#Kronos San
sketchyreblogs · 4 months
Because your day has been a bit too good in my opinion:
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itzcherrybonbon · 1 year
"KronAstrid Wedding" -EVENT [Birthday gift for my child, @angel-beloved <3]
☆ . ☆ . ☆ . ☆ . ☆ . ☆ . ☆ . ☆ . ☆ . ☆ . ☆ . ☆
It had been weeks since Krono's proposal to Astrid, where she gladly accepted.
Along with Arachne, they had carefully planned how the ceremony would go. The preparations had begun, the invitations were sent, the cake was chosen, and Arachne had their wedding suit and dress finished. Honestly, both of the protectors were excited for this!
And now, here they were. Everyone had gladly attended, waiting outside and chatting with eachother, dressed according to the wedding theme: Traditional!
Krono, who was in his separate room, checked the time on his clock.
"The wedding starts in 30 minutes. I hope this day goes well" Krono smiled to himself, fixing his tuxedo
"I wonder how Astrid is doing right now.."
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★ . ★ . ★ . ★ . ★ . ★ . ★ . ★ . ★ . ★ . ★ . ★
[Anyone can feel free to interact!]
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singeratlarge · 5 months
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peter chauncey’s SONG OF THE WEEK “Bridge of Pages” https://peterchauncey1.bandcamp.com/track/bridge-of-pages-bonus-track If David Bowie and Arnold Schoenberg collaborated with the Kronos Quartet, it might come out sounding like “Bridge of Pages”—another mind-bending work by singer-songwriter peter chauncey, from his latest album “evolutionreconfigured.” https://peterchauncey1.bandcamp.com/track/bridge-of-pages-bonus-track
#bridge #pages #davidbowie #schoenberg #kronosquartet #peterchauncey #sanfrancisco #singersongwriter 
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kenjiro-kun · 2 years
Hololive: Ministry and Myth
Chapter One
Words: 3.k
“How did you get that stopwatch?” It was a common question that quickly became a joke as Amelia never cared to answer or laughed it off awkwardly when her friends asked. But in front of her wasn’t a friend, nor a foe, a stranger that turned her away years ago when she was desperate to save someone dear to her. Just the same, Ameila didn’t care to answer, but it only made the female Warden frustrated. “I asked you a question, human. Who gave you–how did you get that in your possession?”
Amelia stared back at the Warden, with the click of her tongue she took it out, holding it by the chain. The watch was a dull gold color with the glass fogging from the years. The chain was only an accessory she kept around for the sake of Krono, a reminder she was graced with a gift. She smirked, a infamous warning to those that were to see it, and flashed to object at the Warden. The Warden’s eye twitched in annoyance. Ameila found it amusing how much her presence brings the Warden pain, a struggle to control the situation, and gather answers she wished to know.
“Tch,” The Warden turned away. “Be stubborn.” She took a small glance back. “Don’t be surprised when you disrupt the order, causing timelines that bring pain to many.”
Amelia cocked an eyebrow. “Never took you for caring about human lives.”
“I have a duty to uphold, your people seem to neglect your own responsibilities.” Ameila saw the Warden vainish, leaving only faint blue particles behind. She woke up in her chair, a room she shared with one of her friends, living in the house with the rest. She groaned at the ache from the sudden call the Warden forced her to attend. She twisted around, seeing her friend sleeping, drool coming from the corner of her mouth. She chuckled silently, throwing the blanket back onto her small body, and turning off her desk light.
When she went back in time to save her friend from death, it took her endless tries to come to the possibility to rescue her. But the only timeline that she succeeded in was the one her friend voluntarily left her home to follow her interest in the world above–to safitsy the curiosity and boredom she’s been waiting to fulfill.
She never knew how many emotions she could feel in one moment, but in her dreams she relieved them all. Her mind played the many scenarios of her friend dying, her dying, the city falling to the bottom of the ocean. It caused her to wake up with tears of panic. It felt real to her, sadly, she kept it to herself–even to the person that no longer remembers those tragedies.
She crawled up onto the top buck, climbing under the covers and closed her eyes. She no longer begged for good dreams, she always expected the worst, and they always gave their regards.
The following days were a struggle, the constant lessons in adapting to a different country, languages and mannerisms her friend gladly taught her. Each day Amelia studied, note cards piled up on the corner of her desk, journals filled with quick letters to herself about the things she went through to end up in a place she called home. Photos on her bulletin board of her friends, more so her roommate.
She jolted up from her seat when a gust of air blew past her ear. She cupped the said ear, turning around to see her roommate smile at her. It was a smile that drew her own lips to curl up, and she laughed, relaxing her arm to her side.
Upon the many timelines she witnessed and created, she could still remember the first one, the one that held the origin of how she met her roommate. She studied her friend, the small long shark tail that lifted up any shirt she were to wear. Amelia checked the time, seeing that it was barely noon. She glanced over at her roommate.
“Gura,” Amelia called out to her.
Her roommate rubbed her eyes before returning eye contact. “Yes?”
“Want to go out and get some food?” The shark lit up and the sleepiness wore off. “I’ll take that as a yes.” Amelia chuckled, reaching for her coat. “Don’t forget your hoodie. It’s cold out.”
“Shouldn’t we ask the others?” Gura spoke, struggling to fit her arms through the sleeves.
“If they want to come they’ll ask,” Amelia forced herself to remain calm. “And anyway, I just want to spend time with you.”
Gura jiggled her eyebrows. “I see.”
“Knock it off,” Amelia pushed her playfully, laughing.
Amelia left the room first, checking every so often behind her to make sure Gura was following along. Taking a house key from the keybowl in the kitchen, she locked the door behind her after making sure everything was in place, and they didn’t forget anything. She carefully took steps down the concrete stairs in front of the door, and reached to the sidewalk. Gura jumped from the second to last step, lifting her arms in the air, yelling out a yawn.
Amelia knew her life was great, better than any other timeline scenario she has ever witnessed, it has been so long since she used her stopwatch that some days she forgets about it. But her encounter with the Warden, the one that greatly resembles Krono, reminded her of the object that lived in her coat pocket. Due to that, she was fidgeting with it while Gura kept getting distracted with her own conversations.
“I wonder what the others are up to,” Gura mumbled.
Amelia knew that going for food, whether it was breakfast, lunch, or even dinner, it was as a group, but she felt her stomach twist. An uneasy feeling. It was a feeling, telling her to keep watch on Gura, to make sure she doesn’t go too far. It was already hard knowing Gura doesn’t remember anything from the past, the many timelines where she died, or watched Amelia die. It was a curse, and there were times Amelia didn’t know if she could ever get out of it.
There was a timeline that she almost made a reality, one where everyone she knew now didn’t know she existed. In school years, she watched Gura from afar, everytime she wanted to get close she stopped herself, or something stopped her from reaching out to her. But all she could do was leave a letter behind, introducing herself to Gura before erasing herself from that timeline. She believed that Krono, or his counterpart was stopping her from interacting with those that she hadn't met before, in many other timelines she had known Gura, or woke up knowing her character knew her. In the timeline where she didn’t exist, she was in a classroom feeling a sort of adrenaline rush when she somehow managed to make eye contact with Gura.
She doesn't want to believe that one scenario made her insecure in everything her friend does, every word she said made her overthink. It was a struggle she kept buried, and only two knew, but those were the worst people to know of her burden.
Gura pulled at Amelia’s coat, saving her from knocking into a bus stop. “You okay?” Amelia’s breath hitched and she shook her head. She didn’t say anything, continuing forward without glancing back at Gura’s possible expression of confusion.
Once the cafe came into view, Amelia sighed. The place was intoxicating, the smell of pasties and milk sent her in a melted state of relaxation. Gura always teased her and the others agreed with her. She entered with a slight push of the door. The bell dinged as the workers waved and bowed at their appearance.
“Go find us a seat, I’ll order the usual.” Gura insisted.
Amelia was about to protest, but Gura already had skipped off the moment her lips began to move. She held her hands together and went to the furthest corner near an open window to sit down at. She stared at the window, her hand covering her mouth as her weight rested against it. She closed her eyes and the smell coaxed her to sleep.
“Amelia!” She opened her eyes to see Krono. His usually deadpan expression seemed frantic, his bow out of alignment to his suit, and the end of his gloves were uncomfortably rolled up. She could tell she was in an abyss, similar to the Timeless Void she first met Krono, but she was floating as if she was underwater. She saw the stress in his eyebrows, the fidgeting of his gloves, and how his eyes never made contact with her own. “I cannot explain in all details, but understand, one of the Ministry members has failed to uphold their duties, or rather, is rogue and neglecting the boundaries I have set.”
Amelia squinted her eyes, confused. “Why are you telling me this?”
“We are both to blame.” He clasped his hands together, then let them rest to his side. “My power, a fraction of it, rests in that stopwatch. It is not my pick to consult with you, but I have no other choice in the matter.”
“What about the others?”
“The others? You mean the other council?” He shook his head. “Not now, not until I’ve seen you fail.”
“So. . . what has gone wrong?” He turned his head, and a faint voice echoed in the void.
“Time is soon going to stop, the color red is your enemy, and soon your friends may as well.” He gave a small smile. “I failed my duties, but maybe you can save Ministry, with me.” He closed his eyes, his body turning into the same gold and blue color and the swirls of light entered her watch. She took it out, seeing it glow as the power grew. The second the light stopped she was back at the cafe.
“Amelia, did you stay up again?” Gura asked, setting down the drinks.
Amelia blinked, lifting her face off her hand and rotating. “Even if I slept a whole day, it won’t be enough.” She laughed, taking her drink. “Thanks though, I appreciate it.”
“No problem.” Gura took a slip from her cup and glanced at the window. It was a comfortable silence, Amelia was glad she could sit quietly with someone without it being awkward.
Amelia, even if she wanted to enjoy the moment, her mind was running, thinking without a hint at stopping. The sudden call from Krono, it worried her. She didn’t understand, but knowing a powerful creation is losing himself, it scared her. The thought that constantly rang in her head, something that even Krono probably thought as well; was it her fault? Was it their fault? Was the making of the stopwatch with even a small part of his power being used by a human, causing timeline after timeline, end up breaking something?
Her mouth opened, a small gasp came from her throat. Over the years, she had learned of what the council consisted of: Time, Space, Nature, Chaos, and a Guardian. She furrowed her eyebrows. It was Chaos who lost himself. The color red, it meant him. Krono told her who the problem was and then abandoned it all, but where were the remaining members? The Guardian may not be as helpful, but Space and Nature are powerful to a point. Her hand balled into a fist. She knew if she called for help from the others, they would patronize her the same as Krono. She shook her head.
She sighed. It was stressing her out. The burden on her shoulders would soon collapse, and she would fail whatever her mind was set on. She glanced at Gura who was twiddling on her phone. There were many times where she wanted to speak to Gura about everything. About her nightmares, the constant nagging from the Wardens. She pushed the thought down.
“Hey,” Amelia jerked her head to Gura. “What’s on your mind? I've been hoping you would talk about some major project, but. . . you’ve just been thinking way too much. I mean, seriously, your eyebrows would either go up or down.”
“Do you ever daydream? About random things.” Amelia asked.
“Hmm, yeah sure, I guess.” Gura pondered. “Eh, honestly, if I ever did, I don’t remember.”
Amelia smiled. “Don’t worry too much about it, just asking.” She stood up, holding the cup in her hand. “Why don’t we get out of here. How long has it been?”
Gura checked her phone. “Half an hour.”
“What do you want to do? You want to go check something out?” Amelia asked.
Gura’s eyes lit up. “Yeah, we can meet up with the others at the mall!” She smiled.
“Oh.” Amelia quickly changed her disappointed expression with a soft smile. “Yeah, sure. It’s not a far walk.”
Gura groaned. “More walking?”
Amelia chuckled, dropping her cup into the trash. “Yeah, more walking, stinky.”
The walk to the mall was quicker than Amelia had initially thought, but Gura didn’t seem to complain as much when she saw the three by the entrance. Gura ran with her tail wagging behind her, jumping into the arms of Death, then her sandals were back onto the ground as she made her greetings. Amelia made her way to them, her hands behind her back awkwardly watching her friends interact. She knew she was distant from the rest, when she showed up she saw the humanoid Phoenix gazed at her shocked. She would’ve jokingly jab at her, but it wasn’t right, nothing here felt real to her.
There were times where she felt as if she wasn’t truly there. When they got together, her body didn’t feel her own, as if she was floating above the group just hopelessly watching.
“You doin’, okay there?” Amelia felt a strong hand on her shoulder and saw that Death had taken notice of her shadow. “The rest have already gone inside, you seem to be a lot quiet these days. Not like that’s bad, but abnormal? You only hang out with Gura.” She smiled at the way Death said her name. “Hey, now, don’t make fun of my sayings.”
“I’m okay, it's just been a while since we’ve all been together. Getting used to it, y’know?”
“Oh, yeah, for sure.” Death stared at the door. “Let’s catch up!” She pulled Amelia with her.
Being outside for so long, Amelia blinked and rubbed her eyes in hope it would help them adjust, but it only made her lightheaded. Death held her steady and in the end guided her to the rest of their friends. Gura was bouncing, pointing towards the restaurants in hope to get some treats that she forgot to buy at the cafe. Amelia reached for her wallet, took out some money and handed it to Gura.
“Oh, you’re just gonna give her so much control?” The humanoid Phoenix asked, smiling as Gura ran off. “She’s already hyper as it is, but I figure you’re the culprit.”
Amelia nodded her head. “We had some drinks, it seems I forgot about the consequences.”
“Don’t sweat it!” Death joked. “Hopefully she won’t cause trouble.”
“Well, why don’t we follow her? I’m hungry as well!” The Phoenix exclaimed. “Look at Ina, she is practically a zombie!” Amelia glanced at Ina who looked as if she just woke up.
“Alright then, I’ll pay!” Death smiled, her tongue between her teeth cheekily.
“Oh?” The Phoenix chuckled. “This is gonna be fun!”
Amelia followed behind them, but once her hand was stretched out to catch the door, she hesitated. She felt a sensation, a paranoid tingle at the back of her neck. She turned around, glancing at the barely empty walkway, ever-so-often was a family passing by. She glanced back and in the reflection of the glass door was an unknown face. Her breath hitched and took a step back.
She didn’t recognize it, but the rat ears gave her an idea. The man, or creation, stared back at her with a mischievous lick of his lips, the piercing on his tongue blinded her for a second. It was Chaos. The very being that Krono warned her about, or in words that seemed to be talking about him. He wiggled his eyebrows, studying her, and she saw him lift a vibrant box.
You better be careful from now on. You know the time it took to clean up your mess? I wish Krono was here to watch me, but just like Omega, when you need them the most they hide away.
He spoke to her in her mind, the echoing and pulse from his voice gave her mind a jolt of pain. She winced, holding the side of her head, same with the door handle with a white-knuckle grip.
I wanted to believe in Muman, that humans were precious and misunderstood. That through the evil good perviled, and all the paranoia Krono showed was in good light–not in pure desperation. Then he broke the rule, gave you that stopwatch. A human shouldn’t have that much power and he knows. What was he thinking? Do you know, Watson? You and him may have kept it a secret from the others, but dear, he can’t hide from the very being of Chaos.
“What?” She gasped at him, the pressure on her head growing stronger.
In return, he smiled at her and faded from the glass.
She closed her eyes, hoping the pain from her head would subside, but all she felt was a cold touch on her neck. She jerked her body around and saw Krono. He stood with a guilty expression. She turned back to the door, seeing the others ordering, and in the same reflection of where Chaos was, Krono wasn’t seen.
“Don’t bother.” Krono spoke, messing with his glove. “I’m not really here. Only in your mind.”
“Then how could I feel you?”
He sighed. “We are one, I feel what you feel, in both manners, and you do as well.” He stood behind the glass beside her. “All I heard from Muman was how much he was fascinated by the bonds humanity created, he barely told us about the evil–kept it as his own burden. I understand the fascination, looking at your friends interacting with each other with only goodwill, it humbles me a little. But it seems Chaos took a different approach. . .” He smiled down at her. “Though, watching the time they were with you, I feel your. . . insecurity.”
She clicked her tongue. “Great, you can know everything in my head?”
He shook his head. “Only the things you realize. There are emotions I feel and have no word for because you haven’t given it one. I can make guesses, but I cannot truly read you.”
She gripped the handle. “You. . . You’re just going to be my ghost?”
“The second you walk in there I’ll leave.” Krono spoke.
“Is Chaos going to keep showing his face?” Amelia faced him. “I know you’re trying to distract me from that fact, I can guess just the same as you.”
His eyebrows shot up. “I’m not so sure.”
“So you left them all to suffer?”
“I have my reasons.”
Amelia scuffed. “You neglect your responsibilities as much as us.”
“Watch yourself. I don’t need to be lectured by a human.” Amelia bit her tongue, entering the shop and as Krono said, he didn’t come with.
Ina took notice of Amelia and ran up to her as fast as she could. “Hey!” Her soft voice exclaimed. “I was wondering where you were. The food is going to get cold.”
“Oh, did Gura use all the money?”
“Nah. Calli took it from her before damage was done.” Amelia felt her body shock itself to remind her of reality. She forgot the rest of her friends' names. Death was Calliope, why did she forget that? The Phoenix was Kiara. The ache from her head started again. She pinched her thigh and smiled at Ina. “Oh, do you mind telling her she can keep it?”
Ina gave her a knowing look. “Are you leaving?” She tilted her head.
“I. . . have some business to take care of. Tell her I’ll be at the house when she’s done.”
Ina grabbed Amelia’s hand before she could step back. “Are you okay? The others may be too distracted to notice, but you stayed out here longer than needed. If there is something bothering you, you should let us know. If that’s too much, then tell me–even Gura.”
Amelia tensed. “Nothing is wrong, and even if there was something wrong, it wouldn’t matter if the whole world knew–it has to be fixed by me alone.” Ina opened her mouth then quickly closed it letting Amelia go. She left around the corner not turning back once.
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adriannamateo · 1 year
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Friends, I'm making my West Coast solo debut tonight! I've been practicing 42 virtuosic pages for tonight's staged choral opera premiere. I didn't know the San Francisco Girls Chorus previously, but I'm so glad they reached out. Not only did they win 5 (!!) GRAMMY awards, but they also have an incredible record of premiering works with artists like the Kronos Quartet and the Philip Glass Ensemble. I'm spending this weekend - including my birthday on Sunday! - - as the solo violinist in Matthew Welch's beautiful Filipino-American work featuring a young female writer protagonist in a 1920's strike camp. It's a thrilling West Coast solo debut on several levels!!
🎻 We have 4 shows between June 16 (tonight) and Sunday June 18. If you have Bay Area friends, please feel free to share the event! (Rumor is I might be whipping out another instrument mid-show.) Scroll for details.
🔊 I was featured by SFGC for their Postcard series, which you can read here.
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Sidebar: Hank Dutt from the Kronos Quartet shared some of his thoughts on music from the past few years, career longevity, and more over coffee at Peet's between his and my rehearsals. There were lots of sage head nods and puckish giggles.
Details below. OMG I totally need to steam my concert dress now lol 😂 Wish me luck, friends! 💜
Yours always, Adrianna
EVENT DETAILS: San Francisco Girls Chorus Valérie Sainte-Agathe, Artistic Director & Conductor
WITH SPECIAL GUESTS: Sean San José, stage director Florante Aguilar, guitar Haruka Fujii, percussion Adrianna Mateo, solo violin
PROGRAM Matthew Welch: Tomorrow’s Memories: A Little Manila Diary (world premiere SFGC commission) A collaborative project three years in the making, this semi-staged work, featuring SFGC's award-winning Premier Ensemble, is based on the 1924-1928 diary writings of Filipina immigrant Angeles Monrayo and highlights the importance of the Filipino diaspora’s cultural impact throughout the United States, particularly in the Bay Area.
DATES June 16, 7:30pm June 17th, 3:00pm and 7:30pm June 18th, 3:00 pm *Birthday Show!*
LOCATION The Magic Theatre, Fort Mason Center for Arts & Culture Landmark Building D, 2 Marina Blvd San Francisco, CA
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On June 12, 1974, Captain Kronos: Vampire Hunter debuted in San Francisco.
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ampresandian · 7 months
I know Rick is like master of creating and ignoring plot holes but like I had serious questions about the botl timeline so I sat down and tried to map it out:
Percy's orientation is on "Monday morning, the first week of June." This is the day he arrives at camp, and the day of Grover's hearing where the council gives him one more week to find Pan. This is probably also the longest day ever??? Percy goes to orientation, takes a taxi to camp, and then the council meeting, cabin inspection, the forges, canoeing, and sword practice all before dinner? I've worked at summer camp that's insane. That night, he gets his first IM about Nico.
Day 2, they have the conversation about the labyrinth, Percy goes to see Blackjack, and they have the war game where Percy and Annabeth find the labyrinth entrance.
Chiron sends them to get sleep. In the morning, they discuss the quest and Annabeth gets her prophecy. They agree to enter the labyrinth tomorrow. Percy gets his second Nico IM that night.
Day 4 they enter the labyrinth. This is at least 3 days into Grover's week already, depending on when the council chooses to start counting from.
At the ranch, Grover sees on TV that "It's June thirteenth. Seven days since we left camp." (This is ten days since the first day of the book, so it must have started on the third of June.) They then go to see Hephaestus and get sent to Mount St Helens, splitting up on the way but still traveling through the labyrinth (so while they feel like it's only a few hours, it's probably closer to a full day).
Percy blows up Mount St Helens and lands himself on Calypso's island, where he stays to recover until Hephaestus comes to visit. He then sails back to camp.
Walking into his funeral, Percy has been gone for "two weeks," which isn't necessarily an exact time but since that's what we're given we'll assume another 14 days, so my guess would be that it's around June 28th now?
They spend that day on camp, and leave for NYC in the morning (June 29th) to get Rachel, stopping to talk to Percy's mom on the way. They reenter the labyrinth, and enter Antaeus' gladiator arena, where they are briefly held up before escaping and making camp for the night.
In the morning, they make it to Deadalus's workshop, where they fight and escape into Colorado Springs. They reenter the labyrinth, stop by San Francisco to see Kronos take over Luke's body, and then go find Grover and Tyson to witness Pan's death in Carlsbad Caverns. They make it back to New York and Blackjack & co pick them up to take them back to camp. Immediately, the Battle of the Labyrinth occurs. Grover lets out the call of panic and Daedalus dies. That night, they hold the funeral for those lost in the battle.
The next day, the council meets to hear Grover's story. Briares leaves for the cyclopes forges, and Nico leaves camp too.
My best guess would be that time moves about twice as fast in the labyrinth, but there's a lot that goes on when they're back in with Rachel--I feel like between Deadalus's workshop and getting back to camp it should be at least a full day? So anyway my guess is that the actual Battle of the Labyrinth happens on like July 1st?
Which I guess fits with "July passed, with fireworks on the beach on the Fourth." But that's like two-three days later, so it seems very very fast to me that they would be prepared with celebratory fireworks? I don't know. But also (again, I've worked at a summer camp) sometimes camp is just like that, and chaos happens and you have to keep going and trying to keep it normal for the campers.
Anyway so technically it works but like it feels awkward to me.
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yurnu · 2 months
Para divine consecutio
Tu dios sabe de los otros dioses de otras religiones? Y como se lo tomó?
Existieron algunas vez los dioses griegos como Zeus, hades, poseídon, etc, y los llego a conocer? (aunque en lugar de dioses en realidad serían titanes ya que técnicamente son hijos de un titan osea kronos ¿no?)
Dios que le hizo a sir. pentius? Ya que en el cómic nos deja como que esa duda y a la imaginación su castigo (aunque tal vez en la siguiente parte esto se muestre no se) .
¿Que paso con los hermanos de Jesús?
Y que piensa Jesús, Dios y adam al respecto con la traición de judas? y en la forma de como mataron a Jesús?
Estoy decepcionado con san pedro, primero no es negro, (aunque no me molesta la verdad) segundo parece un maric-, tercero y lo más importante no dijo "welcome to heaven motherfuckers" XD lo siento tenía que decirlo.
Por último esto no es una pregunta pero una de las preguntas que te hicieron me hizo pensar y decía que nosotros no leemos tus respuestas a las preguntas que te hacen y que solo hacemos preguntas estúpidas y que te molestamos, y yo se que obviamente no se refiere a todos claro que no, pero me molesto un poco que dijera que nuestras preguntas son estúpidas, yo trato de leer y hasta traducir todas las respuestas y preguntas que te hacen para informarme pero aveces eso me toma mucho tiempo que aveces simplemente no puedo leer todo así que si me molesto un poco.
Lo siento mucho por si estoy molestando con mis preguntas, es que aveces no puedo estar informado de todo y entiendo a la persona yo se que obviamente no estaba hablando de todos si no de algunos pero tampoco es para que diga que nuestras preguntas son estúpidas, todas son válidas.(claro siempre y cuando no insulten a alguien)
||🪽 Divina Consecutio 🪽||
Con respecto a los demás Dioses, no los voy a poner, ya que eso implicaría agregar demasiado de otra cultura y no quiero cometer ningún error. Así que en este universo los demás Dioses no existen y solamente son Adam y los demás ángeles haciendo travesuras en el plano mortal.
Dios le hizo que toda su existencia doliera, de forma literal. Pero vivirá.
Jesús está un poco dolido por la traición de Judas, pero lo perdono hace ya mucho tiempo.
Adam sigue molesto hasta el día de hoy.
Dios es indiferente, ya que era parte de su plan el sufrimiento y muerte de Jesús para salvar a la humanidad del pecado.
Yo me niego a creer que ese Twink blanco, rubio, flaco y de ojos azules es Pedro, me niego rotundamente a creerlo. ¿Cómo mierdas descartas la OPORTUNIDAD de oro de hacer a San Pedro un hombre moreno debido a sus raíces, con barba, ojitos ámbar o marrones y pelo negro con rulos? ¿¡CÓMO!? Así que para mí solamente ese "Pedro" es un remplazo del original que está tomándose unas vacaciones.
Con respecto a ese comentario anterior. Yo creo que no deberías tomarlo tan personal. Ya que, al menos desde mi punto de vista, va dirigida hacia los usuarios que están demasiado acostumbrados con un Dios piadoso que ama a Charlie y a Lucifer y que está de acuerdo con la idea de la redención de los pecadores.
Entiendo perfectamente que no todos los usuarios leerán TODAS las respuestas, respondo demasiadas cosas por días como para acordarme de ellas. Aunque no me molesta del todo responder preguntas repetidas, puede ser un poquito molesto.
Así que porfi, no lo tomes como un ataque o algo. Ya que no creo que esa haya sido la intención.
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tagthescullion · 1 year
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atinydetective · 2 months
ATEEZ Universe part 3
▴Diary Film
“The universe is divided into many dimensions. This is the story where their dimensions are split into eight pieces again.”
So I can assume that they already split the dimension and when the book this girl reads ends , they will once again split their dimension.
►Black Fedora’s Entrance
With radio sound, the man covered all by black enters the factory as usual. Even though it's a dream he gives the key which connects worlds to Hongjoong. This man somehow looks like Hongjoong but in a different hair color, like his outfit; Black.
Because he comes from another dimension-world he spreads these signals louder as soon as he gets closer to Hongjoong. And after Hongjoong wakes from the dream, the key is still there. You would expect that sand flows down with gravity but it flows as if it’s upside down.
This can be a side effect of someone coming into the current dimension. Anomaly in gravity.
►Hongjoong’s Dream
Like he said in his Diary, he wants to become a star as you can see in the tv. But between these singing people that have fun and fame and Hongjoong there is a wall like glass; you can see through but can’t pass unless you break it.
When he goes back to the factory after this scene and the dream I just mentioned, you can see this anomaly in gravity repeats. Someone also entered this world..
►Seonghwa’s Memory
While he struggles with his to-do list-responsibilities he remembers the day he met the girl dancing freely, like he tells us in his diary.
Say My Name Mv which was released before this album even though it’s about the future is also played in the back, on tv. Is this a message from the future then?
Also in the room we see Seonghwa there is just one lamb and its shadow.
In Seonghwa’s memories when he sees the girl, Inception starts as if it has a meaning, connected to this girl.You can also hear horn trumpet sound in the beginning of the sequence. A wind instrument.
►Wooyoung’s Choice
As he said in his diary he has some problems while dancing in front of the people, which he beats his fear with memories with his friends. When he returns to the old factory, he sees a sign that the factory is now closed down. But in Diary’s intro we know that there has always been a sign like “No Entry.” The thing that made Wooyoung choose the dark side is the member's absence. The first separation in the world, when members separate into their own universe.
►Yeosang’s “Time”
Yeosang’s time, which is actually a well chosen name. Because the uniform he wears despite other students having no logo on their outfit, has much deeper meaning than it seems.
Kronos is symbolized by the SATURN. And as you see here we have a hexagon on his uniform which is the symbol for Saturn and naturally Kronos too. KRONOS (Cronus) was the King of the Titans and the god of time, in particular time when viewed as a destructive, all-devouring force.
And this sequence is named as Yeosang’s time. He blinks his eyes and he flies through to the place where he feels to belong from the place he caged like a bird.Because of his Father.
Yeosang’s parents, his father, Yunho’s brother… Story gets deeper and more.
►San’s Resolution
He needs to move again, separate from his friends and dream once again. In this video you can see his consciousness where you can hear the same radio sound as we heard in Black Fedora part. So the thing is clear, this space we see is a dream and members' consciousness.You know that dreams actually show our deeper mind.
So if there is a gravity anomaly it is the sign if anyone enters the world. Not the radio sound!
►Yunho and His Brother
Yunho blames himself for what happened to his brother. We still don’t know what exactly happened to him but he is still here cause Yunho scares if he disappears.
In his studio we see an enormous amount of butterfly figures.
I think probably 5.07 time will have meaning in future albums but it has no specific meaning here. Because we don’t know if this phone is Yunho’s or his brother’s.
And you can also hear the wind bell but even though I know current album’s and storyline, I can’t put this in any meaning.
►Jongho’s Wanderings
Like he said in Diary he lost one of his dreams, basketball. After Mingi decided to quit making music he both felt angry and frustrated.
►Mingi’s Diary
Because Mingi thinks he is a guy who can’t have dreams he wants to quit making music with the group. If he puts his headphones on, he can stay in his own world which is his consciousness. The Radio sound is also able to be heard here.
⋐After members back to old factory as outro says the cromer in Hongjoong’s hand started to shine. And they just popped into somewhere that exactly liked the same.
First of all, the lyrics of this song is basically about the situation they had to face when they had dreams. Adult’s keep telling them to do this or do that but they just want to experience things by themselves and have their dreams.
But mv has more details than you think!
I will write down all details no matter whether they have meaning in this album by themselves or things that have possible connections to the next album.
◦The bus which they showed us in the preview of the album. It’s like the vehicle they use for now.
◦They hold the Diary that the little girl reads. In ATEEZ Fever Performans they show her appearance, the one little girl’s. And Hongjoong gives back Cromer to her, as if he used it for himself and returns it to the real owner.
◦Yeosang is the leader here. We don’t know what happened after members teleported to another world but they call Yeosang leader who knows the way and lead them in Thanxx Reaction.
◦There are some “Street racing cars” in the scene when we see the Pirate Ship. We saw a poster of one of them in Diary Film when Mingi and Jongho were arguing.
◦In the ending, we see this pirate ship fly upward with the melody we will see in next album.
Apart from this song we see Yunho with different pink hair. In Thanxx he just has pink extensions other than our next song Inception. Also the one Yunho we see in his brother’s studio wears a shirt but the one who helps Wooyoung wears a band group t-shirt. Just wanted to add this if this detail shines out one day.
※For once in the albums, I will pass two songs from this album which are To The Beat and One Day At A Time. Because To The Beat is a diss song and One Day At A Time (also Celebrate) is a song just made for ATINY’s.
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abloomingsunflower · 8 months
Sunflower AU (or SAU) characters [including the ones I have yet to introduce] and how they would smell like:
Normally she smells like jasmine, cocoa or fresh pastries, considering she bakes a lot.
Fresh mints or vanilla
Mara/Science sans:
Considering she is in the lab 24/7, she smells like smoke or different chemicals mixed together.
Usually she smells like strawberries, she uses a lot of strawberry scented products. Occasionally she might slightly smell like blood..-
Lavender or coffee <33
Fresh tea, he loves tea
He likes the scent of oranges, grapefruits and/or lemons, so he uses colognes with any of these scents
PJ & Gradient:
Head&Shoulders, sea weed or deodorant-
Roses or peaches
Mimosa or chamomile
Lavender or wildberries
Cinnamon :3
Floral scents like daisies, usually olives or figs too!
I think this is all-
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itzcherrybonbon · 1 year
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Krono vs Spider commences.../j
He is really afraid of spiders..-
Iris (The woman beside Krono) and Krono!Sans belong to me, @itzcherrybonbon <3
Mauve!Sans belongs to @thvnderhashira
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singeratlarge · 11 months
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peter chauncey’s SONG OF THE WEEK “Bridge of Pages” https://peterchauncey1.bandcamp.com/track/bridge-of-pages-bonus-track If David Bowie and Arnold Schoenberg collaborated with the Kronos Quartet, it might come out sounding like “Bridge of Pages”—another mind-bending work by singer-songwriter peter chauncey, from his latest album “evolutionreconfigured.” https://peterchauncey1.bandcamp.com/track/bridge-of-pages-bonus-track
#bridge #pages #davidbowie #schoenberg #kronosquartet #peterchauncey #sanfrancisco #singersongwriter
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kenjiro-kun · 2 years
Hololive: Ministry and Myth
Words: 998
My interpretation of hololive lore with some inspiration from the community!
Time was a complex structure that only some knew how to tame. An immortality, the pressure of knowing all relevance to the forever working clock, the timer counting down to the life of many who suffered from their own misfortunes. The two who could manipulate didn’t cross paths, stayed at a distance, working on their own benefits from being created with such power. Being birthed from a god, they held no value to mortal lives who struggle to survive on Earth with such naive mindsets. One even deemed them amusing toys, and the other ignored them completely.
Krono, the man of time, was in control of his own council while his counterpart was an eye of the table. He foresaw certain events flash in his mind the second his feet touched the Earth, and he believed it was his duty to prevent, but not tamper with the visions. He set up rules for his members to follow and it was up to them to discipline themselves to obey his command. He didn’t see them as excuses as his counterpart would criticize in her mind of his abuse of power. The members didn’t mind such rules, but even god’s creations can change their minds.
The most emphasized rule of all: The members should not interact, directly or vaguely, with humans under any circumstances unless specifically told to do otherwise. There were many rules as Krono couldn’t handle the thought of a world destroyed by the emotions his members felt. He would blame himself, even though the others have their own responsibilities.
But, during the early days, the rule only specifically reached the members of Chaos, Space, Time and Nature. Krono had to adapt as civilization was growing into a modern society which came the Guardian. The quiet, sharp-tough bookworm who seems to think faster than his words, brought a surprise to the council, more so Krono who seemed annoyed by the newly gained member. Though he trusted the one in charge, he kept his distance. The others were excited, messing around with him, reading the journal he brought with him, but just the same as Krono, someone else kept their distance. Nature, Faun, who was disgusted by the Guardian for not protecting the world the civilization lived on. The many events that tarnished the growing land, destroying his soul, Faun only held grudges, deep and forever standing.
The creatures and greens who could help provide Earth life, but the one truly protecting it from destruction was Space–San, who controls the masses of the products that came from the whole universe. Floating big, eyes that reached to the end of the void, he was the almighty force of stopping ultimate death and sacrifice. But he can become lazy and childish in which Krono would instruct him to do daily scouts of the universe to ensure safety. He may not care for the mortal lives, but it would make him look bad if he were to neglect them entirely. He had a job to do, and he wasn’t going to let his members make it harder for him.
One already tests the patience of Krono, but Chaos used his duty as an excuse to tease and torment his members. Taking the presence of a rat, same with the Guardian who took the presence of an owl, he was always snooping around. He scared many members, jumping at them at the right moment, but consequently he would also get scared, which made his soul leave his body. San found that more amusing than anyone else and was the culprit to his sudden fainting.
Through the years of isolation, and against his own rules, Krono happened to meet one human who managed to find herself in the void of time. He noticed her blonde hair shimmered under his glare, her coat clinging to her body as her breath showed itself in the cold air. She shivered, but she was determined to find an escape, to find an answer to Time. He found that amusing, chuckling at her desperation, but once her eyes locked onto his, he impossibly shivered at the slight. She told him how his counterpart pushed her away, and he interrupted her story.
“What business does a human want with Time?” Krono spoke patronizingly at the small woman. She stiffened at the sound of his voice, but straightened her posture. “What makes you believe I would help you, when my counterpart already pushed you away?” He chuckled at her, fixing his glove and bow before turning his head away when she remained silent.
“Wait!” He glanced back at her. “I need to fix her fate.”
“You can’t tamper with what is destined to happen.” Krono cocked his head. “You need to accept the tragedies of life. Many already have.”
She pointed up at him, her hand flattening as her coat jumped at the movement. “You hold so much power and when those who need it come to you for help–you just? You just push them away?!”
Krono smirked, leaning his head down to her level. “You’ve mistaken. You’re the only human brave enough to trample into the void.”
She backed up. “Shouldn’t that count as something?”
He rubbed his chin, questioning the impossibilities that have happened in the matter of an hour she has been here. He lifted up his hand that hovered over his other. With the spin of his finger, a blue and golden swirl brightened the room, and what was left behind when it died was a stopwatch. He held it up by its chain, swinging it in front of her. “You’re right, it does count for something.” He jerked it up into his hand and tossed it over to the human. She catched it and studied the object. When she went to thank the Warden, he was gone and she was alone under a bridge in the middle of a city in Japan.
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see-the-ending · 1 year
Why Didn't Jason Remember Reyna?
Okay so I'm a diehard Jeyna shipper and Jason stan and Reyna stan respectively.
And it always made me so sad that Jason didn't remember Reyna, while Percy remembered Annabeth.
But the thing is? Jason did remember her. Maybe not in the way that Percy knew Annabeth, but he knew there was someone he should miss. Someone he cared about.
Think of it this way. Percy didn't necessarily remember Annabeth because of his love for her, he could have remembered her because Hera let him.
We see Chiron's conversation with Jason, we see Jason's reaction at the arrival at CHB, he knows that's enemy territory. Jason was at Camp Jupiter for years, raised in a strict Roman society. He would have been educated on the Greeks and taught that they were enemies.
But Percy wasn't. In The Titan's Curse, he's like "What's so bad about San Francisco?" (Yes, I know that was also partially about Mount Othrys but shh) The Greek demigods were hardly ever told about other pantheons. Percy wouldn't have felt any sense of hatred towards the Romans, he would have just thought "Oh, fellow demigods, cool." (Like when he refrained from killing or hurting the demigods on Kronos' side too badly in The Last Olympian.)
If Hera had let Jason remember Reyna, he most likely would have pieced things together much more quickly. He would've thought "I need to get out of here and find Reyna." Jason is naturally a pacifist and he wouldn't have wanted anyone to get hurt, so it's just better to run. He finishes the quest (because he's noble like that) and leaves.
So this then begs the question- what would have happened if Jason somehow made his way back to Camp Jupiter? Spark Notes Version: he would head back, meet the Hunters along the way, and see Reyna when he gets back. Then we have maybe four months-ish (???) until Percy comes. This gives Jason enough time to become settled in again and finally start dating Reyna.
Then Percy comes along. But Jason hasn't told Reyna everything that happened while he was away. Jason automatically realizes that "Oh no, this is Percy Jackson, from the enemy camp we're not supposed to interact with."
I think Reyna would want to train him as a Roman demigod and try to brainwash him (for lack of a better word) and Jason's like "No, we need to send him back and get rid of him, now." This also raises an interesting point with Nico, but we'll talk about that later.
Reyna agrees to send him back, but she puts him on the quest first.
When the CHB demigods come in, Jason comes to the grudging realization that he does need to work with them and this is inevitable. He's part of the Seven. So he goes on the quest and ends up making some pretty great friendships. (I have some headcanons about this, feel free to ask.)
He then comes back and everyone works on bridging the gap between the two camps with an exchange program and he's still working on recognition for the minor gods.
Instead of going to the all-boys school, he enrolls in some community college classes in New Rome. He's in a healthy relationship with Reyna, he started seeing a therapist, he's going pretty good.
Then The Burning Maze rolls around. He helps Lester. He doesn't make it out alive.
Reyna is heartbroken. But she goes on to join the Hunters of Artemis because as much as she loves camp, she wants to see what's outside.
And everyone, I hope you enjoyed my dissertation.
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breha · 2 years
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monster memory // music for a vampire sitting by a single tree under a sunlamp in a tower between scheduled mental breakdowns. i blame music on a long thin wire by @leguin for some of how this turned out.
01. you’ll never be alone the books 02. le mal de vivre cécile mclorin salvant 03. orange was the color of her dress, then blue silk charles mingus 04. god laughs earl sweatshirt 05. i get along without you very well nina simone 06. angel eyes ella fitzgerald 07. i’m always drunk in san francisco carmen mcrae 08. the angle of incidence pauline oliveros 09. pink + white frank ocean 10. little sister rufus wainwright 11. for my lover tracy chapman 12. he’s my guy sarah vaughan 13. ungodly fruit wax tailor 14. experiences no. 2 john cage 15. he's the moon bernice 16. me and my husband mitski 17. the noisy white part. 4 dream noises 18. act 3 - the binding of isaac steve reich 19. intro oneohtrix point never 20. ain’t nobody’s business if i do billie holiday 21. sister angel olsen 22. stages i soho rezanejad 23. footnote to howl kronos quartet (allen ginsberg) 24. yesterday martina topley-bird 25. l’après-midi felicia atkinson 26. american tune paul simon 27. a single petal of a rose duke ellington 28. come out steve reich 29. i am sitting in a room (excerpt) alvin lucier
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