#paz left behind a human son
dirtytransmasc · 1 year
If Paz was magically revived, how would she feel about recom Quaritch, or Spider getting a new family
I think theres actually a chance of her coming back as a recom, so thinking about this really interesting.
she knows human miles, she knows the cold, violent, man who had lost his humanity. she didn't know her son, he wasn't more than a babe when she died, but she couldn't help but feel robbed, that was her baby, she was his mother.
she also knows she hold no claim to him, its been 16 years she's been dead, probably charred up and sunbleached by now. he doesn't even know who she is, outside of maybe a name, basic paperwork information, a photo if she's really lucky.
I think if she met quaritch, she'd spot the differences easily. He's soft, his eyes don't blaze with anger, his body is looser, a smile graces his face more often. he's not the man she remembers. he barely recognizes her, which she takes no offense to, considering she only recognizes his blue ass cause of the photo she saw amongst the recom files. when she asks about her son, he corrects her that its no longer miles, its spider now. he doesn't give her room for argument, says he doesn't and hasn't known the name miles for years, and that he won't force it on him. so he's a good dad now, she'd be forced to think. when she asks about his family, who raised him, he'd be forced to tell her that it was the very people that killed them both. she wouldn't take that well.
I don't think she'd ever be brought to honest anger, I think it would just be grief, confusion, hopelessness even. to be resurrected into a world where your son doesn't know you, doesn't even go by the name you gave him, was raised by your killer's, who couldn't pick you out of a crowed. that's a whole new level of cruel.
I think she could be swayed like Quaritch, given some sort of redemption arc, but I think she'd always be a bit bitter that her son was robbed from her. I think even if spider clung to her like he did quaritch there would be a disconnect; his maternal neglect and her maternal grief would clash; spider doesn't know what its like to be loved by a mother, he shy's away from her because he's scared of getting hurt, he needs her to make the first move but he also needs her to be slow, gentle, with him in a way she doesn't know how to be. she doesn't recognize her own son, knows nothing about him, has no idea how to connect with him, even if she tries he flees from her, she doesn't know what to do.
in time things could get better, easier, but maternal issues lurk so much deeper then most other wounds, and if both parties are hurting from trauma's that cannot truly be healed, I think it would really difficult. one person is trying to rebuild a relationship that never existed with a boy that is long gone, the other is trying to find a mother in someone who's very existence pains them, in someone who is missing the person he used to be so long ago.
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pinkthick · 1 year
I’ll always be there for you
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Credits: @bluekernal / @quaritchsgirl
Pairing: Avatar!Miles Quaritch & Kid!Miles Socorro
Summary: In the midst of their celebration because of their mission's successful outcome, Miles Quaritch's son suddenly wakes up from a nightmare. In an effort to comfort him, the colonel takes him outside the unit. By doing this, the man also begins to reflect on his prior life as a human, but more crucially, he begins to think about Paz.
Notes: Please take a moment to read this. Check out @bluekernal/ @quaritchsgirl ’s blog because she created this AU, and let me tell you, her artwork is incredible.This fanfiction was greatly inspired by her drawings.
While Miles did pass away in this fanfiction exactly like in the original film, the RDA would have started this project earlier because the avatar body was already on Pandora and the humans hadn’t been sent back to earth. The humans are still living there, but the Na’vi still don’t accept them so fights ensure from time to time. Even though Quaritch is an avatar now, he still retains his previous memories, and he continues to serve in the ‘military’ on Pandora without his consent since he literally became the RDA’s propriety, but Jake Sully isn’t that important to him, his son on the other hand is what matters most to Quaritch.
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Little Miles awoke suddenly, his heart racing under his ribs like a scared bird thrashing against the bars of its cage. Even though the bedroom was completely dark, he could not shake the impression that he was not alone there. Unconsciously, he extended an arm to wake his father but instead discovered cold, empty sheets where Quaritch should have been.
Why wasn't his father here if he had just returned from his mission?
The child drew himself into a crouched position and made an effort to calm himself. He made an attempt to stop thinking about the nightmare he had just had, but it was useless.
He desperately tried to open the closed door by pounding on it. Regardless of who or what had locked him in, the handle had been removed. Every fiber of his being was on fire, and he could hear footsteps coming from behind him. Little Miles turned to look behind him as the sound of the creature's footsteps grew louder. As the door unexpectedly opened as he was turning back towards it, he didn't hesitate to run into the darkness.
His leg was grabbed by something soft, tripping him as hard, cruel fingers tightened around his ankle. Despite his desperate efforts, the hand tightened its hold till he could feel its fingernails piercing his flesh.
Now that he was helplessly pinned to the ground, the monster was standing above him. The creature's face was still hidden in the shadows, making it impossible for him to distinguish any of its features even if there was a low light in that room.
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The squad was laughing as they told Z-Dog some stories from their most recent mission. She was unable to accompany them because of the injury she sustained during last week's training, but in all honesty, Quartich felt more at ease because his son stayed with her. Although he trusted his soldier more than the nurses, he still worried about how little Miles was doing.
The colonel's ears perked up just as Lyle reached over to grab a few beer cans. Everyone stopped what they were doing when they realized someone was crying.
Quaritch hastily left his team and headed to his room as his blood ran cold. His son's sobbing face greeted him when he opened the door. “Miles? What's the matter, bud?”
When his four-year-old turned to face his father, Quaritch eagerly embraced the child. Miles started crying harder, his body trembling from the power of his sobs as he buried his face in the colonel's neck. He gave the youngster a light tap on the back before starting to rhythmically and slowly stroke the boy's hair while whispering in his ear. "Buddy, unless you tell me what's wrong, I can't help you."
Z-dog had been attempting to calm Miles down every night because he had been having this nightmare for over a week, but the boy couldn't deny that he felt safer in his father's arms. The youngster cried out, "I had that nightmare again!” as he shuddured frantically in his father’s arms he continued. “And the creature almost got me this time.”
Quaritch began to rub calming circles into his son's back as best he could after kissing the boy’s unruly hair. “Easy tiger” he cooned “It was just a nightmare, that’s all. You know that I’m always here for you and I won’t let anything bad happen to you.”
Little Miles’s sobs subsided slightly at his father’s words and then sniffed loudly. The boy hadn't been waking up sobbing since he was practically a baby, and that worried the soldier as he gently rocked them into place.
He started to recall Miles as a young baby who had not yet learned to speak. The concept of falling asleep quickly anymore didn't occur to the colonel because his son had been wailing nearly every night at that time. Whenever the boy was crying, he was within seconds near the crib, gently picking him up and cradling him in his arms.
He didn’t want to wake up Paz back then, because she was exhausted most of the time after she gave birth, so he thought that at least he could do this to help her.
“Shh, it’s okay Miles. I’m here.” Slowly Quaritch rocked and bounced his son, hoping the cries would cease long enough to bring him back down to one of the kitchens to give him a bottle. With no such luck, he rushed down, before he woke up the entire unit, but most importantly Paz.
"These past two weeks, you've been very fussy. What's wrong, little guy?” the colonel asked as he struggled with the late-night feeding.
A few months ago, Quaritch could not have imagined himself sitting in the dark while talking with such a young child. He questioned whether it was stupid to talk to someone who was unable to even speak or sit by himself.
"You don't even realize how much is going on around you." The kid finally gave in to the bottle, softly whining as he drank. Quaritch never grew tired of the sound of his soft little voice or the sensation of his tiny hands in his.
“There you are tiger” he couldn’t help but smile “You’re feeling better, aren’t you? There’s no need to wake up your mother.”
The infant's eyes opened, looking at the bottle in front of him first before turning to face his father. Miles had every reason to believe that he would be able to put his son to sleep once more, but he abruptly stopped eating and started to wail again.
The colonel made a few more futile attempts to get the bottle in his son's mouth before giving up and bringing him to his shoulder. After rubbing and patting the boy's back for a few minutes to get him to rest, he once more cradled the boy in his arms, and the struggle started all over again.
This time, Little Miles finished the bottle, and the colonel began to rock him gently so that he could put him back to sleep. He never imagined becoming a father, but here he was. On a different planet with his family if he dared to say so. He was so terrified that he would lose everything if he simply closed his eyes. There was no point in lying because he enjoyed being a father and loved being with Paz. Although they didn't actually discuss their relationship all that much, his son would not have been born if they hadn't loved eachother.
Although his father was still deep in thought, the boy kept looking up at Quaritch and clenched his little fist around his nightshirt. He certainly helped in caring for the child, but naturally, most of the responsibility fell on her. And she did it cheerfully and wholeheartedly. Yet occasionally, tiredness overcame Paz, and the colonel felt so helpless because he felt like he couldn’t to that much to help her. The least he could was let her rest over the night.
He noticed that his son's eyes were beginning to close when he turned back to face him, so he decided to return Miles to his crib. The infant was awakened by being taken away from his father's warmth and began to cry once more.
As Quaritch lowered his hand into the crib and stroked the baby's delicate hairs, he once more attempted to soothe the young boy. He calmed down for a brief period, but when his father lifted his hand, he became agitated once more. The soldier picked up him once more, and he immediately became calm.
“You simply don't want to be alone, is that it?” Miles questioned as soon as he noticed the infant closing his hands and opening them in a demand-like manner. After giving his son a moment of puzzled attention, the infant suddenly raised his hands, and Quaritch allowed himself to softly tap their forehands as the young child clutched his father's face between his small hands.
His line of thinking was interrupted when the boy cupped his father's face as the soldier leaned in with a softness that was almost heartbreaking. He couldn't help but feel a twinge in his heart when he remembered that moment all over again while holding Miles in this position once more. Since that particular evening, when the boy was just a baby, they have been doing this. It brought both of them some comfort.
It realizaton of much has changed since then hit the soldier like a brick. Everything was much simpler back then, when he was just a human… when Paz was alive. Even though the woman had passed away years ago, he still missed her. He could see her in eveything Miles did and it hurt like hell. Even if he didn’t want to admit that.
As he looked at his son again he took note that the boy was no longer crying, but tears still continued to prickle in the corners of his eyes and the soldier decided to take a chance. “Do you want to go back to sleep?”
When his father said that, the youngster quietly distanced from him and turned to stare at his small mask. Miles didn’t trust his voice right now, but luckily for him Quaritch understood what the youngster wanted and he grabbed his son's hoodie off the chair and gave it to him.
While the boy was getting ready, the soldier went to check the oxygen level in his exopack. 70% Even though he had enough and they wouldn't be gone for long, he nonetheless packed a spare canister of oxygen just in case.
Since his son was still so little and the colonel didn't want him to get hurt, he didn't usually take him outside very often, but it was obvious that Miles loved being outside. The boy loved the nature and he would examine every flower, tree, or insect he could find outside the unit whenever he had the chance. Like his mother, the youngster was utterly enthralled by this world, and he couldn't help but get a warm sensation in his chest.
“I—I’m ready” Little Miles said, and Quaritch proceeded to put the boy's mask on, ensuring that it was properly positioned. God forbid that something happened to his little boy.
“Let’s go then” The colonel took his youngster in his arms and the both left the bedroom as well as the unit, without saying anything to anyone.
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“I like looking at the stars.” The boy murmured somewhat shyly to his father, who smiled in response. They were in the forest now, but not that deep into it. It was about a ten minutes walk from their unit, but God it was so peaceful here. There were no buildings, no machines, there was only nature around them. This area was filled with tall grass and equally tall white flowers that were scattered all across the ground.
Large, leafless trees could be seen in the distance, and there would occasionally be a passing insect that resembled a firefly. It was quite artistically pleasing, and at night, when the moon was shining and there were bright stars scattered across the sky, it was even more so. They were lying on their backs in the grass, gazing up at luminescent stars sprinkled all across the fascinating and mesmerizing sky. Back at the unit, it was unusual to see so many in one location, but they were still lovely.
Although Pandora was a wonderful world, he occasionally missed Earth. There were rumours circulating in the unit that the fabric of life, upon which all humans depend, is still deteriorating quickly as a result of human activity. The quality of life for people and the lives of future generations will be drastically decreased if they continue to lose significant portions of the natural environment, and it appeared that no effective action was being taken. Quaritch didn’t know what was going on inside their heads, but it was very evident that they would not stop causing damage to their home. They gave up on Earth.
He also had a sneaking suspicion that they wanted to invade Pandora in order to establish it as their new homeworld. He wasn't sure how he felt about that, but again, there were only rumors. And they'd better stay rumors.
Then Quaritch looked at his hand, which was glowing in the dark, and even though he was aware that his entire body was in fact emitting a luminous light. Believe it or not, even after all those 3 years, he still thought it was amazing and strange at the same time that he had these distinct patterns of bioluminescent dots on his skin. Occasionally, the boy didn’t let his father turn on the lights in their room so that Quaritch could shine in the dark like a glow stick because apparently he looks ‘very cool’. He sometimes was too innocent for this world.
“You like it here, don’t you?” The colonel questioned as he rolled over into a sitting position. He noticed that his son mimicked him, now also sitting straight up and he couldn’t stop himself from encircling his tail around Miles.
“Yeah” the child answered while keeping his gaze fixed on the stars “But I still can’t find the North Star.” At that his father’s ears perked up then the colonel took his son’s small hand in his own.
He began to lead the boy's hand to where he could find it and said, "First you need to discover the Big Dipper, then look for the two stars on the end of the Dipper's 'cup' and they point to where the North Star is” His son cocked his head slightly before breaking into a broad smile. “I see it now.” Quaritch chuckled a little as he continued to look at the sky.
He released his son’s hand and they both remained silent for a while but the colonel broke the silence by saying, "You know your mother's up there too." The boy's attention was drawn when the man's voice cracked a little at that comment. There weren't many videos of Paz, and the only framed picture of her that Quaritch had was on the table in his room. Even though he didn't want to admit it, especially to himself, is that he missed her every day.
No matter how many times he watched those videos with her, the soldier felt as though he was forgetting her. He knew what she looked like, but it seemed as though he was beginning to forget her features as time went on. Even though it greatly upset him, he could still perceive similarities between the youngster and his mother.
“Dad..do you think that she is watching over us right now?” As Little Miles inquired, the colonel was completely unaware when he began to tear up.
He replied after sniffing "Most definitely," the boy stared bewildered at his father, because he knew that his dad didn’t usually cry "After giving birth to you, your mom actually couldn't sleep more than two hours," Despite his trembling voice, he continued, "Every night she would jump out of her bed and would always hurry to your side to make sure you were okay."
"I wish I remembered her," his son confessed and Quaritch had a bittersweet taste on his tongue. Miles was unable to recall his mother due to his failures as a commander and, most significantly, as a lover. There was nothing he could do about that now, but he would always blame himself for his son growing up without a mother.
Once more, silence fell upon them, but this time it was broken by the kid. “Can we go home?” He asked as he yawned slightly and his father nodded. Quaritch took him in his arms and held him close as he began to walk towards the exit of the forest. Then Miles encircled his father's neck with his arms as he let his head fall on top of his shoulder. I will always protect you little one.
Though neither of them appeared to be aware of the pair of yellow eyes, watching them through the leaves of a tree as they emerged from the woods.
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Part 1/ Part 2/ Part 3/ Part 4/ ?
Notes: Thank you so much guys for your comments; they truly made my day. 😭💕I hope you all enjoyed this part, and if anyone has any ideas for future parts of this series, I'd be more than happy to include them.
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sunandsstars · 1 year
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Recom!Miles Quaritch x Metkayina!Reader
Summary: When Miles gets saved by a Metkayinan, he realises eventually they aren’t all so bad. But when his mission comes back to him, is it worth leaving it all behind? Warnings: Swearing, Mentions of wounds, Small existential crisis, Plans of manipulation, Small alien racism Word count: 2.4k A/N: Here it is! Chapter 2. Once again if there are any grammar issues just mention it in the comments it would be most appreciated. I have a few oneshot/imagine ideas i might wright up but lemme know! And requests are always welcome.
Taglist: @ssc7514 @blossom618 @teadrinkingcatmom @oscarpascal4eva
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As night turned to day and Eywa’s children woke from a plentiful rest, ___ rushed towards where the skyperson was kept and wondered if he has awoken yet ‘he was healed by Tsahìk, everything should be fine, hopefully he is still alive’. 
She rounded the corner and came to a stop in the opening of the marui, seeing him laying on the floor, breaths now deep and long, an opposite to when they where fast and shallow mere hours ago. She crept inside light on her feet as to not disturb him, then kneeled by his head, observing the calmness of his expression. ‘’You are a strange one’’ she hummed, whispering in the softest of tones and took notice of his cropped hair, shaking her head and figuring it must be a human style, after all any Na’vi man she has met took pride in their long hair and it was unheard of for it to be so short. ‘do humans not pride their appearance?’
A tight hand on her wrist cut off her thoughts and jerked her blue eyes to meet with amber ‘’you are awake!’’ she smiled in satisfaction, thanking the great mother for his life to be spared from her silly accident the previous night. Quaritch growled low, eyes shooting from one direction to the next until it landed on hers ‘‘where the fuck am i?!’’ He shouted agitated and took notes of any exits just in case he had to bolt.. but where would he go without his banshee? ‘Obviously not far’ he mused ‘i could barely stand on my own ass last night’.
A blink. A twitch of her ears. And a smile stretched across her cheeks ‘’Al’mete’’ she placed her hand upon her chest ‘’my home’’. Miles caught onto the message and his ears folded back, fuck him, he’s in a savage camp in the middle of nowhere. How was he supposed to get back to base now.
Seeing his displeasure ___ pointed out to his leaf wrapped torso ‘’my mother, Tsahìk Nätsa has healed you, you are welcome’’. The man glanced at where his gash was supposed to be and his eyes widened, now just realising he felt no pain at all and blood wasn’t gushing out. ‘What kind of bougie drugs do they have down here. This is some voodoo shit’. 
Suddenly giggling was heard from outside the hut, both adults head turned towards the sound, one in alarm and the other in question and they caught sight of two small green figures peaking from the side of the entrance. ‘’what are you two doing? Zaza? Tsyem? Mother said you are forbidden from seeing this man’’
‘’But we have never seen a skyperson sister! We had to see, mother will not allow it but you will, yes?’’ Zaza cheekily smiled, for 12 years old one would figure her brother would start becoming a man by now.
Obviously that is not the case.
___ sighed and made a motion to shoo them away, not risking to face the wrath of Nätsa…again. Besides, Tsyem is too young to be near him, if she got attacked for merely showing kindness then who knows what will happen. ‘’go, and call father. We must have a clan meeting at once’’ the two boys scurried away in a hurry, searching for their father to relay the news. 
Quaritch stared as they left, being reminded of his son Spider, part of him wished he was a better father when he was human, if he never ignored Paz as much as he did and was there for his kins childhood, would things have turned out differently? He shook his head and reminded himself Miles Socorro was not his son, they may share the same DNA but Quaritch was a new man now. Different body and mind. He may share the same memories as his former self but he was not human anymore.
‘Do i even belong with human kind?’
He glanced up to the woman and let go of her wrist to sit up further, wincing as he felt the drowsiness and fatigue of losing so much blood. ___ held his back, concerned ‘’be careful, you are weak and have to gather strength’’ her hand got slapped away by a tail.
‘’Don’t touch me‘’ Quaritch hissed, not wanting to be in this place any longer than he had too, but in order to get back to Bridgehead he had to heal up. Alright, maybe he’ll go along with this until he’s ready to move. Infiltrate from the inside. Gain their trust. Then strike when they least expect it.  Yea. Sounds like a plan.
A horn sounded from the outside, the sound travelling around the village and alerting the Metkayina residents. ___stood up quickly and tried to get the man to do the same ‘’come, we must see the Olo’eyktan’’ she slowly walked towards the entrance to the murui and looked back hurriedly ‘’we must not keep him waiting’’
Miles felt alarmed, the Olo’eyktan? Shit he might as well succumb to his injuries now. He was not looking forward to seeing the leader of the clan especially when he is alone, vulnerable and in no position to fight. He stood up though when the woman walked back and tugged his arm, practically dragging him out to where the villagers are situated. 
There was so many of them, men woman and children alike. Some where on those alligator-things like the lady had and some where on those skinny-necked creatures he killed at the other islands he was at.. what where they called.. imu? Iku? Ah well.
As they got to the centre Miles was keenly aware of how exposed his body was, he wasn’t dressed in his gear, but wearing a typical Na’vi loincloth ‘If you could even call these useless piece of strings clothes, they hardly cover my dick’. They then stopped in front of a Metkayina male, as tall as Quaritch stood up to and wore much more flashy garments and was tattooed up the arms, face and stomach. His expression was serious and his grip on his staff tight. Next to him stood a smaller woman, with a shell covering her forehead and a scowl painted on her green face. ‘well they’re happy to see me’. He figured these where the Olo’eyktan and Tsahìk, who else would wear this much jewellery?
___ made the motion with her hands from her forehead, greeting her father and mother in respect ‘’I see you both’’ then nudged the man to do the same, which he did clumsily and with the most horrible pronunciation she has ever heard ‘like a child’ she mused. A few people around her chuckled and his ears downturned ever so slightly in embarrassment, not used to being laughed at.
‘’why are you here demon’’ a voice boomed across the hut where they were situated. Quaritch did not understand a word ‘I should have paid attention to those stupid lessons more’ he grunted, he did enjoy learning from Spider, but with the situation they were in it was hard to focus and take it in properly. ‘’father, if I may, I will speak for him’’ ___ softly spoke, glancing at the man then to her father who nodded. No point talking to someone who cannot understand. 
‘’I was hunting last night when I saw him flying on an ikran, I caught him and saw him wounded. I had to bring him back home, skyperson or not father he needed help, Eywa has spoken’’ the Tsahik hissed at both of them, not liking how her daughter mentioned her great mother, how could she put demon and deity in the same sentence? ‘’why must you care for someone who has killed hundreds of Na’vi, a man in a false body, he has no place with our people’’ she spoke out, despite the fact she healed him just hours ago, she did that for ___, not from the kindness of her heart.
‘’Nätsa, please. Our daughter is Tsakarem, under your guidance she interprets the will of the great mother, she sees and she acts on what needs to be done’’ the Olo’eyktan spoke out, listening well to his first born. ___ nodded in thanks while Nätsa only stood back and raised her chin. 
‘’What is his name’’. The young girl blinked and realised she does not know, after last nights incident she never bothered to ask for one. She didn’t do it on purpose it must’ve left her mind. She turned to the man next to him, ‘’who are you?’’.
Quaritch blinked.
___ sighed and pointed to herself ‘’___ te Nguve Nätsa’ite’’ then she pointed to him. Miles got the hint and cleared his throat ‘’Miles Quaritch’’. Short, straight and to the point. 
‘’Miles Quaritch…’’ the Olo’eyktan tested the foreign name on his tongue slowly and looked to his mate with an eyebrow raised. The Tsahìk in question looked at her husband and softened her face, her daughter was guided by Eywa, there was a reason he is here, she figured if the great mother brought him here then he must live here. She slowly blinked at Zawsak, both silently coming to an agreement together. ‘’He will stay. Daughter, teach him the ways of the water, he is your responsibility, make sure he heals well’’
___ smiled and thanked her parents, while many of the clan disagreed heavily of such a dangerous man in their home, they could not go against their leaders orders, after all how could they disagree with the great mothers will. The woman turned her head to Miles and grabbed his arm, leading him to her marui.
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‘’so…I’m just ‘sposed to sleep here with you? Well shit darlin’ take me out to dinner first’’ the recom smirked and stared at the singular hammock occupying the space. ‘Maybe Sully was right to go after Na’vi woman, they are as feisty as they are gorgeous…’
‘’you will sleep over there, we are to have separate hammocks. I would like for you to live somewhere else but you are my responsibility and therefore under my watch’’ ___ glared, taking notice of the smirk gracing his features and pointing to the opposite side of the room where she is yet to place the other hammock. ‘’It is traditional to sleep with a mate and a family, you are neither’’ she walked over to where he would be sleeping and lifted the scrunched bed from the floor to hang across the poles in her marui. 
‘’’you know I cant understand you, right sweetheart?’’
___ turned when she was finished and understood his confusion, Na’vi expression is easy to read. She pointed to herself then her hammock, ‘’me, sleep there’’ then pointed to him and his hammock ‘’you, sleep there’’. 
___ grinned and nodded clapping at the achievement ‘hopefully the language will be easy to teach’. Miles tail swung, liking the learning. It took him back to the days where he was a cadet, learning drills and new skills for the first time. The thrill and experience was something he’d never forget.
He wondered when he’d be able to learn how to tame one of those reptile-things like ___, in the battle with Jake Sully he saw many adult Metkayina fly them and figured it would be easy to tame, they where called skimwing if he could remember from the scientists, which encouraged him to ask ‘’hey, uh, when would I be able to fly the creature you had? Uhh when..tsruk..bond?’’
The woman tilted her head, only catching the three words, one of which was questionable. ‘Did he mean tsurak? Why would he want to bond with one of those? And so soon’.
‘’you are not ready. Only warriors can tame them. Tsurak are temperamental’’ she emphasised the animals name, hoping he’d catch on they are not called tsruk. Quaritch, only understanding bits and pieces stood in silence to try and form a sentence in return, he hated not being able to communicate properly ‘I feel weak’.
‘’Tsyem! Come lets see sister. I want to see the skyman’’
‘’But mother said we should not…’’ two little boys stumbled through the entry way and panted, seeming to have run all the way to their elder sibling’s murui. 
‘’what are you two doing here? Zaza you know not to push Tsyem around, hes only six’’ ___ picked her younger brother up onto her hip and stared down Zaza, he would make a great hunter one day, if only he would listen well enough to his elders. Quaritch blinked at the boys, recognising them from this morning. 
‘’we wanted to see ‘Mials Quoritx’ we will be safe with you so don’t worry sister!’’ Zaza turned to the blue Na’vi and examined him, taking note of his skinny tail and running up to it giggling and squatting to get a better angle, it was unlike their ones, which where thicker and more sloped to swim better. His also moved funny, it curled and swished more than theirs could and caused Zaza to laugh more.
‘’Hey!’’ The man turned as his tail was tugged and glared at the kid. He had no problem hurting children, he has done such to Jakes’ after all. The boy, Zaza, as he remembered ___ saying ran back to his front to introduce himself. 
‘’I am Zaza te Nguve Zawsak’itan and that is my little brother Tsyem te Nguve Zawsak’itan’’ he pointed to himself then to Tsyem. Then pointed to Miles ‘’you are Mials Quoritx’’.
The man blinked, at least he understood all that. ‘Crazy long ass names they have..’ he thought. But he couldn’t help but be agitated at how his was said ‘’it’s ‘Miles Quaritch’ kid. Miles’’ he emphasised until the boy got it right. It shouldn’t be hard after all.
___ put a hand to Tsyem’s head and spoke in a warning tone, noticing Mile’s angry swishing tail ‘’Zaza do not agitate the skyperson’’ Zaza glowered and walked over to his sister to hold her leg, he may be Na’vi but he is much smaller than her and has much to grow for the future. ‘’come Miles I will teach you the way of water’’.
And with that she beckoned him out of the murui and towards the shoreline ‘hopefully I haven’t made a mistake’ they both thought.
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imeanwhynotbruv · 1 year
If Paz Socorro Lived.
What if Paz Socorro had had a chance to raise her son?
<<idk if I’m gonna do anything with this, but if I do then this is like a first draft / basic idea>>
What if when the war broke out Paz decided to go awol. Not wanting to fight and die leaving her son alone, but not wanting to go against the people she’s come to know as her friends? As her family?
So she loaded her ship, made sure it was ready and decked out, but what if she’d added supplies? Human safe foods and a few research books, bio scanners,basic survival supplies, blankets and batteries but most importantly…her precious little stowaway. Hidden in one of the boxes used to transport plants from earth that needed oxygen to survive.
She loaded up like everyone else, flew toward to the floating mountains like everyone else. Only she hung back, further from the front lines than she’d ever been before.
When the fighting was in full swing she saw her chance. Using the cover of fire and banshee attacks she pulled back, away from the battle, manoeuvring between everything as quickly as she could. No one noticed. Too much was going on to focus on every single little ship.
No one but Quaritch that is.
Quaritch had seen her pull back. Part of him had been relived to see her making her break. He knew he should have been pissed, knew he should’ve have shot her down for deserting.
But that there was one of the best people he’d ever had the pleasure of knowing. That was mother of his little boy.
So he’d let her leave, hell he provided cover until he lost sight of her behind the floating mountains.
Later, as the Pandora air choked his lungs, as Neytiri’s arrows burned in his chest and his life was nearing its end. He couldn’t help but be relived that he’d at least see Paz escape, at least someone would be there to watch little Miles grow up.
Paz flew her ship towards where Trudy had told her one of the old bunkers were (like the ones they’d used in the first movie) that had been left by some of the scientists, hidden away by the trees.
As she was drawing closer, she was attacked. One of the Na’vi spotted her, attacking the ship until it fell from the sky. The only thing that saved them was the thick vines hanging between the trees, catching them before they could hit the ground.
The glass had been cracked by an arrow that landed and inch away from Paz, sparing her life until enough of the poisonous air could filter through.
Once the fog cleared from her mind Paz jumped into action. Barely remembering to secure and Exopack to her face as she rushed to check on her little boy.
The container had held steady, not a single crack, her little boy still sleeping soundly inside.
“Oh thank god” Paz sighed as she draped her body over the box, catching her breath and allowing her mind to realise she was in fact still alive. That miles was still alive.
Paz eventually managed to force the door open. The distance between the ground and her ship would be a deadly drop. She’d have to figure out how to get both her and her littler boy down safely. Then they’d have to try their luck on the forest floor……trying not to get eaten…….while they look for a bunker……..that may or may not still be intact…great.
Basic idea:
Paz survives and escapes with spider
Her ship crashes after being attacked
She raises her son hiding from the Na’vi and humans a like
Spider gets a parent that really loves him and helps he develop as well as she can while keeping him safe
Spider also can’t go outside since the scientists never would have needed to make him a mask
Spider eventually meets one of the sully kids while Paz is away
A friendship forms but the parents all just assume it’s imaginary friends for a while
The parents meet
Lil spider gets and mask and Paz is really happy for him
Movie stuff happened just with a really protective Paz and a mama’s boy Spider
Not my best writing but you get the point.
idk if anyone is interested in this idea but here it is 😅 let me know if it’s worth taking this anywhere or if anyone would like more✨❤️
My asks at open if you want to ask me anything❤️
I hope you enjoyed reading ❤️
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An apple doesn’t fall far from the tree (Paz lives AU)
Summary: the four kids meet up with Spider’s mother as she messes with her long-abandoned scorpion in the depths of “the battlefield”, when an unexpected family-reunion catches them off-guard. (Read these headcannons if you want to get a better feel at Paz as a character.)
Getting grounded from flying for a full month was gonna be a boring experience for sure, but there’ is nothing some exploration in forbidden places can’t fix.
“The battlefield”, where Jake Sully’s final confrontation with Quaritch occurred, was a place that none of the Omatekaya kids were allowed to go to without adult supervision, but are you really disobeying if no one saw you breaking a rule?
“What hell are you doing here?” Came a feminine voice from above and the young group flinched, looking to the tree branches where an old scorpion was trapped in the foliage. A familiar, mask-covered face with curly, brown hair framing it had popped up from one of the broken windows.
“Dammit” Lo’ak cursed under his breath.
“Didn’t your daddy put you on house arrest after that stunt yesterday?” Paz asked, perching on the windowsill of the battered machine, an edge in her voice as she tinkered with something inside.
“Flying arrest” He corrected her. “And since we’re in a presence of a grown-up, we technically did nothing wrong!” He smiled innocently.
Paz rolled her eyes at how quickly the younger Sully weaselled his way out of trouble. “You’re getting way too good at this, I should forbid you from spending so much time around Spider.”
“Awww~” Her son remarked at the subtle compliment.
“Don’t push your luck, Rapunzel, I will call Jake if you wander off way too far. Got it?”
“Yes ma’am!” The kids collectively nodded, before Tuk noticed something in the dirt and crawled away to take a close look.
“Why are you here by the way? I thought you said you’d given up on trying to repair this thing.” the blonde asked.
“Yeah I did, m’just taking whatever I can carry into the new chopper.
“"New"choper?” Kiri wondered, curiously.
“Well, when we steal one, that is.” She smiled excitedly, ripping something that looked like a metal bar from the cockpit.
“And when’s that gonna be? Can we help??” Lo’ak climbed the tree halfway with pleading eyes.
“What? Oh no, no no no, absolutely not! That is a mission for adults only, no ankle-biters allowed.”
“But you’ll be okay, right?” Spider’s brows knitted in concern, making pilot’s expression soften.
“‘Course I will, baby. It ain’t my first rodeo! Plus these suckers don’t know these mountains the way we do. It’ll be easy-“
“Guys!” Tuk called from several bushes away. “Look at this!”
As the trio came closer, they noticed big footprints in the dirt. These looked like they were left by shoes.
“Too big for a human..” Lo’ak muttered.
“An avatar then?” Spider suggested before turning to Paz, who sat obliviously in the tree further away. “Mom! Is someone here with you?”
“No?” She half-yelled back. “Why?” She climbed down, running up to the group.
“Look at these. That must be a Na’vi right?”
“Yeah but…this pattern…these are combat boots. No-one at hell’s gate has a pair this big.”
With great suspicion, Paz grabbed a handgun from her belt and stalked forward, tracking the footprints. The kids exchanged looks before Spider and Lo’ak grabbed their bows and went after her.
“You two — stand behind me. Kiri and Tuk — stay here.” The woman commanded with a low voice and the four nodded.
It took a two minute walk for the trio to catch up with whoever made up these strange marks in the soul and upon catching a glimpse of the blue-skinned group near the shack, Paz flinched away as if burned. She had been here only a couple of times, but knew the place by heart. “Fuck.” She whispered.
“Bro…isn’t that the place where your dad and my dad…fought?” Spider looked at Lo’ak.
“Damn right.” The pilot answered his question. “Avatars in camo cannot be a good sign, we gotta get outta here asap and alert the clan. Lo’ak, call Jake.”
“What? But-“
“Now.” Paz growled, as now wasn’t the time to worry about getting in trouble with one’s parents.
With an exasperated sigh, the teen pressed buttons on his choker and contacted the rest of his family. Paz leaned in to explain the situation and as Jake promised to reach them soon, they headed back.
“C’mon kids move your buns, we gotta get the girls.” She kept encouraging as they moved almost silently through the flora until reaching the clearing where they have left the pair and finding it empty.
“What the…”
Suddenly, avatars were on them, catching Spider and Lo’ak off-guard as they were quickly seized. Paz got lucky thanks to the military reflexes and dodged several of the soldiers, raising her gun but missing a prefect head-shot by just a couple inches before she too got grabbed from behind by her hair and pulled back violently.
Two more avatars emerged from the overgrowth with Kiri and Tuk, tied up and with their mouths gagged, and soon the group heard heavy footsteps coming their direction.
Spider thrashed towards his mother, hissing at the blue demons. “Get away from her!!”
“I’m fine honey.” She assured him, hiding her own panic. “Kids, calm down!”
The rest of the avatar squad had finally reached them, and Paz’s stomach dropped through the earth as her skin paled. The tallest one of them all, with an all too familiar eagle tattoo on his bicep and an evil sneer could be none other than…
Miles Quaritch.
“Mom?” The blonde caught her terrified expression seconds before she hid it with a scowl.
“What have we here~?“ The man sung and whatever doubts Socorro had, disappeared. This Na’vi was considerably younger, but without a doubt her ex-lover.
How was this even possible? He couldn’t be alive, his remains were still in the exo-suit.
“Paz..?..” Her name out of his lips had dragged the woman out of her thoughts as she looked at the avatar in front of her, his ears pinned back and tail hanging limp at the sight of her. The kids exchanged looks in concern. “Shit. I thought the savages had killed you.”
“I grew a pair last second and switched sides.” She spat, holding eye-contact. “Leaving my son orphaned for the sake of a shiny rock didn’t sit right with me, believe it or not.”
At the mention of their child, a flash of realisation went through Miles’s eyes and he turned to the teen held next to him. “Miles…?..”
“Spider. My name is Spider.” He retorted with a cold tone.
Taking a minute longer than strictly necessary to look at the boy, the colonel stood, recovering from shock. “Well isn’t that a great catch~ three kittens and two wildlings” He grinned, revealing canine teeth and the human kid shuddered, looking at his mother once more as Quaritch drank in the similarities between the two.
Both Paz and Spider had these brows that made them look positively dangerous when they furrowed them and both had long, slightly unkept hair, although the blonde’s mane was much curlier, courtesy of dad’s genes. “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree huh” He then took a look at their clothes, clearly Na’vi inspired and decorated with home-made jewellery.
Whatever was going on here, whatever demonic spell the RDA had pulled to bring these soldiers back to life in new bodies, they were in deep shit.
Jake couldn’t come soon enough.
Author’s notes: had a spontaneous idea and write a quick drabble. Hope y’all liked it
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newsworld-nw · 8 months
More than 50,000 Cubans have come to the United States on humanitarian parole so far this year
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On the morning of September 22, Delvis Alejandro Paz, 23, boarded an American Airways flight from Havana Airport and landed at Miami Worldwide Airport in simply 40 minutes. Just a few days later, he shared a photograph of his first haircut within the US on Fb and left a message for many who hope to learn like him. Parole Humanitarian help for Cubans: "Folks, do not be discouraged," he wrote. "I want you all good luck and will you attain this nice nation."this week, United States Customs and Border Safety (CBP) introduced {that a} complete of 52,053 Cubans had been legally licensed to journey to the nation Parole Humanitarian applications launched by the Biden administration in January to cease unlawful immigration alongside the southern border with Mexico. Fleeing the financial disaster affecting Cuba, greater than 300,000 Cubans have come to america up to now two years, surpassing the earlier nice exodus in historical past because the triumph of the Cuban Revolution: Mariel, in 1980 (125,000), Crises de los Balceros, in 1994 (34,000) and Boca di Camarioca in 1965 (about 5,000).
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Delvis Alejandro Paz after arriving at Miami airport on September 22.obscenityTo date, 50,185 Cubans have come to america who've benefited from this system, which can also be accessible to residents of Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela. In keeping with CBP statistics, greater than 240,000 folks of those 4 nationalities benefited by the tip of September 2023. Cuba was third behind Haiti (96,445) and Venezuela (73,092) and forward of Nicaragua (44,298). )its necessity ParoleThis system, which gives 30,000 visas monthly to residents of the 4 international locations talked about above, permits them authorized entry to america with the potential for acquiring a piece allow, so long as they've a sponsor who can financially shield them on the territory of america. whereas doing so Type I-134Aand meet the necessities for authorized entry into the territory.Though he Parole Whereas the humanitarian meant for a lot of Cubans a possibility to keep away from the harmful and intensely costly journey by means of Central America, or an alternative choice to crossing the Florida Straits on rustic rafts, it has additionally had its critics from the beginning. Amongst different issues, the mismanagement and delays of the processes are blamed, or the separation that many households have suffered and that contain minors.Cuban Kenya Napoles Martinez, 39, arrived in Miami on Sept. 29 after an extended wait and concern of not figuring out when she would see her husband once more. On March 30, 4 family members benefited Parole Her eight-month-old daughter, although humane, was neglected. After a number of days of not figuring out what to do, they resolve to go to america for her husband, whereas he stays in Cuba to deal with the lady.Happily, Martinez was in a position to go away the nation together with her daughter after simply over six months, however there are nonetheless many households who are suffering separation on account of failures within the course of carried out by america Citizenship and Immigration Companies (USCIS). "This system has been a blessing to so many households, even mine, who had no different technique to come right here," stated Napoles, who now lives in Miami Gardens, South Florida. "However this problem of household separation is a crack in this system that should be addressed."Eunice Nova, 40, was in the identical state of affairs for seven months. After her software was accepted in February, she needed to await her 11-year-old daughter, who was not confirmed till Might. He now lives in Orlando, Central Florida, and regardless of months of uncertainty in Cuba, he's grateful for this system. "I might solely come if I crossed the border," she says. "Reuniting with my husband and my son who had been right here has been a balm, a peace of thoughts in our lives."For his half, Nationwide Safety Undersecretary Blas Nunez-Neto advised native media America TeVé For which america will reply to all requests Parole And requested candidates to be affected person within the face of excessive demand and the quantity of functions they obtain month after month.Whereas U.S. authorities didn't specify of their new report what number of requests they've obtained to this point, they stated final Might that by the tip of April that they had obtained greater than 1.5 million requests from these 4 international locations, and much more from Cuba. Greater than 380,000 requests, in response to Chain Knowledge CBS.he Parole It was not accepted by twenty Republican states of america, who filed a lawsuit in opposition to the Biden administration to get rid of it, since they complain, "It breaks the regulation, does not likely reply to humanitarian causes and doesn't promote any important public profit." " Nonetheless, the course of this system remains to be unsure.Till now, it continues to be a aid for a lot of Cubans and a authorized technique of emigration along with others accessible to the island's residents, comparable to immigrant visas, which require claims by members of the family in america, and household reunification applications. (CRFP), which since 2007 permits eligible US residents and lawful everlasting residents to use for entry permits for his or her members of the family to Cuba.Comply with all worldwide data Fb And Xor between Our weekly publication. #Cubans #United #States #humanitarian #parole #yr Read the full article
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(This one goes out to the lovely @mountevey​ for the superkind words and the inspiration needed to chew on the idea of trying to repair the friendship that once existed between Davarax and Dez. As I said, Dez is a nightmare to handle and this was as close as I could get them xD Also, huzzah for the return of Ort’s favourite Trooper! )
Dez is not happy. He is not happy at all.
It’s been no more than five weeks since he, Neleem and Liita left to return to the Covert and yet here Dez is back again in the company of the wonder that is Davarax and has to watch Paz, his son, stare at the man with open affection and adoration as they wander around in this busy marked place.
Why is he back? Well… Dulcy had sent a holo, inviting them to visit for Paz’ Life Day, and Dez had accepted. Why did he accept? Well...
Just as he had feared, his fellow Vizlas and his other followers had been both perplexed and not overly pleased with the fact that Dez’ self-imposed solitude had been ended by an Outsider with no fighting skills, just like Davarax, and that he had brought two strangers into their home.
Ever since Paz had left with Beskar Boy and the Blonde Busybody over two years ago, Dez has been struggling with headaches and nausea and the weeks of knocking into clan heads that they were to treat Liita and Neleem with respect had certainly intensified that. Liita seemed unfazed by the chilled welcome, bless her, but Dez had been torn between his clan constantly bickering amongst themselves over every little thing and worrying that Neleem was utterly miserable in her new surroundings.
(He keeps expecting to find her gone one day with nothing but a brief message left behind for him.) 
So he had accepted the invite to give himself a break and Neleem some daylight.
After a brief moment of thinking that maybe he’d done the right thing by coming back during the surprisingly warm welcome, Dez’ delight had been quickly shattered by Dulcy sending him, Paz and, for some evil reason, Beskar Boy to fetch some stuff for Paz’ Life Day from the marked place in this town.
So, yeah, here he is, walking behind his son and his great hero in a crowded place, and Dez is NOT happy. He should have sent Neleem and stayed behind in the Covert, where he could have searched for some curse to give Davarax at least three days of seriously upset bowels and a week of bad hair.
Lost in glorious thoughts of Davarax suffering through the aforementioned torture, Dez doesn’t pick up on the threat before it’s almost too late. 
Davarax, distracted by Paz, fails to notice it at all.
Dez bolts forward, grabs the wrist of the massive man about to fire his blaster at Davarax and shoves his arm up so he shoots at the sky instead. His back towards Davarax and Paz prevents him from seeing their reactions, but Dez can almost sense their startled surprise.
The beast of a human strains against Dez’ grip and growls with raw rage. He is dressed in rags but they somehow manage to look strangely wrong to his huge, muscular shape. It’s a bad disguise and the reason why Dez’ subconsciousness probably had taken note of him as he approached Davarax.
Dez snarls back at him and reaches for his own blaster.
From out of nowhere, a figure emerges and this smaller man slams his hand against Dez’ gut.
No. Not his hand.
Dez’ HUD registers the injury half a second before his brain registers the vibroblade that has entered his body. Numbers start running and informs him of the damage already done and being done.
“Sorry.” The attacker says with an almost apologetic smile, all smug charm, keeping the blade in Dez to tear at flesh as it vibrates. "This isn’t about you. We just want the other Mando.”
Dez grunts with pain but refuses to scream. “The only one who gets to hurt that idiot is me. If you want him, you’re going to have to kill me first.” He throws in an obnoxious scoff. “And do you really think a puny blade is enough to bring down Dez Vizla?”
The man’s smile widens a bit and he clicks his tongue with an air of regret. “Like I said, this isn’t about you, but if you insist on being difficult; Dominic’s blade will most certainly rip you apart.” He winks at Dez. “I’m Dominic, by the way. And I’m not here alone.”
Behind Dominic and the giant of a man, more people step forward and about seven souls in rags take up position there. And that is when Dez gets a proper glimpse of what they are wearing underneath the disguises; Death Trooper armour. The crowd around them scatter for safety.
“You see, our former boss, who we all really liked, had a beef with your friend and, well, unfortunately our boss lost. However, the bounty he put on that Mando’s head is still valid.” Dominic grins. “Tell you what, step aside and we’ll share it with you. How about it? Yes?”
“No.” Dez breaks the goon’s wrist.
“Too bad.” Dominic says and yanks the blade out only to slam it back in again.
Dez lets go of the howling beast and delivers a hard kov’nyn to Dominic’s face, making him collapse and pull the blade along with him. Drawing his blaster and activating every weapon his HUD has access to, Dez prepares to fight every single one of these stupid Death Troopers who are foolish enough to challenge Dez Vizla. His bleeding is bad and the pain will slow him down so he won’t have too much time but he will take as many as possible with him into the grave.
The Death Troopers draw their weapons as well, yet the first shot fired comes from behind Dez.
Of course, Dez grits his teeth, Beskar Boy had to get the first kill.
Davarax’ blaster is hovering right next to Dez’ helmet and is fired again as Davarax brings down his second target before Dez finally snaps out of it and starts attacking as well.
The Death Troopers charges at them.
Like most battles, everything becomes a chaotic mess. Dez takes down his fair share of enemies, yet can’t help but registering that Davarax’ skill has not lessened over the years. He finds comfort in seeing his son keeping up with his hero at least. Himself, well, Dez isn’t doing too good. His HUD informs him that his blood loss is reaching worrying levels and the pain is making his vision blurry.
Dez isn’t even aware of his knees giving in or dropping to the ground before he hears Paz’ call out his name.
At some point, as Davarax finishes off the last Death Trooper, Paz carefully removes Dez’ helmet and stares anxiously at him for a second before shifting his focus to the wounds and trying to stop the bleeding.
Dez reaches out and takes a hold of Paz’ arm. “Hey…”
Paz looks up at him, pale and clearly worried. “I have to stop this bleeding or-”
“I told you…” Dez coughs and is a little surprised at the blood suddenly flooding his mouth to trail down his chin but decides to ignore it. “I told you I’d make you proud of me.”
This is not the heroic death Dez had pictured for himself, but that’s okay. It’s better that Davarax lives. He actually knows how to care properly for Paz. His other kids would mourn Davarax too.  And Neleem deserves better than to be stuck underground with someone like Dez Vizla.
Hell, Dez thinks as darkness creeps in on him and the pain begins to fade, even his clan will now be able to find someone capable of leading them to glory once he’s out of the picture.
This is okay.
This is not okay.
Dez grunts as his darkness is pierced by pain. A lot of pain. His entire gut feels like it is filled with shards from shattered glass. And he’s horribly nauseous. Again.
Forcing his eyes open, too angry to sleep any more, Dez finds himself without a helmet and staring at a colourless roof. It doesn’t take long before he concludes he’s on some make-shift bed inside the Razor Crest, on the floor in the kriffing cargo hold. Nice. Perfect. Just perfect.
He decides to sit up, but the moment he tries to move the pain intensifies and he gives up with a soft groan of agony. No way. He’s not getting up. Reaching with a trembling hand, he finds that his breastplate is gone, along with his underarmour and shirt, replaced by a huge bacta bandage.
Dez lets his hand sink down by his side again and swallows against the urge to throw up.
Dank farrik.
“You’re awake.” Paz’ voice comes from nearby and soon there are eager steps that brings his son over to kneel down next to him. “How are you feeling?”
“How do you think?” Dez mutters. He swallows again and looks over at Paz, sees him far too happy to find him alive than what is suitable for a Mandalorian. “Are you and Davarax okay?”
Paz nods. “Yeah.” He glances towards the ladder to the cockpit where his big hero is probably hiding before focusing on Dez again. “You saved his life.”
“He’s a moron, but he’s a Mandalorian.” Dez grouses. “We look after each other.”
“You nearly died.” Paz states in a faint whisper.
A part of Dez is pleased to hear his son doesn’t sound keen on that scenario, at least he still cares whether his father lives or not, but a bigger part can’t help but to wonder if his son wouldn’t have mourned a lot more if Davarax had been the one to die. “The way I’m feeling right now, I’m almost tempted to die. It would be a relief.”
To Dez’ utter surprise, those words brings a flash of genuine hurt in Paz’ eyes.
And the even bigger surprise comes when he feels his son’s hand tentatively take a hold of Dez’ lower arm.
“Don’t die.” Paz pleads in a whisper.
For the first time in his life, Dez finds himself lost for words. He’s just staring. Oh, how he wishes he was wearing his helmet. He probably looks like an idiot.
“I really thought you were going to die and…” Paz’ voice trembles a little. “Please don’t die, buir.”
Dez flinches. He actually flinches.
He hasn’t heard Paz call him that since his son was a child and still loved his father. Forget about being stabbed, this HURTS. He never thought he’d hear Paz call him that ever again. It’s… He’s... A massive tsunami of emotions rushes towards Dez’ heart and to his horror he feels his eyes starting to burn.
Clenching his jaw hard, Dez yanks his arm free and growls: “Get out.”
Paz blinks, startled. “What…?”
Increasingly agitated as he feels his jaw, possibly soon his lips, starting to tremble, Dez adds more force to his words. Anger is always nearby and easy to latch on to. “You heard me. Get. Out.”
Pale and visibly upset, Paz gets up, hesitates, then turns away and heads up the ladder to hide in the cockpit with his hero probably.
Once the door closes behind his son, only then does Dez exhale and he ignores the pain as he quickly lifts his arm over to hide his face to the inside of his elbow. A violent shudder goes through his entire body as he refuses to cry. He refuses! Dez Vizla is a warrior. He’s no coward and no weakling. He doesn’t cry. He never cries. And yet…
Davarax hears the door open behind him in the pilot seat. “He awake?”
“Uh huh.” Paz replies in a too light tone.
Instantly suspicious, Davarax turns to look at him. What he sees feels like a kick to the gut.
Paz looks shaken and beyond sad. His broad shoulders are hunched and his face is pale.
Damn that Dez Vizla! This is the final time Davarax will let him hurt Paz like this. Enough!
Davarax gets up from his seat in a movement so sharp it makes Paz back up a step and he has to force himself a little calmer so not to scare him further. “Take a seat, Paz. I just want a word with your father.”
Paz swallows. “I don’t think… that’s a good idea. He’s not… happy.”
“When is he ever?” Davarax sighs, stepping over to guide Paz over to one of the passenger seats. “Sit. Relax. I’m just going to talk to him. We’ll be back at the house within thirty minutes, so don’t worry.”
Paz nods, still clearly worried. “Are you sure you don’t want to just stay here and let Neleem deal with him when we get back?”
Davarax huffs a laugh. “I can handle Dez. You just stay here and I’ll be right back.” He ruffles Paz’ hair until the youngster pulls away with a faint grin and fends him off with his own hands.
The smile on Davarax’ face lasts until he steps through the door and Paz can’t see him. That is when he lets the anger back in.
Davarax drops down, doesn’t bother with the ladder, and lands with a heavy thump that echoes through the cargo hold where Dez Vizla is lying like he’s the Mandalor of the ship. He stomps towards the idiot, brimming with countless angry words he’s stored up over the decades, and Dez hiding behind his arm isn’t going to stop him.
“I want a word with you.” Davarax states, coming to a hovering halt next to him. “Now.”
“Go away.” Is the muffled order he gets in return.
“No.” Davarax fires back, equally stubborn. “Look at me. You are going to listen to what I have to say and you are going to look at me.”
“I will punch you in the face.” Dez threatens.
“You can’t reach from down there.” Davarax points out, unfazed. “But I will kick you right in that bleeding belly of yours if you don’t face me like a true Mandalorian.”
That works, like Davarax knew it would. Dez’ pride in being a Mandalorian is his weak spot.
Dez yanks his arm down and glares at him with furious eyes. Eyes shining with tears.
Davarax blinks. Oh. Wow. What the…? He clears his throat, not sure whether to run away or go through with the lecture he’d meant to give him. “I, uh…”
“What?” Dez snarls, teeth bared and all anger. He would have been flying at Davarax with fist first if he’d been able to in that moment.
Davarax decides that now is not the time for a lecture. Sighing, he eases himself down to sit next to him. “Are you okay?” Personally he had bawled like a crazy person when Nemi was born and had wept when he’d lost friends, but Davarax has never once seen tears in Dez’ eyes before, not even as a child, only anger. He didn’t think the man was capable of crying.
“I got stabbed saving your ungrateful ass. Of course I’m not okay.” Dez spits. “Are we done?” He turns his face away.
“I meant…” Davarax struggles to find a way of putting it that won’t have Dez explode and also reveal to him what had just happened with Paz. “You, uh, seem upset. What’s wrong?”
“Why do you care?” Dez mutters.
An excellent question. Davarax shrugs. “Because we were friends once…?”
Still turned away from him, Dez scoffs with sour amusement. “That was a long time ago.” He discretely wipes at his eyes. “Go away. Go hang out with my son.”
It’s no shock that the man is set on being difficult. Dez Vizla always is. Especially when Paz is involved. But now that the door to the past has been opened, Davarax abruptly decides to say something that has been bothering him for decades. “Just, for the record, I didn’t lie when I said I didn’t steal your stuff back then. I didn’t break those things or put bugs in your water or-”
“I know.” Dez cuts him off, sounding more tired than anything else.
Davarax is once again struck by surprise. “What do you mean you know?”
“It was Pre.” Dez mumbles, continuing to look away. “He never liked me having any friends other than him and Cedia. I figured it out eventually and he didn’t even bother denying it.”
Jaw dropping for a moment, Davarax pulls himself together and feels another flash of anger at the idiot in front of him. “You knew. You knew all these years and you never told me?”
“What would be the point?”
Huffing and puffing his frustration, Davarax waves a hand. “Oh, I don’t know, to apologize?”
“Again, what would be the point?” Dez mutters.
Hardly believing his own ears, Davarax leans forward a little. “So I could forgive you, you massive nerf-turd!”
The laughter that slips from Dez’ lips is not a nice one, but this finally makes him look back over at him again. The tears are gone but they have left his eyes a little red and puffy. “Are you actually telling me you would have forgiven me?”
“Yes!” Davarax blurts out, marvelling at how a grown man could be this stupid. “Of course I would have, if you had apologized. I mean, you would have forgiven me if it was the other way around, right?”
“No.” Dez doesn’t hesitate and his flat voice tells the truth. “If you had done what I did, I wouldn’t have forgiven you. I never would have trusted you again. Like you shouldn’t, you soft-hearted moron. You’re going to have to do better if you’re going to look after my son. I can’t have you dying on him, understand? It would break him. So take your forgiveness, shove it up your ass and do better.”
Davarax wonders how different things could have been if only Dez wasn’t so messed up and stubborn. “I’ll tell you a secret.” Davarax offers with a faint smile. “When we were kids, you were my big hero. My biggest wish was to be your friend.”
This time Dez is the one to blink with startled surprise.
“Yeah…” Davarax confirms with a huff of a laugh and he has to force himself to focus on the present again. He sits up a little straighter. “Now, tell me, what happened with you and Paz?”
Dez tenses up and his gaze then flicks away from his. “I said something stupid.”
Like always. Davarax sigh. “What did you say?”
No response. Again, no shocker.
Davarax nods, knowing there is no way he can get Dez to talk if he doesn’t want to. Listen, yes. Talk, no. “Well, this time you ‘are’ going to apologize. To Paz. Understand?”
Dez turns his face away again but he does nod.
Returning to the cockpit, he reassures Paz that his father was just being an idiot again and it was not his fault, but amidst it all, Davarax finds that he can’t, for some weird reason, forget those tears…
That will have to be good enough for now and he will hold Dez to that apology. Davarax gets up. “Oh, and thanks for saving my butt back there.”
Dez grunts.
Davarax’ parents had raised him to become a useful tool for his sister to use. What had Borr Vizla taught Dez to make him this closed off to everyone, even his own son?
Dez’ behaviour over the years had made Davarax think the guy had the emotional range of Beskar, but he’s starting to realize that Dez might just be really, really good at hiding whatever he’s feeling, physically and emotionally. He reminds him a bit of Din on a bad day, in a weird way.
They make it back to the others.
“Did you know he was sick?” Neleem demands to know after she steps out of the room where Dez is recovering and into the hallway where Davarax and Dulcy are waiting. “I didn’t know, he never told me, did he tell you?”
Davarax shakes his head, as surprised as she sounds angry. He looks over at Dulcy by his side and she gives him a wide-eyed shake of her head as well. Turning back to Neleem, Davarax has to ask; “Sick how?” Dez had seemed fine to him. As ornery as ever, before and after he got stabbed.
“The medical scanner showed he was bleeding inside even before that horrible man stabbed him. His stomach is a mess and his blood pressure is way, way too high.” Neleem sighs and rubs her eyes. “He must have known something was wrong. His HUD would have told him.”
“Yeah…” Davarax does not doubt that for a second. Dez knew and said nothing. Because, again, the man is an idiot. Too proud to admit what he’d see as weakness. “Don’t tell Paz. Not yet.”
Dulcy frowns. “It’s his father. He has the right to know.”
“He’ll worry until his belly bleeds too.” Davarax says, then gestures for calm from both Dulcy and Neleem, who are clearly not on board with this idea. “If it turns serious, I’ll tell him myself. For now, let’s not. He’s upset enough as it is about Dez getting injured at the marked and tomorrow is his Life Day. Let him have that.”
Dulcy reluctantly nods and after half a second, Neleem does too.
“I’ll talk to Dez.” Davarax sighs and heads into the room. “I have an idea.”
Dez is lying on his back on the bed, the bacta bandage on his stomach has a couple of small red spots where blood has seeped through, yet a quick bodyscan shows tolerable results on Davarax’ HUD. The man will live. Good. Davarax takes off his helmet and walks over to stand by the bed.
Dez slowly opens his eyes, sees it is him, groans annoyed and closes them again.
“You’re sick.” Davarax states.
“You’re ugly.” Dez counters right away.
“I’m gorgeous.” Davarax corrects him before moving on. “And you knew you were sick. Why didn’t you tell us?”
“Because it’s none of your business.” Dez tries to shift over on his side to turn his back on him but gives up with a groan of pain. “Leave me alone.”
“I’m making it my business.” Davarax declares, crossing his arms. His students were all troubled and difficult souls, but he managed to get through to them, didn’t he? Surely Dez Vizla couldn’t be that much harder to reach? The guy worries so much about his son and his clan that he burns a hole in his belly? That makes him worth trying to save in Davarax’ eyes. “You and me, Dez, we’re going to be friends again.”
Dez scowls with all of his considerable might. “No. We are not.”
Davarax gives him a big, smug grin. “Oh yes, we are.”
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vanishedangels · 2 years
Clan of Warriors
Click here for First chapter
Summary: While rebuilding Mandalore, Mand'alor Din Djarin is questioned by his people because of his beliefs and origins. In the dawn of a civil war, the council resolves that The Mand'alor must join in marriage with someone close to Bo-Katan Kryze. He's forced to marry Koska Reeves and accept a loveless union. In the meantime, Din is having a secret relationship with his son's Master, Jedi Luke Skywalker, his dream of having his own clan of warriors is about to fade away.
Pairing: Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker
Characters: Din Djarin, Luke Skywalker, Grogu, Leia Organa, Cara Dune, Koska Reeves, Bo-Katan Kryze, Axe Woves. OC. Peli Motto. Fennec Shand. Boba Fett, Paz Vizsla. Owen Lars. Beru Whitesun, Han Solo, Chewbacca, Wedge Antilles.
Rating: Explicit (+18)
Warnings: Canon Typical Violence. Explicit Smut.
Tags: Canon Compliant, Post Season 2 Finale, Mutual Pining, Slow Burn, Friends To Lovers, Fluff, Angst, Demisexual Din Djarin, Top Luke Skywalker, Bottom Din Djarin, Top Din Djarin, Bottom Luke Skywalker, Protective Din Djarin, BAMF Luke Skywalker, Adorable Baby Yoda, Sassy Leia Organa, Gai Bal Manda, Blindfolds, Sub Din Undertones, Fantasies, Jealous Luke, Keldabe Kiss, Hand Jobs, Oral Sex, Praising, Frottage, Jealous Din.
Chapters: 22/?
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Chapter 22: Glumness
Din looked around "They want you to take the throne... If you're so pleased with my negotiation skills, then why don't you just persuade them to accept that I'm the right man to rule them?"
"It's not like that, they're radicals, they hate the idea of a child of the watch and Jedi lover to be their leader..."
Din flinched the moment he heard her saying Jedi lover. "What? Jedi lov...?" He choked on his words.
Din was walking down the Mudhorn's ramp, astonished staring at the two lines of mandalorians assembling, making a human corridor in order to protect him while he was entering the building. He kept walking looking at both sides, the mandalorians bowed their heads in respectful recognition.
"Welcome Mand'alor!" Paz was standing by the main door raising his arms waiting for Din to meet him.
"What the kriff is this?" Din asked him.
"I missed you too, Vod." Paz gave him a hug, Din looked back at the mandalorians behind him. "They're the royal guard. They're your men from now on." Din rested his hands on his hips. He snorted with laughter, only if Boba had accepted his offer, what an incredible royal guard he would have made.
They walked embracing each other as the brothers they were, Din didn't realize how much he missed his friend.
"Shrune is off planet, vod."
"I was expecting to talk to him." Din stopped walking. "Where the kriff is he?"
"You wouldn't believe this, but he left to Coruscant yesterday."
"You did good, Djarin. The Senate asked to meet our chancellor, you really made it, man. The Core Words are impressed by you, they love you, I bet they even want to fuck you too." Paz was laughing punching his right pauldron. Din sighed. "But, seriously, the council is so pleased. This is big, vod."
"And the other thing? The protesters?" Din asked.
"Ugh, okay. They are night owls sympathizers, they even formed a political party organization, they named a representative."
"So this is about Bo-Katan, she's the leader of the night owls. Where is she?"
"I can send her to your room." Paz offered, Din agreed.
When he found himself in his living room he stared at the comfy couch were Luke was sleeping with Grogu in his arms a week and a half ago. He caressed the fabric, his stomach clenched at the feeling of emptiness. He was missing his boys.
Bo-Katan knocked the door, Din answered. "Welcome home, Mand'alor." Home? Home is on Yavin IV right now, Din thought.
"I was expecting to talk to Shrune, but I guess you're the second best..." Din sat down on the couch still thinking about Grogu and Luke.
"I am." She grinned sitting next to him "Look, I respect you, Djarin. I do. We've had our differences but you're a good man, that's why The New Republic is willing to help us and take us in. I've been asking them for support since way before we've met, and back then they said we were unstable and unpredictable. You made them reconsider our value." She stared into his visor "I admire you."
The kriff was going on? Bo-Katan was sucking up to him? "And, what about that party supporting you as their real and rightful Mand'alor?"
She raised one eyebrow "That..." She breathed in. "Alright, Djarin, you're the one who came here with a Jedi beside you. Maybe you don't realize it, but a lot of people found that disturbing, they felt that like an effrontery."
"They felt? They found? Seems like you talk to them quite often, huh?" Din deadpanned.
"Don't you dare charge me with treason!" She was narrowing her eyes and clenching her jaw. "We did receive their representative. We, the council, not just me..."
Din looked around "They want you to take the throne... If you're so pleased with my negotiation skills, then why don't you just persuade them to accept that I'm the right man to rule them?"
"It's not like that, they're radicals, they hate the idea of a child of the watch and Jedi lover to be their leader..."
Din flinched the moment he heard her saying Jedi lover. "What? Jedi lov...?" He choked on his words.
"You adopted a force-sensitive kid, who's learning the ways of the force to become a Jedi and you befriended a Jedi Master. People are concerned, we needed to prepare your royal guard racing against the clock, we didn't want a Jedi beating the crap out of one of us in front of our headquarters like the last time." She tilted her head as she raised her eyebrows.
Damn Kryze. She was right. Din knew that.
"I can always give you this thing, you know." Din pointed at the darksaber hanging from his belt.
"Nonsense. Just, give me time, we'll keep talking to them. I'll come up with something." She waved one hand staring down.
"Alright. Where's Bo-Katan and what did you do to her?" Din chuckled.
She sighed "You're more helpful than I thought, and believe me, I want the same as you, to unify our people." She stood up. "How's your ad'ika?"
Din looked up to meet her eyes "He's fine." He smiled behind his helmet.
"And the Jedi?"
Din looked down "He's fine too."
"Are you going off planet soon?"
Gods, he wanted to leave Mandalore right away. "That depends."
"Be careful, people are watching you. If you spend more time off than on planet you're asking for trouble." She bowed her head "Goodnight, Mand'alor, I already ordered your dinner."
"Thank you." She closed the door behind her.
Paz came over to his room to have dinner with him.
"I can't believe Bo-Katan told you that. I mean, she's changed since you came back from Coruscant, but she... Kissing your ass? That's mind-blowing, vod!" They laughed. "But, let me try your food for you, maybe she put poison in your soup."
"My soup's fine, Vizsla. Thanks." Din lifted his helmet and took the bowl to his mouth, giving his back to Paz.
When they finished dinner, they were sitting next to each other on the couch again.
"So..." Paz said, resting his big hand on Din's thigh plate.
"So..." Din repeated after him, staring at Paz's hand.
"How's that mesh'la jetii, huh? Did you see him in his underclothes? Please, tell me you did. He's so tiny and perfect, imagine kih jetii riding you for hours till you're crying in pain. Dank farrik! I'm so horny right now!"
Din was staring at him behind his visor. If looks could kill Paz would be dead right there on the spot. He didn't say a word, suddenly Solo's words were running through his head "Everybody wants a piece of Luke." "Things like these are going to happen all the time." Solo was right, he shouldn't take it personal, he understood that Luke was the most interesting man he had ever met, it was natural that men found him alluring. He shrugged "Take it easy, vod. He's Grogu's Master."
"So what? He's hot as kriff! You know what I mean." He laughed and slapped Din's thigh.
Din snorted "Yeah, he's perfect..." He said under his breath.
"Oh! Oh! What was that? My little vod is alive!!!" Paz was holding him now.
"Stop it, Vizsla! Stop." Din was moving his hands to get rid of him.
"Yeah, that kih jetii awoke something in you, huh?"
"Shut up."
"No, you shut up!"
They ended up fistfighting on the ground. Their backs against the floor, both staring at the ceiling. "I take back what I said on Tatooine, you're not getting old." Paz said holding his ribs "Kriff, vod, I missed kicking your ass." He laughed.
"I missed kicking your ass too." Din panted.
That night Din thought about Grogu, he smiled remembering the little green bean eating a red crayon the last day he was on Yavin IV, the way he pulled a face when Din took it from his little hand as he told him to stop eating crap, ad'ika looked so offended.
He kept tossing and turning all night, feeling uneasy and exhausted.
He thought about Luke in his arms, the touch of his skin against his body, his lips on him, the pleasure noises that escaped his delicious mouth when Din was pushing him to the edge. Din was squeezing the pillow beneath his head with one hand and with the other he was taking care of himself, moaning Luke's name with every stroke, closing his eyes, pretending his little Jedi was sitting across from him, with his blue eyes fixed on his hips, telling him to be a good boy, to show him how much he was enjoying himself. Din could imagine Luke sitting on the bench with his back propped up against the wall, legs spreading, caressing his crotch through his pants, groaning "Such a good boy, Din. Don't hold it back. Give me everything baby, I want to hear you." Din let himself go, his hand over his mouth, muffling his desperate scream. He nibbled down his index finger moaning "Luke. Luke..." He turned around burying his face in the pillow cursing in mando'a as his whole body vibrated with pleasure.
His body was resting on that bed on Mandalore. But his heart and soul were on Yavin IV.
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captainkappa · 3 years
Fanfic:: Out of Reach
“Soulmates” has become the equivalent of “love at first sight” across the galaxy. Lock eyes with someone, hold out a bare hand for a greeting, it’s as simple as that. .
But Din doesn’t think about any of that as he stares at the black-robed Jedi in front of him. 
Or "The 5 Times Din and Luke Didn't Touch Skin-to-Skin and the 1 Time They Did'
Day 1 of @dinlukenation‘s Dinluke week! My very first soulmate AU ever!
A HUGE thanks to @notsosweet16 for betaing!
AO3 Link
“Soulmates” has become the equivalent of “love at first sight” across the galaxy. Lock eyes with someone, hold out a bare hand for a greeting, it’s as simple as that. People’s hands are covered in tattoos where they first made contact with their soulmate, romantic or otherwise. Wearing gloves has become something of a statement, limiting your ability to easily find your soulmate.
But Din doesn’t think about any of that as he stares at the black-robed Jedi in front of him. He doesn’t think about soulmates, or his Creed, or anything of the sort. He just thinks about Grogu, how he wants him to see his face clearly before he has to go with his people.
And so, he takes off his helmet, finally able to look at Grogu without the filter of the T-visor.
Din can’t imagine handing Grogu over, can’t imagine physically being responsible for this separation. He sets Grogu on the floor, lets him toddle to safety, something Din could never provide.
He doesn’t remember how he got back on Boba’s ship. His helmet is still off but he has the vague notion that no one saw him.
Not that it matters.
He comes out of the fog when his body cries for it, so he drags himself out of the cot and to the fresher, cognizant enough to be thankful no one else is in this part of the ship.
He takes care of his business and is faced with his reflection in the mirror. He realizes then that he should’ve kept his gaze to the sink, but now that he’s looking, he can’t tear his gaze away.
Puffy, red rimmed eyes meet his, brown curls matted to one side where he’d been laying down, but he can’t pull his eyes away to the small flower tattoo on his cheek. Din doesn’t know a damn thing about flowers, but it’s small and green, with a million little petals surrounding the center.
It’s right where Grogu touched him.
As if he didn’t know already, as if he needed magic ink to tell him what he knew in his heart of hearts from that first moment he held out a finger to the child.
He stays there until his legs burn and the tears come back. He’s glad no one is there to watch him.
Din is slumping in his seat, one of the first things they beat out of foundlings before they earned their armor. Beskar is sacred, it demands a straight spine and discipline when wearing it.
He couldn’t think of a better way to make his displeasure known for this political party Bo-Katan is dragging him to than to slump in his seat on the ride there. Especially in this gold-plated nonsense Bo-Katan pulled out once they’d taken back Sundari. This armor isn’t his, it’s a shell that other Mandos are shoved in, a shell Din never asked for.
Bo-Katan turns around in her seat to face him, a scowl on her face. She almost looks as displeased with the situation as Din does.
“You’re acting like a child,” she says.
“Then fight me.” He holds the darksaber loosely in his hand, dangerously close to dropping it.
“I’m not about to kick a man when he’s already down. Pull yourself together and I’ll challenge you.” She turns back, eyes to the swirl of hyperspace. “We’re nearly there, pull yourself together.”
That’s been the majority of their interactions for the past few months. Bo-Katan refuses to take the saber back unless it’s a fair fight and he can’t bring himself to care. What’s left is a lot of tight silences. While Din still finds that taking back Mandalore is a fool’s errand, he can at least admit that kicking Imp ass feels cathartic.
But the weight in his chest comes back when he takes off his helmet in the borrowed room on the cruiser. Then he feels like he has all the time to consider never putting his helmet on again, leaving him to stare at the reflection, at that small bundle of petals on his cheek.
Din only has four other soulmate tattoos; two from his parents, one from the Armorer, and one from Paz. He’s seen people in the galaxy with thousands, covering their entire bodies. It’s in these moments he decides to keep the helmet on, if only to hold this small part to himself, to keep it as secret as possible.
Today, Bo-Katan needs him as the figurehead for some New Republic party. Din wanted to tune out the plans, but Koska’s infernal tapping prevented that. The whole point of this was to make a strong showing in order to prove that Mandalore was strong enough to not join the New Republic. That political meeting wouldn’t take place for a month, but Din still had to go to this stupid party.
They exit hyperspace to see Chandrilla, a bright spot in the sights. They bring the small vessel to where they’re directed, landing in amongst a hundred other ships with senators of all races disembarking. Din clips the darksaber to his belt and heaves himself up, following after Bo-Katan with Wolves at his back.
He tunes out of the security check, with Kryze firmly stating that “the Mand’alor” would not be without his darksaber. Din wants to shove the offending thing in the security guard’s direction, let it get lost, let the responsibility fall from his shoulders.
But the security guard bends to Kryze’s will and the darksaber remains firmly at his side as they enter the paty, descending a short staircase to the main area.
It’s not as opulent as Din expected, he’s crashed fancier when bringing in bounties. He can hear Bo-Katan whisper to Wolves about how different it would’ve been on Mandalore in its prime, with matching tables and tablecloths, with crystals all of the same matching set. Din tunes out the conversation to look for the quietest place to hunker down and wait for the night to end. The area is entirely open, tall windows letting in light from the setting sun, illuminating where senators mingle and where tables are set up for dinner later.
He continues his scan of the room but stops as his eyes lock with a man across the room, a man with dirty blond hair, wearing all black robes.
Din barely realizes he’s walking until he is face to face with the man.
He can barely keep the fury out of his voice when he asks, “Where’s Grogu?”
The man, who looked calm before, now looks at him with raised eyebrows. “I- You changed your armor.”
That… isn’t the response he had been expecting, but it still doesn’t answer his question.
“You said Grogu would be safe with you. Where is he?”
He steps forward, forcing the Jedi to step back, but he’s not scared like most people are when he does that.
“He is safe! I couldn’t get out of attending so I got Chewie to babysit! I’ll be back as soon as I can. Sometimes I’m forced to come to New Republic meetings, but I have systems in place.” The Jedi looks him dead in the eyes, an impressive feat considering the helmet. “I give you my word that your son is safe.”
The sincerity grips Din to his core and before he can say anything in response, Bo-Katan has finally caught up to him and is dragging him away.
She brings him to an alcove that he’s already decided will be where he spends the rest of the party. She thrusts a finger in his face. He doesn’t flinch.
“I didn’t mind you doing your own thing at this party because I thought you wouldn’t do anything,” she hisses. “I didn’t expect you to yell at the last karking Jedi in the galaxy! Don’t do that again!”
“Whatever you say, princess.”
The look on her face is one of the best things he’s seen recently. He makes a mental note to thank Fett for teaching him that insult.
The rest of the party passes in a blur. Din stays where he is, just watching from the shadows. Sometimes he catches sight of the Jedi, who seems to have made it his mission to talk to everyone. He cuts an imposing figure still, even when not in combat, in all black robes flowing behind him. Dinner is served and Din stays in place, knowing there are ration bars on the ship.
He sees the Jedi laugh at something a woman in white says, his head tilted back, and he looks the most human he has all night. Din turns back to watching the two Nite Owls.
Finally, Bo-Katan signals that the night is over. He leaves his spot and joins them. They’re halfway up the steps when a voice calls out to them.
He turns to find the Jedi, face slightly flushed, a step or so below them.
“Manda’lor, I apologize for how the night started. I wish to make steps in order to make up for that in the future, if you’ll allow it,” he said, holding a gloved hand out.
He could feel the heat of Bo-Katan’s stare on the back of his neck.
“Okay,” he says, shaking his hand.
That’s why he hears the scrape of flimsi against the leather of his gloves. He pulls back his hand, palming the paper to look at later. The Jedi nods and wishes them a safe flight.
It’s only when he’s safe in his room on the cruiser does he look at the paper the Jedi slipped him.
It’s a set of coordinates and a note.
The Jedi school needs to be kept a secret to ensure the safety of the padawans. I’ll be back on the surface in two standard days. I hope this is okay as a first step.
-Luke Skywalker
He leaves for Yavin as soon as he can. Bo-Katan doesn’t question him, just lets him take one of the ships from the cruiser with the promise that he will come back when he’s of right mind to fight her for the darksaber.
It’s the first time they’ve agreed on anything. He leaves the gold-plated beskar in the borrowed room and leaves, feeling more like himself than he has in a while.
As he powers up the hyperdrive, the same phrase burns its way through his skull.
I’m going to see Grogu again.
A restless few hours in hyperspace later, he arrives on Yavin IV in the early morning. He picks up a hail and it’s Skywalker, who leads him through where to land.
He lands near one of the tall structures that poke out of the tree line. The ramp of the ship lowers, but when he sees Grogu, held in the arms of the Jedi, it’s not soon enough. He leaps off the ship, landing in a way that his knees will protest later, but he can’t help himself. His son is there, wiggling out of the Jedi’s grip so he can run up and meet him in the middle.
Din scoops his child up and holds him close, pressing his forehead to his. Grogu babbles nonsense and it’s the most beautiful noise he’s heard.
When his heart stops racing, he looks up and realizes that Skywalker is surrounded by five other kids, a human, a Miraluka, a Wookie, and two Twi’leks.
His gaze finds Luke’s again.
He clears his throat. “Thank you.”
Skywalker gives him an easy smile and says, “Let me show you around.”
He gets the tour of the temple, often interrupted by the curious questions of the children who have latched onto him. At the end, Luke shuffles everyone off to dinner, but holds Din back for a moment, a hand on his elbow, fingers finding the spaces between his armor.
“This isn’t a one-time thing,” Luke says. “You’re welcome back to the school whenever you want. I just ask that you don’t interrupt Grogu’s lessons and you keep the school a secret.”
And with that, Din falls into a routine.
He starts taking bounties again, something Greef is all the more happy for even if he sticks to small ones that won’t take months to bring in. He visits the school at least once a month, circling the planet if need be, to make sure he doesn’t land during lessons. He’s thankful for any time he gets with Grogu, before or after lessons.
It’s in the times in-between where he finds himself surprisingly restless. Luke said to consider himself a guest, but his body itches for action. Yavin is a peaceful planet, so instead of action, he finds projects for himself.
First are the lights in the basement. Then a side door that hesitates a second too long before opening. Luke tries to dissuade him from working, but Din’s stalwart. The next time Din comes for a visit, Luke shows him the list of updates he wanted to do, which he had made when he first moved in, again reassuring Din that he doesn’t need to do anything with it.
Din takes it gladly.
He’s working on the overhead fan in the kitchen - it gets stuck on the highest setting - when Luke’s droid bumps the back of his leg. Luke has introduced it to him, but the name escapes him. He doesn’t find himself recoiling from droids anymore, but he still prefers to put distance between droids and himself and Grogu.
He glances down at the shiny blue and white astromech. “What?”
The droid spins in a circle, beeping loudly.
“What? Do you want a damn cookie?”
The droid spins in a more furious circle and finally, he sees the problem.
“Oh, your wheel is stuck.”
The droid lets out a beep that sounds exasperated, but he can’t be sure.
“Well, why are you telling me? Go tell Skywalker.”
The droid makes a bunch more beeping noises and moves toward the window. Din, at a loss for what else to do, followed. He sees Luke in the courtyard with the padawans. They’re sitting in a circle, legs crossed, eyes closed. Even at this distance, Din can see how peaceful Luke looks, how the lines smooth from his face, lines someone Luke’s age shouldn’t have yet.
He looks down at the droid that’s moving in a semi-circle, back and forth. He thinks it’s trying to look cute.
“Alright. Lemme see it.”
It’s an awkward dance to get the droid to prop up its leg. He imagines Luke must have a space set up for this very thing, but his tools are already here and he’s not about to go poking where Luke hasn’t already told him he could go.
It’s where Luke and the foundlings find him when they come in for lessons, Din hunched over the astromech, quietly bitching back as it beeps in apparent distress.
“I’m almost done!” Din exclaims, holding the last two wires in his hand. “Do you want me to stop here? Your movement would be even more limited.”
“Are you two having fun?” Luke asks, snapping Din out of his reverie.
He turns to face a smirking Luke, glad the helmet hides the warmth inexplicably climbing up his face.
“This thing demanded I fix his leg.” He taps the leg in question, which gets Artoo’s head spinning.
Luke snorts but puts on the same face he gives his students when they’ve done something bad. “That’s not very nice, Artoo, he was just trying to help!”
Artoo shakes its head, which might be an apology? Din can’t tell because then Luke is squatting down in front of him, a hand on Din’s knee for balance.
“If he’s not going to thank you, I will. You didn’t have to.”
And Din realizes he didn’t. It had never occurred to him not to do this for Artoo, for Luke.
“You were busy, and this piece of shit wasn’t letting up.”
That definitely gets him an angry beep from Artoo, but Luke just smiles.
“He’s definitely thankful,” he says with a smile that seems to come easy to him.
Din, not knowing what to say in response, just nods and finishes soldering the last wires in place. With the hatch in place, Artoo straightens up and gives them a turn around the kitchen. He then gives a series of loud beeps as he turns in a tight circle.
“Yes, you look very nice,” Luke says to the droid, who bumps his leg in affirmation. Luke continues, “Well, while I’m here, do you want a tune up, buddy?”
The droid spins his head in an affirmative and Luke chuckles.
“Alright, let’s go down to my workshop.”
Luke takes a couple of steps before turning back.
Din looks up from where he was putting his tools away. “Do… you want me here?”
“Of course! Besides, you know what they say, four hands are better than two.”
“I’ve never heard that before.”
“You’ve never met a besalisk before then.”
Din just shakes his head, an amused smile on his face that he knows Luke can’t see, but he packs up his tools and follows Luke to the workshop, which is easily the messiest place in the temple. Parts are strewn everywhere, there are tables but they merely serve as a means to hold more stuff, but Luke walks in like it’s home, throwing his robe over a chair, shoulders relaxing with the movement.
Artoo wheels over to a spot against the wall, and Din quickly realizes the platform elevates for better access on the droid. The tools float over and with a jerk of Luke’s head, he beckons Din over.
He settles in on the other side of Artoo, wordlessly putting his tools with Luke’s between them. He lets Luke open the main access panel and already, the astromech is beeping up a storm.
“What’s he saying?”
Luke doesn’t look up from his work, pulling out the necessary parts and handing some over to Din.
“Artoo is bitching about the last time I did this for him. No, it was not on Hoth.” He lightly smacks the droid’s recently fixed leg.
Din can’t help the way his head tilts. “Why would you ever go to Hoth?”
“It was a Rebel base for a while.”
And Luke launches into a story about the initial days at that base, jumping into the snow just to jump in the hot springs. That turns into his story taking down an AT-AT by himself. He can tell Luke is skipping over parts based on when he pauses, but Din doesn’t mind the censorship. Din even finds himself recounting the events of Sorgan. He finds himself startlingly content like this, passing tools to one another, swapping stories, a mouthy droid between them.
Din can’t find Luke anywhere, but he’s not about to panic just yet.
The last time he has seen Luke was when they were trading off kids. Since the list of repairs has gotten shorter and shorter, he helps with the children. Luke has never asked for his help, but the grateful look is evident to Din when he arrives to take the foundlings off his hands. Din is in charge of the kids after lessons, giving Luke the break he desperately needs before dinner.  On some days, Din has to leave a heated plate outside of Luke’s door, the Jedi already passed out from a long day.
And so, with Artoo on reluctant-babysitter duty, Din wanders the halls of the temple, checking in all the usual places; the workshop, the study, the meditation room, and the man’s personal room.
It’s only when he walks outside the temple and looks up does he find Luke, a dark spot on the levels of the temple. He didn’t even know there was a way to get onto them.
So, he powers on his jetpack and takes a short flight up. Luke glances at him for a moment before he looks back to the horizon. Din swallows, noticing how the robe falls off his shoulder, revealing a brown tunic, the collar being pulled down with the weight of the robe, revealing freckled skin.
“You missed dinner,” he says, by way of greeting.
“Ah, sorry. I was cleaning after the kids and looked up and… have you seen anything like it?”
Din looks at the horizon and he really tries, but it looks most of the same as most sunsets he’s seen on moons like Yavin IV; varying shades of red petering off into soft clouds.
He sits down, leaving plenty of space between him and Luke, to try and see if being at his level will give him the same experience. It doesn’t
Before he can give an appropriate answer, Luke whips his head around and stares at him, really scrutinizing him. Din is struck dumb for a moment, unaware as to why he’s under such a microscope.
Finally, Luke speaks up. “How well can you see the colors?”
“Not terribly well.” When was the last time he looked at a sunset without the helmet? Sorgan, all those months ago?
Luke considers him again before pulling at the cloth belt at his waist. Before Din can realize what he’s doing, the cloth is around his eyes, firmly tied in place.
“Here. This okay?” Luke asks.
Din is struck dumb for another moment. Luke had just been waxing about how beautiful the sunset was and now… was blinding himself so Din could see. Has anyone ever done that for him? Din can’t remember.
“Um… how well can you see?”
“I see a little bit of the sky, but that’s it. Dark as night in here.”
Din holds up three fingers. “How many fingers am I holding up?”
“One,” he says with a smile like he’s told a joke.
“Okay… okay.” Din takes a shaky breath before undoing the clasp and removing his helmet, putting it to the side.
Immediately, the world is bathed in a soft red. He looks to the horizon and his breath catches in his throat. The sun is low in the sky, surrounded by a deep orange that fades into red. The clouds, as few of them that there are, look like they’re on fire. He shifts closer to Luke, just enough so the glare of the sun against his ship (his ship, that he bought with his own money, no longer relying on Bo-Katan’s charity) is no longer in his eyes.
Luke must correctly interpret his silence for awe.
“Right?” Luke says, happiness clear in his voice. “But I’ll be honest, no sunset can match a binary sunset on Tatooine.”        
“You’re from Tatooine?”
“Yeah, 19 miserable years under those suns. ‘Course now… I think a lot differently about that time.”
And just like that, Luke is talking about shooting womp rats and all the things he and his friends did to fight off the boredom. He touches on the excitement when his friends were getting their soulmate tattoos, the games they’d play to touch and see. His hands fly about as he does so and Din can detect a hint of a twang in his voice the more he talks about his past. He also catches how his voice pauses when he talks about his aunt and uncle who raised him, but he doesn’t press.
His hands settle as Din finds himself talking about his youth in the Fighting Corps, the mischief he and his siblings would get into, even when they should have been too tired to move.
Din looks down and sees that the tips of Luke’s fingers are touching his own. He can’t tell if it’s on purpose or not, so he leaves his hand there.
By the time the other moons are visible, the two of them are still up there.
Maybe it’s a bad idea to take a high-profile bounty right after losing the darksaber to Bo-Katan, but Din is feeling on top of the world, so he decides to act like it. As he nurses his wounds on his ship, it’s clear he’s rustier than he realized.
He delivers on the bounty though, he’s not that out of practice. Nonetheless, he ends up using more bacta on himself than he anticipated. That’s after realizing that the tube was expired by a couple of months, but he slips into old habits, using the spray anyway.
As much as Din planned on going straight to Yavin, he lingers in Nevarro, lingering in the market before buckling down and using his new found credits. He buys a pack of cookies for the foundlings, a plush bantha for Grogu, and he hesitates further before grabbing the leather gloves and slapping them on top of the pile.
Din spends most of the ride to Yavin IV wondering if he should forget the gloves or give them to Luke as intended. He doesn’t think about how his hand keeps finding his arm and rubbing at it.
He comms ahead to let Luke know he’s arriving so that when he touches down, Luke’s corralling the children to stand far enough back. Grogu is the first to escape, running up and not slowing down, but Din considers himself an expert at picking up his son, even when he’s holding things in his other hand. The children crowd around him and soon he’s divested of the cookies and plush. He can see the other man’s expression soften at the sight, and further soften when Din holds out the gloves.
“I… I thought of you when I saw them,” he says, suddenly nervous.
Luke takes them, bare hand feeling the smooth leather. He looks back up to Din.
“Thank you,” he says. His eyes slide down Din’s body, holding him in place until he stops.
He turns to the children around him. “Tayf, can you bring everyone inside for nap time?”
The Miraluka girl nods, corralling all of the smaller children into the Temple. The Wookie walks up and wordlessly holds out his hands for Grogu. Din gives him over easily, knowing how much Grogu loves his new friends. He goes to follow the kids, but a firm hand on his elbow stops him.
Leaning in close, Luke whispers, “Are you okay?”
Luke balls up the sleeve of his robes and pressed on his arm. He looks up at him with intent in his eyes. “You’re bleeding.”
Din looks himself over and the movement causes pain to flare up on his arm and that’s when he remembers.
“I’m fine. The bacta I used had expired, but that’s it.”
Luke’s still looking at him with a steely gaze, but the grip on his elbow lessens.
“Can you… indulge me and let me help you out still? You should probably wash out the old bacta anyway.”
Din’s tongue suddenly feels much heavier. “But your students…”
“Can handle nap time by themselves. Please? If your Creed will allow it?”
Din accepts.
Luke keeps an arm on him the entire walk there and Din has reasons why that’s unnecessary on the tip of his tongue, that he’s survived far, far worse, that the wound is on his arm and not his hand, but he keeps his mouth shut. Luke steers him to a fresher that is out of the way enough that the kids won’t walk in on them.
Luke gestures for him to sit on the edge of the tub and once seated, looks much more nervous than he did outside.
“Um, if you need me to turn around or… something.”
“I can take off my armor while you grab the bacta?”
“Yes! Yes, that’s a good idea!”
Luke leaves. Alone, Din carefully pulls off and lays down the pauldron and vambrace on the ground next to him. He considers the flight suit before carefully rolling it up past the wound. It squeezes uncomfortably, but it’s better than stripping entirely or cutting the sleeve.
Luke returns with a small pile of things in his hands.
“This is maybe a little too much but,” the glove snaps against his skin and he hisses, “you never know.”
Din just nods, suddenly trying to remember the last person who took this much care with him.
The actual process of cleaning up and bandaging is quick. Not much blood was trickling out, so it was a routine process. That’s what Din tells himself as he hyperfocuses on the occasional drag of the glove on his skin, the tender way Luke’s fingers prod at the wound for signs of infection, how their faces seem so, so close right now.
But it’s a barely there feeling, and then Din is pulling the sleeve back into place and Luke is shucking off the latex.
“Thank you.”
Luke gives him a small smile. “Just make sure you restock before you leave. The temple’s stores are open to you.”
“I know.”
Luke turns to start dinner but pauses. “Thank you for the gloves by the way.”
“It’s nothing.”
“No, it’s not.”
The wound tingled for ages after Luke left, and Din was left to consider if it was because of the bacta working or Luke’s proximity. He brings up his other hand to trace the wound, to try and chase that lingering warmth.
All of the famous soulmate stories involve the touch being a big climactic moment. Holos show the touch happening at the exact right or wrong time. Stars, even Han and Leia had that moment, shouting at each other in the Rebel base. According to Luke, everyone could recount where they were when the shouting suddenly stopped as they made contact.
Din and Luke don’t get a big moment. They get dishes.
The padawans are all asleep in their beds. Din is washing dishes and Luke is drying. Din’s gloves lie abandoned on the table. Din hands a bowl to Luke, their fingers brush with no thought-
And then it clicks.
The two of them whip their heads up to stare at each other, the bowl forgotten on the floor, shattered.
“Did that-?”
“Are we-?”
Din pulls his arm closer to him to confirm that yes, there’s now a small flower tattoo where their fingers brushed, bright, long golden petals drooping toward his palm.
He looks up and sees Luke checking the same with his hand.
Din tries to battle down the rising panic in his throat as he speaks, “I- It’s okay, this doesn’t have to be anything else than friendship.”
Luke looks up sharply. “What… what if I want it to be more?”
“But… attachments?”
“I’m attached to my sister whether I like it or not. I… I’m a grown ass man who can love without falling to the darkside. I’d be able to let you go, like now if you said you wanted to stay friends.”
Din feels dizzy as he admits, “I don’t want to just be friends.”
They hold eye contact and Din is suddenly aware of the space between them.
And how he doesn’t want there to be space between them.
He grasps Luke’s fingers, this time better appreciating the warmth in them. He feels Luke’s fingers flex against his and that just emboldens him to reach up with his other hand and cup the other man’s face. He can more so feel rather than hear how Luke’s voice hitches, feels the warmth of his cheeks as they flare red.
“Can I… do something?”
“Sure,” Luke says, a touch breathless.
Din lets go of Luke’s jaw and brings his hand around. He tangles his fingers in Luke’s hair, sighing at the softens, at the knots he runs into, made from being out all day with the kids.
He tilts Luke’s head forward, bringing his head forward as well, until their foreheads meet. Luke closes his eyes with the movement and Din is just happy to stand here.
He whispers, “This is called a keldabe kiss.”
Still with eyes closed, Luke smiles. “I like it.”
Din does too.
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maybege · 2 years
Ok no But its the period app breeding kink Paz anon, and I wanna add some soft and a bit much, but I just need to
Cause what if obviously you’re not ready for baby, or maybe you have agreed with no baby, and he is fine with that, his brothers or sisters have enough children for him tbh, and he kinda wants you all for himself… so you still have your period, or if you don’t you might have something else that need a little bit of care sometimes, but as I have period I will focus on period rn
And at first paz doesn’t have the app, he just knows? Like he feels your breast change a bit, maybe your belly is a bit more bloated, your cheeks a bit warmer, and he knows you. Usually when, if, you snap at him, you look regretful the second it hits him, but now, anger and a pouty lip. He knows you don’t mean it, knows you just need a little care, a little extra more love. Maybe din told him that the stars are extra bright at the cabin this weekend, and he brings you up, Din and his son are just staying one more night. After getting some essential food and drink, and a secret new blanket, perfect for the both of you to fit in as you sit outside in the chill, you sit in front of the fire with Grogu? (Idk if it’s actually legal to name a kid that) on your chest, a football game or something in the background, both of you asleep as Paz lifts you up, and Din takes Grogu, carrying you to bed, you’re allowed to sleep in tomorrow, he only needs you awake for the stars the next night. But you awake before him, you and Grogu cooking breakfast for you all. You say bye to Grogu and his dad when they leave after breakfast , Din telling Paz to “keep it outside his room” but Paz has no plans of seduction or any kind of business, he cooks you some dinner, maybe you fall asleep on him, Paz takes you to the bedroom to get properly dressed, in pjs, and brings out the new blanket. Sitting on a fleece covered log bench he made one summer you were here, he turns the outside lights off, and the sky above you light up. Beautiful stars enlighten some sacred kind of love in you as Paz holds you tight to his chest, his heartbeat like a drum chorusing yours, noting has ever felt so big and so small at the some time as you stare up at your own human star, you are sure his soul if made from the dust of his brothers above, how kind and caring, loving and beautiful. Blood, vomit, yuck and sweat, doesn’t matter to Paz, you could be bleeding out of your ears and he would love you all the same, his big warm hands stroking over your cheeks and the back of your head, making you feel, not gross and dirty, but pure, clean and soft, beautiful.
Ok that’s it, I just, had a little brain dump
This is the perfect brain dump to think about when I’m laying with cramps on the couch 🥺 Paz would take such good care of you and make sure that you have everything you could ever need and more.
I also think he’d the guy to really know when you want company or when you want to be left alone. Maybe he’ll prep the couch for you with heated blankets and putting out some painkillers but when you mumble how you just want to sleep, Paz let’s you, sitting at the end of the couch and maybe reader or working on something while you doze off. And when you wake up and feel like cuddles, he’s there too, squeezing himself behind you so your back is pressed against his warm chest and he can press soft kisses to your neck 🥺👉👈
spend New Year’s Day with me on the couch
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andrewmoocow · 3 years
Steven Universe Alternate Future chapter 16: Enemy of my Enemy (originally published on May 3, 2021)
AN: At long last, Black Rutile strikes! I have been anticipating writing this inevitable confrontation between her and the Crystal Gems for ages, and now finally everything I've building up to these past two parts will come together in a neat little package! We got a big battle, a villain song, fusions, who could ask for more?! But I'm getting ahead of myself, let us finally begin.
Synopsis: Jasper is unofficially sworn into the Crystal Gems when some old foes come together.
Zach Callison as Steven
Estelle as Garnet
Michaela Dietz as Amethyst
Deedee Magno-Hall as Pearl
Noël Wells as Black Rutile
Lauren Ash as White Topaz
Grace Rolek as Connie
Jennifer Paz as Lapis, Zuli, Mean Lapis
Shelby Rabara as Peridot, Squaridot
Uzo Aduba as Bismuth
Matthew Moy as Lars, Dante
Kathleen Fisher as Fluorite
Enuka Okuma as Rhodonite
Ashly Burch as Rutile Twins
Erica Luttrell as Padparadscha Sapphire
Christine Baranski as Hessonite
Della Saba as Aquamarine
Charlyne Yi as Eyeball
Larissa Gallagher as Bluebird Azurite
Jinkx Monsoon as Emerald
Melissa Fahn as Demantoid
Kari Wahlgren as Pyrope
Kimberly Brooks as Jasper, Biggs Jasper
Aparna Nancherla as Nephrite
Michelle Maryk as Larimar
Ian Jones-Quartey as Snowflake Obsidian
Amy Sedaris as Teal Zircon
Martha Higerada as Topaz
Dee Bradley Baker as Lion, George, Elaine, Cosma
AJ Michalka as Stevonnie
Nancy Linari as Martha
Featuring Catherine Tate as Lepidolite
Alan Oppenheimer as Professor Poindexter
And Burt Ward as Mangolin
It has been a hectic past few hours for Steven. He was having another nice day when suddenly, Hessonite, Squaridot, and the Off-Colors all came flying out of Lion's mane, telling him that Lars needs to see him just as the Destiny Destroyer crash-landed on the beach.
Not too long after, Lars was rushed to the hospital and Steven decided to follow him in the ambulance. Steven had never been to a hospital before, so it was a little frightening for him to be somewhere on Earth that he had never been before, especially since many humans go there regularly.
"Hello, did you admit any patients into this place recently?" Steven hurriedly asked the receptionist.
"Name please." the college-aged receptionist answered, barely glancing up from her phone to meet Steven's panicking eyes.
"Steven Universe!" Steven gave his name.
"You're going to have to be more specific Mr. Universe." the receptionist stated.
"He's got pink skin, a scar over one eye and his hair is a portal to a pocket dimension where there's like a couple of trees inside." Steven explained. The woman just stared at Steven in confusion for a bit before going back to her phone. "Anything the matter, miss?"
"I'm happy you said all of that with a straight face." the receptionist said, putting down her phone to go on the computer. "One sec Universe." She looked up the most recent patients on the monitor and turned it to show Steven his desired patient. "Are you looking for Mr. Laramie Barriga?"
"Yes, that's him!" Steven exclaimed. "I was there when he got taken away in that ambulance! Where is he now?"
"Room 723." the receptionist answered. "Take the elevator, make a left and then a right. Got that?"
Before the woman could turn back, Steven had already vanished to find Lars. "Kids." she grumbled.
As Steven raced through the hospital in search of his undead friend, numerous unfamiliar sights greeted him. A doctor's office contained a child receiving a flu shot, a man in a wheelchair let Steven pass him by, a woman was on her way to an operating room, and a doctor solemnly fixed an empty hospital bed while a family was mourning.
Finally, Steven reached Room 723 just as a nurse was passing by the room. "Hello, I'm a friend of the patient occupying this room, and the Off-Colors told me what happened. Can I please come in and visit him?"
"You may." The nurse replied and opened the door for Steven. "Doctor Laurie, our patient has one more visitor." She said to the doctor standing by a bedridden Lars along with his parents, Sadie and Shep. "He said a bunch of "Off-Colors" told him everything."
"I'm here Lars!" Steven exclaimed as he rushed into the hospital room to be by Lars's side. "Hessonite and the Off-Colors told me what happened after they came flying out of Lion's mane!"
"Steven, finally!" Lars cried happily as he grabbed Steven's shoulders. "Listen, I need to warn you! You and the entire planet are doomed!"
A little while later, Lars was given a clean bill of health and was allowed to go home by ambulance. He sat on one side of the ambulance with his parents while Steven sat on the other end, and Lars continued to reveal what happened on Homeworld.
"What I'm trying to say Steven is that there's this Gem who's been inspiring others to rebel against you and Era 3!" Lars explained. "She's gathered up tons of your old enemies so they can get revenge too, and they're coming for Earth!"
"Lars, I understand your concern," Steven calmly stated. "but you're getting a little wound up over nothing. Almost everyone loves what I've done to the Gem race. There's nothing bigger going on, outside of Aquamarine being annoying."
"Seriously, you don't believe me?" Lars flatly asked in disbelief. "Well, do you at least believe what Hessonite said?"
"I believe that you teamed up for a fun space adventure!" Steven answered before his phone started ringing. "Whoops, got a call from Garnet." he said before answering the call. "Hello?"
"Steven, you need to come to Little Homeworld quick!" Garnet urged Steven from the other end. "Rogue Gems are on the attack, and they want us dead! Me, Amethyst, Pearl, Lapis, Peridot and Bismuth have already helped evacuate everyone, but we still need you to save the day again!"
"I'll be right there!" Steven bravely declared before hanging up and turning to the driver. "Sir, I need you to take us to Little Homeworld!"
"It's an emergency!" Lars added while showing him a picture of the Gem village.
"I don't see why not." the driver replied as he made a detour to Little Homeworld.
"You sure about this Lars?" Dante asked his son. "I mean, you just survived falling from space, I don't think we can handle you risking your life again so soon!"
"I promise you guys, I'll be back home when this is all over and I'm back in space." Lars assured his parents and hugged them.
"Be safe Laramie." Nancy said. "But then again, you got Steven to help out."
"Yeah, he's got me alright." Steven assured Mr. and Mrs. Barriga.
"Okay kid, we're here." the ambulance driver declared as the vehicle came close to Little Homeworld. "This is probably the first time I've escorted someone to stop an alien invasion."
"Here's good, thanks, sir." Steven said before the two boys bust the ambulance doors open and raced off to Little Homeworld.
What the pair discovered when they finally reached Little Homeworld was utter chaos. Almost everything was in ruins, smoke billowed everywhere, Light Warriors, Cluster Gems & Cactus Stevens were pillaging & demolishing, and at the center of it all was Aquamarine and Eyeball.
"Steven Universe, what a most pleasant surprise." Aquamarine purred as she turned to face Steven and Lars, batting her wand in her hand. "And look you've even brought Lars as well."
"Aquamarine, Eyeball." Steven laughed nervously while looking at the chaos behind the pair. "Did you, uh, maybe come to reconsider?"
"Reconsider, my facet!" Eyeball yelled before her fusion partner stopped her.
"But we did come with a few new friends." Aquamarine answered smugly.
"Well, that's certainly a start." Steven grinned before a massive hand made of water grabbed him and its creator brought him up to face her. "Hey, you're one of those Lapises! What brings you to Earth?"
"Sorry kid, I'm one of those new friends." Lapis 1J9G announced before dropping Steven to the ground and folding her arms as she landed right next to Aquamarine. "And we're afraid not even half-listening to you will work this time."
"See Steven, this is what I was trying to talk to you about!" Lars exclaimed, gesturing wildly to the three Gems. "A bunch of Gems want to get back at you! Though I thought there'd be more."
"I believe he's referring to me." Emerald bragged as she stepped forward with a panicking George in her hand.
"George!" Steven shouted. "And you, I know you! You're uh," He began getting off track as he only ever saw Emerald through a video screen. "Sorry, I've only met you that one time and now I've kinda forgotten-"
"IT'S EMERALD!" Emerald shrieked furiously. "How could you forget about me after Era 3 made the Diamonds let Lars off with a slap on the wrist for stealing my Sun Incinerator?!"
"Oh, calm yourself Emerald." Pyrope calmed the elite Gem down as she held aloft one of George's sisters, who was in full panic mode and pulling on her pigtails.
"Indeed," Demantoid added, also holding one of George's sisters in her enhanced arm. "You wouldn't want to make yourself less presentable for our victims."
Just then, the six Gems moved aside and kneeled to their leader, whose very appearance completely rocked Steven's world. Black Rutile walked towards Steven with a bowie knife to a rose while White Topaz followed her. When she cut the rose's head, Black Rutile finally faced Steven with an evil smile.
"I know you, you're that reporter!" Steven exclaimed. "Why are you hanging with these guys?!"
"I'm hanging with them?" Black Rutile scoffed at Steven. "I believe you're mistaken; THEY'RE hanging with ME!" She then threw away the rose's stem and steepled her fingers together. "Anyways, do you have any last words?"
"This is not good at all certainly fits." Steven declared nervously before the eight Gems slowly began marching towards the boy, eager to finally get their revenge.
However, their plans were quickly cut off before they could be put into action as Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl swooped into saved Steven and Lars from the rogue Gems.
"We trusted you, you psycho!" Pearl roared while her spear clashed with Black Rutile's knife.
"And everyone was dumb enough to trust you." Black Rutile replied snarkily. "So as you humans say, hello pot, meet kettle."
"Seriously, what makes you think we're worse than you are?" Amethyst asked.
"Something about how your ways will make the Gem race a bunch of puny hippies or whatever." White Topaz answered. "No hard feelings when we destroy you and everything you worked so hard for?"
"What did I tell you about getting friendly with the enemy?" Black Rutile hissed at her Topaz bodyguard before turning back to the Crystal Gems. "Now, let me repeat myself. Any last words?"
"My future vision tells me you will fail." Garnet declared defiantly. "And we will find a way to make that future happen."
"Such noble sentiments from a couple of Gems who are gonna die!" Black Rutile replied as her knife turned into a sword that she prepared to slash the Gems with until a loud rumbling sound was heard. "What was that?"
"Need a hand?" Peridot asked as she, Lapis, and Bismuth appeared on a makeshift flying machine made out of scrap metal that she controlled with her ferrokinesis.
"So that's where you ran off to!" Pearl exclaimed while Bismuth picked her up by the hand to toss onto the metal pad.
"No time to talk, we have to move!" Lapis exclaimed, picking everyone else up with her water powers. When everyone was on board, the pad zoomed off.
"Uh, why aren't we stopping them?!" Lapis 1J9G exclaimed before preparing to fly off when Black Rutile stopped her.
"Let them run." Black Rutile smiled deviously. "I want to see how they can lie their ways out of this situation. But in the meantime, I have another idea."
Before the Crystal Gems knew it, they finally returned to the beach house where Hessonite, Squaridot, and the Off-Colors awaited their return.
"I still can't believe it!" Steven gasped in denial of their current situation. "I get that not everyone would like what I've done with Homeworld, but I don't think I'd make them angry enough to want to kill me!"
"I tried to warn you, Steven." Lars declared sassily. "But you just didn't listen! Probably because you're so in denial of wanting to accept that not everything will go your way."
"Lars, this is no time for backtalk, Earth could be in danger!" Pearl scolded the pink-skinned human as the group walked into the house to think of a plan. "That Rutile seems to have thought of everything! I mean, she's a Rutile for crying out loud, they barely held any power in Homeworld!" However, Pearl then turned to the Rutile twins standing right next to her. "Uh, no offense you two."
"None taken." The twins replied.
"Still, she's got quite an army at her side." Lapis said. "She's got one of those Lapises I fought on Aozul 2, she's got Aquamarine, Eyeball, Pyrope & Demantoid, an Emerald, and that's not even accounting for the minions they got!"
"But what does Black Rutile want with us?" Peridot and Squaridot asked in unknowing unison.
"According to her Topaz, it must be something to do with that Steven did to the Gem race." Bismuth analyzed. "But who knows what she'll do next?"
"I know." Garnet declared. "I've looked through dozens of possible timelines trying to uncover Black Rutile's true plans. This is what I feel could be the worst possible one."
"What does it look like?" Steven asked before Garnet kissed him on the head, temporarily bestowing Steven with her future vision and a glimpse at what could be to come.
It took centuries of careful planning but at long last, Black Rutile had finally won. Once the Crystal Gems were finally destroyed and she indoctrinated the Gems they had enslaved to her noble cause, she then reawakened the Cluster that was slumbering within the Earth's crust, ultimately finishing what the Diamonds were too cowardly to do and destroying that annoying little planet once and for all.
Within mere weeks, the Diamonds met their demise, and Black Rutile installed herself as the new ruler of all Gemkind. And with the beginnings of her dictatorship came the Gems reverting to their old ways during Era 4. The caste system was reinstated but also reinvented at the same time. Now, it was Black Rutile above everyone else.
As countless Gems were tormented into building a grand statue to their magnanimous leader, a lone Pearl solemnly marched through the throngs of enslaved Gems under the orders of Emerald, until she was brought before Black Rutile, who was sitting on a throne as black as her body & her heart while the shattered remains of all who opposed her hanged above her in one big bubble.
"My Rutile, I come with the most glorious of tidings." Emerald decreed as she shoved Volleyball forward. "We have succeeded in terminating the resistance, but I feel you'd find particular interest in shattering their leader yourself."
"Ah yes, Pink Diamond's little Pearl." Black Rutile snickered as she descended from her throne to meet Volleyball. "Who would've guessed a submissive little slave would try to start a revolution? Well, anything to say?"
Volleyball, however, was too terrified to speak, having just witnessed her fellow rebels being shattered before her eye and now faced with the thought of being destroyed herself.
"What's that? No grand speech about how hope will live on or that there will be others like you that will rise against me?" Black Rutile asked rhetorically. "Oh please, I've destroyed every last threat to my power on both this planet and the Asteroid Field Formerly Known as Earth." She declared, gesturing towards the shard-filled bubble floating over her throne. "What's another pile of shards to add to the collection?"
With that, Black Rutile extracted her bowie knife from her gem and used it to jab Volleyball in hers, ending her life within mere seconds.
"So ends the legacy of Pink Diamond." Black Rutile purred as she collected the Pearl's shards in a bubble. "A real shame. She had so much potential and wasted it on being a total brat and threatening her own kind."
She then returned to her throne, where she lifted the bubble towards the bigger bubble, and the two merged. Now Volleyball's remains joined the tons of Gems that Black Rutile had heartlessly shattered. Ruby, Sapphire, Amethyst, Pearl, Peridot, Lapis, Bismuth, Hessonite, Citrine, Spinel, the Diamonds, all nothing more than shards. But her proudest achievement was the small gathering of pink dust that was once Steven Universe.
Returning to the present day, Steven was left utterly aghast at this possible future, but it made his resolve to stop Black Rutile even stronger. "We have to keep this future from happening!" he declared. "All we need to do is gather up an army of our own!"
"I'll call Connie and see if she's free to save the world again today." Pearl stated as she picked up her phone and started dialing.
"Which Gems do you want me to recruit out of everyone we evacuated?" Garnet asked.
"I don't know, just pick anyone!" Steven exclaimed.
"That's the Steven we know and love!" Amethyst replied, cheerfully giving Steven a noogie when she came to a realization. "Hey wait, if Black Rutile is gathering up Gems that have a beef with us, then what would you think if she tried recruiting Jasper?"
"Y'know, Jasper did say she was eager to fight again." Steven agreed with the little Quartz. "Maybe we should try and get to her first."
"I'm not sure Steven." Pearl said as she got off the phone with Connie. "Besides, I don't think Jasper would ever want to side with us."
"Black Rutile has gathered as much information as possible on all of us, and Jasper has likely been given the same treatment." Squaridot stated. "So it's just as likely that she'll try and ensnare Jasper to her side."
"We have to get to Jasper before Black Rutile does!" Steven hurriedly declared before turning to the Warp Pad behind him. "Gotta go, I'll be back soon!"
As Steven left for the forest via Warp Pad, the other Gems just gazed at the pad where he once stood.
"Good luck Steven." Pearl muttered before turning to Lion. "Go fetch Connie, okay?"
Lion nodded obediently and let out a roar, creating a portal that he leaped through to get to Connie.
Meanwhile, deep within the woods of Beach City, Jasper had been watching all that was going on in Little Homeworld from on top of her cave. As she watched smoke billow from afar, she couldn't help but feel that Steven brought this upon himself for enforcing peace for all Gems.
"He could've just ended colonization and leave it at that, but no!" Jasper muttered to herself while leaping down to the entrance of her cave. "He had to make them all into peace-loving weaklings!"
"Couldn't agree more." Jasper heard a familiar voice concur with her opinion. When the orange Gem turned around, she discovered Black Rutile leaning on a nearby tree with Aquamarine standing on a branch above her. "Jasper, correct? I don't think we got properly introduced to each other."
"If you're here for another interview, then forget it!" Jasper bellowed at Black Rutile before bringing her attention to Aquamarine. "And I see you got that little brat with you too."
"You are indeed correct Jasper." Aquamarine declared. "In fact, I'm not the only one who she recruited because of how dissatisfied I am with Era 3. Many Gems have been rallied by my master here to rebel against Steven's oppression and create a utopia."
"Are you sure about that?" Jasper asked with an eyebrow raised. "Sounds to me like you're starting some kind of cult?"
"A cult?! Stuff and nonsense!" Black Rutile assured the quartz. "We are simply fighting for our rights! Would you like to join us?"
"Jasper, don't!" Steven exclaimed as he rushed to the cave, where he saw Jasper standing with Black Rutile. "Please, you have to listen, Black Rutile is not to be trusted!"
"Don't you dare listen to him!" Black Rutile insisted. "He's the son of Pink Diamond, and it's both their faults you went from mighty Gem warrior to a lonely shell of your former self! Don't you see, you could finally get your revenge on Pink!"
"Revenge on my Diamond?" Jasper growled. "Fat chance! Why would I ally with some low-ranking Rutile just because she hates Pink like almost every Gem on this planet?! I'd rather be a peace-loving weakling than one of your lackeys!"
"Low-ranking?!" Black Rutile argued. "I'll have you know Jasper, I was one of a kind among Gems of my type because I worked my hardest to receive White Diamond's highest honors and join the upper-class of her court! You're just a mere Jasper who probably didn't even know Pink in person for the selfish, bratty sociopath she w-"
Before the Rutile could finish, Jasper summoned her crash helmet and sent her flying out of the forest with a single headbutt. "I'LL GET YOU FOR THIS, YOU ROTTEN QUARTZ!" Black Rutile cursed Jasper. "YOU JANKING CLOD!"
As Aquamarine chased after the flying Rutile, Jasper turned to Steven with a grumpy look in her eyes. In contrast, the starry-eyed Steven squealed excitedly while staring at Jasper. "Quit looking at me like that." Jasper snarled. "Let me guess, you want to recruit me too?"
"I thought you'd never ask!" Steven declared eagerly.
"Yes indeed, my Ministry of Maliciousness shall soon destroy the United Defenders of the World and conquer the world at last!" a weirdly animated mad scientist with three circles arranged in a triangle decorating his bald head declared as he gestured to his fellow supervillains. Amethyst was watching this happen on television with some of the other Gems in Steven's room.
"Apex Predator!" A muscular man decorated in animal skins fired his highly advanced hunting rifle at nothing in particular.
"Electric Ellen!" A young woman in a black suit with lightning bolt patterns demonstrated her powers for the other villains.
"Automato!" A bronze robot with green optics simply stood by his seat at the table of criminals, his soulless eyes unblinking.
"Scare Master!" A large man in a monster costume that continuously leaked hallucinogenic gas and wearing a yellow ring let out a ghoulish laugh.
"The Unidentified Felonious Extraterrestial!" A cybernetic insectoid alien made a shrieking noise, exposing the smaller head in its mouth.
"And of course, your illustrious leader!" the scientist introduced himself. "The world's greatest criminal mind, Professor Poindexter, Ph.D.!"
"Uh, why are we watching this show?" Zuli asked Amethyst while she sat next to Lapis.
"This is what our current sitch reminds me of!" Amethyst explained. "Mangolin's archenemy Professor Poindexter gathers up each of the United Defenders of the Globe's enemies to form, like, a team of supervillains!"
"Why is the animation so lazy?" Peridot wondered as she leaned on Biggs Jasper.
"It was the 70s, limited budget." Amethyst said. "Ooh wait, here comes Mangolin!"
The cartoon then changed scenes from the Ministry of Maliciousness to the United Defenders of the World, which included Mangolin, Uber-Chap, Battle Goddess, Pyro-Nado, Shamrock Cavalier, Gizmo-Chick, and Vincent the Visitor.
"Termite terrors, Defenders!" the pangolin-themed hero Mangolin exclaimed. "Our foe Professor Poindexter has assembled our enemies to destroy us once and for all! We must do something!"
"They just explained that to us!" Nephrite said. "What, do they think the viewers are stupid or something?"
Just then, the group of Gems heard the Warp Pad go off, signaling that Steven has finally returned.
"Hey, Steven's back!" Teal Zircon exclaimed before racing down the stairs to see her half-human friend again, and this time she was in for a surprise. "Hey Jasper, remember me? Your new best friend?"
"I regret this decision already." Jasper cringed at having to ally with Teal as the other Gems came back downstairs. "Oh look, a whole menagerie of useless clods! Why even bring them all together when I can just take Black Rutile's forces on myself?"
"Jasper, no need to brag about your strength." Lapis said to the more muscular Gem. "This is serious, the whole planet is at stake here!"
"And I should care because?" Jasper snarled in disagreement.
"Um, this is your Diamond's planet?" an exasperated Pearl replied. "Surely you wouldn't want anyone to touch what Pink owned, right?"
"I suggest you don't talk that way to a Gem like her." Rhodonite said to Pearl. "She looks like she could go wild on us at any moment."
"Just calm down everyone." Fluorite advised calmly. "I know we're all stressed because of our current situation, but let's not start arguing."
"And who are all of these?" Jasper asked as she gestured to the Off-Colors, Hessonite & Squaridot, Zuli, Snowflake Obsidian, Little Larimar, Nephrite, Topaz, and Biggs Jasper. "I suppose they're all from that stupid school of yours?"
"Well, most of them are." Steven pointed out. "And maybe when this is all over, you could finally give Little Homeschool a chan-"
"Pass." Jasper coldly declared. "Shouldn't we be getting ready to fight right now?"
"Jasper's right." Bismuth agreed. "We're all in this together, for Earth."
And right on cue, Lion finally returned with Connie on his back, her sword at the ready. "How convenient that I finished most of my work in time for another chance at saving the world!" Connie stated as she dismounted from Lion and hugged Steven. "So, who are we fighting?"
"Come with us to Little Homeworld, I'll show you." Steven answered before he began to walk towards the Warp Pad. "Gems, let's get a move on."
And so, the Crystal Gems and all their assorted allies marched towards the Warp Pad, ready to take back Little Homeworld from Black Rutile's rebels and defend the planet once more. When Steven spread out his arms, off they all went in a beam of light.
"Ugh, I'm so bored!" Eyeball complained, pacing around while the rest of the alliance mindlessly caused more damage to Little Homeworld out of complete boredom. "I suppose they finally realized they were stupid to stop us and skipped Earth without telling?"
"Patience Ruby." Aquamarine advised her fusion partner. "They should be coming soon."
"What makes you so sure?" White Topaz asked Aquamarine as she revealed her weapon, a pair of brass knuckles.
"Steven came running for Jasper thinking she can join his side." The little blue Gem answered. "What an idiot, am I right?!"
Suddenly, Aquamarine was in for a scare as Little Homeworld's Warp Pad activated from right behind her, and on it were the Crystal Gems.
"Okay Black Rutile, we're here." Steven declared with Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, Connie, Lion, Peridot, Lapis, Bismuth, Jasper, Hessonite, Squaridot, Lars, the Off-Colors, TZ, Zuli, Topaz, Snowflake, Larimar, Biggs, and Nephrite behind him. "All of us!"
"Oh, you finally showed up! Good timing." Black Rutile sarcastically applauded her foes. "And I see you got a little rag-tag bunch of over-eager losers by your side too."
"Hey 2F8D, so this is what you've been up to." 1J9G cattily greeted her ex-partner. "Being a pacifist baby and letting yourself be Steven's slave."
"I'm not a slave, neither to him or you!" Zuli yelled at 1J9G. "I came to Little Homeworld not just to learn how to appreciate Earth, but to learn how to make actual friends! Not be submissive to overly-controlling jerks!"
"I thought I could trust you Aquamarine!" Topaz went next. "I thought you changed by meeting that Ruby and fusing with her, but now I see you'll always be the same little monster you always are!"
"Oh stop Topaz, you're too kind!" Aquamarine said to her former Topaz.
"Crystal Gems, assemble!" Garnet bravely pointed forward to prepare for one last attack, but Steven stopped her.
"Wait!" Steven exclaimed. "Before we all get into one big fight, I want to know. Why do you hate me in particular? Outside of Era 3, I mean."
"You really want to know?" Black Rutile replied. "Well, allow me to put this in the only way you'll probably understand." She turned to White Topaz while fetching some kind of device from her gem. "Music please."
White Topaz turned the device on and music began to play, cuing Black Rutile to start a song. "When one era ends, another begins. It's such a big change for all us Gems." She sang. "But some aren't new fans of the old ways, and prefer to look back on the old days. But I on the other hand got a chance, to make this the Crystal Gems' last dance. And now I pray through endless days, to finally get rid of you."
"Is she singing?" Lars gasped at the musical number that just began as drum music kicked in. "Did she have a machine made for that purpose?"
"When I first emerged for my Diamond, White the master tactician!" Black Rutile began telling her origins through holograms on her visor, showing a just-emerged Rutile in a Kindergarten standing before White Diamond. "She revealed to me in secret signs, the markings of a great Gem! And she was indeed no clod, could reduce entire armies to sod! And all the fools that dared cross her, she'd just shrug and then shatter!"
"I studied well, got my tools of the trade, always got nothing but an A-grade!" After Black Rutile did away with the hologram showing her emergence, she started revealing the hard work she did to gain her high status among White Diamond's subjects. "But then he walked in and called himself Pinky, soon everyone got down to one knee." A stylized version of Steven's first arrival on Homeworld came next, and the stylized Black Rutile wasn't very pleased. "What never died was my ambition, and my keen intuition. Both of them gave me a complex, and made me want to rule the universe."
As the song went on, Steven began learning more about the consequences of his actions and how much Black Rutile truly despised him. "Every glimmer from your smile makes me want to puke!" his new foe complained. "Who to slay, who's the one, who's to doom? You know the only one would be my new archenemy, Steven U!"
With that, the chorus soon began with Black Rutile's minions joining in, sans White Topaz. "Wither the rose! Growing shadows! Sow a world of chaos!" the seven Gems sang in harmony. "Wither the rose! Only highs, no lows! In a world of chaos!"
"Is this the time for a song?" Connie asked. "Why don't we just attack them while they're singing?"
"Black Rutile is going to put on an admittedly wonderful song!" Padparadscha exclaimed.
"Ha!" Black Rutile laughed as the musical break reaches its end before turning to her Cluster Gems, cyborg Cactus Stevens and Light Warriors. "Come on minions, hurry along, this little school will soon be gone!" she commanded them before hugging herself in excitement. "I could squeeze myself with glee! Next the Diamonds and then this galaxy! I would really stop at nothing, shattering, treachery and lies! Whatever it takes to reign supreme, you really can't blame me for trying."
The tune soon began to reach its climax. "Wither the rose! Growing shadows! Sow a world of chaos! Wither the rose! Don't you doze!"
"We shall restore Homeworld's true order!" Aquamarine soon joined in.
"Vengeance will soon finally be ours!" Eyeball added sadistically.
"Saying sorry just won't cut it!" Emerald chorused.
"Dismantling the new superpowers!" Lapis 1J9G stated.
"Armies rampaging across the stars!" Demantoid declared.
"Covered in so many scars!" Pyrope boomed.
"Nothing but eternal war," Black Rutile concluded. "Join us as we make our own colony!"
"Genocide, slaughtering, jingoism, in enemy blood we shall wade!” The seven Gems announced. "Homeworld Gems come celebrate, as we make this bratty starlight fade!"
The song finally ended and the alliance of hatred took a bow before Black Rutile changed her knife into a broadsword with a massive blade and a tiny handle. "Now that we explained everything," she stated before pointing her sword forward. "CHARGE!"
The two sides finally clashed at Little Homeworld for the fate of Earth. Lapis & Zuli took to the skies against 1J9G, Pyrope & Demantoid led an unwilling Light Army, Emerald sped forth to personally confront Lars, and Black Rutile, White Topaz, Aquamarine & Eyeball personally confronted Steven, Garnet, Amethyst & Pearl.
"Fire!" Demantoid commanded some Light Warriors bearing laser cannons to shoot at Teal Zircon & Nephrite, but Jasper and Topaz were there to shield her from the blasts. "You!"
"You saved me!" TZ exclaimed. "Guess you really do think of me as your best friend, dontcha Jasp?"
"No, I still find you one of the most annoying beings I've ever met." Jasper replied. "But still, better to side with someone as irritating as you."
"I thought we were all friends!" 1J9G exclaimed as she clashed her water with Lapis and Zuli's. "I only joined these guys just so I could get you back!"
"Why would we ever take you back?!" Lapis stated.
"When we ran into 3E8C after years, she showed me that she and Steven were the best of friends!" Zuli added. "Not an overly controlling jerk who refuses to let me have fun!"
"See what she means?!" 1J9G said. "He's brainwashed all of you!" The only response she got was a punch to the face from Zuli.
Down below, Lars and Connie sparred against Emerald. "Don't think Steven will be there to save you today!" Emerald taunted, snapping her fingers and revealing electric powers to fight with. "He'll just throw you away, just like how Pink always threw everything away!"
"Sheesh, sins of the mother much?" Lars dryly commented.
"Steven is nothing like that!" Connie argued. "If you knew him, you'd know he's the sweetest, most caring guy you could ever meet!"
"Oh blah blah blah, I get it, he's too pure for this universe and he must be protected at all costs!" Emerald said. "Black Rutile has shown me what he truly is like."
Finally, the Crystal Gems battled with Black Rutile and her three most loyal followers. Garnet went up against White Topaz, Amethyst vs Eyeball, Pearl vs Aquamarine, and finally Steven vs Black Rutile.
"Why are you doing this?!" Steven asked Black Rutile while in utter denial. "I brought peace to the galaxy, I ended the Diamonds' oppression!"
"And stripped all Gems of their livelihoods in the process." Black Rutile coldly replied as her sword clashed with Steven's shield. "Look around you kid, these Gems came to my side because they have no status, no allies, no power over others! And now, they come to Earth for retribution against you!"
"But this still isn't right!" Steven claimed. "I understand that some may not be comfortable with what I've done, but that doesn't excuse you for all this."
"Kinda like how you excused the Diamonds for all they did just because they were sad, or something stupid like that." Black Rutile insulted.
"That's because they were!" Steven exclaimed. "They were in mourning!"
"Mourning the so-called death of an annoying brat I had the displeasure of sharing a planet with!" Black Rutile yelled as she began fighting in a way that resembled capoeira and gymnastics. "This all could've been avoided if you just put your enemies out of their misery, or at least punished them, rather than just excusing them with a stupid song and acting like everything was just water under the bridge!"
"You're thinking of retributive justice, where the offender did something wrong and the punishment is just as severe in exchange." Steven replied. "We Crystal Gems practice restorative justice, where we actually talk to the offenders and try to see how we can help them without using lethal force."
"Well, whatever you're talking about, you can call me a proud supporter of retributive justice." Black Rutile declared herself. "As in, me and my pals are seeking retribution against you and your posse for what you did to our society, and will do so by any means necessary. Because you think everything can just bend to your will if you just make everyone around you cry?! You really are no better than Pink!"
"Well, I'm trying to be better than my mom, both Pink Diamond, and Rose Quartz." Steven responded, blocking another attack from Black Rutile. "But I'm pretty sure they'd both find a sociopath like you beyond saving."
"Me, a sociopath?! You barely even know me!" Black Rutile yelled before bunting Steven's shield away when he tried to throw it. "Well, you're certainly right on me being a bit selfish, but look at you. I mean, you've made excuses for murderers, bigots, and toxic friends, yet anyone who's just doing what they're made to do is instantly made a pariah just because they don't like you and your dumb little sidekicks!"
Behind Black Rutile's back, however, her alliance was slowly beginning to fall apart, yet she didn't seem to care. Hessonite, Peridot, Biggs, and Squaridot hid behind a wall to avoid the Light Warriors' attacks.
"Got a plan, you guys?" Biggs asked the other three Gems.
"I have." Hessonite replied. "The Peridots shall distract them by taking control of Demantoid's limb enhancers while I swoop in and steal back the Light Prisms! Then perhaps we can turn the Light Army on them."
"I'll see what I can do." Peridot stated, but then Squaridot put a green hand on her shoulder.
"No, allow me." Squaridot stated before using her ferrokinetic powers to meddle with Demantoid's limb enhancers.
"No no, not again!" Demantoid yelled as she was dumped out of her mech, and the Light Prism she was holding hostage fell out with her only to be caught by Hessonite at rapid speed. "My Prism!"
"Demantoid you child, you could've just fought back instead of letting yourself get defeated!" Pyrope said, unaware that her Prism was stolen as well. "Wait, what?"
As Hessonite returned to Peridot and Squaridot with the Light Prisms in hand, the Light Warriors dropped their current activities and began to surround the three Gems peacefully. "Now that you know who's really in charge here," Hessonite bragged before she pointed at her fellow Garnets. "FIRE!"
"No, it can't be!" Pyrope squealed in utter defeat as the Light Warriors pointed their weapons at her and Demantoid.
"Hold me close Pyrope!" Demantoid added while hugging Pyrope in fear before the Light Warriors charged, attacking the pair and poofing them once and for all.
As for Emerald, she was now getting ganged up on by Lars, Connie, and the Off-Colors, who all took turns using Connie's sword against her. "You're all just humans and Off-Color Gems!" Emerald screamed as she desperately tried to fight back. "What makes you think you all can stop me?!"
"'Cause we're all more walk than talk!" Lars declared, once again using his musti-yuddha skills to knock Emerald to the ground. "Connie, care to do the honors?"
"With pleasure!" Connie replied, hopping up on Fluorite's head and jumping high into the air before zooming down with her sword pointed directly at Emerald.
"I hate you all." Emerald snarled bitterly before Connie poofed her, ending the threat she possessed to Lars and the Off-Colors.
High up in the air, the battle of the Lapides raged on with 1J9G using vapor from the clouds as makeshift weapons against her former friends.
"We could've stayed together if 3E8C hadn't been dropped on Earth like an idiot!" 1J9G yelled. "I just wanted us to stay friends!"
"Well, if you want to keep your friends," 3E8C stated, forming a massive water hand from a nearby cloud. "then you should act like a friend." The hand grabbed 1J9G and tossed her to the ground, creating a massive crater that caused a building to start falling over, and one piece of sharp rubble was aimed straight at 1J9G's gem.
"So this is it, huh?" 1J9G monologued to herself as death was mere moments away. "I feel like this is karma for being a horrible friend like they keep calling me. In that case, I'm sorry. Maybe somewhere else, we could've stayed together."
As 1J9G accepted her demise, the rubble was punched out of the way by a massive silhouette in the dust, and it settled to reveal Jasper as her savior.
"Get up you!" Jasper roared at the Lapis.
"But, we're on different sides!" 1J9G exclaimed. "Why did you save me?"
"It's what a certain someone would've done, but he's too busy at the moment." Jasper replied. "Plus, I know what it's like to be alone too."
"Oh look, that Jasper is becoming just like you!" Black Rutile yelled as she watched her alliance break up. "But then again, they set themselves up for this the moment I recruited them all, so what are you gonna do?"
"But still, we're fighting a losing battle!" White Topaz advised her Rutile. "What do we do now?"
"I think I know." Black Rutile smirked before snapping her fingers at one of her surviving allies. "Aquamarine, grab the boy and take him to the nearest mountain!"
"I thought you'd never ask!" Aquamarine purred before she grabbed Steven with her wand and began flying off, with Eyeball also in tow, and Black Rutile & White Topaz on a mini-hovercraft. "Oh, where will you be without your precious little abomination?!"
"Steven!" the Crystal Gems all yelled.
"Topaz, subdue the Lapises!" Black Rutile then commanded White Topaz, who gave a shaky nod before leaping up and grabbing Lapis & Zuli, followed by pinning them to the ground.
"Don't worry guys, I got this!" Connie said before mounting on Lion and riding off after Aquamarine.
"The only one who should defeat him is me." Jasper said as Connie fled, right before following the human. "Wait up girl!"
At the mountain, Steven was dropped by Aquamarine at the highest cliff, where Black Rutile stood by with a boulder next to her and White Topaz.
"What do you want now Black Rutile?" Steven asked as he got up to face the evil Rutile.
"Simple, toss you over the edge and throw a boulder to crush you to death, since you can fly apparently." Black Rutile declared. "I've been waiting for ages to destroy Pink Diamond, and you, my little friend, are just the thing to satisfy my vendetta."
"But why do you hate Pink so much?" Steven exclaimed. "Let me guess, she treated you like trash just like almost every other Gem I've faced?"
"No, she didn't treat me like trash!" Black Rutile answered. "She treated everyone around her like trash, yet the Diamonds almost always let her get away with everything! And here you are forcing Gems against their will to change their very way of living! Hey, at least you didn't fake your death to recklessly endanger the lives of others, because I'm going to endanger yours!"
Black Rutile then picked up Steven by his shirt collar and walked to the edge of the cliff, where she dangled him over such dangerously high heights. "You know what's ironic?" she smiled cheerfully before it turned to a hateful scowl. "You're able to get humans and Gems to get along, yet you're neither of them yourself."
With that, Black Rutile released her grip on Steven's shirt and he began falling from the cliff, followed shortly by White Topaz tossing a boulder that fell right above him. "NO HARD FEELINGS!" she yelled.
"So this is how I'll die, falling to my death off a cliff while a boulder is going to crush me." Steven realized as he fell to his doom. "Maybe Black Rutile's right. Maybe this is punishment for only thinking of myself all the time, and never taking others' feelings into account. Punishment for letting all these enemies run free instead of punishing them. Punishment for being an awful person in general."
However, just as Steven shut his eyes, accepted his demise, and did not even use any of his powers to escape, a voice cried out to him. "STEVEN!"
"Connie?" Steven exclaimed as she warped in via Lion's portal and reach out to him. "Don't worry, I'm with you till the end of the line! Just grab my hand!"
Steven gave a big smile, realizing that even with all his faults there were still people looking out for him, and took Connie's hand, causing the two to merge into a mass of light.
"Well, that should take care of him." Black Rutile declared, dusting off her hands and beginning to walk away. "Come along you three, let's go reawaken the Cluster and wipe this planet off the face of this universe for good."
"Uh, my Rutile?" White Topaz said while she, Aquamarine, and Eyeball gazed over the edge of the cliff to discover a pink light rapidly approaching them. "I think Steven is….not dead."
"Wait, seriously?!" Black Rutile yelled before Stevonnie leaped up the mountain and onto the cliff where the four enemy Gems stood. "You fused with a human?!"
"Bet you didn't see that coming!" Stevonnie declared as they swung their sword to try and poof Aquamarine, but she swiftly dodged and fused with Eyeball to form Bluebird Azurite.
"Of course I knew you can fuse with humans kid, it was in my data!" Black Rutile exclaimed before turning to White Topaz staring in amazement at the fusion. "Topaz, fuse with me!"
"Wait, we get to fuse too?!" White Topaz giddily exclaimed. "Eee, I can't wait, we've been practicing for so long!"
"Just shut up already." Black Rutile snarled before extending her hand. "Now, may I have this dance?"
"Gladly." White Topaz responded, taking her superior's hand before they began dancing the tango, their gems glowing as they danced until they formed into a giant light that resulted in a new, much larger fusion with four eyes & arms, spiky hair that went down to her back, a black-and-grey uniform and Black Rutile's white cape.
"One fusion against two fusions." Stevonnie muttered. "Have to admit, those aren't very good odds."
"You bet." Jasper declared, zooming up the mountain to stand by Stevonnie's side and pounding her fists together. "For them!"
"You followed us?" Stevonnie asked Jasper.
"I don't like the Crystal Gems, but I hate them just as much." Jasper explained roughly. "Now come on, let's finish this!"
"Oh, a fair game, I see!" Lepidolite asked as she summoned two pairs of claws on each pair of her hands that extended from her knuckles while Bluebird summoned her ice cutlass. "Well, game on!"
Lepidolite clashed her claws with Stevonnie's sword while Jasper grabbed Bluebird in her massive hand and smashed her face into the rock face. However, despite Lepidolite being surprisingly evenly matched with Stevonnie, there was one thing they had that she lacked. Control over the fusion itself.
"So you can fuse with humans?!" White Topaz exclaimed cheerfully while Lepidolite slashed at Stevonnie before she switched to Black Rutile. "Did you even listen to Aquamarine's report, why are you acting like this is so new to you?!" Black Rutile yelled. "Why do you always have to be so dense?!"
"This is almost like Malachite." Stevonnie compared the abusive control Black Rutile had over White Topaz to the strained but peaceful relationship between Lapis and Jasper. "Listen, why can't you just work together?!"
"Because she's a completely moronic clod!" Black Rutile yelled through Lepidolite.
"Even if she treats me like trash, she's still my boss!" White Topaz added. "After all, isn't that what master/servant relationships are kinda like?"
"Master, don't!" Bluebird yelled as Jasper kept beating her up. "You're going to make them do some speech about the stupid power of friendship or something!"
"Well, you want us to work together?!" Lepidolite said, now no longer personified through Black Rutile and White Topaz's arguing. "Then work together we shall!"
Lepidolite then grabbed Stevonnie by their arms and once again threw them over the edge of the cliff before walking off to assist Bluebird. But just like when Steven was tossed over the cliff, things went horribly wrong for them.
Stevonnie reappeared in a massive gust of wind, now bathed in a pink glow and with a furious snarl replacing their confident grin. "Why won't you listen?!" they yelled, lunging at Lepidolite and striking their sword straight into her chest. "I'm not the real monster, YOU ARE!"
"No no no no no no!" Lepidolite screamed as Stevonnie's sword cut into her body and striking her straight in Black Rutile's gem, causing the two to ultimately defuse. As the pair of Gems were dropped to the ground, White Topaz laid on her back, utterly stupefied. Black Rutile on the other hand was terrified beyond all recognition, a far cry from the confident mastermind she normally is.
"W-w-who are you!?" Black Rutile shivered in fear of the pink Stevonnie, who now had a psychotic smile on their face. "WHAT ARE YOU?!"
"I'm-" Stevonnie began when they suddenly stopped and gazed at their hands. "I don't know." With that, Stevonnie finally un-fused back into Steven and Connie, just in time for the other Gems to arrive.
"Steven, Connie!" Garnet cried as she, Amethyst, Pearl, Peridot, Bismuth, Hessonite, Lars, Squaridot, and the Light Prisms were carried up the mountain by a massive water elevator created by the trio of Lapides. When they reached the cliff, Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl all rushed to give the two kids a big hug. "What happened?"
"I don't know." Connie replied shakily. "First we fused into Stevonnie to fight Black Rutile, who fused with White Topaz to create this big fusion called Lepidolite, then after we were tossed over a cliff, Stevonnie turned pink and-"
"Wait, pink?" Pearl wondered. "It's just like all those other times Steven lost control! What could it be?"
"That's exactly what I'd like to know too!" the utterly defeated Black Rutile yelled. "What is that, a human thing?"
"Uh, no everyone! Everything's fine!" Steven began lying. "It's just a human thing, but I'm the only one who can do it!"
"Alright, keep your secrets brat." Black Rutile declared before she snapped her fingers again. Getting up from Jasper's beatdown, Bluebird picked up Black Rutile & White Topaz and carried them away. "Your little power fantasy will soon come to an end!" she declared. "And Gems, I'd keep an eye out on that monster if I were you! He could become a bigger threat to Earth than I am!"
As the three Gems got farther away, everybody turned to Steven with nervous looks on their faces.
"Steven, is there anything you need to tell us?" Connie asked her best friend.
"Uh, anyone wanna go out for pizzas?" Steven tried to change the subject, and everyone went silent in response.
"What is this pizza you speak of?" Hessonite piped up.
Later that day, reconstruction of Little Homeworld had quickly begun. With Peridot and Squaridot's help, the Cactus Stevens were now fully organic once more and helped in the repairs, alongside the Light creatures created by George and his sisters.
"Wow George, you, Elaine, and Cosma are one great team!" Steven said to George as they looked upon the Light Army's hard work. George turned to Steven with a confused look on his face. "Oh, I came up with those names for your sisters based on this TV show with a character also named George."
"Hey Steven, the pizzas are here!" Lapis called for Steven.
"Ooh, gotta go you guys!" Steven said before leaving George and his newly named sisters to work. "See you again soon!"
Steven returned to the Little Homeworld Warp Pad, where the Crystal Gems and the Off-Colors were setting up a little picnic with pizza boxes all around. "You see, this is what we need more of." Steven said. "Just us hanging out, no Gem monsters or evil Gems threatening and scarring our lives."
"Are you sure you're okay kid?" 1J9G asked Steven.
"Yeah, I'm fine." Steven replied. "Wait, what are you doing here? Weren't you on Black Rutile's side?"
"That Jasper saved my life because she knew what it was like to be alone, so I'm coming here as gratitude." 1J9G stated. "I came with Black Rutile as 1J9G, and I'll learn to become a better friend as Laz. You like the new name I got?"
"I love it!" Zuli exclaimed happily. "It's so wet!"
"Well, if you say so." Steven said awkwardly before he found Lars and Hessonite collecting the inactive gemstones of Emerald, Pyrope, Demantoid and all the Cluster Gems. "And what are you going to do with those?"
"We'll take the Cluster Gems back to Homeworld." Lars answered before pointing to Emerald and the Garnets. "As for these three, I'm not sure yet."
"They'll be safe with us." Garnet said, taking the three Gems out of the bubble. "And who knows? Maybe they'll become students of Little Homeschool."
"Speaking of which, Squaridot." Hessonite said to her Peridot sidekick. "You said that you were given the chance to come to Little Homeschool before you joined me? You think the offer still stands?"
"You know what?" Squaridot said. "I think I'm gonna stay here. Thank you Hessonite for everything." She then hugged the orange Garnet. "And tell Citrine I said hi if you find her."
As the group all sat down to their victory picnic, many eyes were still on Steven, who paid more attention to his slice of pie.
"Seriously, that boy just ain't right!" Jasper said as she prepared to leave.
"Yo Jasper, have a little more tact!" Amethyst scolded her fellow quartz while turning to Steven. "But what if Black Rutile is right? What if Steven becomes a threat to Earth?"
Steven still didn't pay any attention and kept on eating, but the Gems guessed that he might've been deliberately distracting himself. But why?
Elsewhere, Black Rutile had now touched down deeper in the forest, letting Bluebird Azurite drop her off in front of a cave. "Ah, this should make a good hideout."
"Why can't we just flee on your dropship?" White Topaz asked.
"I'm pretty sure it's been seized by now." Black Rutile said as she sat down on a rock formation, slouching and pressing her fingers together. "Tell me, my friends, what do you think is Steven's greatest weakness?"
"He can't fend for himself!" Aquamarine stated as she and Eyeball un-fused.
"He always has to get his nose in everyone's business." Eyeball remarked, rolling her eye with arms crossed.
"Uh, he's got boatloads of trauma that no one bothers to bring up?" White Topaz asked meekly.
"Correct Topaz, very good for once." Black Rutile congratulated her Topaz. "Now, as you see, he can't deal with his whole worldview changing, since learning there were so many Gems against him shattered everything he almost knew about his actions." She declared. "But what if we did the same, but we turn the humans against him?"
And that was Enemy of my Enemy and Part 2 in general! This was a really long one, filled with ideas that I've had in my head for ages! The whole group of past enemy Gems was inspired primarily by the Evil League of Mutants from Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, I imagined the bad future to be similar to Deliver Us from Prince of Egypt, and the justice debate was basically the Ship of Theseus scene from WandaVision. And that's not even getting into what I have planned for Part 3, but that's another time for another day. And if the subtitle is any indication, you all know what's coming.
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His Champion - Chapter 2
A/N: This is a short first part. Just gonna put that out there! I was inspired by @fenrivizla and their OCs Fenri and Var’ik! Also their blog @askalphapazvizla! I’m writing this as I go, so I’m actively still working on things and doing research. I really hope I do/did this justice! Please be patient with me <3
Summary: The Empire has fallen, however momentous this might be for the galaxy, it has little effect on you: one of the last living members of the Guardians of Breath. Separated from your teacher years ago, Imperial scientists have been on the hunt for you, desiring to take advantage of your Force abilities. Without any leadership your pursuers still continue their hunt for their own malicious intent, causing your to crash land on a small hidden island on the planet of Stewjon. Small foundlings of the clan Al’ur’e, find you, quite unsure of this fallen stranger.
Chapter Summary: After crash landing on a small Stewjoni island, your day only gets worse when you present for the first time. And back from his travels, Paz Vizsla senses something new, but is it actually a threat to his new clan?
Word Count: 1093
“Hey! Wake up! Hey!”
 A warm splash of water hit your face, jarring you from what had been a peaceful slumber. Picking your head up, you were greeted by those three familiar children, all smiling. A welcome surprise after their clear fright of you before.
 “Stars! We thought you were dead!”
 “Percy!” The tallest snapped. “Don’t be kriffing rude!”
 They were a strange bunch, an odd assortment of humans, presumably siblings from what you could tell from their bonds, palpable in the living Force. The oldest was tall, sturdy in build, with their brow perhaps permanently furrowed in concern. Second was Percy, the one closest to you, poking around, despite your attempts to inch away. His mahogany skin was in stark contrast to his fluffy gold hair, skewed about his head like a strange halo. Lastly there was the little one, hiding behind a wall of her own raven hair.
 “I’m sorry about my brother. He doesn’t know when to shut up. How are you feeling?” The older girl cocked her head to the side.
 Glancing down at yourself, you could see bandages had been almost neatly bound tightly around your injuries. “B-Better I guess?” Your voice was strained and dry.
 “Does that mean we can take them home now, Lethe?” Giddy with joy, Percy pulled on his older sister’s tunic. “Fenri is here until Buir gets back, maybe we can ask her!”
 A family. Thank the kriffing stars. At first you assumed these three alone had stumbled across your body and would take what they could off of you to survive. Perhaps you were imposing too much of yourself.
 “What…What planet is this? Where’s my ship?” You croaked weakly. Shakily getting to your feet, you found strength you didn’t know you had.
 “Hey! You need to sit down!” Percy protested. “Lethe! Make em’ stop!”
 Stumbling to where the sand met the sea, you could see the remaining durasteel parts of your starship floating amongst the high tide, the majority having already sunk to its final resting place at the bottom of the ocean.
 “Stars…what the kark am I gonna do now.” You breathed, running your hands through your tangled hair.  
 “So, it was you then.” The oldest child knelt beside you, observing your forlorn expression with interest. “I saw something crash, then our B- Our captain told us to stay inside.”
 She kept on prattling, asking a host of questions that became a dull drone as your head began to pulse. Nothing like a premonition to make your already throbbing head that much worse.
 “Are you okay?” Lethe asked, her voice cracking just slightly.
 Leaning forward, you could feel a heavy weight upon your chest making it difficult to take in enough air. No. This wasn’t a premonition, in fact it was something much worse and even more unwelcome. Your crash had left your physical state battered, but your connection to the Force seemed impacted as well. Never before had you needed suppressants, your old teacher thought you were, well, a beta and your abilities masked your status well enough, but now something was turning your mind into a mess, muscles into unstable jelly. The sensation was foreign. Of course, there had been moments when you had been close to losing a fight, or when you had crashed a speeder accidentally, even your latest crash was proof pain was certainly no stranger. However, this was different, making your wounds seem trivial all together. Unable to hold the weight of your body any longer, you let your entire weight fall to the ground once more, shaking and fading in and out of consciousness. Silently, you prayed those kriffing ex-imperials wouldn’t find you in this insufferable state.
 “After tonight, I am going to take my leave, Uncle.” Fenri said distractedly.
 Paz had noticed she had adopted a habit of glancing out the window of their hideout, tapping the holster of their blaster nervously.
 “Are you going to tell me what is making you so distracted or will I have to guess, dear niece?”
 Fenri sighed, “Oh, it’s nothing really. I just let the children out. They went exploring and I thought they deserved a break from their lessons.”
 “I know how your heart goes out to them, Fenri, but they need to be disciplined with their studies. It’s a part of the sense of normality they need to adjust to their new home.”
 “I know, Uncle. Trust me, I know. Percy and Kana can get restless and Lethe is responsible enough, so she took them to the shore. But I must confess, I’ve had a weird feeling since they left.”
 “I’ll check on them to ease your mind, then.” Paz said standing to leave. “Have…have any of the older children started to present?”
 From her spot at the table, Fenri frowned. “No, why?”
 He paused, swallowing hard. “Nothing. Perhaps it’s just the exhaustion from my travels. I’ll bring the children back.”
 As Paz left the hideout his pace quickened to a steady jog. Rising Phoenix was always an option, but it could easily startle the little ones and whoever else had made their way to the island. Someone was here, he was sure of it. The scent was new, not only that of a stranger, but the scent was fresh. Making his way through the heavy greenery, Paz calmed his instincts, reminding himself the individual could be a threat to his new clan. When he broke through the forest to the beach, several pairs of small footprints became clear in the sand. Paz followed them diligently until he saw all three of them there hunkered down around something. Tiny Kana’s head whipped around spotting him instantly, turning back to alert the others to his presence. As he drew nearer, the children rushed him, pressing close nearly shoving him.
 “It’s okay Buir!”
 “You don’t need to look!”
 “Go back home! We’re just…playing!”
 Nudging them aside, his gaze turned downward, falling upon perhaps the most gentle creature he had ever laid eyes on. Senses spiking, he kneeled down, taking their broken frame into his strong arms. Here it was, the source of that sweet, alluring scent, right in his grasp.
 “Buir!” Percy protested, pulling at his leg. “Don’t hurt’m!”
 “Be still child.” Paz said softly, patting his son on the head.
 In his arms, the stranger shivered, their blood covered form so vulnerable before him. His mind was quite muddled, their scent quite overwhelming, but as he guided the children home, he made up his mind. He only prayed his rash plan would work smoothly.
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spc4eva · 3 years
Mandokar: Chapter Two
Summary: Clan Vizsla returns to the Tribe and Senaar settles into her new life.
Word Count: 15,125
Author Notes: Just some more info about the Anaxian race that I've created!
An offshoot of the Sephi race, removed by generations of evolution based on Anaxes' climate. Appearance: Humanoid, sub-human, differentiated by long pointed ears (longer than most Sephi) which are hyper sensitive to the forests that they dwell in. Skin tends to be tan to dark, though there are a few fairer skinned Anaxians. Sunlight is powerful, despite the forest, which is why the melanin in their skin tends to be strong to act as a buffer when they leave the woods or are in glades. Eye hues range in earth tones, mostly brown, but a few are green. Gold is another color, while a bit rare and considered blessed amongst the people. Royalty almost always has the golden eyes. Hair color is also dark, from jet black to medium brown. Blonde, red, and light brown hair is almost unheard of and incredibly unnatural amongst Anaxians. On average, they get to the same height as humans, but tend to be more slender and willowy. Anaxians eyes work well for the dim lighting of the forest acolves and long nights. They have the ability to see in little to no light, but not utter darkness. Due to their lighter bone structures, Anaxians are quicker and more agile than other races, making for spectacular warriors should they have the inclination. Light footed from years of hunting in their forests, they are exceptionally gifted with stealth and able to fight with acrobatic feats. Despite these abilities, Anaxians have the drawbacks of being more frail than other humanoid races. For their speed and stealth, they are more easily overwhelmed by strength.
Goddess Marks/Tears: markings on the skin of Anaxians which are similar to beauty marks. Rather than be dark, these marks are the size of tears and shaped the same. Sometimes they are also referred to as petals. Each mark is gold, humming with a shimmering iridescence which is contrasted by an Anaxian's dark complexion. Most Anaxians have between 5-10 marks, though those descended of purer bloodline - ie. nobles or royalty - often have more. They are not tattoos and are on an Anaxian from birth. Those that possess a lot of them are considered 'Chosen' by the Goddess, especially if the marks play out in a more purposeful manner than just sporadic petals against the skin, placed randomly. Some Anaxians get more tattooed on them in an attempt to seem more special and it's not uncommon. However, the tattoos don't have the same glow as the natural marks. Often Anaxians will use the tattoos to link their marks together in designs. 
Note: Anaxians are not long lived like Sephis. They live 80-100 standard years on average. Anaxians do not reach sexual maturity until 20 years old, taking a little longer to grow through their adolescence into adult bodies.
Anaxians are also not well traveled. They don't like to leave their home planet often. Pure Sephis often call them forest bumpkins, so there's a little love lost between the similar races.
Most of Anaxian culture was inspired by wood elves from Lord of the Rings with a mixture of Celtic heritage. 
Inspiration photo for Anaxians (and Sena specifically) is  this
Crossposted on AO3
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The helmet was more comfortable with the padding, but she wasn't forced to wear it much around the ship with her aliit. Senaar Vizsla. She repeated it numerous times in her head, staring at the ceiling as she cocooned herself in a pile of blankets on the floor. Hux, her buir now, told her not to dwell too deeply on what had happened on Anaxes. He'd said that nothing could be done and carrying that in her heart would just hurt. When she asked about her papa, he explained that he was marching far away, but one day she'd see him again. He taught her the prayer to say every night before bed and that more names would join her papa's, but it was her duty to remember them and love them. Sena was fully committed to becoming Mandalorian, even if she was a bit nervous and frightened by the shock of everything that had happened. Be strong. Papa would be watching and she had to make him proud... buir and ori'vod too.
" Sen'ika ," Paz entreated, drawing her attention as she leered at the ceiling of the ship, hiding in her blankets as if it were a toasty little garrison. Hyperspace was cold, much colder than most of Anaxes' yearly climate. "Come sit over here."
Dragging her blankets with her, helmet nestled against her tummy, she sat beside Paz and eyed what he was working on. Set in front of him was the rifle he had used during their escape from Genmaris. Now, it was in several pieces, he had a cloth and swatches of cotton, many of which were stained with blaster residue. He was cleaning the weapon.
"Have you ever taken one apart before?" Paz inquired lightly, gazing down at her with icy blue eyes. Despite how shockingly pale his eyes were, they were still kind and warm. He had short blonde hair, messy from his helmet, and was probably not much older than her despite his height and fitness.
"I know how to take the slide off of my pistol, but I've never taken it apart like this," Sena admitted, cheeks burning as she wondered if she was severely behind in her knowledge. What if the other children made fun of her? What if she was stupider than kids a lot younger than her? Would her buir disown her? Take the helmet back and tell her to get out?
"Most firearms are the same aside from the coils in buttstocks of rifles and shotguns," Paz eased, sensing the girl's worry. "You will need to know not only how to fire your weapons, but how to clean them and assess any issues you may have while firing. Weapons are our religion, so we must take good care of them to protect our people. Now, let's begin-"
Paz showed her the various pieces of the rifle, the charging handle, the bolt, where cartridges were loading. There were bits of information that were familiar, as there was some overlap from what she knew about her pistol. Having her hands on it, manipulating the pieces, putting them together and taking them apart - everything clicked rather swiftly. The visual and physical method of learning, rather than out of a holobook, took repetition and application. The distraction was greatly appreciated and Sena was keen to prove that she was a quick learner.
They moved onto a blaster, Hux dropping down from the cockpit, cocking his head as Sena cleaned the weapon. "I thought I told you to clean them," he said, directing his attention toward Paz.
"I can help!" Sena insisted quickly, before Paz even had the chance to offer.
"I thought she should begin her lessons," her vod retorted, stiffening under the tart gaze of their buir .
"Teach yes, but don't let her do all the work. I assigned you this task," Hux reminded him duly, looking to Sena next, who jolted erect under his pale gaze. "Let your ori'vod finish the rest. Come along, there are many things you need to learn, ad'ika."
More distractions. Scampering up from her blankets, she followed her buir deeper into the ship and away from Paz as he was left by the armory. This part of the Kote was filled with weights, a pull up bar, a sparring dummy, thick padded mats, and other work out items. " Buyca ." Bucket.
Sena slipped it back on and fiddled with her belt, making certain that her belt was tight enough to keep the extra material from her clothes from tripping her up.
"I am going to test your strength and endurance levels," Hux alerted her. "I know that you had some training in combat."
"A little," Sena confirmed, but knew her knowledge certainly quailed in comparison to Mandalorian standard.
Hux began prattling off exercises. He started with pushups, which weren't too hard. Sena was tiny and her limbs short. She ran around through the woods often and handled her own body weight. Capable of pushups and a few weak pull ups, she hung upside down from the bar like a monkey, braid swaying behind her as her buir remarked quietly to himself. Apparently, she was not too bad off, her excursions outside of the castle leaning well with her heritage as an Anaxian. Small, compact, ready to spring like a viper; she was putty to be molded. Her hands had callouses from where she'd climbed trees, tearing the soft palms and pads. Her feet were rough from trolloping barefoot, which would ease the pain of wearing boots and the callouses that would form on top of her soles.
And the girl could run. Around the drill shed floor, without reprieve, puffing out of her vocoder and using the boxes as obstacles. The original doubt that Hux had about taking a princess in was vanishing. Even if she might feel a little out of place amongst the Mandalorians due to her upbringing, Ardryll had not lied about her being well suited for training. The right disposition could be developed and she still had many years ahead of her before she would become a hunter. Most of all, the girl was eager to prove herself, hanging onto every word that came out of Hux's vocoder, the analyzer picking up the earnesty and excitement in her voice.
They had five more days on the ship before they were to touch down on Vorpa'ya and rejoin the Tribe. Even if the child was tired, she got up early and helped out as much as she could. It was plain she didn't know how to do many mundane tasks, given that servants had done this for her during the course of her short life. The Vizslas were patient with her, having to teach her how to turn a burner on, how to properly fold her clothes, how to wash them, how to tidy up after herself, how to be more considerate of those she was sharing space with. Hux was thankful they had the ship to do this on, glaringly aware that the girl would be tossed right into training with peers of a similar age and set before the Council before the Tribe welcomed her.
Hux's nerves faded, glancing fondly over in the direction of the plum helmet as the child bent over with his son, trying to stitch together where they had cut up her shirt in an attempt to take it in so it wasn't so baggy. Her fingers quaked and she gasped again, pricking her thumb for the umpteenth time. Despite fussing at his son before, Paz took to the girl like a womp rat to filth and was thrilled to have someone to take under his wing. It was difficult not to and Hux grudgingly admitted that to himself often at the kid's heart. She didn't give up. Settling back in his spot by the table, he wondered what Sova would have thought of the girl.
She would have loved her, he reasoned silently. Anaxes was gone. Having turned the news on in the cockpit long enough to hear about the sweeping of the Empire through the galaxy, his insides had gone cold when he saw the information regarding Anaxes. After resisting the Empire, there was a reactor failure in one of the shipyards that detonated a stockpile of hypermatter. Whether this was accidental or the locals had decided that they wouldn't allow for Anaxes to be used as a pivotal anchor point, Hux could only speculate. All that remained of the planet was an asteroid belt, wiping away the beautiful forests that Genmaris had been tucked along. As far as anyone was concerned, the Anaxian princess had been on the planet during the cataclysm.
Her anonymity was more important now. Her long ears and Goddess Tears would be easily recognizable.
Damn Jetii, you knew. You knew all along what was coming and how she'd have to be hidden , Hux cursed. Originally, he had been vexed by the arrangement, held by his debt to the Jedi. Take a princess and make her Mandalorian? He'd scoffed at the idea, but knew in his heart he couldn't abandon a child to an abysmal fate. There had been many others who had likely died on Anaxes, but Hux couldn't have saved them all. At least one would live to have a family and he could have a hand in raising her. Paz had already detailed that the little bird had attacked a trooper like a rabid massiff, flying out from the shadows and puncturing the small exposed bit of his throat. While still clumsy, the girl had managed to buy Paz time and kill the soldier. Potential . The girl had a lot of potential.
That potential was shadowed by her naiveness, but she'd grow wiser with age.
"I look lumpy," Sena had her shirt on, the poor stitching bunching up around her midsection and zigzagging where she'd not kept the line straight.
"Could use some work," Paz admitted honestly, pinching at the fabric to attempt to tug the bundling seams down. "Don't worry, there will be clothes that fit you amongst the Tribe. You'll also get some leather beskar'gam , which we'll put the jai'galaar eyes on."
Jai'galaar eyes or shriek-hawk eyes were the original clan sigil of the Vizslas.  It had been used for the Death Watch in the more recent years, disparaged and spat upon by many other Mandalorians for the Sith that Hux's brother Pre had unleashed on their home world. Originally, Hux had helped try to retake Mandalore, before realizing how wrong he had been about forcing the Resol'nare on people who wanted to live peacefully. His own commitment did not circumvent how sacred he held the lives of Mandalorians, even if they were considered dar'manda . Pre had not agreed, saying that the dar'manda would submit or die.
After being spared by the Jetii , Arydryll, he removed the blue and white paint of the Death Watch and returned home to his son, uprooting their life and moving amongst the Tribe where they were accepted with open arms under the condition that they did not remove their helmets. This dedication to the Resol'nare attracted him; the ideal lifestyle he had hoped for all of Mandalore. Yet, he knew their little covert was one of few and he cherished what they had found. Here, he could live as he wished, but without forcing it on those who did not possess the same dedication to the Resol'nare. Hux did not want glory or to partake in the fight against the Empire, he desperately wanted peace. Here, Paz would be able to learn and supply for his people. There were always threats, as being Mandalorian came with its own clauses, but the covert had escape plans if the need for relocation arose.
" Sen'ika , go work on your combat drills on the practice shed floor," Hux thrummed eventually as the girl continued to fiddle with her awkwardly sewn clothes.
"Yes, buir ," she answered obediently, trotting off without needing to be asked again.
Paz tilted his helmet, staring over at his father. Questioning.
Once the child was safely out of earshot, he let out a low sigh. "We will be landing soon and you know what'll happen. The Council will want to meet her and then introduce her to the Tribe," the man started, earning a nod of comprehension. "We will not be telling them where she is from."
"We are going to lie to the Tribe?" Paz asked, voice hitching in disdain.
"No, we are going to omit information. The less people that know who she was and where she is from means the Tribe shall be safer. Anaxes is nothing but rubble and asteroids. No one shall see her face aside from us until she marries and by that point, no one will be looking for her. Until then, it is for the Tribe's best interest that we are as nondescript as possible in regards to her heritage."
"Understood... Have you discussed this with, vod'ika ?"
"Yes, she fully comprehends the importance of being ambiguous with the Tribe. As far as they know, she's from Naboo."
"A little Naboo child who can jump and do acrobats better than the rest of them?" Paz pointed out, harping upon the natural gifts lended to her from being Anaxian.
"It explains her accent and education. They will not start her training out too difficult, as they'll want to test her to get a better idea of what age group to place her with. She still has a lot to learn in order to be as well prepared as others her age."
"Hm," Paz hummed in disagreement. "Maybe in Mando'a and hand to hand combat, but she knows how to hold her own. The others will come quickly enough."
"Keep a close eye on her. There will be an adjustment period, even if she is doing well with just the both of us," Hux warned. In the privacy of the Kote , she felt comfortable with her new clan. Amongst the Tribe, she'd be faced with unfamiliar helms, various trials, and an entirely new setting. He worried how she would react, that the comforting embrace of the ship being ripped away from her might cause her to falter. It was all she had come to know after leaving her home world and acknowledging her past life was dead. Even the most resilient children needed time to recover and whilst she was putting on a brave face, it would only take one misstep for her emotions to finally catch up with the swift pace she had set. Hux was expecting a breakdown of enormous proportions in the coming days.
"Of course, she's my vod'ika . I'll not let anything happen to her," Paz swore, the oath so deep and intended that Hux smiled. This was the Way.
Vorpa'ya was coated in lolling hills rustling with tall green grass. Not a tree in sight, the plains spreading onward, and the sun pelting down across the landscape to catch the glimmering shift of the wind through the grass. So open and exposed, so strange and unfamiliar as large brown herbivores meandered the grass. They had four pronged horns that cradled their faces, mooing quietly as they gnawed on the vegetation and trotted along. Despite the sun's glare, the temperature was mild and the wind chased away any discomfort the sun's smile might provide.
Dome shaped homes littered the largest hill, cresting upon it like little green dimples. The steel had been thatched with grass, which grew tall and swooned in the wind. From above, the houses would be impossible to discern from the rest of the rolling land of Vorpa'ya. Between the homes, the people milled around - the Tribe. Beskar helmets painted in various hues, visors shifting between T and Y-shaped, and daily life gliding forward, seemingly untouched by the war that ravaged the galaxy. The people were not ignorant to it, as each Mandalorian donned at least three weapons a piece, the hunters even more, but they were careful, meticulous, and on guard. Any day, their little village could be disrupted and they were prepared to fight and escort the children far away to relocate the covert.
Following awkwardly between Paz and Hux, Sena's head swiveled around. Visors tilted toward her, noticing the new bucket amongst their Tribe, and greeted her aliit in kind with, " Su cuy'gar " and " Su'cuy " from a few very small children who did not wear helmets. Even if this was not the comforting forest, Sena's heart burned in her chest, warmed by the atmosphere, and she smiled stupidly beneath her helmet as she offered a few little waves to children running underfoot. Some attacked Paz, forcing the trio to stop as a child collided with her shins.
"Hello," Sena chimed, looking down into the bright blue eyes of a twi'lek boy.
"You're new! Who're you? I like your bucket. It's a pretty color," the boy was no more than five and tugging at her trousers.
"My name is Senaar," she bent down toward the grabby hands and picked him up, a little surprised by how much he weighed. She'd already committed, so she huffed him up onto her hip and let him tug lightly on her long, black braid. "What's your name?"
"Zim!" he squealed, palming her helmet and pushing his brow against hers. Sena knew that this was a keldable kiss and was exchanged between family and lovers, but didn't know what to do when a child was doing that to her. The big blue eyes opened, pinning her reproachfully, and he butted her more forcefully - demanding reciprocation.
"Bonk," Sena muttered, offering him a small headbutt.
Zim giggled delightedly.
"Run along now, ade. Lalli is undoubtedly looking for you little womp rats," Hux scolded, but there was no spice or menace in his voice.
" Sen'ori , come play with us later?" Zim asked quickly, knowing the moments he had with her were numbered to the second.
"Uhm," she was bending down to put Zim back on his feet. "If it's allowed..."
Paz gave her a reassuring pat on the back. "I can show you the town and nursery later," he told her, Zim galloping off with the other younglings before they were allowed to continue their passage amongst the covert. "Do you have a lot of experience with children?"
Her cheeks burned and she shook her head. "Not really. There weren't that many kids around... there. And if there were I wasn't really allowed near them. Not because I'd get in trouble, but mostly just social standards. No little cousins or anything like that."
The nicest thing about this village was that there were so many people to talk to, to not treat her like a princess, and estrange her due to her status. People always dreamed about being a princess, but most of her friends had been written in the pages of books. Everyone in Genmaris had been wary about offending her, even though Sena tried not to come off as rude or cold. Just the brush with the children made her ecstatic, because she'd never experienced anything like it. Little Zim had forced himself into her arms and stolen two keldable kisses and he barely knew her. What would everyone else be like?
"You'll get the hang of it. Zim was rather taken with you," Paz assured her.
"I hope so. If we have time, I think I would like to go to the nursery," Sena insisted, licking her dry lips beneath her helmet as they approached the largest domed structure, which was located at the epicenter of the camp. Two grand doors were propped open, leading into a cavernous room that pelted warmth. Situated in the center was a circular hearth where pale white blue flames lanced up the rim, stabbing up like daggers toward a range hanging from the ceiling that filtered any smoke and helped contain the immense heat that wafted from the fire. Seats were arranged against the wall, curving into the structure in the form of benches, where dozens of adults could sit around the forge.
Dozens were not there now, only a few. Immediately, her eyes sought out the most imposing of the crowd, a broad Mandalorian in soot black painted armor. He had a hammer in his hand, pausing to watch them carefully, his visor framed by white so that it was distinguishable from the darkness of the rest of the armor. On the other side of the forge was a female with a golden helmet, who appeared to be helping him, the crown fringed with short horns.
"I have not seen that helmet in a long time," the black-painted Mandalorian declared in a deep, resonating voice that echoed throughout the hall like ocean waves crashing against a rocky coastline. "A Foundling, Vizsla?"
" Elek , Smith," her buir stepped forward, brushing his hand along her shoulder and bringing her forth with him. "Senaar."
Uncertain of what to do, since she was no longer a princess, she simply stood there stiffly. Her helmet wasn't reading the Smith's voice very well, coming up as unknown.
"She is Mandalorian?" the Smith inquired, cocking his head slightly.
Sena was getting better at reading body language. Despite the fact she had seen Paz and Hux's faces, they tended to still move around as if they were wearing their helmets. Body language spoke volumes and the questioning turn of a helmet was already ingrained in her brain. She still had to learn the other nuances.
" Cin vhetin ," Hux offered simply. "I have renamed her."
"Welcome to the Tribe, Senaar of Clan Vizsla," the Smith greeted, visor skimming over her frame. "It appears you are in dire need of proper attire. Armorer, could you please assist in getting our new vod outfitted?"
The golden helmeted female stepped forward, bending down slightly to lift Sena's arms and take a few measurements. Her fingers picked at the atrocious stitching that Sena had managed and she murmured quietly to herself. "I should have things that fit you, vod . Come along."
Despite the encouragement from the young woman, she threw her head toward her buir , who gave her a nod. Allowed to follow the Armorer, they entered a back room in the hall. Considerably smaller, but chocked full of supplies to include various ingots of steel, most of durasteel, some of beskar, cloaks, boots, trousers, shirts. This was a supply closet, most of the attire dark and earth toned. A warrior's armor was where their personality was displayed in the colors in which they chose to paint it. She noticed that the Armorer's bucket was not painted, but shimmered gold. Sena wondered what color was beneath hers, but hadn't thought to touch the plum paint.
Pulling a few tops out, the Armorer decided which size would work best and began to create a pile for Sena. Boots, socks, underwear, and gloves were added to the ensemble. Finally, she pulled a few leather vests out, tightening it around Sena's frame to make certain it fit.
"This will be your armor until you can hunt and earn your own," the Armorer explained, adding leather vambraces and leg pads. "Get changed up and I will show you how to adorn them."
Sena was worried that the Armorer would wait nearby, but the female was discreet and stepped out of the supply closet to let Sena change in privacy. Discarding her frumpy, borrowed attire, she swapped it for clothing that fit much better. The pants were a little long still, but at least they didn't require a belt to keep up. The fabric was dark brown like dirt, the neckline curving up to hide her throat entirely. With gloves, knee high boots, a belt, with pouches - she stood there awkwardly trying to figure out what to do with the cuirass.
"Armorer?" she called tentatively, the gold helmet popping back in the doorway at the sound of her name.
"See these here?" the Armorer touched her gloves to the loops on the suit she was now wearing. "The armor attached to these points. Let's begin with the cuisse and greaves," sitting her down on the bench, she began strapping up the leather pads over her thighs and against her shins. "The cuirass or heartplate straps in on its own. Since it is not steel, it'll be a little tighter than beskar. Next, we have your vambraces, which will act as a point of defense. This is the first item you should craft of beskar," she tied the laced, the leather polished, but missing any of the tiny buttons that Hux had on his. "And your pauldrons will be where your clan sigil is displayed. For Vizslas, that is the shriek-hawk eyes."
" Ori'vod said he would help me paint it. Am I allowed to paint the leather? I don't want to get in trouble-" Sena's fretfulness caused her to begin babbling much too quickly, earning a light chuckle from the Armorer.
"The armor is yours now. You are allowed to paint it, though leather does not hold the paint as well as steel. During your training is it very likely to chip and peel," the Armorer informed her kindly. "But you should add the shriek-hawk eyes."
Sena wagged her head in agreement, thanking the Armorer before picking up her bundle of clothes and her extra set of boots. Hugging the supplies to her chest, she trundled out of the supply room to see a few other Mandalorians poking around. People had wandered into the hall. Immediately, they looked toward her, causing her to freeze where she stood and drop a boot. The sole colliding with the ground echoed throughout the cavernous hall and interrupted all conversation. Sena wanted to faint, shaking like a leaf.
Bending down, she battled with the edge of the boot before managing to snag it and toss it back on top of her pile. All but running over to Paz, she tucked toward his side and glanced around anxiously. Sena wasn't shy, but she'd also never seen Mandalorians before the Vizslas and now she was in an entire village of them. On top of that, she wanted to impress them and not make them regret taking her in. The sheer weight of wanting to be as good as possible made her quiver anxiously a bit. Being a princess wouldn't win her any brownie points and as far as they knew, she was from Naboo.
"Much better," Paz said, looking down at her new clothes and armor. "A full Mandalorian now, vod'ika -" he elbowed her lightly, nearly sending all her belongings flying from her hands. "The Elders want to meet you. Let me hold these for you and then we'll get the chance to drop them off at home."
Elders? They sounded mighty important. Sena swallowed the impossibly large lump in her throat and gave Paz a mute nod, passing over her supplies.  She gave herself a minor pep talk, rationalizing that this couldn't be anymore intimidating than the vipers in the court. Even if she was unable to see their faces, at least they'd all been rather cordial with her until this point. Direct, straightforward, no beating around the bush. It was so unlike the climate she was accustomed to and while she liked it, she felt woefully ill prepared. Being guarded was so much easier, as was not taking most people at their word.
Arranged in the seats nearest to the forge was a council of seven - to include the Smith who sat amongst them. Most of the members had on armor, though there were two Elders, so old and fragile looking, that they did not don any armor. One was a woman who looked like a shriveled up prune, her skin hanging around her face so loose that it was difficult to tell if there were scars amongst her riddled countenance. Dark brown eyes perceived her, lancing right into her own, despite the visor that obscured Sena's.
The patriarch had a kinder expression, his face not resembling a crinkled up tissue. His skin was dark, sagging pale brows over wise irises. Braids of snow rain down his scalp and around his shoulders, a pink scar dragged along his left cheek like a bolt of lightning on a blackened field.
Four others; a female in cyan armor, a male in orange, a male in crimson, and a male in blue and white. Each one had various markings, designs, and spots differentiating their beskar. From the years of wearing the beskar, there were gouges, scratches, and marks that they wore proudly. Vambraces varied, as did weapons, and despite the fact that people said that all Mandos were the same, modulated bucketheads, Sena saw a huge difference between each of them. Not just because of their varying colors, but the manner in which they had painted designs, or highlighted the scratches with paint to make the scars pop, or the variance in design of the cuirasses as the style had improved over the years.
"Senaar of Clan Vizsla," the patriarch had a husky voice, so deep that it sounded as if it had been dredged out of the depths of Trask's oceans. "The Tribe welcomes you as our newest addition. My name is Rhenx and I am the Alor of the Tribe."
Alor sounded important, but in her nervousness, she couldn't recall if her buir had told her what it meant. "The pleasure is mine, Alor ," she retorted, still a bit too quickly, but was thankful her voice didn't fail her. The least her courtesy training could do for her was not make her sound like an idiot in front of the most important people in the Tribe. They were judging her at that moment, she was certain of it.
Rhenx gave an encouraging smile with pooled heat in her tummy and eased her shoulders. "Polite. Perhaps you could teach your aliit some manners,” he remarked, drawing a few laughs from the Elders flanking him. “Tell me, vod , what is your ambition?”
This was a question she had not been prepped for, the helmet heavy on her head as she tilted slightly to the side and considered him for a moment. Better to think than to spew nonsense. “To have a home and family. To belong ,” the answer was simple and yet it was all she could hope for now that her papa was gone. She’d not have many friends before and she hoped that she could change that here.
“Not of great prowess? To be the best hunter?” Rhenx mused, his questions making her heart thump in her chest as if she were a rabbit being eyed by a wolf.
Had she chosen the wrong words? Shuddering a breath slightly, she knew she couldn’t rescind them without looking stupid. “That too, but those come after,” she retorted, cheeks heated beneath her helmet, thankful for the mask to hide her abysmal expression.
Rhenx bellowed a laugh, making her jump. “Where did you find this one, Vizsla?”
Devoting his attention back to her, Rhenx offered another obliging look. “You have had a long journey, vod. We look forward to seeing you excel here. The Tribe is now your family, we take care of one another, protect one another. You will learn our ways and one day provide as your buir provides for you.”
Out of habit and because it felt natural, Sena bowed her head respectfully and took her leave. She couldn’t get beside Paz quickly enough, feet hastened and heart beating erratically until they had left the pressure of the hall. While the meeting with the Elders had gone much more easily than she had been expecting, she had a feeling that they’d be watching for the days to come. Until this point in her life, there had been little expectations of Sena other than to sometimes be at the right place at the right time. Taking advantage as a princess, she’d been able to shirk many duties and get away with mistakes that normal people would have been reprimanded for. There was a tiny bit of regiment in her from the little combat training she did have, but drawing upon her week on the Kote she knew that laziness and indignance would not be tolerated. Even if she was only 13, Sena was not stupid. Her frivolous years until this point were just that; until this point.
Tingling like bad food in the pit of her tummy, she considered what might happen. Part of her was fretful that she wouldn’t fit in and that she’d be detrimentally behind the others. Not in academics, because she’d studied with tutors, but in combat. They literally breathed blaster smoke like oxygen.
“You’re quiet, vod’ika ,” Paz observed as they continued to bask in the glow of the sun, heading to the edge of the town. She saw a few of the cattle grazing in the distance, otherwise just an empty landscape that seemed as if it could fall into the sky. Despite having found it pretty before, Sena was suddenly anxious at how open and scarce it was. Nowhere to hide. No shadows. Just open. “Are you alright?”
“Nervous,” Sena admitted quietly, tearing her eyes away from the moors as they paused in front of a house.
“You did well. If Rhenx likes you then there’s little to worry about,” he assured her, punching the code into the door: 568768. Hissing open, he allowed her in first.
“But I didn’t do or say much,” she pointed out, stepping down into the main dwelling area or karyai . The large chamber was not only the kitchen, but the den, dining area, and communal resting area. She noticed to the flanks of the karyai that there were doors to other rooms, assuming that these were bedrooms and a fresher.
“You weren’t a blubbering mess and you were concise and honest,” Paz countered, shutting the door and ripping his helmet off. Running fingers through his helmet curls, he cocked a smile at her that took the edge off her anxiety. “The rest you’ll have to prove, but you showed tenacity today. Seems your princess training helped a bit.”
“I felt like a blubbering mess.” She still did, clinging desperately to her clothes as if they were her last semblance of sanity. Everything was so glaringly real now. On the ship, she’d been toiling through hyperspace and with the idea of the Tribe. In theory, it all sounded magnificent. In reality, she was terrified of letting the aliit down or the rest of the Tribe. There had been moments in her life where she worried about letting papa down, but she’d never cared much for what others in the court thought of her. They had never been this close of a community. Sena expected if she made one slip up the entire village would know and talk about her behind her back. Call her a dope or an idiot.
“See, this is why I’m glad I only have one brain cell. You’re thinking too much, Sen’ika .”
She jolted, turning her head to look at her vod and let out a pitiful whine. “I don’t want to disappoint anyone.”
“Were you ever this worried when you were a princess?”
She shook her head.
“Being a princess seems a lot more difficult. Just be yourself… minus the royalty thing, but you catch my drift,” Paz gave her a small pep talk, bending down to affectionately butt heads with her helmet. “Come around here. The guest room is yours now. There’s not much in it, but you can make it your own-” he pressed a hand into her back and began guiding her across the karyai and toward the first door on the left. “We can set up your own code too. Buir likes to snoop.”
They deliberated quietly on a code for the door before Paz set it. It didn’t strike Sena that he also knew her code, but she didn’t mind either way. What did she really need to lock her door for when she was amongst a village of Mandalorians? Just as he’d claimed, the room was nondescript. Decorated simply with a full bed, a dresser, a single night stand with an alarm clock, and a closet. There was a window which gazed out on the fields. The room itself was the size of a powder room in Genmaris Castle and lacked all the refinement and grace of her old chambers. No wood, no warmth from the shimmersilk drapes, nor the stash of holobooks or paperbacks. Putting her belongings on the quilted comforter, she reached up and pulled her helmet off, thankful to finally be able to smell and feel the atmosphere on her face.
“The windows are shaded, so no one can see in,” Paz gestured to the glass. “Class begins at 0500 every morning except weekends. For you, that’ll be at the Junction House. Physical training starts the day, then academia, followed by a changing schedule of marksmanship, weapons courses, and other specialized courses like reconnaissance, basic medical, starship lessons… There’s a lot to list, but it’ll be handed to you piece by piece. Tomorrow you’ll get a holocard with the schedule as it changes week to week. Days end at 1500, with the exception of specialty lessons you might have once or twice a month. After end of day, you’re allowed to do what you want. Some people continue training, some people slack off, others help around the village… Ah, and there’s a Foundling shift roster. Once a week you’ll be tasked with watching the ade . But you’re always allowed to go more if you want.”
Sena listened, nodding as she thought of the other children she’d known who had gone to boarding school. The regiment and timelines seemed similar to that, though the classes being offered here sounded way more exciting. “What do you do after classes?”
“I don’t have as many classes anymore, since I’m older and just completed my First Trial. When you’re 16 you’ll also attempt your Trial if you’re ready,” Paz revealed.
“ 16 ,” Sena gasped in horror. “That’s only 3 cycles away!”
“The Tribe will not make you do your Trial if you’re not ready,” Paz placated, but it had the opposite effect.
“Then I’ll look like an idiot ,” Sena balked.
“You better train hard then. No more running off in the woods, shirking your duties,” he smarted, making her frown.
“There’s not even any forests to explore,” she pointed out disdainfully.
“Good thing. Less distractions,” he grinned, turning back toward the door. “Put your things away and then we’ll go check out the village. Maybe you’ll even get to meet some of your vod before tomorrow.”
Giving her the first real private moment since leaving Anaxes, she sat on the edge of the bed and palmed her eyes. This was life now. A mundane room, no books, no friends, and no clue on how to do anything. That had been obvious on the ship when she’d not realized that there wasn’t a magical clothing fairy who picks up after her. Or that she actually had to make food when she was hungry and not just ask for it. Or that people didn’t like when you were a little messy. Drawing in a shaky breath, she stood up and began putting her clothes away. A new beginning. She really had to give it a try and put her heart into it, because otherwise she had nothing else. Here, she would learn life skills; how to defend herself, to supply for others, to feel a part of a community, and to build a life. Until this point in her life, Sena had never really thought much of the future aside from what she didn’t want to do, like marry Rathas. Each stride was taken day by day and her ambitions were nothing more than mischievous fun to be had around the castle.
Was she upset by the guidance? No, she wasn’t, but it still made her hands shake. There was no papa to defend her choices, to wash away any bad she might’ve done. Hux had already told her that she had to own up to what she did, even if she made a mistake. Honesty was paramount.
After putting her belongings away, she picked her helmet back up and went out into the karyai . Paz held up a piece of… dessert? She didn’t know what it was other than it was layered densely, flat, and appeared to have nuts and fruit in it. “ Uj’alayi ,” he told her, offering her a piece as he scarfed his own down.
Her stomach rumbled, reminding her that she’d not eaten much since getting off the ship and they’d been eating rations. Real food was such a comforting sight that Sena nearly cried. Biting her tongue to keep herself from being dumbly emotional over cake, she picked up the sticky pastry and enjoyed the sweetness, the syrup, and the kick of spices that warmed her palate and hummed in the back of her throat. The uj’alayi was amazing. However, her gloves were now coated in stickiness. Big eyes turned toward Paz, he chortled as he washed down his cake with water.
“Wash your hands,” he reminded her, as if it were so obvious - which it was - but she hadn’t thought of it just standing there like a dope.
Coming around the counter, she scrubbed her gloves free of the syrup and picked her helmet up from where she’d set it down. “Do we get to eat that everyday?”
“Our teeth would rot right out of our heads,” Paz chortled. “ Uj’alayi is a treat. Bhone delivered this to us - the Elder in the cyan armor.”
“Oh, that was very nice,” Sena remarked, slightly disappointed that the cake was not a part of everyday cuisine. If she were still a princess, she could demand that it was. Here, she’d just look like a petulant brat. “How would I say thank you? Do I send a gift back or-”
“You could just thank her next time you see her. You’d really impress her if you said it in Mando’a. ‘ Vor’e’ would work.”
“ Vor’e ,” she repeated quietly, hoping that Paz hadn’t just told her how to say something rude to the Elder, but knew she had to trust in his guidance. He was one of few people she was somewhat familiar with around these parts and one of even fewer whose face she could see. Taking in a deep breath, filling up her diaphragm as much as she could muster, she turned her eyes to Paz. “Alright! Let’s go do things. Now it’s your turn to show me around.”
“The village isn’t half as large as Genmaris and you knew that place better than the back of your hand. Won’t take too long and then we can stop by the Nursery,” Paz picked up his bucket and slid it back on.
Donning hers, they went back out into the village where Paz escorted her past the huts and toward the big hall that they’d entered first. That was the Foundry - the important place where all the Tribe gathered and also where armor was forged. Radiating out in a spiral where the other important buildings, which were larger than the residential homes. These included the Junction House, the School, and the Nursery - where all the children to teenagers would spend their time during typical academic hours. The Den was where the hunters met up, dropped off what they’d earned, and had a few drinks time willing. The Cache was another supply location, but it was mostly groceries and miscellaneous housing items. There was also a small mechanical hut with spare parts for the few ships the Tribe had and Med-Deck where the doctor lived. Otherwise, training that did not occur in any of the aforementioned locations were done out in the fields surrounding the village.  
Circling back around to the Nursery, they spent a little time with the children before dinner, the tykes throwing themselves at her when they found out that Ori’vod Paz now had a sister of his own, leading them to assume that she’d be just as fun and amazing as him. The expectations made her a little dizzy, unable to heft the kids quite like Paz could, but she did manage to tumble on the floor with a few of them. Zim had all but claimed her as his own, demanding headbutts every spare second she had to breathe. So, for those brief couple of hours, she forgot about how nervous she was about her first day of school and meeting the other kids her age. According to Paz, her class was aged from 10-14.
When they returned home, Hux already had food ready on the table, looking at them expectantly as gloves were removed and hands were washed. Plated before her was an orange-red curry, the spices making the hairs in her nose curl. The meat and sauce was piled on top of a grain. Since she was hungry, she began spooning it into her mouth, immediately regretting what she had done as her tongue went taut and began to burn as if both suns of Tatooine were sitting upon it. Eyes watering, it took every ounce of willpower not to spit it back out, the other two Vizslas watching on with absolute mirth and delight as she reached for her drink. That didn’t do any better, because even that was spiced.
Panic began to set in as she panted, blinked over and over again as her chest ached.
“Giving you a heturam? ” Paz grinned to her contempt.
“If you’re hungry, you’ll eat it,” Hux barely looked up from his own food.
She managed to turn over the rice and push some in her mouth which helped with the burn. Neither of her aliit were bothered by how spicy the food was and she wondered if her buir had purposely made hers hotter just to get a kick. By this point, her entire tongue was scorched of any taste buds, allowing her to force down a few more bites as her throat rebelled. How had they gone from uj’cake to this?
Ending the day with a shower, she wandered over to her window, her headband off and her ears finally free. Gazing out, she noticed how the moonlight dappled the grass and turned it blue like back in Genmaris. She thought that it was rather pretty how the wind would tangle its fingers through the tall fronds, scattering them in rippling ethereal waves as the moonlight highlighted them. There were no birds, no songs to look forward to in the morning, but then again… Sena was the bird now. Clinging to the edge of the window, she lingered, wishing to open it but afraid that someone might pass by and see her face.
Papa, I miss you.
Bzzt. Bzzt. Bzzt.
It was the most Goddess awful sound she’d ever heard in her life. Rolling over, she eyed the alarm clock which read 0430, blinking its red lights at her, indicating that it was time to get up. Groaning, she slapped it a few times, trying to get the atrocious noise, that sounded akin to a loth-cat being strangled, to stop. Finally, she found the button and clicked it off, rubbing her eyes as they quickly adjusted to the dim light of the room. Dawn was just on the horizon, but it was not time for sunrise for another couple of hours. Sena hadn’t slept well, her anxiety hitching with the hours and when she finally had shut her eyes, she had only gotten a couple hours.
Changing from her pajamas - a simple pair of leggings and a t-shirt - she traded them for her jumpsuit and began fumbling at the armor. Her fingers weren’t dexterous at it yet and she kept eying the clock, realizing she was taking much longer than she should have. Tying her boots too tight, she grabbed her helmet and ran out of the room, forgetting her headband and having to turn back around to get it. Paz was already about to leave and she was frantic, sprinting to the counter to grab a piece of toast before forcing it down her gullet. Some food was better than none.
Oh, Goddess. Only 5 minutes.
She shoved her helmet on her head and ran out of the house. Her brother was already gone. Whipping her head around she started for the Junction House, her stomach balling up, bile rising in the back of her throat as she slipped into the room just as the bell chimed. Sena was momentarily relieved until she realized she was standing by the door while the rest of the class was neatly arranged in a formation on the padded mats. A pair of adults looked her way, her fingers clasping together in front of her to prevent her from shaking.
“Vizsla?” the male adult, in juniper blue armor inquired, his visor accented with holly red.
“Y-yes, sir,” she stammered, stepping forward after counting 10 students sitting on the ground.
“ K’olar! We haven’t got all morning,” the male informed her, gesturing sharply, his voice powerful and commanding.
Sena stumbled forward and waited expectantly.
“At attention,” he sighed, shaking his head at her.
“Att-” she’d seen guards and knights snap to attention when she and papa passed by them. Comprehending what he was asking, she jolted, heels together, spine erect, chin leveled, and shoulders back.
“And here I was thinking Hux would’ve prepared you for this. Not surprised another Vizsla is lacking brain cells.”
“Give the kid a break. It’s her first day,” the other teacher chimed, a female mando in polished sage green armor. Sena decided she liked this mando better.
“Learn fast or fall hard,” the male snipped.
“As long as you get back up,” Sena said in a very, tiny, tiny voice.
“What did you say?”
She stiffened, realizing she couldn’t just speak when she wanted. This was a very strange concept to her. Only speak when asked a question or given permission. Before, she’d been allowed to blabber to her heart’s content. Now she was afraid.
The female mando chuckled. “Relax, adiik. Thak, cut it out with the theatrics unless you want Hux to find you later and beat you into the wall,” she soothed, turning around and tilting her visor toward the rest of the students. “Class, this is our newest Foundling, Senaar of Clan Vizsla. I expect you all to accept your new vod with open arms and help her learn the ropes. Senaar, do you have anything to say?”
Turning around, she glanced out amongst the unreadable visors of her peers. The rest of them were wearing leather armor as well and for once, she wasn’t the smallest one. “I just want to… say hi,” the words came out sheepish and she floundered, having not prepared to be put on the spot like this. So many other children her age. So many chances to create friendships she’d never experienced before. So many chances to kriff it up. A few giggled at her, which did nothing to calm her erratically beating chest. Licking her lips, she clutched her fists and hoped that this would end soon.
“Xivi, I am tasking you with looking after Senaar today and helping explain anything she might not understand during the lessons,” the female teacher declared, giving a meaningful glance toward a girl with a bright yellow bucket.
Sena didn’t have to be a mind reader to see the slight dip in shoulders, the disappointment of having to babysit. They thought she was going to be dead weight for a while.
“Senaar go stand beside Xivi,” the mentor ushered her off.
Joining the other girl, her cheeks burned beneath her helmet as a few watched her step by. The moment she was beside her, Xivi tilted her head slightly. “Where are you from?”
The girl sighed .
Kriff. What was wrong with Naboo? Grinding her teeth, Sena waited apprehensively, solid as a statue and absolutely unmoving as the teachers, Thak & Nibak, started morning warm ups. After spreading the kids out, they began with stretches so that they wouldn’t hurt themselves. This was easy enough to follow along, as were the minor exercises that followed after. Lifting her head while doing push ups, Sena was startled to see that she was actually doing quite well. A larger girl, more than a head taller than her, was struggling to get the form down. Sena supposed that her own compact form and being light due to her race assisted in the ease of these body weight workouts. She was able to push out just as many as the boys were.
“Nice form, Vizsla. Go a little lower next time,” Thak paced between the students, giving her a nod of acknowledgement which made her let out a breath she hadn’t realized she had been holding.
“ Elek ,” she huffed, making certain that she addressed the adult properly.
“Aya, go down to your knees and keep pushing if you’re struggling,” Thak moved onto the girl who was just in front of her. “Proper form is more important than doing full push ups.”
Most of the girls were on their knees by now, trying to shove the mats beneath them, as Sena finished off her last 10. Sitting up and tucking her legs beneath her rump, she glanced around.
“Was your weekend too long? Did you eat too much uj’alayi? ” Thak craned down, scrutinizing a boy with a midnight blue helmet. His voice was pensive and sharp, angry almost. “Just because you have days off doesn’t mean you’re allowed to slack! The future of the Tribe is here and you can’t even push out 40? Disappointing. On your feet!”
Sena jetted up, bouncing slightly on her heels as she wondered what was about to happen. By the depressed postures of the other students, she had a feeling that they were about to be punished.
“Seems you all need to run off your sweets from this weekend-” his proclamation was met by numerous groans. “ Uur! I’ll hear none of it. Last one to return after five laps of the covert will be stuck with cleaning duty tonight. Viinir! ”
Buckets swiveled and feet pounded like a stampede of bantha as her peers began rushing out of the entrance. Sena nearly tripped, sputtering after them as she followed the pack, comprehending that the laps were around the village’s perimeter. Filling her lungs with air, she trotted past and set her eyes to the front. Of course she wasn’t going to be last, but she wondered if she could manage to be first. What would happen if she was the best? Did the first place winner get a reward? The loser had to clean, so she supposed at the very least she’d get bragging rights.
Kicking her legs out beneath her, she sailed forward and caught up with a boy with an unpainted helmet, the silver beskar catching in the dull blue morning light. She didn’t speak to him, didn’t greet him, but focused on beating him. That way she could go home and tell Hux what a great job she had done. Running was easy, after all, she’d done it plenty of times in more hazardous landscapes, dodging roots and rocks, hills and nooks. The grass was nothing , nor the little mounds and rises they crested and sloped across.
Five laps ended with her fighting the silver boy for the lead. Her heart burned, soaring high like a bird, her eyes stretched wide as she panted and strained for victory. Thak and Nibak were waiting by the doors, the man having his arms crossed as he tapped his foot. “Hurry up!” he intoned, despite the fact that they were the first ones back. “Djarin. Vizsla. Good job, go get a drink of water and wait for the rest of your vod. ”
She grumbled slightly, disappointed that he’d called the boy’s name first. Heading back inside, she picked up her water bottle and flipped the straw up, shoving it into her mouth and quenching her burning throat with the lukewarm liquid. Her helmet turned toward Djarin, who was also sipping at his water. “Nice job. Next time I’ll beat you,” she said hoarsely, but in good spirits. Running was probably her favorite exercise to do aside from climbing.
“I wasn’t trying,” the boy retorted peevishly.
Sena’s smile wilted on her face. “Neither was I,” she snarked, trying to sound impressive, but her voice squeaked, absolutely betraying her. Cheeks and ears heating, she sat down and muttered to herself. What was his problem? No sense of honest rivalry? She wasn’t given the time to come up with another snide remark, but she was thinking about it - imagining how she could have clapped back at him, all the clever things she could have said in place of the stupid one she’d blurted out.
Other classmates were trailing back in, huffing and puffing, in much worse shape than the victors. Amongst the last to trot in was the girl, Aya - who had a bright hot pink helmet - and a boy called Vowr whose helmet was a splotchy grey, as if the paint had faded and he hadn’t bothered to touch it up. Routines phased into hand to hand combat, which she was quite nervous about.
Paired back up with Xivi, they observed the teachers explaining simple throws and strikes, telling them to draw their punches today and aim for center mass. Eventually, they let the young teens turn back toward each other.
“You’re fast,” Xivi commented as they began going through the palm strikes. Thrust, thrust, parry, turn.
“I like running,” Sena shrugged, catching the strikes on her vambrace as Xivi continued her routine.
“Yeah but no one is Djarin fast. Gave him a run for his credits today,” she snickered, moving into a defensive position so that Sena could start her own offensive turn.
“Really? He said he wasn’t trying,” she smiled a bit at Xivi’s words. Thrust, thrust, parry, turn.
“Course he did,” Xivi snorted, shaking her helmet. “How old are you?”
“13. And you?”
“14,” Xivi answered. “I was a little bit worried about you, but you seem to be in good fitness.”
“Thanks, that means a lot to hear that,” her cheeks flushed at the compliment.
“Little word of advice though. Careful about trying to best Djarin.”
“Why’s that?”
“He’s top of the class and has been for a while. Only Kedth has come close in some aspects and the two have fought over it. Had a few duels to settle the matter-” she cleared her throat, stepping back slightly as Sena’s strike slipped through her guard and hit her chest. “Anyways, unless you want a shebs kicking, I’d advise against it.”
“I don’t think I’m nearly that good, but thanks for the warning. If I can just beat him at running, I think I’ll be pleased,” she admitted, clenching her fist and opening it slightly. Despite being good at physical activities, she doubted she’d come close to any of the other kids in varying subjects. There were too many topics for her to be naturally gifted with them all and she wasn’t an airhead who believed her princess upbringing made her any better. In fact, it should’ve made it worse, but at least Xivi was rather nice now that she’d warmed up to the Anaxian.
Combatives ended and they were given a short recess to get more water, have a snack, and file into the classroom. The topics of the day were geometry, galactic history, and Mando’a. Sena found the academics to be simple enough, though the Mando’a she had to take a considerable amount of notes. Most people in the room could string entire phrases together, even speak it fluently, and she was putzing around in slight confusion. Xivi leaned over a few times to translate. Lunch time came and they were allowed to go back to their homes to eat with their helmets off.
“How’s class?” Paz asked her, their buir not home for lunch.
“Not bad, actually,” Sena revealed, chucking a dopey smile at her vod. “I honestly thought it was going to be worse.”
“It’s only the first day, but try not to lose that shereshoy . You might be chipper today, but you’ll get sore eventually,” Paz reminded her in good nature.
“Sore?” she scoffed. “I’m Anaxian, made entirely of sinew and muscle, wind playing through the trees, and verdant shadows. A little running and push ups isn’t going to break me.”
“ Nayc , you’re Mandalorian now,” Paz disagreed, tossing a look over at the clock on the stove. “A stupid, grinning pointy eared Mandalorian, but one nonetheless. Prove to your aliit that you’ve got a few brain cells. Oya! Don’t want to be late. Thak won’t be so nice to you if you pull that stunt again tomorrow.”
“Nice?” she squeaked in disbelief.
“You don’t want to see Thak when he’s angry.”
“He seems angry all the time!”
Paz chuckled, guiding her back out of the house as they put their buckets on. “He’s aggressive, not angry. See you after class, Sen’ika.” He gave her a slight head bump and they parted ways.
Classes after lunch consisted of marksmanship for the remainder of the day. The others were allowed to go through drills, but Nibak pulled her aside to test where she was. The sage green mando had her disassemble a few different weapons, which Sena was comfortable taking apart and putting back together. She fumbled a little bit with the coil in the buttstock of the rifle, her muscles straining as she shoved it back in, but otherwise thought she moved at a smooth pace. Not too fast, but also not dragging on.
“How well do you know how to shoot?” Nibak inquired after they went through the weapons.
“I know how to shoot a sidearm well enough, but I’m not that familiar with rifles and shotguns,” she answered honestly. There was no point in pretending she was good at it just to eat her words when placed on the range. “My buir showed me how to take them apart.”
“As he should have,” Nibak hummed, picking up the rifle. “We’ll start with this. Come along.”
Following the teacher away from the rest, who were doing dime and washer drills, they left the Junction House and headed out toward the range on the outside of the village and nestled down in a valley. Burms had been created out of soil and dirt, a line of target dummies set at varying distances. She noticed that some of them were droids, which could probably be turned on to move around and simulate live targets. Nibak set the rifle down on the block, muzzle down range, and handed Sena a cartridge.
“Start with prone, which will be down here,” she got down on her belly, propping herself up slightly with her elbows, pretending to have a rifle seated against the pocket of her shoulder.
Sena got down on the grass with her and cocked her right leg, which helped steady her balance and lifted her up. After getting a nod, she picked up the rifle, her arms quivering slightly at the weight.
She found herself struggling to hold the weapon upright, fumbling the cartridge in, before sliding the charging handle forward. Nibak noticed her struggling. "Tuck your elbows in more, you can slide down lower in order to plant more firmly." Following the instructions, Sena found a more comfortable position, her finger flat against the side of the weapon as she waited for more instructions. "Aim for the target at 100 meters and fire."
Switching the safety off with her thumb, Sena set the cheek of her helmet against the buttstock, surprised to find that the curve fit perfectly, locking into place. Her visor adjusted swiftly to the sight picture, listing the muzzle in the direction of the target a medium distance away. Drawing her breath, she squeezed the trigger at the bottom and the weapon kicked with the fire. She blinked a few times, her shoulder absolutely raw from where the high powered rifle sat. Teeth rattled, she licked her lips and glanced at Nibak.
"Good shot. Control the kick more so that you don't lose sight picture," Nibak eased, nodding for her to continue.
Sena fired a few more times before her shoulder began to shake.
"Are you alright?"
Grinding her teeth, she gave a mute nod, not wishing to seem weak, but kriff it hurt. Felt as if she'd been kicked by a bantha. Volleying off a few more shots, they swapped over to the shotgun and Sena felt herself absolutely dreading have to fire it. Leaning into her shot, her grip slipped and she dropped the gun. Nibak darted forward, shoving her back away from the hot weapon, and yanked her by her raw arm. Sena was unable to stop the howl from escaping her mouth.
" Verd'ika ! Dank farrik how much do you weigh?" Nabik hissed, snatching up the shotgun and switching the lever to safe.
Sena's hand palmed her aching muscles. "A normal weight," she muttered, realizing she was a normal weight for an Anaxian. Not a human.
"You can't be more than 30 kilos," Nibak continued to fret, realization dawning on her. "Your shoulder-"
"I'm fine!" Sena spat irritably, upset that her arm hurt and not wishing to be treated differently.
"Are you human?"
She sucked her teeth, having hoped that this wouldn't come up. Until now, everything else had been manageable, even the hand to hand combat. "No." Would Nibak pry?
"That is important information, verd'ika. Will you tell me what race you are?"
She shook her head. "Sephi offshoot," was all she could supply.
"Lighter bone density," Nibak sighed. "This will affect your training."
Her stomach dropped and she pulled her hand down. "I feel fine. I can keep going. I can-"
"Stop lying, verd'ika . Trying to push your body past its breaking point will only get you and your vod killed in the future," Nibak started, her voice hardening and becoming crisp. No longer was it nurturing or warm, Sena quailing and sitting back on her heels as she waited to be yelled at. Instead, Nibak just shook her head. "Every Mandalorian has different strengths. You will need to play to yours. You are quick, verd'ika . You will still need to qualify with a rifle and shotgun, but we will make exceptions to spread your testing out to prevent injury. Come along, we are finished for the day."
Even if Nibak had been reasonable in what she said, Sena's head sagged, trailing behind her teacher as she knew for a fact that others would notice her getting special treatment. She tried to blink back tears, but supposed that the helmet did her a favor in hiding them as they stung down her face. She held her lips to prevent her mouth from sniffling. Her first day and she'd already been sorted out and told she would be inferior in certain aspects.
The class was released for the day and Sena slunk back home, not feeling up to doing anything as her shoulder hurt. Peeling off her bucket and pauldrons, she tugged down her sleeve enough to see that a nasty bruise was spreading along the inside pocket of her shoulder beside her pecs. A frustrated huff parted her lips and she rounded, kicking the frame of her bed as hard as she could. The fit was followed with a lance of pain up her leg, radiating from where her foot connected with the steel. At least it distracted her from the pain on her shoulder.
Moping in her room, she didn't go out for dinner, hearing a knock on her door. How could she face her aliit? Word probably traveled fast and they'd know that she would never be able to wield a rifle or shotgun in an adept manner. That was a huge part of an arsenal. If she couldn't even heft a rifle, it meant she'd never be allowed to touch heavy machinery for fear of it breaking her.
The door puffed open, despite the code she had set on it, recalling duly that Paz knew it. She snatched her blanket up, pulling it up to her chin and keeping her back to the door. "Was the day that long?" he teased. "Sen'ika?"
"I'm just tired," she grumbled, her voice cracking from how parched it was from sniffling like the biggest baby in the galaxy.
"I heard you did pretty well today. Almost beat Din in your morning run-" Paz preened, sitting on the edge of her bed. "But you need to eat to keep up your strength. Even if you're not hungry, you should try to put down some of it. It's not as spicy tonight." He patted her shoulder, making her suck in a sharp breath, her body betraying her before she could purse her lips. "Wha- Are you hurt?"
Her eyes began burning again, her teeth clenched as tight as a vise grip as she tried not to cry. Why was she such a wimp? "I'm fine."
"Senaar, if you have an injury we should put some bacta on it. You still have to go to training tomorrow," Paz was definitely frowning now, but she didn't turn to look at him. "Let me look."
She grumbled petulantly, but her brother didn't move. Instead, he waited until she was done grousing, throwing glares, and then sat up yanking down her shirt to show him the darkening bruise.
"Dank farrik how did you get that?" he cursed, eying the nebula blossom against tanned skin.
"I was testing weapons with Nibak and one was a high caliber rifle. The kick bruised me and then I dropped the shotgun and she asked if I was human. Obviously, I couldn't lie or she'd think I was severely underweight. Now they're going to treat me different. I-I-I just told them I was a Sephi subrace, but now I can't do the same things as the others-" the words splattered out of her mouth ineloquently, absolute word vomit as she felt the bitter tears burn in the corners of her eyes. "I was doing so well today and then this happened."
Her mouth dropped open and she glowered at him. "So? What do you mean? I'll never be as good as anyone else if I can only use pistols!"
"You're really worried about that?" Paz was staring at her honestly, his icy eyes snaring her gold. "What good are you broken? Your first day here and the teachers are already talking about your potential. No one is perfect at everything, this is a minor setback. Focus on your strengths. You're fast and can move silently, that's a skill most Mandalorians don't have - at least not naturally, they have to work for years to have that. In the meantime, stop beating yourself up over it. Your teachers are here to help you grow in the right direction and will tailor your training accordingly. Do you want to keep shooting these weapons until you fracture your shoulder?"
She shook her head.
"Then stop worrying," he reached up and ruffled her hair. "Want to know a secret?"
"What?" she muttered.
"I sucked at reconnaissance and stealth. So terribly that I thought they weren't going to let me attempt my Trial. You know that little stunt you pulled back in the castle?" he was alluding to when she'd stabbed the stormtrooper. "I could have never done that. You are as silent as a shadow and jumped several meters like a nexu. Dush'shebs ! You'll make an amazing kyramud one day."
"You think so?"
"I know so. But only if you eat your dinner and keep on top of your studies and practice," Paz reminded her. "Let's get some bacta lotion for that bruise."
"And food," she added, feeling a little better after Paz's pep talk.
Sena's schooling continued and she took what Paz had told her to heart. You couldn't be good at everything and dwelling on her deficiencies would just cause her to get into her own head too much. Didn't help that this Djarin kid seemed to be good at everything, but Sena tried to ignore this fact and focus on her own training. Xivi became a fast friend and her partner for most combat drills. The canary yellow mando swiftly fell in step with her after classes, where they would practice Mando'a, since it was Sena's roughest academic subject. In exchange, she helped Xivi with her running and tried to teach her more acrobatic maneuvers with obstacles. For Sena it was easy to leap, duck, dodge, and adjust on the fly - be that midair or on the ground. This agility was quickly noticed and Xivi yearned to have even a shred of Sena's ability.
It became common knowledge that she was Sephi, which wasn't entirely true, but she didn't discredit it. She couldn't fully participate in some live fire activities, Thak let her fire a few times before putting a pistol in her hand, telling her to sharpen those skills instead. Part of her desperately wanted to be able to saddle up with one of the cool ambien rifles, but her shoulder twinged in memory of how badly the initial kick hurt her. Sidearms didn't bother her and she had a decent shot, increasing her draw and hipfire with the progressing weeks.
Mornings were her favorite, hoping that Thak would make them run so she'd get a chance to try and best Djarin. The silver mando never spared her, or anyone, many words. He kept to himself and Xivi said he'd always been like that. Sena wondered why, since they were all vod and being reclusive did nothing but make the others dislike you. Did she dislike him? She didn't know him. Though the few words she did exchange with him were mostly terse and fuelled by their rivalry in fitness.
But everything wasn't sunshine and rainbows. Falling into step quickly, adjusting with her peers, and finding a niche to occupy, she swiftly saw the weakest links amongst their group. Had she not been Anaxian and a wild spirit who had trolloped through the woods, Sena expected she might've been more ill prepared than she was. The girl who had difficulty with push ups on her first day, Aya, was amongst the struggling. Her magenta bucket was easy to pick out and it was like a beacon for Thak to hone on and chastise. Sena actually felt bad for how much the girl was picked on, told to improve... but that pity quickly faded. She'd caught Nibak offering extra lessons after their final bell, only for Aya to decline and say she was working on her own. Still, there was no improvement and she continued to get reamed out by Thak.
Eventually, about two months since Sena's arrival, Thak began comparing Aya's failures to other students. Particularly her.
"Senaar has been here for two months and she's already outpaced you, Aya," he scolded as she continued to struggle with push ups. "A Sephi Nabooian has outpaced you."
She wondered if she should have been offended by the way he said Sephi, but supposed it didn't matter since that actually wasn't her race. Everyone knew she was featherlight by this point as Nibak had told them that no one was allowed to use full strikes during combatives for fear of someone breaking something. If the teacher's words were meant to be motivating, they weren't, and Sena's cheeks burned with embarrassment for both herself and Aya.
Following class, she found the magenta bucket and tapped the tall girl on the shoulder. "Aya..." she cleared her throat, trying to muster her princess voice so she was as polite and courteous as possible. The girl turned, tilting her helmet down impassively - the telltale taut and bitter line of her shoulders clear. "Xivi and I are going to do some obstacle course runs today if you want to join us. After we practice Mando'a. You're more than welcome to join us today and any other day."
Aya was utterly silent, so silent that Senu realized she'd barely heard the girl speak before. Finally, "Do you think I'm laandur ?" her voice came out hot, Sena's helmet immediately picking up on the fury in the girl's voice.
"What?" Sena squeaked, throwing up her hands in a submissive manner. "N-no, I just thought you might-"
"That I need to run more? That I'm fat and slow? That you, an aruetii , could show me the ropes?"
She had not expected this at all, her jaw dropping at Aya's harsh words. Aruetii ? Aya had called her an outsider. "I'm trying to be nice!" she screeched, her patience vanishing like smoke dissipated by a strong gale. "I never see you practicing after class and Xivi and I are always outside. I thought maybe you wanted other people to work out with."
"Like I'd choose you or Sunshine to help me. You can't even shoot most weapons. You're not exactly the shining example of mandokar . At least I can handle an entire arsenal, vaar'ika ," Aya snapped, jabbing a thick finger into Sena's chest, making her stumble back. "Let's see where all the running gets you when I snipe you across the hill."
"Kriff! Fine, forget I asked," Sena hissed dejectedly, turning away and leaving Aya to her fuming. Her own heart burned, chest heaving as she stomped back home. What the hell was her problem? Did she really think that Sena was being snide? That inviting her out was going to be nothing but a chance for Xivi and her to laugh behind their buckets? Then, on top of that, Aya had gone right for the kill and insulted her. This was the first time in her life that someone had rejected her like that and Sena was trembling with unbridled rage. Had she done the right thing? Could that conversation have gone better?
"Woah look out over here, we've got a wild mythosaur on a rampage," Paz hooted as she opened the door to their karyai and continued to trundle in.
"What do you know about that stupid pink bucket, Aya?"
"Aya?" he arched a brow, setting down his blaster that he had been cleaning. "I heard that she's having some issues with her fitness."
"I invited her to join Xivi and I after classes and she bit my kriffing head off!" She plopped down across the table, removing her own blaster, deciding she should clean it while she was there.
"Hm," Paz hummed, thinking about the subject for a little while before speaking again. "She's sensitive about it. Her buir didn't return from a hunt a few months before you arrived. It's been worse since then."
The blood rushed out of her face and she felt her ears sag slightly beneath her headband. Sighing deeply, she pinched the bridge of her nose. "I was trying to help her," she said quietly. Now Aya's reserved nature, the quiet answers to Thak, and Nibak's offer being turned down were making more sense. "I didn't know."
"How could you, vod'ika ? You did the right thing and tried to help her, but respect her decision to take the time she needs," Paz eased before shifting the subject. "So, I heard from the pipeline that your marks are quite high."
"Well aside from marksmanship since I can only really shoot this thing-" she bared the blaster which was already in three pieces. "Academics aren't that difficult and Xivi has been helping me with Mando'a."
"A humble princess? You surprise me again, vod'ika ."
Humble? Papa had told her that bragging about your accomplishments would just make people dislike you. Plus, Sena knew that school and marks didn't make up for real experiences. The real tests would be the Trials which were a few years off. She could only hope that she'd be prepared enough to make an attempt at 16. Given her comfort with the current regiment, aside from her disappointment in marksmanship, Sena was hopeful that she'd be able to make it there in time. "Not humble, just realistic," she groused, blushing at her brother's words. His praise was hard earned and he always knew the right things to say to brighten her mood even when it was abysmal.
"I wish I had that many brain cells," Paz snorted.
" Gar mirsh solus ," she countered, drawing a guffaw from him.
"Xivi teach you that one?"
"She taught me all the rude things first so that way if someone insults me, I know," she grinned, but sat back and considered what had happened. Even if Aya had lost her buir , she hadn't needed to take it out on her. Sena lost her papa and entire life as she knew it and wasn't ripping people's throats out for offering to help. Whatever. It was over and Sena had done the right thing in being the bigger person.
At least, that's what she thought.
Come morning, after their initial work out, they were paired up for combatives. Partners were switched around, so that people would be on their toes not facing their typical match up. Sena was loomed over by Aya, which was fine, all it was was grappling today. Most would just be mounting, a few tosses, and domination positions and the mats were padded. If Aya was still mad at her, she could vent her frustration and Sena wouldn't blame her. Squaring up with the girl, she knew this wasn't going to go in her favor. This wasn't free fighting where she could try and coil around Aya like a snake to try and win, it was a set of maneuvers and Aya would win because she was bigger and heavier. Heck, nearly everyone in there would be Sena except for 10 year old Terri.
Well, hopefully this goes by fast, she thought tartly, glancing over a Din and Oyiin who flanked them.
Aya lunged first, trading a few weak blows before they toppled to the ground. Sena fought for a dominant position, but was little more than a hissing loth-cat kitten as Aya picked her up by the scruff and flung her against the floor. Air whoosed out of her lungs, but Sena recovered before the girl could mount her. She rolled out of the way, rubbing her neck where she'd collided. Not a big deal. People often forgot how small she was and underestimated their strength. Aya hadn't fought with her before, so it'd be a little touch and go.
Grappling again, Sena swiped her foot under Aya, sending her thumping down and mounted. The girl twirled, asserting dominance and flipping their positions. Sena squirmed, writhing in her grip, managing to slip the hold like an eel and jump to her feet.
Thak and Nibak were across the room, correcting tosses. Back with her boots on the ground, Aya parried again and did something that Sena was not expecting. Her fingers grabbed the front of her cuirass before Aya checked her into the ground. All air was driven from her lungs and her head spun, choking for breath as a sharp whine crackled through her modulator. Aya mounted while she was dazed and pushed harder than she needed too to restrain her collar, air still not pooling in her lungs.
"Hey. Hey !"
Her ears were ringing, each blink hazy and spinning as she registered the magenta bucket casting a shadow over her. Everytime she closed her eyes, the world returned in a slow, foggy shape and Aya almost appeared as if she had two heads.
"Get off of her!"
Aya was shoved off and she was finally able to sputter, greedily sucking at air as she tried to process what had just happened.
"Didn't realize. She's laandur -" Aya was speaking, crossing her arms as if she hadn't just used an illegal toss and choked the air out of her partner.
"She barely weighs 30 kilos. What did you think would happen when you sat your fat shebs on her chest?"
"Watch it Djarin or you'll be next."
"What's going on over here?" Nibak trotted over, glancing between the boys and girls as Sena scrambled, finally able to sit up as the blood rushed back to her face.
"I'm ok!" she squeaked, not wanting to get Aya in trouble. The girl had already been through a lot and tattling on her would just make it worse. "Aya bested me. Knocked the wind out of me, that's all!"
Nibak tilted her visor toward Aya, letting the tension hang in the air, before shrugging slightly. "Be careful, Aya. You know that your vod is smaller than everyone else."
"I know, I'll be careful next time," Aya promised dolefully.
Nibak departed and the pairs split off again, Djarin turning away and grumbling quietly to himself. His wary visor kept glancing back, as if he were expecting Aya to make a second attempt to hurt Sena. With Ninak now watching with a hawk-like gaze, the lesson continued without any further issues. They were allowed their recess before moving onto academics. Whatever frustration Aya had wanted to vent had been allowed and Sena had covered her shebs by not saying anything. Again, she thought it would get better, that the girl had gotten her revenge, but found herself becoming the fixations of microaggressions.
From bumping into her desk, to pushing by her every chance she got, to even yanking on her braid once, Aya did not relent. How in kriff's name was this equal to being insulted? Sena hadn't intended on insulting Aya, so what was her problem? Come the end of the school day, she was grousing to herself, trying to walk it off and be the bigger person. Eventually, Aya would realize that she was being a brat and would leave her alone. If she were back in Genmaris, she would've punched Aya already, but she still felt bad for her. Aya was probably a nice person and was just going through a tough time, Sena could certainly relate.
"Hey," she stopped just a few houses down from the Vizsla home. Turning, she caught the glint of Djarin's silver helmet in the sun. "Why didn't you say anything? Aya has been torturing you all day."
"It's fine," Sena shrugged. "I know she's still echoy'la ."
"She choked you this morning," he reminded her flatly.
"Not difficult seeing how big I am," she brushed it off.
"What did you do?"
"I asked her if she wanted to join Xivi and I for our practice in the evening. She got rather upset, so I dropped it. She must've thought I was being contemptuous, but I just wanted to help her get her fitness up. We're all vod , we've got to help each other out," she explained, taken aback that Djarin was actually interested. This was the most he'd talked to her since she had arrived. Otherwise, they exchanged taunting rebuttals while trying to outpace one another in their exercises.
"And that warrants choking?" Din inquired dryly.
"I'm not upset. Just let it go. It's not a big deal. She'll probably go back to normal tomorrow."
"And if she doesn't?"
Sena paused, having not considered this option. What if she became Aya's punching bag to get out all those frustrations? Pursing her lips she let out a sigh, which crackled through the vocoder. "I'll deal with it. Thanks for the concern, but I'll still kick your shebs in the morning run tomorrow."
"Yeah right."
Also here's your translations!
Vod - Sibling/Comrade/Brother/Sister Jai'galaar - shriek hawk Buir - parent Vod'ika - little soldier/private Aliit - clan/family Su cuy'gar - You're still alive; greeting Su'cuy - Hi Sen'ori - big bird; respectful older sibling name for Senaar Elek - Yes Cin vhetin - blank slate Beskar'gam - armor Ori'vod - big sibling Alor - leader Karyai - living area/main area of Mandalorian home for eating and resting Ade - children Uj'alayi - dense, sweet Mandalorian cake Vor'e - Thanks Heturam - mouth burn; highly sought out in Mandalorian food and indicates VERY spicy food K'olar! - Come here! Get over here at once! Uur - Go Viniir - Run Shebs - butt; ass Shereshoy - lust for life that is Mandalorian Nayc - No Oya - Let's go! or lit. Let's Hunt! Dush'sebs - badass Kyramud - Assassin Laandur - weak; highly insulting Auretii - outsider Mandokar - the right stuff; for Mandalorians Vaar'ika - pipsqueak Gar mirsh solus - Your braincell is lonely Echoy'la - grieving, mourning
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cuthie · 4 years
Omru: Mushy Talk
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  Omru had never been to the island of Pandaria before his invitation to the Soju Slam. There was a currency prize for the winner of the drinking competition, as well as some neat raffle prizes. There he had bartered with some pleasant vendors, and had met some of the Alliance races he had yet to see with his own eyes. Worgen, Humans, Void Elves and even a gnome! It had been unfortunate that he misunderstood the rules of the game, however. Om had been under the impression that this would be a test of constitution. Who could drink the nastiest most vile liquid without throwing up? Living in the wastelands of Vol’dun, Om did not have sensitive taste buds. He had been confident entering his drinking bracket, but uh…
  He wasn’t the first to fall down drunk, but he had lost his lunch. Twice. Still, the experience had been worth it. He had met so many people, heard so many stories, and was eager to explore more of the peaceful paradise the bear folks called home. Just, not that night. No, he had to sleep off the booze, first.
  Morning came and he had the biggest headache he had ever experienced. He felt like shit. Usually he was fine camping, that was his preference. He could pack and unpack all his stuff in minutes, not hours. It was his nomadic way of life, laying his head down wherever he felt like it. That day, he instead checked into a Pandaren inn. His sympathetic hosts had given him herbs and some kind of tea to help in his recovery, but he wasn’t feeling up to his usual self until much later on in the evening.
  As the stars began to emerge, Om slowly stepped out of the small wooden building in a set of plated armor. In his mind he had expected that he might fall over or walk slowly, as if in a bog. In reality, the heavy armor wasn’t entirely uncomfortable. He could feel the added weight on his shoulders and pushing down his paws with each step, but with that came power and a level of security. Omru had been training with monks and soldiers, tauren and orcs alike for months and months before joining the Horde officially. After that he had joined the Sons of Varok in battling minions of the Void. Luft, his best friend, had been the first to take notice of his changing physique. Most Vulpera were scrawny scrappers, light on their feet, but not capable of taking a hit. Omru had been beaten senseless in sparring sessions and battles alike. All the training and ass kickings as well as a steady supply of nutritional food had given him a strength he hadn’t ever known. To borrow a sin’dorei term, he was kind of ripped.
  ‘And watch what happens when I assist. Try it now.’
  The beautiful soft voice of the formless elemental had been a whisper in his large fluffy ears. “Alright, here we go.” Grinning, Omru rushed ahead through a darkening meadow of foreign flowers and the scent of, what was that, honey? Again, he had expected to fall flat on his face, but he was moving so fast, it almost felt like it was nothing at all.
‘See? When we work together, it’s much easier.’
  Omru leapt into the air, a gust of wind lifting his body ten feet off the ground before his black furred paws returned to the grass. This whole thing had been her idea, of course, Luft’s. Omru had taken more than his fair share of hits in the Son’s Northrend battles. He needed better protection, and more importantly, he couldn’t rely on the shadow techniques he had learned from ancient Tortollan scrolls years ago. Stealth and teleportation had become instinctual to the fox. He could just concentrate and poof into nothing. It had saved his bacon more than a few times, but when N'zoth's visions had drawn his group of friends and allies into the shadows? It had done nothing but hurt him. He could hear a deep voice calling to him, and worse, he wanted to follow it. Shifting into the shadows was no longer a liberating trick. It had tugged on something within him, convincing him that there was no hope. For a moment he could only feel despair, until the Sons of Varok had snapped him out of it.
  Ever since then, his abilities had become unreliable. They took more concentration, and worse, seemed to tax his body and mind afterwards. It wasn’t worth it. Some people could handle the Void with expertise. Some could use a little tricky shadow magic here and there and get away with it. Whatever had happened in those visions had left a lasting mark on him, and for better or worse, he was now hanging it up.
  Instead he was going to focus on what he could control. Similar to the monks and warriors of the Horde, he would continue to train, weaponizing his body and mind to compensate for his loss of ‘tricks’. Besides, he still had a full backpack filled with helpful elixirs, potions, explosives and enchanted doodads. And now this armor? He was surprised at how natural it felt, and how proud he was. He felt like a little Hukaga in a way. Hukaga was the leader of the Sons. A mountain of a Tauren in full plated Horde warrior’s armor. Omru had watched him cleave Nerubians, Void monstrosities and spectral wolves alike with fierce swings of his mighty axe. Om would never be that tall, that large, that strong, but that didn’t mean he had to be weak. His time amongst the larger races had proven nothing but beneficial, and with Luft’s elemental magicks assisting him, there was no telling what the future Omru would be capable of.
  As the sun dipped down below the horizon, Omru ran and leapt through the grass. Long furry black tail swishing behind him, he was imagining himself clobbering his enemies left and right. Like Hukaga, like Kee, like Loh. 
‘You’re already pretty great, you know.’
  Omru allowed himself to fall backwards, knowing Luft would catch him before he hit the ground, regardless of the added weight. Softly his body was lowered into the Pandarian grass, his bright orange eyes darting from star to star in the sky. “Thanks. You’re pretty great too. You know?”
  Luft flew up into the sky, only a minor distortion in Om’s vision before becoming completely invisible. There was no looking at Luft, usually. Only feeling her presence and hearing her words. ‘I didn’t think I would feel this way about a mortal again. Well, not again. You’re different.’
Omru stuck out his tongue, “Well, thanks for that. Different, not funny or charming?”
‘Oh you’re definitely both of those at times. Also corny and hopeless with maps. For someone who travels a lot, you’ve got us lost more times than I can count.’
“Tell me more about how great I am, please continue.”
  There was a small pause in movement and sound. A full minute of silence, in which Omru’s gut twisted. Had she left? She hadn’t left his side since Winterspring. “Luft?”
‘I’m here. Just thinking on my words.’
“No need to do that around me. Let’er rip!”
  ‘Okay. Well, a long time ago I was summoned to this realm, this plane, against my wishes. Around twenty summers ago, I suppose. My body as I knew it had been ripped away, lost between planes as a goblin child mettled with rituals far beyond his skill or understanding.’
Omru frowned. It was a rough story, but one he had heard before.
  ‘It took me a year to forgive him, maybe longer. But afterwards we grew closer than I had ever been with any of my own kind. I saw him as my adopted mortal child, in a way. I took care of him. So when I lost him to those Naga…’
The Vulpera could feel the moisture in the air around him swelling, as if it were about to rain.
‘Anyways, I ran away. I don’t know what drew me to you, specifically, other than knowing you had that totem around your neck. But, I’m glad I did. If I’m being too forward, you may tell me.’
  Omru blinked. Too forward? She hadn’t said anything new, but maybe she was just feeling weird about the sensitive topic. He himself had felt pretty shitty at Paz’s passing, but for Luft it had to be like she said. A mother losing her son. “No, you’re not. I’d tell you.”
‘We haven’t been together for long, comparatively, but there’s just something about you Omru. I love your voice, I love your deductive reasoning, your jokes, the faces you make. You’re a great friend to me, and without you to help me cope, I may have never come out of this in one piece. I just wanted you to know how much I care for you. I think, perhaps, I hadn’t said that enough to Pazaz. So. There it is.’
  Omru sat up, one ear flickering as he scented the air with an upturned snout. Something sweet was on the wind. Typical Pandaria, maybe. Exhaling softly, Om scratched at the back of his head, “I think that’s natural. We miss the ones we lose, and so we try to do better to remember how to love the ones we still have. I- Let’s get mushy, we’re already there, right? I love you like family. I’ve never been close to anyone like this before. I’m not saying we should go snog, and I’m not even sure how that would work, heh, but uh.. “
‘I don’t think I’m capable of snogging. Being close to you is good enough for me. I wasn’t saying I’ve developed romantic feelings, that would be obtuse. We’re not compatible in that sense.’
  Om grinned, “You sure you don’t wanna have a romp in the hay sometime?” Wiggling his brow line in a corny gesture, he was unprepared for the great gust that shoved him back down into the grass. His body was then rolled through the meadow over and over, the fur around his face rustling as he laughed, “Alright, uncle, uncle! I was teasing!”
  There was laughter in the shapeless elemental’s voice, ‘Uh huh, be careful what you wish for Omru. What do you mortals say? I could rock your world.’
  As the playful display of power stopped, Omru’s head spun for a brief moment after. “Yeah, I believe it.”  Still grinning, the world around him calmed as he continued, “My family and friends are loved from a distance. I meet people, then see them once every few months, sometimes years. Distance doesn’t sap my love for them, never has never will. But this? You and me? I’ve never stayed with someone this long, and it’s been awesome. You’re my confidant, you’re my best friend, you make me feel safe and strong at the same time. And honestly, it kind of worries me that you might up and leave sometime. I’ve never had that fear before, that idea that I could lose someone. I mean, I would always treasure our time together, our stories, our talks. But-”
‘I feel exactly the same. Like you’re too good to be true, or you’ll discover some great imperfection in me that will turn you away.’
  Omru stood up, stretching under the weight of his new plated armor, “Forever is a long time, but maybe we’ll see it together. I’m glad you found me.”
‘Okay, enough mush. It’s training time.’
And with that, the little Vulpera was launched up in the air as if thrown by a mighty Tauren.
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coffeebased · 5 years
It’s been a whole year since I posted last. Part of me wants to apologise for being gone so long, but mostly I’m just glad that I’m here.
Instead of doing a GIANT 2018 READING POST, I’m going to chop it up into three posts:
Favourite Books Read in 2018
2018 Reading Data and Goal-setting for 2019
2013-2018 Reading Data Trends
I was going to do a bigass one like I usually do but it just felt so daunting. Probably because I read 256 books in 2018 and it was pretty tempting to just close that Excel sheet and move on to an empty one for 2019. But what is the point of an unexamined life, anyway?
So this post is basically a listicle with summaries grabbed from Goodreads, as well as the complete list of the books I read in 2018. I really enjoyed all these books immensely and they’re all in my personal canon now.
My Top 10 Reads for 2018:
The Odyssey by Homer, translated by Emily Wilson
The first great adventure story in the Western canon, The Odyssey is a poem about violence and the aftermath of war; about wealth, poverty, and power; about marriage and family; about travelers, hospitality, and the yearning for home.In this fresh, authoritative version—the first English translation of The Odyssey by a woman—this stirring tale of shipwrecks, monsters, and magic comes alive in an entirely new way. Written in iambic pentameter verse and a vivid, contemporary idiom, this engrossing translation matches the number of lines in the Greek original, thus striding at Homer’s sprightly pace and singing with a voice that echoes Homer’s music.
Circe by Madeline Miller
In the house of Helios, god of the sun and mightiest of the Titans, a daughter is born. But Circe is a strange child—not powerful, like her father, nor viciously alluring like her mother. Turning to the world of mortals for companionship, she discovers that she does possess power—the power of witchcraft, which can transform rivals into monsters and menace the gods themselves.Threatened, Zeus banishes her to a deserted island, where she hones her occult craft, tames wild beasts and crosses paths with many of the most famous figures in all of mythology, including the Minotaur, Daedalus and his doomed son Icarus, the murderous Medea, and, of course, wily Odysseus.But there is danger, too, for a woman who stands alone, and Circe unwittingly draws the wrath of both men and gods, ultimately finding herself pitted against one of the most terrifying and vengeful of the Olympians. To protect what she loves most, Circe must summon all her strength and choose, once and for all, whether she belongs with the gods she is born from, or the mortals she has come to love.
3. The World of the Five Gods by Lois McMaster Bujold
A man broken in body and spirit, Cazaril, has returned to the noble household he once served as page, and is named, to his great surprise, as the secretary-tutor to the beautiful, strong-willed sister of the impetuous boy who is next in line to rule.
It is an assignment Cazaril dreads, for it will ultimately lead him to the place he fears most, the royal court of Cardegoss, where the powerful enemies, who once placed him in chains, now occupy lofty positions. In addition to the traitorous intrigues of villains, Cazaril and the Royesse Iselle, are faced with a sinister curse that hangs like a sword over the entire blighted House of Chalion and all who stand in their circle. Only by employing the darkest, most forbidden of magics, can Cazaril hope to protect his royal charge—an act that will mark the loyal, damaged servant as a tool of the miraculous, and trap him, flesh and soul, in a maze of demonic paradox, damnation, and death
4. Noli Me Tangere by Jose Rizal, Translated by Harold Augenbraum
In more than a century since its appearance, José Rizal’s Noli Me Tangere has become widely known as the great novel of the Philippines. A passionate love story set against the ugly political backdrop of repression, torture, and murder, “The Noli,” as it is called in the Philippines, was the first major artistic manifestation of Asian resistance to European colonialism, and Rizal became a guiding conscience—and martyr—for the revolution that would subsequently rise up in the Spanish province.
5. America is Not The Heart by Elaine Castillo
Three generations of women from one immigrant family trying to reconcile the home they left behind with the life they’re building in America.
How many lives can one person lead in a single lifetime? When Hero de Vera arrives in America, disowned by her parents in the Philippines, she’s already on her third. Her uncle, Pol, who has offered her a fresh start and a place to stay in the Bay Area, knows not to ask about her past. And his younger wife, Paz, has learned enough about the might and secrecy of the De Vera family to keep her head down. Only their daughter Roni asks Hero why her hands seem to constantly ache.
Illuminating the violent political history of the Philippines in the 1980s and 1990s and the insular immigrant communities that spring up in the suburban United States with an uncanny ear for the unspoken intimacies and pain that get buried by the duties of everyday life and family ritual, Castillo delivers a powerful, increasingly relevant novel about the promise of the American dream and the unshakable power of the past. In a voice as immediate and startling as those of Junot Diaz and NoViolet Bulawayo, America Is Not the Heart is a sprawling, soulful telenovela of a debut novel. With exuberance, muscularity, and tenderness, here is a family saga; an origin story; a romance; a narrative of two nations and the people who leave home to grasp at another, sometimes turning back.
6. The Feather Thief: Beauty, Obsession, and the Natural History Heist of the Century by Kirk W. Johnson
A rollicking true-crime adventure and a thought-provoking exploration of the human drive to possess natural beauty for readers of The Stranger in the Woods, The Lost City of Z, and The Orchid Thief.
On a cool June evening in 2009, after performing a concert at London’s Royal Academy of Music, twenty-year-old American flautist Edwin Rist boarded a train for a suburban outpost of the British Museum of Natural History. Home to one of the largest ornithological collections in the world, the Tring museum was full of rare bird specimens whose gorgeous feathers were worth staggering amounts of money to the men who shared Edwin’s obsession: the Victorian art of salmon fly-tying. Once inside the museum, the champion fly-tier grabbed hundreds of bird skins–some collected 150 years earlier by a contemporary of Darwin’s, Alfred Russel Wallace, who’d risked everything to gather them–and escaped into the darkness.
Two years later, Kirk Wallace Johnson was waist high in a river in northern New Mexico when his fly-fishing guide told him about the heist. He was soon consumed by the strange case of the feather thief. What would possess a person to steal dead birds? Had Edwin paid the price for his crime? What became of the missing skins? In his search for answers, Johnson was catapulted into a years-long, worldwide investigation. The gripping story of a bizarre and shocking crime, and one man’s relentless pursuit of justice, The Feather Thief is also a fascinating exploration of obsession, and man’s destructive instinct to harvest the beauty of nature.
7. Educated: A Memoir by Tara Westover
An unforgettable memoir in the tradition of The Glass Castle about a young girl who, kept out of school, leaves her survivalist family and goes on to earn a PhD from Cambridge University
Tara Westover was 17 the first time she set foot in a classroom. Born to survivalists in the mountains of Idaho, she prepared for the end of the world by stockpiling home-canned peaches and sleeping with her “head-for-the-hills bag”. In the summer she stewed herbs for her mother, a midwife and healer, and in the winter she salvaged in her father’s junkyard.
Her father forbade hospitals, so Tara never saw a doctor or nurse. Gashes and concussions, even burns from explosions, were all treated at home with herbalism. The family was so isolated from mainstream society that there was no one to ensure the children received an education and no one to intervene when one of Tara’s older brothers became violent.
Then, lacking any formal education, Tara began to educate herself. She taught herself enough mathematics and grammar to be admitted to Brigham Young University, where she studied history, learning for the first time about important world events like the Holocaust and the civil rights movement. Her quest for knowledge transformed her, taking her over oceans and across continents, to Harvard and to Cambridge. Only then would she wonder if she’d traveled too far, if there was still a way home.
Educated is an account of the struggle for self-invention. It is a tale of fierce family loyalty and of the grief that comes with severing the closest of ties. With the acute insight that distinguishes all great writers, Westover has crafted a universal coming-of-age story that gets to the heart of what an education is and what it offers: the perspective to see one’s life through new eyes and the will to change it.
8. The Wicked + The Divine, Vol. 7 and 8 by Kieron Gillen, Stephanie Hans, André Lima Araújo, Matt Wilson, Kris Anka, Jen Bartel
In the past: awful stuff. In the present: awful stuff. But, increasingly, answers.
Modernist poets trapped in an Agatha Christie Murder Mystery. The Romantics gathering in Lake Geneva to resurrect the dead. What really happened during the fall of Rome. The Lucifer who was a nun, hearing Ananke’s Black Death confession. As we approach the end, we start to see the full picture. Also includes the delights of the WicDiv Christmas Annual and the Comedy special.
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9. Mister Miracle by Tom King and Mitch Gerads
Mister Miracle is magical, dark, intimate and unlike anything you’ve read before.
Scott Free is the greatest escape artist who ever lived. So great, he escaped Granny Goodness’ gruesome orphanage and the dangers of Apokolips to travel across galaxies and set up a new life on Earth with his wife, Big Barda. Using the stage alter ego of Mister Miracle, he has made quite a career for himself showing off his acrobatic escape techniques. He even caught the attention of the Justice League, who has counted him among its ranks.
You might say Scott Free has everything–so why isn’t it enough? Mister Miracle has mastered every illusion, achieved every stunt, pulled off every trick–except one. He has never escaped death. Is it even possible? Our hero is going to have to kill himself if he wants to find out.
10. The Band, #1–2
Clay Cooper and his band were once the best of the best — the meanest, dirtiest, most feared crew of mercenaries this side of the Heartwyld.
Their glory days long past, the mercs have grown apart and grown old, fat, drunk – or a combination of the three. Then an ex-bandmate turns up at Clay’s door with a plea for help. His daughter Rose is trapped in a city besieged by an enemy one hundred thousand strong and hungry for blood. Rescuing Rose is the kind of mission that only the very brave or the very stupid would sign up for.
It’s time to get the band back together for one last tour across the Wyld.
PHEW. Did you guys read any of those books? Did you like them? Hit me up!
The books I read in 2018:
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Okay, thank you for reading. Keep a weather eye out for the next post, hopefully very soon.
My Ten Favourite Books from 2018 It's been a whole year since I posted last. Part of me wants to apologise for being gone so long, but mostly I'm just glad that I'm here.
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decennia · 3 years
already interested in your not introduced ocs 👀
Trinity Santos
FC: Adria Arjona. Love Interest: Dean Winchester, Seth Gecko, Dracula (sort of, not really; mutual obsession). Fic: The Sainted Sisters.
She is the one who holds strongest to the beliefs with which she had been made. She has no love for vampires, while her sisters, Faith and Edith, are often drawn to them by the relatability of immortality.
Edith Michaelis
FC: Kathryn Newton. Love Interest: Edward Cullen, Kol Mikaelson. Fic: The Sainted Sisters.
Believed to have been stolen as vengeance for the witches he'd burned, Sebastian Michaelis was ruthless in finding his sister, Edith. She'd been Goried before the seventh witch was hanged.
Faith Castellan
FC: Lesley-Ann Brandt. Love Interest: Damon Salvatore, Lestat de Lioncourt, Santanico Pandemonium. Fic: The Sainted Sisters.
The only survivor of the attack on her master's house, Faith Castellan was spared by the vampire Lestat for her resemblance to his love, Queen Akasha.
HARRY POTTER (Golden Trio Era)
Wilbur Prewett
FC: Sean Berdy. House: Gryffindor. Love Interest: Caden McLaggen. Fic: Visions of Gideon.
Son of Constance Flint and Gideon Prewett, Wilbur was deafened by the attack that killed his father and uncle. He would still prove capable of magic, and attends Hogwarts in the same year as Althea Abbott and Harry Potter, and his cousin, Ron Weasley.
Caden McLaggen
FC: Dacre Montgomery. House: Gryffindor. Love Interest: Wilbur Prewett. Fic: Visions of Gideon
"How do you say I love you in sign language?"
"If you have to tell him you love him, you don't."
"I don't have to tell him, but I want to. Every single day for the rest of our lives."
Ives McLaggen
FC: Hunter Schafer. House: Ravenclaw. Love Interest: Dean Thomas. Fic: Ablaze.
Younger sister to Caden McLaggen, Ives had big shoes to fill when coming to Hogwarts. Which didn't exactly mean Caden was impressive, or anything. If anything, it just meant he had abnormally large feet.
Maethrien of Rivendell
FC: Bridget Regan. Love Interest: Aragorn (unrequited love). Fic: ((TBA))
Of Elrond's children, Maethrien was the name that seldom arose to the forefront of discussion. No, instead they had come to call her Lady Woe, for there was none a more mournful cry in all of Middle Earth than hers when Aragorn fell.
Remiel (Remi Greenfields)
FC: Ciara Renée. Love Interest: None. Fic: Chaos & Conquer.
"The Silver City is mine, every bit as it is yours. More so ever since you were cast down, Lightbringer. How is Hell nowadays, little brother?"
Theresa Demir
FC: Melisa Pamuk. Love Interest: Bucky Barnes. Fic: Krvna Osveta.
"They introduced me to pain. Real pain, the kind that makes you believe in hell. And then they weaponized my suffering. Made it so that it was no longer just my own. And then, when I had finally found peace, they stole that from me, too. That is what Hydra did to me."
Delilah Dresden
FC: Carly Chaikin. Love Interest: Eddie Brock, Matt Murdock. Fic: The Policy of Truth.
Older sister to Drew Dresden, Delilah returned to New York upon the untimely death of their parents in order to serve as Drew's legal guardian. She left behind, in San Francisco, her best friend, Eddie Brock, who graduated and went on to become a reporter. Delilah would become a reporter, too. Freelance, for The Daily Bugle, and hellbent on uncovering the identities to the masked heroes that roam New York.
Drew Dresden
FC: Odessa A'zion. Love Interest: Harry Osborn. Fic: We Will Always Have Tomorrow.
Drew is just trying to survive high school, while also helping her sister dismantle the conspiracy of the century. But of course, life couldn't be simple, ever, because not only is her best friend, Peter, blatantly blowing her off to do God knows what, but Harry Osborn, her old nemesis, has returned to town.
Lana Leeds
FC: Liza Soberano. Love Interest: Peter Parker. Fic: Serpentine.
"There's something dangerous about the boredom of teenage girls."
Paz Martin
FC: Ana de Armas. Love Interest: Loki. Fic: Wanderer.
Known to SWORD as The Dreamwalker, Paz Martin was called in to observe the Hex. Sent in to retrieve Monica Rambeau, Paz enters a fractured world, Wanda's fractured mind. Not only that, but she's started having dreams of a man cloaked in green and gold.
Eileen Stallard
FC: Vanessa Kirby. Love Interest: Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson. Fic: The Apotheosis of War.
The Green Goblin had been unstable to begin with. Based vaguely off the remnants of Erskine's serum, a freak accident at the Osborn Estate resulted in nurse Eileen Stallard receiving abilities that would make her more than human. Eileen Stallard died on that estate that day. And the Shieldmaiden walked out.
Edmund Barnes
FC: David Corenswet. Love Interest: Eileen. Fic: The Apotheosis of War.
Younger brother to Bucky, childhood friend of Steve and Eileen, Edmund Barnes would fall in the war, but be hailed as one of Captain America's bravest companions, alongside his brother.
Ailia Blythe
FC: Emma Dumont. Love Interest: Dexter Vex. Fic: And The Darkness Rained Upon Them.
"I thought you were dead! Well, more dead than you are now, I wouldn't exactly call your current condition very... How exactly did you become a reanimated skeleton again?"
Zara Mathers
FC: Sophie Turner. Love Interest: Billy Hargrove. Fic: The Strangest Thing.
"I really hate this town."
Yolanda Lane
FC: Sonoya Mizuno. Love Interest: Steve Harrington. Fic: The Strangest Thing.
"There's something about Hawkins that just makes you dread. Like we're constantly hovering on the edge of catastrophe, and our lifeline is nothing but a single red thread. You know?"
THE WITCHER (whole story is under construction, really; has potential to be an original story)
Rheya of Verden
FC: Amita Suman. Love Interest: Wenrys. Fic: ((TBA)).
Prince Wenrys of Agaron
FC: Timothee Chalamet. Love Interest: Rheya. Fic: ((TBA)).
Seiko of Kaesong
FC: Dianne Doan. Love Interest: None, little bit of Geralt. Fic: ((TBA)).
Ramsamy of Gravenor
FC: Luke Pasqualino. Love Interest: Yennefer. Fic: ((TBA)).
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