#Larry Robinson
Florida A&M University (FAMU) President Larry Robinson, Ph.D., announced that he will step down as president, a position he has held for just under seven years.
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back-and-totheleft · 4 months
"Stone saved my life"
AMBUSH (fanuary 15, 1968) - First platoon was under heavy fire when Oliver Stone and his buddies from second platoon saved the day. First platoon was ambushed shortly after we had stopped to eat our c-rations around noon. Lt. Richard Walker was the first to get it. He walked right in on an enemy bunker and was killed by machine gun fire. Shortly afterwards, my squad leader, Sgt. Thomas Watts, was hit along with several other guys. I heard our Platoon Sgt. Ernest Martin, yell at his RTO Gary Payton to “tell them to get that god damn artillery off us!” Then a second later, in came an artillery round right over my head, landing on Sgt. Martin. He was killed instantly. About that time, an AK grazed my head. Those of us that could, low crawled back about 50 feet and got behind some big anthills for cover. We continued to fire until we ran out of ammunition. About this time, a very heroic Medic, Spec. 4 Dick Reisch, jumped up from behind his anthill and ran out into the firing to pull Tom Watts back behind my anthill. Tom had been hit with AK fire about 5 or 6 times. He was still alive and I tried my best to comfort him. Twice, the medic tossed me morphine syringes to give Tom shots to ease his pain. Unfortunately, Tom died on his way back to the field hospital. First platoon was completely out of ammunition. We could hear the gooks chattering about something or other and we thought they were going to get out of their bunkers to finish us off. About that time, Oliver Stone and four of his buddies came crawling up behind us. I told them to be careful, that there were a lot of VC in front of us. Stone said they would go get them. Stone and second platoon members crawled forward toward the enemy bunkers and all we could hear was a chorus of AK and M16 fire. Stone and the others came crawling back. Most of them had been wounded including Stone. What this did for first platoon was to let the enemy know we still had live bodies with live ammo, thus dissuading them from getting out of their bunkers to execute us. For this I will always be grateful. Stone and his buddies saved the day because it bought us enough time for the 2/224 APCs to come to our rescue. They clambered up behind us firing away with their 50 caliber machine guns.
-Sgt. Larry Robinson, 1st Platoon, Bravo Company 3rd/22nd/25th Infantry, 1967-1968 [from a Bravo Regulars newsletter, reprinted in the book Condemned Property by fellow veteran Earl "Dusty" Trimmer]
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thingsmk1120sayz · 1 year
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erroryeswifi · 2 months
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Filing Elmore Jr High’s taxes
Ft. Larry, their bookkeeper
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coolthingsguyslike · 2 months
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gumballsilly · 1 year
Compilation of all the pictures in the official Anais Watterson Flickr account (with the Original Image Resolution)
You can find the account here !! Just wanted to share all these neat images since I find them aesthetically and visually appealing. I'm sorry if this has been done before, this is mainly for my personal archive. More information under the Keep Reading !!!
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All of these were downloaded in their original image quality from Flickr. Images going from chronological date (oldest to newest). First image: September 5th, 2011 Last image: December 19th, 2011 Anais apparently shot all these with a Diana mini with flash, according to a comment she answered on the First image
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The only other time she responded to an image is the last one, where she announces the end of the photo series due to "a lack of film".
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Anais also put titles to all the images, which I included in the image descriptions. [EDIT] She has 262 followers (as of August 6th, 2023, 8:35PM CET), isn't following anyone, and joined in March 2011. From the art style and dates we can guess this account was made at the time Season 1 was, the last image being posted a few days after "The Club" was aired. The first image was posted the exact day the episode "The Goons" was aired, according to the TAWoG wiki. Interestingly enough, she has two albums on Flickr. One titled "Elmore" (16 photos), the other titled "Family Life" (7 photos).
I remember when years ago you could access these photos/the account on the Cartoon Network games website too. It was a while ago and I'm not too sure of the date, but It could've been around 2014-2017 (?). If anyone else remembers it or can find a snapshot of it on the Wayback Machine, freely add onto this post whenever ! On her About page it reads "Take a look at some of the pictures I’ve taken around Elmore with my brand new camera! Enjoy!" and has a link to theamazingworldofgumball.com, which now redirects to the Cartoon Network games website, but at that time it could've looked like this:
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Note: this snapshot was at September 25th, 2011
That's all the information I could find of the official Anais Watterson Flickr account. If anyone else has more info on it, feel free to add on to this post !! This was made for archival purposes, in case the account or website ever shuts down.
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browsethestacks · 11 months
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ESPN The Magazine: Sports Century 100
Art by Neal Adams
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cake-and-umbrellas · 3 months
Larry, my beloved <3
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Spider and Jeanne Robinson - Stardance - The Dial Press/James Wade - 1979 (jacket painting by Larry Kresek)
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ocandrew1 · 16 days
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andys-whatever · 18 days
May I ask you in which movie do you saw Andy for the first time? Was it ds9 or something else?
Of course!!
I first saw him in DS9 in 2019, fell so in love with Garak that I had to find out who this actor is, then found his other work :)) The first movie of his I watched was either Hellraiser or Dirty Harry.
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cartoonbudartz · 1 year
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Now onto the citizens of Elmore!
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DAMSEL (2024)
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erroryeswifi · 2 months
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castlingvanias · 1 year
society if tawog fanartists stopped ignoring rocky
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