#Key word: ONCE
kizzer55555 · 6 months
DP x DC: The Most Dangerous Card Game
Ok so Danny has essentially claimed earth as his. And he is fully aware that there are constant threats to the planet. Now he can’t stop a threat that originates on earth (that’s something he’ll leave to the Justice league) but he can do something about outside threats. Doing some research on ancient spells, rituals, and artifacts, he cast a world wide barrier on the planet to protect it from hostile threats so they cannot enter. This will prevent another Pariah Dark incident. However, barriers like this come at a price. You see, there are two ways to make a barrier. Either make one powered up by your own energy and power (which would be constantly draining) or set up a barrier with rules. The way magic works is that nothing can be absolutely indestructible. It must have a weakness. The most powerful barriers weren’t the ones reinforced with layer after layer of protective charms and buffed up with power. Those could eventually be destroyed either by being overpowered, wearing them down, or by cutting off the original power source. No, the most powerful barriers were the ones with a deliberate weakness. A barrier indestructible except for one spot. A cage that can only be opened from the outside. Or that can only be passed with a key or by solving a riddle. So Danny chooses this type of barrier and does the necessary ritual and pours in enough power to make it. And he adds his condition for anyone to enter. 
Now the Justice league? Find out about the barrier when Trigon attempts to attack, they were preparing after he threatened what he would do once he got to earth. How he would destroy them. The Justice league tried to take the fight to him first but were utterly destroyed, so they retreated home to tend to their injuries, and fortify earth for one. Last. Stand. Only when Trigon makes his big entrance…he’s stopped.
The Justice league watch in awe as this thin see-through barrier with beautiful green swirls and speckled white lights like stars apears blocking Trigon and his army’s advance. The barrier looks so thin and fragile yet no matter how hard the warlord hits, none of his attacks can get through and neither can he damage said barrier. That’s when Constantine and Zatanna recognizes what this barrier is. Something only a powerful entity could create. For a moment, the league is filled with hope that Trigon can’t get through yet Constantine also explains that it’s not impenetrable. And clearly Trigon knows this too for he calls out a challenge. 
And that’s when, in a flash of light, a tiny glowing teenager appears. He looked absolutly minuscule compared to Trigon and yet practically glowed with power (this isn’t a King Danny AU though).
And that is when the conditions for passing the barrier are revealed. And the Justice realize that the only thing stopping Trigon and his army from decimating earth. The only way he can get through….is by beating this glowing teenager in a card game. 
Not just any card game though. The most convoluted game Sam, Danny, and Tucker invented themselves. It’s like the infinite realms version of magic the gathering, combined with Pokémon, and chess. And Danny is the master. So sit down Trigon and let’s play.
(The most intense card game of the Justice league’s life).
After Danny wins, this happens a few more times with outer word beings and possibly even demons attempting to invade earth, yet none have been able to beat the mysterious teenager in a card game. Constantine might even take a crack at it and try to figure out how to play. He’s really bad though. Every time this happens, the Justice league worry that this might be the time the teenager looses. Yet every time, he wins (even if only barely). 
Meanwhile, Danny, Sam, and Tucker have gotten addicted to the game and play it almost daily. Some teachers might seem them playing the game are are like ‘awww how cute’ not realizing this game is literally saving the world. Jazz is just happy they aren’t spending as much time on their screens playing Doomed.
#DPxDC#Kizzer55555 ideas#Danny makes a card game to save the world.#Technically he worded the ritual so that they had to ‘beat’ him as those are the most powerful barriers and most reliable.#keys can just get lost or stolen (like the one to Pariah’s Coffin)#A riddle would be useless once someone figured out the answer. Like how no one takes the sphynx seriously anymore.#(Sorry Tuck. But it’s true).#And there is NO WAY Danny is just leaving a hole open for anyone to pass through. No thank you!#So…beating him. But it’s not like Danny wanted to fight so…he edited the ritual a TINY bit. Card games are good. Much less painful too.#Danny Tucker and Sam made the most complicated card game they could imagine.#It’s based on their strategies for fighting ghosts. Capturing them in thermoses. And MUCH based on a on field battle strategy.#It often requires spontaneous thinking on the spot. So Danny? In his ELEMNT. It doubles as practice for his actual ghost battles too.#They had SO much fun making this.#Sam added an entire series of plant cards that act as traps and healing ointments and duds that just take up the field.#Tucker added legitimate hyroglyphics combined with Latin as well as English and ghost speak.#Yes. You actually have to speak that language to play. With proper pronunciation. (Amity Parker’s think the three are talking gibberish.)#I headcanon Sam and Tucker are fluent in Ghost.#Constantine WILL figure this game out SO HELP HIM!#Some of the cards also have combinations related to constellations either in name or placement on the board.#By the way the board is based on a Hexagonal summoning circle with Rhunes along the edges#And the placement of the cards on the board and on what rhune MATTERS.#Also the cards move disintegrate and have certain abilities. Think of Harry Potter Wizard Chess.#But they are normal when Danny plays at school. This is just for ✨effect✨ Against invaders.#Danny faces multiple opponents. He also halts alien invasions.#While Danny COULD stop crime on earth he’s not sure how to fight a normal human and hold back so he sticks to ghosts.#The Justice league are going crazy trying to figure out who this entity is and after deep research are convinced this is some sort of#Ancient being who has protected earth for millenia. They have paintings on ruins and everything.#Danny is not aware they think this.#Raven starts praying to Danny as if he is a god and wrangles the other Teen Titans into doing so as well. Danny is still unaware of this.#Danny is not a King or an ancient. Just a very VERY strong ghost.
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mosstrades · 3 months
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been rewatching a pretty good series
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artem1sc0re · 11 days
If I had a nickel for everytime I redrew this scene, I’d have two nickels, which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice, right?
(I got given a compliment whilst drawing the first one so that’s cool :D)
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m1d-45 · 2 years
i gobbled and devoured the post imposter things. scrumptious!! but what if poor little xiao man feels guilty for hunting or scarring us in the hunt? and please don’t feel obligated to answer, i know you’re busy
burden to bear
word count: 2.7k
-> warnings: spoilers for liyue archon quest, canon typical violence…. minor body horror? blood mention.
-> gn reader (you/yours)
taglist: @samarill || @thenyxsky || @valeriele3 || @shizunxie || @boba-is-a-soup || @yum1x || @esthelily || @turningfrogsgay
< masterlist >
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during the hunt itself, xiao is driven by a need to prove himself, pushing past his instinct and the way his karma flares around the one on the throne. he sees it as a way to redeem himself, to finally scrape some of the sin off his hands. it’s a way to prove himself, and one he takes eagerly.
it’s not correct to say he’s blinded by faith, but it’s not exactly wrong either. he definitely feels, subconsciously, that something’s… off, maybe, about his god. perhaps it’s the way his vision always seems to flutter and flare, or the ice in his veins when the command to hunt is given. he feels uneasy, unsettled, finding himself rolling his shoulders and wondering if he needed to add more stretches into his routines. and yet, despite the tension in his shoulders and the twist in his stomach, he kneels, bowing his head with a swear of fealty that goes unanswered.
perhaps he had delivered it wrong?
he doesn’t think much of it, quickly dissolving from the throne room and appearing besides the statue of the seven on the west edge of liyue. looking out over jueyun karst, he knows it’s a bit fruitless to start his search there due to the vicinity to the other adepti, but the spires there are tall, filled with wiry bushes and crags of rock that are easier to hide in than may seem at first glance.
he draws his pole arm, spinning it once over his hand before tapping the end to the stone beneath him. he’s not sure why he’s so nervous—is it the fact that this is technically the first order he’s been given? is it the idea of slaughtering somebody so identical to his creator that it nearly fooled morax, who’s been alive longer than he could fathom?
or is it simply the prospect of failure?
xiao grits his teeth and steps off the edge of the floating stone, halting his fall with anemo at nearly the last possible moment.
his feelings meant nothing. orders were given, and he had to follow them.
why else was he there, if he couldn’t?
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it takes him longer than he expected to find you. he’s almost impressed, really, that you managed to evade his searching eyes, that you dodged not only him but the other adepti as well, all without taking refuge in any villages or otherwise civilized areas due to the orders the millelith put out. you hid well, he could attest to that, and though he was the one to find you, it was only on accident.
he was clearing out a group of hilichurls north of the inn. he was surprised so many had settled so close to the statue of the seven, as hilichurls usually avoided concentrated elemental energy, but didn’t think too hard about it. he simply unhooked his mask from his belt, noticing the difference in strength between these hilichurls and the average, and teleported into the middle of the camp.
the first thing he heard was a spotter’s cry. the second was the mitachurls’—archons, there were three—roar as they hefted their weapons. the final one was the intricate chanting of the abyss, but not any incantation he recognized.
he kept himself half in smoke as he danced around the edge of the camp, taking out the archers while he tried to find the abyss mage. he could catch glimpses of hydro bubbles through the walls of the hut, but the steps were covered in frost-
he barely ducked under the swing of a mitachurl’s axe, slashing his spear along its side as he slipped away, darting across the path of one charging with a large stone shield. it clipped his shoulder despite his efforts, pain spiking down his arm, but he didn’t pay attention to the injurh. normally he wouldn’t be this distracted, but two abyss mages and three mitachurls in one camp could only spell bad news. the best he could likely do was to leave and grab back-up, but who? the millelith were busy, morax and the adepti were on their own search…
xiao quickly climbed onto the roof of the hut, jamming his spear between two of the logs to keep grip on the woven roofing. the grass was damp, squishing uber this feet, likely from whatever hydro magic the mage was busy with within it. it likely wasn’t the smartest idea to stand on the roof, but this area of liyue was mostly plains, with little cover from the charging mitachurls. he needed a moment, if only a short one, to hash out a plan to deal with the camp.
the three mitachurls were standing besides the hut, two with shields and one with a crackling axe, electro dancing along the blade. xiao shifted, pivoting around the peak of the hut to move away from that one, the grass roof squishing below his feet.
the mitachurl’s ear twitched.
he shoved himself off the roof just as the mitachurl slammed the flat of its blade onto the roof, the whole shack shaking. electricity swarmed across the waterlogged roofing, reaching the opposite edge just as xiao dropped off it, landing between the other two mitachurls. they didn’t charge, nor attack, their motivations only made clear when the hiss of cryo froze out the lingering moisture in the air in front of him, effectively boxing him in.
the abyss mage swayed in its circle, staff glowing a sharp blue from within its bubble of frost.
“leave, adeptus,” it hissed, waving its staff in a circle. “you have no place here.”
xiao didn’t reply, instead picking apart his options. he couldn’t do significant damage to the shield mitachurls without utilizing his burst to destroy their shields, but that didn’t cover the mage at all… and he was still wet from the roof, so the mage would be able to freeze him within the time he had drawn in enough anemo energy to wield his mask with any level of efficiency…
he flexed his hand around his polearm. how had he gotten into this situation? his only options were to get lucky or teleport away, but even the latter of those relied on the first.
luck. how useless was he, to rely on luck-?
the abyss mage startled at the voice, the cryo it had been swirling dissipating. both he and it turned to the side, to the entrance to the hut, where a figure could be seen just beyond the mitachurl.
his first instinct was that it was his god, and he briefly relaxed under the knowledge that he’d get out of this in mostly one piece.
his second was to recognize the torn clothing and dirt-smeared skin, and realize that you could never be his god.
xiao’s eyes narrowed, his spear twisting towards you faster than the distracted mage could react. you, his target, the one he had been seeking out, were hiding behind the abyss. he should have expected it, in truth, figured out the one known for going against the rules of nature would side with the most unnatural force, but that was not for now.
not now, when he was launched forward by the power of anemo, his spear driving him forward, barely skimming the mitachurl in favor of his true target: you.
your eyes barely had the chance to dart in his direction.
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xiao was, in truth, not the first one to see you.
many villagers had glimpsed you running around the outskirts of their villages, plucking apples and sunsettias off trees and taking mint from their gardens and leaving bundles of sweet flowers behind instead. they’d seen you, face half-covered in a poor mask made of scraps, your clothes that of the haphazard stitches of the hilichurls, which helped you blend into teyvat a bit more at the price of comfort. many had seen you and assumed you were a run of the mill thief, perhaps one taking advantage of the current hunt since the millelith were occupied. they wryly called you clever, warning the traveling merchants about you, the one they glimpsed at inane hours of night.
he wasn’t the first to see you, by far. he was, however, the first to recognize you.
he was the first to lay eyes upon your form and realize the truth, to realize that the blood seeping into your clothes was the color of stars and galaxies, to recognize that your heart beat blue.
the argument could be made that the hilichurls were the first, or perhaps the mages that had taken you in and brought you food, but it was not them that gathered you into their arms and whisked you away in a flash of teal, uncaring of the spike of cryo that drove into their side at the last minute. the hilichurls did not walk with frosted-over limbs, the abyss did not cry with a throat full of ice, calling for assistance in undoing their own crime.
xiao couldn’t decide whether it was lucky or not that baizhu was in the pharmacy, speaking with herbalist gui over the front desk. on one hand, it was best to have the most experienced healer in liyue at your side, but on the other..
“adeptus xiao, what is-…..”
confusion, then anger, then realization, all flashing over his face in an instant before he tilted his head and walked quickly to a back room, xiao following.
he busied himself with picking the ice off his body and clothes, ignoring the shake of his hands and the stench of blood in the room. the mage had pulled you from the point of his spear, but he still hit the side of your stomach, and he could tell it was messy.
knocks sounded at the door but baizhu turned them away sharply, only allowing qiqi to pass him a bowl of lotus seeds. he was focused, changsheng slithering off his shoulders to grab supplies as needed. time seemed to slow to a crawl, like xiao had entered a domain without an exit, filled with the iron smell of blood and the never ending chips of ice he peeled from his skin. it left behind stinging wounds and red marks, but he couldn’t find it in him to care.
what was his brief moment of injury compared to a scar upon his god?
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the moment that baizhu had stopped, all but collapsing into a chair and wiping off his hands with a tired call of ‘it’s done. the foundation will be okay.’ xiao had stood and left, biting his tongue through the protests of both his own body and the doctor.
he’d given changsheng his confession, but he did not wish to stick around and hear his verdict.
weeks later, morax came and visited him at the inn, carrying with him a plate of almond tofu and an apology. xiao leaned against the furthest edge of the balcony, curled around the plate, staying as far as he could from the one with your aura imprinted upon him.
he felt it, when zhongli had first come up the stairs. the shock, then the warmth, the all-encompassing comfort that soothed the pain from the bruising on his shoulder. he felt it, and knew that he did not deserve it.
“it’s not your fault,” zhongli insisted, baritone words colored with unreturned sympathy. “the fake… had fooled us all. even me. i cannot hold your actions against you when i myself would have done the same.”
and maybe that was true. maybe he would have drawn his own weapon, pierced your skin himself, acting on the orders of one who dared to take the place of the divine, but that was irrelevant.
xiao was the one who had hurt you. and it was entirely his fault.
almond tofu, his favorite dish, tasted bitter and sour on his tongue, almost akin to the pain medication that zhongli had made him drink after noticing how cautious he was with his injured arm. he’d made him take the first dose in front of him and swear to take the rest, with a long monologue about taking care of himself tacked on afterwards, but it was for nothing. aside from the first night he had it, xiao hadn’t touched the bottle. it sat on his nightstand, beside a bed he hardly used, taunting him when he returned earlier than usual.
he could take it. there was nothing stopping him from doing so, and he probably should if he wanted to return to his duties quicker. but every time he picked up the glass, thumb tracing over the engravings as he undid the top, he hesitated.
he could take it. he probably should. but did he deserve to?
you were still recovering, possibly still bedridden weeks later. your blood still stained his spear, dripping down to his palms, pale and scarred skin marked further with the blue and purple swirls of his sin. you were still in pain, still healing from a spear to your side, and he was here, reaching for medicine for a sore shoulder?
(it was worse than that. bone had knocked against bone, bruising beneath where muscle could reach. it ached even when he sat as still as possible, dragging him out of every attempt to meditate. the dark purple splotches stretched beyond his clothing, reaching across his back and up his neck, making nearly any action flare the wound. it was far beyond an over-exerted muscle or a particularly tiring day, and yet even the worst nights of his pain were staved off by the memory of having to wash blue off his blade. even as the latch on the bottle was undone, the lip pressed to his, he could never bring himself to drink it)
(even the small droplet of it on the rim, tasting of qingxin extract and violet grass, threatened to make him sick. how dare he?)
yes, it would likely only get him into more trouble were he found out, but he was careful not to be. whenever the wind brought him the heavy presence of geo, zhongli’s familiar footsteps climbing the stairs, he snatched the bottle and emptied it into the stone carving on the balcony, letting the medicine soak into the soil beneath it. it splashed when he was sloppy, the deep purple medicine appearing blue on the stone, sparking a memory that weighed harder on the pit in his stomach.
even as he handed the bottle over to zhongli, his jaw clenched from the strain on his shoulder. the action was stiff, jerky, but evidently smooth enough that it had passed his assessment.
zhongli tucked the bottle away, surprisingly not drawing out a new one.
“i am proud of you, and of the progress you have made,” he said, golden eyes softening in the light of dusk. “well done, xiao.”
how strange, he thought, watching him leave, that the very action that made his vision swim with unshed tears was one that was praised.
he wouldn’t complain, of course. he never would. this pain was his to bear, just as the burden of your bloodshed was his to shoulder. he was well aware his pain could never take back yours—though he wished, desperately, that he could move your injury to him. he wanted to be able to take on the physical reminder of his defect, to take the hit of his own spear to spare you from his lapse in judgement. he would take it, take ten times the pain you endured, if only it meant that your skin was free of his scars.
it would be an honor to assist the divine, even at the price of his own life.
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mikesbasementbeets · 9 months
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strawberry-meltdown · 10 days
when i drop 30lbs and learn makeup i'll post selfies and you all BETTER send me cute compliments and asks for it. if i put in that effort you people should give it back!! lots and lots of attention please!! (•̀⤙•́)
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pessimisticgh0st · 4 months
Prepare to get even more sick of me soon (I'm about to get even more annoying)
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touchlikethesun · 10 months
"He can’t pinpoint when Yamaguchi became impossible to ignore; when his movements shone so bright to draw Kei’s stare or when his words started to shift lyrically in the air between them, dripping slowly like clover honey in his ears. Yamaguchi is sweet to the eyes, the ears, the touch. Every poke leaves Kei’s fingertips flecked with granules of sugar. Maybe Yamaguchi is sweet to taste, too."
— the certain things we lack on ao3
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sphxremint · 1 year
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aftermath of a backfired plan
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They gave us this and never talked about it again, a crime.
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sweetiepotatofry · 3 months
What if Gamma Jack was actually a hopeless romantic and the reason why he dated so many women was due to his super power emitting enough radiation to cause health problems to those who he spends time with/live in close proximity to.
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Hello, Ace's shuffle unit au(a while back now cause I've been writing this on and off) really got me pumped up, so I'll be sharing my own!!!
The band: Shiho, Akito, Minori, Nene - More/Gas
Working away at the live house, Shiho gets the chance to see Akito perform and is impressed by his abilities. She makes it so that the two of them can speak privately and they realise that they are quite similar in character, as well as their personal goals. Shiho tries to recruit him for her band, but seeing that he isn't really interested due to his own goals she makes a proposal: combine their respective skillsets and throw the greatest concert ever known, therefore beating RAD WEEKEND and guaranteeing going pro. Akito, seeing that he has nothing to lose from this, accepts.
Just as the two of them get ready to leave, Shiho realises that a new song has been added to her playlist. Not knowing where her confusion stems from, Akito tries to approach her, but the two get enveloped in a curtain of bright light. Once their vision comes back, the two find themselves in a somewhat familiar place: the backstage area of a live house, although the two of them have been conversing outside. Their revelation is interrupted by the sound of footsteps as a new character comes into view: Hatsune Miku*insert Akito's reaction to SEKAI*
The green haired girl introduces herself and explains to the two the concept of SEKAI, revealing that this SEKAI came to life from their mutual passion and perseverence and that they have to find the feeling which is the root of this fiery spirit and transform it into a song. With each passing moment of the explanation Shiho gets more and more aggresive, Akito's nice facade starting to break as well. Seeing that she doesn't have anyone to work it, Miku excuses herself and tells them how to leave. The two finally get back as she wishes to soon see them again. Although a bit shaken up by all that happened, Shiho and Akito decide to work together.
Minori was one of the very few people who didn't have any prejudice of Shiho, a great friendship being able to bloom between the two and Minori's closest friend, Kohane. She was very happy about the progress her friend has made to achieve her goal and unintentionally starts lamenting over her own dream of becoming an idol. Even though it hasn't been fully drained, her hope of becoming an idol has been a bit diminished by the sudden end of her own idol's career. Even though Shiho doesn't want to intervene, she can't stand to watch her friend sulking, so she tries to give Minori alternatives, painting it as "something Haruka would do", which reroutes Minori's journey, now the girl having to find ways to hone her skill.
Akito goes to the rooftop in search of a certain blue haired girl only to be stopped by the quiet humming coming from a nearby bench. The hums end up forming words and the angelic voice that offers them life along with the well known music style make Akito realise that he hit the jackpot coming there. The voice belongs to none other than Nene, who profusely apologises once Akito makes his presence known. As she tries to leave he compliments her singing and expresses sadness at the idea of wasting such talent. A disgruntled Nene is only able to give a tired look as Akito gets to his main point: that she would benefit from joining his group. Even though she is a bit reluctant, she ends up asking for more details. Once she is given said details, Nene decides to meet with Akito and his mysterious partner sometime during the weekend, with the one condition that the area is secluded.
Weekend comes and drags along the chosen day, Nene making her way to what appears to be a live house. After being introduced to Shiho, she makes sure that something is clear: there is a good chance that they might get nothing out of this, so they shouldn't have their hopes up.
Once a music sheet with lyrics is given to her and everyone is ready, the instrumental kicks in. Seeing how much they are putting into the performance, Nene let's herself free and she is finally able to say that she is confident in front of an audience, albeit small. She ends up getting praised for her own efforts and it is decided that she's part of the band. Shiho and Akito end up leaving earlier than planned and as Nene is about to leave, a thought infiltrates her mind: is she doing enough for the band by just singing?
After school, Minori is delighted about Shiho's progress but her energy dampens as she gets asked about her own progress. It is then revealed that Minori didn't have as much luck, her attempts of perfecting her choreography being the only ones to get better. Kohane suggests to look at her singing from a similar perspective as her dancing. Thinking a bit about it, Shiho comments that her problem could be solved by trying to associate the lyrics to the rhythm. Curious, Minori asks her if she knows methods that could make her better and she advises that Honami could help with that problem, as she used to be the drummer of her childhood band. Minori thanks Shiho for the help and starts to search for Honami. The other two decide to let her be.
That same day Akito and Nene are just finishing the band practice schedule when Akito suddenly asks if Nene is going to trust him. Even if she is a bit suspicious of him, Nene ends up agreeing and before she knows it the scenery changes with a flash and the two of them are in this seemingly abandoned live house. She starts freaking out and demands an explanation, but before he is able to say anything someone decides to interrupt: Kagamine Rin. After everyone calms down, the newcomer introduces herself and describes what SEKAI is. Not yet warmed up to her, Nene can only sit there and watch her as she goes on stage, a hand asking the girl to come join her. She ends up agreeing, although it is pretty clear that she feels a bit forced.
This little improv ends up working well, but Rin notices that Nene had a bit of a problem keeping up. She reveals that Miku told her about their other band member, much to Nene's surprise, and advice them to go look for "their beat". The two are soon to leave as they find nothing else worth talking about.
During their next practice session, Shiho reveals that she was able to get for them a slot for next month, but the two are soon to cut her off as they talk about their encounter in SEKAI. Even though surprised by the new face, Shiho is able to assure the two, her childhood friend Homani having offered to help. The only problem left for them was to find a lyricist.
Minori is seen in her room, practising with a simple drumset given by Honami. Even though her skill isn't the greatest, her singing has improved by a lot and she is pretty capable of keeping the rhythm. Once the song finishes she stretches and goes to grab a water bottle, a small vibration right next to it startling her. Upon unlocking her phone, she finds a few messages from Shiho, who was updating her about her progress. A smile appears on Minori's face as she congratulates her, now finally being able to respond with her own development. Her expression suddenly changes into one of confusion as a new message appears, asking her if she is good at coming up with lyrics. Thinking about it as something Haruka would do if she was in her place, she takes on the challenge, questioning Shiho about the type of lyrics she wants, she is only able to get the personalities of the other bandmates în order to make a song that fits all of them. The two end up agreeing on getting the four to meet so that Minori can get a better idea of they really are.
After Shiho is able to coerce the other two into accepting her invitation, the four end up meeting at Weekend Garage. After An takes their order and makes a small comment on Akito(which amuses Nene), Minori introduces herself and presents the two on the other side of the table a questionaire. Although perplexed, the two end up taking it as the girls message each other, Shiho asking if it was necesary to go this far.
Getting to talk with each other, Minori makes it clear that this will be the first of two official hangouts, as she wishes to spend the rest of their day with each one of them. They begrudgingly agree and it is established that she would be sending her time with Nene after the meeting is over.
A few nights later Shiho gets the lyrics from Minori and is surprised to see how good she proved to be. With every new word read she could see a contour of herself and the others appearing in her mind. By the end of her read she asks Minori if she could meet with the others again to establish a melody, with which she agrees.
Now curious, Shiho starts searching up idol songs to see what Minori's inspiration could have been. It soon sinks in with her just how different the two piece are in terms of content. A rather sad Shiho tells Minori good night as she herself gets ready to sleep.
Now that all five of them were together, Minori instructs Honami on the beat and is soon to start humming the melody. As the 'demo' is finished, Nene finds herself bringing up a lot of suggestions that the group ends up testing. Nene's remarks are able to creat a proper melody, Minori cheering and the finale of the performance, praising Nene's voice, to which she becomes bashful. The two of them end up e changing phone numbers to make later collaborations easier.
Now that their first song is finally finished the five decide to celebrate at Weekend Garage, Shiho reminding them that after they will have to work every day from then on.
It is a week before they show their hard work to the world and terrible news hit the group: Honami is unable of making it to the concert due to personal reasons. Akito quickly proposes that they ask Minori since she seems to know how to play the drums and she has already been helping them with the lyrics. Shiho protests, stating that she already asked her, but it was clear to the other to that it wasn't the case. Wondering what could be her reason for doing that, the two start to question her about her relationship with Minori to the point where she ends up breaking into years and running away.
The pair ends up leaving the cafe soon after, disgruntled by their sudden problem. Nene takes initiative, calling Minori and telling her to get to their location as soon as possible. As the phone call is done, Nene proposes that they should let Minori know about SEKAI, but Akito is against it as they don't know if she is really going to be their drummer, but she refutes by pointing out that she is already their lyricist. As he is left no other choice, Akito ends up agreeing.
Minori is out of breath as she gets to the two bandmates, questions coming one after the other. They tell her that first they need a private place to hold their conversation and before she could make any suggestions a mist of white blocks her vision.
She suddenly wakes up in a strange place similar to a somewhat familiar backstage scenery. She is about to scream as Nene covers her mouth, finally starting to explain the situation. Minori is left flabbergasted by the news, but is soon to recover as she procceses the information. She says that she was on good terms with Shiho so she doesn't have much of an idea about her sudden outburst.
Their discussion is interrupted by both Miku and Rin as they go to get a snack, Minori debating in her head that this is just a weird dream, but she is soon taken out of her thoughts as Rin hugs her, happy that they finally found "their beat". Upon further questioning, Miku reveals that this SEKAI was founded from the mutual feelings of the four and now that they are together they can finally turn their emotions into a song.
Seeing that the three aren't as joyous, the girls asked them if something happened with them. After a small sumarry of the situation, Rin asks Minori what she wants to do next, to which Minori answers that she wants to talk things out with Shiho. Understanding where she was trying to get to, Miku asks the girl what she'll do after that, what she'll do for the long run.
Surprised by the question, Minori replies that she will find out when the time comes. Happy with her answer, the two songstresses wish them the best of luck in getting to Shiho and, as soon as they got there, the trio was gone.
Now making her way out of school, Shiho is surprised by the sight of Minori in front of her bandmates and braces herself for the worst. It all starts off with a simple question: "Is there something wrong, Shiho?"
Not wanting to drag this any longer, Shiho recognizes her true reason for running away. The three are shocked to find out that Shiho felt like she was driving Minori away from her true goal of becoming an idol, therefore making her want to cut contact with her as to not hurt her in the long run.
Shiho is then startled by a pair of arms wrapping around her as Minori embraces her, recognizing that even though she is deviating quite a bit from her path as an idol, it wasn't the career itself that attracted her, but the feeling that with hard work she could spread hope just like how she experienced and that if becoming part of the band meant that she could give that hope to Shiho, then she would be happy.
The four of them are all on stage. They give each other a few glances before Minori gives the signal and they start with their song. It goes well and the four of them end up laying exhausted on a couch as they are approached by two figures.
Miku and Rin appreciate the little iteration of their experience and congratulate the band for their big succes.
Before they can leave Miku tells them that they have found their true feeling and that a song can now florish from them. The group looks at each other before getting up and grabbing their respective instruments.
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r0semultiverse · 5 months
I refuse to hop in a Zoox car in my entire life if I can avoid it. I refuse to hop into any self-driving robo taxi (or robotaxi) that uses AI to keep it’s passengers “safe.” If this is actually a service they are legally allowed to provide publicly, there’s about to be a whole bunch of new laws made in hopefully very little time! Now you know me, obviously fuck the law, many laws are unjust, but sometimes we need some regulations to keep up with the shit that rich Silicon Valley tech bros “put out” while claiming it’s allegedly their own work. These rich bastards are dangerous! Now I’ll pass along the questions that my partner & I jokingly pondered. If something happens that the AI & detection systems doesn’t know how to handle, will us as the passengers be held legally responsible say if a child gets punted into the air by the self driving car & we can’t do anything to stop it? What if we’re asleep assuming the car is safe & it runs over a legally endangered animal? What if we’re on our phones & these self-driving robot cars cleave someone in half? What if it crashes into someone’s private property? Are we held responsible in any of these cases or is the big rich guy’s company? If it’s anything like Tesla, you should get your kids or pets out of the road when you see a Zoox car coming, it could allegedly cause some mortalities. Two more things. What’s stopping someone from hijacking, hacking, or planting a virus on these self-driving taxi services? What if one of them gets hijacked to take someone to a human trafficker meetup spot? Will the company be held responsible at all? The gifs below pretty much summarizes my feelings.
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dirtytransmasc · 2 years
If Paz was magically revived, how would she feel about recom Quaritch, or Spider getting a new family
I think theres actually a chance of her coming back as a recom, so thinking about this really interesting.
she knows human miles, she knows the cold, violent, man who had lost his humanity. she didn't know her son, he wasn't more than a babe when she died, but she couldn't help but feel robbed, that was her baby, she was his mother.
she also knows she hold no claim to him, its been 16 years she's been dead, probably charred up and sunbleached by now. he doesn't even know who she is, outside of maybe a name, basic paperwork information, a photo if she's really lucky.
I think if she met quaritch, she'd spot the differences easily. He's soft, his eyes don't blaze with anger, his body is looser, a smile graces his face more often. he's not the man she remembers. he barely recognizes her, which she takes no offense to, considering she only recognizes his blue ass cause of the photo she saw amongst the recom files. when she asks about her son, he corrects her that its no longer miles, its spider now. he doesn't give her room for argument, says he doesn't and hasn't known the name miles for years, and that he won't force it on him. so he's a good dad now, she'd be forced to think. when she asks about his family, who raised him, he'd be forced to tell her that it was the very people that killed them both. she wouldn't take that well.
I don't think she'd ever be brought to honest anger, I think it would just be grief, confusion, hopelessness even. to be resurrected into a world where your son doesn't know you, doesn't even go by the name you gave him, was raised by your killer's, who couldn't pick you out of a crowed. that's a whole new level of cruel.
I think she could be swayed like Quaritch, given some sort of redemption arc, but I think she'd always be a bit bitter that her son was robbed from her. I think even if spider clung to her like he did quaritch there would be a disconnect; his maternal neglect and her maternal grief would clash; spider doesn't know what its like to be loved by a mother, he shy's away from her because he's scared of getting hurt, he needs her to make the first move but he also needs her to be slow, gentle, with him in a way she doesn't know how to be. she doesn't recognize her own son, knows nothing about him, has no idea how to connect with him, even if she tries he flees from her, she doesn't know what to do.
in time things could get better, easier, but maternal issues lurk so much deeper then most other wounds, and if both parties are hurting from trauma's that cannot truly be healed, I think it would really difficult. one person is trying to rebuild a relationship that never existed with a boy that is long gone, the other is trying to find a mother in someone who's very existence pains them, in someone who is missing the person he used to be so long ago.
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liverpool-enjoyer · 1 year
i put my hair in a bun, do one (1) jumping jack, n it collapses like the twin towers. erling haaland out here playing for 45 minutes straight, doing headers, n its STILL in place.
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leowifefang · 3 months
once i stop being lazy its over cause then im scouring kirawus kadokuras kikutas ipoptes tanigakis ienagas and hijikatas tags for art and not just cat with a gun
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