Because if its just moderate ketones? Lots of sugar free gatorade and curled up in a ball.
But if we're talking severe ketones? When youre throwing up constantly and your muscles feel like you're being eaten alive? (Because you kinda are?)
TW: body fluids, needles
You were honesty so glad Sci had asked so many questions about how diabetes is actually handled. His appalled reaction to how many myths there were about being a diabetic was honestly soothing. Some things you'd had to figure out how to ask your endo so you could explain things to him.
And right now? It was definitely needed. You'd been helping the Stars as of late, and while you were human and couldn't really use magic, you were getting pretty good at facing off against murder skeletons. (The Stars had protested, but you were stubborn. Perseverance trait ftw)
Except, you kind of forgot how easily it was to get infected sometimes. And Killer definitely didn't keep those knives sanitary. Sure you'd gone to Sci immediately after the fight and he'd disinfected and treated your arm, but you still somehow got infected. And it got bad, fast. Pus probably wasn't supposed to look so cloudy and thick like that.
And with the infection came the high blood sugars. You felt like absolute garbage, and Sci had noticed. You tried to wave him off, but after about three days of it, you couldn't even hold down water.
Well shit.
Sci had forced you to take a ketone test and did some other bloodwork. When the results came back you were thoroughly scolded about not hiding your injuries and not letting things get so bad. "I'd expect something like this from Dream, but you should know better!"
He set up a room in his lab with everything he'd need to look after you, sending people to get necessary supplies. Given healing magic's tendency to stabilize your blood sugars he'd be using that in addition to the usual IVs of electrolytes and insulin.
Of course, all the vomiting had you severely dehydrated, so actually getting the IV in was quite another story. He was such gentler than the nurses in human hospitals you'd been to, and honestly pretty good at finding a vein for someone who didn't have any of their own. But eventually it was in, and Dream was able to use healing magic to close up all the pokes that didn't end up with an IV.
He checked on you often, as well. Giving you ice chips to keep you from getting even more dehydrated (hell yeah! Way better than sucking on a sponge!), checking your blood work and sugars constantly. Sci and Dream were both watching you like a hawk when Sci finally felt you were safe to start eating again, both worried about your ability to keep food down
Someone from the Council had made the food. Much better than crappy hospital food
You honestly got a lot of visitors. The Stars were a constant, with Blue threatening to scold Killer for putting you in this condition. Various members of the Council also came and went.
But finally, after intensive care from Sci, you were better. You made sure to get him his favorite drink from Ccino's in thanks.
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suzieb-fit · 28 days
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What was I saying yesterday, about getting my power back? Pushing on? It all kinda fell apart....
I was in bed at 2pm, stayed there til this morning. The mucus thing has gone insane.
Seriously, I'm actually now getting more than a little concerned.
Had it for at least three years. Different levels, a few different "manifestations", ok days, awful days. Tests, treatments, dietary restrictions, homeopathy, sprays, rinses, antihistamines, supplements, etc.....But the past several weeks, it's upped it's game considerably.
So I'm pulling a "sicky".
Nice shower, into my pj bottoms, fluffy socks and no effort with anything whatsoever.
I waited until I reached 40hrs on my fast.
I really savoured my apple with cinnamon and cacao, walnuts and my lovely collagen and inulin coffee with full fat milk.
During that fast time, I just had one bulletproof coffee yesterday morning. Made another yesterday afternoon, took a couple of sips before pouring it away and going to bed. Yep. I was that bad.
Anyway, usual life is back on hold. I'm having to throw myself right back into full nurture.
I was supposed to be on my way to see my boys this weekend. Had to cancel. So that means I'm REALLY not good.
Still doing my best to smile, though!
Oh, and 0.8 ketones while my coffee was brewing. That's relatively decent. Classed as "light ketosis". Does the body good 👍 . Yeah, hopefully even MY ridiculous body!
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ketoyumyum · 2 months
Ultimate Guide to the Best Keto Diet Food List: Top Foods to Stay in Ketosis
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The ketogenic diet, commonly known as the keto diet, has gained immense popularity for its potential to help with weight loss, improved energy levels, and overall health. At the core of this diet is a high-fat, low-carb approach that shifts the body into a state of ketosis. To succeed on this diet, it’s essential to know which foods are best suited for it. In this article, we'll provide you with the best keto diet food list that will help you stay on track and achieve your goals.
Think you know the keto diet? Test your knowledge with our interactive quiz! 🧠💪 Find out how much you really know. Take the quiz now.
What is the Keto Diet?
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Before diving into the best keto diet food list, let’s briefly understand what the keto diet is. The keto diet involves drastically reducing your carbohydrate intake and replacing it with fat. This reduction in carbs puts your body into a metabolic state called ketosis, where fat, instead of carbohydrates, becomes the primary fuel source.
Benefits of the Keto Diet
The keto diet offers several benefits:
Weight Loss: By cutting down carbs, the body burns fat for energy.
Improved Mental Focus: The brain uses ketones, which are produced during ketosis, as a fuel source, leading to better mental clarity.
Stable Blood Sugar Levels: The keto diet can help manage blood sugar levels, which is beneficial for people with diabetes.
Best Keto Diet Food List
When following a keto diet, choosing the right foods is crucial. Here’s the best keto diet food list to help you stay in ketosis and enjoy a variety of delicious meals.
1. Healthy Fats and Oils
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Healthy fats are the cornerstone of the keto diet. Here are some of the best sources:
Avocado Oil: Great for cooking due to its high smoke point.
Olive Oil: Perfect for salads and low-heat cooking.
Coconut Oil: Rich in medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) that support ketosis.
Butter and Ghee: Ideal for cooking and adding flavor to dishes.
Nuts and Seeds: Almonds, chia seeds, and flaxseeds are excellent sources of healthy fats.
2. Low-Carb Vegetables
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Vegetables are an essential part of the best keto diet food list as they provide fiber, vitamins, and minerals with minimal carbs:
Leafy Greens: Spinach, kale, and arugula are low in carbs and high in nutrients.
Cruciferous Vegetables: Broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts are great for keto-friendly dishes.
Zucchini: A versatile vegetable that can be used in place of pasta or as a side dish.
Bell Peppers: Low in carbs and rich in vitamins, making them a tasty addition to any meal.
Mushrooms: Low in carbs and add a meaty texture to dishes.
3. Protein Sources
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While the keto diet is high in fat, it also includes moderate amounts of protein. Here are some top protein options:
Fatty Fish: Salmon, mackerel, and sardines are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and perfect for the keto diet.
Meat: Grass-fed beef, pork, and lamb provide essential nutrients and are keto-friendly.
Poultry: Chicken thighs and turkey are great for adding variety to your meals.
Eggs: A versatile protein source that can be used in various keto recipes.
Cheese: Hard cheeses like cheddar and parmesan are low in carbs and high in fat.
Think you know the keto diet? Test your knowledge with our interactive quiz! 🧠💪 Find out how much you really know. Take the quiz now.
4. Dairy Products
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Dairy products are another key component of the best keto diet food list, providing both fat and protein:
Heavy Cream: Use it in coffee or keto-friendly desserts.
Full-Fat Yogurt: Choose unsweetened versions to avoid extra carbs.
Cream Cheese: A delicious addition to snacks and meals.
Sour Cream: Perfect for adding richness to your dishes.
Butter: A staple in keto cooking, ideal for sautéing and baking.
5. Nuts and Seeds
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Nuts and seeds are excellent snacks that are high in healthy fats and low in carbs:
Almonds: A great source of vitamin E and magnesium.
Walnuts: Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, perfect for keto.
Chia Seeds: High in fiber and can be used in puddings and smoothies.
Flaxseeds: Excellent for adding to keto-friendly bread and baked goods.
Pumpkin Seeds: A crunchy snack with healthy fats and protein.
6. Berries
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While most fruits are high in sugar and carbs, some berries can fit into a keto diet:
Strawberries: Low in carbs and can be enjoyed in moderation.
Raspberries: High in fiber and low in sugar.
Blackberries: Another low-carb berry option for keto dieters.
Blueberries: Best consumed in small quantities due to their higher carb content.
7. Beverages
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Staying hydrated is crucial, and there are several keto-friendly drink options:
Water: The best choice for staying hydrated.
Herbal Teas: Unsweetened teas like green tea or chamomile are keto-friendly.
Coffee: Black coffee or with added heavy cream is ideal for the keto diet.
Bone Broth: Provides electrolytes and is perfect for those on a keto diet.
Sparkling Water: Choose unsweetened versions for a refreshing drink.
8. Snacks
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The keto diet doesn’t mean you have to give up snacking. Here are some keto-friendly snacks:
Pork Rinds: A crunchy, low-carb snack.
Cheese Crisps: Made from baked cheese, these are a perfect keto snack.
Hard-Boiled Eggs: Simple and nutritious.
Olives: High in healthy fats and low in carbs.
Keto Bars: Low-carb bars specifically made for keto dieters.
Tips for Following the Best Keto Diet Food List
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To make the most out of the best keto diet food list, here are some tips:
Meal Prep: Plan and prepare your meals in advance to stay on track.
Read Labels: Always check for hidden carbs and sugars in packaged foods.
Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water to support your body during ketosis.
Monitor Macros: Keep track of your fat, protein, and carb intake to ensure you stay within your keto goals.
Think you know the keto diet? Test your knowledge with our interactive quiz! 🧠💪 Find out how much you really know. Take the quiz now.
The best keto diet food list is packed with delicious and nutritious options that will help you succeed on your keto journey. By focusing on healthy fats, low-carb vegetables, quality proteins, and keto-friendly snacks, you can enjoy a variety of meals while staying in ketosis. Remember to plan your meals, stay hydrated, and always read labels to ensure you're sticking to your keto goals.
The ketogenic diet is not just a fad; it's a lifestyle change that can offer numerous health benefits. With the right foods, you can achieve your desired results and maintain them over time.
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academiawho · 8 months
130 Day Productivity Challenge!
23 Jan '24 - Day 32
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(picture not mine)
Barely anybody was excited that I have scored 720/720 in the latest test, because they expect a 100% score in the upcoming big all india test too. So it's time to prove myself.
Today we revised the experiments from Molecular Basis of Inheritance, Innate Immunity from Human Health and Preparation of Aldehydes and Ketones.
I did the zoology section of a test that took place the same day as mine, but for a different batch.
My supplementary class went very nice and I hope to get more such opportunities to revise, and more reasons to do so.
Hope you had a nice day💛
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anakintwolegs · 3 months
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Kazu is at the vet being treated today. He is not feeling well. Friday Night I noticed he didn't want to eat as much and not eating from the table at night. We were still able to coax him to eat through the weekend with his paste treat on top of his food and gave him Cerenia tablet for nausea. This morning Kazu had an exam, bloodwork, and urinalysis done at our vet. He is slightly dehydrated, has too much glucose in his urine. He has never had ketones before. They said he had ketones now .5 , a slight UTI - Cocci 1+. His blood glucose was 379 before I took him to the vet. It was over 400 at the vet. They think this could be why he doesn’t feel good and doesn’t want to eat with all of these issues going on. They kept Kazu to give him an IV with fluids, she also said they were going to give him some regular insulin (I don’t know what that is) to try and bring his blood glucose down. Also based on what kind of UTI he has, they are starting him on Clavamox. They are also going to send off a fructosamine test. I really hope he’s going to be OK. I am so upset & worried about him. He has to be ok! We are picking him up later this afternoon. I will update you on how he’s doing then. I’m a stressed out worried sick mess! ❤️
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