#Lancaster PA
nientedal · 2 years
Oct. 10 meeting minutes — made public today shortly after a request from WITF — show council member Paul Swangren, Jr. “requested a line-item review” of the library’s finances to make sure each item reflected “conservative values.”
“He was not comfortable with monies going towards Women Health class because it was related to sexual matters.”
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binders-and-beanies · 6 months
Me normally: yeah I wouldn’t say I’m “from” Lancaster I’m not really “from” anywhere, I love this city and have emotional connection to it but I don’t fully Live Here
Me when August Burns Red talks about being from Lancaster: LANCASTERRRR red rose city 4 life babey the conestoga river runs through my veins!!! It’s LANCaster not lanCASTer!!! Pennsylvania mf DUTCH fucking MOOOO 🐄 who tryna go to the FUCKING central market w me!!!!!
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noblekenshi · 8 months
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Just a few random grabs from my trip to FoS last night. It was a little rainy and I was a little under the weather, but it was a great time.
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vikeshcreationz · 2 years
Not a Christian or anything but David at the Sight & Sound Theatre in Lancaster, Pennsylavania was AWESOME.
We weren't allowed to take photos of the 2 hour performance, due to strict copyright laws, but I can show you the banner!
This is my grandmother's friend in the workplace (left) and my grandmother (right) posing to take a photo with the banner. I've blacked out most of them for their privacy, but left their arms so you could see the title better.
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You know the classic story of David and Goliath, right? Well, Goliath (and his 4 brothers) was 22 feet tall! That's right! 22 feet!
I found the music (it was like a musical) to be a total bop. I can't get "Neverback" and David singing Hallejuah out of my head, they're too catchy!
Down there I also bought the DvD to Sight & Sound's performance of Jesus, like I did Noah last year, and a mini poster of the banner that you saw in the image above.
I went to Queen Esther last year, and next year I'm going to Moses, which is really exciting when you think about the parting of the Red Sea!
I'd really reccomend going there, as there are theatres in other places and it's really cool, even if you're not a Christian!
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butterycabbage · 28 days
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Corn Wagon.
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fabricdragondesigns · 2 months
Rohrer's Seeds, partial tour
so this is from my new gardening channel.  it is, as stated, new, so  if you like and subscribe it really helps me out.  anyway enjoy the partial tour!
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flashfuckingflesh · 5 months
EVIL's Coaxial Cord Right into Your TV Set! "HeBGB TV" reviewed! (Scream Team Releasing / DVD)
Contact Your Local Cable Provide to Upgrade Your Box for “HeBGB TV” on DVD! In a world of streaming devices, the cable box era has become nothing but a memory until mysterious HeBGB cable boxes sudden appear on retail shelves and on homeowner doorsteps.  The what looks to be a brain in a box with some wiring quickly self-installs right into the cable jack and manifests a gaudy-dressed tangible…
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Bathroom - Traditional Powder Room
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Inspiration for a small timeless light wood floor, brown floor, wallpaper ceiling and wallpaper powder room remodel with dark wood cabinets, blue walls, a vessel sink, quartz countertops, brown countertops and a built-in vanity
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cahiliyedoktoru · 9 months
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Hayat adil değil, ama sen olabilirsin.
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jackcbuck · 9 months
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Enclosed Philadelphia Mid-sized transitional enclosed family room idea with white walls, a metal fireplace, a standard fireplace, and a wall-mounted television.
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ledelano · 10 months
Just one month to BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS 23 in Lititz, PA! Meet 70+ authors from varying genres, buy your next favorite read, then grab some swag and a free tote bag. I’ll be there with all my novels at table 19 – be sure to stop by and say hi! Tickets are only $5 and available at Eventbrite. Pre-order your books here and I’ll have them waiting for you at the table. Every pre-order puts you in the…
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binders-and-beanies · 5 months
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Dyspraxic pride + Lancaster pride art w explanation under the cut :)
I learned to drive in my college town more so than in my hometown due to starting at this school right as I started to drive. Dyspraxia makes it difficult and sometimes impossible to know where you are or where things are in relation to each other; “mental maps” don’t exist for us.
However, I feel like I know Lancaster/Millersville (the area where I go to school) more than I’ve gotten a chance to know anywhere else. Recently, I’ve even started to make my easiest and most frequent drive (15 minutes from campus to the parking garage in the city, very few turns) without directions!
This is a huge milestone for me as I’ve only been in the area for a year and a half. I’ve also started to do the same with my easiest drive at home- from home to work and back, also 15 minutes but more turns and less landmarks (so I’m even prouder of myself!)
I want to work my way up by learning slightly longer drives, within reason (I’m lowkey risking my safety in order to build this skill set). Knowing where I am *ever* is a huge source of dyspraxic joy and makes me feel like a competent adult.
The Lancaster area is also a place I’ve connected to like no other. I noticed that the main roads that go through Lancaster county are kinda shaped like the dyspraxia symbol, hence the inspiration for this drawing! Being able to recreate a literal map is a massive feat for a dyspraxic person, much like navigating the county in real life.
I take my dyspraxia with me all throughout Pennsylvania these days, and I hadn’t realized what a privilege it is to have knowledge of one’s hometown. That knowledge comes with pride for me and I connect with my home state in a unique way bc of my dyspraxia :)
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misternizz · 10 months
For a few Days, the Magic was back. Historicon 2023 AAR
BLUF: The Best HISTORICON I’ve been to in years. I had such a great time. There I go, giving away the punchline again. Well, what can I say? I had a heck of a good time. So there I was, heading North on a major highway, when this happened…. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Walt O'Hara (@misternizz) Every convention adventure (heading North that is) starts with this ritual. I’m not…
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garfi774 · 1 year
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Modern Living Room - Living Room Mid-sized minimalist loft-style living room design example with a formal dark wood floor, gray walls, a stone fireplace, and no television.
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TW/CW: Suicidal ideation (without intent currently).
TL/DR:  I am trying to find a doctor anywhere in the state of Pennsylvania that accepts UPMC for You (medicaid) and is willing to at least try solve to my medical mystery. Preferably a family doctor with connections to a rheumatologist and possibly neurology and/or pain management. One that will actually listen and not give up and actually care that I'm in acute pain. I feel like my own body is trying to kill me. I have for a month or more. 
I want every single blood test you can do on a person. Every possible imaging study you can do. A sleep study. Another Holter monitor. LITERRALLY EVERYTHING because I am so tired of 'try this, try this' I want to know for sure exactly what is causing this.
At this point I just need a single doctor to either tell me I'm dying (which is what it feels like is happening) or one to tell me what's actually wrong and causing all this and how we can actually treat it while dealing with the immediate pain.
I'm tired of going to ERs every week. I'm tired of doctor's who are more afraid of the DEA than they are of their patient's dying. Because I don't want to wake up with this pain tomorrow morning. I cannot live life like this. 
This pain and the fact that no one in the medical field (other than my PT) seems to care about it at all. This pain that my current PCP respond to "I want someone to actually figure out what's wrong with me." by saying "We don't know." as if it is not literally her job to figure that out. I went through the entire appointment saying "What about the pain I'm in right now?" And all that happened was she took me off Lyrica which had side effects I couldn't deal with and prescribed Savella instead and told me to come back in a week once I titrate up to the correct dosage. What about that week? I don't have enough meds from the ER to last until next Tuesday ma'am. I was there on Saturday and they are legally only allowed to prescribe 3 days work of narcotics. He did give me 10 days worth of flexeril for which I'm grateful, but that on its own isn't enough, and my PCP won't give me anything at all. I literally told her my previous family doc only checked my TSH level not T3 or T4 (thyroid hormones). Did she order the additional tests? Has she ordered any tests at all in fact? NO. And she keeps saying insomnia when I tell her I have to take the oxy and flexeril to be able to sleep through the night. THAT'S NOT INSOMNIA. THAT IS ME BEING IN SO MUCH PAIN THAT I CAN'T SLEEP. At my appointment today I told her that almost every morning when I wake up in excruciating pain, I wish I wouldn’t’ve woken up at all; that death feels like a better option and that that thought scared me as someone with a history of suicidal ideation and attempts, and she literally did not care an ounce.
My Rheumatologist keeps trying to give me prednisone which DOES NOT WORK! And says take 2 Aleve twice a day. If Aleve worked for my pain do you think I would have been to the emergency room FOUR times since March 16th? I wouldn't have requested to see you sooner if Aleve did anything.
Not one person has cared about my sudden onset fatigue spells that keep getting more frequent to the point I'm hesitant to drive very far unless absolutely necessary because one of these times I'm gonna actually pass out. That's probably what it'll take for the medical professionals to care. Me falling asleep while driving. I think this may be POTS, because I also get random bouts of 'benign' tachycardia at the most random times.
They just keep slapping labels on things instead of just actually checking or even asking me half the time. I'm about 80% sure I have EDS, but apparently the closest person that will even test let alone diagnose someone over the age of 18 is in Philadelphia and I'd need a referral from my Rheumatologist to see that person.
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pastoral paradise
pastoral paradise by Jennifer MacNeill Via Flickr: mare and her newborn foal
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