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I just watched Lady in the Water (2006)
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raurquiz · 6 months
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#happybirthday #billirwin #actor #sukal #startrekdiscovery #thegrinch #sisteract2 #interstellar #rachelgettingmarried #csi #legion #lawandorder #TheDropout #TheAndyWarholDiaries #TheGildedAge #ladyinthewater #hotshots #rickiandtheflash #acrosstheuniverse #mrnoodle #startrek57
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johndibiase · 2 years
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Here’s a repost of my freehand colored pencil drawing of @brycedhoward ☺️ @brycedhoward #brycedallashoward #jurassicworld #jurassicworlddominion #spiderman #gwenstacy #wcw #ladyinthewater #draw #drawing #freehand #coloredpencil #instaart #artcollective #jurassicworlddominion #gallery #creative #beautiful #inspiration #pencil #mandalorian #portrait #pencildrawing #worldofpencils #originalart #realism #fanart #photorealism #artistic #jjdart https://www.instagram.com/p/CfZW9eEOW9f/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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M. Night Shyamalan
DATO CURIOSO: Está basada en un cuento de hadas que el director inventó para sus hijos ❤
• Cuenta la historia de Cleveland, un hombre que trabaja como personal de mantenimiento en un complejo de departamentos. Una noche, encuentra nadando en la alberca a una joven misteriosa.
Cleveland descubre después que la chica es una “Narf”, o sea, una ninfa, que ha viajado hasta el mundo de los humanos para lograr un importante propósito. Una vez conseguido esto, Cleveland la tiene que ayudar a regresar a su mundo, “El mundo azul”, pero esto puede ser más difícil y peligroso de lo que parece.
*Sin necesidad de usar un exceso de creaturas fantásticas, o efectos CGI, la historia logra sumergirnos en la ilusión mágica de este cuento que se le contaba a los niños para dormir y que ahora se vuelve realidad. Los personajes logran descubrir no solo el poder de la fé, trabajo en equipo y amistad, sino sus propias capacidades y la confianza en sí mismos y en otros para lograr cosas inimaginables.
Me gustó mucho la sencilles con la que parecen resolverse ciertos conflictos pero que no dejan de tener importancia e impacto en todos.
Sin duda una película llena de fantasía, magia y muchos aprendizajes.
Natalia Camps
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Prompt One: Waterfall I said I was done last night at 1am then continued till 4am 😂😭
#waterfall #trees #shrubs #lake #scenery #landscape #woman #lady #ladyinthewater #locdhair #colorfullocs #dreads #dreadlocks #melanin #oc #originalcharacter #art #artwork #myartwork #instaart #tumblrart #traditionalart #painting #500drawingprompts #artdecor #wallart #homedecor https://www.instagram.com/p/B2rNSFaBEVY/?igshid=1h8us9g0kxpo9
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doomonfilm · 4 years
Ranking : M. Night Shyamalan (1970 - present)
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Like most people, I was introduced to Philadelphia-native M. Night Shyamalan through the massive success of his debut film The Sixth Sense.  I vividly remember him being labelled “the new Hitchcock” right out the gate, which even then I felt was a lofty title to appoint to a director who hadn’t even given us a follow-up film, which can usually be taken as an indication of how much potential range one will have over their career.  His skill behind the camera was evident, and his first five years of output hammered home the fact that he had a knack for writing twist endings that in itself took on a meme-worthy life of its own.  Nobody is perfect, however, but unlike most directors that are suddenly met with criticism after a span as wunderkind and critical darling, Shyamalan took things in stride and did not fold, and as a result, his career has seemingly lost little to no momentum twenty years in.
Ranking the films of Shyamalan is, at heart, an exercise rich in folly, as his ambition and diversity almost calls for the films to be previously grouped into sub-genres prior to being ranked.  In my opinion, however, there is enough stylistic definition and clear-cut writing panache that makes his films definitively Shyamalan, so I hope that you’ll join me as we enjoy our ride on this fool’s errand.
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11. After Earth (2013) They say always shoot for the moon, because even if you miss, you’ll land amongst the stars.  With After Earth, M. Night Shyamalan showed that sometimes you can shoot for the moon, miss it and the stars, and land somewhere in the void.  Lots of post-apocalyptic flourish and setup is used for what basically equates as a side-scrolling quest, and the choices made for the characterizations are so distracting in their oddness that it’s hard to invest yourself in the movie in any capacity other than a surface level dissection of the accent and dialogue.  Shyamalan does have a knack for building lore in his films, but he does way more telling than showing in After Earth.  If not for the ties to Will and Jaden Smith, this film could’ve sunk the Shyamalan ship.
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10. Lady in the Water (2006) I’m sure that M. Night Shyamalan had good intentions when he decided to turn a story he created for the enjoyment of his children into a feature-length film, but not every idea needs to be seen through into fruition.  Many of the same issues that plague After Earth popped up in Lady in the Water, from the infinitely deep lore being smashed into exposition down to the extremely odd choices for characterizations, but unlike After Earth, at least there are recognizable aspects of the film that one can hang on to.  There are a handful of surprisingly strong performances, given the ridiculousness of the content, but ultimately all other elements are shadowed by the sheer absurdity of the root narrative.  I try not to pick on actors, but Bryce Dallas Howard just doesn’t do it for me in this flick.
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9. Signs (2002) This is probably going to be the one that causes the most feedback in terms of position.  According to the masses, this film is the true masterpiece in the M. Night Shyamalan canon, but as an aficionado of alien invasion films, Shyamalan seems to zig at every point he should have zagged.  Mel Gibson and Joaquin Phoenix is an interesting coupling on paper, but if there is chemistry between the two of them as the film’s leads, it didn’t translate on screen.  And for God’s sake, don’t even get me started on having aliens who are harmed by water choosing to come to a planet that, from space, is CLEARLY MOSTLY WATER.
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8. The Happening (2008) While M. Night Shyamalan had presented “dumb” twists prior to The Happening (we’ll get back to that shortly), the sheer vastness of the revealed enemy creates a sort of inverse danger arc in regards to the journey we were presented… while there does seem to be destruction, and a sense of danger about what will happen next (and to whom) is built up, it pales in comparison when one realizes that nature is the enemy, and if this premise were true, the events seen more than likely would not have been so random in their scale, location and severity.  Maybe I’m dumping a lot of speculation into this one, but when our male lead is doing what he does in most every film, and your female lead is given an uncharacteristically underwhelming performance, you get time to think about these kinds of things.
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7. Glass (2019) All of the potential in the world was there for Glass to be a mind-melter.  What felt like the biggest, most elaborate twist in the entire M. Night Shyamalan universe had been revealed in the form of a secret trilogy that took nearly two decades to present itself, but sadly the landing was not stuck.  All of the grandness of the world built in Unbreakable and Split suddenly felt much smaller and less elaborate when our characters essentially found themselves grounded, and while we were sold the idea that all of what happened was some sort of elaborate group hallucination, the feats pulled off by Crumb are still sold to us as reality, leaving the lines blurred much more than what was likely intended.  We are even teased with a storyline that feels like mockery of what could have been, but in the end, Glass was the tragic landing that undercuts the brilliance that preceded it.
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6. The Sixth Sense (1999) This film is a tough one to place, because in terms of its technical prowess and execution, it is not only a brilliant film, but a stunningly impressive debut.  The problem with this film, however, is the same that tends to plague even the best magic tricks… it’s amazing until the trick is revealed.  In the case of The Sixth Sense, the first watch blows you away.  The second watch, as a result, feels like a completely new movie, and is even more rewarding as it resolves itself once again.  Any viewing after the second one, however, is plagued by a lack of surprise, intrigue or anticipation, and what we are left with is a good movie with no wow.  Perhaps the best way to watch this film, at this point, is with someone who has never seen it and has somehow managed to avoid any spoilers, as it would be the closest one can get to experiencing this film with an uninformed eye.
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5. The Last Airbender (2010) With a black cloud hanging over this film due to overwhelmingly negative backlash from fans of the Avatar animated series, I stayed away from it like one stays away from rotten garbage.  Interestingly enough, I had no dog in the fight, as I had never seen any of the source material, and only had a layman’s understanding of it as a result, with no emotional ties to anything about it.  I say that to say this… I can certainly understand how an adapted work can be met with brutal skepticism and aggressive analysis, and if even one stone of fan service is left unturned then the whole thing must be cast aside, but if taken on its own merits, this is a surprisingly strong film.  It hits the bullseye in terms of being an epic kid’s tale in all the ways that Lady in the Water did not, and it has the big budget feel that was missing in Glass.  Who knows... my thoughts on the film may change as I finally dive into the animated series, but as it currently stands, this film should be considered as a win in the Shyamalan collection.
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4. The Visit (2015) What a truly bonkers movie.  Watching M. Night Shyamalan’s take on the found footage film is surprisingly kinetic, and thanks to some of the best casting found in any of his films, we are given characters that evoke emotion and make us either care about them or fear them.  There are probably even some who would claim that they “saw the twist coming”, and maybe I’m just a sucker, but when the curtain is pulled back on what’s really going on it feels like every loose string representing a question is suddenly pulled tight enough to choke.  There are just enough games present in the writing that, while we question the crazier things we see, we can also shrug them off with “acceptable” answers.  If you’ve managed to go this far without anyone spoiling the ending for The Visit for you, I highly recommend checking this one out immediately, as it is that vintage Shyamalan that many people are seeking out.
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3. Split (2017) If this one were just a one-off, it would probably still sit extremely high on the list of Shyamalan films.  Anya Taylor-Joy is good in most everything she does, and James McAvoy is putting on a clinic in terms of range and character variety.  The film gets about as broad as it can without going over the top, and that size is translated in the tension that emerges from the captivity that Kevin Wendell Crumb puts the girls in, forcing them to his live wire and ever changing personality.  With much of the film boiling down to a few locations, and a freight train of a premise that is seemingly headed in one direction, it is natural to anticipate a Shyamalan swerve, but it’s the button at the end of the film that makes you realize the sheer existence of Split in itself is the twist.  For that feat alone, this film must be applauded.
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2. The Village (2004) Remember when I brought up “dumb twists” earlier?  I’ll be honest with you… this was the film I had in mind, despite it being my favorite (albeit it not my top ranked).  Up until the moment of truth, everything presented in this film works : as a period film it is well-executed, the use of reds and yellows is iconic, the lore presented is actually shown and not left solely to exposition dumps, and Adrian Brody brings a performance level to his character that far exceeded what was necessary.  I also tend to be hard on Bryce Dallas Howard, but she steps up to the plate when the story is shifted completely to her shoulders.  The twist isn’t even actually all that bad, other than the fact that it may have been the most obvious premise for a twist, but I think that even a slight tweak in regards to the overarching location or the person who discovers Howard’s character would have greatly improved the execution of the twist moment.  Even though M. Night Shyamalan had already made a great movie (which is coming up in just a moment), this was the one that brought me off the fence and into the camp that supports Shyamalan.
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1. Unbreakable (2000) It’s quite rare in the grand scheme of things to see a director make light year jumps in his second film, especially when their first film reaches phenomenon status.  Somehow and someway, however, M. Night Shyamalan did the impossible by topping a film on the Mount Rushmore of debuts with the film that feels like the most ambitious and well executed of his career.  A cursory search of the Bruce Willis filmography will show that outside of the first Sin City film and Looper, M. Night Shyamalan got the last of good acting he was giving directors.  The visual interpretation of the comic book world framing is so nuanced and subtle that, upon learning the context and intention of the film, each repeat viewing brings new attention to these very layered visual details.  The presentation of Elijah Price was so phenomenal that it ultimately caused expectations that crushed Glass upon arrival.  Even if the Eastrail 177 Trilogy didn’t quite live up to expectations, there is no denying that Unbreakable was a pitch perfect table-setter, and an impressive film to boot.
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Had a #SUPERFUNAWSOMENESS time #tattooing #ladyinthewater #winner of giveaway!! #swashdrivevader #silverbackink (at Custom Tattoo Experience) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHBls1TlD-l/?igshid=771lwbxz9goj
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worldsdrawer · 4 years
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INKTOBER DAY 2: Wisp — #inktober #inktober2020 #nipplealert #inktoberprompts #boobslover #inktoberpromptlist #wisp #ghostillustration #inktoberday2 #willothewisp #fishillustration #cartoonartist #ladyinthewater #cuteanimalillustration #lineart #cartoonanimals #inktobergermany #inktoberspotlight #inktoberfish #inktoberdeutschland #illustratorenorganisation #freelanceartist #freelanceillustrator #freelanceillustration #inktoberofficial #dualtone #procreateart #procreateartist #humorillustration #funnyillustration https://www.instagram.com/p/CF4ph4-goPD/?igshid=1kb8pyjh5pof5
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#smeagoldtiys #drawinyourstyle #drawthisinyourstylechallenge #drawthisinyourstyle #drawingchallenge #drawingoftheday #womandraw #characterillustration #blackandwhitedrawing #hairdetails #longhair #illustration_daily #womenofillustration #dtiys #dtiyschallenge #artchallenge #artistsupportartists #illustrationartists #ladyinthewater #childrenbookillustration #dreams #childrensillustratorart #childrenbookart #ilustrasi #gambarkarakter #advansketsa #freelanceillustrators (at Jakarta, Indonesia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCEjDXUBbyv/?igshid=1kj14234qyu80
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ohkaydani · 7 years
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Holidays are over, time to get back to work 👑 . . . #wip #sketch #sketchbook #drawing #art #artistsoninstagram #instaart #instaartist #pencil #prismacolorpencil #colerase #ladyinthewater #excalibur #fantasy #fantasyart
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eljopo1blog · 4 years
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07 #reto #challenge Este mes de #julio #july os voy a recomendar #peliculas de #cine #movie #film #Ilustraciones #art #culture #ilustracion #illustration #arte #happy #arte #love #ilustracion #ilustrador #illustrator de #illuatrado by @hyung86 #ladyinthewater #lajovendelagua de #mnightshyamalan Esa pelicula me encanta #fanmaximo de tu trabajo!!! https://www.instagram.com/p/CCVWZ7aH3lW/?igshid=159y69vtrxyiv
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johndibiase · 4 years
Here’s the progression video for my freehand colored pencil and marker drawing of @brycedhoward - Again, this one was a real struggle for me that I abandoned for a while and almost tore up and tossed out. You can see the growing pains it went through. It’s still hardly perfect in the end, but I’m kinda glad I didn’t totally give up on it. @brycedhoward #brycedallashoward #jurassicworld #wcw #spiderman #gwenstacy #petesdragon #ladyinthewater #draw #drawing #freehand #coloredpencil #instaart #artcollective #jurassicworlddominion #gallery #creative #beautiful #inspiration #pencil #mandalorian #portrait #pencildrawing #worldofpencils #originalart #realism #fanart #photorealism #artistic #jjdart https://www.instagram.com/p/CFNcQotHaO3/?igshid=1ujh1rqcrczr2
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8robinsons · 4 years
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I Got a spot that's been screaming for some new art. Im so thankful for the creator putting amazingly talented people in my life! . . Art by @redpiratedoc 🤯🥰🤩 "She Decides" . . #artistsoninstagram #art #painting #paintings #shedecides #redpirate #redpiratedoc #ocean #ladyofthesea #ladyinthewater #queenofthesea #musthaveart #isupportmypeople #untamedcreativebeings (at 8 Robinsons Foundation) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAkXr2Hj2O1/?igshid=13mzph0z8rzr3
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carmiecucueco · 4 years
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Mermay throwback 🧜🏼‍♀️ . . . #mermay #mermaidart #illustration #oilpainting #painting #lowbrowart #popsurrealism #neoanime #neorealism #characterdesign #seascape #contemporaryart #ladyinthewater #freshofftheboat #fob #igart #artistsoninstagram #sfart #bigeyes #pinayart https://www.instagram.com/p/CAE3pVCBSjN/?igshid=k90i1pacnrwg
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gloink · 4 years
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Social distancing outside doodles. #Gloink #Gloinkpr #Glo #doodle #beach #Alaska #Juneau #illustrations #illustrationbest #illustracion #Juneauillustrator #doodleinpicture #paperboat #ladyinthewater #womenofillustration #womenillustrators #wimeninart #art #artist #socialdistancing #quarantineart #isolationart #outdoors #unaboricuaenalaska https://www.instagram.com/p/B_s54qBhlXW/?igshid=ip1e520c7jdy
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kencollects · 4 years
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I've seen Bryce Dallas Howard in many things over the years but my absolute favorite performance of hers came in the episode of "Black Mirror" entitled "Nosedive".  Bryce plays a woman desperate to boost her social media score but things don't quiiiiiiiiiite work out like she'd like them.  Brilliant episode. #KenCollects #BryceDallasHoward #BlackMirror #LaciePound #Nosedive #JurassicWorld #JurassicWorldFallenKingdom #JurassicWorldDominion #ClaireDearing #TheHelp #HillyHolbrook #Rocketman #LadyInTheWater #TheVillage #actress #autograph #autographs #autographed #autographcollection #autographcollector #auto #signed #signature #signatures #8x10 #8x10s https://www.instagram.com/p/B-o6LMgJllA/?igshid=z3nt4bkxaq6v
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