#Knuckles clan
aphantimes · 2 months
ok lemme ask this again but reworded bc i did it really stupidly last time lol. this is solely referring to official sonic game lore.
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silver-the-hedgeblog · 5 months
Possible Silver/Echidna/Ancient connections
In Sonic Chronicles The Dark Brotherhood there is another tribe of echidnas called the Nocturnus Clan. The Nocturnus Clan was incredibly technologically advanced and nearly conquered the world thousands of years ago before they were trapped in another dimension with powerful alien races by an entity called the Argus.
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This game and the stuff in it is considered non-canon now due to legal issues that we are definitely not here to talk about but it was canon when it came out and different echidna tribes are referenced in Sonic Frontiers. The ancient portal technology in that game is also similar to the gear themed technology used by the Nocturnus Clan. So there's hope of Nocturnus or a rewritten version of them still being canon. Silver has many similarities to the Nocturnus clan and their creations.
Silver is visually similar to Imperator Ix, the leader of the Nocturnus Clan (Especially the cuffs which are similar to Silver's)
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The patterns on Silver's gloves and cuffs are also similar to the ones in Nocturne and the Cyberspace Portals in Sonic Frontiers.
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The convex patterns on Silver's cuffs can be found throughout Nocturne.
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Silver's front quills have a similar structure to the head crests of the Gizoids created by the Nocturnus Clan.
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The big quills on the back of Silver's head are similar to the tentacles that Chaos and The Ancients have on the back of their heads.
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Silver's big quills seem to have blood vessels? He puts bandages on them in Sonic Channel artwork and gets blood stains on them in IDW. Maybe they are tentacles?
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Sonic Team has foreshadowed connections with visual similarities before. In Shadow The Hedgehog before you find out that Shadow is part Black Arms you can see throughout the game that the Black Arms have red patterns like Shadow and in Sonic Unleashed before you find out that the Werehog is a portion of Dark Gaia you can see that Dark Gaia monsters have the same stretchy arms and attack patterns as the Werehog.
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One of the alien races trapped in Twilight Cage with the Nocturnus Clan in Sonic Chronicles called the Voxai has psychic powers like Silver. They have the psychic ability to fly like Silver and control minds.
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One of the leaders of the Voxai named Leucosia has the same colors as Silver's powers and patterns similar to Silver's PK Marks.
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The only named place in Silver's (good) future that we've seen is Onyx Island in Sonic Rivals. Onyx Island is actually the future version of Angel Island which is the home of the Knuckles Clan, The Master Emerald and Sky Sanctuary. Sky Sanctuary also has advanced ancient technology and patterns similar to the ones on Silver's gear.
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We don't know how connected to Onyx Island Silver is but it is the first place we see him after the reset in 06.
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This could just be because of his powers but Silver is very upper body oriented. He never kicks like Sonic and Shadow do. Whenever Silver does get physical he always punches things which makes his fighting style more similar to Knuckles and the echidnas than his fellow hedgehogs.
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Cyber Sonic's eyes are similar to the eyes Silver has in concept art.
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I noticed that Cucho can speak Spanish. Is he himself Spanish/Latino?
He is! Like how the Unleashed Hub Worlds are based on certain regions in real life, there's an area that's the Central American equivalent where he originates. (Tho he specifically is based mostly on Mexican culture.)
And since the Ancient Echidna's are the Mayan/Aztec equivalent, perhaps they had some connection to Chucho's ancestral peoples. The former was a massive world power at their peak....
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Who's to say?
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latine-showdown · 1 year
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ultimate-guardian · 5 months
Just finished watching the "Knuckles Series," and it was amazing
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Specific headcanon here, but if echidna were still around in modern times they’d be extremely picky about what electronics they have in their settlements due to their electroreception. They’ll use it if they see enough benefit, but most of the time it’s not worth the feeling of all the electrical output. It also means it’s rare to see them In the really modern high tech cities, the whole place would feel like it’s buzzing so most of them don’t go unless it’s REALLY important.
Maybe there are some echidna scientists leading studies for technology to work on a lower electrical output, or they often find work seeking out faulty wires. They’re the only land mammal with electroreception, there would definitely be some interesting stuff to come from that.
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disabled-battlekukku · 7 months
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echidna gender roles headcanons
The Echidnas were a pretty egalitarian society as far as ancient societies go . They didn't really have much in the way of gender roles. Female warriors were commonplace . Females fought alongside the males in battle.
An Echidna's role in society was determined by their caste rather than their gender. The Echidna society had several different castes, such as warrior, shaman, scribe or priest caste. Male and female Echidnas were treated equally. A female could be a warrior, while a male could be a healer💪
Due to a combination of living alone on Angel Island for most of his life and learning about ancient Echidna society from relics, Knuckles is very confused by human gender roles, especially when he first left the island. He finds them to be ridiculous .
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utterly-ridiculous0-0 · 3 months
Egyptian Mobian echidna remake! + Opossum
A opossum in my front yard.
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Most tiring sketch I’ve ever made in my entire life. If I’m honest, I was guessing what to put here. My hand fell asleep and my arm is tired so I’m going to pet the possum outside. (Not really, I am just joking!)
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lady-zoras-artroom · 3 months
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Every night is the same nightmare over and over. A jolt of pain. Vision half consumed. Her voice the soft of nuturing yet with no emotion behind it.
It hurts so much….!
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Forget. Forget. You have no past to remember.
Remember them, your light. Your family. Forever.
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And may I introduce the family, Palm and Fist the Echidna Warriors of the thriving Knuckles Clan!
Palm is the mango furred Echidna who always looks out for her older brother and leads their group. All while being a good example of an older sister to Lumin, Palm teaches Lumin the Arts of Defense and Self-Control. She has been asked if she could teach Lumin how to use Chaos Abilities by the very space mink herself - to which Palm has declined many times, but teaches her other worthwhile lessons.
Fist is the eldest of the group, being the biggest and also the softest both figuratively and literally. He looks out and protects Lumin and Palm being the stronger one of the group. He may have brawn, but he also has heart and is willing to hear the woes of his people when they are in need of comfort. He plays with Lumin a lot, even inviting her to help maintain the Village or complete chores.
Lumin loves her older siblings very much and has such a strong desire to protect them from any and all threats. She trusts them the most and confides in them with her feelings as well as her deepest fears - such as her recent nightmares. Secretly she has sworn a promise to always guard them and protect their village and their people; considering them her own.
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dr finitevus is right because fuck all of these people in this page
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aphantimes · 4 months
okay another sonic lore poll
pls share this around i NEED to know how many people know lol
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darknanigans · 2 years
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hi this is art from a REALLY long time ago for my designs of knuckles' parents
sir tlalok was the chieftain of the clan while palenque was second in command.
tlaloc is very dark in echidna standards while palenque is albino
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zonadelcaos · 2 years
Sonic Calendar Story - Isekai Ôgiri #3: Tikal y Chaos (Marzo 2023)
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Acto 3: "Un paraíso feliz"
"¡Bienvenidos! ¡Adelante, sentaos en cualquier sitio libre!".
Desde hace algún tiempo, la pizzería  "CHAO's Diner" ha estado operando en las montañas de Mystic Ruins. 
Este restaurante tan popular se encuentra en medio del asentamiento del Clan Knuckles, los forzudos equidnas y el hogar de las misteriosas criaturas de agua chao. Tikal, hija del jefe de la tribu y el amable guardián de los Chao, Chaos regentan el negocio.
Hoy, Tikal recibe alegremente a los clientes, mientras que Chaos prepara las pizzas con gran habilidad, gracias a sus brazos extensibles. Su plato estrella es una pizza picante especial hecha con unas frutas rojas, las favoritas de los Chao. El sabor de la pizza y el servicio tan alegre de Tikal han sido bien recibidos y el lugar siempre está lleno de Chao y los del Clan Knuckles.
A pesar de ser un lugar tan agradable, “CHAO’s Diner” tuvo sus dificultades al principio. Cuando Tikal se acuerda de ello, mira de reojo a Chaos mientras hace las pizzas en silencio y no puede evitar sonreír.
Los del Clan Knuckles eran duros y arrogantes. A Chaos le preocupaba que pudieran dañar a los Chao.
Cuando llegaban en grandes grupos, caminaban por el restaurante, no tenían en cuenta a los Chao que ya estaban allí y causaban un gran alboroto. A veces, Tikal tenía que intervenir y detener a Chaos cuando se enfadaba…
Pero un día, la nueva pizza creada por Chaos fue tan apreciada tanto por los chao como por el clan Knuckles que se convirtió en el puente que unió a todos.
La Tribu Knuckles comenzó a respetar a Chaos, y también comenzaron a tratar a los chao y a los que amaban las mismas exquisiteces con amor. Y entonces, a la vez que Chaos veía la sonrisa de sus rostros, el rencor de su corazón comenzaba a desaparecer.
La felicidad que se sintió en ese entonces no se pudo olvidar. Si se trata a los demás con honestidad, estos podrán abrirse algún día. Eso es lo que debieron de pensar.
Ojalá sentir aquella emoción una vez más…
Desde entonces, los dos han estado trabajando todos los días en su nueva pizza, y ¡por fin la completaron ayer por la noche! Hoy es el día de su presentación.
Una masa especial, cubierta con siete frutas rojas frescas, albahaca y queso derretido. Seguramente a todos les encantará. Estaban nerviosos mientras esperaban que la pizza se hornee.
De repente, se oyó el sonido de platos rompiéndose desde las mesas. Se podía escuchar el murmullo de los clientes y el llanto de los chao.
"¿¡Qué pasa!? ¿¡No será...!?"
Tikal salió corriendo en pánico. ¡No había pasado algo así en mucho tiempo!
Y lo que vio cuando llegó fue a un chao llorando porque había dejado caer su plato, mientras que los del clan Knuckles limpiaban los platos rotos
Tikal respiró aliviada. 
Sí, ya no había más peleas en este restaurante. Todos se habían vuelto amigos y ahora querían disfrutar de la deliciosa pizza juntos en un ambiente amigable.
"¿¡ !?"
En ese momento, un olor delicioso llegó a la habitación. ¿Quién lo habría ordenado? Nadie…¡Porque es para todos! Chaos llegó con su nueva pizza y se la ofreció a todos. 
¡Te estábamos esperando! La tribu de Knuckles y el chao que lloraba sonreían mientras comían.
“¡Está para chuparse los dedos!”
"¡Chao, chao!"
Todos estaban muy contentos. Tikal se volvió para mirar a Chaos y asintió lentamente.
Desde ahora y para siempre, el restaurante de estos dos estaría bien. Con ese pensamiento en su corazón, Tikal y los demás regresaron a la cocina...
Y luego, como si se estuviera disolviendo, una niebla blanca envolvió el área…
La animada conversación y la reunión en el restaurante pronto desaparecieron, y cuando la niebla se desvaneció lentamente... solo quedaba la Master Emerald parpadeando lentamente como si estuviera dormida, y las ruinas de su altar.
Y cuando el aroma, que se quedó sin lugar a donde ir, se desvaneció, un pesado silencio llenó el lugar de este paraíso en ruinas.
"Todo ha desaparecido..."
Angel Island, que debería estar flotando en el cielo, había aterrizado en el suelo, y una extraña niebla blanca rodeaba los alrededores del altar…
Tikal y Chaos trabajando juntos felices, lejos de los hechos del pasado. El Clan Knuckles y los chao llevándose bien ¿Este paraíso fugaz fue realidad o fue acaso un sueño?
Dado el ambiente del restaurante, tal parece que no era una visión de los tiempos en los que Tikal y los demás solían vivir…El misterio no hace más que agudizarse con la niebla.
Cuánto más sabemos, más aprendemos sobre los nuevos misterios de este mundo.
Recordad visitar la página original de la historia en Sonic Channel y darle mucho amor a las redes sociales de Sonic Official JP si queréis seguir teniendo más contenido como este.
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latine-showdown · 1 year
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quazart · 1 year
I wonder if because of the implication that Tails never had parents to begin with, he strongly attaches himself to both of his new adoptive parents, whereas Sonic emulates Tom in many ways while Knuckles gravitates more towards Maddie possibly because they never had a dad and a mom respectively
I couldn't agree more.
While Sonic had grown closer to Tom, and Knuckles to Maddie, I also believe Tails equally leans towards both, if the case is he never had parents.
If Tom is doing something with Sonic, whether its bonding stuff or chores, Tails will hang around to help or supervise( he likes to ride on Tom's shoulders when he does this) His dad or older brother inviting him to join the second he's in view. The same would occur when Maddie and Knux are together, aswell. Whether they're just watching tv, cooking or having a yoga session, they receive him with open arms. Teaching him along the way.
But above all, Tails favorite family activity would have to be movie nights. When he's got his whole family on the couch, with him right in the center, watching the chosen movie of the night, together. He has both his parents at his sides along with his brothers. Even Ozzy was here, laying at the foot of the couch, watching with them. Or is he asleep? He can't check. Everyone is under one big blanket snuggled together, so he's immobile for the time being. But he wouldn't have it any other way.
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