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Kihiro Kusukami | Royal New Zealand Ballet | Photo by Kara Woskett
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alaiyoooon · 1 year
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atikal · 1 year
higurashi reiwa spoilers for chapter 4.2 of Irotoushi-hen 
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Holy shit Kihiro, Rena's son was reveled to be Ace in the latest chapter??? LETS FUCKING GOOOOOOO 🖤🤍💜
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rougeprunea · 2 years
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ひぐらしのなく頃に令  鬼熾し編
Higurashi: When They Cry Rei: Demon-Kindling Chapter
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connan-l · 2 years
You know I'm actually very bitter they decided to give Rena a son instead of a daughter in Higurashi Reiwa.
I've talked a little about this before, but Rena's relationship with femininity and internalized misogyny is one of the most compelling aspects of her character to me. I’m not really sure if it was something that was entirely intended by Ryukishi, however Tsumihoroboshi still put a lot of focus on her perception of women and gender expectations particularly through her relationship to her mother and Rina; of having to perform femininity and incarnate the image of a perfect cute school girl if she wants to be truly happy and dismissing every parts of her that doens’t fit that image, all that in a way that definitely adds a very interesting layer to her character.
So the idea of her having to confront and challenge those deeply engrained ideas and prejudices once she’s an adult to raise her own daughter, especialy as a divorcee single mother, has sooo much cool potential. That would a lot more interesting and makes for a good conclusion to her character/arc too. Like sure you can make an argument there could be some stuff to do regarding this with her having a boy too, but I genuinely don’t think it’d be to the same extent.
(”But then Girl!Kihiro and Keitarou would have been way too much like the og Keiichi & Rena’s relationship--” well yeah, maybe then we could’ve given these kids actual proper personalities. Maybe we could’ve even had Keitarou be a girl too! Win-win) Also looking it up, even if it depends on the spelling of course it seems that ‘Kihiro’ is more common as a female given name, and I’m just aghhh, Ryukishi why! (There’s even this spelling I’ve seen with the characters ‘ki 希’ (hope) and ‘niji 虹’ (rainbow) (contrary to Kihiro’s actual spelling which is just ‘希比呂’ and the last two characters don’t mean much of anything) and it’s such a pretty name/meaning ;_; Let Kihiro be a girl with that name, come on--) 
(The only way I’d like the current canon would be if Kihiro is actually a trans girl buuuut I heavily doubt it dsgfdds)
Also, a bit unrelated but on the topic of Rena, I’m surprised so many people seems to have taken Rena divorcing and ending up as a single parent as a bad or mean-spirited thing, which... I mean, I can see why, but actually reading the manga I don’t think that’s the case at all?
Like, first of all divorce is not necessarily a bad thing! It can be, and yes in Rena’s case it was actively traumatic for her, but in Reiwa we’re explicitely told by Kihiro that it was a good and healthy thing for their family and that it actually improved things. They’re still in contact with the ex-husband/father and seems to have an okay relationship with him, and although we haven’t seen much of their family life Rena seems to be genuinely happy and at peace with her situation?
There’s a lot I dislike about Reiwa, but (at least for now, of course it could still change later on) Rena divorcing is really not one of them. Instead of seeing it as mean-spirited I genuinely think it feels more like Rena actually... reclaiming something bad that hurt her deeply in her childhood and turning into something positive, if that makes sense? The situation is very different from the one with her own parents, and yeah, I honestly like that. I’m hoping that imply she also maybe came to make peace with her fraught relationship with her mom and reached out to her half-sister too. (I also really like single mom Rena to be honest, especially given she’s the only one of the group who doesn’t conform to the Traditional Nuclear Family thing the others have going on, but that’s a personal preference here lol)
(....Even if yeah she still should have had a daughter I’m sorry--)
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itsloriel · 1 year
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miss kihiro by Nese Sahin
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needfantasticstories · 8 months
Wild and Twilight scout outside the Yiga base
Chapter 4: Canyon Scouting 
Wild and Twilight hadn’t finished materializing before Wild clutched his slate to transport away from the Kihiro Moh shrine. What must have been miles of crisscrossing spider webs filled the circular end of Karusa Valley Canyon. Spiders the size of horses crawled through the cobwebs toward the pair. The massive gems on their bellies glowed with ominous purple light, turning the orange-red canyon walls a deep crimson. 
“What the—Wild!” Twilight tried to grab his sword, but they were both already encased in the slimy webbing. “Get us out!”
“On it!” Wild said, grateful he hadn’t dropped the slate in surprise.
They disappeared in blue tendrils of light. 
“That’s…uh…new,” Wild said, looking at Twilight in shock. They’d appeared at Kuh Takkar Shrine, above the Yiga’s canyon and half-buried in snow. They quickly bundled up and walked toward a small rise to get a view of the canyon far below, avoiding the monster camp down the hill on their left.  
They spied the arena-like formation in the canyon, the webbing covering most of it from view. Black dots specked the white, scuttling frantically. 
“Skulltulas,” Twi scowled, “Or a version of them. Looks like they report to the Yiga. Too bad we lost our element of surprise.”
“What? The Yiga don’t work with monsters. They get attacked the same as any Hylian.” 
“Really? That’s lucky, I guess. But you’ve never seen these here before?”
Wild considered. “I’ve never seen spiders this large anywhere in my time. This isn’t right. First that demon shows up, and now new monsters. As if we didn’t have enough.” 
“The Yiga took orders from him. I bet he’s controlling them both.”
“Could he really be that powerful? Wouldn’t you or I know about him before now if that was true?” 
Twilight scowled at the scene below. “It could be Shadow. We haven’t seen him around yet, or the black blooded monsters since we arrived. Either way, these ones might report to someone that we came.” 
“Report?” Wild looked skeptically at the ranch hand. “Can your spiders talk?”
“Some of them, yes. Why not?”
“Twi, those monsters don’t exactly look smart enough to carry a conversation.”
“You’d be surprised.” He shrugged.
Wild considered in silence a moment, then reached for his pouch. “We need to kill them, quickly.”
“Wild, are you nuts? They’ve probably already passed the message along. If we go now, they'll be waiting for us. We didn’t even loosen those webs.”
“If we bring enough fire from up here, I bet we could break through their webs, then check out the base. We need to scout, right? We can’t do it if they’re in the way.”
“Wild, scouting means watching . Just watching. That’s what we’re doing already. We are not going to dive in and start fighting. We need to tell the others what we’ve found.” 
“What about bombs? I can set two off at almost the same time–”
“Did you really not hear Time?”
“Didn’t care to, honestly” Wild narrowed his eyes, “But he did say my era, my rules.”
He snapped open his glider and looked at Twilight. “You coming, or not?” He did not wait for an answer before jumping.
Wolfie ran hard, sliding past a monster camp and racing down the snowy start of the canyon, jumping from bluff to bluff, while his protegee soared high above. Wild looked for where to best get a closer look without being seen. The light snow provided perfect cover as he flew, as did his white snowquill clothes.  
Slow and quiet, Wild landed on a small cliff a hundred feet above the webbing, near enough to see the gems on the spiders’ bellies as they searched the clearing. More climbed in and out of the giant pit where Master Khoga, the Yiga Clan’s leader, fell to his death while trying to kill Wild. The Champion wondered for a moment if the spiders might have discovered his remains, but shook the morbid thought away and scanned in the arena-like depression that housed the secret entrance. 
He hoped the treasure hunters, Mina and Miles, got out safely before these skulltulas arrived.  
“Did you smell anything?” Wild whispered to Twilight when he finally scrambled over to the cliff, switching between wolf and human several times in the process to get down.
“No,” he said, irritation thick in his voice, “We’re too high, and the wind is moving downhill. We shouldn’t be here, Wild. There’s nothing else we can do here.”
“I just need to see the doorway. If we see lights inside, we’ll know there’s a chance they’re here.”
“Wild, I get it, but this is too risky. They might take the rest of us alive, but they won’t hesitate to kill you,” He said, glancing at Wild’s glowing slate. His eyes widened slightly. It was already showing Highland Stable. 
Wild was ready to transport at any moment.
“I’m not going to be a coward and just wait around. These guys are my mess, and I’m going to–Hey!”
They disappeared as Twilight moved his hand from the slate to Wild’s arm. 
They missed the lick of flames dancing around the hinges of the secret entrance. They missed the doors flying open, and the flames that shriveled and scorched the webs and climbed up them to engulf the skulltulas that had flocked to the intruder at the door. 
They missed a name carried on the wind. 
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fictionkinfessions · 6 days
So, ever since I kinfirmed Linkle, a lot of my "headcanons" are finally starting to make sense.
Like, how in my canon, when Master Khoga "died" in Breath of the Wild, Sooga took over the Yiga Clan and began to hunt me down for killing his husband.
Wasn't until after I saved Zelda that Sooga ordered the Yiga to retrieve Khoga's corpse from the chasm where they discovered the Depths and that for the whole month (yes one whole month) Khoga had actually been living in the depths, in complete darkness with the exception of the Kihiro Moh Shrine puzzle that glowed orange (then after I activated it, blue)
Or I liked wearing the Gerudo Vai and the Frostbite outfit pretty much all the time.
Or that the Sheikah Slate was like an iPad in the sense that every rune and function was actually an app.
Like, these were all just my silly headcanons but now I'm realizing that these had been memories.
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tamapalace · 2 years
Tamagotchi Featured in 20 Minutos Spanish Newspaper
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20 Minutos is a freeSpanish newspaper with local editions in several Spanish cities and an online website. They recently featured an article back in late January which covers the history of Tamagotchi, how there was a brief period where they were not in production, and how the craze is now back!
They also interview Carmen, a mother of two children who’s two children, 9 and 10 years of age who both have Tamagotchi. Carmen says that having a Tamagotchi has changed her children’s lives. The article is rather robust and it even reviews how the Tamagotchi Connection was launched in 2004 after the original release in Europe back in 1997.
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They also mention that there are now 60 different versions since 2022, including collaborations with some big brands. They also mention Tamagotchi Pix with built-in camera, and the creators kihiro Yokoi and Aki Maita. Be sure to check out the full article here.
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bitchoftruth · 2 years
starting hoshiwatashi-hen
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it also starts with a flashforward to the end, mirroring onikakushi. Maybe this time around this line will be more justified? In the previous arc they barely interacted.
Though I'm getting the impression this manga will not have a real solution either, if this is what it will end with.
And after all, there is one more loop left after this. I don't think another reiwa manga was announced though..? This story better not get concluded in fucking. mei or something.
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keichi is being accused of funneling money! I wouldn't put it past him. Will this be relevant? Probably not?
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THEY BROKE KENTA-KUN. a family of criminals.
Though I love the implication that rena just held on to him forever.
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this came up in the previous arc too, but I had always assumed tehy would skip over akane as a hear because of the whole disowning thing, but i guess they patched things up.
..or after oryou died no one cared enough to say no
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this one though I don't think was mentioned. Him not being to hinamizawa for 5 years makes no sense to me, besides that keichi would definitely show up more often than that at hinamizawa, keitarou really loves hinamizawa and I don't think he would if his last memories were from 5 years ago, after all he is around 14....And also he refers to kihiro as his best friend. Well, maybe he just is an optimist , or maybe it's a mistranslation.
anyway, the chapter is basically the same, though I perefer the art and pacing here. Especially around Kururu's introduction.
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mobsprooftheweb · 1 year
Pay money To my Painとはいったい何だったのか?
全ラウドロックファン待望、伝説となった日本を代表するロックバンド・Pay money To my Painの軌跡を辿る待望のドキュメンタリー映画『SUNRISE TO SUNSET』が完成。 11月17日(金)より新宿バルト9他にて劇場公開されることが決定した。
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今から20年前、三鷹のとあるビルの屋上で結成されたロックバンドPay money To my Painとはいったい何だったのか…? 彼らの歩みと時代、その影響力を未発表の映像、メンバーと関係者の証言で世に問うロックバンドとしての人生を詰め込んだ145分。
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10代、20代には伝説の存在となっている日本を代表するロックバンド・Pay money To my Pain。 2004年に結成され、2006年にメジャーデビューを果たすと、他を寄せ付けない研ぎ澄まされた感性で唯一無二の存在へと上り詰めていく。誰もが、彼らの未来にラウドロックシーンの希望を見出していた。その矢先2012年12月30日、ボーカルKが急逝。 そして、2013年12月30日にバンドは活動休止となった。
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それから7年後、レーベル直系の後輩であり現在のラウドロックシーンを牽引する“coldrain”からの熱烈なオファーを受け、2020年に『BLARE FEST.』で一夜限り奇跡の復活を果たし、新旧のファンを熱狂させたのは記憶に新しい出来事である。 本作『SUNRISE TO SUNSET』 は活動休止から10年の節目に、残されたメンバー、そして“Pay money To my Pain”をリスペクトする者たちの証言と、これまで公開されることのなかった貴重な映像、そして奇跡の復活となった『BLARE FEST.』で綴られる壮大なロックバンドのドキュメンタリー映画である。
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『SUNRISE TO SUNSET』  製作:ワーナーミュージック・ジャパン|制作:ハッチ プロデューサー:田中健太郎|アソシエイト・プロデューサー:末広哲士 LIVE映像監督:スズキダイシン|監督:茂木将 出演:Pay money To my Pain、JIN (High Speed Boy inc.)、Kihiro (Supe)、JESSE (The BONEZ , RIZE)、Kj (Dragon Ash , The Ravens)、Hiro (MY FIRST STORY)、Hiro (SHADOWS , ex-FACT)、Kazuki (SHADOWS , ex-FACT)、Masato (coldrain)、葉月 (lynch.)、MAH (SiM)、Koie (Crossfaith)、Teru (Crossfaith)、N∀OKI (ROTTENGRAFFTY)、NOBUYA (ROTTENGRAFFTY)、AG (NOISEMAKER)、Yosh (Survive Said The Prophet)、Taka (ONE OK ROCK)、Kentaro Tanaka (Warner Music Japan)
2023年|日本|カラー|16:9|5.1ch|145分|DCP|映倫審査区分:G 配給・宣伝:SPACE SHOWER FILMS
©2023 Warner Music Japan Inc.
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starmakerphantom · 2 years
OCs! Woo
Hi im Phantom and my hyperfixation is making ocs. These are my ensemble stars ones i have drawn already and some infos about them!
Akio Nijihara
-Part of a unit whose theme was that they are RPG charackters. Hes the healer
-His whole gimmik is that hes a nurse. Modeled after my sister who is very low empathy
-I gave him sister related trauma
-i need to make his other unit members.
-his glasses are fake, he wears them for aestatic
he will get a drawing with a plague goctor outfit and he will get a drawing with a labcoat where just....candy drops out. Im just bad at art
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-insecure little bitch, copes via means of fashion and being not nice
-mainly sensitive about his looks and being small (basically "if people want to stare at least give them a goo reason)
-blooms on stage, his worksona is very pleasant to work with
-will always choose the sluttiest costume available
-actually used in an rp!! Gay gay homosexuall gay
-His unit is named Chronostasis, their theme is Gay Lasertag
-he wears a facemask and froggy hat. Used to wear a hoodie but the hat was a gift from his units leader
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Secret Garden
Oh damn a whole unit but i dont have their costumes
Leader- Sai Himawari
A poet, an artist. If words fail, sing. If singing fails, dance
-Logical conclusion? Become idol
-(obv. a valkyrie mega fan. He would never admit that. We know its true)
A romantic soul
dense fucker, Aji could be stabing someone in the background and hes like "what did we say about using our words"
Hes a wip
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Aji Kengai
-oh boy
-a gardener
-"yeah thats safe to eat, trust me bro"
-is an idol because hes BIG GAY for Sei, and with big gay i mean hes a yandere because im cringe
-bad at words
-i loaded all my body image issues into him
-if he smiles with his eyes closed, run
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If you put their names together (Ajisei) supposed to spell the japanese word for hydragena :,)
Kokoro Cafe
WHAAAT, Another Unit? YES! Main boys. Their gimmik is that they cute cafe staff/ a host club
Leader- Gekko Amina
-looks and talks a bit sus, but actually a good boy
-got scouted, formerly know as the karaoke king
-loooots of confidence, a bit cringe
-shark teef, has to wear braces.
His jacket is so big it has room for another guy
-ironically, he has stae frigth
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-movie fan, but like only old hollywood stuff because he likes the divas so much
-has adapted the personality....is aware he currently lacks the talent to justify it
-friends with Gekko so thats how he ended up here
-has trouble taking no for an answer
-i just think hes cute
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Hayato Mikimura
-"Haha great plan guys, anyways wheres my paycheck"
-In need of money. Does this for the money
-scam artist. And not ashamed to rope the other 3 in
-has a twin sister who used to medel
-gets cold fast
-at least he provides brains
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Yani Hanabe
-"Wait this is an idol school?" Didnt you go trough the entrance and performance exams? "yeah-" AND THAT DIDNT RAISE QUESTIONS??
-Anxiety on legs
-needs a haircut
-and better clothes
-actually the one who had the idea of the cafe theme after a job brougth them all together
-he is their SON but they also bully him the most
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All 4 of them have crossdress designs. Take a guess why
The one i havent drawn yet but is the worst/ best idea
-he has (animu)amnesia
-but is convinced becomming an idol will help that
-im working on it once my hand is doing better, i work better AFTER i drew a vague concept
I can make a shuffle with that many boy. Theres already a temporary unit in story
I love ocs so much. I want more
I want to use them more
Im just very shy about showing my writting
If ur lucky i manage to do more idol costimes
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alaiyoooon · 1 year
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444names · 5 months
Names generated from French and Japanese forenames, combined with Japanese and Chinese cities.
Abingguan Adelodang Agawa Aging Aishiganaru Akaibei Akanfeng Akika Akusa Alinzhou Amatsu Amionang Amitai Anghuan Aninglino Anjianisan Anobetomeng Anshide Ançoichirō Arikotakang Arunozu Asukunyuken Atsusi Ayasuto Ayura...
Baimarumi Baoya Betsu Béatsuhi Calanistei Cheng Chenhang Chibunosei Chiden Chidetarō Chigan Chige Chiko Chikueri Chima Chiro Chirō Chisaki Chisaohiro Chrie Chuan Chunis Célinjirō Dalel Damasarido Daque Davidō Dayan Dazakaman Dokou Donbeiko Ebielieto Eiihiki Eiizugi Eikoshi Eizakazu Emotomiyo Entato Ezakehirō Fenyama Foseiko Fukehirō Fukiro Fumenasa Fuming Fushenghan Fuzhengong Gaheko Gashi Ginai Guille Guyasuke Gyincaru Haganyama Haléri Hamadaqique Hanluang Hanne Hanobu Haranne Hariiya Haring Hayabince Heijiri Hendrédéri Henji Henohirabu Henshiko Hentang Heshiko Hibiko Hicheiko Hietomin Higaharu Hihan Hikaya Hikun Himasama Himurō Hinen Hinoki Hinori Hiran Hirong Hirote Hitsuchitō Hiupatai Hiōshigemi Hongwuzhuan Huaki Huana Huiluo Hunin Huokasado Icharu Ichuguc Ikuodahika Imasa Imedong Imoto Inèseixi Isatring Isaya Istéphi Itang Itsuke Itsuo Itsuyanne Iwake Iwanweisō Iyatsu Jeaka Jeaki Jeane Jeangshiro Jiaotosa Jiaoyasan Jietiang Jinji Jinorie Joshule Junai Junehi Juniqujiano Kagan Kageo Kaichilio Kaizuhiyan Kakai Kakunzhi Kamasa Kangko Karisaki Kashihou Kater Katokun Katra Katri Katsu Katsugan Katsukei Katsukumas Katsune Katsunzo Kawajiyama Kayami Kazuhing Kazukatada Kazumin Kazuodale Keakito Keantaki Kegami Kichiro Kichitajien Kihenkyōzō Kihidong Kihiro Kikatanchū Kimard Kishie Kitoming Kiyasakawa Kiyohanara Kotomihun Kuningfeng Kuniève Kunoma Kunzhon Kuraki Kuralesei Kurayohi Kusaicolin Kōhenobu Kōhezengko Leijies Lhachi Lhaiyamashi Lichinada Lille Linang Linankou Lingchishi Liseng Luchi Lusuchirō Machan Machigemune Machirō Magakika Mamachi Maraome Marutte Masada Masayune Masuru Matoko Matsuyan Maxinori Mayukuyumot Mazuelle Megawa Michanobuki Michi Michin Mihiro Mihisahio Mikazu Mikou Mikunie Millaisaki Miluozhou Minyan Mitakei Mitako Mochirès Mongjing Motakika Motsukenori Muncan Munshirō Munzhoko Mutakitosu Méliakakaki Mélisamo Naganchiki Nagawatsuki Nahou Nailetsuko Namannumika Nanaoyo Nangji Nantart Narito Nateru Natsuneji Nieko Niemitsun Nishiko Nobetsu Nobun Nohenshiko Nojita Norihara Noshunau Numitsuanne Obolaud Obuta Okazueng Okuman Omomaka Oriko Otoshi Paulud Paura Penzhao Phentaki Pienta Pizuyamonbu Qiaoya Qingshi Qitsuma Quanji Rengshirō Rokio Rokujian Ryōichitama Ryūga Ryūjinpeiji Saang Sachire Sakan Sakizō Saobusake Satori Satsu Satsukeyan Sayami Sayaning Seikiyo Seiyosu Shalinang Shaoki Sharatoharō Shiang Shichihua Shieng Shigamama Shigawakang Shigeakang Shiko Shikou Shimonori Shinari Shingdu Shinhuran Shirazho Shiro Shirohiro Shirō Shisae Shiyaang Shizuki Shonobuyama Shuzhegu Shūichide Stianobu Suixingyuki Sunihirole Suniwaihi Sushigi Sushiko Sutierunang Suyugi Sōtsurō Tadaotono Tadatsu Taicellexan Taing Tainohiko Tairyōkahi Taiwa Takahan Takard Takatsu Takawa Takei Takenohan Takeshihou Taling Tamoriko Tanturu Terma Terry Tetara Tette Thenglunago Tinarle Tokuminhen Tomis Tonbasa Tongtori Toriya Tosei Toshigeruha Totaki Totomi Toyasukari Toyuane Tsuang Tsugu Tsuke Tsusato Ujian Uling Umitakine Umitoyane Umono Usamura Vicheng Wuchika Xanzhou Xiang Xiangrée Xichinsama Xin'ichima Xingshin Xuchao Xukamatoko Xuzeng Yagangko Yakage Yakan Yamasakako Yamashira Yamashiro Yamuri Yanoshi Yashing Yasong Yasuoki Yateri Yoaka Yokiya Yomiya Yoren Yoshas Yotoki Yuayuke Yuelle Yukatsunako Yukean Yukiyorlan Yukou Yveru Yōhengzhou Yōsumei Yōtachō Yūhenatte Yūking Yūtan Yūtoyukehi Zakazhono Zhama Zhanjing Zhen'ichi Zhenxian Zhondaomi Zhong Zukatephin Zukenri Zuoyou Zurumiki Émyri Ōdahigu Ōkōsumi Ōmaka Ōmarieru Ōtaka
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samuraizm-archive · 5 years
idol time..
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kyan kihiro
-the ‘always’ happy/bouncy one of the group -is clumsy and oblivious -loves to tease chuuhi -cares about everyone a LOT -20 y/o
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shino chuuhi
-patient and sweet -falls asleep every where he is allowed to -likes fashion -20 y/o
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okura reishi
-puts up an uncaring and cold front -actually worries a lot (especially about his unit members) -gets overwhelmed with emotions very easily -19 y/o
picrew i used
their unit name is Zenith !
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ramascreen · 5 years
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SHE’S JUST A SHADOW New Red-Band Trailer Check out this new red band trailer for SHE'S JUST A SHADOW, hitting theaters on July 19th from Breaking Glass Pictures.
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