#Kirishima HC
scarlettriot · 1 year
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Someone asks Kiri if he’s a tits or ass kinda guy and the man scrunches up his face and looks mildly offended and very confused.
“Whaddya mean tits or ass? I don’t like one over the other! I like tits and ass! And thighs! And tummies, and arms, and smile lines, and… and I’m just a people kinda guy, alright! I like people!”
He says with big ole hearts in his eyes.
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rumisgf · 3 months
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ includes: shoto todoroki, kirishima eijirou, hitoshi shinsou, denki kaminari, katsuki bakugou, izuku midoriya, sero hanta
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ warnings: suggestive? ig lmao, mentions of marijuana/drug usage
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✮ helps you do your skincare and looks at your face so focused as he rubs aquaphor/vaseline on your skin
✮ holds you by the waist while walking across the street
✮ just something about the way he says “c’mere.” man
✮ will fight people to sit next to you when y’all go out to eat with friends
✮ when he’s stopping you from going somewhere or doing something stupid he forces you into a hug, burying your face into his chest as he restrains you
✮ wipes food off the corner of your mouth and eye crust off the corner of your eyes
✮ lifts you up off the ground and throws you over his shoulder with ease
✮ kisses your hands from your fingertips to your palms
✮ gives you rides to places y’all get invited to even if he’s not going because he wants you to be safe
✮ adjusts your bonnet/scarf for you while you lay down (and if you wear glasses– he takes them off for you when you fall asleep with them on accidentally)
✮ grabs you by your neck to kiss you.
✮ makes you put your face in the camera on facetime and constantly telling you “get off paused”
✮ insists on feeding you his food every time he gets something to eat and you’re in his vicinity— he’ll just bring food up to your mouth and say “open”
✮ and shares drinks without not caring one bit about swapping spit
✮ mindlessly kisses your cheek while he studies sitting next to you
✮ will sit in the bathroom with you while you pee
✮ leans his forehead against yours before/after kissing you
✮ brings you around his friends because he wants them to love you as much as he does
✮ constantly hugging you from behind
✮ is quick to defend you any time his father says something slick, and will tell endeavour about himself immediately
✮ will carry you up the stairs if you feel lazy
✮ has a habit of spoiling you that he has no intention of breaking
✮ says “bless you” with the sweetest voice every time you sneeze, and pats your back every time you cough
✮ brushes hair out of your face even if you don’t notice it there
✮ he has a hard time with feelings, so on special occasion— or if he just feels like it, he’ll write you lengthy love letters signed with his initial and a heart at the end
✮ lays you in his lap when he studies so he can still hold you while he’s occupied
✮ if you even utter the words “i want”, he’s buying it.
✮ always offers to tie your shoes
✮ drags his y’s when he calls you baby or honey (“but babyyyy”)
✮ holds your hand in front of his friends with no shame
✮ wears anything you buy him no matter if it matches his wardrobe or not
✮ licks his lips a lot
✮ lets you mindless play with his hair and he does the same with you
✮ gives the best massages known to man
✮ bounces his leg often, especially when you’re sitting in lap
✮ also always hugs your waist when you sit in his lap
✮ has a highlight for you on his main instagram account that he’s constantly updating because he’s constantly posting you
✮ rushes to zip up your jacket for you before you can do it yourself
✮ pats your head to tease you
✮ always throw his arm over your shoulder when he sits next to you on the couch
✮ when you try to get sassy with him he straight up laughs in your face and noogies you
✮ lifts you up to sit on the counter while he fixes himself something to eat in the kitchen
✮ laughs when you show him guys talking to themselves in your dm requests
✮ smiles at you with half open eyes when you smoke together
✮ also the best trip sitter in the world
✮ quick to call you and ask what you want went he grabs something to eat for himself
✮ if you hug him standing up while he’s sitting down he hugs you tight around your waist and leans his head in your stomach
✮ willingly lets you drive his car and if you don’t know how to drive, has no problem teaching you
✮ lets you sit in his lap when he’s on the phone or on the game
✮ gives you princess treatment. always.
✮ literally has a seat cover on his passenger seat that says “princess” that he puts on whenever he’s about to have you in his car
✮ holds your hand and walks you down the stairs
✮ offers to wash your hair for you
✮ will send you money without a question if you even utter the words “i’m hungry” or “i want..”
✮ carries you everywhere even when it’s not necessary
✮ always refers to you as “my lady” or “my baby” to other people— he barely uses your name.
✮ brushes your hair and puts lotion on for you
✮ geniunely enjoys going perfume shopping with you and will try different ones out to help you choose
✮ fixes your posture if you’re hunching while sitting
✮ pokes your cheek when he thinks you look cute or if he just feels like it
✮ king of forehead kisses, he gave you ones even when y’all were just friends
✮ looks at you with glossy eyes while you’re high together, making direct contact as he stares at your lips while you talk and licks his own as he plans his next action
✮ is constantly calling you “baby”
✮ throws his head back as he gulps down a can of soda, his adam’s apple bobbing up and down his neck as he gives you an amazing view of his jawline
✮ certified french kissing addict
✮ says “hmm?” in a soft tone to tease you- or when he genuinely does not hear you
✮ puts his hands over yours to show you how to do something
✮ squishes your cheeks when you pout and laughs in your face
✮ kisses your neck in a sweet way, not even to start something
✮ him playing guitar. that’s all i need to say.
✮ wipes the food of the corner of your mouth and licks it off his thumb, just so casually
✮ in general- casually touches you in a way or says things that leave you flustered out of words and acts like it’s nothing (sometimes it’s not even on purpose)
✮ does that hand/finger motion with his two fingers when he wants you to hand him something or come over to him (ik y’all know what i’m talking about)
✮ feeds you his food and asks you to feed him, leading to yall always feeding each other when yall go out to get food— even around y’all’s friends
✮ pulls in his lap whenever he feels like it and rests his hand on your thigh, rubbing it with his thumb
✮ “use your words” –in the most casual way possible.
✮ will check you every time you have an attitude just to get you flustered
✮ makes you maintain eye contact with him when you’re flustered and will tease you endlessly
✮ whispers in your ear in public (mainly to talk shit)
✮ while give you his jacket in public without you asking and just let you keep it after you go home
✮ rolls blunts for you while fake complaining that you need to learn how to roll (he’d still roll for you even if you did)
✮ smacks his lip and rolls his eyes lot
✮ taps his finger on his desk or the arm of his chair when he’s thinking
✮ leans his head back on his chair often
✮ prefers you to face him when he has you on his lap
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© rumisgf
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blkluci · 3 months
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𝑴𝑯𝑨 𝒃𝒐𝒚𝒔 and you fighting…
CHARACTERS )) katsuki bakugo, eijiro kirishima, shoto todoroki, izuku midoriya.
PLOT )) a headcanon of the boys seeing you fight.
A/N )) this purely based off my imagination! lil mina slander, todoroki getting down and overall comedic. feel like i should do a part 2 maybe, yall lemme know how yall feel bout this one :) requests are open and hope yall enjoy.
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[ 𝐊𝐀𝐓𝐒𝐔𝐊𝐈 ] bakugo heard you mention that this girl has been talking about you. explaining that she’s said things in the hallways and during canteen time. “stop focusing on stupid extras. it's not worth it.” was his response. when you hadn’t mentioned anything about her, he assumed the whole thing was over; boy was he wrong
… kats walked to your 5th period to escort you down to the cafe for lunch
… as he neared the classroom he heard commotion and saw a group forming in front of the door
… for some reason he had a unsettling feeling in his gut and you instantly popped in his mind
-> “get out the damn way extras!”
… pushing people out the way and threatening them he got into the room
… katsuki’s jaw slacked
… he saw you holding tsunotori poni by her horns while mackin her face in
… every punch connected with her face
… he was truly in shock and impressed
… the poor girl tried her hardest to fight you off but winning to no avail; only able to kick her legs
… the teacher, vlad, yelling for students to get away and breaking up the fight
… katsuki couldn’t help but feel a little proud and attracted to this anger that is always concealed from him
… you remind him of himself
-> “alrigh’, you could let ‘er go. you got ‘er”
… he pulls you away and carries you away in his arms
… vlad held the weak girl in his arms as her nose bled
… he chuckled
[ 𝐄𝐈𝐉𝐈𝐑𝐎 ] kirishima felt the shift in the energy when your fellow classmate, mina, decided to push up her on him KNOWING that’s your man. there’ve been times where she’s done and said things that you had to check her about and she “apologized”. “babe c’mon, don’t feed into it.” she was feeling particularly bold today tho when you checked her at the end of class.
… eijiro didn’t have enough time to react when the desks were shoved out the way and y’all squared up
… you charged at her
… not even giving him time to fully comprehend
… mina thought that she could keep testin you and not get put in place and you did that exactly
… you ate her up!
… dragging her across the floor and knocking her head in
-> “y/n stop!”
… eiji felt adrenaline course through his veins
… fear of you getting hurt, you getting in trouble, mina dying
… eijiro pulled you off of mina but you wouldn’t let her hair go
… you kicked her in her face and she screamed as aizawa and all might rushed to help her
… eijiro pulled you out to the hallway
… he was gonna scold you but he could do anything but hold
you as you spilled your anger to him
… he smiles at you and winces when mina passes by being taken to the nurse
-> “ouch, she’s gonna need a little more than just ice”
… he’s gotta fighter on his hands
[ 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐎 ] todoroki is obviously to most things; if not, everything. the boy doesn’t seem to catch the girls who constantly are gagging over him. “oh, i’ve never noticed that.” oh and they see you, they know you! BUT OBVIOUSLY not enough. so during lunch, when two girls scroll over to you both and blatantly flirt with him and disrespect you– your boyfriend sees another side of you.
… poor sho never seen someone jump as fast
… your hands instantly connected with the girls face
… knocking the disrespect out her mouth and knocking her to the ground
… shoto sort of panicked when seeing you this angered and beating someone up
… people started to crowd which alerted teachers
… outta nowhere some guy tried to hurt
… shoto wasn’t havin’ it
… his body moved before his mind
… the guy punched sho in the face
… yeah. he saw red
-> “you’re weak.”
… while you stomped that girl in, sho beat that guy up
… in the end you both were sent to the principals office and reprimanded
… sitting in the chairs outside principal nezu’s office, you guys chatted
-> “he tried it but miserably failed.”
… y’all’s is a dangerous duo
[ 𝐈𝐙𝐔𝐊𝐔 ] midoriya fights all the time, heroically, many times alongside you even. but seeing you in a drama fight is something he doesn’t wanna see. so when you tell him you fighting this girl after school tomorrow he opposes your decision. “b-babe. maybe, not the best idea. please don’t.” you took heed of his words and let it go; till she snuck you.
… izuku was nowhere close when this happened
… denki and mineta were the ones that alerted him
… boy one for all’d his way downstairs
… so many thoughts circled his brain as neared the chaos
… he pushed around everyone and spotted you
-> “babe!”
… the girl under you was leaking from her eye
… you weren’t letting up
… he uses force to pull you two apart and pull you away
… you screamed at yelled to be let go
… poor izuku had to pull you to a whole other room
… he shook you out of your crazy state
… after izuku helped you to calm down, you explained what happened
… he was mad
… zu was ready to fight too
… but he knew a better way to get back
-> “i’m sorry for not being there but i think you got her bad.”
… the privileges of being all might’s predecessor
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See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him. (1 John 3:1)
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writteninkat · 2 months
w/ Bakugou, Kirishima, Todoroki, Hawks, Endeavor
warnings: none just mha men being rich<3
"Hey, where are you?" You hear you husband's rough voice spill through the speakers of your phone, your eyelids shaking at the eyelash extensions being pressed down and glued on your water line.
"Getting my lashes done."
"Anything else planned?" He asks, making you purse your lips in thought.
"My whole day's packed, actually. I already went to my facial appointment. I'm getting my nails and hair done after this. Maybe a little shopping if I have the energy. Oh! I'll probably get a massage too!" You rant, smiling as you imagine the perfect selfcare day.
"Alright. You think you'll have enough energy for dinner after all that?" You giggle and hum, "Uhuh! I always have energy for you baby."
"That's good to hear. Have fun today baby, I love you."
"I love you more."
You hear three beeps and you hear your lashtech giggle.
"Hero Dynamight is portrayed as this scary, rough guy in the media, but he's actually very sweet." She swoons, making your chest swell with pride.
"He is, actually. One time-"
You're cut off by your phone buzzing, followed by your lashtech gasping. Unable to open your eyes, you stretch your arms out. "What? What happened?!"
"Hero Dynamight he..." She gasps.
"He what?!" You yell, your chest caving in as every horrible thought crosses your mind.
Did he get injured during a fight?
How badly is he injured?
Is he...?
"Dammit, Ari! Tell me what's happening!" You demand, about to sit up from the bed.
"He just sent you two million yen..." She breathes out, making you release a sigh.
"Fucking Christ. I thought something happened." You whisper, relaxing back onto the bed. "Did he say why?"
"'Refunding you for you facial appointment. The rest are for your other plans. Call if you need more. I love you baby.'" She read aloud, causing a smile to stretch across your face.
"He's the sweetest." You swoon.
You look around the villa, eyes sparkling and head over the moon at how beautiful it is. The Spanish colonial architecture is beautiful, the ceilings high, the wood floors shiny and waxed, and the arched windows big enough for you to show a tree from the tops of its leaves down to its roots burrowed down the soil.
"It's so pretty, baby!" You giggle, twirling around the foyer of the villa you'll be spending your two weeks in.
Finally, Eijirou was able to grab a two-week break from hero work. The two of you have been busting your asses off, protecting cities and taking down villains.
This time, you made sure your schedules synced when it came to time to making time for each other.
"You like it?" He asks, hugging you from behind.
You turn your head to the side, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "I love it, baby. This'll be the best vacation ever. Just the two of us. Happy and in love." You smile, giggling at his cheeks slowly turning into a crimson colour.
And just as you said, your two-week vacation was a bliss. The both of you drank and ate, made love, swam in the private pool, in the private beach, cuddled during movies, played video games, board games, explored the small town near the villa- everything was perfect.
As you sit on your spot in the hero's private plane, a white folder on the table catches your eye. With curiousity tickling your fingers, you open it, your gaze immediately falling to your husband's familiar signature. Your brows knit as you bring your eyes back up to the top of the document, reading it.
This letter of Intention to Offer is made and effectively by...
Property Address...
Purchaser Address...
Purchaser Contact...
Dear Mr. Kirishima Eijirou...
Please accept this bid purchase to...
For the amount of...
"Eight million euros?!" You scream, clutching on the document.
Eijirou rushes out of the private bedroom inside the jet, his eyes wide with worry as he inspects you. "What's wrong?!" He worries.
"Why the hell did you buy the villa?!" You scream, now your eyes are wide with worry.
"You said you loved it." He shrugs.
Your head pulses with the need to close your eyes. You can feel your blood pressure rising at this stupid, idiotic, irresponsible...sweet, lovely, man.
"Where the hell are you getting eight million euros?" You sigh, finally looking up at the man who foolishly spoils you rotten.
"The same place I was getting eighty million yen for the yacht you wanted..." He looks at you like you're stupid.
"Why the hell did you buy a yacht on top of a villa, Eijirou?"
"You said you wanted the boat!" He exclaims, forcing you to rack your brain for the memory of when you said that.
"I said it was pretty! Not that I wanted it!" You exclaim, your face scrunching up in stress. "Where on earth are you getting your money!"
The red head simply smiles, engulfing you with his strong arms in a warm, tight embrace. "I'm one of the top heros in the world, baby. And I've been in this game for decades now. It's safe to say I've got more money than we both can possibly need." He reasons, his lips pressing against the top of your head.
"Plus, property investments are good!" You roll your eyes at the stupidly sweet man you call your husband, your heart searing as your gaze catches onto another document with the words 'Land Ownership' and your name printed not far from it.
An evil grin stretches across your face as you point at every pretty thing your eyes fall on. You don't break your stride as you enter and exit shops in under a minute.
"That." You point at an adorable bag inside a shelf. "That, too." You point at the one beside it.
"These shoes in my size. These too. Ooo! And these as well." You hand the shoes over to your assistant, letting her pass them over to the store clerk.
You exit the shop, leaving one body guard behind as you enter the store beside it. This one's a gadget store.
"You think it's time to upgrade my devices?" You ask, playing with the showcased device on the table. You turn to your side, eyeing your husband's assistant, seeing tears comically strem down his cheeks.
"Please, madam! You've spent so much already!" He cries, "What on earth did Mr. Todoroki's money ever do to you?"
"It's not his money, it's him in general. He hasn't been spending time with me as of late. I'm getting bored." You pout, nodding at a store clerk before point at different gadgets, one of each kind.
"All those, if you have them in pink, but if not, I'll get them in black. The biggest memory you have, please. Along with accesories. Pink." You order before leaving the store once more, entering another booth selling watches in insane prices.
"Madam, Mr. Todoroki is a pro hero-"
"And I'm not?" You glare at the employee. "I work as much hours as he does. I'm just as demanded, I'm just as busy, and I'm just as tired as he is. And yet, I can always make time for him back at home."
You know you're being a bit too unreasonable. But you've grown bored and lonely. And you'd rather die than take another lover. So Shoto's bank account it is.
"He'd have a heart attack if he saw all the withdrawals." The assistant worries as you ponder over two watches displayed in front of you.
"If my husband suffers from cardiac problems due to my spending, then he shouldn't have taken being a pro hero as a job." You point at the silver and blue Patek Philippe. "This one please." You tell the sales woman who smiles at you as she nods softly.
You check your own watch to see you've been at it for hours now. Almost time for dinner.
Maybe I should pay my busy husband a visit.
You roll your eyes.
You stretch your arms up above you, letting out a yawn as your muscles finally relax.
Your last stop is a five star restaurant right beside the mall.
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Shoto scribbles on a few papers, hating how he's been leaving his wife alone for multiple nights. Knowing her, she'll have his ass if this goes on for too long.
He sighs, stretching his up above him, feeling his back crack. His head pulses and the need to see his wife waves over him in strong currents.
Right as he's about to resume his paper work, his phone buzzes in a call, his financial advisor's name flashing the screen.
Shoto answers the call with one hand, the other elegantly scribbling on the paper. "What is it?"
"Sir, I think your card's been stolen. There have been numerous deductions, all huge amounts." Shoto furrows his brows, taking his wallet out from his pocket. Sure enough, his black Master is missing.
A tickling feeling grows in his gut. "From which shops?"
He hears a few clicks from the other line, "These are all luxury brands. Miu Miu? Coach? LV, Prada, Bottega Veneta, Chanel, Dior, Philippe Patek- The thief may be a woman, sir."
"You're right. A woman. My woman." Shoto sighs, chuckling softly. "How much did my wife spend?"
"A little over two hundred million yen." Shoto can hear the wince in his advisor's tone, making him grin.
Sure, his wife's a kickass pro hero, and she makes just as much money as he does. But nothing compares to her spending ability with the cute little side talent of not touching her own bank account.
Just as he's about to give out an order, said wife enters his office without knocking, a familiar paper bag in her hands.
"Brought you dinner from that favorite restaurant of yours." She lifts the bag, striding over to him.
"She seems to have been having a little tantrum because I haven't been giving her the attention she deserves." He smirks at her, "Run it through."
"You talk shit about me to your employees?" The love of his life pouts as he chuckles deeply, standing from his seat. He places his hands on his wife's hips, softly pulling her towards him, giving her lips a gentle peck.
"Never. I was just explaining to them why I lost millions of yen in a day." His joke earns him a playful glare from his wife.
You complained to Keigo once. Once. That you were tired.
It was six am that morning when you woke up like you hadn't slept at all. You didn't have muscle sores or a headache nor were you sick. You were simply tired.
By nine am, the pro hero had written you a sick leave, carried you onto his private jet, and the both of you were now flying over beautiful blue waters.
"Keigo-" He cuts you off by shushing you, lifting a finger up in the air. He pulls you towards the private room located at the back of the jet where a massage table has been set up, along with ambient spa music and a masseus in the corner with her hands clasped together and her head bowed down. The room smelled of peppermint and lavender.
"We'll land in twelve hours. You can request anything else after the massage." You don't get a chance to respond because he leaves the room, closing the door gently.
You and the masseus look at each other before she lets out an amused chuckle. "He seems to spoil you so."
You sigh, "He overdoes it, but I know he means well."
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Eleven hours later, you've gotten a mani pedi, a simple and refreshing facial, your muscles are relaxed, you've eaten two square meals, and had the longest nap of your life.
Now you're seated in front of your husband, sipping your champagne in your soft, fluffy robe as he reads his magazine.
"Keigo, will you finally tell me where you're taking me?" You sigh, watching him look at you through his golden eye lashes. He smirks, setting his magazine down as he pulls the window cover up.
You squint at the sudden brightness but your eyes quickly adjust. You blink a few times, moving towards the window, taking a peek.
"You took me to Greece?!" You exclaim, seeing the familiar white walls and blue roofs.
"My baby said she was tired." He mused, "And we can't have that."
You open your mouth in protest, but a sound cuts before you. "Mr. and Mrs. Takami, we'll be landing shortly. Please return to your seats and fasten your seat belts, thank you."
You glare at your husband one last time before buckling up, letting out an annoyed huff as you keep your eyes on the window.
"Jesus..." You breath out, craning your head up to look at the domed ceiling. Your gaze drags down, moving from side to side as you inspect the large arched windows and marbled floors.
Keigo weaps his arms from behind you, breathing in your scent. "You know you didn't have to fly me anywhere. That spa day was exactly what I needed. I could've gotten it back in Japan."
"Yeah," Keigo squints, softly pushing you towards the glass double doors leading to the balcony. "But you wouldn't have been able to enjoy this view afterwards."
The scene of the vast blue ocean with the sun slowly dipping down is breath taking. Accompanied by the soft glow of yellowish lights, the chirping of a few birds here and there, and the smell of the ocean has you claiming this place to be paradise.
"I love it..." I mumbled, captivated by the beauty of the sunset.
"More than me?"
You turn your head to the side, pressing your lips softly on your husband's cheek. "No, never more than you, my love."
Keigo smiles, pressing a soft peck on your lips before slowly letting his arms fall, his hand delicately holding your hand.
"Come with me." He tugs you back inside, leading you up the grand marble staircase and inside what looks like the master bedroom.
"Close your eyes." He whispers in your ear and you immediately follow his order. Slowly leading you somewhere, you hear a soft click of a door. "Open."
You blink once, twice, before your jaw drops to the floor. You're right outside a huge walk in closet, and inside is one of the biggest boquet of elden roses formed into a heart. Surrounding it are paper bags with different kinds of designer brands printed on them. Behind the boquet is a round marble table with different boxes of leather, some kept closed and some open, revealing shiny watches and jewelry, ranging from silver, gold, and white gold.
"Keigo..." You breathe out, taking a careful step inside before turning around to face your husband. Your eyes feel like they're about to bulge out of their sockets and your haw about to fall off.
"Not now." You shakes his head, quickly stopping you as if he knows what you're about to do. "Pick an outfit and we'll leave in an hour." He presses a light kiss on your forehead before leaving you alone with your gifts.
Feeling as though you've been spoiled rotten, you take your time going through your numerous gifts, deciding to wear every dress you come across, but quickly change your mind when you find another one.
Your husband may be a pro hero, but his true talent is picking out beautiful dresses for you.
You decide on a wine red silk dress, revealing your back, pairing it with strappy silver heels, a diamond encrusted choker, and diamond earings that hang right below your chin. You make up is a simple smokey eye with a bold dark red lip. Your hair curled and pinned up into a bun, the front swept to the side.
You step out of the room and onto the top of the staircase, looking down to see Keigo already in a suit and waiting. He looks up, eyes sparkling when they settle on you. Your heart bursts of affection- he always does this. Whether you dress to the highs or like a beggar, he looks at you like you're the most beautiful thing he's ever laid his eyes on.
Feeling your cheeks flush, you slowly climb down the steps, your husband meeting you at the bottom. He drinks you up slowly, his chest rising before shakily lowering back.
"Beautiful..." He whispers, soft fingers caressing your cheek.
"Thank you." You kiss his open palm, leaving a lipstick stain. "What are we having for dinner?"
Keigo's eyes are stuck on you lipstick stain and you watch his throat swallow. "May I have you instead?" He asks, his eyes filled with heat, making you chuckle.
"No, you may not, because I'm hungry for some real food." You cup his cheek for a moment before stepping to the side, making your way to the waiting car in the driveway.
He takes you to a restaurant that serves an array of european dishes. Not long after, you have a food baby and are tipsy on what you claim to be the best wine you've ever drank.
By the time you finish, you decide to take a little walk around the small town. His suit jacket hangs on your shoulders with your clasped together.
You try to hold it in, but the searing pain from your feet makes you hiss and wobble. Keigo immediately catches you, "What's wrong?"
You sigh, looking up at him with a pout. "My feet hurt. Heels are too high."
Keigo smirks before getting down on one knee.
"We're already married." Your reminder earns you a hearty laugh from him.
"I'm trying to undo your shoes, dummy."
He swiftly undoes the clasps of your heels, taking the pair. Before you take another step forward, he scoops you in his arms, your immediately wrapping themselves around his neck.
"Hold on tight, love." He whispers.
You get a second to process what he means by that before his wings stretch out, pushing the both of you off the ground.
"Keigo!" You scream, tightly clutching onto him as he laughs loudly.
"Shouldn't you be used to this by now?" He yells through the air.
"I'm full and I'm drunk! You're gonna make me throw up!" You yell.
He simply laughs, his arms holding you possessively onto his chest. "Not yet, my love."
You look up at him questioningly before finding the courage to look down, enraptured by the beauty of the city below you. Before you know it, you catch a glimpse of the shoreline before dark blue waters meet your gaze.
"If you drown me, you'll be the worst husband ever." You frown, receiving a snicker from Keigo.
"Don't worry, love. We're almost there." At his words, you look infront of you, noting how the angry waters eventually grow calm until finally, they're as still as mirrors. Scratch that, they're exactly like mirrors.
The stars twinkle and shine brightly above you, as well as below you. It's as if you're in outer space. The sight around you is exquisit, bewitching, alluring, captivating—it's divine. You see millions upon million of stars all around you. Tears fill the corners of your eyes at the tantalizing scene.
Keigo looks at you and you feel him slowly lower you, right above the water. "Lower your feet for me." His request has you immediately dropping your feet.
He hovers the both of you just above the water, only your tippy toes grazes the top of the water, creating a circular ripple effect, making the stars in its reflection dance.
"Beautiful..." You gasp, charmed by the sight.
"Not as much as you." Keigo mutters, pressing a soft kiss on your forehead. "I love you."
"I love you more."
"Love?" You call out.
He hums in response, the silence relaxing.
"How much did you spend just today?"
You feel your husband freeze at your question. It's incredible how Keigo's spending problem only occurs when you're involved.
"You want me to sugarcoat it or-"
"Give it to me straight."
"A little over a hundred yen..."
You look up at him, unamused. "Keep lying."
"A hundred... Thousand?" He offers, averting his gaze.
"You take me for an idiot?"
Keigo sighs, burying his nose on the top of your head. "Million."
You huff out an irritated breath before melting back onto your husband. He's lavish when it comes to you, but it's one of the few ways he likes to show you off.
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Your heart pitter-patters on your chest as you squeeze your gold clutch tightly. You're nervous- and it's justifiable. You've had the fattest crush on your boss ever since you were hired as his secretary, and when he was invited to an auction with the choice to invite a plus one, he chose you. Warranted, you are his secretary, so he may need some assistance.
Stop being delusional. This is your job. Be professional.
But your flaming cheeks aren't listening to your brain. Your dress feels too tight, and your skin feels like it's been lit on fire but the cold breeze of the night cools it down.
I'm gonna end up sick.
Just as you're calming yourself down, you see a black sedan stop right in front of your lawn. You quickly make your way towards the car, opening the door only to be greeted by a strong scent of expensive perfume with a hint of musk. Your eyes immediately fall onto the one man you can't have.
He's tapping away at his phone and you can't stop the wave of disappointment engulfing you. You wanted to see his reaction to the dress you picked out.
Stop it, he has a family for Christ's sake!
You silently hop on. As soon as you close your door, the car speeds off.
"This auction is also a masquerade." He mentions, pushing a black eye mask towards you. Despite being black, it sparkles under low light.
Black glitters.
Did he find out the kind of dress you were gonna wear? The masks suits it perfectly.
As you inspect the mask, you steal a glance at him to see he's still on his phone. Rejection clenches at the stupid muscle in your chest, but you try your hardest to ignore it. You put on your mask, softly tying the black ribbon at the back of your head to keep it on.
A few minutes of silent torture passes by until bright lights finally engulf the car. "We're here, sir." The driver announces.
Endeavor taps away at his phone for a few more moments before pocketing it, letting out a tired sigh. Both passenger doors are opened and a young man in a simple black and white suit offers you his hand. As soon as you're about to take it, a bigger, much rougher hand pushes it away.
"I'll help my date down myself. Thanks." Endeavor's voice is rough and deep, but that isn't what makes you gawk at him.
"Date?" You repeat his word, making him look at you. The blue eyes under his red mask brighten when his gaze finally drops on you.
He looks at you from your mask down to your toes, and back up. He does so slowly, that even after you've placed your hand on his, he doesn't budge. Doesn't make a peep. The only thing moving is his eyes drinking you in slowly. And the movement of his throat as he swallows.
Welcome to another episode of: I'm not delusional! I swear my boss thinks I'm hot aswell!
Finally, Endeavor clears his throat. He steps to the side, allowing you to hop off the car. The cameras' flashes increase when the paparazzi notice that Pro Hero Endeavor has brought a date.
"Endeavor! Who's your date??"
"Is she someone special?"
"Is your date being paid?"
The both of you walk through the red carpet as questions are being yelled at.
"Your family back home will see you've brought a date! How do you think they'll feel?"
Your head snaps at the direction of the voice, your eyes scanning the crowd for a moment before they finally settle on a bald guy. You slip your hand from Endeavor's, striding towards the nosy fuck before quickly grabbing the lense of his camera. Your crush it in one easy squeeze, silence falling among everybody else.
"You're here to take pictures. You already know you aren't getting answers from us, so why set yourselves up for failure?" You glare across the crowd of people, making sure your words aren't directed towards baldy alone. "Snap your pictures, send them to your employers, and shut the fuck up."
Your eyes return to baldy once more, noting the sheer sweat forming all over his head. "Send the bill over to Endeavor's secretary, she'll take care of it." You tell him before flicking the bits of camera you have on your hand.
Returning to Endeavor, you hook your arm on his, and continue walking, waving and smiling for the cameras as if you aren't anxious about what you just did.
Did I do good?
Is he upset I did that?
He hasn't said anything.
Fuck, I won't have a job tomorrow. Great job, self! You've just lost an incredibly high-paying job that allows you to be close with the love of your life.
The big double doors open, revealing a dimly lit opera house. A lot of people are already inside, all of them in full glamour.
"You didn't have to do that." Endeavor finally speaks up, making you swallow nervously.
"Yeah well, I didn't like how he asked that question. As if you're doing something wrong..." Your voice is soft and unsure as you keep your gaze on the carpeted floor. You've settled on allowing your boss to lead you towards your seats.
"Don't you think what I'm doing is wrong?"
His wuestion has you snapping your neck at him, your eyes wide with worry. Does he think that?
"You're divorced, aren't you? And- and they don't know who I am. I don't think this is bad publicity at all." You defend, watching as he side eyes you.
"Anything with me is bad publicity." He mumbles, warm irritation bubbling in your chest as you clench your fist closed.
"Stop that." You demand, finally arriving at your seats.
"Stop what?" His questions goes unanswered for a few moments as you take in the private booth at the top floor. It's only the two of you here, with a button in the middle. Probably for when the client wants to bid.
"Stop putting yourself down. Yes, you've made mistakes. Big ones. Huge ones. But it isn't late for you to change and make up for it all." You look up at him with wide, genuine eyes. "You already admitted your mistakes. All that's left now is to try your damnest to make up for it, to make it up to all the people you've wronged. But you gotta do it with a genuine heart and pure intentions."
Endeavor looks at you with wide eyes, his blue orbs like the color of the sea during the peak of summer. You hold his gaze for a second,
two seconds
The lights dim, grabbing you attention to the stage below.
"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen."
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The first few items were boring, so you don't blame Endeavor for not making a bid. A few paintings and tables presented here and there, maybe a couple properties. You feel your eyelids growing heavy until a necklace is presented under the spotlight.
The blue saphire stones completely surround the neckline, and a big red ruby stands out dead center. It looks heavy and too extravagant to wear anywhere you'd go. But it reminds you of your big, quiet boss.
"It's beautiful." You gasp, unable to look away from the piece.
"Up next, we have an exquisite piece that will undoubtedly ignite a bidding war: a mesmerizing blue sapphire rose, intricately crafted with petals that glisten like the ocean depths. At the heart of this stunning bloom rests a fiery red ruby pendant, its vibrant hue creating a captivating contrast. This one-of-a-kind piece combines the tranquility of sapphire with the passionate allure of ruby, set in the finest platinum. A true masterpiece of luxury and elegance, perfect for any discerning collector." The host's voice echoes throught the room.
"Ladies and gentlemen, who will start the bidding for this unparalleled gem at eight million yen?" Immediately, you hear buttons being pressed, with the host yelling out numerous numbers.
"Eight million yen to bidder number twenty-seven!"
"Ten million yen to bidder number forty!"
"Eleven million yen to bidder number thirty-five!"
The price goes higher and higher, making you dizzy. You snap out of your lightheaded state when you see your boss press his button.
"Fifty million yen." He mutters to the microphone, making your heart drop.
Who's he giving that to?
Is there a woman in his life I don't know about?
Maybe it's an apology gift to his wife.
No, he wouldn't be that cheap about it.
"Fifty million yen to bidder number fourteen! Does anybody wish to go higher?" The room is dead silent. "Fifty million going once," Still, nobody makes a peep. "Fifty million going twice." Nada. "Sold! To bidder number fourteen at fifty million yen!"
"I can't believe you just did that." You breathe out, in the brink of a panic at the thought of losing fifty mil in a night.
Endeavor keeps his eyes up front, making you mirror his actions. You feel squirmish in your seat.
The next few items are as boring as the first ones, until your eyes catch a red fur coat on a mannequin. It's as red as Endeavor's hair, and it looks softer than the softest fur in the world.
"Prepare yourselves, esteemed bidders, for a truly unparalleled offering: a one-of-a-kind crimson fur coat. This extraordinary garment exudes opulence and sophistication, crafted from the finest fur of the Crimson Frost Lynx, a legendary creature said to roam the forests of the North." Your brows furrow at the statement.
Aren't those Lynxes extinct?
"Its rich, deep crimson hue is unlike anything you’ve seen, making a bold and timeless statement. Lined with luxurious silk, this coat is not just a piece of clothing but a work of art. Perfect for the most discerning fashion aficionado, it promises to turn heads and capture hearts. Let's open the bidding for this exclusive masterpiece at twelve million yen. Who will claim this ultimate symbol of luxury?" As the announcer ends, only a few buttons are pressed this time.
"Twelve million yen to bidder number thirty-eight! Does anybody wish to go higher?"
"Fifteen million yen to bidder number twenty!"
Once again, Endeavor presses his button, mumbling "Twenty million."
"Twenty million yen to bidder number fourteen!" As the house quiets, the announcer scans the crowd. "Twenty million yen going once' Twenty million yen going twice!"
A soft buzz sounds, your head snapping to its direction. It came from the booth right beside you.
"Twenty five million yen to bidder number fifteen!"
Endeavor presses his button once more, mumbling a headache-inducing "Thirty million."
"Thirty million yen to bidder number fourteen! Thirty million going once! Thirty million going twice! Sold! To bidder number fourteen!" The confusion is written across your face as you turn to your boss.
"A necklace, and now a furcoat? Sir if you wanna crossdress-"
He holds a finger up, effectively silencing you. You bite on your lower lip, huffing when you hear a knock to your right. The both of you turn to the sound.
"Who are those gifts for, Endeavor? Got a new lady friend?"
"Mind your own business." Endeavor grits out before returning his gaze to the stage.
You can't help but feel anxious about the other Hero's question.
Who are the gifts for?
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Whenever her eyes twinkle, I can't help but press the button. It's like a magnet and my finger's made of metal. My eyes have been shifting to her everytime a new item is shown, and everytime I get a reaction of awe, my button is immediately pressed.
My secretary should be off-limits. If I were to ever make a move on her, it'd be as obvious as the sun and the backlash would be unforgiving. But my want for her seems to outweigh reason.
Fuck tha backlash. This woman is meant for me.
I can see it in the way she sees me.
When the auction ends, I offer my hand to her once again and we make our way to different offices meant for different bidders. Privacy is their utmost importance here, so I don't have to worry about other people looking at my woman.
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"Good evening, Mr. Todoroki. This is your billing for tonight." The man hands a sheet of paper to Endeavor and you take a peek at it.
Two necklaces, a bracelet, a ring, a set of earrings, two more fur coats, a vase, and three porcelein statues of cats.
"Five-" Your eyes nearly bulge out of your sockets. "Five hundred million yen?! Sir, please excuse me, but you do not shit out money." You chastise, your brows knitting in worry.
"Stop yelling, I'm right beside you." Your boss huffs, pulling out a check. He scribbles the amount on it before his signature, sliding it towards the man behind the counter.
"Let's go, I'm tired." Endeavor turns around, walking towards the door. You run after him, struggling in your heels but eventually reach him.
"Oh! Mr. Todoroki! Shall we deliver the goods to your office or your home?" The man calls out.
Your boss stops in his tracks, craning his head to you.
"My assistant will write down her address for you. Deliver it there."
Your jaw falls, it's like your brain has disconnected from your body. "What? No! Just get it delivered to whoever you were gifting them to!"
Endeavor raises a brow, tilting his head to the side. "That's exactly what I'm doing." He says it as if you were an idiot.
"You- I'm sorry?"
"Apology accepted. Make sure you wear that necklace tomorrow night." He pushes the door open, walking down the marbled floors of the foyer.
"What's happening tomorrow night?" You ask, out of breath as you continue to struggle in your heels.
"We're going on a date."
And your heart does a backflip, lifting a middle finger up to the world. Fuck you all! I told you I wasn't delusional!
[click here to read endeavor having his way with you in the private booth]
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mypimpademia · 1 year
how Bakugou, Izuku, Kiri and shigaraki (I don't know if you write for him, if you don't then Tamaki) when their crush (Best Friend)/girlfriend run away the next morning after "do it" last night, Like they wake up and she's gone and they think maybe she regrets it but she's actually buying something to eat.
— Breakfast Runaway
Bakugo x gn! best friend! Reader, Izuku x gn! best friend! Reader, Kirishima x gn! best friend! Reader, Tamaki x gn! best friend! Reader
TW: Suggestive content, implications of sex, swearing, mentions of virginity loss (Izuku & Tamaki), slight angst(? Izuku & Tamaki), mentions of anxiety + failed relationships (Tamaki), implied friends to lovers trope
Note: The request implies a fem reader, but with the way I wrote it, this is gender neutral! :)
⇶ Katsuki is a heavy sleeper, so you thought he wouldn’t notice you slipping out of his bed and out his door
⇶ He didn’t so much as stir as you eased the covers off yourself, getting out of bed and scrounging around his room for clothes that weren’t just what you had on last night
⇶ But truthfully, Katsuki was paralyzed with fear and sadness knowing that you were leaving before he even woke up
⇶ Did he do something wrong? Did you regret last night? Was your friendship ruined after all this?
⇶ Katsuki has had a crush on you for a long while, but he never acted on it until last night when you were helping him learn to flirt… as friends, of course
“Holy fuck, you suck at this Katsu.”
Katsuki kissed his teeth, rolling his eyes as you laughed at him.
“Go fuck yourself…” He muttered into his can of Arizona.
You lightly pushed him by the shoulder, making him sway to the side and then back into place.
“See! This is what I’m talking about! You can’t try and flirt with someone, and then tell them to go fuck themselves when you suck! That’s an asshole move!” You lectured.
“Yeah, well, maybe I’m an asshole,” he retorted.
At least he’s self aware.
“Yeah, you are,” you chuckled. “Are you at least a good kisser?”
Even though you’d been close friends for so long, Katsuki was never one to talk about his romantic life. Conversations like this were a rarity, and you never missed the opportunity to ask him all kinds of questions.
“I dunno, wanna find out?”
It came out in a not-so-joking tone, and you played on the thought for a moment before brushing it off. You couldn’t kiss him, you were best friends! But if you did, it’d just be as friends, right?
“See! That was good!” You exclaimed, making him roll his eyes once again.
“But seriously, are you?”
⇶ And that was how you found yourself straddling Katsukis lap, him guiding you through a sultry kiss while you whined before pulling away for air, as he moved down to your neck
⇶ He is a good kisser, by the way
⇶ Really good.
⇶ So good that you found kisses to be far too little, and ended up waking up in his bed, getting all sorts of flashbacks from the night before the moment you opened your eyes
⇶ You’ve liked him for a long time, maybe even longer than he liked you
⇶ Katsuki didn’t know it yet, but you felt just as anxious about it all as he did
⇶ Did you do something wrong? Did he regret last night? Was your friendship ruined after all this?
⇶ It wasn’t much, but you felt like going to get breakfast was the very least you could do after unintentionally (but consensually of course) sleeping with your best friend
⇶ Normally, he sleeps like a log, and sleeps in when you come over, so it didn’t even occur to you that he may wake up while you were gone
⇶ Unfortunately for him, he did, and he felt nothing dread throughout his whole body, even as he slinked out of bed and into his bathroom to try and wash away the heavy feeling in his chest
⇶ As he was getting dressed afterwards, he heard keys jingle at his door
⇶ By the time Katsuki left his room, you were already inside and placing styrofoam take out boxes onto the counter, the scent of breakfast flooding the room
⇶ You flashed him a smile and gave him a gleeful good morning, running over to kiss him on the cheek
⇶ Katsuki has never been more happy about breakfast in his life.
⇶ Izuku has never felt more heavy chested in his life than in that moment
⇶ Sleepily reaching over to feel a cold, empty bed, broke his heart into pieces
⇶ He’d had the anxious feeling weighing on him since it all started last night, when he told you he was… inexperienced.
⇶ He’s always been a hopeless romantic, and you both talked about crushes and romantic encounters you had often
⇶ But of course, he never once even remotely mentioned that he may or may not crush on you
⇶ Not until last night
“Are you serious?”
You were gaping at Izuku, and it made him feel slightly embarrassed at the confession.
“Yeah,” he shrugged. “Just haven’t found the right person.”
You nodded in understanding.
“Yeah I get it, you want someone you trust,” you sympathized.
“Mhm, but at this point, ‘m tired of waiting for someone in like, a romantic way I guess?” Izuku sighed. “‘Cause everytime I get close with someone something happens and I just-”
He ended his sentence with a groan. You chuckled, his previous situationships and relationships playing over in your head.
“I’d do it with a friend honestly,” he admitted. “Not even in a ‘with benefits way’ just as friends.”
“With a friend?” Your eyes widened, and Izuku started blushing and sputtering. “Even me?”
⇶ The tension between the two of you was almost too thick to breath through
⇶ Izuku was clearly nervous, as usual
⇶ But you were still gentle with him and asked if he was sure
⇶ You asked for confirmation multiple times as you guided him through everything, and he gave it to you. But once he got more comfortable, he was very clearly more than enthusiastic
⇶ One thing led to another, and you woke up in his bed, and he woke up to you gone
⇶ He’d never admit it now, but his first reaction was to start crying
⇶ Izuku felt beyond hurt at the thought that you’d leave him without a word after that, especially after he told you how much trust he’d have to put into someone for that
⇶ Not to mention just how much he liked you
⇶ Last night felt like a dream that he never wanted to wake up from, but you just seemed to toss it away so easily.
⇶ After awhile, he stopped crying and could do nothing more than lay in his own defeat
⇶ Right as he was getting out of bed, pulling sweatpants on, he heard his front door opening
⇶ Carefully treading into the kitchen, he found you placing take out boxes and drinks onto the counter
⇶ When you saw him, you smiled and said good morning, asking how he felt
“You doing okay, Zuku?”
He gave you an almost dumbfounded expression, like he couldn’t believe what he was seeing.
“I hope you haven’t been up for a long time,” You told him, kissing his freckled cheek. “I didn’t wanna wake you up, but I went and got us breakfast.”
“Yeah… breakfast. Breakfast…”
⇶ When Eijiro wakes up and can’t feel your body heat under his heavy arm, his heart drops
⇶ He calls out to you and gets no answer
⇶ But, he tries to be optimistic. He doesn’t want to think that you left without notice
⇶ Eijrio has liked you for a long time, and it was hard to hide as is, but as time went in the tension between you was strong. And last night, the cord snapped
“If anyone I know is going to die alone, it is not you, Eiji.”
You couldn’t even believe the thought of that crossed the mind of someone like him.
Eijiro Kirishima. The gentle giant, the sweetest man you’ve ever met, so loving, so caring, so handsome, so manly— how could he ever end up alone?
“You’ve always got people all over you too! I didn’t forget all of those times we went through your DM requests,” you reminded him, nudging his shoulder.
“Well yeah, but I don’t even want any of those people, not like that at least,” Eijrio huffed, running a large hand through his hair.
“I don’t believe that,” you shook your head, making him cock his to the side. “You’re too much of a lover boy, there’s at least one person. Who is it?”
Eijiro gave an unsure hum, biting his lower lip as a deep blush crawled up his face.
“Who, who, who!” You chanted, lightly slapping at his chest with every word, crawling on top of him as he leaned back. “We tell each other everything, no fucking way this is the one thing you don’t tell me!”
He overpowered you like it was nothing, stopping the movement of your hands with just one of his, and steadying you on top of him by your hip with the other. You were dangerously close, the tips of your noses grazing each other.
Eijiro, being a clueless little thing, had no idea that you liked him back, more than he could ever imagine. The tension between the two of you in that moment was unbearable, you were hoping he’d ignore the way you were shaking.
“If I tell you,” he paused, face twisting into a nervous and sad frown as he brought your faces even closer together, to just barely whisper. “Will we still be friends?”
“We can be whatever you want, Eiji.”
⇶ Playing it back in his head made him a nervous wreck, he couldn’t believe it actually happened
⇶ Did it actually happen? Was it a dream? If it wasn’t then where are you? If you come back what is he supposed to say to you? Does he make it official? Would you think it’s a dick move for him to try and advance with you after having sex?
⇶ Eijiro’s mind was turning to mush from all the thoughts running through his head, he doesn’t even know how he handled himself accordingly last night
⇶ Hearing the creak of his door opening and closing snaps him out of his thoughts
⇶ Throwing on a pair of sweatpants to make himself decent, he’s already perking up, holding absolute faith that it’s you coming through his door
⇶ Thankfully, he was not let down, and he gave you a sharp toothed grin when you met eyes as soon as he stepped into the kitchen
⇶ You quietly said good morning, planting a gentle kiss on his lips before telling him you got the two of you breakfast
⇶ You sat down together and ate, making casual conversation like you would any other time
⇶ You could talk about last night and what your relationship was another time. For now, you had a silent agreement to just enjoy the moment
⇶ Besides, Eijiro was liking wherever the two of you were headed so far
⇶ Amajiki can do nothing but try to fight back the tears that well up in his eyes as anxiety consumes him whole
⇶ He tries to keep himself calm, taking deep, shaking breaths, while he puts on a pair of shorts and goes to search around his home for you
⇶ He checks every room, under furniture, high and low hoping that you’re somewhere
⇶ The more he checks, the more tears stream down his rosy cheeks, and the faster his heart beatings
⇶ By the time he’s searched all over, he considers checking outside as well
⇶ But the room is spinning and he can only hear the rapid beat of his heart and labored breathing, and decides it’d be much better to go back to bed
⇶ Amajiki has always been an anxious person, and even he’ll admit that he can be a bit dramatic at times because of it
⇶ But he can wholeheartedly say that he’s never felt more pain in his life.
⇶ He’s had his fair share of failed relationships, but you were his best friend. He confided in you on something that he hasn’t breathed a word about to another soul, and you just left him?
⇶ And he’s so maddeningly in love with you, he thought this was it. You were his end game. Now, he might be going a bit crazy.
“‘M so tired, I don’t think I’ll date anyone again unless they wanna be serious.”
Amajiki was stressing over yet another situationship gone horribly wrong. The poor, sweet thing. He was too nice for his own good, and too smart to top it all off.
He always found that anytime he got romantically involved with someone, it never ended well. Whether it was cheating, lying, or not being true about their feelings, it was always something. He was beginning to think he was the problem.
“You always say that Ama,” you sigh, voice laced with sympathy for your friend. “But I get what you mean, and you’re right. You deserve someone that loves you.”
What he deserves is you.
“And it’s not like you’ll die alone or anything,” you said playfully, trying to lighten his mood. “If we’re both single at 30, we’re getting married, remember?”
Amajiki loved you with every fiber of his being, more than you’d ever know. But was that supposed to make him feel better? Having never found love by the age of 30 is what it takes for you to want something that even vaguely resembles a romance with him?
He didn’t know it, but that was far from the case. Amajiki could propose to you right here, right now, with the broken tab of a soda can, and it’d feel like a dream come true. You couldn’t even fathom how those people treated him the way they did. You felt like you were losing 10 years off your life everytime he sought love from anyone other than you.
“Yeah, but I’ll die a virgin.” He huffed.
He didn’t think you heard him, but your silence and shocked expression said otherwise.
Amajiki didn’t even have anything to say for himself, the tips of his ears turning as red as his face. He began to try and stutter something out, but it came out so incoherent he opted to not speak at all.
“I mean, you don’t have to,” you said, treading lightly around the subject. “Listen Amajiki, I love you.”
You told each other ‘I love you’ all the time, but this time felt different. You were walking on eggshells and he could tell. He wanted to interrupt ask what you meant, but you were saying more than he could comprehend at once.
“I really love you,” god, he hopes you meant that in the way he thinks you do. “Y’know I’ll always help you out.”
“I’d do anything for you, honestly.”
⇶ Amajiki knew what you meant, but he needed through clarification before he did anything
⇶ Asked you to explain everything you said down to the way you said it
⇶ It was embarrassing for both of you, but he was much more embarrassed for you
⇶ The whole night felt like puppy love
⇶ Soft, playful, caring, excited, and pure
⇶ After Amajiki went back to his bed, in attempts to calm himself down, he fell back asleep
⇶ He’d only woken up a few minutes ago, but tired himself out from all the crying and panicking
⇶ 10 minutes later, you finally came back with breakfast, and went to go get Amajiki
⇶ You lightly shook him away, quietly calling out to him as you did so
⇶ He groaned as he blinked sleep from his eyes
⇶ Amajiki called out to you, sounding surprised that you were there
“Ama, I went and got us breakfast. You wanna eat?”
You had a gentle hand on his face, and he leaned a tear stained cheek into your touch.
“You went and got.. breakfast?” Amajiki muttered, opening one of his puffy and bloodshot eyes.
“Mhm,” you confirmed.
“Ama… have you been crying?”
Taglist: @megurulvr @miirene @planetlunaa @pnkweb @szaplsdropthealbum @dreampurpledreams @goldenglow149 @gender-queery @roaringlion @chocolateochaco @tatiquichi @kxtsxkii
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serotonins-stuff · 2 years
He snapped at you during an argument ~bnha
(post argument)
~Bnha boys
~Includes : Bakugo, Izuku, Todoroki ,Denki , Sero, Kirishima, Hawks, Aizawa,Shigaraki ,Dabi
~warnings : just fluff
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Class 1A
Regrets everything he said after having some time to cool down
Decides to get you food he can give you as an apology
"Listen.... I didn't mean what I said before"
If you're still being pouty he'll offer pick you up and put you on the kitchen counter, hold your hips and tell you to forgive him already
Apologizes immediately
Gets frustrated with himself for losing his cool
Mumbles incoherently
"I'm sorry, you didn't deserve that"
Holds and rubs your arms soothingly while he apologizes.
Gives you a bit of space to try and figure out the best way to apologize
Might even ask Fuyumi for advice.
"That was out of line, I'm sorry"
holds your hands in his to look down at your face while he apologizes
Immediately realizes he messed up and curses himself out about it.
Gives himself a pep talkin the other room before apologizing to you
"Ok, you're gonna go in there and apologize to her for being a douche ok?" he says while looking himself in the mirror.
"I shouldn't have said that....I'm sorry"
Cradles your face with one hand while the other stays on your hip
Puts his face in his arms while resting on the bed
"What am I doing?" he'll groan with frustration
Nervously stands in the bathroom wandering if you even want him around anymore
"I just,-I"
Fumbles with his words and hand movements nervously.
"I'm sorry"
Apologizes right after saying those words
"I didn't mean that.....I just"
Might even get teary eyed thinking about hurting your feelings
"I'm so sorry"
Gives you a big hug and cuddles you afterwords
Pro hero's
Sighs deeply while craning his ead at the ceiling, closing his eyes shut and ruffling his hair.
His wings droop at the thought of you being mad at him.
"I'm sorry for snapping at you like that"
He looks at you with such hope that you can't even stay mad at him forever.
Hoists you up by your thighs and nuzzles his face into your neck.
Trys to cheer you up
Makes you a coffee with smiley face marshmallows
Kisses the top of your forehead
"Im sorry for the way I acted"
Definitely rubs your back slowly while sitting you on his lap
Genuinely thinks you'll leave him
Puts on your favorite multiplayer game so you can play together
Holds you by the waist
"Im sorry about earlier"
Takes a long time to apologize but realizes he might lose you if he doesn't
Sits you on his lap if you're still pouty
Rubs you back, while you lay your head on his chest
"Look, I'm sorry alright?"
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throwawayhero · 2 months
hi!! could you do a kirishima bf headcanons? i feel like nobody ever writes for my boy, thank you! 🫶🏽🫶🏽
Of course omg??? He doesn’t get the amount of love he deserves ong. One of the best characters imo, kill me if I'm wrong!! He’s been my favourite for YEARSSS and I will never get tired of him. Some of these are a bit random but I hope you enjoy!! ❤️
Eijirou!Kirishima who always walks to school and/or class with you. He’ll wait for as long as you need him to with little to no complaints (most of the time..)! He’ll just hang around in your dorm trying to look unsuspecting as he looks at your stuff while you rush to get ready. He especially loves to snoop through your trinkets.
“.. Hey, I didn’t know you still had this!”
“Neither did I..”
Eijirou!Kirishima who actually takes care of his physical appearance/personal hygiene. He doesn't have a sociopathic 30 step skin care routine but don't be surprised when his bathroom drawer is full of hit or miss products that he's tried out. Will give tips about finding good products if asked about it. He always smells SO good. He also has hair products he uses to get the red dye to last longer.
"Hey, can I borrow this?"
"That made my skin super irritated, try this one."
Eijirou!Kirishima who always supports you and your hobbies, even if they only last a week. He's always up for being a test subject of sorts. Painting/drawing? He's ordering you top quality paints and pencils. Reading? Tell him about the characters, the drama, the romance, the plot twists, he's invested. Crochet/knitting? He's wearing the sweater you made him, even if it is a little bit itchy. Yoga? He bought matching yoga mats! He's ALWAYS supportive, now matter how extreme.
"Any other hobbies peaked your interest?"
"Rock climbing."
"..Sounds like fun!"
Eijirou!Kirishima who NEVER forgets to text you good morning/night. He forgot once and showed up to your dorm to apologise (You hadn't even woken up yet). Sometimes he sends little GIFs too.
'Good morning beautiful!! 💗💗💗'
Eijirou!Kirishima who has a highlight on instagram dedicated to pictures of you and things that remind him of you. He doesn't really post on social media, but when he does, 80% of the time it's about you. He also sends you a bunch of those lovey-dovey quotes from Facebook. His captions on photos are always so sweet.
'Spent the day Go-Karting with my beautiful girlfriend! Can't believe how lucky I am! #gokart #love #girlfriend'
Eijirou!Kirishima who is the KING of PDA, to an extent of course. He will kiss you anywhere, in front of anyone. Oh my GOD does this man know how to give good hugs. He's always holding your hand/wrist/finger no matter what you're doing. You could be on a walk, in a line, grocery shopping, or just sitting down together. He's always by your side :)
"..Can you let go of my hand so I can scan the groceries?"
"No but I'll help you!"
Eijirou!Kirishima who GUSHES about you to his friends. This man is head over heels and everyone knows it. He doesn't necessarily believe in soulmates but he does believe that you were the one he was meant to find. He gets this horribly happy look on his face when he thinks about a future with you that everyone can't help but laugh at. He talks about said future all the time.
"When do you want to get married?"
"I wanna know when to start editing my vows."
Eijirou!Kirishima who is a bit of a restless sleeper. And when I say restless, I truly mean it. This man will roll on top of you and just lay there, sprawling out and snoring happily. You have been and will continue to be kicked. One time you had woken up to him rolling off the bed.
"You slapped me in your sleep last night."
"Oops. You should've slapped me back!"
"I did."
Eijirou!Kirishima who goes all out on dates. He'll take you to a fancy restaurant and wear a suit and tie with his hair done nicely. He'll ask you to wear something pretty beforehand so that you know not to underdress. He arrives at your house/dorm with flowers and the biggest smile you'll ever see (besides your wedding day). He'll treat you like the princess you deserve!
"You're stunning, hun.. where would I be without you?"
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5 Times You Stole Eijiro Kirishima’s Hoodie | Part 1: The Convenience Store
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Ship: Eijiro Kirishima x Femme Reader! 💋
Genre: Fluff, Romance, Tension, Hero Situations, Eijiro Kirishima is a Pro Hero
Link to My Master List 😬
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5 Times You Stole Eijiro Kirishima’s Hoodie
Part 1: The Convenience Store
It is a rainy Tuesday night and you are absolutely exhausted from work. On your way home to your apartment, you decide to stop by a local bodega for some junk food. You have been looking forward to binge watching a trashy reality TV show all day long, and some potato chips would be the perfect snack to munch on as you enjoy the juicy TV drama.
The bodega’s glass sliding door opens with a squeak as you hastily fold up your dripping umbrella. You shiver as the cool store AC hits your wet skin, and goose bumps flare across your bare arms. The day had started out deceptively warm, and you hadn’t dressed for the weather. You are deeply regretting the choice to wear the navy sleeveless dress that is now clinging to your body and dripping a puddle onto the dull bodega carpet. Oh well – you will be home in just a few minutes and will be able to step into a hot shower soon enough.
You grab a shopping basket and wander the aisles, eager to satiate your cravings for salty crisps. The store is unusually empty for the hour – the sudden rain must have kept most people inside. The only other people present are the elderly cashier, and a man pursuing the energy drinks in one of the freezers. The other patron is keenly focused on a bottle of purple Gatorade - intently reading the ingredient list on the drink’s packaging. You pay no attention to this other customer as you locate the snack aisle and load up your basket with chip bags boasting a variety of fun flavors (BBQ chips?? Yes please!). The aisles are tall – stacked ceiling high with boxes and bags containing every flavor of chip one could imagine.
SMASH! A loud crash reverberates throughout the tiny store, followed by the sound of small objects scattering across the vinyl floor. A deep voice booms out: “This is a hold up. Give me all the money in that register. And make it quick – I don’t think either of us wants any trouble.” You freeze; blood running cold in your veins as you quickly put the pieces of the situation together.
“I swear old man – I’ve got a special quirk that will make your life all kinds of painful unless you Hand. Over. The. Cash.”
You move slowly along the aisle, looking for a gap in the snack shelves so you can better assess the situation. Through a small space between cereal boxes, the situation comes into view – the man that you had seen shopping for sports drinks is now standing menacingly over the check out counter. He is around six feet tall with sharp features; a simple black domino mask obscured his eyes. Clad entirely in black, he stands with his right arm gripping the linoleum countertop, the other poised grotesquely above the cashier’s balding head. It takes you a moment to put together exactly what you were seeing – the villain’s right arm was a gigantic crab claw! If the situation weren’t so tense, you would have died from laughter. The scene is ridiculous – the man’s arm (claw) is twice the length of a typical human arm and had a bright, shiny red hue. This kind of mutation quirk always gives you a start – the unnatural way the man’s body blends seamlessly with the extra large claw is uncanny.
            The shop cashier looks up at the villain with terror in his eyes. He seems absolutely frozen on the spot as the masked robber clicks his claw menacingly. With a start, you notice that the inside of the claw is wickedly sharp. The villain flashes it dangerously towards the cashier’s neck to drive a sense of urgency.
            You assess your options. Your quirk isn’t particularly powerful, but it definitely has some use here. If you could just get a little bit closer to the situation, you could probably use it to distract the villain long enough to get the cashier out of harm’s way. You stretch out your hand to activate your quirk, but stopped dead when you feel a warm, rough hand clamp around your mouth from behind.
You try to scream, but the sound comes out muffled. Adrenaline floods your veins as you prepared to fight for your life. You hadn’t heard someone sneak up behind you, and you squirm in an effort to get away. An arm reaches out to steady you, and it’s owner whispers: “Sorry to startle you – I’m here to help.” The soft, gravely voice sends a fresh wave of goose bumps down your chilled skin. You turn to see one of the year’s top heroes - the Red Riot - crouched over you in the snack aisle. You’d recognize that trademark red spiky hair anywhere. Your body starts to relax a bit – things are under control and a hero is here!
Over the past few years, Red Riot has been making quite a name for himself in the media as a dependable, chivalrous hero. You’ve often watched his battles and rescues play out on the television – not only was he a skilled hero, but also he was kind and genuine. His interviews were your favorite – he always found such nice things to say about his teammates and the people he rescued. And he wasn’t bad to look at either.
He’s clearly not on duty – his usual simple costume has been traded in for a black t-shirt, jeans and a soft red hoodie. Your heart skips a beat. He’s so totally hot. When he realizes you’re not going to scream and give away his position to the villain, he releases you from his embrace. He smiles reassuringly, and the warmth of his grins reaches his eyes.
“I’m going to get you out of this.” He promises.
For a second there, you completely forgot about the convenience store hold up occurring feet away from where the two of you were crouched. Your senses are clouded by the closeness of Red Riot, who is still holding you steady with his muscular arms. When he realizes his touch is lingering a bit longer than necessary, he quickly pulls away. He shifts to peer over your shoulder through the small cereal box window. The movement brings him ever so slightly closer to you, and you find yourself inhaling the sweet scent of clean laundry. You lean the tiniest bit closer to him.
But back to the situation at hand – you can hear the crab clawed villain barking commands at the cashier. He wants all the money from the register as well as a roll of lotto tickets. He must be either extremely overconfident or incredibly good at crime – because this man is taking his time! Red Riot scowls as he watches the scene unfold. You can see his body tensing as he prepares for a confrontation. With a look of determination, he turns to you and whispers “stay quiet and out of sight. I’m going to go distract the villain and try to de-escalate the situation. If things get physical – run. There’s a dumpling shop across the street – get someone there to call the police.”
His red eyes bore into your own. There’s something so intense and hot about him. You feel a strange connection pulling you closer to this man, closer to the heat of his body.
            “W-wait.” You whisper. “I can help!”
            You point to the man with the crab claw – he still has the Gatorade bottle in the pocket of his pants. To his left you see a palette of energy drinks waiting to be restocked. “With my quirk I can control small amounts of liquid. I can distract him by levitating all those energy drinks at once. I’ll suspend them in the air and bring them all crashing down on top of him, giving you time to get the cashier out of harm’s way.”
            Red Riot smiles appreciatively. “I appreciate the offer, but I’m afraid I can’t ask you to put yourself in danger like that. I’ll handle this on my own. Just keep quiet and get across the street, okay?”
            You make a face. You don’t understand why he won’t let you help. After all, the villain seems untrained and unfocused. His claw hand can’t do much damage to a bunch of small, moving targets.
            “Trust me.” Red Riot reaches for your hand. He places the pads of your fingers on his palm. You can feel him activating his hardening quirk beneath your fingers as his skin slowly becomes rougher. “I was built for this.”
            You nod, unable to argue. His quirk makes his skin feel smooth and strong like the bark of an oak tree. You press your fingers lightly into the center of his hand, but there’s no give. Reflexively, he closes his fingers around your own, causing electricity to shoot through your hand at the intimate touch. Red Riot’s eyes widen, an apology already at his lips. You quickly slip your hand out from his grasp.
“Good luck, Red Riot.” You tap the hardened skin on his forearm. “You’re right – definitely built for this.”
            He grins, seemingly basking in the compliment.
            “That’s right – just leave this to me!” He whispers back. “Stay safe, okay?”
Red Riot army crawls down the aisle. You watch as he slowly steps out from behind the shelves and approaches the counter confidently, grabbing a bag of BBQ chips on the way. The poor cashier is now filling a grocery bag with money from the register as the crab armed villain hulks over him, sneering and clicking his claw. The villain doesn’t even seem to hear Red Riot approaching him from behind.
            In two strides, Red Riot closes the distance and reaches out to tap the villain on his crabby shoulder.
            “Excuse me, sir. I’m going to have to ask you to step away from the counter. Other people want to check out.” As he says this, he pointedly tosses his bag of chips onto the shiny linoleum counter.
            The crab villain whirls around, face full of fury. His eyes widen and his face contorts in fury when he realizes whom he’s talking to. The villain wastes no time – he propels himself away from the counter, whirling his deadly sharp arm towards Red Riot.
The arm makes contact with Red Riot’s rock hard skin. The hero smiles smugly, his right arm taking the brunt of the blow.
“Why don’t we take this down a notch, sir? I’m clearly a match for your quirk, and the police are already on their way. There’s no need to fight, we can just talk - ”
            The villain moves surprisingly swiftly, shifting around Red Riot’s outstretched arm and reaching to position his claw around Red Riot’s neck. The hero’s facial expression shifts to surprise – he wasn’t expecting a villain with such a cumbersome quirk to be able to move so languidly. The crab villain slowly starts to press down his claw around the hero’s neck. Red Riot is making a face that clearly says “Oh, shit.”
You turn and desperately reach your hand through the gap in the cereal box display, pointing your fingertips at the villain and willing your Quirk to activate. Almost instantly, the Gatorade bottle resting half full in the villain’s back pocket lifts into the air as all of the liquid rushes towards the top of the container. You focus all of your concentration on the bottle.
Unfortunately, you never had a lot of opportunity to train and refine your quirk as you had pursued an educational track that prioritized tech and computer skills over quirk competence. However, you had a grasp on the fundamentals of how your quirk worked – and you figured if you could just distract the crab villain for a moment, you could give Red Riot a chance to regroup.
The villain pressed his sharp claw further around Red Riot’s neck. You could hear an ominous cracking notice – and you hoped desperately that the sound wasn’t the hero’s thick skin crumbling beneath his assailant’s grasp. You began to feel a sickening mix of adrenaline and fear coursing through your veins and you try to renew your concentration. The liquid inside the bottle begins to boil – the water fizzing and popping in the small confined space. You shakily will the bottle to float up and behind the villain’s head.
Red Riot uses his hardened hands to try to break the villain’s grasp, but the crabby grip holds fast. The villain is intensely focused on trying to crush Red Riot’s windpipe, and so he is completely taken by surprise when the bottle of Gatorade explodes and hits the back of his head with a splash of scalding purple liquid. The villain howls in pain – both hands reflexively flying to cradle the back of his burned head. In his pain and fury, he unwittingly releases Red Riot from his grasp. The red headed hero is quick to take advantage of the situation – dropping to the ground and sweeping a strong leg beneath the villain’s own. The crab-clawed villain comes crashing to the ground with a large “thud.”
Red Riot wastes no time, dropping on top of the villain to pin disproportionate arms to the ground.
“Sir, you’re under arrest for armed robbery and for engaging in combat with a licensed hero. The police will be here shortly to take your statement - but in the meantime please stop resisting.”
You breathe a sigh of relief as Red Riot continues to hold the villain tightly to the ground. Behind the counter’s register, the convenience store clerk still stands frozen, holding a wad of bills in bills in a vice-like grip.
You hear the metallic slide of the store’s automatic doors followed by several pairs of heavy boots off to your right. Within a few seconds, a team of police officers comes into view, their starched blue shirts bright in the florescent lighting.
At the sight of the police, the crab villain finally seems to give up fighting – his body sagging to the ground beneath Red Riot. The hero holds his position, eyeing the villain’s mutant arm warily. Even from a distance, you can tell his hardening quirk is still activated – he isn’t taking any chances.
“Great job, Red Riot! We’ll take it from here.” A tall officer with a glinting badge steps forward and uses a length of metal cord to bind the villain’s large clawed arm. “We’ve been after this guy for weeks!”
Red Riot smiles as he steps back and lets the police team capture his assailant. He turns and meets your eyes through the space in the cereal box wall. He grins at you, his dark eyes wink a quick “thanks” in your direction as he detectives whisk him away for questioning.
“Miss – are you alright?” You let out a small squeak of surprise, turning to find a short female officer with a tight bun of dark hair coming around the corner of the aisle. You look down at yourself – crouching like a wild animal in a soggy, rain-drenched dress.
“I’ve definitely had better days.” You laugh, allowing the policewoman to help you to your feet. You feel the adrenaline slowly start to melt away, leaving you feeling shaky and a bit lightheaded. You can’t think of the last time you used your quirk, so you’re sure the little stunt you pulled to save Red Riot has impacted your stamina.
“Mind if we ask you a few questions about what happened here?” The officer asks, motioning for you to follow her to the front of the store where the crab villain is being checked for weapons.
“No, not at all!” You wrap your arms around yourself and attempt to bring some warmth back into your body.          
The police had a lot of questions. Apparently this villain had been evading them for quite sometime. He had been robbing convenience stores across several cities. He was quick, efficient, and sometimes even deadly – having injured half a dozen clerks and store patrons in his mad pursuit of cash.
“We heard that you used your quirk to get Red Riot out of a spot of trouble.” The policewoman with the bun taps a pen to a pad of paper thoughtfully. Her tone isn’t accusatory; she’s just stating facts. “The unsanctioned use of a quirk in combat is illegal, but since you were put in a potentially life threatening situation and you were in under the supervision of a pro hero, the Good Samaritan law should cover your actions today.”
 You feel the last bit of energy absolutely drain out of you and you reach out to grab a nearby store shelf for support. Illegal? The thought of breaking the law hadn’t even crossed your mind. You had just acted on pure instinct when you saw Red Riot in trouble. You start to shiver more violently as the weight of what you’ve done fully sinks in. The policewoman quickly waves to another officer and you find yourself being guided to a chair.
“Miss - it seems like you’re in shock. Please take some deep breaths and we’ll get you to a hospital shortly to get checked out, alright?” The officer pats your hand kindly and pockets her notepad. She walks out of view to call a medical team with her colleagues and you are momentarily left alone in the corner of the store. You stare at the ground, your head feeling fuzzy and cold. It was so stupid to use your quirk so recklessly like that! You admonish yourself silently. You’re sure that Red Riot could have gotten himself out of that bad situation given time – he was a top hero after all! You were just so worried and eager to help…
A soft material engulfs your shoulders. “You’re freezing! Here – take my sweatshirt.” You turn and see Red Riot standing behind you, his strong hands pressing his large red hoodie around your shoulders. He smooths the plush material around you, and you shiver at the contact.
“I couldn’t possibly take this!” You said weakly despite your body hungrily leaning into the warmth of his touch and the offered piece of clothing.
“It’s too late – it’s already yours. Consider it a thank you for saving me back there.” Red Riot grins, showing off a row of pointed teeth. You gratefully accept the gift – tucking your arms into the floppy sleeves. You’re practically swimming in sweatshirt.
“I really shouldn’t have done that.” You look down, ashamed. “You had the situation under control, and it was irresponsible to use my quirk like that. You even told me not to help earlier.” You shake your head, and then blush when you realize you’re probably showering the chivalrous hero in raindrops.
“Don’t beat yourself up about that at all! While it’s true that a Pro can always break out of a tough spot, someone once told me that ‘meddling where you don’t need to is the essence of a hero.’ You moved without thinking to help me when I needed it. That took guts.” His grin widens. “I’m so lucky that such a strong person was looking out for me from the cereal section.”
You laugh, cheeks blushing at the compliment. He’s just so…handsome, grinning roguishly at you with his deep, dark eyes.
“Your quirk is really strong, too. What was that – liquid manipulation? Have you ever trained your quirk?” You’re taken aback by the sincerity of his interest in your small little quirk.
“Not really – I had the standard quirk class in elementary school where we are evaluated and learn how to control the basics of each of our quirks. Beyond that, I never had much interest in it. I can make small amounts of liquid float, boil and freeze. It’s not particularly powerful, but I can make a mean pot of soup with it.” You smile, appreciating the attention you’re receiving from the hero. “I went to a specialty high school focused on business and marketing, so I pretty much avoided any quirk training or hero-focused track. Exploding that little Gatorade bottle was probably the crux of my power.”
“Well it was incredible! I feel like you’re really underselling yourself – I see so much potential in you and your quirk. With just a little training, I think you could really do some damage.” Red Riot says excitedly, talking animatedly with his hands. You laugh, picturing yourself in some ridiculous hero suit parading around the city splashing boiling water on legions of seafood-themed villains.
“Surprisingly, the hero life is just not for me!” You grin before a wave of shivers wracks through your body. Is this from shock? Or is it the damp cold of your rain soaked dress finally catching your attention.
Red Riot instantly notices your discomfort and shakes his head thoughtfully before saying: “Stay here a minute, I have an idea.” He scampers away and you’re left alone again. You focus on taking a few deep, calming breaths as you zip the hoodie up to your chin. You inhale deeply and realize that the red fabric smells comforting and sweet – a combination of mint and cedar wood. You deeply breathe in the scent of Red Riot, and you feel your panic ebb away. You’re steeped in exhaustion as you slouch against the hard plastic chair.
A moment later, Red Riot re-appears, holding a steaming Styrofoam cup. “I made you some peppermint tea.” He says shyly, holding out the hot cup. “It always makes me feel better after a fight – I thought it might do the same for you.”
You take the cup gratefully and tip it back for a sip. He holds out a hand to stop you. “Careful, it’s hot. Give it a second to cool so you don’t burn your mouth.”
“Thank you so much, Red Riot. I really appreciate all you’ve done today.” You’re too tired to care that you sound like a fan girl.
“Hey, call me Eijiro. After what we’ve been through together, we should be on a first name basis.” To your surprise, his cheeks tint pink as he shares his first name. You smile softly and share your own nickname. He repeats it back to you, seeming to like the way your name rolls on his tongue.
“It’s nice to meet you Eijiro.” You feel the warmth of the tea sinking into your icy hands.
“So what were you buying here at the store anyway? Let me go get you a cart and – oh, hold on!” He absentmindedly leans in close to you, reaching out to pull a stray wet strand of hair away from your face. He tucks it gently behind your ear. “We should really get you a hair dryer or something!” He laughs, “You’re still soaking wet!” Despite just having met, the touch is so intimate and familiar. You lean towards him, wanting him to touch you again with his strong, capable hero fingertips.
“Red Riot – the press is outside waiting to interview you.” A police officer calls over, snapping you both back to reality. “They’re eager to hear about how you apprehended the villain. For the sake of her privacy, let’s leave this young lady’s roll in the capture out of it.”
Eijiro snaps to attention, his hand still hovering close to your face. He turns to give the officer a thumbs up. “Sounds good to me! I’ll be right there.”
He moves to look at you again. His eyes are wide and his expression intrigued. “They’re going to take you to the hospital to make sure everything looks okay. They’ll probably keep you overnight for observation until you’re out of shock. I’m sure they’ll take good care of you, cutie.” He stands to walk out of the store. “Thanks for saving my life – I hope to hear from you soon!”
And with a wave, he strides away towards the press team waiting outside. You look down into your tea, confused and quietly delighted at his hope to hear from you. You have absolutely no idea how you would ever contact him again, but the sentiment and the term of endearment he had used is sweet. Ever the chivalrous hero.
The next few hours are a whirlwind of tests and scans and interviews with police officers and doctors alike. Despite your protests, an ambulance whisks you away to the closest hospital and you are kept under observation just as Red Riot - Eijiro ­- had predicted. The staff is courteous and sweet, praising you for your roll in the incident when the police officers tip them off. You’re given comfortable clothes to borrow and access to a hot shower adjacent to your hospital room.
When you finally sink into the hospital bed, it’s pitch black outside. You flick on the grainy old TV that’s mounted above your bed and flick through the channels until you stop to see a familiar face on the local news.
Red Riot is smiling down at you from the TV set, his eyes warm as he answers the questions of various reporters.
“I was just shopping for some ramen when I noticed the villain. Weird coincidence that I just happened to be at the same store as him!” The hero laughs, rubbing his hand behind his head. “I’m thankful to the store patrons and the clerk who stayed calm as I handled the situation.”
“Red Riot – did you have any difficulty subduing the victim?”
Eijiro pauses to think for a moment before carefully saying “There was a moment that he had the drop on me, but a really cute shopper distracted him for me and allowed me to get the upper hand.”
“You’re so humble, Red Riot. I’m sure you had everything under control.”
Eijiro shakes his head. “I don’t want to encourage recklessness, but I do want to make it clear that you don’t need to be a Pro to be someone’s hero. The woman who helped me today – her bravery and willingness to act even when things were scary is what true heroism looks like. I’m grateful to her, and I hope that I’ll be able to see her again soon.”
The reporters continue to fawn over Red Riot for a few more minutes – peppering him with more questions that he cheekily answers. He avoids revealing any additional details about you despite the reporter’s needling and prodding. Soon the news broadcast ends, and the anchor appears on screen and starts discussing upcoming movie releases.
You sit with your mouth gaping open. Had you really made such a lasting impression on the sturdy hero? You feel your heartbeat increase at the thought, causing the heart monitors strapped to your chest to peep and whir. A nurse appears at your side in an instant, and you bashfully explain to her that you are fine – just a bit overexcited from the day’s events. Once she is assuaged, you return to flipping through channels before settling on reruns of The Bachelor. This wasn’t the soapy TV series you had been looking forward to all day, but it was as close as you are going to get at this point. You let the show run and before long you are dozing in the propped up hospital bed, dreaming of seafood villains and heroes with bright hair and dark, endless eyes.
When you’re finally ready to check out from the hospital the next day, the nurse at the front desk presents you with your belongings. Your wallet, your high heeled work shoes, and an extra large bright red hoodie. “Oh – I forgot about this.” You gratefully accept the sweatshirt and shrug it on. It swings around you like a trench coat, fluffy and warm. You can still smell traces of cedar wood on the collar.
You walk out of the hospital and into a surprisingly sunny day, metallic sliding doors parting for you as you exit. You sink your hands into the hoodie’s overlarge pockets and are surprised to feel a rectangular square object tucked into the deep right pocket. Had Eijiro left a piece of gum in his hoodie? You fish it out with your index and pointer fingers – it’s a small folded up piece of paper ripped from a notepad. Upon closer inspection, you notice that it’s branded with the convenience store’s faded logo. You guess it was ripped from the clerk’s register notepad.
Curious, you unfold the small wad of paper. Written hastily across the note is a messy scrawl of digits and the words: Would love to take you to dinner some time, cutie. Thanks for rescuing me. – Eijiro.
            Oh my God. He gave you his number. A warm blush creeps up your face as your eyes run across the note over and over again. What a crazy 24 hours it has been! You reach into your purse to grab your phone. With shaky hands you add “Eijiro Kirishima” as a contact in your phone, adding a few rock emojis and a bright red crab emoji beside his name. He’d probably find that hilarious.
            You draft up a fresh text to the red headed hero and type: “In need of rescuing tonight – the villain: hunger and boredom. In need of a hero who knows the perfect ramen spot.” You hit send and hold your breath. What if he’s on patrol tonight? You worry. What if he was just being nice and doesn’t actually see you again?
            Your worries are totally baseless, because within seconds you have a reply: “I’m more than up for this mission – meet me in front of the convenience store at 8. Wear the sweatshirt so I’ll recognize you in the crowd?” He ends it with a winking emoji and your heartbeat quickens. You officially have a date set with Eijiro Kirishima – the Red Riot.
Your hero.
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Thanks so much for reading!!!
Other Kirishima Stories:
Headcannon: Kirishima LOVES wearing Bakugo's clothes.
🦈❤️Boyfriend!Kirishima ❤️🦈
A Long, *Hard* Night with Eijiro Kirishima (A18+ - MDNI!!!) 💋
Link to My Master List 😬
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sunarinscat · 3 months
(s/o with sensory overload)
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He was the first to notice.
You have always struggled with sensory overload. It’s noise, lights, texture, temperature, movement in your line of sight… It just builds up and you can’t help but break down. It’s embarrassing honestly. You aren’t even sad but you’re sobbing and heaving for air. What? Because some silly flashing lights were too bright for you? You hide away in a corner or a bathroom and wait for the waves of panic to wash away. Then you clean yourself up and face the world again. Nobody was ever any the wiser.
He noticed. He saw when your breath began to quicken. You stopped making eye contact with people and glued your gaze to the floor. He tipped his head to the side as your trembling hands grasped the nearest surface. You slipped outside into the cold night air and he followed.
As you slumped against the wall and let the tears wrack your body you heard the door creak. Shoes scuffled against the pavement and you hid your face in your arms, away from prying eyes.
“Hey baby, are you doing alright?”
He slumped down beside you, leaving a gap between your bodies.
You tried to keep your voice even as you spoke but it cracked and trembled.
“Yea-h I’m ju-ust P-peachy!”
You hiccuped.
“Do you need hug?”
His hands which were reaching to comfort you returned to his sides.
“No, it’s just a lot righ-ght now I can’t h-handle anyone touching me.”
Oh. He was starting to understand.
“What can I do sweet heart?”
You swallowed hard and took a breath, removing your hands from your tear stained face. You offered him a small smile as a tear slid down your chin.
“We could just talk quietly.. it helps distract me sometimes.”
He grinned back.
“Okay, okay. Eyes on me.”
He pointed to his eyes.
“I want you focused right here.”
You turned your body to face him and he did the same, sitting cross legged.
“How’s your day been? Tell me your favorite and your least favorite thing that happened today.”
And you sat like that for fifteen minutes. The tears receded and the sobs turned into soft laughter. When you pulled yourself up from the concrete you grasped his hand. You turned your eyes to the floor again, this time bashfully.
“Hey can I have that hug now?”
It was barely a whisper.
He turned around and wrapped his arms around you. He just held you. Your body relaxed and you let out a sigh. If you ever had a home it was this.
“Thank you.”
“You don’t have to thank me honey. I love you. I will always be here, whatever you need.”
Sugawara Koushi, Tetsurou Kuroo, Hajime Iwaxumi ,Keiji Akashi, Osamu Miya, Daichi sawamura, Eijiro kirishima, Shoto todoroki, Albedo, Diluc, Al Haithem, Kazuha
author’s note: as someone who struggles with these issues I hope this made you feel seen. I haven’t been on this blog in awhile but I am back to give it a little TLC, !Friendly reminder that my asks are open! Dont be shy to send something my way, I want to hear every detail..
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OK, hear me out, so many x readers in the bnha fandom have the reader either not as a hero or as like a hero in training but like... weak. It's never a reader with an objectively powerful quirk it's always more supportive in some way, and even if it is powerful, the reader always takes a back seat to the other characters. I just want a reader who demolishes the competition, like if the reader training so fucking hard all the time and have a strong quirk why wouldn't they want to be the next symbol of peace?? Anyway was wondering if you could do a reader with a plant quirk that absolutely smokes the competition and is just a bad bitch. Thank you :))
(Hello Anon, thank you for the request! I made this a headcannons so I hope that’s okay and that you enjoy this)
MHA Reaction to the Reader Having a Extremely Strong Quirk
(Characters Included- Bakugou, Midoriya, Iida, Denki, Kirishima, and Aizawa)
(Warning: These hcs are all platonic)
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Katsuki Bakugou
- You having a extremely powerful Quirk makes him absolutely furious. The fact that he can’t even stand a chance against you is infuriating to him.
- He will still say that he’s way better and that he wasn’t even trying during training. His jealousy will increase and he’ll snap at you more than others.
Izuku Midoriya & Tenya Iida
- They would be amazed on how strong your Quirk is. They would ask you to train with them so they can improve on their skills and maybe get as strong as you. Midoriya will take notes on you, since he takes notes on every Pro Hero and Hero in Training in and out of class.
- This will only build up both of their determination significantly to get even more stronger to become the greatest Hero they can be.
Denki Kaminari & Ejirou Kirishima
- They would think your Quirk is so cool. They will come up with special moves that has to do with their Quirk and your own so you guys can fight/train together.
- Kirishima will ask you about what your workout/training routine is and Denki would probably ask you for some tips on how to improve and strengthen his abilities to the max.
Shota Aizawa
- At first he was surprised on how strong you were. He just didn’t expect to get a student that is that powerful, but he’s glad that the Heroes side has another powerful person to help defeat villains.
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scarlettriot · 1 year
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Busy thinking about Kiri having a twin brother who doesn’t go the hero route but rather takes on the jobs his brother can’t thanks to the red tape of the damn commission.
Just as big and bulky as Eiji but with a dark under cut compared to his brother’s long dyed red hair.
Them meeting in a seeder bar late one evening, Eiji worn tired, enraged that some perp didn’t get what was really coming to him thanks to pay offs and other underhanded bullshit. His brother finishes off his beer and claps Eiji on the shoulder telling him not to worry, everything will work itself out.
And the next morning Eiji reads in a report about how both the villain and the judge who let him walk were beaten to a bloody pulp and remain in the hospital in critical condition.
* @twisteddaydreams1135 also gets credit for this idea ♥︎ *
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uravitypng · 5 months
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗ includes: denki kaminari, hanta sero, eijirou kirishima, katsuki bakugou - my hero academia
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗ i've never done smaus/fake texts before but this idea popped into my head and i just had to do, reader is a lowercase icon, (the app i used censored shitty hair, sooooo annoying)
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rumisgf · 2 months
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ a/n: y’all wanted a part two i shall give a part two
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ includes: katsuki bakugou, hitoshi shinsou, shoto todoroki, denki kaminari, iida tenya, kirishima eijirou
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ warnings: black!reader obv, cursing, mentions of drug usage/marijuana, suggestive if u squint, fem reader implied, mentioning of babies/children
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✮ wipes your tears sort of aggressively but only because he’s so urgent to comfort you and take care of you
✮ always hugs you by your lower waist
✮ when you go to the gym together, he’s the type to always say “c’mon, you can do one more.” or “do three more”
✮ ruffles your hair/flicks your forehead in a teasing way
✮ “act right.”/“watch out.”
✮ doesn’t remind you to drink water— he simply justs brings water bottles up to your mouth and tells you to “open up”
✮ if you have any, he cares for your pets like they’re his own
✮ just something about the sight of him holding a baby
✮ bites you just because he can
✮ pulls you into his lap whenever he’s tired of your attitude
✮ gets super close to your face like he’s gonna kiss you but pulls away just to mess with you
✮ “that’s my girl” in the most proud voice ever every single time
✮ any time he does get high he’s all over you and staring at you with half lidded eyes
✮ it’s just something about the way he curses man.
✮ loves falling asleep on the phone with you and takes facetime photos of you sleeping because he thinks you look like an angel
✮ runs his thumb over your hand whenever you hold hands
✮ loves giving earlobe kisses
✮ will casually be like “when we have kids,”
✮ sends voice memos ranging from something funny that happened in class to how much he misses you and needs to see you
✮ kisses your lip gloss off every chance he gets right after complimenting how nice your lip combo looks
✮ sends you pictures of yourself and says “you look so pretty in this”
✮ him whispering in your ear.
✮ has your contact as the only one pinned in his messages
✮ pats away your tears with his finger instead of wiping them (those who watch love island usa and are kordell + serena fans know what i’m talking about)
✮ places his hand on the small of your waist to guide your somewhere or move you out the way
✮ constant forehead kisses
✮ lifts you up and spins you around when he’s excited to hug you
✮ guides you into the right form when you workout together
✮ runs his hands down your waist and hips when he’s checking you out while you’re right in front of him
✮ him around kids. that’s all.
✮ gives you flowers pretty much every week— and one time he gave you a money bouquet for your birthday
✮ flexes for you when he feels you staring at him and pretends he’s not doing it on purpose
✮ throws his arm around you and presses you flush against his chest when you go to sit on the couch next to him
✮ refers to you as his “wife” to his friends
✮ you could have been rotting in bed all day and when he facetimes you he always greets you with something along the lines of “hello my beautiful princess” with a lovesick tone of voice
✮ calls you “mama” and “ma”
✮ obsessed with skinship because he aches to be able to “crawl inside your skin” and just needs to be close to you
✮ blows kisses at you from across the room
✮ for comfort, he runs his fingers through your hair and rocks you back and forth while hugging you
✮ his morning voice :)))
✮ lets you bite him and encourages it
✮ gets very touchy when you’re on his lap
✮ the king of “i know you’re probably asleep, but” texts
✮ goes on rants about how gentle and how well he would care for you when you’re one day pregnant with his children
✮ always calling you his “pretty baby”/“pretty girl”
✮ always posts pretty candid pictures of you and makes heartfelt story posts for every birthday, anniversary, and valentine’s day
✮ has read for you + sung you to sleep on multiple occasions
✮ grabs you by your chin to force eye contact
✮ “say please”
✮ checks you every time you have an attitude with a smirk on his face
✮ has a habit of biting his lip
✮ says “there you go, babe” way too much.
✮ glares at anyone who flirts with you while tightly wrapping an arm around your waist
✮ has made multiple shared playlists for the both of you
✮ says he’s “gatekeeping” you because you’re just too pretty and he has to keep you to himself
✮ plays with your fingers when he’s bored or nervous
✮ buries his face into your neck to bask in your scent when he hugs you
✮ randomly stares at your for a full five minutes when you’re talking, barely listening to a word you’re saying, then lovingly sighs “i love you so much…”
✮ always opens every door for you
✮ holds your hands while walking across the street or through the hallways
✮ very protective over you and will respectfully cuss anybody out who disrespects you
✮ pretty much has replaced your name is his vocabulary with “honey” and “sweetheart”
✮ never calls you hot— he always calls you beautiful, pretty, gorgeous, or stunning
✮ grabs you by your sleeve or your belt loop to take you somewhere if you don’t hear him call your name the third time
✮ the thought of ever calling you his “bitch” disgusts him, he calls you his lady or his love instead
✮ will immediately grab the nearest box of tissues to wipe your tears or your nose whenever you’re crying
✮ kisses your cheek to greet you and say goodbye
✮ has deep conversations about your future together when you get to that point in the relationship, and is open about how much his heart swells at imagining you as a mother
✮ kisses your forehead when he notices you asleep on his chest
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© rumisgf
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harukakito · 5 months
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Some of my hcs of Eijiro cus I have rights :)
Follows you everywhere or checks what you're doing just wanting to know if you're safe or need help with something.
Calls you pebble or baby shark.
If you are fine with hair diy he would beg you if he can diy your hair with red.
Once a time he saw a stray dog, just catched it without saying a word and putted him in the car. This is who you two won a dog.
The most manly boy in the world.
Every minute that passes, will give you a hug.
Gives you attacks of kisses.
Loves your cute and little smile (I hc that he finds people with braces amazing).
Once a time you two where at Kiri's house with the Bakusquad boys. While they where playing video games you started feeling sleepy so letted your head lay down on Kirishima's chest, when he noticed he started blushing a lot. So Kaminari gave him a thumbs up like: "I'm so proud of you bro."
Gives you lots of flowers and big smiles.
When you two are at your place loves when you ask him if he wants to do a beauty section with him. He always says yes because he knows that to put the beauty mask on him you'll have to touch his face.
He doesn't give you kisses...he gives you shark bites.
Before sleep he always says who beautiful you are.
One time you founded is hero costume so tried it on to see if it would look good on you. When he found out what you where doing his nose started to bleed.
Always holding hands (sooooo cuuuteeee).
Tiny park dates.
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writteninkat · 2 months
w/ Bakugou, Kirishima, Todoroki, Kaminari
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warning: smut, nsfw, exhibitionism, oral(f!reader & m!characters receiving), unprotected sex
a/n: sorry denki's seemed super rushed i have a terrible headache and i have a feeling leaving this unfinished won't help:")
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this man loves taking you in high places.
balconies, rooftops, pressing you against the floor to ceiling windows of his office located at the very top floor.
there's something about your moans travelling long distances that has him thinking—that's right, extras. listen to how good i make my girl feel. she's just for me, though. feel free to listen as i fuck her so good.
mmhmm, he loves to show off. he loves to show you off.
that's why your breasts are constantly being pressed against his office windows whenever you visit him during lunch
"imagine the fuckers looking up at you right now." he growls in your ear as his fingers busy themselves on your clit, your eyes rolling back in ecstacy as the simple thought of a stranger witnessing this act have you gushing
"yeah that's right, you loving showing others what a slut you are for me, right?" he sucks on the side of your neck, flicking on your clit making your legs wobble in bliss.
at home? your back is digging against the railings of your balcony as your boyfriend sucks on your tits, your fingers swimming through his blond locks with your legs locked around his waist, heels pressing against his round ass
"oh god! oh my fucking god!" you moan loudly, hoping your neighbors hear. hoping they know just how amazing of a fuck pro hero dynamight gives.
"yeah, call for your god all you want baby, i'll still eat you up." katsuki growls, sinking his teeth on the crook of your neck, the pain pushing an orgasm out of you
the obsession this man has with going grocery shopping with you is unparalleled
mainly because he gets to finger and tongue fuck you in every hidden corner you find at the store
"fuck- fuck, eiji!" you gasp loudly, looking around to make sure no one walks in on your boyfriend on his knees in front of you with your leg propper on his shoulder as you press onto the wall, hoping you wont topple over
in the scary case of the act being seen or worse- videotaped, the only person being recognized will be you, as eijirou's head is covered by the flowy skirt of your dress. and that has you grinding your hips on his mouth
"jesus christ, i'm gonna cum baby!" you whisper, feeling his tongue thrusting inside you as he sucks on your clit, electricity running up your spine as you near the top
"c'mon baby," you hear your boyfriend's muffled voice feom underneath you, "cum for me, lemme drink that sweet, sweet juice."
and you do. once a good girl, always a good girl. you can never say no to the sweet boy between your legs.
but the grocery isn't the only place eijirou loves visiting with you.
taking a stroll at the park in the dead of night will have you on your knees behind a tree with your hands tied behind your back by whatever your boyfriend brings or finds.
tonight, he found an unused handkerchief in his pocket, and decided to make use of it.
"god, fuck, baby..." his moans inspire you to take him deeper, watching him through your lashes as he tilts his head back, pressing it against the tree
"fuck, that mouth should be considered a sin." he grunts, tightening his grip on your hair as he moves you himself
his hips move on their own, his hip moving in your throat as your vision begins to dim with the lack of oxygen
"swallow me up baby, lemme feel your throat tightening around me."
and you do as you're told, using the last bit of your energy to swallow him as bast as you can, feeling him burst with thick, hot cum inside
oh how he loves it when you ride him in any of his cars, but he absolutely goes feral when you choose to take the tesla
it means he can shift it to auto and have nothing to worry about. he loves the way his surroundings move past him as your tits bounce above him, your hips shaking in circular motions
it's one of the reasons he lightened his tints. just light enough for the people outside to make out what's going on, but dark enough for your face to be concealed
he lied about others being able to see you though. he knows you want to be seen, but he'll kill before someone gets to see you in this state
"fuck, oh fuck, sho!" you whine, "god fuck your dick feels so good!"
shoto grits his teeth, taking a handful of your tit as the other squeezes your waist, guiding you up and down his shaft
"give them a great show, baby. let them see what they're missing." he urges, allowing your back to arch as your scream in your euphoric state.
the both of you shake the car as it drives, selfishly chasing your own highs until your walls clamp around shoto, milking him for what he's worth
you think that's all? he goes feral whenever he fucks you on his office desk with his door unlocked
as one of the most demanded heros, he always has people calling for him. on the phone, or in person
when he's in the middle of abusing your cunt and his phone rings off? he looks at you in expectation, urging you to answer the call for him
without his rough pace faltering, you sink your teeth on your bottom lip, pressing the 'answer' button and putting the call on speaker
"good morning, mr. todoroki! regarding the press conference..." the caller blabs on about boring details you could barely comprehend as you focus on staying silent.
"mmm," your eyes widen as your boyfriend moans. "i think that venue will be perfect. what does dynamight and deku think about it?"
"they already gave the go signal, sir! mr. dynamight even told me not to call him about such trivial matters..." the man laughs awkwardly throught the phone.
as you feel your orgasm near you, your squeeze on shoto's bicep, alerting him
the fucker simply smirks at you before saying a few more words to the call, your muscles seizing up at the difficulty of holding your orgasm in
as soon as you hear the familiar beep of ending a call, your back archs as pleasure takes over your mind and body
"fuck! you're squeezing me so tightly baby." shoto gasps but you pay him no mind as your eyes roll to the back of your head, core tightening as your hips move on their own, hoping for a better high
as you begin to calm down, your breasts rise and fall rapidly as your hair stick to your forehead. shoto presses a soft kiss on your forehead before slowly pulling out, hissing
you make out the lewd feeling of his cum dripping out of you, making you want for a second round
three knocks are heard on his office doors before a familiar voice announces, "i'm coming in."
you immediately roll over, dropping to your hands and knees as you thank you boyfriend for installing soft as shit carpets. the same boyfriend who had already fixed himself up and is now chatting with Iida like you aren't hidden behind his desk, boobs out and cunt dripping of cum
apart from being a hero, your boyfriend likes to play games and interact with his fans through livestreams
and every now and then, when he's being too loud, you like to shut him up by crawling undreneath his table and pulling his sweatpants down
"heal! i need someone to heal me-" your movements cut him off, making him snap his head down at you. eyes wide and jaw slack, a moment of silence passes and you thank every higher being for the peace and quiet before it's being taken away once again
"sorry, lost connection. i'm still dying, you guys!"
you roll your eyes, fully pulling his pants down, surprised at the sight of him already hard. one thing about your boyfriend? everything you do gets him hard.
your mouth waters at the precum leaking from his tip, your tongue immediately darting over to lick it off
you hear denki hiss before telling whoever he's playing with "don't worry about it, stubbed my toe"
you wrap your lips around the tip, looking up to see your boyfriend smiling widely with a deep blush across his cheeks
swirling your tongue around his bulbous head, you suck softly, earning a hiss from him before wiping your tongue over the slit
"huh? yeah, no yeah i'm fine" the continuous sounds of buttons being pressed give you the go signal to finally take him properly inside your mouth
"fuck-" he hisses the moment his head presses against the back of your throat, clearing his throat when your fingers dance towards his balls, cupping them
"i mean, fuck i'm sorry i missed, guys. maybe i should stop the game-" you squeeze the bas of his cock in warning
denki's jaw hardens with his eyes still trained to his screen. he knew if he looked down again, he'll be raising suspicions from his viewers
"nevermind, let's just finish this as soon as we can. 'm gettin' tired." you're unsure whether he's talking to you or his friends anymore, but you continue bobbing your head, making sure you don't hit the table
"guys! guys!" he pants, his grip on his controller tight as his thighs flex
"sorry- i just need medic!" he tries covering up his actions
your boyfriend is the kind who moans the entire house down. he needs to tell you how good you feel, he needs to tell you when he's about to cum and when he is cumming. he's simply a vocal lover, and when he doesn't have the freedom to do that, it fucks with his head
"so fucking good," he pants, "this game is so fucking good you guys!" that was a weak ass save
your tongue runs up the underside of his cock before taking him whole inside your mouth once more, his hisses and occassional huffs like music to your ears
his jaw continues to grind as his fingertips whiten with how hard he's gripping his controller
you play with his balls, watching his brows furrow. he's pissed.
aggressively tapping on the buttons, a moment passes when his undivided attention is on his screen before he slams his controller on his desk. "we won, i hard carried you motherfuckers, thanks for watching, see you all never."
he says it all so quickly before turning the live off, you barely have any time to think when he stands up, pulling you up with him
he spins you around, pushing you against his desk as he fiddles with his mouse, opening the camera app on his desktop
without another word, your boyfriend pushes himself inside you needy cunt, squeezing your nape as he begins to fuck you roughly, hips snappy
"think that was a good idea teasing me like that?" denki asks as he looks at you through his screen, watching your expression slowly fall at the feeling of your orgasm building
"this'd be what they'll see, baby. this'll be how you look like." he says, cupping your jaw and angling it straigh to make sure you see how bad he's wrecking you right now
"a hundred and fifty thousand people would see my pretty girl being fucked like the dirty slut she is." he bites on the corner of your ear, making you gasp. "and she'd love it."
and that was true. the thought of hundreds upon thousands of people watching denki have his way with you would fix a hundred and one of your problems
denki's thrusts become rougher, his desk moving and his equipment shaking as he pulls back, wrapping your hair around his fist, pulling on it tightly
"yeah, fuck yeah. you were made for me, baby." your response comes in loud moans and breathy whines, feeling your orgasm slowly bloom in your belly
"denki! fuck, denki!"
"gonna come for me, pretty girl?" you reply with an eager nod, earning a vile chuckle from him.
"then come all over this cock baby, i'll be right there behind you."
denki was not, in fact, right there behind you. the feeling of his thick, hot load is what pushes you over the edge
you turn around, glaring at the blond as he rolls his eyes sassily. "oh, shut up. my dick was being tortured way longer."
without pulling out, he carries you by your thighs, your back pressing against his chest. he walks over to your shared bed, setting you down softly before the both of you lay on your sides
he pulls the blanket on your bodies, pressing a light kiss on the side of your forehead before telling you he loves you
uhuh. he isn' as much of an exhibitionist as the other guys, but he's addicted to cockwarming
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berryblu-arts · 6 months
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@hollsmemes HIII HELLO!!!! WAVING BACK AT YOU o/!!!
sdfhsgdahg sorry to drag your ask onto another blog but!!! i have brought you doodles!!
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Kai´s first dentist appointment + hc he is a menace to pens (that guy is *not* sitting still through team meetings fdhkjhdsjfnmghf) + i just wanted to draw this one tbh
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also v important RGB sibs hc doodle (i draw mouths too small to showcase fangs U_U)
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