#Kolkata Food Love
theramenrater · 6 months
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literary-illuminati · 7 months
2024 Book Review #9 – The Devourers by Indra Das
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I was recommended this as an example of a contemporary work where werewolves are actually treated as monstrous and horrifying instead of either romance fodder or one interchangeable variety of supernatural in an urban fantasy kitchen sink. In one sense that was a blatant lie (the monsters are only werewolves in the vaguest sense), but in another one I care about much more it fit the bill perfectly. Funnily enough it basically is a romance (or at least, the overarching framing narrative is), but for once I’m not complaining about that. Excellent read, though does require a bit of a strong stomach.
The framing narrative follows Alok, a history professor in Kolkata whose approached by a mysterious stranger at a festival. The stranger identifies himself as a half-werewolf, an immortal man-eating shapechanger. In between being mysterious and menacing and flirting with Alok, he hires him to transcribe and digitize two historical werewolf manuscripts – journals etched into parchment made from human skin. Those journals are the meat of the narrative, and it rapidly becomes clear they are written by the stranger’s parents; first the ancient norse werewolf who had wandered all the way to the banks of the Yamuna, then the human woman he fell into something like love with and raped as she travels alongside one of his former packmates and hunts him down.
The framing device is the emotional heart of this, and incredibly well interwoven with the manuscript sections. It’s fundamentally a romance, though one somewhat interestingly devoid of real conflict or plot (well, from Alok’s perspective. There’s a whole emotional journey with him going from ‘future food’ to ‘romantic partner’, he just only gets small glimpses of it). There’s I think one real argument or point of conflict between the two of them across the entire book? And maybe one or two points besides that where Alok or their relationship encounters genuine difficulty or danger. Despite that, and despite (or perhaps because of) the ambiguous ending, it all just very much worked for me.
It’s also interesting – and the book does really call this out – that the whole plot is essentially arbitrary. The inciting incident is just a werewolf being angsty and lonesome, and the entire story and all its stakes are strictly interpersonal with nary an epochal revelation or looming existential doom to be seen. It is a sign of how much of my reading diet is genre fiction that this felt like a massive breath of fresh air, I think.
Speaking of love – the book is deeply and intensely preoccupied with the closeness of and overlaps between love and sex and pain and violation and consumption and death. Werewolves consume souls and memories as well as flesh, knowing and even becoming (for a time) those they hunt. This extends to each other as well – regeneration means mating and fighting to the death is an impossibly thin an frequently crossed line, and intimacy and memories are shared by literally allowing someone to take a bit out of you. Izrail kills and consumes both his mother and his father, and this is the only way he ever truly knows either of them. Both he and his father have fallen in love with whole strings of humans across the ages, and each been the ruin of all but one of them. This extends into the use of language as well – I didn’t take notes as I read, but the example that sticks in my mind was the description of one werewolf pressing a mush of chewed flesh into the mouth of another so he might heal as being ‘like a gentle kiss’.
It is just an intensely gory book in general, really. Or not even gory so much as carnal, in the older broader sense. There’s blood and viscera and sweat and sex and piss and shit and tallow made from human fat and game animals eaten bloody and raw. All of it seamlessly intermixed in one richly detailed and incredibly pungent sensory world the book conjures up for you.. This is taken to an extreme whenever the primordial god-monsters that are a shapeshifter’s second soul appears on screen, but even beyond that – like when I say you need a bit of strong stomach to enjoy the book, I really don’t’ just mean in terms of violence.
This ties in a bit with the lack of grand, world-shaking stakes I mentioned but – the book makes excellent use of its period piece sections to really sell this feeling of the weight of history and of being caught up in the wake of events larger than you can perceive. The 17th century sections really nail the sense of the past as its own living, breathing world full of richness and contradictions, rather than just a slate for the present’s psychodrama. Also it’s possibly the first book I’ve ever read which really mentioned the surprisingly widespread and violent history of werewolf hunts in Europe, which I appreciated.
The shapeshifters (werewolves, rakshassa, djinn, ghuls) themselves are absolutely great. Horrifying and disgusting and sublime, with exactly as much detail given as the story needs without succumbing to rpg splatbook syndrome. The idea of werewolves as things which are deliberately created through a(n incredibly violent and traumatizing) ritual process is one I don’t think I’ve seen before? It works here, anyway – though instead of a hereditary curse or contagious infection, it leaves shapeshifters feeling like one of those elite, elevated fraternities who put new inductees through a hell of physical, social and sexual violence for hazing and indoctrination purposes (the usual modern versions being military units, sports teams, and just actual fraternities). Which ties into all those themes of the fine line between love and violence, I suppose.
Or well, not technically fraternity – werewolves are all functionally genderfuild (can take a big nap and wake up looking like whoever they ate last) and while their second selves can fuck I’m not sure either human genders or, like, genital arrangements apply to them. But 3/4 of the werewolves who get any lines are one caricature or another of masculinity and this absolutely informs how the condition and culture are presented. So like, I’ll just go with it.
Anyway, great book! And ‘abuse regeneration by sewing dozens upon dozens of bones and trophies taken from prey into your skin’ is a great look for a werewolf’s human form.
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zeherili-ankhein · 3 months
Hello (。⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠。)
Intro Post... Everything under cut
Now that I have enough things my blog is dedicated to, I am posting this introduction post hehe...
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About Me:
◍ Just call me “Shaku” lmao.... T_T
◍ I'm a minor, 15 year old studying in 11th class from Kolkata
◍ Yes I am Bangali, (bati ami.. maa ghoti, baba bangal lol)
◍ A proud Slytherin 🐍
◍ Bengali literatures I have read
◍ Thakumar Jhuli fan since the day I started watching (which is as a fucking 2 and a half year old lol)
Favourite ones are - ofcourse Shakchunni, Arun Barun o Kironmala, Monimala, Shahasradal o Champakdal, Sath bhai Champa, Lal Komol o Neel Komol and everything else..
◍ Pandob Goyenda fan forever
◍ I love Chhota Bheem and Shinchan so much
◍ And I absolutely love green 💚
◍ If I could I'd become a forest witch maybe... or a blue lotus... or a snake perhaps..
◍ ornithophobic, ophiophile, selenophile and floraphile
◍ Kolkata biriyani is the best 🗿
◍ Official MohiniChanchal child (fight me if you dare deny it)
◍ Pinterest board for Hindu mythology aesthetics
About the blog:
✿ Jily playlist I made –
✿ Incorrect quotes for Chhota Bheem and Shinchan. (I only post when I get enough ideas about the quotes lol)
Chhota Bheem community invitation anyone?
✿ My OTPs — Jily, Hinny, DekiNobi, Ronmione, GiyuShino, Sanekana, Tankana, Zennezu, Inoaoi, ObaMitsu, GojoHime, ChosoYuki, BellaDolphus, VanMozhi, HashiMito, MinaKushi, Ikarishipping, DesimChiyuki and a lot more...
✿ Rp blogs I own
– @peoplecallme-netaji
– @hansome-est-godofwar
– @miss-lily-evans
– @pavbhaji-prabhakar
– @laddoo-hain-drugs-nahi
– @topper-sugi
And some more... But why reveal them 🤭
✿ “The Cult of Vasant 🌷🌸🌹🌺🌻🌼🏵️💐🥀🪷🪻”
Cult Rituals, Vasant goes ham at LakshmiNarayan wedding, Vasant and Kamdev, Vasant in Treta Yug, Vasant and Hanuman, Vasant in Dwapar Yug, Vasant urban legend lore, Vasant admirers, Vasant food choises, sun sensetive Vasant, Dance teacher Vasant, Vasant and Holi and everything Vasant
Vasant x Neto shipper all the wayyyyyyyy
✿ Yamraj appreciation, un-villainizing Indradev, defending Shri Ram, defending Draupadi, Arjun better than Karna truer, Behula and Lakhindar are my babies and many more...
✿ The Black Family is my Roman empire honestly...
✿ DADDYMON truer 🗿
— Doraemon Rp blogs
— An original Dekisugi lore, and a small fic written on it curtsey to @/nobita-ki-mummy aka @/hi-avathisside
— Doraemon moodboards
Doraemon moodboard
Nobita moodboard
Shizuka moodboard
Gian moodboard
Suneo moodboard
Dekisugi moodboard
Pippo/Judo moodboard
Riruru moodboard
✿ Mythology, Hinduism, memes, magic and anything and everything honestly...
→ Voices of the Gods part 1
→ Voices of the Gods part 2
→ Kartikeya Da Peacock Dance Master
→ Shatrughan da Ghoomar master
→ Hindu gods modern au
✿ I paint and draw... And do origami. Which I sometimes posts.. (I especially like painting sceneries and Hindu gods and goddesses)
෴ Paper flowers part 1
෴ Paper flowers part 2
෴ Other paper stuff
෴ Kartikeya with Paravani art (with og lore)
෴ Shri Hari (pencil sketch)
෴ Murlidhar (pencil sketch)
෴ silly landscape
✿ No place for homophobes, transphobes, pedophiles, racists, misogynists or any hateful people on my blog
✿ @/foreignink is my tumblr bestie... I know her irl too and I love her more than most of the things in this world... Donchu dare say anything to her 🔪
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mariacallous · 4 months
In Israel, you’ll find a patchwork of different communities. Most Israeli Jews originate from Europe, North Africa and the Middle East, but some come from other regions, such as India.
According to the Indian Embassy in Tel Aviv, there are about 85,000 Jews of Indian origin in Israel — so Indian Jews make up just 1.2% of Israel’s Jewish population. This small community is divided into four groups: the Bene Israel from Maharashtra, the Cochin Jews from Kerala, the Baghdadi Jews from Kolkata, and the Bnei Menache from Mizoram and Manipur.
Although I grew up in the U.S., my mother’s family is from the Cochin Jewish community in Israel. I wanted to find out more about how this community is preserving our unique Jewish traditions from the South of India.
Many of these traditions are at a risk of dying out. For example, the language of the Cochin Jewish community is called Judeo-Malayalam. Today, this dialect has only a few dozen native speakers left (you can hear it spoken in this video).
According to legend, the first Jews arrived in Cochin during the time of King Solomon. The oldest physical evidence of their presence is a set of engraved copper plates dating from around 379-1000 CE, which were given to community leader Joseph Rabban by the Chera Perumal dynasty ruler of Kerala.
Jewish sailors originally arrived in Kodungallur (Cranganore), an ancient port city known as Shingly by Jews, before shifting to Cochin following a flood in 1341. These Jews became known as the Malabari Jewish community. After the expulsion of Jews from Spain in 1492, a group of Sephardic Jews also came to Cochin, and became known as the Paradesi (Foreign) Jews. The Malabari and Paradesi Jews historically lived separately and maintained their own traditions, although in modern times this division has become less important.
Today, the vast majority of Cochin Jews live in Israel. I spoke with several community members to learn about current projects in Israel to preserve Cochini Jewish culture.
Hadar Nehemya, a jazz musician and performer, runs a food delivery service sharing traditional Cochin Jewish recipes. Hadar learned the art of cooking from her mother, who learned it from her paternal grandmother.
Cooking her dishes from scratch and selling them at markets and for delivery, Hadar’s goal is to introduce Cochini cooking into the mainstream of Israeli culture. “Many Israelis don’t know much about Cochin Jewish culture. Maybe they met a Cochini person in the army,” she said. “But Indian food is popular in Israel, because Israelis love to visit India after they finish their army service.”
Cochin Jewish cuisine is similar to other types of South Indian cuisine, but also has influences from Iberian and Middle Eastern cooking. One example is pastel, pastries with a spicy filling that are similar to empanadas. Other staples include fish and egg curries, chicken stew, black-eyed pea stew, dosa (thin rice pancakes) and dishes cooked with coconut and mango.
Hadar’s favorite dishes to cook are idli and sambar, which are often eaten together. Idli is a type of savory rice cake, while sambar is a spiced lentil stew. Although Hadar says it’s difficult to maintain an Indian food business from an economic perspective, she’s passionate about cooking and enjoys creating homemade dishes with the right balance of spices.
Along with cooking, music is also important in Cochini culture. In most religious Jewish communities, women aren’t permitted to sing in front of men who aren’t their immediate relatives. However, this prohibition was not part of the Cochini tradition.
In the Cochin Jewish community, women have sung in Hebrew and Judeo-Malayalam for centuries. Piyyutim (liturgical poems) were sung in the synagogue or at people’s homes during holidays. Judeo-Malayalam folk songs were sung at weddings and special occasions, and the lyrics of these songs were recorded in notebooks to hand down to future generations. Later, many women also learned Zionist songs in preparation for moving to Israel. I have memories of my own grandmother singing these songs at home.
In recent years, audio recordings have been produced of Cochini songs, including a collection called “Mizmorim” (Psalms) featuring Hadar’s grandmother, Yekara Nehemya. Hadar then created her own version of one of the songs, “Yonati Ziv.”
Today, community leader Tova Aharon-Kastiel has organized a choir which meets once or twice a month at different locations. In the choir, Cochini and non-Cochini women, mostly aged 65-85, sing songs in Hebrew and Judeo-Malayalam. The older generation is eager for the younger generation to get involved, but since most younger Cochin Jews have a mixed background and are assimilated into mainstream Israeli culture, this is sometimes proving a challenge.
Still, many young Cochin Jews are eager to connect with their roots. The community maintains several Facebook groups, including one specifically geared towards the younger generation. The group description reads: “If you are a young Cochini, you surely know (at least partially) the wonderful heritage of our forefathers and mothers…  the sad truth is that this heritage is currently on its way to pass from the world.”
Shlomo Gadot is the CEO of Inuitive, a semiconductor company, and is actively involved with Cochini community projects. His nephew, Ori, runs the Facebook group for the younger generation. Shlomo says events are regularly held at the Indian Embassy in Tel Aviv for young Cochinis. “Normally the embassy gives them their office in Tel Aviv, and they invite the young Cochini people to come there and do a trivia contest,” he said. “They do it twice a year, once at Hanukkah and once at Passover.”
According to Shlomo, the embassy also has initiatives to create connections between Indian and Israeli tech companies. “Sometimes they invite people to the ambassador’s house or office to see how they can create connections between Israeli and Indian companies,” he said. “They also have a program to bring young people to India to help them get to know India better.”
Anil Abraham is one of the few Cochin Jews with recent memories of life in India. Born in Jerusalem, his family returned to India when he was 8 years old, and he lived there until age 35 before migrating back to Israel. He says he found growing up Jewish in India difficult, but rewarding. “It was very difficult to move there from Israel and learn Malayalam,” he said. “But it was amazing to be part of the community and enjoy Cochini food prepared from scratch. We used to attend prayers in the Paradesi Synagogue, because right now there are fewer than 20 Jews in Kerala.”
Today, Anil runs tours of Kerala for the Cochin Jewish community and others. “The kids travel with their parents and grandparents to India,” he said. “That’s how our traditions are passed down.”
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endlessly-cursed · 4 months
Next Gen- Yasemin Battersea-Parsons
“𝑰𝒇 𝒂𝒏 𝒂𝒄𝒕 𝒐𝒇 𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒅𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝒉𝒂𝒔 𝒂 𝒑𝒓𝒊𝒄𝒆, 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝒊𝒕'𝒔 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒂 𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒖𝒊𝒏𝒆 𝒂𝒄𝒕 𝒐𝒇 𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒅𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒔, 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒍 𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒅𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒏𝒖𝒓𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕, 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒕.”
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Name: Yasemin Neeru Battersea Parsons
Nicknames: Yas
Birthdate: 16th of December 2004
Zodiac Sign: Saggitarius (i think??)
Personality Type (MBTI): TBD
Blood Status: Pureblood
Nationality: Turkish-Indian-Irish
Physical Appearance
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Hair: Black, curly
Eyes: Black
Height: 1.57m
Weight: 64kg
Body Type: Medium-size
Skin Tone: Dark brown
Distinguishing Marks (scars, birthmarks, etc.): One birthmark on her neck
Kolkata, India- The rich and ancient city was the place of birth for Yasemin, and where she spent much of her winter in the Bengali equivalent of Christmas and even participated in religious rites, despite following the Muslim religion more.
Antakya, Turkey- Her other hometown, she lived in a rustic yet wealthy house with her grandmother, where she spent many summers and even visited many mosques and started on her Muslim faith
Dublin, Ireland- Her main residence, living outside the center, she loved how carefree and busy they were and many of her friends lived near, and her formative years were spent there
Mother: Esmanur Zeynep Battersea
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The only living Battersea that directly descended from Simon by then, she was raised as a hanimsultan and was treated like Middle-Eastern royalty despite being long gone. She did not expect to have children after Shreya, and was delighted to have one more child. Despite being fond of Yasemin, her favouritism was never noticed by her daughters
Father: Mahmoud Ismail Parsons
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A Bengali businessman, he married Esmanur to enforce his monopoly on the industry and expand his growing empire. When Esmanur was pregnant again, he was surprised and worried, because his wife have had fertility problems years prior and didn't want to risk her life. Nevertheless, Yasemin was born healthy and without much fuss, and he spoiled her
Older sister: Shreya Humashah Battersea Parsons
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Although she was first angry at Yasemin's birth, the moment she held her, she knew she loved her. Shreya loved to take care of her and talk about girl stuff, going shopping and having silly moments. Shreya was like a second mother and role model to Yasemin and are very close, even after Shreya marries Kevin Farrell and forms her family with him
Distant cousin: Luke Battersea
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A bit closer in age, despite him being prickly and reserved, Yasemin approached him slowly, allowing him to come to her, actively listening to whatever he talked about and giving surprisingly helpful advice and thoughtful gestures, such as baking him his favourite cake for his birthday or when he had a bad day, or ensure that the cook cooks his comfort food once a week, and include him in the family trips
House: Hufflepuff
Best Class: Herbology
Worst Class: Potions
Boggart: Everybody diminishes her efforts, throwing them and shouting at her that she'll never be enough
Riddikulus: The papers get up and start dancing cha-cha-cha
Patronus: A hare
Patronus Memory: Dancing in the rain when she was eight with her father and Shreya as her mother film
Mirror of Erised: (before turning 19) Achieving peace and stability in her hometowns (after turning 20) having stability, peace and a family with Scott by her side
Amortentia (what she smells like): Victoria's Secret perfume 'shimmer', strawberry bubblegum, henna
Amortentia (what she smells): Ice, cologne, something related to Scott
11-18: Hogwarts student
21-35: Philantropist
36-65: President of the Battersea company
Personality & Attitude
Priorities: Making some good in the world, her family's wellbeing
Strengths: Kind, empathetic, insightful, caring and generous
Weaknesses: Naive, clueless, innocent during her adolescence, way too trusting, a people pleaser and can't say anything bad about anyone
Stressed: During social gatherings and during exams, feeling stupid all the time
Calm/Comforted: Watching her comfort show (FRIENDS), spending time with Shreya, in her bed
Colors: PINK, burgundy red, navy blue and lilac
Weather: Sunny
Hobbies: Reading, knitting, baking and creating skincare and makeup routines
Fashion: Yasemin is far more fashionable than her sister Shreya, often wearing heels and short skirts and tops, all in the palette of pink, black and white. She also has curly hair and has a rigorous routine that she always asks not to be interrupted when performing it
Significant Other/Love Interest: Scott Morris ( @potionboy3 )
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Both friends from the moment they met, unlike her peers, Scott seemed to get her, and Yasemin always felt seen with him. What she didn't know is that Scott had a huge crush on her. A crush that everybody save her seemed to notice. For years, he dropped subtle hints here and there, but the clueless Yasemin didn't seem to see it.
Until, on a party, after sharing a meaningful moment, Scott surprised Yasemin by kissing her and declaring his feelings for her. What was more surprising to Yasemin is that she felt the same. Even though Yasemin was a year ahead of Scott, they saw each other often and even gave him the keys to her house once they became serious.
Friends: Noor Verma Dhendron ( @legilimenace )
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Even though they were different, Noor and Yasemin got along and suprisingly complimented one another. Shreya soon befriended Mansi, Noor's sister, and became inseparable, becoming almost members of the family
Mia Morris ( @gaygryffindorgal )
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Scott's older sister, Yasemin liked her from the beginning and she was key in setting her up with her brother
Jude Cozens ( @unfortunate-arrow )
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Both with similar natures, she met him through Scott and also reminded her of Luke. She was shocked when she learned that he and Noor started dating
Yasemin is looking for friends! I'll favour those born in 2004-5! Hmu or send me an ask if you're interested!
Rivals: TBA (why would you want to antagonize this angel?!)
She doesn't drink alcohol due to religious and personal reasons
Her drink of choice is a lime Aquarius
Always has a red velvet cake for her birthday
She hates green peas
Is surprisingly good at breakdance, salsa and dabke, and often does it in heels
Used to hate her curly hair and tried to straighten it like Shreya for most of her teens
While Shreya inherits her father's businesses, Yasemin inherits her mother's legacy
Is medium sized and was always made fun of by her parents' peers and went on crazy diets and developed body dysmorphia due to early development
Almost never went to parties because of people getting drunk and being invasive towards her
Cries easily for everything, yet can be calm in dire circusmtances
Picked up baking thanks to her therapist and often shows up to classes and gatherings with Turkish and Bengali sweets when she feels her friends are feeling down or stressed or wants to celebrate
Has the cutest and most elegant handwriting in Hogwarts (it was voted)
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pastara-cell · 2 months
God this blog may just turn into a tmf blog for a bit- Sorry hermitblr/trafficblr peeps
Just listing some basic drew headcanons here because I feel like I see the same ones over and over again so I’d like to combat that 🤺🤺/lh ofc, I love all headcanons
>Drew is Bengali, His great grandparents came to the uk from Kolkata (Whether it be from partition stuff or not) And since then, his family blood has still been entirely from west bengal
>Drew isn’t necessarily religious, however, He enjoys Hindu religious holidays (Like Diwali and Holi) and Pujas and He especially loves the food. His parents (who are Hindu) are fine with him being non religious, But do wish for him to participate in events just to spend time with him, which he doesn’t mind at all
>Adding onto that, he doesn’t eat beef or pork. Not for religious reasons, but because he just wasn’t raised on them and doesn’t enjoy the taste or texture.
>His parents love him, but are absent quite a lot due to work and business meetings. The only times he’ll see them for more than a months on end is during the winter months, mainly because thats holiday season. Other than that, 2 weeks at home, 2 weeks on a business trip, repeat
>His parents try to show their affection to him via gifts and food, because its really all they can send over while they’re away. Because of this, drew developed Gift giving and cooking food for people love languages
>this man can COOK. I know I said its one of his love languages, so you’d assume so, but oh my LORD this man can cook. Its half the reason henry and liam come over so often! He best at more traditional bengali food (although he hates doing it), but he can make pretty much anything if you give him a heads up, the ingredients, and enough time to tinker around with the recipe!
>His hair is actually wavy/loose curls, but he hates having curly hair, so he either straightens it so it doesn’t poof up, or uses a bit of hairspray. The only people who really know his hair is curly is the jomies (including jake, lia, and zoey) because they’ve slept over at his house, and have probably seen him when his hair was wet and curly again.
>He’s 15 feet into a glass closet. My sexuality head-canons for him change a lot, but I’ve sort of settled on omni/ace for now. However, For the most part, I think if he were to come out, he’d just be queer. I dont think he’d care for labels too much
>Obvious attachment issues, slight separation anxiety, although, I can see it being more leaning towards henry and liam than jake for that. He might have had an obsession with jake, but I think it’d have hurt more if henry and liam left him, considering they had been there the longest.
>He loves zoey, even still. He really does. He’s terrible at showing it, but he does his best.
>Zoey, knowing his love language is gift giving, and he’s rich, befriended him in late middle school/early high school, and they started dating seconds year odd high school. Drew definitely was the one who confessed after being hyped up about it by henry and liam and jake. Zoey definitely wasn’t planning on dating him, but shrugged it off as being able to get him to do more stuff. She eventually did develop feelings for him, but she was too far into the mess she had created to stop, so she kept pushing
>He has such an rbf guys, like, he would be thinking about the happiest thing ever and his face would be just this 1000 yard stare
>He definitely drinks energy drinks guys, probably monsters but I can see him bringing an alani to school because he knows he’s gonna get called emo if he brings a monster to school
>He is called emo quite a bit at school, although he isn’t. It doesn’t bother him much anymore.
>He loves cats and really really wants one, but he’s severely allergic. Like, your throat closes and you die unless you get to the ER or have an epipen level allergic.
>He has Two bearded dragons (Each around 18 inches long, a boy and a girl) named Jevin and Pearl, his two favourite hermits
>he watches hermitcraft. Probably the life series and Empires and Outsiders and Life steal and all that stuff too, but He watches hermitcraft RELIGIOUSLY (He’s watched every episode that Jevin, Pearl, Grian, and Xisuma have put out, and he’s working on Mumbo’s pov right now)
>His favourite broadway musicals are Heathers and Six. Mean girls is up there too, but those are his favorites
>He didn’t cry during the titanic because it was sad, but because he watched it with zoey and she was crying, which made him cry
>i’m not gonna diagnose him with anything necessarily because i’m in no way qualified for that, but he definitely has mood swings and his opinions change a lot depending on who else he finds has them. He can go from hating something for years to immediately liking it if Liam says its good, or go from liking something to hating it if Hailey likes it.
>He listens to music, heck, one of his main designs are airpods- So, I think that he definitely listens to electronic stuff, scenecore type shit (Asteria, Barely human, Odetari, Clover!, and allat jazz) Not because its his favourite, but because Liam and henry both listen to it, so drew likes it.
>He really cares about his friends, but is really shit at showing it.
>He’s not good at communication, and is not often sure how to communicate what he wants or what he needs without sounding blunt or rude. He often rehearses how talks will go.
>This mf does not regret bullying that music club guys- I love him but i’m not even gonna attempt to justify him bullying them because I feel like it takes away from his character a lot
>He hates Hailey and Zander, Mainly because he finds them annoying and freaky.
>He’s only bullied luke because of his connection to zander and the music club, he doesn’t really mind luke as a person
>Milly Is his second cousin, they really only have their families meet up on holidays, so they never grew up close. Drew and Milly dont view eachother as family, so they dont care about bullying eachother/doing stuff to eachother’s friends. Drew and Milly do both occasionally pull the “I’m going to tell Thamma (grandma)!”, which does admittedly stop the other from doing whatever they were going to do.
>Drew has picked on pretty much all the club members, except for sean. Whether this be because Sean is taller than him, older than him, Or because they simply just have never really talked, drew mostly leaves him alone. He forgets sean is there most of the time
>Insecure as shit, do I even need to say it lol?
I have a lot more, but these are my main headcanons. Ofc, I fluctuate a lot with them, I’m like a multishipper but instead of shipping its with headcanons.
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lifedeathtimespace · 10 months
TADvent Day 8 - Food and Baking
TAD songs as food I've made this year (with no explanation):
Love Run (intro) - cornflake cakes
King - bacon and brown sugar chicken
Pruning Shears - raspberry marshmallows
Shower Day - brigadieros
Elsa's Song - honey garlic shrimp
Pray - birria tacos
Little Miss Why So - pavlova
New York Torch Song - Kolkata chilli chicken
Two Minutes - chocolate cherry cola cake
Not Yet/Love Run (reprise) - crispy garlic potatoes
The Rockrose and the Thistle - peppermint creams
The Horror and the Wild - frozen chocolate raspberry bites
Wild Blue Yonder - tostadas
Welly Boots - chicken tikka masala
Farewell Wanderlust - Italian sausage risotto
Fair - creamy cajun pasta
That Unwanted Animal - red velvet whoopie pies
Marbles - Lemon cupcakes
Battle Cries - homemade oven fish and chips
Secret Worlds - spicy bacon honey traybake
The Calling - key lime pie
Drinking Song for the Socially Anxious - roast chicken
Blossoms - hunter's chicken
Chords - iced spiced biscuits
The Old Witch Sleep and the Good Man Grace - cherry and almond loaf cake
Ruin - gingerbread biscuits
Inkpot Gods - cherry cheesecake brownies
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srbachchan · 2 years
DAY 5413
Jalsa, Mumbai              Dec 10/11,  2022              Sat/Sun  8:36 AM
✨ Ef Birthdays update .. 🪔💖 December 11 .. birthday of the little one , Ef Bob Siddhant Roy the Son of Ef Shiv Roy From Assam .. and also birthday of Ef Rekha Prashant Kawadia .. December 10 .. birthday of our dear Poet Saab from Ladnun Ef Ankur R Churiwal .. and Poetess Saheba Ef Sonia Chopra .. and Ef Abhishek Patodia from Kolkata .. Greetings to all .. and the affection of love and wishes ever .. keep well .. ❤️❤️❤️🌿 ✨
.. and .. down lane memory ..
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.. at New Delhi's Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium in 1987 ..
  Photo Curtsey : India Today Anniversary Issue 26 Dec’ 11 , 1987 .. Ef Rupam .. Love ❤️
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Birthday - EF Ankur R Churiwal ..  Sonia Ef
.. Saturday, 10 December .. and apologies for the belated reference .. but the very best from us all .. love ❤️❤️❤️
Missing out the Blog on two days is unforgivable and there is a desperate attempt to catch up so to say .. which I shall presently ..
but bear with me .. I have the next schedule waiting on me at my door and I must leave .. but back in a while .. 
My love to you for your patience and continued presence here ..
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Amitabh Bachchan
Sunday 5:06 PM .. 
promised to be back and even though it gets time to be before the gate for the well wishers on the Sunday, finding time for the Ef is always a welcome delight ..
the KBC draws to an end and the last few episodes being dedicated to the FINALÈ .. which is time and content consuming but ever such a privilege to be among them ..
some of them with their unique stories of life and times .. some so filled with the most unknown information and their description of the most unknown factors in theirs and our lives - a revelation and so interesting to know ..
eg., .. did you know that the very famous dish or food item, particularly from Southern India , the ‘idli’ is not an Indian product .. it was brought from out of the Country and then became a delicious eat here in India .. 
from where ..?
ah hah .. see the episode and find out 🤣🤣🤣
Love to all 
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Amitabh Bachchan
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iamswapnendubiswas · 12 days
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Sea- The peace , The serenity & The sunsets
We all have been asked a question since childhood , what do you like ? Beach or mountain ? I was also no different, I also have been asked numerous times - beach or mountain? My answer was always consistent - A Beach , the beautiful sunrise and the peaceful sunset .
I hail from the city of joy , Kolkata and I am a proud Bengali . I am brought up in Kolkata , so I had to travel either to a place named “digha” in West Bengal or “Puri” in Orissa to enjoy sea beaches . These two beaches are basically closest to Kolkata .
Since childhood, I have been there multiple times, but somehow my heart was looking for something else . My heart was looking for calmness that the sound of the wave brings when it touches the land .
I was merely 14 years old when my father told me that we are going to Andaman & Nicobar to have a holiday . I was excited for two reasons . One reason is clear to all of you but the second reason was , I was boarding flight for first time in my life . Though my father has already travelled by air , but this was first time for my mother as well . It was a 5 am flight and I clearly don’t remember the month of travelling . We were all excited and giggling when we put our first foot on the flight . Being the only child, it was pretty easy for me to get the window seat. I remember it was an air India flight and we enjoyed our journey throughout. But , I felt the real excitement when I saw the scattered islands from airplane and I was mesmerised by the beauty of nature earth . We had an amazing trip there for 7 days and my eyes were full of tears when we took the return flight .
Since then , I have travelled many sea beaches . I found different experience in every single sea beach . Some beaches are full of crowd where people are enjoying with family & friends and some beaches are calm where lovers are holding hands and walking around to experience the love with the calmness of the nature .
The picture you see above is taken by my wife , is in Morjim beach , Goa . I have been in Goa multiple times like every party lover. But sitting in a shack and looking at the sea from morning to late evening in Morjim beach , there is no other place in the world where people can find more peace . The beach is calm , less crowded and safe to take a dip in the water . I have been there multiple times and I have never got bored , I can still close my eyes and visualise the sunset. I wish , I can go there many more times , roam around on the beach , eat coconuts , sea foods and lots of beer. Few events in your life stay with you forever, and travelling to Morjim beach is one of them. If you never travelled there, you should definitely go there.
With this thought , Signing off today .
Take care .
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petgroomly1 · 18 days
What to Do When Your Pet Loses Its Appetite: Tips From Dog Groomers in Kolkata
Has your pet been turning up their nose at meals lately? Loss of appetite in pets can be worrying, but it’s a common issue with several potential causes. Here’s what you need to know—and how your dog groomers Kolkata might help spot the problem.
Why Won’t My Pet Eat?
There are many reasons why a pet might lose their appetite, from stress and anxiety to more serious health problems. Here are some common causes:
Health Issues: Sometimes, a loss of appetite is the first sign of an illness. If your pet isn’t eating, it might be time for a vet visit. Dog grooming Kolkata can also include monitoring for signs of health issues during grooming sessions.
Dental Pain: Pets with sore teeth or gums might avoid eating because it’s uncomfortable. Regular dental care is important for keeping your pet’s mouth healthy. Dog groomers in Kolkata can spot dental issues that could affect your pet’s eating habits.
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Stress: Changes in your pet’s environment, like moving to a new home or even a change in routine, can cause stress and lead to a loss of appetite. Regular dog grooming near me can help your pet feel more at ease and might alleviate some of the stress affecting their appetite.
How Dog Groomers in Kolkata Can Help
You might not think of your dog groomer in Kolkata when your pet stops eating, but they can actually be a great resource:
Spotting Weight Loss: Your groomer sees your pet regularly and might notice if they’ve lost weight before you do. Dog groomers in Kolkata can help track changes in your pet’s body condition.
Noticing Dental Issues: During grooming, your groomer might notice if your pet’s teeth or gums look sore or inflamed. This can be an early indicator of dental problems affecting your pet’s appetite.
Reducing Stress: Regular grooming sessions can help your pet feel more comfortable and less stressed, which might improve their appetite. Dog grooming near me often includes techniques to help relax pets, potentially leading to better eating habits.
How to Get Your Pet Eating Again
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If your pet is off their food, here are a few tips to try:
Consult Your Vet: Always start by ruling out any medical issues.
Stick to a Routine: Pets love routine. Feeding them at the same times every day can help regulate their appetite.
Warm Up Their Food: Heating your pet’s food can make it smell more appealing, encouraging them to eat.
Remember, your pet’s health is a team effort. Regular grooming with dog groomers in Kolkata, combined with veterinary care and a little bit of love and attention, can help keep your pet healthy, happy, and eating well. Visit www.petgroomly.com to gain detailed insights into the world of Pet Groomly.
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mariacallous · 1 month
There is no substitute for eating a dish in its place of origin, preferably made in a home kitchen by hands that hold the muscle memory of thousands of meals. For me, a close second is stumbling across a recipe, trying it out, and feeling transported to a new place by its flavors. The vastness of the Jewish diaspora has gifted us with a wealth of interesting types of culinary mergers, and I particularly love exploring the Jewish food of India, where Jewish communities date back thousands of years.
There are three distinctive Jewish Indian groups that happened to be largely isolated from each other: the Cochin Jews of Kerala in South India, the Bene Israel Jews of India’s West Coast and Mumbai, and the Jews of Kolkata in East India (formerly known as Calcutta). In “The Book of Jewish Food,” Claudia Roden recounts how Shalom Cohen from Aleppo was the first known Jew to settle in Kolkata in 1798. Soon after, Syrian and Iraqi Jews followed and developed a strong community there, where they worked as merchants and traders and lived in harmony with their neighbors. Things changed in 1947 when India gained independence, and again in 1948 with the creation of the State of Israel; anti-Semitism grew as the Jews became associated with the colonial British power. During that time, most of the Jews from Kolkata immigrated to Israel, the U.S., U.K. and Australia. This once vibrant Jewish Indian community is now all but gone from Kolkata.
While only a handful of Jews still live in Kolkata, the food from this community has traveled with its people. Their style of cooking involves a combination of ingredients and preparations from the Middle East, with the spices and techniques of Indian cuisine. There are several cookbooks and articles devoted to Sephardic foods and Indian Jewish cookery that have documented some of the dishes of the Jews from Kolkata. I was first struck by a recipe I found in both Copeland Marks’ book “Sephardic Cooking,” as well as in “Indian Jewish Cooking” by Mavis Hyman. Mukmura (or mahmoora) is a dish of chicken and almonds in a slightly sweetened tangy lemon sauce. I like any recipe that looks like it is simple to prepare but still offers big flavors, and this was clearly that. This chicken dish calls for easy to find bold ingredients like ginger, garlic, ground turmeric, lemon juice and fresh mint. The chicken is braised, which means the meat won’t get dry, and it can easily be made in advance for entertaining, Shabbat and holidays. By slowly simmering all of the ingredients together you develop a slightly sweet and sour sauce with all those warm spices and aromatics.  This dish is simultaneously comforting and exciting.
Note: This can be made a day in advance and reheats well.
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arre-yaar · 10 months
Recommend me some of ur good shows or books that u have recently watched or read
sorry i don't have more! i've been super busy lately and haven't had too much time to read.
we have always lived in the castle - shirley jackson ok this wasn't a recent read but a recent reread it's one of my all time favourites. i think its use of language is PERFECT and love the psychological subtleties. descriptions are off-kilter and unsettling in the most amazing way, and kind of blurs the lines between reality and the protagonist's view. it also deals with the mc's agoraphobia, paranoia, and psychopathy with a nuanced touch, and has her use sympathetic magic which i think is very fitting to represent her mental state. i also love its motifs, especially the one about food and female power.
the name of the rose - umberto eco is literally everything i could have wished for and more,,, history, murder, codes, labyrinths, semiotics, random latin phrases i translated badly! it seamlessly blends medieval history, theological debates, and a complex murder myster(ies) plot. one thing i will say, however, is that it is SUPER dense and that makes it a difficult read, but once you struggle through it, you can't put it down. but yes, it takes a lot a lot of time and patience to reach that unfortunately. i've been trying to read it since 2022 haha
the shadow lines - amitav ghosh this book is beautiful and it's told in non-linear format, it explores memory, identity, and the impact of historical events. it moves between kolkata and dhaka, and i love the portrayal of family dynamics, cultural nuances, and the ways in which individuals grapple with the legacies of history. the integration of personal and the political makes it both intimate and expansive.
autobiography of red - anne carson this book is a blend of poetry and narrative and is about the life of geryon, a monster, (written by an ancient greek poet, but through geryon's pov) and explores love, loss, and coming of age. it's actually also very funny and creative as well as being earth-shatteringly beautiful
i haven't watched many tv shows lately, but im going to reccommend one that you've most likely heard of before but i will literally never shut up about it or stop recommending it: succession! i could write an essay about how much i lvoe it it's like modern shakespeare and the family dynamics and power structures and the tragedy of the entire show make me feral and want to throw up but in a good way.
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shentheauthor · 1 year
I know I already asked for a harbinger headcanon srry :< But I gotta know what would happened if you mixed Cookie Run and the Harbingers sksksksk. You don’t have to make it ofc! Whether it’s them playing the game or being a cookie or even not making the headcanon is totally up to you! I just gotta say I rlly like your work!
Hey dw about requesting multiple times, I’m happy to do these!
I kinda feel like cookie-ifying them, so here we go
Ok so we don’t know much about Khaenri’ahn food
But I think flowers suit him well
I’d make him a petunia cookie
Why? Well, petunias once symbolized anger and resentment
So like how he feels about Celestia and the archons
Nowadays some of the meaning has been lost, but I think that works with how Teyvat has moved on on the surface
However, there’s still a lasting effect from the tragedy
He also wouldn’t go by petunia cookie, since that’s not super intimidating
So I’m gonna give him “jester cookie”
He would definitely take some bitter amusement in the irony
Another flower guy
I’m giving him poppies, since those are traditionally used to remember fallen soldiers
He also wouldn’t go by his ingredient name, bc poppies aren’t very intimidating
So he would be something like “captain cookie” or “warrior cookie”
He has definitely lost soldiers on the battlefield, so I think poppies are fitting
Maybe he even lost some of himself on the battlefield too…
Since most of his appearance is hidden, you wouldn’t be able to tell poppies are his ingredient
But if I were to design his cookie clothes, I would place poppies on his uniform
Hm maybe I will design them all
Biryani cookie
Why? I feel like he would like the food, next question
God I want biryani
Anyway! I think the fact that you can add different ingredients to biryani fits him well
So like prime can be kolkata biryani, one of the clones can be sindhi biryani, etc etc
Idk it just suits him
He would go by smth like heretic cookie, doctor cookie, or even his actual name
It depends on the segment
The segments would also have ingredient substitutions to emphasize the “wrong” nature of them
Plus mechanical parts
So she’s a mystery for sure
But I would call her “seelie cookie”
Nobody knows her ingredients
But some believe she was baked from food directly made in the Teyvat equivalent of the fae wilds
I’m a big fan of fae/seelie columbina
Some wonder if she’s even a cookie at all
Personally, I think she would be a sugar cookie made from special or magical sugar, or even a very light cake, like chiffon
Regardless, she isn’t a normal cookie
I think she and angel cookie would get along lmao
Oof she’s another hard one, since we don’t know much about her
Gonna call her ice shard cookie
She’s a sharp and stern character, so she would be made of something harsh
Like the cold bite of winter
No she is not anything like the Tsaritsa
But she is still a force to be reckoned with
She would actually go by her ingredient name, bc fuck code names
If she must, she would be called “knave cookie”
She’s one of the few I actually have ideas for their skill so
She would use an icicle as a fencing sword
Similar to raspberry cookie, but I feel like arle would be an ambush and target the opponent with the least amount of HP
Maybe do some aoe frost damage
He’s a hard one, but kasha cookie
Kasha is a healthy, hearty grain dish, like oatmeal, but even more grain
If that makes sense
Partially bc it’s a health food for older people (sorry nella /lh)
But also partially because it’s sturdy and stable
Idk it just makes sense to me since he’s a government official that seems to do his job well
I just felt it calling to me
This is what happens when you do too much research for fanfics lmao, you remember foods you have never once seen in your home country
He would go by kasha cookie. No code name necessary, unless he truly must. As mayor, his name probably has to be public lmao
I love he
Puppet cookie
It’s basic, but like, he wouldn’t have been given another name before
He started out as puppet cookie, was called kabukimono cookie on tatarasuna, then became balladeer cookie
And now, he’s wanderer cookie
He wouldn’t be made with any normal ingredients, bc he’s entirely artificial
I feel like he would be made of wood and ingredient substitutions
Carved and molded into a perfect imitation of a cookie
Another one I actually have skill ideas for
As balladeer cookie, he would have lightning based attacks that just function as dps dmg
As wanderer cookie, he would have air based attacks that do less damage than balladeer, but also debuff enemies and buff allies
French Sandy is my current religion so
Soufflé cookie
Her perfectionism just suits the food
She would go by “marionette cookie”
No ingredient substitutions here, but she would def still experiment on other cookies
Her attacks would involve puppet strings trapping opponents, dealing damage and debuffing them
Support cookie that can still pack a punch
Bringing this back to flower town babyyyyy
Blood rose cookie
If you look up “blood rose flower,” you’ll see a beautiful dark red rose that gives gothic vibes
Honestly my reasoning lies in the name
Roses are romantic, but black roses represent revenge
So blood roses are somewhat a cross between the two
Do you see my vision
She would go by blood rose cookie before the Fatui, but after joining, she would be “fair lady cookie”
I have so many ideas for her design actually, I’m going insane
Mora cookie /j
For real tho, he was born poor, so…
Millet cookie
Millet is a grain that’s great for protein and key fibers that you need
So an excellent food for someone who can’t access real well-rounded meals
The lower class of ancient China often used millet as a meal
Oh also I should mention that Liyue Pantalone is my other religion
Anyway tho, he would absolutely NOT go by millet cookie
He’d go by golden cookie, or regrator cookie
He would be embarrassed about his lowly origins, wanting to leave it behind
So millet cookie is OUT
Borscht cookie
Borscht is common, first of all
Second of all, it’s red, and ginger go brrr
Third of all, it can be served hot or cold, and I think that fits Childe’s personality well
Warm and welcoming around family
Cold and calculating around enemies
Imagine his blades being made out of soup lmao
He wouldn’t go by borscht cookie, since he doesn’t go by Ajax in canon
He would be called shashka cookie, after his weapons
Imagine being so badass you get to go by KNIFE /j
But Fr tho, the only ones who get to call him borscht cookie are his family
He would look so cute as a cookie, I love him
It honestly makes me really happy to get a request combining my two main fandoms. I want people to know that I will happily do headcanons for any of my fandoms, not just genshin. Hell I’ll do other characters besides harbingers too! Ik I made a bit of a name for myself with harbinger headcanons, but I would love to branch out!
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akshaymehndiratta · 5 months
Most Popular And Best Dishes In India By Akshay Mehndiratta That You Must Try
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India is a country where you can taste a wide variety of famous dishes and you will find many food lovers relishing the delicious flavors. In India, many food bloggers from abroad come to enjoy the famous and delicious food of the country. One such blogger is Akshay Mehndiratta, who loves not only cooking but also eating. He travels to the most famous states of India and samples their famous dishes. Through his blog, he shares recommendations for dishes he savors during his journeys, tempting your taste buds. These famous dishes are a must-try!.
1. Biriyani
Biryani, a favorite dish in India, holds a special place in the culinary world with its rich taste and aromatic spices. Food lover Akshay Mehndiratta enjoys a variety of dishes ranging from juicy chicken biryani to delicious egg biryani, delicious mutton biryani to juicy prawn biryani and even the vegetarian flavor of mushroom biryani. Each variation of biryani gives a completely unique blend of spices and ingredients, reflecting the cultural richness and culinary history of India. From aromatic Hyderabadi Dum Biryani to spicy Kolkata Biryani and aromatic Lucknowi Biryani, the surrounding specialties enrich the biryani landscape, tantalizing the senses and leaving diners yearning for more. Since Akshay loves the diverse flavors of biryani, he recommends this biryani to everyone.
2. Vada Pav
Vada pav is a vegetarian dish that brings water to the mouth. It is a famous dish in India and people are relishing this dish. Akshay says that a classic street food dish from the busy streets of Mumbai is made from spicy potato, coated in gram flour, and served with chutney and pav. This highly satisfying snack embodies the creativity of Indian street food culture, which Ashok Vaidya started selling outside the Dadar railway station in 1966. It has now reached the hearts and minds of the people and is loved by them.
3. Masala Dosa
Masala Dosa, an essential South Indian dish, is a favorite culinary treasure known for its crispy texture and delicious potato or vegetable filling. Foodie Akshay Mehndiratta also enjoyed this traditional dish, which consists of thin, golden-brown crepes in a lentil batter filled with a combination of fermented rice and spicy potatoes. Dosa is expertly folded and served with coconut chutney, spicy sambar and sometimes extremely spicy red chutney, making it a delicious dish. Be it breakfast or lunch, masala dosa never fails to create a sense of satisfaction, making it a favorite among foodies everywhere.
4. Chloe and Kulcha
Chole and Kulcha, a famous street food originating from the bustling streets of Delhi, captures the essence of North Indian flavors in a delicious and hearty snack. Chole is a spicy and tangy chickpea curry packed with aromatic spices like cumin, coriander and garam masala. This chole is served hot with kulcha. Kulcha is soft and fluffy leavened bread, often topped with ghee to make it delicious. Chole and kulcha together create a harmony of texture and taste that delights the taste buds. Akshay appreciates the culinary artistry behind this beloved street food that has made its way into the hearts and stomachs of foodies across India.
5. Kachori
Kachori, a favorite Indian snack loved for its crunchy exterior and delicious taste, is a recipe that thrills foodies across the country. Akshay Mehndiratta, deeply appreciate of traditional flavours, savors this iconic dish. Hailing from the streets of Rajasthan, Kachori is a fried flour pastry filled with a spicy mixture of lentils, peas or potatoes, flavored with aromatic spices like cumin, coriander and chilli powder. Served hot and crispy, kachori is often paired with spicy tamarind or mint chutney, which elevates its taste to new heights. Kachori, whether served as a snack or a full meal, never fails to evoke feelings of warmth and pride, making it a popular dish in Indian cuisine.
6. Bhelpuri
Akshay Mehndiratta loves Bhelpuri, a popular street food originating from the colorful streets of Mumbai. It is a beautiful combination of crunchy texture and spicy flavour. With a combination of ingredients — crunchy puffed rice, crunchy sev (thin sev made from chickpea flour), chopped onions, tomatoes and baked potatoes — served with spicy tamarind, or green chutney. this famous snack captures the spirit of Indian street food culture. You can enjoy this dish for a quick breakfast with family and friends, Bhelpuri embodies the spirit of culinary innovation and enjoyment that defines the bustling streets of Mumbai.
7. Misal Pav
Misal Pav is a Maharashtrian dish which is Akshay’s favorite dish. Originating in the colorful streets of Maharashtra, Misal Pav is a highly spicy curry prepared from sprouted moth beans, cooked in a rich and aromatic gravy with a blend of spices like cumin, coriander and turmeric. Served hot, the aromatic curry is garnished with crunchy farsan (fried salty snacks), finely chopped onions, clean coriander and lime juice, which adds a of texture and flavour. With a soft and buttery pav (bread roll), Misal Pav offers a satisfying delightful flavors in every bite.
8. Pav Bhaji
Pav Bhaji, a favorite street food from the bustling streets of Mumbai, It is Akshay’s favorite dish. This iconic dish includes a delicious and aromatic vegetable curry, called bhaji, which is prepared from a combination of mashed potatoes, tomatoes, onions, peas and capsicum, along with spices like cumin, coriander and garam masala. Bhaji cooked in an aromatic mixture of spices is served with smooth and buttery pav (bread roll), which is toasted with a generous amount of butter on a tawa. The dish is garnished with lemon, chopped onions and clean coriander, and it gives an unlimited taste pleasure in each bite.
Amidst the vibrant tapestry of Indian cuisine, Akshay Mehndiratta’s curated some list of dishes that everyone must taste it. From the aromatic allure of Biryani to the crunchy taste of Vada Pav, each dish has a unique taste that captures the essence of India’s diverse cuisine. Akshay’s passion for food and his deep appreciation for traditional flavors is reflected in every recommendation, inviting foodies on a culinary adventure from the congested streets of Delhi to the colorful lanes of Maharashtra.
If you are interested in learning more about delicacies, consider joining Akshay Mehndiratta’s journey. This journey will take you on a culinary adventure through the rich and diverse world of Indian cuisine, where you will experience the amazing flavors and health benefits of traditional Indian cuisine.
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myflighttrip1 · 9 months
6 Best Places to Celebrate New Year 2024 in India
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Bid this year a happy farewell and get ready to welcome the New year with a bang, let`s turn the celebration vibe up a notch and welcome the arrival of New Year 2024 with friends and loved ones. New Year isn`t just a regular day-it`s like a big carnival of celebrations.
Do you know where the biggest celebration of New Year takes place in India? India is a land of many different celebrations. There are many amazing places to visit in India for experiencing the best New Year celebrations.
From the lively beaches of Goa to the bustling streets of Mumbai and the cultural richness of Kolkata, the country offers amazing places where people go crazy with joy during this happy time!
Most Popular New Year Celebration Destinations to Visit in India
In this article, you will get to know about India`s ultimate New Year celebration destinations where the fun never ends-
Goa - India`s Best Party Destination
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Goa is India`s unofficial party destination. It is the most happening place throughout the year but during the time of Christmas and New Year, Goa is something special. On New Year`s Eve, the beaches become like big dance floors. There`s music, fireworks, and lots of fun. Goa`s Nightlife & Casinos are the major attractions on New Year`s Eve.
Mumbai - The Big City Fun
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Mumbai, the city of glamor in India is an exciting place to celebrate New Year. On New Year`s Eve, Mumbai is packed with fancy parties. Some take place in tall buildings with amazing sea views. Others happen in luxurious hotels. People here love to celebrate! If you too want to be a part of luxurious New Year celebrations then book your Mumbai tour package with MFT now!
Udaipur - Where Romance is in the Air!
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If you are looking for a romantic destination to celebrate New Year with your loved one then Udaipur in Rajasthan is the picture perfect dreamy destination for that. Celebrate New Year`s Eve in Udaipur by exploring the city`s beauty, from the grand City Palace to the beautiful lakes. At night, go to special parties or events at hotels. There will be music, dancing, and lots of fun!
Manali - The Hills Are Alive Here!
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Manali in Himachal Pradesh is one of the most popular hill stations to visit in India. New Year is the time of snowfall in Manali that makes it one of the must-visit destinations. Do join the special events happening around the town. Go for a Manali sightseeing tour. Hotels, clubs, and resorts throw lively parties on New Year`s Eve.
Nainital - The City of Lakes
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Nainital is one of the best places to celebrate New Year in India especially for couples. There are many parties or events happening in famous hotels, lake resorts, and clubs of Nainital. In the evening, go to Mall Road and join the celebrations with the crowd. Dance, listen to music, and count down to the New Year with everyone. To experience the best of Nainital on New Year`s Eve book a Nainital tour package for couples.
Agra - The City of Taj
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Agra, the most visited tourist city in India is home to the world-famous historical landmark - The Taj Mahal. You can celebrate New Year in Agra with the sightseeing tour of the Taj Mahal. After that you can also visit the historic Agra Fort. Try Agra`s local food like sweets and special Mughlai dishes. Later, go to the Yamuna Riverfront for a calm evening. Join the parties at hotels or clubs for the fun celebrations. Watch the fireworks at night as everyone welcomes the New Year.
The above-mentioned are the best and most popular places to visit in India for celebrating New Year 2024. Each destination has its own charm and beauty, promising a memorable start to the upcoming year.
Original Source : https://www.myflighttrip.com/blogs/6-best-places-to-celebrate-new-year-2024-in-india
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suchananewsblog · 2 years
6 Interesting Ways To Make Kolkata Kathi Roll - Recipes Inside
If you are a foodie like us, then you surely love spicy and scrumptious kathi rolls. Imagine biting into flaky paratha rolls, succulent and spicy, stuffed with vegetables, chicken, or mutton smeared in desi masalas. Sounds delicious, right? Well, this is something people from Kolkata swear by. Kolkata kathi rolls make for a popular street-food item served at numerous places in the city of joy.…
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