hella1975 · 5 months
clear sinuses tonight? clear sinuses tonight queen?
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diadotcom · 6 months
dude started saying shit about the canopy behind its back bro i think it heard him…….
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dynamitekansai · 3 months
"How about this? Acknowledge me."
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juicedbeetle · 2 years
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some adorable acting choices
made with @bikinibottomdayz ’s permission
please don’t repost outside tumblr
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butchdykekondraki · 23 days
straight up some of you will find literally any opportunity to call ppl terfs to the point the term is so fucking diluted from the original meaning of "(almost exclusively lesbian) women who hate trans women and firmly believe them to be sexual predators". shut UPPPP im going to start killing peopleeee.
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thyandrawrites · 1 year
I gotta say, as much as I normally sympathize more with Reo, reading chapter 13 of epinagi and rereading the main manga at the same time makes me feel for Nagi, too.
Seeing just how often Nagi's thoughts go to Reo, his reasons for snapping at him after the 3v3 makes so much more sense. In Nagi's narration, it's obvious that he holds a lot of respect to Reo as a player, other than a friend. Every time he faces a challenging opponent or sees a great play, his mind always goes to him. When he's not wishing to show Reo all these amazing things, he's reminding himself and others that they must keep challenging strong opponents to justify having left Reo behind. One way or another, their promise is always very present in his mind, and he's giving it his all to make it come true.
But then they run into each other in the baths and Reo is acting suddenly cold. He doesn't want to hear about Nagi's efforts, and he calls him a rival. It would be so easy to take offense to that, to assume—like Reo did—that the other has forgotten about their promise. But it's not here that Nagi's temper snaps. Instead, he takes it in stride, and actually looks kind of fired up for the chance of facing a Reo who will go all out. After all, Nagi understand wanting to take on strong guys, and through this and other subtle details, it's shown that in his mind Reo is still very much one of them. I'd say that he perceives Reo as an equal, if not strictly a teammate at present. This is especially clear when Nagi's first impulse is to still pick him as his first choice when they win. We've established that Nagi doesn't let sentimentality get in the way of having the best shot at achieving his dream (think of the pep talk he gives to Bachira about leaving him behind if he doesn't step up even if he and Isagi are close). So, all of this to say: Nagi speaks with his actions, and he chooses Reo for Reo's skills, not for his attachment to him as a friend. He respects him.
But he respects their dream more, in the end. Just like how he left with Isagi not by any fault of Reo's own, but to examine his own drive for football, Nagi once again makes the choice that would best result in bettering his plays. Not because he doesn't care, but because he's that serious about it, actually.
Again, Reo doesn't make the cut not because he lacks skills, but because his playstyle isn't compatible with the way Nagi's team is evolving. Reo would bring them balance because he's skilled and charismatic enough to singlehandedly whip up their mismatched chaos into a proper team. But being a team would make them worse players individually, and Nagi has enough maturity to know that's a step back for his own skills, not one forward. Not a single moment has passed by so far where he hasn't been putting his all towards fulfilling his end of the promise, or one where he hasn't had full faith in Reo in turn.
And then Reo, who has acted cold and standoffish all this time for seemingly no reason... Reo, who is so skilled but wants to be picked even if it means losing and possibly flunking out of the program, their best chance to get closer to the world cup... The same guy who swore they'd be best in the world, but whose efforts only stopped at winning in the first selection...
that Reo goes and accuses him of not giving a shit about their promise to each other.
I think I would've snapped back too
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wastelandbabyblue · 2 months
those poems about killing the spider and wishing the animals a peaceful after life after being killed by simply living are genuinely ruining my life i think about them literally all day and it makes me so fucking sad
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hardrockshrimp · 8 months
I finally got little Nick to his mama <3 I should've recorded his reaction but it was such an instant decision I made that I didn't think to WHICH IS SOMETHING I NEED TO WORK ON BUT I ALSO DONT WANNA MAKE IT LOOK LIKE IM DOING IT ONLY FOR THE REACTION AND VIDEO
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Anyways, sweet baby angel Nick <3
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tomandgeriatric · 3 months
these zoom meetings make me wanna die.
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vida-vitallum · 3 months
Wait so Rhaenys WASN’T the Queen’s Hand???
Did someone edit those photos or am I tweakin???
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californiaquail · 3 months
the local mother in law was talking about "all the football players who got fake vaccine cards because they knew about it causing myocarditis" and i was sitting next to her having straight up lost count of how many covid vaccines i've gotten without developing myocarditis (obviously) like
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you know what does cause myocarditis? covid.
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eye-of-yelough · 3 months
fun new concept i cant believe i never considered before. leo hawke, certified “lesbian before falling in love with Some Guy” trying and failing to forcefem Anders.
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iholli · 1 year
Ok but imagine if Dr. Destiny tried to fight J'onn directly after harming the League. And J'onn just cracks his knuckles like "Very well."
OH HELL YEAH. oh my god Only a Dream is my FAVORITE episode I love seeing J'onn kick ass & I think the only reason he didn't totally handle Destiny himself is bc of the timing, he was still struggling with the planet being so overwhelming psychically [+ he's probably still recovering from Tabula Rasa tbh]. But it's still the biggest individual beatdown he'd given out since Etrigan and I'm here for that. Threaten his League family and it's getting ugly, morals or not. If Bruce hadn't taken Destiny down, J'onn probably would have, and not as kindly 👀
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"You endangered my adopted family. Did you really think you would get away with that?"
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studiousbotanist · 1 year
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#does a bear blog in the woods#just phantom period stuff fuckingbw my brain chem i think is whats going on this week !#i knew the new tfb would rip emotions outta me but im messed uppppp .#ive been single the longest ive been in a Long Time now ...#theres good and bad . theres so much cooking in my head from these few months#dealint with grief . bad job . good job now#and still working on getting my life and health togethwr#and im really trying to craft and make shit again . its So necessary for your soul and ive been neglecting#tabletop has helped so much and roleplay will too qhen i get into it#in the mean time though . im LONELY !! im in a mood where being by myself is Torrrtureeee . butnive also been overstimmed !#i was very somber earlier cuz i jusf did Not have rhe energy to be up and do shit ..wjich is why i called out#but was just thinking the thing i miss most abt a relationship is always having some1 to hang out w or be around#especially physical side cause i am very physically affectionate !!! and tryin to get back to it .#its been hard cus of well ...trauma and also the pandemic . overthinking . itd help if i cried i think#i coulsve put this all ina read more ..too late now LOL !#i just want to word vomit . been stuck in a bad nasty rude to myself feedback loop abt NOT venting and NEEDING to reach out directly#but good gd its difficult when we are All exhausted . and when i judt Need the vocal speak vs typing#if u read all this mess thank you LOL . ill be okay . ive got to let myself feel this
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scoups4lyfe · 1 year
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xebecdav · 8 months
me doing lineart like im defusing a bomb
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