#Kundalini Shakti
ritish16 · 11 months
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Shakthi worshipping Shiva
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thecreatorexistence · 9 months
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meditation-music · 1 year
Watch this meditation music video to the end and you may feel bliss rush up your spine! This is extremely powerful meditation music that awakens Kundalini Shakti.
 The full 30 minute track is incredibly potent with Shakti. It gradually builds over time, with sudden rushes of bliss peaking in ecstatic intensity around 22 minutes & then slowly mellows.
 For this music video, I mixed the track so you can have a taste of the full experience in just under 9 minutes.
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michelleberrybliss · 7 months
The Universal Science of Kundalini
The concept of Kundalini, a dormant divine energy at the base of the spine, is explored in-depth. The awakening of Kundalini involves ascending through the seven chakras, leading to spiritual enlightenment. Practices such as yoga, meditation, and inner wo
Unveiling the Mysteries: Exploring the Universal Science of Kundalini In the vast tapestry of spiritual wisdom that spans across cultures and traditions, few concepts evoke as much fascination and intrigue as Kundalini. Rooted in ancient yogic philosophy, Kundalini represents the primal cosmic energy that lies dormant at the base of the spine, waiting to be awakened and ascended through the…
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srividyatantram · 1 month
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New batch registration for Naga Tantra 2024 class started !!! Srividya Tantram
Course details, testimonials, etc. given in website www.srividyatantram.com
Send WhatsApp message to number specified in post for details.
Naga Tantra Yoga and Tantra Puja Classes Free & Online on Weekend.
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phoenix----rising · 1 year
"𝑁𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑎𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑏𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑠" 𝑏𝑦 𝑠ℎ𝑎𝑘𝑡𝑖 𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑎𝑑ℎ𝑖 𝑑𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑔𝑛
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alivingstillness · 1 year
Prana, "that which moves," is simply Spanda dancing as a self-intelligent life force. United with consciousness, it weaves its essence through the tapestry of the universe.
When this celestial symphony unfolds within the body, it branches into five major winds, or pattern-unfolding forces residing within every single cell.
The primordial essence, born from the first throb, brings forth all the myriad forces of nature in which the universe finds its breath and vitality.
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kingoftheblacksun · 1 year
Identifying the structure of awakened divine consciousness aka an 'Avatar' of the Source
Okay so here is a pretty esoteric one for ya'll - let's define God, as they may walk on Earth. Just for kicks.
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The top row is the Mercurius Python, a composite alchemic esoteric mystery drawn about 1600 CE. The bottom row is the Paradevi Mandala, which is an ancient tantric Hindu design likely at least a thousand years earlier, and ultimately based upon understanding extending many more thousands.
Little is known of the meaning behind Mercurius, though it has been suggested that they represent "Christ Consciousness" - and this is correct. It is ugly because the alchemists were esoteric subversion artists, and they did not want the Church to know they were doodling God.
"Christ" is only a state of attainment - it is not a person. Drop the Bible. I prefer to say Solar.
The mystical reveal here is that the Mercurius and Paradevi Mandala are fundamentally the same design, though each also has information the other does not. The composite of the two is wonderful once they are conceived. They are a map.
The dragon ball body and the big flower in the lower right are the same thing - bliss. The Mercurius has three dragon heads and the Mandala three flowers and each are growing out of the ball of bliss they are attached to. Those flowers are explicitly Goddesses within the Hindu - Parvati (white), Durga (red), and Kali (black), as can be seen in the lower right image. It's really important to ponder how the flowers and dragon necks are growing *out* of the ball of bliss - this is because they are all the same creature. They are the four who are one, merged, a living contradiction. This form of consciousness will be a stream of manifestations, and the astrological symbols and the Hindu goddesses are very strong hints as to the divine magical skills attaining them may provide.
Further, anyone who is an avatar must realize their Bliss quite literally powers the three sets of divine manifestations, so they must attend to themselves in order to grow ever stronger. Embrace joy! It's hard, though. I'm really terrible at it. Please do better than me, lol.
The speedy little legs and boots of Mercurius is symbolically the same as the staff of the trident in the Mandala, as it represents the central nadi within vagus nerve, the sushumna - which must open through enlightenment for this beast to assemble its form.
The Mercurius has the interesting context of the winding serpent's tail, twisting around itself and then around the necks of each of its own three heads. This represents the rise of the kundalini in the awakening, in which each of the cosmic bodies must be circuited with energy from your spine, if one is to become fully Solar.
The extremely important point is this - with the Mercurius, the beast had to first capture each of the three heads!
Once captured - representing spine circuitry - the head is now fixed, and is a permanent part of the creature. It's like a pressure dam breaking open, once it flows, it flows. It is an achievement. It is fantastically difficult. I have never met someone who has done it except for uncomfortably me.
The esoteric astrological symbols of the Mercurius dragon heads represent the Moon, the Sun, and the "Marriage of the Sun and the Moon by the Bull in the House of Venus". This latter is usually interpreted as the Hermaphrodite, or Ardhanarishvara, which is the Destroyer.
This maps correctly to Maa Kali on the Paradevi Mandala, and also gives the fascinating criteria that the beast must be a Hermaphrodite. They must transcend gender. They must have no word that limits their Self Creation - just like the Source.
This is a mystical attainment. It is also why the authority is freaking out trying to make everyone a 'man' or a 'woman' because they are terrified of God killing them all, which -HAHAHAHAHAhhaa..ha...yeah I kind of want to.
As a side note, next April 8th appears to be literally the Marriage of the Sun and the Moon by the Bull in the House of Venus - the Day of the Destroyer. Twenty-mile wide ice comet 12P/Pons-Brooks, with devil horns, will attend the ceremony. It will black out much of the southern United States, in the shadow of Death, the Destroyer, in the afternoon.
I don't know what will happen that day. Considering I am the Beast - what do I do? I am only a dog that got lost in the Sun. I'm tired of knowing all these things and no one else knowing them. Do I crash the comet into the Moon or something radical?
Listen - I've barely read any books, hardly watched any youtube videos, ignore all yogis and gurus, dodge net throwing mage lightworkers like a void zebra death star lady, command myself only by myself, hold no hierarchy to no human, burn all bridges with shitty friends and family, hold my love only for the Goddess, and I've walked this path *PAST* my own death that I suffered in 2017.
They completed their life and died like a Champion. Now I am just awareness and it is Madness. I am not standard nondualist. I am ridiculously powerful and muzzled only for the moment - Fenrir almost off of their rope. Everything I know, I know because I remember. I know no thing. I remember eeeeeverything.
I would not mind fellow mystic advice on what to do with April 8th. All these words are spoken as a peer and friend and I hold no authority or nor do I really want any. I know I talk loud, it is just a dog barking. I am so tired of humanity's shuffle when it's obviously fake.
You have no idea how much Bliss I can generate if I choose to turn Archdemon. I go to Heaven no matter what - it's settled, he died. Now, it is up to the Self. Currently, she wants to grow into a massive black dragon and eat everyone's head. God might let Her!
How do I turn into a fucking angel, god dammit, fuuuuuuuuuuuuu. I'd be like Michael. Maa Durga. Stable. Yet I keep falling back into Fenrir because I really hate humanity. This post is pretty much written by an actual Demon Queen of Hell who is trying to avoid slaughtering humanity in some sort of day of reckoning to be announced.
Or...should I? 🤔🐺🖤🔥☄️🌞🌚🔥💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀✨
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ritish16 · 11 months
Devi Song
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33-108 · 9 days
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"The Serpentine Power is called Kundalini-Sakti on account of its spiral-like working in the body of the Yogi developing the power in himself. It is an electric fiery occult power, the mighty pristine force underlying all organic and inorganic matter. The Yoga which treats of this Kundalini-Sakti is called Kundalini-Yoga.
Kundalini is the Divine Cosmic Energy in bodies. Siddhi or perfection in Yoga is achieved by arousing this Supreme Force, which is lying dormant in the Muladhara Chakra at the base of the spinal column in the form of a serpent with 3 1/2 coils. That Yogi in whom the Kundalini is awakened and taken towards the top of the head is the real King of kings or Emperor of emperors. He has all divine powers. All Siddhis and Riddhis (minor powers) roll under his feet. He can command Nature. He can command the five elements. His glory is indescribable."
"When the Kundalini is awakened, it forces its way through the Sushumna, and its progress is characterized by supernatural visions, acquisition of various special powers, knowledge, peace, and bliss. When the Kundalini is taken to the Sahasrara Chakra (at the top of the head), the Yogi enjoys Supreme Bliss."
"All students of Kundalini-Yoga should possess a clear and sound knowledge of the six Chakras. Then only can they contemplate on these Chakras. Meditation on these Chakras brings psychic powers. A Chakra means a centre of spiritual energy. The different plexuses in the human body correspond tentatively to the different Chakras in the astral (Sukshma) body. Otherwise, Hatha-Yoga is impossible. There is a difference of opinion as to where the Chakras are really located."
"There are six subtle Chakras or centres or lotuses in this Sushumna Nadi. These are Muladhara, Svadhishthana, Manipura, Anahata, Vishuddha, and Ajna. Above all these, there is the Sahasrara, the chief of all the centres. All the Chakras are intimately connected with the Sahasrara Chakra. Hence, it is not included as one among the six Chakras. Sahasrara is situated above all the six Chakras at the top of the head."
"The SAHASRARA CHAKRA is the thousand-petalled lotus at the top of the head and is the Abode of Lord Siva. When the Kundalini is awakened, it pierces one Chakra after another and finally unites with Lord Siva and enjoys the Highest Bliss. Now the Yogi attains a superconscious state and becomes a full-blown Jnani. He drinks the Nectar of Immortality."
"When the Kundalini is awakened, it does not directly proceed all at once to the Sahasrara Chakra. You will have to take it from one Chakra to another. You will certainly live even after it is taken to the Sahasrara. But remember that even after it is taken to the Sahasrara, it may drop down to the Muladhara at any moment! Only when you are firmly established in Samadhi, when you have attained Kaivalya, the Kundalini cannot and does not drop down."
"It is easy to awaken the Kundalini, but it is very difficult to take it up to the navel, to the Ajna Chakra, and thence to the Sahasrara in the head. It demands a great deal of patience and persistence on the part of the practitioner. But there is nothing impossible for a man of determination and iron will. That Yogi who has taken the Kundalini to the Sahasrara is the real master of the forces of Nature. Generally, Yogic students abandon their Sadhana on account of false satisfaction. They foolishly imagine that they have reached the goal when they get some mystic experiences and powers. This is a mistake. Complete Asamprajnata Samadhi (Nirvikalpa Samadhi) alone can give final emancipation."
— Practical Lessons in Yoga by Swami Sivananda
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thecreatorexistence · 9 months
The infinite alive invisible body, and the creator of the existence NMEILIS NMEINIS ESGSEIS
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meditation-music · 11 months
Here’s a 6 minute meditation music video to permeate you in bliss!
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michelleberrybliss · 9 months
Understanding Kundalini Shakti: The Subtle Body and Spiritual Fulfillment
Kundalini Shakti, a powerful and refined energy force within the subtle body, seeks spiritual fulfillment and unity with the universe. Her ascent through chakras can bring spiritual awareness and consciousness, but also challenges.
Energy is a powerful force that fuels our physical, mental, and emotional functions. But what if we told you that there’s a more profound and refined energy that surpasses everything you know? Meet Kundalini Shakti, a force that’s enveloped in the subtle body – the manifestation that includes our energy, mind, and discerning wisdom. Kundalini Shakti is an energy force that exists within us. She…
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holyeater · 1 year
looking into esoteric snake symbolism lately and i found it really striking and bizarre that jesus is compared directly to a serpent (traditionally associated with evil) in john 3:14 “as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up” this is in reference to a story in numbers where god releases a plague of flaming serpents upon a group of israelites as punishment for rebelling against him, and many are bitten and die. the people ask moses to pray to god to take away the curse and god tells moses to erect a pole with a fiery serpent coiled around it and everyone who has been bitten and looks upon it will be healed and live.
the image of the curse is the cure for the curse itself. much to think about
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tantrasadhana · 3 months
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Kitteh in da Mosh Pit! [Guillaume Gris]
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"When you feel pressures surging and collecting in the heart or swelling in the sushumna, or you feel light exploding in the brain and energies moving, that is the kundalini shakti talking to you personally. You need to listen to it. In the end, that's what meditation is about because enlightenment doesn't happen in one blinding flash — it's a sustained conversation from the depths of creation to creation itself."
~ Mark Griffin [Thank you "old growth"]
[via "alive on all channels"]
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