#Labradorite Blue Power Beads
witchthewriter · 1 year
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐞𝐦𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐫 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
I thought I’d do something a lil different, since the Nav’i are so connected to nature, it would be a cool concept if they were given a gemstone that represents them when they were born
𝐀𝐔: Just like the Songchord that is created when a Na’vi first comes into the world, they are also given a gemstone that represents them as a being. Throughout life, whenever this gemstone appears - it means something. Na’vi use it to represent themselves on their own Songchords and their clan’s Songchords. Their gemstone is also worn as an adornment; jewellery, sewn into clothing, and/or worn in their braids. 
・Her stone is Apatite 
・Known as ‘The Stone of Wisdom’
・Aids in the mind’s connection to the spiritual world
・Apatite is also known as the stone of the future and brings knowledge to those who are attuned to it 
・It also helps in psychic abilities; feeling, knowing more than the average Na’vi.
・Her stone was a part of the reason why she knew to make Neytiri teach Jake
・Those attuned to it/are chosen by it has enhanced brain power, originality and critical thinking skills
・Apatite is a dual-action stone, known for its positive use of personal power to achieve goals. It clears away confusion, apathy or negativity, then, stimulates the intellect to expand knowledge and truth
・She wears it as a necklace as well as bracelets 
・His stone is Labradorite 
・Known as ‘The Stone of Mysticism’
・He was chosen by Eywa; we have seen reasons so far, but there has been hints of an even greater purpose for Jakesully. 
・This stone’s elements are Air and Water. Just like Neytiri, Jake has a love for flying - and he leads his family to find a safehaven with the water people. 
・He received his stone when his soul was completely transferred into his Na’vi body
・Legend says a warrior speared the coast to create labradorite 
・Is known for uniting opposing ideas, forces and people
・Cuts through illusions to reveal the heart of the truth
・Offers protection through ritual work
・Jake has labradorite beads tied to his arm band
・Her stone is Moonstone
・A very spiritual stone, which fits as she is the clans Tsahik
・It evokes the goddess, and in this universe, that would be Eywa. This rings true as Ronal is the Tsahik for the Metkayina clan; the one closest to Eywa
・It’s element is Water, showcasing her clan and its importance to her
・Moonstone is a stone of sudden inspiration and intuitive knowing. Some clans believe a Moonstone talisman can help the wearer make the right decisions.
・Moonstone makes you super-focused and receptive
・It also purifies your aura and protects you from psychic harm
・Ronal incoporates the gemstone as apart of her headpiece 
・Her stone is Amethyst
・It is a well-known stone that works in many areas of a Na’vi’s life. It heals, protects, enhances psychic abilities, strengthens the connection to Eywa and promote peace. 
・It’s elements are both Air and Water; signifying Neytiri’s love for flying and her later connection with the Metkayina clan. 
・Awakens a heightened state of spiritual awareness
・It continually reveals that the most “sensible” solution is also the one that serves the Highest Good for all
・It has strong healing and cleansing powers
・Amethyst helps us to identify the root causes behind behaviors and emotional patterns
・Neytiri wears beads of amethyst in her front braids 
・His stone is Blue Calcite
・Known as ‘The Stone of the Mind & Communication.’ 
・It’s elements are Air, Water and Earth - meaning it’s one of the more stable stones
・The meaning of Blue Calcite is deep unconditional peace
・Blue Calcite is a wonderful stone for communication, especially for tense situations that need careful management. It gives the confidence and hope that everything will work out for the best.
・Reminds us that while we can’t control other people, we do get to control our response to the world around us.  
・Tonowari wears his gemstone on his iknimaya; a garmet that is given to Metkayina once they complete their coming of age tests
・His stone is Moss Agate
・It’s meaning is ‘Universal Connection.’ 
・It’s element is Earth, relating the fact Tsu’tey comes from the forest Na’vi
・The stone is beautiful and blends well in the jungle
・In some clans, Moss Agate talismans were worn by soldiers before going into battle for physical harm, longevity, and evil vibrations
・When one is going through painful events or changes, Moss Agate can help spiritual growth
・Bonding with it reveals the secrets of nature and cosmic reality
・Aids to stay in integrity and to make good decisions that will serve one well in the future
・Tsu’tey wore his gemstone in his intricate necklace
・His stone is Blue Lace Agate
・It is known as ‘The Stone of the Diplomat’ 
・It’s element is Air and Water; Neteyam is a great warrior, he has success in all Omaticaya traditions. However, Lo’ak superseeds him in the Metkayina ways. 
・That’s not to say that Neteyam doesn’t mesh well with his new home - rather, he is used to being the one who excels at whatever he puts his mind to. 
・Blue Lace Agate lets you speak your authentic truth 
・This gemstone makes it easy to find the root of and dissolve the negative emotions that cause anger and resentment
・Blue Lace Agate teaches us that words create reality and so we should strive to use words that are kind and wise
・Neteyam wears his gemstone on every piece of his garmets; including his loin cloth design, and neck-wear
・Her stone is Citrine 
・Known as ‘The Light Maker,’ it carries the power of the sun and with it, brings happiness wherever the wearer goes
・Citrine is a joyful stone and has one of the most powerful energies of all crystals
・It purifies the energy of everything around it, and is one of the few “self-cleansing crystals” capable of maintaining its own brilliant energy field
・It’s element is Fire, which made Kiri upset when she first learnt of that. She wanted to be like her family - it was another reason why she was different 
・But this serves as a greater foretelling of her future 
・When one is truly looking for a change or a spark of imagination, Citrine’s energy has no bounds
・Kiri wears her gemstone in little pieces braided into her hair and on her necklace
・His stone is Aquamarine
・Known as ‘The Crystal of the Sea’. It is a direct representation of water and the life beneath the waves
・Therefore, it’s pretty obvious that it’s connected to the element of Water
・Aquamarine encourages spiritual growth and greater awareness. 
・The ocean is believed to symbolize a real-life astral plane, and Aquamarine’s connection to the sea and water element is a spiritual representation of how it links you to the spiritual realm.
・Aquamarine is one of the most calming stones out there and works wonders for those who suffer from anxiety and stress.
・Aonung wears his gemstone on his armband
・His stone is Chalcedony 
・Chalcedony connects your physical body to the higher realm. It’s a spiritual awakening crystal that is also responsible for wisdom, awareness, and universal connection.
・Chalcedony is one of the oldest crystals for making weapons and tools.
・It enhances our self-awareness and encourages us to be more responsible, without becoming overly serious
・It is associated with the element of water, which explains why he was never as good as the Omaticaya traditions as Neteyam was
・It also explains why he integrated so well into the Metkayina way of life
・He wears parts of the gemstone braided in his hair. 
・Her stone is Larimar
・It is known as ‘The Stone of Truth’
・A feminine stone, it’s elements are Fire and Water
・It is not yet known how the Fire element will come into play. 
・Larimar is a stone of truth; specifically knowing who you are and what you stand for. 
・ Larimar gives those attuned a deeper connection to nature
・Enhancing truth and personal understanding, you can use Larimar to tap into and harness your intuition.
・This is a direct depiction of Tsireya’s open-mindedness and welcoming attitude she shows the Sullys’.     
・Tsireya wears her gemstone as a necklace; tied in a rope 
・Her stone is Rose Quartz
・Known as ‘Unconditional & Universal Love’ 
・Even though Tuk is young, she still shows an open-mind and open-heart to all things
・It’s elements are Water and Earth - which correspond perfectly. Tuk wasn’t of age to have her own Ikran, so she’s not used to being in the air 
・She doesn’t judge the Metkayina’s way of life, instead she embraces it. Making friends wherever she goes.
・Rose Quartz restores trust and harmony in relationships
・The Earth element rules Rose Quartz crystals; hence, you’ll easily calm down when holding this crystal, especially during stress, grief, trauma, loss, or heartbreak. 
・However, she does come from the Forest Na’vi - the Omaticaya. This represents the Earth element. And since moving, she has become one of the Reef people - the Metkayina. This represents the Water. 
・Their stones can foretell their future, but not every Na’vi wants to know their next chapters. So it isn’t a tradition to go searching for your future in the stone. 
・Only Eywa knows a Na’vi’s future 
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buffalojournal · 1 year
Two Poems by Morgan L. Ventura
A Brief Synesthetic History
When I look around it could be said we are living in dark times, the walls & skies & sea & clouds & spaces within me, obsidian smoke, pitch tar, pooled oil. It tastes of ash & petrol & mould & the edge of a boiled knife & I hear the whooshing whooping of distant stars – black holes – ebony arias bending, twisting vibrations. What’s true is I want brighter times, amber & magenta times, spirals of smiling roses & giddy peonies, & detonations of laughing citrine. Times that carry the blush of wisteria, caramel popcorn, earnest eucalyptus. I was born in green times – aventurine smiles & verdant yards blooming viridian jewels, emerald & jade hanging from low branches, wistful and content. The 80s rainforest transmutes blue. Periwinkle times, the 90s breathed cornflower winds and bluebell gales, husked sapphire on metal plates, glimmering robin eggs on cedar porch chirping an unearthly jingle piercing aquamarine eyes of my father who knew only sadness. The sky only spoke rain, it was falling sea, shredded wave, lacerated labradorite, cascades of troubled cerulean. Shocked like glaciers arguing, raging because all’s spilled into red. A time of crimson, furls of fuchsia in the tide of blood after flames across New York, after strikes in Chicago, after death in the family. The 2000s were carnelian, lay the bead beneath my tongue, the rubies on my eyes, enshrine me in magma, encrust me in this livid tomb. Vitrine of vermillion, what is a body but stained glass, medieval sun never modern. The next era’s violet, arched, mutilated candy blossoming from irises in the back. In the evening light it all shivers purple, bruised lilacs yammer & portend a luminous love. Amethyst troves in the attic squirm & emit warmth, simmering with snapdragon & grapes, pisco vineyard from a decade ago, time punctured by lazy lost lagoons. Take me now into what seems like blank times, off-shades of pale peeling into crystal pears & glass shards as we wait, & the iridescent soul in the body of the future, the cloud high above spitting quartz & splitting mirrors, declares these are rainbow times, & I have to tell you, I love all the colours, I want all the colours. World, let me bathe in your prisms & drink your light. This marbled soil, this striated sky. I’d be no one & nowhere without.
 Internal Monologue of an Anthropologist in Paris
My mother said if I fail on my new adventure I can live in her closet.
My French roommate has shit in my bed after having a midlife crisis at 29.
On television I look like an idiot. Even smart, floral blazers from the 10th Arrondissement make me look like a cartoon character because I’m very small.
They want to hire me as a curatorial fellow at the Musée du Quai Branly but then I have to stay here and oh, how I know the Parisians suffer.
Every Thursday there is a voracious vacuuming in the flat above me at 6am and I am suddenly murderous. I strike the ceiling with my broom and the ceiling strikes back.
My life is an Antonioni film. At the Sorbonne, I’m asked to describe my unwritten doctoral thesis in front of four medieval historians and a self-proclaimed spiritualist who spends most of his time at Père Lachaise by the grave of some important figure whose name I can’t remember. I whirl around in my seat and quip, “It is about nothing with precision.”
The community in Oaxaca wants me to ask the Mexican government to return the collection it stole but I’m merely an anthropologist, when did we ever hold power?
Margaret Mead was barely 5’0” and carried a walking stick taller than herself, which she’d use to intimidate men. That’s power.
I’m invited by the History Channel to appear on Ancient Aliens after my undergraduate advisor, a certain Mayanist, declines and thinks it would be hilarious to give them my personal email. “We will pay you $300,” they tell me. I think seriously about it.
Pseudoscience is absurd but my life is absurd. My next-door neighbour smokes cigarettes naked while his parrot shits on the patio. A colleague informs me they irrationally hate my surname.
“Would you like a career in anthropology?” my PhD advisor asks me after I tell him about the invite. This, coming from a man whose faculty headshot features him sacrificing a chicken.
Anthropologists don’t deserve careers, I think. But I sure enjoy all the grant and fellowship money, society’s conviction that we are worth something because “we are scientists.”
I don’t want a career, I conclude.
Over lunch in the EHESS cafeteria, my friend says everyone here complains too much and that the Parisians are insane and create their own chaos.
My brother texts me because my mother is in jail. She should stay there.
I go for coffee with an artist in Le Marais. The owner comes out to scream at all of us who dare to use their laptops and take up too much time – or space.
Claude Lévi-Strauss helped found UNESCO. Franz Boas died in his arms. Claude’s a structuralist and I despise structure. Will I die in the arms of anyone?
When Bronislaw Malinowski died, we all found out that he was a pervert. His field notebooks were festooned with scribbles of his interlocutor’s boobs.
“Anthropologists are very interesting, no?” asks the barista I’ve befriended at perhaps the most hipster café I could find.
I don’t know, are we?
Am I?
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adventuregemstone · 4 days
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jessikaoidh · 3 months
4 Awesome Crystal Gems To Get For Your Compilation In Singapore
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When it concerns increasing your crystal collection, Singapore supplies a riches of alternatives. From raw crystals to elegant crystal arm bands, there is actually one thing for each fanatic. Whether you're a professional collection agent or only beginning your quest along with Raw Crystals, discovering one-of-a-kind enhancements to your selection can easily be a satisfying take in. In this post, we'll explore four distinctive crystals that you can easily obtain in Singapore to boost your assortment.
Raw Crystal Citrine
For those looking for raw crystals in Singapore, raw citrine is an essential add-on to your selection. Recognized for its own radiant gold color, citrine is actually believed to bring the power of the sunshine, carrying coziness, happiness, and also great quantity in to your lifestyle. In its raw kind, citrine displays an organic appeal, with its rough appearance as well as vibrant coloration. Whether presented as a centerpiece in your crystal grid or used for mind-calming exercise purposes, raw citrine is actually certain to lighten up your collection. Try to find reliable sellers offering crystals offer for sale in Singapore to locate top notch raw citrine specimens. Soulalign.com is actually the absolute best source where you may find crystals Singapore.
Ametrine Palm Rock
Palm stones are sleek crystals that fit pleasantly in the palm of your hand, producing them ideal for mind-calming exercise as well as leisure. One special crystal to contribute to your selection in Singapore is the ametrine hand rock. A blend of purple as well as citrine, ametrine display screens magnificent purple and also gold tones, creating a beneficial combination of energies. This unusual crystal is actually prized for its own harmonizing residential or commercial properties, promoting psychological quality, imagination, as well as spiritual growth. Watch out for crystal bracelets in Singapore featuring ametrine beads or visit store for refined stone selections.
Celestite Bunch
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If you're drawn to crystals that rouse a sense of peacefulness and also serenity, a celestite bunch is an excellent selection for your compilation. Including delicate blue tones similar to the heavens, celestite is linked with the heavenly arena and is strongly believed to assist in interaction with holy creatures. Bunches, especially, display the natural appeal of celestite, with its own spiritual crystal buildups and also gleaming structure. Feature a celestite bunch at home or even mind-calming exercise room to generate a calm ambience and also advertise leisure. Look for trustworthy sellers supplying crystals in Singapore to find high-quality celestite specimens.
Labradorite Wrist Bracelet
For those finding crystal bracelets Singapore, labradorite offers a special and also eye-catching choice. Referred to as the rock of makeover, labradorite is valued for its rainbowlike flashes of colour, called labradorescence. This enchanting sensation adds an element of puzzle as well as delight to labradorite bracelets, creating all of them each elegant add-ons and also strong lively tools. Labradorite is actually felt to enrich intuitiveness, protect against negative energies, and market spiritual development. Search for crystalline solid bracelets in Singapore including labradorite grains or even check out store for a vast option of crystal precious jewelry choices.
Lastly, Singapore delivers a varied variety of crystals for collection agencies to look into, from raw specimens to polished stones and crystal bracelets. By incorporating unique crystals like raw citrine, ametrine hand stones, celestite bunches, and labradorite bracelets to your selection, you may enhance your spiritual technique as well as generate a sense of beauty and also tranquility in your live. Whether you are actually looking for crystals available in Singapore or even browsing boutique, the opportunities for growing your assortment are actually countless.
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jocelynsfairbank · 3 months
4 Special Crystals To Include In Your Assortment In Singapore
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When it relates to increasing your crystal collection, Singapore provides a wide range of options. From raw crystals to elegant crystal arm bands, there's one thing for every single fanatic. Whether you are actually an experienced collector or even simply starting your trip with Raw Crystals, uncovering distinct additions to your compilation can be actually a worthwhile experience. In this post, we'll discover 4 specific crystals that you can acquire in Singapore to boost your selection.
Raw Citrine
For those finding raw crystals in Singapore, raw citrine is actually an essential add-on to your assortment. Known for its own radiant golden shade, citrine is felt to carry the energy of the sun, carrying warmth, joy, and also great quantity into your lifestyle. In its own raw kind, citrine displays an all-natural beauty, along with its rough appearance and also vivid coloration. Whether featured as a focal point in your crystal network or even utilized for reflection purposes, raw citrine ensures to illuminate your compilation. Search for credible vendors providing crystals offer for sale in Singapore to locate high-quality raw citrine specimens. Soulalign.com is the greatest source where you can find crystal bracelets Singapore.
Ametrine Hand Stone
Palm rocks are polished crystals that go with conveniently in the palm of your palm, creating all of them perfect for reflection and also relaxation. One one-of-a-kind crystal to include in your assortment in Singapore is the ametrine hand rock. A mixture of amethyst as well as citrine, ametrine shows spectacular violet and also golden shades, generating an enlightening blend of powers. This rare crystal is appreciated for its harmonizing residential or commercial properties, promoting psychological clearness, ingenuity, and also religious growth. Maintain an eye out for crystal bracelets in Singapore featuring ametrine beads or see boutique for polished stone assortments.
Celestite Bunch
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If you're taken to crystals that stir up a sense of serenity as well as serenity, a celestite collection is an excellent selection for your selection. Featuring delicate blue colors evocative the skies, celestite is actually connected with the rapturous world and also is felt to promote communication along with holy beings. Collections, specifically, display the natural beauty of celestite, with its own ethereal crystal accumulations as well as shimmering appearance. Present a celestite cluster in your home or even mind-calming exercise room to generate a tranquil ambience as well as market relaxation. Try to find professional vendors using crystals in Singapore to find top quality celestite specimens.
Labradorite Wrist Bracelet
For those looking for raw crystals, labradorite supplies an unique as well as engaging choice. Called the stone of transformation, labradorite is actually cherished for its iridescent flashes of different colors, referred to as labradorescence. This magical sensation adds a factor of enigma and also enchantment to labradorite bracelets, creating them each fashionable extras and effective energetic tools. Labradorite is actually thought to improve intuition, protect versus unfavorable electricity, and market religious growth. Try to find crystal arm bands in Singapore featuring labradorite beads or browse through specialized outlets for a broad option of crystal jewelry options.
To conclude, Singapore delivers a varied variation of crystals for collection agents to explore, from raw samplings to refined rocks and crystal arm bands. By including distinct crystals like raw citrine, ametrine hand rocks, celestite sets, as well as labradorite arm bands to your assortment, you can enrich your metaphysical technique and generate a feeling of beauty and also compatibility in your life. Whether you're looking around for crystals to buy in Singapore or even surfing store, the possibilities for broadening your compilation are countless.
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crystalizedhealing · 8 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Labradorite Crystal Stone Bracelet W/ (Blue Flash) | Helps with Transformation.
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aeminasian · 8 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: SOLD Tiny Devotions Dream Seeker Tassel Mala Beads.
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angelandgypsy · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Artisan Handcrafted Macramé HugeLabradorite Crystal Boho Adjustable Necklace.
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itsbulkgemstones · 2 years
Wholesale Rainbow Moonstone Beads Strands
Rainbow Moonstone will enhance your feminine 'Goddess" energy! Moonstones are highly spiritual and can be beneficial for you. Natural Rainbow Moonstone Strand at Wholesale Prices.
It's miles a stone that enhances your emotions and encourages you to dream big, be excited, and seek out the best. It contains the deep-seated nature of feminine power.
Rainbow Moonstone is full of energy, as it is a Gemstone with the power and wisdom of the goddess. Rainbow Moonstone, a highly spiritual and special stone, connects both sexes with the vibration of Mother Gaia's energy and energy.
You can see the cycles that are strongly reflected in every woman's existence. The pull of the tides strongly impacts every living thing.
Rainbow Moonstone has been used in Roman Jewelry almost two thousand years. It is even more common in the Orient.
Rainbow Moonstone is a Labradorite variety that displays a blue or multicolored presence when it is lightened by color. It is a traditional wedding gift and has been a Sacred Stone of India since ancient times.
Rainbow Moonstone is usually a colorless stone with a slight blue hue or, in rare instances, a rainbow-colored sheen. Gemstones with strong blue sheens are highly sought-after. These stones will reflect beautiful colors back at you if you move them around frequently. Rainbow Moonstone is part of the feldspar group, which accounts for approximately 60% of the Earth’s crust.
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Labradorite Blue Power Beads - Heart Briolette
Labradorite Blue Power Beads is the most beautiful iridescent play of colours, possess the property of semi-transparent with vitreous to pearly luster and are available in black color with peacock blue flashes in micro flower cut, Heart shape.
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Quality : AAA      Length : 20 cm./8Inch.       Gemstone Origin : Labrador (Canada)
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enkindlingessence · 4 years
Enkindling Essence
Firstly, let me just say that this bracelet is a powerful one. I made this with brown cotton cord & tumbled Labradorite gemstone beads, tumbled Blue Lace Agate gemstone beads, one tumbled Amethyst gemstone bead, & one Fluorite gemstone bead. There is also one little blue miscellaneous seed bead, and two metal heart beads at the ends for completion.
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The main star for this bracelet are the Labradorite gemstone beads. I even included a wire wrapped Labradorite pendant to offer more grace and love to this bracelet.
Labradorite is a high vibrational gemstone that promotes one to follow their dreams truly and  authentically. Known for being called the magic stone, Labradorite encourages to keep one’s head in the clouds or to shoot for the stars. Labradorite is a powerful and protective stone that can support and encourage you to go after what you truly want, all while removing any limits we place upon ourselves.
Now to mix in with these dreamy, magical, and protective energies of the Labradorite beads are the Blue Lace Agate gemstone beads. The vibrations that resonate from these gems are a much calmer vibration.
Blue Lace Agate is a peaceful gemstone one may use when in need of hopeful or calm energies. This stone is a great stone for the throat chakra, our communication energy center. Blue Lace Agate is known for aiding communication skills and promoting more receptiveness. Not only does this stone aids communication but it also promotes truth and authenticity.
Adding in a pinch of Amethyst to the mix, this adds an additional vibration of peace and protection.
Amethyst is a powerful gemstone that helps to connect and balance the third eye chakra. This gemstone is known for being a very protective gem that can also aid one with sleep issues, addiction, or even depression. If you’re in need of a calmer mind or peaceful dreams, Amethyst is definitely the stone for you!
And last but not least, Fluorite. This hint of fluorite is a perfect addition to the bracelet’s vibration.
Fluorite is known to cleanse and stabilize the aura. This gemstone is known to be a powerful learning aid as it increases our focus, self-confidence and decision-making skills. Fluorite is also known to guide one to a peaceful state of mind and being.
So just take a moment to try and visualize within your mind’s eye the vibrations for this particular bracelet. This bracelet is powerful and it connects, balances, and influences the higher vibrational chakras within one’s energy system. If you’re in need of more magic within your life, more truth and authenticity, more of a push to follow your dreams but in a calm and peaceful way, all while feeling the vibration of protection, this bracelet is definitely for you!
I hope this information has been helpful.
Shop link is down below.
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adventuregemstone · 3 months
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japamalabeads · 4 years
We just added Sesame Jasper and Blue Labradorite Wrist Mala to our shop! https://i0.wp.com/japamalabeads.com/malashop2/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Sesame-Jasper-Black-Labradorite-mala-beads-4.jpg?fit=956%2C717&ssl=1
Sesame Jasper is a powerful nurturing stone that helps eliminate stress and negative energy to promote tranquility, peacefulness, wholeness, relaxation, harmony, and balance. This healing stone aligns all 7 chakras and has a vibrant and stimulating effect on one’s mood and spirit.
Blue Labradorite is a protective and grounding stone and is said to promote patience.  This beautiful shimmering stone can be used in meditation to strengthen your focus and inner vision.
Approximate Circumference: 7.25″ Bead Size: 6mm & 8mm
Suggested Mantras for this Mala: Om Dum Durgayei Namaha Om Namah Shivaya
The post Sesame Jasper and Blue Labradorite Wrist Mala appeared first on Japa Mala Beads.
See more at: https://japamalabeads.com/mala-beads/sesame-jasper-and-blue-labradorite-wrist-mala/
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sanjuno · 6 years
SI prompt: Sailor Moon?
(2/32 SI Promptfest)
One of the things that Security always mentions when you start a new job and they hand over your accessbadge is that you need to completely close the doors behind you after passingthrough. A small piece of very important,very good advice that is sadly ignored more often than not once people settleinto their positions. Unfortunately, I failed to realize my coworker’s hubrisuntil the first shots were fired.
‘Oh shit.’ Thethought formed independent of the gibbering panic and pain as the horrificallyloud set of gunshots tore me out of my chair and flung me to the ground. ‘This is a brand new suit.’
I finished bleeding out about three minutes later.
Standing naked in the void, skin glowing like a star, myshocked mind could only offer up yet another inane thought. “Telling my motherthat I wanted my ashes turned into a diamond and mounted on a sword for my heirto wield as they avenge my death because I only intended to die when I waskilled was supposed to be a joke not aprophecy!”
“Too bad. Find comfort in the fact that your last wishes will be carriedout as you intended.” The human-shaped figure stepping out of theaether was a familiar stranger, their expression both sympathetic and uncaring.
“… Honored Janus.” Was I supposed to bow? Offer a handshake?How exactly were the dead supposed to greet a Roman God of duality and change?“I gotta say you’re not who I wasexpecting to run into roundabout now.”
“Who better than I to meet with one who so accepted the necessity ofchange, of growth and balance? Yours may not have been a grand story, but itwas a true one, and in the telling of it you have encouraged many changes.”The god of beginnings and endings grinned at me with one side of his face andfrowned with the other. No wonder the sculptors always put two faces on hisstatues. I would not want to be thecarver responsible for recreating that expression. Complicated was a bit of anunderstatement. “I find this useful for my purpose. Enjoy your new beginning, child ofthe Eclipse, Warrior of Dawn and Dusk.”
“… Eh?” I was the mostconfused. Was there supposed to be an explanation somewhere in there? “Wait,what the heeeee-olyshitwhatthefuck!”
Glitter. Glitter everywhere.Mixed with glowing bubbles and fireworks and no, really, what the fuck?
Reincarnation was a thing. That actually happened to people.To me, specifically, in this case. If anyone was wondering.
It took awhile for my memories to come back, after I wasreborn. Which was actually a good thing because I needed those first few yearsto absorb a new first language. The confusion generated when I was six and myEnglish resurfaced was only funny in retrospect. At the time it was justfrustrating and slightly embarrassing.
Although once the initial assimilation was over with it wasnice to be able to code switch between English and Japanese. Almost like aconsolation prize for my new lease on life. Whee.
Oh, also I was a boy now. My eyes were still grayish-blue,my hair was still a dark ashy blond, but I was also Japanese and male. It wasan interesting mix of old and newfeatures coming together to make ‘me’.
… Probably Janus’ fault, now that I think of it. Good thingI never put any stock in gender or sex. Yay for the unexpected benefits ofbeing Ace-spectrum!
Nah, the gender reassignment was nothing. What reallybothered me was that I was the youngersibling. It was odd and wrong and upset the universal balance of what Iknew to be true. I could handle the educational pressure of being a ‘childgenius’. I could handle the overbearing social reinforcement of gender roles. Icould even handle the loss of everything I had once known and everyone I onceloved. (Granted, I did this by compartmentalizing and being slightlyemotionally stunted, but what works, works.)
I could not handle someone trying to ‘big sister’ me.
Thankfully, my new sister was… a flake. A ditz. A completeand total dunce. I loved her dearly and I would tear out the tongues of anyonewho spoke badly of her, but she had almost no academic intelligence at all.
I had expected it, really. After all, just because I wasreborn was never going to change such a fundamental part of her character. Heremotional and interpersonal intelligence was still off the charts, and hercharisma was frankly ludicrous. I still had a hard time accepting anyone who had proof positive of theirown ignorance not taking steps tocorrect it.
It was not like I wanted perfect grades from her. I justwanted enough effort put in to achieve competence.There was a difference between ‘I cannotdo this’ and ‘I will not do this’.Saying no once you have proved that you cando something is fine, but saying no without even trying sticks in my craw something fierce.
Knowing that a failed test paper plays a big part in Fate’sfuture machinations for my sister was also upsetting. Would pushing my sisterto study ruin the future? Would she still meet the people she needed to, stillmake the connections that allowed her to survive and win, even after all mymeddling?
I had no way of knowing. I could only trust that her Destinywould come for her. No matter what I did, or how many random first encounters Ineeded to contrive to bring it about.
“Shingo! Are you ready to go yet?” A voice I had beenfamiliar with long before my reincarnation called for me before my sister pokedher head into my room. “Come on,Shingo! I didn’t melt my brain studying all month just for you to flake out! I earned this shopping trip and youpromised to come with me!”
“Ehh, don’t pull out your hairbuns, Usagi.” Grabbing mysatchel off the back of my desk chair, I grinned at the future Queen of theWorld and winked. “Being this perfect takes work, you know?”
“Shingooo.” The eleven-year-old girl who was going to savethe world rolled her eyes at me and pouted. “Why are you like this?”
“Because not being me would be boring.” I stuck my nose up in the air with as much pomp as I wascapable of in a seven-year-old body. “Now let’s go! If we play this right Mamawill finally cave and get us the bedazzling gun so we can ‘enhance ourcreativity and encourage mental flexibility’.”
“Okay!” Usagi giggled, happily taking my offered hand andswinging our joined arms as we headed down the stairs. “Do you think we canconvince Mama to let me get my ears pierced too?”
“Eh, maybe.” I thought about the refractive properties ofcrystals and energy resonance as I glanced at my sister. The Imperium SilverCrystal, the Shintennou’s stones, Hearts Crystals, Star Seeds… crystals weregame changers in this world. Powerful ones. Tagging Usagi with a set that mostenemies would overlook… yeah. That was a good idea. Good job, self, excellentplan. I nodded. “I want my ears pierced too. We have an undeniable right tofreedom of self expression so long as we do so in a safe and healthy manner.”
Usagi stared blankly at me for a moment, nose scrunched upabove pursed lips. “You know I don’t understand you when you talk like that.”
“As long as you know what the words mean you’ll figure outhow they go together eventually, Bun-bun.” Cheerfully unrepentant, I hauled mysister down the last stair. “Onwards! To victory and glory everlasting!”
Ignoring the dull throb in my earlobes, I admired the hoopsI had chosen. Simple, elegant, unlikely to fall out unnoticed, and large enoughto hold three gemstone beads. For myself I had convinced my mother to buy blacktourmaline, lepidolite, and lapis lazuli. For Usagi I had picked outlabradorite, selenite, and rose quartz. Not expensive stones, but powerful onesfor the way their energies intersected and channeled power. Especially once Iwas done priming them as foci.
Abalone shell bowls with small, upwards facing mirrors atthe bottom. A little water in the bowls, add some salt, and then four undyedcandles in a circle, burning on the windowsill under the full moon. I watchedthe moonlight slowly gather in the stones, the smoke from the candles pulleddown into the water. Within moments of moonrise, each bead started to glitterand shine more brightly than nature intended.
Satisfied that it was working, I turned back to the blade inmy hand. It had appeared on my bed soon after my memories finished returning.It was ferociously sharp, and lighter in my hand than anything that size andmade of metal should be. The hilt was too big for my seven-year-old self to wieldeffectively, but the sword was perfectly proportioned for my old adult height. Carvedinto the blade was ancient Latin that named the sword VERITAS.
“Beware the truth, for it is a double-edged sword, whichcuts both ways.” I smiled, wiping the blade down to remove the excess oil. Itwas a magical blade, and probably did not need sharpening, but… better safethan brainwashed. “I do love a good pun.”
The milky diamond in the hilt flashed in the light, glowinglike a lantern in my dim bedroom. It was hard to look at the sword sometimes,especially since I knew what it meant. I was magic, the sword was magic, mysister was the fucking Queen of magicfor the entire damn solar system. It was still hard to look at my funeral stone,knowing that the diamond was formedfrom my ashes, and not feel cheated.
Violent deaths always leave something unfinished. I wondersometimes, now that I have experienced that incompleteness for myself, how muchof this resentment the Senshi felt after they knew of their past lives… and ofthe way the Moon Kingdom fell. At least, when the time came, I would be able tohelp Usagi deal with Serenity’s unfinished business.
“Sing, o muse! Of love everlasting!” I saluted the moonsolemnly before I fed the blade and sheathed it, shrinking it down to a pen andtucking it away. “Sing, o muse! As the old tale is told anew!”
Nothing and nobody would be allowed to stand in my way. Mysister was going to get her happy ending this time, and any assholes who triedto interfere with that were getting a death-sword to the face.
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Gemstone Meanings in Jewelry
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Gemstone Meanings
Most gemstone beads have attributes that are traditionally associated with them. Flourite is known for intuition while citrine is thought to sooth anxiety. Iolite is associated with leadership and self-confidence. Tigers-eye is linked to wealth while sunstone is worn to ease stress. Try them to see for yourself!
Amethyst Amethyst beads are lush, beautiful and hard to resist. They will add depth and a bit of mystery to your jewelry designs. Amethyst is used for inspiration and intuition. It is associated with prosperity and psychic powers. Some people believe that it helps encourage sobriety and recovery from addiction. The intense purple color has been traditionally linked to spirituality.
Apatite is often linked to water and is thought to promote harmony.
Aquamarine is associated with tranquility, clarity of mind and creative self-expression. It is believed to be soothing and to aid meditation. Because of its color, Aquamarine has often been linked to Sea Goddesses.
Aventurine Sometimes called the "Stone of Heaven", aventurine is thought to protect the heart, enhance creativity and promote healing. This stone may have been used by shamans to open the 'inner eye". It is said to aid those who seek a new path. Aventurine is also thought to attract money and promote leadership.
Carnelian In vibrant orange, carnelian beads radiate energy. Carnelian is associated with motivation and is used to stimulate career growth. Believed to protect against fear, Carnelian was also employed to ward off melancholy, envy and rage. It was also used in charms for love and seduction. Use these bright beads to jazz up any jewelry design!
Chrysoprase is thought to encourage a state of grace or deep meditation. It is associated with good moods, wisdom, communication and stress relief. Chrysoprase was traditionally used in charms to attract money and luck. It is thought to banish envy.
Citrine With its sunny warmth, citrine is associated with a wide array of positive qualities. It is widely known as the stone of success and has been used in charms for money and abundance. Citrine is thought to promote optimism, instill self-confidence and to encourage clear thinking. It is also linked to creativity, wisdom and sound mental health.
Emerald The Greeks associated emeralds with Aphrodite, the Goddess of love and beauty. It is still linked to love and wealth. Emeralds are also associated with mental clarity, truth and self-knowledge. They are thought to promote healing, balance and patience while lifting depression and enhancing the immune system.
Garnet beads are extremely popular. The warm red color goes well with most skin tones and they are also easy to pair with other materials. They look equally good with silver or gold plated beads. From Egyptian times, garnet is has been associated with passion, love and loyalty. Garnets were also used in charms to protect against thieves. Some people believe that garnets help to purify the body and enhance imagination. Use these meaningful stones beads whenever you need a drop of passion. They also look great!
Iolite Known in some cultures as water sapphire, iolite is said to support inner strength, self-confidence and leadership qualities. It is also associated with spiritual growth, peace and simplicity.
Jasper has a rich history as a powerfully protective stone. In ancient times it was worn by healers and used to invoke rain during droughts. Jasper is thought to deflect negativity and stress while inducing mental clarity, focus, stamina and general good health. It is also associated with stability, security and independence.
Labradorite Smoky iridescence gives labradorite a mysterious beauty. This stone is linked to faith and destiny. It was traditionally thought to promote visions and psychic ability. Labradorite is said to strengthen intuition, help one see through illusions and enhance self-reliance. Labradorite is sometimes linked to magic.
Moonstone Named for their lunar shimmer, moonstones come in several milky colors. This beautiful stone is associated with intuition, creativity and good fortune. Moonstone was used as a charm to promote nurturing. It is also believed to attract love, compassion and sympathy. Linked to spirituality, moonstones offer a subtle pallet of color to enhance your designs. Pick your favorites today!
Onyx was traditionally believed to banish grief. It is associated with protection, wisdom, good fortune and happiness. Onyx may be used to help break bad habits. It is thought to assist in healing, self-discipline, grounding and relaxation. It also encourages marital happiness and spiritual inspiration.
Pearls Once believed to be tears of the Gods, pearls symbolize innocence and purity in Western culture. They have strong feminine associations and are also linked to water and to the moon.
Peridot Vibrant peridot adds a touch of spring green to any design. This stone is associated with visions and mysticism. It was also used as a charm against jealousy. Other attributes include problem solving, strong will, and the ability to sooth bruised egos. It was sometimes used to promote marital happiness.
Quartz Add light and sparkle to your jewelry designs with quartz beads. Clear crystal quartz is often used for healing and meditation. Rutilated quartz is associated with creativity and positive direction. Wear smoky quartz for endurance and to promote learning. Finally, rose quartz is known for generating feelings of love and compassion.
Ruby Rubies are associated with wealth, joy, sexual energy and power. They are believed to generate passion and assist with spiritual endeavors. At one time, rubies were thought to protect against misfortune, inspire courage and attract live.
Sapphire Known as the "Stone of Prosperity", sapphire is said to help people fulfill their dreams. It is linked to inner peace, joy and intuition. In the Middle Ages, people believed that sapphires suppressed wicked thoughts. It traditionally symbolized hope and was used by the Greeks to aid in prophecy.
Serpentine Serpentine is thought to aid the meditative state. It may dispel fear and enhance self-confidence. This stone was a favorite of Rasputin, the notorious Russian monk.
Sodalite This deep blue stone is thought to encourage inner peace by encouraging objectivity, harmony and understanding. It is associated with deep thoughts, meditation and spirituality. Some people believe that sodalite boosts the immune system and improves communication.
Sunstone is a protective stone that may provide extra energy in stressful situations. It is thought to empower the wearer, promote self-esteem and healing, ease depression and encourage physical harmony. Sunstone is also linked to healthy sexuality. Angelic Jewelry
Tiger Eye is a traditional talis  man against the Evil Eye. It is thought to encourage emotional balance, grounding, and confidence. This stone is linked to decision making. It is also well known as a protective stone. Tiger Eye is said to stimulate wealth and enhance psychic abilities.
Topaz is the stone of calm and balance. It is thought to promote kindness, compassion and empathy. Topaz may help enhance awareness, relieve tension and encourage feelings of joy. Traditionally, it was favored by scholars and artists because it was believed to aid in higher thinking. Topaz is also associated with courage.
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rankertopgoogle · 2 years
evil eye bracelet
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Hostile stare Bracelets for Mens Women,Evil Eye Beads Bracelet,Crystal Bracelets Tigers Eye Black Labradorite Beaded Bracelets for Mens Women…
Detestable Eye(Nazar Boncuğu) is likewise called BLUE EYE, Evil Eye is viewed as one of fundamental special necklace in Turkey, mexican,as well as numerous different nations. Turkey individuals accept that Evil Eye not exclusively can shield them from negative energy(like envy), yet in addition bring them best of luck.
 Detestable Eye(Nazar Boncuğu) is additionally called BLUE EYE, Evil Eye is viewed as one of fundamental talisman in Turkey, as well as numerous different nations. Turkey individuals accept that Evil Eye not exclusively can shield them from negative energy(like envy), yet additionally bring them best of luck.
Tigers Eyes Crystal Beads:In Vedas Era(1500-2000BC),Indian experts get illumination practically speaking that various gems has different healing&protecting capability on individuals. In the beyond millennia, Tigers eye gem stones have been viewed as a recuperating &protecting stone which not just reinforce your certainty and courage(good for sun powered plexus), yet additionally bring you fortune and best of luck.
Most up to date Triple Protection Design:This stink eye arm bands configuration incorporates Eastern and Western societies, and high quality with new styles.Evil Eye dots idea comes from western Turkey culture,Crystal dabs comes from Vedas/Tibetan Buddha culture, so this wristband offers triple assurance for you
Labradorite Crystal Beads: Natural labradorite gem stones have been generally viewed as a protecting&healing stones which can ease weariness, yet in addition labradorite gem stones assists us with upgrading knowledge into things, assist us with being more centered around our point.
Flexible Handmade Rope Style: This stink eye precious stone arm band is unequivocally made, wound with premium string, with customizable design.It likewise accompanies present package,it's an incredible present for birthday/commemoration/wedding presents for men/ladies/high schooler young lady/adolescent kid
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