#Kim Samuel fanart
lirhyapetitpain · 1 year
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A Bold Bluff When you're an evil mastermind but the weird dumbass pharmacist outsmarted you
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doddsmountain · 1 month
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August 21, 2024 Doodles
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i love you golden age Big Deal
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fallinginaforrest · 2 months
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Got some Pulp requests from the lovely folks over at Blinky's Rewatch Party (there's a very dedicated Pulp Thread there with some brilliantly talented creators) and I'm sharing them here! Close ups under the cut.
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ifuckinglovelookism · 8 months
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Which of the kings is your favorite?
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shidos-daughter · 2 years
Last memes for now because I'll be hiatus again to start focusing on praising samuel seo🙏
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akixa · 8 months
Dearie || lookism
The story is about Y/N, a mysterious girl in the Lookism world where she doesn't belong. With her average height and charming or adorable face, she seems fragile-looking, but once you know her dark side, you will see a manipulative and dangerous lady, yet her appearance makes everyone want to protect her in their cruel world. Will she team up with Daniel to take down the four major crews and Charles Choi? Or does she team up with the enemy side along with other geniuses? Will she finally go back to her real world? Let's find out in the next Dragon Ball Z! Enjoy!
(Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/story/361532555?utm_source=android&utm_medium=link&utm_content=share_writing&wp_page=create&wp_uname=justakixa)
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CHAPTER 1 ˚୨୧⋆.
౨ৎ ˖ ࣪ ⊹Part 1
The girl on the bed let out a groan as she lazily reached for her phone to silence the sudden ringing of the alarm. She sits up on her bed and glances to the side, spotting a tall mirror reflecting her messy bedhead. 
"ugh, what a mess..." She muttered to herself as she let out a long sigh, ever since she got into the lookism world around 1 week ago and now she was stuck there for now. 
When she found herself in that unfamiliar place, she awoke in a room filled with furniture, clothes that suited her, a key house, and even her birth certificate. Questioning her sanity, she pinched herself to no avail before exploring the house, which was charming in every way. In the living room, she discovered an ID from J-high with her face on it. It appeared that she had been randomly taken, placed in a house, and enrolled in a school that was completely foreign to her. However, it was becoming clear that she was not in her world, especially after she researched J-high and her old address, finding no trace of them on any maps. Till she realised She was in her friend's favourite webtoon "Lookism".
She finally gets up and starts heading to the bathroom to take a shower, after that, she wears the uniform and combs her hair as she lets it free then ties it to buns. She then heads her way downstairs, grabs her backpack, phone, key house, and lastly she goes near the door and wears her shoes before going out of the house and locking the house.
While later she finally arrived at a gate at J-high School, she guessed this would be the start of a new life. Once she steps inside, all the eyes are on her making her feel nervous and awkwardly walks away from the stares as she finally arrives in front of the principal office. She knocks twice on the door as someone shouts to come in.
A few minutes later, she got out and started heading to the fashion department room in the other hall. When she arrives at her class, she braces herself and takes a deep breath before she enters the classroom and suddenly stares at her again.
"oh! I forgot to announce that we will have new students today. So, Kindly introduce yourself dear." The teacher looks at me and gives me a gentle smile.
"Hello, I'm Y/N and im 18 years old. My hobby is drawing and please don't ask me to draw you for free. That's all." She stutters a bit but she did great anyway. After that, the teacher signed her to sit next to the blond boy covering his both eyes. Can he even see anything underneath those hairs?
She smiles at him before turning away and grabbing a book to write down notes, while the blonde guy keeps staring at her and seems to fantasise about her in his mind as he smiles back a little bit making his ears turn red. As she keeps writing something in her book, the blond keeps watching her till the three classes are finally over and break time starts any second.
Upon her arrival in the cafeteria, everyone looked at the new student aka her but she didn't notice the new guy behind her making everyone gasp for a second and think they may be a couple? or Model? or Idols? She turned around to meet somebody's chest as she looked up and saw a handsome man who also looking at her. 
"Hi! You're Y/N, right? Im Daniel Park, am also new here and same department as yours." He smiles widely at her while. Right beside him, it was the blonde boy again, he kept looking at her as if he wanted to devour her or something.
"He mentioned that his name is Jay Hong." He gestured towards him.
"Is he mute?" She thought.
Daniel and Jay keep smiling down at her. She tilted her head looking at them before turning around and walking away to get snacks in the vending machine. Before she put the coin in, someone raced into it she looked to her side and saw Daniel with Jay leaning on the vending machine other side.
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She feels nervous because of those two who keep getting closer to her. She hurries to click the options button and takes a leave with the strawberry pocky in her hand.
While strolling down the hallway and munching on her pocky, she ponders why Daniel and Jay are behaving so differently in this world compared to the webtoon. Did something trigger this world? Will others also act out of character? Lost in thought, she accidentally bumps into someone, causing her pocky to snap in half. As she looks up, she is met by a man with tattoos and a jumpsuit tied around his waist. His chest feels as solid as bricks - why does it seem like she ran into a wall?
As she observes the man in front of her, she can't help but think that he might be a bully due to his appearance, especially the tattoos on his hands. She regrets not reading about Lookism with her friend, but she was too busy with school. Now, as the man walks towards her and stops right in front of her, she begins to tremble on the floor with fear.
What will happen to her next? Will he hit her since she bumped into him? Is he a bad guy? She prays silently till the man starts to reach his hand to her.
In just a blink of her eyes, she's in the clinic room. Just a second ago, she was in the hallway sitting on the ground with a man standing in front of her, and suddenly he carried her in the bridal way and ran. Then a nurse came up to me and checked if my knee got bruised or something while the guy was looking down on the floor, looking all guilty like a sad giant dog... A big-ear guy suddenly came to his side and comforted him and said she was fine; in reality, she was fine since the fall didn't cause her to hurt her knee or get sprained. The only one that got her hurt was her pocky, which broke in half and was left in the hallway.
A while later, a nurse told those two that she was alright and as they kept talking, she decided to check the phone that she was bringing since it wasn't hers in the first place. She opened the phone and saw the lock screen looked normal as she swiped it up and had a password in it.
"Eh, it has a password? how am I gonna open this?" she whispered to herself before she quickly hid it in her jacket uniform pocket as the two guys finally approached her. The guy with big ears tries to push the big tattoo guy toward me and keeps telling him to apologize to her for bumping over me.
"Hey, he would like to apologize to you for bumping you and carrying you without your consent." The big ears guy smiles at me as he points to the tattoo guy.
"My name is Jace Park and his name is Euntae Lee but call him Vasco instead. We're members of Burn Knuckles while he is a Leader."
"Well, that's ok but may I ask a question?" she tilts her head as she looks at Jace.
"What is it?" He looks down at her and starts to examine her body head to toe as he snaps out his thoughts.
"Are you guys a bad guy? you two look like you can kill a fly..." She asks both of them.
Jace let out a chuckling sound as he pointed to Vasco again "Believe it or not he may look like a bad guy but he's a big softie."
" And I wouldn't dare to hurt someone as precious as you little lady," Vasco said with a tint of blush on his chick.
"Little?!" She thought. She feels offended since her height isn't that small compared to theirs. Is she? Last time in her world she was 5'6 but this time she shrunk.
"Also, are you new here somehow? Your face is unfamiliar around this school." Jace turned to ask her as she nodded and decided to stand up and dust her skirt.
Later they start to head out of the clinic room and part their ways in each department. She pulled out the phone again and decided to guess the password of the lock screen. She put her birthday code, 1234, password, and everything she thought of but sadly for her everything was incorrect. As she arrives at her classroom she feels the intense atmosphere, she looks up from her phone and sees in the middle is Daniel and the random guy. Slowly walked around and sat on her chair while others were getting crowded around Daniel and that guy and cheering loudly.
She overheard the guy's name was Zack and a Boxer. She couldn't bear to look at the fight so she returned to the phone and guessed another password while everyone kept making a crowd with outsiders too. Then suddenly she heard someone get punched, she took a sneak glance and saw Zack guy was on the floor clutching to his stomach. She felt bad for him but she didn't know what had happened before she arrived so she went back to the phone and she noticed the girl with brown had left the room.
Everyone lowers their eyes and avoids Zack who is still clutching his stomach as he tries to get up from the floor, she lets out a soft sigh and puts the phone in her pocket once again. She walks to Zack and then crouches down to him as she pokes his shoulder.
"Do you need help?" She asked him as she held him up on her shoulder before Zack answered her. But when she asks him if he needs help, he looks up at her and everything goes in slow motion around him till flowers bloom behind her. A goddess. While he was daydreaming, she dragged him out of the room but before that, Daniel came up to her and helped her hold Zack to the clinic, little did she know Daniel was glaring at Zack when he noticed Zack was staring at her and getting held by her.
When they arrived, they laid him down on the bed and she told Daniel to stay there with him as she went to catch up with the nurse. When she said that Zack snapped out of his daydreaming and shook his head as he muttered that he had Mira for him, then she walked out of the clinic leaving the two alone inside and walking through the hallway. She was not going to call the nurse since she saw the letter on the desk that the nurse would come back any minute. She walked around the hall and checked her surroundings. Everyone seemed busy minding their business so she went to the library, pulled out the phone once again and tried one more password.
Finally, she successfully guessed the password of the lock screen. It was the exact day when she arrived. Lowkey is suspicious and feels it was set up just for her. Her expression drops when she notices the wallpaper on the phone. Unfamiliar man and a woman that looks like her...
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Is that even her? She can't even remember anything about that guy, mostly she just woke up last week ago in a random house and felt like an amnesia person. Yet she still believed that this world wasn't hers since she remembered everything in her 'world' so that's why that man and that woman are not related to her. Hopefully not. If it was, then her 'world' was just a dream and everything she knew was fake blurry people.
She shook her mind off of all the questions. Then she decided to look further, she checked the gallery and it was empty. There were no pictures or videos in there so she went to check the files but it was also empty. When she clicks the music app, she notices there's an unnamed folder only and it is full of voice records. She was about to play one but the bell interrupted her, she headed back to her classroom grabbed her backpack and quickly walked out of the school. She was so curious about what was in the voice records that she hurriedly walked, she even felt the soft gaze at her but she just ignored it and continued walking.
Part 3!
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Kim Possible bout to learn some divine intervention. spent way too much time on this but had to finish it. Can't believe that movie is 30 years old. [edit] included widescreen version
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myuiis · 10 months
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sketched some lookism characters at school!
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IA squad (tiny little sinu means so much to me 🥺)
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sparklethegp · 2 months
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if not here it is i love them (its only like half-historically-accurate because i rly wanted to keep aspects of their designs and otherwise just picked things that looked cool hehe)
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novaclerk · 1 year
Jonggun and Joongoo Differences (personalities)
Moshi Moshi, this is me again. *laugh* 
All of us know the personalities of Park Jonggun and Kim Joon Goo are serious and playful. (Total Opposite).  
So right now, I just want to elaborate more. 
Jonggun and Joongoo will never fight over a girl (unless you are Daniel); in other words, their preferences or standards are completely different. 
Ex: Batting  
Jonggun picked Jake because he is the son of Gapryong Kim, which makes me think that Gun is more inclined to the heredity and genes thing. (because he is a Yakuza?) 
Jonggun: Oh, Jake is the son of Garpyong Kim, the leader of Gen. 0, who rules over and has many followers. That makes me think Jake is strong (reasonable but dumb).
While Goo picks Olly Wang because he can't feel pain, and I can say this is more reasonable and I logical than Gun (because I don't really believe in genes and heredity), that makes me conclude Goo will never give a fuck whoever you are; he will just base his decision on your fighting skill (rare, fun, fantastic?) 
Joongoo: His enemy is shouting his identity, but Goo is just like, "Ahhh! Okay, I don't give a fuck who you are; I just need to finish you up because someone paid me." Continue beating the shit out of that man. 
My second reason why I think Gun and Goo will never fight over a girl or their tastes is different is because of SAMUEL. 
When Gun sees Samuel go beserk when he visits him, he is just like Bitch
Jonggun: "What the fuck do you have any control over yourself, even over your comrades?..."
But when Goo sees Samuel go beserk, he just says,
Joongoo: "Wow, Bitch, where are you? I've been waiting for you for my whole life!
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Daniel Thing
(I don't need to explain; just see it for yourself.)
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See? Did you grasp what I was talking about? A blonde and brown (black) lady!
Goo is a more caring, clingy, and affectionate man than Gun towards women.
I think they have respect towards woman and will NEVER hit you until you two fight.
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Goo encounters "various women" because of this panel. I think due to his traveling around, especially because he is an extrovert, he has a lot of experience with women.
He might find it funny, cute or irriating? those women who will punch or fight him but don't have an effect on his body.
Punch acquired: dating, flirting, and fighting (a real fight and a playful fight).
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He fucks a lot of women.
To the point he can't remember their name except if they are: "Worth it" or "Exceptional."
Women that Gun slept with:Yeah he enjoys a LOT
I think he thinks women can fight if they want to! 
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Joongoo: he likes anime and video games A normal teenage boy (I hope he cosplay Zenitsu in Demon's slayer)
Jonggun: he likes to watch martial arts competition, everything related to martial arts. He knows VASCO TEACHER (I forgot his name)       
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sockcanvas · 10 months
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Life update part 4
🤤im bored of my current writing style since it was loosely base off baldur’s gate’s narrative LOL, i’m going to put down thesaurus.com and do something simpler so i can pump out more fics💪
but also.. working very slow because i have to study… and sleep…
i present: tdlr doodles
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also why is titling things lowkey hard wtf
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lookism? more like lesbianism
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Lookism inspired playlists
Not mine but they slapped 😮‍💨
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ifuckinglovelookism · 5 months
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Damn, Vin.
Hea such a good character dude
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akiyamanemu · 1 year
So... I came back here to post this drawing 🤭💖
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I liked him a lot, even though it took a long time, I can imagine them talking, Gi making fun of Seong a little bit, it's very cute!
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