#L fictive
mizuirolawliet · 8 months
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Fictive draws himself
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Shout out to fictives that that some form of relationship with a fictive that’s from a different source. Weather that be besties, romantic, familial etc. it’s like a fun crossover episode.
I (Adricat miraculous) am the son of L death note and I couldn’t ask for a better dad. My source dad sucks actual ass, but L? He actually gives a shit about me I love him. But we do find it hilarious I’m form a dumpster fire of a kids show and he’s from this dark psychological anime.
Btw L if you’re reading this you should totally give me a mum/other dad, I gave a few ideas who it could be >:)
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madsys · 11 months
officially discovered the worst feeling ever: suddenly fronting when the body is wearing uncomfortable shoes :/
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omegadazai · 23 days
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bitd · 5 months
==> milo: retrieve arms
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(read @maximumgraves 's webcomic which is better than wahtever "comic" this is referencing)
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father-in-lawliet · 5 months
mmmmmmm. lice cream. :)
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no i will not elaborate further.
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ancientpersacom · 6 months
The death note fandom can call L a morally grey weird little man all they want. They can drag him to hell and back and be all pretentious about portraying him canon accurately. But he’ll always be my male wife. My girlfriend. My autistic baby girl. My pretty little emo princess. My eepy catboy. And there’s NOTHING y’all can do about it.
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raw-law · 4 months
light, everything that would be wrong with you as a girl is what's already wrong with you now.
also. is it possible that maybe light is transfem and L just picked up on it first and THAT'S why he was so quick to chain himself to a mass murderer
-rainbow dash here to cause an identity crisis bc i have one like every month LMAO
Look, nothing is wrong with me. And, no thanks, I'm perfectly fine with who I am. Your identity tricks don't work on me.
Though it'd be interesting if you wanted to share yours...maybe I can help. I know the feeling.
the chain was for surveillance purposes. if i wanted to be handcuffed to a pretty woman i would've been handcuffed to misa. not whatever light-kun is.
however i will agree on the identity crisis bit. unfortunately, i too know the feeling.
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fictive-culture · 2 months
fictive???? Culture is HOW DO IDENTFY??? I’m not a factive or a fictive bc I’m an au-tive??? Of a role play YouTube video???? It wasn’t even in a game it was just real people??? who were role playing for a yt video?????
Like what do I say “yeah im wilbur soot. um no not from dsmp. No not from qsmp. From. This one YouTube video on toms Simon’s YouTube. BUT!!! A different more-serious version we made up that lives in an unfinished fanic I’m wrighting. And that one isn’t even close to my source at all btw. Because I barely know my source at all. so. erm.” (I just. Kinda exist ig? 😃)
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the-headmate-hotel · 5 months
Something I hate about this fandom is how they portray asexuality, people say "I don't ship Alastor because he's asexual!", "He's asexual, they wouldn't date!" Or "Fandom can't handle asexuality.".
You don't like the ships with Alastor? Good for you.
You don't feel comfortable shipping an asexual character? Completely valid.
You feel the need to mention the fact that Alastor is asexual every time you dislike a ship? Stop.
Being asexual does not mean you can't date, asexuals can date, aros can date, aroaces can have QPRs!
Even if you're a completely, 100%, sex-repulsed asexual, you can still have romantic feelings.
If you're a completely, 100%, not into romance aromantic, you can still be with someone for company, (Agreed upon.) sexual reasons, or anything else.
If you're a completely, 100%, not wanting a romantic/sexual relationship with anyone aroace, you can have a queer-platonic-relationship.
It's a spectrum, a very wide, and very complicated spectrum, that not everyone will understand. And it's completely understandable if you don't understand it completely, but that doesn't mean you should use the fact that someone is asexual to harass people about ships.
Now, before I end this off, everyone is different, everyone experiences a-spec differently, myself included, and I'm in a very happy, loving relationship, but not every person on the a-spec will want a relationship. (SO DON'T GO HARASSING PEOPLE TO GET INTO RELATIONSHIPS.)
So, with all that said, I hope this post is coherent, I have a hard time writing down my thoughts when I'm upset.
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scrapbites · 1 year
hey another sequel
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mizuirolawliet · 8 months
Giving the death note fandom an aneurysm when they find out I’m in a polycue and NEITHER of them are from the same source as me. In fact one of them is a fucking Ancient Egyptian.
Ohhh no the fictive that is separate from their source is in love with someone who isn’t his murderer who was literally also underage when we met!
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I form into the system several years ago.
I take the role of protector and co host.
The teenagers start to follow me around.
We’re all from different sources but we get along.
One of them asks if I can be their dad.
Sure why not.
Another one starts showing the same affections toward me.
My son gets a boyfriend, son in law?
How the fuck did I end up with 2 kids and son in law all from different sources. What is going on in the House of Commons on this fine day.
- L deathnote that’s a dad now I guess?
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timelessxmemories · 2 months
Little facts about our L: He is Swedish, Scottish and French! He listens to a lot of jazz music. Has a multi-heart tattoo on the side of his neck and a cat hanging onto a star tattoo on his left arm but it's mostly always covered by his sleeve. Arm hair is a thing with this guy, specifically on his forearms. Long hair is typically down on his shoulders but sometimes he'll put it up in a ponytail. As a treat. Has multiple piercings, upon the bridge of his nose, on the nostril, one piercing on his cheek, eyebrow piercings and earrings. Has major sensory issues, refuses to go barefoot, will only wear his platform boots. He wears cargo pants with a chain on the belt and colorful patches everywhere :33 He remembers Near and Mello being his biological children. He has asthma! He also has a history of heart problems and chronic pain in his right leg. Major dizzy spells from time to time. Exceedingly high blood pressure and exceedingly low iron. He has social anxiety and Audhd. He struggles to remember things. He's also a pretty slow learner but once he picks up on things, he gets it! Cat stickers all over his journal and laptop. Also wears a cat pin on his shirt. Can you tell he really really likes cats? Because he does. He's allergic to them though, unfortunately. :( He can't grow anymore facial hair than a goatee upon his chin. He's tried. Believe me. He has heterochemia! He also has a pair of black square framed glasses he uses for and while reading. Scoliosis. He has a Swedish accent :)) A lot of scars on his forearms, thighs and his chest. Auditory Hallucinations. The nerves in his right hand is fucked and he can't feel anything in that hand, not even pain.
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omegadazai · 26 days
Is kinda funny seeing lawmane shippers shitting on lawlight when their ship is just as toxic and they have the same age gap difference??? Which they use as an excuse to hate on the ship, like my brother in christ we are on the same boat
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l--changetheworld · 4 months
I need more friends.. if any systems out there who also like death note and Tokyo ghoul please please please please pleas
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