There was a mango tree in a dense forest away from the city and a long and thick neem tree. The neem tree didn't even talk to its neighbouring tree. He was very proud of his growing up.
Once a queen bee reached near a neem tree and said "Neem brother! Should I make my honey hive at your place? Neem was a khadus by nature, so he said - "No! Go somewhere and make your hive "\n
After hearing this, the mango tree said - "Brother! "Why don't you let the hive make it safe on your tree." Meanwhile the neem tree replied to the mango tree ""I don't need your advice, understand.""
Queen bee requested again, the neem tree refused. The queen bee went to the mango tree and said - "Should I make my hive on your branch?" The mango tree on this said - "Yes! Make it for sure ! I will also get a chance to serve you. Gave her permission by saying so. #
Queen bee made the hive and started living happily. Just a few days later some woodpeckers came up there and said that they cut this mango tree, then a person looked at the bee hive and said - "If we can this tree These bees will not leave us if we cut. So we cut neem trees. No danger to us. And we will get more woods."
Neem was scared after hearing all these things. Now what could he do. When woodenmen came the next day and started cutting trees, Neem said - "Save me - Save me! Or these people will cut me off ".
Then the bees attacked them and ran them out of there. Neem tree thanked the bees and on this the bees said - "Thank you not to us, give it to the common brother, if he does not say to us, we will not save you". #
Lesson - Sometimes the realization of being big and great makes us arrogant and brutal. So big or small, always be polite to everyone.
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arunparia · 2 years
Tamarind Tree
Those were the impeccable times.
Thatched roof home, cow-dung veneered verandah stretched from the shallow pond to the phani manasa shrub.
Grandmother appearing. Two brinjals in hand. Two khadus on two wrists. Jingling. Ironly cuffs.
Said, "These are yours now — two young cows, you Badua! Take them to the grazing field. Protect them from Pashupati the bull. Collect dung in an iron pail.
We will not cut anymore this year a tamarind tree.
Only dry coconut shells, chaffs, cow dung cakes to boil cauldrons of paddy.”
The two brinjals were burnt the same night on the embers of a two-mouth chuli. Their violet skins peeled off, revealing mouth watering meat.
The same year, my grandmother peed on the verandah. On the mud it had made she slid, to break her forehead against her iron arm.
The vaidya prescribed a Chandrayan.
"Scant virtue, woman, too much phlegm! Yet, your silly heart beats!" He roared kindly.
Crooked lips — red eyes — three aunts circled in from their in-laws’ by noon —
At nightfall, we downed a tamarind tree.
Phani Manasa: Indian prickly pear tree, Opuntia ficus-indica. Khadus: Thick bangles. Badua: The head of a village (affectionately used). Chuli: An oven made by digging a hole in the ground. Vaidya: An ayurvedic doctor. Chandrayan: A Hindu ritual to wash off the sins of one who is soon to be deceased.
(The poem was first published in the Sahitya Akademi's ‘Indian Literature’ #326 in December, 2022)
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recentlyheardcom · 11 months
NEW YORK (AP) — Kenneth Williams spent his whole life in Brooklyn, but it wasn't until a night in 2018 when he crossed a narrow footbridge in shackles, that he learned about New York City’s last floating jail. He remembers the murky East River water below him, the stench of mold, and a sinking feeling that soon turned literal.“Every once in a while you could feel the boat dropping into the muck,” Williams, 62, said. “It was a stark reminder that this place wasn’t meant for human confinement.”Docked in the shallows off an industrial edge of the South Bronx, the Vernon C. Bain Correctional Center is a five-story jail barge that stretches the length of two football fields, resembling a container ship stacked with cargo.It arrived in 1992 as a temporary measure to ease overcrowding on Rikers Island, the city’s main jail complex for detainees awaiting trial. Three decades later, the 800-bed lockup – the last operating prison ship in the United States — is finally closing down.The ship will be fully vacated by the end of this week, officials said, as part of a broader plan to replace the city's long-troubled correctional system with a network of smaller jails. For now, most of the roughly 500 people incarcerated on the ship will be transferred to Rikers Island, according to the Department of Correction, though the jails there are eventually supposed to close down, too.Detainees and advocates have long regarded the boat as a grim vestige of mass incarceration, an enduring symbol of the city’s failures to reform dangerous jails that exist on the periphery of New York, largely out of sight of most residents and tourists.In recent years, the unusual nautical jail has drawn attention primarily for its failures: Last September, a 44-year-old man, Gregory Acevedo, jumped from the top of the ship to his death; The year before that, Stephan Khadu, 24, died after contracting a form of treatable meningitis while in custody.Darren Mack, co-director of the advocacy group Freedom Agenda, described the boat as a “modern day slave ship” used by the department to warehouse detainees, mostly Black and Latino men, with minimal oversight. While noting the closure was long overdue, he added, “shifting people to the same hellish conditions on Rikers is not the answer.”The last of an armada of floating jails used by New York City in the late 1980s and early 1990s, the Vernon C. Bain sits across the river from Rikers Island, between a wastewater treatment plant and a wholesale fish market.Detainees are afforded a daily hour of recreation on a caged upper deck, where they were recently seen playing basketball on a sunny morning. Otherwise, their only natural light beams through the ship’s tiny portholes.Those who’ve spent time on board say the boat rocks in the river's current. Its fading blue and white exterior — a far cry from the freshly-painted surfaces visible in the 1993 film “Carlito’s Way” — is known to leak in the rain, occasionally short-circuiting the electrical system.Inside, rust cracks off the walls and detainees say they are packed into dormitories that grow suffocatingly hot in the summer, with cots that sit just a few inches from each other. “If you faced the person in the bed next to you, your knees would touch,” said Williams, who was incarcerated there for a few months and has since been released. “If they snored, you could smell their breath.”The use of maritime jails in the United States has long been controversial, dating back to the earliest days of the Revolutionary War, when thousands of Americans died aboard British ships parked in the New York Harbor.Since then, the concept has been put to use sparingly — during the gold rush in California, most notably — often drawing allegations of cruelty and neglect, according to a recent study.In the 1960s, a proposal by New York's correction commissioner to house inmates on repurposed ships was sunk by other local officials, who said the boats would give visitors the wrong image of the city.
That sentiment began to change in the late 1980s and early 1990s, as drug arrests during the crack epidemic brought the population of Rikers Island to historic highs.By the time the Vernon C. Bain boat arrived in the South Bronx, the city had already deployed four other floating jails — including two converted city ferries and a former trooper ship with the dissonant nickname, the “Love Boat” — as low-cost, temporary facilities.Mayor Edward Koch, an early champion of the idea, assured reporters that seasick inmates would be given Dramamine and dismissed questions about the boats’ viability, describing them as “better accommodations” than Rikers Island.Decades later, Stephan Khadu may have reached a similar conclusion as he awaited trial at Rikers Island for a gang conspiracy case. With the city's main jail complex gripped by both the coronavirus pandemic and rising violence in May 2020, Khadu volunteered to transfer to the Vernon C. Bain, where he waited nearly two years for a trial that never came.By the following summer, family members said, Khadu talked about the boat’s stifling heat, and the presence of mold and rodents that chewed through his food containers. He suffered a seizure in July 2021. Two months later, he had a second seizure. He died on the way to the hospital, a few days short of his 24th birthday.The cause of death was later revealed to be a complication of lymphocytic meningitis, a rodent-borne viral disease that, if properly treated, is not typically fatal.His mom, Lezandre Khadu, blames the boat’s “disgusting conditions."“How can they expect me to believe they care about these people when they treat them like cargo?” she said. “No human should have to live in this place.”The New York State Attorney General investigated Stephan Khadu’s death, but said they could not confirm allegations of improper care. He had been awaiting trial for nearly 2 yearsWhen the boat empties out, it won’t be the first time. It also closed in the mid-1990s, as the population of Rikers Island began to fall. But unlike the other shuttered floating jails, the Vernon C. Bain reopened — initially as a juvenile justice center under Mayor Rudy Giuliani, and later transitioning into a standard adult jail.A spokesperson for the Department of Correction, Latima Johnson, declined to say what the city plans to do with the boat going forward. It will remain, for now, within the custody of the Department of Correction.“The reason for this move is to centralize operations on the island to more efficiently manage people in custody and deploy staff and resources,” Johnson said in an email.Once the move is complete, Lezandre Khadu is planning a trip to see the boat where her son spent the final year of his life. She intends to celebrate its long-delayed closure.“I’m walking over that bridge with a bucket of mimosas and I’m going to have the biggest party ever,” she said. “I want to see for myself that there will never be another soul on that boat.”
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emdroid · 3 years
And from Why Rikers Is In Crisis (NYT):
Rikers has long been characterized by dysfunction and violence, from its opening in 1935 to the culture of brutality and corruption that led to a sweeping federal investigation into the facility a decade ago. But the contours of today’s crisis were shaped by the coronavirus, which has infected more than 2,200 employees of the Department of Correction so far, leading to widespread staffing shortages.
More than 1,500 people had been released to help curb the spread of the coronavirus, but the jail population eventually surpassed prepandemic levels — and the rate of self-harm among those incarcerated there began to rise sharply.
Their unavailability has slowed the basic functions of Rikers to a crawl, starting with the intake process, where people normally spend less than 24 hours receiving clothes, undergoing medical checkups and being assigned to housing units.
In recent months, those hours long stretches have turned into days and even weeks, with people held in units that do not have beds or enough cells.
Social distancing is all but impossible and incarcerated people are not supplied with masks if they lose theirs or get them dirty, at a time when Covid-19 continues to affect them. Understaffing has led to delays in dispersing food, water and medication. Many people have also experienced delays in receiving urgent medical and mental health care, and getting to court.
According to those who have toured the complex recently, certain areas are covered in garbage and urine, and some people in custody are being held in tiny showers where there is barely enough room to stand.
2 years after we were supposed to have ended cash bail and a year + after COVID ripped through jails and prisons, this is so numbing and horrifying to see
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arcxus-of-altihex · 4 years
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New Apprentice!!! And my trend of finding humans boring continues ^^,,
Name: Anani (nickname: Nana, alias: Nanashi -- it’s a pun, it means “nameless”) 
Fave Food: Kebabs, wild rice and falafel 
Fave Drink: Coconut water
Birthday: May 4th / Taurus 
Age: 28 (they get ID’d everywhere tho xD) 
Finally finished their ref, so here they are! Nana’s pronouns are he/they, and he’s a playful, chill person who very much enjoys napping, and cuddles, and trying to figure people out. They adore bad puns and get crushes on everyone, being the (dignified) pan/poly disaster they are. Due to an accident, their one paw was mangled and now they walk with a bit of a limp -- not that it stops them from going to explore ruins with their loves. Their canon partners are Asra, @hypotheticalandroid ‘s Khadus, and @ismeneee ‘s Kaspar ^^,, 
And they’ve kissed @slushrottweiler-blog ‘s Dai, several times ;) 
Feel free to ask any questions for them, etc!
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bastart13 · 4 years
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A sketch commission for @slushrottweiler-blog of Daisuke and Khadus
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giothang5 · 7 years
"Cặp bồ với người đàn ông đẹp trai, giàu có thì đáng hãnh diện. Nhưng cưới được 1 người đàn ông yêu thương mình mới là điều hạnh phúc" Và cái phụ nữ cần là hạnh phúc chứ ko phải hãnh diện.
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neerajrawat1-blog · 7 years
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😘😘 👌👌#To #few #m #rude, #2 few m #khadus. #For #rest #I #am #Original #like #?adidas 🤣😉
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sarahangelstyling · 5 years
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alyssatoearth · 6 years
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arcxus-of-altihex · 4 years
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Imagine you’re Asra, Khadus or Kaspar and you’re dating Anani this is what you get to wake up to in the morning (¬‿¬)
(Anani’s my kitty oc up here, Khadus is @hypotheticalandroid ‘s and Kaspar is @ismeneee ‘s best snek boy ^^)
Bonus sketch so y’all can see the linework: 
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kobikolpolota · 2 years
Khadu dadu kobita poem lyrics খাঁদু-দাদু কবিতা কাজী নজরুল ইসলাম
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aitchque · 2 years
Aitch Que
RT @AFP: Deaths at New York's Rikers jail: a mother's pain. Lezandre Khadu talks to @AFP about the pain that New York's Rikers Island prison can cause. Her son, Stephan, died there -- one of about 20 deaths at the jail in the past 18 months https://t.co/5x8wCYdFLS https://t.co/ttqdqz1O3Z — Rando #21 🤙🏽 Aitch Que ♠️🏴‍☠️ (@AitchQueX) Jun 14, 2022 June 14, 2022 at 05:34AM via Twitter https://twitter.com/AitchQueX
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solangemoon · 3 years
Naming Continents, Countries, Cites, & Towns in High Fantasy*
* In particular, high fantasy that is not based on medieval Europe.
As silly as it sounds, one of the hardest things about building a brand-new world is coming up with reasonable sounding names for your locations. There is no easy way to do it, but hopefully this guide nudges you on the path to inspiration.
Pick a Real-World Basis
High fantasy, as high and otherworldly as it is, almost always has a basis in the real world. The vast majority of high fantasy is set in a country based on medieval Europe with castles and kingdoms and white King Arthurs, and that’s the first thing most people think of when they think of high fantasy, but remember! Your high fantasy can be based off of …
1000 B.C. Brazil
1500s Canada
1200s Antarctica
400s Egypt
1800s China
2500s South Africa
… or anything else. The power is yours. Pick your location, pick your time period, pick the civilization you want to ground your high fantasy culture in.
Get to Googling
Google is your best friend, and Wikipedia is a close second. The first thing you need to do is gather information on the naming traditions of the culture that you are planning to base your high fantasy off of.
For example, we’ll take a look at one of the previous examples, 400s Egypt. To begin the search I googled Ancient Egyptian cities. This led me to a Wikipedia article of Ancient Egyptian Towns and Cities with a big list of cities and towns.
Analyze Naming Conventions
Are there common prefixes or suffixes? Are there common roots?
The older and more dismissed by history the culture is, the harder it will be to actually deconstruct the language and find meanings behind the naming conventions, so winging it might be your most viable option, unfortunately.
Going back to my 400s Egypt example, here are a few things that I noticed when looking at the city and town names listed on Wikipedia:
-et and -at are common endings
-du, -mu, and -nu are common endings
dj- and tj- are common beginnings
per- and he- are common beginnings
k, j, m, and e are commonly used
This is a rough method, and if you are willing and able to learn some of the language of the culture you’re basing your location off of and their true naming conventions, I highly recommend doing that. Not everyone can do that though.
Create Five to Ten Names for Every One You Need
It is always a good idea to go overboard with your names. That way, you have plenty of options to choose from–and if you need a throwaway line referencing a city that you will never mention again, you already have a name!
Pulling from the same example that I’ve been using, here are a few potential city and town names:
And there you have it! Do this another five times and you have a healthy stock of names to get you on your journey to having non-medieval European high fantasy city and town names.
For Continents and Countries …
Broaden your focus! Take a look at Africa rather than Egypt, North America rather than Canada, Asia rather than China. You have a long journey ahead of you, but you can do this!
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lyricspapa · 4 years
When I Am Gone Lyrics by Sidhu Moose Wala is latest Punjabi song from the album Snitches Get Stitches. When I Am Gone song lyrics are also written by him and music is given by Gur Sidhu. When I am gone baby Karegi tu phone baby Main peeche phir mudna nahi Naal khadu tere kon baby When I am gone baby Karegi tu phone baby Main peeche phir mudna nahi Naal khadu tere kon baby Soni nu sadaa sach…
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