miucrew · 2 years
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Chavarri S/S ‘23
Samples inspired by Las Soldaderas of the Mexican Revolution.
Paired with an antique Mexican Sombrero from the early 1900s.
"Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it"
Model: @emilyeanae
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aperint · 10 months
Revolución mexicana
Revolución mexicana #aperturaintelectual #palabrasbajollave @tmoralesgarcia1 Thelma Morales García
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eddie-roo · 2 years
Este día de la mujer me gustaría conmemorar a las mujeres mexicanas que hicieron y están haciendo historia.
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I agree to publish this image under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International licence.
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sarajugali · 1 year
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🥳Celebremos nuestra cultura, nuestra deliciosa comida, los lugares increíbles que tenemos y todas las maravillas que este bello país nos ofrece. Disfruten mucho de esta nochecita, que la pasen súper chido y desde el otro lado de la pantalla brindo con un delicioso mezcalacho!!✨
🎇🍻Saluuuuud a todos!!🍻🎇
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cartelheir · 2 years
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tommy’s office looks way less intimidating after hours,   when the lights are dim like he was just about to leave.      in her hands shines a nice,   expensive-looking bottle of tequila;   and it would cost her quite a penny,   if she didn’t own the company that made it.      ❝    a sample of what we smuggle across the american border everyday.     it’s getting quite popular over there.    ❞      she sets the bottle over his desk,   carefully.
❝    have you ever tried it?    ❞
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marcogiovenale · 7 months
27 febbraio, bologna: "l'arte come riparazione. ricerche artistiche per intervenire sul presente"
L’ARTE COME RIPARAZIONE Ricerche artistiche per intervenire sul presente Presentazione del libro Martedì 27 febbraio 2024, ore 18 @ Librerie.coop Ambasciatori Via degli Orefici, 19, Bologna cliccare per ingrandire Continue reading 27 febbraio, bologna: “l’arte come riparazione. ricerche artistiche per intervenire sul presente”
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bellflower-goat · 1 year
I am only a girl on September 15th, November 2nd and November 20th
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zerounotvadri · 1 year
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Chihuahua es el mayor estado productor de manzanas en México. Ahí se ubica Grupo la Norteñita, la empresa que más produce estas frutas en el país.  
De niños nunca faltó en la cocina de mamá una manzana que satisficiera nuestros antojos repentinos, tampoco en nuestra lonchera ni en los días de campo en los parques cuando no había clases, pero ¿alguna vez te has preguntado de dónde venían esas frutas? 
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Anualmente los manzanos necesitan un periodo de frío que naturalmente reciben en invierno, a ese lapso se le llama dormancia. 
En México el mayor productor de manzanas es Grupo La Norteñita, que se ubica en Chihuahua, el mayor estado productor de este fruto en el país. 
En primavera los árboles necesitan ser polinizados, por eso los productores literalmente rentan miles de colmenas para que las abejitas “trabajen” en los campos durante esa época.
¿Alguna vez has contado las semillas cuando comes una manzana? Cada una representa el trabajo de una abeja polinizadora, es decir, si tiene cinco semillas, significa que ¡cinco abejas contribuyeron a su crecimiento!
Para contrarrestar los efectos de las heladas los productores acostumbran cubrir todo el huerto con mallas, así evitan que el granizo dañe los frutos. Si es necesario se utilizan abanicos para mezclar las capas de aire frío y cálido para evitar que la fruta se congele.
A medida que se acerca la época de cosecha se realizan mediciones en la fruta para determinar su madurez: se verifica su presión, el nivel de azúcar y otros parámetros para asegurar que se corten en el momento preciso. ¡Es como si fueran al doctor! 
En La Norteñita la cosecha es totalmente artesanal, en sus campos trabajan miles de manos expertas, muchas de ellas rarámuris.     
Las bolsas donde los recolectores colocan la fruta después de cortarla se llaman cotenses. En ellas cargan las manzanas para transportarlas del árbol hasta una especie de cajón gigante con una capacidad de 400 kilos. Cada día llenan decenas de ellos.
Cuando las manzanas llegan a la zona de empaque, toman un “baño de manzana”: los frutos pasan por debajo de una cortina de agua fría enriquecida con nutrientes que sirve para disminuir su temperatura y evitar que sigan madurando.  
Cuando las manzanas se refrigeran deben vigilarse día y noche sus niveles de oxígeno y dióxido de carbono para asegurar su “juventud”. 
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María Elena Aguirre, Subdirectora Comercial de Grupo La Norteñita, cuenta que en todo este proceso las máquinas son de gran ayuda, “pero el toque final lo tienen siempre las personas”, pues son ellas quienes logran que al final de todo el proceso varias líneas de transporte puedan llevar cada semana a todo el país más de 80 cargas, cada una con 23 o 24 toneladas de manzanas.  Aún después de conseguir todo esto, siempre tienes algo por descubrir porque, como ha dicho un productor muy famoso, “es muy fácil cultivar manzanas: sólo necesitas 100 lecciones”, pero sólo puedes aprender una por año, porque al final la naturaleza es siempre quien tiene la última palabra.
¡Cada manzana cuenta una historia!
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Acerca de Grupo La Norteñita
Grupo La Norteñita es el gigante agroalimentario de México, hasta 4 de cada 10 manzanas que llegan a nuestros hogares provienen de sus campos. Gracias a su espíritu pionero y disruptivo en innovación tecnológica, es líder en producción, conservación, industrialización, empaque y comercialización de manzanas. Nació hace más de 50 años del sueño de Salvador Corral Piñón y hoy es cuna de las mejores manzanas. Delisana, su marca paraguas, envuelve a las marcas Chavalinas, Mansanísima y Corsal, así como a los productos Chavalinas Dip, Deli Chips y Jugo Mansanísima; La Adelita se distribuye bajo el sello La Norteñita. El brazo social de La Norteñita es la Fundación Camichalo, que implementa acciones para mejorar la calidad de vida de sus colaboradores y grupos vulnerables. Su responsabilidad social y ambiental le han valido importantes reconocimientos y certificaciones. Sus productos se pueden encontrar en tiendas de autoservicio, mercados y tiendas locales. Para más información por favor visita www.grupolanortenita.com/ y  www.delisana.com.mx
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choconat67 · 28 days
Following the trend of Miku from X, she makes a miku Adelita, it's a sketch but I liked the result
Siguiendo la tendencia de Miku de X, hace una miku Adelita, es un boceto pero me gustó el resultado
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cuteminino · 9 days
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Susie haltmann vestida de Adelita en Revolución mexicana!
Por las fiestas patrias en mi pais🇲🇽!
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saccharinescorpion · 11 months
there's a lot i could say about the successful romance novel series by a white English lady about the "heir" to the KKK romancing a white-passing "cartel princess" named Adelita, but for whatever reason the main thing it keeps making me think of is the fact that recently a cartoon helmed by a Mexican-American woman was annouced and it was immediately denounced as being unspeakably offensive and one of the reasons given for this was the repeated assertion that having the charactes live in a place called "Terremoto Heights" ("Earthquake Heights") was like having an American show (the show is an American show) (it is set in LA) being called "9/11 Heights" because earthquakes happen in Mexico sometimes
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sylvies-chen · 5 months
Your top five rookie storylines.
For the sleepover asks.
oh god this is making me realize how bad my memory is okay let’s get into it
DOD - lucy’s dod storyline was that bitch and will forever be that bitch. it was truly so gripping, so emotional, and showed how resilient she was all while giving feral worried tim like we’d never seen before. it was such great storytelling and truly top tier rookie content
Angela getting taken - this one hits so hard and it’s not necessarily rewatchable because of how devastating Jackson’s death was, but I specifically mean Angela getting her moment to be a total badass even while in labour and any time she gets to show why she earned her La Adelita nickname. it was a big twist and one of the first drastic grandstanding rookie moments with helicopters and big stakes and all that which set up a whole bunch of other stuff so all around very intense and compelling
James and the community centre - idk if this counts as a storlyine necessarily but the time in season 3 when we first were introduced to james as someone who was very anti-police and worked in the community was really wonderful. I really liked seeing them tap into the community outreach side of that and having silas as a side character was so fun. we need to bring him back. I understand that and most of the storylines in that season were just panicked responses to the blm anti police sentiments which were especially intense at the time and which I still fully support but I honestly think the community centre and james as a reluctant advisor and peaceful contrarian during all of that was such a smart storyline to ask all of those questions
dim and juicy - CAMP. this whole storyline was just straight fun, messy, amazing CAMP. I loved the doppelgänger angle so much and remember freaking out about tatted eric in bts pics weeks beforehand (shoutout to the spoiler king lol). it was such a funny and classically rookie way to bring about chenford’s early beginnings and honestly I ate it up
is it cheating if I say the one happening right now? because this stuff with nicole and doctor london and mad dog (rip) that happened this episode had me SHOOK it was so intense and definitely the most interesting storyline in this all-over-the-place season so far.
have a sleepover with me!
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piro-piroooooo · 9 days
I was thinking of doing a Miku for the cultural Miku trend... but I'm already quite late and I've been thinking of some things...
I'm Mexican (hehe <3), but I don't see any point in drawing another adelita Miku, or a Miku dressed in any Mexican indigenous attire. I'm not part of any indigenous group, I don't understand those attires. I grew up and live in a poor small industrial city. Of course there is culture in here, but it doesn't look pretty. It isn't pretty colorful dresses, dances, rituals or an ancestral connection to our land and the gods that inhabit it. That can be found in the rural towns that surround my city, the ones that get tourists.
There is no specific cultural attire I can claim or use to represent my cultural experience. What should I dress my Miku in? The local soccer team shirt? The vests the local politicians are often seen wearing? Sure, I could do that I guess.
I'm not saying any of this to complain. Actually, quite the opposite. I love my ugly city. I love my ugly-looking culture. My culture looks like make-shift tents that house weekly farmer's markets. Children making memories of school in classrooms with cement floors and decades old equipment. Neighborhoods coming together to make anniversary parties for holes in the streets. It's showering with a bucket of water you heated on the stove and a recycled yogurt container because the government refuses to do anything about the water shortages. And there's a lot of happiness that can be found in this kind of life.
I used to be very bitter about the way my culture came to be. My way of life was created by a history filled with violence, colonization, and death. Me and the people around me are the result of europeans mixing with the native population. Our poverty and lack of indigenous cultural identity was caused by the explotation of this land and its resources.
Today the independence of my country is celebrated. I have a lot of feelings about it and at the same time I feel nothing. Of course, I'm bitter and angry about the history of my country and its current state. But also, today I went out to buy some groceries we needed to prepare pambazos and passed by a festival. People were eating good food, smiling, creating happy memories. There's joy to be found in this ugly small industrial city.
Maybe I will just draw Miku in my middle school uniform. Carrying that backpack too big for her, y una torta de buebito para comerse en el recreo.
Feliz día de la independencia de México :^)
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desolatus · 6 months
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A woman in Las Adelitas de Aztlán, a women’s organization that supported the Chicano movement, in Lincoln Heights, 1969. George Rodriguez
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rookieoneil · 3 months
I love your chenpez work I will always read all of them. I have a prompt idea, how about enemies to lovers where Lucy wants to surpass Angela and they are always butting heads. Only to fall for each other after having to work together to get out of a sticky situation.
Healthy Competition
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Lucy, seemingly undeterred by the quiet, spoke up again. "So, Angela, what do you do for fun?"
Angela turned to look at her, her expression deadpan. "I like shooting things."
Lucy nodded, a small smile tugging at her lips. "You're a good shot."
"Not good enough," Angela muttered, bitterness seeping into her voice.
Lucy shrugged, her tone light. "La Adelita is a force to be reckoned with. It's an honor to share the top shooting marks with you. MidWilshire’s top marksmen. Markswomen."
Thank you so much for the request! I changed it to a one sided competition, but I hope you still enjoy it!🩷 thank you for the support 🥰
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cartelheir · 2 years
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@proofwhisky​​   :   “The guy I know was a cold-blooded bastard.” for pat! THE USUAL SUSPECTS,   accepting!
❝    HE IS.    ❞      it’s not her intention to defend benjamín nor to confirm the accusation,   but she doesn’t feel fazed,   much less  surprised,   by his reputation of ruthlessness.     it’s simply a  reality  to her.      ❝    how else do you think one goes through a revolution  and  a great war?    ❞
her father’s warnings to  tread lightly  when dealing with potential partnerships   ━━   or rivals,   depending on how you look at it   ━━   so far away from home almost go ignored as her eyes study the man across from her with intrigue and curiosity.     she doesn’t hesitate to lean forward and rest her elbow on his expensive-looking desk,   her head coming to rest on top of her hand in a casual,   unconcerned manner.
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❝    is it an issue that i associate with him?    ❞      she asks.      ❝    does he  scare  you,   thomas?    ❞
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