sunnibits · 1 year
okay but likeee is it just me or does izzy keep REPEATEDLY trying to talk to stede like 24/7. like okay you wanna rebound w him GOD we get it izzy 🙄 Fucking whore
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aliengh0st · 7 months
in an absolutely shocking turn of events, my mental health has taken a noticeable decline since i stopped taking my antidepressants
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honesttoglob · 7 months
Cesare, and the underworld by extension, believes Steve caused the Kellwasser event, a global extinction event, on purpose, and the set up a sytem of Watchers to monitor the planet for other trickster entities so no similar event ever happens again. They've been monitoring Steve under the Earth ever since (hence the line from DOWN "Chaos Gods Rise From The Deep", they believe Steve is a god of chaotic destruction), and make him Cesare's #1 priority when they sense that he's heading back up to the Earth's surface. Cesare genuinely believes Steve is an evil entity bent on wiping out life on the planet for a second time, which is why he doesn't pull his punches when trying to catch him. However, Cesare begins to doubt what he's held as truth for a thousand years when Steve shows a lack of knowledge/understanding of the fact that he's been under the ground for millions of years (if Steve was unconscious all that time, it could have seemed like only a moment that he was down there) and also calling into question whether or not Steve even remembers/intentionally caused the extinction event in the first place. If this is the case we'll just have to wait and see how Cesare reacts to finding out that he's been "living" a lie for the past thousand years. Him saying "Did you not know?" in response to Steve's confusion while in his jail cell makes me think he may possibly have a change of heart. I doubt the Underworld will take Steve's word at face value, obviously, but Cesare seemed convinced, or at least willing to be convinced, for a moment there.
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imaginarianisms · 6 months
more asoiaf comparisons, parallels & antiparallels to the first dance of the dragons vs the second & final dance of the dragons (& possibly the sixth blackfyre rebellion): the blacks being daenerys i targaryen's supporters, the golds being aegon vi targaryen's supporters, tommen baratheon being a close equivalent to gaemon palehair & his mother essie & sylvenna sand which may be interpreted as a parallel with queen cersei lannister & taena merryweather of myr, trystane truefyre being a close equivalent to aegon/young griff & perkin being jon connington & the shepherd being the new high septon the high sparrow, dalton greyjoy being euron i greyjoy's ancestor & the latter surpassing him, alyn waters later alyn velaryon resembling aurane waters later aurane velaryon & finishing what their ancestors started. history repeats itself.
#LIKE!!!! LOOK AT THE PARALLELS BRUH#it kinda makes me wonder who the hightowers would support this time...#its literally so wild how history repeats itself#i think the lannisters would support aegon after he takes king's landing bc they're lowkey fucked either way.#cersei lannister's probably either in hiding at casterly rock or will end up as aegon's political prisoner. maybe jaime too idk.#i have no idea who would lead the lannisters on the side of the golds now that kevan's dead killed by varys tho... maybe genna lannister?#cersei jaime & tyrion's aunt? to parallel johanna lannister who attacked the ironborn like a boss bitch??#i personally predict aegon'll marry sansa who would have the north the riverlands & the vale at her back—it'd be arranged by baelish & varys#i also think it's possible he'd take arianne martell as another wife to parallel aegon & his wives visenya & rhaenys.#so by taking sansa & arianne as his wives & queens both of whom are well beloved in their countries he'd restore honor to their houses.#bc aerys & later the baratheon dynasty was a terrible time for the starks & the martells so he brings the north & dorne back into the fold.#so by marrying sansa he honors & respects her given her past betrothal to joffrey & forced marriage to tyrion & mending what aerys did#particularly to her grandfather rickard stark & her uncle brandon stark & to her aunt lyanna stark.#& by marrying arianne he's restoring honor to house martell considering all the bs his mother elia martell experienced in king's landing.#(whether elia actually Is his mother or who he perceives her to be) & restoring the line of succession again in dornish hands#& they'd probably marry him on the condition that the northerners & dornish gets special rights & privileges that others don't.#& not to mention that the targaryens starks & martells have a common enemy.#polygamy's a big nono in the faith of the seven but that didn't stop aegon & his wives & im sure after everything w/ the faith rn??#w/ cersei & the sparrows?? & considering aegon's actually a decent person & he'll be foreshadowed to be popular & loved??#i don't think most would bat an eye tbh. i actually think daenerys would wanna talk to aegon first tho.#then everything & everyone around them goes to shit & they end up fighting bc like. daenerys wants SO BADLY to have a family.#so like i don't see her immediately perceiving aegon as a threat.#the starks & most of the north would prolly be wary of dany @ 1st due to aerys & having a MASSIVE army w/ three dragons until the long night#except for like. maybe jon. but anyway the martells could be slightly wary of dany bc of what happened with quentyn in meereen.#idk maybe there's a division in the north & dorne. i think sansa & arianne would actually get along personally.#anyway im presuming stannis is gonna be at the nightfort & i personally don't think he's ever gonna come south again. he'll die at the wall.#ooc.
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ssoupcup · 4 days
Imagining how 16 year old me would have reacted to not only the fact that I made it to 20, but also that I've become a wakes up at 7am on purpose and in bed by 12am latest person with a boyfriend I get to see every few weeks studying at my dream uni and honestly fucking thriving guys I'm so fucking happy this is amazing
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aquapede · 1 year
why are people complaining about artists wanting their work to be rbed AGAIN. it’s literally just a green button you can press instead of a red one to make it so that artists don’t feel like we’re throwing our work into the void. and everyone is crying bc we’re So Mean. grow up
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lost-in-fandoms · 3 months
just saw the clip of max's overtake on george again and 🥵🥵🥵🥵
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fideidefenswhore · 8 months
Chapuys changed his opinion of Jane?
He doesn’t say anything overtly hostile about her, but he doesn’t praise her past that ‘Pacific’ comment that he gave in his audience.
I doubt it had much to do with personal like or dislike however, I think it was more that he was embarrassed that all his predictions and promises involving her he’d made to Charles V had not panned out. She was not instrumental in Mary’s restoration because this did not occur. Her visit with her father and new stepmother did not presage a permanent place at court (which maybe explains why he oversold her new staff at her continual residences in joint households with Elizabeth as her being served ‘with greater honour than when considered Princess’, that’s simply false, her household staff in 1533 before its dissolution was far larger and the household itself far grander and more expensive in its upkeep); by September 1536, Chapuys takes pains to explain why she has not so much as visited court the entire year (since this doesn’t seem to suggest much change since the status quo of perpetual uninvitation during the reign of AB) as being because ‘she will not be invited until the coronation takes place’ (the implication being it was feared Mary would overshadow her stepmother otherwise) …and then Mary is invited the next month, by which it has not.
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danthropologie · 1 year
don't quote me on this because I can't reassure you it's true, but from what I've heard, this silly season is gonna be very very deranged
i won't quote you but i WILL take it as gospel truth because it's exactly what i want to hear 🙏
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dizzybevvie · 11 months
Ok penny for sure not playing sora in the KH dub im so so curiousss
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pwurrz · 1 year
i just. idk. i feel like quincy will show up, at least. the event does take place in the forest, where he lives, and involves three people you could argue he’s protective over.
there’s totally a chance he could show up, right?
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pocketramblr · 2 years
I’ve been thinking about original flavor Link, one of the few heroes with green eyes, but as he collects pieces of the triforce of wisdom they slowly turn teal, then true blue. on gaining the triforce of power they darken, something between brown and purple now with the red- then the green returns with the triforce of courage, speckled now with gold
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abby420 · 1 year
might actually watch the emmy’s live this year these nominations are insane im gonna be watching it like it’s the super bowl
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lightnersdream · 1 year
actually distraught that deltarune chapter2 came out in 2021. its still new in my brain
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tgirljoker · 2 years
arven is the best of the trio in pokescarvio like penny and nemona barely even classify as characters
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lago-morpha · 2 years
idk if you saw this bc im assuming they blocked you, but the op of the "not to sound like a white woman" post was frothing at the mouth all day over your response. its frustrating bc i think the point you made went completely over their head, but at the same time looking at some of the posts on their blog they seem to be truly unhinged. including stuff along the lines of "i hate white women, i hope you bitches choke" which really just proves your point doesn't it? replace the word "women" with any other oppressed category and suddenly that sentence is hate speech... except these people don't see women as an oppressed category
lmao 😭 it's funny in a sad way. the fact that people here will jump you for hating men because what about autistic/disabled/black/etc. but it's ok to make fun of an explicitly oppressed group... these people are unironically "but black people have rights now so we don't need BLM/etc" for women and feminism
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