I drew Luna as Kyklos
don’t ask me why her skin turned blue/grey idk why
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laplazachile · 1 month
Entel y Kyklos: Recolección y donación de equipos en desuso para colegios
La campaña, liderada por Entel y Kyklos, junto con la recolección de dispositivos en desuso como celulares, CPU y tablets contempla la realización de diversas actividades en colegios, sobre educación ambiental.
La campaña, liderada por Entel y Kyklos, junto con la recolección de dispositivos en desuso como celulares, CPU y tablets contempla la realización de diversas actividades en colegios, sobre educación ambiental. ¡Atención Región de Valparaíso! Queda muy poco para la llegada del Tour Entel Reutiliza por Chile 2024: iniciativa que tiene como objetivo recolectar dispositivos electrónicos en desuso…
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doyouknowthisanime · 29 days
Do You Know This Anime?
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kurosagileo · 2 months
alrighty its post mortkranken thoughts time! under a cut so that spoilers are easier to avoid
(did one for obscuary here)
for a spoiler free thought first off, though, i think the time between episodes both works for and against the story. it's a good pacing so far imo, even if it's disappointing there's not much to do in the game between episode drops. there's enough time to let people analyze the most recent episode and secrets revealed, come up with guesses as to how things connect, and when that starts dying down, there's time to hypothesize about the next episode because teasers have started dropping. Game wise, there's time for people who have been playing for a while to get farther in cases so that once the episode does drop, it's easy to go through whenever you're ready. On the other hand, the time inbetween, the teasers can possibly hype a episode up a bit too much, i think that happened with obscuary and may have contributed to how the episode felt unbalanced (at least to me). High expectations mean there's a lot that could go wrong when things end up differently. I don't think they should release the episodes sooner, that would be an overload, just something i've been making note of and trying to not expect too much from a new episode so that i enjoy what comes out rather than being disappointed with what didn't
spoiler wise, i'll follow the format i had for obscuary!
jiro is winning the idgaf war and i absolutely love that for him. I think the writers did a good job of makng him the straight man to yuri's antics and thoroughly enjoyed scenes with him
yuri... is so silly i love him sm i want to kiss his cheek so that he bluescreens on the spot. i love that he seems like he's gonna be a scientist with questionable morals leaning to the evil side but then he ends up being so expressive about every little thing. he's smart but not manipulative mastermind ike if he's thinking something you Will know it
there's an interesting dynamic between the two which I'm looking forward to learning more about. Some of the few times where Jiro outwardly emotes are during interactions with Yuri. (Also with pc with the body lmao)
now for the story content, not an analysis of what things might mean but just overall storytelling
I think this did well with bringing the standard back up from the obscuary episode. for my thoughts on that, feel free to check out the other post i made. it was far more balanced with the investigation driving things, mc getting closer to the two ghouls, and the progression of mc's curse for the overarching story. the cameos from all of the other characters was exciting to see while going through, and was great for showing how different characters interact with each other. I think each of those small moments showed a lot about the characters.
for a few examples: alan's regrets for not saving naoki, highlighting how much he values being able to save people and blames himself for not doing enough even when he couldn't stop it; leo taking the documents, seeming to just do it to be antagonistic, but actually genuinely helping out both mc's investigation and alan's ass if the files went missing; ren and ritsu talking about ramen in the store, they're getting closer despite ren not liking working at his job and always complaining that ritsu is there, clearly they're starting to become friends; the three vice captains meeting and the absolute tension there
i could go on, each of those little cameos was meaningful imo, not all of them served to progress the main story, but they're important to see, to show how the ghouls are interacting with each other and how they act when mc isn't investigating their house
I think the investigation portion was a little rough near the end. The case wrapup wasn't as satisfying as I'd like, I think the best two episodes for that so far were vagastrom and sinostra, but the framing of it makes sense considering yuri's stigma. (specifically the part of the wrapup where we found the patient was behind things, the fight at the end was something i really enjoyed) It's something that lets yuri process everything instantaneously, so it makes sense that the answer is just given in a monologue, even if it ends up being somewhat unsatisfying. Yuri is a character who likes his monologue, and he's found everything out and is confident in his answer. I don't think that he would present the information in another way
The foreshadowing in this chapter was...... well it could've been more subtle. I kinda wish that while Jiro was leading mc through Mortkranken, there would be more attention drawn to multiple things, aside from exactly what would be relevant. I think that may have also led to the unsatisfying reveal
the very ending with the assembly was also well done, imo. it reiterates that the faculty want mc to gain the trust of the ghouls and is doing so. but it also calls into question where that request is coming from. right now, mc is very much being used by the faculty. she was pushed into the investigator role, pushed into being a student, pushed into earning their trust, threatened with a possible punishment for not being able to prove it. it serves her as well to grow close with the ghouls and be an investigator, and she clearly is, but I really don't think that's anywhere near the reason the chancellor put her in that position. we always keep the spy thing in the back of our minds while reading, while she's essentially also advertised as a spy to the ghouls
the phone call between hyde and sho was both surprising to see, but also not. Sho has a campus chat with hyde where he says that he's using hyde to get ahead any way he can. Learning that hyde is giving secret missions, it's unsurprising that Sho is one of the students he's using. I think this would be too obvious for the whole spy/traitor thing, however... there was one other campus chat that came into my mind, the one between subaru and leo. Subaru's waiting for MC for lunch, Leo approaches and sees he's got food from Sho's food truck, and comments on how Sho is really good at the friend act. Acting like he's a friend to customers to convince them to buy more. While the likely reading is Leo just lying to mess with Subaru (and honestly I wouldn't doubt that), I think it could also be that it's a true analysis of Sho.
He is good a the friend act. Sho has no problem lying to someone to appear nice. He did it to an old lady looking for a train station in the vagastrom episode. Leo told her he had no clue where it was, Sho gave her instructions and after she left, Leo asked how he knew and Sho told him oh I didn't. A lot of Sho's flaws are looked over because he's nice, when he is kinda an asshole a lot. I don't think that he's using a friend act on Subaru, but it's genuinely hard to tell. The scene at the beginning of the episode was cute, but depending on how you read it, it could be Sho playing it up for the bet with Leo.
I doubt the phone call from the end will actually be how we learn about the traitor, but I also think that Sho has a lot more resources than most to be a traitor
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specialagentartemis · 2 months
If you could have something from the lost epic cycle recovered, what would you want? I’d want the Nostoi.
I question I consider time to time for sure... the Nostoi is a super compelling one, I'd love to hear what the ancient authors thought about the homecoming of Menelaus and Helen and how that went down after Everything. Menelaus and Helen delayed and stuck in Egypt like. Well. Are we gonna... talk about it. (When looking it up to make sure I remembered the known summary correctly, I hadn't realized that the Oresteia is part of the Nostoi too! Big Oresteia fan, that would be really cool to see.)
But my dream one to read would be the Cypria, the Judgement of Paris and the beginning of the war. It was composed after the Iliad, yeah, but it seems like the wellspring of oral history that was woven into the epics came from the same place, and I would LOVE to know how the early authors viewed Paris and Helen and the situation that launched the war, and see the gathering of the former suitors, and how the Epic cycle treats the mustering at Aulis and Agamemnon's sacrifice of Iphigenia. These stories are covered a lot later by a bunch of plays, but I think it would be cool to see the earlier "canonical" treatment that these plays are drawing from.
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tokutaiseichan · 2 months
Oh, Outer Science is actually such a fitting theme song for Kyklos....
Welcome to my womb
The end point of love and ego
You, too, will soon be reborn
Isn't it wonderful to be like a monster?
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anime-of-the-day · 2 months
General Olympics Anime
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This anime is about para-athletes. It covers a whole lot of different sports, so it ended up here.
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Bessatsu Olympia Kyklos
This anime is about a vase painter from Ancient Greece being, literally, zapped back to Tokyo in 1964, the first year Japan hosted the Summer Olympics.
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semperintrepida · 9 months
Somehow, despite everything, I have managed to finish reworking the third part of this book!
I'm going to pour myself a drink, play some AC:O in celebration, and later—much later—tonight, I'll read part 3 and see what I've got.
I don't want to jinx anything by saying any dates, but I hope to resume posting regular updates on AO3 before the end of this month.
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smoglitch · 7 months
the library has all the currently released volumes of plinius, so 11 of them. the last one will release in april apparently so I hope they'll buy it (i don't wanna have to request it bc i'm lazy)
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littlesparklight · 7 months
Been thinking on and off lately about how Briseis says Patroklos never let her mourn her husband (nor the rest of her dead male family members Achilles killed).
"In the Iliad, when Patroclus does not allow Briseis to mourn for her husband (nor for her three brothers and her city), we may see a reflection of the spirit and aim of such legislation. In this context, Patroclus prevents Briseis from mourning her dead not out of compassion but out of a concern over the disruption her lamentation might bring to Achilles’ camp. While Briseis had no surviving male relations on whom she could call to avenge her losses, her words alone could be unsettling and a source of fear. This is the motive for Talthybius’ warning to Andromache in Trojan Women, that if, in her lamentation, she should anger the Greeks by hurling curses (ῥίπτειν ἀράς) at them, the army would not allow her son to be mourned and buried (734–736). Briseis’ desire to mourn her losses was great. Patroclus had to warn her repeatedly. Note emphatic negation and the iterative tense: οὐδὲ μὲν οὐδέ μ᾿ ἔασκες. After he is slain, Briseis does what Patroclus had prevented her from doing: she mourns for her husband, her brothers, and her lost city, insinuating her personal losses into the lamentation for Patroclus. The restraint that Patroclus had placed on her seems cruel in this context, despite Briseis’ statement that Patroclus had always been kind (μείλιχον) to her."
(From Briseis and Andromache Enslaved by William Owens on the Kyklos Project)
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asimp4bee · 3 months
About the Scraplet Episode! Obviously Mea wouldn’t be able to use her Cybertronian form since she’d get chomped but did any of the scraplets try to go for the Kyklos Relic while it was dormant?
Unfortunately, yes they have.
(Also I’ve renamed the kyklos relic to the Dagitab relic now! :3)
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I’ve sorta gotten attached to this new hairstyle for Mea now lmao
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yurashinra · 12 days
Shinra♀️x Subaru
'Subaru can't read Shinra's memory when he touches her, that's why he feels comfortable being around her. When she's sad because of Kyklos' curse, Subaru comforts her and calms her down'
Art©nikitafujiwara_ Thank you ❤️
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yuri-is-online · 27 days
Episode 8 Think Post
ah the taiga stans aren't going to like this chapter unless they wanna share with romeo huh
Both of the episodes featuring Sinostra have to do with memory, memory loss, time, and death. In Episode Four, Ristu assumed the students died because they bet their birthdays, in this episode all the attendees of the auction are dead. We don't know what caused the place to become an anomaly, but we do know Taiga seems confused about it... almost like this auction didn't happen or Taiga feels like it isn't supposed to be happening. Which he is right about, if the action happened last year and something bad happened he would not expect it to happen again.
Taiga always seems to eat anomalies when he is in a severe state of distress. It's almost like he doesn't want to eat the anomaly but he feels compelled to? Now that I am thinking about it, the two anomalies we see him eat 1) like dove and 2) barong mask were both consumed after he saw Romeo. The way he spoke in this episode made him sound afraid for Lulu's life... so if there is a time loop going on did Taiga see Romeo die because of an anomaly? He doesn't remember that clearly but the emotion and fear is still there so he feels compelled to prevent Romeo from interacting with the anomalies so he does the only thing he can think to do which is eat it.
On that note, when MC tells him "hey we met on a train 2 months ago" he almost sounds like doubts her. He remembers the red train and the flowers, but I don't think he remembers that happening just two months ago.
Haku being able to get rid of curses if he has access to the source makes sense for his whole sketchy priest vibe.
The Kyklos running away from Taiga does not make a lot of sense based off of how Yuri and Ed have described it. If it wants to spread its curse... why not try to curse Taiga as well? Unless Taiga really is just that scary which I could see. He does give off those apex predator vibes that would kick flight or fight into over drive
Hyde is up to something, he seems to want Taiga to do something and is trying to leverage his relationship with Romeo in order to get him to do it... not too sure where that fits in my mind but I will work on it later in the week
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danieyells · 2 months
Since I've seen at least one person make this mistake
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"Kyklos" is the species of anomaly.
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The anomaly's name was Mina.
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This is a Kyklos, and her name is Mina.
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kusanagihaku · 2 months
just googled the concept of kyklos (name of mc's anomaly) and it seems like there are two main referents for it?
the first one is in reference to the epic cycle in greek cyclic poetry. kyklos can be used to denote the concept of uniformity and continuity in epic poems - each poem begins with a link to the end of the last poem in the series. i think this is fairly in line with what edward told mc re: how she's going to turn into the anomaly at the end of her curse. we started with meeting the kyklos and we'll end with becoming the kyklos.
it can be used to "express an early notion of circularity inherent in the events of world history or human fate" - meaning life is cyclical etc., but also that everything repeats itself. which !!! is exciting because it's very much in line with the taiga timeloop theory (see: taiga in the sinostra chapter saying something about the mc giving up on the future in this timeline too?)!
it also makes sense with the opening scene (after you choose your ghoul) - the entire story starts epic poem style, opening with a scene depicting the end. you fail to save your ghoul in this loop, they plummet into the fire, the story restarts. everything repeats itself.
but even more exciting to me !!!! is the fact that some classic greek philosophers (see: plato, aristotle) use it to refer to the cycle of governments. in short, a society will cycle through different forms of governments - as each type becomes corrupt, the society will go through an upheaval to re-form the way it is run.
so many ghouls are displeased with darkwick. coupled with the way ep7 is beginning to pit us against administration and the institute, naming the mc kyklos might be hinting that either the mc or her transformation will incite some sort of upheaval? maybe her position as a neutral party between all the houses will result in her piecing together bits of information to reveal an ugly truth, or maybe their eventual treatment of her (killing her after she turns into the kyklos) will anger the ghouls so much they'll start something?
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tanpopo-towa · 2 months
So many thoughts about chapter 7..
My first one is about the emergency assembly. How come Ed instilled this paranoia in us as the reader / Y/N / MC, only to take it back and share it with everyone? Why instill that fear in the first place?
Is it because we as humans are too trusting and he wanted us to be a bit more suspicious of those who have more power? Darkwick did give us a free ride scholarship, and surely it isn’t out of the kindness of their hearts. Our case is a special one.
That being said, Ed isn’t stupid. If you combine his vast knowledge and wisdom with his sixth sense, he would have known that Darkwick knew about the fact she may turn into an anomaly, as oppose to dying from it. He’s been around for far too long to not have realised that.
And yes, we can take his word that he could “hardly sit back and do nothing”, and that “humans are opportunists. At times they need a little push.” But there has to be some ulterior motive of his own for this.
Is Kyklos an entity of interest to him? Is it something akin to making up for your sins on your deathbed? While it is true humans are opportunistic, and Ed in general is a good character and person, it confuses me so..
That being said, why is Ed sickly in the first place? Is it an act? Or is he refusing human blood or just does not consume any?.. I wonder if I missed something..
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