#Khaenriahn lore
kaeyachi · 2 years
Ok here it goes-
Kaeya hopping onto a caravan to get to Sumeru as a kid is simultaneously the funniest and saddest thing ever.
Could you all imagine the chaos once the Ragnvindrs realized child Kaeya is missing? I could just imagine Diluc crying loudly about losing Kaeya while Crepus panics and half yells at his staff and the knights about looking for him.
And the moment Crepus sees Kaeya again, he pulls him by the ear!! Because how dare this child give him the heart attack of the century! The nerve of this child to give him gray hairs!! Absolutely comedic!
But the fact that Kaeya did it because he wants to learn more about his heritage hurts. He barely knows anything (and even if he does know a lot, he feels as if he is missing large amounts of context anyway). No wonder he hid that one piece of paper about information on their clan. He's clinging to what is left over for him.
I don't fully trust the idea that his father left him in Mondstat just to live a better life at all. As sweet as it may be, I actually think that's just Kaeya's hopeful thinking. That's why he "thinks he made a clean break with his past". His mind tells him that he probably has nothing that Khaenri'ah or the abyss order might want. A reasonable conclusion because they haven't contacted him- in fact, he was the one doing the interrogating.
That makes me nervous for him though...
Even if it is to free him from his history who tf leaves a child in one of the strongest storms (where he almost dies in), tells him that he will be a spy for Khaenri'ah, and gives him the pressure of being their "only hope"?! Damn dude, if you really want to give him a better life maybe don't give him a last minute multiple trauma gift.
Dain probably crumpled a bit of Kaeya's said hope by straight up mentioning that Kaeya is a descendant of the Abyss Order's founders (I knew the Alberich last name had a damn purpose! Being the birthright successor to the Abyss Order is a big deal and literally a power move! Names have power!!!)
(((Random thought but I wonder if Kaeya could start his own faction- an alternate Abyss Order where he leads as the birthright heir where they go against the Abyss twin near the end? It would be a major decision to lead the order after all, he would have to leave Mond for it, and I'm sure that Dain would prefer to side with him on this one if it is a faction made to counteract the Abyss twin's actions)))
His heritage being such a big deal that they had to mention it in an Archon quest is very iconic for his 4-star starter character ass. They had to make sure everyone knows about it and now Kaeya's lore is gonna get more speculations and scrutiny. Good. I'd still argue that he has one of the best lore in the game- easily in the top 5.
Final thoughts for now, but Dainkae having that enemies to friends to lovers energy is very funny to me. Kaeya asking Dain to go drinking with him someday is *chefs kiss*. Dain is right to be wary of Kaeya though. The fact that Kaeya felt him watching is definitely telling of how perceptive Kaeya is (reminds me of the cutscene where Diluc is introduced, and when Diluc attacked from behind him, Kaeya didn't even flinch). Dain probably realized that Kaeya also purposely avoided him in Mondstat as well since Kaeya knew of him ( I don't think Dain would avoid someone who is blatantly using "Alberich" as a lastname).
Oh wait! One more thing! But is Kaeya actually immortal? (where they stop aging once they reach a certain age) or is he only half-Khaenriahn? (if so, why wasnt he turned into a hilichurl? Do they get a free pass?...but so far, he is the only regularly aging Khaenri'ahn we've met...)
I knew that the more lore drop he gets the more questions will be added. damn.
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I remember seeing a (possibly canon, idk man) theory that states that the reason that alchemy tables require mora is because alchemy is basically the transition of matter to other matter, with a little energy from the geo energy lingering on the mora to make the transmutation a lil explainable scientifically
This got me thinking
What if the difference between alchemy and Khemia is that alchemy is the transition from matter to matter (with a little energy to help things along), while Khemia is the transition from energy to matter (with a little matter to help things along)
Maybe the matter used in Khemia (in terms of creating carbon-based things, at least) is chalk, as purified earth, the basis of all life
So if you try and make a living being with Khemia and use the earth as your matter is kinda just… dumps a pile of minerals on the ground near this suspicious dent which wasn’t there a second ago
In albedo’s idle of reanimating that branch, I’d imagine that some of the energy would come of whatever life is still left in the plant
Consider: you can use the energy of your soul to power Khemia. I’d imagine that this would be a limited resource, considering people can only really regenerate kidneys. You might get sick for a bit (or a long bit) so most people only do this in very small quantities.
Now, as far as gold is concerned i believe that she
Was illegitimate
Was from a rich family with shitty parents
Was known as an alchemist prodigy
Attempted to kill her father (~15 years?)
Ran away from police /army for several momths
Was eventually caught, but the government didn’t want to loose such a potentially powerful resource via execution/prison for life
(Was disowned by her parents and adopted by a group (the rhinemaidens) (who she changed her lastnane to reflect)
Signed a deal to work for the government as much ad they needed her in exchange for not going to prison
And she ended up using a *lot* of khemia, to the point where she was facing nerve damage and eventual death on the horizon. A bad thing, obviously
So she sought out some blessing from the abyss that would sustain her and stop from dying from exhaustion, which worked, in exchange for her creating(?) things on behalf of the abyss on occasion
She was generally not credited for any discoveries she made/the actual food created while she worked, as the government wanted to hide the fact they subverted the law process.
This lasted until the mounting if the aggression by the abyss, causing several alchemists to die out on the field, and forcing them to place gold on a higher level of authority due to her level of experience (id say she’s about 28 now)
So she started getting more recognition, though never achieving chief alchemist, until khaenriah eventually fell. Most alchemists died during the cataclysm, leaving her as the head alchemist once there was only a few hundred khaenriahns who weren’t soon to be hilichurls.
As for teyvat’s side of the cataclysm, i believe much of it was due to the fact that all khaenriahn defenses had fell and they couldn’t be a atopgate to abyssal forces descending on teyvat. Additonally, many restraints for domesticated animals likely fell to the wayside and they became feral in a matter of years.
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strwberri-milk · 1 year
someone send help redacted asmr is taking up all the real estate in my brain
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hellonoblesky · 2 years
Sorry but the curse of Khaenri’ah being fucking NECROTIC is not something I saw coming. And that’s assuming it’s the Curse and not Elazear that bro caught r you shitting me I’m so deranged about this one guy
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imaginarypasta · 1 year
this is gonna be some really ramble-y thoughts on immortality (and its implications for khaenriah) in genshin
bc i was thinking about how dissatisfied i was by how when characters are paired up (e.g., in their lore or friendships or associations) it’s really often along immortal-mortal lines. because i just personally don’t really find immortal-immortal relationships particularly interesting just generally speaking (removes a lot of (emotional) urgency, takes away potentially interesting questions about humanity and mortality, etc. just ultimately isn’t the kind of story i like to hear) (and specifically i was a bit disappointed in how that manifests in wanderer’s story although that doesn’t actually end up being that relevant to what i’m gonna say) so i find it quite difficult to really be interested by those characters or dynamics
however, despite this angle, i think that such insistences, however subtle they may be, actually do something really interesting for khaenriahns specifically. that is, if immortal characters are constantly being paired up with one another, it creates a divide between them and mortal characters. not necessarily an antagonistic one, but at least one where humanity (broadly speaking) is defined specifically by mortality. that is, it’s defined against immortals (versus how we might otherwise define it against, say, plants or animals, or in other genres, even something like aliens or robots). which is to  say it fits with its own genre, yes, but also that that is just a question i enjoy.
it seems to me as though this isn’t a teyvat-specific belief as it would be applied to khaenriahns (otherwise, why would they be cursed w/ immortality (in part)? like, it would just be sort of random. which like sure maybe you could say something like it wasn’t how they were defining themselves and it was a teyvat-specific idea to implement on them through the curse. but honestly that seems convoluted and, while interesting, not something i’m going to explore here). that is, their curse is specifically meant to target this defining characteristic of their humanity, which is in turn a defining characteristic of their identities (both personal and national). in short, the use of this dichotomy works really nicely with khaenriah’s lore imo.
and i think this was very surprising to me to realize because if khaenriah is also determined by its alchemy, this definition of themselves against immortality is really surprising! for a very long time, i was expecting the thread of alchemy and thus longevity in life to play a role in their story, but not at all like this--perhaps something they were searching for, something they found and were punished for finding it because it made them too powerful, overall just something they wanted.
but then like, if it’s not, how were they defining death and by extension life? what implications does this have for how they were interacting with the world?
but also, what were their goals with alchemy? because in my head, the main goal is generally understood to be immortality. which if you remove, why were they doing it? i’m also familiar with spontaneous generation as a major goal, but it also seems like they already got there (or at least some of them did). so maybe i’m totally blowing their thing with alchemy out of proportion. maybe it wasn’t as big of a deal as i’m thinking of it as. or it opens up alchemy to a number of different purposes.
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abyssmalice · 2 years
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(entwines my hands on a table like im a ceo at a meeting, about to present u with my greatest (sleepiest) brain thonk:
tonitoni knowing sign language)
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narwhalandchill · 4 months
also finished the 4.7 AQ and like . well firstly rip to all the sinner theories where it was like could it be nibelung or someone else and all like that was a bit tragic but thats the nature of theories i suppose. i do think it makes sense that the bigger players arent just all going to be figures we Already know of but yea.
overall i think it was like. quite good but also kinda suffers from the way these quests just Have to be an annual thing especially with how short it was? i saw a comment being like this feels like it shouldve been the epilogue to caribert and i kinda agree . also as much as it is appreciated that we Do get some direct answers to big lore questions in the quest was kind of a exposition dump in that sense . fade to black w the abyss sib and dain duel was certainly a Choice 💀
caribert truly is a sweetheart man i didnt expect him to pop up but i feel so bad for him now. except for the loomzoning atossa thing i get that he had no choice on the matter but that was rough for ur girl 😭😭
iiiiiii dunno how to feel about the whole we forget all about the reunion anyway when traveler Remembering as a descender has been established as such a core thing like it kinda feels like a copout im ngl . guess we are just now . aware of information as players that the traveler is not privy to . considering im already more than a little wary towards the general concept of like. memory erasure slash irminsul stuff when it comes to genshins writing im definitely feeling conflicted w this . also applies to the loom of fate editing reality thing . like okay on some level yes it is cool to include such prevalent elements of like. uncertainty and unreliable narration but in worst case those concepts are also v easy for a careless writing team to just. run off w and end up w a convoluted mess so i rly rly hope that wont end up the case
anyway. so the sinners are the big deal this time around i suppose and like. not that i wasnt necessarily expecting surtalogi to indeed be khaenriahn but the confirmation is certainly here now. no particular feelings on this from me im afraid bc like. Highly unpopular lore thing from me but both khaenriah n hexenzirkel (the latter more so than former) are kinda these. big lore topics and entities that i logically Do know and acknowledge as the massive deals they are to the story. but they just arent sth i have so far gotten that invested in altho khaenriah i have somewhat warmed up to . hexenzirkel still feels too much like an unnecessary presence to me lmao i might be missing out on stuff but if the abyss order arguably has a lack of story presence issue then the witches have it like 5 times worse 💀 But point being surtalogi being part of this whole crew of transcendent beings from khaenriah that became sinners is like . okay then isiskskskdk its not that big a deal for me
i think the most meaningful implications from that (in terms of My personal lore fixations at least *cough*) just have to do w like . sth id already been thinking about even before we got the confirmation of the visionary as the sinner that clothar found (which was a big theory anyway that i did personally find very compelling and well its canon now). and that is just the way that like . when skirk compared surtalogi as one in pursuit of "perfection" and brought up the visionary and rhinedottir as two ppl akin to him. that and the narzissenkreuz note about primordial human essentially being the synonym for descenders . & how rhines magnum opus was the primordial human PROJECT aka in light of this note. Very likely to be an attempt at Creating a descender . and how the sinners and abyss orders loom of fate is obviously just another pathway into accessing some sorta will or way to rival the world and defy the heavenly principles . became this thing where i was like 90% convinced and now 100% convinced that if the "perfection" both gold and the visionary pursue is indeed a descenders will in one form or another . then surtalogis aims Must involve the same fucking thing
which naturally gets us back to the insane ajax theory territory bc . if what connects those 3 (and post 4.7 more like. All the transcendent sinners from khaenriah) is getting to that world rivaling will. Then it sure fucking makes Everything surtalogi is doing and planning w both the narwhal and ajax Very Interesting . like it sure is curious that These would be the things surtalogi is occupying himself with if its indeed a descender he seeks . so like . Yeah we dont need to get into 3rd descender stuff but one thing i sure do think is becoming less and less like crackpot speculation and more and more and explicitly foreshadowed future direction for childes arc is that. one way or another. he is going to be involved with the subject of becoming a descender . bc like. if gold tried creating one w alchemy. and if the visionary is Literally creating a loom of fate to serve as the machine capable of weaving a worlds worth of leylines and destiny aka just a descender equivalent machine . then it sure wouldnt make sense for surtalogi to be putting all this heavy effort and resources (as skirk commented on) towards acquiring and possibly subduing an interstellar voyager like the narwhal and getting his student to look for and train the weird kid with a possibly innate connection w it. Without that serving a role in His brand of descender equivalency that hes seeking as a sinner. So yeah childe long term relevance stocks are definitely up w this one guys Trust
but yea thats on surtalogi for me . Point being its not rly a New suspicion for me (like ever since primordial human project started sounding like DIY descender lab project i was thinking this) but i think its been absolutely further affirmed by directly linking surtalogi to the sinners of khaenriah that more likely than not seem like theyre All going to be ppl who used the abyss to seek the power of a descender in a variety of ways???? so thats very neat . wonder who the other 2 will turn out to be then .
another thing to do w the sinners is also like. the way that if we do count dainsleif among them just as one that Didnt jusr abandon the ppl during the cataclysm . there is obviously that doomed number of Six there . so like pygmy theories have been going wild already in the few days it took me to catch up w the AQ but im just kinda . i Still think pale princess is most likely to be about an irminsuled event and be about sth far further back into the timeline than khaenriah and the cataclysm . theres things like rhe night mother specifically talking abt Thousands of years passing before the new hero (= 4th descender aka us most likely) appears to challenge her and also just the general way i still think pale princess aligns too much w the story of the seelie ancestor and her lover Not to be a story about that time period . so as much as the 5+1 sinners of khaenriah being the pygmies is like. Yes the numbers would finally add up clearly with no mental backflips needed unlike w the archons . but like all things considered im still a bit unconvinced. we shall see . that book is a menace anyway so its always gonna be a hot topic lmao like what is Up with it 💀
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rimzieiei · 1 month
some of the ocs for the harbinger!kaveh au! :3 (more about their lore beneath cut)
warning for me making shit up
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kunjal and raahki !
they are two members of a mining company that was based in the girdle of sands. the company disbanded during the cataclysm.
kunjal was born and raised in the gavireh lajavard. when she was old enough to do it, she started her own mining company. the first person she hired was raakhi, her childhood best friend.
the girdle is the only place in teyvat where trishiraite (called tattva pre-cataclysm) can be found. the stones are composed of packed together elemental energy, making them valuable to scientists and inventors.
most of the time, kunjal and co would trade with the khaenriahns (because the enterance to the nation is right there). occasionally though, theyd trade with merchants from the rainforest and fontaine.
the girdle isnt a super populated place, being mainly composed of wandering eremite tribes. but! there would be a few permanent settlements like aaru village.
raakhis family came from the desert of hadramaveth to the girdle. she is a direct descendant of king deshret. while kunjal is the leader of the group, raakhi is the navigator. making sure the company stays safe while traversing the caverns.
the three other members of the company were iham, a talented haggler and musician. vainavi, a rebellious teenager with a penchant for mischief. and trishira, a joyful guy that has too much strength for his own good. (designs coming eventually i swear)
anyways theyre all a silly little found family and i love them so much! such a shame they have to go through the horrors...
the main part of their lore begins in a mining trip gone horribly off the rails.
during this trip, raakhi would propose to kunjal. giving her a beautiful promise bangle that matched hers. they planned to get married after they returned home.
unfortunately! the cataclysm would end up starting during their expedition. trapped in the caves while hell broke loose around them, kunjal tried to lead the group to safety. they would try to seek refuge in the khaenriahn factories, only to find them abandoned.
the company would be stuck in the caves for around a week, plenty of time for everything to go to shit! most of the ways out of the tunnels caved in, but they end up finding a way to the surface.
however, a massive monster would end up blocking their path. it was injured and probably dying, yeah, but it could definitely kill the whole group.
the monsters was one of golds creations. an earlier prototype of durin and elynas so its not totally a dragon but its getting there.
kunjal, understanding if they didnt make it out soon they would all die, set a plan in motion. they would wait until the creature fell asleep, then they would sneak past.
as the monster fell asleep, kunjal began to have second thoughts about the plan, but decided to keep going with it.
the group crept past the giant beast, but halfway through the monster started coughing. it was internally combusting. its final exhale sent a cloud of abyssal poison and particles of the monsters flesh into the cavern.
and in genshin, consuming parts of dragons (even if theyre weird prototypes) is not a good idea! in every casr weve seen, the individual ended up as an abyssling.
thats what ended up happening to the mining company. they were forcibly corrupted by the abyss inside the monster. to a lesser degree than other abysslings, but they still lost control over themselves.
finally on the surface, the mining company were changed people. they struggled to recall past memories, leaving their companionship as their only lifeline. they were also horrifically changed. bodies shifting from human to animal, and thoughts glazed over by abyssal fog.
the new, controlling void in their heads gave them orders; cause havoc.
so thats what they did! with the transformations came access to elemental powers, making the group a force to be reckoned with.
in the lore the cataclysm is implied to be yknow, a year or two of chaos. so much destruction wouldnt happen in like a couple months.
the mining company terrorized the people of the girdle, eventually earning themselves a new name. rakshasa! to the normal people of the girdle, they were said to be demons straight from the abyss. creatures of mayhem and malice. (completely unaware of the actual origins)
people would leave in droves, desperate to escape the heart of sumerus cataclysm. they would bring the stories of the rakshasa to other parts of the red sands, leaving people hesitant to return. (part if my explanation for why nobody lives in the girdle in game,, literally theres nobody there besides the pari! not a single permanent civilization besides the defunct ones)
the reason i chose rakshasa the name for the mining company to be called is because of trishiraites in game name… the name itself is a reference to a real rakshasa from hindu myth! but no where else in genshin do the idea of rakshasa appear. which is suchhh a missed opportunity cause theyre so cool!
also about trishiraite! i mentioned it was called tattva precataclysm, thats because (due to the sheer amount of bloodshed he caused) trishira had the blood red stone renamed after him. (also because everything in teyvat is composed of elemental energy and trishiraite is concentrated er so when something dies its er could form into the rocks—)
the rakshasa wreck havoc for the majority of the cataclysm. that is until egeria comes to cleanse the sign of apaosha.
unfortunately, raakhi ends up getting turned to stone. she was too close to the vorukasha oasis when egeria went out with a bang.
however, as the harvisptokhm took form and cleansed the abyss from the girdle, the fog was lifted from the rakshasas minds. it didnt crystalize them because the concentration of abyss in them wasnt high enough. it also didnt reverse the physical transformations.
after this, the gang goes through a lot of mental anguish. dealing with raakhis death and how much blood they have on their hands.
raakhi and kunjal (a bit distracted by the abyss in their heads) didnt even get to be married. <//3
the rakshasas eventually decide, after holding a funeral for raakhi, to part ways. iham, vainavi, and trishira end up leaving the girdle. leaving kunjal behind with only her memories.
because of the abyssal corruption, the rakshasa are effectively immortal. the only thing preventing the abyss from taking control of their minds was the harvisptokm, so the rakshasa who left the girdle return to being bloodthirsty and evil.
kunjal walks the desert as a husk of her former self, lost without her family. after an undetermined amount of time, the sign of apaosha returns and the abyssal fog comes right back!
i think a yapped a bit too much but! i love my doomed yuri so much :3
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tomiyeee · 1 year
Can I head canon Mikey and Leo’s eye colors from you please Also do you have a Fic of this AU that I can read
of course! i don't own eye color headcanons, i just picked whichever ones looked the nicest with their designs in my opinion 😂 glad you liked them enough to share that hc though! 😊💕
and i'm assuming you're referring to my rise genshin au? which i actually don't...have a story for at all, since i don't have a very good understanding of genshin's story/lore to begin with. this au is in all honesty pretty surface-level, at least on my end 😅
however! i've actually had a couple people write their own ideas for it. i'm not sure about actual fic fics, like on AO3 or anything since i've not gone looking, but i've had a few things people have sent in my inbox (sorry it's taken me so long to answer these! i'm not trying to ignore y'all, i promise.. i've just been busy + somewhat overwhelmed by social media in general ;-;)
i'll leave them under the cut for you (and ofc anyone else who's interested!) to read :3
from @snekplush:
Random ideas for the genshin tottmnt au my brain thought of without my concent:
Draxum is a yokai who lived through the cataclysm and knows about Ei making puppet vessel things. Maybe its because he met scara before he turned all fatui. Either way, he knows and bcs of this he wanted to try experimenting creating something similar with artificial yokai to be super soldiers to protect imazuma >:D It never actually worked though because he doesnt know that Ei used khaenriah technology to do that, and he doesnt have access to that. Eventually he cracks the code somehow after hundreds of years of research. And thats how the turts were born >:D
And then since he knows scara is a puppet he found out he became a harbinger. As he looks down at the four artificially made turtles and remembered how Scaramouche once told him about how his mother and creator, Ei, betrayed him because he wasnt fit for his purpose of holding the gnosis, Drax decides this is probably not a good idea. Also he feels a bit guilty because like albedo, they’re like artificial yokai. Artificial, but still yokai. Knowing that Lou Jitsou is someone who travels often, he dumps the children onto him so he doesnt have to worry about them destroying inazuma. That or he found out the khaenriahn orginins of puppet people, and since he experienced the cataclysm thinks theyre too dangerous and then dumps them on splinter. Use this idea however u want :D
from an anon:
For your rise genshin AU I feel like that everyone would just like Raph I feel like that he would just get along with everyone because of his leadership and kind nature but I also feel like there will be many misunderstandings about him like you know looks like he could crush you with a finger in actuality it is a kind person not that could be described as The most cinnamon rolls of cinnamon rolls I feel like that all of them would be like but Raph would be the most liked in my personal opinion.
I may have already asked you this but it’s basically a continuation from the last one I feel like that Ralph would get along with itto well it would probably be roped into him And his gang’s shenanigans
Why do I just imagine Ralph taking singing lessons or just singing along with Venti I just popped into my My head and it just seemed a bit funny that Ralph invented just doing like a song and Venti fighting away just to make a melody that just makes it work And people stop joining in a fight I have just make like Geo construct like head and create like a percussionist melody and everyone’s joining having a little bit of fun in Then They do a bow in just the Mora is thrown everywhere
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kaeyachi · 2 years
I saw your post about the Alberich surname and was curious about kaeya being half tayvatian! Can you explain that for me please? I miss and forget a lot of details and stuff in game, but I do genuinely love genshin lore related to khaenriah and kaeya! I also flip flop between kaeya being full khaenrian and being half whatever just because his star eye doesn't seem to be as pronounced as dainsleif for example. At least in game. (always zooming into his face to try and see the pretty star lol) Like I've seen the hc of his mom being sumeran and I think that's super cute! It could explain his darker skin tone compared to dainsleif and pierro? Or like idk the star trait has been deluted after many generations? Uh I've rambled a lot but I was just curious cuz I didn't know anything about him being half teyvatian!
but anyway...THANK YOU FOR ASKING!
I think it would be better for me to come back to this after 3.5 that way I can confirm most of what I initially typed out, but heres a summary of what I've thought of
1. His name being the only one in the history of known Khaenri'ahns to originate from Hindu instead of Norse/Scandinavian
2. Due to the Hindu origin of the name, we can connect it to his constellation which is represented by a peacock- India's national bird as well as the representation for the Spantamad in the Akademiya.
3. Him being there for the 3.5 Archon quest in Sumeru as well as him getting a possible skin that is clearly half Sumeru and half Khaenri'ahn inspired
4. notes or letters from a member of the Alberich clan in Sumeru
5. Most known Khaenri'ahn characters have been pale-skinned (were unsure about Pierro due to dim lighting but even then, he and Kaeya might be related) with distinctly shaped four-pointed star pupils while Kaeya was designed differently (unsure if its because he's the first one released in-game, if its a diluted gene trait, or if it might be indicative that he is curseless)
6. Seemingly curseless or unnafected by the curse. Was even "blessed" by Celestia with a vision, which is already odd. He's still the only canonical Khaenriahn with one (clearly Celestia doesnt care whether you want a vision or not either)
If someone can elaborate please go ahead! I'm sure I've missed some!
***Additional notes mildly unrelated to this theory***
-The Alberich clan must have been known for their strategic thinking, war knowledge, and mind games if they were able to rise as the leaders for Khaenri'ah during the war. If I were a Sumeru scholar, I'd tap that too lmao
-Kaeya's name meaning "Monsoon flower" is oddly tragic yet fitting. The monsoon flowers thrive in the rainy season. Kaeya thrives during the rain as well. His main growth points and tragedies in life have happened in the rain. If it rains during the 3.5 archon quest i will scream and cry please note this.
- oddly enough i am more of a believer of the "Kaeya being frozen in time for 500 years" theory. Its possible! Olaf Katzlein got frozen for 300 after all! Some old Sumeran must have immigrated to Khaenri'ah prior to the Catalycism and got the Alberich started. Alberich clan being the smartest family in Khaenri'ah maybe?? hmm...
-Majority of teyvat suspiciously dont know that Khaenri'ahns are the hilichurls and the abyss order which means this might be forgotten history...which is weird because if its a supposedly slow acting curse then even in future generations there should still be slow-turning Khaenri'ahns right? If they purposely stopped repopulating then how did Kaeya come to exist? Pierro getting funky with whom??????? He has only been beside the Tsaritsa for the past hundred years... OH MY GOD WAIT CRACK THEORY TIME- Kaeya being the Tsaritsa and Pierro's son which explains the white streaks in his hair. No? Ok I'll stop lmao...unless?? NAH JK THIS AINT IT...or is it... JUST KIDDING I SWEAR-
That's all for now! Hope this helped others figure out the thought process behind the Half-Teyvatian Kaeya theory!
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hoonietual · 1 year
so to my understanding. genshin 4.0 fontaine lore spoilers ahead:
the initial cataclysm happens in sumeru/khaenriah → hydro archon dies → around a 100 or so years later there was still (at least) one oceanid left in fontaine, who became the director of the narzissenkreuz institute (an institute for the family of convicted criminals?)
siege of poisson → mary-ann and alain guillotin were brought to the institute as children/pre-teens and jakob was taken in by karl ingold, rene petrichor was also taken to the institute, but jakob and rene are probably younger kids
alain is a child genius who contributes to the institute as a child. establishes the institute of natural philosophy (around teenage?). (rene also seems to be particularly gifted, but maybe not as impressive as alain, or he was in alains shadow, possibly the same for jakob. theyre both still part of the narzissenkreuz institute). mary-ann joins the marechaussee phantom?
fontaine goes through an energy crisis → alain does research into khaenriahn energy sources and sourced khaenriahn machinery from the sumeru desert. karl ingold went to sumeru to get those, for some reason he took rene and jakob
during the expedition, rene conducts his own research (possibly to try and help alain?) (and also mistakes ruin guards for agricultural machinery because they were officially called field tillers). (jakobs permanent teeth are still growing in, while rene's permanent teeth just finished growing in, meaning theyre pre-teen)
rene says he and jakob are similar to the lotus in the desert which was made by the dendro archon and holds the consciousness of the previous hydro archon, but at this point (100 or so years after the fact) was filled with abyssal energy and in need of purifying (which of these things was he talking about?)
jakob and rene come into contact with abyssal power somehow and falls sick, but rene is more affected by it than jakob. they hide this from karl ingold and head back to fontaine with a bunch of ruin machines and constructs (and a self-healing ruin grader somehow?)
renee is assigned to alain's lab at the institute of natural philosophy. atp, rene is more interested in abyss power than the research alain was doing (on pneumousia energy)
elynas and a bunch of other abyss monsters are released into fontaine. elynas is heavily wounded in battle against the director and vice director of the narzissenkreuz institute and goes to what will be his final resting place. the vice director follows him, but her fleet (the fontaine armada?) is overtaken by abyss monsters, and the flagship is used as a last-minute 'weapon' against a sea monster. director and vice director dont return from their battles, but elynas died a while before the vice director did
the following all happen while the fontaine armada are following the trail of elynas' blood and fighting abyss monsters(?):
rene and jakob sneak inside elynas (closed off by the marechaussee hunters?). they take some of elynas' blood to do research on it. before this happened, rene and jakob were doing research on the ruins around elynas (which have the same architecture as enkanomiya and the inverted city, meaning it was from the time during which teyvat was one unified nation)
rene discovered a "world formula", and using it, found out that the world of teyvat would be destroyed. him and jakob take it upon themselves to make sure that future won't come to pass. this is the reason rene becomes more interested in abyss power
they take their findings to the institute of natural philosophy and at some point jakob goes back to elynas to drink his blood. this kickstarts his transformation into an inquitous baptist. rene dubs him a "neohuman" and says in his notes that if they could harness this power, everyone could survive that future they had foreseen (meaning he wants to turn everyone into abyss creatures)
around a month passes at this point and alain has (mostly?) perfected (?) pneumousia and makes seymour to keep mary-ann safe during her marechaussee hunter career. rene gains a following in the institute and creates a secret society
a friend of theirs and alains assistant, carter, is sick with an incureable disease. jakob suggests (to rene) that they should have carter transform. rene brings it up to carter, who agrees to it even after rene explains the risks and drawbacks
carter dies because his body is not resistant to the toxins in elynas' blood, but his organs keep regenerating even in death. rene and jakob feel immensely guilty for this. renes secret society is found out, and they are deemed (by the marechaussee phantom?) to be a threat. this causes a rift between alain and rene. after carter is found to be dead, alain becomes hostile to both rene and jakob. rene tries to transform but it backfires on him as well
mary-ann is assigned to stop jakob and rene. alain joins her. theres a battle in elynas, which doesnt last very long, because jakob and alain both are trying to keep mary-ann safe, but she dies in battle in the end. after the battle, the melusines start to form from the wounds left inside elynas. before (or maybe after?) mary-ann died, her wishes and dreams resulted in the creation of an oceanid
the institute of natural research and the narzissenkreuz institute are overtaken by abyss monsters as well, which forces alain to move his operations elsewhere. he establishes the fontaine research institute near the fountain of lucine (and the opera house hadnt been built by this point)
before this point, jakob finds out about the vice directors death, but it was probably the second mate who had abandoned ship after a lot of hopeless fights with abyss monsters and three sea monsters closing in on the fleet, reporting the hopeless situation, and everyone knew the vice director wasnt gonna come back from it.
at this point, the vice director actually faces off with a sea monster and sees ahes, a melusine, before she dies.
jakob carries on with renes research and eventually stumbles upon the primordial sea water, which he conducts experiments on, the results of which are left for vacher/marcel to find
and that is that confusing ass timeline sorted. i think
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gold-rhine · 1 year
Ashikai just dropped a YouTube lore theory video that goes over the traveler mirrors dragon powers theory you posted earlier in the week
are you the same anon who sent me to her video on khaenriah some time ago? just curious bc like if i had a cent for every time blah blah
anyway i watched it and the most important thing i learned is that neuvi is based on a dwarf who turns into an otter. HUGE. WE WERE RIGHT ABOUT OTTERS ALL ALONG. worth a whole hour runtime. hoyo if he doesn't turn into otter-shaped dragon once he gets hydro gnosis back i'm suing for my money back
otherwise i can't say i agree with much in that video. aside from very obvious fact that traveler powers are dragon-based, which i said already. like i know nothing about honkai impact, but like the whole all humans are actually dragons who were shapeshifted into this form by celestia is like. are you a yoga instructor bc thats a STRETCH. like why are there still actual dragons left then. why aren't all dragons humans. also, this is based on visions being "organs" of ppl, but then why same visions can be re-activated by several people, and even after vision-holder's death. and why aren't all humans have visions then, why do you have to go through thematically linked to the element event? all baby vishaps can manipulate elements from the start.
idk like obviously visions are connected to dragon powers and gnostic ascension is a theme in genshin, but like. all humans are brainwashed dragons, but some are more dragons than others somehow?? is just does not seem substantial to me. like don't get me wrong, dragons and khaenriah are my two fav things in genshin, i'd love to find out that kaeya is actually a dragon, but the arguments are not holding up. its like, oh dragons are named after dwarfs and khaenriahns are based on dwarves bc kaeya's last name is based on dwarven king, so khaenriahns are dragons. ok first of all, not all dragons are based on dwarves, are azhdaha and apep nothing to you. second a lot of khaenriah references are not dwarves, like rhinedottir. their king is based on odin, who is very much not a dwarf. like i think the dwarf references have more to do with nods to narrative beats in nibelungen saga, like alberich being this manipulative evil king wo stole the power of gods to create a weapon (clothar founding abyss order, loom of fate, etc), than with the one to one khaenriah=dwarfs = dragons.
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sleepless-rants · 5 months
ahwhwu hi sleepless!!! hope you’ve had a great week so far :’)
.. So. How are we feeling about crimson moon dynasty arlecchino
Like a fucking idiot who confidently said "weLL she cant be KHAENRIAHN so shes probably REMURIAN" when you asked back then.
Jokes aside though
...??? Does this mean immortal khaenriahns existed before the cataclysm or was the eclipse dynasty been around for like 4 years? This most definitely has something to do with the ritual khaenriahns performed where they had children walk through a fireplace signifying rebirth.
A lot of important implications attached to the fact that she's no longer immortal. Or that she can age at least. Thats the second person we've seen breaking the curse of immortality, except arle's situation is probably a lot diffrent from chlothar's. Not to mention the curse she DOES have right now "my powers leave behind a shadow" what is up with that??? ALSO HOW DO THEY GIVE US A CRIMSON MOON DYNASTY CHARACTER BEFORE AN ECLIPSE DYNASTY ONE HOYO WTF (kaeya doesnt count)
Anyway this just opened a new universe of possibilites and lore implications. I'll review her sq and stories again and try to come up with a more coherent analysis but honestly we should just wait to see what dain says next patch.
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scarletooyoroi · 1 year
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damn my genshin thoughts started acting up again.
lore possibility I never considered before-- Mainly to do after seeing that caribert quest again.
So I've been thinking for a hot minute. Exactly what goes and makes a Khaenri'ah pureblooded? How for them in particular, did it begin with a singular bloodline that seemingly the rest of Teyvat had no relation to?
I couldn't put my finger on it until I remembered two things in particular, that King Irmin exists and how from the sounds of it, the Irminsul plays a significant part in their lives. It lead me to believe this about them; humans born in the pureblooded Khaenriahn sense may of actually been created from the Irminsul, as part of theIR whole creation myth deal.
So why do I believe this? I want to lay out a few things!
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Using this as the basis (and not exactly 1 for 1, I'm sure Genshin has it's spins on it.), I wanna expand on primarily where we can find the Ley line branches that we normally get.
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exclusively from all Abyss order related enemies. This in itself I believe makes the starting mark, but how about we expand on this a bit more? This doesn't apply solely to them, but also the Hu (Human) model Ruin guards that out of all of them, are the only ones that sprout these extensions the way they do.
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As far as my run ins went with the Khaenri'ah machines, I've never saw the more animalistic variants like jellyfish, crabs, so on and so far come to hold that anomaly factor amidst them.
While there could be a caveat in that the Black Serpent Knights certainly don't drop these branches. I've been of the mind they're too far corroded outside of their souls. For they still have the Deathly Statuette drops that both the BSR faction and the Abyss order Heralds/Lectors will actively drop from you.
So where could there be a harder factor to combine this? That a form of humanity could be made from the Irminsul trees? I'd like to look to none other than two particular excepts from Raiden Ei's and Wanderer's character stories. Mind you, while she found the techniques, as it shows, it never crossed into the territory where elements like Khemia would be involved.
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As for Scaramouche's cast in unveiling more of this picture? Two excerpts to bring in.
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This being a secret truth unveiled from the Archon quest. Normally, we'd never come to even learn that this was a thing otherwise. While the white tree in question always happens to be Irminsul.
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Just to connect the two paths of their story, making it further solidified.
Unlike whatever Irmin had did however, it wasn't made with that particular that would truly make them Khaenri'ah born humans. Ei and Wanderer were made with divine aspects heavily in mind, while what we see from Khaenri'ah, humans there had an entirely natural lifespan. The curse of immortality wouldn't be such an active hampering on their existence otherwise, least I'd think so.
Now granted, we don't have the full details on what the Irminsul truly is. Did it exist during the dragon age? Was it a formation made when humanity became more prevalent, thus being able to link with their memories? Seeing how it has such an infused state with the memories in the land, being able to have them generate power in the form of artifacts and host the flow of Ley lines, I believe it's worth keeping an eye on!
As a lil fun fact, maybe this is why birds are so expressly open in always trying to sit on Ei and Wanderer respectably. lol.
Before I wrap this up! I do have one thought on how the Khaenri'ah specific worked. According to the Odin based legend up there, a particular that was required was this breath of life used to mold them. We actually do have an example of this! Rhinedottir through the mastery of Khemia managed to do this with Albedo, she however chose a divergence from the looks.
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This mark I believe is what will always follow those who are made from this particular creation. While Rhinedottir has forged one method of doing so, that leads to a mystery in how Irmin, or whoever beforehand could've played a part of the creation of Khaenri'ahn natives made a true humans outside of how the Primordial One had introduced humanity into Teyvat.
I believe this may play a part in the Khaenri'ahn storyline as a whole, and certainly can't wait to see if this gains more ground or loses it! I'm down for any possibilities tbh.
Also what you doin down here reading this far!! Thank for joining me on this conjecture journey.
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oavrk · 2 years
ok im incredible suspicious as to why kaeya is getting a sumeru skin since it probably won't be released in 3.5 bc we dont get skins from archon quests and we wont get an skin event either, so we will probably get the skin on 3.6 or later
here's some speculation that is most likely very incorrect lol
1st option: we'll learn in the 3.5 AQ that he has some ancestors from sumeru or lived in sumeru for a little bit as a kid thus why we're getting a skin and we'll get a little quick event just like lisa of him back in sumeru again
2nd option: hes like being undercover in sumeru pretending to be a normal civilian, since he has 0 mondstadt and 0 khaenriah symbols in the outfit? maybe hes gathering some info for the KOF or hes investigating some khaenriahn stuff in secret and we would get more lore crumbs in the event as well idk why but it kinda would make sense? idk lmao
again I am most likely very wrong about all this but its just for fun !
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kaeyapilled · 1 year
I have weird reach of a theory but remember how when genshin was first introduced in the early eras of 1.0-1.1? in 2020 the devs admitted that botw inspired gi (amongg other things such as gnosticism, anime, fate franchise, etc.). In botw there are shiekah technology designed to defeat calamity ganon.
They could've also been inspired to incorporate the idea that advanced technology is needed to combat a higher or greater force. If we tie that into the gnostic themes in gi, there was probably something beyond celestia that the khaenriahns were able to prepare for. However celestia being celestia (aka a collective force of higher beings greater than mortals), they probably refused to be outsmarted by humans.
(again this is a reach but idk can u tell me what u think? 😭)
ooh that's a fun theory! whether it's plausible or not im not very sure because tbh im not the most knowledgeable about khaenri'ah lore lmao.. what we do know about their goals is that they suspected the heavenly principles weren't originally from teyvat and that they had usurped the power, and that's why khaenri'ah wanted to overthrow the gods (paraphrased from the wiki i had to do my research lol). i do think that theory could fit in here somewhere but im a little empty brained rn.... throwing this ask into the wild for discussion because admittedly theorizing is not my forte at all i just absorb information and think about it minimally until things are properly revealed/confirmed
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