zolanort · 4 years
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I was writing a whole fic about that robot they shot into space. It named itself Kilroy and it sings along to alien radio frequencies whilst hurtling through the cosmos on a road trip of epic proportion— and then my motivation died halfway through so here’s a doodle instead.
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lifeofsevin · 6 years
You guys can be mad about the ending for other reasons but the only reason I'm mad is cause this guy wasn't shown in that galaxy shot at the end.
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somefrecklyginger · 6 years
Finally finished Voltron...
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equalstrength · 6 years
so. sleepy.
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the-stressmushroom · 6 years
I have never related to a character more.
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vrepit-salt · 6 years
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raycelestial-blog · 6 years
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@immortalerror gave me the best damn birthday present I’ve ever gotten and I’m literally so happy they’re in my life. I couldn’t ask for a better partner in crime.
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sunnybimbo · 7 years
one of the cutest pics of hunk this season:
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faerie-serendipity · 7 years
everyone: keith’s mom omg keith’s mom is a galra - clone shiro confirmed- lance is the next black paladin
me: later paladudes
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eressiel · 7 years
Guess who just rewatched season 5 again ._.
Guys, I think I may have a problem.
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a-ginger-journey · 6 years
A Voltron Fanfiction: What Could Go Wrong? (Paladins x Reader) Part 1
So Voltron's coming out in two days and I just...hnnng...I wrote a fanfic because I was bored and I love me some Space Daddy. Here is my trash. Enjoy.
The Paladins were successful in liberating yet another alien planet from Zarkon's hands and were one step closer to ending the war. Although the planet's locals were nocturnal and usually let the planet rest throughout the day, they were forced to work on the Galra's schedule due to Zarkon's reign and the planet suffered, risking the utter destruction of the civilization and the planet itself; That is until Voltron liberated them. To show their appreciation, they threw together a late night party in honor of the Paladins to celebrate their victory. The heroes gathered around in the lounge room of the Castle, exhausted but with a newfound adrenaline after yet another successful mission.  Shiro brought everyone in for a team huddle to congratulate them and to thank everyone for doing their part in making this mission one of many victories.
  "Nice work, team. You've really come together in these last few missions and we've made a lot of progress." Allura couldn't help but add on to Shiro's encouraging words by saying a few of her own. The war against Zarkon might not be over, however she valued everyone sticking together and pushing through every battle making the Coalition ever stronger.
 "Yes, excellent work Paladins. Thanks to you, Voltron still stands as the most powerful defender of the universe." Although Coran was present in the meeting with everyone and also grateful, he seemed preoccupied with checking the time along with anything else that sporadically popped into his head, turning to face the group.
"The locals of this planet were so grateful, they've orchestrated a huge celebration in your honor! Unfortunately now it's a bit late and we should probably get some rest. Off to bed with you now." Dramatic sighs erupted from the Paladins all at once. Although they were burnt out from their recent battles with the Galra, they were also young adults who felt as if one night of being able to relax and enjoy themselves would do them some good. Lance being the most vocal of the group was of course the first to express his concerns.
 "Aw, come on! They're celebrating us! Can't we just have one night where we can be us instead of the 'Defenders of the Universe' or whatever?!" Although Pidge and Lance didn't always see eye to eye on most issues, she agreed with him and stubbornly made a statement of her own, much to everyone's surprise.
 "Zarkon's men have been defeated, so we know the planet is safe. Plus, everyone's been working really hard on our last missions. Can't we have a little bit of fun?" Although Allura listened to their reasoning and attempted to come to an understanding, she also couldn't ignore the duty that her father had tasked her with and therefore couldn't take any chances with Voltron falling into the wrong hands, denying their request harshly. 
"Like it or not, you are the Paladins of Voltron now and we cannot risk  something happening to one of you." Shiro both being the Leader of Voltron and a respected figure to the team made the decisive call and sided with Allura on the issue, both expected and much to the demise of the group's hopes.
 "The Princess is right. If something were to happen to any of you, then we couldn't form Voltron. Also, just because we've defeated Zarkon's men on this planet doesn't mean we should let our guard down. There could still be more of them working undercover." Coran decided to crush the young Paladins' morale by reiterating his previous statement, adding on to their hatred of the many burdens they bare as Voltron. 
"Now off to bed with you!" The Paladins all groaned in unison as Shiro, Allura, and Coran all exited the lounge, leaving the rest of the team to themselves as they prepared for their next move against Zarkon's empire. Lance obnoxiously exclaimed his frustration, making the rest of the party in the room eye roll knowing that it wouldn't help their situation.
"Man this sucks! Everyone gets to party except for us! We're the reason they even get to party!" Pidge plopped down on the sofa with a sigh of defeat.
 "Oh well. If we die fighting the Galra, I can safely say I died never having gone to a real party before." Lance  over exaggerated to the point of absolute annoyance in reaction of Pidge's comment.
"Wait Pidge! You've never been to a party?!"Keith jumped into the conversation, defending Pidge against Lance's judgmental satement.
"So what? Neither have I."  Hunk confessed to the rest of the room while they were all on the subject.
"Yeah come to think of it, I've never been to one either." Lance just scanned everyone in the room slightly irritated. 
"Okay, so let me get this straight. Three out of the five DEFENDERS OF THE UNIVERSE have never experienced the utter enjoyment of a party?" An idea fired up in Lance's brain causing his face to light up in everyone's horror, "Well I say we change that, tonight." Hunk caught on to what Lance was suggesting and quickly started to panic a little.
 "W-wait, what? D-didn't Shiro and Allura say to stay put?" Pidge cut Hunk off with her answer nonchalantly.
 "I'm in." Keith attempted to shut down Lance's proposal to everyone by reminding them of what was just discussed.
 "No way. Do you know how much trouble we'd be in if we got caught? Shiro and Allura were right, it's too risky." Of course Lance found an opportunity to tease Keith and took full advantage of the moment. 
 "Oh, whatever Keith! You're just scared to go to a party!" To everyone's expectations, Keith and Lance started bickering back and forth, "No, I'm just not an idiot." 
"Who are you calling an idiot, IDIOT?" 
"Maybe if you weren't an idiot, YOU'D KNOW!" Pidge finally ceased their vocal war by butting in.
 "Whatever, are we going or what?!" Lance did a one-eighty and got right back to the point, dropping his attitude towards Keith like it was nothing.
 "Alright, so me and Pidge are in. Hunk, you in on this?" Hunk hesitantly responded, unsure of what to say.
"Uh, I don't know Lance. Are you sure this is a good idea?" Lance defended his brilliant idea to the room. 
"Ah, relax will ya? Like Pidge said, we've defeated the biggest threat to this planet already. And besides, we're the Paladins of Voltron! What could possibly go wrong?"
Outside of the Castle sat a restless Shiro letting his thoughts run wild while watching the celebration going on nearby. He thought about Zarkon as he sat there trying to figure out what to do to defeat him. He thought about what would happen after they did. Would the fight ever end? Or would others try to take Zarkon's place? Would they have to defend the Universe forever? However, what Shiro thought of most was Earth. He thought not only of the possibility of never seeing his home planet again, but the other paladins as well. 
"Maybe I have been pushing them too hard." He stood up to go back inside and talk to the others when he saw a small group of familiar looking individuals in the distance heading towards the party. Shiro let out a defeated sigh.
"I can't ever catch a break." 
You were seated at the bar enjoying the atmosphere of the party, space beer and other drinks flowing around freely. You were an earthling and had your own messed up reasons for getting stuck on the other side of space, but you were resourceful so you made do. It was refreshing to see a planet liberated from the Galra and by Voltron nonetheless. You've heard of the Legendary Defender from all across the Galaxy but to see it with your own eyes was a whole new experience. A group of four entered the club, catching your attention as you stared at them in awe. 
"Humans? And I thought I was the only one unlucky enough to make it all the way out here." A Hispanic earthling in the group locked eyes with you from across the club and immediately strolled over to you.
 "Hello there, beautiful. The name's Lance. I see you don't have a drink or a date, mind if I fix that for-?" A boy with dark eyes and a black mullet pulled Lance by the ear. 
"Sorry about Lance. He's an idiot." Unsure of how to react, you just stared at them with a smile, fighting the urge to laugh as they squabbled in front of you.
 "Ow! Okay, Keith I get it. Now could you please let go of my ear?!" 
"Nah I'm good." Their squabble was interrupted by a nerdy girl with short hair and glasses.
 "So are you from Earth like us? Or are you an alien that looks similar to humans? Ooh! Or do you have a chameleon ability that helps you blend in?" A bigger guy sporting an orange bandanna stepped in to stop her rambling by addressing the elephant in the room.
 "I think what Pidge is trying to say is if you are from Earth, then how did you get all the way out here?" You were surprised to say the least. No one had really asked you anything like that since you've been out here so you just assumed that nobody was interested. 
"It's kind of a long story." Keith and the rest of the paladins were interested in what you had to say so he made an excuse to keep the conversation going.
"Well, we've got all night." 
As you sat there talking with the surprisingly young Paladins of Voltron, you grew to admire them a little as they reminded you of how Earthlings were since this was the first time you've come across people like you during your time here; It was almost nostalgic. You ordered drinks for everyone and chatted it up, sharing your experiences out in space and reminiscing about Earth. Hunk hated the taste of the drinks being served so he whipped up a new drink of his own called 'Altean Love Potion' while Keith, Pidge, and Lance played Space Pong. You were seated at the bar, laughing at how buzzed the Paladins were all getting and enjoying your drink to yourself when a muscular man with a white tuft of hair and an old scar across the bridge of his nose sat beside you. 
"Mind if I join you?" You kindly accepted, your cheeks feeling warm from either the buzz you were getting or from the man who was now sitting to your right, you weren't quite sure. He ordered a space beer as you casually started conversation. 
"So you must be Shiro." He gazed at you curiously, wondering how the girl seated next to him figured him out so quickly.
"Alright, you caught me. How did you know I was here?" Resting your elbow on the table, you placed your head in your hand, a playful smirk emerging from your lips.
 "I might have noticed you watching your friends from across the club." He chuckled nervously, noticing now how obvious he must've seemed and apologized to you for not taking responsibility for them sooner.
 "Yeah, sorry if they've caused you any trouble. And thank you for looking out for them."You giggled as you stared at the Paladins, watching them as memories from Earth started to emerge once again. 
"No problem, they're a nice group of kids." Shiro stared down at his drink, a mixture of sadness in his eyes and a half smile on his face. 
"Yeah, they are. I wanted to let them have their fun. They deserve it."He felt a warm hand gently placed on his left arm, drawing his gaze back to you as your eyes locked with his. The lights from the bar gave off a captivating gleam in your eyes and time seemed to stand still. 
"And you don't? All they could talk about was how they wished you were here with them tonight. They look up to you ya know?" The sound of glass shattering distracted you both to the source of the noise.
 "Hey, that was my drink!" An angered and obviously drunk Keith stood up to a nasty looking alien twice his size. You and Shiro started towards them as Lance stood beside his fellow Paladin against the alien brute, adding fuel to the fire as he started to taunt the intimidating alien.
 "Yeah! You're just mad because we kicked your alien butt in Space Pong! It's not our fault you're a sore loser!" Lance's taunting angered the alien to no end making Pidge step back, uncomfortable by the situation. 
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bionicle · 7 years
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My new wallpaper
~Later, paladudes
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shirosucc · 7 years
I just - by this logic that there’s a certain amount of fan content that a character can have and then the focus must move on to other characters, we’re all henceforth banned from producing more fanworks unless it’s for the party sentry. It doesn’t matter if he isn’t your fave, everyone is banned from enjoying other characters and freely producing content from them until we meet that quota. Or you know, we could let people enjoy the characters they enjoy but hahaha what.
i know what you’re saying here and you’re absolutely correct this is Tea.... people honestly just lack critical thinking skills. love for characters in a fandom is not a zero-sum gain. just because i love shiro and keith the most out of the cast doesn’t mean i love allura, or hunk, or coran, or pidge any less. and if you love those characters (and you should), then create? more? events? for? them? contribute to fandom constructively for just once in your entire life?
but in all seriousness i really would love to see more content of party sentry it’s what he deserves.......
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oflgtfol · 7 years
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miramaramora · 3 years
A very wise man once said :
✨later Paladudes ✨
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To the Voltron Fandom -
I want you guys to think back to when Voltron - Legendary Defenders first came out. I want you to remember the joy, the wonder, and the thrill you felt when it first aired on Netflix. We were introduced to a universe unlike any that had been created before. I want you to remember Shiro, Keith, Lance, Pidge, Hunk, Allura, Coran, Zarkon, Haggar, Lotor. Remember the Blade of Marmora, the Rebels, every single character that came to life because of VLD.
That hope and wonder went away when we, the Fandom, became so dangerously OBSESSED with VLD and the ships we wanted to see sail. Klance, Sheith, Kidge, Punk, Allurance, Lotura, Kolivance. There were so many ships that set sail and sank in the Fandom Sea that they’re too numerous to name. But it was those “fans” who were such... rabid, savage, horrible creatures (I hesitate to call them people or even human beings) that truly fired the sinking shot in the VLD fleet.
I remember reading stories, as I’m sure some of you do and many more of you have forgotten, of “fans” refusing to take down sensitive material unless Klance was made cannon and then threatening not only the studio but the voice actors and their families when these rabid “fans” found out that their ship wasn’t going to happen (the “Glass Cupcake” legend)
If those “fans” had accepted the route the studio was going and not made horrendous threats, how much would you like to have bet that we would have gotten more than Allurance at the end? There’s a chance we may have gotten Sheith, Punk, or any number of ships but we lost out chance because “fans” were stupid.
Now we’ve possibly got another chance. We don’t have any details, we don’t know anything about what is going to be released. Hell, it could be a hoax for all we know! But if it’s not? Do you realize the chance that’s being given, the opportunity?!
This might be back stories that we hoping and wishing for, or it could be a new generation and the lions AND Allura could return, or it could be something that nobody is expecting. There is a MULTI-VERSE within VLD, who’s to say we won’t explore one of those???
Many of you are groaning about it being another disaster when most of you fail to realize that it was we, the Fandom, who lit that dumpster fire.
So take a moment, think about it from a unbiased standpoint, and then
It’s a show, not real life. If it’s gonna happen, then it WILL happen. There’s really very little that you can do about it, except ignore it and get on with your life.
And if there are any rabid idiots who disagree with this, please note that I don’t tolerate bullying, harassment, or any negative remarks on my posts. If you attempt to leave a nasty comment, I will block and report you to admins faster than you can say “Later Paladudes, wheeeeeeeeeeeeee!!”
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