#Matthew Harrison
clemsfilmdiary · 1 year
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Garage Sale Mysteries: Searched & Seized (2020, Neill Fearnley)
Garage Sale Mystery #16
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genderoutlaws · 10 months
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Max Wolf Valerio, Matthew Rice, and David Harrison pictured together in 2023, with the photograph of them marching as the first FTM Pride contingent in San Francisco from 1994 behind them in the background.
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zegalba · 2 years
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Matthew Angelo Harrison: Bodily Study, Turbid Repose - zebra skulls, tinted polyurethane resin (2020)
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plush4bunny · 8 months
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Preview performance of Alfred Molina, John Douglas Thompson, and Chris Perfetti in Pasadena Playhouse's production of 'Inherit The Wind.' (Pictures by Jeff Lorch)
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luckyacid · 10 months
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Matthew Angelo Harrison Sister Cyborg, 2023 Headlight, tinted polyurethane resin, acrylic, and aluminum stand Sculpture: 24 1/2 x 10 x 11 in
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wealmostaneckbeard · 1 year
Critical Role Plays Lancer (hypothetical)
What if the core cast of Critical Role played the table top Mecha role playing game Lancer? Here are the CR cast members paired with the most entertaining mechs for their style of play:
Travis Willingham in a HORUS Balor
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In the major D&D campaigns Travis has shown a preference for melee combatants who engage with dark unsavory powers. The Balor is a huge mech that eats other mechs using nanite swarms. Those same nanites probably contain the consciousness of freedom fighters-turned-terrorists-turned-into-a-hive mind. It's a perfect match! If the Balor is equipped with an A.I. called a Non-Human Person then there is a possibility that Travis's pilot-character could get eaten by his own mech!
Laura Bailey in a Harrison Armory Barbarossa
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Laura apparently likes long-range damage dealers and typically those are very delicate and agile characters. It would be intriguing to see how she'd handle the Barbarossa. The Barbarossa is a tanky behemoth armed with the APOCALYPSE RAIL, an anti-warship weapon that requires the user to stay still in order to charge. It would be very interesting to see if the pilot that Laura creates would fire into a melee scrum and potentially kill her allies to achieve victory. She could play around with the anxiety her pilot would experience while screaming "Get Clear of the Blast! Firing!" Or she could role play as someone totally ruthless who justifies friendly fire with the fact that dead pilots can be flash-cloned and mechs can be salvaged.
Marisha Ray in an IPS-N Tortuga
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Marisha Ray is from Kentucky. The Tortuga has Shotguns. The synergy is naturally there, you guys. Joking aside, the Tortuga would give Marisha a lot of role flexibility, she'd be able to defend her friends from enemy advance or she could push into the fray headfirst. If her pilot is tech-savvy, she could even engage in some cyberwarfare which the Tortuga is kind-of good at. Plus the Tortuga comes with a really boring A.I. that could act as the straight man for whatever jokes Marisha's character would come up with.
Talesin Jaffey in an SSC Mourning Cloak
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Mr. Jaffey would probably go with a homebrewed mech if given the choice. Since I cannot imagine the Eldritch Mechanism he would craft, I am forced to prescribe him a Mourning Cloak. It is one of the few mechs capable of teleporting, which it doesn't do very precisely. There is a slight chance that Talesin might roll poorly while determining teleport distance, causing his pilot and mech to go... someplace else... and only reappear after the scene is over. He and the game master could have a lot of fun with that.
Liam O'Brien in a HORUS Goblin (warning: robo-codpiece, or maybe you like that kind of thing, IDK)
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In tactical table top action, Liam shows a propensity for complexity. And nothing is more complex than the little Goblin which contains more electronics within it than is physically possible. The Goblin can hack allies to make their systems better, hack enemy systems to make them much worse, and even hack reality to make Things happen. Liam could reprise some of his favorite shticks like "I'm just a little guy, give me uppies," and "This goblin is named Nott and is my best friend."
Ashley Johnson in a Harrison Armory Genghis
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In the first two major D&D campaigns Ashley played melee damage dealers and then branched out into a wildfire druid in the third. So a striker type mech that plays with fire would be consistent with her previous choices. Enter the Genghis, the carefree pyromaniacs choice of mechanized chassis. The mech builds up heat from weapons like it's Krakatoa flamethrower or a GMS Thermal Lance and then releases it in a blistering-blinding heat cloud. Incendiary damage continues burning victims until they douse themselves so Ashley can just set and forget. Finally I'd love to see what kind of pilot Ashley would come up with who would use a mech that's just as terrifying as the Balor.
Sam Riegel in an SSC Swallowtail (oh gods... please excuse the terrible mspaint job... hopefully this looks funny in a good way)
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In D&D, Sam seems to like playing as unconventional back-line characters. He's been a tricky bard, a sneaky goblin/halfling rogue, and most recently a literal healbot with rage issues. So I think the Swallowtail would be a good fit for him. It's less of a mech and more of a high quality holographic movie studio on legs. It can make simulated stunt doubles of allies, use it's cameras to focus in such excruciating detail that invisible subjects are revealed, and even turn itself and everyone nearby invisible so they don't mess up the film shoot. Sam's pilot character could be some kind of propagandist or movie set manager who is infuriated by how messy actual warfare is.
Finally, Last but not least:
Mathew Mercer in an IPS-N Lancaster
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I would be automatically fascinated by Mr. Mercer's interpretation of galactic human society in the year 5016u and the journey he would take his players on. But if he was a player then it would be interesting to see him controlling a Lancaster, the apex of mobile field repair platforms. Anything bad that can happen to a mech (damage, burning, hacked, immobilized) can be undone by the reliable Lancaster and it's limited pool of resources. I'm confident Mercer would be able to manage those resources wisely although it would be funny if he didn't. Role playing as his pilot, we'd get to see Matt do his best futuristic tow truck operator impression, which I think would be a very gratifying experience.
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Just finished writing the first time you guys as readers get to meet Grace's love interest and I am so excited for you to meet him....
And also feeling guilty because I'm going to put them through soooo much over the course of the story.
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rolloroberson · 1 year
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Rory Storm with his drummer, Ringo Starr and a Liverpool mate named George Harrison from a rival band, called the Beatles. Circa Autumn 1961 photo: Dick Matthews.
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beanwood · 6 months
I'm going to publicly embarrass myself and share the celebrity crushes(?) I've formed over the years. I put the ? because it's not actually a crush, it's not really romantic in nature. I just think they're cute and lovely and I've had a clear obsession with them at some point. This is more for my own reference than anything else. Starting from earliest to most recent:
MIKA - singer/songwriter
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Colin Greenwood - bassist for Radiohead
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Roland Orzabal - singer/songwriter for Tears for Fears
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Jerry Harrison - guitarist and keyboardist for Talking Heads
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Mark Gatiss - director and actor
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John Linnell - singer/songwriter for They Might Be Giants
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Celebs I admire but haven't had an obsession with:
Richard Ayoade - comedian and actor
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Matthew Gray Gubler - actor and filmmaker
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Dave Foley - actor and comedian
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David Byrne - singer/songwriter for Talking Heads
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John Larroquette - actor
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David Tennant - actor
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arrangedstilllife · 11 months
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Travis Scott - Utopia Zine
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magicallymeg · 1 year
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𝐋𝐄𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐁𝐎𝐑𝐍 & 𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐃𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐊𝐄𝐃 : 𝐟𝐚𝐧 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭 pt. 1/?
bree matthews : rielle downs alice chen : vicky chen selwyn kane : owen teague nick davis : logan shroyer william sitterson : harrison osterfield valechaz : caleb mclaughlin mariah : joy sunday tor morgan : ryan simpkins sarah : lilimar hernandez
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camyfilms · 1 year
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What is the responsibility of those with power? Do they merely have an obligation to refrain from the misuse of that power? Or do they have a duty to protect those without it?
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triada-literaria · 1 month
Wrap Up Abril 2024
Toca hacer balance de las lecturas del mes del abril. Este mes he leído un total de 9 libros, muchos más de los que me esperaba y he podido avanzar con mi lista de pendientes y, en general, han sido buenas lecturas ¿Qué tal ha sido vuestro mes? En el siguiente enlace tenéis el listado con mis lecturas del mes de abril:
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midgemoment · 1 year
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Will there be more Jeremiah and Harrison content?
OH y'all are asking THE questions!!! I'm not sure, tbh! IF I do write a Jeremiah story (it'll probably be on the longer end, like 5-8k), Harrison's not going to be there since their storyline together is over (BIG SAD I'M SO SORRY). Jeremiah as a character intrigues me, but unfortunately the Haremiah journey is overrr! :( I don't think I'll write anything else in the MW/FH/BB/HB realm, but if I did, there would of course be a possibility for more Haremiah flashbacks, but nothing in the fictive present (Jeremiah doesn't want to see Harrison again by the end of BODY BACK LOL). In a way, it's such an L because this COULD have been a really lovely love story. Harrison wasn't in a place to make sure it remained that way, though. Hope Jeremiah's... on vacation LOL.
BUT I OF COURSE will share Haremiah content from BB! Why don't I hurt all our feelings :) for fun :) Haremiah goodbye under the cut!
Jeremiah glances at his arm wound by Harrison’s fingers, and when he looks back up, his eyes are shimmering. “Why did you go?” he asks. And why had he? He could’ve spent forever against Jeremiah’s ribs. Built a future with him over spiked lemonade and foolish nights at karaoke bars. Jeremiah’s built for movement, late nights, orange sorbet mornings, moonlit swan paddle boats, a thrilling midlife career change, dinner parties with near strangers, weekend hikes of Yosemite, bustling hostels in Amsterdam, desserts with almond liqueur and crème fraîche, sunsets in Montego Bay. “You’re bad for me,” Harrison slurs. Jeremiah’s face slackens. Someone kneels next to him, sets a hand on his shoulder, close enough for Harrison to recognize it’s Biyu. “Jeremiah,” she says. “It’s time to go.” What a phrase. In August, Harrison also understood it not as an instruction but a lifeline. In Eliza’s apartment, it was time, but even before that. Smiling in a tent with Lonan. Dancing slow circles in a cramped bathroom. Watching him walk off in the middle of the night. So he doesn’t try when Biyu stands and helps her friend do the same. He doesn’t try as he watches Jeremiah paw off his eyes, as he watches Jeremiah look at him a last time before turning away. He doesn’t try as together, they walk toward the car, mumbling things Harrison can’t hear—that he’ll never find out. He doesn’t try as Jeremiah opens the passenger side door, and before he gets in, takes one glance back at him on the grass. He doesn’t try as Jeremiah’s lip trembles, doesn’t try when he ducks into the car and slams the door shut. After all this time, it feels like the least he can do.
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vintagewarhol · 1 year
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