#King radius
shiningclown69 · 3 months
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☀️Glorious King of Solaria ☀️
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redhairedgirl95 · 1 month
All that glitters is not gold
Chapter 11 - The war, the aftermath, the present
The war is over. And love ... is it over too?
Helloooooo, winxers! <3 <3 <3
I am back! Here to hand you the last (</3) chapter of this prequel fic I've loved so much. Fear not, there will be more Radius & Luna or DivorcedLovers in the future. I a deeply sorry to have kept you waiting for so long, but work has been and still is incredibly challenging this year, and I've only now found the right time, headspace and inspiration to run my fingers on the keyboard and type the last chapter. I thank you all for reading and following me on this journey.
Soon I'll start working on Enchanted moments season 3 (my favorite season!!!) and I hope I'll see you there too.
As always, asks are always open)<3 Leave a comment if you can, receiving that little notification does wonders for my self-esteem and makes me smile as Stella does, a full smile that can light up the sky <3
Love you all, see you on the next adventure <3
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qara-mohoy · 7 months
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Stella witch fairy hybrid
Let's spin the tale of Queen Luna in this AU.
It was no suprise that Luna was a Witch.
Her Mother, Beatrice Alexis Moore was a Moon Witch as had her mother and her mother before her.
Her father, Julius Haden Moore was wizard with an affinity for darkness. He was born an orphan and found a home with the coven when he married Beatrice.
They both knew their daughter would become a powerful witch.
And having been born under the light of a full moon, Haden suggested they name their darling after the moon in her honour.
Beatrice had smiled, tiredly and nodded. They named her Luna, Luna Elizabeth Moore.
Luna was raised by not only her parents but the conven as a whole.
She had many aunts and uncles and cousins related both by blood and others not.
They were a family.
One that was close and loving.
She grew up on the planet Linphea, learning to live amongst nature in the trees the coven called home.
Her powers were quick to appear, making themselves known when she used them instinctively to stop her doll from falling out of her bedroom.
Luna was friends with a giant ladybug called Daisy and loved to explore her homeland.
Although she didn't go too far because despite Linphea being an open place for magicals, their were few that weren't happy of the convens existence.
Their were a good number of convens in Linphea, but being the one more closer linked to the moon and shadows, the Moore's were used to being seen as evil or vilified.
Although they remained in Linphea for many generations and had on occasion aided the magical council, which had helped their image.
Luna grew to be a strong witch, trained by her mother and aunts. She adored her conven and had a big heart for others.
And a mischievous streak.
It was when she was a teensger, she dared to bypass her parents warnings and go out of their convens territory.
Luna had wanted to see the Black Willow and it's infamous waterfall that had water flowing up instead of down.
She had persuaded Daisy to take her their and promise not to tell her parents.
Luna was awestruck by the waterfall... Until a group of boys tried to push her in, they recognised her convens insignia on her arm and wanted to drown the witch.
Luna fought them off, but she was outnumbered.
When someone came to her aid.
Ordering them to leave her be, and that he would sentence them all to cleaning the royal stables for eternity if he caught them hurting her again.
That sent the boys apologising and running off.
Her rescuer helped her up and handed her his jacket, explaining it had a warming charm.
"Thanks but... Who... Are you?"
"Oh, my apologises miss. I'm Radius Alba, Prince Radius of Solaria."
He was her age, his eyes were warm and bright and despite his status he wore simple clothes.
When asked why a Prince was wandering about in another realm, Radius blushed and admitted he was here on a visit with his parents but had... Wandered off and gotten horribly lost with his men.
The ones who had tried to drown her after thinking she was threat to him.
He apologised prefusely until Luna stopped him, she was afraid and shaken but didn't let it show.
Instead she offered to take him to the palace which he accepted.
Bowing before Princess Krystal and Queen Ravhel, explaining herself and reuniting Radius with his parents, Luna headed home.
But that was far from the last time they'd meet.
The two would meet in secret for a while but Luna ended up telling her Conven.
She didn't like keeping things a secret from them and her parents were concerned about her wanderings.
And while they were suprised that their little moonbeam was meeting a Prince of the sun in secret, they only told her to be careful.
Solarian's were not known for their tolerance.
But perhaps the Prince was different if he knew Luna was a Witch.
Although the drowning incident filled them with worry and anger, they couldn't do much about it.
They couldn't stop her from meeting him.
Or make their anger known, they could only teach her how to defend herself.
Luna took their lessons to heart but she was also slowly falling for Radius.
And vice versa, Radius was falling for this sweet and brilliant witch from another kingdom.
The added notion that his parents would be furious if they found out, only helped.
The two tip toed around their feelings for a bit but soon started dating.
In secret of course.
The Conven knew and Radius parents later found out.
Having found a letter addressed to him by Luna.
However, Radius was adememt that he loved Luna had continued to defy their wishes of him marrying "a princess, a lovely fairy."
The two dated for several years before Radius proposed on Luna's 21st birthday.
She immediately said yes and was overjoyed.
Though saying goodbye to her Conven was hard on her.
She embraced both of her parents tightly who didn't want her to leave but knew they had to let go.
Promising her that no matter how far she was, she was always family and the Moore Conven forever her home.
Life at the palace was hard.
Radius told her while he loved her, her heritage had to stay a secret for her own safety.
Remembering the day they met... Luna agreed.
Though she found it hard after a life time of being nothing but open and proud of her heritage.
The King and Queen of Solaria didn't make their distaste of Luna a secret behind closed doors but we're the dutiful mother and father in laws in public.
Luna had had the conven come to her wedding, despite their protests but missed them as soon as they left.
She loved Radius, and he loved her.
But hiding who she was made her unhappy despite knowing why.
Having to pretend to be magicless, as the former King and Queen had called her in public, physically and emotionally took it's toll on her.
To where she'd spend her free time in the palaces observatory where she could watch the moon and stars she was born under, and practice her magic.
It got worse as years went on.
Radius who first loved her for her spirit and interest in who he she was, now expressly made her hide any traces of her old life.
The Conven were no longer allowed in his kingdom.
At first for her safety, of being tied to them.
It was their first real argument, and he'd blown up that the public couldn't know she was related to a bunch of dark witches.
Luna yelled back that how dare he say that about her about her family. And that their was nothing wrong with being a witch.
They went to seperate chambers that night.
In the morning he apologised, and said they could visit whenever they liked and he was sorry he never should have said such things.
But it was the first of many arguments.
Some about Luna and being un Queen like and some about Radius for being too stuck up.
They'd apologise.
They'd make up.
But less and less as time went on.
The arrival of Stella changed things.
Stella who was born under a luna eclipse and named after Radiua's beloved Grandmother.
Stella who was a sun fairy, and was beloved by both her parents and her people.
For a while they were happy, because how could they not with their darling daughter.
... But when Stella at her young age used a different set of powers, ones Luna had spent years hiding... Things changed again.
The bittersweet smile on Luna's face.
The anger on Radius's face as he accused Luna of teaching their daughter witchcraft.
Their daughter who was a fairy.
But also a witch.
Luna had wanted to leave than and their, pack up her things and go back to Linphea where her daughter could grow up in the Conven.
.... But she hadn't gone back since her wedding and was afraid they didn't want her anymore.
She had left for love and she lived to regret it.
But not Stella, no she would never regret Stella.
Her darling daughter.
Luna held her daughter, tears in her eyes that she refused to spill.
She was a Queen.
A mother.
She had to be strong, she would raise her child to love her powers and identity in secret.
And hope one day she would fly free.
Stella Alexis Alba of Solaria.
Their shining star.
Born of sun and moon.
She was their gift and both her parents loved her so.
Luna would make sure her daughter would know her heritage, that it was to be proud of.
Radius would make sure his daughter was beloved by all, his shining sun. He was sure this... Witchness was simply a fluke and she would be a strong fairy.
Despite that witchness being what had drew him to his wife.
Drown the witch.
It was funny how things turn out.
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deithe · 7 months
hc that all the starklings had a musical education befitting a High Lord's kids (flute, lute, other instruments specific to the north like drums etc), except for jon. everyone assumes 'oh it's a bastard thing-' no. ned once saw jon playing a harp 2 months into his musical education with robb and almost vomited blood. he had every harp in winterfell thrown out alà sleeping beauty.
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lovingherwasgay · 1 year
harry's bar fight in golden circle is SO FUNNY TO ME because like. bro did nothing to provoke that dude. didn't even talk to him. he was just trying on his new kingsman glasses in peace and this dickhead comes out of nowhere with the homophobic comments like he has a gaydar up his ass?
it gives off these vibes:
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kabukiaku · 25 days
reaching out to possibly a small group here, but if any users in Europe/Sweden know where to obtain Magna Carta Cartel's Goodmorning Restrained on Vinyl/CD? I would absolutely love a copy of this album. Looking for 12" vinyl especially. It's definitely a rare find and most likely won't find it here in the US.
any online record shop recommendations will help. if they don't ship to the US, i.e, local music shops, then message me and we can arrange it having it shipped for me.
reblog to spread the word 🌛🌞
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miss-choco-chips · 30 days
I've recently gotten into Kyou Kara Maou, specially on the fanfic side of the fandom (Wolfram is my favorite character, surprising absolutely no one) and after reading my fair share of different fanfic headcanons, I gotta say... I LOVE when the main catalyst for Yuuri coming to terms and accepting his feelings for Wolfram is when someone else is visibly down bad for him. SPECIALLY when said person is Murata. I find it hilarious, like
Yuuri, five feet deep in denial and digging even deeper with a toy shovel: well he's good looking but every demon I've met is handsome to some degree, it's not THAT big of a deal.
The lord of if whateverthehell, Prince of whothefuckcares, ready to risk it all after Wolfram blinked in his general direction during a ball: Well if your Highness doesn't want the engagement, I would gladly take your place...
Yuuri, thinking the pros and cons of causing an international incident:... Who the fuck are you, go back to your country. Get out of my castle. CONRAD!!!
Or like
Yuuri, about five minutes away from an identity AND sexuality crisis because Wolfram is currently looking very sexy as he trains his men into the ground: Okay yeah I'll admit it, he's the most beautiful person ive ever seen, but it doesn't matter. I'm a Japanese man, I'm supposed to like girls. I don't want to kiss Wolf!
Murata, kinda also a Japanese man but very much bi and ready to try playing with fire, always down to tease Yuuri and not afraid to be horny on main: I do. Step away from the line if you don't want to get on the ride, your Majesty.
Yuuri, feeling like violence MIGHT be the answer sometimes: beg your fucking pardon
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bitchatcloudtower · 23 days
The reason reboot Stella is so pale is because this version of Stella is just the fairy of the moon and never saw any sunlight.
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gulnarsultan · 2 years
Can you please explain the yandere king Radius? I'm just curious.
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I think you want me to write more yandere for King Radius. I will write as the reader's first and only wife of Radius. But it's okay to write as his second wife. I hope you will like it. If you want me to write King Radius for more yandere feel free to let me know.
You and Radius met when you were young. You meet in a tournament where many kingdoms participate. You are unaware that the prince fell in love with you at first sight. Shortly after the tournament, emissaries of Solarian arrive in your Kingdom. Your parents explain that an alliance marriage was proposed by Prince Radius. Even if you and your family don't want it, Prince Radius will find a way to get what he wants. In fact, engagement and wedding are organized in a short time. But it will be the most ostentatious and expensive of all. Prince Radius gives you the most expensive and precious gifts. It does not allow you to go far from the palace and especially from Solaria. Radius is very insistent on varicose veins. He thinks that they are both proofs of your love and those that will prevent you from escaping. He is an overprotective husband towards you. He will be a good father to your children. The punishments he will give you will be isolation and emotional guilt. No one can disrespect or insult you.
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agent-314 · 10 months
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I finally had time for art (no I absolutely did not why did I finish this)
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redhairedgirl95 · 6 months
All that glitters is not gold
Chapter 10 - Fading lights
We are reaching the end of the line. There are cracks and the light ... can't shine forever.
Happy (late) Easter, winxers! I'm so sorry to have made you wait so long for the update, but it's here! I hove you've enjoyed it and can't wait to hear (read) your thoughts.
Thank you for sticking around <3
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prokopetz · 3 months
Yes, you've successfully dodged allegations of monarchism by having the heroic princess decide to abolish the monarchy and institute representative democracy in the last five minutes of the game. Bravo.
Now give us the sequel where every prospective heir in a thousand-mile radius comes out of the woodwork claiming she's not allowed to do that and her actions should simply be construed as abdication, five different people declare themselves King, the nation plunges into civil war, and the ex-princess has to ninja around murdering all of her would-be successors in order to make the transition stick.
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emphistic · 6 months
Bf!Sukuna who sometimes calls you 'girlfriend' — and not in a flamboyant way
"Girlfriend, c'mere."
"What do you want, girlfriend?"
"Sure, girlfriend."
Bf!Sukuna who loves having your lips on his; he'll just randomly come up to you and slot his lips against yours without a word
Bf!Sukuna who walks around the house shirtless, and teases you by saying, "You should try it out," only to get a pillow thrown at his head
Bf!Sukuna who would pause his video game just for you
Bf!Sukuna who is actually super clingy, and cannot function without having you in a foot radius — but will never admit it
"I'm going to go get groceries now."
"I'll come with you," he said, immediately standing up from the couch.
"I thought you hated errands."
Sukuna shrugged, "'m bored."
Bf!Sukuna who spits in your food when you're not looking
Bf!Sukuna who, when he can't sleep, will just stare at you — a few times, you've woken up to his creepy crimson eyes staring back at you, and you socked him in the jaw
Bf!Sukuna who claims to hate your music, but whenever you two are in the car, he'll always let you handle the aux
Bf!Sukuna who purposely forgets to do your laundry so he can see you be forced to wear his clothes instead
Bf!Sukuna who is the king of keeping eye contact
Bf!Sukuna who'll hover around while you do your makeup and just ask random questions
"What does that do?"
"Why the fuck is it shaped like that?"
"It's almost as big as my dick."
Bf!Sukuna who steals your things and raises them above his head where you can't reach just to mess with you
Bf!Sukuna who never gets cold, and while that may seem like a good thing in the winter because you have a personal heat generator, it is the absolute worst during the summer — you have to ban cuddling because Sukuna is just too damn warm
Bf!Sukuna who doesn't help you bring in groceries, even if your hands are full
Bf!Sukuna who ignores you for the rest of the day if you forget to give him a good morning kiss, or good morning text (if you guys are temporarily apart)
Bf!Sukuna who is good at everything he touches
— a/n: kinda irrelevant if you ask me, but I just had to include this
Bf!Sukuna who pretends to forget if you guys have planned a date together
Bf!Sukuna who gets a hard-on when he sees your angry face; he loves having you pull on his ear and drag him away to a secluded area to hear you yell at him — he thinks you sound so sexy and look so hot
Bf!Sukuna who isn't above doing extreme pda when he sees someone staring at your ass
Bf!Sukuna who whines about going to work, claiming it's boring, but in reality: he just doesn't want to leave you — or vice versa: he doesn't want you to leave for work
Bf!Sukuna who swears up and down he doesn't want kids and hates children, but when he sees you taking care of his little brother Yuuji, he finds himself doing a mental 180°
Bf!Sukuna who goes into a trance staring at your ass
Bf!Sukuna who has no purpose for an Instagram account: you forced him to make one — he never posts on there, but when does, it's only pictures of you and occasionally him and you
Bf!Sukuna who has a drum set in your guys' shared apartment, but refuses to play it for anyone but you, and even then, he only plays to annoy you or wake you up from your nap
Bf!Sukuna who permanently quit smoking when he saw you plugging your nose near him
Bf!Sukuna who enjoys chasing you around the apartment, sometimes with a knife in hand just to make you extra scared
Taglist: @starlets-things @sad-darksoul @mochimoee @r0ckst4rjk (pls lmk if u only want to be tagged in my boy nextdoor series or all of my work) @lillycore
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scap34 · 24 days
bottom! sub! Sukuna x top! dom! mean! sadistic! cursed spirit! male reader
Reunited after a thousand years <3
warnings: alcohol, cussing, degradation, mild blood, oral sex
Sukuna has awoken.
 That might have been a grim sentence to anyone else who’d attempted to capture the King of Curses. But not to you. You knew better. 
You dismissed the guard with a wave. The guard straightened out and left, his scent carrying notes of fear and apprehension. 
Currently there were only a few curses left alive since the Heian period. Sukuna and that brain parasite were two of them. You were another. 
You had known Sukuna long before he’d become the King of Curses. You knew him intimately well. You knew him well enough to know he'd come for you. 
You poured yourself a glass of whiskey, when the power cut off. You smirked into your drink as a shadow fell onto you, cast by the bright full moon. 
Footsteps echoed through the room as person, thing, radiating malice and cruelty walked towards you. The imposing aura of death and evil blanketing everything for a mile radius. It would have been more, but you were prepared. 
The footsteps stopped a foot from you. You didnt turn sipping your whiskey. The glass you were holding shattered, amber liquid that remained in the cup, spilling on the floor. 
Your lips curled into a smirk as you tsked. “That was rude, Sukuna.” The lights flickered and turned on. 
Your eyes finally went to look at him. Sukuna’s vessel looked the same as his original mortal body, before the four arms. Blood spattered his face, his shirt clean aside for three slashes. 
He looks at you, crimson-red eyes filled with malice and darkness. Yet something else was inside them, something you recognized. 
He took another step forward under your gaze. 
Knees hit the ground, and crimson eyes looked up at you. “Want,” he paused and licked his dry lips, voice hoarse and filled with need. “Want your cock.” he muttered almost reluctantly, yet his eyes gleamed fever bright with lust. 
Sukuna would come after you. You knew this. You’d also known why he’d come after you. You chuckled lowly, and reached over and carded your hand though soft pink hair. Sukuna shuddered at your touch, letting out a soft involuntary moan. 
You tightened your grip on his hair, till he was winching, shifting his thighs to hide his hardness. “You just woke up…are you that much of a slut, ‘kuna?” You purred darkly, enjoying the way Sukuna shuddered and his cock twitched in his pants at the degradation. 
“Yes,” he moaned hoarsely. “Want your cock, pl’ease.” He didn't dare reach for your cock, that strained against your own zipper. He gave you a pleading look, eyes half lidded, looking drowsy. 
Exactly how you wanted him. Sacrificing all those high level sorcerers and curses were worth it, since it brought out your baby’s slutiness and wore him down.
“Go ahead baby.” You purred. Hands immediately reached for your zipper pulling out your cock impatiently. Pink lips wrapped around your cock, sucking and gagging on your dick. 
Tears beading the corner of Sukuna’s red eyes, lashes fluttering as he bobbed his head on your hard cock eagerly. 
You watched him with a sense of pride and pity. Your poor baby was such a cock addicted slut, sucking your dick like a pro even after a century. You wonder how terrible it must have been for a whore like him to be locked away for so long. 
Your hand tightened around Sukuna’s hair and you pulled him fully onto your cock, making him gag around you as you facefuck him. Sukuna whines around your cock, nose pressed to your pelvis, suffocating on your cock. 
His mouth is a tight velvety heat. His usual scalding words, and threats gone from fatigue and lust. Yanking his pink locks, you buried your cock deep into his throat, moaning when his throat fluttered around your cock as he squirmed.
Tugging you cock back into his mouth you continue to fuck his face. His expression fucked dumb, eyes glossed over as tears dripped down. Swollen pink lips desperately sucking your cock.
What a slut. 
You stepped on his hand as he tried to touch his own aching cock. “Did I give you permission, slut?” He moaned around your cock, the vibration sending more heat to your stomach. 
You roughly thrust your cock in and out, face fucking him a few more times then pulled his head off. Teary red eyes glazed over with lust, met your eyes, saliva leaked out his open mouth. He whined as your cock left his lips already begging. 
His tongue stuck out, begging for cum, as he lapped at the head of cock, desperately. Kitten licks, that the All Powerful King of Curses would never admit to.
“Pl’ease, please, c’ck w’nt your cock,” he whined words slurred and hoarse from being fucked. You chuckled, and yanked his hair back to force him to look up at you. 
Crimson eyes met yours and you felt a warm rush of pleasure. Those eyes were familiar even with a different body. You knew him as much as he knew you. Connected for eternity, he’d run to you and you to him. 
You couldn’t help but caressing his swollen bottom lip, wiping a bit of salvia off and licking it off, tasting a mix of yourself and Sukuna. Your baby was back. And this time, they’d have to pry him from your cold hands. 
“Turn around, princess. You know what to do, just like before.”
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mitjalovse · 2 years
I am actually quite shocked over the weird fact there really are a lot of Mr. John Philip Shenale's contributions to the musicians from all around the world. Look, you can find him on a record by Franco Battita, one of the most intriguing figures in Italian pop. I mean, he doesn't really fit the pattern of the genre I mentioned. Sure, he sings in Italian, yet that is about all he has in common with his scene. True, he also has a strong production like many of his fellow country men, yet his entire persona resembles that of Umberto Eco, if you catch my drift. Surprisingly, his tunes are quite catchy, though you need an encyclopedia to get all of their meanings. To be honest, we should be happy there are some figures like him.
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