thatsbelievable · 1 year
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tonguetie25 · 4 months
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the tongue has 8 muscles which can exert 500gms of force? We have almost always neglected this tiny structure.The tongue is a mighty muscle which is essential for sucking, swallowing, eating, drinking, chewing, breathing, speech, jaw growth and improving digestion.
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adehl · 10 months
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“Khecarī mudrā (खेचरी मुद्रा) is a hatha yoga practice carried out by curling the tip of the tongue back into the mouth until it reaches above the soft palate and into the nasal cavity. The tongue is made long enough to do this with many months of daily tongue stretching and, in some versions of the practice, by gradually severing the lingual frenulum with a sharp implement over a period of months.”
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meerca · 3 months
they call me rock lee the way my Lingual frenulum
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arch-godenvy · 11 months
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name  ryuunosuke nishiyama nicknames  ryuu, bones (reserved for his sister) age  thirty date of birth  may 28, 1993 zodiac  gemini place of birth  tbd, japan current residence  a shitty little nyc studio apartment gender  trans man pronouns  he/him sexuality  gay occupation  medical examiner
faceclaim  kento yamazaki height  5'9 tattoos  none piercings  many ear piercings & a lingual frenulum piercing distinguishing features  choppy shoulder length hair, almost abnormally dark irises, extremely cold to the touch skin (not that he'd let anyone get close enough to check), mole on his right cheekbone positive traits  intelligent, incredible memory, efficient negative traits  somewhat naive & easily manipulated, unfocused, emotional labels / tropes  animals hate him, annoying younger sibling, creepy shadowed undereyes, death seeker, heel-face revolving door, perky goth, power-strain blackout, stealth hi/bye, touch of death, troubled but cute, you should have died instead likes  poetry, gothic architecture, the smell of formaldehyde, coffee dislikes  his ability, cerberus corp, all cerberus agents, winter fears  physical touch, accidentally killing someone/something, himself, his father, needles (getting over this one as they are on testosterone) hobbies  collecting poetry (specifically romantic & gothic), weaving bracelets habits  reciting names of bones / muscles / organs / etc when nervous, drawing on self, not listening when someone is talking
near death experience… 
born with a congenital heart defect, ryuu has always been careful not to strain himself too much. he didn't expect that he'd outlive his siblings, though, and he certainly didn't expect that he'd come back to life when he died. it goes like this : a completely normal, boring wednesday, even. his mentor trusts him to perform parts of the autopsy on his own and he takes his job very seriously. except, when his scalpel touches dead skin (dead! he verified this fact several times over), the deceased... isn't very deceased any more. the body breathes and jolts up. screams. and ryuu screams too, falling backwards and knocking down his tray of tools and is so genuinely frightened that his heart gives out and he dies. he doesn't know how or why, but his heart seemingly restarts on its own, and he's alive but irrevocably changed before his mentor comes back. while dead, he saw his deceased older brother, still a teenager and looking the same he did the day he died. his twin sister was nowhere to be found, and he doesn't know what to do about that.
despite being very much alive now, he still feels attached to the dead, or at least the concept of being dead. it's this awkwardness of being in two planes — existence and not — that he just can't seem to shake.
death force manipulation. what's that mean? well.
awful terrible vibes. within a five foot radius of ryuu, there is this generally off putting energy that just lingers. typically makes people feel despair, apathy, depression. more than once he's been minding his own business in the grocery store and an older woman walks by and just bursts into tears. weird stuff. this doesn't disappear it's always there
hypothetically yes ryuu can touch someone and kill them. he hasn't tried it yet. seems like an insurmountable task that would require too much energy.
he does, however, end up killing plant life inadvertently just by existing near by.
the most control he has over his power is putting people into a death-coma for a few minutes. it doesn't require physical touch, just line of sight, though physical touch will help him maintain the coma. these death comas have people looking like they are sleeping, but not breathing at all. basically? dead. as soon as ryuu releases them from the death coma, they come back awake, though very confused
can push the limits of his body very far. whats this mean? if he's in a situation where he lacks air he can simply breathe less and stretch out his survival time by manipulating the forces of death around him
death sense ! he knows instinctively when someone has died, has had an nde, or is going to die very soon. he can also usually determine cause of death through death sense, which makes his medical examiner job pretty easy.
drawbacks / vulnerabilities… 
extreme, almost chronic, fatigue. he requires an abnormal amount of rest after he's used his power. he also tends to be dehydrated and generally of sickly pallor. while energy drinks & coffee would have been a death sentence previously, he needs these to survive now.
cannot do physical touch. due to absolutely 0 control over his powers, there's a good chance he'll kill someone or at the very least bring them very close to death if he touches them. so he simply doesn't.
animals hate him. they don't get near him. it makes him really sad.
plants die near him. also makes him really sad.
confusion / disorientation is a very big one. general confusion is always there - from the fact that people are always dying - but also after using his powers he is often so disoriented to the point that he won't know where or when he is. if there's someone near him when he comes back disoriented, there's a high probability that he'll be asking for his siblings.
(if applicable)  cerberus corp… 
to keep it short -- due to intense life experiences ryuu has no trust or love for cerberus corp and its agents. he finds them all to be, at their best, scapegoats for whatever the fuck cerberus is planning behind their backs, though he views most agents as menaces doing more harm than good. he has no interest in joining cerberus and has managed to keep his head down when it comes to being found out by the company.
self named. why ? sounds cool <3 ryuu is unsurprisingly a fan of mythology and thanatos was the personification of death and what is ryuu if not the same?
[sibling death tw] [child abuse tw] the shortened version of ryuu's backstory is this : did Not grow up in a nice pleasant household. mom was sick more often than not and dad was not a good person and people knew that, though they averted their eyes when their three kids came to school looking rough. around when ryuu was 11-13 years old, his older brother (by 2 years) died under mysterious circumstances that ryuu tried and failed to stop. absolutely destroyed ryuu and his twin sister. a year or so later, before they graduated highschool, their mom finally separated from their father and was able to move to new york to settle with extended family. ryuu and his sister both finish high school and decide to go into medical school. while his sister ventures into surgery, he's more comfortable with forensic pathology. More mysterious circumstances happen around when the twins are 27/28 and ryuu's sister is assumed dead, though no body is found. he's a little more than devastated and is under the assumption that cerberus corp had something to do with her death. additionally, his mother was recently put into full time care due to dementia. [/child abuse tw] [ /sibling death tw]
when i say he's intelligent he's really fucking smart. his memory is like a sponge and he's got a great filing system up there - meaning he absolutely will recite exactly what you said to him 2 years 3 months and 4 days ago with scary accuracy.
hates his powers ! doesnt want them !
why villain sidekick? good question. certainly has no desire to save people when he's only watched his loved ones get hurt despite asking for them to be helped. there is no good, why should he try?
would love some physical touch . however the horrors.... (accidentally killing someone)
is actually quite easy manipulated or swayed. malleable, really. will logically reason out almost anything. doesn't mean he's trusting
misses his siblings every damn day and doesn't even have anyone he can talk to them about because his mom doesn't really remember anymore so it's just him and the dead.
ryuu is freezing to the touch. really really ice cold. abnormally so. he's always bundled up in sweaters.
there is love to be found in the violence and even the killings and especially the grief okay?
roommate??? hes got a studio apartment but will move at a moments notice if theres a better choice. he is technically a doctor if that means anything to anyone looking for a roomie on craigslist
book / poetry club ?
fwb ? enemies w benefits ? the touch thing may be something we need to work on but hes sooo normal about it i promise
this is sick kinda but villain who finds his powers something that they can use and perhaps sways/manipulates him into helping Their Cause
brain is so fucking fried right now just take him and give me plots ok?
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*spending Christmas Eve reading articles about very specific anatomy bits in an attempt to understand why the lingual frenulum is not nearly so fun as the penile one is rumoured to be*
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drvladimirpastouk · 1 year
What Happens If You Don't Fix Tongue-Tie?
The baby's tongue connects to the floor of the mouth during fetal development. As your baby grows, they separate from the tongue, and only a thin band of tissue (the lingual frenulum) remains attached to the floor of the mouth. Tongue tie is a condition that can affect your child's eating, feeding, and growth. It can also affect their speech and social development.
If you don't fix the tongue tie, it can adversely affect your child's oral and overall health. Inadequate oral hygiene leads to tooth decay, gum disease, and bad breath.
In some cases, poor dental hygiene may also cause various other diseases and conditions. Maintaining a healthy mouth throughout your lifetime is essential by brushing, flossing, and visiting your dentist regularly for preventative checkups.
In addition, plaque can enter the bloodstream and clog your arteries, increasing your risk of heart disease and strokes. Bacteria can also attach to platelets and form blood clots.
Your tongue needs entire movement to make different sounds when you speak and for swallowing and sweeping bits of food out of your mouth. Your baby's lingual frenulum (the band of tissue that connects the underside of the tongue to the floor of the mouth) might be too short or tight in babies with tongue-tie, which makes it hard for their tongue to move freely.
If your midwife, health visitor, or breastfeeding counselor suspects your baby might have a tongue tie, they will refer you to a practitioner. These people will formally assess your baby's tongue based on their function and appearance (e.g., the Hazelbaker Assessment Tool for Lingual Frenulum Function).
Tongue-tie can be tricky to diagnose, so you must talk to your midwife or health visitor as soon as possible and get them to refer you to a tongue-tie specialist. They may also be able to recommend some simple treatments for your baby.
A tongue tie binds the tongue's tip to the mouth's floor, which limits its movement. This can cause issues with eating, speech, and breathing problems.
Children can develop a cleft palate when a tongue tie is not treated. A cleft palate occurs when the two plates that form the hard and soft palate of the mouth are not joined.
If a child has a cleft palate, getting it repaired as soon as possible is essential. The procedure can help prevent the development of a cleft lip and can also correct problems with speech production.
Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus-1 (HSV-1). They are common and can cause pain, swelling, fever, blisters, and inflammation.
Your doctor may prescribe medicines to speed the healing process if you have a cold sore. These include topical creams or pills you take by mouth, such as acyclovir, famciclovir, and valacyclovir.
You can also try home remedies, including ice packs on the sores or aloe vera gel. These work to minimize symptoms and keep the skin from getting too dry.
Until your sores heal, avoid kissing and intimate contact such as oral sex and sharing cups, razors, dishes, towels, cutlery, straws, and lip balm. This helps prevent the spread of cold sores to others. It's essential for young children.
Many children and adults experience a loss of self-confidence as a result of speech and eating issues caused by tongue-tie. If left untreated, the problem can become a significant source of emotional and behavioral issues. Surgical treatment can be used if tongue-tie is not responding to non-surgical treatments. Here are some ways to test if your child has a tongue tie: Take your finger and swipe it underneath your tongue. You should not feel a flap of skin beneath the tip.
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justsunflowr · 1 year
Menyusui dengan Lip Tie Tounge Tie
Assalamu'alaykum, semoga kalian sehat2 dan dalam penjagaan Allah swt; Semoga kita selalu ingat hak bathin jiwa raga yg tenang dengan tidak skip dzikir (dalam bentuk apapun) walaupun riweuh ngurus bayik, tapi Allah yg urus kita semua (asal kita sabar, shalat, dan bersyukur❤️)
Now, disclaimer dulu:
- Walaupun aku lulusan kedokteran tapi tidak banyak mendalami persusuan ini, tulisan ini aku buat niatnya utk bagi-bagi pengalaman mana tau ada yg sedang mengASIhi dan ternyata juga anaknya dengan Lip Tie Tounge Tie (LTTT).
- Aku juga baru googling2 aja, belum sampe baca jurnal2nya karena belum bs jd prioritas, maka konsullah ke ahlinya, di sini ya konselor laktasi; modal tanyaaa semua dan searching tipis2 (tetep dr sumber terpercaya).
- All typed in one go dr handphone karena kalau aku tunda lagi pasti ga kebuat ini, sama kaya foto postwedding yg udah dibooking terus gajadi, sekarang menyesal kenapa ga sempetin sejam dua jam, sekarang ga mgkn aku bisa difoto proper dengan BMI normal dalam waktu dekat🥲
Jadi mohon maaf typo dan flight of ideas, I will try my best.
Nah apa sih LTTT itu? Bisa di googling aja hehe tapi singkatnya lip tie : ada ikatan bawah bibir atas mana dia terlalu pendek/tebel/terlalu deket gigi dan tounge tie : lingual frenulum yg menghubungkan dasar lidah ke lidah-nya pendek/tebel/terlalu deket ujung lidah
adanya tie ini berpengaruh ke kemampuan lidah bergerak, termasuk dalam menyusui, berbicara dan makan.
Okay, jd gini... aku berencana breastfeeding anak selama mgkn yg aku bisa, kalau semua memungkinkan, kalau rejekinya. Sama seperti kebanyakan ibu-ibu seangkatan, aku ikut juga kelas menyusui online itu.. sangat menambah cakrawala ya; terutama masalah frenulotomy (diinsisi/dibuka/dipotong sebagian) LTTT.
Ternyata ada tiga kubu besar yg aku dapati, kalau ini spektrum it goes like this:
1. Kubu asal kenaikan BB Baik-> Berat badan naik sesuai, tidak perlu, tidak urgent; di beberapa forum aku baca salah satu argumennya, kemampuan oromotor termasuk LTTT nya ini akan ikut berkembang, ada yg dengan fisioterapi dulu juga
2. Kubu di antara -> BB bs saja baik TAPI ada scoring seberapa butuh frenulotomynya, scoring nya ada beberapa tool, kurang lebih ada penilaian dari anatomi LTTT nya (seberapa pendek/tebal/kaku, posisi), anatomi puting dan payudara ibu, sampai keluhan menyusui (sakit payudara, bayi tersedak, dll)
3. Kubu semakin cepat semakin baik kalau ada indikasi, indikasi di sini selain seperti kubu kedua, ini lebih holistik lagi, dinilai juga kenyamanan ibu dan bayi; karena lip tie tounge tie yg walaupun dr awal BBnya baik, tapi karena produksi ASI itu supply and demand (yg mana kalau karena lttt bayi salah latch on/terbukanya mulut kurang maksimal/ngempeng atau ngisap cuma sampe puting) awal2 masih terkompensasi karena produksi yg dipengaruhi hormon postpartum masih banyak, tapi setelah itu karena demand-nya berkurang, maka apa? yak betul, supply pun berkurang; jadilah drama ASI sedikit.
Oh ya sekilas info, dr kelas aku juga belajar: Ibu dengan ASI sedikit yg organik (yg beneran dari sananya) itu persentasinya keciiiiil sekali; banyaknya ya karena manajemen laktasinya kurang optimal. Nah, dengan ngomong ini aku pun tau (karena udah ngerasain) kalau menyusu itu apalagi sampe 2 tahun sebuah 1. privilege; 2. rejeki. Tugas kita sebagai Ibu ya berusaha sebisa kita dengan ilmu dulu sambil doa terus Allah mudahkan. Semoga semua orang punya kesempatan yg sama dan supportive enviroment utk memperjuangkan breastfeeding untuk anaknya.
Nah menurut aku, aku ngikutin kubu yg ketiga ini; ternyata LTTT itu bukan cuma masalah sakit menyusu atau BB seret. Aku juga udah lihat bawah lidah bayi tapi menurutku frenulumnya masih di belakang.
Jadi aku ke konselor laktasi karena bayiku bbnya baik cukup aja jd bulan kedua itu naiknya 800gr, masih bisa ditingkatkan pikirku, jadi mau memastikan apa ada salah posisi/perlengketan maka aku cari konselor laktasi, kebetulan ada IBCLC juga di Medan. Di kasus aku BB naik cukup, tidak sakit menyusui, tapi.. setelah konsul, yg indikasi lttt yg ujung-ujungnya produksi ASI bisa makin drop itu adalah karena bayiku sering ngempeeeng di payudara, bisa aampe sejam; aku baca-baca awalnya modal googling bisa aja itu just another newborn thing -- seeking comfort (comfort nursing); tapi kata konselor laktasi itu juga bisa tanda lttt itu (mulut ga bisa nganga gede maka dia ga kenyang/ga puas menyusu makanya dia bisanya ngempeng lama); efeknya aku tuh siang-siang bisa seharian sampe jadwal tidur malam itu di tempat tidur nyusuin anak, karena yg menyusui yg harusnya bisa selesai dalam10-30 menit; di aku jadi 1-1,5 jam; oh ya, mengempeng/nyusunya dan menyeruput/tidak nganga gede jd areola masih banyak ketinggalan; mengempeng ini mulai ada pas bayiku 2 bulanan kayanya, kalau yg menyeruput itu dari awal tapi kalau disusui samping tiduran nymping masih bisa nganga lumayan. Bibir atas engga memble jd ga ada seal yg baik pas anak menyusui itu aku udah notice sejak lahir, bahkan pas aku coba memble-in, dia balik lagi menyeruput.
Nah saat itu aku pikir aman aja karena BB naik baik. Padahal seal yg ga baik bikin latch on salah, bisa aja sakit, bisa juga engga; yg pasti anak lebih gassy karena udara lebih mudah masuk, jadi lebih mudah muntah dan cegukan; nah bayiku cegukan tuh, mayan sering, aku mikirnya yaa karena newborn jd belum well developed kerja diafragmanya dan katup vocal cord nya; padahal yaaa karena udara terlalu banyak masuk jd lambungnya kembung dan buat spasme diafragma🙂
Nah, pertanyaan awal-awal yg ditanya pas mulai konsul: "Tidur siangnya gimana dari pagi ke malam?" Bayik sejak 1 bulan tidur malamnya sudah teratur, tapi siangnya masih harus aku gendong, kalau di put down jarang bgt bisa, pasti antara lagi disusui maka ketiduran; itu juga abis ngempeng, aku yg banyak narik payudara, dan mostly dia kebangun🙂 Tapi kupikir, kan masih newborn? tapi emang pas sudah masuk 3 bulan ini masih seperti itu.. kata dokternya: "Sampe ada loh yg susah solat karena anaknya rewel" And I was like: Iyah, itu aku dook! Emang yg lain engga?" Katanya harusnya bisa tidur diletak, ga terus2an/rewel. Jadi ya bayiku rewel karena ga kenyang, malam itu karena udah sirkadian ritme makanya lebih terlelap tapi kemungkinan karena lttt ini sangking lelahnya ngeyot tapi ga puas, jd dia tertidur ajaa gitu pas malam, udah lah emang jam tidur dan udah lelah ngenyot begitu.. Ngerti ga guys aku ngomong apa ini? Kalau rahman ngerti nih😂
Nah jadi setelah berdiskusi dengan Bapaknya bayi dan searching sebisa kami; kami setuju dilakukan frenulotomy pas bayi usia 3 bulan. InsyaAllah ini bentuk ikhtiar kami agar bayi bisa menyusui dengan nyaman dan sehat-sehat dan Ibunya bisa lebih produktif.
Nah, dengan menyetujui frenulotomy dan semua risiko-risiko pembedahan minor pada umumnya (pendarahan, nyeri, reaattach, sampe scarring); ohya, nyerinya harusnya tidak lama, karena frenulum sejatinya juga tidak banyak nervesnya, tapi tetep kasian bayi pas diinsisi sih tangisannya🥲 Setelah itu, things got better, not instantly tho!
Setelah insisi, diajarin cara senamin area muka, mulut dan lidah yg harus kami lakuin 5 kali sehari 3 minggu ke depan, kami kontrol lagi/minggu, fisioterapi dengan fisioterapis/mgg dan diberi obat nyeri utk 1 hari dan salep utk bekas insisi utk 3 mgg;
Fast forward, di awal minggu ke-3, bayik cukup senamin 4 kali, tidak perlu fisioterapi lagi, dan lukanya bagus.
Apa yg aku rasain dan amatin?
Seminggu pertama, hari pertama sih deg2an senaminnya masih nangis2 karena itu.. kaku kan lidahnya karena selama 3 bulan ngenyotnya salah.
Aku pun baru tahu karena lttt, bayik emang kebih nunduk nyusunya (karena kerestrict itu lagi) jd sebadan-badan pun kaku (yg aku ga notice, yg tau ini ya dokternya sama fisioterapisnya; yg bisa aku lihat, pas ganti baju, dia ga serewel dulu.
Minggu kedua, masih gatel mau nimbang😂 akhirnya disuruh jgn nimbang supaya ga bias dan kepikiran karena ini mau koreksi quality of life bukan semata-mata BB aja. Di minggu kedua ini awal-awal aku kayak: kok belum berasa ya??, tapi diakhir minggu; yg aku lihat bayik udah bisa nap ditinggal, ga ngempeng lagi, udah bisa lepas nenen dalam 30 menitan, udah makin mirip video2 breastfeeding nganganya.. dan payudaranya lebih terasa terisi; alhamdulillah🫶
nah yg jadi PR besar adalah aku harus latih bayik yg udah kebiasa latch on dengan salah (nunduk, nyeruput, and it takes time, kata dokternya bisa kurang lebih 6 minggu sampe bayik bisa nenen macem video2 breastfeeding itu hehehe), jadi kerjaan aku lepas2in sampe bayik bener nganganya fufufu kasian bayik kadang bete dia🥲 semangat ya naaak maafin Umma kalau masih suka salah ancang-ancangnya.
In the meantime, aku bersyukur dengan keputusan insisi lttt bayi; quality of life nya dan aku beneran makin baik, insyaAllah nanti mengikuti tumbuh kembangnya.. it was scary at first but soo worth it. Dan aku dah ga bisa miring2in english lagi soalnya bayik dah bangun wkwkwk dan perjalanan mengASIhi masih berjalan, bismillah yah!
(Terima kasih Rahman for being an amazing partner and father menemani kami as you always are. We love you.)
Kataku, follow your motherly instinct, cari-cari tahu dulu secukupnya aja terus pergi ke profesional yg klop dan cocok yah☺️❤️
Al-Quran 2:286 "Allah does not burden a soul beyond that it can bear."
Inna ma'al usri yusro "Verily, with hardsip; there is ease."
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consolecadet · 2 years
Do you guys think my ability to stick my tongue out unusually far is a hEDS thing? I figure it's possible. Maybe my lingual frenulum is particularly stretched out due to Collagen Bad
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tonguetie25 · 5 months
“Ankyloglossia” commonly referred to as a tongue tie is a string of tissue. This tissue is called the frenulum. It connects from the underside of the tongue to the floor of the mouth. You can see it if you look under your tongue in a mirror. This tissue can restrict tongue movements essential for breastfeeding, sucking, swallowing, eating, drinking, chewing, breathing, speech, jaw growth, posture and digestion.
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hyggehooligan · 2 years
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Surprise! I pierced my lingual frenulum (tongue web) last night. I've wanted this for many years and even tried to do it when I was younger, but at the time I didn't have access to the proper equipment and info. And now? Well let's just say that anything is possible with the power of the Internet.
I can't tell anyone else what they should or shouldn't do with their bodies; but for me, body modification (especially diy) has always been an important way for me to feel more comfortable in my body. Just remember to wash your hands and don't touch it afterwards!!
It hurts a bit but not too bad; weirdly it mostly feels like I just bit my tongue wicked bad. I have dental-safe acrylic jewelry in my lip and my tongue to protect my teeth from the chewinnnn, and for this one I used stainless steel jewelry both for healing and because there's no risk it will come in contact with my teeth. This type of piercing typically heals fast but has a tendency to migrate over time, so I'll just enjoy it while I can!
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go60go · 2 years
trying to figure out what the little piece of skin under your tongue that connects it to the bottom of your mouth is called (lingual frenulum apparently) and there's an entire section on the wikipedia page for it titled "trauma related to oral sexual activity"
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lemaclinic · 1 month
The frenulum in the mouth connects the gums to the lips and tongue, playing a key role in oral movement and function. Understanding it can improve dental care. The frenulum, a small yet significant fold of tissue in the mouth, often goes unnoticed but plays a crucial role in our oral health. From facilitating speech to aiding in oral movements, this tiny structure can impact everything from eating to dental care. Discover the fascinating functions and potential issues related to the frenulum! What is the Frenulum in the Mouth? The frenulum is a thin fold of tissue that connects various parts of the mouth, providing stability and support. This structure plays a crucial role in the functionality of the oral cavity. You can find frenula connecting the upper lip to the gums, the lower lip to the gums, as well as anchoring the tongue to the floor of the mouth. Understanding the frenulum helps you appreciate its role in everyday activities such as speaking, swallowing, and performing oral hygiene. Types of Frenulum in the Oral Cavity In the oral cavity, there are several types of frenulum, each serving a specific purpose. These are: Labial Frenulum: This frenulum connects the inner surface of the lip to the gums. You can find it on both the upper and lower lips. Lingual Frenulum: This tissue connects the underside of the tongue to the floor of the mouth, aiding in tongue movement and stabilization. Buccal Frenulum: Located on the cheeks, this type connects the inner cheeks to the gums, contributing to the overall structure of the oral cavity. Palatine Frenulum: This structure is found in the roof of the mouth and helps maintain the position of the soft palate. Each type of frenulum has its unique function, contributing to the overall health and functionality of the mouth. Functions of the Frenulum in Oral Health The frenulum plays a crucial role in maintaining oral health, acting as a supportive structure within the mouth. It connects the lips, cheeks, and tongue to the surrounding tissues, ensuring proper function and alignment of these vital components. Some of the key functions of the frenulum include: FunctionDescriptionMaintaining Tongue PositionThe frenulum helps stabilize the tongue's position, allowing for effective speech and swallowing.Facilitating Oral MovementIt aids in the mobility of the lips and tongue, which is essential for activities like eating and speaking.Supporting GumsThe frenulum contributes to the stability of the gum tissue, especially around the teeth.Preventing InjuryBy anchoring the lips and tongue, the frenulum helps prevent accidental bites or injuries during oral movements. Problems Associated with Frenulum Abnormalities Frenulum abnormalities can lead to a variety of oral health issues that affect both children and adults. These abnormalities may manifest in different forms, such as an excessively short frenulum (frenulum breve) or a tongue tie (ankyloglossia), leading to potential complications. Here are some common problems associated with frenulum abnormalities: ProblemDescriptionSpeech DifficultiesFrenulum issues can interfere with clear speech articulation, making communication challenging.Feeding ChallengesIn infants, a short frenulum may hinder proper latching during breastfeeding, impacting nutrition.Dental ProblemsImproper positioning of the teeth can occur due to abnormal frenula, which might lead to orthodontic issues.Oral DiscomfortAbnormal frenula can cause pain or discomfort during oral activities, leading to difficulties in eating and speaking. Frenulum Release Procedure and Recovery The frenulum release procedure, often referred to as a frenectomy or frenotomy, is a relatively quick and straightforward surgical intervention. During the procedure, a dentist or oral surgeon carefully cuts or removes the frenulum tissue that is restrictively tethering the tongue or lip. Patients typically undergo local anesthesia to minimize discomfort.
After the procedure, recovery is generally fast. You can expect mild swelling and discomfort around the treatment area, but this usually subsides within a few days. Following these simple care tips can aid your recovery: Stay hydrated and consume soft foods to avoid irritation. Maintain oral hygiene, but be gentle around the surgical site. Avoid vigorous physical activities until your healthcare provider advises it's safe to resume them. Attending follow-up appointments ensures that the healing process is on track, and your healthcare provider can address any concerns you may have. Importance of Frenulum in Speech Development The frenulum plays a crucial role in speech development, particularly in how the tongue and lips function during communication. A healthy frenulum allows for the proper movement of these essential speech organs. Here’s why it matters: Facilitates Tongue Movement: A flexible frenulum supports the full range of tongue movement, which is vital for producing sounds accurately. Enables Lip Mobility: A well-positioned labial frenulum supports lip closure and movements, important for enunciating certain sounds. Affects Feeding: An unrestricted attachment can improve feeding abilities in infants, leading to better oral development that contributes to effective speech later on. Providing early interventions for any frenulum issues can significantly enhance speech outcomes, particularly in young children. It’s essential to monitor speech development and consult with healthcare professionals if concerns arise. All About The Frenulum In The Mouth 1. What is the frenulum in the mouth? The frenulum is a small fold of tissue that secures or restricts the movement of another organ or part. In the mouth, there are several frenula, including the lingual frenulum (under the tongue) and the labial frenula (attached to the cheeks and lips). They help maintain the position of the tongue and lips during movement. 2. What are the functions of the frenulum? The primary functions of the frenulum include aiding in the movement of the tongue and lips, supporting speech, and assisting with swallowing. It plays a critical role in the overall function of the mouth. 3. Can the frenulum affect speech? Yes, a tight or short frenulum, particularly the lingual frenulum, can lead to a condition known as ankyloglossia or "tongue-tie." This can result in difficulties with articulation and overall speech development. 4. Are there any health issues related to the frenulum? Health issues related to the frenulum can include tongue-tie, which may require surgical intervention (frenotomy) if it affects eating, speaking, or oral hygiene. Additionally, frenula can also be subject to irritation or injury, potentially leading to discomfort or soreness. 5. How is a frenulum treated if there are issues? Treatment for frenulum-related issues often depends on the severity. For minor concerns, speech therapy may be suggested. In more significant cases, a frenotomy or frenuloplasty might be performed to release the frenulum and improve mobility.
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agavepediatrics · 1 month
Understanding Tongue Tie: A Comprehensive Guide by Tongue Tie Specialists in Phoenix, Arizona
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Introduction to Tongue Tie
Tongue tie, medically known as ankyloglossia, is a congenital condition that restricts the tongue's range of motion. This occurs when the lingual frenulum, the small fold of tissue connecting the underside of the tongue to the floor of the mouth, is unusually short or tight. This condition can affect speech, eating, and even dental health. For parents in Arizona and specifically Phoenix, finding Tongue Tie Specialists in Phoenix is crucial for addressing this condition effectively.
Symptoms and Diagnosis
Tongue tie can present various symptoms depending on the severity of the condition. Common signs in infants include difficulty breastfeeding, poor weight gain, and a clicking sound while feeding. Older children may exhibit speech difficulties, trouble eating certain foods, and dental issues like gaps between the lower front teeth.
Diagnosis is typically straightforward and can be done by a pediatrician or a specialized tongue-tie doctor. The examination involves observing the tongue's movement and the appearance of the frenulum.
Impact on Breastfeeding
For many new mothers, breastfeeding challenges can be one of the first indicators of a tongue tie. A baby with a tongue tie may struggle to latch properly, leading to painful breastfeeding and inadequate milk intake. This is where the expertise of Tongue Tie Specialists in Arizona and lactation consultants in Arizona becomes invaluable. These professionals can assess the situation and provide solutions, which may include techniques to improve latching or procedures to release the tongue tie.
Treatment Options
The primary treatment for tongue tie is a frenotomy or frenuloplasty, procedures that involve cutting the frenulum to free the tongue. A tongue-tie doctor or specialist performs these procedures, which are quick and typically involve minimal discomfort for the child. In Phoenix and throughout Arizona, parents have access to highly qualified professionals who can perform these procedures safely and effectively.
Finding the Right Specialist
Choosing the right specialist is crucial for the successful treatment of tongue tie. When searching for Tongue Tie Specialists in Arizona, consider factors such as the specialist's experience, the methods they use, and their approach to patient care. Many families in Phoenix prefer specialists who offer a holistic approach, addressing not just the physical but also the emotional and developmental needs of the child.
Post-Treatment Care
After the procedure, follow-up care is essential to ensure proper healing and to prevent the frenulum from reattaching. Specialists typically recommend exercises to enhance tongue movement and support breastfeeding or speech therapy as needed. For parents in Phoenix, staying in touch with their Tongue Tie Specialists and lactation consultant in Phoenix ensures comprehensive care and support during the recovery process.
Long-term Effects and Monitoring
Monitoring the long-term effects of tongue tie treatment is important. Regular check-ups with your pediatrician can help track your child's development in areas such as speech, eating, and dental health. In Arizona, many specialists collaborate with other healthcare providers to offer integrated care, ensuring all aspects of the child's health are addressed.
Agave Pediatrics: Your Partner in Pediatric Health
At Agave Pediatrics, we pride ourselves on being the leading Tongue Tie Specialists in Phoenix and Tongue Tie Specialists in Arizona. Our team of dedicated professionals is here to support your child's health from infancy through adolescence. 
Our Services Include:
Best pediatrician in Phoenix, AZ  : Our award-winning pediatricians provide comprehensive care tailored to your child's unique needs.
Lactation consultant in Phoenix, AZ : Expert guidance to help you and your baby succeed in breastfeeding, addressing challenges like tongue tie.
Well child visits in Arizona : Regular check-ups to monitor and promote your child's growth and development.
Same day sick visits for children in Phoenix : Prompt care when your child needs it most, ensuring they get back to their happy, healthy selves quickly.
Tongue tie is a condition that, while common, can significantly impact a child's quality of life if not addressed properly. By consulting with Tongue Tie Specialists in Phoenix and Tongue Tie Specialists in Arizona, parents can ensure their child receives the best possible care. At Agave Pediatrics, we are committed to providing top-notch pediatric services to help your child thrive.
Discover Exceptional Pediatric Care at Agave Pediatrics
At Agave Pediatrics, we are dedicated to being the best pediatrician in Phoenix, AZ, offering specialized care from Tongue Tie Specialists to lactation consultants in Phoenix, AZ. Our comprehensive services, including well child visits in Arizona and same day sick visits for children in Phoenix, ensure your child's health and well-being at every stage. Visit us today to experience compassionate, expert care tailored to your family's needs.
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According to legend, Otis Blackwell claimed that he could write a hit song in five minutes. Al Statnton took the dare and shook a bottle of Pepsi Cola. Otis grabbed the challenge and the inspiration and wrote a song about the ancient, primitive, atavistic emotion of sudden love. They threw in a catchy melody and rhythm and the result was "All Shook Up"
They pitched the song to Elvis. He recorded the song on Jan 12, 1957. The session was laid back and the musicians were enjoying themselves. Elvis hiccupped his way through the song with simian sounds like Mm mm oh, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah!
He sings about being a man sitting in a fuzzy tree where he is acting like a shaky wild bug who can't even stand up because his knees are shaking even as he shivers while near a volcano which renders him unable to speak because he's tongue tied and his insides like the leaves on the fuzzy tree and his hands and knees are shaking beyond control and they ain't gonna stop til he gets a kiss from his butter cup.
Where once I was quite loquacious and smooth in conversation, I have noticed that I'm beginning to stammer and hiccup and ya know more than I used to when I speak and I might even be swearing more. I'm pretty sure I'm not ankyloglossiac as my frenulum receded correctly in the womb and later on I managed to play Oh Sussanah on the clarinet.
As a teacher,parent and husband, I became accustomed to interruptions while speaking and now on top of all that I'm getting used to contradiction and fact checking as well which compound the challenge of speaking about complex insights. And if I finally connect with the flow of my ideas, I can stumble as my thoughts run faster than my articulation.
All of this is why I write whether I'm falling in love or looking out the window or looking out the window and trying to figure out how our species started talking in the first place and why my mouth feels dry which explains why I need another beer before I write anymore even though I'm not actually speaking but rather typing and thirsty and wanting to be fully prepared in case somebody calls me on the phone and I decide to answer which I tend not to do unless I'm properly hydrated so I'm gonna quit this typing for now and attend to the hydration problem in case somebody calls in the next ten minutes of hour which is far more likely than anybody reading this for at least the next six months and maybe forever etc.
And it took more than five minutes to write.
Speaking about an unfamiliar or complex topic can cause hesitation and difficulty finding the right words, leading to temporary tongue-tiedness. Rapid Thought Processing:
When thoughts are racing faster than one can articulate them, it can cause stumbling over words or pauses to catch up with the flow of ideas. High Stakes or Pressure:
Situations perceived as high-stakes, such as job interviews, important presentations, or confrontational conversations, can increase pressure and lead to hesitant speech. Physical Factors: Fatigue:
Being tired or sleep-deprived can affect cognitive functions, including speech processing and articulation, causing temporary speech difficulties. Dehydration or Dry Mouth:
Lack of adequate hydration can lead to dry mouth, making it harder to speak smoothly and clearly.
The condition known as "tongue-tied," or ankyloglossia, is a congenital anomaly characterized by an unusually short, thick, or tight lingual frenulum — the band of tissue that connects the underside of the tongue to the floor of the mouth. This can restrict the movement of the tongue, leading to difficulties with various oral functions.
Physiological Causes: Lingual Frenulum Development: The lingual frenulum typically recedes and thins during fetal development. However, in individuals with ankyloglossia, this process is incomplete, resulting in a frenulum that remains short, tight, or thick. Genetic Factors: There is evidence to suggest that ankyloglossia can be hereditary. If a family member has the condition, there is a higher likelihood that it will occur in other family members. Effects on Oral Functions: Speech:
Limited tongue mobility can affect the ability to articulate certain sounds, particularly those that require the tongue to touch the roof of the mouth or the back of the teeth, such as 't,' 'd,' 'l,' and 'r.' Feeding:
In infants, ankyloglossia can cause breastfeeding difficulties, as the baby may struggle to latch properly or generate the necessary suction. Oral Hygiene:
Restricted tongue movement can make it difficult to sweep food debris from the teeth and gums, potentially leading to oral hygiene issues. Other Functions:
Activities such as licking, playing wind instruments, and kissing can also be affected due to reduced tongue mobility. Treatment: Surgical Intervention:
Frenotomy: A simple surgical procedure where the frenulum is snipped to release the tongue. Frenuloplasty: A more complex surgery that may be required if the frenulum is particularly thick or if there are additional structural issues. Speech Therapy:
Post-surgery or as an alternative treatment, speech therapy can help improve articulation and oral functions. Assessment:
Early assessment by healthcare providers can help determine the severity of ankyloglossia and the appropriate course of action. Pediatricians, lactation consultants, and speech-language pathologists are often involved in the evaluation and management process. Ankyloglossia can vary significantly in severity, and not all individuals with the condition require treatment. The decision to intervene often depends on the degree to which the restricted tongue movement impacts daily functions and quality of life.
short of ankloglossia what causes temporary tongue tied ness in relation to hesitant speech ChatGPT Temporary tongue-tiedness in relation to hesitant speech is often caused by psychological and situational factors rather than physiological issues like ankyloglossia. Here are some common causes:
Psychological Factors: Anxiety:
When people are anxious or nervous, such as during public speaking, important meetings, or social interactions, they may experience temporary tongue-tiedness. The anxiety can cause physical symptoms like dry mouth, increased heart rate, and muscle tension, affecting speech fluency. Stress:
High levels of stress can lead to cognitive overload, making it difficult to process thoughts quickly and articulate them clearly. This can result in stumbling over words or hesitating while speaking. Self-Consciousness:
Being overly aware of one’s speech, especially in front of an audience or when trying to make a good impression, can cause self-doubt and hesitation, leading to temporary tongue-tiedness. Situational Factors: Unfamiliarity with the Topic:
Speaking about an unfamiliar or complex topic can cause hesitation and difficulty finding the right words, leading to temporary tongue-tiedness. Rapid Thought Processing:
When thoughts are racing faster than one can articulate them, it can cause stumbling over words or pauses to catch up with the flow of ideas. High Stakes or Pressure:
Situations perceived as high-stakes, such as job interviews, important presentations, or confrontational conversations, can increase pressure and lead to hesitant speech. Physical Factors: Fatigue:
Being tired or sleep-deprived can affect cognitive functions, including speech processing and articulation, causing temporary speech difficulties. Dehydration or Dry Mouth:
Lack of adequate hydration can lead to dry mouth, making it harder to speak smoothly and clearly. Medications:
Some medications can have side effects that affect speech, such as causing dry mouth or reducing cognitive sharpness. Strategies to Overcome Temporary Tongue-Tiedness: Relaxation Techniques:
Deep breathing, mindfulness, or other relaxation exercises can help reduce anxiety and stress before speaking. Preparation:
Being well-prepared and familiar with the material can boost confidence and reduce the likelihood of hesitant speech. Practice:
Rehearsing speeches or conversations can help improve fluency and reduce anxiety. Pacing:
Speaking more slowly and deliberately can help manage racing thoughts and improve articulation. Hydration:
Staying well-hydrated can prevent dry mouth and aid in clear speech. Positive Self-Talk:
Encouraging oneself with positive affirmations can help reduce self-consciousness and build confidence in speaking situations.
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shreyajainblogs · 2 months
Discover how Dr. Peter specializes in treating tongue-tie (ankyloglossia), a condition in newborns where the tongue's movement is restricted due to a short lingual frenulum. Learn about symptoms affecting breastfeeding, eating, speaking, and swallowing. Trust Dr. Peter, an expert ENT specialist or pediatric surgeon, for evaluation and precise treatment, ensuring optimal tongue function and developmental support
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