paintaya · 21 days
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hi everypony :3
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the-l0st-lore · 2 months
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*👯‍♂️* For the Clone Enthusiast *👯‍♂️*
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A definitive list of ambience creators and their clone content to aid in your copin-AHEM writing, reading, drawing, daydreaming and make believing!! Here's some of my favorite audio tracks containing clone chatter/conversations.
(TLDR- Clone ambience videos are up top, clone wars era video game playthroughs without commentary are in the middle, and an index of supercuts containing all the scenes/lines of individual clones is at the bottom. Might look confusing if you’re on mobile but everything that’s underlined is in fact a hyperlink.)
[ ——🎧 Ambience 🎧—— ]
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(Above) 79's with Clone Chatter
🧡 Clone Patrol with Chatter & Rain
🧡 Clone Foot Patrol with Chatter
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(Above) Clone War - (Combat / Droids / Clone Trooper Chatter / Vehicles / Radio Chatter)
💜 Venator Bridge: Combat (Clone Chatter / Engine Brown Noise / Space Battle)
💜 Venator Hangar (Engine Rumble Brown Noise / Clone Chatter/ Starfighters)
💜 Clone Sleeping Quarters - (Sleeping Clones / Barracks / Outpost / Clone Wars)
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(Above) Republic Gunship (engine white noise, radio chatter, rain, no music)
🧡 Republic Command Centre - (Felucia Nature, Deep Battle, Chatter)
🧡 Republic Attack Cruiser - (chatter, relaxing ship sounds, no music)
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(Above) Sleeping on the havac marauder - The Bad Batch Ambience // With occasional extracted dialogue
*I don’t feel comfortable posting someone’s face without their permission even if the profile is public and thus the ⭐️
[ ——🎮 Gameplay 🎮—— ]
While not technically ambience here are a few full gameplays of clone wars era video games with zero commentary and loads of voice acted clones:
1.) Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (2005) Full Campaign
2.) Star Wars: Republic Commando Remaster Full Game
3.) Star Wars: Clone Wars - Republic Heroes All Cutscenes (Full Game Movie) 1080p HD
[—🎬 Supercut Index 🎬—]
Is there a special copy paste man in your life? Use this small index to jump to supercuts of all your fave characters and scenes. *note that I've only included videos over a minute long but that the editors you will find below the index have an even more extensive library of characters. So if you don't see who you're looking for jump to one of the creators at the bottom.
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Appo | Denal | Dogma | Hardcase | Hawk | Jesse | Kix | Rex | Tup
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Cutup | Droidbait | Echo | Fives | Heavy
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Boil | Cody | Oddball | Waxer
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Boost | Comet | Sinker | Warthog | Wolffe
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Crosshair | Echo | Hunter | Omega | Tech | Wrecker | 99 the OG
Rex's Underground:
Howzer | Nemec | Fireball
Coruscant Guard:
Fox | Hound
Misc Comandos:
Gregor | Scorch
Misc. Commanders:
Gree | Bly | Colt | "Fil" | Mayday
Heroic Supercut Editors:
Revenge of Cinema | Journal of the Whills | Merrin
I have tried so many times to redo this link but it just won’t take so you should also check out Cardo over on YouTube (Clicking on Waxer, Boil or Bly’s links will get you over to their channel from this post!)
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You know, I'm happy that the idea of Spider befriending/taming one of the more dangerous creatures of Pandora, (be it an Ikran, a fucking Palulukan or a whole ass Toruk) is finally taking off. But what about the epic, badass reveal? We can't have our boy just be like: "Yeah, I got a new friend, it's cool.". It needs to be out of nowhere and shock everybody.
You are completely right, I am so sorry forgive me for this oversight.
-Spider and Kiri eventually tell Lo'ak about the palulukan (who I have decided is named Charlotte because Norm read Spider Charlotte's Web as a kid, get it they're spidercore) and the three of them decide to keep that shit reaaaal quiet until they think Charlotte is tamed.
-She's still really iffy around Lo'ak and Kiri most of the time, and she won't come out if Spider isn't there at all.
-Reveal comes when the sky people return. Jake and the scientists tell Spider and the kids Spider has to stay at Hell's Gate with the McCoskers and the other humans, where he belongs. Spider and the kids are all very against this, and it starts a whole fight. Spider threatens to run away, and Jake very calmly tells him he can't make it on his own. That's why he needs to stay where he's safe. Lo'ak's like "He's never alone." Very cryptic but none of the kids will elaborate.
-Spider just shows up at the camp the next morning, no one has any idea how he got there by himself. Every time they bring him back he just shows the fuck back up the next day and none of the kids are surprised, even Neteyam.
-Finally Tuk lets it slip to Neytiri that Charlotte is bringing him. Neytiri freaks out, thinking that Spider has given away the location of High Camp to the RDA loyalists to have one of them fly him over every day.
-The kids are all chilling at the edge of camp, vibing near the human shacks and the ikran and Neytiri goes right for them and comes right for Spider ready to demand he explain and the fucking palulukan just jumps out of the shadows from behind a shack right in front of him.
-Omg chaos in the camp, it's truly a madhouse lol. Spider and all the kids are petting her to try to calm her down and Jake is standing there like dear god when will the insanity end will I ever rest?
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My word, I can see his... ankles.
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southparkhcsocs · 2 months
I got a CT Scan on my head later today AMA lol
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lionfloss · 1 year
top 5 ways mother nature reclaims the earth from human devastation
send this to 500 billionaires' front doors 5 times
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joe-mac88 · 7 months
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Since the movie I always wanted to know how it would look like if I was besides Bonnie!
Would pretty much look like this!
Kinda nice! And geez..
They are..
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luckilyiambrave · 8 months
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Dapg pulling I always come back purple guy shit
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ikamigami · 1 year
Remember that I wanted to make a post about Moon's computer? That motherf-er!!?
So here it is!
But first things first. Eclipse isn't going anywhere. I might be the only person who truly believe in his intellect. Because others seem to fall for that whole "Eclipse doesn't have a plan" thing. Why I'm talking about Eclipse all of a sudden? Because this has more to do with Moon's computer than it may seem at first glance.
We know that Moon's computer has his personality. So that's why it acts like an ass sometimes like New Moon had said. So it seems completely normal that it was mean to Sun, right? And it's also normal that it prioritised Moon over Sun, right? But sometimes, not really.. way too often computer seemed to go overboard with how it treated Sun. We didn't have this sibling dynamic between computer and Sun, like we have with Moon and Sun. (I have a similar feeling that there was lack of brothership between Sun and Moon when Lunar was pretending to be Moon for the week. Lunar meaniness seemed more uncaring and cold than Moon's usual behaviour towards Sun.)
I don't like computer. Because it often acted like complete jerk towards Sun (and even in today's episode what a f-er). It has some good comedic moments but that's it.
Anyway, remember when it turned out that the one who pushed Sun over the edge and whole "incident with Kill Code happened" was actually Eclipse who was pretending to be Moon's computer? Because I do. And you know what I realise about that situation. That Sun and Moon never found out that Eclipse pretended to be Moon's computer! Later Moon found out that Eclipse had an access to his computer but he wasn't able to do anything about that because there was a lot going on back then. And now Moon can't do anything about it because he doesn't remember that. He doesn't remember that Eclipse has an access to his computer.
So I believe that Eclipse made himself a backdoor in Moon's computer during his and Lunar takeover in October. That way it was possible for him to go undetected even by computer itself. And let's not forget that Eclipse has the same intellect as Moon. So he was probably able to that.
So, because I'm paranoid af, I think that Eclipse probably still has that access and that he uses it to his advantage. Because why not? So bare with me here! I think that Moon's computer is in cahoots with Eclipse!! Completely unknowingly.. or let's better hope that that's the case! See, I said I'm paranoid!!
Anyway, let's get back to my first point. Let's take aside whether Eclipse was shocked by Sun's words or not or if these words upseted him or not because it doesn't matter in what I'm going to say. So I think that Eclipse didn't say anything to Sun then because he wanted to force a reaction from them. With computer's input our boys know that star is basically killing Eclipse and we saw that Sun wanted to think that through because it didn't sit well with him. Sun might feel a little bit of pity towards Eclipse (or maybe a lot cause I'm pretty sure he'll blame himself even for this isvsjdbsjjzbsj). And if we take into consideration my post about Eclipse gaslighting and abusing Sun into believing that he's evil, it starts to make sense.
Because if computer didn't say that about Eclipse, Sun wouldn't go of to think that through. So what I think that happened in that episode was another well crafted Eclipse's scenarios. It could have even been played on a bat, in a spur of moment. I understand that Eclipse probably didn't know and 100% wasn't expecting Sun to say all those things to him. And it probably really hurt him, mostly his ego but I don't deny that. But I think that he thought to himself that he may take that as an opportunity and use it against Sun. With computer's help of course. Because it wouldn't work other way. And like I said computer is probably unaware of that. It was probably Eclipse pretending to be Moon's computer and manipulating situation as always. Or that's what my paranoid ass is thinking about that situation jsbsjdk!!
And in today's episode Moon's computer had to send Sun to a void. Because why not? He's complete jerk! And I hate him for that! (And I know that Davis doesn't feel well so that's why there was no Sun and Monty in today's episode of sams and mgafs btw.)
I think that's all. I'm really paranoid af lol xd
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snoozefm · 1 year
next update someone’s going to be in a life or death situation trust.
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tescont · 3 months
current mood
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Dude I ain't gonna lie but every time I go on Pinterest and see a brown girl I'm like "damn, she is so Arjuni-coded"
What have you done to me 😭 (not that I'm complaining I like being a part of this cult)
Hehehheee now you are being haunted by Krishna cuz he is like: HELL YEAH MAKE MORE CONTENT ABOUT MY PARTHAVI
He came to me yesterday and told me abt it hehehrhrhrreeee 🤭😂
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imvenusasaboy · 2 years
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zzz or something idfk
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Vincent looks like he knows necromancy , does he?
now he does
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anyway . it'd be a little funny if I ACTUALLY used that dead fish on his hat (which is why you asked... I assume.........? No idea) instead of just a decoration ? something something he refuses to necromance PEOPLE but FISH that CONTROL DEAD PEOPLE? thats completely different. literally not comparable in the slightest
anyway the fish are like those isopods that hide in fish's mouths. i guess?
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crzyimp · 2 months
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inahochi · 3 months
I'm catching up with the high card episodes AND WHAT'S WITH OWEN OMG dark bags under eyes bro has it hard
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you now that one from eijun B-BIG BOSS!? mm i had the same reaction lol
also this one
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i didn't know he saw theodore like THAT maybe not but nvm me delulu rn
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