#Kim Inseong scenario
yootaesowlwrites · 2 years
Will You... - Kim Inseong
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Warnings: Angst, fluff, unrequited love, slow burn.
W/C: 2.9K
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You have known Inseong for over two years now, you two had met during one of his musical rehearsals where you worked as one of the technical crew members, and you both had crew closer to each other over the years. To the point that you knew how stressed he was about joining the military, not wanting to leave his parents alone and not wanting to leave his friends, that had become like family to him, behind.
“I promise to visit them,” You say as you walk with him towards the car. “And your friends will keep in contact with you, no matter what, don’t worry about it,” You tried to reassure him, but you weren’t sure if you were doing a good job with it. “Just make sure to call your parents also,” He nods his head. He looked so different with his shorter hair, yet, he looked exactly like Inseong.
“Have you two said goodbye,” Hwiyoung asks when you reach the car. You look at Inseong, giving him a sad smile, hoping he wouldn’t pick up on it, he immediately throws his arms around you and pulls you into a tight hug.
“I’m going to miss you,” He mutters into your shoulder. “Come visit me as soon as you’re allowed,” You nod your head as you comfortingly rub your hand over his back.
“I will,” You whisper, feeling a lump building in your throat. “Take good care of yourself,” You feel him take in a big breath, and knew he was trying not to cry into your shoulder. “It’s okay… I’m going to miss you so much, too,” And then he lets out a loud sob.
“Take care of yourself,” He mutters, not wanting to break the hug, but knowing he had to. “Once I’m allowed to use my phone, I’ll send you a message to come and visit me,” You nod your head and pat his back. He slowly pulls away from the hug and looks at you before turning towards the car.
“We’ll give him a big lunch,” Zuho says. You give him a sad smile and nod your head and watch as they all climbed into the car, tears begin slipping from your eyes and down your cheek as the car pulls away, taking your friend away.
Six weeks pass and your mind remained full of Inseong, wondering how he was doing and remembering all the things you did together. It only took you two weeks to realize how much you missed him and to realize that you had been in love with him for the past couple of months. As the time got closer to visiting him, you could feel yourself growing nervous, it almost felt like you were going to visit your lover, but you knew that wasn’t the case. You hadn’t spoken to him since the day you said goodbye to him.
“Y/n,” He says as you enter the building, he wraps his arms around you to pull you into a hug. “I missed you so much,” You could feel your heart rate picking up as he held you against him. “It was so quiet and boring without you,” You chuckle against his chest as you return the hug.
“I doubt, I think you made tons of friends already,” You say. He pulls back from the hug, looking at you offended. “Don’t give me that look, you can’t deny it.”
“Okay, I have, but none of them is like you,” He says and guides you towards a table. “They’re all different,” You shake your head and sit down at the table. “How have you been?”
“Good, I’ve been good, it’s quiet without you around,” You say. Your mind spun as you fought to confess to him or keep it to yourself. Would it be right of you to tell him while he was actively attending his military duties? “You should finish quickly and return home,” He laughs and nods his head.
“I’ll try to finish quickly,” He says. “Is it that horrible without me?” You nod your head, smiling at him. “Then I should finish quickly, I can’t let you suffer any longer,” You begin laughing.
“Yes, please, spare me the suffering,” You say between laughter. You look at him as your laughter dies down, he looked good, healthy, and like he was glowing, and you missed seeing that in your apartment.
“Should I show you around?” He asks. “Introduce you to the friends I’ve made?”
“I might get jealous that they can spend time with you every day,” You jokingly say, which makes him chuckle. “But sure, if you’re allowed to show me around,” He smiles and gets up from the chair.
“Come on,” He says. You get up and begin following out of the room, where everyone else was sitting and talking to their family members or friends.
As you leave the base, you could feel a pinch in your heart, you had decided not to tell him about your feelings, not wanting to complicate things for him while he was doing his duties. And you didn’t want to leave with a possible broken heart from him rejecting you and your feelings.
Months pass, and soon he was on a vacation day and had called you and his friends to spend time with him, you had arrived early, determined to tell him about your feelings. You sit down on the couch, and he sits down on another couch, you clap your hands in front of you and take in a deep breath.
“I must confess something to you, Inseong,” You say. He positions his body in your direction, ready to listen to what you had to say. “I like you, and I like you a lot, I realized when you left that I liked you more than a friend,” You watch as his eyes widen, and he shifts in his seat.
“Y/n, I’m currently doing my military duties,” He says. Trying to find the right words. “We can’t, it’s not going to work out, so don’t like me,” You felt your heart break into a million pieces.
“I know you’re busy with your duties, but I can wait for you,” You begin to say. “I don’t mind waiting for you.”
“Don’t,” He says sharply. “Don’t wait for me, don’t have feelings for me, you can’t put your life not pause for me,” You could feel a lump forming in your throat. “And who says you will feel the same when I finish my service?”
“I will,” You whisper, trying your hardest not to break down in front of him. “I will, Inseong,” He shakes his head, his face changing the more you push.
“No, don’t wait for me,” He says. “Who says I feel the same?” You pause and slowly begin to slump back in your seat. “Exactly, you didn’t think of that, and if I did feel the same, who says I won’t feel different when I finish?” You bite the inside of your cheeks, letting his words sink in.
“Well… at least you’re aware of my feelings for you,” You whisper. He was about to say something when the door opens and his friends and group mates enters, greeting him loudly and breaking up the conversation you were having. He hadn’t realized how much he had hurt you, how many pieces your heart felt like it was shattered in. And you didn’t realize that he felt the same, but thinks it would be better if you moved on from him while he was completing his service.
You sit there in silence as everyone else talks to him, you were only paying attention here and there until you finally made a quiet exit, right into the rain. You could feel the cold water hitting your skin and tears spill from your eyes as you make your way home, replaying his words over and over in your mind. Your clothes become soaked, and soon you’re drenched in water, but you couldn’t care less about that, you just wanted a moment to yourself and for a moment… it felt like the world was crying with you.
Weeks pass by, and you had minimal contact with Inseong, he had started to use the excuse that he was busy, but you had heard from the members that he always kept in contact with them, so, you stopped trying to get in contact with him, your heart aching as you try and get over him. It took months, to mend your heart just enough, or so you thought. You thought you were over him completely, but as you were starting to go out on dates with someone, to try and completely heal your broken heart, he returned.
Inseong was on his way to see you when he stops in his steps, his eyes falls on you as you were with another person, you were laughing with them, or at something they had told you, to him, it looked like you were enjoying yourself like you had moved on, while he hadn’t once stopped thinking about you. He could hear the surrounding sound disappears, and he swears he heard his own heart break as he watches you. If only he realized that your smile wasn’t reaching your eyes and your laugh wasn’t like it was when it was with him. He turns around, not wanting to see more.
Your smile disappears as you see the familiar person turning away and disappearing into the crowd, your heart begins aching, and your laughter dies completely. And all you want to do is run after him and welcome him home. But you were quickly reminded that he had stopped trying to keep in contact with you, and seeing as you had a different commitment now, it all stopped you from running after him. Your date picks up on the change in your behaviour, but decides not to say anything about it. He knew you had a heartbreak before you both had met, and he was willing to help you mend your heart. Until it happened a third time when you were on a date and your mood shifts.
“You never told me about the person that broke your heart,” He states. “What happened?” You inhale deeply, your mood already down as you had spotted Inseong again. It was like he was everywhere suddenly, was it a coincidence or was it on purpose?
“I… he was in the military and didn’t want me to wait for him,” You whisper, your date could see how down you looked.
“And now?” He asks, probably pushing it, but he would rather know.
“Now I have you, don’t I?” You ask, trying to change the subject and putting up a fake smile. He lets out a sigh and gives you a sad smile.
“I don’t think we’re going to work out,” He says. “I would be your second choice, compared to him,” You feel a lump forming in your throat, you had thought you had completely let Inseong go. “You’re not over him, and you love him… you’ll always love him,” But here you were, experiencing another heartbreak, but this time… it didn’t affect you like Inseong’s words had.
“But… But, he didn’t feel the same way,” You whisper.
“Are you sure of that?” He asks, you nod sadly nod your head.
“He said it himself…” You say. “When I met with him to confess to him…”
“That was a lie, I wouldn’t want someone to wait for me either if I was in the military because it can get lonely,” He says. “But you obviously haven’t moved on like he had thought you would… you should go meet with him,” He takes in a deep breath. “I’m letting you go because I care about you, we can still be friends, but I don’t think I’ll ever be your first choice…” You swallow and feel tears building up in your eyes.
“I’m sorry…” You whisper, trying to keep your tears inside.
“What are you sorry for?” He asks. “You can’t help who you fall in love with, and my person will come when the time is right,” He reaches for the side of your face and slowly slides his thumb along your cheek. “Don’t ever be sorry for being in love,” You nod your head and move closer to him, his arms move around you to hold you in a comforting hug. “Go after him, and be happy.”
A few days after that, Zuho invited you to one of the meet ups, and you nervously decide to go, not knowing if Inseong wanted to see you, not after breaking much contact off with you. As you enter the apartment, you were greeted by laughter and loudness, exactly what you expected. You only wish Jaeyoon was there to make sure you were distracted, but he was now off to fulfil his military duties.
“Hi,” You say as you step into the living room. Your eyes fall on Inseong and you can feel your heart fluttering and breaking at the same time. “Am I late?” Dawon gets up and moves a spot up, making space between him and Taeyang for you. You move towards the couch and sit down, feeling the awkwardness grow between you and Inseong.
“No, you’re just in time,” Rowoon says. “We got here a few minutes ago,” You nod your head and give him a faint smile. “Almost all of us are here.”
“How have you been, it’s been a while since we saw you,” Youngbin asks. “We were starting to think you were avoiding us,” You awkwardly chuckle and shake your head.
“No, no, I was just distracted by life,” You say. “But I should have visited, I’ll make sure to make time to see you guys,” He nods his head.
“When are we meeting your boyfriend?” Inseong suddenly asks, and quietness sinks into the room, you could only hear everyone breathing.
“What are you talking about?” You ask, or more sigh out. You didn’t have the slightest idea what he was talking about.
“I saw you with him when I went to meet with you,” He says. “It looks like you’re happy, so, I’m happy for you,” You let out another sigh and move your hands to grip the couch.
“They left me because they saw I wasn’t happy,” You say. His face falls, and you miss the excitement flashing through his eyes. “I saw you… three times and he picked it up, he picked up that I wasn’t really happy,” You lick your lips as the words go through your mind again. “And we weren’t dating, either, we were just going on dates to see if it would work out,” Inseong slowly nods his head.
“You… saw me three times?” He asks slowly. You nod your head. “I thought I was good at hiding…” You swallow and shake your head.
“You’re a horrible hider,” You mutter. “Besides, you stand out,” Everyone quietly got up from their places and slowly begins filling out the room to give you both some privacy.
“I’m sorry…” He whispers. “If I ruined it for you,” You bite the inside of your cheeks and take a moment.
“Don’t…” You whisper. “Do you think I would have ever been happy with someone else when I have such deep-rooted feelings for you?” You stand from the couch. “But I understand that you don’t have any feelings for me, so I will accept that.” Inseong quickly stands and grabs onto your hand as you begin to turn away.
“And what makes you think that I don’t feel the same?” He asks quickly. You slowly turn back to him.
“Because you said so over a year ago,” You whisper. “When I confessed my feelings to you,” He swallows as he blinks rapidly, the day and what he had said to you rushing through his mind, when he had looked for you to say his goodbye, you were already gone, and he couldn’t even give you a proper goodbye that day, and he hoped that ignoring you would help him, and you, but it seemed like it hadn’t helped one bit.
“I feel the same way,” He whispers. “I only said that because I didn’t want you to wait another year for me,” You watch as his eyes become glossed over. “I didn’t want you to put your life on pause with me, and wait.”
“And I told you that I don’t mind waiting,” You say. “Because you were worth it for me, Inseong,” He swallows as a lump forms in his throat. The word ‘were’ hit him hard.
“And now… Am I still worth it?” He asks carefully.
“I would still stupidly wait for you to return…” You whisper.
“I’m sorry…” He says, a stray tear slipping down his cheek, and you couldn’t help but feel tears build up in your eyes. “For saying that, for making you wait, for being a jerk,” He reaches for your cheek with his other hand. “For being an absolute idiot over a year ago,” His thumb slowly slides over your cheek. “I hope you can forgive me, for my stupidity, and for not doing this earlier,” You were about to ask him what he meant, but he pulls you into him and his lips touch yours, your eyes open wide before they slowly shut, and you return the kiss, his hand slides from your cheek to the back of your head and holds you in place, for your first kiss together, and many more to come in the future.
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dearly-somber · 3 months
you broke me first | k.is
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-> pairing. ex!kim inseong x f!reader
-> genre. angst
-> rating. 13+
-> w/c. 1103
-> warnings. Drinking, intoxication, relationship ended on bad terms
-> a/n. This isn’t half bad?? Despite being old as shit 😭
-> collection. songfic
-> started. ???
-> fin. October 31st, 2020 @ 20:33
-> edited. Sat., Jul. 15th, 2023 @ 20:55
It didn't take long until you were leaning with your palm pressed against your forehead, staring at the bottom of your glass in a daze.
You had been sitting on the same barstool for little over two hours now, wallowing in self pity. You had heard that Inseong had moved on a lot faster than you had and that he was already dating again. You had seen him around campus a few times, but anytime you saw even just a hint of him you bolted out of the immediate area, going far, far away.
You had made eye contact with him only once since the break-up: the day after, in the cafeteria, when you saw him smiling and flirting with a girl from your class. He had turned around and immediately met your eyes. It took exactly .1 seconds for you to burst into tears, rushing out of the cafeteria to avoid embarrassing yourself further.
The whole of your grade and the grade above knew that you had been dating Inseong and that meant that they knew you had broken up... More like you had been dumped, but asked for specifics, right?
You scoffed as you poured another round of soju, smacking away Youngbin's hand when he tried to get the bottle away from you.
"You've had enough to drink—"
"I've had enough to drink when I've said I've had enough to drink," you warned your friend in a low voice, glaring at him. Youngbin looked at you worriedly, sighing while running a hand through his hair. "Just… Go have some fun, Youngie. I'll be fine," you assured him in a softer, gentler tone.
Youngbin bit his lip in thought. "Promise you'll stay here so that I can take you home later?"
You nodded with a drunken smile, holding out your pinky finger. “Promise."
You giggled stupidly when the two of you connected your thumbs together in a signature 'stamp' move. Youngbin then left you to sulk on your own. Good. He deserves to have some fun.
In your drunken state, you couldn't notice the way Inseong eyed you from the pool table, his hair falling into his face just the way you used to like it.
Inseong sighed, putting down his stick and walking over to you. He stopped in his tracks when he was pulled back by a hand on his wrist.
"Where are you going?" Jaeyoon asked seriously, looking at his older friend questioningly.
Nodding his head in your direction, Inseong turned back to look at Jaeyoon. "I'm going to take her home," Inseong said, jerking his arm out of Jaeyoon's grip.
"You know that's a bad idea, right?"
"And why's that?" Inseong asked pointedly, clenching his jaw.
"It's Y/N, for goodness sakes! Your ex, remember? The one you dumped?"
"I didn't dump her," Inseong defended, rubbing his temples. "I broke up with her."
"Hyung," Jaeyoon said, leaning against his pool-stick for emphasis. "You told her you liked someone else and wanted to break things off to be with her. You dumped her."
Inseong sighed deeply, turning away while rolling his eyes exaggeratedly.
Jaeyoon scoffed in disbelief, shaking his head while watching his friend walk off in annoyance. "He never listens to me," he sighed, heading back to the pool table.
You froze.
You'd recognize that voice anywhere. Hoping you were hallucinating, you downed the last bit of your drink before going to refill it. The soju bottle, however, was tugged out of your hand and put on the far corner of the table. "I think you've had enough to drink, don't you agree?"
You turned to look at Inseong with a grimace, anger boiling in your chest. Inseong flinched at your hard gaze, not used to your cold stares—always expecting the warm and loving gaze he was so used to.
Clenching your fists, you stared him down. "What do you want, Inseong?"
He winced. You used to call his name lovingly, but here you were spitting his name like it was venomous. "I'm going to take you home, Y/N. You're wasted and someone might take advantage of that—"
"And?" you snapped coldly.
"And? Y/N, what's gotten into you?" Inseong asked angrily, his voice raising slightly. You winced, shrinking in on yourself. Inseong sighed, his eyes softening. "I'm sorry for raising my voice, but please," he paused, gently tilting your head up to make you look at him. "Don't say something like that again," he begged.
You nodded, almost falling all over again. You jerked away from him, clearing your throat. “I can't go with you."
"Why not?"
"Youngbin told me to stay here," you said matter-of-factly, recconnecting your eyes. Inseong froze slightly at the mention of Youngbin. Even while the two of you were dating he had felt somewhat insecure about your relationship with Youngbin. He felt that he liked you more than just a friend, and it made him nervous. Jealous, even.
He grimaced as he replied. “And you're listening to him why?"
You smiled sadly. “Still don't like him, huh?"
Inseong stayed silent, not having a good enough comeback to back himself up.
"So... Where's your new girlfriend?" you asked bitterly, staring at the bottom of your glass again.
"What girlfriend?" Inseong’s brows furrowed questioningly.
"BamBam said you were dating someone?" you said, your brow raised in disbelief.
Inseong scoffed, muttering under his breath. “I met a girl, yes, but we're not dating."
"Why not?"
"Because she's not you."
You paused. What?
"Excuse me?" you asked slowly, tears forming in the corners of your eyes.
"I miss you too, you know? It's not just—"
"Where'd you get the nerve?"
Tears ran down your cheeks in long, hot streaks, catching people's attention. One of whom was Jaeyoon, who ran for Youngbin.
"I'm human, Y/N! I'm hurting too!" Inseong yelled, standing up. You got up from your chair as well, staring at him with pure anger.
"I don't care how bad it hurts, Inseong!" you shouted back, people turning their heads to stare questioningly. Inseong stayed silent as he watched you, nails digging into his palms. Sniffling, you looked down. “I don't care how bad it hurts, because you broke me first."
"Y/N..." Inseong whispered, reaching for you before being pushed back.
Youngbin stood in front of you protectively.
"Leave her alone, Inseong. You've done enough," he snarled, turning around and hugging you to his chest.
Inseong's jealousy and guilt flared up as he could only watch you walk away with Youngbin... Watch you cry.
"I'm sorry," Inseong muttered, looking down as tears rolled down his face, sinking down onto his knees.
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icequeenbae · 2 years
Now or Never (m) KIS KSW
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Pairing: Rowoon (Seokwoo) x Reader x Inseong
Polyamory AU, Established Relationship, PWP, fluff, smut
Warnings: explicit content, unprotected sex, softdomvibes!Inseong, creampie, threesome, facesitting (messy oral, I warned ya)
Word Count: ~4.5k
Summary: If your partner is ignoring your needs, is there anything better than having another partner to tend to them?
© Please do not copy/ post on other platforms without permission.
Author’s note: Hi hi hi!! I feel like I haven't been posting for ages, so I'm super happy to finally be back ❤️ So... This time I bring something different (big thanks to my beta @baekshoney for bearing with me 🙃). AHHH so nerve-wrecking!! Anyways, this is my first non-EXO (non-Baekhyun??) story on here, which I had dusting in my gdocs for some time. Since I am about to hit 500 followers, I felt like it is as good of a time as any to experiment a little~ I really really hope that you enjoy it! Don't worry, Baekhyun stories are also coming!!
Since it is a different fandom, I just want to state my usual greetings - I am Ri, very chatty and welcoming of all asks/ comments/ questions etc., please don't be shy to reach out! Okay, it's getting too long, I'll just leave you to it hehe
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It has been two hours. Two torturous hours since you’d gotten home, ready to pounce, and your boyfriend Seokwoo was still not giving you anything but crumbs. Apparently, his friends waited for weeks for this day to come since he was too busy to play during the promotions, and now he was gaming like crazy for much longer than you were willing to tolerate.
At first, you took the opportunity to soak in a nice hot bath and take a relaxing shower. Then you took your time applying all of the skincare, hair products and whatnot to give him some extra time to finish up. You checked on him while your face mask was on, yet his session didn’t seem to be nearing an end. When you were all done (and slightly disappointed by the lack of attention), you rejoined him on the living room couch, looking for ways to distract him and coerce him to call it a day for his gaming. However, your advances didn’t produce much of an impact: Seokwoo simply nodded, asking you to wait for a bit longer.
He didn’t even glance your way. His eyes were glued to the screen the entire time you were ‘interacting’. Seokwoo was so deep into his game that he didn’t even notice the way you glared at him for 10 minutes straight before the noise came from the entrance.
‘Kids, I’m home!’
At this time, you were quite upset, so you weren’t in a rush to respond to Inseong, who was probably headed straight to the bathroom anyways. He had developed this habit of jumping in the shower as soon as he arrived home, probably because he became a sloth soon after – too lazy to remove his makeup or wash up. It was kind of endearing, the way he fell asleep in a matter of seconds sometimes, but personal hygiene was also a thing.
With the little patience you could muster, you waited for your older partner to finish his routine and proceed to the bedroom in order to put his home clothes on. But as Seokwoo continued to ignore all of your signals – the uncharacteristic pouting (you usually made use of it with his hyung instead), the hand on his thigh, the audible fuming – you were growing more and more frustrated.
You simply wanted him to spend some time with you! It was his fault too that you were this spoiled, basking in the ocean of his affection along with Inseong’s most of the time. The two of them were usually extremely clingy, and despite them being back home for several days already, you had hoped that their neediness would match yours and last for a bit longer.
And here you were, angry almost to tears from being completely ignored for the whole evening, especially after the extensive wait prior to this. Still, you were determined to get your share of attention in this house, one way or another.
The fact that Seokwoo simply gave you a casual pat on the butt when you stood up to leave only aggravated you further.
When you trudged into the bedroom, you were greeted with the familiar sight of your significant other splayed on the bed in just his shirt and sweats. His blond hair was a mess, his eyes were closed and his phone was on his chest. He was going to check something on there and then just decided to laze about for a minute, you figured. The sloth in him prevailed once again.
‘Oppa, are you asleep?’ You murmured, climbing onto the bed and taking a spot right next to him.
Flush to his side, you laid your head on his chest, and hugged him with both your right arm and right leg. The reciprocation of your gesture was instant, and his arm curled around your back, somehow tugging you even closer to him.
‘No, I was just going to join you,’ he replied, giggling softly as soon as you pressed an intense kiss to his neck. ‘What’s that about? Missed me?’
Inseong laughed in the charming way he did before looking at you with one eye. He caught the expression on your face way too quickly.
‘Why are you sulking?’
Multiplying your already exaggerated pout, you huffed and hid your face in his chest.
‘Seokwoo is ignoring me. All night.’
Reaching for your hair, Inseong brushed it away from your face and poked your cheek playfully. You huffed again like an angry little hedgehog.
‘Did you two have a fight?’
His tone was affable, and your defensiveness was down for the time being.
‘No. He’s… playing games!’ You frowned. ‘Instead of playing with me.’
‘I see,’ he hummed knowingly, digging his nose into your hair and inhaling deeply. ‘So, you’ve been pampering yourself all evening, and he gave you no attention at all?’
‘Yes!’ You replied begrudgingly.
This time, he didn’t give an immediate response. You lay there for a long minute, with his fingers brushing through your locks steadily. It was calming, you could not argue. There was something about Inseong that made you go mellow like this. He was chaotic at times, but when he was in his lazy domestic mood, you two would be melting together like two scoops of ice-cream on a pretty little plate.
And Seokwoo could very well be the plate. Since he was pretty and also unyielding (to your desires and whatever else) on days like this. Oh, you just wanted to smack his dumb little head every so often! What a meanie. He probably didn’t even notice that you weren’t around anymore, so your time was certainly better spent with someone who at least didn’t refuse to hold you for a good minute.
Acting all childish wasn’t something you did often, but sometimes a girl had to get what a girl wanted. And thankfully, it happened to work great on Inseong, who was a couple years older. Maybe it was him having a soft spot for you that made you this demanding, but who cared?
‘Cute.’ The blond finally replied. ‘You two can never stay out of trouble without the adults at home. It’s either fucking or fighting, no in between.’
‘Sometimes we’re playing around,’ you offered, cheeks suddenly getting heated at his comment.
Inseong snickered, chest shaking underneath your head.
‘I know how you ‘play around’. It counts as fucking, aegiya.’
You squirmed, feeling like you were trapped in rich honey. The hand that was patting your hair moments ago was now gently stroking the curve of your back, making your whole body tremble with excitement already. It wasn’t even anything special, but it was Inseong. His touch was just magical like this.
Relaxing in his arms and inhaling his fresh scent, you slowly turned into a purring kitty. The disappointment you felt from Seokwoo not giving you an ounce of his time this evening faded away, and you eagerly allowed your hand to snake under your elder’s shirt.
He hummed as his warm skin welcomed the caress of your fingertips, and you gripped his pec impishly. Both of you loved skinship a lot, so for some time it was just squeezing, and stroking, and rubbing, and hugging… You groped each other all over in a lazily sensual pattern, the tension growing just as steadily as Inseong’s boner underneath your palm. He startled you though, by reaching down and pressing two of his fingers to your clit.
You moaned before you could help it.
The shirt you were still wearing was all folded over your exposed breasts, so Inseong leaned in to press a wet kiss to your nipple. You squirmed, entangling your hand in his hair, and sort of pulling him closer. If that was even possible.
‘Mm, why are you wearing a thong at home?’ He murmured, licking at it broadly, leaving a moist trail over your breast.
‘Because my oppa is a pervert,’ you teased with a naughty smile, which quickly fell when he tapped you on the pussy.
‘Don’t be a brat,’ he warned in a singsongy tone, and circled your nub with just his middle finger.
The exhale that escaped your lungs was too breathy not to indicate your current state. But Inseong didn’t require any hints. He knew your body better than he knew his own, so pushing your buttons in the most efficient way came easy to him.
‘Next time don’t even bother wearing them,’ the blond continued, two of his fingers crawling underneath the triangle of fabric over your pubic bone to rub between your wet folds. ‘If you aim to please oppa.’
The soft squelch followed, and you moaned again, bucking your hips forward. Inseong smiled at your reaction, repeating his action a couple times to stimulate you further. You huffed impatiently, fingers digging into his deltoid, and presented the advanced version of your pout. It was a sort of ‘innocent baby girl wanting to get messed up by daddy’ kind of look. Very fitting for the current state of affairs, where you were reduced to watching him play with your pussy, all while wanting to curse him out to have him speed it up.
You’d had enough of waiting for tonight. It was time to be taken, and if anyone was to know better, it was him.
‘Inseongie,’ you called, skipping the honorific on purpose.
He knew it meant you were in a different state of mind already, too impatient to drag it out. So, he rolled his pants down, pressing your palm to his length.
‘You don’t have to wait for much longer, Y/N-ie,’ he murmured, voice sounding salacious without him even intending it.
There was just this… aura to him. Inseong could say the most mundane little thing, and not even mean for it to sound seductive, and still your body would react. And since it has been a long evening so far (of you being left unsatisfied), you were grateful that it was him. Because while Seokwoo preferred to take his time and essentially marinate you in his love (when he wasn’t too busy ignoring your very existence), Inseong was more impulsive in his lovemaking. He was less intense, but more… present. And while Seokwoo took you to another realm and made it an experience in itself, Inseong got things done. Exactly the way you wanted them done.
It didn’t even startle you when he suddenly pushed into you from behind, holding you by the waist. He stayed unmoving for a few seconds, helping you get your shirt off for good, and then tugged you so close your back ended up glued to his chest. Always his little dessert spoon.
He set a medium pace, his breath fanning over your ear just as steadily as his hips rolled into yours.
‘Mh-m,’ you moaned through your sealed lips, crazy about the wetness echoing in his every motion to pull out and slip back in.
You could picture his juice-covered cock from just hearing that. Saliva filled your mouth driven by instinct, and you gulped, reaching back to at least get a handful of his ass while at it. As if hearing you swallow, Inseong suddenly brought his hand up and traced your lower lip with his index finger. Shoving it into your mouth along with his middle finger, he urged you to give him a good suck. Pushing his fingers in and out, as if imitating oral sex, he made you drool even more.
Content with how well you lubricated his fingers, he brought them back to your nipple, making sure to press on it while squeezing your whole breast. You shivered.
‘Should I just go all in, baby?’ He inquired, slowing down, and you nodded frantically. ‘Okay. I’m not pulling out either.’
He chuckled at the way your nose scrunched up. You did enjoy raw sex, and having some cream on your cake was fine on any day. But having two boyfriends (who sometimes got pettily competitive) usually ended up in your whole crotch covered in cum. Also your butt crack, and your thighs, your boobs… sometimes it got smeared over your entire body. These boys could get so messy that afterwards you were in for an urgent shower and dealing with the laundry, even though you could barely keep your eyes open. It was helpful that there were two of them, but they were also double trouble.
When Inseong changed the position, it became a lot more… a lot more.
Your left leg was between his, and your right one was in the air, supported by your partner. Inseong pressed down on it to spread you open, and you knew he meant business in just a few moments – when he adjusted.
‘Ah-h!’ You couldn’t hold back your yelps any longer, getting louder with every thrust.
It was hard to reach for him in this position, so you tugged on your own locks instead, arching your back. Your shaky hand found the firm flesh of his thigh, and you held onto it for dear life and he snapped into you so hard your entire body bounced off the mattress.
‘Seongie- yes, yes-’
You were simply pleading at this point, the muscles of your core quivering around his cock.
‘Enjoying the show?’ Inseong suddenly asked, not wavering in his rhythm.
Blinking through the blurriness in your eyes, you looked up at his sweaty chest and then face, noticing a figure right behind him.
Seokwoo was right there in the doorway, watching you intently as you fucked.
‘Ah!’ You shrieked, a lightning bolt of pleasure hitting you in that very second.
Inseong kept your thighs open, pressing you down into the covers forcefully to use your orgasm to trigger his own. It only took him a few seconds to catch up.
‘Oppa-’ you cried, and he growled through the hammering of his thrusts, which kept filling you with more and more of his seed.
He wasn’t in a hurry to get off of your limp body once he was done, planting lazy kisses over your collarbone instead. Your weak arms wrapped around his shoulders, and he stroked your thigh. It was a cuddling session all over again.
It was cut short by a begrudged hum.
‘Aren’t you done yet?’
Seokwoo was the one who wanted attention now. How ironic.
‘What’s with the tone?’ Inseong inquired, knowingly furthering his donsaeng’s frustration.
‘Hyung! You could’ve waited for me, you know?’ He said, approaching the bed with his arms crossed.
‘Why would I?’ He snickered, lying down on his back comfortably, not even bothering to cover himself up.
Inseong toyed with people in the most infuriating, innocent, and arousing way. Always.
‘Noona,’ Seokwoo called helplessly.
But you ignored him, looking up at the blond next to you.
‘Now he remembers I exist.’
‘Sure he does. Raging boners tend to redirect your attention.’
Seokwoo pursed his lips together in frustration, looking down at the very obvious giveaway of his body.
He looked kinda cute when he was mad like this, so you gave a gentle nudge to Inseong, urging him to play with the junior some more. ‘Maybe he just likes to watch. We can give this punk another front row seat to the performance, can’t we?’
‘You’re so naughty, oppa. You know how wet and sensitive I am still…’
‘Yes. I could dive right in…’
‘Noona-ah!’ Seokwoo whined, pushing through to get between you and Inseong. ‘This isn’t fair. Why is he getting all of you?’
‘Missed your train tonight, aegi.’ You huffed, shoving him back to fall on his butt with the ball of your foot. ‘Go back to ignoring me and see how sad I am about it.’
‘I’m sorry, I just got carried away…’ He mumbled breathily, finding ways to touch your thigh discreetly with the pads of his fingers. ‘I can make it up to you.’
You met Inseong’s eyes, and despite his neutral expression, you could tell he was just as curious as you were.
‘Like how?’ You inquired, feigning indifference.
‘How would you like me to do it?’ He asked, and both you and Inseong rolled your eyes.
‘Seriously,’ Inseong sighed dramatically. ‘He has to be told what to do. Do you want hyung to give you instructions too?’
He only said that to tease his junior, but there was something in the way he phrased it… That had you bite your lip to deal with the raise in tension. And Inseong noticed.
‘On a second thought… Why not?’
Both of you turned to the blond now.
‘Strip, Seokwoo-yah. And make it entertaining for your noona.’
The pause didn’t last long, and you heard the ruffle of fabric as the taller one began to get rid of his clothes. He tried to do it slowly, in a more sensual way, one could assume, but it seemed slightly awkward and rushed. His long limbs demonstrated very little grace in setting themselves free, and your cold façade almost got destroyed with a chuckle.
Did he have to be so tall, clumsy and adorable?
Biting into your cheek from the inside of your mouth, you held it in. Inseong’s hand wandered across your breast.
‘You’re easily excitable,’ he murmured into your ear, and you squirmed from the tickling warmth of his breath.
Why were you turned on again this quickly? Whether it was the scent of Inseong’s sweat in the air and his cum dripping out of you, or Seokwoo’s toned body and delicious bronze skin in front of you, you had no idea. But it was clear that you wouldn’t refuse speeding things up at this point.
Inseong must have been reading your mind, because he reached out to grab Seokwoo’s wrist and pulled him onto the bed again.
‘Lie down. On your back.’
You watched with deep curiosity how he bossed the younger around. Usually, Inseong was quite soft-handed. He could take the lead at times, since he was older, but mostly preferred to live a life of a marshmallow. So now, as he had set out to help you ‘punish’ Seokwoo for his cold manner, you were suddenly coming to terms with finding this hot. Maybe a thing to bring up next time?
The blond turned his head to look at you.
‘Sit on his face.’ His tone was soft, yet the suggestion seemed bold.
‘Huh?’ You looked down on autopilot, thinking back about the semen smeared all over your pussy now.
The fact is, Seokwoo was quite used to his hyung’s cum on him, since they both got pretty messy taking turns. But it wasn’t usually anywhere close to his face. You were wondering…
‘Aren’t we teaching him a lesson?’ Inseong asked, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear in a casually flirty way he had about him. ‘He wants a go. Might as well clean you up first.’
You gulped at the thought of Seokwoo’s mouth on your cum-stained labia. Inseong visibly enjoyed your reaction, and it didn’t go unnoticed by the younger one either – he tugged at your wrist impatiently.
‘I’ll do it, noona. Please.’
Hesitating for a moment, you wanted to ask if he was sure. But if the apparent twitch of his cock and the restless licking of his lips were any indication, he was quite into it already. You quickly assumed the role you were offered.
‘What makes you think you deserve to do even that?’ You chuckled, raising an eyebrow at him.
Inseong snickered behind your back, enjoying the scene in front of him.
‘Don’t be so mean, sweetness,’ he murmured, the tip of his nose tickling your ear. ‘He knows exactly what he’s getting. He saw all of it happen.’
Thinking back to the way Seokwoo lurked in the door, watching Inseong fuck you into total bliss, you cocked your head to the side, looking at the blond’s lips.
‘I guess if he doesn’t impress me… He could always go back to watching, right?’
The question sent an electric charge through the air, and, as soon as Inseong nodded, you threw your leg over Seokwoo’s chest. Taking the right position didn’t require much time, although you were cautious not to smother him.
Seokwoo, however, didn’t seem to care about breathing whatsoever.
He buried his whole face in your vulva as soon as you sat down. You pursed your lips to contain a yelp and inhaled, feeling much less powerful now that he was holding your hips in a tight lock of his arms. The younger’s full lips worked hard, exploring your wet folds. When suddenly his tongue dipped inside you aggressively, there was no way to hold yourself back.
‘Agh!’ You gasped, pressing your palms into the wall in front of you.
The taller one continued with even more fervor. He clearly aimed to coerce more of these reactions out of you, and his technique was about to bring him success. You could hear his muffled breathing, and the slurping sounds he produced, and the low hums from a deep place in his chest… It was all too much to handle.
‘Seokwoo-ya-ah,’ you moaned, bucking your hips forward with the help of his palms on your ass.
Inseong bent over reaching for your inner thigh to get a better look, but the younger one smacked his hand away unapologetically.
‘Like a hungry lion,’ the blond snorted. ‘Seems like you’re his prey now, Y/N-ie.’
Turning to him like a hungry lioness yourself, you licked your dry lips.
‘Put your cock in my mouth,’ you demanded, and he smiled, giving your face a broad stroke up to your ear as if you were his pet.
Instead of giving you an answer, Inseong looked down at something behind you. It could only be assumed that it was the younger’s crotch. But before he could say anything, Seokwoo lost his resolve completely, suddenly pushing you off of himself and onto the bed.
It didn’t take you much longer than a second to register his rock-solid cock, bouncing against his lower stomach. Slightly surprised that he got this hard with zero touching, you were ambushed by his quick move to grasp you and likely get you on all fours.
Fighting him off playfully, you twisted and wriggled, not allowing him to lay you on your belly. As usual, he was careful not to hurt you, and you used your size difference to your advantage. He conceded all of the hits and shoves, determined to get you in his hold by catching your wrists. But soon he had to simply pin you down on the bed, using both force and his body mass. Finally submitting to his weight on top of you and showing your teeth in a defeated smile, you dug into his hair with one hand, battling his grip.
Kim Seokwoo loved when you touched his hair. The gentle scratch of your nails against his scalp almost sent him into ecstasy every time, so he hurriedly pushed into you before it was too late. You cried out, even though it didn’t hurt, and he pulled back slowly, eyes trained on your face.
‘Deep and hard,’ you told him, sounding hoarse and slightly desperate. ‘Make me come quickly.’
He swallowed, pecking you on the lips swiftly, and slammed back into you. After a round with Inseong and a torturous oral with Seokwoo, your pussy was so swollen and tender that you could barely stand the abrupt contact it was making with his skin. Squealing and grasping, you left superficial scratches on his back as your hands traveled down the curve of it.
His glutes were flexing rhythmically underneath your palms, and you were almost hypnotized by the way his tongue ran over his luscious lips. The mole on his chin added to your madness, and you grabbed his neck with one hand to plant a kiss over it. He wasn’t satisfied with just that, and his tongue slipped between your lips, momentarily taking over.
Whining into his mouth, you allowed him to devour you, while his hips continued hammering you down. It wasn’t his usual style, but your request (order?) was to make you come quickly, so he knew you were not in the mood for a slow session. And testing your patience was definitely a challenge for another day. Thus, he used all of his athletic ability to keep the intensity of his thrusts high, making your walls start to pulse in a familiar way around him.
‘Noona…’ He sighed, gripping you tighter as his movements became rougher.
‘Mm-ah,’ you jolted in his arms, body trembling uncontrollably.
A sling of curses followed, and you fist pressed into his shoulder in an attempt to get some distance between you. But he kept going, spurred on by your high-pitched moans, and in mere seconds you heard his breathy groan. Keening at the feeling of his seed flooding your insides and dripping out slowly when he rocked back and forth gently, you threw your head back. Seokwoo slipped out of you, moving down to rest his head on your exposed chest for a few moments, and you went with the flow.
Some time later, your trance was disrupted by the rustle of tissues.
Opening your eyes and turning to the side, you saw Inseong, who was wiping what could only be cum off of his stomach.
‘Oppa?’ You called, attracting Seokwoo’s attention as well, despite him almost dozing off on top of you.
Inseong met your eyes and chuckled.
‘What? You didn’t think I was gonna watch you and not get off?’
You motioned for him to join you.
‘I want cuddles.’
‘Yes, princess,’ he replied, throwing the used tissues on the floor without a care before scooting closer to you.
Seokwoo rolled off of you with slight displeasure, and Inseong tugged at the duvet to get it from under you. He knew you were getting cold quickly after sex, so the first thing he did after cleaning up was wrapping you in the covers. When all three of you were tucked underneath, the blond immediately clung to you from behind, intertwining your legs.
Seokwoo turned away already since he liked to lie on his side as well, but his bare back seemed quite lonely at this time. You traced his spine with your index finger slowly.
‘What lesson have you learned today?’ You asked him in a semi-stern tone.
‘I shouldn’t have ignored noona,’ he mumbled in response, sounding like a scolded puppy.
‘Are you gonna do this again?’ You asked, and were met with silence. ‘Hm?’
‘No..?’ He replied, and you huffed at the response.
‘He’s gonna toy with you even now,’ Inseong laughed, and you shoved at Seokwoo’s shoulder blade with your fist.
‘Yah, is that your final answer-’
‘I love you, noona!’ He interrupted, melting your anger away with the sucker punch phrase. ‘Please love me back.’
‘Ugh, this little-’ You rolled your eyes, unable to remain strict at all.
Inseong nudged your butt forward, and you got closer to the younger one’s body. Sighing, you finally wrapped your arms around his waist, accepting him as the (giant) little spoon. He instantly became a purring mess in front of you, stroking the arm you were hugging him with.
‘I guess it’s better late than never…’ You muttered, placing a soft kiss between his shoulder blades. Just like that, you officially made up.
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A/N: Not gonna lie, I'm dying for some feedback. It feels like I'm posting my first story ever, I was very uncertain about posting it 🙃 I do hope that there are many SF9 stans out there to enjoy this, but I haven't interacted with many (which I would love to). There are some other sf9 stories coming along... with different pairings (cz I'm a hoe? lol) Anyways, let me know what you think! Also, my masterlist is now mostly EXO, but check it out if you're interested~
P.S. Not at me rushing to post the story because I was just hanging out with Dawon in my dream today lmao Can't disappoint my bestie 😂😂😂
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chaerryroses · 4 years
• 20:43 - Kim Inseong •
Inseong hugged you tightly while your arms hung loosely around his waste. You tried to wiggle out of his grip, but he only squeezed you tighter.
“Babe, you’ll only be gone for a few days,” you said.
“I know,” Inseong replied as he placed a soft kiss to the top of your head.
“You’ll be late for your flight.”
“But that means I get to hug you longer.”
“If you hug me any tighter or longer then I won’t be able to breathe.”
“Then I guess I really need to be late to make sure that you will be okay!”
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pocket-scenarios · 7 years
Antlers - Inseong
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(Admin: Sxng)
Inseong moves things around in the box of Christmas decorations you had stored. You stretch your arms over your head, you had already put out your tree, a small fake tree you got about four years ago. Inseong is trying to see if you have any decorations he can borrow to put on the tree back at their dorm. You turn hearing something fall from in your kitchen, you sigh going towards the sound already knowing that your cat had knocked something down. You pick up the skillet your cat knocked down putting it back on the drying rack before picking up the culprit herself.
“You’re always getting into things,” you playfully scold your cat before putting her back down.
You walk back into your lounge Inseong is holding a pair of candy cane colored reindeer antlers.
“Those are from the Christmas parade a few years ago,” you explain sitting on your couch, “I had to wear them while I was marching,” you say with a nod.
“I think I’d look good in them,” he mumbles putting the antlers on his head, you laugh.
“You don’t need them,” you tease.
“I’ll take them and your decorations,” Inseong teases back taking them off and putting them back into the box, “I’m just going to take these with me, I’ll bring back whatever we don’t use,” he explains, you nod.
“Send me pictures when you get the decorations put up,” you remind.
“Of course,” he says brightly, “thanks again.”
“It’s no problem, I’ll see you,” you say patting his shoulder lightly.
|| Masterlist || Submit A Request ||
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lunnanunna · 2 years
Don’t Go
Summary: Miyoung was missing the two oldest who enlisted and the rest of her members are there for her.
Warnings: light swearing
Taglist: @hyunmijung @galacticstxrdust @many-gay-magpies @precious-seungwooya @helladead-hellaradical @boss-baby-jongho @kimonmars @chagi-nana @wooya1224 @poutypoutybin @sunflower-0180 @frankenstein852 @jenseok17​ @keijikunn​ @glitteringcoffeefreak​
Let me know if you’d like to be added or removed from the taglist.
A/N: Hope you enjoy!
Requests are open. Feedback is welcomed.
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Miyoung sat on her bed reading. She had recently picked up No Longer Human by Osamu Dazai and was loving it. She was definitely going to reread it.
She reached for her coffee that she had on her bedside table as she reread the last bit of the current chapter she was on. She really liked the style of this author. Though she had really been liking a lot of different styles lately, seeing as she had been filling her time with reading lately. If she wasn’t filming for her channel, she was reading.
All this reading may or may not be her way of coping. (Coping with Youngbin and Inseong being gone due to enlistment.) Miyoung had no idea how she was going to deal with all of her members, if only two had enlisted and she was struggling.
Basically, in Miyoung’s mind, if she spends less time with her members now, it’ll hurt less when they leave. Was it working? Of course not. She was miserable. And she was pretty sure that her members were starting to worry, which was never a good thing.
Miyoung startled when the door to her room opened. Looking up, she saw Seokwoo and Sanghyuk walk in. She was not ready for whatever shenanigans they were about to bring, but judging by their faces, Miyoung knew that there was no way for her to avoid it.
“What do you want?” she asked, closing her book. She folded her arms over her chest, raising a brow at the two. They in turn, side-eyed each other then smirked as they walked over to her.
“We miss you,” Seokwoo said, pouting.
“We saw each other this morning,” Miyoung shook her head.
“Yeah, in passing. After you got your coffee, you came back in here and haven’t left ever since,” Sanghyuk whined, walking over to her and sitting on her bed.
Miyoung shrugged, picking at a loose thread of her sweat shorts.
“Mimi, we’re not scolding you. It’s just that this has been happening a lot. Other than practice, we’ve barely seen you,” Seokwoo said, sitting on the floor next to where she was on the bed.
She shrugged again.
“Is there a reason why you’re avoiding us?” the taller of the two asked.
“I’m not avoiding you,” Miyoung was quick to respond.
“Really, now?” Sanghuyk asked, raising his own brow at the girl.
“I’m not! I’ve just been busy,” Miyoung shrugged, though she wasn’t sure if that was going to hold up in court.
“Reading doesn’t count, Mimi. Plus you’re a fast reader. So when you’re done with a book you should have plenty of time to hang out with us,” Jaeyoon said from the doorway.
Miyoung glared at him as he walked through, the rest of the boys trailing behind him. This was starting to feel like an intervention of sorts.
“What is this?” she asked, waving vaguely at everyone as they sat at her desk, her bed, or on the floor.
“It’s exactly what you think it is,” Taeyang said, climbing over her to sit between her and the wall.
“An intervention,” Chanhee nodded.
“We don’t know what’s going on exactly, but last time you pulled away from us, you were being assaulted,” Juho said.
Miyoung stilled. They were right. She scoffed at herself, breaking her promise of always coming to them no matter what.
“You think this is funny?” Youngkyun asked, frowning.
“Listen, we can’t read you the way Youngbin-hyung can. We don’t know what’s wrong, but we can at least see that something’s wrong,” Juho said, folding his arms over his chest.
“I’m laughing, but not because it’s funny. It’s because I thought I had changed, but I didn’t. I’m still hiding things and possibly leading to trouble,” Miyoung said, running her hands through her hair.
The boys looked at each other then back at Miyoung, as Taeyang spoke up. “Then tell us.”
Miyoung covered her face with her hands. She could feel her face heating up. The fact that she was pulling away from them because she didn’t want to have to deal with the emotions that will come with them enlisting, was embarrassing.
“Are you in trouble?” Juho asked.
The visual looked up, shaking her head, “I’m not. I promise you.”
“Then what?” Sanghyuk asked.
“It’s embarrassing,” she answered, shrugging. Miyoung chewed on her lip, looking at her hands.
At that, the boys all looked at each other. Deeming it better that she feel embarrassed over unsafe, they agreed to wait for her.
“Then you don’t have to tell us now,” Seokwoo said.
“As long as you’re not in any danger,” Chanhee added.
Miyoung looked up at them. She could tell that they meant it, but now she was feeling guilty. There’s no reason she couldn't tell them. It’s not like they’d make fun of her.
She took in a deep breath then spoke up, “I don’t want you guys to go.” It came out mumbled.
“What do you mean?” Taeyang asked.
Miyoung shrugged, “Enlistment.”
“Oh, Mimi,” Sanghyuk said, grabbing her and pulling her onto his lap. She curled up, hiding her rapidly flushing face in his chest.
“Wait, Young-ah. Do you miss Youngbin and Inseong?” Jaeyoon asked.
Miyoung nodded her head.
“And now you’re already thinking  about how you’ll miss us too when we go?” Youngkyun asked.
She nodded again.
“I know that this is a serious thing for you, but God damn, this is fucking adorable,” Juho smiled.
Miyoung groaned. “Don’t make fun.”
“We’re not,” Taeyang said from behind her and Sanghyuk. He ran his hand through her hair.
“Noona, we’re not all leaving at once. You’ll never be alone,” the maknae assured.
“I know, but that doesn't mean I won’t miss each of you when you leave,” she pouted.
“Is that why you’ve been distant? You were embarrassed to tell us?” Jaeyoon asked.
“Sort of. But it was mostly because I figured if I spent less time with you guys, I’d grow less attached and it’s hurt less,” she confessed.
“Okay, my turn to hold our cute Mimi,” Seokwoo said as he pulled Miyoung from Sanghyuk’s lap and onto his. Sanghyuk squawked as she was pulled away. Miyoung on the other hand, flushed again as she was being handled like a ragdoll. (It was always like that when it came to cuddling with these boys.)
Once in the tallest member’s lap, she was turned to face the rest of her members, much to her embarrassment. Seokwoo wrapped his arms around her middle and nuzzled her neck. Miyoung squirmed.
“I’m going to tell you right now, Miyoung, that your plan was going to backfire on you so badly,” Juho said.
“I figured,” she mumbled.
“Listen, Noona. All you need to know is that you’ll never be alone, and we won’t be gone forever. Two years will fly by before you know it. Plus half of us aren’t due to enlist for years,” Youngkyun said.
Miyoung nodded. She knew all that. Still, that didn't stop her from not wanting them to go. “I know.”
“Then let’s focus on the now. Yeah the hyungs aren’t here now, but we’ll keep in contact and they’ll visit too,” Taeyang said.
“Youngbin-hyung will definitely come back if he hears that Miyoung was crying over him,” Seokwoo spoke into her neck, chuckling.
“Yah! I’m not crying over him,” Miyoung protested.
“At the moment, but if you’re missing them that bad, I can only imagine how many times you’ve had to stop yourself from crying,” Chanhee smirked.
Miyoung pouted, “Maybe it would be better if you all left.”
“You don’t mean that,” Taeyang said with a knowing look.
“No. No, I don’t,” Miyoung shook her head, frowning. The others chuckled.
“Okay. Okay. That's enough pouting. How about we order takeout and watch a movie then we can prove to Mimi that she’ll never be alone?” Jaeyoon suggested.
“Sounds like a plan to me,” Seokwoo said, standing up. He threw Miyoung over his shoulder and followed the others to the living room.
“Mimi, we love you,” Taeyang smiled, looking at Miyoung who was hiding her blush behind her hands.
“I love you guys too,” she mumbled out. She smiled despite herself.
Miyoung’s Masterlist
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theselfishkid · 2 years
휘영 ♡
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sanghyukstattoos · 3 years
SF9's reaction: cockwarming
Genre: fluff-fluff-fluff; smut-smut-smut
Characters: SF9!
A/N: None of the images in the collage are mine, refer to here for more; For more SF9, read here, for iKON, read here and for optional bias writings, read here!
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Plays in pairs
When you first present the idea to him, given that the circumstances are of a light atmosphere, you'll fluster him, impeccably. His cheeks will turn pink and he'll maybe giggle a little and cover his mouth out of shyness but he won't be averted to the idea. He loves it but you just caught him off guard ahaha. When it's under a serious circumstance, like you are describing what you would like to try out, he would seriously contemplate your idea. He won't seal the deal if he doesn't like it the first time around. He'll try for a second to give it a chance. During your first time trying this out, it'll be spontaneous. Like you are watching a movie or a documentary and you or him decide that you want to give it a try. He'll firmly hold your waist as you settle onto him. If you are horny, you wait for a few minutes before you think, 'Enough of this' and rock him out of this world. What could he say? If you aren't, it'll be peaceful. But there's a dilemma. If you are sitting on the sofa, you can't see the screen. But you want to watch (sad). He'll say, ''It's okay'' and switch off the tv and it will resume in the bedroom. Just a beautiful atmosphere where you have deep conversations. He'll listen to your insight and internally marvel at how your perspective and compliment them with some of his own. It's like turn-taking, an essential part of a relationship where you go back and forth, speaking about one topic to the end of it where you have nothing to say anymore and then you'll move onto the next. It'll go on for ages, till the two of you are hungry. When the two of you go the kitchen to make something, he'll do what he couldn't do when the two of you were cock warming. The same thing may happen when the two of you are about to fall asleep, the lack of lights appeal to his other side, love-making.
This one is a funny bunny
It's a routine for you to cock warm after sex just like when he's on the laptop, surfing the net at the dinner table and you are sat on his cock, back to his chest, keeping him warm. After sex, it's a gateway to another round, on the bed or in the shower or to sleep in that position but not cock warm. He would love cock warming in the morning if it's cold then, probably in your balcony or in the kitchen, hugging you from behind and trailing his hands to your tummy and chest every now and then. He would love when you capture when you capture his lips in a sweet embrace, beginning a long make-out session when he's in you. If he's horny, you can bet that he's going to tell you about it. ''Babe'', he places a delicate kiss on your neck, ''tell me'' you moan out. His hands have already found your tummy and trailed downward, rubbing your clit but not to just merely stimulate you, to see if you are wet as he imagines you to be. He loves you. He's going to make love to you, to see those expressions on your face and feel you around him, holding you in his arms till the two of you have exhausted yourselves out which could one round or more than one. I can imagine you and him in the kitchen, he's got you pressed against the counter and that's how the cock warming while horny scene may play out. Another one is when abroad, maybe in a hotel or airbnb, he'll have you in his arms but that's not how it starts. He'll be playful about it, surprising you with a hug from behind, kissing the spot near to your ear, whispering some *interesting* innuendo into your ear, it makes you laugh anyway. A couple of seconds later, he's turning you around, kissing your tummy and inner thighs all the way till he's on his knees, he'll make sure to nuzzle his nose against your panties and lick a stripe at the material, slowly pulling them down. Arousal buzzes through you because he's telling you, ''fuck, baby you taste so good, stay still for me'' or something like that, it's a little muffled because he is preoccupied in drawing you to pleasure and pleasure and then release. He'll eat you out multiple times or till your knees buckle, depending on whether you had sex previously and then just maybe, in a moment driven by passion, he'll carry you to the sofa and that's where you'll cock warm, giggling to one another of what just happened, what you want to do afterwards. Wrap your legs around his waist, press him against the sofa and lift your hips again, he'll start the process again, all while laughing. It's just light-hearted.
Absolute sweetheart/ dream husband
In this scenario, let's say that he is your husband. When you suggest cock warming, he's a little uncertain (by his little frown) but also inquisitive (by his questions), *Frowning* ''What is it about?'' would be the situation, he would look very cute when he asks. Presumably the two of you would be cuddling and you happened to stumble onto this conversation, he would not be shy, just like, 'You have an idea, let's hear it then!', also like an explorer, he's willing to try new things even if it means pushing his boundaries a little bit. But, this does not fall into that category of pushing boundaries. Maybe pushing his patience if he's horny. The latter scenario is guaranteed to occur at multiple points of time. You'll be lying on your side with his cock in your ass, it's a little jerk that alerts you or his hands that begin to wander everywhere like kissing your neck, then your lips and his hands have already begin to stimulate your clitoris. You moan into the kiss and then he knows and he smiles into the kiss while rocking his hips against yours. Everything is forgotten in the background. Unless it's life-threatening. Like food can burn or you could watch three episodes on netflix that you aren't truly watching, he's not stopping till the both of you are tired to the bone and have released multiple times. Quite the sweetheart though, he'll get up and shake himself if he's about to fall asleep the next minute and he'll grab a cloth for you like you protest but he says as he's already getting up, ''no, stay there, I've got it!''. You smile and slump and he cleans you, tosses it away and then climbs on top of you, pulling you into his arms. If he can, he'll try the idea of cock warming and spoon you throughout the night but if he can not, he'll definitely do it the next day. He's committed to the plans he makes or what's going on at that moment. Let's say you have an argument, you are trying to smooth things out, ruffle out misunderstandings and you won't talk it out with sex but communicate to him about it. The night will end in cock warming, to bring you closer and then it's all jokes from there, especially about the argument, it's either you teasing him or the other way around and that's how you fall asleep: content.
Dawon I Lee Sanghyuk:
He has his days.
On a day when he's tired, to the bone maybe, he's come back from work and you want to cuddle, using the idea of cock warming to propose the intimacy you want to feel during the night that you couldn't during the day, I'm sure that he'll do it for you. If he does not fall asleep immediately, he'll caress your backside, admiring the way the flesh conforms to his grasp. He loves all of you. He will pepper kisses along your neck, down your collarbone and to your breasts, sucking your erect buds but he won't touch your centre. He likes to go slow, never stopping these moments with you or he'll take you in the morning. At times like these, he loves when you touch him, just your touch on his skin, turning heated. When you are making out, it would be your tug on his hair, like urgency for more or roaming your hands all over him or tracing his hair from his navel to the band of his underwear would be his favourite save for the best of all, when you direct how everything goes. If he does fall asleep immediately, it'll be after he kisses you. During this time, regardless of whether you were cock warming or not, he would love for you to tangle your fingers in his hair, it lulls him to sleep and even to sleep in your chest, being the small spoon, he would absolutely love it. He has trouble sleeping alone but when he's with you, it's not the case. When he stretches you out after days of not having sex, he tries to hold himself back from releasing, the wait and foreplay was enough to spiral his mind, gasping in your ear. But if you are too tired, he'll take it into consideration, seriously and hold back from lifting his hips off yours and filling you up. When he cock warms just to end the day comfortably, it will turn it into sex if the two of you contain some semblance of energy and are away from that playful and teasing mood, with hours on end before you sleep. It will be just the feeling of his cock filling you up, holding you to the bed with your legs wrapped around his waist, whispering how much he loves and that you are doing well, growling and stilling, your release triggering his, holding you when you are tired or in between rounds decorates the night. He holds your hand when you have sex, always, if your hands aren't roaming his body, feeling it. Otherwise, he'll hold you, preferably with all of your clothes off, no material between the two of you, you two speak about your day, the present and the future. It could even be a tickle session that ensues. The atmosphere will be lively, especially with his jokes and teasing and all the loves he has to offer.
Rowoon I Kim Seokwoo:
Prince of visuals, no?
Since he has such visuals, let's imagine that he takes you on a yacht (ya-ch-ht; hard time spelling that folks 🥵 + why do people go on a yacht? I'm struggling to think of a reason?). Seokwoo's marvelling over your amazement at the beauty of the ocean, the clear blue waters and occasional shade of the fish passing by. He even jokes that he hopes ''no shark gets the two of you'' and then laughs at your expression. Please, he's trying, don't throw him overboard :/. You enjoy the heat some more before he's by your side again, the yacht is paused, it gives you ideas. As soon as he's sat by your side, you take to straddle him, therefore effectively cutting him off. The surprise is evident on his face but his hands are resting on your backside, getting comfortable there. He groans out when your lips touch his neck, nipping the flesh to give him love bites which earns those husky groans of his. They send vibrations down your spine, tingling your core with wetness. With such a beautiful scenery surrounding the two of you, it's easy to fix your eyes on two places and think about how beautiful either are. He intimately hugs you, sucking an area on your breast, removing it from your top and placing the perk bud into his mouth, the act itself is hot and you grind down on him, not holding back your moans because of the silence of the ocean, save for the splashing of waves. You ride him, letting out sweet fucking moans, whimpering in his ears for him that it's so good, you can't get enough. When you are all sweaty, you cock warm in the shade, making out. It's a very soft moment, like sealing the deal? He wants to make you happy and he'll do stuff for you to achieve it. Cock warming is bonding for the two of you, to spoon and gossip about the other rich couples that you saw or speak about your day or just lay there, in each other's arms, enjoying the moment. When it's cooler, he would be okay to cock warming in a public space such as underneath a tree on a beach. You may be a bit far from the sea but you can smell it which makes you happy. It's a very calming day when you are tucked in his arm, leaning on his chest with his cock buried deep inside of you, feeling a little chilly but you are covered by a blanket. All in all, it's private for the two of you.
Zuho I Baek Juho
Cat man 🦸‍♂️
He would love to cock warm indoors, when his cats are sleeping, safely tucked in their beds as you are in each other's arms. It'll be quiet, you can only hear what's outside, maybe the train passing by or vehicles or pure silence which is hard to come but not impossible. If something's disturbing you like traffic, heavy honking, he's not for it and he'll move you two to somewhere else like the bed or on his studio chair. If you are tired and want to cock warm while he is producing, he'll hold you close to him and ignore the cramp in his legs. When he sees you sleep, he'll go soft and admire your prettiness, not forgetting to wrap a blanket around you. When it's silent, a relaxing atmosphere in which you can fall asleep easily, it's where cock warming will occur the most. An example could be in a space by the windows in a high-rise building or if the place was in a non-busy area like the countryside. There are occasional noises, some make you perk up while other's make you laugh, all while intimately spooning with him. You tell him: it's an indescribable feeling but you will try explaining. Don't be scared, he'll love your words. Relating cock warming to something and being subtle instead of explaining outright would prompt his chest to blossom with love from you, it's the feeling you've brought out from him and to in expressing his feelings, he may cry a little and kiss you like 'Can you feel this love I feel for you? I love you'- is what he is trying to say through the kiss. It's a very wholesome moment, your confessions to each other, spoken beautifully. He would also love to cock warm bare, without any clothes so that the two of you can be purely intimate and he loves your body. If you don't or lack appreciation for your fine self, he'll initiate cock warming if you aren't already and kiss your body and squeeze the parts he can't reach like his appreciation for your butt/ breasts/ stomach or whichever one it is that you are conscious of/ don't love as much as possible. And the opposite too! If he's not feeling okay or feels conscious of himself (pressure from people telling him how artists should look?), cock warming would be a way for you two speak about it whilst loving one another at the same time.
Yoo Taeyang:
What a precious guy
May be confused about the concept at first, even awkward the first time you attempt this, it takes him a little while to get used to this scenario: laying on the bed in each other's arms after carefully navigating your limbs around, his cock in you, completely. But he warms up, he'll make sure that you are comfortable and will also love to take this concept elsewhere, like the living room when you watch tv. When he's tired, he may not be able to carry it out simply because he has no energy or he may be horny (head) but not (body), it happens~ When that happens, he wakes you up with kisses, all over your body and he'd do this, regardless of what happened the previous night, it's automatic for him. Another scenario would be when he is bored, laying around doing nothing and fumbling for something to do, he'd initiate cock warming, that little sigh when he slips into you, relief. From there, he may definitely not hold himself back, the two of you would end up having sex. If it's you and he's doing something and you want to sit on his cock, he'll set down what he is doing and let you. As you hold onto him, he'll notice your whimpers, softly decorating his ear, letting him know how much you want him. He'll tease you till you are hiding away in the crook of his neck or playfully hitting him but he'll satisfy your desires all night. It's for you. However, when he does want to cock warm, he'll snuggle into you, nestling his head over yours. Little touches, lingering over your waist will be presented to you, as well as his admiration for your body. He'll cock warm in your sex or ass. When it's in your ass, he'll take his time admiring your ass, your breasts, any place he can place a kiss on really but he's not really kissing, he's looking and telling you how much he loves you.
Hwiyoung I Kim Youngkyun:
Resident cutie
He's got you in the palm of his hand especially because of that cute face, cute expressions, cute mannerisms, overall a very lovable guy. Can be awkward sometimes but it's okay because his loving personality makes up for it. Is also a shy little bean at first which makes you want to shower him with lots of love and praise. Glady accepts your kisses and hugs, gets shy when you first do them but eventually reciprocates them. To the point where it's comfort, safety and that you can be vulnerable with each other. *This is quickly turning into a boyfriend! Hwiyoung*. It's something that he suggests, the idea of cock warming. Really your jaw should drop when you hear it from your boyfriend. After a sex session, when the both of you are all sweaty and won't go for another round, he wouldn't mind if you were on your knees, keeping his cock warm with your mouth. He could be leaning back on the seat, going through his favourite sites while you sit in between his legs, ignoring the ache in your thighs. He would have you cock warming naked, bare for him and only him to see while he himself is fully clothed. That session could have potentially included bdsm, in a separate room that you have specially for it and this time, you could have been flogged, denied your release or being used, whatever your fantasies may be. It could also be the opposite way where you are the dom. In that case, it would be a command or a form of bonding where he will be punished if he moves when he is in your sex or you cuddle and speak to one another about the session, respectively. If bdsm is not included, then he would love to cock warm! To him, he gets to be with you and speak to you- whatever it may be about. For example, it could be deep, philosophical conversations or you both cuddle and sleep. Either way, he likes spending time with you especially in such a quality manner.
*insert a gulp and a surprised face*
Remember that SF9 was discussing about mature concepts as a part of planning for their Kingdom stages and the editors used a fish filter to emphasise Chani's round eyes or rather, his innocence. ''HUh!??!'' is his brain, whirring away like an air conditioner at an office, rolling round and round when you propose this concept. He goes blank and you just sit back, waiting patiently. It has come to this moment. But his smile grows and it keeps on growing till he's unexpectedly pulling you onto his lap and connecting your lips. He knows that you should discuss it first but first, he wants to have you as close as possible when you discuss this. At first, he's peppering kisses on your face with you giggling, telling him that you want to continue and then he says, ''one moment baby'' before he swoops in for your lips. You reciprocate the passion, the moment is neither heated nor too soft, just in between and you have a make-out session for a couple of minutes. He doesn't know why, it's random but the both of you are loving it, like an initiation ceremony into a new stage of your relationship. And here were all along, navigating blind (👀🚫). It's planned with enough space for creativity. You are on the bed and you squeeze his shoulders when he presses at your entrance and fills you up. You wait to adjust to him. At first he's like, ''This it?'' and you have to laugh at that, quite true that you also though the same thing. Soon he's kissing you all over, sucking your nipple and the area around it, turning it a shade darker: he's teasing you, taking his time till he's done cock warming. He tells you that he would love to try out cock warming in your ass sometime and then it's all giggles from there. You ask, ''did you search-'', cut off by his fingers that circle your clit and press, drawing a gasp or a hitch of the breath from you. Then he starts to rock his hips and you know that cock warming is over, at least for now. He's hovering on top of you and losing control over his thrusts and spilling into you later on. A common scenario would be when he's playing games and you are sitting on his cock, maybe sleeping or doing something else, unbeknownst to his friends that he's speaking with on his headset.
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blu-joons · 3 years
The Night Before Enlistment ~ Kim Inseong
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“Can you still not get yourself off to sleep?”
As Inseong’s head tilted down to look across at you, you could tell straight away that sleep had avoided him. His mind was busy, filled with apprehension and nerves, the fear of the unknown and what was coming his way beginning to creep in.
The feeling of a hand cupping the side of his face drew Inseong out of the daydream that he was in, nodding his head at last in response to you. He seemed exhausted, but his mind was active, stubbornly refusing to switch off for him.
“I can’t close my eyes without thinking about things,” Inseong whispered, shifting onto his side to be able to face you properly. “The thought of leaving so much behind tomorrow doesn’t quite feel real yet, it’s not sunk in yet.”
You smiled weakly, understanding exactly how Inseong was feeling, “we knew this day would come, it’s just come a lot sooner than either of us could have probably imagined it would.”
You’d been made aware of the need for Inseong to enlist for a while, closing yourself off from it. Neither of you really enjoyed talking about what would happen, you thought if you forgot about it, it would go away, but now it had finally crept back up on you.
“Even just laying here I’m struggling to believe that this could be my last night in my own bed for eighteen months or so,” Inseong continued, pulling the duvet further up around his frame.
“You’ll get some holiday from time to time,” you tried your best to encourage, trying to pick Inseong’s mood up as best as you could, “you can come back home then, right?”
“I can,” Inseong murmured, still filled with fright. Not only was he struggling to believe that he was leaving his bed, but picturing you being the only in the bed too didn’t sit right for Inseong, it was a place for the two of you, not just one of you.
As Inseong fell silent quickly, you could tell that he was silently beginning to worry again. “I’m sure that these months will fly by you know,” you smiled, pressing a little closer into Inseong’s cheek to draw his attention back across to you.
“I don’t think I can sleep tonight,” he then whispered in reply to you, “I don’t even know how I’m going to sleep whilst I’m in the military, I can’t even remember the last time that I fell asleep without you right by my side there with me.”
With time you knew that Inseong would settle, get comfortable, make friends, and find his feet too. It was going to take time for him to adapt, get used to new surroundings, new people, but you had every confidence that he could do it.
As he met your eyes, Inseong smiled weakly, “we’ve never spent more than a couple of weeks apart, and now we could be looking at a month or two at least.”
As much as you tried to keep the smile on your face, you were terrified too. Luckily for you, you had the rest of the group around you still, but they could never make up for having Inseong around you, no matter how hard they tried to be there.
“We’ll get there,” you whispered, unable to quite find it in you to say anything else as you tried your best to keep composed, “we’ve always got through everything, right?”
Inseong’s head nodded in agreement with you, “it’s the not knowing when I’ll next see you again that scares me, I feel fine about walking through the barracks tomorrow, I’m a people person after all, but my favourite person won’t be there.”
“I’m coming to see you off,” you reminded him, bringing your other hand up to Inseong’s face too, “and the boys all said that they’d come too.”
Knowing how terrified Inseong was, the boys all made sure that their schedules were clear to see Inseong off with you. Not only were they going for him, but they were also going for you too, making sure they could support you as you said your goodbyes.
“They’re under strict instructions to look after you,” Inseong promised you with a light chuckle, reminding himself of the serious lecture that he had given them all on his last visit to the studio. “Even if you want them at four in the morning, you call.”
“I’ll be alright,” you laughed, shaking your head at how organised Inseong was when it came to you, “the poor boys don’t need to be worrying about me with you not around.”
Inseong quickly shushed you as you spoke, not letting you dismiss the boys. “They’ve been given no choice, if I come home next year and find anything different, then I’m blaming them,” he joked, trying his best to keep his humour despite the overwhelming nerves that he felt about what was coming his way.
“I know you’re worried about me, but I can take of myself,” you assured him, “and I’ll make sure that I show you that as often as possible too.”
Inseong nodded at your vow, “I want you to text me every single day, even if I can’t reply so that I know you’re taking care of yourself and healthy.”
It was a promise that you had already made several times to Inseong in the build up to his enlistment. “Most of all I promise that I won’t sleep on your side of the bed, I know how much you love how your body moulds into the mattress as it is.”
He smiled appreciatively back across to you, “I’ve left a pile of my hoodies in the wardrobe so that you can snuggle up to them instead of rolling onto my side of the bed.”
“And I’ve ordered a new bottle of my perfume to ship to you once you’ve done your induction so that you can keep it with you too,” you reminded him, sniggering softly as the corners of Inseong’s mouth turned up into a smile.
“I bet the other members of the band judge me,” he laughed, “but they’ll just be jealous that their partners don’t send them anything.”
Slowly, you noticed Inseong’s mood picking up as you reminded him of the things that he had to look forward to, even if you were going to be far away.
“Just think of all the fun we can have once enlistment is over,” you suggested, “we won’t have to make plans anymore wondering whether we’ll get to do it before you enlist.”
“When I discharge, we’re clearing off our bucket lists,” Inseong laughed in reply.
“We’ll have the rest of our lives to do those things.”
“My discharge bucket list currently consists of laying in bed with you and never letting go,” Inseong informed you, feeling his heart soften as he tried to picture how that time would be, even if it was several months away. “I can’t wait for that time to come around.”
“I bet that it will be much sooner than you think.”
“I don’t want things to change whilst I’m gone,” he whispered, “I want to make sure that I come out to you, and the group, and all of our fans too.”
Your head nodded back to him, “your fans will wait and so will the boys. As for me, I’ll be straight to those gates on the day that you discharge.”
“I can’t wait for that day to come.”
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springsnowmango · 2 years
Baker Inseong
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Inseong who perpetually smells like freshly baked dough and always gets a mixture of flour and cocoa powder on his clothes as he works
he always tries doing flashy things with dough to entertain customers
some attempts are great whilst others force him to make a new batch of dough
he's always experimenting with odd flavour combinations and funky new designs
his bakery's display case is filled with lemon cheesecakes that look like baby chicks and molten lava cakes garnished to look like bears
he has tons of notebooks and notepads stacked away in his office, all filled with scribblings of recipes and new ideas
successful inventions make it off the page and become real sweet treats adored by his customers
and the not-so-successful ideas are promptly forgotten about and never spoken of again
like the time Inseong was hellbent on creating the ultimate sweet-savoury treat and produced "The Chocolate Tomato Tart"
cut to the bakery closing for a week as Inseong and his staff all recovered from food poisoning
as an apprentice Inseong was always tasked with standing outside the bakery and giving out free samples to entice customers in
he was a natural pro at it with his loud voice and jumping-puppy personality
he'd spot someone walking in the bakery's general direction and run up to them with no hesitation
"Hello there! Would you like to try our newest dessert? I guarantee you will love our new peach pie it's got just the right amount of sweet and sour but the cream in between the peaches and the tart is what really brings it together and refreshes your tongue..."
and people follow him even if they weren't intending to go to the bakery because he's excitement is just so gosh darn infectious
whenever the bakery owner was able to secure a spot in the supermarket for a pop-up stand, they'd always send Inseong
Inseong who starts the day all enthusiastic and mentally pumping himself up but gets tired of standing after about an hour so he sits down in the little plastic chair given to him and ends up playing with his phone
but as soon as he catches someone in his peripheral vision he shoots up like a rocket and turns the charm on to the max
and suddenly he's gotten them to buy two jars of honey apple oat cookies (they just couldn't say no to him he was so nice to them)
now that he owns his own place, he happily gives out free samples if you tell him you were undecided on what to buy
he goes in-depth about all the premium-quality ingredients and careful baking process when all the customer asked was "are your chocolate croissants any good?"
Of course they are. Everything is good here. Its fantastic.
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yootaesowlwrites · 1 year
On Your Knees - Kim Inseong
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W/C: 2.5K
Note: Blank blogs will be blocked. I don’t trust y’all, so make sure you have your age in your bio/desc or something on your blog. Minors DNI.
Prompts: “Get on your knees.” + “Did I tell you to stop?”
Warnings: Smut, explicit language, nudism, nicknames, blow job, oral (male receiving), hint of dirty talking, teasing, angry sex, unprotected sex(reader’s on the pill), hint of aftercare.
Age Warning: I will not take responsibility because you wanted to read this, but if you’re under the age of 18+, DO NOT INTERACT OR READ. Do not take this as educational, this is fiction!
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You were lounging on the couch watching some random show you had stumbled across while surfing through the channels when you heard the door open before shutting a little too loudly than usual, you raise an eyebrow before turning the television off and standing from the couch to go see what the commotion was all about, as you reach the door you found Inseong with his hand against the wall and his head hanging as he muttered something you couldn’t hear.
“What’s wrong?” You ask, making him snap his head up, you resist the urge to take a step back once you saw the anger burning in his eyes and frustration clear on his face, it was rare for him to be irritated, mad or even frustrated, which made you question what had happened to cause this?
“Come with me,” He mutters as he steps forward, he grabs onto your hand and practically pulls you towards the bedroom, you could feel something shifting inside you with how tight he was holding onto your hand. Whatever had happened, you will have to ask later, because right now, you knew you weren’t going to get the opportunity, it was rare for him to be like this, and when he was… fuck, you could just expect to be left breathless and with your mind spinning. Once you reach the room, he almost harshly releases your arm and turns towards you. “On your knees,” You quickly comply and sink down onto your knees.
“Sit down on the bed, let me erase everything for you,” You say and bite your lip as you bat your eyes at him, he licks his lips before taking a few steps back and sits down on the edge of the bed, spreading his legs. You could feel a type of hunger growing inside you, a hunger for his cock in your mouth, you move onto your hands and slowly crawl towards him, his eyes quickly dart to the shirt that was sitting a little loose and was giving him the perfect view of your cleavage.
“Such a good and naughty girl for me,” He mutters as he leans slightly forward to get a better view, he could see your eyes had darkened and knew that you would make him forget all about what had happened. You reach him and sit on your knees between his legs and reach for his pants, you undo the button on it and slowly open the zipper, he lifts his hips and lets you tug his pants along with his underwear down, he lifts his feet, and you pull the fabric over his feet before tossing it aside, your eyes move to his cock, and you saw it was starting to get hard,
You lick your lips and place a hand on his knee and slowly slide your hand along his leg towards his cock while your lips touched the inside of his knee, making sure to build up to the moment when you would touch him and have his mind spinning from how good it felt, your hand slides past his cock and cup his balls, and slowly press your fingers into it as if you were gently kneading.
“Fuck… I knew you would take good care of me,” He mutters and leans slightly back, moving a hand behind him to lean against. You press your tongue against his skin and lick a long thick stripe towards his cock, his breathing deepens, and you watch his cock rise even more as pre-cum begins to form at the slit of it. You pull your head back as you reached his cock and turn your head to his other thigh and do the same. “Fucking…” You hear the sound of fabric moving and glance up at him and saw he was unbuttoning the shirt he has on. Your other hand suddenly wraps around the base of his cock, making him groan loudly and pause his movements.
Your lips got closer to his cock as your hand slides along his cock, his eyes move to watch your hand move along his length before slowly finishing the remaining buttons and removing his shirt and dropping next to you on the floor, you lift your head away from his thigh and turn your head towards his cock, his eyes flicker between your hand and mouth, waiting in anticipation for your next movement.
“Fucking go— ohhh,” He groans as you flick your tongue over the tip of his cock, a jolt of electricity goes through his body at the sudden feeling. “Fuck, do it again,” You do as he says, this time moving your tongue slowly over the tip. “Fuck…” Your hand slowly slides back towards the base of his cock and twists your hand around it, you feel it twitch underneath your grasp, and you knew it wouldn’t be long now before he was completely hard.
“You’re so big, Seong,” You purr out and bat your lashes at him, trying to create the most innocent look for him, he lets out a low groan, and you could see his Adam’s apple bopping as the sound left him. “It’s so hot of you,” His tip glistens as pre-cum begins to ooze from it, his cock now completely hard in your hold. You circle the tip of your tongue around the tip of his cock before licking a stripe down to where your hand was holding him, you flatten your tongue on the underside of his cock and feel a prominent vein leading you all the way back to the tip.
“Fuck…” He groans and grips the edge of his bed with his hand, while his other hand grips the bedding and bundled it up in his fist. Your tongue glides over the head of his cock before you pull back, you watch something flash in his eyes you lean back to observe his hard cock. “Did I tell you to stop?” He practically growls out. You slide your hand over his length, his eyes quickly shutting, and a strained moan leaves his lips, realising he had become frustrated too quickly and had forgotten you were still holding his cock.
“Don’t be mean, Seong,” You mutter and twist your hand around the head of his cock, spreading his pre-cum over the tip before sliding your hand back to the base, spreading the liquid along his length. You lift your gaze as you lean closer to his cock again, he watches you intently.
“Oh, my fucking…” He groans, and his eyes fall shut as your tongue slides over the head of his cock, you continue to watch him and watch his expression change as you lick over it several times, your eyes slowly move down from his face and watch his chest rise and fall slowly before moving your eyes lower and watching as he sucked in his stomach. “Fuuuckkk…” And then you take him completely in your mouth, making him fall back onto the bed as his arm buckles behind him. You smirk to yourself as you slowly bob your head up and down the tip of his cock, making his breathing hitch and become faster. You could see him running his hands through his hair as low groans fall from him.
His hips lift, and you feel his cock sliding deeper into your mouth, you pull back slightly to avoid choking on him for the time being, your hand releases his balls, and you bring it up to press it down against his hip, hoping it would let him know to lower his hips, which he thankfully did, you slowly take more of him in your mouth once his hips were on the bed again, saliva begins leaking from the corner of your mouths and slowly slides down his length.
“Fuck… fucking, so dirty, fuck,” He says almost breathless. Your breathing was hard as you ease yourself to take his cock even more in your mouth, his groans were almost becoming pitched as he feels his cock slowly sliding down your throat. “Fuck… you’re so fucking good to me,” He could feel your throat tightening around him and your lips moving lower around his cock, the warm wetness was making his mind spin. “Fucking hell… get up, I need to fuck you,” His hand comes to the back of your head and grabs onto your hair before pulling you off from his cock as he sits upright. “Fuck, you look so fucking filthy,” Your chin was soaked with your own saliva and your eyes were dilated as you stared at him.
His hand releases your hair and moves to your shirt, grabbing the hem of it and pulling it over your head almost roughly, luckily you had already changed into your night clothes and weren’t wearing a bra anymore, his hands quickly move to your pants, and he tugs them down along with your panties.
“Get up,” He orders, you quickly stand releasing his cock in the process and feel that your legs were shaky, he pushes your pants and panties down your legs to the floor before pulling you onto his lap, his cock immediately poking against your pussy. “Fuck, you’re fucking soaked,” He glances at your panties. “I should have checked if you soaked through them, did sucking me do this?”
“I can’t help it, it’s you,” You mumble, you move your hips and feel his cock sliding through your folds, loud squelching noises go through the air, and you feel his grip on your hips tighten as he hears it.
“You dirty girl,” He says. “Well, put it in,” You reach between your bodies, wrapping your hand around his cock again and guiding it to your entrance and pushing the head into you, your other hand quickly grabs onto his shoulder to try and stabilise yourself.
“Ohh, uhhm,” You groan and pull your hand away from his cock to grab onto his shoulder, your world spins and moments later you find yourself on your back and Inseong looking down at you with almost black eyes. “FUCK!” His cock fills you quickly and hits deep inside you with the sudden movement from him. “INSEONG!” Your nails immediately dig into his skin and your back arches at the sensation that was sent through you, your eyes shut with pure pleasure running through your veins.
“You’re so fucking wet, it just slipped in,” He grunts out, his hands slide down from your hips, over your thighs before you feel your legs being pushed against your torso and his arms pressing against the back of your legs, his body hovering over yours as you were spread wide open for him. “Fuck, so fucking good,” You feel his cock slide out from you before pushing back into you, his thrusts were quick and almost rushed as he tried to let out all his frustration.
“In-Inseong, oh-oh, fucking, uhh,” You cry out, you release his shoulders and reach up, grabbing onto the bedding and pulling on it. “FUCK!” Your tits bounced with how rough he was going, his groans were filling the room and his head falls forward, trying to keep the pace going to let out every ounce of frustration and anger.
“Fuck, yes, take it, you take it so good,” He groans out, your body was starting to become sweaty from how hot the room felt and from what he was doing, your muscles were slowly tensing up as a knot begins forming inside you, your mind was ascending into the clouds, and you could barely think straight anymore. “Uhh, so… fuck, yes,” You feel your mind starting to spin and specs of dust starts to form behind your lids as your high was approaching you.
“Inseong, oh, my… fuck, I, not, I,” You blubber out, squeezing your eyes tighter as your head begins turning from side to side from the overwhelming feeling of pleasure. “Seong, fucking, so good, I’m gonna…” You could feel his hips moving faster and feel your juices splashing on your inner thighs. “S-Seong…” His groans were low, and you knew he was also getting close to reaching his high.
“Fuck…” His voice rough as he groans, your walls clench around him, and you hear his breath hitch as he feels his cock getting squeezed. “Do it again,” He practically growls out, your hips lift and the knot inside you comes undone, your toes curl as your body begins to shake with pleasure as your release hits, the specs of dust behind your lids quickly turn into exploding stars.
“INSEONG!” You scream out in pleasure, your walls pulsing around him, milking him to fill your pussy with his load, you pull at the covers more, pulling them even more out of place. “FUCK, OHH!” His hips stutter as he chased his release, the way you sounded just for him and the way your walls were milking him to cum was quickly causing his mind to spin.
“Fuck… Gonna…” He mutters before he sits back on his knees and thrust deeply into you before feeling the heartbeat that had been beating in the tip of his cock explode, he throws his head back, his jaw slacks and a loud moan falls from him, you let out a moan as you feel his hot cum spilling into you, he slowly releases your legs and let them dangle from the bed as he goes through his high. You open your eyes and look at him through a dazed gaze, his chest was heaving at a fast pace and his chest was coated with sweat, the frustration that once tensed his body seem to have gone now. You release the bedding and reach out with one hand for him and touch his lower stomach, he lifts his head and opens his eyes to look at you, his eyes had returned to his usual ones.
“Want to talk about it now?” You softly ask, feeling your body slowly cooling down along with the temperature, he moves on hand on top of yours and squeezes it before slowly moving backwards, stepping off the bed and slipping out from you.
“In a minute,” He says, releasing your hand. “Are you okay?” You nod your head and sit upright, feeling your mixed release spilling from you and leaking onto the bed. “I wasn’t too fast when I pushed into you, was I?”
“I was soaking wet, Seong…” You say. “It felt so good, nothing hurt, nothing did hurt, I’m okay,” You reach for his hips. “I’m all okay, but are you?” You stood from the bed, letting your hand linger on his hip as you do. “You can tell me anything, you know that, right?” He nods his head and cups your cheek, slowly running his thumb over your cheek.
“I’ll tell you in the tub, I think we both need to soak for a while,” He says, you nod your head. “It’s a bit of a long, complicated story…” He releases your cheek and drops his hand to yours that was still on his hip. “Let’s go…” He takes your hand and turns, gently leading you towards the bathroom for one long hot bath.
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onef1lm · 2 years
binseong as students!
it’s been super long since i wrote smth .. and i miss sepgu alot more since binseong enlisted :’) i hope they’re doing well, and i decided to write this to cheer fantasies up! enjoyy~ 🫶
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— .. class president ,, OR OR a student leader of some sort, atleast has a position in the student council/board !!
— everyone goes to youngbin for help and though it gets a little overwhelming sometimes, he tries to help them as much as he can
— he’s a good leader and all, but his acads isn’t the best DJSJDK (i think he said so himself that he doesn’t excel really well in school) but he compensates for that with hardwork ofc, and still does averagely well :) i feel like he’s stronger in languages/humanities
— juniors have crushes on him bc he always helps out during orientations, and he’s just really sweet and helpful ╰(*´︶`*)╯
— hates doing logistics. especially when events come up, the council has to work out costs and youngbin will immediately step out. he doesn’t trust himself with calculations he tried calculating some of the costs before and he was way off when someone came to check
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— big brain. need i say more? people think he’s naturally smart and all but it took him alot of diligence and self-discipline to get to where he is. in return, he does his best to help students with acads whenever he’s free!
— set up a mini community within the school for students to come interact with other and help out with acads. smth like a huge study group, just that juniors and seniors are all mixed up.
— super friendly !! alot of people think he’s snobby because he’s 1st in acads but he’s really willing to help. inseong is really easy to talk to, many students like coming to him just to talk :)
— has taught classes before. sometimes the teachers in his class don’t show up, and the relief teacher either is running late/doesn’t teach the subject. inseong then just goes up and takes charge. it’s become a daily thing for his classmates to pray their teachers aren’t present. his lessons are easy to follow, short yet concise.
— besides his role as a really smart dude, he pranks the shit out of people.
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theboyzism · 3 years
[SF9] Let Me - Inseong Smut
➳ genre: smut/suggestive (minors dni!)
➳ pairing: inseong x fem reader
➳ warnings: fingering, unprotected sex, light lip play, cream pie, dirty talk, praising, light degradation (verbal), riding, vaginal penetration, nothing too descriptively kinky, post-sex cockwarming please let me know if any warnings are missing!
➳ requested: "Hey! How are you doing? 😄 I recently found out your blog and I'm loving it 💟 I'd like to know if you can write something (a scenario/oneshot/drabble, whatever you feel like) with reader riding Inseong (SF9) for the first time 👉🏻👈🏻 If not, it's okay 😊 Thank you and your blog is amazing 💕" @inseongsfoxybae
➳ a/n: thank you so much for requesting! I'm sorry I took so long and hope you enjoy it, it's been a while since I've written full on smut so I hope this is not too rusted 😬 💙 - Admin 💫
"More?" Inseong raised his eyebrow in anticipation. You were a dizzy mess, seated on his lap on the living room couch as his fingers pumped in and out of you. Unable to form words, you nodded vigorously, supporting yourself on his bare shoulder.
Inseong let out a chuckle. "I knew you could take some more, you always behave so well and take all I give you", he said as he added a third finger, fastening the pace.
“I’m close” you moved closer to his bare chest, letting your head fall into the crook of his neck, breathy moans making his ears perk up.
“Yeah? Be a good girl and cum for me then” his hand, whose fingers were not currently buried deep inside of you, grabbed your waist, pulling you even closer and holding you in place.
It didn’t take long for you to be sent over the edge, clenching tightly around his fingers as Inseong encouraged you, continuing the movement of his fingers even after you came.
Your breathing was still heavy, your mind dazed, as you properly sat up on his lap and Inseong removed his fingers from your throbbing core. His fingers were sticky, covered in your juices, he moved them to his mouth, licking them clean with his tongue all while holding eye contact with you.
“Should we move to the bedroom?” a light smirk played on his lips as he pushed down your hips, letting your core rub on his hardened member which was still covered by the fabric of his briefs.
"No, let's stay here" you cooed confidently as you lifted your weight off him, Inseong freeing his member by pulling down his briefs quickly. He was about to flip you two, but you pushed him back into the couch.
"Let me, I want to ride you" your previous confidence faltering, you pouted a little as a light blush began to tint your cheeks. "Are you sure? If you don't like it tell me, okay?" Inseong of course couldn't say no to you after making sure you were comfortable, just as always.
Your hands reached for his cock beneath you, pumping it a few times before slowly letting yourself slide down on it, Inseong watching in anticipation as his cock disappeared inside of you. Both of his hands moved to rest on your hips as you continued to let his cock fill your walls completely, giving it a few seconds to adjust.
"Shit, you feel so good" he hissed as you started moving up and down slowly, grabbing your jaw and running his tongue over your lips.
Inseong's tongue sucked on your lower lip before he bit down on it, using your gasp to slip his tongue inside. His tongue continued to roam your mouth, leaving you to moan into the kiss.
As you pulled away his hand softly stroked your cheek before he smirked at the sight of your swollen and reddened lips. "Look at you fucking yourself on my cock like the good little slut you are" Inseong couldn't help stare at your chest as you picked up your pace, watching in awe as your boobs bounced up and down. His hand dropped down from your cheek to your breast, stroking your hardened nipple.
"We should've done this way earlier" he finally said, pushing you down on his cock a little further, his hand now leaving your breast and moving to your behind, lingering there for a moment before he squeezed your ass.
Both his hands started guiding your pace a little as he tried to match your movement with his own thrusts, breathy moans starting to leave your throat as you felt his cock deep inside your core.
"How does it feel?" Inseong could tell from the way your walls started to clench from time to time and your moans got louder and breathier that your orgasm was building up. His eyes lingered on your face, taking in your beautiful features. Unable to form a reply or look him into the eyes, you let out a whiny moan in response.
"Mh? Aren't you going to say anything? You have to use your words" Inseong stopped his extra thrusts, retreating his hands from your body entirely, enjoying that he could still tease you somehow.
You pouted at the loss of pleasure coming from Inseong's added thrusts, your breathing still heavy you started to grow desperate.
Inseong's hand sneaked onto your thigh, squeezing it softly, as his other stoked your cheek, his eyes never wavering from your face. "You’re gonna to need to talk to me babe" the touch of his hands in combination with his soft words made you heat up even more.
"Or did you forget how to use your words?" he smirked now, his tone of voice more teasing this time. Inseong's hand was still stroking your thigh, the other your cheek as he continued to observe you closely.
"It feels so good, Inseong your cock feels so good" you finally let out, desperately fucking yourself on his cock a little faster now.
"That's my good little slut" Inseong chuckled, his hand finally moving up your thigh completely, rubbing your clit for extra pleasure as he pulled you in for another heated kiss.
His tongue danced with your own and as you pulled away this time, his teeth captured your lower lip, biting down on it sharply, before letting it go and picking up his added thrusts again.
It didn't take long for you to clench around him, coming undone and releasing the knot in your stomach as you let out a loud strained moan, your legs shivering slightly.
"Fuck" Inseong hissed, himself getting breathier now, chasing his own high. He removed his hand from your clit, grabbing your hips harshly to thrust into you even faster and harder.
It didn't take long for him to follow you, pushing you down on his jerking member and filling you with up his cum.
You let yourself fall into his chest as Inseong put his arms around you, stroking your back softly, pressing little kisses to every part of you he could reach while remaining inside of you a little longer.
The room was filled with heavy breaths, the both of you coming down from your highs, as you let out a yawn, your eyes closing shut in sleepiness.
"We really should wash up and get you to sleep" Inseong let out a chuckle.
"But I like it when you're inside of me" He smiled softly at your words, lifting your face from his chest.
"Let's clean ourselves up first, then we can cuddle, okay?" you nodded at his suggestion, Inseong pressing a quick kiss to your lips before helping you off him, his cock slipping out of you as the remainder of his cum followed.
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inseongsfoxybae · 3 years
8 + Smut + Inseong, please
Got it, sweetie! Hope you enjoy it as much as I do 😁😘
8. Wanna shower with me?
SMUT under the cut
Inseong lips immediately meet yours as soon as he enters the small kitchen of your shared apartment, kissing you "hello" after a long day of work. Yout fingers play with his hair while your mouth moved together in a slow and deep kiss.
“Hi”, you giggle against his lips, pulling him so close that you’re leaning on the counter behind you, his arms tightly holding you into his body. 
Inseong is too distracted to give you a properly answer, but his body language knows exactly how to comunicate by itself. Swiftly, he lifts you and wraps your legs around his waist, messily moving both of you to somewhere into your home without breaking the lace of your lips together for even a mere second.
When you finally have a break to recover your breath, you find yourself in the bathroom, face centimeters away from a breahtless and smirky Inseong. You innocently tilt your head to the side, waiting for whatever is on his mind - though you have an idea of what’s about to come already lol.
“I need to get clean. Wanna shower with me?”, he asks with his best puppy eyes and a cheek grin, playing with the elastic of your shorts, ready to pull them down your legs anytime by now. 
“Well, since we’re here, why not?”, you say, snaking your hands under his shirt and running your fingers over his hot chest. 
Suddenly, he holds your head and kisses you hungrily, walking you backwards until you’re pressed against the glass of the shower cabin. You barely have the mind to take off your clothes, too engrossed on the feeling of just feeling each other together. 
Once completely naked, Inseong allows your bodies to be soaked by the warm water. His lips now travel all over your neck, along your shoulders and down to your perked up breasts as his hands roam around your waist, grab the cheeks of your butt and slip between your legs, slowly touching your wet pussy. 
Your breath gets heavier and you moan softly, completely surrendering to him. You pull his damp hair, whining in his ear, beging for more, desperate to feel him filling you up. 
One of your hands wraps around his hard shaft, leading it to the tight space between your thigs. You grind yourself on him, feeling his warmth and all his prominences rubbing your folds, causing the both of you to moan in unison. 
Weak for you, Inseong plants his hands on the tiles behind you as he starts to move his hips along with yours, trapping you against the cold wall and his searing body. 
“Fuck clean up”, he groans against your lips, lifting you up and wasting no time to thrust into you until the water gets cold and your moans fill the whole room.
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divinefireangel · 3 years
You are my Honey and my Forever Moon
SF9 Inseong x Wife! Reader Fluffy Smut.
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Disclaimer: This is just a work of fiction. If this piece of fan fiction is offensive to any celebrity, fandom or culture please let me know so I can take it down. Also note that this is my version of a character or celeb, which will vary from person to person.
Author's Note: I finally got to finishing this request!! 🥳 Not gonna lie I kinda like this one lol. I have a free day tomorrow so let's hope I post tomorrow as well🤞
Copyright: Please note that this is my work and if you want to publish this on any other platform, take my permission before doing so. Taking an author's work and posting it somewhere else without any intimation is just disrespectful. I readily welcome suggestions and criticisms. That being said, Happy reading! 🤍
Warnings: 18+ ages and female readers (nothing specified with respect to appearance, etc of reader). Tbh all can read it. Soft sex. Unprotected sex (just don't do this unless you want kids). Probably slow burn I'm not sure. Sexy but soft Inseong 😂. Lmk if I need to add more! Italics is flashback.
Requested: YES. By our fav @inseongsfoxybae
Hey, babe Sush 🥰🥰🥰 Can I request something?
Would you mind writing a honeymoon scenario with Seongie? Smuty and with a lot of softness at the same time 👉🏻👈🏻
Oh babe I hope you like it and that this makes your day a lil better 💞❣
1.8k Words
Staring down at your left ring finger, you traced the new golden band that your finger adorned. Smiling, you remember the moment that changed your life forever. Finally, you were each other's happily ever after. How did you get so lucky to have Kim Inseong fall in love with you, you'll never know. But what you do know, is that there is no one in the world whom you can love as much as him.
You remember the look he gave you just before you got wedded, standing opposite you holding your hands in his, that always fit together like a puzzle, the moment in which you knew, there is no one who will love you as much as him. Seeing his love filled expression, reminded you of every single time he looked at you like that. The first time he saw you on your first date, the first time he saw you all glamed up, the first time he saw your natural perfections, the first time he saw you naked, the first time he kissed you, the first time he smiled at you, the first time he smiled because of you, the first time you made him laugh, the first time he saw you laugh, the first time he saw you dance your little happy dance because you got your favourite food, the first time you told him you loved him, the first time you held him when he cried, the first time you let him sleep on top of you after a long day and the first time he realized you were the one he was looking for his entire life.
And since all those firsts, he's looked at you the same way. Because he doesn't know how else to look at you. You, his soulmate, his eternal love, his forever and forevermore.
Gathering the crowd's attention, the officiate began the ceremony.
"Dearly beloved, we are present here, to experience the blessed union of Ms. Y/N L/N and Mr. Kim Inseong. As I start, I have a passage to read, written by me, about falling in love.
When you hear the word falling, it's generally assumed to be a neutral word. No one prefers to fall willingly. But falling in love, is one of the purest ways to use the word falling. Not a single person is scared of falling like this. Falling from a height of course is scary for most." The crowd laughs at this remark. Smiling, the officiate continued.
"Well now really when we go back then to falling in love. And say it's crazy. We don't say rising into love. The moment you enter any kind of human undertaking relationship, you've given yourself up. But this is the most powerful thing that can be done. Surrender, you see. And love, is an act of surrender to another person. I give myself to you.
These two young people standing here, in front of each other, have surrendered themselves to one another, creating a strong bond, and I pray, that it only gets stronger with time." Staring into each other's teary yet love filled eyes, Y/N and Inseong slipped on a band on their ring fingers to indicate their eternal love.
"What are you thinking about my love? " Handing you a glass of champagne, your husband asked you.
"Just..... Us. "
"Us? " He questions chuckling, sitting next to you on the couch in your hotel room, which is rented for your honeymoon.
Humming a yes, you lean in to kiss him. Meeting you halfway, Inseong attached your lips together, as a hand stroked your hair.
"Don't you want to change into your nightwear? " Tilting your head innocently, you looked at your husband in curiosity.
"I kinda have other plans." He said sheepishly grinning at your confused demeanour. Placing the two identical glasses on a table nearby, Inseong grabs your face gently with both his hands, connecting your lips again.
Carefully he moves his hands to your hair, trying to find for things that may hurt you when you laid down on the bed. Removing the U pins from your hairbun, he slowly lets your hair down. Breaking the kiss completely, staring at your with a soft smile, warming your heart, he moves to remove your earrings and other jewelry.
Chewing in anticipation on your bottom lip, you lift your fingers to unbutton the buttons of his dress shirt. This action isn't something foreign to either of you, having done this multiple times before in the past. But this time, today, right now, is just more softer, more intimate.
By the time you finish his dress shirt, he's already pulled down the zipper of your dress.
Admiring you again, he moves his hand to the side of your face, slowly pushing a strand of hair behind your ear.
Moving the same hand to the back of your head, he tilts your head up, engulfing your lips again in a needy kiss. A kiss of this type from him never fails to make you lose balance, lose your sense of presence of mind and makes you aroused enough to close your eyes as a your lower abdomen starts heating up for attention.
Breathing into each other, you stand up taking his hand and pull him towards the bed, stopping at its foot. Slowly you slide off him shirt from his shoulders, letting it fall on the floor. Looking up at him through your lashes, you bite your lower lip, as you feel yourself getting wetter by the minute. How can you not be wet when you have such a sexy husband? Smirking a little, Inseong traces your skin from your neck to your shoulders to your back, gliding your dress down near his shirt. Taking your delicate hands in his, he gazes down your body, the tent forming in his pants approving your pretty lingerie. How did he get so lucky to have found you. You goddess of a being, so in love with him, a mere man who worships you more than anything.
Placing your hands around his neck, he leans down to kiss your lush lips, as his hands go down your body, reaching behind your back to unclasp your bra, and settling on your waist for a moment, before going down to reach the back of your thighs. Lifting you up without breaking the kiss, Inseong kneels on the bed as your legs wrap around him in instinct. Laying you down lovingly on the bed, your husband looks into your eyes, with that sweet look of his. For him although, he feels like he is looking at you for the first time ever, starting from your forehead to the distance between your eyebrows, to your cute nose and to your parted lips, waiting to be kissed again.
Swallowing in the sight below, his lips find themselves at the base of your jaw. Sucking there lightly, Inseong rolls his hips such that his clothed length rubs against your core. Even with so many layers you could feel the outline of his dick. Kissing down till your neck and collarbone, he continues to grind into you, groaning when he feels your nails scratch his back.
Gasping at a sudden forceful thrust, you wrap your legs tighter around his waist. Detaching his lips from your body, he sits on his knees, looking down at your, enjoying the view of you in your loving needy state. Making eye contact, he unbuckles his belt removing it sexily, followed by his pants and boxers. Placing his hands on your bent knees, he moves his torso up as his hands glide freely from your knees through the top of your thighs, coming to a still on your hips.
Leaning down, Inseong kisses your lips again, as his fingertips trace the upper elastic of your panties. Grabbing ahold of them, he peels your panties down your legs and throws it to the side. One of his hands comes next to your head to support himself up as he stays close to you, kissing till you run out of air in your lungs, while the other takes liberty to part your folds.
Sighing into your mouth, he spreads your wetness from your entrance to your clit, giving it a few strokes to stimulate you more. Moaning into the kiss, you silently beg for more, wanting more, more of him in you, taking you to paradise.
Removing his fingers from your folds, he breaks the kiss just to rile you up more by sucking them as his eyes never left yours. Biting your lip you look at him with pleading eyes. Dropping his cockiness at your cuteness, he slowly guides the head of his cock to your entrance, nudging it in little by little, letting you get used to his size. Pecking your forehead repeatedly Inseong bottoms out into you. Stilling for a moment, he takes your hand in his free hand, bringing it up to kiss your knuckles.
Melting at this sweet gesture, you intertwine your fingers together, as your eyes close overwhelmed by the feeling of his cock starting to move back and forth, in and out of you slowly. Petting your hair with the hand that's next to your head, Inseong joins your lips again, but only for a small kiss. He then proceeds to kiss your cheeks, your nose, your eyebrows, your eyelids, your chin, your jaw, your forehead and back to your lips, all while rutting his pelvis against yours in a loving pace.
This isn't the first time he's made love to you. He's done that multiple times and more. But now, you are his wife and he wants nothing but to take care of you and your burdens and to keep you happy. He wants to spoil you in every way possible. He wants you fulfilled to the maximum extent, and he will do anything for you and your future together to be as perfect as possible.
Moaning his name, when you feel yourself coming closer to the edge, you clench your walls around him. Shuddering in response, he increases his pace to help you both have a blissful orgasm. Nuzzling his nose against yours, he squeezes your intertwined fingers looking back up into your eyes, wordlessly conveying that he is close. So so close to you.
"I love you" He whispers roughly, feeling his release approaching.
"I love you too" You gasp as you tighten your legs around him, clenching your walls as you come undone below your lover. Repeating your name as if it's the only word he knows, Inseong comes down slowly from his high, falling on top of you as slowly as he can.
Pressing your foreheads together, you catch your breath, hugging each other. Setting his head in between your shoulder and neck, Inseong starts to feel drowsy. How cute, you think fondly as you wrap your arms securely around you lover, your husband, playing with his hair as he drifts to sleep with you in his arms, and you following him soon after.
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saltys-writings · 4 years
SF9 Reaction to you being cuddly when you’re tired
SF9 all members x reader
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Would genuinely not know what to do with you when you snuggle up to him sleepily for the very first time. He’d just be so shocked and flustered that he might even flinch back simply because he’s so surprised. With time he will get used to this part of yours, and he will come to like it quite a bit, secretly looking forward to your cuddle sessions right before bed. And sometimes when you fall asleep on his lap out on the couch, he would pick you up gently and carry you to bed, where he would make sure you’re warm and comfortable.
When you put your head on his chest, about to fall asleep right then and there, he’s surprised more than anything. It will take him a few seconds to register what’s going on, and then he will put his arms around you, brush your hair out of your face and ask if you want to go to sleep. Will immediately stop doing what he was busy with when you nod, and go to bed with you, where you can snuggle up to him and get comfortable in his arms as he holds you close. And sometimes he will sing you a little song as a lullaby too.
Loves any kind of attention he gets from you - especially physical. So he would also love this little habit of yours and embrace it fully. I think he’s one to love picking you up and sitting you down on his lap when you want to cuddle while you’re tired, so that you can curl up while leaning against his chest and listening to his calming heartbeat. He would also have one of his hands gently patting your head, and the other holding you in place securely, while he would whisper sweet nothings in your ear and watch you slowly drift off to sleep on top of him.
He’d love the sudden attention but is very bad at expressing it. So when you crawl up to him before sleeping one night and cling to him sleepily, he will acknowledge it with a giggle and then put his arms around you to hold you close, leaving you no chance to escape - though that wasn’t your plan anyway. He would ruffle through your hair and lightly pinch your cheeks and the look on his face as he does so would make it very apparent how absolutely love-struck he is because of you. Will also shower you in little kisses everywhere to make you laugh too, and only stop when you finally fell asleep in his hold.
Aside from the fact that he’d most likely get just as cuddly when he’s tired, he loves any kind of affection he can get from you. So it wouldn’t be a big deal for him when you snuggle up to him, about to fall asleep. He would embrace you and attack the top of your head and everywhere on your face he can reach with little pecks and kisses. His heart would probably beat like crazy though, but at the same time having you near would calm him down, so that eventually you would end up falling asleep in each other’s arms.
Flustered and tries to play it cool, but he can’t keep his true feelings from showing on his face. He’ll just put his arm around you as you snuggle up to him and let out a huge yawn, but as soon as your eyelids fell shut he will find himself staring at your cute face and getting lost in your innocent expression. When you open your eyes again he will look away, and you can see the tips of his ears getting red. Snuggle up to him more closely and give him some time, he will get used to this soon, and as soon as he has accepted that he simply cannot stop his heart from almost beating out of his chest in this situation, he will wrap his body around yours and hold you tight.
Just like Rowoon, he will probably be a bit awkward as well in the beginning, but a bright smile will light up his face soon enough when you sleepily hug him out of nowhere. Will coo over you and hold you close. “Are you tired, baby?” he’ll ask, even though the answer is obvious. He’ll find it adorable how you nod at his question and chuckle to himself, so you can feel the vibrations through his chest. “Then let’s go to bed,” he’ll suggest and lead you there - or carry you there if you’re unwilling to budge. Will make sure you’re comfortable in bed and let you fall asleep in his arms.
Shy about it but he secretly loves having you close to him, and being able to hold your body near his to feel your warmth and your weight on his chest. He loves having you snuggle up to him at any time, but finds it especially cute when you do so in a half asleep state. Seeing you like this, he can’t help but feel that he wants to protect you at all cost, so he will make sure to wrap you into a warm blanket and not leave your side until you’re fast asleep. By morning he will still be there, holding you, ready to wish you a good morning with a soft kiss on the tip of your nose.
When you lie down by his side and put your arms around him with your eyes closed, he’d ask what you’re doing. “Are you that tired? It’s not even midnight yet,” he’ll comment and laugh at how cute you are in this state. Will make sure to pat your head and play with your hair while returning his focus to what he was originally doing. When you tug at his sleeve and ask him to go to sleep together, he might hesitate, but will give in eventually and after placing a kiss on your forehead he will get up, holding you, and lead you to your bedroom.
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