arrow-v-flash-polls · 10 months
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Which of these two caitlin ships is your favourite?
(according to AO3 fics*)
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flash-is-fast · 3 years
Harry: Is anyone actually straight on this team??
Barry: *Slowly puts hand up*
Ralph: *Grabs Barry’s hand and pulls it down*
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purpleyin · 4 years
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DCTV moodboards: Killergold
Made for Femslash February 2021 and square B3 “Compromising position” on my @flarrowverse-shipyard bingocard (which completes the 3rd line for a bingo!). Ficlet behind the read more.
“Well, well, well. Never thought I'd see the day. Is this Caitlin Snow robbing someone?”
Caitlin flinches at the sound of Lisa's voice. She still has one hand in the safe as her head turns toward Lisa, her expression showing the total shock at getting caught mid-heist. That look is pretty cute as it turns outs. Lisa would stop to take a picture but her hidden security camera in the corner should get a decent enough frame of it that she doesn't need to ruin her moment with the interruption
Caitlin gapes for a few seconds longer before she gets her wits back. However, once she does come to her senses she moves to stand in front of the open safe, with her blue leather gloved hands held primly, as if that's somehow going to make it all less incriminating.
“I can explain... I wanted to surprise you.”
“And you did not fail,” Lisa says smoothly as she saunters over, “I'm so proud.“
“But it's not like I was really robbing you per se. I was just putting something in-”
“Do you have to be such a buzzkill?” As she gets up close to Caitlin, Lisa presses a finger to Cait's lips. “Shush, let me live in the fantasy for a little longer, honey.”
The silence is tense, deliciously so in Lisa's opinion. Caitlin stands there blushing fiercely with Lisa's eyes skirting over her, taking in every detail to commit to memory. Finally, she breaks the hush and brings her attention back to the curiosity of why this happened.
“So what were you depositing?”
When Caitlin doesn't reply, Lisa makes a move to brush past her and peer into the still open safe. But Caitlin blocks that and hurriedly tries to shut the safe with her back against the door.
“No, you don't need to look right now. I mean, it's not-”
“Hey, you've seen mine - the dazzling necklace I was saving for you in there, for a special occasion - so it's only fair I see yours.”
This time Caitlin doesn't get in her way. Lisa is doubly surprised to find the new deposit is a ring. Lisa knows her bling and that right there is an engagement ring.
“Oh, you shouldn't have.”
“Is that... a no?” There's something indescribably small about Cait's question. All her worry tied up around the words and like she might not actually want the answer.
“To what exactly?” Lisa shifts back to get a good look at Caitlin, to watch her stew for at least a minute longer before she gives in.
She supposes she should be glad that Cait knows her well enough that she didn't bother with a boring run-of-the-mill proposal. Otherwise, she might have had to truly let Cait stew, for a day or two, before she answered.
“You're gonna make me ask aren't you?” Caitlin asks awkwardly, though she's smiling as she does. Lisa can already see her nerves have more or less evaporated. Because it wasn't an outright no, after all.
“If you really want it, it shouldn't be hard to ask,” Lisa steps up to place her arms loosely around Cait's shoulders and pouts. “What, did you think you could get out of the agonizing wait for an answer by just leaving that in my safe. One of them, at any rate.”
“Kinda, yeah,” Caitlin says, making a face that is entirely too cute to resist. Lisa pulls her in for a kiss that goes on longer than expected and they both get distracted for a while. When they come up for air, Lisa decides there's no point keeping up the pretense the answer would be anything other than yes.
“I suppose I should try it on, see if it fits.”
“Oh, it will,” Caitlin replies confidently. Which is music to her ears. Lisa simply adores the implication tonight's antics weren't the only sneaky thing her girlfriend – now fiancée - has been up to lately.
“Guess I've been rubbing off on you in more ways than one. I like it,” Lisa purrs, deciding they should get back to the distraction; the ring can wait.
Caitlin never does officially ask her to marry her, but Lisa lets her off that one technicality and wears the ring proudly anyhow.
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areyouscarletcold · 4 years
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Call’s May Favorites: Day Seven - KillerGold, Final Girls Au
“When you said,” Caitlin ground out, her voice low as they crouched under the window, eyes fixed on the shadow crossing by at a snail’s pace, “that you knew who was targeting us, I thought you meant you’d tell me over the phone! Not at a creepy abandoned house! I’ve already been chased through an abandoned house once, why did I even agree to this?”
“To be fair, I didn’t think they’d be home,” Lisa said with little more than a shrug as apology. Her hand might have been resting over Caitlin’s on the floor but it didn’t feel like much of a comfort when they could hear the owner of the house pacing the perimeter. Thank goodness they’d locked the doors the second they saw the figure rounding the back.
“Why wouldn’t they be? It’s their house!”
“What kind of serial killer straight out of a horror movie leaves their doors unlocked?” Lisa countered. “For someone who tried to kill a bunch of teenagers years ago, he’s really bad at basic safety. That’s just begging us to investigate - ”
Caitlin groaned, the sound coming out louder than she meant it to and her eyes widened when Lisa used her other hand to slap it over her mouth. The childish impulse to lick it rose in her but she settled for glaring as Lisa kept her eyes on the fading shadow of the figure outside.
Then the faint trill of sirens reached their ears and Lisa’s grip tightened on her mouth as she whipped around to face Caitlin. “Did you fucking call the cops?”
Caitlin pushed the hand off and hissed, “You told me you knew who the killer was, why would I not call the police?”
“We broke into his house and now the cops are coming,” Lisa snapped, her eyes blazing in the near-darkness. “How is that smart?”
“How is breaking in in the first place - ”
There was a great bang at the front door and the two of them froze. Every vein in Caitlin’s body began to scream, frigid and warm all at once and it took everything in her not to outright panic. Something that sounded suspiciously like wood breaking came a moment later and Caitlin shut her eyes, her nails curling into her palms so hard they had to be drawing blood.
“I think he found an axe,” she whispered, and that was all the warning they had before the whole front door came crashing down and they scrambled to get to the back door.
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nixie-deangel · 6 years
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Femslash February - Day Four: Lisa x Caitlin, Bonnie and Clyde AU. 
      Without you, I feel broke. Like I'm half of a whole.
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anendofeverything · 6 years
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Killergold + Pride
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Looking for fic and aesthetic prompts for DCTV ships. Open to most ships but my biggest ones right now are in the tags.
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cam-does-aesthetics · 7 years
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Originally requested by @agentmarymargaretskitz
Gotham!AU Killergold Aesthetic, with Harley!Caitlin and Ivy!Lisa
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wreathedinscales · 7 years
@kipsiih​ i included a little shoutout to you at the end, i hope you get it :D
my writer’s block has been SO DAMN BAD with any luck this doesn’t sUck
Crime pays if you do it right, and Wally and Barry are pretty damn good at racing. Iris still thinks the cartoon portrait of them on the racetrack hanging over the fireplace is a bit too much. But it's not like the cops are gonna find them.
The thought clamps in Iris' throat.
A cluster of yellow lightning rushes Wally in front of her. He's understandably confused. Iris has never contacted him or Barry, much less used the spare key they'd sneaked through her mail.
"Wally," she says, "Remember when you said I had a free IOU?"
It'd been just after the particle accelerator explosion, when all the metas were being forced into hiding. Wally's racing had already presented a viable option for him. With their like powers, he'd invited Barry to join him. That'd been their last conversation.
Wally obviously remembers. His face tightens. He's realized Iris isn't here for reconciliation.
"Yeah," he says. The resignation there jams sympathy at Iris' ribs.
She holds firm. "I need to cash in on that favor."
Wally tries for a smile. "What's up?"
"I need an audience with the Don of Central City."
Wally sets her down in a garage hosting two cars, one yellow, one red. Identical lightning bolts adorn their hoods. An attendant is underneath the scarlet, dressed in a greasy jumpsuit and whistling.
Breathing past vertigo, Iris asks, "What do they call you guys?"
She already knows. Wouldn't be a very good journalist if she didn't. But despite whatever's happened between them, Wally's still the brother she hasn't seen in two years.
Wally's chest puffs behind his crossed arms. "Barry's the Flash. And I am Twister."
"No he's not!"
Iris whirls around, and there's Barry's mussed up hair. Not a random attendant at all.
Wally scowls. "I started before you! Why should I be called Kid Flash?"
"'Cause you're young."
"I am literally two years younger than you."
Barry points cheerfully at him. "Still young. Hey, Iris!"
He nearly lifts her off her feet. The workshop muddles in Iris' eyes.
"Long time no see," Barry murmurs.
"She came to get that favor," Wally says.
"Oh." Barry sets her down. His smile's diminished. "Well, uh. I'm guessing it's important if you came here?"
Wally whispers something in his ear. He blinks.
"Are you sure?"
Iris nods.
"But. Why? If it's for a story―"
"It's not."
Barry and Wally glance at each other uncertainly.
Iris huffs. "I get that it's weird. And dangerous. But if what I've heard is true, then you guys are my best shot."
"What have you heard?" Barry asks.
"Probably that you're Cold's main squeeze," Wally says.
Barry squawks. "I am not!"
"Come on, Barry. Everybody knows you think he's cool."
Iris wants to tease him too. Wants to close her eyes for a second and put them all back in their house, with their dad making lasagna while they all fight over what cartoon to watch.
"Guys!" she barks. They jump. "Can you do it or not?"
Another uncertain glance.
Barry blows out a breath. "I can try."
Iris smiles. "Thank you, Barry."
Barry zips to his phone on one of the workbenches.
"Just be prepared," Wally says.
Iris nods. "I am."
"No, I'm not talking about the Don. I mean, yeah, that's huge. But I mean what comes before that."
"...what do you mean?"
In just under an hour, Barry leads the way to the Don's favorite hangout: Saints and Sinners. Place has been lovingly preserved thanks to the new management, or so Iris hears. She's never been inside.
Leonard Snart's leaning against the bar. His long black coat has pointy lapels and everything. Given her research on how dramatic the man is, Iris shouldn't be surprised.
"Barry," he purrs, sauntering over.
"Snart," Barry replies.
They step into each other's space. Snart's smirking like a cartoon villain. Barry's trying to look serious, but his cheeks are dusted red, and when Snart tells him it's "ice to see him," he turns away to try to hide a smile.
Oh. This is what Wally meant.
"And you must be the long-lost sister," Snart says, "Always a pleasure seeing family members only when they need something."
"Len," Barry murmurs.
Snart doesn't stop scrutinizing Iris, but he adds, "But I suppose I can put in a good word with my sister." He looks back at Barry. "That's all I can do."
Barry nods. "Thanks."
Snart shrugs. "I owed you a favor. Consider us square."
Wally scoffs quietly. "For what? Paying for dinner last week?"
Iris suppresses a snort.
Snart puts up a finger. "If my sister doesn't deem you worth her time, though, I'm throwin' you out."
"Even Barry?" Iris asks sardonically. Wally coughs.
Snart's face goes cold. "If my sister told me to kill everyone in this bar, Ms. West, I wouldn't hesitate."
Barry smiles like there's nothing creepy at all about that. "You'd hesitate a little with me."
Snart switches back to his coy smirk. "Don't push your luck."
Barry pecks his lips, a rom-com in the middle of a seedy criminal bar. None of the patrons look over. Probably know better.
As Snart disappears through an EMPLOYEES ONLY door, a big guy at the bar raises a shot glass and calls Wally to a drinking contest. Wally speeds over.
"Don't worry," Barry tells Iris, still blushing, "Mick's good, but speedsters can't get drunk."
"Mick. As in Mick Rory?"
"Yeah, he and Snart are back on. I swear I'm the other man sometimes."
He doesn't look put out by this, as if the idea of Cold going for Heat Wave when he's in the picture really is just a joke. Iris wishes she had something that secure.
Wally and Mick are barely swallowing their second shot before Snart opens the door and signals for Iris.
Lisa Snart, AKA Golden Glider and the Don of Central City, relaxes in her private lounge on a gold chair with a beautiful woman in her lap and whiskey at her lips.
Before Iris opens her mouth, she asks, "Do you know what shame is, Miss West?"
Because Iris literally can't help herself, she asks, "Do you?"
Glider and her lovely companion laugh.
"Oh, darling," Glider says, "you're gonna be fun. But that's not what I asked."
"Yes, I do."
"Are you sure? Because those sweet brothers of yours just never shut up about you or your dear old dad. And now you, mean girl, come in and dash their starry-eyed hopes."
There's a gold shimmer in Glider's eyes. If she doesn't get an honest answer, there's a golden Glock on her glass coffee table and none other than Killer Frost nuzzling her cheek, just waiting for an excuse.
Iris briefly spreads her hands. "And I'm ashamed of that."
"Are you?" Frost says, voice tingling ice in Iris' ears.
"Yes," Iris replies emphatically, "Okay? Yes. Of course I am. They're my brothers, and it's not their fault that they're meta-humans. It shouldn't even be a problem! But we had to push them away so they'd disappear."
Glider looks unimpressed.
"Bad plan, I know," Iris snaps, "I know, Miss Glider. My dad and I had a good thing and we botched it. But I can't fix that right now, because my dad is missing, and I need your help."
Glider swirls her painted nails along the rim of her glass. Her other hand traces the same circle on Frost's stomach.
"What kind of help do you need?" Frost asks.
Iris dares a few more steps into the room, boots edging on the faux-fur rug. "I just need access to a few personnel records. You have eyes all over, the docks included. Whoever's taking all these police officers, they all disappear there. It's the only solid lead I have."
Frost's eyes narrow. "You think we have a rat stealing the clean-up crew?"
"They're cops."
Glider twirls a strand of Frost's white hair. "What's a cop to a mobster?"
"I know some of them are valued employees."
"Oh, how cute. A reporter who actually does her job. But since Lenny was so sweet about getting you in here, I'll let that slide for now. Let's talk price, baby."
Frost stands, white lace dress whispering at her knees. How she'd sat like that in that blue corset alone makes her terrifying. She offers a hand to Glider, who's just as much of a vision in her strapless gold cocktail dress and diamond jewelry. Even her heels are gold, because apparently the Snart siblings operate on their themes.
"What's in it for me?" she simpers. "I can't just hand over my files to a reporter. Not that you'll do anything else with them, of course, but it's the principle of the thing."
"There's one more condition."
Glider raises a perfectly painted eyebrow. "You've already laid quite a hefty request on the table, Miss West."
"I want a secure line to my brothers' phones." Iris swallows. "I'm not―now that I've seen them again, I can't. I can't go back to the last two years. Shouldn't be much more to ask. You have secure lines everywhere."
"How would you know that?" Frost asks.
Iris puts her hand on her hip. "Like you said, Miss Glider. I'm good at my job."
Glider tilts her head. She lets the quiet stew. Frost takes her glass.
"None of us are perfect sisters," she says at last.
"I'm not even a sister," Frost adds.
"I've made my share of mistakes with my brother. You do seem to know a little shame."
Glider approaches, not stopping until she and Iris are practically toe to toe. She smells like pomegranate and a hint of mint.
The Snart siblings don't seem to operate on personal space either.
"What's in it for my Family?" she asks.
Iris...had not expected her to be this beautiful. Blurry photos and mug shots do nothing for her.
"I don't have much money." She might not even have a lawful home after this. "But I can do a couple jobs for you. Get info, spread it, whatever. If Barry and Wally really have talked about me so much, you'll know that I have plenty of readers. As long as what I'm spreading is based on facts."
"Are all of you Wests and Allens so honest?" Frost sneers.
"We get it from our dads," Iris replies.
"Ugh. My father sucked."
Glider smiles. "So did mine. Yours seems like the bee's knees, though."
"I didn't tell Barry or Wally why I'm here. Our dad's a good liar," Iris whispers, "After what he forced himself to tell Barry and Wally―I'd understand if they didn't give you a reason to believe―"
"Are you kidding?" Frost says flatly, "They whine about how much they miss his cooking every time Cold refuses to make dinner."
"Cold cooks?" Iris says, before shaking her head and saying, "But he was. He was horrible to them."
He'd cried for weeks after. Almost drank himself down the drain. Iris doesn't say that.
"Yes, before contacting them and apologizing for―what was it, Lise?"
Glider giggles. "Had to've been an hour at least."
Iris stiffens. "He never told me."
"And we still haven't reached an agreement. I'll admit, I could use someone of your caliber. Considering the sensitivity of the files, I'll assign you to more than a couple. We'll be in touch for at least the next month."
Iris tries not to sound too eager: "I can do that."
"And to even it out," Frost says, showing her sharpest grin, "We'll present a second condition."
Glider looks pleasantly surprised. "Really, dear?"
Frost goes to a glass bar in the back of the lounge and fishes out three bottles. "Really."
"What is it?" Iris asks.
"Coffee," Frost says. "Giuseppi's, Saturday. Say, five?"
Iris looks between them. Frost hands her one of the beers. Both mobsters' scents are seamless together, kissing the fresh beer.
"For a meeting?" Iris says, not at all breathless and completely composed.
"Certainly," Glider says with the same purr her brother had used on Barry. "We'll call it that, Miss West."
Frost lifts her bottle. "A toast to good deals."
"Dad!" Joe's kids cry, shamelessly disregarding the other tied-up cops in the shipping crate.
"Iris? Barry, Wally―how?"
No sooner than the speedsters drag them into the open air than the family's collapsed in a laughing heap.
"Anyone who tries to tattle on the detective will make a pretty sculpture," Glider says. On either side of her, Cold and Frost wiggle icy fingers.
Iris puts on a black sequin dress and a necklace that hugs her throat like a collar. She has a feeling Glider and Frost are into that.
Not that she's been thinking about it. Or how many corsets Frost has.
They'd been very helpful with finding her dad.
The hostess welcomes her like she can afford the restaurant every weekend. "The private table in the back! Follow me."
A few Family members are scattered around the main dining room. Iris is pretty sure she sees Cold and Barry in a both, with Rory across. Rory seems a little too focused on his food.
Any implications of that winks out when Iris is ushered into a curtained off section to find Frost and Glider kissing over red wine.
Glider pulls back. She doesn't even try to look innocent. "Why, Iris West! Don't you look lovely. Please," she stands up, gesturing to the curved seat, "there's room for one more."
That's a double entendre if Iris ever heard one. There's no question what the Don means.
Iris sits. "What are we drinking?"
Frost's white hair recedes to red, ice giving way to controlled warmth. When she places her hand on Iris' arm, she's almost the same temperature.
"Oh, honey," she says, "whatever you want."
Len peeks in. "Sis, we're―oh shit!"
"Iris!" Barry shrieks.
Mick hums. "Nice."
"Okay!" Vibe squeaks from a nearby table, "We'll just tie these things closed!"
Glider laughs lowly in Iris' collarbone. "Thank you, Cisco."
Len's covered his eyes with both hands.
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Lisa/Caitlin/Iris, witches? :)
[Read Familiar here on AO3]
“Angelica, no!”
Caitlin swats the overzealous kitten away from the butter sitting out on the counter as her tiny tongue swipes over the surface, leaving a small textured streak in its wake. Iris chuckles and picks Angelica up as she scurries by, pulling her to her chest and stroking her fingers through downy black fur.
“Don’t be mean to me, Mommy,” Iris says, holding Angelica up near her face and hitting Caitlin with a double whammy of adorable puppy eyes from both her familiar and her girlfriend.
Caitlin frowns. “She won’t seem nearly as cute when she gives you toxoplasmosis,” she warns.
Angelica squirms in Iris’ grip, and Iris lets the kitten crawl onto her shoulder and chew on her hair. She watches Caitlin measure a teaspoon of cinnamon from a glass jar on the breakfast island and dump it into a small mixing bowl with an assortment of spices she’s already measured out.
“You need my help with anything?” Iris wonders, sliding off her stool on the opposite side of the island and rounding to Caitlin’s side. Angelica mewls on her shoulder, claws driving into Iris’ skin, but she steadies herself soon enough, crawling around the back of Iris’ neck to her other shoulder to get a better view of Caitlin at work.
“Chop some pecans?” Caitlin replies.
Iris smiles at her, dopey and enamoured. “Anything for you,” she says, leaning in to steal a sweet, slow kiss.
Angelica climbs from Iris’ shoulder to Caitlin’s as the press of their mouths brings their bodies flush together. When they pull apart, Caitlin sighs dreamily, then hands Iris a knife from the block as Iris pulls a cutting board from the cupboard to her left.
“I was talking to Linda today,” Iris says, putting her knife skills to work as Caitlin grates fresh nutmeg into her bowl. “She wanted to know if she could bring anything to the equinox.”
Caitlin glances past Iris to the far counter where their combined baking endeavours – everything from brownies, to muffins, to cakes, to squares – have started piling up.
“Anything that isn’t a sweet would be greatly appreciated,” Caitlin replies, smile sheepish.
Iris chuckles. “I’ll pass the message along.”
As Caitlin moves to the stove with a pot of sugar and cornstarch, the sound of the front door opening catches both women’s attention. Angelica trills on Caitlin’s shoulder, and Caitlin reaches up to scratch behind her ear, whispering, “mama’s home.”
“If someone doesn’t hide our grimoire, I can’t be held responsible for whatever hex I unleash on that demon of a woman next door,” Lisa rants, storming into the kitchen and sliding out of her jacket as she goes, tossing it over the back of one of the chairs at the table.
Iris scoffs and rolls her eyes. “What did she do this time?” she asks.
Lisa turns up her nose. “You wouldn’t believe the nerve,” she says. “Miss Sally Hairspray stopped me in the driveway as I was getting out of my car to ask if we really had to hang our charms out on our front porch. Apparently this is a family neighborhood.”
The air quotes are audible in her voice.
“You can’t use your magic to harm an innocent,” Caitlin reminds her, pulling eggs and a glass pitcher of milk from the fridge. Of all the witches Iris has ever met – real witches, born with real power – Lisa is the most reluctant to play by the cosmic rules of not using her powers for personal gain.
“What if I just spelled her hair prematurely grey?” Lisa suggest.
Iris shakes her head. “Pretty sure that still counts,” she says. She moves on from chopping pecans to take Angelica back in her arms, giving Caitlin the freedom to whisk the milk vigorously into her pot as its contents heat up on the stove.
“Fine,” Lisa huffs. “I’ll just do things the old fashioned way and key her car.”
Iris explodes in a fit of giggles while Caitlin fixes Lisa with a disapproving glare, whisk still moving all the while.
“What?” Lisa says, her voice honey sweet and full of faux innocence. “I’m entitled to some anger. It’s always something with that woman. Today, it’s the charms. Yesterday, it was my bumper sticker.”
“The rainbow one, or the one that says my other car is a broom?” Iris asks.
Lisa shrugs. “Honestly, I didn’t waste enough of my time listening to her whine to find out.”
Iris laughs again, and this time, Caitlin joins her. Lisa huffs and lets some of the tension melt from her shoulders, then strides forward and holds out her arms, heading Iris’ way.
“Come here, baby,” Lisa mutters. She grabs Angelica from Iris’ hands, even as Iris leans in for a kiss.
“I guess kids really do suck the passion out of a relationship,” Iris deadpans as she watches Lisa place a kiss to the top of Angelica’s head.
Lisa narrows her eyes, unimpressed, and Iris can’t hold back the smirk that tugs at the corner of her lips.
“Come here,” Lisa says again, then grabs Iris’ hip with her free hand and tugs the other woman in for a kiss, firm and possessive, on the lips.
“Love you,” she whispers as they pull apart.
“Love you, too,” Iris replies.
Lisa steps back and rounds the island to the stove, scratching Angelica behind the ear as she goes. “Something smells delicious,” she notes.
Caitlin sets an empty bowl down on the counter as she finishes whisking in the egg yolks. “It’s your favourite,” she replies. “Ginger cream pie.”
Lisa leans in and trails her lips up the shell of Caitlin’s ear. Caitlin flushes into the roots of her hair.
“Think I meant you, Caity Bear.”
Lisa drops a kiss the hinge of Caitlin’s jaw, then lower, against the side of her neck, until a shiver runs up Caitlin’s spine, and Iris’ pupils dilate just watching them.
“The second you finish that pie, I’m dragging you both upstairs,” Iris warns them.
“Anything I can do to expedite the process?” Lisa asks.
Caitlin shivers again. “Not care if we don’t have pie?” she suggests.
All three women are upstairs before the pie filling has a chance to cool.
And if, the next morning, Iris wakes up early – earlier than she needs even to prepare for the rest of the coven coming over to celebrate the equinox – to spell the muffler on the neighbour’s car, who could ever prove it? After all, her magic still works just fine, and if the universe couldn’t be bothered to provide so much as a metaphysical slap on the wrist for her inappropriate use of magic, then it must have been done in the name of fighting evil, anyway.
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disasterxofxfandoms · 7 years
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Murder Wives
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flash-is-fast · 3 years
Iris: Everyone shut up, Joe’s on the phone!
Iris: Hi dad
Nora: HI!!
Cisco: *Runs into wall*
Barry and Ralph: *Making out*
Caitlin: *Whispers* Tell him I said hi
Sherloque: *Singing loudly*
Lisa: Cait, get back in bed!
Marlize: This team is a fucking nightmare.
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purpleyin · 4 years
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DCTV moodboards: Killergold - Lisa looks after a sick Caitlin
Made for Femslash February 2021 and square I1 “Sick!fic” on my @flarrowverse-shipyard bingocard. There’s also a drabble for it behind the read more.
Lisa opens up the phone conversation with a blunt, “So Barry tells me you're not feeling good.”
Caitlin sighs. She'd told them she was fine but she should've known the team would call for backup. They'd made comments about doctors not being allowed to doctor themselves. Obviously she didn't agree.
“It's nothing. Just some sniffles and a little cough. I'm taking it easy today, just paperwork. No labwork, no cleaning.”
“Uh-huh. Well, if it's nothing, you won't mind meeting me for lunch at my place.”
“That's a little out of my way,” Caitlin begins, sensing she's falling into a trap but unable to figure out exactly what shape or position it's in.
“Oh don't worry about that. I'm sure Barry will agree to flash you over.”
Caitlin's about to say that might make her throw up, but then she realizes the problem with that. One does not simply stumble into a disagreement with Lisa Snart. Not if you want to win. So she agrees as enthusiastically as she can around her sniffles. “Sure, see you at 1.”
“I look forward to it,” Lisa says, striking a little fear into Caitlin at what else might be in store.
Lisa hadn't cared that Caitlin's nose was red. Or that she was sneezing every 20 seconds. Which should have set off some red flags really, but Caitlin was too busy trying not to throw up and simply went along with Lisa dragging her into the bedroom. Plus, it was extremely flattering that her girlfriend thought she looked sexy despite being ill.
It's not until she hears the click of the latch and feels the metal against her wrist that she realizes Lisa has totally played her.
“Where did you even pull those from?”
“Never you mind. What's important is, I'm not removing them for at least the next 4 hours. I bought you soup but after that you better get some sleep.”
Lisa throws a box of tissues at her, followed by a cute teddy bear, and then goes off to microwave the soup. The whole scheme is sweet enough that Caitlin can't find the energy to be mad right then. Being mad can definitely wait until after she's had the soup. And the sleep.
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areyouscarletcold · 5 years
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Seven children grew up and left their childhood behind, left their friends and loved ones to become dust in the wind. They were all so close once, brought together by an indescribable tragedy and a monstrosity that haunted the underbelly of Derry, Maine.
Such a shame they all forgot - all but one, who invoked their promise to return if It did too.
Lisa Snart is Richie Tozier & Caitlin Snow is Eddie Kaspbrak.
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nixie-deangel · 7 years
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Killergold, Rival Figure Skaters.
                  ...I’m scared as hell to want you...                         ....but here I am, wanting you anyway....
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