#Kingston to Montreal
sdharasds1 · 2 years
Five Reasons Why A Town Car Service Is Preferable To A Cab
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Consider a town limo service the next time you're thinking about using a ridesharing service or hailing a cab. Consider using a town car service if you are going home from the airport, out to supper, or to a sporting event.
Make Use Of A Town Car Service!
Do you have special plans for the evening? Are you travelling to a new place for a conference or business meeting? Have you had a few drinks and require safe transportation home? Don't take a chance by waiting for a cab or using a rideshare service. Don't pay outrageous surge pricing just to get a beat-up car that stinks like cigarettes or worse to drive you home. When you next need a transportation, think about using a town car service. Continue reading for the top five justifications for hiring a town vehicle.
1- Comfort
Traditional taxi service vehicles typically show significant signs of wear and tear. The engine and the cabin suffer from the amount of harsh city miles. These taxis frequently have poor exterior and interior conditions. The use of ride-sharing services is random. Although convenient, until you are inside a vehicle, you cannot tell its condition. These businesses do have guidelines for make and model, but the driver's level of maintenance and upkeep is up to them. Black vehicle service takes away the intrigue. At Kingston Ontario, they place a high priority on the security and convenience of their customers.
2 - Class
Your vehicle should be appropriate for the situation. For a fast trip home from the pub, a cab or rideshare vehicle might be adequate. But not for a black-tie event, a meal at a five-star restaurant, or an important business meeting. Town vehicle fleets are luxurious, fashionable, and elegant. The largest, most varied new model fleet in Kingston Ontario is what they have to offer you at surrounding areas. When you select a town limo rental Kingston, you can anticipate executive sedans and luxury vehicles that are spotless and well-kept. You will also have a relaxing, stress-free ride to and from your special event, meeting, or airport excursion, unlike cab or ridesharing services.
3 - Responsibility
Every regular user of a traditional cab or ride-sharing service has at least one nightmare tale about a bad driver. These drivers are numerous, and with a little bad luck, you can find yourself in their vehicle. These motorists may be inattentive or lost. They might talk too much and try to start a completely unsuitable conversation with you. A passenger would feel awfully uncomfortable in that.  Even worse, they might behave improperly or criminally in your direction. Since years, there has been an increase in female safety with ridesharing firms. Although ride-share services include a driver rating system, that does not necessarily mean the service will be trustworthy. Why take a chance? They value their reputation highly and would never subject their clients to such strain.
4 - Dependability
Every city is unique, and some may have particular transportation problems. In cities like Kingston to Toronto,  Kingston to Ottawa, Kingston to Montreal, taxis are fairly easy to find. There are less than optimal taxi services in other cities. They might be pricey and require lengthy waits. Cab services are occasionally nonexistent or hardly present in some cities. The number of drivers out on the road at any given time determines how soon you can acquire a car, even if ride-share services have helped many cities address their transportation gaps. 
The Airport In Any City Faces The Same Difficulties
Every airport has a varied layout, frequently with a different location for ridesharing and taxi pick-up and drop-off. Finding a taxi stand or ride-sharing location in a big airport might be challenging. And it can be even more annoying to have to wait for a driver for 20 minutes or more.
Plan with an airport town car service if you need to get someplace quickly for work or play to avoid the headache. The screened drivers for these services will greet you at the gate or baggage claim, help you with your luggage, and drive you to your car. Even the cab and rideshare drivers are prohibited from entering the terminals.
5 - Fixed Costs
The cost of transportation may blow any travel budget, whether for leisure or business. Traditional cabs can be surprisingly pricey in many locations, and the costs of ride-sharing services change minute by minute depending on the time of day and surge pricing. The upfront cost estimate for the limousine rental is one of the benefits of town car service.  This consistent pricing for services in a business setting will assist any organization in efficiently planning dependable travel for its staff.
This pricing can enable tourists to maximize their vacation spending without being caught off guard in a leisure environment. Not that town car service is always less expensive than a cab or rideshare, but it might be. There are no surprises, which is more significant. This pricing can enable tourists to maximize their vacation spending without being caught off guard in a leisure environment. Not that town car service is always less expensive than a cab or rideshare, but it might be. There are no surprises, which is more significant. When you hire a reputable town car service, you will get a lot for your money.
Using ride-sharing or taxi services involves a number of different factors. A fantastic holiday or fruitful business trip can become a misery just because of pricing fluctuations.  Your decision will be clear after taking into account the drivers, the subpar condition of the vehicles, and the lax accountability procedures. The next time you're out on the town or returning from the airport, think about using a town limo service in Kingston Ontario rather than paying for erratic and potentially dangerous transportation. If you think hiring a professional is expensive, Please see their services website, COVID-19 protocols page, and contact us for pricing details if you want to ride in safety, style, and class.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 4 months
"The first public reference to Klan activity in Canada appeared in the Montreal Daily Star, which announced the organization of a branch of ‘the famous Ku Klux Klan’ in Montreal in 1921, and reported that ‘a band of masked, hooded and silent men’ had gathered in the northwest part of the city behind the Mountain. In 1921, the Klan set up an office in West Vancouver, and British Columbia newspapers began to publish solicitations for Klan membership. KKK crosses were sighted burning across New Brunswick: in Fredericton, Saint John, Marysville, York, Carleton, Sunbury, Kings, Woodstock, and Albert. James S. Lord, the sitting member of the New Brunswick legislature for Charlotte County, becamea highly publicized convert. Later the Klan would infiltrate Nova Scotia, burning ‘fiery crosses’ on the lawn of the Mount Saint Vincent Convent, and in front of St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Church at Melville Cove near Halifax’s North-West Arm.
Reports of Klan activities surfaced in Ontario as well, where white American organizer W.L. Higgitt began a tour in Toronto in 1923. In the summer of 1924, a huge Klan gathering took place in a large wooded area near Dorchester. Cross-burning, designed to intimidate the village’s few Black residents, was carried out with great pomp and ceremony. In Hamilton in 1924, police arrested a white American named Almond Charles Monteith in the act of administering initiation rites to two would-be Klanswomen. Monteith was later charged with carrying a loaded revolver. Along with the revolver, police confiscated a list of thirty-two new members (‘some of them prominent citizens’), correspondence regarding thirty-six white robes and hoods, and a $200 invoice for expenses for ‘two fiery crosses.’ Monteith denied any involvement in recent cross-burnings on Hamilton Mountain, and was convicted on the weapons charge. The day after Monteith’s conviction, the arresting officer received a letter bearing a terse message: ‘Beware. Your days are numbered. KKK.’ Monteith’s conviction did nothing to put a crimp in the Klan’s membership drive. Between four hundred and five hundred members paraded through Hamilton in a KKK demonstration in the fall of 1929.
By June 1925 there were estimates of eight thousand Klan members in Toronto; headquarters were installed in Toronto’s Excelsior Life Building. The summer of 1925 witnessed hundreds of crosses burned across Chatham, Dresden, Wallaceburg, Woodstock, St Thomas, Ingersoll, London, and Dorchester. A group of hooded Klansmen tried to proceed en masse through the chapel of a London church to show their appreciation of the anti-Catholic address that had been delivered to the congregation. At a rally of more than two hundred people at Federal Square in London, J.H. Hawkins, claiming to be the Klan’s ‘Imperial Klailiff,’ proclaimed:
‘We are a white man’s organization and we do not admit Jews and colored people to our ranks. [ … ] God did not intend to create any new race by the mingling of white and colored blood, and so we do not accept the colored races.’
More than one thousand showed up at a similar rally in Woodstock.
At what was billed as the ‘first open-air ceremony of the Klan’ in Canada, two hundred new members were initiated at the Dorchester Fairgrounds in October 1925, in front of more than one thousand avid participants. The ‘first Canadian Ku Klux burial’ took place in London the next year, as robed and hooded Klansmen, swords at their sides and fiery crosses at hand, showed up to perform a ritual at the graveside of one of the Drumbo Klan. Ontario chapters sprang up in Niagara Falls, Barrie, Sault Ste Marie, Belleville, Kingston, and Ottawa. New headquarters appeared in a Vancouver mansion in 1925, and local chapters called ‘Klaverns’ sprang into existence in New Westminster, Victoria, Nanaimo, Ladysmith, and Duncan. Klan bonfires lit up Kitsilano Point. By 1928, the Vancouver Klan was soliciting signatures for a petition to demand that Asian Canadians be banned from employment on government steamships. A ‘Great Konklave’ was held in June 1927 in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, where an estimated ten thousand people stood by as hooded Klansmen burned a sixty-foot cross and lectured to them on the risks of racial intermarriage. Demanding an immediate ban on marriage between white women and ‘Negroes, Chinese or Japanese,’ the Klan proclaimed: ‘one flag, one language, one race, one religion, race purity and moral rectitude.’ The Saskatchewan group would later disaffiliate from Eastern Canada, to create an entirely separate western wing that was credited with signing up 25,000 members. In Alberta, ‘Klaverns’ came into existence in Hanna, Stettler, Camrose, Forestburg, Jarrow, Erskine, Milo, Vulcan, Wetaskiwin, Red Deer, Ponoka, Irma, and Rosebud. Alberta membership peaked between 5,000 and 7,000, but the Klan newspaper, The Liberator, produced out of Edmonton, purported to maintain a circulation of 250,000. Nor were the activities of the Klan restricted to rallies and cross-burnings. In 1922, the Klan was linked to a rash of torchings that wreaked more than $100,000 damage upon three Roman Catholic institutions: the Quebec Cathedral, the rest-house of the Sulpician order at Oka, Quebec, and the junior seminary of the Fathers of the Blessed Sacrament in Terrebonne. In 1922, threatening letters signed by the Klan were delivered to St Boniface College in Winnipeg. Before the year was out, the college burned to the ground, causing the death of ten students. In 1923, similar letters, signed by the Klan, were sent to local police and Roman Catholic authorities in Calgary. In Thorold, Ontario, the KKK intervened in a local murder investigation in 1922, issuing a warning to the town mayor to arrest an Italian man suspected of the crime by a specified date or face the fury of the Klan. The letter continued: ’The clansmen of the Fiery Cross will take the initiative in the Thorold Italian section. Eighteen hundred armed men of the Scarlet Division are now secretly scouring this district and await the word to exterminate these rats.’ In 1922, the Mother Superior of a Roman Catholic orphanage in Fort William received a letter signed ‘K.K.K.’ threatening to ‘burn the orphanage.’ The mayor of Ottawa was mailed a vitriolic letter, demanding he pay more attention ‘to Protestant taxpayers’ or the Klan would take ‘concerted action.’ Two Klansmen stole and destroyed religious paraphernalia from the tabernacle of the St James Roman Catholic church near Sarnia. The Ancaster Klan attempted to intimidate the African Brotherhood of America from erecting a home for ‘colored children and aged colored folk.’
The Belleville Klan visited the office of the Belleville Intelligencer, demanding that the manager dismiss a Catholic printer employed by the paper. The Sault Ste Marie Klan launched a concerted campaign to force the big steel mills to fire their Italian workers. A rifle bullet was fired at George Devlin during a wedding reception in Sault Ste Marie, with a blazing cross left behind to claim responsibility for the act. In 1924, local Klansmen surrounded the Dorchester home of a white man believed to be married to a Black woman. Threats were made to burn a cross outside the house of a white Bryanstown resident reputed to be involved with a Black woman. In 1927, several crosses were burned on the lawn of a white family believed to be running a brothel in Sault Ste Marie. The family was forced to flee their home.
Klan activities were also responsible for the removal of a francophone Roman Catholic postmaster in Lafleche, Alberta. The Alberta Klan promoted boycotts of Catholic businesses. The Drumheller KKK, which boasted a membership embracing forty of the town’s most prominent businessmen and mine owners, burned a cross on the lawn of a local newspaper columnist after he wrote a satirical comment about the Klan. Alberta Klansmen used bullets and flaming crosses to try to intimidate members of the Mine Workers Union of Canada during their bitter labour dispute in the Crow’s Nest Pass. Lacombe Klansmen wrote to the editor of the Alberta Western Globe after he opposed the Klan, threatening ‘severe punishment including the burning of his house and business to the ground.’ The same group kidnapped, and tarred and feathered a local blacksmith.
Throughout these activities, white police and fire marshals stood by, often present at the incendiary meetings and cross-burnings, content to reassure themselves there was ‘no danger.’ Despite the widespread evidence of lawlessness, Klan authorities tended to claim official disengagement whenever there was property damage or personal injury. Eschewing responsibility, they insisted that their organization had nothing to do with such events. Remarkably, the authorities largely respected these assertions of innocence, concluding that, without definitive proof that would tie named Klan officials to specific threatening letters or violent deeds, nothing further could be ascertained. Apart from the arrest and conviction of Almond Charles Monteith for possessing an unauthorized revolver, the only Klan event that attracted legal attention was the dynamiting of St Mary’s Roman Catholic Church in Barrie, Ontario, in 1926. On the evening of 10 June 1926, a stick of dynamite shattered the stained-glass windows and blasted a four-foot hole through the brick wall of Barrie’s St Mary’s Roman Catholic Church. Buffeted about by the explosion, Ku Klux Klan flyers were scattered throughout the street, strewn among the brick, glass, and wooden debris. Barrie was a major stronghold of Ku Klux Klan activity, and organizers had drawn a crowd of two thousand to watch hooded Klansmen conduct a ritual cross-burning on a hill outside of Barrie several weeks earlier. At that ceremony, thirty-year-old William Skelly, a shoemaker who had emigrated one year earlier from Ireland, swore fealty to the tenets of the Klan, to uphold Protestant Christianity and white supremacy. He was initiated as a member in good standing. It was Skelly whom the police arrested for the bombing days later.
Skelly voluntarily admitted his Klan membership to the police, and confessed that, the night before the bombing, Klan members met to discuss ‘a job to be pulled off.’ There was a drawing of lots, and when Skelly drew the ‘Fiery Cross,’ he realized he was the designated man. Skelly claimed that he was intimidated by fellow Klansmen, who ‘made [him] drunk with dandelion wine and alcohol,’ and forced him to carry out the deed under threat of bodily harm. In fact, he told the police, he had joined the Klan in the first place only because he ‘had had considerable difficulty in securing steady work,’ and was told that, if he joined, the Klan ‘would look after him,’ finding him employment. Skelly also implicated two other Barrie Klan officials, Klan ‘Kleagle’ William Butler and Klan Secretary Clare Lee. Criminal charges of causing a dangerous explosion, attempting to destroy property with explosives, and possession of explosives were laid against all three white Klansmen.
This time the Ontario attorney general’s office issued an official statement that ‘no group can take into its own hands the administration of the law.’ The white deputy attorney general, Edward J. Bayly, became involved personally when he made arrangements for a leading white Toronto barrister, Peter White, KC, to prosecute the trio on behalf of the Crown. Skelly, Butler, and Lee were all found guilty at a jury trial in October, and sentenced to five, four, and three years, respectively. Officials from the Toronto headquarters of the Ku Klux Klan denied all responsibility, claiming throughout that Skelly ‘acted on his own initiative,’ despite all the evidence to the contrary." - Constance Backhouse, Colour-Coded: A Legal History of Racism in Canada, 1900-1950. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1999. pg. 183-193.
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Yahoo! Season 4 announcement released today.
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With the early June date and Chicago taking place soon after, it looks like the Canadian date will be either in Montreal QC or Kingston ON.
If either of these venues, I will be there!
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grunge-mermaid · 2 months
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how can Ottawa AND Montreal both be within a 2 hour drive of Kingston?
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nickmacleanjazz · 1 year
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The Ottawa Citizen's reporting is WRONG, the Nick Maclean Quartet feat. Brownman Ali's OTTAWA performance is on SATURDAY AUGUST 19, not on Friday!!!
The Herbie Hancock-influenced modern jazz ensemble NICK MACLEAN QUARTET feat. BROWNMAN ALI celebrates the upcoming release of their hotly anticipated sophomore album CONVERGENCE, due out in October. Catch them for a night of hard-swinging, exploratory modern jazz!
THR-AUG-17, 07pm: Kingston, ON - RCHA Club TIX: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/676120804527 FRI-AUG-18, 07pm: Montreal, QC - Upstairs FRI-AUG-18, 10pm: Montreal, QC - Upstairs Reservations: 514-931-6808 SAT-AUG-19, 08pm: Ottawa, ON - Montgomery Scotch Lounge TIX: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/676694480407 SUN-AUG-20, 06pm: Trenton, ON - Old Church Theatre TIX: https://oldchurch.ca/event/nick-maclean-quartet-brownman-ali/
FULL TOUR INFORMATION: www.NicholasMaclean.com
" A fresh look at Herbie Hancock classics and delicious new original themes all presented with taste and virtuosity. No safety net here, everyone is living on the edge."
- Bruce Cassidy (Blood, Sweat & Tears Musical Director '04-'09, renowned EVI player)
This August, the NICK MACLEAN QUARTET feat. BROWNMAN ALI celebrates the upcoming release of their hotly anticipated sophomore album CONVERGENCE, due out in October. Led by fast-rising piano star NICK MACLEAN -- an 8x Global Music Award winner and one of the most in-demand young jazz piano players in Toronto -- this contemplative yet thrilling quartet delivers jazz between the two poles of thoughtful introspection and powerhouse conveyance, taking influences from Herbie Hancock's primordial 1960's Blue Note era recordings. Maclean's quartet heavily features one of Canada's most provocative improvising trumpet players -- BROWNMAN ALI -- an internationally acclaimed, multi-award winning jazz iconoclast who has been heralded as "Canada's preeminent jazz trumpet player" by New York City's Village Voice and is best known globally as the last trumpet player to play in the legendary jazz-hip-hop group GURU's JAZZMATAZZ. For this show, Ali & Maclean stand shoulder-to-shoulder with 2 of Canada's top-tier 20-somethings: BEN DUFF on upright bass, and JACKSON HAYNES on drums (in for Jacob Wutzke).
Advance copies of CONVERGENCE will be available for purchase at the show (physical and digital), ahead of the album's upcoming October 27 release date.
:: Nick Maclean - piano :: Brownman Ali - trumpet :: Ben Duff - bass :: Jackson Haynes - drums (in for Jacob Wutzke)
Come witness these four in full flight, this tour features many nights of deeply exploratory, hard-swinging modern-jazz audiences nation-wide will not want to miss.
WATCH Nick Maclean Quartet perform the Maclean original 'ROAD WARRIOR', a single from CONVERGENCE
WATCH Nick Maclean Quartet perform the Hancock classic 'DOLPHIN DANCE', a single from CONVERGENCE
WATCH Nick Maclean Quartet perform the Maclean original 'VERBOTEN', a single from CONVERGENCE
WATCH Nick Maclean Quartet perform the Brownman original 'WISDOM OF AURELIUS', a single from CONVERGENCE
For more info: www.NicholasMaclean.com www.Brownman.com www.Browntasauras.com
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2000s-music-tourney · 2 months
Here are the entries to the 2000s tourney:
Pokerface by Lady Gaga
Welcome to the Black Parade by My Chemical Romance
Toxic by Britney Spears
Sk8ter Boi by Avril Lavigne
All my Life by Foo Fighters
American Idiot by Green Day
1985 by Bowling for Soup
Take Me Out by Franz Ferdinand
Somebody Told Me by the Killers
Hey There Delilah by Plain White Tees
Feel Good Inc by the Gorillaz
Sugar we're goin down by Fallout Boy
Brave as a noun by AJJ
Hot N Cold by Katy Perry
Single Ladies (Put a Ring On It) by Beyonce
The Dog Days are Over by Florence + the Machine
Seven Nation Army by White Stripes
Kryptonite by 3 Doors Down
She Hates Me by Puddle Of Mudd
Stacy's Mom by Fountains for Wayne
All the Small Things By Blink 182
Since U Been Gone by Kelly Clarkson
Hurt by Johnny Cash
Hey Ya by Outkast
Rehab by Amy Winehouse
Stan by Eminem
Do you realize by The Flaming Lips
Sexyback by Justin Timberlake
Party in the USA by Miley Cyrus
Drops of Jupiter (Tell Me) by Train
Californication by the Red Hot Chili Peppers
Fireflies by Owl City
TiK ToK by Ke$ha
Gives you Hell by All American Rejects
Paper Planes by M.I.A.
Can't get you out of my head by Kylie Monogue
I write sins not tragedies by Panic! At the Disco
Short Skirt/Long Jacket by CAKE
Teenage Dirtbag by Wheatus
Bring Me to Life by Evanescence
Before he cheats by Carrie Underwood
Vida La Vida by Coldplay
Photograph by Nickelback
99 Problems by Jay-Z
Hash Pipe by Weezer
A Thousand Miles by Vanessa Carlton
Love Story by Taylor Swift
Unwell by MatchBox Twenty
Yeah! by Usher
Dilemma by Nelly and Kelly Rowland
Beautiful by Christina Aguilera
My Hips Don't Lie by Shakira
I gotta Feeling by Black Eyed Peas
Hollaback Girl by Gwen Stefani
Watcha Say by Jason Derulo
Drop it like it's Hot by Snoop Dogg
Unwritten by Natasha Bedingfield
Numb by Linkin Park
Umbrella by Rihanna
Crazy in Love by Beyonce and Jay Z
How to Save a Life by The Fray
Get the Party Started by P!nk
Survivor By Destiny's Child
Everytime we touch by Cascada
Beautiful Girls by Sean Kingston
Bad day by Daniel Powter
Chop Suey By System of a Down
I'm Yours by Jason Mraz
Crazy by Gnarls Barkley
The Middle by Jimmy Eat World
Harder Better Faster Stronger by Daft Punk
Chewing Gum by Annie
Lollipop by Mika
It's gonna be Me By Nsync
Low by Flo Rida
Fuck the pain away by Peaches
Misery Business by Paramore
It's my life by Bon Jovi
The Past Is a Grotesque Animal by Of Montreal
Work It by Missy Elliott
Butterfly by Crazy Town
Caramelldansen by Caramell
In da Club by 50 Cent
4 minutes by Madonna and Justin Timberlake
White Flag by Dido
Beautiful Day by U2
Fallin by Alicia Keys
All for you by Janet Jackson
Bootylicious by Destiny's Child
This Love by Maroon 5
Milkshake by Kelis
Smooth Criminal by alien Ant Farm
I'm a Believer by Smash Mouth
Sandstorm by Darude
I believe in a thing called love by the darkness
Float On by Modest Mouse
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scotianostra · 2 months
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July 22nd 1915 saw the death of Sir Sandford Fleming the man who invented time.
Fleming was born on January 7th 1827 in Kirkcaldy, Fife, and okay he never invented time, but read on and discover what this man, little known in his native land gave us......
At the age of 14 he was apprenticed as a surveyor and in 1845, at the age of 18, he emigrated with his older brother David to colonial Canada, their route took them through many cities of the country including Quebec, Montreal and Kingston.
He first worked as a surveyor and later became a railway engineer for the Canadian Pacific Railway, Fleming founded the Royal Canadian Institute in Toronto in 1849. While originally an organization for engineers, surveyors, and architects, it would evolve into a institution for the advancement of science in general.
Sandford Fleming advocated the adoption of a standard time or mean time with hourly variations according to established time zones. Fleming’s system, still in use today, established Greenwich, England (at 0 degrees longitude) as the standard time, and divides the world into 24 time zones, each a fixed time from the mean time.
Stanford wasn’t just a “one trick pony” and his innovations were quite diverse he designed the first Canadian postage stamp. The three-penny stamp issued in 1851 had a beaver on it (the national animal of Canada). he went on to design an early in-line skate in 1850, he surveyed the first railroad route across Canada and was the head engineer for most of the Intercolonial Railway and the Canadian Pacific Railway.
In 1880, Fleming retired from surveying and became the Chancellor of Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, a post he held for 35 years. In later life, he became a strong advocate for a trans-Pacific submarine telegraph cable.
The “father of standard time” died in Halifax on July 22, 1915, leaving behind an incredible legacy, numerous places and buildings in Canada are named in his honour, including a town in Saskatchewan, and his 95-acre property to the city of Halifax which he gifted for use as a public park, which was named Fleming Park in 1908. Mount Sir Sandford the highest mountain of the Sir Sandford Range and the highest mountain in the Selkirk Mountains of southeastern British Columbia. He is also one of many Scots honoured with a Google Doodle.
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agp · 5 months
part 1: quebec
special train ticket to montreal
drummondville (first gym)
st hyacinthe
car ride to ottawa
part 2: kichi zibi
hawksbury, on
montebello, qc
chelsea, qc
wakefield, qc
lac philippe
ottawa, on (second gym)
unlock presto pass
kitigan zibi
part 3: east ontario
cornwall, on
cataraqui (3rd gym)
belleville, on
trenton, on
cfb trenton
team galactic vs team rocket
n and silver are fighting for the planes
part 4: the gta
toronto (4th gym)
part 5: across the borders again
niagra, on
buffalo, ny (5th gym)
allegheny national forest
cleveland, oh
pittsburg, pa
harrisburg, pa
"unova isnt too far you know"
"florida is so far"
gym leader rematch
fifth badge back in cleveland
part 6: lake huron
detroit, mi (6th gym)
sarnia, on
london, on
goderich, on
sault ste marie, on
finally find the gym leader
mackinaw city, mi
battle and badge in detroit
part 7: chicago and the west
chicago (7th gym and badge)
n and silver are kidnapped by ola
its just like geonosis, so is the protag
ola wants a show and everyones angry
people arent meant to fight pokemon
not even in self defence this sucks
theres a reason were the trainers
milwaukee, wi
madison, wi
minneapolis, mn
duluth, mn
thunder bay, on
boat back to toronto, kingston, or ottawa
part 8: the road to montreal
pembrooke, on
temiskaming shores
north bay, on
sault ste marie
via full-time membership
party in toronto
party in cataraqui, on
montreal, pq (8th gym)
trois rivieres, pq
elite four in quebec city
post-game content everywhere
gen 5 remakes for every region
when were done with this one
welcome to the great lakes. welcome to anishinaabe country. welcome to the world of pokemon!! miigwetch
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guerrerense · 8 months
VIA-CN 125 por John Allen Por Flickr: With the Cataraqui River as a backdrop, VIA train #60, Toronto - Montreal, heads east from its Kingston station stop, with power car 125 trailing. Taken from the Montreal Street overpass, Kingston.
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styxnbones · 1 year
styxnbones oc masterpost
reference list for all the silly little brain blorbos in order of their creation
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Cassandra "Cass" Briar: she/they, 9th gen Carrier Malkavian, Anarch/Sabbat-sympathetic Autarkis, information broker, free roaming at the moment but formerly based in Los Angeles and New Orleans
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Kellen Merot: they/them, 12th gen Tzimisce, Autarkis, museum conservator based in Montreal
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Minerva: they/he, 8th gen Malkavian Antitribu, Sabbat, Black Hand, ductus of The Pantheon Pack
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Corin Antoine "Liber" Deserres: he/him, 11th gen Ventrue Antitribu, Sabbat, former Seneschal of Ottawa, now Minerva's boyfriend in Montreal with The Pantheon pack. (Was also based on both the protagonist of Parliament of Knives, and Bloodhunt's Ventrue Enforcer)
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Harper Matheson: they/he/she, 12th gen Nagaraja Hecata, Camarilla, Scourge of Baltimore (or New Orleans in an au)
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Peona/Thorn: she/they, 10th gen Tzimisce, Sabbat, member of The Pantheon pack, priest for The Path of Cathari
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Pluto (Silas McAllister): he/him, 10th gen Lasombra, Sabbat, member of The Pantheon Pack
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Adaline, The Obsidian Mask & Francesca Faustina Fioranti (she/her for both), 8th gen Harbinger/Hecata and the even older wraith of a former Cappadocian/Harbinger, nominally Sabbat (mostly in pursuit of their own goals/as a hobby), recently awoken from a 7 year torpor under the Atlantic
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Sev, he/they, 11th gen (secretly Caitiff ) Lasombra Primogen of Kingston, recently ex-sabbat having defected to the Camarilla after their pack was purged by hunters. My character for the Kingston By Night: Aftermath larp.
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Damien Kimber, also known as Naviel, Architect of Wishes (and former Angel of the Beaten Path), they/it/he, Ravener Malefactor, bomb specialist and wanted criminal in Las Vegas
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Caleb Quincey, he/him, 9th gen Gangrel organovore, ex-sabbat turned anarch post-100 Year Dirt Nap (also, ex-boyfriend of Harper's sire). Loosely based on the protagonist of cult classic build engine fps BLOOD (1997). Also, my character for the Canada At Midnight Good Intentions Chronicle larp.
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Palimpsest, mirror pronouns, 10th gen Kiasyd, broadly Camarilla affiliated, former changeling and Sickly Victorian Orphan
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YJ, also known by stage name NOSICAÄ, they/them, 13th gen Caitiff, Anarch, Uncle Fangs to a gaggle of duskborn and home base to a hive of wasps
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Carillon, he/him, 9th gen Tremere of House Goratrix, Camarilla (functionally), former Sabbat Inquisitor turned Infernalist.
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Agent Avery "Mayfly" Felix, he/they, NWO Operative, based out of the New York Construct front "Axiom Security," brightest upcoming agent in his division, and personal pet project of the Director. (NPC I wrote/played for Darkness Emergent in Chicago)
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m0thmachine · 5 months
need to know what you thought of Dynasty
It was SO GOOD!! I need to rewatch it, there’s a lot to take in.
Some matches felt short-ish or slightly underwhelming (namely Willow vs. Julia and Swerve vs. Joe), but I understand why (for the former, Julia was/is injured, and for the latter, they had a tough act to follow and it was more about Swerve’s presentation and legitimacy).
My match of the night, aside from the obvious banger that was Ospreay vs. Danielson, was the trios match of Adam Copeland, Eddie Kingston, and Mark Briscoe vs. The House of Black. I’m really into all of the guys involved, and the face team in particular is super great at hyping up the audience. It’s also a bit personal to me because Cope main evented the first show I saw live (the Montreal Dynamite), and both Eddie and Briscoe had matches I connected with at that show. Plus, I love spooky shit, so I love the HoB.
Jericho vs. Hook was my lowlight, but was worth it for the current angle, which I think is pretty hilarious. It’s the first time I’ve been this interested in Jericho. Like the Bucks, he seems to do well when he leans into his online hate.
I probably have more thoughts, but this is off the top of my head
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"SEND SIX TO PRISON FOR THEFT," North Bay Nugget. May 18, 1943. Page 14. ---- Two Get Penitentiary Terms for Stealing Auto in Mattawa --- Phillippe Grenier [TOP] and Ormond Foubert, both of Montreal, were found guilty when they appeared before Magistrate M. G. Gould in North Bay police court on Monday afternoon on a charge of stealing a car in Mattawa on April 28. Each was sentenced to two years and three months in Kingston penitentiary.
Isadore Grenier, Andre Coursol, Gregor Larocque and Fernand Beausoleil, also of Montreal, charged jointly with the first two men were given sentences of one year each at Burwash Industrial Farm. Coursol pleaded guilty; the others, not guilty.
Heavier sentences were handed out to the first two because each had a previous conviction on a theft charge.
Three witnesses were heard. Murray Kolvinko of Mattawa, owner of the car, told of seeing the six in Mattawa on the morning of the theft, of talking with them and of identifying them later in a Toronto police station.
Mrs. Amy Granfield of Toronto identified two of the accused as being members of a party of six who had parked a car behind a garage at the rear of her property on April 28 and had failed to return for it.
Joseph Shield, a member of the Toronto detective force, told of the arrest on the afternoon of April 28, of the six near where the car was abandoned and very soon after that took place. He told also of finding on the person of one of the accused a number of "postage due" stamps used by the owner of the car in his duties as mail courier. Found also in a cell occupied by the accused had been ration books bearing the name of the victim of the theft.
Before passing sentence, Magistrate Gould said: "While the failure of the accused to give evidence is by no means conclusive against them, still it is a matter to be considered, when joined to the fact that all five who pleaded not guilty were found in Toronto with the one who pleaded guilty and also with the fact that two of them have been definitely identified." Continuing the magistrate said that identification was sufficient to involve all six in the theft.
Crown Attorney E. A. Tilley conducted the prosecution and Arthur Courtmanche was interpreter.
[AL: Grenier was 22, married, a truck driver and had served a two year term at St Vincent de Paul Penitentiary. He was convict #7309 at Kingston Penitentiary and worked in a broom factory - he was transferred August 1943 to Collin's Bay Penitentiary, the lower security camp. There he was inmate #2109 and was released February 1945. Foubert was 22, single, a construction welder by trade, and had done time in Montreal and Ontario prisons. He was convict #7310 at Kingston Penitentiary and worked in the change room. He was a difficult prisoner and reported five times for insolence or poor conduct. He was transferred August 1944 to Collin's Bay Penitentiary, and released in early 1945.]
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batmanshole · 1 year
my opinions on various canadian places:
toronto: SCARY AS FUCK but they have good stores and food
montreal: LOVE LOVE LOVE except for the french part but i can deal with that. the whole vibe is awesome i love the architecture and being by the water
ottawa: SUCKS ASS. city boundaries are shaped like a heart though so points for that. ummm idk. boring
quebec city: very pretty but i dont think theres much to do, nice to look at though.
winnipeg: i would like it more if i didnt have to visit 18037298 relatives every time i come here. i like the weather and the stores though!!!! and i like looking at places my parents grew up
regina: WHY IS IT SO FLAT. THERE IS NOTHING!!!!!!!! tap water tastes funky also
st. john's: BEAUTIFUL PLACE!!!! I LOVE YOU ST JOHNS!!!!! no notes. i wish it was more accessible but the fish and chips here SOOO YUMMY
halifax: mehhhh idk ive only been here a few times and all my memories are hazy.
lunenburg: wonderful place love her lots! lovely in the spring.
anywhere in new brunswick: does anyone actually go here? i drove through once.
PEI (small enough for me to count it as one place): very pretty!!! i enjoyed it i saw jellyfish :-)
vaughan: kind of scary but decent. ive only been to canadas wonderland + vaughan mills area though so idk. also that mall scares me!!!!
beaver valley / nottawasaga bay / collingwood area: LOVE. gorgeous place. i miss it sooooo bad :((((((((
kingston: pretty decent i like reid's dairy and my grandparents take me here often to go to the lake.
gimli: LOVE GIMLI. i like the plane and i like the food and i like the stuff. very cold though but thats ok
i think thats everywhere ive been idk. i havent been up north or to alberta or bc So.
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nightsidewrestling · 9 months
D.U.D.E Bios: Elinor Herbert / Eli Lucifarian (2021)
The Jealous Fool Eli Lucifarian
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Same pic as Eli hasn't changed much
The sixth of the seven, the perpetually jealous Eli isn't always the calmest woman in the room, but when angered she has enough tactical knowledge to take what she wants and run. Eli will take everything from her opponent and leave them longing for what they once had.
"Bounjour tout le monde."
Full Legal Name: Elinor Zénaïde Herbert
First Name: Elinor
Meaning: Variant of Eleanor, which itself comes from the Old French form of the Occitan name 'Alienòr'.
Pronunciation: EHL-a-nawr
Origin: English
Middle Name: Zénaïde
Meaning: French form of 'Zenaida', which itself is apparently a Greek derivative of 'Zenais', which was derived from the name of the Greek God Zeus.
Pronunciation: ZEH-NA-EED
Origin: French
Surname: Herbert
Meaning: Derived from the male given name 'Herbert', which itself is derived from the Germanic elements 'Hari' 'Army' and 'Beraht' 'Bright'.
Pronunciation: HUR-bert / EHR-BEHR
Origin: English, German, French
Alias: The Jealous Fool, Eli Lucifarian
Reason: Damien named Eli a 'Jealous Fool' during a promo the night she joined the group and it stuck
Nicknames: Eli, Nora, Zéna
Titles: Miss
Age: 22
Gender: Female. She/Her Pronouns
Race: Human
Nationality: French-Canadian
Ethnicity: White
Birth Date: June 18th 1999
Symbols: Dogs, Green
Sexuality: Bisexual
Religion: Jewish
Native Language: French
Spoken Languages: French, English, Hebrew
Relationship Status: Single
Astrological Sign: Gemini
Theme Song: 'Unpretty' - TLC (2017-)
Voice Actor: Catherine O'Hara
Geographical Characteristics
Birthplace: Montreal, Québec, Canada
Current Location: Unknown
Hometown: Montreal, Québec, Canada
Height: 5'5" / 165 cm
Weight: 140 lbs / 63 kg
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Blonde
Hair Dye: Ponytail and bangs dyed two different shades of green
Body Hair: N/A
Facial Hair: N/A
Tattoos: (As of Jan 2020) 2
Piercings: Double lobe piercings (Both)
Scars: None
Health and Fitness
Allergies: Bee & Wasp stings
Alcoholic, Smoker, Drug User: Social Drinker
Illnesses/Disorders: Asthma
Medications: Inhaler & EpiPens
Any Specific Diet: None
Allies: (As of Jan 2021) Damien Lucifarian, Vi Lucifarian, Billie Lucifarian, Geia Lucifarian, Honey Lucifarian, Sara Lucifarian, Yeray Marino, Flo Marino, Bano Marino, Judi Marino, Rino Marino, Nat Marino, Mac Marino, Ros Marino, Zac Marino, 'Monster' Mike, Sakurako, Ash Thunder
Enemies: (As of Jan 2021) Kirby Kingston, Eddie Kingston
Friends: Viola Nye, Bienvenida Marino, Pelageya Winter, Honey Di Napoli, Saraid Grady-Sullivan, Klavdia Volkov
Colleagues: The EW locker rooms / Too many to list
Rivals: Evil Uno, Rey Fénix, Austin Gunn, Colt Cabana, Hikaru Shida
Closest Confidant: Giselle Herbert
Mentor: Damien Lucifarian
Significant Other: None
Previous Partners: None of note
Parents: Frank Herbert (43, Father), Giselle Herbert (43, Mother, Née Granger)
Parents-In-Law: None
Siblings: Isidore Herbert (19, Brother), Jade Herbert (16, Sister)
Siblings-In-Law: None
Nieces & Nephews: None
Children: None
Children-In-Law: None
Grandkids: None
Great Grandkids: None
Billed From: The Underworld
Trainer: Damien Lucifarian
Managers: Damien Lucifarian
Wrestlers Managed: None
Debut: 2017
Debut Match: Vi Lucifarian VS Eli Lucifarian. Eli won by submission.
Retired: N/A
Retirement Match: N/A
Wrestling Style: Build Up Fighter
Stables: The Lucifarians (2017-)
Teams: Post
Regular Moves: Standing Dropkick, Hangman's DDT, Exploder Suplex, Bone Taker (Inverted Headlock Backbreaker), Powerslam, Jumping Knee Drop, European Uppercut, T-Bone Suplex, Take-It-All (Diving Crossbody), Green Eyed Grab (Gut-Wrench Elevated Neckbreaker)
Finishers: Wheelbarrow Suplex, Give-It-All (Inverted Overdrive), Sleeper Hold
Refers To Fans As: The Envious, The Envious Ones, The Disenchanted, The Disenchanted Ones
Backstory: Elinor Herbert, the French-Canadian Jew who envies the people who grew up watching Stampede and older territories of wrestling and especially the wrestlers who worked in those promotions. She became Envy after telling Damien about her feelings and agreeing to let him train her on how to turn her envy into power.
Trivia: Nothing of note
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frecklesky · 2 years
Zodiac Couples as Travel Destinations
**Check your Sun + Sun and Venus + Venus**
Aries + Aries: Bangkok, Thailand 
Aries + Taurus: Amsterdam, Netherlands 
Aries + Gemini: Casablanca, Morocco 
Aries + Cancer: Suva, Fiji 
Aries + Leo: Madrid, Spain 
Aries + Virgo: Jaipur, India 
Aries + Libra: Kuala Lumpar, Malaysia 
Aries + Scorpio: New York, USA 
Aries + Sagittarius: Mexico City, Mexico 
Aries + Capricorn: Anchorage, USA 
Aries + Aquarius: Lagos, Nigeria 
Aries + Pisces: Dallas, USA 
Taurus + Taurus: London, England 
Taurus + Gemini: Accra, Ghana 
Taurus + Cancer: Vienna, Austria 
Taurus + Leo: Sydney, Australia 
Taurus + Virgo: Boston, USA 
Taurus + Libra: Prague, Czech Republic 
Taurus + Scorpio: Athens, Greece 
Taurus + Sagittarius: Manila, Philippines 
Taurus + Capricorn: Tallinn, Estonia 
Taurus + Aquarius: Lima, Peru 
Taurus + Pisces: Venice, Italy 
Gemini + Gemini: Quito, Ecuador 
Gemini + Cancer: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 
Gemini + Leo: Marrakesh, Morocco
Gemini + Virgo: Montreal, Canada 
Gemini + Libra: San Francisco, USA 
Gemini + Scorpio: Berlin, Germany 
Gemini + Sagittarius: Kingston, Jamaica 
Gemini + Capricorn: Stockholm, Sweden 
Gemini + Aquarius: Dakar, Senegal 
Gemini + Pisces: Havana, Cuba 
Cancer + Cancer: Paris, France 
Cancer + Leo: Buenos Aires, Argentina 
Cancer + Virgo: Edinburgh, Scotland 
Cancer + Libra: Nashville, USA 
Cancer + Scorpio: Lisbon, Portugal 
Cancer + Sagittarius: Atlanta, USA 
Cancer + Capricorn: Bali, Indonesia 
Cancer + Aquarius: Auckland, New Zealand 
Cancer + Pisces: Santiago, Chile
Leo + Leo: Miami, USA 
Leo + Virgo: Rome, Italy 
Leo + Libra: Malé, Maldives 
Leo + Scorpio: Seoul, South Korea 
Leo + Sagittarius: Bogotá, Colombia
Leo + Capricorn: Zurich, Switzerland 
Leo + Aquarius: Budapest, Hungary 
Leo + Pisces: Copenhagen, Denmark 
Virgo + Virgo: Chicago, USA 
Virgo + Libra: Reykjavik, Iceland 
Virgo + Scorpio: Panama City, Panama 
Virgo + Sagittarius: Dublin, Ireland 
Virgo + Capricorn: Helsinki, Finland 
Virgo + Aquarius: Alexandria, Egypt 
Virgo + Pisces: Nairobi, Kenya 
Libra + Libra: Brussels, Belgium 
Libra + Scorpio: Kyoto, Japan 
Libra + Sagittarius: Los Angeles, USA 
Libra + Capricorn: Munich, Germany 
Libra + Aquarius: Tokyo, Japan 
Libra + Pisces: Istanbul, Turkey 
Scorpio + Scorpio: Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic 
Scorpio + Sagittarius: Las Vegas, USA 
Scorpio + Capricorn: Oslo, Norway
Scorpio + Aquarius: New Orleans, USA
Scorpio + Pisces: Dubai, UAE 
Sagittarius + Sagittarius: Algiers, Algeria 
Sagittarius + Capricorn: Cape Town, South Africa 
Sagittarius + Aquarius: Managua, Nicaragua 
Sagittarius + Pisces: Barcelona, Spain 
Capricorn + Capricorn: Cairo, Egypt 
Capricorn + Aquarius: Vancouver, Canada 
Capricorn + Pisces: Shanghai, China 
Aquarius + Aquarius: Beirut, Lebanon 
Aquarius + Pisces: Krakow, Poland 
Pisces + Pisces: Phuket, Thailand 
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iamthefemaleweezy · 1 year
my highschool sweetheart walked into my place of work yesterday . my face was like :0 last time i saw them (over 3yrs ago) they drove from kingston to come see my play in ottawa and before that i hadn't seen them since PROM so it was a surprise then and an even bigger surprise now. a nice surprise tho we haven't rlly kept in touch over the years but im very fond of them and i had no idea they lived in montreal now and go to concordia like whattttt. we're gonna catch up soon..we have unfinished business it seems.. it all felt really surreal im still reeling over it
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