#genshin 3.5 leaks
kaeyachi · 2 years
Ok here it goes-
Kaeya hopping onto a caravan to get to Sumeru as a kid is simultaneously the funniest and saddest thing ever.
Could you all imagine the chaos once the Ragnvindrs realized child Kaeya is missing? I could just imagine Diluc crying loudly about losing Kaeya while Crepus panics and half yells at his staff and the knights about looking for him.
And the moment Crepus sees Kaeya again, he pulls him by the ear!! Because how dare this child give him the heart attack of the century! The nerve of this child to give him gray hairs!! Absolutely comedic!
But the fact that Kaeya did it because he wants to learn more about his heritage hurts. He barely knows anything (and even if he does know a lot, he feels as if he is missing large amounts of context anyway). No wonder he hid that one piece of paper about information on their clan. He's clinging to what is left over for him.
I don't fully trust the idea that his father left him in Mondstat just to live a better life at all. As sweet as it may be, I actually think that's just Kaeya's hopeful thinking. That's why he "thinks he made a clean break with his past". His mind tells him that he probably has nothing that Khaenri'ah or the abyss order might want. A reasonable conclusion because they haven't contacted him- in fact, he was the one doing the interrogating.
That makes me nervous for him though...
Even if it is to free him from his history who tf leaves a child in one of the strongest storms (where he almost dies in), tells him that he will be a spy for Khaenri'ah, and gives him the pressure of being their "only hope"?! Damn dude, if you really want to give him a better life maybe don't give him a last minute multiple trauma gift.
Dain probably crumpled a bit of Kaeya's said hope by straight up mentioning that Kaeya is a descendant of the Abyss Order's founders (I knew the Alberich last name had a damn purpose! Being the birthright successor to the Abyss Order is a big deal and literally a power move! Names have power!!!)
(((Random thought but I wonder if Kaeya could start his own faction- an alternate Abyss Order where he leads as the birthright heir where they go against the Abyss twin near the end? It would be a major decision to lead the order after all, he would have to leave Mond for it, and I'm sure that Dain would prefer to side with him on this one if it is a faction made to counteract the Abyss twin's actions)))
His heritage being such a big deal that they had to mention it in an Archon quest is very iconic for his 4-star starter character ass. They had to make sure everyone knows about it and now Kaeya's lore is gonna get more speculations and scrutiny. Good. I'd still argue that he has one of the best lore in the game- easily in the top 5.
Final thoughts for now, but Dainkae having that enemies to friends to lovers energy is very funny to me. Kaeya asking Dain to go drinking with him someday is *chefs kiss*. Dain is right to be wary of Kaeya though. The fact that Kaeya felt him watching is definitely telling of how perceptive Kaeya is (reminds me of the cutscene where Diluc is introduced, and when Diluc attacked from behind him, Kaeya didn't even flinch). Dain probably realized that Kaeya also purposely avoided him in Mondstat as well since Kaeya knew of him ( I don't think Dain would avoid someone who is blatantly using "Alberich" as a lastname).
Oh wait! One more thing! But is Kaeya actually immortal? (where they stop aging once they reach a certain age) or is he only half-Khaenriahn? (if so, why wasnt he turned into a hilichurl? Do they get a free pass?...but so far, he is the only regularly aging Khaenri'ahn we've met...)
I knew that the more lore drop he gets the more questions will be added. damn.
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aetheternity · 2 years
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jamrroll · 2 years
Genshin 3.5 leaks ahead..
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*Dies the death of the deadedness*
I cannot wait for 3.5.
I am vibrating out of my skin.
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fuerrziah · 2 years
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slothcapsule · 2 years
thinking about the leaks, kaeya being in 3.5 archon quest, seen in sumeru for some reason, his first name being related to sumeran language in the game (kaeya means monsoon flower)(which makes me think of intevyats actually! but thats a diff thing)
incoherent theory: kaeya is actually only half khaenriahn! and half from sumeru! or or or a group of survivors from khaenriah found their way to the surface in sumeru? i dont think either are true but im just trying to connect very loose dots tbh
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frozenambiguity · 2 years
Kaeya. Dainsleif. Khaenri'ah. Lore.
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The Alberich family was supposed to be like... the checks and balances of the Eclipse dynasty. The family that would make sure the royals were good leaders and if they weren't!!! The Alberiches would forcibly take over until they got their shit together !!!
And here, we have Dainsleif saying that they are the founders of the Abyss Order, a movement that hates the gods and envies humanity.
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shrewdkira · 2 years
All Traveler Lumine x Ayaka Moments Ayaka Skin Quest Cutscenes | Genshin...
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oavrk · 2 years
ok im incredible suspicious as to why kaeya is getting a sumeru skin since it probably won't be released in 3.5 bc we dont get skins from archon quests and we wont get an skin event either, so we will probably get the skin on 3.6 or later
here's some speculation that is most likely very incorrect lol
1st option: we'll learn in the 3.5 AQ that he has some ancestors from sumeru or lived in sumeru for a little bit as a kid thus why we're getting a skin and we'll get a little quick event just like lisa of him back in sumeru again
2nd option: hes like being undercover in sumeru pretending to be a normal civilian, since he has 0 mondstadt and 0 khaenriah symbols in the outfit? maybe hes gathering some info for the KOF or hes investigating some khaenriahn stuff in secret and we would get more lore crumbs in the event as well idk why but it kinda would make sense? idk lmao
again I am most likely very wrong about all this but its just for fun !
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eulaties · 2 years
after all this time will dainkae not be a rarepair anymore????????
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dripping-moonlight · 2 years
kaeya lovers how does it feel to be so fun and sexy
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inavagrant-a · 2 years
I can not focus on anything, my mind is zooming a hundred miles per hour because I am so excited about the update drop and the new area with the new enemies and new monsters.
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huekaveh · 2 years
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give my love dehya what she deserves hoyo PLEASE
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freyjaofthenorth · 2 years
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blep impact
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shiiinu · 2 years
if they actually release baizhu in 3.6 I hope they redesign him like they did scara
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rapifessor · 2 years
There seems to be a lot of negativity surrounding Dehya as she currently is on the Genshin Impact beta servers.
To some extent, I get why people are upset with her and HoYoverse, but I think a lot of what they’re saying is pretty flawed. At the risk of sounding like I’m on copium, I want to address some of those concerns.
Firstly, the split scaling. Dehya’s Ascension stat is HP, but none of her damage scales with HP (until you get C1, more on that later). This is a problem that plagues a few different characters in Genshin Impact, most notably Xinyan and Dori. Usually when you build a character, you want to focus on one stat more than the other, so when a character has conflicting stat bonuses it feels like a waste.
Dehya also lacks any kind of offensive bonus from her Talents, as they’re all dedicated to solidifying her role as a damage sponge. This all seems bad, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that Dehya isn’t designed to deal damage. It just means that HoYoverse wanted to make sure Dehya could function well in her intended role. She’s at a disadvantage compared to other damage dealers, but that disadvantage can be made up for.
I mentioned in my last post that each hit of Dehya’s Elemental Burst has a 203.5% damage multiplier, but that’s not the full story. Those are just her punches, and she can unleash ten of them over the course of her Elemental Burst. The kick she does at the end has a 250.9% multiplier, which gives this attack a total multiplier of 2285.9%. For context, this is similar to the total damage dealt by the burst of the Raiden fucking Shogun.
That isn’t to say Dehya is as strong as Ei by any means, as she doesn’t have any of the ridiculous number of stacking damage bonuses that Ei has, but considering Dehya’s burst costs less and deals that damage in a shorter amount of time I’d say that’s pretty impressive.
If you’re in despair over Dehya’s kit right now, trust me when I say it’s not nearly as bad as you think. She might be somewhat flawed, but remember that everything is subject to change during the beta. If she really is underpowered, she will be made better as with every other 5-Star that started out bad.
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