#Koi catastrophe
echodoesstuff62333 · 7 months
";v; I tried... @leontheluxuriousone
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echos-hell-hole · 4 months
"listen here, I don't like you"
HELLO! My name is Echo, and I'm a system. This is my side blog for being even MORE emo and cringe than on my main. Please use neopronouns, or it/its/itself pronouns for me on this blog.
"I am now going to bark at you"
This blog will include immense cussing, gore, suggestive content, "cringe", emo stuff, and basically just early 2000s internet vibes ig.
My DNI is; pedophiles, zoophiles, LGBTQ+ phobes, racists, transIDs(y'know.. like the "transrace" ppl n such) + radqueers, ableists(yes that doesnt include you narcissistic abuse truthers, get outta here), trolls, and whoever else I want off this blog.
I will block for whatever reason, I do NOT owe you a second chance or explanation.
I hope you enjoy this blog! :D all tags on my main blog will be the same here (AKA I'm too lazy to type that shit again).
Main blog incase you dont know - @echodoesstuff62333
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(I like bees.)
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omoriisstruggling · 2 months
I love Koi but how the FUCK is he going to negotiate polyamory with the Avatar of GREED and the Avatar of ENVY???
I have the majority of the fic already planned out with an exception for the ending, but I will say that the most challenging part was figuring out a way to mesh these three without catastrophic consequences like the space time continuum collapsing in on itself or something.
Ultimately, as of chapter nine (currently half way done), with the way that I’ve gone about Levi’s characterization- expect Koi to fall and choose Levi first. If Levi got to Koi last, at least with the way I’ve interpreted how his sin controls him, the results would be infinitely less peaceful and a lot more…bloody.
Mammon’s main issue is going to be denial and he’ll spend a lot of time trying to figure out if what he feels for Koi is real or stems from being the avatar of greed.
Levi needs to be sure of himself and his relationship and have Koi all to himself first, and for quite a bit, if Koi ever wants to even attempt negotiations.
TLDR: Levi will have to have Koi to himself first and build up his confidence before Mammon can be introduced into the fray.
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ae-azile · 3 months
Progression - Chapter 30 Preview (Part 3!)
I wasn't going to share another preview, but since it is Pride Month and Thailand legalized same sex marriage, it felt appropriate to share this scene - which can sort of stand alone, even if you don't follow this particular story but love ArmKhun. 🙂
Scene/One-Shot under cut:
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Tankhun had planned a private laser show on the beach!
“We can still watch the laser show,” Arm says, sounding like he is incredibly nervous, “I don't see why we wouldn't. I didn't realize you planned something like that. I just…This morning, you said you wanted tonight to be low-key. I didn't realize you planned a surprise of some sort. So I planned this because…because I love you. I never thought falling in love was in the cards for me. I just didn't. But I have had feelings for you for years, and they have only grown stronger since we got together and…was this not good enough? I had them decorate a secluded bridge over a koi pond with your favorite flowers and tea lights. There is a string quartet playing the song we first slow danced to. Did I do something wrong?” 
“Yes!” Tankhun says accusingly, putting his hands on his hips. Arm’s expression immediately looks crestfallen and Tankhun would normally feel TERRIBLE for making Arm feel that way, even for a second. 
But Arm beat him. He came up with this beautiful proposal with just the right amount of romanticism and intimacy. Even if Tankhun still had the opportunity to one up this, he wouldn't be able to. The laser show was supposed to be private and fun. Tankhun was going to play dumb and act like it was a surprise for him too. Songs that had meaning to them were to play before the daunting question spelled itself out across the sky. It had been incredibly expensive to come up with and make happen within forty-eight hours, and it isn’t even going to happen. 
“You…” Tankhun tries to explain, then lets out a groan, pulls the box out of his pocket, and waves it in the air, “You ruined MY proposal! It is scheduled for midnight. That is just in twenty minutes, and you beat me! Do you know how long I have been carrying this ring? Almost nine months! You could have developed a healthy baby in your womb during that time, and don't say that isn't possible! You’ve ruined my proposal with your perfect one, so you get to be knocked up with our child in this scenario and not point out the flaws in my logic! I want a girl! Accept!” 
When Tankhun finally calms down enough to take in his boyfriend's demeanor once more, he sees that he's holding back a laugh. He thinks this catastrophe is funny. 
“Arm!” Tankhun says, stomping his foot once, “Stop.” 
“I'm sorry,” Arm says quickly, then steps closer, “If I had realized you were going to propose to me, I would have just let you do the honors. It was very daunting and stressful to plan this out.” 
“And you think I didn't have the same experience?” Tankhun asks, “You should have given me a head's up! I would have cast my plans aside and geared myself up for such a beautiful moment!” 
“You’re the one who should have given me a head’s up!” Arm says defiantly, “You’ve had a ring for longer. I only got this one right after Kim moved back into the compound.” 
Tankhun looks at Arm sullenly, “You have only wanted to marry me half the time I’ve wanted to marry you?” 
Arm lets out a groan and steps closer, “Of course not. I was fooling around with different designs for months. I wanted something that would represent your taste and personality. I was looking at different shops online, visiting stores during my free time, and making calls. I finally decided on an online store when I looked into customer reviews, but even then, I spent a long time trying to figure out what would work for you! You can be picky, Khun! And I wanted to get something you would love but would still compliment mine if I designed one for myself because I want everyone to know we belonged to each other. I know I said I didn't mind that your family didn't know back when we were keeping this a secret from them, and that was mostly true. Your reasons for keeping it from them for so long were valid. But I knew that I would face them - or even approach them alone - if you said yes. I love you, Khun. I love how smart and charismatic you are, how devoted you are to your brothers. You love my sisters and nieces like they're your blood, and I love that about you too. I love how you treat your fish like they're your children and how creative you are in so many different ways. I especially love how strange, dramatic, and demanding you can be-” 
“I have never been strange, dramatic, or demanding!” Tankhun says shrilly, only for Arm to take his face in his hands. 
“You are. And if you suddenly stopped being that way, I would hate it. I love everything about you and want to marry you because you're it for me.” 
Arm lets his hands drop at that point and Tankhun lets the words sink in. While he is still slightly frustrated his proposal plan was derailed by Arm’s proposal plans, that was a beautiful declaration of love. A bit of a ramble at times, but Arm is more introverted than he is and was never on the debate team like Tankhun was. And even though Tankhun has the skills to make a beautiful speech, he supposes he would also be flustered if the situation was reversed. 
The situation could have easily been reversed if Arm had just waited a little longer. But Tankhun does appreciate the effort he has put into this. 
“Let me see the ring,” Tankhun says, then realizes that sounds slightly demanding and is proving Arm right, “Would you please show me the ring?” 
“You don't have to ask. I was going to show you when I got down on one knee and you interrupted me.” 
“You took me by surprise!” Tankhun says, then lets out a sigh and pushes the box back towards Arm, “I'm sorry I ruined your proposal. But to be fair, you ruined mine first. Take two!” 
Arm stares at him in bewilderment, “Huh?” 
“It means try again. Sheesh, Arm! Don't you watch any of the behind the scenes clips I send you for the dramas we binge?” Tankhun says, then pushes on Arm’s shoulders, “Go on. Get on one knee. I’ll be quiet this time, I promise!” 
“You promise?” Arm asks cautiously but slowly starts to lower himself to the floor of the bridge. Once he is fully in position, Tankhun nods in approval and Arm takes it as a signal to go ahead. 
“Tankhun,” Arm starts as he looks up at him, “I’ve cared for you since the first day I met you and loved you since that day my biological father unexpectedly visited the compound to bug me about money and you punched him so hard that he fell into the pool-” 
“That was five years ago!” Tankhun cuts in with surprise, but then lets out a laugh, “That was really funny! I punched him in front of all the guards! Even Chan laughed and…Sorry. I interrupted. Continue.” 
Arm smiles a little, then pulls the box out again, “I’ve loved you a little more and more each day - both the good ones and bad. I didn't think it was possible to love someone more, but when you made your feelings known too, I felt emotions I had never experienced. They were terrifying, exhilarating, and a comfort, and I will cherish you and what I feel for you every single day for the rest of our lives. Will you marry me?” 
When Arm shows him the ring, it's beautiful. It's a rose gold band with a larger inlay of a dark green stone, and a smaller one underneath that is white. It will stand out, but still be sleek and subtle, just like Arm’s is. 
In fact - other than the inlay colors - it looks a LOT like the one Tankhun made him. 
“Did you order that from this site?” Tankhun asks, pulling out his phone to look up the site in question.
Arm leans in to look at it, “How did you know?” 
“I had to pay so much in shipping costs just to get them to do yours!” Tankhun says, “I can't believe they profited so much from our love!” 
“Malai helped me out with it. She has embassy connections from her old job and access to an address they would freely ship to,” Arm says, “I didn't have to pay for the ridiculous fee they were asking for that way.”
“Ugh, I should have asked around!” Tankhun says, “I thought about it, but I didn't want word to get back to Pa and-” 
“Tankhun, you still haven't answered.” 
Tankhun gives him an exasperated look, “Well, of course it's a yes. I literally planned a proposal. You thought there was a chance of me saying no? You're so silly, Arm. You know, for someone so smart, you can be unsure of the undying and unconditional love myself and others have for you and-”
Before Tankhun can finish, Arm is back on his feet, slipping the ring onto Tankhun's left ring finger, and pulling him in for a deep kiss. Tankhun fully returns it as he wraps his arms around his boyfriend's shoulders and pulls him closer. 
His fiancé’s shoulders. Because that is what Arm is now. His fiancé. 
“So you talked to Malai about this and she didn't tell me even though we are going to be lawyers together,” Tankhun says with a sigh, “Did you tell the rest of your sisters?” 
“Just Hansa,” Arm says, still holding him close, “I figured Nalin and Preeda would bombarde me with different suggestions on how to ask you, which would just overwhelm me more. But other than Malai and Hansa, I told Pol.” 
Tankhun feels a jolt of annoyance, “I told Pol! I can't believe he knew we would have conflicting plans to propose to each other and he just let it happen!” 
“To be fair, he risked pissing both of us off if he would have said anything.” 
…That's true. 
“Did you ask Pa or Kinn for their permission?” Tankhun asks. 
Arm shakes his head, “It's your decision. Not theirs. I don't think either of us need their permission for this. We are our own people.” 
Tankhun grins at that, brings him in for another kiss, then cups his face, “I only told Pol and Nam at first, but I ended up telling Kim and Kinn on weed brownie night. Everyone approves.” 
“Even Kinn?” 
“He was much more supportive than I thought he would be,” Tankhun says, “Granted, that brownie hit him hard. He was concerned about having cancer. He thought there was a freckle on his nail bed, so I suppose his impending doom made him prioritize his concerns. It turned out to be speck from a marker when your nieces begged him to color with them. All of that worrying for nothing! But the few people who do know have been very supportive.” 
“Good,” Arm murmurs, “I'm glad.” 
“Me too,” Tankhun says gently, then kisses him once more. He could stay in this moment forever. 
“The laser show will start any minute!” Tankhun says with a shout as he breaks off the kiss, then presses his finger against Arm’s chest, “This didn't happen, okay? This proposal can re-enter your mind after I propose to you, but for now? You have to pretend to be surprised.” 
Arm bites back a smile, “Ah. Of course. So you said there was a good view of the beach over this way?” 
Tankhun preens under Arm’s willingness to play along, “I did! I can't wait to show you. I just thought of it a few minutes ago, but it's a new moon tonight. The sky should be dark and the stars will be easier to see. Oh, look! A string quartet! I wonder why they're here?” 
And while he hears Arm break character by laughing at the remark, Tankhun lets it slide. As soon as they are on the blanket and the laser show starts, complete with songs and impressive graphics, Arm is sucked in. And despite having a general idea of what the show is made up of, Tankhun finds himself sucked in as well. When the words, “Will you marry me?” are made up with a group of lit up drones, Tankhun lets out a sound of delight before sitting up. 
“Look at that!” Tankhun says, pointing at the sky, “I wonder who that is for?” 
“I wonder,” Arm says. When Tankhun glances down at him, he is taken aback when he sees tears glistening in Arm’s eyes. 
“Are you crying?” Tankhun asks, then glances up at the sky, “Is it that bad? I went with both privacy and technology, which are both things you like-”
“I loved it,” Arm says, his voice gruff, then quickly wipes his eyes, “And I'm not crying.” 
“Lies!” Tankhun declares, then claps his hands, “I moved you that much! So? Does that mean yes? Or are you not sure?” 
Arm squints at that, “Why do you think I wouldn't be sure? I just proposed to you less than ten minutes ago-”
“Shhh!” Tankhun says, hushing him, “Remember our agreement. That particular memory is wiped from our minds until my proposal has passed and we can make both proposal stories fun and sweet anecdotes to tell our seven daughters later.” 
Tankhun huffs, “I was robbed of sisters, Arm! There are plenty of reasons I call Kimberly by what should have been his name. I would have been a wonderful older brother to girls and I got younger brothers instead! Let me be a girl dad! I was cheated!"
“I am sure Kinn and Kim are both very grateful that things worked out the way they did.” 
“They better be,” Tankhun says, “So what do you say? Seven daughters? I was thinking one who is biologically yours, one who is biologically mine, one who is a surprise, and four adopted.” 
“...I am not opposed to having all girls.” 
“I didn't think you would be,” Tankhun says, “It suits you, being outnumbered by your sisters and nieces. Let's add onto the count-” 
“But I think we should only have two.” 
“Four,” Arm says with a pointed finality. And even though four is technically closer to Arm’s original number than Tankhun's original number, he will accept it for now. There could always be a surprise twin or triplet that will pop up in their future surrogate’s pregnancy, or a group of several sisters who deserve to have the same home with two loving parents, or-
“Can we focus on the engagement and wedding planning before we have babies?” Arm asks, “We can look into egg donors or adoption websites as soon as we get back from the honeymoon, but-” 
“You need to say yes first.” 
Tankhun sighs, “You got on me about not giving you a clear answer to your proposal to me, but now you are delaying giving an answer to my proposal! It's rude, Arm! Not to mention hypocritical. We can only be engaged if you say yes.” 
“Even though you said yes to me already?” 
Tankhun raises an eyebrow, “You really need to learn how to roleplay. We shall add it to our sex lives and practice in the bedroom.” 
Arm sputters at that and while Tankhun genuinely enjoys making him this flustered, he wants a real answer. 
“Do you need to see the ring before you say yes or no?” Tankhun asks, pulling out the box again. It's only when he flips it open that he realizes how dark it is. 
“I don't need to be able to see the ring to tell you yes,” Arm tells him. 
“Fine, but hold onto your answer until you see it!” Tankhun says dismissively, “I worked really hard at designing it and I'm proud of it! I think you will really like it!” 
As Tankhun turns on the flashlight from his phone, Arm looks down at the ring and his smile gets wider. 
“It's a very nice ring. I love it.” 
“Good,” Tankhun says with a nod, then takes it out of the box and has it ready between his fingers, “You can give me your answer now.” 
Arm holds his left hand out and lets Tankhun hold it, “Yes. I will marry you.” 
Tankhun finds himself smiling ear to ear. And maybe - just maybe - there are tears in his eyes too. 
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tavina-writes · 8 months
For ship ask game: Nielan?
Danny!!! :D
Nielan: I am guilty of not thinking about them as much as I do the Nieyao leg of the 3zun disaster, but fundamentally they're both really important to me and I ship it!!
Ship It
What made you ship it?
Fundamentally, I think about that one line the narrator says about how LXC views NMJ all the time. '他又是完全容不得沙子的性情/He had a personality that was completely unable to ignore injustice' when discussing why LXC fell silent when discussing the fate of the Wens at Koi Tower, and that says so much about how much Xichen esteems this man? There's a depth here that's so important to me.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
Ultimately I think my most favorite thing about them is that they're both stuck in this situation where they have to grow up too quickly and take on too many responsibilities and deal with the fallout of all that. Badly. They dealt with it badly. That part compels me. To have valued someone else so deeply and yet be unable to save them. To have cared about other people so much and STILL know you'll die young because your responsibilities weigh heavier. There's something so !!! about that.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I think my unpopular opinion here is that deleting JGY from the relationship would not have actually allowed them to sail off towards "happily ever after and a long life for both" or decreased the tension they felt towards each other. Caring about someone deeply and being cared about in return does not actually solve these deep rooted worldview issues actually and that's very sexy! Not all conflict between Nielan is a result of outside catastrophe or whatever.
Thanks for the ask! :D
Ship It/Don't Ship It Ask Game
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samaeljigoku · 1 year
RoRTober Day 1 ||🌹|| The Airship
Is this time really where you wish to stay? Suspended in motion, the catastrophic moment Before the great fall that shattered the sky, That split the sea, spit out a cloud of golden koi, Torn in two - mermaids molded by little hands, Little monsters just like you - is this who you see?
O, unlucky girl who tore from the belly of the whale Only to fall into the horde, that house of imps, Their grubby arms like binds around your feet - They will make you watch the burning sky above But shall never dream to set you free
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Prompt list for the RoRTober challenge is here if you wish to join. I combined or cut some prompts for my own so I would have time, and am only doing 12 days, thus my posts may be out of order to the list. All are original poems inspired by the game and story, Rule of Rose.
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hrnggh.... touhou yuri oneshot doujins..... i don't know much about touhou, but these are cute, so whatever
there is a lot here
[ Touhou - Bibliophilia wa Nemuranai (Doujinshi) ] { A Kosuzu x Mamizou doujin. }
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[ Touhou — Sparkling Star Love ] no description
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[ Touhou - Hanabie no Hoho (Doujinshi) ] A Marisa x Reimu doujin.
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[ Touhou - Due to Personal Reasons ] no description
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[ Touhou - Magical☆Kamatte-chan☆Star (Doujinshi) ] no description
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[ Touhou - Tsuki to Chou to Kuro Maid (Doujinshi) ] { A day in scarlet devil mansion. Sakuya planning a picnic for Remilia. Remi x Sakuya }
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[ Touhou - Vow (Doujinshi) ] no description
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[ Touhou - Remilia no Renbo Nikki (Doujinshi) ] no description
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[ Touhou - Akashirokuro no Tricolor Dance (Doujinshi) ] { An Aya x Momiji doujin. }
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[ Touhou - Yukai na KogaSana! (Doujinshi) ] { A Kogasa x Sanae doujin. }
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[ Touhou - Sweet Catastrophe (Doujinshi) ] no description
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[ Touhou - Mahoutsukai no, Yuutsu (Doujinshi) ] { An Alice x Marisa doujin. }
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[ Touhou - Alice Margatroid wa Shigoto o Erabitai!! (Doujinshi) ] { Pairing: Alice x Patchouli }
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[ Touhou - Saying I Love You is… (Doujinshi) ] no description
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[ Touhou - Miko Increase (Doujinshi) ] { Reimu is shorthanded for the Hakurei Shrine’s New Year’s ceremonies, but she’s quick to enlist Alice and Suika into shrine maiden. }
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[ Touhou - Otome no Pride (Doujinshi) ] { Kasen talks a lot, but Reimu never seems to listen. So one day she decides to adopt the opposite attitude instead. }
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[ Touhou - One-Way Love Letter (Doujinshi) ] no description
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[ Touhou - Koi Wazurai (Doujinshi) ] no description
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[ Touhou - Curry Udonge (Doujinshi) ] { A Reisen x Youmu doujin. }
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[ Touhou - Tinted with Love Colour (Doujinshi) ] { Is the Love-colored witch truly tinted with someone's love color? }
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tauforged · 2 years
i’m having a catastrophic autism moment (spent literally all day playing a koi breeding sim in a trance trying to get all the color combos and did not realize how late it got until just now)
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tempest-toss · 10 months
Here's my 2nd part of the revision of the list, with a few additional Overseers who never got a statue made. List is formatted as Callsign - Fate - And additional info. Some are smaller than others whether it be that they didn't do a lot, or I didn't know them personally
The Bellhop - Alive (Digitized) - Quite a kind lady, she did what Fourteen does now, helping everywhere with a multitude of tasks. Following an attack by the Neon Nightsticks she was forever preserved in digital code. \
The Bride - Deceased (Betrayed) - Murdered by Mosswood. Sadly was actually engaged to him. Besides that she was the group's therapist \
The Cartographer - Deceased (Crossfire) - One of the founders, she was invested in expanding the area of influence of the Foundation. Passed during the Great Catastrophes. \
The Centurion - Deceased (Old age) - Known for her old age, being the third oldest human on the council. Her name is actually a mistake, as she thought a centurion was a name for an old person, and not a roman person. She kept it because the mistake made her laugh. \
The Chef - Alive (Retired) - A bubbly personality, she practically had the Council wrapped around her fingers from her cooking. Thankfully her warm exterior matched her heart. \
The Conductor - Unknown (Merged) - A fiery personality, he was known to control electricity and move just as fast. Was seemingly absorbed by an elemental, who promptly left. \
The Contained - Alive - Oh, it's me. Yes, I'm still alive, and I'm quite thankful for that. I haven't really delved deep into my past as a Founder, but you can always ask. \
The Family-Man - Alive (Stepped Down) - You might know him as Dr. Wondertainment. Yes, he's still alive and still making toys and sweets for the world to enjoy. I was told to market the sapient gummy bears here as well. \
The Fisherwoman - Deceased (Traitor) - Fake callsign. She betrayed the Foundation and tried to sell off our information. She was caught and eliminated. \
The Forbidden - Alive - It's Shuichi, although you may know him more as the current Two. Wonderfully mischievous, alas he describes the truth to only us, so expect some mistruths from him. \
The Gentleman Ghost - Deceased/Alive - Ah, It's Victor Jekyll! I'm quite fond of him and he is with the polycule. He served mainly as a promise to a prior member only for us to realize that they were holding him as a captive. Their death set him free. \
The Graffiti Artist - Deceased (old Age) - What Ten referred to as "A Punk Ass Bitch". Despite looking like a rebel, she was very wise and through her lens could handle problems differently. \
The Hair Stylist - Deceased (Betrayed) - Killed by Mosswood. Fake Callsign. Despite this she did have the knowledge to create great looks and was able to use this to defuse situations, interestingly enough. \
The Hero - ??? - One of the Founders. It seems every council has someone with bravado, and he was the one. He went missing during the Great Catastrophes, although I feel he's somewhere in the Gallery. \
The Hierophant - Deceased (Traitor) - He acted as a predictor for the Foundation, and I suppose he saw himself being a betrayer because that what he did. He didn't see the cliff crumbling I suppose... \
The Koi Keeper - Alive (Retired) - A passive fellow, he was often seen working in his garden, so he could tend to his titular koi fish. Mentored many a future overseer before setting aside his mantle. \
The Librarian - Deceased (Retired) - One of the archival positions, he ran it for 80 odd years before his eye deteriorated. He passed on the mantle to the current One. \
The Living Catalogue - Deceased (Assassinated) - One of the most well known benefactors, He provided the council with money and new amenities while he oversaw the financials. He was shot in the head by an Insurgent. \
The Mardi Gras Musician - ??? (trapped) - A great friend and good company. He was lively and knew how to make others happy. Following an incident at the swamp site, he wasn't heard from again. \
The Marionette - N/A - Not an overseer but I should mention them. I'm referring to a mannequin-like object that we use for positioning for certain tasks but also reportedly appears in the background of nightmares involving us. \
The Masquerader - N/A - Similar to above, these are automatons who act as defensive protections. They are fairly new, and do lurk behind the walls and behind open doors. \
The Matron - Deceased (old age) - One of the founders. She acted as a de facto leader, and helped the group go from a small club of odd balls to the early steps of the Foundation we have today. \
The Old Ai - Alive - One of the Founders and current member. Unlike most 079s, this one operates a bit more amicably. Key phrase: a bit. It seems that cynicism is a forever constant. \
The Plague-Bearer - Alive - Pestilence embodied, and enemy of 049. Actually a disciple of mine elevated. He took over my duties for a while why I was away after the Great Catastrophes. \
The Railroad - Deceased (Betrayal) - Murdered by Mosswood. He was in charge of obtaining land for the Foundation and maintained a truce with Marshall Carter & Dark Ltd. \
The Record-Keeper - Deceased (Old Age) - One of the Founders. She was the first to hold an archival role. Her legacy can be felt when you step into the archives' halls. I heard rumors that her spirit is still tied to the place, perhaps I'll ask One about it. \
The Reporter - Deceased (Old Age) - A great reporter whose prior knowledge allowed her to be taken in by the Foundation, where she worked up to Overseer status. Also a mechanic, and she created her own son. \
The Satyr - Alive (Stepped Down) - One of my partners. He is a muscbound satyr with a heart of gold. He filled in for Murder while he recovered and maintained duties until I was ready to step back into the Foundation light. \
The Tailor - Deceased (stabbed) - Killed by Mosswood. She was the mother of a Brunshire Student, and created the suits that the Council wears today \
The Train Conductor - Unknown (Merged) - A friendly face, he was a train conductor and single father to a son. Sadly he discovered the Station of Bygone Years, and became (seemingly) a permanent part of it. \
The Traitor - Deceased (old age) - Mentioned him here \
The Wrestler - Alive (Retired) - She was at one point the physically strongest overseer ever, and she matched her brawn with intelligence and a fierce wit. Mother of a Brunshire student. \
Unlisted - ??? - The creator of the Redaction Department and is rumored to still work there. Showed off their skills by wiping most of their info off our records. \
Vertigo - Deceased (Anomalized, shot down) - A shy member of the Council, he was targeted for an attack that sprouted him wings. As he was traveling he was shot down and crashed into a field. \
Western - Deceased (Traitor) - one of our most recent betrayals, he attempted to kill Three, Nine, Dr. Wondertainment and all the Little Misters. He was turned to crystal and then had his head kicked off. \
Whirlwind - Deceased (Absorbed) - Similar situation as The Conductor, as they were also eliminated during that fight. Sometimes you can hear them when the wind blows. \
XT-1585 - Deceased (Non-Functional) - A repurposed robot from the Church of the Broken God. Acted as a predecessor to 073, but ultimately had its core fried. Memory chip was salvaged, however. \
Yesterday's Wishes - Alive (anomalized)- Ah, a lovely man. He came into contact with an expedition he led and became a Slime King. He still shows intelligence, so he's alright, but opted to no longer be a part of the Council \
Zoologist - Alive (Imprisoned) - A POW currently held by an anomalous group. They most likely wanted her for her abilities to control animals.
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acherontiarchivist · 1 year
Status Update: Koi No Yokan
Ok everyone, progress report is Koi No Yokan will soon be leaving hiatus. I have given a lot of thought about where I want it to go from here, and honestly I am dying to get the plot I had planned out for it really rolling. At first I wanted to take more time with the slowburn romance, but more than pining I want to cultivate the feeling of fear and anxiety. Yes, there will still be romance, obviously, and lots of smut! But fear has been a driving force with me creatively lately, and I am dying to get that ball rolling more with the plot that i have planted the seeds for, and also so I can move on to other fic ideas. (I have plans for a gabirel fic and a danny johnson fic in the works). There is an end in sight for koi no yokan, but fear not, it is not near, only hovering the horizon. I haven't completely figured out how exactly I want to end it yet. It could go two ways– a good end, fuzzy and romantic and comforting, and a bad end, with loss and tragedy and fear of what is to come. I'm honestly leaning towards the bad end, but that's where the readers come in (that's you)! As it stands I have seven chapters outlined and more to go, and a few chapters partially written. I'm not quite sure how many chapters are left truthfully, if I had to hazard a guess I'd say 10-15, including the chapters I've outlined.
As a thanks for waiting so long, I'll post a little teaser from the next chapter under the cut
(Also, sorry for the long post)
Two glasses of ginger ale sit patiently on the table, collecting condensation. You try not to sweat as much, nervously biting at your nails, wondering how to best bring up the night you came home naturally. Sure, he was occupied for a few days riding a wave of inspiration, you've been there, you could understand that. But was he really? Could that just have been an excuse? He is certainly taking a long time to bring over a few sketches and paintings. Maybe he didn't really have anything to show for his excuse.
A bead of water drips down the glass and collects onto the wooden coaster, captivating your vacant stare. Steady, rapid klinks begin to overlay the fizzy bubbles of the drinks. You worry that Selina's message on her business card pressured him to move more quickly than he was ready for. Was he really going to confess his feelings for you that night, or did he dig himself into a hole and spend the last three days hiding from the mess he made? Either way, you just want to make things right. You can't keep fighting the heavy weight bearing down on your chest, the sense of guilt that has shackled your ankles since he left your house in a hurry with a slam of your front door. God, why do you always do this? You're catastrophizing again, you worry yourself too much. Maybe it's a habit picked up from the constant paranoia that plagued your not so distant past.
Keys release the deadbolt, knocking you out of your spiral just in time. Vincent peers around the door carrying a large, aged leather portfolio. You dart your hand away from your mouth and sit on them both to avoid the scolding for picking up that nervous habit again. "Hi, Vinny," you smile, trying not to look too perturbed.
He approaches your side and places the portfolio flat on the table. When he gets situated on the couch, he places one hand on your knee, steadying your bouncing leg and ceasing the hypnotic klinking noise. How long have you been bouncing your leg?
"Sorry," you look down to the floor out of disappointment in yourself. His thumb rubs your knee as a soothing gesture and you fight back a blush. "So, you gonna open this baby up or what?" You try to sound more chipper and meet his stare with a lopsided smile, letting your hair fall over your face slightly.
Vincent hesitates momentarily before nodding and leaning over to gingerly untie the bound leather. He takes in a heavy breath to brave himself for what he has no doubt is the serious embarrassment and rejection to come, then almost half heartedly flips the top wing of the portfolio over to reveal the sketches and paintings he had spilled his heart into underneath. The couch creaks under his weight as he retreats back into the couch and releases a breath he didn't know he was holding onto. His hand reaches out to grab your own, but goes unnoticed as you sink to the floor on your knees.
 You can't believe what you see spread out on the table before you. Countless loose sketch papers spill from the portfolio, pushed to the floor and falling in your lap as you grab each one and examine it briefly before taking in the next. You. They're all you. Some you can tell are drawn from memories the two of you share– you at the dinner table, laughing with Bo and Lester, you celebrating your miraculous win at a game of pool, you cooking breakfast in the Sinclair's kitchen. Shaky breaths fight to enter your lungs, all the while your chest rising sporadically.
Composure threatens to slip your grasp. Finally, you try to neatly gather them and set them aside from the oil painting that laid beneath the piles of paper. A woman stands in a dark forest, the full moon a halo behind her head. She holds antlers on top of her head and three wolves lay by her feet. This, you realize, is you as well. Your back meets the couch as you try to process it all. All of the words slip your mind, as if you've suddenly forgotten to speak English. You open your mouth to say something, anything, but nothing escapes the void.
Vincent can hear his own heart beating in the silence of the room, threatening to deafen him, even drive him mad. He can't take it, he knows what's coming. His leg twitches as he decides to get up, leave and run away, to never turn back, to lock himself away in his safe place and never see the light of day again. But something happens, something he didn't quite expect.
As soon as you feel him move, your hand almost instinctively meets his knee as if to freeze him to the spot. Now the only sounds occupying the space are his wavering breaths hitting cold wax and the loud pulse that you could no longer tell whether it was his or your own. For the first time in a long time, Vincent finds himself fighting back tears. You swear you could almost hear him whimpering as you pull yourself onto the couch, sitting on your knees and facing him. "Vincent," you whisper and stare at the rise and fall of his chest, unable to make eye contact, still trying to work up the courage.
"Vincent, the other night, I thought I–" you take a deep breath and look him in the eye, "I thought I really fucked up. I thought I had pushed you to– I don't know, rush things I guess?"
He looks at you, unmoving, waiting. You shake your head and look at your hands, picking at a hangnail. "Fuck, I guess I still could be jumping the gun here," you laugh nervously. "Vinny, I just have to hear it from you, okay? Before you run away and hide again and avoid me and leave me a nervous wreck. Please, just tell me if I'm reading into this too much," you gesture to the pages littering your living room. No response from him still, only his grip tightening on the arm of the couch, threatening to rip the upholstery.
"I need to know you want me, too." It comes out as a whisper, tailed by a halted gasp that slips past his lips. Time stops for just a moment between you two, no movement, not a sound. You almost admit defeat and begin to nod your head and turn away, but a strong, calloused hand meets the side of your face and returns it to its previous position, now met with the smooth texture of his mask pressing against your skin. His right arm snakes around you to hold you steady against his chest by the back of the neck, sending Shivers down your spine. His grasp is firm, but not rough, you feel his other arm moving outside of your periphery, then you hear a clatter on the end table directly behind you. You close your eyes, partially because you know that's what he would want and partially as a reaction from his hot breath meeting the bare skin of your neck. His lips ghost your ear and you swear you can almost hear some semblance of 'want you' in his breath before he pulls back to kiss you once again. 
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crungebunge · 2 years
Isle of Iblis
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Muckmoss: A swampy village of shanty houses, alligators, and hanging moss. Two bridges connect it to any semblance of mainland. The cobbled streets are cut by carriages of donkeys and a magic box on wheels. The huge willow trees shade Grungs playing some kind of freeform music. Buildings are painted whatever color they want, and the smell of food makes your mouth water. Everything is somehow slow as molasses and fast as a bumblebee. A huge white Seagod church looms in the main square, with uneven graves in the surrounding areas. There's the hum and buzz of magic in every corner, if you look deep enough in the alleyways, you think you see the shadows watching you.
Philangane: Island on a peninsula, a fishing village. A lighthouse lays dormant until nighttime out on a jagged island, and a beach of lavender-colored sand is pulled at by crystal-blue waters. A town, warn and weathered by many storms, sit on bamboo leverage. The scaffolding requires steps to get in and out of, and thatched roofs of palm leaves and coconut hairs. The sun is bright, and surfers catch waves out in the warm waters on beeswax-rubbed driftwood. Women wear skirts of coconut skin and jingling shells, with large piercings and pull in fishing from outrigger canoes, sit around banging drums to a dancing beat, and strip coconuts and papaya. Above your heads, bubbles of water contain all kinds of fish, manta rays, turtles, koi, and seahorses. Out of the water, with a loud groan, bursts a giant humpback whale, surrounded by a moving bubble of water.
Creetos: Tasked with defending the lower realm from the Darklands, heavily artillery, big castles, best army in Conclaive.
Mount Pian: The gods keep this volcano from erupting, as when it did thousands of years ago, it caused catastrophic damage. Located on The Whirl.
Single Mount of Lian: Inactive volcano, now just a mountain between Revus and Philangane.
Swamp of Manadul: Huge sprawling swamps of moss, algae, and thick mangroves
White Islands - Streak on the coast of Philangane
Trident Head - U shaped island
Troutface - Island off the coast of Ceetos
The Whirl - Swirled island holding an active volcano
The Swampland
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echodoesstuff62333 · 10 months
Spread this. Spread it.
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dreameremeritus · 4 months
Scene from a shinkansen
On the shinkansen from Kyoto to Shin-Yokohama, I saw a man in the gentle rain, clear kombini umbrella in hand, examining a flooded field with small sprouts of rice peeking out of the water.
What is he looking for and what is he really looking for?
When I look at my koi pond, I tell myself that I'm looking for signs of infection, changes in water quality, algae color, and a myriad of other things. But that's not what I'm really looking for.
What I'm really looking for a reprieve from myself. I'm getting away from figuring out which of the 10 balls I'm juggling can be dropped. I'm running from that catastrophic voice in my head telling me that I'm behind in life and that it's all going to come crashing down on me and that all the preparation in the world isn't going to save me and that that this - this very moment I'm in now - is the end of my rope.
I'm not really looking for anything - I'm looking away from the edge of the cliff.
So when I see this man out there, in the rain between Kyoto and Shin-Yokohama, I wonder what he's really looking for.
I wonder if he found it by the time I got off the shinkansen.
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royal-family-news · 8 months
Meghan Markle and Prince Harry become the laughingstock of Hollywood, claims a royal expert
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Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s hopes for a bright new life in America, which they harbored four years ago, seem to be crumbling. Currently, the couple is experiencing a record decline in their popularity.
However, this is just the beginning— a genuine catastrophe may await them, according to experts, as there is less than a year left until the expiration of their contract with the streaming giant Netflix, their main source of income. This was reported by The Mirror.
At the Golden Globe Awards the Duke and Duchess of Sussex faced harsh criticism from comedian Jo Koy, who claims they are “earning millions from Netflix for inaction.”
The stance taken now by Netflix officials is understandable. They pointed out to Harry and Meghan that they will have to create more content that genuinely interests viewers to justify the colossal sums—both the ones they have already received and the remaining portion.
It’s worth noting that in early 2020, Meghan and Harry struck a deal with Netflix for $100 million, with half of it being an upfront payment.
However, despite the Prince and Duchess committing to produce a large volume of content—animated and documentary films—the result was disheartening.
Their documentary series, aired from late 2022 to early 2023, failed to even make it into the top 200 most successful Netflix shows. The series about Harry’s Invictus Games for military personnel wounded in action was not more successful. Moreover, Meghan’s animated show “Pearl” was outright canceled.
In all these years the spouses have by and large never achieved anything. Now, not only is signing a new contract in question but even the question of whether they will be paid the remaining part of the existing agreement.
Meanwhile, Meghan and Harry have already suffered losses, losing a contract with another streaming service—Spotify—for which they agreed to produce podcasts. The service’s management decided that the couple did too little, and the material they created did not generate the expected interest.
To make matters worse, one of the project managers, after working with Meghan and Harry, publicly called them “lazy and frauds.”
So, if the Prince and Duchess fail to sign new contracts, it could lead them to complete runs.
Source: vnknews.com
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pint4punt · 8 months
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And the Lombardi goes to:
What NFL Fanbases’ Bullshit Sob Story Deserves it All
Championship Sunday is finally upon us and boy have the scriptwriters got compelling stories this go round! With the playoffs narrowed down to the final four, we’ve got unforgettable narratives for…….almost all of the QBs still in this! Statistics, scheme, and matchups be damned (let’s be honest you’ve heard every prediction imaginable since these matchups were set).
Today we’ll be focusing on what really matters. Who has the most compelling sob story for quality Super Bowl ratings! Who could forget classics such as ‘Tom Brady Builds a Super Team to Prove it was Him All Along’ or the all star cast of Matthew Stafford, Odell Beckham Jr., and Von Miller in ‘The NFL Really Wants the Robust LA Market!’ featuring Snoop Dogg on the original motion picture soundtrack! You see a ‘may the best team win approach’ is fine for a place setter, but storylines put asses in the seats! And don’t worry, as bad as our jokes are, Jo Koy had little to no involvement in this article! So which Lombardi win makes the best headline? Here are the nominees:
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Lamar Jackson
Since he declared for the draft Lamar Jackson has had to overcome widespread perception that he was closer to a skill position player than a signal caller. Many scouts questioned his ability to cut it in the pros at the Quarterback position. This stigma was so strong that Lamar fell all the way to the last pick of the First Round.
John Harbaugh believed in Lamar so strongly, that he reinvented himself and rebuilt his entire Offense around Jackson’s skill set. Shit, I would roll the dice too if my job was on the line after several middling seasons with an aging Joe Flacco! Either it works and you look like a genius or it fails catastrophically and you go out with a bang. Luckily for Harbaugh and Lamar, it was the latter with the now presumably 2x MVP set to play in his first AFC Championship game. Lamar has already shaken off the narrative of him not showing up in the playoffs just by making this game. But knocking off the QB who owns a 3-1 record over him for a trip to Sin City would be Oscar gold! Not bad for a running back.
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Jared Goff
Everyone loves a comeback story. An underdog achieving in the face of adversity. A character finding a new lease on life and showing all the doubters they were wrong about him. There may not be a better archetype of that narrative than former 1st overall pick Jared Goff and the historically downtrodden Detroit Lions.
After being sent to die in Detroit, a franchise that has seemingly been in a perpetual state of rebuild for damn near the entirety of its existence, Goff watched from afar as Sean McVay gushed over his new QB Matthew Stafford and his old team held up the trophy he could never give them. Following two seasons with no playoff appearances, Goff seized the opportunity to prove to McVay that he’s not a virgin anymore by out-dueling his replacement to give Detroit their first playoff win in 30 years and keep Stafford winless in Ford Field in the post season.
Now he has the Lions on the precipice of a Super Bowl appearance with a chance to give Detroit its first ever Lombardi. Apparently the grass isn’t always greener on the other side……except in this case where it totally is seeing as how the Rams already won their second Super Bowl like two seasons ago thanks specifically to the Stafford trade, while the Lions are still fighting the good fight for Lombardi number one. But hey, everyone’s happy now right?
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Brock Purdy
Is there a more inspiring yet polarizing figure in the NFL than Brock Purdy? He’s like a ‘Make a Wish’ kid that the media wants to beat the living shit out of on sight. In fact, we’re fairly certain Ryan Clark has his picture on a punching bag in his home and regularly unleashes a fury of blows onto an 8.5 x 11 cut out of Mr. Irrelevant. But why? Why does the NFL version of Michael Cera incite as much vitriol as….well Michael Cera?
As the last pick of the draft, Purdy was lucky to even make the final roster of a team that was coming off its 2nd conference championship appearance in 3 years. The depth chart in front of him featured a veteran who had taken the Niners to a Super Bowl and a guy Shanahan gave up his left nut for the year before. But Purdy was like that one sperm that ultimately reached conception, despite overwhelming odds, he just wouldn’t be denied!
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Following season ending injuries to both Trey Lance and Jimmy G, Purdy took over a Super Bowl contender mid season…..and might have led them to a Super Bowl were it not for a devastating elbow injury in the NFC Championship that ended San Francisco’s dream run. One year and one UCL repair later, Purdy and the Niners picked right up where they left off and now find themselves back in the Conference Title game as if nothing happened. That’s like Greta Thunberg single-handedly fighting off an army of Exxon Oil’s greatest assassins or Joe Biden finishing a Dr. Seuss book with no assistance. We don’t know what’s up the media’s ass, but that seems pretty impressive for a game manager!
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Patrick Mahomes
And then there’s Mahomes. The Meryl Streep in all of this. The one who had the least impressive performance with the least impressive story who you just know is going to spoil all the fun of the more deserving nominees. On paper, this fucker shouldn’t even be here let alone have a puncher’s chance with the way their regular season looked. But that’s what makes Patrick Mahomes, well Patrick Mahomes.
He’s like the Lebron James of football. Or better yet, the Tom Brady….of football…. Poor analogies aside, Mahomes defies all logic and drags inferior teams to the promise land. Sure the script doesn’t favor him this year, but guess what? It didn’t favor him last week against the Buffalo team that finally had him their house this postseason! Or in the Super Bowl last year against Jalen Hurts who mostly outplayed him before…..whatever this season was!
The simple fact of the matter is anyone who pays attention already knows how this ends. Mahomes is going to win the god damn Super Bowl….again. Why?!!! Because the academy, the scriptwriters, and the NFL writ large are lazy as all hell! And dynasties keep the fans coming back, just on the off chance that their pessimistic hopes of a downfall might finally come to fruition….even though they probably won’t until the NFL’s new golden boy is well past his prime. And the Lombardi goes to…….the same son of a bitch it always goes to!!!!! Hopefully we’re wrong and we get a fresh story this time around. Otherwise tune in next year for another crappy sequel with a few minor tweaks. Happy Championship Sunday!
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davidpwilson2564 · 1 year
Friday, May 5, 2023
Cinco de Mayo.  Boys Day in Japan.  (The koi kites are flying.)
Beautiful weather.  After coming back in, a minor catastrophe.  A late lunch and an unexpected heartburn.  Yikes.  I thought I was having the big one.  My weekly Zoom call (with Kenny D and Ray) fast approaching, I consumed some Alka-Seltzer (is it my impression or does it taste less medcinal than before? a change of formula?).  I rallied and was ready to talk.  Very pleasant conversation...  
Saturday, May 6, 2023
The coronation of Charles III.  The previous one (the first one televised [we didn’t yet have a TV] took place when I was ten).  Charles, at seventy-four, has waited a long time to occupy the throne.  “Queen Camilla”...a concept that takes some getting used to. Neither of them is easy on eye.  But...huge crowds (and a few anti-monarchy protestors)...a big day.  
This email: Question: Name a television series in which an animal is the star.  Answer: The Apprentice.  
Beautiful weather.  The neighborhood buzzing.  Local eateries doing great business.  Black-aproned attendees scurrying about, many of which, one suspects, are out of work actors. 
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