#LIke hosts I’m hiding under your bed
choiyeonjuns · 1 year
the recent Japanese show txt came out pisses me off >:( don’t treat hueningkai like that
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skzdarlings · 17 days
alternate ending ; sharing a bed ; chan
original sharing a bed one-shot with chan.
author's note: i do love the final smut edit (and it's my most popular piece so clearly i was right!) but i always missed this fluff version. the love confession is very cute in this one.
content info: still some suggestive content, the first half of the story is the same and there's some heavy kissing, but this is definitely the fluffy director's cut lol
word count: 1800 words
You let yourself into Chan’s room, expecting to find him awake and working despite the hour.   Whenever you sleep over, your friend is more than happy to let you sleep in his bed when you can’t get comfy on the couch.   Many nights have passed that way, nestled under his blankets and falling asleep to his typing and clicking and absent-minded humming.   He likes to work through his nights so you sleep until morning then leave when he turns in.   
He must have been tired tonight.  His laptop is shut, the room dark save for the little flickering lights of his computer station.  Chan is in bed already, laying with his back to you and the blankets tucked around him.  He is sound asleep, so much so that he didn’t even hear your gentle knocks. 
You feel bad for disturbing him now.   Commandeering his bed is a little different when he is already in it.
You turn to leave when the blankets rustle behind you.  Chan’s groggy voice breaks through the silence, a raspy, “Babygirl?  That you?” 
Maybe it’s the cold floor under your bare feet, maybe it’s the late hour, or maybe it’s the roughness in his voice, but despite how many times Chan has playfully and affectionately called you baby girl, this time a little shiver brushes up your spine. 
You turn back around, wrapping your arms around yourself.   Thanks to the faint light from his work area, you can see Chan clearly even in the dark.  He has rolled onto his back and is rubbing a hand over his face. 
“Sorry, Channie,” you whisper.  “You sleep.  It’s fine.” 
His blanket slips down his bare chest and he drops his arm, looking at you with crinkled, sleepy eyes.  His curly hair is an endearing mess, though your eyes go a little lower when the blanket falls to his waistline.  You quickly lift your gaze from his abdomen to his sleepy eyes.  He squints at you as he adjusts to the darkness.   
“Everything all right?” he asks, still groggy. 
“Yeah, don’t worry,” you say, as if that has ever stopped Chan from worrying anyway. 
He is a little more awake now, his brow pinching as he looks at you.  All at once his face goes slack with realization.  A smile pushes at his dimples. 
“Right,” he says.  “The couch sucks, yeah?  Sorry, wasn’t thinking—”
“Don’t apologize,” you say with a little laugh.  “It’s your bed.” 
“Auuggh,” he says with faux-agony, “I’m such a bad host.” 
You cannot hide your amusement, smiling when he slaps a melodramatic hand over his heart.  As usual, the goofball makes himself giggle with his dumb little theatrics, the sound twinkling in its delight.  Your heart skips a beat.  
“All right,” he says.  “No worries.  Big bed.  You wanna share?” 
It isn’t really a question because he doesn’t wait for an answer, flipping open the covers for you to slide in. 
When you step towards the bed, he throws up a cautionary hand and laughs again.
“Sorry, uh, just wait one second,” he says.  “I’m not, uh, technically decent.”
Your eyes drop again.  The blankets only just reach his hips and when he shifts to get out of bed, it becomes abundently clear that Chan is completely naked under the covers.   You very nearly choke on your own spit, swallowing hard as your frantic eyes dart around his body.  He is seemingly oblivious to your startled state, turning his back to you as he steps out of the bed.  The sheet slips smoothly off his body.
Without thinking, you spin around to give him some privacy.  This plan fails spectacularly as his closet door is a big mirror and you end up looking at him through it. 
He is nonchalant, walking up to his dresser.  Your view is his backside but you have no complaints.  You know you shouldn’t stare, but you do, eyes on the breadth of his shoulders, the definition of his arms, going down his sturdy back to his ass where you linger a beat longer, then diving down his strong thighs until the view is blocked by his bed.   You watch him step into a pair of boxers, doing a little jump before snapping the band around his hips.  He turns around and you quickly close your eyes, grateful he cannot hear your heart going a mile a minute. 
“All right,” he says pleasantly. “All good now.  Come on.” 
He gets in the bed first and holds it open for you.  He is smiling so sweetly and you feel like the world’s nastiest horniest monster, gawping at him as you stumble to the bed.  You try not to think about how Naked Chan was laying between these sheets just moments ago.  
Somehow, you slide into the bed without making a huge fool of yourself.  You even manage to settle down, albeit stiffly.  So stiffly that Chan notices and laughs again, that same bubbly giggle as he reaches out to tweak your nose. 
“Y’okay?” he asks, his bare face so open and sweet that you melt with both affection and embarrassment. 
“Mhm,” you lie.  Your heart skips another beat when your leg brushes his under the covers. 
“C’mere, silly,” he says, wrapping his arm around you and tugging you across the bed.   You go with a squeak of surprise, planting your face in his bare chest.   “Better?” he asks.
With a little more shuffling, you settle again.   Chan lays on his back with one arm wrapped around you, you on your side just as snuggly holding onto him.  You rest your head on his chest, your fingers bouncing where they rest on his abdomen.   It takes a lot of effort not to start tracing the lines of his body, and even more effort not to drool all over him, but you do manage. 
Your heart is still beating quickly.  You are way too awake to just drift off.   Still, there is something cozy and safe about laying in his arms.  Even though you can’t sleep, you are content to rest in silence.  Your close your eyes and let your breathing follow the same cadence of his chest as it lifts and falls. 
You begin to slip into a drowsy, dream-like state, but you are awake enough that you feel his hand slip down your back.  It doesn’t go lower, but he touches the base of your spine and holds you a little closer to him.
“Baby girl,” he whispers.  “You awake?” 
You are lucky you don’t mewl like an overly amorous kitten.  A few little pets and a whispered name and he almost has you whimpering. 
Not trusting yourself to behave, you pretend you are fully asleep.   He just sighs, his thumb rubbing a little circle on your lower back.  You keep your eyes firmly shut the whole time. 
“I’m so fucking stupid,” he whispers.
He sounds exasperated. You don’t think it’s your fault, because he lovingly tips his head to rest it on yours.  There is another moment of silence, so you assume he was talking to himself about nothing particular, but then he releases a deep breath. 
“I told myself I was gonna talk to you tonight,” he says, still whispering and still exasperated.  “Talk to her when you meet for coffee, Chan.  Buy her favourite tea and tell her.  Tell her now, Chan, while she’s sitting on your couch.  Don’t hide in your room.  She’s hugging you, Chan, tell her now...” 
You try not to get ahead of yourself, but it sounds like your friend is grumbling his way through a love confession.  A grin tugs at the corners of your mouth.
“Does it count if I tell you while you’re sleeping?” he asks.
Yes, you think.  You massive dork.
You have no idea how one man can be so dweeby and so hot at the same time, but Chan manages it.  His hand covers your hip while his other hand brushes hair out of your face.  Is he staring at you with the same lovestruck goofiness that you looked at him?
You get your answer when he speaks again. 
“Love you, baby girl,” he says, voice gone even softer than his previous whispers.  His hand falls away and he sighs.  “Maybe you’ll, like, internalize it or something, in your sleep, yeah?  Please. ‘Cause I’m crazy about you.  I love you so much.  I’m so fucking stupid.  What am I even doing right now?  Fuck, I’m a fucking idiot.” 
You crack an eye open.  His eyes are closed and he looks incredibly pained by his performance despite thinking you didn’t even hear it.    
Joy is a bubbly thing in your chest, threatening to burst out of you with an explosion of giggles.  You restrain yourself in favour of another manouvre. 
You shift as if moving in your sleep.  Your hand slides up his chest and hooks onto his shoulder while you lift your head.  He must be looking at you because you feel a little puff of breath against your cheek. 
“Channie,” you murmur in a sleepy voice. 
“Yeah, baby, I’m here.  What’s up?” 
You blink your eyes open and hit him with the most tender, wanting expression you can muster.   He visibly swallows. 
You wrap your hand around the back of his neck, your nails scratching the way he likes.  Sometimes he just plops his head in your lap and shoves your hand somewhere up there to tickle and scratch his head.  You know what makes him happy and it causes the usual shiver of pleasure.   Combined with your steady gaze, it makes him effectively pliant.  You easily pull his head closer. 
The once impossible space between you is finally closed.  Your lips come together in a gentle, careful kiss, one that is interrupted by his sharp intake of breath.  You take in a shaky breath of your own. 
“Chan,” you whisper.  “I love you too.” 
“Oh,” he says, staring at your mouth.  “Good.  That’s good.”  He smiles when you giggle, then he brushes his nose against yours.  “Good thing.  Otherwise it would have been really awkward when I do this.” 
He rolls over you, kissing you with such ardor that you feel as if you are melting into his sheets.  You hum sweetly against his lips as he gathers your hands to pin them by your head.  When he licks into your mouth, you arch against him and make him moan. Your knees cradle his hips as he settles against you.  
His head falls to the crook of your neck where he kisses you softly. 
“Chan,” you say, a breathy sound.  You wrap your arms around his neck. 
“Yeah, baby girl,” he says.  He kisses under your jaw, your cheek, then your mouth again.  “I got you,” he says. 
Knowing it’s true, you smile into the next kiss. 
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Cursed Experiment
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Sukuna x F! Reader ... 18+
Summary: A need to do something of use pushed her on the path of research, a path that lead to Ryomen Sukuna, a path that will haunt her forever. Words: 2646 Warnings: This whole thing is a big TW. NSFW, non con, blood, power play (its Sukuna guys cmon), unprotected, creampie, degredation, breeding kink sort of, size kink sort of.
A/N: I shouldn't have to say this but I don't condone actual r*pe or anything of the sort. This is fanfiction. Emphasis on the fiction.
Being such a low-grade sorcerer was not the best feeling in the world, looked down on by so many, pitied or hated it felt the same. If only you had been born like a regular human, you could hide away from the monsters of the world, you could live guilt free because of you’re complete and utter uselessness. Unfortunately, however you could see curses, which meant you had to try hard, you had help otherwise that guilt would eat you up. Between that looming guilt, you’re barely there technique and desire for you to at least be able to protect yourself is how you came to be a student at jujutsu high. You did come to learn however, your talents lay in academia. Studying and analyzing, putting together reasonable theories to help in combat against the curses and curse users. After the Shibuya incident you were more determined than ever to learn and with that your mind had set itself upon Yuji Itadori and the powerful curse that resided within him, Ryomen Sukuna.
It had been weeks now, following the boy around and studying him, asking him all sorts of questions then disappearing into as much of the literature you could find. To your surprise, Itadori had been rather enthusiastic about your assessment, hoping in your studying of him that you might find a way to rid him of the curse and spare him or at least give him total control so that Sukuna didn’t harm anyone again. The curse in question had no intention of helping you though, chiming in on occasion purely out of his own amusement. You’d even taken to questioning Choso in order to gleam more insight on how cursed objects affect a host’s body. Although he wasn’t entirely helpful either, more so from a lack of understanding his own nature than a desire to help.
It was the topic of the death paintings that you were currently chatting about to Itadori, sat across from one another on his bed, a notebook to your side and laptop resting atop your lap. “So, we know very little as I said, but we can expect that they were created with their mother’s egg of course however when it comes to the paternal parentage it’s more of an, educated guess. See, it could be Noritoshi’s seed and the curse’s blood or cursed energy.” Taking a breath you continue with a slight exaggeration, “Or, it could be the other way around. The curse’s seed and Noritoshi’s blood. I don’t think imbuing his cursed energy would have passed on the Kamo blood technique though but explaining all why seems unnecessary for now. Anyway, what I’m getting at is…” as you continued on Sukuna had formed a mouth on Itadori’s cheek, remarking to the boy “Well, the little mouse is not so dull, imagine that. Prattles too much though.” Your cheeks burned red, eyes snapping up at the same time Itadori’s hand clapped over his cheek, a grimace on his face as he apologised.
You should be used to it by now, Sukuna had, on quite a few occasions, added his own comment to your conversations and it was never kind. Usually something about your weakness, hence he often referred to you as ‘little mouse’. It hurt at first and Sukuna seemed to enjoy that reaction, however now it mostly pissed you off and even though you tried to ignore him, his taunts seemed to burrow under your skin like some evil little parasite, poisoning your mind with hateful thoughts that had once been so foreign to you. “S’okay Yuji” you reassured, shaking your head and flashing a somewhat strained smile. You couldn’t blame him, he was nothing like Sukuna, so you were always quick to remind him of that. As you turned your eyes back to your notebook you hummed, a stray thought finding it’s way past your lips, “If you fathered a child, I wonder if it would possess any of Sukuna’s techniques or biology.” Thinking out loud truly was a bad habit and you felt nerves creep over you the second you said it, apologizing immediately, worried it was an inappropriate topic or just plain insensitive considering his impending execution.
“What an interesting question mouse, perhaps you should experiment, be the next Noritoshi hm?” The snide remark sent chills down your spine and Itadori stood up, waving his hands nervously as he apologised again. “Ah, perhaps that’s enough of my chatter for the night, I’ll leave you be Yuji” your voice had a waver to it, betraying your discomfort as you stood to collect your things. As you turned to leave, a hand clamped over your wrist and the sudden restraint had you jolting, notebook and laptop falling to the floor with a crash. As your eyes met Itadori’s you felt that cold chill wash over you, that feeling when your entire body knows it’s in danger and your stomach seems to collapse into itself and leave a nauseating heaviness in your gut. The hairs on your body stood on end as the sight of Sukuna’s distinct markings made your brain scream in fear and as you began to pull your hand back you knew his comments about your weakness were accurate. He could squeeze his hand and snap your wrist like a twig and the energy that radiated off of him stole your breath away.
He was smirking as he pulled his hand to his chest, forcing you close to him as he spoke in low voice, “You ask a lot of questions, it’s … vexing.” His voice trailed into a something of a growl, his annoyance clear as he continued, “So I’ll provide the experiment to answer one of your many questions, it has been a long time since I’ve indulged after all so I get something out of it too.” He really phrased it like he was about to do you a favor and in hopes of changing his mind, your brain and mouth finally started to work again and you teared up as you stuttered, “No, no Sukuna it, it was a p-passing though, please, d-don’t, I don’t want this!” Your words began to roll together in the panic as you began tugging against his vice like grip. He remained unmoved, staring at you like you were a hissing kitten, amusement barely hiding the cruelty in his eyes.
“You don’t want this? Hm, I thought you were dedicated to your studies, a shame.” Sukuna tilted his head, hand releasing you as he crossed his arms, muscles flexing in a way that only cemented your fear further. “I took control for this little experiment and you don’t want it? Ungrateful. Disrespectful.” With your arm free you stepped back, once, twice, then you turned to sprint and within an instant a hand had splayed out across your stomach, winding you with the force and as a scream tried to claw itself out of your throat another hand had clamped over your mouth. You felt your body being drawn back towards him and while Itadori himself wasn’t an overly large guy, he wasn’t like Aoi Todo in build or even Gojo in height, he still dwarfed you and his hand seemed to cover the entire lower half of your face, a couple fingers stretching down your neck.
The hand Sukuna had pressed to your stomach traced up to your neck, fingers curling over the neckline to form a fist around the fabric before yanking harshly, the buttons and fabric of your uniform giving away easily under the force he used. He pulled your bra down next, exposing your chest to the room as your tears ran freely down your cheeks now, collecting against his hand before spilling over and dripping down. A bored hum resonated from his chest as his free hand groped at your breasts, index and thumb capturing your nipple before pinching it harshly making your writhe against him as you tried to cry out only for the sound to muffle. Your hands tugged at his arm, trying to pull it off your chest as he chuckled. “I’d normally prefer to let you scream your little lungs out but, I’m on limited time so let’s not risk being interrupted.”
Sukuna turned towards the bed as his hand released your nipple only to travel down to lift your skirt instead, snaking under your panties and fingers parting your lips and searching for your core. Your hands followed his arm, nails digging into his skin as you tried to stop, your choked pleas ignored as his middle finger pressed into you with a groan. “Even for such a little thing your tight, I wonder, is it fear or is my little mouse a virgin? Perhaps both” he chuckled as he pressed his palm against your pelvis, forcing your body further against him and the erection that was now clearly rubbing against your lower back. The hand over your mouth loosened, giving you space to breathe and you took the chance to beg the curse for mercy and he rolled his eyes as he scoffed, “You’d be better off screaming, I have no intentions of stopping. I am curious though, is this fragile little body of your really untouched?” Sobbing, you nodded “Please, Sukuna please, don’t, don’t, please don’t.” “How fitting, a virgin sacrifice, that should be an omen of success for this experiment” Sukuna laughed, once again ignoring the pleas as his hand clamped back down on your mouth.
Forcing another finger into your tight heat had you squirming, pressing up on your toes in an attempt to get away but it only served to make the monster behind you groan into your ear. Deciding not to waste anymore time, Sukuna removed his fingers and instead used them to tear off the flimsy fabric that had been your underwear. “I’m gonna need both hands now, so no screaming yeah? Anyone that interrupts me will die and you don’t want people dying on your behalf, do you?” Another sob seems to wrack itself through your body and your hands fell away from his arm, your will to fight fizzling out at the promise of death. “I’m going to need you to answer me mouse, I want to hear you say you won’t scream.” As he dropped his hand from your mouth you barely had the capacity to speak, choking out between sobs, “I won’t scream, I won’t, I promise.” Sukuna chuckled, content with your compliance, “That’s a good little mouse.”
Now he pressed you forward and into the bed, forcing you onto your knees, ass up and face pressed into the mattress. He unbuttoned the fly of his trousers, pulling his cock out and rubbing the fat tip against your pussy. His touch might have been rough but your body had reacted how he wanted and you were slick enough it would be enjoyable for him. You dug your fingers into the duvet, wishing, praying you’d sink into it and disappear before he got any further but your thoughts got crushed as forced the angry red tip into you. Sukuna dug his own nails into your ass as he gripped himself and tried to get in further, “If you don’t relax, I’m only going to be rougher.” He sounded irritated, like the burning stretch that had you crying harder now was simply an inconvenience to him. You tried though, you really did, squeezing your eyes shut and willing your body to relax to the intrusion but it had a mind of its own and seemed only to defy you, muscles clenching in an attempt to stop the curse from using you.
Sukuna clicked his tongue, “I warned you” and he pulled your hips back harshly, forcing himself in. You know you promised not to, but you screamed, it was thankfully muffled by the duvet that you had pulled into your face but Sukuna brought a hand down on your hip, snapping at you to be quiet. It felt like you were being split in half, like he tore your tight cunt to fit himself in, a burning, stinging pain that radiated throughout your pelvis and down your thighs making you gasp for air. He moved more freely now, sliding in and out with a deep grunt of pleasure as the coppery smell of blood filled your nostrils making you gag and bury your face deeper into the bed. “Humans, you’re as fragile and weak as bugs” He mused as he slammed your hips back against himself again. Even now he seemed bored, as if using your body like some fuck toy meant nothing to him. Maybe if your mind wasn’t so shattered you’d have picked up on how his pleasure seemed to come from dominating you, tormenting you, ruining you.
He reached a hand forward, yanking your hair to the side, forcing your face into the light and displaying the swollen red mess that was your eyes. Cheeks streaked with tears and the outline of his handprint that had slowly begun to bloom into a bruise in some places. He grinned then, eyes taking in your look of despair as he fucked you into him at a brutal pace, hand returning to your hip and once again he sunk his nails into your flesh pulling a broken cry from your lips. It sounded hoarse, your throat sore from sobbing, from screaming into his hand then the bed. Sukuna knew he was running low on time, he could feel Itadori trying to claw back out and he focused on the blood now instead. Watched as it beaded up then slipped over the swell of your ass, some of the droplets making it as far as your thighs.
Finally Sukuna felt that coil tighten, pulling your body as close as he could, the head of his cock now hitting your cervix with bruising force that had you whimpering in pain despite the odd heat of pleasure that still managed to build in your own stomach. He rutted himself against your ass, blood smearing and staining his pants, the smell of it and sex filling the air and with a low, rumbling groan he spilled himself inside. Your heartbroken sobs only serving to fuel him, encouraging him to press as deep as your body could possibly allow and he stilled, breathing slow and deep, watching your tense body quiver. “Hm, here’s a question for you. If you do get pregnant, will Itadori be there for you and the child? Will he run, convince you to abort it, maybe he’ll suggest you keep it? He’ll definitely blame himself either way. Stupid. Humans are so stupid. I look forward to it though. Breaking him is very enjoyable after all.” Sukuna pulled away, completely releasing you now, watching as the mix of blood and cum slowly dribbled out of your swollen cunt, the occasional drip falling onto the bed below.
Once you realised you were free you collapsed, legs pulling up to your chest as you trembled, waiting for the curse to disappear as bile burnt your throat as the sick reality of the situation settled over you. It felt like forever and yet it somehow it felt like it had all happened in the blink of an eye and you realised you felt dizzy, the room seemed to swim and shift before your eyes. Suddenly Itadori’s voice rang out, a choked gasped followed by a loud thud as he stumbled back only to fall on his ass. Itadori didn’t want to look, he really didn’t want to see but his eyes seemed fixated on the trembling form on his bed and he knew, he knew all the apologies in the world, no matter how sincere, weren’t going to fix this. A silence seemed to swallow the room now, disturbed only by Itadori’s scattered breaths and your own shaky, whimpered ones.
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thelostconsultant · 10 days
I will love you 'til the end
pairing: Mark Webber x Piastri!reader
summary: She's been with Mark for years, they're happy, but life can be cruel sometimes...
note: Based on the poll/idea of @theinsanityclause. Sorry for turning it into something bittersweet.
warnings: terminal illness, age gap
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She couldn’t really tell when this thing with Mark had begun. Was it back when she started working for Red Bull? Or was it later, when her little brother joined McLaren? It was hard to tell, but honestly, sometimes she couldn’t even care. They were having fun, enjoying those secret meetings on race weekends, and going off the grid during longer breaks if they had the opportunity. Her family suspected that she had someone, but every time they asked, she rolled her eyes and told them she was chronically single. 
There was a twenty-year age gap, but who counted? As long as this worked between them, they couldn’t care less about this little detail. Why they decided to hide from the public was the fact he was Oscar’s manager. Things would surely become awkward if he found out. Her mom? She would probably accept it. But her brother? Not so much. Neither of them wanted to destroy their respective relationships with him, so it was better to stay under the radar for now. 
“What’s the deal with you and Mark?” Max asked once he plopped down next to her with a shit-eating grin on his face. 
With a sigh, she turned to him, doing her best to give him a disapproving look. “I see what you’re doing, and no, you won’t be free of the social team. We spent an entire week trying to come up with concepts you wouldn’t instantly hate, the least you can do is play nice,” she told him sternly.
But he didn’t seem to be bothered by that, he just waved his hand nonchalantly, then leaned a little closer. “I saw the way you were looking at each other. There must be something.”
“He’s my brother’s manager, we’ve known each other for a long time, that’s all. We get along, just as he gets along with everyone from my family,” she explained with a shrug.
But Max wasn’t convinced, he just rolled his eyes and rested his elbow on the back of the couch as he watched her. “Look, I’m pretty sure he doesn’t look at your family members as if he wanted to devour them on the spot. But when he looks at you? Ooooh, he’s smitten with you.” She hid her face into her hands, letting out a groan as she wondered why the Dutchman had to be so perceptive. “Hey, I’m not telling anyone, I swear.”
She believed him. Sure, Max wasn’t known for being the master of keeping secrets, but as long as no one asked him about her love life, she was safe. And so that’s how he became the only person who knew about the two of them, although they didn’t really talk about it again, but there were teasing looks he shot at her when he saw them talking in the paddock.
On Saturday evening, when she entered her hotel room feeling dead tired, all she wanted was to crawl under the blanket to snuggle up to Mark. They had always gotten key cards to each other’s rooms, so every day they agreed where to meet, and tonight it was her turn to host him for the night. But she was running late, it was way past eleven when she arrived, but he was still up, sitting on the bed as he read something on his phone. The corners of his lips curled into a loving smile when he noticed her, and she didn’t hesitate to kick off her shoes and sit down next to him. 
As she placed a kiss on his shoulder, Mark put his phone on the nightstand, then tipped her head back to finally kiss her properly, smiling at the sound of her soft moan as she moved her hand under his shirt, desperate to feel his warm skin under her fingertips. “Long day?” he asked, deliberately planning to make her talk instead of giving her what she’d been craving since their stolen kiss in the paddock earlier that day. 
It was frustrating, really, because all she wanted was being tired out in bed so she could sleep well, but now it seemed like she wasn't getting that tonight. “I missed you,” she replied eventually when he pulled away to rest his forehead against hers. “Do you have any idea how much I love you?” 
She heard him gulp at this, his breath caught in his throat from the confession. This wasn’t the first time she had said that, and he already told her these words too, but lately it felt different, it was almost painful for him to hear it. It was understandable. With the number of secrets they were keeping growing all the time, it was only a matter of time before he retreated into a shell to protect himself.
“You don't have to say anything, don't feel like I was trying to pressure you,” she said quietly. 
But when he looked at her, his hazel eyes taking in every little detail of her face, she understood what this was about, and his next words confirmed her theory. “Every time you say this, it sounds like goodbye. You know how terrified I am of that day,” he told her. 
With a sad smile, she moved a little to bury her face into the crook of his neck. “Mark, that day is still far from today. Let's enjoy the time we have, okay? Don't think about this.”
“I'm just not ready to lose you, sweetheart,” he informed her as he pressed a kiss on her head, arms protectively wrapped around her frame. 
“Have you showered?” she asked him, a playful gleam in her eyes making it clear that she wanted a little more than just showering together. To her luck, he understood it, so he let her go and moved out of the bed in sync with her. But on the way to the bathroom she intercepted him by putting a hand on his stomach, then reached up to pull down his head for a kiss. “I was beginning to worry you didn’t want me anymore,” she noted as a joke. 
Mark’s hand moved from her back to her hips, looking for the hem of her Red Bull shirt to take it off her. A deep growl left his throat when he kissed her again, doing his best to show her just how wrong she was if she assumed he had gotten bored of her. During their years together, sex had never been a problem. In fact, in the beginning that’s what their relationship was based on, emotions only came into the picture after the first half a year or so. 
By the time they arrived in Baku two weeks later, things returned to normal, although this was the weekend when they had to be extra careful since her mother was there as well. But it was hard to stay away, especially after the qualifying results and the news of Mark making sure her brother’s contract couldn’t name him the second driver in the team emerging in the media. She was so proud of him for doing everything he could to support Oscar, and in all honesty, she had dozens of ways in her mind to repay for that. 
Following that fantastic win on Sunday, the Piastri family had dinner together to celebrate before the team took Oscar away, and of course he invited his manager as well, after all he was like family by now. But their mood was set before they even left her hotel, because Mark could see she wasn’t in the best shape at the moment. She was happy, he could tell, but she said she felt nauseous, which wasn’t ideal before a big family dinner. 
This was one of those nights when he had to be extra attentive, making sure she was safe, and he had his doubts about doing this right in front of her family without their secrets being revealed. “Maybe we should cancel,” he noted, his bad feeling making him say it before he could truly think about it. Her brother had just won his second race, this time without team orders casting a shadow on the result, there was no way she would miss this. But he had to try for her sake.
Just as he expected, she shook her head and told him that everything was fine, that she had this under control. She wasn’t convincing at all, but there was nothing he could do apart from being there for her. “You should go first. I’ll probably throw up one last time before heading out,” she told him. 
Mark shook his head as he stepped over to her and cupped her face to make her look at him. “You’re not going alone, don’t even think about it. If anyone asks, I was in your hotel to meet someone from Red Bull, and we decided to go together,” he said before giving her a quick kiss. “Or we could just as well say we arrived together because we are dating,” he suggested with a shrug, earning a shocked look from her. “What? Maybe it’s time we tell them the truth. It’s been years, we can’t hide forever. And you know why we should tell them sooner rather than later.”
“Oscar is celebrating today, he’s happy, let’s not ruin this,” she said. 
Rolling his eyes, he shook his head a little. “I’m not saying we should make an announcement. I would pick a… more subtle way to let them know. Just dropping hints. Maybe they wouldn’t even notice.”
She leaned forward to bury her face into his chest, arms wrapped around him as she listened to his heartbeat. Maybe he was right. Maybe it truly was time to slowly let this secret come to light. “Okay, you won. Let’s do this your way,” you said with a sigh. 
The moment they reached the entrance, Mark reached out to take her hand, lacing their fingers tightly as he navigated through the chatting crowd outside. By the time they were taken to the reserved table, Oscar and their mother were already there, deep in a conversation until they noticed them arriving. Nicole stood up and hugged her daughter as if they hadn’t met a few hours ago, but it was a nice feeling. 
But her brother remained seated, his narrowed eyes watching his manager with an inquiring look in them. There was no comment from the older man, so he turned his attention to his sister, who decided to simply ignore him. They started to talk about the race, and it seemed like they would get away with that entrance and the nonchalant touches, but as they were waiting for their desserts, Oscar put up his hand to stop the discussion. 
“Okay, what is going on? You arrive together, hand in hand if I’m not mistaken, you are clearly on the same wavelength as you finish each other’s sentences, and don’t even get me started on those meaningful looks you exchange,” he listed. 
Their mother’s lips curled into a small smile, causing Oscar to give her a questioning look, as if he was asking why she wasn’t shocked to hear that. “You’re such a smart young man, but you can be so slow sometimes,” was all she said with a laugh before turning to her daughter. “How long has it been going on? I know you were together at the beginning of this year, but… I have a feeling there’s a longer history.”
Mark looked over at his girlfriend, deciding that it would be the best if she handled this conversation for now. It was her family, after all, he didn’t want to get involved unless it became necessary. She seemed taken aback, but after gulping loudly, she nodded. “Yeah, well, it’s been about three years now. Maybe a little more,” she confirmed. “How long have you known? And how did you find out?”
“I’m not stalking you, I promise, but you disappeared in January so I checked your location. Remember? You shared it with me. And I saw you were in Mark’s house for weeks,” she explained. 
“I can’t believe it,” Oscar muttered under his breath as he pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Are you not mad at me?” she asked her mother, once again deciding to ignore her brother. 
Nicole shook her head. “No, why would I be? You’re my daughter, if you’re happy, that’s enough for me.”
“Well, not like you cared to ask, but I am not happy,” Oscar interjected with a disapproving look. “Have you considered what you got yourself into? How much older he is? Don’t get me wrong, Mark, you’re in great shape, but what will happen ten or twenty years from now?”
Her eyes softened as she reached out to take the younger Piastri’s hand. “Look, Osc, I know it’s probably a lot to take in, but I love him.” Oscar pulled his hand away and leaned back in the chair, his eyes fixed on her the whole time. “And we don’t need to worry about what will happen decades from now. Hell, there’s no need for a five-year plan either.”
Out of the corner of her eyes she noticed her mother’s surprised look that was soon followed by a logical question. “Are you planning to break up?” she wondered out loud.
There was a heavy sigh before she looked over at Mark, trying to gain some strength from him. When he reached out to take her hand, she took a deep breath and began to explain the situation. “No, not exactly. I’m just… lucky if I’ll have another year. I’m already outliving my doctor’s original prognosis.”
Her mother and brother exchanged confused looks, asking her what doctor she was talking about. So she began to tell them everything she’s been hiding for almost a year, the diagnosis of glioblastoma on the weekend of the Las Vegas grand prix and the treatment that began with the new year, all the critical pieces of information they needed to understand the situation. It hit them hard, she could tell, but since they were in public, they both decided to do their best to keep themselves together. 
“I didn’t want to ruin your day, I’m so sorry,” she told Oscar in the end. 
He only shook his head, his eyes shining from the tears he could barely hold back at this point. “Just promise to come to the party tonight. I–I want to spend time with my sister while I can, okay?” After she nodded, his eyes turned to Mark. “So… she said her treatment started early this year, and mum said she spent weeks with you in January. Did these happen at the same time?”
“I was by her side the whole time, don’t worry. It was tough, but we got through it,” he assured his protégé. 
“But you came to that thing with me, and it took almost a week. Did you leave her alone?”
Shaking his head, Mark let out a quiet laugh. “Well, no, Max was there to entertain her.”
Oscar looked at his sister. “So you told Max, but not us?” he asked incredulously. 
She tilted her head to the side as she gave him a look of disappointment. “Trust me, that wasn’t entirely my decision. He was the one who took me to the hospital in Vegas. He didn’t leave my side until we found out what was wrong with me.”
“I’m your brother, you should have asked me to take you.”
Nicole put a hand on his shoulder, probably understanding that it hadn’t been the kind of situation when she could be picky about the driver. “Let’s just be happy she had people looking out for her. And now she has us too,” she said, flashing a warm smile at her daughter. 
At the party, Oscar decided not to leave his sister’s side. He even took the time to go out and get some fresh air with her, using this opportunity to talk. He wanted to know why she made her decisions, why she decided to hide her relationship with Mark, why she came to the conclusion that not telling them about her illness was a good idea. This was the first time in a while when they had such an honest conversation. She told him that she didn’t want his focus to shift from racing, and that she believed their mother knowing would have resulted in him finding out as well. In return he admitted that she still wasn’t fully okay with her dating his manager, but he promised to try and be understanding. 
They agreed to have a dedicated night on every race weekend when they would just hang out in his room, playing stupid games, eating a lot, and watching TV until they passed out. Oscar would have never admitted it, but ever since he was old enough to remember, he had been clinging to his sister, always begging her to read one more article from his favorite magazine, or to play one more hour with him, or to come see him race to bring him good luck. And she was always there, always supporting and protecting him, even when some stupid kids used his kindness against him. 
Long hours later, around three in the morning, she stumbled into Mark’s hotel room, not drunk, just tired, and she was surprised to see him awake at this time. When she sat on the edge of the bed next to him, he was quick to wrap his arms around her, pressing a kiss on her lips as a welcome. After everything that had happened earlier in the day, she couldn’t fight back her tears anymore, so she buried her face into his shoulder and started sobbing. He tried to soothe her, but it took quite a long time for her to calm down. 
When she finally stopped crying, he lied down and pulled her down with him, his arms still safely around her as she moved closer to him. “It’s okay, baby,” he whispered to her, happy to hear her breathing slow down, giving away that she finally fell asleep. It didn’t take him long to drift off to sleep himself, moving on to a dream where everything was okay, where he didn’t have to face the harsh reality of losing her one day. 
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reidmarieprentiss · 2 months
Dare Ya
Summary: Spencer and Penelope are roommates, you get a dare during girls night that changes your relationship with Spencer.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x BAU fem!reader
Category: fluff
Warnings/Includes: alcohol consumption, mild crime description, sneaking into beds
Word count: 3.6k
a/n: this is so silly & cute ,, i saw someone say they love penelope and spencer being best friends and i can't disagree hehe
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After surviving a terrifying attack outside her apartment, Penelope Garcia can’t shake the feeling of vulnerability that now shadows her every step. Seeking solace, she reluctantly accepts Spencer Reid's offer to move in with him, hoping his quiet, protective presence will help her regain a sense of safety. 
Penelope was sprawled out on the couch, her colorful blanket draped over her as she scrolled through the latest memes on her tablet. Spencer walked in, holding two mugs of steaming tea, carefully balancing them as he made his way to the coffee table.
"Okay, Penelope, I’ve got your chamomile, extra honey, just the way you like it," Spencer announced with a proud smile, handing her the mug.
Penelope’s eyes lit up as she accepted the tea. "Spencer, you’re an absolute gem! What would I do without you?"
Spencer sat down beside her, taking a sip of his own tea before replying, "Probably starve, considering your idea of dinner is three packets of Pop Rocks and a diet soda."
Penelope gasped dramatically, clutching her heart. "I’ll have you know that’s gourmet snacking in some cultures!"
He laughed, shaking his head. "Well, in this apartment, it’s all about balanced meals and—"
"—and daily doses of nerdy lectures from my favorite genius!" Penelope finished his sentence, her grin widening.
"Exactly," Spencer agreed with a chuckle. "Besides, you’re the only person who appreciates my random facts at 2 AM."
Penelope nudged him playfully with her elbow. "Of course! And who else is going to let me blast show tunes at full volume while I reorganize your books by color?"
Spencer’s eyes widened in mock horror. "Wait, you wouldn’t dare…"
Penelope leaned closer, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Oh, sweetie, it’s already done."
He stared at her for a moment, then sighed dramatically, leaning back against the couch. "You’re lucky you’re cute."
"And you’re lucky I love you," Penelope shot back, lifting her mug in a toast.
Spencer clinked his mug against hers. "Best roommates ever."
"Forever and always," Penelope agreed, smiling warmly at him.
“Reid, don’t forget I’m having the girls over tonight,” Penelope reminded him as she flitted around the kitchen, her excitement palpable.
“Girls' night, I know,” Spencer replied with a small smile, glancing over at the calendar on the wall where Penelope had circled the date in bright pink marker. “You wrote it on the calendar.”
Penelope paused, turning to face him with a hopeful look. “Are you going to join us this time? It’s going to be fun! We’re talking snacks, gossip, and maybe even some scandalous games…”
Spencer chuckled, already making his way toward his room with a book tucked under his arm. “I’ll pass, thank you,” he said, his voice warm with amusement. 
Penelope pouted playfully, but she couldn’t hide her grin. “One day, Dr. Reid, you’ll see the light and join us!”
“Maybe,” Spencer called back with a laugh, already imagining the lively scene that would soon fill the apartment. For now, though, he was content to let the girls enjoy their night.
Penelope Garcia loves hosting her infamous girls' nights with the BAU ladies, filling her and Reid's apartment with laughter, drinks, and the latest gossip. Spencer, ever the accommodating roommate, doesn’t mind the occasional takeover—he’s more than happy to retreat to his books. What he didn’t anticipate, though, is you always showing up in your cozy pajamas, looking irresistibly adorable and sending his heart into a tailspin. As the nights unfold with playful games and shared secrets, Spencer finds himself leaving his room more and more often, struggling to keep his cool amidst the lively chaos.
The apartment is buzzing with energy as you, Emily, JJ, and Penelope sit in a cozy circle on the living room floor, surrounded by empty wine bottles, snack wrappers, and the remnants of your laughter-filled evening. The air is thick with friendship, and after a few rounds of lighthearted gossip, the group decides to spice things up with a classic game of truth or dare.
Penelope leans forward with a mischievous glint in her eye. “Okay, truth or dare?” she asks, her voice full of playful challenge.
Feeling the warmth of the wine and the comfort of your friends, you giggle. “Dare, obviously,” you say confidently, knowing full well that Penelope won’t go easy on you.
The girls exchange conspiratorial glances, their eyes practically twinkling with mischief. Emily is the first to speak up, grinning as she leans closer. “We dare you to… climb into Spencer’s bed while he’s sleeping.”
Your eyes widen in surprise, your cheeks flushing at the thought. “Wait, what?!” you whisper, a mixture of shock and excitement bubbling up inside you. The mere idea of being that close to him, even in such a silly, innocent context, makes your heart race.
JJ nods enthusiastically, her smile widening. “Come on! You’ve been crushing on him forever. It’s the perfect opportunity to get a little closer,” she teases, nudging your shoulder playfully.
Penelope claps her hands together, her excitement barely contained. “Think of it as a harmless prank! He’ll never know, and it’ll be our little secret,” she adds with a wink.
You bite your lip, your mind racing. The thought of sneaking into Spencer’s room, tiptoeing over to his bed, and slipping under the covers while he sleeps soundly is both terrifying and thrilling. But the encouraging looks from your friends, coupled with the wine-induced confidence, push you to make a decision.
“Okay, okay, I’ll do it,” you finally agree, your voice a little shaky but determined. The girls let out a collective squeal of delight, stifling their laughter as they quickly urge you toward Spencer’s bedroom.
You take a deep breath, trying to steady your nerves as you carefully open the door to his room, the soft creak of the hinges sounding far too loud in the quiet of the night. Spencer is fast asleep, his face peaceful in the dim light filtering through the curtains. His glasses are on the nightstand, and a book lies open beside him, his fingers still loosely resting on the pages.
With your heart pounding in your chest, you slowly approach the bed, your steps light and cautious. You glance back at the doorway, where the girls are peeking in, holding their breaths in anticipation. Gathering every ounce of courage, you carefully lift the blanket and slide into the bed beside Spencer, your movements as gentle as possible.
As you carefully slide under the covers beside Spencer, you’re acutely aware of every sound, every movement, your heart hammering in your chest. You had been fully prepared to stay for only a few seconds before making your escape, but the moment you settle in, something unexpected happens—Spencer, in his sleep, rolls over and instinctively drapes an arm around you.
You freeze, eyes wide in shock, as you feel his warmth envelop you. His face nuzzles into your shoulder, his breath soft and steady against your neck. Your initial reaction is to panic, to jump out of the bed before things get any more complicated, but the sensation of his embrace is so comforting, so natural, that you can’t bring yourself to move.
Instead, you find yourself relaxing into him, letting out a breath. Spencer’s grip tightens slightly as if seeking out your warmth in his sleep, and your heart melts at the sweet, innocent way he snuggles closer.
From the doorway, the girls are watching with wide eyes, trying desperately to suppress their giggles. Penelope claps a hand over her mouth, stifling a squeal of excitement, while Emily and JJ exchange looks of pure amusement, both of them barely containing their laughter.
You turn your head slightly, giving them a pleading look to stay quiet, but you can’t help the small smile that tugs at your lips. There’s something about the way Spencer holds you, even in his unconscious state, that makes you feel safe, cherished, and you can’t bring yourself to disrupt the moment.
As the minutes tick by, the warmth of Spencer’s embrace and the steady rhythm of his breathing begin to lull you into a state of calm. You know you should slip out, return to the girls, and let them finish their game, but instead, you find yourself growing drowsy, the fatigue of the night catching up with you.
Before you know it, your eyelids grow heavy, and you drift off to sleep, nestled comfortably in Spencer’s arms.
Back in the living room, the girls exchange glances, their excitement bubbling over. Penelope, always the ringleader, whispers with a grin, "Looks like she’s spending the night there. Mission accomplished, ladies."
Emily chuckles softly, shaking her head in disbelief. "She’s really going for it, huh?"
JJ giggles, still trying to keep her voice low. "I think we just made Spencer’s dreams come true—literally!"
The girls continue to snicker and whisper amongst themselves, marveling at how perfectly the dare has played out. They decide to let you enjoy your impromptu cuddle session, knowing that this is one girls’ night that will go down in history.
The morning light filtered softly through the curtains, gently stirring you awake. For a moment, you were wrapped in the cozy haze of sleep, feeling an unfamiliar warmth around you. As your eyes blinked open, reality came rushing back, and your heart dropped into your stomach—Spencer was still there, his arm draped across you, his face just inches from yours.
Panic set in as you realized exactly where you were and what had happened last night. Before you could gather your thoughts, Spencer stirred beside you, his brow furrowing in confusion as he slowly woke up. His eyes fluttered open, and the moment he saw you lying there, his expression shifted from sleepy contentment to utter shock.
“Wha—what’s going on?!” Spencer exclaimed, his voice a mix of confusion and panic as he scrambled back, pulling the blanket up as if it could somehow explain the situation.
You bolted upright, your cheeks burning with embarrassment. “Spencer, I—I can explain!” you stammered, trying desperately to find the right words. But the sight of his wide, bewildered eyes only made your heart race faster.
“Why were you…? How did you…?” Spencer was clearly struggling to make sense of it all, his mind racing as he tried to connect the dots.
You cringed, feeling mortified beyond belief. “It was just… it was a dare,” you admitted, the words tumbling out in a rush. “Penelope, Emily, and JJ—they dared me to sneak into your bed while you were sleeping. I swear, it was just a silly prank. I didn’t mean to—” You broke off, feeling the heat of humiliation crawl up your neck.
Spencer’s eyes widened even more, if that were possible. “A dare? You climbed into my bed because of a dare?” He sounded incredulous, his voice cracking slightly.
You nodded, biting your lip and wishing the ground would just swallow you whole. “I’m so sorry, Spencer. I didn’t think—I didn’t realize you’d… snuggle up to me like that.” Your voice trailed off, the words sounding as ridiculous out loud as they did in your head.
Spencer’s face turned a shade of red you didn’t think was possible, his mind clearly reeling as he processed what you had just told him. “I—I didn’t know. I must have been dreaming or something. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to… I didn’t know you were there!” He was stumbling over his words, just as flustered as you were.
The awkwardness in the room was suffocating, and you could feel your heart pounding in your ears. The last thing you wanted was for Spencer to think you were some kind of creep. Your mouth opened and closed a few times, but no coherent words formed. The embarrassment was too overwhelming.
“I should go,” you finally managed to squeak out, your voice barely above a whisper. Without waiting for a response, you scrambled out of the bed, nearly tripping over your own feet in your haste. You bolted for the door, your face burning with shame.
Spencer started to say something, but you didn’t stop to listen. You couldn’t—every fiber of your being was screaming at you to get out of there as fast as possible. You could hear the girls' giggles in the living room as you rushed past them, but you didn’t stop. You couldn’t bear to face them, not after what had just happened.
The moment you were out of the apartment, you leaned against the wall, trying to catch your breath, your heart still pounding. You had never been so embarrassed in your life. The whole thing had backfired spectacularly, and now you had no idea how you were ever going to face Spencer again.
Inside the apartment, Spencer was left sitting on the bed, staring at the door where you had just fled. His mind was still trying to process everything that had just happened, his cheeks still burning. He had never been so confused, or so flustered, in his entire life.
After the chaotic morning had settled down and the girls had finally left, the apartment grew quiet. Spencer was still in a bit of a daze from the unexpected events that had unfolded earlier. He moved around the kitchen mechanically, setting up breakfast while his thoughts churned. 
“So, boy wonder,” Penelope began, sliding into a chair at the kitchen table as Spencer placed a plate of scrambled eggs and toast in front of her. “Care to share what’s going on in that big brain of yours?”
Spencer sighed, sitting down across from her with his own plate, though he wasn’t sure he had much of an appetite. “I’m just… confused, I guess,” he admitted, poking at his eggs with his fork. “About everything that happened this morning.”
Penelope nodded, a knowing smile playing on her lips. “Yeah, it was definitely one for the books,” she agreed. “But I think there’s more to it than just a silly dare, isn’t there?”
Spencer hesitated, his brow furrowing as he tried to find the right words. “I don’t know. It’s just—when I woke up and saw her there, I was… shocked, obviously. But then, after she explained, I just couldn’t stop thinking about how it felt to have her there, so close. And now, I feel like I completely scared her off.”
Penelope’s eyes softened as she looked at him. “Spencer, I think you’re missing the bigger picture here,” she said gently. “Do you like her?”
Spencer looked up at Penelope, a bit startled by the direct question. His cheeks flushed slightly as he considered it. “I mean, yeah, I do,” he admitted, his voice quiet. “She’s smart, funny, and… she makes me feel things I haven’t felt in a long time. But I never thought she’d be interested in me like that.”
Penelope’s smile widened, her heart warming at the sight of her friend finally acknowledging his feelings. “Well, that’s where you’re wrong, Doctor,” she said with a playful wink. “The reason we dared her to climb into your bed wasn’t just for fun. It was because we’ve all noticed how she looks at you, how she gets all flustered when you’re around. She’s been crushing on you hard, Spencer. We thought a little nudge might help her break the ice.”
Spencer blinked, the revelation sinking in. “She… she likes me?” he asked, surprise and hope flickering in his eyes.
Penelope nodded enthusiastically. “Oh, she’s got it bad for you,” she confirmed. “But she’s also shy and probably feels like she’s not on your level. That’s why she freaked out this morning—she’s likely mortified because she thinks she messed everything up.”
Spencer leaned back in his chair, processing Penelope’s words. It was almost too much to take in at once, but the more he thought about it, the more everything made sense. The way you always seemed a little nervous around him, the way you’d light up when he shared random facts or when you’d bump into each other in the hallway. And now, the fact that you’d been daring enough to go along with something as bold as sneaking into his bed—it all pointed to one thing: you had feelings for him, just as he had for you.
“I can’t believe I didn’t see it,” Spencer said softly, a small smile beginning to form on his lips. “But now that I know… what do I do?”
Penelope reached across the table, placing a hand on his arm. “You talk to her, Spencer. You let her know how you feel, that you’re not upset about what happened. She’s probably freaking out right now, thinking she ruined everything. But you can turn this around, make it something good.”
Spencer nodded, feeling a sense of determination growing within him. “You’re right,” he said, his voice gaining confidence. “I need to talk to her. I don’t want her to think I’m upset or that she did something wrong.”
Penelope beamed at him, giving his arm a supportive squeeze. “That’s the spirit! You’ve got this, Spencer. Just be your sweet, nerdy self, and everything will fall into place.”
Monday morning rolled around, and the usual bustle of the BAU was in full swing. The team was busy reviewing files, catching up on paperwork, and getting ready for whatever case might come their way. But Spencer Reid had something else on his mind—something far more nerve-wracking than profiling criminals.
With a bouquet of flowers in one hand and a small, carefully wrapped box from your favorite bakery in the other, Spencer made his way to your desk. His heart pounded in his chest, a mix of anticipation and anxiety as he approached. He had rehearsed what he wanted to say over and over, but now that the moment was here, his nerves threatened to get the better of him.
You were focused on your work, completely unaware of the flurry of emotions heading your way. But when you sensed someone standing in front of your desk, you looked up, and your breath caught in your throat.
Spencer stood there, looking slightly nervous but determined, holding out the bouquet of flowers—a beautiful blend of your favorite blooms, carefully chosen with Penelope’s help. Your eyes widened in surprise, your heart skipping a beat.
“Hi,” Spencer said softly, his voice a little shaky but warm. “I, um… I got these for you.”
You stared at the flowers, then at Spencer, your mind struggling to catch up with what was happening. “Spencer… what’s all this?” you asked, your voice barely above a whisper.
He took a deep breath, gathering his courage. “I wanted to apologize for how things went on Saturday. I know it was a little… unconventional, but after thinking about it, I realized I shouldn’t have let you leave feeling so embarrassed.”
Your heart pounded in your chest, both touched and confused. “You don’t have to apologize, Spencer. I was the one who—”
He gently cut you off, holding up the box from the bakery. “And I also got you this. I know it’s your favorite,” he added, offering the box with a small, hopeful smile.
You hesitated for a moment before accepting the box, your fingers brushing against his as you did. The gesture made your heart flutter. “Thank you,” you said softly, feeling a mixture of emotions welling up inside you.
Spencer shifted slightly, looking down at the flowers before meeting your eyes again. “I’ve been thinking a lot about what Penelope said, about how sometimes we all need a little push to see what’s right in front of us.” His gaze was earnest, his voice steady as he continued. “And I’ve realized that I don’t want to miss out on what could be something really great.”
Your breath caught as his words sank in, your heart beating faster as hope began to bloom within you.
“So,” Spencer continued, a small but sincere smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. “I was wondering if you’d like to go out with me sometime. Maybe we can start over, without the dares, and just… see where things go?”
You felt your cheeks warm as you looked into his eyes, seeing the vulnerability and sincerity there. The embarrassment from the weekend melted away, replaced by a growing sense of excitement. You glanced at the flowers and the pastry, your favorite treats carefully chosen just for you, and felt a smile spread across your face.
“I’d love that, Spencer,” you replied, your voice filled with warmth.
Spencer’s smile widened, relief and happiness evident on his face. “Really?”
“Really,” you assured him, your heart fluttering with anticipation. “And thank you for the flowers—and the pastry. You really didn’t have to.”
“I wanted to,” Spencer said softly. “You’re worth it.”
Your smile grew even brighter, and you couldn’t help the way your heart swelled at his words. “Well, in that case, I guess I’m going to have to say yes.”
Spencer’s face lit up with joy and relief, and he let out a breath he was holding. “Great,” he said, his voice full of quiet excitement. “How about dinner tonight?”
“That sounds perfect,” you replied, feeling like the luckiest person in the world.
As Spencer walked away to return to his desk, a spring in his step, you couldn’t help but glance down at the flowers and the pastry. The weekend’s awkwardness seemed like a distant memory now, replaced by the sweet possibility of something new and delicious.
tag list <333 @spencerreidsreads @sapph1re @idefktbh17 @dirtytissuebox @yokaimoon @reggieswriter @loumouse @mentallyunwellsposts @time-himself @chaneladdicted @kathrynlakestone @furrybouquettrash @hearts4spensco @gilwm @khxna @charismatic-writer @lilu842 @greatoperawombategg
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giannaheartspink · 2 months
“You don’t matter anymore”
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Pairing: Lottie matthews x fem!reader
Summary: takes place after doomcomings the girls corner Jackie you rush to her aid to defend her which enrages you’re not so sober girlfriend and she goes off on you
You’ve never been one to drink you never liked the mornings after, and that didn’t change even after the plane crashed and you’re friends decided to host a doomscoming you opted to just watch over everyone
Not knowing the drinks were spiked you thought the girls would be fine and went to go hang out with Natalie and coach Ben who also decided to stay sober. After not hearing much noise you decided to go check on the girls after not seeing them anywhere you panicked and ran to the cabin
After running inside you find Lottie towering over Jackie interrogating Jackie on why her and Travis had gone to the cabin you quickly rush forward stepping in between them Jackie sighing in relief seeing a sober person
“Lottie what the fuck are you doing it’s none of our business what they were doing” you whisper shout at her Jackie holds onto your hand thankful for your protection Lottie cocks her head at you her eyes narrowing “so you’re encouraging her she took what doesn’t belong to her” she shouted
Lottie pushes you aside causing you to fall and she continues questioning Jackie on her actions with Travis after being in shock for a second than seeing Jackie’s face of helplessness you quickly rise again pushing Lottie away which enraged her even more
She quickly grabs your shoulders breathing heavily you can smell the berries on her warm breath as you blink your tears away she grips tighter and whispers something you can’t quite catch under her breath
“Lottie talk to me I can’t hear you love what’s wrong?” You try to reach up and touch her face she quickly grips your hand tightly causing you to wince “I said you don’t matter” she spits out venom filling her voice “did you hear that love” she mocks “you don’t fucking matter not to me and not anywhere” she pushes you into the closet and Jackie is pushed in after you she glances at you standing there in disbelief as tears fall down your cheeks
Lottie looks at you once more with this blank expression you shake your head at her “lottie-“ you’re cut off by her slamming and locking the door you sit on the ground in disbelief as Jackie pounds on the door cursing the girls out after realizing her attempts are useless she sits next to you pulling you close and letting you cry on her shoulder
“I don’t know who that was Jackie” you look at her and shake your head “but that wasn’t my Lottie” you whisper the door opens revealing Natalie “oh thank god” Jackie pulls you up with her and out of the closet
Natalie and Jackie rush towards where they hear the girls the turn back to you “are you coming” shouts Natalie you shake your head in reply “I can’t face her” they both nod and turn back around
You let out a sob as soon as they are out of earshot turning to look at the cabin going back inside grabbing your blanket and pillow glancing at Lotties makeshift bed next to yours and you let out a few more tears before rushing back out and into the woods “you don’t belong anywhere” Lottie’s words echo in your head as you run into the night you find a tree with a big hole under it and decide that’s where you’ll hide out from now on
An: guys I’m sorry this is my first time writing please be kind and let me know if you want a part two!💗
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queenie-official · 9 months
‘First Kiss’ Modern!Anakin
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main masterlist
word count: 2,525
pairing: Modern!Anakin Skywalker x reader
summary: 3 times you kissed Anakin + 1 time he kissed you
a/n: it's been a while since i’ve written but i got inspired so here's a bit of childhood friends to lovers with modern ani and reader
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first kisses everyone has them, some later than others. in your case it was a little complicated, on a technical note you’ve had your first kiss- wether or not it really counted was completely debatable. which is exactly what you were doing with Anakin right now.
“That doesn’t count Ani” you huff, crossing your arms as you lean back in Anakin’s desk chair. spinning back and forth slightly to keep your eyes off of his scrunched up face.
“why not?” he pushes, not understanding why you refused to count the moment as your first kiss.
“we were five and didn’t even know the significance of a kiss” you scoff, stopping yourself briefly to look directly at him as if that would help him understand where you were coming from.
he didn’t look convinced however, sitting up from the spot he was laying on in his bed. now leaning his back against the wall, brows furrowed in what you could only assume was confusion.
“we’d just gotten back from a wedding y/n, i’m pretty sure that was enough for our little minds to grasp the significance of a first kiss” he mocked the way you said significance, putting air quotes around the word as he spoke.
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Anakin’s uncle’s wedding, it wasn’t a big event yet they’d invited your family. your mom was practically an unspoken family member so that wasn’t a surprise. what was shocking however was that kids were allowed at the wedding ceremony and not just the after party.
why your mom and Shmi thought you’d both have the attention span for such an event was beyond you.
neither one of you sat still at all, thankfully it was a venue where the wedding ceremony took place in the same spot as the after party. which gave you and Anakin lots of room to run off to when your parents finally gave up on trying to get you to stay in your seat.
truth be told you didn’t remember much of what happened that day probably because of how young you both were.
you remembered hiding under the clothed tables and playing hide and seek with Ani. the words from the priest as the ceremony proceeded was nothing but background noise for you. both of your occasional giggles escaping loud enough for all the adults to hear.
At some point you and Anakin just stayed under one table in particular, probably talking about cars and ponies. poking your heads out every once in awhile to see if it was over yet.
it was one of those times you stuck your head out that you saw it, the bride and groom kissing. you knew enough from all the princess movies you’d seen that this was an act of love. that gave little you an idea.
thankfully the ceremony was early in the morning and the party ended in the late afternoon. which meant the second you got home- after insisting to your mother you guys go over to the Skywalker’s house so you could play together longer, you hosted a little wedding of your own.
Anakin didn’t own a lot of teddys but he had enough for it to work in your mind. it took a bit of convincing on Anakin’s end before he agreed to ‘marrying’ you but the promise of you returning one of the car toys you stole from him was good enough of a deal for him.
so the two of you worked together still in the clothes you’d worn to his uncle’s wedding, to push the dining room chairs into a line and place his few teddys in them as the guests.
once you had the fun of ‘walking down the aisle’ you grabbed both of Anakin’s hands in yours and planted a kiss on his lips just like you’d seen at the wedding.
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“yea definitely not- we were just copying what we saw at the wedding it one hundred percent does not count” you say matter of factly, staring at him blankly. unwavering in your stance on this matter.
Anakin rolls his eyes “fine but what about that time you kissed me at the park!” he protests, pointing an accusing finger at you. giving you a look that said ‘try and deny this one’ so you did.
“We Were seven!” you throw your hands in the air dramatically. “that’s only two years after the last one” you groan, running a hand over your face. “our frontal lobes were barely developed”
“it’s not like they’re fully developed now either, that doesn’t happen till like twenty-five” he says frustratedly.
of course he’d know that fact, you lean forward in the chair resting your elbow on your thigh as you now lean into your hand. “i said barely not fully” you retort to which he rolls his eyes.
“it counts” he says firmly.
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Tag, a game you always hated. Anakin on the other hand loved it- of course he did, he could actually run fast. he was one of the tallest kids in your second grade class, and then there was you. one of the shortest kids in the class, the odds were never in your favor when it came to tag. between being slow and clumsy you never stood a chance, the only reason you were even participating is because Anakin Managed to convince you to play.
it was always like that between you two. no matter what you were doing, even if the other didn’t want to do it you’d somehow always manage to convince each other to join in.
joint at the hip from the moment you’d learned how to walk, both of your parents always said.
how he convinced you after you swore you’d never play tag again was surprisingly easy, ‘i’ll make sure you don’t get caught’ he had said. no promised you. and yet he was nowhere to be found as you hid behind one of the trees at the playground.
the sounds of whoever was it chasing the other kids around as they all screamed with glee and fear of being the next person who was tagged. it spun throughout the air like a summer breeze, for Anakin it was a thrilling sound- for you it was a warning that if they found you hiding you’d be it for sure.
which wouldn’t be a problem in your eyes if only it wasn’t next to impossible to catch up to the other kids and tag them.
at the end of the day it was always Anakin who’d let you tag him, ending your misery of being stuck playing the tagger for the rest of the game. you hated it, not liking stuff being handed to you but it was better then having to run for fifteen minutes straight trying to catch whoever you could.
“Kenobi’s It!” you heard a kid yell from in front of you. oh no… in front of you- in a split second you see the familiar boy with auburn locks run right beside you, a wave a panic runs through you as he lunges forward to tag you.
just as quickly you’re tugged backwards by your hand, Turning to face your savior only to see it was the very boy who promised to keep you from being tagged to begin with.
initially you were mad, after all he’d left you to fend for yourself only to somehow manage to save you last minute. but that anger just melted into relief that you weren’t it.
he tugged you along running to one of the playsets, carefully pulling you to hide under the slide with him.
finally he turned back to you, a bright smile on his face that showed he was proud of himself for getting to you in time.
you’d lunged forward then, kissing him right on his cheek as a thank you.
neither of you had time to react before you heard some kid yell “Padme’s it!” and the familiar sound of feet running straight to your direction. forcing you out of your hiding spot and running alongside each other.
big toothy grins on each of your faces.
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“it definitely does not count, i didn’t even kiss you on the lips that time” you say annoyed but sit up proudly thinking you’ve won the argument.
“a kiss is a kiss y/n” you can’t help but laugh at his statement. if that was seriously his only defense for that counting as a first kiss then you really had won.
“anything that happens in Elementary school doesn’t count, half of the boys in our class still thought cooties existed” you continue to push, and Anakin looked just about fed up.
“okay if elementary school not counting is your only requirement then i raise you this” he begins leaving a small gap in the conversation so you could give your input or add any other requirements to the mix, but you don’t.
instead raising a brow waiting for him to continue. “sixth grade. Padme’s Birthday party.” he crosses his arms, now sporting a smug smile of his own.
“that was a dare!” you shout, blushing embarrassed at the memory.
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cake had just been served. honestly you’d never seen such a big cake served at a birthday party, perks of being rich you’d guessed.
there weren’t even that many guests, maybe eight people your age and the rest were padme’s family members. which only consisted of her mom, dad, two aunts and cousin.
you weren’t complaining though, the bonus of such a big cake and so little people meant you could help yourself to as many slices as you wanted.
currently you were on your third slice, well past being full and heading into food coma territory but this was the best cake you’d ever tasted and you’d be damned if you didn’t consume as much as you physically could without vomiting.
Anakin was well into his fourth or fifth slice himself, between the two of you Padme’s birthday cake would be gone within the hour.
“i don’t think i’ve even seen you guys breathe in between slices” Padme's soft voice pulled you and Anakin’s attention almost immediately.
“i thought you said we could have as much as we want?” Anakin spoke through a mouth full of cake, the hard consonants coming out more as f sounds making it hard to understand him. well you understood him just fine, but judging from Padme's confused and disgusted face expression it was safe to say you were the only one.
she turns to you for an explanation but you just shrug. “it’s good cake” you say simply as if that’s answer enough. finishing the last bite of your slice before she tugged you along with her to join the others leaving Anakin to finish his slice by himself.
“look who’s finally joining us” a boy with blonde hair said, he looked familiar but you couldn’t remember his name. maybe he was in one of your classes? either way you just rolled your eyes not caring enough to give his subtle jab any real attention.
“we were going to play truth or dare you want in?” one of the other girls your age asked you, she had long brown hair. you had absolutely no clue as to who she was.
Padme was friends with a lot of people you didn’t know, Anakin and Obi-Wan being your only mutual friends. of course Obi-Wan wasn’t able to make it to this party, so it was just you and Anakin.
“sure why not” you said with a shrug. but by the shared look they all had, you began to think you might regret that decision.
the second the dare left the mouth of the brown haired girl you now knew as Armani you were about ready to strangle Padme who looked proud of her for asking you to do it. this was definitely a set up- you knew you should have picked truth.
“come on y/n, you scared?” the blonde boy- jacob, teased.
oh it was on. normally you’d find a way to wiggle your way out of the situation but you were not about to be called chicken by some boy who didn’t even know you.
so you spun right on your heel, and marched right up to Anakin.
the poor boy looked extremely confused and almost scared? like he was afraid you were about to tell him off for something- which in his defense your determined face did come off as an Angry one at times, plus you were also annoyed.
leaning down you planted a kiss right on his frosting covered lips.
it actually hurt quite a bit since you did it so quickly, you smashed your head against his in the process. but hey you did the dare.
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you groan in embarrassment, rubbing the same spot on your forehead where you’d smashed into his years ago. you did your very best to forget about that memory and up until now you’d done a good job at it.
“uh uh you said the only requirement was that it couldn’t happen in elementary school. and that was middle school” he countered your previous comment.
“you said it yourself that was sixth grade- we were fresh out of elementary school, that’s practically still being in it” you glare and he scoots forward now sitting on the edge of his bed. your knees brushing against his.
“it was almost the end of sixth grade, so actually it was basically seventh grade. if we’re going by that logic” he runs a hand through his hair as he recalls the memory.
“regardless, it doesn’t count.” you huff once more, wanting this to be the end of the conversation.
his brows furrow in annoyance. “why are you so insistent on all those kisses not counting” he says exhaustedly.
“why are you so insistent on them being counted!” you throw the question back at him.
“because i count them” he says it so casually but with full sincerity all you can do is blink a few times, processing his confession.
he counts them.
to Anakin Skywalker his first kiss was when you were five and pretended to get married. His second kiss was when you were seven and thanked him for saving you from getting tagged. his third kiss was when you were 11 and smashed your face into his after he finished his last slice of cake.
now here you both were at 18 years old, fresh out of high school and on a technicality the only person you’d ever kissed was the very boy in front of you.
“but we were just kids?” it came out as a question, your voice a bit airy as you were still wrapping your head around the revelation.
“oh for crying out loud” the next thing you knew Anakin’s mouth was on yours.
he’d leaned forward from his seat on the edge of his bed, hands now resting on your thighs as he kissed into you.
your eyes fluttered close almost instantly.
“did that count?” he asks smugly once you both pull away. a big smile made its way onto your face as you looked at him now.
wether you liked it or not Anakin was going to be considered your first kiss and he insured that.
hey huns 🤭 have you missed me? i’ve missed you guys! i’m taking a bit of a break from writing my bridgerton au ani fic solely because the burnout was getting real 😭 so any new fics that go out are probably gonna be one shots i’ve been holding off on writing 😗 anyway hope you all enjoyed 💋💋
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stevesbipanic · 1 year
Inspired by this post by @liightsnow
Steve had always been quick to open his home to his friends.
It began of course with allowing Tommy to throw big parties at his house since Steve’s parents were away, later he would open his home to the kids to have a safe place to just be kids. Steve enjoyed having his friends around and it helped fill the silence of his usually empty house. So it was no surprise that when Eddie needed a new location for Hellfire, Steve was the first to volunteer.
He and Eddie had gotten close as Eddie recovered in hospital, he was fun to be around, loud and bright in a way that pushed away the thoughts as to how Eddie ended up in the bed in the first place. Wayne was appreciative of Steve keeping his nephew company while he was at work and Steve always reassured him that it was no trouble, most of the time Steve stayed even when Wayne was there.
There was one issue with hosting Hellfire however, the Hellfire boys. Jeff, Gareth and Grant had visited Eddie a few times after school, all their parents keeping them at home when they could after the “earthquake”, Steve always excused himself allowing Eddie to have time with his friends. Steve couldn’t blame the wary looks that they’d send him, he knew who he was in high school, even Eddie had assumed the same.
This lead Steve to now as he opened the door to the three boys, who were last to arrive. They all nodded politely at Steve before heading straight to where Eddie was calling them in the dining room. At first Steve tried to make himself seem friendly and approachable to them, demonstrating that he had changed since his years of being King of Hawkins High. He set out snacks and got people drinks, even remembering which drinks Eddie had told them were their favourites, but all he got were polite smiles and glances towards Eddie. After receiving similar treatment when he brought them lunch, Steve gave up his attempts and retreated to his bedroom to wait out the rest of the game.
Steve curled into a ball on his bed, knees tucked tightly under his chin as he wrapped his arms around is legs. He got an eerie sense of déjà vu to when he was a child and his mother would send him up to his room once he’d been “showed off” to the guests. His purpose complete and he was no longer needed, Hellfire had what they needed to finish their game without them.
Steve heard joyous cries downstairs and wished for a moment he would’ve been able to stay and watch. Everyone always sounded so happy when the game concluded, and he knew Eddie told the best stories. He knew he couldn’t though, he didn’t want to ruin it for anyone, especially Eddie’s friends.
He was getting ready to go downstairs and clean up, another thing similar to his mother’s parties, when there was a knock at his door.
“Stevie? You ok in there?”
“Huh? Oh yeah, Eds, I’m fine, game finished then?” Steve replied as Eddie entered the room.
“Yeah, it was great, you should’ve stayed to watch Gareth made the best final attack, you have a headache or something, why are you hiding up here?”
“Oh, um,” Steve looked down at his hands, “Thought I’d just be in the way down there, didn’t want to spoil the fun.”
Eddie made a face at this, “Spoil the fun? Sweetheart, everyone would’ve loved you to stay and watch, might get Dustin off your back about playing.”
Steve shook his head, “Your friends don’t really like me much, which I get, it’s fine, glad you guys had a place to play though.”
“Steve why did you offer up your place if you didn’t want to watch? And the guys think you’re fine what’re you talking about, did one of them say something?”
“You guys needed a place to play and I have an empty house, need to be useful someway now that there’s no monsters to fight and my parents cut me off, and no, no one said anything but they always act weird around me.”
“Fuck Stevie, you’re more than just someone useful you know that right? I’d want you around just because I like you around, sweetheart, you don’t have to earn that by offering your house.”
“You sure?”
“Very sure, wasn’t getting better in Casa Harrington, was I? Got better cause I had my favourite jock beside me.” Steve blushed at that. “And as for my friends, I think I know the reason they’re acting weird around you,” Eddie said guiltily.
“Might’ve told them not to embarrass me in front of you,” Eddie said sheepishly.
“Why wouldn’t you want them to- oh,” Steve smiled softly, “Eddie Munson did you want to look cool in front of me because you like me?”
“Would it be bad to say yes?”
Steve lent over and kissed Eddie’s cheek softly, “Not at all.”
When the boys returned downstairs holding hands to find the others cleaning up, Jeff let out a sigh of relief, “Thank fuck you got your shit together Eddie, Harrington can you make those sandwiches again next time, I don’t know what you put in them but Gare ate like 5.”
“Hey, you would’ve eaten just as many if there were any left!”
Steve laughed, “Sure, will make them a Hellfire staple every week.”
The following week Steve was met by wide grins when he opened the door, and celebrated with the party when they defeated Eddie’s villain. Sitting on Eddie’s lap to watch the campaign was a good new perk too.
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tswhiisftteedr · 5 months
Not to be rude but you accidentally put val's story in vox's masterlist instead. Srry I didn't feel comfy dming you. Nothing against you at all I'm just a coward wanting to hide in anon haha. Ig while I'm here could I get vox general hcs pls?
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What the Tv do? ☆ Vox General Headcanon + Drabbles (SFW & NSFW)
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☆ Vox General headcanon + Vox x Gn!Reader(Employee!Reader??):
Some general thoughts about the tv man and also his relationship with the ‘reader’. This is silly, this is fun, fluffy and smutty.
Warnings: Mature Content, Not Proofread, Drinking, Death(literally overdose on coffe nothing gruesome), Drug use(c0caine and others substances), Sadistic Tendencies, Dub-Con, Power Imbalance/Power Play, Obsessive and Possessive Tendencies and Acts, Stalking, Voyeurism & Exhibitionism, Boss x Employee, Pet Play?(Just collaring and slight animal based pet names), Valentino.
Words: Total: 5496 = Sfw - 2609 + Nsfw - 2887
Note: I only wrote 1 drabble, i might add more if people request it about the specific headcanon they want more on. so I’m not good with request like these, I like when they are more specific so I have sort of something to base my writing on, so sorry if you anon or people don’t like what I’ve wrote, r.i.p. >:/ Though tell me if you want more!!
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☆ more under the cut. ☆
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☕︎ Coffee addict and 𓏊 Alcoholic
Vox is the figurative and quite literally incarnation of the ‘don’t talk to me until I’ve had my coffee’ phrase.
But we’re talking coffees instead of coffee with him — two cups straight out of bed to be precise. When totalling the day’s consumption, Vox indulges on average, 6-7 cups of 10 oz coffee; in addition to his morning coffees, he likes to have a mid-morning cup, then two during lunch and finally 1-2 cups during the afternoon depending how late he is working.
Is this per say, ‘healthy’? No, not at all, Vox couldn't care less — worst ‘worst’ case scenario, he quote on quote dies, the coffee he had intake ends up intoxicating him due to the splurging amount of it, turning this mondaine drink into a lethal liquid for the overlord’s body. His heart would stop, sub-consequently, him and his body would be out.
Though the good thing — or bad, it all depends on your angle — about hell is that in about the span of 10 minutes his body will have fully regenerate and be back open for business. Some sinners call it it a curse, he calls it a blessing, as this part of the ‘eternal punishment’ practically makes him immortal.
So is he going to work on regulating his caffeine intake? Obviously not!
Worst thing he gets from his ‘little problem’ is a heart attack, and they don’t permanently keep him down. — Sure, they hurt like a bitch, and he would rather not be having them at all to be truthful.
But he honestly he doesn’t see his bimonthly cardiac arrests as that steep of a price to pay. (Honestly how can such a smart businessman be so dumb about his health. * face palming and baffled at the idiocy of it all *)
Now when alcohol is the subject of conversation, Vox takes a slightly different approach, albeit one still characterized by overindulgence.
You see, he prides himself on being the epitome of a charming, classy, and self-controlled casual drinker, compared to his drunkard of a pattern —Valentino— our lovely show host with anger issues and both inferiority and superiority complex is a sophisticated and savvy man.
However, beneath this facade of self-control, which he upholds quite well to the public eye, hides his obvious alcoholism issues.
While he may not be stumbling and blubbering around, picking fights,— in most instances at least— Vox is certainly what you might call a “day drinker."
In fact, this is actually a canonical trait, which was displayed in episode two of the show; Him discussing with others Vees on how to deal with the radio demon’s comeback, a drink in hand.
I presume thatit was a scotch on the rocks due to it’s colour but also it’s historical relevance in relation to Vox’s person— Scotch whisky poured over ice, gained popularity in the 1950s primarily in Western countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada.
It became a symbol of sophistication and leisure, often enjoyed in upscale bars, clubs, and lounges frequented by the affluent and fashionable crowd of the era.
Additionally, its popularity was bolstered by the rise of cocktail culture during the mid-20th century, as well as the increasing availability of Scotch whisky in international markets. — this fits quite nicely Vox’s character as it is both a drink of his time on earth but also one that remains relevant in the contemporary era.
It easily mirrors Vox's overarching desire to maintain relevance and significance, both in the present and in the ever-evolving future.
The overlord definitely adhere to ‘it’s five o’clock somewhere’ religiously. Though he does prefer to enjoy his daily drink around 5 p.m. PRT (Pride Ring Time).
He will occasionally enjoys a drink with his lunch, often opting for wine, although this isn't a regular occurrence for the man.
As someone constantly under stress, with his mind racing to keep up with the ever-changing trends and opinions in hell, Vox is a type to indulge in a nightcap or two before bed.
It helps him unwind and achieve the relaxed state of mind necessary for a restful night's sleep.
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 Sleep
While the notion of ‘Vox's dreams playing on his screen while he's asleep’ is an amusing concept for fanfiction or artwork, I personally find the idea of ‘the VoxTek logo bouncing around like the DVD logo’ to be more fitting for Vox.
Before delving further, it's important to note that initially, it wasn't necessarily the VoxTek logo projected on his screen; however, I'll address this shortly.
The reason I lean towards the DVD logo concept is because I find it unlikely that Vox's screen would be completely black during sleep. A completely dark screen would imply the device is completely off, no energy is being received or given by it, which would suggest that it is no longer alive. Having some activity on Vox’s screen while asleep would signify that his program is still active, indicating he's still functioning, essentially alive.
Now regarding the widely shared headcanon, I have my own personal take on it.
When Vox first manifested in hell, his 'real name' appeared on screen. By 'real name,' I mean the one he had on Earth, which I believe wasn't Vox —That name seems too futuristic for a person born in the early 1900s or the kind of name you'd associate with a 1950s businessman— Vox is a name he chose for himself after death, symbolizing a fresh start, though I do think that his real name might also have started with a V.
(This perspective extends to other 'Vees' as well, although Velvette seems more plausible as a given name, I suspect it might not be her original one. Valentino, on the other hand, feels like a name assigned to him, but he too might have adopted a new one after death.)
Initially, Vox was unaware of his old name appearing on his screen while he slept since he wasn't conscious during that time. It wasn't until about half a year into his time in hell, during which he introduced himself as Vox to everyone, that one of his acquaintances pointed out this aspect of his physiology. Something along the lines of "Who's V———?" or "Why does V——— show on your screen while you sleep?" triggered a cascade of reactions in him.
Firstly, he panicked, realizing that people had access to his old identity. Secondly, he was puzzled by this phenomenon since no TV he had encountered displayed such behavior, which was normal considering DVDs weren't invented before 1996. — Hell sure was weird, he possessed technological features as part of his physiology before they were even invented— Lastly, this revelation instilled in him a new fear of sleeping.
This behavior stemmed from Vox's desire to construct a fresh existence in hell, complete with a new identity, image, empire, etc. The thought of others accessing his old name and exploiting it to uncover details about his past, including his behaviors, weaknesses, and tactics, filled him with dread.
As a result, he became hyper-vigilant, refusing to sleep unless he was certain of his solitude, fearing the potential repercussions of his former identity being known.
It wasn't until the mid 1960s that Vox had finally managed to upgrade his system, replacing ‘V———‘ with 'Vox'. However, even after this upgrade, he still harboured reservations about sleeping around others for about a year or two. He feared a potential glitch that could revert his screen to displaying his previous name.
Around the late 1970s he had made an adjustment to this aspect of his body once more, replacing 'Vox' with the VoxTek logo after a certain moth had suggested it.
ᯓᡣ𐭩 Sexuality
Our beloved Tv Demon a canonical bisexual man, but I personally believe that while he may have bisexuality as his sexual orientation, — his attraction to men was something he only came to realize after death. Although there were subtle hints of his attraction to the same gender based on how he felt about them, he unfortunately didn't grasp them while still alive;
It would have been the late 1950s, and Vox had been in hell for about a year or two. In his earthly life, he had been with his fair share of women, and even in the "surprisingly not so fiery pits of the underworld," his ability to attract partners hadn't diminished much once got over his TV head appearance and let place for his charming and savvy persona to take over.
His love life seemed unchanged, perhaps with occasional exploration of new kinks, until that fateful night of October 11, 195X...
Vox had gone out for a drink after a grueling day at work, back when he was still toiling away at a low-paying job in an electronics factory, toasters, vacuum, etc. Despite the shitty work he had to go through, he had the perk of taking home broken scraps, which eventually played a role in his rise to success. But let's refocus on his night out, shall we?
He walked into his newfound favorite spot, a comedy bar where he sought solace in laughter and libations after a hard day. Arriving just as the performer began their set, he headed straight to the bar for his usual whiskey on the rocks, with nothing else on his mind. It wasn't until the comedian delivered a particularly hilarious joke that Vox turned to look at them and found his attraction piqued.
It was evident that they were a man with the specific style flashy outfit and makeup they wore. The voice was also a dead giveaway. The person now standing on stage, delivering one funny punchline after another, was a drag queen – a stunning one in Vox's eyes.
He couldn't tear his gaze away; there was something irresistibly captivating about the humorous individual on stage.
After the performance, as they made their way to the bar, Vox seized the opportunity. He introduced himself, and they exchanged pleasantries. They shared drinks and engaged in lively conversation, making for a truly enjoyable night that ended with a bang, quite literally.
In the morning, as clarity returned, Vox couldn't help but feel confused. He had never been attracted to men before, so he initially chalked it up to the alcohol or the fact that his night companion appeared so feminine that he mistook them for a woman.
However, as memories of the night flooded back, he couldn't deny his genuine attraction to every aspect of his partner, even the unmistakably male parts.
Initially, it felt strange to Vox as he reflected on the experience. However, after hours of deep contemplation, everything started to fall into place.
Vox realized he had always felt an affinity towards men, though expressing it as "liking men" might have appeared odd to outsiders. When he used that phrase, it wasn't in the context of sexual or romantic attraction but more of an admiration.
Yet, upon further reflection, he acknowledged that his feelings surpassed mere admiration.
He had never entertained the idea of it being anything akin to sexual or romantic attraction, but his recent encounter forced him to reconsider as he contemplated his life and the events of the previous night.
Vox liked men;
— Vox had always been drawn to the men of his time who exuded masculine confidence and assertiveness, finding their presence alluring and desiring to be in their company constantly.
He liked when they wore classic masculine fashion, such as tailored suits with narrow lapels, fitted jackets, and straight-leg trousers. These outfits oozed sophistication and professionalism, and Vox admired the attention to detail displayed.
Additionally, he liked when men would add classic accessories like fedora hats, skinny ties, cufflinks, and pocket squares to their outfit, they added to the polished and stylish appearance.
The preppy style also appealed to Vox, as he admired men who wore V-neck sweaters, button-down shirts, khaki trousers, and loafers. This style exuded a sense of casual elegance and refinement that he found attractive.
He also had a penchant for rebellious men who embraced a non-conformist aesthetic, often seen in leather jackets, denim jeans, white T-shirts, and motorcycle boots.
Vox liked when men were smart and witty, could keep up with the conversation and also teach something along the way.
Vox liked men who exuded strength and athleticism, finding their ability to handle themselves physically appealing. For instance, witnessing a fistfight between coworkers would stir his emotions, initially attributing his excitement to the violence of the altercation.
However, he would inevitably find himself gravitating towards the winner, intrigued by their display of strength and skill, and feeling drawn to them in some inexplicable way. There was something about winners that captivated him and sparked his desire to get closer to them.
He like men who were daring, adventurous, and unafraid to push boundaries, they appealed to his sense of excitement and thrill-seeking.
He liked men who were ambitious, goal-oriented, and willing to pursue their dreams with determination might have resonated with Vox on a subconscious level.—
After his one-night stand, Vox was determined to clarify things once and for all. Following another grueling day of work, he ventured out again, this time to a gay bar, seeking the company of someone who embodied the traits he found most appealing in men, wanting to ensure it wasn't just the alcohol or the femininity of his previous partner. Without delving into detail, let's just say he had quite the night and afterward, there was no doubt in his mind: ‘he liked women, and he definitely also liked men.’
Following that experience, Vox began seeing more individuals of the same gender. However, he still held onto the notion that while he might be attracted to men, he didn't believe he would be interested in them as anything more than sexual partners. That was until he met Alastor...
Initially, Vox approached the radio demon seeking friendship or perhaps a partnership, given Vox's burgeoning company and rising status as an overlord. However, he soon found himself enamored with Alastor. Unfortunately for Vox, his feelings were not reciprocated. After that, Alastor distanced himself from Vox, leading our TV host to regard his old love as an enemy.
In response to the rejection, Vox decided to cease seeing men altogether, engaging in a series of short-term relationships with women. However, he soon realized he was simply idealizing Alastor and shifted his focus from woman to men for meaningless relationships, attempting to prove to himself that any other man was better than "that Bambi bitch."
But this approach only intensified the emptiness he felt. Recognizing the detrimental effects of his frantic behavior on himself and his company, Vox resolved to regulate and get back on a more business focused path.
The fact that rumours began circulating about his supposed "homoerotic relationships," was also a big push into getting back on track, as a word like that getting out was detrimental to business, since being gay was still stigmatized even in hell, during this time period.
It was around the late 1970s, with the rise of gay rights activism, that Vox began publicly dating men. Coincidentally, this was also when he met and began his business partnership (and more) with Valentino.
𝜗𝜚˚⋆ Names
Vox has a penchant for using endearing or patronizing nicknames, regardless of the gender of his employees. He will refer to them as "sweetheart," "doll face," or simply "doll."
In moments of frustration or when faced with resistance, he's not shy about using terms like "little girl" or "little boy," or even "kid," to belittle those who question him.
Additionally, he might employ terms like "Princess" or "your highness" as forms of condescension, no matter the gender of the person he is addressing.
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𓊔 Party
Despite Vox's obsession with his and the Vees' image, when it comes to partying, he becomes a total animal — I’m talking ‘The Wolf of Wall Street’ type of wild.
Lavish gatherings marked by obscene spending and excessive drug intake, especially cocaine.
Vox typically indulged in doing lines off his desk or the luxurious crystal table in the lounge. However, what truly exited him was snorting lines off someone, getting his rocks off at their inability to refuse his advances and delighting in the control he exerted as he pinned them down to prevent any squirming.
The slight anxious tears and nervous mewls from whoever served as his snorting surface always stirred something within Vox. While he would grow irritated if they moved too much, the subtle signs of fear, such as the wetting of their eyes and trembling breath, would quickly reignite his unstable emotions. He found himself intensely aroused by their scared state, and more than once, he acted on these desires…
You were a VoxTek employee, more specifically; Vox’s secretary.
As Vox's secretary, navigating Alastor-related tantrums and enduring the grueling hours could be incredibly taxing, but the job itself had its perks.
Thanks to your position in the company, you enjoyed luxurious accommodations in the finest suites the V Tower had to offer.
Despite the challenges, Vox could be surprisingly pleasant, his charismatic charm reminiscent of his earlier days when his hypnosis wasn't as potent. And beneath the unconventional exterior of his TV head, there was no denying the appeal of his well-built physique.
Given the close proximity and constant interaction with Vox, it was inevitable to develop a small crush on your boss. His magnetic presence and the fact he was practically the only person you interacted with regularly since he requested you to work closer to him about three months ago only fueled this infatuation.
You liked your boss, but at this moment, you couldn't stand him;
It was 3 a.m. on a Sunday, the one day of the week you were supposed to have some semblance of off-time, with the luxury of sleeping in until noon.
But instead of enjoying your well-deserved rest in bed, you found yourself reluctantly entering the elevator, begrudgingly making your way to the usually closed-off top floor of the building.
Why? Because you had received a threatening and slightly slurry phone call from your boss, demanding your immediate presence or else face termination.
With your livelihood seemingly hanging in the balance, you complied without questioning, even though you loathed every second of it.
After punching in the code provided, you entered the lounge area of the top floor to find all three Vees lounging about. Valentino was enveloped in smoke, while music filled the air.
"Y/N! So glad you made it! Come 'ere," Vox exclaimed, his gestures frantic, urging you to approach quickly. He appeared laid-back, friendly, and strangely excited, a stark contrast to his usual demeanor of coldness and condescension.
Confusion clouded your expression as you approached the couch, unsure of what to make of Vox's sudden change in behavior. Velvette, noticing your bewilderment, chimed in with an explanation. "He took some MDMA before he called you — actually, he couldn't stop blabbing about your ass once that stuff kicked in," she divulged matter-of-factly, adding another layer of peculiarity to the already bizarre situation.
‘Ah, he’s high — that explains the weird friendliness.’ You thought to yourself.
But before you could dwell on it too long, Valentino's words snapped you out of your thoughts, "Yes, little Voxxy over there couldn't stop talking about how much he wanted his little secretary with him right here. He just had to call you, despite it being the middle of the night. I'm sorry you're losing your beauty sleep right now, cariño," he said, his tone tinged with insincerity from false remorse. A small chuckle escaped his lips as he finished speaking, adding to the surreal atmosphere of the moment.
“Val, Vel! You can’t tell them that! Or they’ll, they’ll… fuck!” Vox began to say, but something mid-sentence seemed to frustrate him.
Before you could question it for too long, Valentino answered that question for you. “They’ll figure out you have a little crush on them. Aww, don’t worry papi, it’s not like they can say no to you either way,” the moth darkly announced, frightening you, as it was technically true that you had to obey whatever order your boss gave you; it was in your contract after all.
To your somewhat relief, Vox scoffed at his part-time boyfriend's comment, as if to convey that he wouldn't behave in such a manner.
"Shut the fuck, Val!" Vox began, his frustration evident, before redirecting his attention back to you. "And you, lay down on the table." Confused by the request, you briefly wondered if he was joking, but the seriousness etched on his face made it clear that he wasn't. Resigned, you followed his instruction and laid down on the table as he commanded.
As soon as you complied, a smile spread across Vox's face. "Good, good. Now be a good little secretary and stay still as I do some lines off you, m'kay?" he instructed.
Before you could process anything or say something, he pushed your shirt all the way up, ending just under your chest, and tugged your bottoms down slightly — exposing your whole stomach.
Attempting to voice your discomfort, you were promptly shushed by Vox. "Shhh, you're being a table for me right now, and last time I checked, tables don't talk, now do they, sweetheart? So be a doll and shut up," he said, eliciting laughter from the two other Vees.
You complied with his instructions and remained silent as you felt him pour some powder onto your abdomen. Knowing the drugs he usually made you order on his behalf, it was probably coke.
With that, he quickly formed about three lines and began snorting them. The sensation felt odd and somewhat ticklish to you, but what you didn't expect was for him to lick the parts of your belly where the powder had just sat — long lines that started from top to bottom, causing you to squirm involuntarily.
Vox didn't appreciate your movement, because ‘how dare his table move?’. In response, he firmly gripped your waist on both sides and forcefully slammed your hips against the table as a warning to ‘stop moving’.
However, his claws dug into your skin, causing you to cry out slightly. Upon seeing the small tears in your eyes, his mood shifted once more, from aggravation to something more lustful.
He relished the sight of you with tears in your eyes, so he decided to inflict a bit more pain. With a predatory glint in his eyes, he bit at your sides, knowing that you couldn't retaliate due to the hierarchical difference between you.
His bites started from the top, gradually getting lower until they ended up just above your crotch. With a slight, heavy breathing, he remarked, "Now what do we have here? A snack for me? You shouldn't have." As he removed your bottoms, leaving you in your underwear, a slight moist patch formed due to the position you were in.
Sure, Vox was an entitled asshole, but god, did he look and sound incredible when he was being mean and bossy. How could you not get aroused, especially when his face and long tongue ass were so close to your intimate parts.
"You want me to play with you, darling?" Vox asked in a manner that almost made it feel like you had a choice. There was something about it that suggested he might respect your decision if you said no—sure, he wouldn't like it, but he definitely had this thing where he wanted you to want him, to beg for him, to need him. Forcing himself on you wouldn't align with that desire.
You nodded, but he tutted at you, wanting a verbal answer. "No, no, no, it's 'Could you please, sir?' or 'Would love to, Mr. Vox,' or 'Please, I need you, Vox.' You've got to speak up if you want me to do anything to you, got it, dollface?" he clarified, emphasizing the importance of explicit consent, whether it was due to genuine respect for your boundaries or just his enjoyment of your yearning for him, it was a bit unclear. However, knowing Vox, he probably just got off on your embarrassment.
"Yes, sir," you said, feeling embarrassed. "So? Do you want me to give some love to these," he asked, tracing the outline of your underwear, "lovely parts?" He perked up.
"I would love for you to, sir," you managed to speak out. With a 'perfect' from your boss, he was now eagerly devouring you with his tongue, sending small pleasurable shocks through you as he did. No part of you down there was left un-licked.
Just as you were about to reach that sweet, sweet release — Vox removed himself from you, causing you to whine at the loss of pleasure.
"Don't worry," he said, but before you could complain too much, Vox lifted you up and threw you onto the couch, your face soon hitting the satin pillows. As you heard the sound of his belt unbuckling, you felt your hips being repositioned, leaving you face down and ass up.
Vox quickly pumped his cock a few times, not needing much as it was already hard from the sight of you writhing due to his tongue. Getting close to your ear, he whispered, "Cuz I'm not done with you, dollface."
Then he promptly shoved himself inside of you. Thankfully, whatever he was doing with his tongue a couple of instances ago had prepped you, because, woof, did the stretch sting.
After giving you a few moments to adjust, he began pounding you into tomorrow, playing with your front and sending small shocks here and there. With no regard for his colleagues sitting right beside him —or should I say colleague, as in singular—Velvette had left as soon as he began working you with his tongue. However, Valentino remained, watching the scene unfold with keen interest.
Your soon came undone due to his rough ministrations, but he was far from done with you...
⫘⫘⫘ Ownership, ⛌⛌⛌ Humiliation & Collar
If you haven't already figured it out yet, Vox is a sadist. He thoroughly enjoys power dynamics and the act of humiliating others.
Continuing from the previous headcanon, picture yourself as either hired as his secretary or as a low-ranking demon in his company who catches his eye. If you're the latter, he'll undoubtedly arrange for you to be transferred to work closer to him.
But anyway, my point is, as soon as you're in his close proximity, he'll literally makes you his bitch on call in the blink of an eye. And obviously, you can't refuse because, one, he's your boss; two, he's an overlord; and three, he's Vox.
Who would refuse that hunk? Even if you weren't initially attracted to him, you'd find yourself becoming so after a couple of weeks, even if it's just some weird mild attraction—you're still into him.
Once he's got you in his grasp and has fucked you at least once, this is when he begins to play with you. He'll make you start wearing a vibrator under your clothes at work, ordering you to remove your clothing every morning and show him, to ensure you did it. Then he'd send you on your merry way.
If he wasn't physically with you, he'd be watching you through his cameras.
And every time you would be talking to someone and he deemed it too long, you weren't paying attention to him, or you were zoning out/getting distracted, he would turn the vibrator on to 'get you back on track'.
Though he did like to sometimes turn the vibrator on just to tease you. For example, you're in the middle of telling him about a shift in his appointment in a room full of people, and he would suddenly turn it on to fuck with you.
He also has a huge thing for pulling you by your soul chain. He just loves, loves, loves summoning it out of nowhere and just tugging you along with it.
For instance, you could be telling him about some issue concerning a recent project, and he would tell you to come closer so he could hear better.
As you walk closer towards his desk, he deems your pace too slow. Without warning, he summons and tugs at the chain around your neck, causing you to fall to the ground.
In an attempt to brace the fall, you put your arms out, catching yourself and ending up on all fours.
But as you try to get up, he would tut at you, ordering you to “Crawl to me.” You’re humiliated, but you still do it as he watches you like a hawk, a satisfied grin on his face.
If you also happen to scrape or bruise yourself when you fell and some small tears form in your eyes, let me tell you, he would get so bricked up as soon as he noticed them.
And of course, he would make you blow him, though it would end up with him face-fucking you, as it usually did.
He would also hold your head down as he dumped his cum down your throat, then he would pull your nose with his free hand, saying that “you don’t get to breathe until you’ve swallowed it all.” And of course, you would do it because you don’t want to literally choke to death on your boss’s dick.
Once he was sure you had swallowed it all, he would finally release you, allowing you to take some air in. Then he would make you stick out your tongue, and he would spit in your mouth, making you swallow that too.
𐂯 Training
He liked using small electrical charges as a ‘training method’, and this method has two stages. This would happen after he already had you as his personal toy— I mean, ‘secretary’.
At first, he uses electricity to reprimand you whenever you weren’t paying attention to him, questioned him, said no to things, or did anything that he considered as bad behaviour.
He would shock you, making you associate ‘bad behavior’ with pain, so you would end up automatically correct yourself before you even do or say something.
If you take a bit too long to ‘adjust’ to this new way of acting, he might resort to a little bit of hypnosis, but he would prefer not to.
He gets off on the fact that he can train you to behave just with his words and actions, without the help of any special ability.
Anyways, when he is sure that he has drilled into you what proper behavior is, he’ll employ phase two. He’ll start training you to enjoy the sting of his electricity.
So, whether he's fucking you, giving you head, touching you, or basically providing any sort of pleasure, every time you would be close to reaching your peak, he would send jolts of electricity through you, gradually increasing the dosage over time.
Things would get to the point that a small shock from him would be enough to get you turned on, and bigger shocks would be able to literally make you cum.
ฅ Pet
For the most part, he wouldn’t see secretary!reader as a partner. It’s only after a while, like a year or more, that he would start considering it.
He views them as his romantic interests, but not on his level. To keep face with the other Vees, even though they both knew about his crush from the beginning because he was so obvious with it, he would call you his pet.
Sometimes literal ‘pet names’ like puppy, kitty, bunny, etc. (Personally, I would love for him to call him his bunny <3.)
What he calls you all depends on your appearance and behaviors. For example, if you manifested with a more feline appearance, he would call you his kitten or kitty. If you didn’t have animal-like features but for example, were very needy, had a tendency to follow around, and were a sucker for praise, he would likely call you his puppy.
𓌏 Punishments
Besides using electric shocks, he is definitely into spanking as a form of punishment—whether it involves pulling down your pants or lifting your skirt, spanking you for every ‘transgression’ you’ve committed is something he’s totally down for.
It can be a really strange experience if you weren't a masochist to begin with because he'll end up having you conditioned to enjoy physical punishments;
For example, he would be spanking you, and you find yourself getting turned on, arousal literally leaking due to his rough treatment of your behind.
Edging and overstimulation are also big in his book, though each has its own set of circumstances where they would be implemented.
For instance, if you weren't paying attention to him because of someone else, he would overstimulate you to the point where you couldn't think about anyone but him, asserting his superiority over whoever had your attention.
If you weren't paying attention for any other reason, he would edge you, because ‘how dare you ignore him when he should be the most important to you!’.
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lovelytsunoda · 1 year
slumber party // lance stroll
summary: when lances wife gets sick the morning of their daughters sixth birthday party, he offers to step in and play host. but of course, that’s before he finds out that it’s a slumber party, and he’s stuck with an army of six year olds until ten am the next morning.
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the party was planned down to every painstaking detail so that it was perfect
right down to the princess decorations they started putting up a day early to the disney cake that chloe was making herself
it was going to be perfect
until y/n wakes up on the morning of with a blistering headache and nausea
she thinks they’re going to have to call off the party. she’s in no condition to handle a group of children
until lance steps in. he’ll call esteban and mick and between the three of them, they should be able to run a party without a hitch, right?
they all arrive at the same time, and when the girls go running into the naive living room and start setting sleeping bags up under the skylight, the panic in his eyes is evident
“did your wife not tell you it was a slumber party?”
“no, she did not.” he bites his lip, running his fingers through his hair. “but how hard can it be, right?”
The other mother just laughs before she goes back to her car
horrible decision, really, but he leaves esteban and mick in charge while he runs upstairs to check on y/n (and get more details on the slumber part of the party)
and when he comes back downstairs, the girls are crying and one of them is hiding under the couch
“i left you alone with them for five minutes, esteban! what did you do?”
esteban looks at the floor, and mick rolls his eyes.
“somebody thought it was a good idea to open the afternoon with scary stories.”
“esteban, they’re six!”
“one of the girls told him he looked like the rat from flushed away and he decided the best course of action was to tell her that the house was haunted and micheal meyers would get her in her sleep.”
“this house was built in 2017 and I’m pretty sure nobody died here!”
he puts on an old barbie movie, and the girls calm down enough that they sit on the floor to eat party mix and gummy bears while the boys go over the game plan in the kitchen.
“what did you like doing when you were six?” lance asks desperately “there has to be something!”
“karting.” esteban shrugs.
“i cannot take ten six year olds to the karting track.”
but that gives him a different idea
which is how they end up in the simulator room trying to load Mario kart instead of the fia approved programming
which turns into an all out war between the girls
more like the army of six year olds against estie lance and mick
lance definitely lets his daughter win
chloe drops by dressed head to toe like a disney princess and brings the cake
scotty brings pizza
please please please imagine lance giving all these little girls princess manicures
his daughter defo makes him wear a plastic tiara
when the kids finally conk out and go to sleep around nine thirty (and esteban because he’s fucking tired), he goes upstairs to check on his wife while mick starts to clean up
she’s curled up in bed with the dog, buried under blankets
but she could hear the laughter coming up through the floor
“the girls are having a great time, honey.” she says sleepily, pulling him into bed with her “you guys are doing a great job.”
“i know. but please, for the love of god, never leave me in charge of a slumber party again. also, you might need to explain to mike and my dad why a ton of six year olds were using the sim to play mario kart.”
@magnummagnussen @libraryofloveletters @oconso @scuderiamh @sidcrosbyspuck @thatsdemko @httpiastri @clemswrld @diorleclerc @lorarri @cartierre
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skzdarlings · 2 years
01. sharing a bed series ; skz ; chan
sharing a bed series part 1/8. because it's the cheesiest most classic trope and it's FUN. -
pairing: bang chan/reader content info: sexual content. friends2lovers, sharing a bed trope. chan's baby girl agenda. accidental boners, horny embarrassed reader. chan is a tease n a dork. :)
You let yourself into Chan’s room, expecting to find him awake and working despite the hour.   Whenever you sleep over, your friend is more than happy to let you sleep in his bed when you can’t get comfy on the couch.   Many nights have passed that way, nestled under his blankets and falling asleep to his typing and clicking and absent-minded humming.   He likes to work through his nights so you sleep until morning then leave when he turns in.  
He must have been tired tonight.  His laptop is shut, the room dark save for the flickering lights of his computer station.  Chan is in bed already, laying with his back to you and the blankets tucked around him.  He is so sound asleep that he didn’t hear your gentle knocks. 
You feel bad for disturbing him now.   Commandeering his bed is a little different when he is already in it.
You turn to leave when the blankets rustle behind you.  Chan’s groggy voice breaks through the silence, a raspy, “Baby girl?  That you?” 
Maybe it’s the cold floor under your bare feet, maybe it’s the late hour, or maybe it’s the roughness in his voice, but despite how many times Chan has playfully and affectionately called you baby girl, this time a little shiver brushes up your spine. 
You turn back around, wrapping your arms around yourself.   Thanks to the faint light from his work area, you can see Chan clearly even in the dark.  He has rolled onto his back and is rubbing a hand over his face. 
“Sorry, Channie,” you whisper.  “You sleep.  It’s fine.” 
His blanket slips down his bare chest and he drops his arm, looking at you with crinkled, sleepy eyes.  His curly hair is an endearing mess, though your eyes go a little lower when the blanket falls to his waistline.  You quickly look away from his abdomen to his sleepy eyes.  He squints at you as he adjusts to the darkness.  
“Everything all right?” he asks, still groggy. 
“Yeah, don’t worry,” you say, as if that has ever stopped Chan from worrying anyway. 
He is a little more awake now, his brow pinching as he looks at you.  All at once his face goes slack with realization.  A smile pushes at his dimples. 
“Right,” he says.  “The couch sucks, yeah?  Sorry, wasn’t thinking—”
“Don’t apologize,” you say with a little laugh.  “It’s your bed.” 
“Auuggh,” he says with faux-agony, “I’m such a bad host.” 
You cannot hide your amusement, smiling when he slaps a melodramatic hand over his heart.  As usual, the goofball makes himself giggle with his dumb little theatrics, the sound twinkling in its delight.  Your heart skips a beat.  
“All right,” he says.  “No worries.  Big bed.  You wanna share?” 
It isn’t really a question because he doesn’t wait for an answer, flipping open the covers for you to slide in. 
When you step towards the bed, he throws up a cautionary hand and laughs again.
“Sorry, uh, just wait one second,” he says.  “I’m not, uh, technically decent.”
Your eyes drop again.  The blankets only just reach his hips and when he shifts to get out of bed, it becomes abundantly clear that Chan is completely naked under the covers.   You very nearly choke on your own spit, swallowing hard as your frantic eyes dart around his body. 
He is seemingly oblivious to your startled state, turning his back to you as he steps out of the bed.  The sheet slips smoothly off his body.
You spin around to give him some privacy.  This plan fails spectacularly as his closet door is a big mirror and you end up looking at him through it. 
He is nonchalant, walking up to his dresser.  You know you shouldn’t stare but you do, eyes on the breadth of his shoulders, the definition of his arms, going down his sturdy back to his ass where you linger a beat longer, then diving down his strong thighs until the view is blocked by his bed.   You watch him step into a pair of boxers, doing a little jump before snapping the band around his hips.  He turns around and you quickly close your eyes, grateful he cannot hear your heart going a mile a minute. 
“All right,” he says pleasantly. “All good now.  Come on.” 
He gets in the bed first and holds it open for you.  He is smiling so sweetly and you feel like the world’s nastiest, horniest monster, gawping at him as you stumble to the bed.  You try not to think about how he was naked between these sheets just moments ago.  
Somehow, you slide into the bed without making a huge fool of yourself.  You even manage to settle down, albeit stiffly.  So stiffly that Chan notices and laughs again, that same bubbly giggle as he reaches out to tweak your nose. 
“Y’okay?” he asks, his bare face so open and sweet that you melt with both affection and embarrassment. 
“Mhm,” you lie.  Your heart skips another beat when your leg brushes his under the covers. 
“C’mere, silly,” he says, wrapping his arm around you and tugging you across the bed.   You go with a squeak of surprise, planting your face in his bare chest.   “Better?” he asks.
It requires some manoeuvring, but you do get semi-comfortable.  It is difficult to feel completely at ease when you are also lit up like a firework, very aware of all the places your body is touching his.   Your faces are close, your hand on his chest, his hand on your hip.  And something else is uncomfortably lodged between your lower halves—
Your mouth rushes ahead of your brain and you say, “Wait, what’s that?” 
As if you think he dropped something in the bed between you. 
As if that could be anything but his dick.   
His startled expression speaks volumes.  His nervous, flustered laugh says even more.  You have to physically restrain yourself from digging a hole through the bed to die inside. 
In your marginal defense, why would you expect Chan to be sporting a semi for no apparent reason?   Your shorts are pretty short and you have nothing on under your little tank top, but what sort of crazy wishful thinking is that?  That Chan reciprocates all your horny pining? 
You suppose there is some hard evidence.   So to speak. 
“Sorry,” he says, his hand lifting away from your waist.  “I didn’t, uh, sorry, wanna make you feel—”
“Oh, no, no, it’s fine, it’s fine,” you say quickly.  You feel so, so hot, and you aren’t sure if it’s embarrassment or desire.   At any rate, it makes you even stupider.  “It’s all good,” you say.  “I like it!”
I like it??? 
He is clearly computing that, looking more confused than embarrassed now. 
“You… like it,” he says slowly. 
“What I mean by that,” you say, “is that I… like… it.”  Nice recovery.
“I see.”  He looks amused now, his dimples deepening.  “That clarifies things.  Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.  Any time.” 
“You look a little embarrassed,” he says, touching your chin to tilt your face up to his.  It forces you to look directly at him as he studies your expression.  His intensity makes thinking of a response impossible.  He smiles all-too knowingly at you.  “C’mon,” he says, his voice a little lower. “It’s just me, baby girl.  You don’t have to be shy.”   
Uh oh, you think, looking at his alarmingly competent smoulder, Chan might be secretly evil.   
Maybe not secretly.  And maybe too affectionate to be pure evil.   But he holds your chin and guides your face, turning it away so he can kiss your cheek.  Your eyes close and you fight a moan, because moaning at a cheek peck would just be ridiculous. 
Then he kisses a spot a little lower on your jaw, then below your ear.  His tongue flicks at the shell of your ear at the same time his hand slides under the covers to cup your hip again.   You let yourself moan this time, a sweet little hum that he returns when you press yourself closer to him.  You feel his dick twitch in his boxers, practically demanding your attention.  You let your hand drift downward. 
“Can’t believe you’re secretly evil,” you murmur, making him laugh.  “Don’t laugh.  You are.  I hate you.” 
“Really?” he says, with all the cockiness of a man who already knows the answer.   He doesn’t wait for it, his hand swiftly moving to cup you between your legs.  His knuckle rubs softly against your pussy, so hot and wet that he can undoubtedly feel it through the fabric.   “Sorry, baby,” he says, very unserious, “but I don’t think all of you hates me.”  
“Mean, mean, mean—”
He can’t help but giggle at you, somewhat juxtaposed to the way he is rubbing you through your clothes. 
“Damn,” he says, a breathy sound.  You are panting against his open mouth already.  “Need it bad, don’t you, baby?  Who did this to you?”
“Some mean tease,” you say.  “Been into him all this time and he never did a thing.”
“What a fucking idiot.”
“His loss.” 
You both have a stupid little giggle before you finally touch him in return.   His breath catches.  
Your mouths are close, so close that it makes your clit throb under his knuckle, so close that he is straining the material of his boxers.   His hand jumps up, leaving you torturously bereft, but then he slides that hand into your shorts to touch you directly.  He kisses you at the same time, swallowing down all your sweet sounds as he licks into your mouth.  
“I got you,” he says, a lovely sentiment that is followed by a very hot, filthy lick into your mouth.  He moans into it, then kisses you nicely. “I always got you.”
Your hand stutters to a stop because he has you close, so close, so quickly.  Your orgasm washes over you with unexpected swiftness, your whole body arching against his as you come.   
“That’s it,” he says, his hand steady as he brings you over.  “That’s my girl.  Got you.”    
You wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him in for another kiss.  You think about all those cozy nights you spent snuggled up in this spot, the way Chan worries about you no matter what you say, his thoughtfulness and attentiveness and protectiveness. 
I got you. 
Knowing it’s true, you smile and kiss his smile in return.    
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clarisse0o · 29 days
Camp Wiegman-Part 51
Lucy Bronze x Ona Batlle
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Alternative Universe: Military School
Words: 5K
Saturday, February 13; 09:00 AM - Hotel
Lying in the hotel bed, I enjoy the kisses and cuddles Lucy is giving me. We’ve been lounging in bed for a good half hour now. Neither of us has found the courage to get out.
“So, snowmobiling is on the agenda for today?” I ask her between kisses.
“Yeah. We’ll go up the mountain. There’s a little village. You’ll see, the scenery is amazing. You’re going to love it.”
“It’s already beautiful here. We’re surrounded by mountains.”
“It’s even more beautiful up there, trust me.”
I smile as she trails her fingers across my belly. It’s bare, the fabric she pulled up earlier exposing it. She wanted to check the state of my bruises. They’re not very pretty, but I’m glad they’re starting to fade. It was about time, especially since I’m not in as much pain anymore.
“We’ll have to get up,” I say.
“I know.”
Last night, after dinner, we arranged to meet at the restaurant at ten. We had just finished the debriefing where everyone shared what they wanted to do this week. Jenni volunteered to organize the activities since she had been here before. Nothing was planned in advance, but we promised to do as much as possible. Everyone preferred to plan day by day, which is better since we’ll never know in advance what state we’ll be in. That’s why we’re starting with a late wake-up, as requested by some who love to sleep in. The idea was agreed upon after Aitana suggested we have brunch and skip lunch. I groan as I feel Lucy getting out of bed. She smiles at me in a strange way.
“What’s up?”
“There’s something I’d really like to do this week.”
“What’s that?”
“The big bathtub in the bathroom has been calling to me since yesterday.”
Her suggestion intrigues me in an odd way. I’m afraid I know what she’s hinting at. The bathtub is indeed large and could easily fit both of us. There are even jets, like in jacuzzis, that we could probably turn on.
“Before you panic, it’s not about rushing things, but... I’d like us to do couple things this week, you know? This is probably the best time to deepen our intimate relationship. We might not have time to do the same on our next vacation before the big stress of your exams.”
I sigh and nod. I know exactly what she means. Next week will likely be devoted to my studies and my brother if my mom agrees to let him come. Lucy has agreed to host him if my mom gives the okay. Then classes will resume. I’ll have a break in April, but I doubt it’ll be very restful between Easter and preparing for my exam in May.
“Okay, why not,” I say nervously.
“We don’t have to be naked if the idea makes you uncomfortable,” Lucy adds. “We can wear our swimsuits.”
A smile forms on her lips as the pressure I was feeling suddenly dissipates. This way, the idea seems much more appealing. I’m glad I listened to her and brought my swimsuit after all. Maybe she had planned this bath from the start. If I’m honest with myself, it’s something I’ve always wanted to do with someone. My last shared baths were either in childhood or with Joan. While still intimate, it’s a different kind of experience.
“I’d really enjoy that.”
“Cool,” she says, excited. “We’ll do it after a tiring day.”
I giggle and nod. I have no doubt we’ll have plenty of those in the coming week. Nothing has been planned in advance, but in the snow, I don’t think activities will be lacking.
“We could also go to the hotel pool sometime,” I suggest. “You told me there was one, and it was nice.”
“We will, don’t worry,” she smiles. “Okay, I’m going to take a shower.”
She kisses me before locking herself in the bathroom. I groan as I hide under the covers. I’ve never had a life as perfect as this. It makes me realize that my happiness revolves entirely around Lucy. Without her, I’d be nothing. I owe her everything. I pull the covers off due to lack of air and decide to get up too. I quickly choose my clothes before she returns. I decided to borrow one of Lucy’s black sweatshirts. I hope she won’t mind. I also took a turtleneck to layer up since I’m still not used to the cold. For the bottom, I opted for jeans. Lucy comes out a few minutes later, wrapped only in a towel.
“I forgot my clothes,” she explains. “The bathroom’s all yours.”
I hurry to escape the sight of her beautiful athletic body. Why couldn’t I inherit that from my dad? He was well-built too, considering his job. I shower quickly without washing my hair, then get ready. The sweatshirt fits me perfectly. It’s a bit loose, but I guess Lucy wears it that way. Good, because I don’t like tight clothes. I finish applying mascara and fix my hair to make it look decent.
“Looks like being late isn’t your thing anymore,” Lucy comments when I return.
“Apparently not,” I reply with a smile.
“Does my sweater suit you?” she asks, raising an eyebrow. “I’ve been looking for it everywhere. I thought I’d lost it because of you.”
“Oh... Sorry. Do you want it back? I can wear something else if you want.”
“It’s fine, Ona,” she giggles, placing her hands on my waist. “It’s actually nice seeing you in my clothes.”
She murmurs against my lips before kissing me tenderly. I practically melt under her touch. I deepen our kiss, which warms me up quickly. So quickly that I force myself to pull away a little too abruptly.
I feel uneasy. I’ve never stopped one of our kisses before. Of course, I’ve been hesitant about some of her advances, but never a kiss that was a bit too intense.
“Hey, you have nothing to be sorry about,” she says softly, caressing my cheek.
“You have too much of an effect on me,” I half-joke.
“Glad to hear it,” she chuckles. “It’s okay, alright?”
I bite my lip and nod. She’s so sweet to me. She smiles before kissing my forehead. I close my eyes, appreciating the contact. I hate that I’m so nervous about such simple things.
“Let’s go. We’re going to show Jenni that we can be the first ones downstairs.”
I laugh as I follow her to the door. It’s a little before ten when we arrive at the restaurant, holding hands. We’re indeed the first ones at the table from yesterday. We take our seats and wait for the others to arrive.
“The wake-up call must have been tough for some. Don’t you think?”
“Oh yeah,” I giggle.
I can already imagine what Mapi must have looked like upon waking up. She’s never been much of a morning person. Kind of like me, actually. I wasn’t before my new routine. I guess her friends must be the same if she’s asking me.
“Was your routine different before I arrived at school?” I ask curiously.
“A bit,” she admits. “I used to wake up at five-thirty and go to bed a little after ten.”
“Ouch. You’re crazy!”
“A little, I admit. I sleep more now, but I liked having peace for my runs,” she shrugs.
“Waking up at five-thirty definitely gives you that. Speaking of running... I’d like to start again. If you’re up for it, of course.”
A sly smile spreads across her lips. I bite my lip as I feel her hand on my thigh. She leans in slowly, as if trying to unsettle me, which she does perfectly. My cheeks flush.
“Is there a particular reason for this decision, Princess?”
“I don’t know... To spend time together...?”
My excuse is not at all convincing, and she knows it by the way she laughs.
- "You hate running. Be honest, please," she insisted with an even bigger smile.
- "You know why..."
- "I want to hear you say it."
- "You're really mean."
- "It's not mean," she giggled. "Come on, tell me."
- "Alright," I cleared my throat. "Maybe because I want to stay in shape? That's how you say it, right?"
She started laughing, making me feel even more uncomfortable. It's so embarrassing for me to talk to her about this. I want to get back into shape partly because of her, but also for myself. I’ve never felt completely comfortable in my own skin, and she seems amused by it.
- "You're perfect just the way you are, my love. You don’t need any ‘maintenance,’" she teased, miming air quotes. "And that’s your girlfriend talking."
I can't quite describe how I feel right now. She never uses pet names, and here she’s giving me a whole sentence’s worth. I must be as red as a tomato by now.
- "We’ll find other ways to spend time together. You have your activities, and I have mine. It’s like if I told you I wanted you to help me paint a picture."
- "That’s not the same," I chuckled.
- "Yes, it is. We’re both disasters in each other’s hobbies."
- "Alright… I get it," I mumbled.
- "You're beautiful, never doubt that. I’ll be here to remind you if you do."
I took a deep breath and nodded, then leaned in to kiss her. She’s so patient with me, it makes me want to open up even more. We picked up where we left off with our earlier kiss, and this time, I didn’t pull away. It felt like I was rediscovering her lips, her mouth, her tongue... Unfortunately, a throat-clearing interrupted us, forcing us to part reluctantly.
- "Well, things are heating up here!"
I didn’t need to look to know who it was—only my best friend would make such a comment. She sat down across from us, grinning widely. I raised an eyebrow just as Lucy draped her arm over my shoulders.
- "Here or in your bed last night?"
My girlfriend’s question wiped the smile right off her face, while Ingrid laughed beside her.
- "Is it that obvious?" Mapi asked.
I was initially taken aback by her response, but quickly started to laugh, realizing who I was talking to. My God, I can't believe it! They’ve been together for less time than us and already spent the night together. I’m not surprised by Mapi, though. When we were together, she was ready pretty quickly, unlike me. Despite her open-mindedness, she seemed embarrassed at being caught so easily by my girlfriend’s joke.
- "No, b-but—"
- "Stop. You’re not convincing anymore," Lucy laughed.
I joined in, seeing the pouty face she made. Meanwhile, Ingrid didn’t seem the least bit embarrassed by the conversation. She just smiled, patting my best friend’s shoulder as she crossed her arms.
- "Well, we’re consenting adults after all!" she replied, no longer trying to hide.
- "Now that you know how our night went, how was yours?" Ingrid asked us.
- "Not much different from any other night together," I replied.
- "We’re pretty patient," Lucy added with a hint of humor.
I bit my lip, glancing at her out of the corner of my eye. She seemed totally relaxed about the subject, unlike me. Yet, I enjoy every night I spend with Lucy, especially last night when we stayed up late watching a movie and cuddling. It was the first time we were free from obligations. We’re settling into habits, like how it’s usually Lucy who holds me in her arms. It happens the other way around sometimes, but it’s rarer. What troubles me is not knowing how long Lucy will be okay with this pace. I know she’ll never pressure me, but she might expect more in a few months, and I hope I’ll be ready for her by then. These thoughts occupied me as our table gradually filled up. Everyone seemed in a good mood, despite the fact that waking up must have been harder for some. Like me, the excitement of the day must be taking over. Our breakfast was cheerful, with Lucy’s friends welcoming Mapi, Alexia, and me as if we’d always been part of their group. I indulged in a real feast, starting with my usual hot chocolate and a pastry. Since we’re skipping lunch, I also had two slices of toast with jam and Nutella, and I couldn’t resist taking some fruit salad after seeing Lucy’s. My choices seemed meager compared to her balanced meal. I can see now how she maintains that dream body. Maybe I should reconsider my diet before thinking about exercising. During the meal, I learned that Ale had never really hung out with this group. Lucy was partly to blame, as she didn’t want to mix her private life with work. It’s ironic now that we’re together. Maybe our situation made her reconsider hers. In any case, I’m glad she’s here for this trip. Alexia has become a great friend, and I really like her. It was a little after ten-thirty when we decided to leave. No one was in a rush, which was good. After all, we’re on vacation.
- "Alright, let’s meet downstairs in ten minutes, okay?" Caroline asked.
- "Yeah. That’s enough time to gear up," Ingrid replied.
- "I made reservations for the snowmobiles," Jenni announced. "We’ll have to pick up the keys. I got five since there are ten of us. Does that work for everyone?"
No one had any objections. We’d be two per vehicle, which was fine by me. I wasn’t sure I knew how to drive one of those things, so I was glad to be with Lucy, who probably knew how it worked. We split up to head back to our rooms, agreeing to meet at the reception in an hour.
- "Did you put anything under your jeans?" she asked me when we got to our room.
- "No, why?"
- "I recommend wearing tights or leggings. It’s really cold outside. We’re in the negatives, so you’ll freeze if you stay like that."
I grumbled, but her advice was sound. I took off my jeans as she suggested and sat on the bed. I waited while Lucy rummaged through our closet. She finally handed me a pair of leggings and some joggers that were clearly wider than the jeans I’d chosen that morning.
- "Here, put these on too."
She handed me some snow boots. It seemed she knew how to gear up better than I did. She must have packed for both of us when she did her luggage. She sat next to me to put on hers.
- "Did you buy these just for me?" I asked, surprised.
- "No, they’re my old pair," she smiled. "They’ll do for this trip. I knew you wouldn’t think of this sort of thing. I didn’t either the first few times I encountered snow."
- "Oh... I thought you just assumed I was forgetful."
- "You *are* forgetful," she giggled. "But it’s adorable. I’ve always loved that about you."
- « That’s not really a good quality… »
«  Who said it had to be? Perfect people are boring. I had a girlfriend who thought she was perfect and knew everything. Believe me, every moment I spent with her was dull," she said, getting up. 
- I guess all that’s left is for me to distract you with my flaws.
- I guess so, she laughs, zipping up her jacket.
I put on mine and grab my gloves. I’d better not wear them yet; otherwise, I won’t be able to do anything.
- I feel like I’ve gained ten pounds with all these layers of clothes, I say, looking at myself.
- Trust me, you’ll be glad you’re dressed like that once we’re outside.
- No doubt about that.
I’ll be glad when we get there because I’m starting to feel warm with all these clothes. We tidy up the clothes lying around before heading back downstairs. Once again, we’re the first to arrive, but Jenni and Alexia quickly join us. Lucy leaves me to go with Jenni to the counter to get the keys. I smile at Alexia as she comes over to keep me company. She gives me a playful nudge.
- So, how’s it going with the Commander?
I smile, glancing over at Lucy, who’s talking to the young receptionist from yesterday. The poor guy looks super uncomfortable, and I can understand why. Lucy always has an impressive presence, no matter who she’s talking to. I nod to Ale and shift my gaze back to her.
- Yeah... More than well.
- If anyone had told me one day that the great Bronze would be dating a student, I’d have laughed out loud... But I’m happy for you; you deserve it. She seems like a good person, against all odds.
- She is. She helps me with a lot of things.
No one has ever understood me like she does, and never, ever, has anyone stood up to me the way she does. She opened my eyes, and now she’s the person who knows me best. I want to share all this with Ale, but I don’t say anything. Lucy is different from the others, and I intend to keep her to myself.
- Well, ladies, why the long faces?
Mapi comes between us, putting her arms around our shoulders.
- If anyone had told me I’d be here with you in a place and situation like this, I wouldn’t have believed it, she comments.
I guess everyone is thinking the same thing. I watch as Lucy walks over to us with a smile. She dangles some keys on her fingertips as she reaches me. I try to grab them, but she closes her hand around them.
- Not so fast, she smiles.
- Can I drive? I ask.
- Hmm... she pretends to think about it. No.
- Please!
I jump up to try and grab the keys, but Lucy laughs and keeps them out of my reach.
- Do you even know how to drive one of these things?
- Well... no. But it can’t be that hard...
- You think so? She raises an eyebrow.
- Teach me then, I pout. I heard you’re a good teacher.
- We’ll see, she laughs. Come on, get geared up so we can go outside.
I exaggerate my pout as I zip up my jacket. Now I’m completely bundled up. She pulls my cheeks to get one of my smiles before taking my hand. We follow an employee to a kind of shed next to the hotel. It’s filled with snowmobiles, but also sleds and a ton of other equipment. I didn’t realize snowmobiles were so big. I’m starting to doubt if I want to drive one. He gives us each a helmet. Lucy is the first to finish getting ready and then comes to my rescue, pushing my helmet down onto my head. She asks me to step outside so we don’t clutter up the shed. I listen and am quickly joined by my friends. I smile when the first snowmobile comes out and stops in front of me. I guess it’s Lucy. She surprises me by scooting back on the seat and patting the spot in front of her.
- Really?
- Hurry up before I change my mind.
I climb on in front, not without some trepidation. The urge to drive has returned. I can barely feel Lucy against my back because of all our layers of clothing.
- Ready to learn?
- Mm-hmm.
She shows me the throttle on the handlebar. As she explains, it doesn’t seem too complicated. At least, I get it quickly. It’s no surprise Lucy can drive one. It must be similar to a motorcycle.
- Got it?
- Yeah, yeah.
- Go ahead, try it. Move up to that tree over there, she says, pointing to the farthest one in front of us.
I nod and work the throttle. I pull it so fast that we’re both thrown backward. The fear of having done something wrong makes me let go of the handlebar. Luckily, Lucy catches it before we end up crashing, then slows the snowmobile down. I lean against her in embarrassment when I hear her laughing.
- Are you trying to kill us?
I hear the others laughing behind us as we come to a stop. She puts her hand on my waist, pulling me even closer to her, if that’s possible.
- Sorry, I mumble.
- It’s okay, baby. Put your hands on the handlebar; I’ll help you.
- I’m not sure this is a good idea after all...
I bite my lip, ready to really give up on driving. Our safety comes before a little moment of fun.
- It is, she says, placing her hand on my thigh. I’m here, don’t worry.
Her voice is calm and very reassuring. She has confidence in me. I close my eyes for a moment, letting out a sigh, then place my hands on the handlebar with the last bit of courage I have. Her hands immediately cover mine. If we didn’t have helmets on, I’m sure I’d feel her breath on me, given our proximity. She asks if I’m ready before gently pressing the throttle with our hands. The start is much smoother than before. She gradually removes her hand so I can take full control. I tense up a bit, but it quickly dissipates when she reminds me of her presence by holding onto my waist. She then asks me to stop just a bit before the tree she pointed out earlier. I take advantage of the stop to see Alexia going through the same learning process with her girlfriend, which makes me smile.
- Don’t get distracted. Turn around.
- OK, I grimace with apprehension.
I guess she wants me to get used to it. I turn right like Ale, while Jenni practices on the other side. This time, I manage to control the throttle correctly. I move forward to the shed where the guys are waiting for us. I wondered where Mapi was until I saw her farther away, practicing as well. Seeing us must have given them the idea. The employee who accompanied us closes the shed with a smile. The scene must be amusing for him. He walks over to talk to Lucy.
- The reservation is for the whole day, right? he asks.
- We booked until tonight, yes. We’ll probably be back by late afternoon.
- Okay. I recommend coming back before nightfall. It’s likely to snow again tonight.
- No problem. It’ll probably be around four. We need to check in at the reception, right?
- Exactly. Someone will come to open the shed before taking the keys.
- No problem.
- Have a good day.
- Thanks.
He finally heads back to the hotel, leaving us to gather with the others to discuss our plans. As expected, we’re going to cross the mountain to reach the village. According to Jenni, there’s an easy path specifically for snowmobiles. I was a bit hesitant, but Lucy reassured me, saying she’d take over if I didn't feel comfortable at any point. I don’t want to seem like a coward, so I’m hoping it’ll be fine. Alexia and Jenni are leading the way since they seem familiar with the route. We’re following right behind them. Honestly, I would have preferred to be further back, considering my lack of experience. I’m worried about slowing the group down, although I doubt Lucy would let that happen. At least I won’t get lost. Alexia is having a blast, zigzagging along the path. As for me, I’m just glad the road is as manageable as they said. For now, we’re not climbing much, and the pace suits everyone. I’d like to enjoy the scenery, but I feel like I need to keep my eyes on the road.
"Are you okay?" Lucy asks after a while.
"Yeah, yeah."
"Relax a bit," she says, resting her hands on my thighs. "You’re tense. Nothing’s going to happen, you know."
"I know..."
"Good. Do you want to pass them?" she suggests.
"What? Why? Jenni knows the way."
"I know it too," she chuckles.
"Oh... Well, if you want... Go ahead, then. I don’t feel up to it."
"Are you sure?"
"Of course. You deserve to have some fun too."
I don’t have to tell her twice. She moves closer to reach the handlebars. I would’ve moved my hands, but she places hers over them, just like earlier. Without warning, she gives the snowmobile a quick burst of speed, veering left. The sudden move makes me bump into her chest. Lucy must have expected it because she doesn’t budge an inch. She gives a little wave to Alexia and Jenni as we pass them on the right, then speeds up a bit more to overtake them. Her light laughter fills my ears, making me smile. I love discovering these new sides of her. She’s full of surprises. I didn’t expect her to enjoy the adrenaline rush, though I probably should have. Behind us, I hear indignant shouts—they clearly didn’t expect us to pass them. I can easily imagine Lucy’s proud grin right now.
"Enjoy the view, Ona."
"You can speed up if you want."
"Really?" she asks, sounding surprised.
"Yeah. Go for it. Like I said, you deserve to have fun too, and I know how much you love these machines."
She chuckles, making me smile. It’s not every day we get to ride a snowmobile, after all. Besides, I trust her completely. I’d be ready to close my eyes just to prove it. I feel so safe with her. Even with the increased speed, I can still take in the surrounding scenery. The landscape is covered in snow—it’s beautiful. We even get a few rays of sunlight, though the hotel employee mentioned more snow is expected later. I guess that means everything will soon be covered, so I might as well enjoy the view while I can.
"It’s beautiful, isn’t it?"
"Yeah... It’s stunning."
Two paths lie ahead of us, and Lucy takes the one on the right. From here, the road becomes steeper, but she keeps the pace steady. I’m amazed at how well she handles the snowmobile, even in these conditions. She really controls it like a pro. For someone from Australia, it’s impressive. You’d think she’d be more skilled on a surfboard... though I don’t doubt she can master that too. The road eventually improves, though it becomes a bit narrower. I’m relieved not to be driving anymore. After a while, we finally reach the end of the path. Lucy had some playful moments when the others tried to overtake us near the end. Unfortunately for them, they were up against someone stronger. We arrive at the village Lucy mentioned. It’s tiny, which makes it feel very cozy. We decide to park in front of a small café. I’m the first to get off the snowmobile. I take off my helmet and gloves, eager to feel a bit of freedom. Besides, I’ve been dying to kiss Lucy for a while now. She smiles at me as she approaches.
"Everything okay?"
I cradle her face and press my lips to hers. She’s surprised at first, but she soon gives in, letting me lead. I can feel her smile against my lips, which makes me smile too.
"I didn’t know you were such a good driver," I murmur.
"And you haven’t even seen all of her skills," Jenni comments from behind me. "She held back today," she laughs.
"You have to be reasonable when you’ve got someone with you," Lucy smiles, wrapping an arm around my waist.
I silently thank her for holding back for my sake. I wasn’t very comfortable at first, but I started to enjoy it when she took over.
"I did tell you you could let loose."
She smiles and kisses my cheek.
"Believe me, I enjoyed having you cuddled up against me more than speeding around like crazy."
I blush slightly. I didn’t realize she was so romantic, if I can call it that. Not that I mind.
"I enjoyed it too," I admit. "But I’d love to see playful Lucy on the way back. That was fun too."
"Oh really?" she chuckles. "I suppose you might see her again."
"And don’t hold back this time."
"Are you sure that’s what you want? You won’t last five minutes."
I open my mouth in protest before playfully hitting her arm. Judging by her expression, she really believes that.
"Of course I will! What do you take me for?!"
"I know you better than you think..."
"Okay, we’ll see who’s right," I say, crossing my arms.
"Very well," she replies with a challenging glint in her eye.
She’s going to see! I’m not a coward. I’m sure I can handle her speed all the way back to the hotel.
"Show me what you’ve got instead of treating me like a wimp."
Our friends let out some teasing "oooohs," but Lucy just laughs, unfazed.
"You won’t be disappointed," she murmurs playfully.
After our little chat, we join the others, who are gathered by a safety railing. I understand why when I see the view of the mountains. We can see everything from up here. Lucy wasn’t lying when she said it would be even more beautiful from up high. I lean on the railing as Lucy wraps her arms around me from behind. She points out various things, like a ski slope, a spot where we can go sledding later, and even our hotel, which looks tiny from here. The rest is hidden by a vast forest.
"Thanks for bringing me with you."
"Thank you for agreeing to come."
She kisses my temple, holding me a little tighter. All that matters now is us.
"Hey, lovebirds!"
"Hmm?" Lucy responds.
"We’re waiting for you. We want to grab a coffee to warm up."
"Yeah, we’re coming."
That sounds like a good idea. I’m starting to feel cold, as is probably everyone else. I take Lucy’s outstretched hand, and we join the others, who are already heading into the little chalet. This moment is simply perfect.
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silhouetteonpaper · 3 months
Stoic Pt. 2
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Part 1
Summary: When an organization threatens to destroy your families empire, your father immediately jumps into action by hiring security protection. Unaware of what that would entail, you’re unpleasantly surprised by the woman whose sole purpose to follow you around. Yelena Belova x Reader WC: 2,365 Warnings: Intruders, nightmares, annoying men
A sudden thud causes you to abruptly wake from what was once a deep sleep. Your quickened heart rate forces you to sit up, your eyes scanning the dark room for any sign of an intruder. There’s no one else here, just the low sounds of the city outside your window.
You decide there’s no use trying to get back to sleep, your anxiety now heightened. Pulling back your large duvet, you opt to grab some nice hot tea from the kitchen. Ever since the attack at the grocery store, everyone has been on edge. You find yourself waking to nightmares or noises in the dead of night quite often now.
Luckily, Yelena has always been close by. She was there to assist when a few threatening emails appeared in your inbox—and even more importantly she’s been by your side to help fight your worsening fears about any more deathly encounters.
Walking out of your bedroom and towards the white marbled kitchen, you notice the lights are already turned on. Did someone break in? You think, pressing yourself to the wall in hopes the intruder doesn’t see you. The sound of the sink running makes your heart skip a beat, there really is someone in your apartment.
Processing how to combat this situation, a voice makes you freeze in place. “What’re you doing?” It’s Yelena, simply awake in the kitchen just as you are. You release the breath you were holding, uncovering your hiding spot and joining the blonde around the island counter.
“You scared me! I thought someone broke in,” you express, lightly punching her in the arm out of frustration. You swore that just a moment ago, you’d meet your end. Yelena smirks, shaking her head as she nestles a glass in her hand.
“Don’t worry, they won't stand a chance as long as I’m here,” she reassures you, taking a sip of her drink. You assume it’s water, but quickly notice the clear liquid is something else entirely when you see the bottle of vodka sitting on the counter behind her.
“Seriously? Vodka, at one in the morning?” You question while moving to put the bottle away. She shrugs, finishing off her current glass with one big swig.
“What are you doing awake?” Yelena changes the subject. You take a deep breath after closing the cabinet, leaning back over the counter opposite of the blonde.
“Just uh… not really tired,” you partially lie. Withholding the truth isn’t really lying, especially when you aren’t sure if ‘I’m terrified someone’s out to kill me’ is something you save for therapy. But it seems Yelena can see through you, not that it’s difficult these days.
“The dark circles under your eyes say differently.” She states bluntly. Your jaw drops, knowing she’s likely right about your appearance but you refuse to admit it. Instead, you just laugh it off, aware Yelena’s humor is her way of being supportive.
“Touché,” you let her have it, knowing there’s no use arguing, “you’re getting better at this whole ‘supportive friend’ thing.” She raises her eyebrows.
“Friend, huh? I’m pretty sure I’m more of a paid assailant, but I’ll take what I can get.” Yelena smiles. You shake your head with a smirk, eventually yawning and contemplating heading back to bed. But the looming fear of something terrible happening prevents you from moving. “C’mon, try to get some sleep. You have a big day at work tomorrow.”
She’s getting good at this. And she’s right, you’re hosting a big event at work tomorrow for all of the companies sponsors and customers. But even so, you know you won’t be fully rested with all these fears swirling in your mind.
“You’re safe here,” Yelena senses your hesitancy, “I’ll be right out here if you need anything.” Her warm words convince you, sighing as you say goodnight and head back to your room. You were finally able to get some shut-eye after repeating Yelena’s words over and over. You’re safe here, Yelena is right outside standing guard.
The next day, you find yourself setting up for the event with your second cup of coffee in hand. You take one final sip, finishing off the hot drink. “Here,” Yelena hands you another paper cup full of fresh caffeine. You give her a relieved smile, gladly accepting the coffee while throwing away your old one.
“Thank you, Yelena. You do know you’re not my personal assistant though, right?” You voice. She shrugs in return, quickly returning to her tasks of helping set up. No one asked her to help, but somehow she found herself assisting with lifting boxes and setting up tables. You certainly weren’t complaining, it gave you more time to focus on other details.
“Can we put the sponsorship sign-up booth over on this end of the room? I don’t want a group to form around it and block the stage,” you begin to direct the team of employees.
One of them looks at you quizzically, “I’ve done events like this numerous times, this is the best spot for it,” he states. You look back and forth between the stage and the booth table, gaging a sense of perspective on what the man is saying. You don’t see his vision, so you simply tell him to move it once more.
“I’m glad to have someone so experienced here, but I still would like you to move it please.” You repeat. He exhales with a laugh, clasping his hands together. You can already sense he’s not going to drop something as small as where a table should go.
“Look, honey, I know you’re still getting used to your position up with the elites, but trust me when I say daddy’s money can’t buy knowledge. Let me handle this,” he coaxes, leaving you slightly appalled at his fervent words.
But you don’t have a chance to get another word in, as a certain blonde is right back by your side. “Is there a problem over here?” She asks more specifically to the testy employee. He takes one look at Yelena, then shakes his head and begins to move the table.
You chuckle, turning to Yelena without even having to say thanks; she’s already smirking. Luckily, the rest of the set-up goes well without any further issues, and soon the guests start to flow in.
Shaking hands with what feels like over a hundred people, you notice the lack of a certain presence behind you. Yelena opted to station herself by the side of the room, knowing how you feel about having a ‘babysitter’. Although you usually don’t like it when trying to appear powerful, for some reason it feels weird without her there. But there’s no time to tell her to join you as you step onto the stage for opening remarks.
“Hello everyone,” you speak into the microphone, “welcome to this year's Supporter’s Gala!” a caucus of cheers ring around the room, and you can’t help but meet Yelena’s eyes during the pause in your speech. She’s leaning against the wall, applauding along with everyone else.
“I want to thank each and every one of you, as this company would not be where it is without all of your support. This year, it’s my honor to introduce the CEO of the company, so without further ado, here is the lead of all the great work we’ve accomplished!” You watch as your father steps onto the stage, passing him the microphone before exiting off the steps.
You walk over to Yelena as he starts to speak, leaning against the wall with her. “Quite the impressive event you’ve set up,” she speaks quietly, tilting her head towards you.
Chuckling softly, you nod. “Wouldn’t have been possible without you.” You voice, the two of you turning your attention to your father. His passionate speech is going great, until it isn’t. The overhead lights shut off, the only light now the soft glow emitting from various candles on tables.
“Shit,” you whisper, “I’m going to go check the breaker in the service room, I’ll be right back.” But before you can even take three steps, Yelena grabs your arm.
“No, wait,” she pauses, holding your arm as she watches a confused crowd. You look at her puzzled, trying to see what she’s looking for. Soon, you see exactly what has her attention. At least three guys dressed in all black are weaving through the crowd. “We’ve got to go, now.”
Yelena nearly makes you stumble as she pulls you out of the room, your gaze fixed on where the figures are headed. “What about my dad!” You exclaim, stealing glances backwards as the two of you are now running towards the stairwell.
“Don’t worry about him, my job is to protect you,” she breathes through her quickened pace, opening the metal door. You take one final worried look back before following her into the stairwell, the adrenaline now pumping through you. You try to focus on getting to safety, but it’s hard not to be terrified about what will happen to your father. He has his own security, but still seemed to be in the worst place at the wrong time.
As you descend the last few staircases, Yelena’s already on her earpiece talking to someone. “They’ve got us surrounded, they’re waiting for us on the ground floor.” She relays to you. Out of breath and even more terrified, you can’t manage to form any words. Yelena takes your wide eyes as a sign you heard her, and softly guides you out the second floor door.
“If we play our cards right, we might make it out alive. I need you to do exactly as I say, okay?” She instructs, getting a nod in return from you. “Alright, follow me.” The two of you briskly walk across the long hallway, Yelena constantly scanning for any signs of intruders. She leads you into an office, one of the few with a smaller window that opens.
“We’re going to have to jump out, and slide down that awning” she tells you while forcing the window open. You freeze, seeing how far down the ground is. It’s safe… probably, but that doesn’t mean it’s scary. The awning is halfway down and at a slant, going another few feet down before a smaller drop. Are you up for this? No. Do you have a choice? No.
“Can you go first?” You ask Yelena, wanting to see how it’s done before attempting to fall to your death. She laughs through her own concern, nodding as she hops onto the sill.
“Alright, jump as soon as I hit the ground, okay?” She waits for you to nod before sending herself flying, perfectly landing on the awning and sliding down its side before landing with two feet on the sidewalk. Damn, she’s good at this.
You put your hands on the sill, trying to build the courage to hop up just like Yelena did. Heart racing, stomach churning, you can’t bring yourself to do it. “C’mon, you got this!” She shouts from down below. You nod, trying to hype yourself up. You got this, you can do this! Just jump, it’s not that hard.
Stepping up onto the sill, you duck out the window and don’t look back. The air hits your skin as you let yourself fall for what feels like forever before hitting the awning with a thud. Cautiously, you slide over to the edge, watching a smiling Yelena beneath you as you jump onto the sidewalk.
Before you have the chance to fall, she grabs onto your waist, holding you steady as you reorient yourself. “Are you alright?” She asks, brushing you off. Are you okay? You’re not really sure, but you’re alive and that’s all that matters. But that’s when you realize your father could still be inside the building, his life in the hands of the assailants.
“My dad, we have to go back and get him!” You exclaim, starting to look for any kind of entrance. But that’s when Yelena grabs your arm, ceasing any movement.
“He’s safe, I promise. The only thing we can do now is make sure you’re safe,” She reassures, leaving you to reluctantly comply. Besides, if you even tried back into that building, Yelena would drag you out before you had the chance. “Let’s get you back home.” 
You only nod, giving the tall building one last glance as Yelena escorts you up the sidewalk to your apartment building. There’s a feeling of guilt inside you, the worry about anything bad happening to your father making you regret turning away. But a part of you trusts Yelena to keep everyone safe, not just you. What she said had to be true, that your father is okay.
As you enter your apartment, Yelena bolts the doors with haste, the two of you spend some time in silence as you collapse onto the couch. She’s not following suit though, seeming to grab something from down the hall.
You look up to spot her with the first aid kit, soon hovering over you with raised eyebrows. Scooting over, you let her sit next to you as she opens the kit and searches for what she needs. “Can I take care of yours too?” Yelena asks, referring to the small cuts you earned from sliding down the awning.
Once again, you nod, extending your calf to let her clean it up. The feeling of the alcohol wipe makes you wince, Yelena’s firm grip keeping you from pulling back. “Are you hungry?” She asks, distracting you from the pain. You think for a moment, adrenaline still slowly subsiding as you realize you’ve worked up an appetite.
“Uh, yeah. I guess so.” you respond with a shrug. She grins, keeping her eyes on the wound.
“After I put a bandaid on this, how about some mac and cheese?” She offers. You match her grin, your worries suddenly on hold as you somehow feel better just from the mention of her favorite meal. Even with your life at risk, she somehow makes the best of the situation. Maybe, as long as she’s here, everything will be okay.
“That sounds perfect.”
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mythos-writes · 1 year
Chelsea's Gardener
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Tommy Shelby x Reader
Plot: (Y/N) was the head gardener at London’s Chelsea Physics Garden. She kept the garden presentable and running smoothly. One day a man who looked very out of place shows up…
For @runnning-outof-time 3K Follower Celebration! (Fluff Prompt 8: "Isn't it beautiful out here?")
Word Count: 778
Warning: None
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(Y/N) got to the garden at the crake of dawn. The garden was hosting a gathering and she needed to ensure the garden was presentable. All morning she ran around the grounds, ensuring all the damaged or dying flowers were gone and no weeds were in sight. 
As she was running by the statue of Sir Hans Sloane, she stopped when she saw a man looking at the tulip garden beds that line the walkway. Usually, she doesn’t see men here by themselves, especially if they’re just walking around. 
“Isn’t it beautiful out here?” she calls out, startling the man. He quickly turns around and saw (Y/N) standing just under the statue. 
“Yes. Yes, it is,” he replies, finishing his cigarette and putting it out on the ground. (Y/N) grimaces at this action. The man noticed this, but instead of ignoring her, he picked up his squished butt. 
“So who are you?” he asked, breaking the silence. 
“I’m the head gardener here at the gardens,” she informs. He nods admiring the trees and flowers around her. 
“Does the head gardener have a name?” he asks. This shocked her a little, usually, she is in the background and not known for getting attention from attendees. 
“ (Y/N) (Y/L/N), at your service Mr….” she trails off, realizing she doesn’t know the man’s name. 
“Shelby. Thomas Shelby,” he replies, sticking his hand out to her. She took her hand, expecting just a handshake. He shocked her by placing a kiss on the back of her hand. 
“So what is Mr. Thomas Shelby doing here by himself?” she asks him, trying to hide her blush. 
“I’m here for the gala that is being held here this afternoon,” he says, gesturing to the party tents that are placed not far off. “But I got bored and slipped away for a little air.” She nods her head, acknowledging why he was there. 
“Well, since you are not wanting to go back just yet, would you like a tour?” she offers. Tommy’s eyes roam across her body, taking this woman in. Her dress was covered in dirt, and some holes scattered the bottom of the skirt. Her hands weren’t like any women that he had seen. They weren’t as soft as the normal women he would accompany in his daily life but be as rough as a dock worker. Her hands were strong yet supple. 
“Lead the way Ms. (Y/L/N),” he says. 
“Oh, I’m not married,” she corrects and they walk toward the greenhouses. 
“I see,” he replies, leaving the two in a small silence, as they walk the garden pathways.  
“What’s a nice-looking woman like yourself doing alone in London?” He asks. 
“Most days I’m too busy to entertain a man. If they even give me a look,” she states, fidgeting with her necklace, feeling a little ashamed at her answer. Tommy nods. 
“So what made you want to work here?” he asked. (Y/N) let out a breathy laugh. 
“My mother used to work here, I would come to work with her when I wasn’t in school. But then she fell sick a few years ago and took her place, as I knew everything about the garden,” she informs. 
“You are a strong and interesting woman,” he states, pulling out another cigarette.
“Thank you,” she replies as they get closer to the greenhouses. 
Just as they got to the greenhouse, a voice broke through the garden. It was calling out for Tommy. (Y/N) looked to him, confused, but he looked annoyed. 
“That would be my loving aunt trying to find me,” he informs, giving her the answer to the question she didn’t need to ask. 
“Another time I suppose,” she suggests, hoping he would want to see her again. 
“I’ll be in London for the rest of the week, how about I come back tomorrow and you can give me a private tour,” he offers. She felt her belly fill with butterflies. 
“I would like that. How about you meet me back at the Sir Hans Sloane statue tomorrow at noon,” she suggests. 
“The which statue?” he asks. 
“The statue where I found you wondering,” she says with a small giggle. She watches as some pink grow across his face. 
“See you tomorrow then,” he says with a small smile. 
“See you tomorrow,” she states.  
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5 Years Later
Tommy stands by the Sir Hans Sloane statue, looking at his pocket watch. (Y/N) was supposed to meet him back in the gardens by 2, but it is growing closer to 3. Just as he was about to send some men to see what had happened, (Y/N) came running around a hedge wall. A sigh of relief falls from his mouth as he sees her run towards him. 
“Sorry for running late. My aunt didn’t seem to want to let me go from our afternoon tea,” she says out of breath. 
“I was about to send Finn and Arthur to see where you were,” he confesses, wrapping his arms around her hips, and bringing her closer. His anxiety was building before she crested the hedge, having her in his arms at this moment grounded him. 
“I’m sorry Tommy, I would have called to let you know if I knew my aunt would have held me hostage,” she slightly jokes. 
“Well now that you're here, how about a walk around the garden?” he offers. 
“ Would you like a tour?” she offers with a smirk. She still knows the garden like the back of her hand. 
“Lead the way, Ms. Shelby,” he says, gesturing forward. 
“Follow me, Mr. Shelby,” she requests grabbing ahold of his arm, starting to stroll through the garden. and
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bubblessunshinehoney · 11 months
Big Fan (part6)
Chapter 6: where he's back from his mission and...well you finally get so see him naked
don't be shy, reblog, comment, like!
Enjoy, Cloudy
not beta read, english is not my first language. all mistakes are my own
tw: SMUT, this part is just that...pwp, pinv, oral, cuties, hotties...just SMUT (unprotected, so wrap it before you tap it, but they've discussed it even though it's not in the fic)
serie masterlist
part1 | part2 | part3 | part4 | part5 | part6
If you don't want to miss any udpate, go follow my sideblog: @cloudysideblog
Gif credit : @gay-bucky-barnes
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Bucky was eager, impatient, out of his mind… four weeks, four weeks he has been on this mission. He texted you, called you once when he was sure to be in a safe place. He missed your voice, your scent, your touch…he missed you, all of you, and no one had ever made him feel like that before.
He was on his way back, his leg couldn’t stop shaking, making Sam crazy. He was so impatient to see you, to hold you, to kiss you… to touch you.
On your side, you were also eager, he texted you that he was on the jet…meaning he was coming back. You answered him, that he could come to your place whenever he wanted then.
You were feeling buzzy, dizzy, and so horny. Last time, he was here…he showed you how skilled he was with his hands, you almost came with him just massaging, grabbing, and kissing you in the most heated make out session you’ve ever experienced.
Gosh, you missed him…he’s all being, his warmth, his strong arms holding you tight against him…his lips exploring your neck, his hands… a little whimper came out of your mouth, almost frighting you and you laughed…
“I’m so ridiculous”, you grumbled.
“You’re not, doll”, this time you jumped out of your skin, looking at your front door.
He knocked three times and you rushed to open him. You looked at each other, his eyes were sparkling with desire, want, lust and so much love.
“Hiya doll, how are you?”
You let out a groan and pulled him by his collar into your flat, kissing him…wait no, devouring him with your kiss.
He hiccupped, holding you close and grabbing your waist and ass, before hosting your legs around his waist. He closed the door with your back onto it, without breaking the heated kiss you were sharing.
He was panting, cheeks flushed, and his eyes were wild when he broke the kiss. You were hot all over, your clothes seemed to be too tight, his body heat irradiating you.
“Bucky, oh my bucky.” You whispered, your hands in his hair. He leaned into your touch, closing his eyes, pressing against you, holding you so tight it started to hurt you, but you couldn’t say stop, you wanted him to crush you.
“I missed you”, you let out in an exhale. He opened his eyes at this, despair in his baby blue eyes. He kissed you hard, taking your breath away. Without a word, he carried you to your room, laid you down on your bed and hovered you.
He was looking at you, with such intensity you felt shy. But you kept looking into his eyes, you didn’t back out or shied away. He pressed his lips tenderly against yours, before kissing all over your face, neck, collarbone and finally nuzzled between your boobs. He let out a heavy sigh, breathing you in deeply.
“I missed you more”, he muffled against your left boob. You felt your nipples harden, your entire body was coming to life, you were feeling more aware of your surroundings, like if you had been on hold for four weeks.
Bucky continued to kiss your body, frustrating you because it was above your clothes.
“too much clothes, buck, please…”, then you felt his hands under your shirt. A cold and hot one, you moaned, just to feel his touch was making you feel out of space.
“Doll”, he murmured. You looked at him, his jeans did little to hide his lust.
“What do you want, bucky?” you panted.
“You, I want you.”
“You have me, all of me.”
You took your shirt off, leaving you bare, you didn’t bother with a bra today. His eyes got wide, and he blushed.
“So pretty”, he said almost to himself. You blushed slightly. It might sound cliché, but nobody ever looked at you like he did.
You tugged on his shirt, and he took it off too, you bite your lip.
Gosh he was built like a god.
You passed your hands on his chest, carefully letting him stop you if he was uncomfortable. He’s breathing was shallow, but you could sense it was because he was holding back.
“You know…we could take our time later… I mean…”
“Do you know how good you smell?” he blurted out.
He looked down at your crotch. “Here, I fucking smell you and it’s driving me crazy, my senses are being overstimulated. I can hear your heart beating faster each time I kiss or touch you. I can almost feel your arousal strongly every minute that pass. I’m about to burst, doll.”
You surprised both of you when you get on top. You pressed your crotch against his and he let out a beautiful moan. His hands were on your hips, and he held you tight. “Doll...” he warned.
“Don’t hold back.” It’s all you could say. The second you said it, you’re once again on your back and your short and panties were being torn apart. Bucky let his forehead rested on your lower belly, his nose nuzzling onto your inner thighs. He left butterfly kisses all over them and then he settled between your legs, you heard him growl. “Doll, can I taste you?”
“Yes, you can Jamie.” He held your thighs to open you more, his breath tickled you and then you felt his tongue.
Fucking finally.
He took his time, he slowly explored your mound, took his time to understand what you liked or didn’t like. And if you’re being honest, you’re enjoying every second of it. No one ever took care of you like Bucky did. Not one of you ex took time to eat you out, but bucky, well…he was enjoying it. He loved to hear your little moans of pleasure or the way your breath stopped when it felt divine. And if he was being honest, you tasted as good as you smelled, and he couldn’t stop his ego to grow with how wet you became the more he ate you out.
He was harder than he could ever remember, but it felt good, really good.
“Buck” you whispered, if he didn’t have a super hearing, he might not have heard you. He looked up, you were biting your lip and he came almost with how you were looking at him.
“I…” you blushed, and he smiled tenderly.
“Yes, dolly?”
“I need to come.”
He laughed softly, before nodding. “I can make you cum.”, he stated, before diving in again and this time, he sucked and licked your cunt perfectly and you felt your orgasm building. You cried out the moment he pushed two fingers in and curled them at the right spot. You clenched hard, and bucky groaned impatient to feel it around his cock.
You were panting, your legs were spasming when he came up to pecks your lips, unsure if you would like it.
You licked your lips after the kiss and giggled: “You’re wet”. His eyes sparkled with joy and amusement. You kissed him more deeply and he went lax against you, well almost, his dick was hard against your thigh and your breath hitched at the sensation.
“Want me to…?”
“No, I need to be inside you, doll, now.” He looked surprise by his own answer and quickly added. “Sorry, not right now, later or another time. If you touch me or suck me, I don’t know if I can last. I need to feel you clench around my cock.”
“Okay, Jamie, I don’t mind if you don’t last you know. Doesn’t mean we didn’t have a good time.” You smiled at him and stroked his cheek. “So, you want to feel me clench around your cock, didn’t know you could be this forward.”
He glared at you not even annoyed and you both laughed.
“I’m just too horny” he pleaded.
“So am I, so please, fuck me.”
He groaned and took off his boxers, his cock was red and the tip dripping. You flipped him on his back and straddled his waist. You slowly made your way up to align yourself and bucky stopped breathing. He was in heaven, and you were the angel to welcome him in.
“Shit, shit, shit” he muttered when you took his cock to stroke him ever so slightly before pushing it in.
You both moaned when you bottomed out. You felt him pulse, while he felt you clench and he held your hips hard, a bit too much, to not make him feel bad you put your hands on his and stroked them softly, smiling at him, while you started moving. Unconsciously, he relaxed his hold on you and started to stroke your sides and under your boobs. He was panting, focusing on letting you have another orgasm before he could let go.
You were not happy to see him hold back, you rolled your hips and sunk down before clenching as much as you could around him. He arched his back and groaned.
“Don’t hold back, James”.
To hear you called him by his name, made him loose control. He held you close before rolling so he was on top, and he started to fuck you hard, holding one leg on his hip and almost matt pressing you. You moaned loudly at the change of angle and speed. It felt amazing. His thrusts were hard and demanding but he kissed your neck and shoulders with such delicacy that you could only melt.
He panted your name, breathing you in, groaning at every spasm of your sex around his. It was so good, he didn’t want it to stop, so he slowed down, rolling his hips, going deep inside you. You gasped at the sensation, felt him pulse and then you realized…this was the best sex of your life.
Bucky was looking at you, admiring every inch of you, completely lost to see him connected with you like that. He couldn’t remember feeling so safe, happy, and good. You didn’t look at his scares like some other did, didn’t mind taking his metal arm or metal hand. And right now, you were smiling at him, scratching his back and… holding his butt?
“I wanted for a long time to hold your bubbly butt, but damn, having you like this it’s even better”, you panted, he swallowed thickly and closed his eyes. Your filthy mouth would make him come in no time.
He started to speed again, you arched into him and moved your hips in time with his thrusts. You both moaned and panted.
Bucky came without any warning, he stopped breathing and his all body tensed before his relise. He looked at you and the smile adorning your face made him blush.
“hi there” you whispered, clenching ever so slightly, he whined being overstimulated.
“h-hi do-doll” he panted before pulling out gently and crashing beside you.
He was looking up, chest heaving, and you rolled on your side to look at him. You didn’t want to push anything, a bit shy to touch him.
He turned his face to you and bring you close to him, kissed your head and nuzzled into your hair, without a word. You smiled, he was adorable, you liked when he did thing naturally and silently. He always chose his words carefully. Slowly you traced patterns on his chest, he got goosebumps but didn’t even flinch when you passed over his biggest scars or close to the metal of his shoulder.
He sighed contently, stroking your side, still nuzzled into your hair, his breath almost tickling you.
“I missed you” he whispered, before his breathing slowed down, signalling you he was asleep. And you could never be prouder to see him fall asleep with you.
“I missed you more”, you whispered back.
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iiseult · 1 year
RED-HANDED: Gyutaro x reader - College!AU (part 1)
CWs -> surprise! It’s pervy!Gyutaro, femdom reader, masturbation, degradation, spit play, public sex, slapping (only once and he likes it), calling Gyu a good boy, he’s pathetic and I love him
Note: Does this count as Kinktober? I really wanted to participate this month but I’m an engineering student in college, so enough said. I’ll make part two likeeeee whenever I feel like it. Pls lmk what u think!!!! <3
word count: 3k
It was Gyutaro’s turn to host the study session. All day he had been running around, cleaning his dorm room to eliminate anything potentially embarrassing. He’d never had a girl over before, let alone a girl like you, and he might have been overthinking it a little. Would you be turned off by the socks his roommate had left lying around? What about the smell? Should he hide the protein powder? He had such a big, fat crush on you, and every time he thought about the two of you spending time alone together, the intrusive thoughts would beat out the rational thoughts. In no time at all, he’d be succumbing to his sexual fantasies, fisting his cock desperately to images of you and trying to rid his mind of them to no avail. How was he going to survive a night of your undivided attention?
Originally, it wasn’t supposed to be a one-on-one thing. Every Tuesday, a different friend from the group hosted a late-night study session at their dorm, and everyone except Gyutaro had already volunteered. He couldn't avoid it any longer; he was doomed. It was supposed to be you, your best friend, his roommate, Gyutaro, and Gyutaro’s roommate, but everyone got frat flu the previous weekend and had to take a rain check. Even Gyutaro’s own roommate couldn’t make it, deciding to go home for the rest of the week and recover. So, everyone had canceled. That is, everyone except you and Gyutaro. He was thinking of just calling the whole thing off after that, secretly relieved to avoid having people over his place for a little longer, but you wouldn’t hear of it. Your midterm was on Thursday, and you couldn’t lose a valuable study session.
It was already 7:50 pm– 10 minutes before you were scheduled to arrive– and he was taking care of some last-minute, anxiety-fueled cleaning. The bed was already made, the garbage had been taken out, all his laundry was clean and neatly folded away, and his desk was set up for a long night of studying. He had even sprayed a few bursts of his roommate’s air freshener, making the whole place stink of “fresh morning dew,” whatever that was. In those last 10 minutes before your arrival, Gyutaro even found himself practicing basic hygiene– something a bit out of the ordinary for him. He brushed his teeth and tongue vigorously until his gums bled, washed his face, applied an extra layer of deodorant, and re-did the bun his hair had been rotting in all day. Now, he was ready.
At precisely 8:01 pm, he heard a knock at the door, and sprang to his feet as if the chair he had been sitting on was on fire. He had been staring off into space and nervously tapping his foot in anticipation, wringing his hands and chewing at his lip and fighting back dirty thoughts about what you might be wearing, and before he knew it, the time had come. He took a deep breath and opened the door.
“Evening, Gyutaro,” you said, half-smiling and leaning to the left under the weight of the heavy bag that was slung over your shoulder. As usual, you were well-dressed, sporting a white button-down, brown blazer, and a pair of blue jeans that fit you perfectly. He tried not to stare, but the top two buttons of your shirt had come undone, and he couldn’t help but notice how exposed your cleavage was. He gulped. This was going to be a long, long night.
“C-come in, make yourself comfortable. You can sit wherever you want,” he said, grinning nervously, stepping to the side and holding the door open to allow you entry. You nodded and brushed past him, your clothed shoulder grazing him gently. He shivered, hoping you wouldn’t notice. As soon as you entered the room, you made a b-line for Gyutaro’s bed, thrusting your bag onto it and plopping down unceremoniously on your back. You let out a sigh. The day had been stressful, and you wanted so badly to relax and release some tension, but there was work to be done.
After lying down for a few seconds to decompress, you noticed that it was oddly silent and sat up, half expecting Gyutaro to have joined you on the bed by now. But Gyutaro hadn’t moved from the doorway. He was still standing there, slack-jawed and staring. He couldn’t believe a girl was in his bed– you were in his bed– and she was there of her own free will. You had wanted to come, asking him not to cancel, and you had chosen his bed as the place to spend the evening. Not the desk and chair, not the floor, not the couch, but his bed. He gulped. He had imagined this many times before, and seeing you like that caused a specific few images to flash across his mind. His cock twitched. You were staring back at him.
“Gyu? Are you coming?” You asked, raising an eyebrow and readjusting yourself so there was room for him to sit next to you. He quickly shook himself out of his stupor and closed the door, walking awkwardly over to join you, hoping that if he put his hands in the pockets of his shorts you wouldn’t notice the growing bulge underneath them. When he reached the bed, he leaned his hips against the edge of it and crossed his arms, attempting to conceal his embarrassment. If you had noticed, you showed no signs of it, just crossing your legs and getting a little bit more comfortable.
“So, um… What subject did you want to study? Maybe we could work through some textbook problems together, or…” he trailed off, his eyes darting around and landing anywhere but you.
“Sure, sounds good. Hey, it’s hot in here, do you have a fan or something?” you asked, looking around and fanning yourself with your hand. Gyutaro frowned deeply and shook his head, suddenly feeling like a complete failure for not being able to provide you comfort.
“I’m sorry, I don’t. Maybe I could open a window?” he offered, gesturing to the pathetically small window on the other side of the room.
“Ah, don’t worry about it. I’ll improvise,” you replied. He was about to ask what you meant, but stopped short when your hands flew to your button-down shirt, undoing two more buttons from the top like it was nothing.
“Wh-what are you d-doing?!” He stuttered, looking away from you and at the wall instead to try and distract his racing thoughts. Even though he tore his gaze away as soon as he realized what you were doing, he still couldn’t help but see the very top rim of your nude-colored bra poking out from your shirt teasingly. Not to mention the swell of your plump breasts. He squeezed his eyes shut, trying desperately to calm himself down and stop his now fully erect cock from getting any bigger.
“Gyutaro? What’s wrong, are you okay?” You purred, leaning down so you were face-to-face. He opened his eyes. That was a mistake. From the way you were sitting, he had a perfectly unobstructed view of your cleavage, which was spilling out of your bra and unbuttoned shirt. He guessed that your nipples were just below where the fabric began. His eyes widened, and a jolt of electricity was sent straight to his cock, which was straining desperately against the side of the bed. He let out a tiny, almost inaudible whimper, but due to your proximity, it was not lost on you. You gently placed a hand on his shoulder, asking again if everything was ok, but there was a teasing undertone to your voice and a glint in your eyes that he hadn’t noticed before. Were you really…doing this on purpose?
“Uhm, don’t you think you sh-should, you know, b-button your shirt back up a…a little more?” he stammered, face flushed so red that he looked almost feverish. His eyes were still wide, and absolutely glued to your tits, like he was in a trance.
“Why? You don’t think I look pretty like this?” you teased, leaning forward even more and trailing your hand from his bony shoulder down to his bicep, which was, admittedly, larger than you’d anticipated. You wondered if anything else about him was larger than you’d anticipated…
“N-no! I mean, no, it’s not that! You…hah…look…” he rasped, not even able to form a complete sentence. He was no idiot. He knew what you were doing, playing with him like that. He knew you didn’t have any real interest in him, that you just wanted some easy attention from a pathetic virgin who would drool over anything with a cup size. It hurt, knowing that, and he didn’t want it to be that way. But just as much as that was true, he also wanted to know what it would feel like. Would it be as good as he imagined, cupping your heavy tits in his ugly, rough hands and running his thumbs over your sensitive nipples? Would you arch into his touch, begging for more?
Before you could even react, he was out the door, disappearing down the hallway towards the men’s room. You could only guess what he intended to do there. Probably cry, you assumed, having seen the expression on his face before he left. Instead of following him, you decided to give him a minute, hoping he’d come back before too long.
Meanwhile, Gyutaro knew what he had to do. He had to get rid of these feelings, get it out of his system once and for all. Thankfully, the bathroom was deserted and he had the luxury of solitude. He hoped he could get it done quickly before someone interrupted.
Gyutaro locked himself in a stall and pulled his pants down feverishly, finally freeing his throbbing cock and taking it expertly into his big hand. He wasted no time, pumping his fist up and down to the image of your tits in his face, imagining what it would be like to touch them, to take them in his mouth and suck them until they were black and blue. Before long, his head was thrown back and he was letting out soft, desperate pants. In fact, he was so enraptured in his fantasy that he didn’t notice when someone else entered the bathroom.
You had decidedly waited for him long enough, and went to go check to make sure he really was ok, but this was not what you were expecting to find. When you quietly opened the door, you were about to whisper his name when you noticed the wet slapping sound and choked-back moans coming from the first stall. You peered under the door and sure enough, your eyes were met with the sight of Gyutaro’s bottom half, shorts pooled around his ankles and legs shaking. You grinned. This was even better than you had hoped. Did that little trick you pulled really affect him this much?
“Gyuuu~ it’s just me! Open the door,” you said gently, hoping your sweet tone would lull him into a false sense of security. Suddenly, he went silent, freezing with his fist squeezing his cock. Panic seized him, and he was silent for a moment.
“Uh! Uhhh, h-how did you g-get in here?” he choked out, not knowing what else to say.
“Walked. C’mon, open up. Wanna see you,” you replied, now standing directly in front of his stall’s door. He hesitated for a moment, but soon made up his mind; he didn’t care anymore, he couldn’t stand it any longer and he wanted you to use him. He scrambled to quickly pull up his shorts and underwear, not even bothering to retie the drawstring, and opened the door hastily. His face was burning with shame, his eyes downcast, and his hair disheveled. To you, he had never looked more delicious.
“What are you doing?” you asked, taking a step towards him, forcing him to take a step back.
“Using the bathroom…” he lied, stuffing his hands back in his pockets again to try and hide his erection. Unfortunately for him, all it did was draw your attention downwards.
“You don’t have to hide it, Gyu. I already know. Why do you think I came tonight in the first place?” you asked, not even trying to hide the fact that you were eyeing his bulge hungrily.
“Now keep going,” you ordered, and Gyutaro’s eyes nearly popped out of his head. He didn’t move.
“I said,” you began, grabbing his chin between your thumb and index finger, “Keep. Going.”
He whimpered, biting his lip, but obediently dropped his pants and underwear back down to his ankles and released his dick, the tip of which was bright red and slathered with precum. You moved your hand from his chin to his shoulder and pressed down, forcing him to sit back on the toilet. Now, you were standing above him, looking down with a perfect view. You looked at him expectantly, and slowly, he brought a shaking hand down to his shaft, gingerly engulfing it in his hand and giving it a few weak pumps. You shook your head disapprovingly, frowning at him. His eyes widened.
“This won’t do. You need…extra encouragement. Open your mouth,” you instructed.
“Why?” he asked demurely, but did as you asked. You didn’t answer verbally, instead choosing to show him why.
You pressed your thumb past his lips and onto the middle of his tongue, and his reaction was almost immediate. He stuck his tongue out more to accommodate your finger, eyes half-lidded and gazing up at you with…love? Lust? It was impossible to distinguish between the two when it came to him. Without a second thought, he resumed stroking his dick at the same pace as before, his body seemingly acting with a mind of its own. You smiled, pressing down harder on his tongue. His brows furrowed and a string of saliva dripped out of the corner of his mouth, falling past his chin and onto the floor. He let out a pathetic, strangled sort of sound, breathy and high-pitched, and you giggled. He was even better than you had imagined.
“Wowww, what a good boy!” you praised.
“Do you think you can take another one of my fingers?”
“Uh-huh! Eea, I eeea!” he tried to say, coming across as incoherent, but you got the message loud and clear. You smiled down at him lovingly and swapped your thumb for your index and middle fingers, which were obviously longer and grazed the back of his throat. Immediately, he gagged, his eyes involuntarily screwing shut, tears pricking their corners, but you didn’t relent. He would adjust.
“Come on, you can take it,” you crooned, thrusting your digits even further back into his soft, wet throat. He gagged again and bit down, catching your knuckles between his jagged teeth. He hadn’t bitten you very hard, but still, the sting of your skin breaking slightly was enough.
Without warning, you slapped him across the face with the palm of your other hand, making him yelp and accidentally squeeze his cock a little tighter. The sound echoed throughout the bathroom, ringing in the silence. He was shocked, even a little scared, but for some reason, it was affecting him heavily. After hesitating only for a brief second, he started pumping himself desperately, even faster than before, feeling like all the blood in his entire body had rushed to his cock at once the second your palm made contact with his cheek. You grinned. You knew it, you just knew it. You had a feeling he would like that. It was a risky move, but one you were glad you made. He let out another moan, the first real unrestrained one you had heard from him. The vibrations made your fingers tingle.
“Mmm, good boy, you’re being such a good boy for me, Gyu. Bet you’re getting close now, aren’t you?” you asked, removing your fingers from his mouth and allowing him to answer properly.
“Y-yes!” he breathed, “‘m getting so close, ‘m gonna cum soon! Please, c’n I cum?” he begged, tear-filled eyes gazing up at you in absolute desperation. And how could you say no to that?
“In a second. Stick out your tongue.”
He did, closing his eyes, eagerly ready to accept whatever you would give him, but nothing could have prepared him.
You leaned down close and spit in his mouth.
Immediately, he came.
“Ngh- Ahh! Huh- ah- ah- mmh!” he whined, voice breaking as the thick, white liquid shot violently out of his aching dick, covering his hand, your shirt, and part of his own shirt in globs of it. He worked himself through it, a few more spurts bubbling out from his tip and leaking down the shaft. There was so much of it, you knew he was holding it in for so long because of you. His thighs shook from the aftershock, and his chest heaved, he was so fucked out. You wanted so badly to just take off your panties and sink down onto his glistening length, sheathing him inside your already soaking, tight pussy to hear him whine that it was too much, but that would have to wait for another time. Maybe a time when you weren��t in a public restroom.
“Clean yourself up and meet me back in your room. There’s something else I want to try.”
With that, you left him sitting there, cock in hand, covered in his own hot cum and wondering if it had all just been a dream.
(pt. 2)
tag list: @sanemisstalker @vampcubus @flametrashira
ermmmmm idk how tagging ppl works but if I tagged u it’s cause I want u to read this shit but no pressure :-)
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