#L is a frog confirmed
poppyies · 6 months
Some Death Note ds drawings
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spideyladman · 7 months
Imagine if ponies in My Little Pony did Timblr posts, I just know it would be chaotic as hell lmfao 😭😭😭
6 notes
I'm thinking about either adding glitter or sparkles to my cake, what do you guys think? :3
Sugarsweet, you could die from that
Festive!!! 🎉🎉🎉
350 notes
Do you guys think that Twilight Sparkle could've blackmailed Celestia into getting the wings? I mean, come on! How does that even work? How does a unicorn get wings? Unless there was some blackmailing I don't believe that she could've gotten them naturally
Well you shouldn't assume things! Though it was sudden finding out that she could get wings, it is entirely possible that through the magic of friendship, anything can happen, somehow!
Okay I'm gonna be nice to you because you're a mare, but don't you think you should be working instead of thinking?
I'm not going to be nice to you, and as my little sister would say, L+bozo+your mother never loved you+you failed school+you have not paid attention to lessons+even I have more thinking capabilities than you could ever imagine+please think before you post+KYS (Keep Yourself Safe) because I will find you
Girl you killed him you found him fr
16,097 notes
Can someone check on @plant-and-animals for a moment? Flurry Heart just blew up the microwave again and Celestia added crow skulls to the water supplies and she's now in the hospital
Literally nothing could've prepared me for that sentence
100,798 notes
Whoever is making that noise I swear to fuck if you don't turn down that noise I will find you I am trying to sleep I swear to fuck
Turns out it was Angel, I am so sorry sweetie 🥺
23 notes
Phew! Thank Celestia (can'tbelieveI'msayingthat-) that I managed to pin the trouble on that angry rabbit! Now I've got to make sure to silence my game
Wait. Fluttershy follows this account.
Oh you're dead for sure
Why not? :3
456 notes
Who exploded the machine.
Oh I don't know, WHO put a crow skull in MY farm's water supply?
Wait that wasn't you, you con-brother?
. Huh.
Wait did you blow up the machine???
. I'll pay for the damage
Deal, in exchange of me helping you whoever in the world put that skull inside of your water supply, what is their problem??????
Update: Celestia did it. I fell into a well after she accidentally (hopefully) threw me so that I couldn't be in her way while she was running from the hospital. I have a pet frog now
He has a pet frog now, can confirm
6,789 notes
Okay who in Celestia put a crow's skull in my tea today? It's not a very good prank :(
567 notes
What is Celestia doing she just jumped out the window
Girl what did you do.
What happened? What could've happened that would've led to her jumping out the window?!
Girl what did you do.
17,098 notes
I just threw skulls into the water supply, the weed has affected me
Gurl what the fuck kinda weed are you smoking weed does not make you do that
Fym nuh-uh???
She just told me that she tried to jump out the window to avoid responsibility of paying. She's still gonna pay tho, but I think she's gonna do it again
I'm calling the police
67,809 notes
Am I a furry?
5 notes
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taestefully-in-luv · 2 years
Our Time | JJK (Five)
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Summary: After an accident and being in a coma for three months, you finally wake. But the last nine years of your life have been completely erased. You rely on none other than your best friend, Jungkook, to help regain your memories and yourself. But what happens when the truth of your missing time starts unraveling and it isn’t all it’s made out to be?
Pairing: Jungkook x Fem Reader (Detective!Jk x Graphic Designer!OC) side pairing: Seokjin x Reader
Genre: crime au, fluff, heavy angst, smut, romance, darker themes, amnesia au. Best friends to ???
Word Count: 12.2k
Warnings: swearing, frustrations of amnesia, mentions of alcohol, lots of panicking, crying from multiple characters, mentions of death, mentions of vomit multiple times, feelings of betrayal and anger and sadness, next warning is a major spoiler: confirmed kidnapping of jk & ocs c h i l d blah blah blah for those who don't want spoilers and don't need warnings lol
a/n: only one more chapter until the introduction of this story is complete. And then the true plot will begin. 🤭please let me know what you think! Send an ask if you want to be added to the taglist or just want to chat :]
© taestefully-in-luv
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You remember when you and Jungkook truly became friends.
You had never struggled to make friends. You naturally lured people in with your energy, maybe even your charm as a person. But after spending a month in Seoul already, you had never felt more out of place and out of your element. Every face you came across was the face of a stranger. It was like you were sitting in front of a TV screen and watching a crowd of people who didn’t matter to the plot of the movie. Just there. Living a life that had nothing to do with you. 
And you were the same to them.
You had only had maybe two conversations with your roommate in the small dorm. The first conversation was hardly even an introduction and the second one was her asking you if it was cool that she would sneak her boyfriend in every now and then. You didn’t mind. But you thought it meant you all would become friends but that proved to be untrue. 
The first week of classes, you realized many of your classmates are already friends or the ones who barely spoke were focused on their studies. That leaves you, someone with no friends and someone who isn’t that focused on school the way others were, feeling completely alone. 
The Friday night after the first week of classes was supposed to be a night of partying with your new friends and the new independent life as a new adult. But instead you wandered around aimlessly, lost and lonely. You didn’t really want to spend the first weekend as a college student in your dorm but where exactly were you going to go? Well, you decided to stick to campus and ended up browsing the library. 
A book to demolish during the weekend didn’t sound so bad, now did it?
When you were in the library, your eyes darted around, for no particular reason but hey, maybe something would stick out to you. And something did.
Or more like someone.
Your eyes grew twice their size when you spotted someone familiar. And goodness, nothing felt better than seeing something familiar in this new world.
You walked up to a table that sat at least six people but you stared with excited eyes at the only person occupying the space. 
“Frog boy?” You had blurted in pure happy rage. 
The frog boy in question kept his eyes on the book in his hands, only releasing a long sigh before lifting his eyes to you and cocking a brow. 
“You’ve known me almost your entire life and you don’t even know my name?” 
You had seen the playful glint in his eyes when he met your gaze.
You rolled yours, “Fine. Jungkook. Or you know, Ribbit.”
You hadn’t felt this excited and relieved since moving to Seoul. (Kind of.) (It’s not like you two were ever friends.) But that was about to change. Oh yes, that was going to change.
Whether your little frog boy, Jungkook, likes it or not.
“Do you go here too?!” You had asked him.
He only sighed again, looking back down at his book before answering with an unbothered nonchalance, “Nah.” And then he raised the book up, showing it to you with a straight face. “I came all the way to Seoul because only this library has…” He looked at the cover, “A freshman course Literature book.” 
“Oh.” You nodded in understanding, equally straight face.
Jungkook narrowed his eyes at you, “You realize I’m joking, right?” 
“That would make sense.” You nodded again, pulling out a chair across from him and taking a seat. “So we both go here. That’s great. We’re friends now.” 
“Unless you’re still too shy.” You remember how you challenged him.
But Jungkook raised another brow, “Am I still eight years old to you?”
“Maybe.” You had laughed before mocking. “When I see your face, I keep imagining it like,” You had scrunched up your features, pretending to cry while shaking your shirt. “A…a…a…a…a…f-frog!” 
You remember how he laughed. 
His laugh was pure, genuine and contagious. You remember how you joined him and it’s like the past lonely month you had spent in Seoul didn’t exist anymore. 
You two would start meeting up once a week at the library. Very casual. He would try to study and you would talk his head off. Jungkook never once complained. You remember looking forward to your weekly hang outs and you had hoped he felt the same. 
Jungkook obviously knew you were itching for more.
He looked over a textbook that he wasn’t paying any attention to and said, “You know we can hang out more than once a week, right?”
You basically had jumped out of your chair, cleaning up around you when you said, “Perfect. Let’s go to a party that my roommate told me about but didn’t invite me to.”
“A party?”
“A party.” You nodded.
Jungkook eyed you for a moment, looking hesitant. “I didn’t intend to party though.”
“Come on. We’re in this together.” You fluttered your lashes at him, trying your best to look convincing but he only huffed out an annoyed breath before giving in.
It was your first college frat party. Jungkook’s too. 
It was also the first time you got super drunk. Jungkook too.
You two had really opened up and bonded this night. You realized Jungkook definitely wasn’t the shy boy you remember as a kid—that makes sense. You told stories and ended up in your own world. It was a lot of fun and you knew college in Seoul wasn’t going to be so lonely after all. 
You remember by the end of the night when you two were walking, completely intoxicated, back to the dorms when you convinced him to just crash at your place. It was risky, trying to sneak him in, but it worked. You both stumbled inside, drunk off your asses when Jungkook claimed he didn’t feel good.
“Don’t throw up.” You remember warning him. “Or I’ll throw up too.”
“If I throw up,” He gulped anxiously, “I’d hope you would too. Didn’t you say we’re in this together?”
“D-Don’t even think about it.” You swallowed down your own drunken nausea. 
And then he did throw up.
And then you did too.
Naturally, you were inseparable after this. 
Weekly hang outs turned almost daily. You would talk to him like any other close friend and he would do the same. It felt good and natural and like you two had been friends since the day you shoved a frog down his shirt. And that first winter break, you two traveled home to Busan together, surprising your parents because after all these years of being neighbors, you were finally friends. 
You two had convinced your parents to have a joint cook out and you remember how afterwards, you and Jungkook laid on the hood of his car, looking up at the stars and talking about life. You remember how you asked him what he envisioned for his future.
He glanced at you, eyes lingering on your face for several long moments before he narrowed them, “We’re on vacation and you’re asking me to think about my future?”
You both laughed.
“I don’t know if what I’m currently in school for is something I actually want to do with my life. I’m hoping I’ll get inspired and suddenly know what it is I have to do.” He had finally answered.
You remember understanding his words, the feeling resonating with you. “Me too.”
You remember turning your body towards his and smiling, “Have I told you how glad I am to have seen you at the library and I forced my friendship on you?”
He had snorted, turning his own body towards you as well. The moonlight hitting his face, illuminating his features just right. He almost looked straight out of a dream. “You didn’t force your friendship on me.”
It was your turn to snort. “Liar.”
He stared at you for a moment, teasing smile pulling at his lips when he began drumming his fingers against the metal hood of his car. “And why would I ever lie to you?”
You remember the vibration you felt beneath your body when each of his fingers landed on the metal with a rhythmic beat. You remember the sound like a melody and his words were the lyrics. 
You remember how it felt when he basically sang his silent promise to you.
“Yeah, you’d never lie to me, right?” You had teased back but there was a quiet and genuine conversation happening beneath the teasing.
“Never.” He told you. And you believed him.
And you should still believe him, right?
But Misuk’s words are repeating relentlessly in your mind, ‘Closest. She hasn’t spoken one fucking word to you in two years. But right, closest.’
You want to have confidence in Jungkook because you should. But his silence after her words feels like cold, quick spider legs are racing up your spine, creating a chilling uneasiness and a spasm of worry and discomfort crosses over your face. You’ve never liked spiders.
What does Misuk mean by that? Why would she say that? There is no way you wouldn’t talk to your husband for two years. There must be some kind of misunderstanding. But your body remains stuck to the wall like you’ve been superglued and you’re afraid the moment you peel yourself away, your skin will be ripped off your bones. 
You know there has to be some kind of explanation because her words don’t directly translate to you and Jungkook not actually speaking for two years but your brain sends signals throughout your body that you have every right to be as anxious as you feel. 
Because your brain knows more than it’s letting on. Your brain holds all the mysteries that it doesn’t want to show you. And your body listens to the signals it sends.
“Be worried.” They say. 
But no matter if your skin separates from you and becomes a part of the wall in your kitchen…you have to go out there and get some kind of answer. Because you can’t handle for one more thing in your life to not make sense.
You tell your shaking legs to walk.
Even while you feel imprisoned by fear, they move. Your body turning the corner of the kitchen wall, water still running in the background, as you make your presence known. 
Jungkook and Misuk’s heads turn towards you when they feel you. And they mirror one another’s expressions. Watching you in numbed horror. 
“y/n…” Misuk says your name, blood draining from her face but you can tell she’s trying to look normal. “Hey.”
“What do you mean?” You’re surprised you have a voice. “Why did you say that?”
Jungkook’s mouth falls open, panicked eyes boring into your face. But he doesn’t speak.
They quickly glance at one another, an understanding that you’ve heard their conversation and you see how Jungkook’s expression twists into one of anger before he looks completely ashamed when he meets your eye again.
“What’s going on?” Your feet take you closer, your brain sending the signals without you telling it to. Your brain must be making fun of you. Mocking you. Wanting you to find things out when it already has the answers. Like it’s playing some game. “Why did Misuk say that? Why are you two on bad terms? Why,” You’re walking faster, getting closer as adrenaline starts running through your veins, your mouth unable to stop speaking.
“I asked what’s going on.” You stop in front of them, “Why—why did Misuk say that? Why are you both quiet now? Why can’t you answer me? Why are you looking at me like that?” You can’t stop the questions from spilling out of your mouth, eyes going frantically between Jungkook and Misuk. “W-Why aren’t you answering? Why are you doing—why are you doing this to me? Why are you making me feel this way? Why—why aren’t you—” Your heart is rapid inside your chest, thumping against your ribcage, trying to run away and hide now. “Fucking answer me because I don’t know what the fuck is going on!” Your chest heaves uncomfortably, eyes blown wide as nothing makes sense inside your mind.
Jungkook stares at you, eyes just as wide before he slowly shuts them, his lips sticking together in a tight line, nostrils flaring. 
“Nothing…” You quiet your voice, slight tremble when you speak. “Nothing already feels real to me. But marrying my best friend does make sense. But not talking to said husband for two years does not.” 
You concentrate on the two in front of you, watching their expressions and reactions to your words carefully. Jungkook looks pissed while Misuk blinks at you with obvious guilt on her entire face. 
“Say something!” You yell at them, both of their bodies flinching and your panicked thoughts only grow more wild and out of control. Fear is bursting your veins now. Fear of the unknown. Fear of what is known. The fear that your brain is just hiding something from you that could possibly make you heart crumble and shatter. 
“I…I…” Misuk looks around, eyes unable to meet yours anymore while she sets the muffins down onto the table at the front entrance. “I should—should leave.” 
Jungkook is quick to throw Misuk an incredulous look, “Are you fucking kidding me?” He spits at her. “You’re the one who opened your fucking mouth and opened this can of worms. And now you want to leave?”
Misuk snaps her head towards Jungkook, glowering eyes on him. “Should I stay? Say everything?” 
Jungkook swallows hard and you can see anger spiking his body. “You’re right. You’ve done enough. Just leave. I’ll walk you out.”
“I don’t need you to wa—”
“—Let’s go.” He walks forward, opening the front door as she seethes, walking past him.
You watch in disbelief, brows pinching when you try to stop them. “Where—”
“—Just stay here.” Jungkook tells you, his voice softens when directed towards you. “I’ll only be a minute.”
And just like that, Jungkook and Misuk are out of your house, front door slammed shut. 
How could they? How could they leave you here with your anxiety gripping your core and making you feel more lost and estranged in this world all over again. 
You stand here, blood pooling into the heels of your feet. A sudden coldness surrounds you and you feel faint. What is going on? What exactly has transpired in these last nine years? 
And where the hell is your explanation? 
You wish you could shut off your brain. Tell it to stop coming up with ridiculous theories when it knows the truth deep down. It’s just having fun with you at this point. 
You don’t think you can master the uneasiness you feel and control it. 
Your tense body twitches the moment your front door is opening again and Jungkook is slipping through with downward eyes. You wait anxiously for him to come closer to you and explain that it is not what it seems. But his body language throws you off. It throws off the confidence you’re supposed to have in him. 
Jungkook’s bottom lip is caught between his teeth, his own anxiety radiating off his body like heat off a space heater.  You want to read him like a book, like a book with an obvious ending. But you can’t. You can’t read him since he is in another language right now.
“Jungkook.” You call for him, trying your best to stay in one piece. 
He tries to look up at you but his eyes can’t manage your eyes. Your face. Your body. He can’t manage to feel what he’s feeling but a million times worse when he sees you. He walks closer to you, stopping just a foot in front of you, tense body looking more uncomfortable than what you’re feeling. 
“y/n…” He can’t even say your name without his voice cracking, a harsh breath forcing its way out of his mouth while his hands immediately go to his face, fingers rubbing into his skin with a roughness that makes you more worried than before. “Fuck.” He mutters in into his hands.
“Talk to me.” It’s not a suggestion. He knows this. You’re not asking. You’re telling him. You’re telling him to explain why the hell Misuk says that you two are not close and you haven’t spoken in two years. 
Jungkook’s hands drag down his face, the color has left him, a growing paleness that makes you think he might faint or puke at any moment. He’s struggling to even look at you. 
But he does.
And you see the pain in his eyes.
“I don’t…” He croaks out, breaths uneven. “I don’t know where to start. I don’t know how to—how to explain. I don’t know what to fuck—fucking say.” He finally stares at you, gaze so intense you almost wish he would go back to looking away. 
You swallow your nerves, your need for answers stronger than your need for ignorant protection of your feelings. “We’re married. Yet we haven’t spoken in two years. According to Misuk, anyway. Is that true?” 
He’s still staring and you’re growing more panicked. Needing an answer now but his silence is telling. 
“I asked if that’s true.” You repeat with a colder tone. 
Jungkook releases a shaky breath, “It’s half true.”
Your lips twist, “What does that mean? We do talk?”
“No. We aren’t married.” He tells you, voice quiet and eyes ashamed.
You take a step back, confusion growing. “But…but I saw—”
“—We were married.” He clarifies. “But we aren’t…” He closes his eyes for a moment, stopping them from growing wet. “Anymore.” 
You take another step back, face hardening as the confusion only triples. “We’re…divorced?” You ask him, but you hate that you even have to ask.
He stays still in his spot, the shame and regret thick in his voice when he answers, “Yeah.”
Your posture suddenly stiffens, letting out a forceful breath but because of the tightness in your chest, breathing is suddenly the hardest task.
You try to fight for optimism but your veins that were once bursting are filling again, but with a deadly acid that poisons your body. It’s running through you, corrupting and decaying any ounce of understanding. You need to breathe but you couldn’t possibly fight for one breath when your insides are turning rotten. 
Jungkook finally takes a step forward but your feet carry you away from him, several steps back until you’re against the edge of your sofa. 
“y/n…” He says your name but you aren’t sure he deserves to because he…
“Y-You lied to me?” You finally manage to say the one thought that keeps pushing against your raging forehead. “You lied to me? You lied?” You blink at him, “You lied to me, Jungkook? You made me think we…?” You shakily gesture between your bodies, “You let me think…” 
“I…” Jungkook’s expression grows desperate. “I didn’t—I didn’t know what to do. I couldn’t…if I told you truth it would just…”
“The truth?” You look at him, disappointment in your killer gaze. “You lied to me. You lied—you lied. You would rather lie to me than—”
“—Yes!” He shouts, breathing heavier than before. “It’s one revelation after the other and you can’t handle the…” 
Your disappointment, your shock, your betrayal are slowly turning into anger.
“You lied to me.” You say, knowing it’s a fact now. “Why?”
Jungkook’s lips are parted and you’re both waiting for his explanation but it doesn’t come.
“I asked you why, Jungkook.” You feel your body sinking. An unbearable sadness creating a space inside your chest. “Tell me why and maybe…” You want to be reasonable. Maybe he had to or maybe he…no, why would he lie? Why would he lie to you? 
“It’s complicated.” Is the answer he settles for and the anger inside you finally snaps. Your body is struck with betrayal. 
“Com—complicated?” You ask the word in earnest. “You’re joking, right?”
“y/n…I asked you to always trust—”
“—You’re asking me to trust you after you lied to me?” Your jaw tightens, “Just tell me and we will see if—”
“—No.” He shakes his head, growing paler by the second. “I-I can’t. I really can’t.”
“You can’t tell me? Why?”
“Because I can’t!” He grows exasperated, his eyes blown out. “I fucking can’t. I can’t. I can’t say it. I can’t do that. I c-can’t.” His body gives up on him, shoulders shaking when he falls to his knees and he squeezes his eyes shut. “Don’t make me say—say it. I just can’t.” 
You look down at him, your confusion making you turn to anger instead of anything else.
You’re hurt.
But right now, being mad feels easier.
“Please, y/n.” His entire face makes you hurt more. “Please just…”
“Leave.” You say the word quietly. His eyes shoot open and he stares up at you. They’re blood shot and teary. “Please just leave.” 
Jungkook tries to stand again, his knees are weak but he tries anyway.
“Just leave.” You’re the one begging now, “Please just leave. Let me…just let me be right now.” You feel your own eyes grow wet, stinging and burning. Throat tight but you manage to beg him again, “Please just leave.”
Jungkook is trying to speak to you with his eyes and your brain, deep down, seems to understand him but your brain doesn’t want to let you in on this secret. He nods, blinking his eyes when a tear falls and his anxiously wipes it away. “Okay.”
He clearly doesn’t have it in him to fight you on this. Because for whatever reason, he can’t.
You wonder if this is how you felt when you first got divorced. Or maybe just a similar feeling. Like you’ve been stranded, abandoned and left for dead. Like your body has been drained of all the blood that pumps through you and someone has scooped out your heart and other organs and you’re now just an empty shell and a sorry excuse for a human being.
You might think to yourself that it’s quite dramatic to feel that way but somehow you feel even worse than that. 
You haven’t slept and you aren’t even really sure if you’ve even breathed since the news. You’re restless and anxious. You’re angry. You’re sad. And you’re heartbroken. You don’t even know what it must have felt like when you and Jungkook broke it off. What must have went wrong? So wrong that you two would go separate ways and you two wouldn’t speak to one another. 
A thought crosses your mind though…Misuk is upset with Jungkook. And she said you haven’t talked to him. She could have meant that you both haven’t spoken to one another in mutual agreement but Misuk’s hostility and choice of words have you believing different. 
So what exactly happened? And why does Jungkook refuse to explain it to you? 
You can’t imagine a world where he would betray you so badly that you’d divorce him and never speak again. But again, it’s been nine years. People do change. But you felt it in your bones…the happiness that coursed through his body when he was with you. You could feel how much he loves you. So then, what? 
You touch the screen of your phone that rests by your thigh on the sofa, the light is bright and blinding but you catch the time on the screen. It’s after 6 am already. Your mind working in overdrive to come to some sort of conclusion. But you realize you aren’t considering everything. 
You cannot be blind to the world around you. 
Your parents must know you’re divorced but why are they so willing to agree to your marriage? Why did they only seem happy? Why do they still love Jungkook despite that you’re divorced now? They still trust him, that is obvious.
But Misuk doesn’t. And Subin seems to be on the rocks but she doesn’t seem totally against him either. In fact, you overheard her in the café. She said they don’t know everything. You remember that being strange. Know what?
But in the end, you need to consider Jungkook the most. 
You two are apparently not together. And you two aren’t on speaking terms.
Then…is his apartment really his apartment? Suddenly, you feel even more lifeless at the thought. You can’t imagine the Jungkook you’ve always known…someone warm, cozy and tidy…living in that place. The countless bottles of alcohol, the little to no food, the stale air and even a hole in the wall that resembles too closely to the size of his fist. 
You also need to consider his reaction to everything as well.
You know in your heart of hearts…how off and conflicted he’s been since the beginning. You also know how hard things must have been for him as well. But you can’t help but still feel hurt, angry and bitter at the fact that he easily lied to you and kept up a façade about something you dreamed of. Making you feel like a fool for being so openly happy with him. When it wasn’t the truth. 
And maybe you are a fool.
A fool because 33 year old you might have the resolve to never speak to Jungkook but you, the you that exists now, doesn’t. And your brain is calling you a fool. Because it’s just a game for your brain. Your brain that hides all the answers and the truth. While you sit here completely clueless.
Have there been any clues? Clues to the truth that you’ve missed? 
Think. You need to think.
You sit forward on your couch, elbows on your thighs while your head falls into your hands. 
You have to think. What are you missing that could—
The attic.
Your body moves quickly, suddenly standing from the couch when your head snaps towards the direction of the hallway. The attic…he hid your life away in the attic. You returned his keys to him—obviously—but you don’t think you locked it back up. Unless Jungkook went out of your sight to make sure it was locked again…then it should be unlocked and waiting for you to reveal your life. 
Your heart has seemed to return back inside your chest, racing wildly and uncontrollably, making you feel dizzy. You just have to take the first step in the attic’s direction and you could possibly uncover more. 
But you don’t move. Why? Why is it that you’re desperate for answers but your feet stay glued to the wooden floors? 
Fear has made you its prisoner once again.
But you need to release the shackles, break free and run out. Run far away from this thing that’s jailing you. Ignorance isn’t something you associate yourself with and you won’t start now.
Determined, though afraid, you take the first step. Then another. And another. Feet heavy with each step but you take them. You’re you. You will always walk towards the right thing. Even when others disagree…you know, the right thing is the truth. Because you will not be ignorant. 
You make it inside the mostly empty guest bedroom. It’s almost hotel like, no personal touch can be seen. For the first time, you feel odd being inside here. But not odd in the way that feels uncomfortable. But odd because it’s familiar. You take a moment, hand lifted towards the bedroom wall, flipping the light switch before your fingers lightly brush against the wall.
The paint in here is newer than the painted walls in the rest of the house. 
A weird feeling accompanies your touch.
But once your eyes land on the ladder you placed against the wall, you’re quick to shake off any other feelings before grabbing it, lifting it and taking it out into the hallway and setting it up underneath the attic door before you groan in realization that you don’t even need it. 
If it’s unlocked then you only have to pull the string and it should open. 
And hopefully that’s the case.
You slide the ladder off to the side, deciding you’ll put it away again when you’re finished. You stare up at the ceiling, eyes on the dangling string and you know what you must do. You have to fight off this hesitance, this fear and walk towards the truth that tries so desperately to hide from you. Okay. Deep breath. Any breath at this point. You reach up, fingers wrapped around the string tightly before you give it a tug. 
Your eyes expand when the door cracks open, clearly not enough pull to open it fully. 
It’s unlocked.
Heart still racing, blood rushing and insides twisting. You pull again. Harder. And the door opens and the wooden staircase comes down and you unfold it to its full length. All you have to do is go up these steps and search through the physical evidence of your life. The boxes. 
Your breaths are bated with each step you take that take you into the hole in the ceiling. The darkness feels consuming and you feel the chill wrap around your body the moment you enter inside. Walking further, you find the light and now a soft yellow makes the room glow. 
The boxes glare at you. Challenging you. ‘go ahead, open me.’ They whisper tauntingly. You glance around, feeling a chill at all the cob webs and no doubt, spider webs in the dark corners of the attic.
Fingers brush against the top of a few boxes, dust left on your fingertips, quickly wiping it off on your pants before you pry the first box open. It’s the same first box you opened last time…loose papers, notebooks, random sticky notes with words that make zero sense to you. You grab one notebook, open it and read the first page.
Jeez, your hand writing is messy.
Kim Joo Won > only Wednesdays and Fridays
Geum Jan Di > Mon-Fri
Cha Do Hyun > Tues-fri
Park Hae Yeoung > Tues and Thurs only
Lee Min Ho > Mon-fri
Park Jiyoo > Thurs and Friday  was off the Friday…see where he was. Confirmed out of town since Wednesday
You keep reading over the paper but you don’t understand what you’re reading. Your confusion grows…why do you have a list of people and days of the week connected to their names?
You turn the page and there’s a list of times now. Ranging from morning to the evening. With each persons name linked somewhere with a time of…are these work hours? Clock in and clock out times? 
You turn the page again but you can’t read your handwriting. Many words are scribbled out. 
You decide to close the notebook and set it back inside the box. You grab another notebook, opening it to a random page when you notice different pictures of people taped to the paper. Men and women with their names written next to them. Your eyes go wide. You see the name Lee Jaesung written next to a photo of a man you’re sure you recognize. 
It’s the man from the super market.
Next to his name is more scribbled words.
Lee Jaesung > Knows nothing.
And next to his picture and the words are pen scribbles that look done out of frustration.
What the hell is this? Why is the guy from the market inside this notebook with a bunch of other people?
You close the notebook, placing it inside again while you ignore this eerie feeling.
You push the box away and open another one. It’s the box with old clothes you had seen last time as well. You must have been wanting to donate them or something. You’re about to close the box when something catches your eye. On a piece of folded fabric beneath other articles of clothing, your eyes catch something that throws you off. A small patch of a cutesy koala clearly ironed onto the fabric. Your fingers go to touch it, curious about it for some odd reason. You pick at the little koala, the corners lifting off the fabric and you realize it might have been there a while and it’s starting to peel off.
It's cute, you think. 
You decide to look at your shirt in whole, hands suddenly digging it out of the box, unfolding the shirt when your heart stops. Face completely focused on what you’re holding and you can’t seem to shake off the feeling that consumes you. Your confusion grows. 
The shirt is small. Too small to be yours. 
Suddenly, your skin feels cold and clammy. Your brows pull so close together, dropping the shirt to the ground when your hands go back inside the box. You pull out more of the clothing. Clothing you are now realizing is not fit for an adult. Tiny shirts, tiny pants. You drop all of the random articles to the ground and at the very bottom of the box…tiny shoes.
These are clothes for children.
Boys clothes. 
Your fingers grab at the clothes frantically, your breaths growing heavier and heavier.
What is this? Why do you have this? 
You abandon the box, heart racing even faster as you make your way towards the other side of the attic where you found the box that held your old wedding photo. You need to breathe, you remind yourself. You’re no good if you pass out from lack of oxygen filling your lungs. 
But something haunting is crawling creepily over your skin.
You swallow hard, hands rubbing against your arms as if trying to brush away the spiders that must be crawling all over you with their millions of legs. But you only feel the unwanted goosebumps infecting your skin. 
Once again hesitant…you stare at the box that’s half open. The box that held the photo. 
You slowly reach for the left flap, lifting it and giving yourself a full view of the rest of the box. There’s more frames and you wonder if you can handle seeing more pictures of you and Jungkook living a life you don’t know of. 
You gather your resolve, taking a shaky breath before reaching inside. 
It’s a framed photo of you, Jungkook and your parents. You set it to the side before reaching in again. Framed photo of you and Jungkook at that park. A framed photo of you, Jungkook, Misuk, Subin and people you don’t recognize at a long dinner table. A framed photo of you and a group of people you don’t know holding up a ‘congrats on the promotion’ sign. 
Your hands shake, seeing yourself in all of these scenarios you don’t recall. 
Reaching the end of the box, you see one last photo of you and Jungkook wearing headbands that say ‘2017’ while sharing a kiss. 
You need to breathe. No matter how overwhelming this is…you need to breathe. 
You organize the photos back inside the box before pushing it away and opening another one. A really dusty one. You notice this box is taped closed and you struggle with peeling the tape back and getting it open. But once it is, you slowly open the flaps and reveal what is inside.
Again, your heart is aggressively throwing itself against your chest.
You are confused again. Slowly dipping your hands inside, you pull out a toy car. You bring it closer to you, inspecting the toy. A stabbing pain hits you relentlessly in your lower stomach. You carefully set it down before digging inside the box again, this time pulling out a zoo animals Lego set box. You don’t like this. Your brain is sending signals through your body again. You aren’t supposed to like this. Your brain is warning you.
You swallow even harder, your throat feeling tight and dry. 
You reach inside the box again and pull out a plastic robot, maybe around 6 inches in height. It looks like the most used toy so far…scratches across the plastic and even a missing hand. You turn it around, twisting it to look more carefully when you notice something written on the bottom of the foot with faded marker.
It spells the name Haru. 
Who is Haru?
Your breaths won’t even out and relax. Who is Haru? You bring the toy close to your chest, gripping it tightly but your fingers are feeling weaker and weaker.
You know this toy. You think you do, anyway. It’s the first item in any box that feels familiar to you. And you aren’t sure what to feel about that.
Your lips are drying and even when you poke your tongue out to lick them, it doesn’t help. They continue to dry with an intensity that has you mistaking this cold air for the dessert. 
You place the robot back into the box, closing it softly before turning towards another box. 
You have to keep going.
Even though you aren’t sure how you will survive the rest of your searching.
Your chest aches. A physical pain from the pounding of your heart.
You reach for another box, sliding it towards you but it’s heavy. Heavy like the box that held photos. You get it opened and your breath hitches the moment you see this box also has photos. On top, a picture of Jungkook brushing his teeth in the bathroom mirror. His sleepy eyes and sad attempt at a peace sign. You hate that your eyes are stinging.
You grab another frame, eyes narrowing at the photo.
A picture of you and Jungkook at the park with his hand over your stomach as you both smile.
Your chest rises and falls much faster. 
You reach for another photo and you don’t mean to shakily gasp, eyes burning at the sight. Your stomach looks huge in the photo, Jungkook’s face pushed up against it while you’re laughing. 
You aren’t capable of registering what the fuck you’re looking at. Your hands shake harder, the photo suddenly looking blurry. That can’t be you. That isn’t you. It’s not you.
“W-What…” Your voice is barely audible to your own ears. 
Your entire body goes rigid and cold.
You set the photo down before reaching for another one and as soon as you look at it, your shaky hands drop it. A loud slam to the attic floor and glass shattering at your feet. You blink at nothing, tears welling as you feel the blood completely drain from your face. You’re shocked frozen. Quick breaths that make you feel like you’re dying. 
You try so hard to snap out of it but how could you? How could you process the broken framed photo at your feet? How could you? 
You squat down, trembling fingers wiping away the hundreds of pieces of glass. The shards are sharp but nothing feels more piercing than the image that stares back at you. You pick up the picture, eyes blinking rapidly, ridding the tears that are forming. Tears because how could you understand and accept what you’re seeing?
You in a hospital bed with Jungkook’s arms around you. You both look ecstatic, teary eyed and smiling widely while in your arms…is a baby.
A baby.
You scoff underneath your breath. A baby.
Don’t you mean…your baby?
Immediately, just at the thought, you truly begin to panic.
There is no way. No fucking way you had a child. A child with Jungkook. You can’t believe this because nothing has felt more fucking unreal than this and nothing feels scarier. You don’t remember this. This can’t be you. This isn’t you. You aren’t you.
You drop the frame again, the loud thud making you wince before you step away slowly. Your eyes anxiously dart around again. The boxes are once again taunting you. You can’t. You can’t be in here anymore. You can’t do this anymore. You don’t want this anymore. You don’t want this life anymore. You want a life you can recognize but this is too far out of your element for you. This isn’t your life. This isn’t you. This isn’t you. This isn’t you.
Your breaths grow heavier, chest getting tighter and you’re wondering what it’s like to breathe because you don’t remember the last time you did now. Not normally, anyway. Your eyes can’t blink back tears anymore. You’re too overwhelmed to stop yourself from sobbing. Sobbing hard and uncontrollably. Pathetic whines leaving your mouth as you tremble at the sight of this attic. 
You need to get out of here.
You quickly turn the light off, stumble down the steps and without bothering to close the attic, you rush to the living room and collapse to the sofa. 
Tears flooding your cheeks. Sobs wracking your body. Misery consuming your soul. 
You are a mother?
Were a mother?
Where is this Haru?
Is Jungkook hiding an entire child? Perhaps Haru is with Jungkook’s parents? 
Everyone agreed to keep a fucking child from you? 
They shouldn’t have kept this from you. Sure, you’re 24 in your mind and nowhere near ready for a fucking child. But you birthed this kid and have no clue who he is. Your brain won’t even give you a piece of a memory that deals with someone you should love dearly.
Anger. Guilt. You aren’t sure what to feel right now.
But devastation for this entire thing should be a good start.
And you think you truly deserve that explanation.
You stuff your face into the cushion of the sofa you’ve grown to love and you cry. You cry hard and you cry loudly. You soak the sofa with your tears and you wonder how you could possibly accept this. Accept something that not only doesn’t feel real…but can’t be real.
You imagined marrying your best friend and that’s a place you could start. A place that was easy to accept. But this? This is hardly something you can recognize as a life of your own.
And you need Jungkook to tell you everything now.
Or you might truly go insane.
You don’t care it’s the ass crack of dawn, you feel for your phone that you know you left here on the couch and when you feel it, you bring it to your puffy face and try to find Jungkook’s name through your blurry vision. And you call him.
He must not be sleeping either because he answers before the first ring is even over.
“Hello? y/n?”
You don’t hide the fact you’re crying, “Come over. Now.” And you hang up.
Jungkook sits next to you, body turned towards you, completely stunned. You’re looking weak, unable to look at him for too long without growing emotional. He’s guilty. He lied to you. And you’re upset. But your puffy, red eyes has his heart aching dully in his chest. 
“Please talk to me, y/n…yell at me, hit me, anything you want but please say something.” He quietly begs you. He doesn’t dare reach for you, though his hands yearn to. Instead, he drums his fingers against his thigh.
You’re still unable to look at him, your brain still trying to process everything. But you know you need to speak up and get real answers. Answers that are the truth. And you need to hear them from Jungkook, himself. 
“I went,” You pause, trying to clear your throat but it still burns, feeling tight. “I went into the attic.” 
Jungkook’s fingers come to a sudden stop. “You what?” 
You finally lift your eyes to him, “I said I went into the attic.”
His face pales.
“I saw a lot of things.” Your gaze flickers down again, eyes stinging once more. “I saw that I was pregnant. I found his—Haru’s things…” 
Jungkook stares at you, pain and terror flashing in his eyes, his bottom lip quivering the moment you said Haru’s name. 
“We have a child and you didn’t say any—”
“—I…I…” He chokes on his words, his entire body tensing like it’s on the verge of shutting down.
“We have a son together and you didn’t mention anything?” You give him a hard stare, eyes looking cold and you see how he physically shatters under your gaze. He shatters just like the glass in the attic. He too is at your feet. At least it feels that way. “Say something Jung—“
“—Fuck!” He cries out, eyes slamming shut as his shoulders and chest begin to quake. “I can’t fucking do this.” He breathes out roughly, “I can’t do this again.” 
Your head pushes back in slight shock, “Do what?”
“Go through this.” He bows his head, silent tears falling to his lap. “I can’t tell you again.”
You feel struck with something eerie, “Tell me what again?”
Jungkook doesn’t answer you right away. He isn’t able to. He chokes on his words, chokes on his breaths and chokes on his tears. He’s shattered but there is nothing sharp or piercing about him. He’s soft around all edges. He’s soft. And he’s devastated.
“I’m—I’m not r-ready.” He cries into his hands. “This ha-happened too q-quickly. You shouldn’t…you shouldn’t…I can’t…” 
You feel the urge to reach for him and you do, your fingers going to the back of his head, massaging his scalp and neck. “What’s wrong? What’s happening?” You suddenly feel worried. 
Jungkook won’t calm down. A harsh reality suddenly all around you both. 
“Where is Haru, Jungkook? Why are you crying? Is he with your parents?” You ask him question after question and he only cries harder. You’re trying to piece it together. Where is your son? The kid you gave birth to? The one you don’t remember? He’s not…he can’t be…?
“Is he…dead?” You ask the question slowly between long breaths. “Is he—”
“—No!” Jungkook finally lifts his head, swollen eyes on you. “He’s not. He isn’t. He isn’t. He-He can’t be. Haru is…” He shakes his head violently, “He isn’t. Haru is alive. He’s…”
“Jungkook…” You see the pain and terror in his eyes still. And maybe pain and terror have always lived inside his irises. And you never understood it until now. “What happened?”
Jungkook wipes his face aggressively, trying his hardest to clean himself from his sorrowful tears. He takes deep breaths, eyes falling to yours where he seeks comfort.
“A little—a little over two years ago…” Jungkook takes another deep breath. “Haru….” He pauses, struggling to say it.
“What happened…?” Your heart is racing again.
“He—He was kidnapped. He was taken from us, y/n.” Jungkook spills the truth. The words fall from him mouth like vomit. “He was abducted and he—he hasn’t been found.”
You aren’t really processing this. You can barely believe you have a child. But now you have to believe this child is missing. You aren’t understanding. How could you?
“W-What?” You drop your hand from his hair. “What are you talking about Jungkook?”
He sighs out heavily, silent tears still leaving a miserable trail down his cheeks. “Haru was taken.” 
Haru…your son…was taken?
“And they closed the case. Too fucking early but they closed the case. They presume he’s…they don’t think he’s…” He can’t say it. But you hear him loud and clear. The police gave up on looking because they believe he’s dead.
You do feel sad. Maybe even heartbroken. But there is a disconnect because none of this sounds real to you. 
You look down at your lap, “This…this is around the time we got divorced?”
Jungkook chokes on a silent sob, “We divorced soon after.” He admits to you, “Losing my boy, losing you…and I lost my job eventually too.”
You look back up to him, “Why?”
His expression twists, shame gracing his features. “I was a mess, y/n. I couldn’t…I couldn’t handle myself or control myself. Finding Haru was all I could focus on but it led to too many bad things and eventually…Captain Kim, he felt for me.” Jungkook wipes his face again, “But they couldn’t keep me anymore.” 
Your heart sinks at his admission.
Jungkook has been suffering on his own while you are lost on all this trauma. 
This was obviously hard on both of you. It was too hard on both of you. He couldn’t handle himself? Control himself? But what about you? What were you like in all of this? 
Are you lucky that you don’t remember? 
Or is not knowing even worse?
“Okay…it’s okay…” You whisper towards Jungkook. Your heart mending itself from all the broken pieces because it makes sense now. Why Jungkook lied. Why he’s been so careful with you finding things out. Because this is…a lot. But right now, you want to comfort him. Because no matter what 33 year old you was going through…24 year old you just wants to hug her best friend.
It's been a few days since you found out about Haru. A little boy who doesn’t feel real to you. 
He was three years old when he was kidnapped.
And if he is still alive…he should be five now.
You’ve been detached and numb, unable to face anyone quite yet. Jungkook checks on you but suddenly, meeting his gaze has become harder. And you think he agrees. This is a huge shock for you and you see how repeating this news is just as hard for Jungkook. He’s burdened with something miserable that lingers in his eyes.
You finally decide to reach out to your parents today.
Needing them to know that you know everything now. 
You call your mom, phone to your ear as you listen for each ring until her sweet voice is calling a melodic ‘hello!’. 
“Hey.” You mumble into the phone, “Is dad with you?”
“Your dad?” Your mom sounds far from the phone, “Hold on, I’m putting away some groceries. Almost done!”
You smile a little, “Okay.”
After some shuffling in the background, you hear your moms voice in your ear now. “Okay! What’s up?”
“Is dad with you?” You repeat your question.
“Oh.” Your mom sighs out, “Nope. He’s with Jungkook’s father, they’re out playing golf.”
“Why? Is everything okay? Are you trying to get a hold of him? Is he not answering?”
“No, no.” You shake your head, though she can’t see you. “I wanted to talk to both of you…but it’s okay. You can just fill him in.”
“Fill him in?”
“I know me and Jungkook are divorced.” You say the words quickly. “Why did you pretend we were married?”
It’s silent. Just soft breaths barely audible on the other line. “Well,” Your mom finally breathes out, “I think it was easier that way.” She admits. “You two love each other very much so I just didn’t see the issue.”
You scoff, “We’re divorced yet you—”
“—It’s not like he’s a bad guy. Or you’re bad, either.” She cuts in. “Things just…”
“I know about Haru.” You tell her. You hear how she inhales a sharp breath.
“H-Haru…” She repeats slowly, “You know because…?”
“I found out.” You tell her, “I don’t have my memories.”
Your mom is quiet on the other line before you hear her sniffling.
She takes a deep breath, “I’m sorry.” Her voice is shaky. “This isn’t fair for you, honey. I’m so sorry.”
You sigh, “It’s not like I remember.”
“You know…after the abduction…” Your mom grows more and more emotional, “There were days where I wished I could take your pain and heartbreak away. But not remembering your son is also another pain and heartbreak.”
You don’t mean to get teary eyed at that. You try to keep your voice even. “I-I guess.”
“After everything…” Your mom clears her throat, “You really shut down. Of course you did. You’re a mother who lost her child. But…you just…you shut everyone out. You didn’t really talk to me or dad much anymore and we felt helpless. How couldn’t we feel that way?” 
“We were devastated when you filed for divorced.” She says. “You and Jungkook were both heartbroken and in a bad place…it was obviously too much for both of you. But instead of figuring it out together…you fell apart.”
You divorced…because losing Haru was too much to bear?
Your heart sinks deeper. You can’t imagine what Jungkook felt.
Or you. But you won’t understand that one until you feel it again one day when your memories return.
“The pain was too much but I wish you would have stayed together…what you needed was each other.” 
“And…we’re all devastated about Haru. But seeing the both of you completely broken…was another heartbreak we had to feel.”
You’ve thought about the conversation you had with your mom earlier all day. You sit here, trying to analyze her words. But they aren’t hard to understand. She claims you and Jungkook fell apart and divorced because the pain of losing your son was too unbearable. And you realize it is a solid reason. 
Your foot taps against your wooden floor, anxiously waiting for Misuk and Subin to arrive. You sent them a long text explaining everything and they said they’d be over as soon as possible. But you’re anxious. Anxious that even they know about a son you gave birth to when even you don’t. Anxious because you realize you feel guilty over it. Guilty you can’t remember something that is supposed to be precious. 
You sit here when your hands fly to your forehead when it suddenly starts pounding. A horrible ache pushing against your skull and you wince at the pain. Shit, you haven’t taken your medicine today. Standing from your sofa, you intend to walk to the kitchen but fists get knocked against your front door.
They’re here.
Taking a deep breath, your feet take you to them instead. And as soon as the door is opening, Subin and Misuk bring you into their arms while they whisper their apologies and sorrows. You wish you were still numb. But you aren’t. You tremble in their hold instead and let yourself cry into their arms.
After several minutes and your determination to calm yourself, you finally pull away from the girls and offer a small smile. “Sorry.” You try to laugh to ease your sadness.
Subin pouts at you, “No.”
“Don’t say sorry.” Misuk smiles at you, “I’m sorry. Sorry for everything…you overheard me and it all turned out like this…”
“Well, you aren’t wrong.” You bump her shoulder. “Let’s sit.”
You girls walk into your living room and plop down onto the sofa. “This sucks.” You try to laugh but your chest feels heavy. “How is it that my life turned out like this?”
“I know…” Misuk frowns. “I really am sorry that things spiraled and you found things out like this…I hated lying to you. I hated seeing everyone lie to you. You deserved to know the truth because I know that’s…” She bites her lip, worry written all over her face. “That’s what you’d want. But I truly don’t know what would have been worse…finding out like this or finding out because your memories returned and everything would hit you like a ton of bricks.” You glance down at your hands, trying to mull over her words. You think she’s right. But you think she’s right in a way of the you who would want it this way because you didn’t know any better.
“I just,” You sigh out, “I just can’t believe me and Jungkook’s marriage failed when we needed each other most.”
Your head snaps up when you hear Misuk scoff.
“What?” You question her while she narrows her eyes at nothing. “What is it?”
The space between her eyebrows crease, “Your marriage didn’t fail because of your mutual heartbreak over Haru’s abduction, y/n.” She finally meets your eye. “Is that what you think?”
For the millionth time, your heart beat grows faster. “What do you mean?”
“Your marriage failed because you blamed Jungkook for it.”
Your heart comes to a complete stop. “What?”
“You blamed him for the kidnapping.” She clarifies, “But I guess Jungkook conveniently left that part out.”
“What…what are you—“
“—Misuk.” Subin says her name with a harsh, cold tone. “Enough already.” 
“What?!” Misuk grows frustrated, eyes on Subin now. “She already knows this much—”
“—You don’t even know everything!” Subin cuts her off, “It’s not like we even know what y/n was thinking at that time! She didn’t even…” She suddenly gets quieter, her eyes going to you now. “She…you…” She meets your surprised gaze at her outburst. “You barely even spoke to us after the incident.”
You feel cold all of the sudden.
“You…” Subin tears her gaze away, “You got so distant. And we don’t blame you, of course we don’t blame you. But,” She looks at Misuk again, “How could you blame Jungkook for that?”
“y/n had her reasons!” Misuk throws back at Subin, “She told me herself.”
“It was fucking vague.” Subin rolls her eyes.
“Yeah? Well it was hint enough.” 
You look between the girls, their own tension forming between their bodies. “Wait, wait. Just hold on. What is happening?”
Subin looks at you again, “Nothing.”
“No.” You shake your head, “What is Misuk talking about?”
“Look,” Misuk takes a deep breath. “All I know is that you blame Jungkook. Before Haru was taken…it was clear your marriage was rocky even then. You didn’t talk about it though. But something was wrong.” Misuk fills you in even when Subin glares at her. “And I trust you.” 
On one hand, you’re flattered Misuk is such a ride or die. But on the other hand, you’re only left feeling more and more confused. 
But Jungkook’s voice is in your head now.
Him asking you to always trust him. 
It doesn’t sound like Misuk has solid evidence to be so against Jungkook. She only has your word. And since you can’t trust your own self right now. You’ll believe in Jungkook.
You want to believe in Jungkook. But Misuk’s warning words remain ringing in your head. You lay here in bed, mind racing with theories that make you want to vomit. Your head still hurts and something odd keeps bothering you. Like a memory wants to push itself out of your brain but it keeps holding it back.
You toss and turn in bed. The same numbness has returned. 
You don’t think you mind. You accept the numb sensation that takes over your body from the inside out, you disappear with it. You’re grateful because it provides the escape from the raw reality that you suffer. 
It is a preference.
Rather than feeling overwhelmed with a million emotions chaotically colliding inside your brain…you feel nothing but guilt from escaping. And you prefer this guilt over others.
You turn your head to the right, towards the window, when you feel your phone vibrating against your mattress.
Who is calling at this hour?
Grabbing your phone and looking at the screen, you see Jungkook’s name. Is he so lucky to escape too? Or is he in the reality where he suffers?
“Hello?” You murmur into the phone. 
“Hey,” Jungkook speaks quietly, “Um…I didn’t wake you, did I?”
“Cute that you think I’d be able to sleep.” You half joke. “What’s up?”
Jungkook sighs into the phone, “Honestly…if you’re up for it. Want to talk? In person?”
You sit up from bed, “In person?”
“Yeah.” You suddenly hear soft, distant knocks on your front door. “I’m kind of already here.”
You lower the phone to your chest, head turned in the direction of your open bedroom door, where you know Jungkook is in the distance outside at your front door.
You quickly end the call, standing from the bed when you make your way to him. Door opening and a gust of wind enters your house with his scent carried with it, hitting your nostrils and you melt. But you shouldn’t.
“Hey.” You nod towards the inside of your home. “Come in.”
Jungkook gives you a timid smile before walking in, slipping his shoes off and going to the couch.
“—Actually,” You cut him off before he can say anything. “I want to lay down. I feel…drained.” You admit to him with a tired smile, “Can we lay in my bed? Just to lay. And talk.”
Jungkook looks conflicted but he sees how exhausted you clearly are. “Okay.” He whispers, “We can.”
You lead him to your bedroom, for some reason you go to the side of the bed closest to the window even though you usually sleep on the side closest to the door. You lay on top of the blanket and rest your head atop the fluffy pillow. 
Jungkook takes a breath before climbing into the bed as well. A small smile threatening to pull his lips apart. You notice.
“What?” You question him but he shakes his head, suppressing the smile.
“No, it’s just…this is my side of the bed. And that’s yours. It’s like your body remembered even if you don’t.” He tells you quietly, a shy expression on his face. “It’s silly to think about that, I guess.”
You feel your cheeks grow warm. Embarrassment clear on your face. “Oh.” You’re both facing one another.
“Um, it’s—” Jungkook rests his head against the pillow but he pauses because he’s sure he feels something. “What’s…” He reaches underneath and his curious gaze turns somber. “Haru’s robot…” He whispers, the toy in his hands.
You grow more fucking embarrassed.
“Oh shit.” You blurt, completely forgetting it was under that pillow. “I just…it…” It was the one item in the attic that felt even a little familiar to you so you went back up to get it. “I felt…connected to it somehow.” You admit to him.
Jungkook nods slowly, “That makes sense. Haru wouldn’t go anywhere without this thing. The bath, to daycare, to Busan, any car ride—” He laughs a little. “Even needed this friend when his stomach hurt and he had to poop.” 
You crack a smile, “Thanks, that makes me feel great for having it under my pillow now.”
“Eh, I’m sure it’s clean. You always made sure everything was clean for him.” Jungkook lowers the robot to the mattress, “I know you aren’t aware. But you’re the best mom in the world.”
Heat crawls up your neck, “That feels weird to hear.”
“I know.” Jungkook frowns but he tries not to. “But you should hear it.”
“Should I?”
“Yeah.” He tells you with earnest eyes. “He reminded me all of the time that you were the best mommy in the world. He,” Jungkook breaks into a small grin, quietly chuckling when he sorts through his own memories. “I remember when I would take him to work and in front of everyone I would tell him I love him and he would respond with, ‘and I love mommy.’ Such a brat, that kid.” He laughs, keeping his emotions at bay. 
You can’t help but giggle too. 
 “He was always changing. One minute he would be outgoing and talk to anyone and the next he was guarded and shy. And I know all kids say wild stuff but he really said the wildest stuff.” Jungkook continues to smile. “I never knew what crazy thing he would say in public that would make me look like a questionable dad. Swear he did it on purpose.” 
“He sounds fun.”
“He is. Never bored around him.” Jungkook’s smile turns so soft. “He always slept through the night too. Once he was out…that was it until the morning. He might have been a pain in the ass sometimes but I really appreciated it that because,” Jungkook’s soft smile drops and his gaze darkens with something coy, “He never interrupted my time with you.” 
More heat envelopes your body. “That so?”
“Heavy sleeper too.” Jungkook tells you, “Never knew what we were up to.”
He finally cracks a teasing smile and you push his chest with a small laugh. “Shush.”
Jungkook still smiles at you but it turns more serious. “I know this is all…a lot for you. But being able to talk about Haru with you feels…” He sighs before swallowing his emotions. “It makes me believe in living again.”
You pinch your brows together, “What do you mean?”
“I think I’ve only been surviving.” He admits. “I haven’t felt alive since the last time we were really together.” 
Without thinking, you reach for him. Palm resting flat against his beating heart. “You feel alive to me.” You whisper.
“That’s because you’re here.” He whispers back, “This,” He taps your hand, talking about his heart. “Hasn’t made a single sound until you told me you loved me.” 
You wish his words wouldn’t affect you. But 24 year old you is affected. Because 33 year old you isn’t here right now. 
You aren’t sure if that’s good or bad. 
“Can I ask you something?” You gaze into his eyes. His eyes are soft and might you say, full of love when he nods quickly.
“You’re working on a case with your ex-partner Jimin…is it about Haru?”
Jungkook slowly closes his eyes when he frowns, “I can’t tell you anything about it, y/n…I can’t involve you.”
You sigh, “Okay.” Then you ask him something else. Feeling direct. “Misuk doesn’t trust you. Why?”
Jungkook suddenly looks annoyed. “Because she doesn’t know anything. It’s all assumptions on her end but you trust me, right?”
You think you do. So you nod.
“When your memories return…can you still trust me?” He asks you, but it sounds like he didn’t direct the question towards you at all. And that causes an uneasiness to stir.
But still, you are choosing him right now.
You glance to his chest and notice your hand is still against him and you laugh a little, “Sorry. I’m still touching you.”
“It’s okay.”
“I swear I’m not trying to throw myself at you.” And then you scrunch up your features. “Oh no, that’s what I was doing, right? Previously…I was totally forcing myself on you.” 
Jungkook can’t help but snort a little, smiling tugging at his lips. “You didn’t force yourself on me, y/n.”
Now it’s your turn to snort, “Liar.”
His fingers go to your hand again, softly drumming them across the top of your hand and you feel his heart beat harder. “And why would I ever lie to you?” 
You feel the vibration against your skin when each of his fingers land with a rhythmic beat. You recall this sound like a melody and his words are the lyrics. 
You notice how it feels when he basically sings his silent promise to you.
“Yeah, you’d never lie to me, right?” You ask, voice cracking. “Not really, right?”
Jungkook’s fingers come to a stop before he’s wrapping them around your hand. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you the truth.” 
You quickly shake your head, “No, I can understand.” Your voices quivers. “I was angry. But I can understand.”
“I never lied about my feelings, you know?” He keeps holding your hand in his. “I do love you. I have for so long and I’m never going to stop.”
He’s staring so intently into your eyes and you’re wondering how you couldn’t trust this man. You can see his heart in his eyes and it’s beating so wildly for you.
The market is busy. It seems everyone is trying to do their grocery shopping today. You and Subin roam the aisles, plucking items off the shelves with giddy smiles. You’re going to bake Jungkook his favorite homemade cookies. You finally found the recipe books and wrote down all the ingredients. 
Thankfully, since it will be your first time giving it a go, Subin has offered to help you. You’re both searching for vanilla but it seems that either they’re out or you’re totally missing it.
“What if we just skip the vanilla?” You say nonchalantly but Subin gasps.
“Bakers all around the world all have a tear running down their face right now not knowing the reason why all because you just said that!” She says dramatically, “Vanilla is crucial!”
You can’t but laugh, “Yeah, yeah.”
“We still need brown sugar too, right?” Subin eyes the shelves. “Is it just me or is it so unorganized?”
“You know how people are,” You shrug. “When they don’t want an item anymore they just stick it anywhere.” Then you point at something, “That explains why there’s a package of uncooked chicken on the shelf with flour.”
“That can’t be safe.” Subin shudders. “Anyway, did you already grab the chips Jungkook wanted?” She eyes your cart, “You’ll totally forget. Go grab them and I’ll finish finding the vanilla and brown sugar.” She grins at you with rosy cheeks. 
“Oh I did totally forget.” You say, glancing at the cart as well. You look up at the aisle numbers and search for the word ‘chips’. “Sweet, it’s only two aisles over. Be right back!”
You walk over to aisle four, eyes browsing all of the chip options when you spot a few you ‘d like as well.
“Hmm, these ones.” You grab a bag, “And these ones.” Another bag. “Oh, yes…these ones too…” You hold three bags in your arms. “Right, I need to get Jungkook’s too.” You whisper, eyes searching for the brand he wanted. You smile when you spot them, trying your best to carry the three bags in one arm while you reach for the other bag. On your tip toes, you grab it and successfully hold all four bags. Feeling accomplished, you quickly turn around but bump into someone, dropping all of your chips.
“Ah, sorry, sorry!” You apologize to the stranger. Your eyes meet and you’re met with the familiarity like you are every time. “Oh. Nabi.” You say her name like you two are fully acquainted. 
Nabi stares at you wide eyed before offering a smile. “Hi.” She says before glancing around, her kind eyes suddenly looking anxious. “How are you? Um, here…let me help—”
“—Oh no, it’s okay!” You smile. But you both bend down at the same time, bumping heads and you’re about to giggle about it but suddenly it’s like images start flashing in your mind. You try to brush it off, reaching down to grab the chips instead of focusing on whatever images you saw that don’t make sense.
You reach for a bag at the same time as Nabi and when your hands touch, you swear the world goes completely still. Your eyes meet in panic and suddenly more images are speeding around in your brain and before you know it, they aren’t just images. But full on scenarios.
And for the first time, they do make sense.
You pull your hand back quickly, eyes blinking rapidly while you try to step back.
“y/n?” Nabi’s kind eyes turn concerned. “Hey, are you okay?”
You take another step back. 
Blood draining from your body. 
These aren’t just scenarios.
These are memories.
You stare at her, bewildered. Your panicked breathes leaving your mouth quickly as you try to ease your nerves. “Um,” You swallow thickly. “I—I…” Your fingers begin to tremble and you’re unable to hold the chips anymore.
Nabi watches you carefully, “Are you—”
You don’t let her finish, your feet taking you far from here. Panicked, anxious and alert…you race back to Subin and the moment she sees you, the adorable smile gets wiped off her face.
“What’s wrong?” She asks immediately, her hands going to your shoulders. “Hey, talk to me.”
But you’re breathing too quickly, your eyes blown wide. 
“What’s wrong?” She repeats, her worry evident. “Are you okay? Did something happen? Hey, y/n…calm down.”
Calm down?
You can’t calm down. Your breathing is harsh and heavy. Your chest is closing in on itself.
You wanted to trust Jungkook. You wanted to ignore Misuk’s words. You wanted to. Really. But with all the things you’ve just seen fly through your head, and the few new memories that sit tightly tucked inside your brain…you don’t know that you can.
Misuk might not have had any solid reason…but your own memories feel like reason enough.
You’re silently gasping for air, struggling to breathe. But you manage to say the words that make you feel like you’re fucking dying inside. “I know,” You swallow hard. “I know why I blame Jungkook.”
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Things in Zombies Re-Animated that I can't stop thinking about/just stuck out to me Idk:
Bartleby. He is very cute.
Like literally one of the best looking scenes in the entire show is the bit where he licks the sandwhich Dae gave him. The way his eyes close and his ears go back makes me so happy I love it when animals do that
Also Bartleby screaming in Something to Tok About is a really funny gag Idk-
The animals in this show are all great tbh I love that so many characters get to have weird little pets
Bucky somehow picking up on Dae being an introvert before anyone else does???
The Trevor Tordjman jumpscare in Something to Tok About
Bucky loving cool frogs, mostly because it's a mood
Just Bucky in general tbh
Also I really like Dae! I was kinda worried she would be annoying, because one of her defining traits is how quirky she is and that kind of character can get annoying FAST, but so far Dae's actually been really fun!
Also I think it's very funny that her VA(Kayhun Kim) was in Cocaine Bear
The Mothership not being Ru Paul anymore. A VERY understandable choice(getting Ru Paul back would be EXPENSIVE), but disappointing none the less
The fact that Bree canonically writes fanfic about A-spen and Wynter because she has a weird disconnect between them being her friends and them being her favorite band-
The fact that Wyatt and Eliza actually got together and then broke up over the course of like, 5 episodes? Which isn't a bad thing! I think their relationship was actually handled really well, which is why I'm gonna be thinking about it a lot lmao
Bucky and Willa being friends. Them being friends is very important to me.
Zeddison. Just Zeddison. I love them <3
Willa and A-spen BARELY interacting in the first 11 episodes :(
Willa and Bree friendship :)
Bucky and Dae friendship :)
S p a g h e t t i W a t e r f a l l
Im glad Trevor Tordjman is ACTUALLY singing again in the show. If you don't count rapping(which I don't bcuz rapping and singing require different skill sets), he hasn't had an actual solo part in anything since like. Fired Up Competition. Which is weird cuz he's actually a pretty decent singer???
I'm also glad we get to hear Kylee Russell sing more!!! Her voice is so pretty :)
The soundtrack in general is really good
Eliza singing a love song to a vending machine
Addison and Bree's joint hallucination being the thing to prove to them they're still besties. Only real ones share hallucinations fr
Coach and the Solstice Slasher being highschool besites???
Just Coach and his relationships in general tbh
The poster of Eliza in Invasion of the Bucky Snatchers. That image is going to haunt my nightmares f o r e v e r
Also my brain has constructed a version of It's Okay where Wyatt's part is replaced with the chorus of I'm Not Okay, I Promise by MCR and that won't get out of my head either 💀
Also also every time I see the title of that song I start thinking about It's Alright by Mother Mother?
Basically everytime I think about It's Okay I get every song EXCEPT It's Okay stuck in my head. For some reason
Bucky is canon m-spec and polyamorous that one scene in A Wyatt Place confirms it I'm nOT INSANE I'M NOT-
I miss the Aceys 😔
This show has a surprsingly similar sense of humor to South Park and Smiling Friends? Like obviously it's really toned down because Re-Animated is on fucking Disney Channel, but like... idk it has the same vibes
The Blob
I wanna know when the rest of the season is coming out cuz I need moooooooore
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songmingisthighs · 2 years
introduction pt. i | pt. ii | pt. iii
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ch. xiii - kermit the frog ??
hybrid!san × human!reader
buy me coffee ?
everyone wants to belong, it's basic human need to connect with people around them. what happens when you're responsible for someone who belongs to two worlds but at the same time belongs to neither ? worst part is, what happens when it's your ex ?
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You sat on the lobby couch, rather anxious. The company building was beautiful and extravagant, something you completely expect from a big corporation. Even the lobby was amazing. For a company in a 62 story building, having office in over a quarter of its floors is crazy.
"They should just buy the fucking building at this point," you muttered to yourself.
You checked your phone and saw that it was five minutes to 9 am on the dot. You arrived 30 minutes early despite knowing that office hours start at 9 so you can't just go up. But seeing as it was near time, you took your handbag and iced coffee and walked over to the receptionist to get your visitor's pass.
The whole ride up the office floor was wild. You have never gotten into an elevator that you can't even control from the inside of the elevator itself. You almost embarrassed yourself when you waited behind some people for a long while before realizing that you had to tap the access card you were lent onto the underside of a monitor and then the monitor will tell you which elevator to take. It was simple but almost made you gasp.
On the office floor itself, you were immediately met with a person in front of the elevator. "Oh, hey, are you (y/n) (y/l/n)?" She asked as you stepped out of the elevator. "Yeah, that's me," you confirmed while nodding at her. Her face beamed up and she reached a hand for you to take, "Nice to meet you! I was about to go down to get you but I'm glad you were able to get up here first!" she said as she motioned for you to follow her. With her employee ID card, she tapped on a small box and the glass door opened, revealing a spacious working area. There were people around working wearing different types of clothes. Most seemed smart casual as most workers looked rather young, but you'd find the occasional suits among them. Those might be the higher-ranking officers but you can't really be sure.
The girl who greeted you had told you her name but between the hustle and bustle of people around and being wowed by the amazing office, your brain couldn't compute new information well. "This is our HR and legal floor, you can actually access the lab and the C-level floor using the stairs," she said as she pointed to the stairs in the middle of the floor that led up to where people were walking around in lab coats, "But the other floors you have to access using the elevator," she explained. You were so wrapped up in your fascination that you didn't realize someone looking at you from one of the refreshment bars on the floor in utter disbelief.
Soon enough, you both arrived at a room that the girl said was where you were going to have your interview conducted. The eyes that have been watching you didn't leave your form, it even seemed to blur out everyone and everything else.
"San," Yunho called out as he gently put a hand on San's shoulder, "You okay man?" San snapped out of his trance and turned to look at Yunho, "I'm sorry, what?" he asked finally. Yunho raised an eyebrow as his eyes darted between San and wherever he was looking in curiosity, "I... was asking if you're okay... You kinda spaced out on us there, buddy," he said, chuckling awkwardly. San wanted to ensure his friend that he was more than alright, but there was this swirling feeling inside of him that was making him uncomfortable. He didn't know when the feeling started exactly but he knew that his body began tingling and his stomach began swirling when he took notice of you. It was odd, usually, San couldn't care less about people walking by, but there was something calling out to him to investigate which allowed him to take notice of you.
Out of curiosity, Wooyoung craned his neck to take a look at what San was hyper-focusing on but unfortunately, he couldn't see anything due to the pillars outside. San noticed Wooyoung looking around and instantly became nervous as the last thing he wanted was his friends meeting you and being told of how much you hated him. Despite his nerves and weird feeling inside him, San managed a laugh to distract his friends, "You guys are worried for nothing," he said dismissively but effectively making his friends focus on him. Before anyone could say anything, San gulped down his coffee and handed the now empty cup off to Mingi who was closest to the trash can, "Hey, you three best get going before I'm gonna have to make a case to your bosses to keep you. Besides, I need to go to HR to deal with some things," he joked.
Luckily for San, his friends realized that he was right and after a minute or two of saying their goodbyes, they all parted ways.
Once San was sure that his friends are on their way off, he crept over to the office you were occupying with the HR team and stood by the door where you can't see him. He listened in on the conversation and from what he heard, the HR team seemed to like you and you seemed to like them too. Which is bad for him. He can't have you around. Your words from your last meeting with him rang in his ears, the words that you used to ensure San that you had absolutely no intention of ever getting back with him or that you even wanted him in your life. He knew he deserved that and so much more but the irrational part of his brain refused to make sense of that. The irrational part of his brain wanted to be petty and get the last say. The irrational part of his brain seemingly was under some kind of influence because San normally wouldn't make a big deal out of this. Heck, he would let you be. But somehow, he wanted to do something about it.
Without thinking twice, San walked into the room, surprising everyone there, especially you.
"Oh, good morning Mr. Choi, we-" the Head of HR tried to speak but San hold up his hand, silencing him completely as he reached for your CV that was neatly placed in front of the Head of HR and another HR staff. "Since when do you conduct interviews without letting me know first?" San asked as his eyes scanned over the information on that piece of paper. Though hesitant, the Head of HR answered him, "W-well, it was a special circumstance, Sir. It was a request from the Head of Bio Team, something about a report they made on a study that involved Ms. (y/l/n) here," he stated.
At that, you furrowed your eyebrows and rose slowly from your seat, "Excuse me, I don't understand. What study?" you asked. San immediately froze and his brain tried to come up with an explanation. He knew exactly what it was about and the knowledge made him nervous. "Well, one of the Bio Team staff made a report of a study done with the help of your... Material, for a lack of a better term, but we can't exactly disclose this because it is not our jurisdiction," The other staff blurted out which earned her a glare from the Head of HR as it dawned on her that she was not supposed to say that.
"I... What!?" you exclaimed, completely taken aback. Before the conversation about the study went further, San cut everyone off by slapping the paper onto the table with his hand loudly, "I don't care about that, and I sure as hell don't care about this special request because have you looked at this?" he scoffed. The Head of HR and his staff stared at each other as San continued after letting out a disappointed sigh, "From this..." He trailed off, chuckling sarcastically whilst shaking his head before looking straight at you, "I can't even use the word resume, it's easy to assume that she's a pain in the ass house squatter with no comprehension of the importance of having a career in anything whatsoever," your left eye twitched at the words he used made you felt... icky with yourself. San turned to his staff and shook his head firmly, "Our company has standards, okay? Even our interns should have higher credentials than this," he scoffed before turning to leave the room.
As he made his exit, you and the rest of the staff were left dumbfounded. "I... I can... I'll go text the Head of the Bio Team to... Ask her to come here so she can explain everything," the Head of HR said as he left the room with his staff scurrying behind him.
You were feeling so good earlier during the interview before San came in. You thought you were finally seen for your potential but San just had to belittle you like that. Sure, you had some reservations knowing that the company that wanted to recruit you belonged to your ex's family, but it was also your best friend's family. Knowing what you know, you've decided to make peace with the knowledge and look at the bright side. But no, he just had to ruin your moment.
With fists balled tightly, you pushed the chair you were sitting on and left the room to catch up to San.
"Hey!" You called out, making the man himself stopped in his tracks and turned around with an arrogant look on his face. Seriously, he was all apologetic and trying to talk to you, why is he a whole different person now? "You don't get to talk to me like that," you growled at him, making him raise an eyebrow in curiosity. You took that as a sign that he wasn't going to speak so you continued, "You're so privileged that you think you can just look down on people who are still struggling to find what they want to do in life and THAT's pathetic. That shows WHO you are exactly and that's disgusting," you spat. San was taken aback by the language you used. He opened his mouth to say something but you held your hand up to him, "I'm not done!" you stated loudly, effectively making San shut his mouth, "I had a hard time after the way YOU left me and right now, I'm trying to take every opportunity to explore and develop myself. You weren't mad that your team wanted to hire someone so incompetent, but you were mad that someone made a decision for you without you knowing and hoping that after this, you'll be able to just deal with it. How does that feel?" you spat.
San stood frozen, his mind blank but he felt his body regain its own control. Which was completely bad timing because at that moment, he was suddenly hyper-aware that both you and he had garnered quite the audience. People stood by to watch the scene unfolding and among them were his friends who looked just as shell-shocked but with a more hint of worry in their expressions. His eyes darted from one spectator to the other, nervous of how they might think of him. But when his eyes finally fell back on yours, all he felt was remorse. Not just because he felt bad for what he had said out of utter lack of control of his own words, but also because he had finally been made aware of how you struggled to hang on all this time. It was all his fault, yes, but he never truly realized the extent of it until right at that moment. In the middle of his office, with people who worked for him and his friends watching.
Neither of you wanted to say anything after that. San knew if he started talking, he'd just apologize profusely and if you accepted his apology (which he truly doubt), it'll just alleviate his guilt and make him feel slightly better without doing anything to you. You, on the other hand, you felt that you shouldn't ruin the meaning of your words by adding bullshit because the reaction you got from San, while not completely satisfactory, was hilarious. At that moment, you felt like you had the upper hand between you and him. Meanwhile, everyone made a mental note to not piss off the only person who seemed to be able to put Choi San in his place. Embarrassment and tmi aside.
"Ms. (y/l/n)?"
You turned to see that the Head of HR and his staff came back and a woman joined them, looking curious as to what just happened. "Shall we continue?" the Head of HR said. You immediately plastered on a bright smile and nod at him, "For sure." You turned to look at San who has now looked at least a little bit less guarded than before and let out a sigh, "I'm doing what's best for me, okay? Can we all just be grown-ups about this situation and be professional?"
Unfortunately, before San could even make a case for himself, you had already turned around and walked back into the room you were occupying. Realizing that the show was over, people dispersed and left San alone. Even his friends were hesitant to approach him. They wanted to make sure that he was okay but they didn't want to get thrown to the other side of the room.
Left on his own, San's remorse changed into something more painful as he watched you walk away. He felt his heart clench and his stomach drop. He hated the feeling and he hated the fact that you caused the feelings even more.
If things go the way San felt it wants to go just to mess with him, can he truly be professional with you when you seemed to affect him so much?
taglist :
@rdiamond2727 @90s-belladonna @kodzukein @phenomenalgirl9 @miaatiny @shinotani @jayb17 @dreamlesswonder86 @mayonnaisehoeshit @bbymatz @yunhorights @tinybinnie @blaaiissee @yunhobug @kwanisms @yoongiigolden @kpopnightingale @maddiebabyxoxo @dea-nimus @meowmeowminnie @x-bluee @itsbeeble @gxlden-bxbyy @charreddonuts @starjoongie1117 @x-woozi @jwnghyuns @marvelous-imagines-for-all @baguette-atiny @jessi-outdated @dogsongy @kirooz @ateezourstars @memorymonster @yoonguurt @atinytinaa @naiify @cecedrake2217 @spooo00oky @flamingi
@justbaozi25 @idjitscentral @angelicyeo @jackinmyarea @cutie-wooyo
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shootingsun · 2 years
Wammys kids incorrect quotes except they're all conversations/statements I have been a part of:
L: Oh my God it's just like the time Beyond set his school on fire-
Mello: He what
Mello: I'm sorry for Near's behavior
L: you do realize that you were also participating in the behavior?
Mello: nooooo I was fighting on the side of righteousness it was justified
Near: is this a healthy coping mechanism? No. Will I continue to do it? Probably
Matt: stop telling little kids stories about real life serial killers!
Mello: if I had to be cursed with childhood trauma, SO DO THEY
Beyond: No you don't even understand this manga changed my entire LIFE please read it I'm literally begging you
A: But I already know the entire plot because you told it to me via a series of rants
Beyond: STILL!
Matt: I'm trans and a gamer which somehow just makes me even more swag
L: I genuinely believe that no-one here is cisgender
A: Uh, I am?
Beyond: it's okay, we'll accept you when you realize that you're wrong
Beyond: My gender is the same as that one frog man I saw on a computer once
Near: Same
Mello: Yup, agreed
Matt: I don't think anyone here DOESN'T relate to the frogs gender honestly
Mello: I don't want to have sex with anyone you whore I want to have academic validation!!
A: I'm literally going to die this very second, unless-
Mello: the drunk horse show destroyed me emotionally however it did give me cool ideas for characters
Near: I'm sorry, the drunk WHAT show
Mello: Horse, god keep up Near
L: Buying cake at 7:36 in the morning and consuming it all in under two minutes IS self care actually
Matt: Why do acesexuals say the most horny shit? Like, lots of you don't even want the sex so why
Mello: Honestly I dunno but as an acesexual I can confirm that I say horny things all the time both in and out of context
A: I'm a good person, I'm a good person, I'm a good person, I'm a good person-
Mello: Uh. What's A doing?
Near: He thinks if he says it enough it'll come true
L: That's because it works you know.
Mello: Wait really?
Mello, under his breath: ...I will get the top score on my exam, I will get the top score-
Beyond: Who needs mental stability when you have EYELINER?
L: I've been in counseling for 7 years now.
Matt: Uh, good for you I guess
L: Not good, somehow I'm still depressed they failed to fix me emotionally
L: Look, someday, when you have the life experience I've had, you'll get it
Mello: I've never had the horizontal line dance because I'm literally underage and asexual
L: Oh shit yeah you're right
L: Hang on a fucking minute what did you just refer to sex as-
A: Everyday I get closer and closer to committing a -cide. And the motherfuckers who've crossed me better pray it's not the Homo one.
Matt: Honestly I dunno I'm just pressing buttons and hoping for the best
A: Do I picture his hair, his face, his eyes, the way our hands touch before I go to sleep? Do I long to feel the romance I'll never get to experience with him? Maybe. I mean, it might just be our mutual aromanticism, it might be my depression, but I know we can never be together in the way everyone expects us to be together...
Near: Sympathy noise.
A: Did you just say the words 'sympathy noise' to me?
Near: I'm bad at feelings why did you come to me about your sad gayness I don't know how to respond to that
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gren-writes-stuff · 1 year
A Worthwhile Gift. ★
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Tags/warnings: Platonic fluff, Greninja being the cute frog it is ig, reader is gender neutral and the trainer, Greninja's gender is not specified.
Fandom: Pokémon.
Character(s): Greninja/Gekkouga.
Word count: 2,317 words.
Mod Gren's note; this was stuck in my drafts for a while and l hadn't a clue on when l was gonna post it or not.
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It's currently noon, Greninja hasn't come back yet. Ever since this morning arrived, Greninja has wondered off to the forest, you weren't able to get a response from Greninja on why they had to leave in the forest suddenly.
But you shrugged it off, it's pretty normal for one such Greninja to disappear in the forest, perhaps they're just gonna go and train? Then again, Greninjas are mysterious creatures, they're always onto something and it gets unpredictable most of the time.
To pass the time, you started cooking meals in the kitchen for the both of you, as you wait for Greninja to come back. Who knows when that ninja will come back? Greninja had always loved your cooking, so with that knowledge in mind; you began to make Greninja's favorite meal.
Time passes.. you're almost finished setting up the dinner table, it's almost nearing nighttime and Greninja has yet to make a return to the house. You start to wonder on where they went, and you began to worry a bit. It's not like Greninja to return this late, but they're always busy or caught up with something, so you decided to wait for them a little longer.
Time passes again.. you sat at the dinner table, the food is prepared, and you have yet to see Greninja. As you began to worry more, you heard a knock on your window. The sound of someone knocking on the window startles you a bit, you wonder on who it is that could be knocking this late?
You turned to the source of sound, and you looked through the clear glass; It's Greninja. And it seems to be holding something.
Relieved that they came back, even at this late hour, you approached the window and opened it. "Greninja, where have you been?" you asked the ninja in question.
"Gren!" The Greninja responded, as they hand you a small bouquet of flowers; they have a lovely aroma and they look very pretty.
"Ah, is that... For me? Wait-" the realization hits you. to confirm your suspicions, you asked the ninja. "...Is this why you suddenly ran to the forest at the morning? It is just to get me a.. gift?"
"Gre-nin." The Greninja responded as they nod, looks like your suspicions has been confirmed. You then took the small bouquet of flowers in your hand. "You didn't really need to do that today, right? You're always so kind." you said, as you gave the ninja a small boop on their nose, the ninja slightly blushes in response.
"Come inside, you goof. The food's gonna get cold.. and the includes your favorite meal." you reminded the Greninja. Upon mentioning Greninja's favorite meal, they slightly panicked and yet also excited, so they jumped through the opened window almost immediately, you then closed the window and locked it.
You two ate your dinner while having a joyous time at the dinner table.
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ateezivy · 2 years
learn the alphabet with ivy (updated)
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warning! jokes about drugs and killing (this is how she copes with her trauma😭)
A is for…
‘ass shakin on a tuesday?’
‘ask hongjoong if we can get mcdonald’s for dinner’
‘as a mingi enthusiast, i can confirm’
B is for…
‘but did i die?’
‘boxing was fun until i almost broke my wrist-‘
C is for…
‘cause i said so’
‘cute is overrated, i like looking like i just killed someone-‘
‘call me when i actually care, wooyoung’
D is for…
‘don’t follow me, i won’t be running away. i’m going to the store…’
‘driving is easy, these losers are just lazy. AINT THAT RIGHT YUNHO???’
‘did someone say le sserafim?’
E is for…
‘eggplant emoji? boy what-‘
‘extra ice please’ ‘but seonghwa hyung asked for light-‘ ‘i said extra’
‘even if i die, keep performing’ ‘ivy no-‘
F is for…
‘frogs are innocent beings.’
‘felix said otherwise.’
G is for…
‘god would want me to’
‘going to the gym is so much work, but i’m forced to’
‘guys, i think i started my period…’ *cue panic*
H is for…
‘hongjoongie-oppa says i’m brilliant’ ‘he told you that so you would shut u-‘ ‘san no one asked for your input’
‘how did you manage to make jongho cry bruh-‘
‘how big is his-‘ ‘olivia!’ ‘-house…’
I is for…
‘i’m fearless’ *after getting scared by yunho*
‘i feel bonita’
‘if i have to dance to this song on more time-‘
J is for…
‘just say you hate me already’
‘jongho is my best friend, sometimes’
‘jimin would be my friend.’
K is for…
‘killing people is only okay sometimes’
‘kites still exist??’
L is for…
‘lost me at the word running’
‘look at me’ *slaps san*
‘living is breathing.’
M is for…
‘mingi my dearest’
‘my type? mingi.’
‘my mom told me not to do it, but my mom is also a drug addict so-‘
N is for…
‘no money’
‘no ice cream for you mr. park’
‘nayeon-unnie is cooler than you’
O is for…
‘oh jolly pirate’
‘oh brother, this fool again’ *san walks in*
‘oh, i like yeosang more’
P is for…
‘people think im innocent. that’s cute’
‘pipe down’
‘poop doopy’
Q is for…
‘quit looking at me like that, you’re gonna make me vomit’
‘quiet, i think i hear god’
‘quit talking, i’m trying to listen to itzy!!!’
R is for…
‘right, and i’m beyoncé.’
‘right hand man, jongho. not you’ *cut to wooyoung frowning’
‘rings. blings. and all that’
S is for…
‘silence, who died?’
‘snow snow snow snow snow snow sno-‘ *yeosang throws a snowball at her*
‘sweet. can we go home now?’
T is for…
‘tomorrow is a new day, a new slay’
‘teen beach movie has one of the best soundtracks’
‘they see me rollin, they hatin-‘
U is for…
‘uvula shot’ *shows camera yunhos uvula*
‘under the seaaa. under the seeeaaa. darling is betTA down where it weTTA’
‘uhm, be so fucking for real right now…’
V is for…
‘very good morning my loves’
‘van… gogh’ *van starts moving*
‘valid point, too bad i don’t care’
W is for…
‘wow, and here i thought i was the idiot’
‘where is my food servants’ *acting a scene for a show*
‘why am i here. i need to go home. i, i need to go.’
X is for…
‘xoxo, go piss girl’
‘x-rays helped see the shape of dna’ ‘it’s 2 am. go to bed.’
x’s and the o o o’s they HAUNT me’
Y is for…
‘you have no idea what you’re talking about do you?’
‘yo, chill out brother’
‘yes, i do love my members. yes, i do hate my members. family.’
Z is for…
‘zoom zoom, hop in hotties’
‘zebras. are the white with black stripes. or black with white stripes’
‘zooweemama am i right?’
taglist: @atolua @skzfairies @itzy-eve @cixrosie @stopeatread @alixnsuperstxr @smh-anon
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ultimateplaylistmaker · 8 months
I want to get multiple chapters done before I start actually refining and posting but because we've been talking about it for so long here's the rough WIP for the first chapter of Kokichi's Ultimate Horse Phase
It began like all good stories did; waking up in a dumpster. While Kokichi was no stranger to waking up in really weird places, this one was a bit different from usual. For one, this dumpster actually smelled rather nice compared to other dumpsters he woke up in before, and also he couldn’t feel his hands, or his feet.
Also he was pretty sure he was supposed to be dead. All splotch under a press! Maybe he was a ghost and that’s why he couldn’t feel his fingers? Jerking his head, something metal slammed against the side of his head and solidly confirmed he was corporeal, and also that he had a headache now.
Snorting, he grunted as he tried to rub his head. Though as what should have been his hand brushed his hair. He noticed a few things, like a new lack of fingers, something protruding from his head and the fact this was almost certainly a poll, not a scalp. Rubbing his hand across what appeared to be a short mane that curled like his normal hair, Kokichi could also feel the frog of a hoof gliding across what felt like fur. Yup he definitely was a horse.
It took a moment to sink in, but then Kokichi practically leaped out of the dumpster with new gusto, shoving the top bit open as he landed on wobbly four legs, trusting his new body to at least know how to stand. Leaping out into the moonlight, Kokichi could finally see things again. Putting a hoof in front of his face and as such also falling down, Kokichi confirmed his coloration seemed to be dark purple and white with a slight purple tint. Though knowing horse patterns that could mean absolutely nothing about the rest of his new body. Huffing, Kokichi began to prod his new body, quickly discovering wings along with the previous thing that seemed to be a curving horn. A mix of a unicorn and Pegasus it seemed, definitely a rare combo.  After a few stumbles to get up, Kokichi measured himself against the dumpster, frowning as he came up rather shorter. Seemed he was a rather small horse as well, just his luck that he came out more pony-like. 
Walking forward, instincts of the streets in his youth led his shaky gait through the shadows of the alley, practically melting into the darkness despite his colorations. Soon he reached the end of the alley and peered ahead, silently in awe of the sight. He could see a few other horses trotting around. Some had wings, some had horns, some even had neither, though none had both horns and wings. Kokichi was willing to brush it off on just a stupidly low sample size, but still he didn’t move. He had no clue where he is or what the fuck was going on. He was supposed to be dead anyways, and he had no clue why he was here in Barbie’s Horse Adventure instead.
So he stayed in the shadows, watching, grateful for the full moon for helping him better see the area.
Eventually his eyes landed on a poster, finally he had found a horse like him, a white horse with wings and a horn, though it was a boring horn with no curves. However what concerned Kokichi was the fact they seemed to be wearing a crown. Just a coincidence? Or a caste system? Kokichi couldn’t tell, but either way he trotted back to the dumpster, determined that none would find out he might be part of the ruling class. The attention would be awful this early on.
After what felt like hours of rummaging and the horrible attempts at trying to make things without fingers, Kokichi slipped a fake horn over his real horn, the fake looking white and clearly made of some weird material guaranteed that everyone would see it then dismiss it as a lie or delusion. The perfect disguise.
Still, while he had a start, he still had no idea what the fuck was going on or social cues or anything. The poster had scribbles on it, so if it was a language he clearly did not know it. Kokichi knew a lot of languages, but it certainly was never one he had ever heard of before. Horse language he guessed, he just hoped he would at least have some idea what anyone would be saying when he started eavesdropping. For now though, he had to stick to the shadows, observe, learn.
Of course his mix of white in his fur would make that difficult, but it wasn't like he was inexperienced hiding in the shadows while wearing blinding white, he could cope. First order of business though, figuring out currency. While he has stolen before, and would steal again, having money was just more convenient for the most part. Normally he’d steal a hat and get to work doing some kind of entertainment for cash. However, he wasn’t sure what he could use to busk here. He didn’t know if he spoke the language, even making his shoddy horn covering had taken at least an hour. So he couldn’t tell jokes, and he couldn’t do crafts. So the most legal busking he could do was out. Luckily, there were plenty of more questionable ways to collect cash
Pulling out three cups from the dumpster and picking up a pretty enough looking pebble. He figured he might as well test the waters with a good old fashion shell game. Not as fun as three-card monte admittedly, but still pretty fun! He’d need something to lure a person in though since he had nothing for them to win. So he pulled out a bag that seemed clean, put some trash in it, and with much effort involving his teeth, tied it taut with a knot. There, a mystery prize of garbage was obtained. Hopefully intrigue could hook someone.
Trotting through alleyways to a less clean part of town, but not dirty enough to be unappealing to idiots, Kokichi sat down on a piece of what seemed to be cardboard, and he waited. 
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rheebydeeby · 2 months
Silly Game Time: Who are some of your favorite reptile characters? And what do you like about them?
They could be fully a real reptile (snakes, lizards, crocodilians--heck I'll even let you include amphibians like frogs, toads, newts, and salamanders if you want), partially reptile (like naga a partially humans and dragons are partually anything else), humanoid from fantasy or sci-fi (kobolds or silurians, etc.), or something else entirely. All that matters is that they're reptilain or reptoid.
okay so idk if this really truly fits cause i dont think cardassians are confirmed definitely reptilian but they have scales and a neck thing that reminds me of my beardie so im counting it lmao
and in that vein GARAK!!!! HES JUST!!!! I LOVE HIM SM L;AKJDSF;LKAJSDL Hes a freak and so smart and constantly ready to jump to whatever the safest point is, friends and loved ones be damned, like. I just. I love him sm oh my GODDDDDD
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this-is-lightning · 1 year
Supercorp FicRec P. 28
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The next part in my ongoing ficrec series. I go through my bookmarks on AO3 and select the ones I like the best and add a little commentary on why. 5 fics per part. (under the cut)
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give me mercy no more by searidings
kara and lena would go, have been, to hell and back for one another. but heaven? that's a whole different ball game.
w: 23,195
r: general audiences
S6 black mercy AU. Lex is there and plotting, they foil the plan of course and finally their feelings come to light. Short, intense, happy ending! Looots of feelings.
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We Deserve Only Good Things by ThornedRose44
“Are you Lena?” The girl jolted in her spot on the sofa, hugging the bear closer to her chest. “Yes.” Even though Kara had known it from the second she had laid eyes on the child, the confirmation still managed to take her by surprise. “Who are you?” Lena asked, trying to sound as confident as she could. “Oh, my name’s Kara.” Kara replied warmly, taking a step forward, eager to move closer to offer reassurance before halting the second she saw the younger version of her once best friend flinch. “It’s okay,” Kara quickly soothed, “It’s okay. I won’t hurt you.” Lena peered over the top of her bear’s fuzzy head, “Promise?” Kara knelt down and smiled brightly, “Promise.”
Following Lex’s defeat, Kara and Lena are struggling to rebuild their friendship and let go of the hurt caused on both sides when Kara and Lena work together to help an alien return home. To show their gratitude for being saved the alien provides the two of them a chance to close the rift still between them. How? By getting them to meet each other's younger selves.
w: 28,678
r: mature
S6. Reconciliation is hard but they get help. Hits you right in the feels - and hard. SO well done, truly its a gem. Meeting little Kara and Lena was a real treat, wish we'd had more of that in the show. She writes them both so well and just knows how to cut them to the core. Brilliant!
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something so precious about this (oh what a sin) by Just_As_Sane
Small folded pieces of paper begin to gather in her wallet. There’s swans, cute puppy faces with tiny noses drawn on them, various sized stars and there’s fish, frogs even a dinosaur.
But mostly there’s hearts.
She tries not to read too much into it.
Kara makes little origami creations and gives them to Lena, and Lena being the complete and utter sap that she is, loves them with all her heart.
w: 4,399
r: mature
I adore this one. Its so soft and sweet and comforting. All fluff, no angst. Definitely one of my go-to comfort fics. (and i am absolutely like this Lena when im in love lol)
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What's gonna be left of the world if you're not in it? by ThornedRose44
If Lena didn’t know any better she would say she was being haunted. By an actual ghost. But Lena knew better. She had one of the highest IQ’s in the country. So Lena knew better.
w: 83,635
r: teen and up
This ones a lot funnier than it might sound. It gets a bit sad and sappy later, but that makes the story even better. Very happy ending (Kara is not actually dead). Also if you haven't already do check out all her fics. (tho i probably recd them all by now)
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i love that i know you (like no one does) by robie
“Help me understand,” Kara says. “Are you saying everyone falls in love with their best friend?”
“I’m saying that queer women have a special affinity for it,” Lena repeats, fishing the cherry out of the bottom of her drink. “The whole ‘falling for your straight best friend’ is basically a rite of passage.”
“Says who?”
“Everyone.” She puts the cherry in her mouth, bites it off the stem. “The L Word was like, built on the premise that a friend group of queer woman in LA dated each other in some sort of terrible repeating circle for, god, however many seasons that went on. And it’s been my experience that when two people are attracted to each other, and they’re close, feelings are likely to develop.”
“That’s just, I mean, come on.” Kara’s cheeks are a little pink. “A trope and a tv show? That’s your evidence?”
“So you’ve never been in love with your best friend?” Lena looks down at her empty glass.
“No!” Kara sounds affronted. “No, I have never been in love with my best friend.”
A love story, told in three acts.
w: 47,367
r: mature
Sooo they totally fall in love of course, it just takes a while - cue jUsT fRiEndS shenanigans. Like so so many of them. Lots of pinging, a little angsty but eventually they stop being dumb. So so so well written.
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Don't forget to leave some love for the writers! Happy reading!
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jerseyclown · 2 years
mikey way eggs look like frog eggs confirm or deny
L + ratio + get a better joke + yall arent as funny as you think you are
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justgoo0se · 2 years
I thinki ts about high time ai. stotak bout moon in a very insantity ridden post ( i ma nOy high, I have standefereds and that is ruple)
sososoo moon' islike a chracter of History repeats au of undertale multivers eheeeheh and and andd its omcbine d with fruit and it was created from a passing thought of torturing like, one or two characters and thn it decended into "okay, but what if we torture them ALL"
man poor archer, dude cna't catch a break from the mass amounts of negativity no wonder he's a grymp lik man child <#333 and moon's vover here dancing on his brother's empty graeve((for nwo))
Moons such a scrimblo, youd vnever expect him to bea little manipalitive bastard, but then again you hsould never trust someone who has a snake on their person at al l times (God, he has,,, so many snakes,, he's such a deeky, they're so well fed and FAT too and and and there's. abig rainforest python he may or may not have taught to eat his enemies <#33) he SO pampers his silly little snake and frogs, silly, evil lil man but what can you expect he is nightmare, just uncorrupted and put through so much trauma at the age of like, 5 physically, he was mind of beybe
hes hes he sh alos the only one with a confirmed age, I think?? Cause I blantently said that he's a yonngekin g with a mindset of a 16 year old (A very mSART 16 year old!!! who can't read very well,,) or was his, wait no he
wait yes, yes
lost tack of mind (again, really my brian wanders so much, like during math I just blinked and then ohhh im soing it again bac to moon)
But basically, the point is is that this man CAN blackmail you he WILL get his silly little spymen (he ALSO blackmailed) to spy on you, you have no choice in the matter he will find a way to get what he wants (as all nightmares do <333)
But he's still
atrotious at punishments
the begging for mercy gets to him <333
so he gives them a quick and painful death of snake
He's such a SASSY child, too! He SO got it from this vers of Blueprint
(IIiii accidnetly gave blueprint the wrong personality, but I wanted sassy men <3333, now HR!Blueprint is just Sa d)
I mean, just because he's uncorrupted doesn't eman that he still doesn't act like corrupted nm sometimes, like he comes from the fallenverse (Shatteredverse?) and that one sort of co-existed with NM so they both did equally terrible tstuff (I don't know if this is canon, WHO maDE SHATTERED/FALLENVERSE??) (Either way I dunno, so discplaimer is that this is mY versuon of the fallenverse, don't take it as canon grgr)
th eonly canon things there are for the HR!AU and dats
das baout it
oh, did I mention he's the king?? that's a big part of it, yknow, cause as king, hehas to track down his grumpy, illegal brother swho would rather starve than to serve time in a nice castel with his bbrothe
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legallypumpkinn · 1 year
My classpecing basics recap bc it’s late o clock where I am at but I have so much to say so none of this will probably be coherent but like… I’m rlly cool and smart :3 (ordered by gender commonality, w Exploit and Understand in the middle as ungendered pairs bc like “oh we haven’t seen a male maid yet” “seer shoes r too girly” SHUT THE FART!! If knight can b both binary genders then so can maid, and Kankri is right there :?)
DESTROY: Prince (-) / Bard (+) - This one is one of 2 canon pairs so I am not giving an explanation. That is for Calliope :3
BECOME: Page (-) / Heir (+) - This one stemmed first from symmetry - if we accept that there is a pair of classes exclusive to each gender, and a pair of classes mostly filled with one gender, then the opposite binary gender needed it’s equivalent to that. Of course, I wasn’t willing to go solely on that (tho I sure do love numerical symmetry!!), so I made this post, tho it didn’t receive much help following my preexisting structure. So I then looked into the canon of each aspect and it seemed nearly confirmed here and here that witches and sylphs are pairs, so boom, heir and page! But that is not all - I also believe that heir and page work quite well as counterparts when we look at the kids who represent them and how they acted for their sessions, with John “becoming” breath the second he entered, and Jake “becoming” Hope at his character climax. Also rufioh horuss symmetry blah blah I don’t have the chart I made explaining even more bc my old device broke but anyway it was deep and super cool.
EXPLOIT Knight (-) / Maid (+) - Initially when I read the bits of postcanon where Aradiabot told Dave they were “essentially the same” or whatever I was like huh that connection seems tenuous. Anywas tho then I started thinking - they do seem to serve very similar roles, and im betting that the maid would be as efficient in frog breeding as the knight. The maid allows others to make full use of their aspect, or exploit it - Aradia allows Sollux to create the game (thus, exploiting fate) and serves within the dream bubbles (thus, exploiting the afterlife ohoho im so funny), both of these things aided by time. Jane is one of the main contributors to Jake coming to fruition as a page, and even the Dolorosa put the Sufferer’s aspect in place, raising and allowing him to create bonds amongst the other low bloods.
UNDERSTAND Mage (-) / Seer (+) - This one is pretty obvious I think, they both understand their aspect and can see it carrying out, but in the Seers case is comes to them and not the other way around, while in the Mage’s case they kinda go thru shit and back to understand their aspect (Meulins relationships imploded upon themselves and ended up causing her permanent disability, and Sollux liek… already dealt a bad hand, plus mutant, plus Vriska, plus Aradia, ratio L)
REDISTRIBUTE Thief (-) / Rogue (+) - Also canon!! I chose the term “redistribute” specifically, tho, bc the thief takes their aspect and REDISTRIBUTES it to themselves, but rogues don’t like… steal thru their aspect, they also redistribute it!!
CHANGE Witch (-) / Sylph (+) - WIO THE FINSL ONE!!!!! Umm see here and here, if I’m honest I don’t know if the word “chsnge” is the best word to use but I am coming up short. N e wayz tho, the witch changes using their aspect like… very literally, w Jade manipulating space and stuff. But they also do it more symbolically, as with Feferi changing the preconceptions of life in the dream bubbles. Not sure about damara, but she probably did something too idk. Anyways then there is also sylph!! The sylph allows their aspect to be changed - see Kanayas fucked up attempts at frogs?? And especially how spidergirl allowed what was seen as preconceived fact to change itself if it helped further her case.
N e wayz I am doneso for tonite I think!! Goodnight all, I hope you enjoyed my ramblings !! They r not very good but they definitely happened!!!!
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Watch "The Daemon: A Treatise Upon the Nature of the Daemonic (Warhammer 40K & Horus Heresy Lore)" on YouTube
For the spider thing is playing you lizards by adding a layer of salamanders because they don't go to the same time cycle so they do the frogs they're going to do the lizard and they're going to leave the door we're going to try to mix all that and make a goo out of you you guys are always taxed Yeah by thou Air Base t h u l e using store student technology and Star Trek to all fucking alien technology at these motherfuckers that I put on them right and they're confirming it over here like that's true that's true that's true I love old crimes and new crimes coming together
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junkymunky68 · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Murano Style Lampwork Amethyst Blue White Beige Mini Art Glass Frog Figurine.
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