#La bête humaine
gringolet · 2 years
rating whether polyamory would solve famous love triangle plots
Arthur/Guinevere/Lancelot (Arthuriana): no because Mordred and Agravaine would not be let in on the mutual consent and would still try to catch Guinevere cheating
Tristan/Iseult/Mark (Tristania): absolutely not because Mark is Tristan’s uncle
Tristan/Iseult/Palomides (Tristania): absolutely yes because between Palomides and Iseult all of Tristan’s most unhelpful impulses would be balanced out
Peeta/Katniss/Gale (Hunger Games): polyamory alone cannot defeat an authoritarian dystopia
Cyrano/Roxanne/Christian (Cyrano de Bergerac): solves every problem in the first 3 acts, solves no problems in the 4th
Wesley/Buttercup/Humperdink (The Princess Bride): while Wesley would be happy living as buttercups side piece, the problem is no amount of mutual consent will fulfill prince humperdinks emotional need to be at war. so no
Orsino/Viola/Olivia (Twelfth Night): most of it yes as long as Sebastian fucks that pirate
Heathcliff/Catherine/Edgar (Wuthering Heights): Technically yes but they all have so many emotional issues that new problems would immediately arise and Catherine would still die of being stressed out by the whole thing
Mark Antony/Cleopatra/Caesar (Antony and Cleopatra): well vibes-wise they were probably all fucking in real life and clearly polyamory alone did not save the Roman Republic
Menelaos/Helen/Paris (The Iliad etc): polyamory alone CAN stop the Trojan war as long as the Greeks know Menelaos tops
Florence/The Russian/Svetlana (Chess): polyamory alone cannot stop the Cold War
The Dutchman/Sente/Erik (The Flying Dutchman): solves every interpersonal problem but would actively damn the Dutchman to wander the seas forever
Mathilde/Julien/Mme de Renal (The Red and the Black): a rare case where polyamory would make everything WORSE! Fucking two people at the same time would make poor asexual Julien even more miserable and more people would die. Mme de Renal’s guilt would be even more destructive. Mathilde would suicide bait everyone else involved.
Raoul/Christine/Erik (Phantom of the Opera): probably not but i want to say yes because its such a funny concept
Jacques/Severine/Roubaud (La Bête Humaine): no! Jacques would just sexually commit TWO murders
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minayuri · 6 months
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Jean Gabin and Simone Simon in Jean Renoir's 1938 film, La Bête Humaine
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france-cinema · 3 months
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La Bête humaine, Jean Renoir, Jean Gabin, Simone Simon, 1938.
Synopsis : Témoin d’un meurtre commis par Roubaud, chef de gare au Havre, Jacques Lantier, mécanicien de locomotive, devient l’amant de Séverine, la femme de l’assassin. Ce secret les rapproche et Séverine incite Lantier à tuer Roubaud qu’elle déteste. Mais Lantier souffre d’un terrible mal qui l’empêche de vivre ses passions amoureuses…
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affiches-cinema · 20 days
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La Bête humaine, Jean Renoir, Jean Gabin, Simone Simon, 1938.
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laugier · 4 months
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heartloquette · 8 months
"They held each other close, merging the awful sadness of their plights. For theirs was a suffering unto eternity, without prospect of oblivion or forgiveness."
La Bête Humaine, Émile Zola, 1890
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jaimelire-france · 10 months
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La Bête humaine est un roman de l'écrivain français Émile Zola.
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entrehormigones · 2 years
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
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Jean Gabin and Julien Carette in La Bête Humaine (Jean Renoir, 1938)
Cast: Jean Gabin Séverine Roubaud: Simone Simon, Fernand Ledoux, Blanchette Brunoy, Jacques Berlioz, Julien Carette, Colette Régis, Jean Renoir. Screenplay: Jean Renoir, Denise Leblond, based on a novel by Émile Zola. Cinematography: Curt Courant. Production design: Eugène Lourié. Film editing: Suzanne de Troeye, Marguerite Renoir.
Jean Gabin has been called "the French Clark Gable," perhaps because he has some of the charged virility we associate with Gable. But it seems to me that he possesses in equal, or even greater, measure the quiet, sometimes gruff integrity as an actor that we associate with Spencer Tracy. It's very much on display in La Bête Humaine, in which he underplays the role of the doomed Jacques Lantier, making us feel the solidity of the man rather than the inherited demons that Émile Zola's novel inflicted on him. (Perhaps he underplays a bit too much for some people, like Pauline Kael, who found him sometimes "a lump.") In any case, the star of the film is not so much Gabin as the train whose engine Lantier has affectionately named Lison and regards as female. Throughout La Bête Humaine, we see trains rushing down the tracks and surging through tunnels or hear their roar and rumble and shrieking whistles. The film is driven by the energy of trains almost more than by the passions of the characters. In a close adherence to Zola's biological determinism, the trains would be emblematic of unstoppable, mechanistic destiny, but Jean Renoir has tempered Zola's naturalism with his own humanism. Renoir's nods to Zola's determinism are perfunctory: The scene in which Lantier reverts to the darkness of his ancestors and starts to strangle Flore (Blanchette Brunoy) is an awkward way of introducing Zola's ideas. But whenever the passions of the characters come most to the forefront, as in the murders of Grandmorin (Jacques Berlioz) and Séverine (Simone Simon), Renoir's tendency is to look away: Grandmorin dies behind the closed curtains of a railway compartment, and Lantier's assault on Séverine is interrupted by cuts to the dance hall they have left behind. What I remember from the film is less the crushing force of destiny that overwhelms the characters than the irrepressible elements of ordinary life, epitomized in the camaraderie of Lantier and Pecqueux (Julien Carette), and reinforced by the film's ending when Pecqueux stops the hurtling train and returns to find his dead friend and gently close his eyes.
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ladyniniane · 4 months
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thechildisgone · 1 year
watching a french movie without subtitles cause ive seen gifs of Simone Simon cuddling a cat in it
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hotvintagepoll · 7 months
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Carmen Sevilla (La fierecilla domada/La mégère apprivoisée, La Venganza, King of Kings)— One of the few spanish actresses to really make it in Hollywood. She worked opposite Charlton Heston in the 1970s and reportedly slapped him but that is past the cut-off so you can look it up for yourselves. There's also rumors that Frank Sinatra had a bit of a crush on her and asked her out a couple of times but she rejected him. The woman was just messy as hell in general and an absolute icon. Bless.
Simone Simon (Cat People, La Bête Humaine, The Devil and Daniel Webster, The Curse of the Cat People)— If she turned in to a panther and ate me I would be fine with that
This is round 1 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut]
Simone Simon:
so so so so cute
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one of simone simon's best remembered movies is cat people, one of jacques tourneur's great b-horror movies that's secretly a sensitive and tender examination of otherness, seriously i cry every time i watch it a short excerpt from cat people
She’s maybe not super well known to a lot of people but holy hell is she a stunner. I literally have her Cat People poster on my wall - she is amazing in that film, playing this tragic character (please go watch Cat People it’s this amazing tragic story of a foreign woman being caught up in a toxic relationship with a man who doesn’t believe her, plus cats). She’s so beautiful!! Look at her!!
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minayuri · 6 months
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Jean Gabin and Simone Simon in LA BÊTE HUMAINE (1938) | dir. Jean Renoir
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crimson-veil-rpg · 4 months
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C R I M S O N . V E I L forum rpg urban fantasy de type créatures et gangs avec concept de doubles identités secrètes (tw : violence, sang, chasse) ¨:·. .·:¨ ¨:·. ☾ .·:¨ ¨:·. .·:¨ ¨:·. .·:¨ ¨:·. ☾ .·:¨ ¨:·. .·:¨ Scarborough. Il y a quelque chose dans ce nom qui écorche la langue en y laissant sa marque, raclant la gargue pour s'extirper presque douloureusement des lèvres. Ici, les apparences sont trompeuses, se fardant d'un monticule de faux semblants au cœur de la station balnéaire britanique. Les jours d'été sont doucereux, idéaux pour flâner naïvement le temps d'un après-midi à sombrer dans l'oisiveté. Puis, il y a la sorgue qui tombe, ne laisse qu'un empire des lueurs artificielles devenues floues sous une brume dominante, sertie d'une âcre fragrance d'iode.
Alors les ombres sortent, sournoises chimères aux babines avides dégueulant de crocs affutés qui entament leur ballet nocturne. Les masques tombent jusqu'à l'aube naissante et plus rien ne paraît alors rassurant. Les bêtes grouillent, se dévoilent, se croisent à l’abri des mires aveugles d’êtres humains pour qui elles ne sont que des histoires fantaisistes que l'on conte aux bambins. Les griffes se ferment sur les chairs et les disparitions vont bon train. Enfin jusqu'à-ce que les projectiles filent, tentant de protéger les pauvres égaré.es de leurs funestes étreintes. Parce qu'il y a toujours eu les proies, toujours eu les traqueurs en un jeu sempiternel. Si bien qu'on ne sait plus vraiment qui sont les prédateurs et qui sont les proies.
Peut-être que dans tout ça votre charmante voisine vous offrant d'alléchantes pâtisseries n'est autre qu'une chasseuse de monstres aguerrie une fois le crépuscule tombé, que votre collègue de bureau se révèle être un bestiau assassin faisant bonne figure afin de mieux se fondre dans la masse, que cet aimable facteur fait partie d'un organisme secret mettant à mal l'humanité lorsqu'il ne livre pas le courrier.
Et vous, au fond, qui êtes-vous réellement ? ¨:·. .·:¨ ¨:·. ☾ .·:¨ ¨:·. .·:¨ ¨:·. .·:¨ ¨:·. ☾ .·:¨ ¨:·. .·:¨
Encore un énième univers porté sur les bestioles et pourtant, Crimson Veil vous proposera quelque chose en plus pour pimenter le jeu. Le forum possèdera un concept d’identités secrètes, où seul le staff connaîtra la véritable espèce ou rôle au sein des organisations de chaque personnage. Le but sera évidemment de jouer le jeu, d’en dévoiler le moins possible, laisser des indices s’échapper de temps à autre et dissimuler les crasses sous quelques balises hide bien placées. Les membres d’une même organisation ou d’une même espèce, pourront se reconnaître entre eux bien entendu, à comploter paisiblement à l’abri des regards dans des zones secrètes. Bien sûr, le forum demande pas mal d’aménagements pratiques afin que les mystères soient viables au maximum, les réponses quant à l’organisation des choses arriveront en temps voulu.
Et ça ne risque pas de vriller city tout ça ? Et bien mon petit Philibert, le jeu sera agrémenté de plusieurs espèces non jouables sous forme de PNJ capables de semer le trouble et donner du rebondissement entre les diverses intrigues. Même les créatures les plus hostiles pourront se faire croquer par plus gros qu’elles.
Le nom de Scarborough, petite ville côtière du Yorkshire, en Angleterre, vous est peut-être familier. En effet, une partie de l’univers reprendra le lore et quelques petites choses à son forum grand frère, Noctivagus, ouvert en septembre 2020 et qui a fermé ses portes en 2023. De nombreuses choses seront cependant intégralement revues et adaptées (nombre et types de créatures, gangs, système de jeu, codage et design, etc.). Reprendre cette base et réhabiliter ce forum sous une toute nouvelle forme permettra également de gagner en temps et en énergie durant la construction (big brain mouve). À bientôt donc pour une toute nouvelle aventure.
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thecruellestmonth · 2 years
Jason Todd + literature
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RHATO (2016) #20
Become What You Are by Alan Watts
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Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing #8
Hannah Arendt, author of Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil
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Batman (1940) #395
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Detective Comics #573 // Detective Comics #1042
The Gotham Gazette, local newspaper
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We Are Robin #7
Alexandre Dumas, author of The Man in the Iron Mask, The Count of Monte Cristo, and Robin Hood: The Outlaw
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Batman: Legends of Gotham
La Bête humaine by Émile Zola
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Batman and Robin Eternal #3
1984 by George Orwell
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Batman Incorporated (2012) #7
Richard III by William Shakespeare
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RHATO (2011) #6, written by Joshua Williamson
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Naomi and Ely's No Kiss List by Rachel Cohn and David Levithan
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Batman and Robin (2009) #5 // Batman: Three Jokers #2
Getting the Best Out of Your Brand
Chronic Pain Management
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Detective Comics #569
Moby-Dick; or, The Whale by Herman Melville
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Batman and Robin (2009) #23 //Batman: Wayne Family Adventures #31
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
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Red Hood and the Outlaws: Rebirth
The Prince by Niccolò Machiavelli
The Art of War by Sūn Zǐ
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Batman #648
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Batman #409 // Batman: Arkham Knight—Genesis #2 // Batman: Wayne Family Adventures #23
See also: lit nerd Steph by @our-happygirl500-fan, Shakespeare nerd Dickie by @luanna255
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davidhudson · 1 year
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Jean Renoir directs Jean Gabin and Simone Simon in La bête humaine (1938).
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