#Last day celebrating Hobi's Bday
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152/638 One SOPE today while they are away
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the-kr8tor · 6 months
hi!!! I was wondering if U could write hobie celebrating his partner's (gn! reader) birthday with them for fluffy Friday?
have a nice day :)
Thank you for the lovely request! If you sent this around your bday im so so sorry it's late, hope u had a good one! ❤️❤️
Pairing: Hobie Brown x gn! Reader/ Spider-Punk x gn! Reader
Tags: no use of Y/N, no specific physical description of the reader, cw food, cw food mentions, lovestruck Hobie, FLUFF.
You feel feather light kisses on your cheeks, completely knowing who's smooching you in your sleepy state, you pretend to stay asleep.
Hobie huffs, breath fanning your lashes. He presses numerous kisses on your forehead and on the curve of your nose, increasing in roughness with every passing second you don't wake. After letting you sleep in, he's grown antsy, excited to show you what he's planned just for you.
You stop a smile from forming when he pecks a part of your jaw that's sensitive. Feeling him lean away, you have a theory on what he does next.
In a flash, Hobie places his face atop your neck, before you could react, he blows raspberries on your skin. Your eyes fly open, palms over his broad shoulders in an attempt to push him away. Legs kicking in delight, giggles filling the bedroom, he saves you from the oh so awful act by simply leaning away. He Presses a sloppy kiss atop your neck just before he moves away from it.
You promptly beam up at him, eyes bright, sneaking a quick peck over his wrist near your face.
“Happy birthday, love” Hobie brings his forehead over to yours, thankful for another year of you on this earth.
“Is it? I couldn't tell from the lack of birthday kisses” you joke.
“It's because you're getting on with age, you couldn't remember me snogging all of your wrinkles.”
You gasp, acting offended. “Wrinkles?! Excuse me!” Your legs wrap around his waist, tickling the small of his back with your heel.
He rolls his eyes at your attempt, “Keep doin' that and you won't get your present.”
You stop your attack immediately, perking up at his last word. “Present? You got me something?”
“Yes,” He scoops you up effortlessly, sitting you down on the mattress. “But first, breakfast”
“Aww” you coo, “you made me birthday breakfast?”
“I cook your breakfast almost everyday, love” he moves towards the bedroom door, keeping conversation with you over his shoulder.
“And I'm always grateful!” you yell after him, leaning slightly to watch his back through the open door while he takes something from the kitchen counter.
“Like what you see?” Hobie teases you, feeling your eyes observing him.
“Hell yeah I do!” he guffaws at your flirty reply.
Hobie struts inside, hands full with a tray, dishes clink together as he carefully lays it over your lap. Balancing it over the pillow he placed beforehand.
The fluffy pancakes get your attention, soft with butter melting over the pastry, chocolate chips dot the pancake, your stomach growls at the sight of it. A fruit cup sits next to it, all customized with your favourite fruits, cut to tiny slices by Hobie himself. A steaming cup of coffee wafts your nostrils, just the smell of it wakes you up from the lingering sleepiness.
Your heart melts like the butter on top of your pancake, you have an urge to squeeze Hobie full of your love.
“Come here, handsome” you flex your fingers towards him, calling him over, eyes full of hearts.
“Handsome, huh? ‘m guessing you like it” Hobie indulges you, probably the first of many coddling for your special day. Arms wrap around you, carefully avoiding the meal from getting toppled. His hand cradles the back of your head, you pepper kisses over his jaw, five o'clock shadow scratching your nose.
Kiss “I” kiss “love it” smooch “and I” kiss “love you”
Finishing off from devouring his face, you let out a loud smacking sound with your lips, nuzzling his neck for good measure. Hobie giddily smiles through it all.
You pull away, he cleans the corner of your eyes gently with his pinky. “Eat, or I'll eat it all for you”
“Are you hungry? We can share” you squeeze his bicep. “Hobie, have you eaten?” there's concern in your voice.
“I have, ate some of your pancakes” truth be told he did eat, but only the ones that aren't pretty enough to be added to your plate. The ones who didn't make the cut, the edges burnt or the ones that aren't fluffy enough.
“And fruit” Hobie can still smell the juice on his fingers with how much he cut, he practiced a bit with different ways of cutting it, so far he's eaten so many rejects that he can't stand eating another fruit for at least another week or two.
He's incredibly full.
“Okay, you sure? We can go half on the pancakes”
He chuckles, “‘m sure, love. Go eat, just watching you makes me full” Hobie taps his stomach dramatically.
“Sap” you hide a lopsided smile under the mug. The mixture's just right, perfectly blended just how you like it. Sighing in content, Hobie watches you with fondness.
“Fuck, these are perfect” you munch on your pancake, sweetness filling your tongue.
If only you know how many he made (and ate) just for you to get the perfect batch. Not too sweet or bland, not gooey or flat. Just right for your taste.
He hums, proud of himself. Hobie mentally pats himself on the back for a job well done.
“Thank you, lemme kiss you”
After eating your fill and many kisses in between, Hobie hands you a red string. You look at him perplexed.
“What's this?” You hold the string, weighing it with your hand.
“Follow the string for your present” he stands up, hand reaching to help you out of the bed.
You scream in delight, practically jumping off the mattress. “Thank you!” Hugging him tightly, you hold his hand together with the string.
“Let's go!”
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A/N: did I get the string idea from frozen fever? Yes I did lmaoo
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sugarushsuga · 1 year
Roses are Red
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Genre/Au's: Fluff; Stablished relationship; College Au; Hockey Au;
Paring: Hoseok x F reader
Words count: 665
Rating: 18+
Warnings: Mentions of violence during a game; implied sexual content.
Synopsis: It’s Valentine’s Day and Hoseok is handicap.
Author note: This year the only deadlines I’m following are the ones at work, all my personal life, therefor my writing as well, won’t have their deadlines fulfilled. That just means I didn’t finish this drabble on time for Hobi’s bday or Valentine’s day (we don’t celebrate it in February here so I couldn’t remember it).
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Jung Hoseok is a sweetheart. He is a human walking sunshine. He is the optimistic and cheerful friend in all his groups. He is the goodest of all the good boys.
And he got in a fight during his last game that ended up with blood, time out, game suspension and a dislocated shoulder.
He is not static of staining his perfectly pristine hockey career with a fight that was much more than just pushing or shoving an opponent against the rink glass. But what could he do when the guys spent the whole season provoking him? Hoseok is usually the one who talks sense into his teammates head, when talking doesn’t work sometimes he does some slaps upside the head or puts them on gear duty.
And that’s all the more reason why he is upset with how he lost his cool. Not that anyone on the team teased him, actually the boys, especially the younger ones, plotted a plan to get back at Hyungwon. Luckily, this time, Namjoon talked some sense into their heads and made them drop the idea, but only after Hoseok threatened to tell their coach about it.
Hyungwon’s broken nose is just some collateral damage he got from talking shit and sexual stuff about Hoseok’s girlfriend. Just the thought of it has him seeing red all over again, and the fact that you are nothing but a sweet angel that cares for him and all of the boys on the team makes him even madder.
He’s also upset about his immobile arm, it was just a dislocated shoulder but, it is better to restrain movements and avoid a longer injury for not being careful enough. So, no training or exercise beside the physiotherapy, better safe than sorry.
Hoseok feels like a baby, since his dominant arm is braced, surely he can take the brace off to sleep and shower, but he can’t do many things properly like clean up his room, cook or eat, take notes in class… Seokjin and Taehyung are the ones who are having the most fun with it. Whenever they need to help Hoseok with cutting his food they also try to airplane feed him, especially if it is at the cafeteria.
The last three days have sucked and because you know how your boyfriend is upset you propose a chill date for Valentine’s Day. Just both of you in your apartment, where no one can tease him about feeding him. You promised to take care and pamper him.
That’s everything you planned, his favorite dinner, all food pre-cut on eating bites so he wouldn’t feel like a burden. The new episode of the series you both have been watching together and chocolate cake for dessert. A relaxing bath before bed and a good night of sleep.
That was the plan.
Until after dinner, when Hoseok apologized for the grocery bought Valentine’s Day gift. A box of your favorite chocolates with a note.
Written on a terrible letter, one of someone with a braced arm.
“Hobi,” you say as you carefully straddle his lap on the couch. “Do you have different plans for tonight than the ones I made?”
His good hand quickly rests on your ass, hugging you to him. “Do I?” He asks slowly, lips almost brushing yours.
“Are you hopping on getting laid?” The giggle in your voice makes the corner of his lips turn up.
“Laid? I think I wrote that I’d like to get suffocated tonight.” His breath caresses your face.
You hum against his lips as you take them in a kiss. You keep trying to be mindful of his arm as his tongue invades your mouth and you rock your hips on his growing hard on. The note falling somewhere forgotten on the floor as you focus on making his wish come true.
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Roses are red,
The sun gives off the heat,
If your legs are tired,
Use my face as a seat.
Happy valentines day! With love Hobi”
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Feedback is always appreciated.
Ⓒ 2023 Sugarushsuga, do not copy, translate or repost.
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 2 years
IDG why its such a big deal for Jikook to celebrate their friendship like others do. They use to all the time. Their bond is still beautiful. Like it was pointed out. Their families are close to them. JK knew JM grandmother bday. JK hanging with JM friends at times. They spend a ton of time together off cam, we even heard this from Vminkook in Vegas, but its like oh sorry, can't wish you a happy bday or post a pic of you publicly on my IG, I can only do that with my other hyungs. It's confusing.
I personally don't think birthday posts it's a big deal and I've said that before. Even if the fandom cares that day, they forget the next day. Ask any army and most of them don't remember who posted for who last year or this year, much less the years before.
That being said, tbh I've always felt that Jimin celebrated jikook way too much. It's literally one of the reasons taekookers hate him so much lmao.
Going by the example you gave of wishing happy birthdays or posting photos, Jimin has never. Never. Stopped posting for Jungkook's birthdays and he has posted photo/s (depending on your perspective) with Jungkook on his instagram. And he will probably post more eventually. Everytime we've known of them spending time together in their free time, it has been Jimin the one talking about it. Even their fight in the rain, it was Jimin who told the story. In 2019 he came back from Paris and then went to Jungkook's birthday party and then he posted that photo and talked about it in his vlive. In 2020 it was Jimin the one who said "I was with Jungkook". Jungkook talked about finding out of #1 more than three times and he never mentioned Jimin, not even once, nothing. We would have never, and I mean never known of those things if Jimin didn't say them. In 2021 it was him who invited Jungkook to his live. Trust me, Jungkook would have not gone there by himself. Then it was Jimin who said Jungkook went to his hotel room in LA. It was Jimin who said he liked waking up and seeing Jungkook or talks about his sleeping habits. These are all things that come to mind right now but there are dozens of situations that I don't remember right now where it was just Jimin talking about it. Jimin is not really like that anymore, and he barely shares anything these days but it was like that until last year.
Jungkook doesn't "celebrate" jikook the same way Jimin does/did and many would tell you Jungkook doesn't celebrate it at all, it's why the narrative that it's one sided runs so deep. I've never made any conclusions from that, that's just his personality. I don't think it means this or that but I'm also not lying to myself. I know it's been mostly, if not all Jimin "celebrating" jikook for all of these years. I've talked before about something along these lines, and I understand that Jungkook has some big moments here and there but people need consistency to acknowledge something. People don't live off things that happened one time and never happened again.
This is one of the reasons why I can't empathize with jikookers who cry about how the fandom doesn't acknowledge jikook wah wah wah and all the sob stories. The fandom repeats what the members show and they even emulate their own parasocial relationship/s with BTS according to how the members present themselves AND their dynamics. Calling taehyung an alien, or the most handsome because BTS constantly call him that, chimchim for Jimin, or how to this day they still diagnose him with eating disorders because of how much it was talked about by BTS, Namjoon being the love of Jungkook's life because JK literally never misses an opportunity to say that he had a crush on Namjoon, the golden maknae thing, hobi being a "sunshine" even if there is a smaller amount of content of Hoseok talking about how that persona wasn't really himself. All these narratives are so repetitive and ALL of them are at fault for drilling those narratives into the minds of their fandom.
It's impossible to change and it's why I really can't bring myself to care about the fandom being more acceptive of Namkook or vmin than jikook, because it's something BTS themselves have chosen. Jungkook has made statements about Namjoon, the same as vmin have made statements about their friendship and it's what the fandom knows and understands, and it will always be easiest to accept and to love something that has been spelled out for you.
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jimiminily · 3 months
🌹𝐻𝑎𝑝𝑝𝑦 𝑏𝑖𝑟𝑡ℎ𝑑𝑎𝑦 𝑯𝒐𝒃𝒊 🌹
Enjoy your 30! 💜
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Happiest 30th bday hobiiii 🎂🥳💕 A day full of sunshine, when hobi came
I miss him vm like at least he's coming back in like 8 months (17 oct) AND THAT'S VERY SOON (gaslighting myself) AND HOW HE TURNED 30?!?! HE WAS LIKE 26 WHEN I GOT TO KNOW HIM TIME IS PASSING BY SO FAST 😭
He's so adorable and sweet I miss him so much I can't believe we all have to go thru this wdym he's serving in the military ???? Stay safe and happy hobi ♡♡ goodluck with your service I love you so much 🥹💜
Time will pass quickly 🫡
He also wrote a letter on weverse today ♡
" ARMY !!!!!!!!!! this is hoseok~💕🫡
this is really.. fascinating/crazy !!!! my birthday did come...😅
i thought my birthday won't come while serving in the military...
but it's already february 18th ahhahahahah!!!
what does that mean..? it means! 'time goes on...' hahahaha
it's so fascinating that i ended up rambling on. 😅🤣
anyways, this is my first and last birthday i will be spending as an army soldier...! but these days, i really feel your love and interests in a big way hehe
from the reactions from those around me to the events you were hosting, i fully felt it with my skin so i think i feel <that love and interest> more!!! it's interesting and i feel like.. my shoulder goes up too:) (meaning that he feels proud)🤩😋🤩😙
it's all because of having our ARMYs right?🫡🫡😂😂
no matter what situation, in my heart, you all are always in the center...!! it's a big part that i never forgot while promoting/working for over the 10 years. 💝
though i always express and it might not be enough, but thank so much!!
thank you so much and i love you for being our fan and jhopes fan!
thanks to you, i am not lonely this birthday too!!!
i will healthily discharge from the military and greet you cooly!!
thank you!!
-from ARMY, to ARMY- "
No way he wrote "from ARMY, to ARMY-"
Welcome to the team bud 😭 this letter is super sweet :(
And he wrote an advanced letter too for his bday!
[HobisLetter] 📬Letter from jhope
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(in image)
"happy birthday jhope ♡♡♡
it is my birthday !!! 18th of february 2024...
a lot of people will be wishing me a happy birthday then too right ??,,,, kekeke just my wish..
i think it would be good to just tell you how im doing now !!
everyone, im adjusting well and doing welll~~!!
very healthily~~ ♡♡ hahahaha
the memories of getting lots of birthday wishes from you all every birthday is clear.
ive also celebrated my birthday together with you too !!
it is a shame that i have to give my greetings in a different way because i am completing my service.. but right now in my heart, i am thinking of you guys and am have strong feelings missing you even more !!
i was able to receive so many birthday wishes and my birthday was even more meaningful because of you all. this time again, i want to convey how thankful i always am from the bottom of my heart, that much more!!
i love you, for today, let us all have a hope day~♡♡"
And guess what! He also posted an :p
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They celebrated in the military too 🥹🎂💕 have fun in your free time
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Happy 30th Birthday to the gorgeous, super talented record-breaking, history-making Million-seller rapper, singer-songwriter, dancer, record producer, choreographer & Global Icon, the One & Only j-hope who rings in his birthday, trending at #1 WORLDWIDE on /TwitterX! 👏🎂🎉🌟🐐👑💜
j-hope rose to fame as the main Rapper of BTS, the Biggest band in the world! He is a hugely successful Solo Artist in his own right and one of the Best K-act performers, always paving the way! He was the first K-soloist to enter the “Top 100 Most Followed Artists” on Spotify, the first K-Soloist to surpass 16 Million followers and the most followed on Spotify for many years (now 2nd)! He's the 1st K-soloist to debut an album (Jack in the box) with over 60Million streams and the 1st k-Soloist to have 3 albums surpassing 500 Million streams on Spotify! j-hope is also the 1st South Korean Artist in history to headline a major US music festival "Lollapalooza" and the highest ticket- selling artist in Lollapalooza’s history! With his song "on the street" J-Hope is the 1st Asian Act to enter the Top 10 of the Billboard R&B/Hip-Hop Digital Song Sales Year End Chart and the 1st member of BTS to earn a top-40 entry on the UK Singles Chart following its debut at #37, setting a new record as the highest-charting Korean soloist in the history of the chart at the time! j-hope ties PSY as the 4th K-act with the most #1 hits in World Digital Song Sales chart history after BTS! j-hope's solo discography including his songs under BTS has achieved 1,500 #1's on iTunes! He ties Suga as the Rapper with the most songs with over 100 x #1s on iTunes! His first solo mixtape, 'Hope World', in 2018 peaked at #38 on the US Billboard 200, breaking the record for the highest-charting album by a K- soloist at the time. He became the 1st member of BTS to enter the Billboard Hot 100 as a soloist in 2019, with his single "Chicken Noodle Soup", ft BeckyG, which debuted at #81. In 2022, J-Hope's chart-topping debut studio album 'Jack in the Box', scored the 5th biggest Album debut among K-soloists in history! J-hope is also the 1st K-Act to headline Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve in 2022!
j-hope has received 30 nominations and has won numerous awards including a Golden Disc Award in 2023, a Korean Hip Hop Award in 2023 for Best R& B track for "Rush Hour" with Crush and 2 MAMA Awards in 2022 including Most Popular Male Artist! In 2018, he was awarded the fifth-class Hwagwan Order of Cultural Merit by the President of South Korea and in 2021, he was appointed Special Presidential Envoy for Future Generations and Culture by President Moon Jae-in to help "lead the global agenda for future generations, such as sustainable growth" and "expand South Korea's diplomatic efforts and global standing" in the international community!
Further cementing him as one of the most influential K-figures globally.
And guess what!!!! >< he will release a new special album!!!!! BigHit just announced it!
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"We are pleased to announce the release of “HOPE ON THE STREET VOL.1,” a special album by BTS member j-hope.
“HOPE ON THE STREET VOL.1” is a special album featuring a total of six tracks and will be released alongside “HOPE ON THE STREET,” a docuseries that trails j-hope’s dance journey.
Please join j-hope as he looks back on his dance journey by listening to “HOPE ON THE STREET VOL.1” and watching the “HOPE ON THE STREET” docuseries.
*Release Date: 1 PM, Friday, March 29, 2024 (KST)"
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anarchistbitch · 8 months
well it's not like according to tradition I replied in a timely manner lmao dont worry about it
sfjkfjsdk me too, i dont usually make playlists, i just leave everything in my liked and shuffle it and let it be what the universe dictates but idk i felt like getting them into one playlist
well if you add pepa pig id burst out laughing in the middle of a call probably and one of my work friends would probably shout "send her to sleep" bc thats what we say when we send clients back bc we cant do anything from our end so it would be funny and we would just ultimately skip it lmao
im looking forward to whatever songs you add, the playlist is long as fuck already tbh so it might take a while for the oli london song to come on
SFGDSJKFGDS well in my defense I had to ask bc i didnt know how long youve been on tumblr so yeah (shiro's cloning and the episode about it and the fight with keith)
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anyways i motherfucking hated that they exploded adam and then tried to console us with curtis but anywaaaaaaay the fanfic is dirty laundry which if you were in the fandom i doubt you didnt end up hearing of it or at least the discourse around it but anyway it got deleted but i had it downloaded so have a google drive link https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwU9LMiUJoN7RjFWSGZVUlJQd1U/view?
yeah, the whole not enrolling classes in uni is a mess and i try not to think about it too much rn (i am seeing a therapist and i hope that by next year i have figured out what i want to do) but i like my job, we(my team)'re actually planning to rent a house and stay there a weekend very soon to celebrate our supervisor's bday :'3
making choices that will greatly impact our futures is seriously so hard, and i also not qualified for any career advice but manifesting that whatever you choose in the end allows you to be happy
just last night it started raining hard so i got up to turn off the fan but then like two minutes later i got up to turn it on again bc even tho it was raining it is still so fucking hot, seriously hate the weather rn
god mountains are so preetty, specially when the weather is cool and they get all foggy
atsv is a masterpiece and it continues from itsv so damn well, i really do love it and i hope hollywood gets up it's ass and pays their workers what they're owed so we can see it soon
KJSDFJKSDFHJS i am still seeing so many miguel o hara edits everywhere for real, i gotta say tho im in love with hobie and pavitr
JKSHFJS i used to do something similar with fob, i had a lot of them printed out and would put them on my binder cover so that i could memorize the lyrics so i was all day everyday singing them until i memorized it and the changed it for another song
idk how id rank fob albums, its so hard when theyre soo good but i really do love so much for stardust, aside from that one i think my favs are save rock and roll and american beauty american pyscho, mania was the first album i was a fan of them when it came out so it has a special place in my heart as well
my special lyric is part time soulmates full time problem, ive always been a fan of soulmate aus and hhhhhhhh just makes my brain smooth, also we started off as shiny dimes but we got flipped too many times, we did it for futures that never came and for pasts that we're never going to change 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
cheers to us and our interesting meeting jdfshjf
love you and i hope you have a good week :3 get plenty of rest and fun and water!!
i feel like if we had a competition on late replies i would emerge victorious😎(crying inside)
honestly fall is prolly the best time to make playlists[not that im gonna, but sure is a nice time yk] but ahhhh anyway!!!! havent added anything but u will know when i add it <3
check hello tumblr user nonbinarymikaela pls provide access to the drive check [i checked out of any fandom drama cause i had so many exams that yr lmao. only time the edu system saved me]
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[this is me actually hi]
honestly idek if i like my degree rn, like i really wanted to go for a history degree a couple years back before i changed my stream[its a whole educational system thats actually fucking fucked in india i hope it dies soon💜] but on the flip side - it was pretty hard to get a spot in my uni anyway so now im just in a whirlpool of smth. bleh
thinking of how next year is so close is like skewering me and roasting me like a kebab😭😭😭😭[but like dont keep a strict timeline yk, ur like seriously cool and i think any decision you take will be the best as along as your the one taking it ] [i wish i had answered this earlier so i couldve wish you good time on ur retreat but i hope it was good anyway💜💜💜💜💜💜💜]
man i need to like seriously cope up with my decisions cause i need to take an exam for my career which is seriously sooo..... but yea thats how its going
omg its raining here too and my college[which is seriously just a reformated jungle] turned into a swamp ish and they STILL didnt cancel classes. and i forgot my umbrella. i came back home like a sad wet cat .
gotta love that near-to-the-equator ass weather with climate change [i need to kill billionaires rn]
hope the strikes come to a fruitful end soon[for saf-aftra & iatse !!! fuck the amptp!!] but also i wouldnt mind waiting a couple years for btsv if the animators need that time to like animate in a safe and healthy manner yk
OH wait also im on my halloween movies watch rn!! just finished the addams family and watching paranorman rn [i need a gomez man btw. need him to be silly and obsessed and intense.and mwah]
[also if u wanna watch an indian series made in heaven is pretty cool(its okay-ish in terms of writing but it covers some very important social issues + the main leads are hot and dubious. what more do i need to watch a show)]
hobie kinda scratched a very specific itch in my brain like i want to be him AND kiss him , pavitr is so slay, and o'hara needs like a massage session thing where they unlock the trauma in ur knees or like a stamlo 50mg.
me & my friends fav fob lyrics was the 'how the mighty fall' cause we would do that "fall out...boi" intro everytime lol
i dont think i have a fave lyric but i think immortals was a top contender for reasons[i like big hero 6 :3]
Song rec: nothings new by rio romeo (saw it in a reels animatic and .. yea)
to many more yrs of late asks 🥂(appy juice cause i dont like the taste of alcohol)
my love and hopes to u💜💜💜 and also an umbrella for this weather☔
p.s. drink water/soup/iced tea + i care for u+ W in the chats
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nightswithkookmin · 4 years
I loveeeee the way ur brain works and i like all ur posts and love reading them. Its Jimin day today and i wont lie that i am feeling a bit sad about whole JK not posting on JM bday because he was getting active on Social media again and i thought its because of JM bday coming soon but i hope they are happy and JM had a blast celebrating his bday.. it annoys me how other ship( u know which ship) is happy and making fun about this situation and calling Jikook bond fake and nonexsistant. 1/2
Ahhhhhh this topic!
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Also me:
Packing my bags off these shipping streets. Jk don disgrace us. Lol. Kidding. If more than anything today has solidified my faith in JK and Jikook and while y'all are jumping ship imma hold the fort. Hashtag Jikook for life!
I've been receiving a lot of questions about this, about JK not posting for JM's birthday and I haven't answered any of them because- well I passed out. So...
Jk didn't post true, but have you thought about what it would have meant for him and JM if he had posted?
Now I see a lot of people running through the ship streets shouting Jikook broke up, something was off between them, Jikook was never real, jikook this- Jikook that- y'all need to calm your horses or I swear to God!
I mean I am down for all that wild gossip and angst but I think y'all is tripping.
Do I think they are in a bad place, HELL NO. Do I think they are not real? HELL NO! Do I think JK don lost his minds? ABSOLUTELY.
No but seriously, I'm fascinated by all of this. I'm in pain, can't process shit but when it comes to Jikook I'm always intrigued and fascinated by them.
I'm mostly fascinated by why JK pulled a 5/8, geared up for JM's birthday but then posts crickets on Jimin's birthday as you've said.
Is it me or does this whole thing feel like the tattoo girl scandal all over again? Lmho.
Up until now, I've avoided addressing Asks about Jikook coming out, JK proposing and stuff like that because those territories are a bit tricky for me- to speculate on those, I find I'd have to speculate on whether marriage is something both of Jikook want, whether both of Jikook want to come out but these are conversations I don't think y'all are ready for with me.
Not when I believe one of them, if you've been following my train of thoughts you'd know which, is not ready to make such commitments, joking about marriage and shit- yes, that tiny man. Lol.
I mean the backlash I get for the tamer things I share on here- chilee, y'all is about to eat me up for this. Here goes nothing. Mama pray for me.
I have said, late 2018 to the middle of 2019 is one of the moments I sincerely felt JK was going to 'out' Jikook just based on the way he was moving through that era until that impromptu hiatus and the following scandal.
Out Jikook as in OUT Jikook- I've told y'all Jikook have been asserting themselves against eachother. JK has been asserting himself and part of that self assertion ties in with his sexuality. He is tired of hiding. He's been tired since 2016- trouble this one.
Do I think JM is ready to come out- No. He doesn't want to come out but he doesn't want to hide hide either. Dude just want to stay in that glass closet.
Throughout my posts, I've speculated this has been a huge part of their on and off dynamics since November last year. Jk coming off too strong, JM asking for space- yall know don't make me repeat myself.
November 2019 up until today is also one such periods I felt JK was going to out Jikook, inspite of all the ups and downs they've experienced this season.
JK scares me to be honest with you. I keep saying people are looking at him wrong. Hell, people are looking at Jikook dynamics wrong I feel.
All the times Jikook have almost been accidentally outed, who's been the most terrified? It's not JK.
Jimin's face when RM said JK sneaks into JM's bed at night, his face when they walked into JK's room on Bon V and saw the cameras. I have an entire dissertation on this on my wall please get with it. Lol
Whatever silent protest JK's been on since JM's birthday last year- Not gonna lie, I felt JK was not posting for the others so he could post on JM's birthday this year as a way of coming out with him? You know, make a bold statement like he's done over the years? I'm delusional but also dead serious.
Each time I feel JK's come close to this pivotal moment, something's happened. I swear Jikook is taking years off my life- I'm exhausted.
Why is he trying to out their relationship on his own and not do that with the consent of Jimin? I'm gonna pray to God, y'all can read my mind with everything I have been saying since my posts because this is cutting it too close for me- and I'm exhausted so maybe another post next time.
Like I've said, I really believe they are in a good place this time around. Y'all know me, I don't shy from angst, I'd say if I felt there's been something off with them since they fixed whatever they were going through early half of the year.
The only tension I've sensed between them lately was on day two of the online concert when JM got a little too excited with trying to sell the sexual tension fantasy in his other ships and JK didn't look like he was happy about.
Later during the curtain call you could see dude cold stoning JM resulting in JM doing what he does best in such instances- clinging on to JK for their life. Lol.
He vanished from Namjoon's side real quick to take the bow next to JK but JK- Y'all check that moment out for yourself, see what I'm talking about.
Is that why he didn't wish Jimin a happy birthday? I don't think so. I think he put a lot of thought and preparation towards this moment to make something like this undo all of that- that is if my suspicions about what he was trying to do this year is right.
Jimin gone wake up married one of these days he won't know what hit him! Lmho.
It is why, I don't buy this whole he didn't post for the others which is why he didn't post for Jimin narrative. When have you known Jk to care about things like these?
The man literally got a birthday present for Jimin gave it to him in the presence of some of the members without doing same for them. Singling JM out like this is nothing new to him. He has done so consistently over the years to let this deter him.
The question y'all should be asking is why he didn't post for the others in the first place. They are all friends and posting for eachother's birthdays is a long standing tradition in BTS so why is he breaking from this culture all of a sudden?
Is he rebelling? Is he protesting? What is he trying to do? Right?
This moment has been building up since last year after JM's birthday and I honestly believed he was going to go through with it- hell I bought a wedding dress and shit- Jikook you son of bish!
I have said the company is giving them much room to be themselves, RM isn't breathing down their necks, JM looked like he was finally committed- everything looked great between them in my opinion except perhaps for the growing tensions between JK, V and Namjoon- If you've been paying any attention to their recent Twitter war.
I hate speculating based on nothing, so I'm just going to point out to you my observations without drawing conclusions- I'll share my thoughts on what these moments means when I've had more content to peruse and analyze from now- but for now you can make of it what you will:
1. JK starts a count down on Twitter, JM responds and continues the countdown.
Now I clocked, the moment JK posted this on the 5th that he had something up his sleeves with regards to Jimin which I shared with y'all. He was going for a 5/8/13 it's not news now.
2. After Jimin posts day 4 for the countdown, who ever was going to post after him was going to have to post day 3 to continue the countdown right? But Tae posts a V-cut instead breaking that chain.
Now I remember joking about this moment with a friend, rolling my eyes exclaiming, here they go again! V is trying to sabotage JK yet again, and he'd turn around and ask why their friendship is dwindling. The pettiness and passive aggressiveness of it all!
That moment reminded me of when he called JK out for attempting to eyefuck JM through the viewfinder in the Dynamite MV reaction video. Remember that? Same energy to me.
They do shit like this and their shippers will not take note but will turn around and act surprised when we say Taekook ain't all that- rolling my eyes.
3. Hobi continues the countdown with day 3 and RM posts something random the next day but I think it was to neutralize the Taekook shenanigans. Neutralizing is what RM does best- we been knew.
4. Jk posts his Savage Love cover on the 8th and equally doesn't partake in the countdown he himself initiated because- Savage.
5. Suga posts day 2. RM and Jin posts day 1 and Tae posts D-Day on the D day to promote the concert. Yadda yadda yadda.
Now I didn't think much of this moment to be honest- i merely took a mental note of it for future reference, and was paying close attention to their interactions at the concert- which we will talk about soon..
I didn't make much of this bit until VJoonKook became a hold out on Jimin's birthday. They were the last three to post, two of whom ended up not posting at all for Jimin"s birthday- fucking traitors.
It was at this point I felt compelled to put on my tinfoil hat. And reevaluate the situation.
Why were these three people the same trio engaged in that little squabble just a few days ago on the timeline? I wondered.
It felt as if Taekook were engaged in a Russian Roulette racing the clock while Joonie stood by waiting to neutralize whatever shit those two were going to pull on the timeline.
Call me delusional but I felt JK was going to post, Tae was going to try to one up him with a ridiculous post or counter his post- V and his fucking VMin agenda! Lmho
RM was going to end up mirroring whatever JK was going to post to neutralize it as per usual- leave me alone. I said I'm delusional. Let me be. Lol.
There's just a lot going on all at once and it's easy to lose sight of subtle moments like these when they happen.
Like Jimin saying he would be on VLive soon, which first of all- yay!
Y'all know I've been keeping my eyes on the app, most especially how the members are going to use it post IPO, post Soop- I have a lot of questions; will they be monitored like they were in May? Will they be able to have intimate interactions with the fans like before?
Y'all know my theory about Jikook and the VLive stuff so I'll leave it there.
Now as for what this moment here means, I think it's a humbling experience for all of us but mostly for Jimin-JK you sonova bish! Lol
Jimin is the one who loves to flex his bond and relationship with JK, he loves to show off their relationship. He is the one who's been called all sorts of names under the sun just because of his relationship with JK- even if they are friends.
None of the members have suffered and paid a price for their relationship with JK the way Jimin has throughout the years. It is why I hate it when people compare the others to him. Even if it placates you and lessens your insecurities please don't.
I'm not pressed about no ship wars. Hell, I often start one myself- what? fun.
I'm worried for Jimin mostly.
I think JK more than anyone knows how this looks. Which is why I really don't think this is what he was aiming for all along. To make Jimin look this way- again not to say JM is better than the others he didn't post for.
I don't know what's going on with JK now but I am not about to tell you this moment is nothing. It is not nothing.
I know people want to console themselves with the whole my partner don't gotta show off on social media on my birthday to show he loves me- please shut up. Or may be don't. Y'all con shippers confound me.
This is Jikook here, showing is an integral part of their dynamics. Isn't that why people call them a fanservice ship? Because they show so much? Because they do so much?
Jikook like to show off their bond, they like claiming eachother, they like reassuring eachother and I'm sorry but Park Jimin's father set such high standards for his son's birthday for anyone who claim they love him to pull stunts like this. Do y'all know Jikook at all?! I have to ask.
Jimin loves to be treated like he is different and special. It's his love language. We know this, BTS knows this, JK knows this- don't make excuses for JK if at the very least you can't see what he was trying to do here.
Even if you don't think they are a couple they are best friends- at the bare minimum. It doesn't take more than a few seconds to login and wish a friend a happy birthday- Hobi made four and he is not dating Jimin. Just saying.
You can't yell Jikook show us a lot hence there's no need for wild theories and assumptions and bully people who come up with wild theories and then in the same breath say they don't have to openly show us they care about eachother for them to be real- Y'all are going to ship by faith now? Chileee.
I have said JK likes to retract and conceal and only shows what he chooses to show and this was his choice. It's as simple as that. He chose not to post.
He didn't do it because of no damn other members.
He occupies a huge space in JMs life to not know what this moment says about him and his highly publicized relationship with Jimin- chileee, whatever did park Jimin do to you, JK?! Jesus Christ!
Havent heard of a betrayal this grand since the birth of Judas Iscariot- Judas is that you? Lmho.
I joke but I don't find this funny at all. Bless them.
It's one thing to not post for the others, but it's different for Jimin. And this is not to say the others don't matter to JK, they do. He's called them all family but then again he hasn't placed any one of them on a pedestal the way he's placed Jimin on a pedestal now has he? So we cannot assume Jimin means the same to him as the others mean to him.
Isn't that why we ship them?
Personally, I'm hurt by all of this. It hurts me that some people are going to use this as an excuse to tease and bully Jimin, call him a liar, call into question the years of friendship between Jikook, call into question any future interactions between them- I don cried my eyes out all day for Jimin but also for JK.
It hurts that I have to defend JK and Jikook to anyone. The task wasn't easy before all of this- not that anybody sent me. Who died and made me their spokesperson. Chileee
But please let's not dismiss this moment or belittle it. It's monumental- to me anyway.
JK was on to something I'm just curious to know what stopped him this time around. I want to know if he plans on not posting at all for anyone in the future. How long is he going to keep at it?
He's tried to out them twice. Will he do it again? How is he going to do it? What is Jimin going to do if indeed this is what JK had been planning, how is this going to affect their dynamics- I'm excited for their journey however it goes.
It's their journey unauthored. I'm just here to observe and report- and may uWu while I'm at it.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, we gotta ask ourselves, had JK posted anything at all today knowing full well he hasn't posted at all for anyone in the group all year, that what would that have meant for their relationship? What message would that have sent?
While we lament about this moment, let's also take a minute to ponder over what this moment might have signified if JK had actually posted.
Everything he did in the days leading up to Jimin's birthday pointed to the fact he was definitely going to post. To me it felt he was gonna come out. He was. And if he had done it- my god!
JK isn't my favorite person right about now. He can go ahead and step on leggos. No kithes for him🙄
But I have faith in him. Always. He's consistently shown and proven his love and loyalty for Jimin through out the years. You don't nibble on a man's ear in front of sixty thousand people, to find posting a simple message on his birthday tedious. This is Jikook. If it feels wrong, it is wrong.
I wish I could tell yall, this moment means nothing, that JK not posting is not a big deal but I can't. This moment is everything.
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jinfilms · 4 years
han @knjz​ tagged me in this question tag and i’m finally doing it at 3 am lets get it 
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1. It’s your birthday! What did you ask for and did you receive it?
i h*te celebrating my birthday so realistically just merch or money...my bday is may 7 so we were quarantine this year anyway but my present to myself was mots tour merch !
2. What was the last song or album you listened to?
all about luv by monsta x i’ve been listening to it sm recently!! i bought it today when i was at target
3. What is your go to snack when you’re hungry or bored?
i don’t snack bc i don’t usually have time to .. but during my 10 min breaks at work i’ll get a single serving container of those white cheddar cheez-its bc they’re top tier 
4. What is your morning routine?
wake up, shower if i didn’t the night before, skincare.. i usually eat yogurt w granola and fruit and honey in an attempt to be healthy </3
5. What mythical/cryptid creature would you be?
i don’t know much about those but i think i’m the gen 8 pokemon sobble.. but only the first evolution sobble u know not the twink final evolution
6. How do you interact with somebody that you don’t like?
there are 0 people i interact with that i don’t like online bc everyones so precious :( irl though i’m very fake in front of them so they’d never know i hated them jdslksd it just comes with my job plus i live in the south where everyone is evil so i’m a self proclaimed pro at it by now
7. How do you define a toxic person?
my parents
8. Have you ever been to a concert or fan meet type of event? If not, would you want to?
i saw florence & the machine for my 13th or 14th bday and she’s an actual goddess irl but since then no... i want to see the boys live someday but that’ll probably never happen Don’t Remind Me
9. Do you believe in astrology? Why or why not?
no...imo it is just a pseudo science but the quizzes are fun
10. If you had only one sense (hearing, touch, sight, etc.), what would you want?
sight but i would rlly miss music and food
11. Who is your favourite celebrity or idol?
out of all of my biases and favs and whatever...hoseok takes the cake i just think he’s gotta be like. one of the most talented ppl in the world not even kidding ok...his singing and dancing and rapping and his heart...i think about how much he’s donated and his ability to teach and make people laugh all the time i can’t believe all of that can exist in one person but it does!! it’s hobi!!! his name is literally hope!!!!!!
non kpop related i think i’d choose bill hader or zendaya bc barry and euphoria are the only running shows that exist to me
12. If you could talk to your favourite celebrity(s) for a limited time, what would you tell them?
mmm i think i would tell hobi all of that^ if i had the chance.. he lives up to his name and he should feel proud of his accomplishments and if i could i would give him da world !
13. I’m taking you out on a date and it’s your choice. Where are we going?
staying at home and making a home cooked dinner and desert yum yum (i buy us expensive wine and my cats are there to scream for attention and it feels very domestic) 
14. Do you like sweet or savory foods?
savory...specifically spicy food i add hot sauce to pretty much every meal or else it tastes bland at this point 
15. Do you have any band merchandise or merchandise from any of your favourite artists? If so, what?
i have a lot of bts i won’t name it all, for nct 127 i bought all the neo zones, and again i bought monsta x’s all about luv version 1 today (i’m not gonna buy the other versions bc i don’t even stan them yet i just wanted to support them bc that album,, banger idk it was just a pleasant surprise cause i wasn’t planning on listening to it and now i see why there are so many monbebes!!)
i wanna start collecting txt albums and merch too but i honestly just forget they’re sitting in my amazon wish list lmao also exo and red velvet but not for a while...yall just wait till dragon dee debuts i’ll buy everything ever those boys deserve the world
tagging: @everythingoes​ @kyeomtae​ @sweetnightsjimin​ @scevery​ @honsool​ @taechnological​ @kimteahyung​ i don’t wanna tag too many people and risk annoying anyone else but if u guys see this i hope u are having amazing days/nights and i love u v much kiss kiss
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Here’s my theory about the extent of Jimin’s birthday present for Jungkook.
Again, like I said, this is PURELY a theory and, like, 95% delulu/fan fiction, based on what we’ve learned in the past few hours and what I know about Jikook’s personalities. 
1) Jimin planned to surprise Jungkook this entire time.
I don’t necessarily think Jimin went to Paris for the sole purpose of shopping for JK’s birthday gifts or for the sole purpose of facilitating a surprise, but I think he did decide that, upon planning a trip to Paris, he would use the opportunity to surprise Jungkook.
We know from the RUN episode where the boys had to find the spy in the mall (and Jimin was one of the spies), that Jungkook is very gullible when it comes to Jimin. Jimin probably made up some story about why he wanted to go to Paris and how Jungkook’s birthday weekend was the ONLY time he could go. And Jungkook probably bought it.
But knowing Jimin, he probably needed to play quite a balancing act. Even though he didn’t do anything wrong and Jungkook was probably OK with him spending the weekend in Paris instead of with him, let’s be real: The Jimin we know would feel AWFUL for missing Jungkook’s birthday, even if the reason made sense.
Based on that Ramen interaction on 8/23, I’d stand to reason he spent a lot of time with JK before he left for Paris to sort of sell that he felt bad for spending Jungkook’s birthday in Paris. And Jungkook was probably kind of bummed, but trying to be mature. I can imagine him pouting while they were eating ramen like in the VLIVE after Jimin turned off the Eat Jin VLIVE without letting Jungkook say hello, like, “You’re going to be away on my birthday,” and Jimin being like, “I already apologized/explained. Can I leave now?” Haha.
2) Jimin pre-recorded Jungkook’s birthday message as a fake out.
I think all of us thought, when we watched Jimin’s video for Jungkook, that it was a little weird. But we were all so stressed out from all the BS going down on Twitter and all the doubters and antis popping off on Tumblr over the past few days that we didn’t feel free to speculate about it or be irreverently delulu. But yes, when I watched the video, I was like, “This is weird AF.” Like, Jimin always goes all out on Jimin’s birthday. Why did he post this stilted-ass video? Is he planning some sort of surprise?
I stopped myself from voicing this opinion, landing on the idea that maybe they had some inside joke between them. Like it was a play on that thing they do where they pretend they don’t know each other and shake each other’s hands at events for photos? And that they must have texted outside of the video. Jimin must have texted him like, “I miss you. Wish I was there for your birthday. Hope you’re having an amazing day. Can’t wait to celebrate when I get back! LOL at my goofy video for the fans.”
Well, knowing what I know now, I do think that they def texted outside of that video, but the video itself was to keep up appearances. I think Jungkook knows that Jimin would never not post ANYTHING on social media for his birthday. Even if they were planning to see each other at a later date to celebrate since ~JiMIn wAs In ParIS~, it’s just not like Jimin to NOT  post anything on Twitter for Jungkook’s b-day. So Jimin posted that pre-recorded video to throw Jungkook off his sent.
Like, “Happy birthday, Jungkook! Look at the parisian landscape behind me! I’m def still in Paris! We’ll celebrate later, I promise. Haha.. But I’m TOTALLY still in Paris, see?”
3) Jimin used Hobi to facilitate the surprise party.
I believe that Jimin planned the surprise party, but used J-Hope to facilitate it. The decorations in the background suggest Jimin was the one who decorated for the party, but how could he have decorated Jungkook’s apartment in the evening and had Jungkook show up without blowing the surprise?
WELL, *DISCLAIMER: WE’RE GETTING DEEP IN DELULU TOWN HERE* I think that the party took place at J-Hope’s apartment. I think, since J-Hope and JK live in the same complex, Jimin planned the party using J-Hope. He told all of Jungkook’s friends about the party, showed up at J-Hope’s early to do the decorating, and then just made sure J-Hope texted Jungkook to show up at his apartment at the right time. I could even imagine him going over what J-Hope should text JK to come over. Haha. But, you know, this is delulu as hell. lololol.
4) Jungkook was probably so friggin’ surprised.
I can imagine Jungkook showing up to J-Hope’s apartment feeling resigned to the fact that it was the first time he was spending his birthday apart from Jimin. He was probably ok with it, but lowkey bummed. Probably thinking he was just going to chill with Hobi, have a drink or something.
But I can imagine he opened the door to find Jimin standing in the center of all his friends and Hobi in Hobi’s apartment with that rainbow cake and all his presents and what not, and him just starting to cry (like in the birthday prank from way back when). Because even though he was cool with Jimin spending his birthday in Paris, he would have really liked to spend his bday with Jimin, too, you know? So he’s crying and Jimin’s like BLOW OUT THE CANDLES, THEY’RE MELTING...
And after he blows out the candles, Jimin probably set down the cake and hugged Jungkook and started consoling JK and petting his head to calm him down like in Bring The Soul, like, “Why are you crying? Stop. You’re going to make me cry!”
Then he starts giving him all the presents he bought for him in Paris and Jungkook’s just like, “Jinja?Jinja? I really had no clue!” And when he opens the shirt Jimin bought for him, Jimin demands he puts it on that instant (like he demanded he put all his stuff in the bag he bought him last year) so that he could take a picture of him wearing the shirt. And Jungkook is so happy that he does it.
And Jimin is giving Jungkook (in the shirt he bought him in Paris with his messy fluffy hair) heart eyes like he did in the birthday bag bangtan bomb from last year because he’s so happy he pulled off his huge surprise, so he wants the world to know he did a good job and snaps a pic to post on Twitter.
Yeah, so that’s the theory/fan fic I wrote in my head based on everything we learned over the past few hours. Delulu as hell, but oddly, I also don’t feel like it’s too far fetched. And even if Jikook are just friends (though I do feel like they’re more), I still think Jimin planned this surprise for him because their bond is so great.
Even if only a fraction of this theory-verging-on-fan-fic turns out to be correct, Jimin is really such a sentimental, caring person. Can you imagine being this loved? Damn, I’m jealous.
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boymeetsweevil · 6 years
For science 1/7 -  (NSFW)
Grouping: Reader x Nerd!Jungkook
Word Count: 6.1k
Warnings/Themes: masturbation (vaginal) & voyeurism, unrequited feelings, eventual sex. is this crack yet? lol there’s a plot i swear.
Summary: Jungkook asks you to let him watch you get off. For science.
A/N: posting this now because I’ve been working on it on and off for like a month and im tired of looking at it and jk’s bday is coming up HAPPY BIRTHDAY JK and i’ll be too busy with school plus im almost 7k into the second chapter so..
part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7
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Your eyes burn in protest as you scroll to the top of your terminal window once more to search for the error that is fucking your code up. It’s been hours of work and you still haven’t managed to get your program to run even though the homework assignment is easy in theory. In fact it’s just like a problem that Jungkook said the professors would probably give you in your sophomore year, and here you are in your junior year seeing such an ‘easy’ question. With him, it had truly been easy, though. Jungkook was a better computer science teacher than any professor you’d ever encountered. Thinking back to early high school days has you smiling softly to yourself. 
You miss sitting closely together, heads sometimes touching, as you both bent over a problem while he explained why it looked hard, but was actually something you could do in your sleep. The wide smile he would give you when you completed competition questions in minimal time would always set your heart fluttering.
Your phone vibrating brings you back to reality. The caller ID reads ~JK~ and you swoop in to answer the call. If the time in the corner of your computer is right (and it is) he should have already opened his decision letter from the PhD department.
“Hey, what’s the verdict,” you ask as soon as you accept the call. You know there’s no other reason why he’d call you when you were supposed to meet up in a few hours for weekly game night.
“I got in,” his voice is soft, but you know him well enough to be able to hear the joy mixed in.
“Congratulations, Kook! That’s amazing, I knew you would get in, they’d be crazy not to accept you. Oh my god, we should celebrate.”
“Yeah, I was thinking maybe we could go out for drinks before heading back to mine to play tonight. You in?” Now you can practically hear the smile in his voice.
“Of course I’m in. Let me just pack up and I can meet you. Where are you--the department lounge? I’ll come over.”
“Actually,” his shy tone has you sitting down slowly, returning your jacket to where you had it slung over the back of your chair. “You don’t have to leave right away. I was gonna try and call Yoori. You know, to tell her the news. And then tell Tae and Hobi, of course.”
“Oh. Yeah, no, that makes total sense. I should probably finish this code for Choi’s class anyway. It’s due on Sunday, but I’m almost done. Might as well turn it in early once I find this error.” Your hand scrapes at the sides of your jeans, looking for something to grab at.
“Well then I guess I have time,” he chuckles, “Your typos are always so tiny that they take hours to find. Let’s meet up at the bar in 2 hours then?” 
You wince. Although it’s not at all a mean-spirited jab, you’re no longer in the mood for the friendly banter at the mention of Yoori, Jungkook’s long time unrequited love.
“Sure. See you then,” you hang up before he has the chance to say goodbye formally like he always insists on doing.
You put your phone down and berate yourself for getting distracted. If you were the brilliant Yoori, you wouldn’t have even made the typo in the first place. But you weren’t Yoori because you didn’t have the fortune of being born four years earlier and four times more beautiful, elegant, or intelligent. And you didn’t have the luck of being so much of a genius that you could skip years ahead of school like Jungkook either. So instead you would just have to chug along, always watching Jungkook chase Yoori.
You go back to scrolling through your code only to find the error a third of the way down. Jungkook was right, the typo was tiny--a misplaced equals sign. You sigh and run the code to make sure it’s perfect this time, and when it is you send it in to your professor to be graded. You consider heading home and using the extra time to make yourself look nice. Not that there was anything wrong with your oversized university t-shirt and jeans, but suddenly you think maybe things would be different for you with regards to your love life if you tried a little harder. You’re about to leave the library entrance that’s closest to your dorm, but you get a text from Jungkook.
6:41 - I called Yoori and she said she heard about my deal with RealiCorp and she wants to link up when she gets back on campus!
You narrow your eyes at the text. Jungkook had recently sold some software he developed to an up and coming gaming company that was supposed to make the imaging on immersion headsets better. He had made a pretty penny and was covertly offered a position at the company, but it was also a large victory for the computer science department at the university and his picture had been circulating around the department website for weeks. You suppose she finally saw it while she was taking a break from her research project off campus and decided to answer his calls for a change.
You text back what you hope sounds like a cheerful congratulation and decide to just go to the bar instead. What’s the harm in a few rounds before the rest of the crew arrives?
The harm would have been miniscule at most if you hadn’t been in your feelings, but when Jungkook, Tae, and Hobi arrive, you’re three rounds in and a little bit sloppy.
“Woah,” Hobi shouts, giving you a too strong pat on the back when he sits in the chair next to you. “Someone started a little early. What’s the occasion, are we celebrating something for you too?” Jungkook shakes his head with a sheepish smile and goes to sit beside you, away from Hoseok.
“Nope. Just getting ready for an evening with your loud ass.” He gives you a pretend pout and flags the bartender over. Tae sits next to him and gives you a little wave and smile.
“Two whiskeys, make mine a sour and make his straight. From the high shelf.”
“Hey now,” Taehyung’s eyes widen comically, “Are you forgetting that payday isn’t until next week? I’ll take the regular whiskey down there, please.”
“Don’t worry. Kookie said he was paying with his RealiCorp money,” Hoseok stage whispers into your ear, “He’ll probably cover your round too.”  You swat him away and turn to Jungkook, raising a questioning eyebrow.
“You know I’ll cover yours. The rest of them, I don’t know.”
“What? Come on, you’re the youngest,” Tae whines, less than satisfied with his cheap whiskey shot.
“Shouldn’t that mean you guys pay for me?”
“N-no! Because you’re actually our senior now. You’re graduating this year, I’m the oldest technically but I’m not graduating until next year. We know these two aren’t graduating until the year after that,” he points to you and Tae, “Plus, you’re going to the PhD program next year. You should definitely be paying for us.” Hoseok has a point, you and Tae nod sagely to back him up.
“Fine,” Jungkook sighs, pushing his thick glasses up the bridge of his nose, “I’m in a good mood, so why not.”
“I bet you are,” Tae’s grin is big and catlike in the low light of the bar. His gaze a little lewd. “I would be too if I was one step closer to finally bagging a girl like Yoori.”
You look down into your beer bottle, the green glass suddenly much more fascinating than the conversation at hand.
“Did you hear,”Hoseok turns toward you,”Yoori is gonna come back soon and when she does he’s gonna make her Mrs. Jeon.”
“I’ll be sure to throw rice during the wedding,” you snark. The bartender brings you a new beer without another word. Taehyung howls at your comment.
“I’d kill to have a wedding night with her.”
“Hell, I’d kill to have a bathroom stall night. With anyone,” Hoseok sighs, “It’s hard out here for a comp-sci major. Right, guys?”
You hum in agreement. It had been a while since you’d last gotten laid.
“You’re right. I can’t even remember that geology minor’s face. Do you remember her? What was her name? Mara? Kara?”
“Sara,” Hoseok provides with a grin, “I think she has a thing for comp-sci majors. Kook, you ever hook up with Sara?”
Jungkook shyly traces a finger around the rim of his empty vodka class. “I haven’t hooked up with anyone.”
“Ever?” You try to keep incredulity from bleeding into your question.
“Ever,” he nods. He hiccups a little and all of the sudden you totally believe that Jungkook is a virgin.
“Dude, wait, I thought you hooked up with that one chick at the music festival last spring. Am I the only one who saw her?” 
Tae nods in agreement. “Yeah, she gave you her hotel room key and everything.”
“It wasn’t like that. She told me her brother was there for a robotics tournament and I asked her if I could see the bot.”
You smile despite your sour mood. If there was one thing you loved about Jungkook it was his blind enthusiasm for STEM. Even if it made him a little oblivious to other things at times.
“Well, you better fix that whole virgin thing fast, bro. Chicks like Yoori probably want someone with experience. In more ways than one, if you catch my drift.” Hoseok nudges Tae with a wry smile.
“That’s not just a Yoori thing, most people don’t want to have to coddle someone in bed unless that’s, like, their kink or something,” you take a large swallow of beer.
“Wait,” Tae says, eyeing you like he’s had an epiphany, “You’re a girl--”
“Didn’t we establish this 2 years ago? When we met?”
“No, no, I mean you can help Kookie so he doesn’t drop the ball with Yoori.”
“Yeah, right,” you snort, “Help him how? Give him a sex-ed lecture?” You turn to laugh with Jungkook, but he’s looking at you seriously. Or as seriously as he can when he’s tipsy with unfocused eyes and blushing cheeks.
“You…don’t want to help me?” His voice sounds pathetic and small, making you feel bad instantly.
“Oh, Kook, it’s not that I don’t want to help you. But think about what that implies.”
“Is it because I’m a virgin?”
“Oh my god, Kook, there’s nothing wrong with being a virgin don’t listen to us. We’re idiots.”
“Then why don’t you want to help me?”
Because I like you. You swallow hard, your throat suddenly dry. You obviously don’t say that, though. Instead you sit back in your bar stool.
“I-I would if I could, but I don’t know how to help you,” you finally say.
“It’s fine. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. I guess the thought of being with Yoori makes me a little stupid.”
Desperately you search for a solution. Instead of finding one, you call the bartender back and order a round of tequila shots. Jungkook gives you a sad look but doesn’t ruin the mood by not taking a shot. You order two more rounds because somehow, even though he’s drunk, he still looks dejected. After your third shot you can’t stand the way his shoulder slump.
“You know what,” you slur loudly, drawing three pairs of eyes to your face lazily. “It’s getting late and we might not get to play Fortnite this weekend. Let’s all get to bed so we can be up early tomorrow to play.”
Tae points a wobbly finger in your direction, eyes suspicious. “When you say early, you mean after 2pm right?”
It takes twenty minutes for everyone to get their shit together enough to leave the bar. Tae and Hoseok keep losing each other in the bathroom. Jungkook keeps forgetting that he has to pay and tries to ask the bartender what he thinks about sub-atomic particle physics. Even though you’re drunk off your ass, you somehow manage to keep yourself responsible enough to wrangle Tae and Hobi out of the bathroom and guide Jungkook through the motions of swiping his card and signing the bill. The four of you then squeeze into the back of an uber. Hoseok whines about being lonely while sitting in the passenger’s seat. Jungkook’s bumps his hand against yours until he can firmly grasp it and get your attention before you pass out.
“Hey, can I sleep on the couch,” he whispers in your ear. His breath smells like alcohol and limes. You turn your head to chase the scent away and rest your head on his shoulder. You yawn.
“Sure. No problem, buddy.”
Your apartment is the first stop on the route and you launch yourself out the car and run up through your lobby and to the elevator to escape the cold of the air conditioner and the fluorescent lights. Jungkook lingers in the car until Tae pushes him out to make room for Hoseok.
“Kook,” Tae calls out as he helps Hoseok pour himself into the back seat.
“The only way to get good at sex is losta—lotta...lot’s a practish. Okay?”
“But-but…Who am I gonna practice with?”
Tae merely whistles and points a finger upward, gesturing to your illuminated window. The car pulls away and Jungkook sways unsteadily up onto the sidewalk with nausea clawing at his throat. Thinking of the stairs he’ll have to climb—because there’s no way in hell he’s taking the elevator, even in this state—he regrets not just going to his own first floor dorm. Does he really need to get sex counseling from you? There’s always porn, he muses before remembering the rant you’d gone on blaming porn for making a guy you’d been hooking up with try to do weird things in bed involving a summer squash. Looks like he’d have to rely on the real deal to get anywhere with Yoori. Oh, Yoori.
A shimmering vision of the beautiful girl with elegant eyes and an ever-painted smile floats in front of his hazy vision and gives him the strength he needs to hobble forward towards the lobby door with dedication.
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Minutes ago you couldn’t wait to go to sleep, but as soon you unlocked your door and made it to your room, you were wide awake. Even brushing your teeth and stripping out of your jeans didn’t to tire you out.
“Fuck,” you groan. You throw yourself onto your bed and hope that the way the room spins will lull you to sleep but when the spinning stops, your eyes still won’t stay closed.
The clock resting on your desk across the room reads 1:48am. It’s already clear that you’re going to be hung over, but knowing that it won’t be cushioned by a nice long sleep before you have to go to yoga at 12 makes you want to cry. You desperately wrack your brain for all the remedies there are to make you sleepy. You just canceled your cable last week to save some money, so you can’t veg out in front of the TV. You’re lactose intolerant, so warm milk isn’t an option. You’d take a warm shower but you washed your hair already and if you go to bed with wet hair your mother’s voice will haunt you all night with stories of the cold coming your way. Kicking your feet in frustration, you toss yourself over the edge of the bed to hang. Maybe all the blood will flow to your head and you’ll pass out.
You’re about to risk passing out and landing on your neck the wrong way and dying when a bright pink shoebox under your bed catches your eye. Of course, you think, how could you forget your precious vibrator. Luckily for you, a good orgasm or three always managed to knock you out like a light. You reach over and scoot the box forward with your outstretched fingertips until you get it close enough to reach inside and grab the petite tiffany blue bullet. Giddy laughter leaves your mouth as you heft yourself back onto your bed and fall back on the pillows with a contented sigh. Orgasms solve all your problems. You flick the device on to the lowest setting and ghost it against your clothed mound.
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Jungkook is completely breathless as he leaves the center stairwell and finally arrives on your floor. The stairs were a bitch and a half, but your door is only two down from the floor entrance. He can practically hear the siren song of your pull-out couch. When he turns the knob to your front door, it doesn’t budge and he wonders if you must have locked it on instinct. There’s no way you forgot that he was staying over, he thinks to himself. Reaching above the doorjamb, he hunts for the spare key you left there especially for him. The door unlocks easily and he smiles to himself as he locks the door behind him and toes off his shoes. He’s about to face plant into the couch when you call his name faintly from your bedroom.
As he stumbles through the hallway slowly to your room, he thinks over what Taehyung said to him before driving off. To Jungkook’s drunk mind it makes sense, so it must be a good idea to seek sex practice from you. You’re the only girl he knows and he’s known you so long that he can already tell there would be no awkwardness. The sad look in your eyes as you listened to his predicament in the bar tells him that you want to help him, but you didn’t know what route to take. He flexes his hands by his sides and figures he’ll just tell you what Taehyung told him and get to coming up with a curriculum.
The door to your bedroom is half-open and the lights shine through the opening, so he figures you must be up and waiting for him. He can still hear you calling his name, but it still sounds oddly soft from where he is. He pushes the door open but freezes in his tracks when he sees you.
The first thing he notices is obviously the frantically moving hand you have between your legs and the loud buzzing sound that comes from it. He takes in more details the longer he looks. He realizes belatedly then that you’re not wearing pants. Thanks to the high prescription strength of his glasses, he can also see the way your hand and thighs shine and the huge dark spot in the crotch of your panties in the light of your table lamp. Your toes are curling and he can just make out the way your lower stomach clenches underneath the very same sweatshirt you’d been wearing to the bar. Technically he can’t see your other hand but he has a pretty good idea of where it is and what it might be doing with the way it disappears under your shirt. You can’t see him, though, because your head is thrown back and your eyes are closed. The only thing you’re probably at least partly aware of is the cacophony of wet sounds that come from where you work the nose of the toy over yourself. The last thing he notices is the way you call his name in a soft whining tone that has him stepping forward without thinking.
“Fuck, Jungkook,” you whine as the slippery heel of your hand bumps against your covered clit a little roughly on an upstroke.
“What the hell,” your eyes snap open and your head whips around to see him leaning on the door frame as he watches you.
His eyes are heavy with alcohol and his cheeks are just as pink as the lip he releases from the grasp of his teeth. He reaches out and stumbles forward, causing you to scramble back to distance yourself from him. You bring your knees up to hug to your chest before you realize that you’re still very much on show.
“Jeon Jungkook, what is going on here,” you shriek, bringing your hands to cover your eyes only makes you feel a little bit better.
He sits down on your bed like it’s any other day and he’s just chilling in the room like you invited him over. And then you realize that you did kind of invite him over as fragmented memories of the recent uber ride you took together spring up.
“You said you wanted to help me, but you didn’t know how. But Tae told me I just have to practish.”
“Practice,” he corrects himself.
“Practice what?”
“Practice sex. Duh!”
“Jungkook, no!”
“Please? I wouldn’t be asking such a huge favor if I didn’t think it was absolutely necessary.”
“Why can’t you just go to a frat party like everyone else?” 
Your heart is beating rapidly and you think maybe you’re not drunk anymore. Never in your life did you think you would turn down sex from Jungkook, but then again you never pictured it happening this way.
“Because I,” his head hangs and he starts to pick at a loose thread in your duvet, “I guess I missed out on this kind of thing when we were younger and I don’t think I could get very good results in a basement party. Plus, I know you’d…”
“I’d what?”
“You’d be good to me.” He lifts his eyes to lock with yours. His gaze is oddly sharp despite the fact that his skin is still clammy like it gets when he drinks.
Your breath hitches and for a moment it does feel like the fantasies you have almost every other time that you settle into your room, lonely and horny. Jungkook laughs bitterly to himself and you can feel your resolve crumbling as something selfish rears its head in the back of your mind. He tries one last time. 
You crack.
“Really?” His eyes light up once more as he gives you a blinding smile. “Great. Let’s start!”
It feels as though you’re having an out of body experience as you watch him clamber closer onto the bed with you. Your legs naturally open to accommodate him and he scoots into your space, his hands falling to naturally stroke with the soft skin of your ankles. Even though he lacks experience, Jungkook has a leg up in that he’s naturally on the affectionate side. Something you can’t teach with any amount of practice. Even still, the idea that Jungkook will be sitting between your naked thighs makes your stomach do flip flops.You barely start formulating something to say that will sound educational when you hear him get ready to interject once more.
“God, what is it?” You worry that if he interrupts you one more time you’ll lose your nerve.
“I need a visual aid. And, uh, I won’t be able to see because of your, uh, undergarments.”
You’re certain that you’ve never taken anything off faster than you do in that moment. The panties fly into some far corner of your room and you can only hope that they don’t land in a clump of dust bunnies.
“Alright,” you stutter, “I don’t have to give you an anatomy lesson, right? Please tell me you at least know where everything is.”
“We took anatomy together in 7th grade,” he says like that’s a decent answer.
You roll your eyes. “Right, okay. Anatomy lesson it is.”
“What’s this,” you point at yourself.
“That’s the uh…entrance to the vagina?”
“Ok and?”
“It’s where the pleasure comes from?”
“Are you sure?”
“Partial credit.”
“Isn’t that where the…phallus goes, though?” You decide it would be best to ignore his word choice for now.
“Yeah, I mean stuff goes in there but that’s not where all the pleasure comes from. For some people that’s not where any of it comes from.”
His eyes widen nervously. “Then where does it come from if not from penetration?”
You gesture again. “This is the clitoris.” His sweaty bangs flop over his lenses as he nods enthusiastically. Finally something he remembers.
“The clitoris,” he chirps affirmatively. You side eye him, but keep going.
“This little thing is basically there for the sole purpose of pleasure.”
“How do I activate it?” Again you blink at his terminology. Although you’d been a STEM freak with Jungkook for years, somehow he managed to baffle you with his nerdiness.
“Uh, you can stimulate it by touching it.” You draw a small circle in the air around the nub to demonstrate. “Like that, for example. You can also use your hands or your mouth.”
“Or that little blue thing you were using earlier,” he chimes in, reminding you of the embarrassing way this whole thing started.
You sigh. “Yeah. That too.”
“And that’s it?”
“No that’s definitely not it. We haven’t even touched the other places of pleasure or technique or foreplay. But this is a pretty good cheat code.”
“So what about the inside? Like the tubes?”
“There’s really not that much you need to know involving the actual reproductive organs themselves. We can just focus on the external bits for now.” You wince at how uncomfortable the discussion is.
“That makes sense,” his brows furrow seriously. He’s slow to blink, partly so he doesn’t miss anything and partly because he’s still fighting off tendrils of sleep.
“I mean,” you wring your hands anxiously, “that’s all you really need to know for now. It’s mostly learning on the go, anyway. You’ll be fine.”
“But what if I’m not fine. Don’t you think you could, you know, show me?”
“What is there to show?”
“How about you just continue…what you were doing when I came in.”
“I was masturbating when you came in.”
A hand flies to the collar of his shirt and he tugs on it sheepishly. “Yeah, that’s what I meant.”
You try not to focus on how weirdly awkward the mood is now that your lust has calmed down to barely even a simmer. You reach for the discarded vibrator that jumped out of your hand and landed by the edge of the head of your bed, but he stops you with a raised hand.
“Can you, uh, maybe do it the old-fashioned way? For the first time at least?”
“Right, I guess I’ll get to it.”
Jungkook sits back on his heels patiently and watches closely as your hand trails a path down your torso to the apex of your thighs. The first touch, though you know it’s your own hand, has you twitching a bit. You bite your lip hard to focus and circle your entrance to coax out more moisture, then you move back to circle your clit. You close your eyes in hopes that not being able to see Jungkook’s gaping expression will help. It does, a bit. After a few moments, you let out a breathy sigh and sink further into the pillows. You plant one foot more firmly on the mattress to give yourself some leverage and push yourself more into your circling hand. The slight increase in pressure has you moaning and your eyes fluttering. You peek through heavy lids to see Jungkook’s expression has also changed. His eyes, clear just a second ago, look glassy again from behind his lenses, his mouth slack and shiny. The rise and fall of his chest is a bit heavier. You let yourself think it’s because of you and go back to collect more arousal to increase the slip.
Apparently, you’re more turned on than you thought. When your middle and ring fingers wander down to your hole they come back pleasantly slick. Something in you suddenly feels rebellious, so you use your free hand to spread your lips further and bring your coated fingers up to Jungkook’s face. You flex your fingers and separate them to show crystalline streaks of arousal connecting them.
“Just so you know, this is a good sign.”
Jungkook swallows hard. Somehow, even though you’re still wearing socks and a baggy sweatshirt, you’re hotter than all the completely bare, busty women he’d watched moan and writhe wildly on his computer screen. He reaches out and delicately grabs you wrist before redirecting your hand back to your dripping center.
“Keep going,” he rasps.
You whine and begin to rub your clit more earnestly, lewd wet sounds fill the room. He can practically see your lips getting wetter and wetter as you redistribute your arousal with every rough swipe of your fingers. Your wrist is moving fast, but it’s clear that you’re becoming frustrated with all that you can do with one hand. Your other hand quickly moves to take over making tight figure eights around your clit while the one already coated in your juices moves back down to your entrance once more. This time, you crook two shining fingers and shove them into your hole. Immediately your back bends and a drawn out moan leaves your mouth. Jungkook gasps quietly. You pump your fingers in and out roughly, then withdraw them to add a third finger.
He watches you like that for a while before you get fed up again. It’s been a while since you’ve been so needy and you feel like you’re on fire. Your toes curl impatiently on either side of Jungkook and he realizes you’re looking for more. On instinct he scoots further until his own legs are brushing up against the undersides of yours. His hand reaches out to pet your quivering thigh in a sympathetic effort to help with your plateau. He looks down at your hand, twitching feverishly in and out of yourself. His hands are much bigger and suddenly he moves like he’s about to replace your fingers with his own.
When Jungkook’s hands start to approach your center your breath hitches. You’re not quite in the right state of mind to reject him if he offers to finger you, but you don’t want to take advantage of the situation and make it any more emotionally complicated than it already is.
“Not yet,” you offer when his hands get too close for comfort, “Next time, maybe.”
He seems to be thinking the same thing and averts his attention to the forgotten vibrator. His grip on your thigh disappears, and you sigh quietly, but it’s hidden under the slick sounds you make each time your fingers get sucked into your heat and the low moans you make every time your pinch your clit just so.
“W-what do I do?” His voice is small and his sudden worried look has you wrapping a hand around his and bringing it to show him how you click the toy on and circle it around your entrance.
His hands are sweaty, shaky, so when your hips start to circle on their own, they move to find a resting spot on your thighs and squeeze to deal with the tension rising in his own belly. He grits his teeth, clenches his hands, does anything he can to keep from overstepping and making this about him. As obviously cliché as it sounds, seeing you sweating and moaning underneath him lets him see you in a new light. You’d always been around, but your presence as a woman in his life was backgrounded at best. Now, with Yoori momentarily not clouding his mind, he wants nothing more than to ravage you. He’s almost certain that if he tried, his lack of experience wouldn’t matter too much. He’s sure his body would be able to act on baser instinct and give you the what you wanted. If you wanted.
Your moans change in pitch and soon he’s aware that this will be the first time he’ll have been privy to someone else’s orgasm in real life. His dick is painfully hard and straining against the jeans he’s wearing. But he forgets the discomfort fast as he watches you grind yourself down against the toy in a way that is absolutely filthy. Your bottom lip, shiny and reddened, is pulled taut between your teeth in ecstasy. Your eyes flutter open and lock with his own. You focus and notice his blown-out pupils look huge within the depths of deep brown irises. There’s no denying he’s turned on once you flick your gaze down to his crotch and see the large tent in his pants.
“I—I think I’m gonna…Oh!” Your leg kicks out on its own like some electric current runs through you. Your voice breaks as the waves of your approaching high begin to take over you. One of his hands inches upwards a bit and strokes the tense muscle near your groin softly, at a loss for words. “Oh god, Jungkook, you—” keening, your eyes roll into the back of your head.
One of your hands reaches up to squeeze at his bicep as he’s leaning over you. He wonders in the back of his mind when he got so close to you. Your leg hooks around him like it has a mind of it’s own and tugs him down, forcing him to topple over you. That’s the last straw and you sob from the intense pleasure. Meanwhile your warmth and proximity and your words prove to be a deadly combination and within seconds he’s spilling over himself in his boxers, untouched. He lets out a low groan that puffs against the side of your neck.
You both sit there and breathe for a long while, catching your breath and coming back down to earth. He sits up eventually and pulls away from you, leaving you cold. Your legs flop from around him heavily. You’re a bit irritated when you realize you won’t be able to walk normally for a while. He discretely wipes his hands off on your duvet while you wipe at the sweat soaking your hairline.
“That’s it, that’s the show,” you finally say.
He shoots up and looks at you anxiously. It’s cute. “You mean until next time, right?”
His eyes are wide and imploring as he hovers over by you. He looks a bit like a turtle from this angle. A cute one, though. One that you want to play with again next week. You nod even though he might have all that he needs to do well with Yoori, being the fast learner that he is.
“I guess so. Same time, next week. Do some research for next time maybe. Make sure it’s from something not involving the medical library.”
“Got it!” He turns and waits until you’re not looking to adjust his pants.
You notice his hair is sticking to his forehead when he finally stands up. And there’s a cowlick sticking up in the back that reminds you of middle school Jungkook, before he met Yoori. The idea of the other girl, the girl he’s really in love with, dims your post-coital glow. Although, you suppose you have her to thank for this evening’s events. How else could you have ever managed a one-sided romp in the sheets with your long-time crush?
Both of you take turns using the bathroom to clean up. While he hums in time with washing up, you slip panties on and debate about whether or not to throw your sweats back on. You decide that if you’re going to play this off like it hasn’t changed your relationship, you should put pants back on.He comes out looking pink and clean and you want to pull him back into your bed and wrap yourself around him. 
To protect his glasses from the dangers of the bathroom, he left them in your room. Squinting, he walks with hands out to collect them. When he puts them on he doesn’t look at you and instead pulls his phone out of his pocket and swipes around while leaving the room.
“Heading out,” you ask with a quasi-disinterested tone.
“Yeah, I remembered I have to run the Saturday tutoring session this week. So I might as well go home so I can get ready for that. You should come, you know. Your test scores dropped 2 points this week.” Typical Jungkook. He couldn’t ever fully leave TA mode.
You roll your eyes. “Thanks for the reminder, but that’s still an A.”
“Maybe we can try this again next week the same time?”
“Yeah, uh, okay.”
“Cool, I’ll put it on my calendar.” He lifts his phone to his face to tell the digital assistant to pencil you in for next week. You try not to grimace at becoming a date in his calendar app.
“Get out already, you nerd.” You push him out after he puts his coat back on, but you do watch out the window to make sure his taxi comes.
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taegienthusiasts · 6 years
BTS Reaction [Happy Birthday]
Request: “rn i studying in tokyo and honestly i would like to see bts’ concerts when they release the dates (bcs honestly they will surely come to japan amirite. the fanbase is enormous so) and from the way the dates have been released lately, it might end up on my birthday or something if I manage to go (i’m november saggy so :)) and I was thinking! how do you think it would go like if while at a fansign one of the fans told them it was their bday on that date? thanks! (reactions are fine? sory im new)”
Author’s Note: This request is so cute and I’m really happy to do it because like could you fucking imagine meeting bts on your birthday?! Like boi, I would piss myself. I was born in February and Eggy was born in June. When are your guys’ birthdays? XOXO Reggie P.s These are kinda short, I’m sorry.
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You could hear Jin’s laugh from all the way across the room while you waited in line. You couldn’t believe you were actually here meeting your idols. Jin was the first at the table and you were growing more nervous by the second. As you approached your turn, you caught his glance and the two of you blushed. He winked at you then and you felt your heart skip like three beats.
You sat down across from Jin and tried to calm your nerves. He was breath taking. Dressed in that white T-shirt (You know the shirt) and black jeans, he took your hand and said hello. He looked down at the table and then back up at you.
“Happy birthday, what’s your name cutie?” you fumbled, did he just call you cute?
“I’m (Y/N), wait how did you know today was my birthday oh my god are you a psychic?” he giggled first before pointing down to your shirt. You looked down only to find the Birthday Girl pin your best friend had put on you this morning as a joke, but you had forgotten to take it off. “Jesus Christ! I’m going to kill (Y/F/N) when I get home!” Jin couldn’t help but smile at how cute you were being. He thought it was adorable that you were flustered over a silly pin.
The two of you laughed for the remainder of the time and before you left you took a picture with him. But as you were getting to move to Yoongi, Jin grabbed your hand and asked if he could take a picture of the two of you on his phone. You agreed and after taking the picture he thanked you and you moved along the line.
After the fan sign, you met back up with your best friend at your favorite restaurant. Browsing through Instagram and  twitter you gasped.
“Holy Fucking Shit!” you looked down at your twitter feed only to find that Jin had just posted the photo of the two of you with the caption “Happy Birthday, Pin Girl” with a bunch of hearts next to it.
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Yoongi: (I’m sorry Yoongi’s is short. I ran out of energy)
Yoongi pulled out finger hearts from his jacket when he found out it was your birthday.
“Why don’t you like celebrating your birthday (Y/N)?” he asked as he fixed his hair and took your hand in his. You noticed how big Yoongi’s hands were when he intertwined his fingers with yours.
“Oh, I umm...well I just never celebrated it as a kid much.” He frowned at the statement. He wanted you to have the best birthday you could because he knew how it felt to not like birthdays. Thinking of ways to make you smile, Yoongi bit his top lip deep in thought. You giggled at how fucking cute he looked. When he noticed your laughter he smiled.
“You’re really beautiful you know?” You almost started dry heaving at his words. Yoongi brushed your hair back with his hand and booped your nose.
“So pretty.” He was blushing and you felt your hands start to shake.
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Namjoon: (This boi would fucking UWU so hard)
You and Namjoon had spent the majority of the time talking about books you both liked, the darkness behind the album and how different it was from their previous work.
“Yeah, the album dropped on my birthday and it was literally the best birthday present...” You babbled on about the album but Namjoon caught your words and his eyes lit up.
“Oh my god, it was you birthday when the album dropped?” Namjoon’s face scrunched together and you could see his excitement. You nodded your head yes and he reached over to grab your hand. “I’m trying to think of a birthday present for you.” He did that little laugh thing that he does and reached down under the table for a blank piece of paper.
When he was done he handed you back the piece of paper. You looked down and saw it titled “Book Suggestions for (Y/N) by Namjoon”. You smiled and thanked him, placing the small note in your purse.
When you finally got home after the meet and greet and concert, you took out the paper Namjoon had given you. You read some of the suggestions on his list and after carefully reading them you noticed something. The first letter of each book title spelled out a message. You were sitting on the floor of your bedroom laughing so hard. I love you.
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Hoseok: (This boi is literally the sweetest thing ever)
When you told Hobi that it was your birthday he almost jumped out of his seat. He started talking to himself, whispering questions like what he could give you right then.
“Hoseok, you don’t have to get me anything. Meeting you is a present in itself.” You smiled at him.
“Everyone needs a gift on their birthday though. WAIT, STAY THERE.” And with that he stood up and ran back stage. When he came back he was holding a light blue Polaroid camera and you couldn’t hold back your laughter.
“What do you want to do for the picture?” He asked and you got all flustered, shaking your hands in front of you and nodding your head no.
“Ahh, I don’t know, I don’t know.” Hobi leaned over to you and positioned the camera in front of you two. You posed with your cheeks smooshed together and you could already tell the picture would show your blushing cheeks. Hobi laughed and just before the flash went off he kissed your cheek and the shutter clicked.
“Happy birthday cutie.”
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Jimin was nervous from the moment he saw you waiting in line. The second he saw your floral printed dress and fluffy hair he was hooked. He leaned over to Hoseok, and whispered.
“She’s so pretty, holy shit.” Hoseok looked over to where he was staring and laughed.
“Shit, you right. Maybe you’re her bias, Jimin.”
The line moved forward and the realization that you were going to meet bts settled in. When it was finally your turn you cleared your head and tried to act as calm as possible. When you finally reached Jimin, Hoseok gave you a look and hinted something that you couldn’t quite put together. Jimin noticed Hoseok’s hidden message and lightly hit the older member. Jimin turned to look at you and his heart almost ripped out of his chest. Fuck she’s even prettier up close, his mind was racing and he was starting to sweat. He noticed your shaking hands and took them into his.
“There’s no need to be nervous,” he giggled the irony of the situation slapping him in the face. “What’s your name?” You smiled back at him trying to swallow your nerves.
“(Y/N), I’m sorry I’m nervous but you’re my favorite and your voice is just so beautiful and I love you.” Your whole body started shaking and Jimin almost melted. Just then, Hoseok leaned over to Jimin and whispered something in his ear. Jimin’s eyes lit up in shock.
“Oh my god, it’s your birthday?!” he was ecstatic, and you flinched when he put his hands up in the air and around you. Jimin pulled you into a hug and squeezed you close to him. As he pulled away you could have sworn he whispered something under his breath. You blushed and he knew you had heard him.
“You really pretty too, Jimin.”
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Taehyung played with your fingers as you knelt across from him asking questions and talking about Love Yourself: Tear. He was enthralled in you. He wouldn’t admit it, but even the other boys took notice to how he wouldn’t look away from your face. Taehyung’s eyes lit up as you spoke about how much you loved his voice and what the album meant to you.
“I love the messages in each of the songs and I the story line and visuals are just amazing. This is the best birthday ever!” You giggled as you spoke, blushing at how transparent you were being. Even you knew that you were being too talkative, but he didn’t mind. Taehyung perked up at the last part of your rambling.
“Is today your birthday?”
“Oh, yeah it is. I saw that you had tickets available a while back and I noticed that the meet and greet fell on my birthday. I used like three paychecks just to buy them but I’m so glad I did.” You laughed, you didn’t know why you had told him about your paycheck, he didn’t need to know that you worked at some gross office. But he sat and listened nonetheless.
“I’m glad you did too.” You noticed the boys cheeks turn red in a flush and were surprised to see him blushing. Without thinking you reached out with your free hand and poked his squishy cheek. His eyes widened, startled. He let go of your hand and placed it on the side of your face so he was now cupping your cheeks in his hands. Now it was your turn to blush. Fuck Fuck Fuck is this really happening, your stream of conscious raced.
“Happy birthday (Y/N).” He whispered and your heart melted.
Get her number get her number get her number, he whispered to himself.
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You were nervous, and Jungkook could tell. It wasn’t everyday that you were able to meet the members of Bts. It just so happened that the day of the meet and greet fell on your birthday, and your best friend had surprised you with tickets. Your best friend stood next to you, introducing herself to Yoongi. She glanced over and saw your panicked expression. She giggled, noticing that Jungkook had grabbed your hand and interlocked his fingers with yours causing you to go cherry red. She said some words to Yoongi and you focused your attention back to Jungkook.
“Is that your friend?” he asked squeezing your hand playfully. You gulped unable to get the words out. Finally all you managed to do was nod your head. He laughed and looked up into your eyes. So fucking cute I’m gonna die. The words raced through your head. You wondered if Jungkook new what he was doing to you. As he signed your album (still holding your hand btw) your friend leaned over to your side and caught his attention. She was holding Yoongi’s hand and you were jealous that she was taking this so much better than you. Jungkook looked over and smiled almost asking her what she was going to say she spoke.
“It’s (Y/N)’s birthday today.” Jungkook’s eyes lit up and you yelled your friends name. He laughed at how unbelievably cute you were when you were flustered.
“Was this a birthday present from your friend?” his smile never left his face and you blushed...again.
“Yeah, she surprised me with tickets.” you were babbling, twirling your hair with your free hand. Jungkook’s mind was racing. Soo adorable. He tried to hold in his butterflies but he couldn’t. When he finished signing your album, he let go of you hand and pulled you into a hug across the narrow table.
“Happy birthday, cutie” he whispered loud enough for only you and your best friend to hear.
I’ve got to find her again, he thought to himself.
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ik-jams · 7 years
About me + Would you rather tag (BTS ver.)
I was tagged by @little-miss-sherlock thanks honey 💕 Name: Nadia~ but y'all usually just call me Admin. I like it tho. Nicknames: I have so many.. *Takes a Breath* - Narnia, Naruto, Maria, Badonkey/Donkey, Koreana (Which is Korean female in Spanish), Hacker, Asshole, Nads, annnnnddd Dia. Zodiac: Queen AF the Aries. 😂 Height: 5'7~ Ethnicity: Hispanic Orientation: A great Bisexual. Favorite Fruits: Banana, Watermelon, Strawberries, Oranges, and das it. Favorite Season: Fall Favorite Book(s): Um The Near Witch is a good book, and another one but I can't really remember the name. Favorite Flower: Lavenders!! Favorite Animals: I like all animals but mostly tigers and pandas. Favorite Beverage: Starbucks coffee, almost everything I just- This happened Recently// I also like banana smoothies. Favorite Scent: French Lavender Favorite Fictional characters: DC, Marvel characters. I can't choose. Number of blankets I sleep with: 2 and a giant bear. Hours of Sleep: It varies. Dream Trip: To the whole universe, I'm going everywhere. Blog Created: Last year/2016 don't know exactly when though. Number of Followers: 422 (Thank you so much 💕) WOULD YOU RATHER: Build a Snowman with Taehyung or have a Snowball fight with Hoseok? - Snowball fight because I love Hobi and it'd be a hilarious, clumsy, fight. Get Coffee or Ice Cream with Yoongi: why can't we do both? (ICE CREAM) Go to the Cinema with Jimin or Amusement Park with Jungkook: I've always had a lot of love for movies so the Cinema with Jimin~ Do a dance cover with Hoseok or a duet with Jin: Both. 😂 I can't choose, I'd love to do both. Kiss Namjoon or Cuddle with Yoongi: Tbh Kiss Namjoon, his lips look really kissable, and I bet his kiss would be seriously sweet. Babysit with Jimin or Dogsit with Taehyung: Dogsit, I love animals more than kids 😂 IM SORRY. Meet Hoseoks Family or have Tae meet your family: Meet Hobis family! Film a commercial with Hobi or sketch with Tae: A commercial with Hobi!! Hug Jimin or Hold hands with Jungkook: I want to Hug Jimin he seems like such a fluff ball. Go to Paris with Jin or London with Yoongi: Paris with Jin!! I've always wanted to visit there! Film a drama with Jin or a photoshoot with Namjoon: Film a drama with Jin because we would be the best most hilarious people there. Attend an award show with Nams or wear couples T-shirts at the airport with Kookie: Go to an award show with Nams! Spend a lazy day with Yoongz or explore a city with Hobi: although I'm super lazy, exploring a city and just walking around with him seems like it'd be fun and sweet. Fall asleep next to Jimin or wake up next to Jungkook: Fall asleep next to my adorable fluffball, Jimin. Have a fun picnic with Hobi or a fancy date with Jin: Picnic! I love nature especially in Fall. Have Jungkook serenade you or Tae sing you to sleep: Jin sing me to sleep. Pls. But between only those two would be Taehyung. Have a dance party with Hobi or karaoke with Yoongz: Both (Mostly karaoke, sorry) Go camping with Jimin and Tae or go to the beach with Nams and Yoongz: I've always have a lot love for the ocean so the beach it Is!! Have a sleepover with the hyung line or a bday party with the maknae line: Hmmmm. HMM. HmMmmM. Sleepover with the hyung line, I'm into deep talks at night and goofing off at 1am. Celebrate Halloween with Jungkook, Yoongi​, Tae, and Hoseok or Spend Christmas with Namjoon, Jin and Jimin: I like Christmas more ;-; I'm sorry Hobi. I tag anyone who wants to do it It's quite long and a lot of you might be lazy 😂 but if you do do it, tag me in it of course so I can see it. Love you guys.
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lolbtsaus · 7 years
Reverse Idol (Jungkook)
Before I start this, I gotta say a happy birthday to Jung Hoseok, I hope he’s having/had (depending on the time zone) an amazing bday I’m watching the vlive rn but I’ve seen some gifs and it seems like he was really happy and that makes me s o happy also his new hair is so beyond cute I’m in love!! Last but certainly not least is the second half of the Busan line, the final part to the maknae line, our golden maknae who is continuing to prove he’s talented, the first time I heard the whole “chong, jojun, balsa" bit I thought it was hobi but the fact that it’s kook is so amazing bc this kid can really contort his voice and I can’t wait for the MV, Jeon Jungkook aka kookie
This AU is gonna be about what I think would happen if the reader was the idol and BTS were the fans, you can also think about this like a general celebrity post, I’m gonna be basing this off of kpop idols bc it’s easier for me to write with just one focus instead of being all the over place with it but if you wanted to see this as an actor!reader or a non-kpop singer!reader post, you could easily do that (and of course this is all still gender neutral)
Another series with idol!reader is my idol couple series (kook’s post is here) where both the reader and BTS are idols
This AU is gonna feature some youtuber!Jungkook (here) to sum it up, he’s a gamer on youtube 
Jungkook is another huge fanboy but he’s the O.O fanboy like chim’s the :) fanboy tae’s the :D fanboy but kook is just wide eyed “oh my god oh my god”
When he loves an artist, he seems to really just look up to them like him and GD, we all know that boy loves GD I mean wasn’t it him that made kook wanna become a singer/idol that alone says a l o t about how much kook respects him
In public he tries to be -_- (it doesn’t last long but he does try) but at home he loses it
He’ll hear your song in public and his eyes get really big and Yoongi’s mentally starting the ten second countdown before Jungkook starts  dancing along to it 
It starts off with just a bit of foot tapping around the three second mark, at the five second mark, his head starts bobbing, at the seven second mark, he starts swaying until he breaks into the full choreography
Whenever he plays your music, everyone just knows he’s about to come running into the room dressed head to toe in your merch and start screaming the songs so they just all prepare themselves, vmin start stretching so they don’t pull anything 
Sure enough, kook slides into the room with a hairbrush to use as a mic and start singing as loudly as he possibly can, not caring if he goes off key and he starts doing the dance to the song
But it’s actually really cute but all of the other boys get these huge smiles and they gotta join in
Okay but kook gets s o fucking into lip syncing or just goofing around and singing like we all remember the Linkin Park video that’s about all the proof I need and the fact that no one was really reacting to it tells me that he’s doing that shit at home too
The boys all know your music since I have this head canon that if one member knows an artist, they all know that artist just bc they’re all so close it’s easy to assume they’re sharing their favorite music with each other
Him reacting to performances is super cute too bc he gets so into it and he’s singing along and dancing and you can tell he’s genuinely enjoying it and what I love about kook is that he gives the performances his full attention
I was watching him react to one of Astro’s performances and his eyes are just glued to the stage and it’s so sweet
Of course I gotta bring up his reaction to the Rainism performance he literally started performing in the crowd and it was so fucking funny and cute you could just see how excited he got
His fans all know about his crush on you even though he tries to play it cool it’s pretty damn obvious
In the background of a lot of his videos, you can see some of your posters and some albums and he just giggles when he gets questions about it which totally gives away the whole crush thing bc your face lighting up at the mention of someone is normally a pretty good indicator that you have some sort of emotion towards them, whether it’s platonic or romantic
Plus in his live streams, he’s always got one of your albums playing in the background
And Vmin may have just maybe totally told everyone about his crush on you during one of their Q&As and Jungkook may have screamed when he saw them do it he m a y b e chased Jimin with a shoe and threw a banana at Tae’s head
Okay so an a m azing anon suggested this and it has become my head canon entirely
Jungkook has a tumblr right and it’s mainly art and gaming shit, those are the main focuses
He uploads his art a lot, they’re normally drawings of characters or musicians he likes and one day he uploads a drawing of you and everyone flips
Not only is it s o realistic, it’s also getting all of the shippers fired up and ready to scream bc it’s obvious it took some time to draw and Tae uploads a few videos of kook on snapchat like two weeks ago where he’s staring really intently at the screen of his phone and no one knows what kook’s drawing so everyone’s excited
And then the excitement doubles when it’s revealed that he was drawing you and then Jimin adds onto the excitement by stating it’s not the first time kook has drawn you 
You notice the drawing bc everyone sends it to you, even the people who don’t follow kookie send it to you bc it’s rea ll y good we all know how talented kook is especially when he puts his mind to something and he’s not about to half ass a drawing of his crush
You tweet out about it bc you don’t know who did it so you’re just like hey this is really good, whoever drew it and then everyone immediately starts telling you it’s Jungkook’s (the boys also help out by tagging you on instagram in kook’s pictures bc they’re wingmen all of them)
Kook decides in honor of your birthday, he’s gonna release a cover of his favorite song by you bc he’s released a few covers here and there already so why not do one for you and that does n o t help the shippers’ poor lil hearts at all
He doesn’t know that you know who he is yet so he doesn’t even think you’re gonna see it but little does he know, you’re following him on all the social medias bc he’s super cute in all the ways
It’s a more laid back version of your song, it’s just piano and kook’s voice which is s o nice and you can’t believe that this is the same kid you just watched dance around in a Pikachu onesie during one of his celebration videos
After that, you just h a v e to contact him bc he’s so sweet in his bday wishes to you and he’s just so cute and precious you gotta do it
“Your drawing was really cute and your cover was amazing, I’d love to meet you”
Ight but to announce your relationship to the public, he releases all of the other drawings he’s done of you
“Thnx for being my muse but no, I’m not gonna stop texting you pictures of puppies at three in the morning, they’re important”
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aegyotrashcan · 7 years
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Hobi’s birthnight | Hobi’s birthday
➤ There’s not long left of today where I am so this will be my last post in celebration of Hobi’s bday! I didn’t get to post most of my shit but oh well, there’s always next year ;)
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