#Kevin O'Grady
astralbondpro · 2 years
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Fargo // S01E01: The Crocodile's Dilemma
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clemsfilmdiary · 10 months
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Homegrown Christmas (2018, Mel Damski)
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cerealbishh · 1 month
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"I'll say, as a funny bit, one of the best days was(Sean can attest to this) there was a line where we meet Louie and one of us had to say the line 'Oh, that's Dear Evan Hansen, right?' 'cause he's cosplaying in the actual outfit. And it was Sean's line and I went 'Okay, I don't make a fuss, much, but I'm gonna say this line!' I- It's gonna feel so terrible if someone else does it and I'm just standing there like '...'"
"When they go to the BroadwayCon, 'cause I was in the show, Dear Evan Hansen, it was so triggering walking in the one day to set and going the wrong way and going to this convention hall with, like, a thousand extras in the blue polo. I was like 'Get- Get me out of here!'"
- Colton on Dear Evan Hansen stuff in Little Voice(x)(x)
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jimmymonett · 4 days
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forensicated · 2 months
04x33 - Personal Imports
Ken arrives at his call to find the chemist has been broken into and there's smashed glass all over the place. The burglars are still on the scene so he calls for backup. Melvin slowly and quietly inches his way inside the chemist whilst the two burglars in their 20s are breaking their way into the safe for the controlled drugs. Ken's radio gives him away and he's assaulted by the man and has powder thrown into his face by the girl. He clutches his face and shouts in pain.
Jim is on an obbo and is drinking tea when the owner of the house comes downstairs wrapped only in a dressing gown. The homeowner is shocked to find Jim there staring out of his window.
Viv and Ted chat about holidays after Ted offers Viv a lift to her beat. Viv fancies a cruise but Ted isn't so keen as he went on one once and jokes he was the only one under 70 and that 4 of them were dead before they reached Gibraltar. "I never cruised again." "I'll forget the rumours then..." Viv teases him with Ted laughing that he'll prove those rumours wrong to Viv anytime she likes! Viv gets called back in before she can get the lift but he playfully offers to accompany her on her cruise. "Not whilst they publish the phonebook!" "Oooh, cruel!" Ted laughs.
Alec asks Viv to visit the house of a child on her beat. It should be Youth And Communities' job but they're flat out. The school visited the home the day before but the cousin, who looks after the boy, told them that he'd disappeared. His school thinks he's just bunking off as he does it regularly. Viv promises to visit.
The homeowner of the house Jim is in argues with his wife who insists that she told him the police were going to use their front room. He insists that she didn't because he wouldn't have walked downstairs dressed as he was if she had. They continue to argue and then the man storms off to work. The wife admits to Jim that she did forget to tell him that he'd be there after all. She starts to flirt at Jim who looks absolutely terrified! His attention is taken by a man who arrives and puts a parcel straight into the boot of another car belonging to a man who had opened the boot a small amount before disappearing back into his house. Jim tells the woman that he needs to go up into her bedroom to look out of that window and she gets excited. "Of course. I'll show you..."
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Viv visits the address and speaks to the boy's cousin. She is a woman in approx her 40's who keeps urging Viv to call her 'Auntie'. Omir's parents have returned to Turkey and left him in her care. She tells Viv he's been nothing but trouble since and his parents have not passed on any money for him and she only has poor wages as a part time barmaid at the Monmouth pub. As 'Auntie' explains that he eats constantly and is having a growth spurt, Viv hears something fall upstairs. She tells the woman that the inquiries are not being made because Omir's passport might have expired or that he's working when he shouldn't be. It's because people are concerned for his safety and there are grants to fund shoes and clothing for him. 'Auntie' tells Viv that she has a phone number for his parents in Turkey but that no one knew of them there when she rang it. Viv asks to see Omir and 'Auntie' calls him down. She talks to him in Turkish before showing him to Viv, telling him that she's there to help him get shoes. One interesting point - note the way she's holding the boy...
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Jim contacts Ted who saves him picks him up. Jim starts to tell him about the cars but Ted isn't interested. He wants to know what Jim did with the woman. Jim confesses that she told him she felt unfulfilled as a woman and spoke about how her husband didn't understand her. Ted can't believe Jim didn't jump at the chance and claims he would have done! Jim just shakes his head and says that he knows the man across the road is up to something tasty. Ted laughs and says he should get up to something tasty with the woman and get his priorities in order! "Speaking of which...." Ted says as he stops outside an underground toilet. "What's it look like I'm doing?" he drawls to Jim when he asks. A few seconds later, Jim spots a man come out and look around him before continuing on his way and gets suspicious. He leaps out and runs down to Ted. Ted is lying on the floor swearing loudly and has a wet shoulder. He tells Jim that the other man who just left pushed him over and sends him running after him. The man in a suit who comes out of a cubicle is arrested by Ted who goes on to interview him once he's changed his clothes...
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The man insists he hadn't met the man who pushed Ted before and there was no offense committed by them because there wasn't time. Ted is furious and asks him again (with Jim interrupting and moaning about how Ted's suit smells) but the man claims he is still unable to answer and begs Ted to let him go because if it gets to court his family and colleagues will find out. Ted tells him that he doesn't care what people do in private, he's concerned about what happens in a public place. The man reluctantly tells him that all he knows is the man who pushed Ted is called Maurice. Ted sits and writes that down. Mr!Suit makes a big assumption from the clothes Ted's now wearing and tells him. "I can put you on to something."
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Jim has had to return to the house and the wife is trying to seduce him again. She tells Jim she's going for a bath - and proceeds to give Jim directions to the bathroom 'just incase he needs it'. Jim spots the man from across the road appear and open his boot again before disappearing.
Viv is asked by Alec to go to see Omir and 'Auntie' again as she visited the day before so Youth and Communities are hoping she'll visit again. Viv is told by 'Auntie' that Omir is not well and that he has the flu. Viv wants to look in on him to make sure he's OK as she is required to by law. 'Auntie' asks her to wait but Viv says there's no need for her to wake him, she'll go check herself. Omir starts coming down the stairs and is shouted at for not being in bed as he has 'the flu'. Viv says that he's not to worry, she's not a monster, she's just checking he's OK. She then leaves the flat.
Ted shouts for 'Roxanne', his snout to get in his car. Roxanne is a transvestite, played wonderfully by Paul O'Grady (Or Paul Savage as he's credited as)
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Roxanne tells Ted that the job he's looking into, a 'rent business' (rent boys) that's set up at the Monmouth pub is not worth his time. She explains it's simply the barmaid and not a real setup of lots of men.
The wife tells Jim that she doesn't want to leave her husband and offers it on a plate yet again. Jim is still not interested and leaves the house as the car he saw 'delivering' yesterday arrives. This time Jim follows the delivery man.
An anonymous life-or-death call comes into CAD and gets passed to Alec. The caller says they burgled the chemist the day before and that the girl who did it with him has OD'd and needs to be taken to hospital quickly or she's dead. He refuses to give his name but says it'll cost £20K from the girl's MP father for the location. When Alec dithers slightly, he then offers to do it for 10K, and if there's any funny stuff he'll never hear from him again. Alec gets the two CAD extras to rip up paper to the size of tenners and runs up to CID.
Tosh makes the 'drop' where he's told to and drives out of the car park. Mike is already there sitting wait. Tosh pulls in a short distance away and winks at Tony who is walking past. Tosh returns at speed when Mike reports the man has arrived to collect the ransom and they chase him up the stairs and out over an estate. This scene was filmed in and around the Grenfell Tower. Tony approaches the man from the other direction and arrests him before Mike and Tosh can catch up. Tosh asks him where to send the ambulance but he keeps repeating that it's not his problem. Tony suggests trying a couple of squats nearby and they leave their prisoner cuffed to a railing whilst they do.
Jim continues following the car that made the drop-off and calls in to CAD, asking for backup when he slows again as he wants to make an arrest. A couple of minutes later he gets his response - the drugs squad are going to take over the pursuit and arrest and Jim is to drop out. Jim is fuming, having done all the leg work; they get all the glory!
Viv reads a cruise booklet. Ted teases her that she needs someone sophisticated and a man of the world to take her away - then he accidentally knocks his notebook from the table. "So I can see." Viv laughs, picking it up with him. She spots Omir's address and asks him why he has it. He explains it's a tip-off about a barmaid running rent boys. Viv is horrified and asks Ted to give her a lift over there, explaining about Omir on the way.
Tony and the others have had no luck finding the OD victim as yet after checking both squats on the estate. They 'casually' drag the suspect further up the stairs and then physically hold him over the railings threatening to let go if he doesn't give them the address.
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After getting the 'address' (it's a non-road-worthy car in the middle of the estate) Tosh and Mike rush over and try to help her after calling an ambulance. Mike tells Tosh that she could have blinded Ken and Tosh responds that she could have had a heart attack. Mike isn't bothered claiming that addicts can't keep off the stuff. "We've done our bit..." Mike says before stopping Tosh from giving her CPR, claiming it's "Ten to one she's got it"
Viv and Ted hurry over to see Omir. She now knows why he constantly looked so spooked on seeing her. 'Auntie' refuses to answer until Ted bangs on the door. 'Auntie' has changed from the nice gentile woman and snaps at Viv that she's never seen her before and has no idea why she's there. Viv pushes through with Ted and calls for Omir. Ted grabs and arrests a middle-aged man who tries to leave. 'Auntie' shouts up the stairs in Turkish as Viv enters Omir's room. Omir is lying on his side with the same haunted look on his face when Viv enters. She takes one look at him and her face visibly cracks. "I'm sorry...."
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randomrichards · 6 months
Plain officer worker
Makes friend with a new co worker
But can’t open up
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tinyreviews · 7 months
Movie Review: Sometimes I Think About Dying 2023. Made for socially-awkward misfits.
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I did not expect to enjoy this movie this much. I think it’s because I can relate. To being awkward, wanting to be alone, yet also wanting a connection. Is this a universal feeling?
It’s a really simple story. Watch for the experience of being Fran. And a mellow, bittersweet ending.
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Sometimes I Think About Dying is a 2023 American romantic comedy-drama film directed by Rachel Lambert, written by Kevin Armento, Stefanie Abel Horowitz, and Katy Wright-Mead. It is based on the 2013 play Killers by Armento, and a short film was released in 2019, directed and co-written by Horowitz. The film stars Daisy Ridley, Dave Merheje, Parvesh Cheena, Marcia DeBonis, Meg Stalter, Brittany O'Grady, and Bree Elrod.
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sciencecourt · 7 days
how do you feel about the show of o’grady? it was made for “The N” by the same company
oh where do I start with o'grady...It's a HUGE inside joke between me and a few friends, for what I have to assume is around 4 years now. Somebody in a wordgirl server offhandedly mentioned it to me one time and it was all downhill from there.
I...am divisive on it? I think, since it's soup2nuts, it has the potential to be really funny and (dare i say it) good, but it's genre tends to really bog it down. Soup2Nuts isn't all that good at 'conventional' love stories, much less Teen Drama love stories, so whatever it tries to pull for a while with Kevin and Abby (and Phillip and Pete) just comes off as a big uninteresting, sometimes creepy slog. I think it wrapped up in a somewhat sweet way in the season 1 finale but it doesn't really make up for those few bad eggs.
I think it really picks up in the second season, but sadly, that was it's last. Soup2Nuts shows really need time to breath and O'Grady just wasn't able to have that grace. Shame!
As is my brand, my favorite characters are Harold and Lipschitz. Harold didn't deserve to be in that show and I love S2N characters voiced by Larry Murphy.
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xxbatsybeanxx · 8 months
- Concept -
O'grady ( the TV series ) Set in the year 2000.
- Kevin -
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- Abby -
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- Harold -
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- Beth -
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- Delilah ( OC ) -
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- Phillip -
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hiddenecstasy · 8 days
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ecstasy, my fantasy!
hi!!! my name is ecstasy, im turning 16 in a month, im guatemalan, i speak english + spanish, and i love love LOVE so many things!! i spend a good chunk of my time writing, creating music, or drawing, it all depends on my mood LOL!
i have a lot of issues that may make me come off as offputting or strange. if that's the case, don't fret! that's just me being a little weirdo freakazoid </333
i'm VERY cringy, i selfship a lot of characters with myself, i'm seriously robotpilled, i LOVE making aus for whatever things i like, in fact, i have a lot of au stuff i've been wanting to post!
my interests are...
dance dance revolution
samurai jack
sym-bionic titan
total drama
resident evil
manhunt 2
clone high
kevin spencer
mob psycho 100
south park (MY AU IN SPECIFIC.)
vocaloid (i have an au thing for it 2..)
it would be greatly appreciated if people who like any of those would follow me back, i'd love some mutuals on here!!
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seekdevotion · 1 year
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*          𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐍𝐘𝐌𝐎𝐔𝐒     𝐀𝐒𝐊𝐄𝐃          :          hiiii  :3  spare  mws  please?
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haiiiiiiiiii  x3  already spared  twice  in  these  posts  here  and  here  ( feel free to peruse the whole tag, this post included in fact and please mind any repeats 🫶 ) but  worry  not!  i  shall  as  i'd  live  love  laff  to  complete  the  triology  and place cap on mw asks so  here  we  gaur!    —   sasha  lane,  jack  mulhern,  simone  ashley,    ayo  edebiri,  jessica  sula,  kaylee  bryant,  liv  hewson,  courtney  eaton,  ncuti gatwa, cailee  spaeny,  camille  hyde,  jennie  kim,  toby  wallace,  natasha  liu  bordizzo,  inde  navarette,  nicole  wallace,  grace  van  patten,  molly gordon, daniel  ezra,  yara  shahidi,  sophie  thatcher,  jharrel  jerome,  spencer  house,  barbie  ferreira,  tawny  cypress,  sophia  ali,  rain  spencer,  lee  know,  myha'la  herrold,  summer  madison,  maia  mitchell,  kiana  madeira,  haley lu richardson, vanessa  morgan,  fiona  palomo,  mason  gooding,  jordan  alexander,  chay  suede,  lauren  ambrose,  madeleine  madden,  choi  yeonjun, kedar williams-stirling, antonia  gentry,  ciara  bravo,  mark mckenna, sophia wilde, quintessa swindell, charlie  heaton,  brigette  lundy-paine,  natalia dyer, aimee  lou  wood,  emily  rudd, alice  pagani,  odessa young, eduardo  franco,  melanie  lynskey,  victoria moroles, carlacia  grant,  josh o'connor, brianna hildebrand, zoe terakes, samantha  logan,  asa butterfield, lovie simone,  hari nef, hafsanur  sancaktutan,  charithra  chandran,  owen teague, jessica  alexander,  mia  healy,  felix  mallard, sophie  nelisse,  roberta  colindrez,  sofia  boutella,  toby  wallace,  priscilla  quintana,  lorenzo  zurzolo,  nat  &  alex  wolff,  christopher  briney,  kaia  gerber,  nathalie  emmanuel,  odessa  azion,  raymond  ablack,  rebecca  ablack,  aimee  carrero, henry zaga,  erana  james,  jeremy  allen  white,  chante  adams,  park  jihyo,  kelvin  harrison  jr.,  golshifteh  farahani,  raveena  aurora,  alba  baptista,  kathryn  newton,  olivia  scott  welch,  jan  luis  castellanos,  mike  faist,  dacre  montgomery,  halle & chloe bailey, eli  brown,  reina  hardesty,  jonathan  daviss,  lee  felix,  kelly  mccormack,  greta  onieogou,  peter  gadiot,  alisha  boe,  madison  bailey,  kristine  froseth,  michael  evans  behling,  nicole  maines,  kim  dahyun,  son  chaeyong,  lana  condor,  cierra  ramirez,  jacob  anderson,  hwang  hyunjin,  lauren  tsai,  sean  berdy,  kevin  alves,  brittany  o'grady,  taylor  zakhar  perez,  diego  calva,  sarah  pidgeon,  rachel  sennott,  camila  queiroz,  maika  monroe,  keke  palmer,  simone  kessell,  julia  rehwald,  ryan  destiny,  belmont  cameli,  lalisa  manoban,  thomas  doherty &  lili  reinhart  !
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colleenmurphy · 1 year
❛ if a zombie apocalypse started on halloween, it would take a while to realise. ❜ ( Jasper )
It took Colleen a moment to truly register her husband's words as she filled the candy cauldron for the trick or treaters she wasn't so excited to see anymore. She had stopped mid Snickers handful and turned smoothly on her heel to face her brown eyed man. Her mind was whirring a million miles a minute as the horror dawned on her.
"Wee hip high zombies, Jas."
The mental image as almost too much for her. She had managed to get her favorite holiday of holidays off and even dressed up for it, Glinda the Good Witch and all. She felt her crown begin to slump a little.
"There's nothing and I mean nothing more terrifying than an undead thing that can take you out at that level. They're like a bolo with legs and I can't outrun that..."
She realized now that she was muttering to herself but the superstitious part of her was truly spooked because truly wild things had been known to happen on All Hallow's Eve. Getting terrorized by half the neighborhood's bemasked younger people made her shudder. Gingerly setting herself down on the fourth to last step on the staircase leading upstairs she sighed before the mental image shift.
Jasper trying to run from Mrs. Nelson from two doors down and little Keven Malone, the rather large nine year old whose mother had a habit of dressing her son up in striped shirts ensuring he resembled a beach ball all the year round. Keven wasn't particularly fast on his feet so she could imagine Jasper just stopping and waiting checking his watch and just as the newly undead neighbors toddled close he resumed his panic and took to running down the street again.
This tipped her over into a true fit of laughter enough to the point that she was gasping for air.
"Mrs...Nelson and the Kevin Malone...Jasper..."
She almost positive he'd think her a right nut for acting as she was. Wiping a tear from her eye she attempted to compose herself enough to explain but was stopped as she envisioned herself walking in the park and peering into Shauna O'Grady's pram only to have the newest addition to the O'Grady family launching itself at her with a snarl and all but flying out of it's damned 'electric plum' colored carriage. The sheer absurdness of it all made her snort as she tried to explain to her husband that no, she'd not gone insane. Instead it just came out as a
"Think we'd stand a fighting chance?"
Before she erupted into another fit of laughter only to find herself bouncing on her bottom down the last few steps with a startled squawk.
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clemsfilmdiary · 1 year
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Garage Sale Mysteries: Searched & Seized (2020, Neill Fearnley)
Garage Sale Mystery #16
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rubalcavah · 10 months
TROYE SIVAN - ONE OF YOUR GIRLS from Stuart Winecoff on Vimeo.
@troyesivan Director: Gordon von Steiner @gvsgvs Director of Photography: Stuart Winecoff  Stuart_winecoff Executive Producer: Kelly McGee @itsmekellymcgee Production Company: 5 Towns Producer: Jagger Corcione @burberryboxers Production Manager: Nechama Fisher @nemfisher Management: Dani Russin, Brandon Creed @danisidebo @brandoncreed  Video Commissioner/Producer: Kevin Kloecker @kevinkloecker for EMI Australia @emimusicau Shot at Vivid Kid Studio, Booklyn NY @vividkidnyc
Stylist: Dara Allen @dara._ c/o  Makeup Artist: Mark Carasquillo @Markcarrasquillo Hair Stylist:  Evanie Frausto @evaniefrausto Styling Assistants: Diane Palma @iris.diane Makeup Artist 1st Assistant:  Elika Hilata @elikahilata_makeup Makeup Artist Assistant:  Micka O Makeup Artist Assistant:  Amelia Burger Hair Stylist Assistant: Marin Mullen Tailor: Matthew Nef @neffnyc Manicurist: Telly Talons @tellytalons
Choreographer: Sergio Reis @sergiovsreis Assistant Choreographer & Dancer: Malou Linders @maloulinders_ Dancer: Pauline Casiño @pauline.casino
Cast:   Ross Lynch @ross_lynch  David Lee @dav_dlee Andrew Walko @ajwalko Shakir Rodrigues @sk8nsmoove Tomasz Kurdziel @_slattommy Bobby Nelson @luckyletterblue Blake French @blakeafrench Casting Director April Rivera at Ape Castings @apecastings
Set Designer Jacob Bernstein @thajhb Set Assistants Cullen O'Grady @ccuulleenn
Editor: Gordon von Steiner @gvsgvs Assistant Editor: Brayden Ahn @braydenahn Color Grade: Myles Bevan at Studio RM @m.y.l.e.s Post Production & Finishing: Studio RM @studio__rm @tkat92 Photographer: Tyrell Hampton @tyrellhampton BTS Photographer: Travis Bailey @travisb  BTS Photographer: Caroline Friedman @carolinexfriedman BTS Videographer:  Austin Nunes @austinunes
Crew 1st AD Jacqueline East @unconventionalife 1st AC Bobby Arnold @bobbyarnold 2nd AC Lucy Moloney VTR Steven Carlson @steven.CR2  Gaffer Lyon Taylor  Key Grip Chris Weisehahn @c_inside_my_world BBE Sergio Giovanni Fernandez @insectpolitician BBG Chris Angarone Electric Theodore Johnson @theodore_ Electric Adam Dietrich @treefortfilms Electric Jordan Bell @jordanallenbell Grip Sean Dolnick @dawn_sholnick Grip Cory Barth Board Op Nat Aguilar Sound Recordist Anthony Charles @tonycaezar Staff Production Coordinator Madison Claire Baker @madisonclairebaker PA Ethan Santana @whyxantana PA Mike Lee  @therealmicultra PA Daniel Walsh @dan_fw PA Dash Porter @director.dash PA Kristoff Bishop @kristoffbishop PA Dumarck Barlatier @b_cinematics_
Special Thanks YSL Beauty @yslbeauty Special Thanks  @rylandlynch @itsjoemort Titles @querida__si
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tradedmiami · 2 years
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LOAN IMAGE: David Lynd, Robert Schwartz, Steven Jemal & Kevin O'Grady DATE: 03/06/2023 ADDRESS: Tuttle Blvd At Southern Blvd MARKET: Royal Palm Beach, FL ASSET TYPE: Multifamily ~ UNITS: 401 LENDER: S3 Capital Partners (@S3Capital) - Robert Schwartz & Steven Jemal (@SFJemal) LANDLORD: LYND Development – David Lynd BROKER: Kevin O’Grady - Concord Summit Capital LOAN AMOUNT: $126,000,000 LOAN TYPE: Construction NOTE FROM LENDER: Please reach out to Steven Jemal at [email protected] with any loan inquiries. #NewYork #RealEstate #TradedNY #NY #NewYorkRealEstate #NYCRealEstate #TradedPartner #RoyalPalmBeach #Florida #Multifamily #LYNDDevelopment #DavidLynd #S3CapitalPartners #RobertSchwartz #StevenJemal #KevinOGrady #ConcordSummitCapital #TradedMiami #TradedMIA #TradedTexas #TradedTEX
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Honda "Origin of Determination" from Primary on Vimeo.
Client: Honda Agency: RPA
Chief Creative Officer: Joe Baratelli Group Creative Director: Ken Pappanduros VP Creative Director: Sarah May Bates Associate Creative Director Matthew Pullen Senior Producer:Ryan Radley SVP Director Video Production: Selena Pizarro ____________________________________________________________________________
LIVE ACTION PRODUCTION El Mirage Unit Production Company: Spoon Films Director of Photography: Tobia Sempi Line Producer: Maureen Tunney Executive Producer: David Wolfson
Namibia Unit Production: Gatehouse Films Director of Photography: Rory O'Grady Line Producer: Karin Tanchel Unit Production Manager: Laila Shrand Executive Producer: Karin Tanchel
____________________________________________________________________________ DESIGN Design Studio: Elastic Creative Director: Paul Mitchell Designer(s): Kaya Thomas Min Shi haram jung Storyboard Artist: Vince Wei
2D Animator: Peter Murphy Producer: James Howell Production Coordinator: Shane Hoffman Deputy Head of Production: Zach Wakefield Head of CG Production: Michael Steinmann Executive Producer: Luke Colson Executive Producer / Head of Production: Kate Berry Managing Director: Jennifer Sofio Hall ____________________________________________________________________________
VFX VFX Studio: a52 VFX Supervisor: Andy McKenna CG Supervisor: Kirk Shintani Lead Flame Artist: Steve Wolff Compositors: Adam FlynnMichael Vaglienty, Rod Basham, Andres Barrios,Stefan Gaillot Flame Artist: Kevin Stokes Ujala SainiJohn ValleChris Riley 3D Artists: Andy Wilkoff, Aemilia Widodo, Alvaro Segura, Bryan CoxChris Clyne, Derek Friesenborg, Dustin MellumJade SmrzJerry Weil, Joao RosaJoe Chiechi, Joe Paniagua Joey Bettinardi Jose LimonJosh DyerJun Kim, Michael Bettinardi, Miguel A SalekMike OakleyRyan ChongSamir Lyons, Scott NishikiTim KadowakiWeiyo ShaZiyan Zhang, Phiphat Pinysophon
Digital Matte Painter: Whitman Lindstrom 3D Image Scanning: Scanable (United States), Black Ginger (Namibia) Producer: James Howell Production Coordinator: Shane Hoffman Head of Production: Stacy Kessler-Aungst Head of CG Production: Michael Steinmann Executive Producers: Patrick Nugent & Kim Christensen Managing Director: Jennifer Sofio Hall ____________________________________________________________________________
COLOR Color Studio: Primary Colorist: Gregory Reese Color Assistant: Corey Martinez Color Producer: Jenny Bright Executive Producer: Thatcher Peterson
Editorial Company: Elastic Editor: Doron Dor, Pascal Leister Assistant Editor: Emily Morgan Producer: James Howell ____________________________________________________________________________
Final Mix: LIME
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