#Klaus icons
gatopidao · 1 year
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ︶⏝︶ ୨ vampire sociey! ✷ icons ୧ ︶⏝︶
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shit-talker · 9 months
some of my favourite quotes from the original tua script;
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kaiserkeller · 4 months
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KLAUS VOORMANN photographed by HARRY GOODWIN, c. 1967.
Photos courtesy of the BBC photo archive.
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seriesxwriting · 10 months
W Klaus Mikaelson <3
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Warnings- swearing, flighting, kissing.
Series- the vampire diaries/ the originals
Summary- After being prisoner to mikael for a century your finally free and can find your soulmate again… once you’ve sorted out a few issues about why you left in the first place. Presuming the Mikealson’s don’t kill you first.
Recreating a post I deleted from when I first started writing<3
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I’d just arrived in New Orleans. It had been a long ass time since I’d been here. It had been a century. I was here for only one reason. Id been dwelling on if it was a good idea or not for a while. It wasn’t, I’d probably lose my head as soon as I got into town. But I grew some balls and followed my heart. And that lead me to New Orleans.
I stepped off the train and just looked around for a second breathing in a deep breath of New Orleans air. I remember how this place looked since I was last here. It hadn’t changed much apart from the vending machines and new benches made of metal now.
Working up the courage, I left the train station and went into the square which wasn’t a long walk. It was kind of refreshing. Being back was scary almost but it was home, I knew I was risking a lot coming here but I had to. For myself, for him. I walked down to my favourite bar, I needed to be a little intoxicated before I faced him. Rousseau’s.
There it stood, proudly if anything. I’d missed this place. That feeling was very short lived as a hand tightened around my throat dragging me into an alley next to the bar. I struggled against them but could only use vampirism after I was out of sight from the humans. I elbowed the man but he managed to push me against the wall.
I looked up to see who it was and the colour left my face. “So it really is you” he scoffed shaking his head. “Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t removed your head and give it to him in a box?”. Elijah Mikaelson. Always a pleasure. “Get off me!” I hissed as the tears started forming in my eyes. He had never been hostile to me before. I’d only seen it when he was fighting his families enemies. Now I was an enemy of the Mikaelsons.
He threw me against the wall again after letting go of my neck. “I came to explain not fight” I scoffed rubbing my neck from the throbbing pain. “You shouldn’t have come here if you didn’t expect a fight” he mocked shaking his head. “I assumed it would be on the table” “why are you here? After what you did?” Elijah asked squinting his eyes at me.
“I didn’t do anything!” I hissed trying to contain my tears. “Will you hear me out or not?”. Elijah looked like he was debating it. “Fine I will hear you out but I can’t promise I won’t pull your heart out mid conversation” “I’m not a fool Elijah- I know you don’t trust me I know you don’t want to see me- he won’t want to either but I owe it to myself to explain what happened” I told him pushing off the wall now.
“Let’s have a drink shall we, be civil about this?”. He looked like he was holding back a laugh but he nodded his head once and then followed me into the bar. We took one of the back booths so we could talk without being heard or seen. “You look different” he told me sitting across from me. “You look worn out, skinnier” “where do you want me to start?” I asked swallowing, feeling even more intimidated now it was really happening.
“Start from the fire” he told me bluntly keeping his eyes on me. “1919, we were in the Oprah house” I began thinking back to that terrible night. “Klaus had gone to get our seats while I went to the bathroom, when I exited I saw a face that still horrifies me to this day” “mikael” Elijah exhaled as he began to realised there was much more to the story. “I ran to get away from him but he caught me quickly over powering me”.
“He told me all these things- everything he was planning on doing to klaus, I struggled but he was too strong” I shook my head as the tears started forming again. “He compelled me- to leave with him- compelled me to say what I said to Klaus- I told him I was done I was leaving and that i couldn’t stand the sight of him- those words rang in my head for years” I sniffed as the first tear fell down. “After that mikael snapped my neck and left me in the trunk of some car” I explained.
“He did what he did in New Orleans- and kept me prisoner for years on end, he thought he could use me to help find Klaus as I knew him so well- I refused and that’s when his violence appeared”. Elijah looked horrified. That was the only word to describe his face. He reached over to my hand and nodded sympathetically. “You can compel me if you don’t believe me” I made very clear.
Elijah shook his head vigorously “I believe you’ve had enough compelling to last you for a lifetime” he told me rubbing my hand gently. “I believe you y/n” “thank you Elijah, truly” i gasp nodding my head agreeing I’d had enough. “I’ve heard enough about mikael- how’d you escape”.
“He didn’t come back to where he left me for a while- I had the chance to escape with him gone, but I don’t know where he is- he must be looking for me” I shook my head not wanting to think about it. “He’s not” Elijah squeezed my hand as he plunged in abruptly. “He’s dead y/n, Klaus killed him”. I sat back in the chair as my eye brows knitted together.
A weight off my shoulder literally lifted off me and I felt as if i could breath again. The tears leaked out my eyes without permission as I laughed from happiness. Elijah moved round to my side and embraced me. It was nice having him back, he was always so caring towards me. I’d truly missed him. “It’s over y/n- you done it, your home- and I am so! So sorry that my father put you through that, that he turned us against you”.
“You weren’t to know” I shook my head not wanting an apology from him. “What happened? When I left- Klaus- what happened?” “He um…” Elijah started before his eyes drifted to the table. “He hasn’t been okay since” Elijah shook his head vigorously. He must have been thinking of the events because I practically saw them flashing in his eyes.
“I didn’t think he ever would be again” he smiled before looking at me. “But you both will- I assume that’s why your here” “I’m here to explain- I understand it’s been a long time- I don’t expect him to feel the same way about me now” “do you want to see him? I’ll take you to him- help you smooth things over” “yes please” I nodded feeling my heart patting against my chest. “I’d like that very much”.
“Let’s go” Elijah nodded with a smile getting up from the table. I was afraid to face Klaus. I knew what his temper was like, once upon a time I was the only one who could control it. Though I didn’t think now would be one of those times. Elijah walked me over to the house. I stopped at the threshold taking a deep breath. “It’s going to be fine” he whispered comforting me. But that was when I heard his voice.
“Brother! Bout time you were back we have business to discuss” klaus called out as we walked into the house. His back was turned to us and he was pouring two bourbons. “Yes brother, we do indeed” Elijah told him forwardly. “We have much to discuss”. With that Klaus turned around. His smirk dropped off his face as he locked eyes with me. How the hell do I feel right now? I didn’t know myself.
He clearly didn’t. It took a few seconds but his face hardened just as I remembered, just as I’d imagined it to do. “You were foolish to step into this house” he told me seriously. “Thank you for delivering her to me brother but I have no intention of looking at her for more than two seconds, your welcome to let her out” klaus crushed a glass in his hand. The glass scattered everywhere.
“I thought- you’d want me dead for sure” I told him in a wavy voice. “I want you dead believe me, I just don’t want to watch it” he frowned as his jaw locked together watching his cuts heal up. “Brother, I haven’t delivered y/n to you to inflict any sort of harm” Elijah stated making Klaus look at him with the hard look now. “Explain yourself now Elijah” his hand flew out and I saw his eyes getting watery. “You should sit down and let y/n explain herself” he nodded taking a step forward.
I guess he knew Klaus was about to attack him as that’s exactly what happened. Klaus vamp ran towards him knocking Elijah off his feet. Klaus turned to me, his eyes orange now. That was new. “Get out, before I change my mind” he told me without a wave of anything but anger. “Klaus please- that night didn’t go down how you think it went down” I told him with tears in my own eyes now.
“Don’t think you can lie your way out of this one” he scoffed, the veins seemed to run further down his eyes onto his cheeks as his teeth came out. He had another set now, that was new too. “Klaus, she’s not lying- she was compelled” Elijah explained as he stood back up fixing his suit. “Oh really and by who exac-.” Klaus trailed off as a moment of realisation hit him. “No” he shook his head as his eyes went back to normal and he took a step back.
He looked me up and down before shaking his head and walking off toward the bourbon again with his hand pointing out. “I will not hear these lies!” “I’m not lying- I’ve never lied to you” I told him confidently, it was working he was realising. “If so, why didn’t you come back? Why didn’t you look for me?” Klaus asked me with a frown. “Because you had no interest in it!”.
“I came as soon as I escaped from mikael- well- a week after- I was debating whether i should come or not, I wasn’t sure if you’d hear me out”. Klaus’s face dropped. “What do you mean… escaped from Mikel” he asked me walking slowly towards me. “He- he kept me prisoner, he wanted my help to find you” “he- no I would have known- I- no” klaus shook his head but I knew he was just in denial about it now.
I slid my hand up to his face. “Klaus, I never would have left you” I told him when his eyes landed on me. “You don’t have to believe me- I didn’t come and see you to make things go back to how they were I just- i couldn’t live with you thinking I hated you” I told him softly holding eye contact with me. I slowly took my hand away but he caught it holding it bringing it back up.
“He- hurt you?” “It’s over now Klaus I’m free” I shook my head not wanting to give any details. “He hurt you?” Klaus asked me again in a much more authoritative tone. I nodded losing eye contact with him drifting to the floor. Klaus moved forward wrapping his arms around me tighter than I’d ever felt a hug. He didn’t want to let go and I was okay with that.
“You two- you should talk, clear everything up” Elijah told us with a smile on his face. “It’s good to see you again y/n” he nodded before wondering out of the door. “Elijah!” I called out before he got too far. He turned innocently looking at me under his brothers arm. “Thank you- seriously thank you” I nodded with sad eyes. “Who am I to keep soulmates apart” he chuckled as he walked off backwards.
Klaus didn’t say anything more to me just led me to the sofa and looked at me. He scanned me for a minute or two. “Klaus- it’s me” “I know” he nodded still looking at me. “I’m savouring it” he answered a few seconds after. He was holding my hand and hadn’t let go since we sat down. “What do you want to know?” “Nothing gorgeous- I believe you, Mikael is a bastard always has been, I presume Elijah told you he’s dead”.
I nodded frantically. “I’m free” I smiled again as it really sank in the the nightmare was over. A hundred years later. “I’m tempted to bring him back so I can kill him again for the years he kept us apart”. “I’m glad you came- I’m glad you chose to come” he told me fiddling with my fingers. “So am I- I don’t- expect anything from you Klaus not for you to take me in, take me back, nothing, I have peace knowing you know the truth”.
“Y/n, You are the queen of New Orleans and you are never leaving my side again” klaus told me putting his hand on my cheek. “Does that mea- mean you’ll have me back?” “Your my always and forever” he chuckled kissing my hand softly. “I should have knew something was off- I should have looked for you” he tutted, I spotted a tear falling down his face. “No don’t do that” I warned him.
“Don’t not make this your fault- you were hurt and you had every right to be” “y/n I know you better than anyone- I should have known something was wrong” he clutched my hand to his chest. “Can we- stop talking about it please- we can tomorrow just…” “…it’s done- I just want to make up for lost time, my love” he brushed my cheek with my thumb.
“Then there’s no better way” I smiled as I moved my head towards his attaching his lips to mine. Klaus didn’t hesitate for a semi second. He was right there with me, we’re truly were soulmates. We moved like we were made for each other because we were. “Now, nothing can take you away from me” he whispered holding me close.
“I’ll never get tired of hearing you say that” I smiled putting my head in between his shoulders and neck. Klaus kissed my head gently. Heaven.
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For more like this
Masterlist of masterlists
The vampire diaries Masterlist
Klaus Mikaelson Masterlist
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athenamikaelson · 1 year
can i request a kol x reader one shot where the reader just moved to MF and is really shy and the MF gang are all shocked when they find out she likes/is dating kol🥰
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Kol Mikaelson x Shy!Reader
Word Count- 1.2k
Warnings- Light Swearing
Request- can i request a kol x reader one shot where the reader just moved to MF and is really shy and the MF gang are all shocked when they find out she likes/is dating kol🥰
“So Y/N,” Caroline leans over to me a sneaky smirk on her face, “has there been anyone who’s caught your eye since you’ve arrived in town?” I can feel the warmth of a blush start to make its way onto my face. Elena and Bonnie stop their talking next to us and give me a questioning look.
“Ya Y/N, has there been anyone?” Bonnie asks with an encouraging smile on her face. I stare at all three of them and from their giggling I can tell the blush has turned my face beet red.
“You can tell us Y/N if you want, if not don’t worry about it.” Elena tells me, placing her hand on top of mine in a comforting way.
“Don’t judge me ok?” I ask them, which gets me multiple nods of heads and “Of course nots.”
I take a deep breath and close my eyes, “Kol Mikaelson.”
After a long moment of silence I open my eyes and see all three of them with a mix of confusion and fear etched into their faces. Embarrassment starts to flood my entire body as I watch them try to process what I’d said.
“Ok I know I’m not the ideal dream girl or anything and I know he is totally out of my league but-“ I start to ramble but Bonnie interrupts me.
“No Y/N! It’s not that! You’re perfect, it’s just…” Bonnie looks over at Elena and Caroline who look like they’re trying to find their own words, “It’s Kol, he’s just so intense you know. You’re so sweet and kind and he’s so… not.” Bonnie says with an unnerved look.
“I know he can be a bit crude sometimes but he’s nice to me.” I say trying to defend the man I’d come to grow fond of in my short time of knowing him.
“Really?!” They all ask surprisingly.
“Ya I guess. I mean whenever we see each other he always goes out of his way to talk to me even though I can’t start a conversation for my life. And when I told him that people have told me that I come off as a freak because of how quiet I am, he told me that some people are too idiotic to see that the quietest people are always the ones with the most to say.” It was the first time in a long time that it felt as if someone had truly seen me and heard me.
Bonnie, Caroline, and Elena just stare at me for a moment before Caroline cracks a big smile and starts talking about how cute that is and how she’s so happy for me. When she’s done Bonnie gives me a comforting smile.
“I’m happy that someone makes you feel that way Y/N, I just want you to be careful and safe ok? Kol and his family can be unpredictable and we wouldn’t want you to get hurt.”
“I know, and it’s just a little crush anyways, there’s no way Kol would really give me the time and day.” I give her a shrug of my shoulders.
“Kol Mikaelson would be lucky if you gave him the time of day Y/N.” Elena tells me.
“Thank you guys.”
“Hello Quiet One.” I turn in my seat to see Damon Salvatore smirking at me. I just rolled my eyes and went back to watching Jeremy clean the bar after he asked to keep him company at The Grill. I can feel Damon move out the barstool next to me.
“So I heard from a Little Birdy that someone has a crush on the wild Mikaelson?” When he says this I whip my head to look at him and am faced with the vampire smirking at him.
“Who the hell told you that? I whisper-yell at him. Damon just stares at me for a moment before reaching over the bar and pouring himself a bourbon.
“Just a little birdy.” I let out a sigh and fought the urge to strangle him.
“I’m honestly hurt that I wasn’t the first to be told, My Little Quiet One. I thought we were besties.” Damon throws a hand over his heart in a mocking way.
“We're not besties.” I try to tell him which makes him shake his head.
“Yep, we are. You’re the only one I know that will keep my deep dark secrets and won't try to see the wrong in my ways.”
“It’s not my job to make you be a better person Damon.”
“Exactly! Try telling Elena that, or Stefan, or Ric. You and I work well together.” He pats me on my shoulder, I go to shrug his hand off when it’s ripped off by someone behind us.
“It doesn’t really look like she wants you touching her, mate. So keep your hands off.” I freeze as I recognize the British accent and who it belongs to.
Damon turns in his stool, “Agh, Kol. My least favorite Original. Y/N and I are the bestest of friends so you can back off.” He glares at him, which earns an even nastier glare from Kol. I stare at them for a moment before standing up, which gains Kol’s attention.
“I need some fresh air.” I say as I try to get away from Kol as quickly as possible.
I’m able to get one breath of fresh air before I hear the door next to me open and Kol walks out. He catches my eye and makes his way over to me, which makes me start walking in the opposite direction, until I feel a hand grab my upper arm.
“Where are you off to, Darling?” Kol’s voice comes from behind me. I try to take a deep breath and focus on my breathing so my heart rate isn’t as intense as it currently is.
“For a walk.” I turn to look at him to find him already staring down at me with a ghost of a smirk on his face. A face which happens to be a breath away from my own.
“Fantastic, then I walk with you.” I just freeze and look at him, I start to shake my head at him.
“Why would you want to do that?” I ask him. Kol stares at me for a moment with a confused look.
“Because I fancy you, Darling.” I feel my brain shut down as I just stare at Kol, he must find the look on my face entertaining because he lets out a huff of a laugh.
“Cat got your tongue, Darling?”
“Why?” I shake my head at him in confusion and denial.
“Why wouldn’t I? You surprised me.” His answer to my question only makes me more confused.
“How could I possibly surprise you?” Kol stares down at me and the smirk on his face slowly morphs into something softer as he looks at me.
“I’ll tell you over dinner tonight.” He says as he takes my hand and kisses it. He gives me one final look and starts to walk off, leaving me in shock.
“Wait, tonight!” I try to yell after him. He turns around and smiles at me.
“I’ll pick you up at 8, Darling.”
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taylorswiftt1 · 23 days
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tygerland · 2 months
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Werner Herzog - Los Angeles, February 2011 - by Nadav Kander.
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tvdiariesedit · 2 months
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THE ORIGINALS (2013) The River in Reverse - 1x8 dir. Jesse Warn.
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batterycityghoul · 16 days
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The Umbrella Academy 4 Icons if you like/want to use, please like/reblog
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stinkrascal · 8 months
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hbd to the twins 🎂🎈
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gatopidao · 1 year
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ︶⏝︶ ୨ messy! ✷ icons ୧ ︶⏝︶
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ludmilachaibemachado · 10 months
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July 1967. He was showcasing both the Revolver cover and his designs for Bee Gees' debut album. The Grammy award which he won for Revolver on 2 March 1967 can be seen on his coffee table💙
Via @klausvoormannfp on Instagram💙
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taylorswiftt1 · 27 days
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klausysworld · 1 year
Hi it’s me again! So for my first request it’s for Rebekah and I was wondering if you would mind doing head cannons with Rebekah having a female s/o who has a crush on her? I would love to see how it would go
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Rebekah having a female s/o:
Rebekah had definitely been with a few women over the years, girl cannot live over a thousand years and not be taking her fair share of the mix.
When she saw you though? Oh she just couldn’t help but introduce herself, you were the prettiest person she had ever seen, she knew just what style of dresses would suit you, what colour would go well with your hair.
You were all too eager to reciprocate her attention, quickly becoming friends and hanging out on a regular basis.
It was easy to develop a crush on her, the way she would insist on helping you get changed for the events she threw only made it harder. Her soft fingers would slide up your back as she did the zip on your dress up
Her hands would be in your hair as she styled it just perfectly, her face only a few inches away form yours as she applied your mascara ‘not that you need it, just to add to what you’re already giving me’ she would remind you
She always reminds you of how perfect you are, both looks and personality ‘i could look into your eyes forever’ ‘your figure is so beautiful’ ‘if i had half the personality you did…’
Often you would playfully suggest that you two should dance together, despite it being the 21st century two women dancing together at a traditional like ball isn’t exactly expected. That did not stop you though and although her siblings could be moody and unfair they too were happy to see their sister so full of joy as she clung to you
Rebekah always gave you expensive extravagant gifts like century old jewellery or those far too expensive boots that you accidentally briefly mentioned you liked.
And so you decided to treat Bekah by showing her new things, she had been daggered for a while after all so opening her up to new experiences was always fun.
A few times you two would go away on holiday, seeing her in a little bikini always had you blushing and nervous, not that she noticed too much because she was also gawking over you.
Eventually after far too many months you kissed her. Right in-front of everyone after you had witnessed a man try to flirt with her. Shock was evident throughout the bar as you pulled away with an embarrassed expression but she didn’t let you remain that way for long before she pulled you right back to her moulding her lips with yours
That was the start of a very happy Rebekah Mikaelson
(i know this is like really short so if you have other Rebekah requests i can do some more for you, courting maybe? or yandere bekah? or i can just do a one-shot if you have something specific you would like! :))
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gatopidao · 1 month
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀‧ ⋆ messy ᡣ𐭩 ׂ 
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thedragonqueens · 3 months
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Daniel Gillies and Joseph Morgan - March 20th, 2024
via mr.danielgillies on instagram
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