rickswh0r3 · 1 year
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ourpickwickclub · 6 months
OMG someone (GR? lol) must be reporting the comments on ET's IG, cuz some of the BEST ones are now hidden. Whoever screenshots them, can you please get the hidden ones too, cuz they are too good. like these:
I think I speak for all women Gavin, you cheated we don't give two s**** about your feelings, and you get to live with that until your kids you're a big cheating loser bag.
Here's how not to get divorced don't be a whore
You cheated and how she found out about it was humiliating and you wish there was more of a connection with the person you cheated on???!!! Your narcissistic, self centred, selfish side is showing. Go back under your rock and grow a sensitivity chip. Geez
Maybe he should have kept his 🍆 in his pants!
Wasn't he banging the nanny? That's what he should feel shame about
Should have thought about that when he was cheating with the nanny! 💩
Came to the comments to say what everyone else is saying YOU CHEATED THOUGH RIGHT? Woman are not centers for broken men 🖤 men need to grow up and hold themselves accountable for destroying things. This dude is a clown and I hope he knows it.
You never thought you would get divorced? Because you thought Gwen was a slave to your blatant and flagrant infidelity? What a pompous loser!!
The man shagged the nanny and now is blaming the ex for the family break up and lack of connection 😒
Oh, please. We know this type of guy. Effing Cheater!
Stupid m fu**er 🤷🏼‍♀️and with the Nanny 🤦🏼‍♀️stupider 😩
He’s a butthole
Somebody smack the audacity out of that man.
Well duh you wouldn’t have if you had kept you 🍆 in your pants ! 🤦🏻‍♀️
Don’t be a dirt bag cheater
Then he shouldn’t have been a cheating pig! Let that be a lesson to cheaters! You ruin lives.
So while he was running around the world putting his penis in strange women, he never thought "Hey, I wonder if this might lead to a divorce for me."
You feel bad for kids. Dude you cheated HELLO. Keep it moving your a disgrace as a lil man
Oh please now you want Gwen’s attention in your life? Give it up
Such a jerk
Well, he should have kept his pecker in his pants. That was his choice.
Well maybe he shouldn't have been a whore!
Well, you f’d the babysitter. Pretty sure that was not in your marriage vows! Idiot! She is much better now than she was when she was with him.
"I never thought id ever get divorced" he almost said "I thought she put up with it and stay for the sake of the kids cause he feels bad for them how stupid is he
Cheater . She’s happy. Let it be .
Yeah, it would have been nice if you didn't stick your d inside your nanny! Then maybe you wouldn't have any shame?
Should have kept your penis in your pants . You caused the break up of your marriage and now you’re crying about a lost connection with your kids . You didn’t just cheat on Gwen , you cheated on your 3 kids .
Helps if you keep your penis in your pants too
Sir we do not give a flying fck what u have to say.
Cheaters always come back to play the victim! Boy bye Go on and join in with Jimmie Allen, I’m sure they can be cheating besties!
He’s a cheating sack of ugly it’s no wonder she left
You f U — t someone else, a lot!
These things tend to happen when you’re at dirty Cheater
Right… while he was banging the nanny
Makes me so sad... What a moron cheating on her. ESP with a downgrade.
Cheaters deserve the worst
While then you shouldn’t have cheated! Loser
Perhaps if you’d kept your pecker in your pants things would be different. I’m glad for Gwen that she’s found so much happiness and rebuilt a beautiful home. The divorce must have been a painful time for her
You never deserved Gwen you pos
Cheaters always try to find an excuse to play the victim
Just wanted to post the hidden ones here in case they get deleted, although screenshots look better...it reminds me of when Gibson was deleting every facebook comment roasting ML in their ad last year. All of the comments were pure gold, did anyone happen to screenshot them before they got deleted? They were so funny. It feels good when people get what they deserve.
Even though it can never take away the pain that BG suffered, it's nice to see so many people on the side of TRUTH and not falling for lies and manipulation.
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TBB S2 EP 11: Metamorphosis
right from the get go already looks like cliché horror film intro (this initially made me dislike the ep, mainly bc we have too many bad horror films playing at the cinema where I work rn, but dw I came around)
the music was actually chillingly different than usually and continued into the scene in which Dr. Hamlock was introduced. I liked that, but in a bad way
the closeup on his hand confirms that the Zillo Beast ate it, no this is not up for discussion, Zillo Beast had himself a treat
I'm kinda coming around on Nala Se, ngl
Also for as uneasy Dr. Hamlock makes me, I feel like we're finally getting a high-quality villain on TBB and I'm here for it
Cid, being a huge dick:
I like watching Wrecker show off how smart he is. He knows all the weapons and how to use 'em. Yes. :D.
"Whatever did this wasn't human." <- I find that an interesting sentence, considering this is Star Wars. If this was a show that took place on earth, somewhere where it was unlikely for an animal to be, that line would've been chilling. In Star Wars? Not so much. Humans are only one of many species in that galaxy and while I do believe that clones = humans, via star wars lore, that doesn't apply. Clones are classified as their own species, meaning technically they aren't human. I'm probably over thinking this but whatever, the line struck me as oddly placed
"By yourself?" "Your concern is not warranted. I will be fine." <- ok, Tech ik you got the whole cool, logical, I-know-what-I'm-doing-vibe going on, but I gotta tell you, the person who says that in horror films dies first.
everytime tech checked what's going on in the hallway I yelled "nO" at him. and then he did it anyway. rude.
The second we first saw it I realised it was the Zillo. I've been wondering when/if it would ever come up again, since the Chancellor did order for it to be cloned when the og episodes aired and then we never saw it again, so the arc felt incomplete.
Hunter grabbing Omega to protect her from the beast 🥺
Tech's slow "Fascinating." followed by his "Take cover."???? sir u already had me, u didn't need to go harder
Wrecker grabbing Omega to protect her from the explosion🥺
Tech casually causing the explosion
"It ate the crew?" MY POOR BABY
"I can help. I know my way around Kaminoan tech." hmmm omega tryna stay out of the fight? she scared? hmmm Tech whatcha do???
Omega being better with Kaminoan tech than Tech and him just going with it and trusting her expertise. Yes. :D
idk where the "Zillo Beast feeds on energy" thing came from bc that wasn't part of the original arc and kinda threw me off, but alright, they needed a reason for it to grow real fast, I'll take it
they're already fighting the beast and then the empire shows up hhhhhhhh whyyyyyyy
omega just casually pulling the plug on tech's research, I love her
Tech grabbing Omega to protect her from the explosion 2.0 🥺
yes, hello, I'd like to inform you all again that I hate the empire, thank you
Tech allowing Hunter to keep flying even though he is the designated pilot and clearly very skilled. Just shows how much he trusts his leader and brother to keep them save. Love that :))
When the Commandos began rounding up the villagers I immediately knew what it meant and GAH HONSLTY WHY ARE THEY LIKE THIS
The Empire only destroyed Kamino to control cloning, not to end it, hm? surprise surprise (these fcking motherfckers i swear)
"Send the data to Echo and Rex. See what they can find out."
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end of the ep confirms yet again that Dr. Hamlock is a bag of dicks :)
Prime Minister said f you and I'm here for it
and then he brought up Omega and I was not here for it anymore
finally the music during the last shot makes me think that this facility is going to come up again and it will likely be very traumatic and horrible and terrible and um ya. sucks man.
gonna tag @jealous-sloth77 and @saturn-sends-hugs bc I'd love to see their thoughts too :))
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ticklystuff · 7 months
My team is Sampo, Kafka, Black Swan and Fu Xuan c:<
ask game is closed!
but hello hehe thanks for sending your team! i'm so excited i get to talk about mr sampo nyehehehe
who’s the most ticklish character
omg i'm putting sampo here bc like just look at his outfit sir why are you dressed like that unless you wanna be tickled?? (and what if he loses even more clothes when a 5 star version comes around hehe we all saw what they did to dan heng) but ya he has the ugliest shrieks whenever he's tickled and no matter the kind of techniques that are used it's always the same obnoxious cackling from him and he begs a lot lmao but he's super hard to pin down and catch but it's so worth it when someone can get their hands on him
who’s the character that most people would assume isn't ticklish, but actually is
kafka because she's so fearless and does not flinch even when tickles are coming her way and keeps that same calm demeanor. if someone tries tickling her, she'll even encourage it and be like "no, no, go ahead, tickle me, i insist. see what happens~" and it makes people second guess whether they should or not bc this woman is a threat like gurl is gonna snap my fingers lol also i mentioned this before but black swan because she does not have a physical body but people can still tickle her in dreams and such! sampo made sure to make use of that when he found out that she's ticklish hehe
who’s the character that everyone gangs up on and tickles
FU XUAN this team is full of good lers and then there's her just standing there rip to the master diviner. like girl is just trying to live her life and do divinations one minute but then the next minute everyone is dogpiling her and she's getting her shit wrecked. sometimes she'll be doing her little divinations and she sees that she's going to get ganged up on later that day and she's like "oh fuck oh fck me time to panik" and she gets super stressed out i feel bad for her lol
who’s the character that somehow knows everyone else’s tickle spots and reveals them to others
oki so black swan would be super good at this because she collects memories so she has memories of people getting tickled in specific spots and she'll reveal them casually like "sampo~ do you dress like that because you like having your little sides tickled?" fu xuan has black swan beat in this category though because black swan can only see where people have been tickled memories, not tickle spots that have yet to be explored. fu xuan can see everything though and it is the one trump card she has over the others lol
who's the character with one specific tickle spot that only one other person knows about
okay i was watching this streamer rank hsr characters and they said sampo has vagina bones and now i can't unsee it so this man and his vagina bones or his crotch i guess are super sensitive and somehow kafka knows about it and she just teases him about his vagina bones in general aksldfjklsa
who’s the most likely to win gang tickle wars
there are so many good candidates for this question. like black swan is probably the right answer for this question because she can manifest those arms WITH POINTY NAILS to come out and not only tickle multiple people but also pin them down. but also kafka and sampo would just be so teasy in their own different ways and they themselves are very good ticklers that don't need to rely on some external force to help them out so like ya maybe black swan is technically the right answer but these two still give her a run for her money y'know? fu xuan is like that one jojo meme where it's like three people beating up one guy together like poor thing just ceases to exist during tickle wars
which character has a kink for tickling
i wanna say kafka i just feel it in my soul i just know she'd give her lee hell because she's good at getting people in their head and maybe the actual tickling isn't so bad but its the way she teases and psyches her lee out the whole time that makes it ninety times worse than it should be
which character didn’t even know they were ticklish until another character tickled them
oh it's absolutely fu xuan and back at the xianzhou, no one would dare to tickle the master diviner, but in this team, kafka is like "i have to thank you for imprisoning me, it was truly a once in a lifetime experience" and she already has her hands all over fu xuan and fu xuan can barely process her words because she has to deal with all the unfamiliar tickly sensations
which two characters have tickle fights all the time
oh sampo absolutely fights kafka and black swan everyday like this man is so brave trying to fight these two menaces in that outfit and he is so dumb because he loses all the time but that moment of shock the two have when he manages to actually tickle them is so worth the wreckings he receives later idk he's such a dumb little guy
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daaydreamy · 1 year
no cuz i really cannot stand him especially recently 😭
like i think maybe a month ago my sister found out that her student loans were maxed out so she had to switch from one degree to a different one which ended up being good for her bc she can get the same kind of jobs but she’ll finish like 2 years earlier BUT when she told him that her loans were maxed out he started freaking out bc she has debt and he apparently didn’t know “how this is supposed to work” if she has so much debt bc he wants to buy a house at some point and that sent my sister into a spiral bc she thought he was gonna break up with her for it and she’s severely attached to this man so that literally would’ve been the end of the world but the thing that gets me!!!! is he litchrally knew that she had student debt when they started dating 😐 like BEEN had it and now all of a sudden he wants to start having a meltdown even tho the issue has not changed like…..we did this for what sir
AND THEN SHORTLY AFTER THAT he kept making up excuses to either not go to work or to come home early like one day he insisted on needing to go home and worried his boss and coworkers enough that they insisted he have my sister go pick him up bc they didn’t want him driving AND U WANNA KNOW WHAT TF HIS PROBLEM WAS⁉️ GAS‼️ HIS POOR WITTLE TUMMY HURT AND HE MADE IT SOUND LIKE HE WAS ABOUT TO DROP DEAD ANY SECOND like u rly had to have my sister go all the way there to get u bc u had to fart bitch 😐 but then another time after that like literally only 2 weeks ago he stayed home from work bc he flat out said he hates his job and doesn’t wanna work there anymore AND THEN last week he said he had a migraine but when we showed up at her apartment bc we already had plans with her he was sitting in their room on his laptop playing video games 😐 i thought ur head hurt babes⁉️ like how u gon come at my sister for having debt when u wanna fake sick ur way out of working so u can make money hoe 🤨 and when my mom brought up the fact that he made a huge deal about her debt but is constantly taking days off or leaving early bc he doesn’t like his job my sister just said “yea trust me i know but i if say anything it’ll be a whole thing 🙄” um that sounds like a red flag girlie
and then the last thing is that they take her car eeeeeverywhere and i KNOW he doesn’t pay her back for gas like there’s been so many times where she’s like “i need to get some cash out” and i’ll ask why and it’s bc she owes him for paying for food or something 😐 oh ok but he can act like ur his personal uber and that’s fine?? like her car has no AC right now and a little while ago she was talking about how awful it was to go get groceries bc of the heat and i said “why don’t u just take ryan’s car” and she said “his trunk is too small” so i said “he has a back seat 😐” and she said “oh yea ur right idk” AND THEN when we were at her apartment the same day that he stayed home to play video games bc he had a migraine he went outside and came back in with this HUGE plastic tote that he had where??? IN HIS TRUNK‼️ so i asked my sister “if he can fit that in his trunk why can’t y’all take it to get groceries” and she got mad at me 😋 and then when we met up with them for dinner this past weekend which was just a few days later bc my cousin was visiting and it was her last day they showed up IN HIS CAR so i’m assuming i struck a nerve 🤭
but yea clearly i do not like his ass but likeeee can u even blame me 😭
(oh and one lil extra thing i just remembered is that when we were visiting her at her apartment when he had his “migraine” he ended up playing uno with me and my cousin 😐 and EVERY‼️ SINGLE‼️ TIME‼️ it was his turn he’d just sit there for a little bit and then go “oh is it um…..is it my turn??” YES U STUPID FCK IT GOES IN THE SAME ORDER EVERY TIME HAVE U NEVER PLAYED A SINGLE CARD GAME IN UR LIFE omg i could not handle it and also while we were eating dinner my sister burped and he literally patted her knee and rubbed circles on it like comforting her or something as if she’s a toddler and not literally 27 years old 😐 so that made me wanna scream too)
the way that she already had student debt when they started dating is so…….. girl. 😐 making a fuss all about what???? LITERALLY NOTHING!!!!! literally acted like the world was ending tomorrow like. u knew this already???? this is not new news???? ANYWAY girl anybody could take a stomachache 😐 are u telling me u couldn’t drive bc your stomach hurt 😐 also like this is giving very like kid who faked being sick to not go to school LMFAOOOO u are a grown ass man 🙄 “it’ll be a whole thing” … not even gonna say anything about THAT. also… just use his car???? 😭 and pay her back for gas bitch that’s just rude 🤕 AND I FUCKING HATE WHEN PEOPLE DO THAT OMG!!!!! “is it my turn” YES OH MY GOD PLEASE PAY ATTENTION!!!!!!!
baby owemgee that burp was so big 🥺 are u okay baby? 🥺 that was so brave 🥺
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strangermask · 2 years
Rottmnt next gen team thingy
Context: Sakura grew up and was raised in the hidden city for about 16 years
Golden Bear: Well, fancy seeing a new face to the idiot squad.
Sakura: Hey, they aren’t idiots.
Alex: What are you doing here, Golden Bear?
Golden Bear: What, a guy can’t walk through the streets under the lovely moonlight?
Ren: With a bag full of extremely dangerous chemicals? You only do this when the others got something big.
Casey Jr: Tell us what’s going on or… or we’ll have to do this the hard way.
Golden Bear: Ha! Like you lot could do anything the hard way. I ain’t saying anything.
Ren: We can stay here all night.
Golden Bear: Don’t you lot have a bedtime?
Sakura: Sir, please just tell us what’s going on-
Golden Bear: Or else what? Gonna invite me to a tea party to talk me to death?
(The guys get ready to fight)
Ren: You did not just-
(Sakura puts a hand out. The guys are a bit confused and caught off guard. They look at her as she walks up to Golden Bear. She puts a hand on his shoulder.)
Sakura: You wanna have a tea party? Alright then. I have two tickets. Each one is an invitation to a different party.
Sakura: The first tea party is, I’ll admit, a quiet one. All that happens is us talking and you telling us what’s going on. No fights at all. You give us everything you know, and you can leave afterward. No fuss.
Sakura: The *second* tea party is more… aggressive. We all punch, kick, and bite. Sounds eventful, huh? But here is where it gets better. I have the VIP ticket just for you. And VIPs get all the beat down until you spit out what’s going on. Sure, you can try to fight back. But I don’t think it will help.
Golden Bear: Come on, you aren’t serious-
(Sakura punches down a nearby wooden object with one hand. It breaks into pieces. Everyone stares in shock.)
Sakura: That is a little sneak peek of the second tea party.
Sakura: Now.
Sakura: Which tea party would you like to go to? Because I can get you an invitation to either one, whichever you prefer.
Golden: Alright, alright! I’ll talk!
Sakura: Good. That’s what I wanted to hear.
Sakura: Ren, set up a recording. I don’t want to leave anything out in case he tries to get out of this.
Ren: Yes ma’am.
(After interrogation)
Sakura: Wow, that was easier then I thought. Right, guys?
Casey Jr:
Sakura: … Guys?
Alex: Where the fck did that come from?
Sakura: Where did what come from?
Alex: That- That- You just fckin- oh my god.
Sakura: Did I do something wrong?
Ren: No! You didn’t do anything wrong.
Casey Jr: We’re just surprised by… what you did. The interrogation.
Sakura: Oh… Did I do okay?
Alex: You did amazing, scared the sht out of Goldie, but where did that come from???
Sakura: Oh! Well, uh, it’s a thing or two I learned while in the hidden city.
Ren: You learned how to interrogate someone like that in the hidden city?
Sakura: One, I did grow up mostly around mob bosses and criminals. Two, it was a speech kind of thing that I had to learn since I unlocked my mystic powers. Of course, interrogation wasn’t gonna be really useful, but Talon wanted to teach me.
Ren: Talon, the big falcon guy?
Sakura: Yeah. He told me that even if I won’t use it much, it’ll be useful to know knowing where I was living.
Casey Jr: What did he teach you?
Sakura: Well, one tip he gave me was: if the person you’re interrogating insults you, see if you can turn the insult into a threat. Another was if they don’t take you seriously, show them you’re serious.
Alex: Oh my god.
Ren: Please teach us how to do this.
Sakura: Wait, really?
Casey Jr: It would definitely be good to know when we have to do this again.
Sakura: :D
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boysl0vingboys · 3 years
the cuddling. 
with his toy. 
in his bed, 
my dumbass child 
im going to die of cuteness
i live for bickering couples in love
‘sweet moment’
Pa! stop ruining moments
secret holding hands !!!!!
is this himbo about to take his shirt off -.-
he tried to hand it back to him
bickering boyfriends :) and their cranky director being done with them
WEI! FCK OFFFF!!!! leave the lesbians alone!
that is the face of a man trying to figure out how not to have his boyfriend kill you
you adorable soon to be murder
My heart cannot take this!
Your honour! They are married!
so... both siblings are disasters- 
magically love music!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“we’re both clumsy” YOU BOTH IN LOVE YOU MEAN!
just the two of you... LIkE A DATE!!!!!
Pat, the lesbian are on a different level, you’ll get there... 
not the phone~
the sad puppy eyes :(
in his bed? again? :)
Pran? Are you training him?
pfft,... :) boy out here really trying to make all of us realise how single we are.
(enter the seagulls) patpatpatpatpatpatpat
Korn, for a second there I thought you had the brain cell of the group for the day. 
more cute moments? please!
Pat, i think you’re a little too into character
Nanon, sweetie, don’t laugh
Wai... fuck. off. I swear ever time your on screen-
so I see Pran is the permanent holding off your groups brain cell
‘left for you’ the fck?
Pran, no more drinking. the brain cell is drowning in lovesick thoughts
but that smile :’)
oh no- dad don’t - are you friggin kidding me?!
DAD! YOU CANNOT GIVE ME A HEART ATTACK LIKE THAT! He likes the play do not be an ass!
Pat, can I punch your dad?
noooo, tell him~
Pran, time for some soulmate telepathic shite right now!
pat, sweetie, you don’t even want to play rugby. at least you’re still in it.
.............................................................. fuck i am single.
he actually did the back hug
pat too
i’m not crying you are 
dont call him sir, that a whole new can off worms
these adorable a-holes
i swear if that phone frowny face is foreshadowing I am going to scream
bitches get stitches, stop gossiping and be unhappily single like the rest of us.
stress from the beginning, thats great
his wearing the earphones !
his wearing his tshirt 
dont do it-
for fuck sake can people stop letting ohm take his shirt off?!
this shit is about to hurt :(
dont hit me with flash backs 
I am fragile, and the eye contact!
dont leave!
i swear if pat cries- never mind im broken
weird way to say you find him hot but okay
(next week spoilers, wai you are an asshole, fuck you korn, and i still love pa and the knowing sister stare)
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90363462 · 3 years
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I swear white people are really pissing me off ...
I can't. I just...I need to find a productive outlet for this rage right now. I need to get my bag hung up so I can go to town on it. I feel like I’m about to punch my wall and that will only piss mr more Honestly this is revolting. I feel like no one asked for you hopes and dreams sir.
Fck him talking about he hopes... I hope that terrorists gets beaten up everywhere he goes. That’s what he deserves.
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siegelst · 3 years
Anonymous asked [
Curiosity - Passage of time [ Day 8 - Towel ]  by Anonymous
Rated Explicit Mature 18+
clothes kink, major size kink, voice kink, karl has part lycan in him, scent-marking, touch-starv karl.
Day 8.  - Towel
After 8 days being captured by Heisenberg, my clothes took the turn for the worst. The grime and stench was too much so I had to wash myself and my clothes. I feel cameras on me the other time as I ran back to my room after taking a shower.  After cleaning my clothes I let them hang on the towel beam.  
Suddenly the door to the bathroom open.  
The towering figure of metal man enter the humid room.  His shades looked over at me, wolfish smirk on his lips.   "Now what you doing?"
"Wait for clothes to dry." I said, trying to calm down.
"Yes. And that takes time, Buttercup." He said gruff.
I tighten my hold on the towel feeling too exposed. The towel is small. Makes me wonder if he left the small towel here on purpose. I feel his eyes zeroed in on my small structure,  taking in my wet hair, the droplets of water on my skin, my legs that visible to anyone.
"I don't have other clothes" I tried stating the obvious.
He gave his 10,000 gigawatt wolfish smile, bedazzled me, take 2 steps right up me before he ghost a finger up down my bicep arm lazily, I felt an odd sensation of a current but thought nothing of it. His other hand against the wall.
"Don't mind that at all buttercup." he purred. Son of a- a blush started dusty my cheeks. He's going to notice what his voice does to me if I keep this up. His hand on his bearded chin, thinking. Fck I want to touch his beard. Is it soft? "I might have some clothes you could wear, if you asked nicely."
"Nope. I'm out" I said walking out of the bathroom flustered. Hearing his booming laugh.
*15 minutes later*
"Ok big guy give me your clothes" I said, walking into his quarters. He swerve his chair to face me, eyebrow raised.  His button up shirt was open, a green tank top is revealed. Silence. He grinned wickedly.  "....what?"
"Buttercup if you wanted me to strip just say so" he said as he got up from the chair to me,  glancing down at his attire.
"Oh lord Heisenberg please give me spare clothes." I muttered, face burning, hand clenching the towel for dear life.  
He patted my check twice before retrieving what I asked. "As you wish."
He handed my the clothes, me quickly taking it and scurrying out the door, called out "thanks". / The clothes was huge on me.  The tank top  reached to my knees, the button up shirt was even longer. the pants was a loss.  This dude is a giant.  I still waiting for my bra to dry. Feeling exposed I button up his shirt over tank top before go find him. I gave him his pants back.  
"Hmm seems like a trip to Duke is in order." He murmured, seemingly to be drinking my attire in. I see a brief second of his eyes behind the shades, bright hungry hazel eyes with specks of gold in them, burning hot. I joke think he wanted to see me in his clothing.  It was the same look he gave me when we first met. Plus I was out of pants so my calves was partly visible to him too.  
"Duke?" I asked.  
"Find the elevator, and you'll find Duke."
After finding the elevator,  I found a bigger taller man than Heisenberg, sitting in at a market station. "Ah. A new customer. I am the Duke. How may I help you miss..."
"___." I said as I walked up to his stall.  "I need some clothes sir"
"Hmm I have just the thing miss __." He reply jolly. Minutes later I received 7 tank tops, 1 jacket,  3 pants,  bra, and 14 undies, and extra shoes and sandals. "Um. How much?"
"Payment automatically goes to Heisenberg account." Said Duke.  I thank him before walking back with my new clothes. I put my new bra, undies, pants on leaving bosses clothes still on me but unbuttoned the shirt this time since it be quick to get back to doing the chores.  
In kitchen, I feel as if someone was watching me.  I looked around see nothing before going back to cook us some lunch. Footsteps heard and I see the him in the doorway of the kitchen. Him analyzing my attire, seemingly don't mind I kept wearing his tops. "You got some clothes. I see. Thought you were going to get pants only."
"Then I be cleaning my clothes constantly while stealing your clothes." I said, as I stirred the soup, blind to him smirked, his eyes doing a once over my whole body. Heisenberg walked into the kitchen.
“Don’t mind you wearing my clothes.” he muttered. I played him no mind, until he placed his left hand on my hip, I glanced down at his hand, feel his body against me, the smell of him surrounded me, as he leaned over me, making me forget to breathe. He grab a mug from high up on the shelf that I'm sure wasn't there before. His hand on my hip tightened slightly before let go and walked out, leaving me flustered.
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iheartbookbran · 4 years
Anthony, Penelope, Marina and Colin deserved better...
Beware, rant ahead
Ok I wish I didn’t feel such strong need to continue beating this dead horse but oopsie, I will very much be beating it some more.
Like, my fave books of the Bridgerton series are Anthony’s and Colin’s books, so I’m seething about what they did with their characterizations, Anthony and Penelope in particular, because Colin’s only real sin was being boring, and if you remember how funny he’s in the books it makes me wanna fall on my knees and ask Chris Van Dusen whyyyy omg why would you do something like that to such a dynamic character. So yeah, Colin is boring af and a moron but at least he isn’t an asshole the way show Anthony and Penelope are, and I’ve seen people say that they can always be redeemed in future seasons, if we get them, but that’s exactly my problem, because they never had to be redeemed in the books, to begin with. Penelope more so than Anthony but let me begin by defending my boy.
Is he a jerk sometimes? Sure. Is he actively awful and uncaring towards those close to him, especially his family? Hell no, quite the opposite, in fact. Not to be controversial on main but in the books... he was right in not wanting Daphne to be courted by a man who he knew damn right had no intention of marrying her and as far as he was aware was only making her waste her time, and he was right in demanding Simon pay for compromising her honor. Could he have been more mindful of what Daphne had to say and listened to her wishes? Of course, but considering Simon and Daphne (both in the show and in the books) aren’t exactly masters in communication themselves, Anthony doesn’t come off as the biggest offender in that situation.
What he never did was force Daphne, or any of his sisters really, to do anything; if they didn’t like a guy then that guy was out of their lives no question asked, and he loved them enough to always have their best interests at heart, for his sisters and his brothers, to the point that even though he’s traumatized and thinks he’s gonna die young he’s still willing to get past that to do his duty and marry, because he doesn’t want to pass that burden on to his little brothers (so him deciding to leave all his responsibilities to Benedict so he can fck off with his mistress is... like, a choice lmao). In fact all the subplot with Siena felt like a choice on the writers part, like they truly liked Benedict and Sophie’s story so they just slapped it on Anthony so he could act all sad and sexy while they gave us foreshadowing with the subtlety of a warharmer that he’s ending up with Kate anyways (and that Benedict is ending with Sophie anyways too, so they would be using that storyline twice, unless they do make him bi and fall in love with a man, but maybe that’s too much of ask for this show), so what was Siena’s purpose in the story? Who tf knows not me.
Now Penelope, my god. Yes I know I joke Penny has never done anything wrong in her life, and I still love her, but she was wrong. Very much so. What she did was significantly worse than what Marina did, which I still don’t condone at all. Like yes, I still maintain that Marina tricking Colin into marriage was wrong (and I’ll go later on why that whole subplot was racist af), but what Penelope did could have not only ruined Marina and herself and her sisters reputations, but it was basically condemning an innocent unborn child to a life in the streets, that’s messed up. Even if Marina was rose-coloring her potential life with Colin and he might have grown to resent her, at least the baby would’ve been alright. And my problem with that whole subplot is that all of it was resolved so neatly, with Sir Phillip sweeping in to save the day so we don’t have to actually see what Penelope’s actions could have caused, but the implications are still very much there.
And I’m cracking my mind trying to figure out whether the showrunners just... really hate Colin’s book and Penelope as a character so they’re trying to inflict some kind of character assassination on her so they can get away with writing him off with another person without causing much outrage, or if they just thought there wasn’t enough ~drama~ or stakes on their book so they have to add them, and give him some kind of bullshit tragic romantic past to explain why he doesn’t want to marry, whereas in the books, the reason he doesn’t marry anyone is because he doesn’t feel like it, and that’s ok, there’s no need for every character to have a tragic backstory and to be riddled with angst; Colin is that character, he’s an easy going guy who’s just not interested in marriage until he falls in love with Penny AND THAT’S VALID, just because he doesn’t have the most complex motivations out there doesn’t mean he isn’t a compelling character. The stakes in his story after he discovers Penny is Whistledown are, as he points out, that she has insulted so many people there’s no way some of them wouldn’t want to retaliate if word came out, and he cares for her and doesn’t want her to get hurt (there’s also a dumb part about him being secretly jealous of her accomplishments as Whistledown, but thankfully he gets over that pretty quickly).
But while I am on that, it is true that Penelope wrote some uncharitable things about the mean people around her, but she never ever ruined someone’s reputation, let alone endanger the future of a child. Was she a bitch sometimes? Yeah, but she was also kind to a lot of people and her criticism was never unwarranted and never did more damage than maybe annoy a couple of girls like Cressida. I just hate the idea of this needing to turn into some sort of ~redemption arc~ for Penelope because, again, in the books she really didn’t have to make up for anything, definitely not to Colin, who was actually the one who had to do much of the heavy lifting in their relationship when he realized that he literally slept on her for years.
And now regarding Marina, like yes, she was wrong and I stand by that statement (but not as wrong as Penelope), but tbh I find it hard to be mad at her when they gave her such a racist storyline, as the scheming woc who gets pregnant out of wedlock and then tries to seduce the innocent white man, until the virtuous white girl needs to step up to save him. At least that’s what I thought initially as the writers intention, but honestly I’m not so sure anymore, I doubt they will continue to write her and Colin as a couple otherwise they would’ve bothered to show them interacting outside of her manipulating him and him acting like a bumbling idiot, the most sincere moment they had together was when he comforted her about the lie, but by that time this bitch (me) was empty and didn’t give a shit anymore. Literally all their other interactions where shown through Penelope’s POV to let us know she was sad, and Colin’s most significant scenes where again... with Penelope (because it isn’t as if he has a family and his own moments in the books outside of being an object for Penelope to pine after).
And as I said before, Marina had a—relatively—happy ending: married to a man she doesn’t love (just as she didn’t love Colin) but who will treat her right and care for her and her child in comfort. Is arguably a better ending than if she’d married Colin because now she doesn’t have to go through the trouble of explaining things to her new husband and run the risk of him resenting her forever. Phillip may not love her but he knows who he’s marrying and why he’s marrying her. That’s literally the same fate Marina had in the books, and it makes me wonder why, oh why would the writers do that.
Why create such a contrived plot to give a character who appears in one(1) chapter of an 8 books series then promptly dies, all at the expense of the characterization of one of the most beloved heroines of said books series? Why would you write this racist storyline for a character whose fate is dying? And now I’m horrified at the repercussions that can come with Marina committing su*cide like in canon, because the implications would be that Penelope would be responsible for it (and I hate the idea of blaming one person for the su*cide of another, fictional or otherwise, is harmful and we need to be careful with making such implications), which would make her even less redeemable or like, likable in general. Not to mention that would be like putting the final racist nail in Marina’s coffin by giving her that ending.
It makes me wonder, seriously, if Chris Van Dusen hated Romancing Mister Bridgerton that much, if he loathed the idea of writing a fat character finding love and getting sex that much. I just wanna know why lmfao.
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fe-husband-heaven · 4 years
Wait so Mod, which characters do you think have a thing for the summoner in feh? I really love your writing btw :D ❤️❤️❤️
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You guys don't miss a beat, huh? ;)
((I'm including quotes from these heroes speaking to the summoner!))
Top 10 FEH Husbands that I have delusionally cultivated romantic subtexts from (In no particular order and besides Alfonse and Líf cuz they're simp #1 and simp #1 where it went horribly wrong-):
"I want to help you reach your dream. I want to see you smile. Now, and forever...my heart brims with affection for you."
I mean...he pretty much laid that all out on the table djdjdj i think its super cute that in another line he also mentions showing the summoner and ONLY the summoner, a special dance of his.
"Oh, did I mention? I'm the crown prince of Jehanna. And when I go back, I want you to come with me. I don't need your answer now, but give it some thought. Maybe we can flip a coin to decide?"
I really love this one because he also has a voice line where he says "Heads, I win—tails, you lose." where it's impossible for him to lose a coin toss djdjdjd so 👀👀 how's this coin toss gonna work out for you Joshua?
My mans really wants to finesse the summoner all the way back to Jehanna-
"I’m your new hobby, is that it? You falling for me?"
"Why do I stick with you? Well, it's a little thing they call love."
Jdjsjs silverfox-
He's probs teasing but I think its a cute dynamic between the kinda jaded thief and the summoner who the thief thinks is a person with an "aura of downright goodness"
"Oh, dear. It seems that you have discovered me. I was attempting to paint a portrait of you just now. I don't do this all that often, but observing you moved me...You're a captivating person—how you move, how you summon, and even your demeanor when we talk. Before I knew it, I had brush in hand. Perhaps the fact that you summoned me draws me to you...I'd like to believe that my affection for you is my own, though. I am thankful that I had this chance to share my feelings with you today. That said, do you mind if I continue to paint? I'd love to have you all to myself, even for only a short time."
All of Niles, but my favorites are probs:
"I tracked down the sweetest treat I could find, just for you. It looks delicious, no? Let me feed it to you."
"There is no need to hide who you are...no need to restrain yourself... when it comes to us."
^And that's just his Halloween version! Niles, unlike most heroes on this list, was not always on #TeamSummoner. His other lines mention that he served the Summoner unwillingly but now, he doesn't want to be separated from them.
i think its super adorable and i like to think that some of Niles's suggestiveness flies right the fck over the summoner's head innocently and he just?? i am going to taint you???
"Oh, Summoner...You are far too kind. Please don't look at me so. I want to see you smile. Always."
i am soft
and he is soft
and Summoner/Lyon is an endless cycle of pls i just want you to be happy-
"I would love to stroll in a market with you sometime—perhaps when our battles are done."
"I need you... in order to be me. You see? I pledge to help you any way I can, ever at your side—now and well into our future."
"I vow to work hard—until I'm strong enough to protect you."
The S in Seliph stands for Shooting his shot sjsnsjsisjh he's so attached I-
"I don't care a whit about anything but getting back home. Being here is only temporary for me. Oh, you wonder why I haven't left of my own accord then?! It's because you...you..."
heheheheh Soren can't admit that the summoner is important to him and that's so adorable ckdmndn
its a package deal tho, you have to like Ike or no dice-
"I've been wondering... How do you think of me? Am I just another Hero to you Not that it matters to me. Just curious." ((Uhuh. Sure))
"Were you happy to see me when I showed up? Hope so."
My poor boy just wants to be recognized 😭😭😭And it shows in his need to be special to the summoner cjdjdj please sir mt heart-
I like to think the summoner showers him in praise, he deserves it and he might pretend like its no biggie but it makes him really happy.
"I don't mind you going out on patrol, but if you move too far from my side, I can't protect you. Stay close."
"I'll never forgive you if you go and get yourself killed out there, so don't do it. Got that?"
"If you find yourself in a dire position, you can call on me. No matter what, I will fly to your aid."
hehehebebeb Its mostly me with my romantic subtext goggles on but sir I'm a sucker for this kinda dynamic where one is uber protective of the one who doesn't fight fjfjdjj
Tibarn is so strong he could probably just carry off the summoner wherever he pleases and i a m s o f t
Obviously, I'm digging for gold in sand but leT ME HAVE MY FUN-
Honorable mentions that might seem strange but I promise I have a good reason for but I didn't get to are: Henry, Raven, Ephraim, Lucius, Narcian, Chrom, Shigure, Yarne, ...Valter, Gaius-
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hazbincalifornia · 3 years
Chapter 19:  Blitzo gets some release... eventually.
Warnings: Mpreg, explicit sexual content. The actual smutty stuff starts after the line partway through.
Likes, replies, and reblogs are all appreciated, both here and on ao3!
Ao3 link
Blitzo stared up at the balcony, one eye twitching as the rope tied to it flapped in the wind. Stolas was somewhere out of sight- probably laid out on the bed with a rose in his mouth. At the thought, Blitzo could feel his lower muscles clench and he gritted his teeth.
An hour ago, when he’d sent the text message, there had been no response. Not even a read notification. Stolas had practically been begging him to come over before, what was the deal? Was he busy? Oh sure, great, the one time Blitzo needed him...
He’d sent another message. Then another one. By the fourth (approximately seven minutes after the initial text) Blitzo was starting to bounce on the bed again, groaning as heat burned him from the inside out. Visions of feathers and the sharp snap of a beak danced through his head, and one hand clutched at his stomach, claws digging just barely into the skin to keep him from slipping away entirely as the other hand jabbed the ‘call’ button.
It went to voicemail.
“Stolas. Answer your goddamn phone. Ghhh-” His hand had drifted back down between his legs. “F-fuck, you’re the one that always wants me to pound you, so will you be there when I actually need you? I need to feel your tight little ass and your soft feathers and bite into your neck, I wanna watch you go red and feel you pulsing around me.” The bedframe squeaked as he humped the mattress for emphasis. “I swear to fuck if it was possible I’d give you all this back, fuck you full until you know what it’s like to be carrying this little bastard. You’re gonna be my bitch and you’re gonna like it.” Blitzo panted for a moment. “Call me back, because we are going to fuck or I’m shoving a cactus up your ass, got that?”
Blitzo had then jabbed ‘end call’ and fell back on the bed, pulling his fingers out of himself and staring at the ceiling for a minute as his heart pounded. He was about to reach for the dildo again when his phone started buzzing- Stolas had responded by sending several texts, one right after another.
That’s wonderful Blitzy! I was in a meeting, I’m so sorry!
Stella should have left just an hour ago, I’ll check but the house is ours for a few days. Your timing is impeccable.
Do you need a ride over?
Blitzo had rolled his eyes and replied, swiping his jizz-soaked hand on the pillow to clean later.
its fine i hve a van. b over ther soon
Another reply from Stolas.
❤️ I assume you’ll want to use the front door, I’ll tell the servants to let you in. The balcony might be difficult in your condition.
Blitzo had hissed at that, glaring down at the phone.
ru saying i cant do it? fck u, Ill go up the usual way
Are you sure? It’s no trouble.
just b ready
Blitzo scrubbed his legs down with five different washcloths in the bathroom and pulled on pants- and they were nice tight ones that showed off his butt too. He stuffed his phone in the pocket before tugging on the lightest shirt in his closet- a long-sleeve mesh thing he’d gotten for partying. It had been a crop top before, so at least when it rode up he could pretend it was supposed to look like that. He considered for a moment before deciding against a light jacket- he was gonna be going straight to the mansion and in the van for most of the way. Finished, he struck a pose in the mirror, and yeah, maybe it was the unbelievably horny hormones, but he looked and felt hot as shit right now.
Then, of course, he’d reached the mansion and realized that he needed to scale a rope up fifty feet while pregnant, and some of the enthusiasm drained away as the brat shifted around inside of him.
“Okay. You’ve done weirder shit,” Blitzo said aloud, cracking his knuckles before curling both hands and his tail around the rope. Climbing ropes were easy. He could do this in his sleep. Probably had at some point, or at least while drunk. He’d been in the circus and did all kinds of crazy physical stunts for IMP, a single rope while he had some weight around his middle was nothing.
He got about three feet off the ground before realizing that the whole ‘fucked center of gravity’ thing combined with the sweat on his palms and slick already starting to soak his pants might pose a problem. No matter, he could still do this. He steeled himself, fingers flexing around the nylon as he shimmied up a bit more, thighs clamping and releasing as his hands moved up over each other.
Left. Right. Left. Right. Squirming inside that made him lose his grip. The rope burned as he slid down, legs getting double-soaked in the slick already starting to make the line smell like a glory hole.
His phone buzzed, but checking it would require letting go of the rope, and nothing was going to make him do that. He snarled, starting to climb again. Left. Right. Left. Right. Time slipped away as he laser-focused on trying to get up the damn rope. Come on, he’d done it a couple times before and he’d always made it, he wasn’t going to be a fucking pussy-
“Sir?” A voice that reminded Blitzo of an airport announcer cleared its throat from behind Blitzo and he nearly lost his grip again, biting back a yelp.
“What the fu-”
It was an imp in a spiffy little suit with a mouth pressed into a thin line and a cracked horn. Butler, probably. “His highness Prince Stolas had requested that I make sure that you were alright.” His fingers were interlaced tightly enough that Blitzo could see the veins popping out. “If you need, I can escort you to his room.”
“I know where his fuckin’ room is, that’s where I’m going,” Blitzo snarled.
“It’s been fifteen minutes since you arrived, sir. He’s waiting.” The ‘sir’ had enough venom to kill a Magne, and Blitzo looked up to the balcony, then down to the ground. He doubted he’d cleared twenty feet and his palms were feeling slippery again.
There was a moment of contemplation before he started sliding back down. “Not one fucking word from you, got it?”
The other imp just nodded, directing them to a side door. At least Blitzo was taller than him so he could feel a little less like a kid caught pissing in the parking lot, and at least these pants were absorbent enough to not leave a trail.
It was like a reverse walk of shame, considering he hadn’t even gotten laid yet. The little butler was, mercifully, good at being quiet, only existing by the clicks of his little feet on the floor and the fact that Blitzo saw him out of the corner of his eye while doing his best to stare straight ahead. He knew vaguely where Stolas’s room was going the normal way, but today the mansion felt labyrinthine, conniving to keep Blitzo from getting to the damn bed. He was pretty sure he was squeaking as he walked now.
After about five agonizing minutes in which he sorely regretted wearing tight pants considering his cock was already straining at them, they finally neared the right room, and Blitzo could practically smell Stolas through the door, all rich cologne and earthy soil and cinnamon. The butler knocked only once before nearly getting knocked out when it flew open, smacking him in the face. Blitzo barely noticed, staring up and up at Stolas who was dressed in only a loose bathrobe.
Man. For having only not seen the guy for two days, he’d somehow managed to forget just how huge he was.
He didn’t have very long to contemplate that thought however as Stolas scooped him up in his arms, twirling him around like a doll with pupils glowing white. “Ohhhh, I’m so excited! And you dressed up for the occasion too, what a sexy little top there.” One finger traced over his belly, hooking at the bottom of the mesh. “Leaves nothing to the imagination…”
If he wasn’t going to mention the rope thing going tits-up, Blitzo wasn’t either. “Yeah, yeah, I’m a sex god and you want me, can we just get to the part where I get to fuck you already? You have no idea how uncomfortable is is to be walking around dripping like a faucet.”
Stolas laughed, nuzzling against Blitzo’s cheek before settling him down on the bed. “You certainly seemed eager on the phone! So no roleplay for now?”
“Just get your feathery butt over here so I can pound it into bird-meat,” Blitzo growled, frantically tugging at his pants as Stolas gave a pleased hoot, shedding his robe in mere seconds before crawling atop the bed, already aroused.
“So forceful when you talk dirty…”
“You like that, don’t you?” Blitzo considered taking his sweaty shirt off before realizing that was coordination he didn’t have at the moment, considering his fingers had gotten slippery just trying to remove his damn pants. He liked this shirt, he didn’t want to tear it. Taking in a deep breath, (fuck, Stolas the full thing smelled so much better than just his stupid shirt had) he peeled his underwear off, chucking them across the room hard enough that they hit the wall with a soft ‘splat’ and slid down, leaving a slimy trail. Red fingers curled around gray thighs, spreading Stolas wide with a snap as the prince let out a tiny ‘eep’.
“Right to it then!” His tone was eager, toe-claws flexing in and out as Blitzo reached between his own legs to coat his fingers more thoroughly in whatever pre-jizz junk had been oozing out of him for too damn long.
“You’re so eager, aren’t you?” Blitzo could practically feel his voice lowering as his cock pressed the rest of the way out, oozing more of the lube-juice against his fingertips. “You want me inside of you, filling that perky little ass of yours until you can’t fucking walk.”
“Yes, yes!” Stolas wiggled a little with a wide grin as Blitzo shifted closer, lifting the owl up so he had better access to his backdoor, probing in with his fingers for only a second before driving in hard, getting an absolute howl out of Stolas that faded into a moan.
“You’re mine for however long it takes to get rid of this heat shit, got it? You’re my little toy today, because this is all… your… fucking… fault.” Blitzo accented each of the last four words with a thrust and Stolas gripped at the sheets, tail thumping up and down on the bed with each one. One of the thumps sent a white feather fluttering up and Blitzo stabbed it with his tail, glaring at it as his claws dug into Stolas’s legs. All thoughts were starting to flood his mind except for the heat around him and the legs clutched in his fists. “Mine. You hear that?” He reached up for Stolas’s chest, hauling him up by gripping a handful of feathers with sticky fingers.
Because of his height, Stolas was staring down at him with now-flushed cheeks, but Blitzo couldn’t find it in himself to care because he was still all the way in, walls tightening around his dick with slick spilling out and soaking the sheets. “You’re property of Blitzo as long as I want you.” He grabbed Stolas’s wrist with one hand, shoving the palm flat against his middle. “Your baby, your fucking problem.” The hand still gripping Stolas’s chest tugged him down, pulling him into a kiss as a few downy feathers drifted down to the bedspread.
Blitzo was very, very glad they’d figured out kissing a while ago, because his brain was running on heat-daze and frustration and he never would have been able to figure it out now. He could feel Stolas’s hot breath down his throat and a hot feathered body pressed against his own and the palm on his belly, and when he thrust again he could feel the gasp Stolas made.
“You like that?” Blitzo almost breathed, fire singing in his veins. “Of course you do, I’m fucking good at this. Now lay down and take it like you always want to. You’re mine, and I want all of you.” He smeared some of the lube stuff off his fingers and onto the end of his tail, wrapping it around Stolas’s cock. Stolas fell back on the bed, shuddering a little with a dreamy grin.
“Take me, Blitzy.”
If he hadn’t already been about to pound Stolas to within an inch of his life, the breathy way he said that would have done it.
“You’re asking for it,” Blitzo snarled out, pulling back and snapping forward as his cock squirmed inside of Stolas, the owl throwing a hand over his forehead as the bed snapped against the wall from the force, his tail starting to stroke up and down on Stolas’s length. The smell of Stolas’s arousal was getting him off almost as much as the actual fucking was, and he wanted more of it. “Don’t you want to take advantage of all your hard work? Look at me. I said, look at me.” He smacked at Stolas’s side before continuing jerking him off and all four eyes shot back open. “You put this kid in me, you’re gonna watch as I fuck you right back.”
“I’m watching, I’m watching,” Stolas said, eyes falling back to half-lidded. “You look s-so delicious like that… I could just eat you uuuuuup!” The word dragged as Blitzo curled the tentacle of his cock down, clearly hitting the g-spot from the way that Stolas’s lower eyes started twitching. He started moving his tail up and down faster, curled tightly around Stolas’s length.
“C-could say the same to you, you look and smell so so good…” Blitzo could feel something building, and would have been embarrassed that it was so quick if he hadn’t been trying to bust properly for days now. “Gonna fill you up, take it, take all of it you fucking-” He came before finishing his sentence, gasping as he pumped load after load into Stolas, seeing the owl actually bloat slightly on his thin waist from the sheer volume. Stolas more fell than laid back, panting as Blitzo pulled his tail back, the owl’s cock still twitching and on the edge.
“Mm, so full, B-Blitzy-”
“Finish for me.” It was a voice that invited no discussion. “I want to see you jerk yourself off.”
Stolas nodded, wrapping his fingers around himself and stroking up and down while biting down on the skin under his beak. It only took a few pumps before he cried out Blitzo’s name, semen splattering his feathers as he panted from the aftermath.
“Good bird.” Blitzo looked at Stolas’s sticky fingers as they traced over the owl’s body, palm resting flat upon his slightly-bloated stomach.
“That was more than usual.” The words were light, all four eyes eyes glowing as he prodded at it. “You were excited, weren’t you? Wanted to really fill me up- I don’t know if I’ve ever been able to see it like this before. It felt fantastic, and we match now!”
“Oh, hardehar. Come back when my jizz makes you puke up acid and your gut starts moving.” Still, he couldn’t hold back a half-smile as he rolled his palm over his still-erect cock. “So, good and bad news.”
“Mmmm?” Stolas tilted his head.
“Good news is that I’m ready for another round already.”
“And the bad news?”
“Whatever this heat shit is, it didn’t go away yet.”
Stolas tapped the middle of Blitzo’s face as he grinned. “Ah, so it’s only good news, then.” He pulled Blitzo into a kiss and the imp shifted onto his lap before pressing up against Stolas's face, not caring that Stolas was a sticky mess but only that his mouth and that beak felt perfect at this exact moment.
They had plenty of time, after all, and now that he was here, Blitzo planned to enjoy every damn second of it.
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S2 Ep14 of TBB Thoughts!!
oh frick, oh darn, oh heck
I need to stop eating breakfast while I watch these eps, eventually im gonna gasp so hard I'll choke on some food (this is based on me almost choking on my food when HOWZER showed up)
So I knew Echo'd be in this one, but I was actually also a 100% Rex would be there too, so I was a little bummed about that? like why would they release Rex's poster now if he isn't gonna be in the ep? and like ik this is a show about the batch, so they wanna show off Echo and I love that for him bc I love Echo but like,,, Rex🥺 yanno?
that being said, Echo and his team infiltrating that ship, fcking GREGOR?? amazing, loving that shit, eating it up
another suicide? this is getting intense. like this season has given us deeply seeded political issues about clone rights, depictions of blood, brainwashing and two suicides?? like??? things are heating up, the writers are getting more real and I actually kinda,,, love that even though its intense
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clone sipping coffee :)
ye :)
me @ howzer:
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he knows someone, eh? THAT'LL BE MY MANS TECH :DDDD
ofc he snatched the gun, you rlly coulda seen that one coming dipstick
it struck me as really odd that Crosshair didn't shoot the female doctor. like the rest of the batch and most of the clones use stun guns ALL THE TIME whereas Crosshair has always shot to kill. again, "severe and unyielding", meaning he takes intense action, committing all the way all the while being so stubborn he hardly ever backs down. honestly, him sparing her is some serious character development. he recognised she was being kind to him and he decided that that was enough reason not to hurt her. either that, or he wanted to abuse her kindness later on
he never wanted to get out, he just wanted to warn his brothers, which is AGAIN SO DIFFERENT from the Cross we've gotten to know in these last two seasons. I actually don't think that's growth anymore. that's Crosshair standing by a choice that he knew was bad for far too long (SEVERE. AND. UNYIELDING.) and now finally admitting he was wrong and going back to what he always wanted and always knew to be right.
partially rebuilt Pabu :)))
Hunter being questioned abt being more than just a soldier lol
like sir, the answer is "I am dad, actually."
"Up. Up! Up, Omega, pull up!" <- im sorry but Tech's always been just,,, so cool in stressful situations, like almost dying, no biggie. falling out of the sky in a storage box and having a heavy object crush your leg, naaahh we got this. fcking staring a Zillo Beast dead in the eye as it growls at you, easy as pie. omega's flying? panic
"The Tech-Turn? really?" "Now that is not what it is called, but I rather like it. I suggest you proceed before I come to my sen-- AAAAAHHHH."
did Echo only race Omega to torture Tech? yes, why do you ask?
okay listen I love him, but without his kama Echo looks half naked
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hmmm the summit huh??? interesting
Tech sounded so worried when he called Hunter over??? waaaaaahhh
Hemlock? more like Hemcock (yes I've been waiting a while to make that joke leave me alone)
Crosshair being offered his freedom and just stubbornly staring back? Severe and unyielding hero edition. I love him, Hunter go get him pls he needs you.
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help why did this one feel so short
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littlefreya · 5 years
Lines in the Sand - Part 6
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Synopsis: She is one of the best snipers serving in Iraq but she is also suffering from an attitude problem and ironically has a hard time following orders. After an incident in her former base, she is sent to join the Special Forces unit led by Captain Syverson who requires a talented sniper.
Unlucky for her, Captain Syverson is a hard man who likes things by the book and according to order. He ain’t got the patience for troublemakers.  
Pairing: Captain Syverson x OFC (Jessica Gallagher)
Word count: 3,790
Warnings: Smut in future (it’s coming next part!!), sexual tension, teasing,  big dick energy. Captain Syverson is BFD but also kind of a jerk in this one.
A/N: Ok, I promised smut in chapter 6 but I ended up writing 18 pages, so I have to split this in two so it will be readable. The good news is that I am almost done proofing so the sex coming up like later tonight. Please don’t hate me.
Tagging: @sciapod @thiccgeralt @writingaftermidnight @fcgrizi @hows-my-hair @modernscarlett @vania-marie @centaine​ @ohjules​ @oddsnendsfanfics​ @hm-fck​ @ly--canthrope​ @peakygroupie​ @shortstacks-blog​ @hclovers​ @intototaloblivion​ @cataleya12345​ @lifeisingrey​ @mytbel0st​ @goliveeasy17posts​ @agniavateira​
If you wanna be tagged, let me know!
Part 1|Part 2|Part 3|Part 4|Part 5| Part 6 |Part 7|Part 8|Part 9|Part 10|
Part 6 - If I Had a Tail
A single burst of fire ripped through the cold midnight air, sand splattered in rage like a wild desert storm while the thick smoke gyrated upon the barrel. The bullet hit right next to Stevens’ foot, not nearly close enough to cause injury or draw enemies, yet enough to make the entire base light up like a Christmas tree. 
Syverson was the first to arrive at the scene. Weapon drawn and a predatory frown that soon turned into white-hot anger as he quickly analysed the scene. 
She’ll never forget that face. 
She thinks it’s kinda hot. 
‘In an alpha male sort of way.’
It’s nearly 4 am. An hour has passed since the Captain barked at her to go and wait in his office. A whimsical vibe thrums through her blood while she raps her fingers on his desk. Perhaps she is yet to grasp the gargantuan amount of trouble she is in.
Syverson bursts into the office with such intensity, it’s a wonder the door remains latched to its hinges. Clenching his jaw, he glares, a glint of a rabid dog sparks his eyes while his breath becomes so heavy, Jess can hear the hiss of air that flows through his nostrils. 
No words follow, not even once he shuts the door behind him. Walking heavily, he makes his way toward the other side of the desk with a glower glued to the girl who sits with not a speck of fear nor remorse on her face. 
The office chair does its best not to collapse under Syverson’s massive weight. Cheeks sunken in, his lips press so tightly they form a white line. After a moment of excruciating silence, an abrupt thud rumbles through the cabin. She jolts the moment his fist hits the desk.
“Where do I even fucking begin?” Sy asks loudly, taking a long inhale, “do you NOT want to be here, private Jessica Gallagher?” 
‘Oh full name, I guess daddy is REALLY angry.’ 
“It’s the only place I wanna be at, Captain Syverson, sir,” she answers sincerely.
“Don’t. Fucking. Play games with me now, little girl.”
An unbidden grunt cracks at his throat and jumps to his feet with one sudden movement, leaning forward on the desk with menace while his fingers hold onto the edge so tightly his knuckles turn white. However, the pale flesh is bloodied, riddled with tears and fresh red bruises, which makes Gallagher wonder if he punched the wall on his way to the office to avoid taking a swing at her. 
Her eyes gingerly lift, daring to meet his face. 
If Syverson’s glare was any fiercer, she’d be bleeding by now.
“You have any idea how much shit you just got yourself into?”
Every drop of mischief or sarcasm she had drains within an instant. Empty of words, she keeps her mouth shut. The only answer she would provide is that she is not regretting doing what she did. 
Stevens had it coming. 
“Give me one, one good fuckin’ reason why I shouldn’t just throw your boney ass straight into military jail, ha?”
Eyes ablaze, Sy takes a short pause and sucks on his bottom lip. “I told you: if anything happens, you come to me, you don’t take matters to your own hands, and you sure as hell don’t fire your weapon in the middle of the night. Have you any idea...”
“Well, what was I supposed to do, Captain?” Finally, she snaps, her voice shuddering, “let him rape her until you arrive on your white horse?!”
No, there was no other way; she reacted hastily to save another woman, and deep in his heart, he knows he would have done the exact same thing, if not worse. The thought that someone would harm any of his girls brings out the savage in him. 
It was luck that Harper stopped him when he did.
A sudden throb thrums at his knuckles while images of Stevens’ bloody face float behind his eyes. Clenching his jaw, Sy massages the back of his right hand. If only this act of aggression deterred his fury, yet one look at Gallagher ignites the flame.
“Go ahead, sir, send me home. I am not going to apologise for what I did. And if I find out Stevens stays here after this I…”
“You think I’ll let Stevens stay!?” 
Gallagher’s shoulders stiffen at his guttural bark. The Captain’s fury peaks to new levels at the sound of her remark. No man stands before her, but a bull, maddened by the redness tinting her eyes. But she is reminded that she faced death once before and she is not afraid of a man who is wrought by temper. 
She will not cry. She won’t.
One look at her and he is already regretting his lapse of control.   
‘Great... she’s going to cry…’
A deep sigh spills from him. War is child’s play but crying ladies? He won’t do, he’d rather bathe in fire than watch her sit there with her nose swelling and her mouth clamped so tightly her lips turned white. 
He falls quiet, wishing he could tell her that she did good, but his moral code defies him. 
“Letting you off without warning just this time,” he murmurs coldly, “but just to make things clear, Gallagher - you’re walking on some mighty thin ice here.” 
Unsure if to be thankful or hurt, she nods meekly, her blurry gaze focused on some lewd scribble that decorates his desk. 
There is no need to spell it twice. Jumping to her feet, she throws a quick sault and scurries away.
Back in the chamber, Blazko is holding Chase, motioning Gallagher to join onto the bed. She sits behind them, pressing her forehead onto Chase’s back, knowing that tomorrow her friend will be sent back for recovery. 
Men break women in the most hurtful ways possible.
A mixture of pain and anger twists her heart. If only she could destroy something right now… unleash the pain that spurs in her bawls, she’d scratch the captain’s face and scream at him for being such an indifferent grunt. 
“Smooth and by the book,” Harper calls out content as the unit rides back home from yet another successful operation. 
The Captain smirks with silent pride; his icy blue eyes scan the desert view through dark shades while Blazko drives the armoured vehicle. The thrill of coming back alive is better than... most sex. Though he can’t even remember what that even feels like.
Pushed against the backseat’s door, Gallagher seethes. A request to ride in the other vehicle to avoid sharing the same space with the Captain has been denied. He insisted she’ll ride in the back with Harper and Holt; his excuse being that since Holt is her spotter, they should be together at all time. But Gallagher is smarter than whatever scant credit Sy gives her - this is another plot to suck the joy out of her life.
“Mighty thin ice.”
Syverson’s frigid blues seize her liking at the rearview mirror, and quickly his smile dies. Gallagher, is once again, shitting all over his parade. Shouldn’t she be proud of her achievement today? The mouthy little thing is usually unapologetically arrogant and for a good reason too. He hates to admit it, but watching her in action was pleasing; she may have the attitude of a pubescent child, but her reputation is well deserved. He would have told her she did an excellent job on the field, hadn’t she avoided him at all cost.
‘Freakin’ ungrateful brat’. 
When the vehicles finally arrive at the base, Gallagher storms out and head back towards the barracks, never even bothering to salute her Captain or heed any other orders. 
“All dismissed,” he commands as the remaining unit, allowing them to disembark before anyone notices the full glory of his rising rage. 
Sergeant Harper appears beside him with a smile though he regrets it the moment he reads the fury on Syverson’s face. Staring at his sulk, he wonders if the Captain is aware of the notion that the boys named this particular expression“Gallagangry”. While Syverson is known for his brooding temper, the worst time to ask for favours is when he is vexed about something Galagher related.   
“Leave her be, Captain. She’s just sad... about her friend, you know?” Harper dares to suggest while the Captain peers at her waltzing into the building.
“What do you need, Sarg’?” he asks, not averting his gaze even though she’s no longer in sight. 
Harper clears his throat and clasps his hands together. “Umm… I know this is probably not the best time to ask this… and I am pretty sure you’ll refuse, but please, please just hear me out here.” 
The Captain tilts his head at Harper, his eyes narrowing with suspicion, he always dreaded conversations that start off that way. 
“What’s this about, Harper?”
Harper scratches the back of his head nervously, offering the Captain a sheepish grin. “I was thinking, with the operation being successful and all that happened at the base a few nights ago, maybe it can be a good idea to raid the ‘special occasions’ storage and have ourselves a little party?”
“You ‘outta your goddamn mind?” The captain frowns as if Harper suggested he’ll cut off his own limb. Shaking his head and hugging with dismissal, he paces toward the barracks slowly, not wanting to hear another single word. 
Though Harper won’t relent, following him urgently, he steps right in front of the hulking grunt and walks backwards as Sy continues to advance. 
“Think about it, we’ve just pulled a smooth one, and morals have been a bit low with the ladies and all and…”
The captain pauses and eyes him, noticing the hint of a smile that dances the Sergeant's gaze. 
“Anne said yes, didn’t she?” 
Harper confided in him that he means to propose once he gets back on Christmas or thanksgiving. A foolish thing to do, in Syverson’s opinion but he kept his thoughts to himself. 
Unable to keep his grin from stretching all over his face, the Sergeant nods. Sy breaks into a small smirk himself and then punches his shoulder playfully.
“Congrats kids, does this means I’m gonna have to wear a tux?” 
Harper chuckles and shrugs. He hasn’t even thought about the actual wedding yet.  
“I don’t know about a party though, Harper, you know I don’t like this type of things.”
“Things? You mean like fun?” Harper dares is a moment of boldness.
“Hey,” the captain points his finger in the air but Harper knows it’s an empty threat. Syverson always had a soft spot for him, though he’d never admit it.
“C’mon Sy, they’re kids, kids who could get killed any day and who haven’t seen home in ages. Let them have one night to unwind.”
The Captain stares at the barracks thoughtfully; she will probably be there too and though he despises the idea a part of him is curious to find out what Private Jessica Gallagher is like at parties. Maybe she will even loosen up and speak to him? Thank him for covering her ass when he had every reason not to?
‘Wishful thinking…’ 
“Two drinks per person TOPS and 3 of your men can’t attend. They still need to be on patrol, Harper, so draw straws or somethin’.”
Harper jumps in joy, pressing his palms together and inaudibly mouthing, “thank you.”
‘Fuck, I’m already regrettin’ this…’ 
The party takes place at the canteen. Syverson was kind enough to lend some of his private rock CDs, in the condition that no cheesy dance trash will be played tonight.
His second condition is to drink responsibly. The unit raided the storage of some good stuff; vodka, Bourbon, Black Label and a bounty of American beer. The bottles are organized on the cantine’s island where food is usually served, along with glasses of shots and some plastic single times cup.    
Syverson's third and final condition is, of course; he ain’t dancing and ain’t nobody buggin’ him about that.
Gallagher arrives at the party an hour after it began, accompanied by Blazko who seems ecstatic to blow off some steam. The redhead begins dancing the moment they walk in while Gallagher appears to be suspicious of her surroundings. 
Standing at a strategic location, the captain spots her right away. He takes a quick sip from his beer, scrutinising her appearance;  worn-out boots, semi-tight jeans and a black t-shirt. Her hair is strewn across her shoulders and he can’t help but think she looks nice without her uniform.
He wishes to say hello yet still she avoids him which only causes him to roll his eyes. He takes an angry sip from his beer, reminding himself how one of the reasons why he agreed to this dumb idea was her and mutters under his breath.
“Ugh! I want to get a drink but fucking Syverson is standing there guarding…” Gallagher tells Blazko as they stand in the middle of the cantine where the rest of the men dance. Harper is already on his 3rd beer. 
Maximum 2 drinks per man? Syverson knew it’s an empty promise. 
“Just look at him, being extra BDE tonight, god forbid anyone will see him having fun...” Gallagher points out, her eyes discreetly capturing the large man who is leaning against the counter. His hefty ‘package’ is pushed forward on display, one elbow laid on the surface and the other holds the bottle to his mouth. If a stranger walked into the room, he’d spot the alpha in seconds. 
Blazko, who appears quite stunning herself in a red t-shirt that matches her fiery red hair, peers at Syverson, making it look so obvious that they are talking about him it feels sort of like they’re back at high school. 
“What should I get ya?” 
Gallagher peers at the “bar”, her eyes scanning the collection carefully, wondering how much she wants to get drunk tonight. 
Blazko salutes mockingly and marches toward the bar. Gallagher is hardly drunk she’s already jumping around dancing with Harper. Seeing her shrouded by bliss, hugging the Sergeant, makes the bile climb up his throat. He chugs it down with another sip from his bottle, hardly noticing the gorgeous redhead that stands next to him with a smile and reaching out for the bottle of Vodka.
“Nice to see you too then, cap’n,” she mumbles amused before walking back toward Jess.
“To Harper and Anne!” The girls cheer and down the shots within seconds, a few moments pass, Rebel Yell plays next which pulls a loud scream from Gallagher, “FUCK! I LOVE THAT SONG!!!” 
She turns to Blazko with a playfully seductive look, mimicking Billy Idol's deep raspy voice. Blazko giggles and sings along, pressing her hip against hers sensually. 
“In the midnight hour, she cried- more, more, more" Gallagher sings and throw her hair back, her body moves to the rhythm of the electric guitar, her hands run up and down her torso, feeling rejuvenated, relived for the first time in so many nights. Yet, even now, completely liberated, she is still ensnared by his icy blue eyes.
The Captain pressed the edge of the bottle against his lips, unable to stop his staring no matter how much he wants to. He can feel his blood simmering, his heart pumping loudly in his chest and in his gut, he can feel a knot of rage.
This entire time she hasn’t looked at him, not even once.
The song reaches its peak moment, the music slowing down, becoming tense. Brushing her hair back, Galagher breathes in deeply. A thin layer of sweat coats her shoulders and chest from dancing so wildly. 
“Wait, wait, wait! I need more booze,” she calls out and hurries to the bar. She knows Sy awaits her there, and as the alcohol dulls her senses, she suddenly wants him to see how little she thinks of him and his stupid book of rules.
“I walked the ward with you, babe
A thousand miles with you
I dried your tears of pain, babe
A million times for you”
Assaulting the bar without saying a word, she grabs the bottle with 3 plastic shots and pours the vodka down. Syverson glares silently as she downs the first shot right in front of him, closing her eyes and swallowing with a loud gulp and a hiss to follow. He can see the liquid as it runs down her stretched throat, how her chest sinks in as the cold, harsh liqueur fills her chest. Her eyes remain shut, lashes dark and long. 
This is how she spites him, knowing he can’t have any of the good stuff, knowing he forbade them for having more than 2, but she dares him to stop her now.
“I’d sell my soul for you babe
For money to burn with you
I’d give you all, and have none, babe
Just, just, justa, justa to have you here by me
Gallagher lets out a heavy sigh and licks her lips, wiping them with the back of her palm until finally, she decides to grace him with half a stare from the corner of her eye.
“Captain,” she utters casually.
Sy response is an icy glare.
She raises the two remaining shots and then turns on her heels, hurrying toward the dancing crowd and downing the 3rd shot with Blazko who then hugs her tightly.
“In the midnight hour she cried more, more, more
With a rebel yell she cried more, more, more
In the midnight hour babe more, more, more
With a rebel yell she cried more, more, more
More, more, more”
The words echo in his head all of a sudden, hellfire courses through his veins. If he didn’t know better, he’d say Gallagher is teasing him, or perhaps trying to abuse him. Snatching another bottle of beer, he uncorks it by knocking the cork against the metal counter and takes a hefty long sip.
This is the shittest night he had in years.  
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jayjade · 4 years
kth | amnesia |
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Taehyung got into a accident and had an amnesia, you as his personal assistant took care of him but you have a huge crush on him since you've got the job and you took advantage of him and said that you're his fiancèe.
Pairing: Taehyung x reader
Genre: angst, fluff, f2l, smut, what’s wrong with secretary reader
Warnings: Dom!Taehyung, spanking, dirty talk, oral (f receiving) cursing
A/N: I'm not a professional writer, I just love doing what I like please no bad vibes, thank you!!! Hope we get along♡
Another A/N: I'll update later
You woke up not knowing something bad would happen, you fixes everything and got ready for work but when you are about to get in your car you heard your phone is ringing and suddenly you felt your heart beats fast not knowing why, why are you nervous to pick it up, you don't know the reason but you know it was your boss, 'sir taehyung' you answered it and
"Hello? Is this the personal assistant of Mr. Kim Taehyung??" Unknown person
"Uhmm yes? But who's this? How did you get his phone?"
"Oh we'll explain it to you later but we need you to get in here at the hospital in the emergency room he got into a accident and there's no sign of family contact members on the phone so we decided to call you"
"Ma'am please calm down, it's Yonsei Hospital"
When you heard the name of the hospital you immediately turn down the call and drive your car as fast as you can as if you was in a movie everything was so slow even though you already reached the speed limit
You didn't know you were yelling at the nurse because of fear that he would leave you and not getting any chance to tell him that you're so inlove with him, you ran as fast as you could and forced them to let you in where taehyung was
"I'm sorry ma'am but you're not allowed to go in here"
'I'm furious to see him in a hospital bed I didn't imagine he would be in there, but at the same time I felt my heart slowly beating and it's like dropping on the floor and I thought it was déjà vu when my father died because of a car accident, same scenario where it feels like the time is stuck and being slowed, same feeling where my heart beating slowly and shattered to little pieces, same man who I love the most, but a different person. I don't want the history repeat it self..' — you were looking at him while talking to yourself
You sat outside of the emergency room while waiting for everything to be fine, you couldn't help yourself not to cry for hours
"Excuse me ma'am,,,, ma'am excuse me, ma'am"
You didn't notice that the doctor was calling your attention
"Oh, y-yes? I'm sorry"
"Are you the wife? of Mr. Kim Taehyung?" The doctor asked
"Uhmm no, just a personal assistant, but uhmm, is he fine? Is he going to be okay?" I felt again my heart beating fast
"We are sorry to tell you this but his head got extremely hit and had an amnesia"
"Don't worry to much it's just a temporary episode of memory lost which is transient global amnesia but it is still frightening, if he wakes up please be reminded that during an episode of transient global amnesia, his recall of recent events simply vanishes, so he can't remember where he is or how he got there. In addition, he may not remember anything about what's happening in here and now. Consequently, he may keep repeating the same questions because he don't remember the answers you've just been given. He may also draw a blank face when asked to remember things that happened a day, a month or even a year ago."
'I cant even move to what I've heard,, how will he remember me, or even evrything, should I tell him that his parents are dead? Or that would be to harsh for him he just got into a accident I don't think it's the right time, maybe I'll just wait for him to remember some of the things that really happened years ago, what should I tell him?' — You're just standing in front of him while talking to yourself and crying
You sat next to him and waits for him to wake up, it's already 8pm and he's still not waking up, you were tired of what's happening and it stressed you out, so you accidentally fall asleep and when you woke up it's already 7am
"Hi, you are sleeping next to me but I don't know you and where am I??"
Beacuse of excitement and you got suprised that taehyung is already awake you started hugging taehyung and crying
"E-excuse me, I'm s-sorry but w-who are y-you and I c-can't breathe you hug so t-tightlyyyyy" taehyung catching his breathe
"I'm sorry I'm just so excited to see you awake and talking to me, oh uhm I'm your personal assistant do you want something? Do you want to eat?" You smiled at him while asking
"Ohhh okay, I didn't know I have a personal assistant but uhm where am I? What happened?"
You can see in his face that he's really confused on what's happening
"Uhm uhh,,, you're in the hospital because of an accident and you hit your head badly you're suffering right now to a transient global amnesia but don't worry about it I'll make you remember everything okay? For now just rest. So do you need anything? Are you hungry?"
Taehyung was all blank space as if he didn't hear anything, so you started calling him but he didn't answer and started asking you again the same questions
"Sir!! Uhmmm sir?? Taehyung!!"
"Who are you? Where am I? Why am I here??" Taehyung asks while looking around the room
You get confused but suddenly you remembered that it is natural for someone who has an transient global amnesia to repeat the same questions because of not remembering your answers and draw a blank face, you started wondering that he didn't remember what you've said earlier, that you're his personal assistant so you decided to kiss him unexpectedly, you kissed him passionately and slowly touches his body but you stop when someone knock on the door, before even the nurse open the door you immediately look under his bed prentending you lose your hair pin
"Uhmm excuse me ma'am what are you doing? Did you lost something?" The nurse asked while you were fakingly looking something under the bed
"Oh u-uh I lost my hair pin I think it's in here" you stand up and looked at the nurse
"Hahahaha ma'am I think it's in your hair, you're face are so red are you feeling well?"
"Y-yes I think because it's hot in here" you're red because you were blushing and your heart flatters due to the fact that you kissed your love of your life
"It's cold why are you getting hot?" Taehyung interrupt
You ignored taehyung's question and just talked to the nurse
"Uhh, I'll just go home and take a bath and also I'll buy taehyung something to eat, please look after him i'll be gone for only an hour or 30 mins thank you!"
You grabbed your bag and head out on taehyung's room, when you got home you prepared all of your clothes and stuffs, while you were taking a shower you're thinking of taehyung
"Ugh!! What should I do for him to remember everything" — talking to yourself while showering in the bathroom
You sat in the bathtub and think of ways how will taehyung remember everything, as you're done showering you headed outside of the bathroom but you slipped into a magazine
"aah!! Ouch!! Fck this magazine!"
You grabbed the magazine and when you were about to throw the book it suddenly catches your attention
"90 days of fiancè before 90 days?? Did I even bought this kind of magazine, no neck edd? What?" You got moved by the title of it but you still throw it anyways...
When you got into the hospital taehyung was sleeping and you woke him up to eat
"Who are you? Where are we?" Taehyung asked while you were preparing his food
"Sir you're in the hospital, I'm your pers-" you stop and look at him, you suddenly remembered what you saw on the magazine
"I mean I'm your wife, and we're in the hospital" you answered it confidently and smiled at him
a month already had past, taehyung is getting better everyday and he already considered you as his fiancee after you decided to live in with teahyung
“honeeyyy! what do you want to eat?” you asked taehyung while he was watching tv on the living room
“hmmm you?” he looked at you and smiled 
“u-uh? me?” your heart started to beats fast 
“yah, how about you? what do you wanna eat?” taehyung ask
 you sat near him at the sofa 
“o-oh uh, pizz-” 
“what? you tought I want to eat you?” he started coming closer at you while he was smiling
“you dirty minded! ofcourse not!” your face became red and you can’t look at him directly at his eyes 
he get closer to you, started kissing you passionately and grabs your boobs you moaned near at his ear 
“ugghhh, baby cum at me” 
“so this is how you wanna play?” taehyung smirk and take you to his room
Taehyung pulled down your panties and he started fingering you
"Uuuhhhhhh, babyyyy fck"
You're already undressed and taehyung started eating your pussy and inserted his dick,
"Uuhhhh fck fasterrr! Uugggghhhh"
He grabs your boobs and he fcks you even more faster
"Soft dicks won't get me satisfied" you started teasing him and he stops... he suddenly pull you out of the bed
"Don't get dress, follow me" taehyung slaps your butt
"Awww tss! W-wait?? Where are we going? Are we already done? Taehyung???!!!"
"Baby chill we ain't even starting yet" he looks at you and smirks
"Huh? Then where are we going?" you were so confused
"Ssshh wait and you'll see,,, I call this 'master's hell room' "
"Wtf, what is all this? How can I not know this room?"
He takes you to his room where full of sex toys and the room was full of red lights..
"What did you said earlier? Soft di-" taehyung stops when you kneel and started to blow job him
"Uuhhhh fck let me eat you" taehyung grabs your hair
You crawl at him and kissed him passionately while he inserts his dick on you,,,, but he grabs your waist and switch your position under him
"Oh baby let me show you how top persons do, and how it's done" taehyung kissed you passionately, and you're just enjoying how he kisses your neck and how he puts hickey on your boobs,,, he gets down until he reaches on your pussy and started eating it
"Babyyyy uugghhhh f-fck, uuhhhhh,,, uuhhhh" no other words but only moans is the only thing you can hear from the room
But suddenly taehyung stops and gets one of his sex toys, you looked at him and said
"Let me show you how this works" Taehyung said while holding a sex toy and playing with it
"Uhmmm, baby I think we should do this next time I don't really know how that works and uhmm,, i don't know if that is safe"
"Babyy just follow what I'm going to say okay? This is safe don't worry you'll enjoy this"
He gives you a white handkerchief
"Put this on your mouth, tied it tightly"
"What? No,,, baby lets just do this next time okay??" You lay down again on the bed
"Oh come on! I'm your fiancè there's nothing to worry about"
"Hmm,,, okay"
but he runs toward you and crawl on top of off you
"But I'll fck you one more time" he inserted his dick on your pussy and he starts fcking you faster
"wow didn't know you were good at this"
"huh? as if it's our first time"
"ohh, uhh- no! What I meant was you're getting hotter and better everytime"
time has passed and you're just staring at him while he's sleeping
"Hey you alright?" taehyung asked you
"oh hey, yah baby I'm alright. I'm just really happy for the both of us" you smiled and touched his hair
"Hmmm, I was kinda wondering if we ever have some pictures so I can put it in our room"
"Oh uhm I- Uh- we don't really have some pictures, because u- uh- told me you don't like taking pictures, but I do have 1 picture of us look" you grabbed your phone on the small table near the bed
"See look at you working so hard"
"I'm not even looking at that picture pffttt"
"hahaha baby like what I told you, you don't like taking pictures"
"okay well then this time let's take a lot of photos as much as we can so we can have a lot of memories" he smiled at you and starts to sleep again
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Oh my god what just happen ,
Woke up to a hehe sweet dream ,
Fck it was so reall,
The hug ,
I am walking n walking ,
And he just took my right hand that was swinging as i was walking ,
And he was sitting at the side ,which I wasn't knowing ,
Oh goddddd,
Then he scrunched n squishes me ,
With both his hands ,
And says ,
Ah so tell what happen ,
And he says this with a smile ,
Nah nah tell he says ,
And I am unable to muster anything considering how my heart is feeling,
I was just like nah sir nothing n I was tingling with joy ,
Eeeeee such spongy cushiony moments ,
Just a random person that I like passively may be thats why he popped up in dream ,
I just liked his long hands ,
Can still feel the scrunchhhy thing he did !!
Human warmth is magical told you buds !
Don't make yourself bad wanting one !
Cos u gonna die any way one day ,
Let it be the soft way thst you travel this journey of life and then die ha!
I wear less of whites like tops somehow ,
And I feel white feels so peaceful and wnthralling st the same moment ,
A casual white wear is oh my god the most best feeling to incur ,
I feel this way ,
And oh hooooo such a long hug ,only whispers and sweet smiles !!
Wish it was real ,
I know it ll happen nothing to be sad about ,
Am happy puppy now ,
Okie bubbles ,
Au revoir !
9 Febrero 2021 ,
He was like
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