#Latest Comments
syn4k · 3 months
HERMITS STOP GOING ONTO REDDIT AND STOP READING MEAN COMMENTS CHALLENGE U ARE ALL BEAUTIFUL AND PEOPLE ARE IDIOTS. WE LOVE YOU. seriously we love you and we love how laid back this season has been so far. love and light, signed the entirety of hermitblr and people who love what yall do without exceptions
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Your uncanny Yoshikage Kira is pure nightmare fuel.
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He seems friendly to me
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creakysocks · 2 months
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Nick and Ellie hanging out
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cassberry · 11 months
I hope Ren knows that there are people out there that love his King Ren character. He mentioned multiple times in his last few episodes (ep 40-41) that he doesn't want to stay as King Ren too long because people are probably sick of it, but I'm not!!
The King Ren arc/character was incredible! The well meaning man-turned-king slowly being corrupted by the diamonds he originally collected to help the server economy was amazing storytelling. His biggest opposition not being those against him, but those working for him was also so gripping to watch. The King's Court really earned their name as the drama kids lol it was so much fun!
Not only was the storyline amazing, but there was also the King's Quests and all the amazing builds not just by Ren but everyone else on the server. And then that finale! That labyrinth at the end that brought all the hermits together was such a thrill to watch.
I'm so glad that Cleo and Cub's museums are reminding him and us, the audience, how great King Ren was because he genuinely carried the beginning of the season. He made a memorable impact and I loved every second of it.
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hajihiko · 1 year
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"What they'll do to me is nothing compared to you. If you come for me, you're throwing away every last thing I'm about to go through." Fuyuhiko's hands trembled before he shoved Hajime away. "If I see you again, I'll never forgive it. You got that?"
I mean of COURSE I'm gonna draw stuff from this wonderful fill even if it kills my heart 💔💖
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moongothic · 7 months
You know I was wondering if Crocodile ever did have any kind of involvement with the Revolutionary Army in secret (lest the Government finds out and revokes his Shichibukai status), what kind of involvement would that even have been
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And now, with both the Vegapunk/Ohara flashback and Kuma's flashback, it's being made very clear to us that the Revolutionary Army was broke as hell 22 years ago. Like the fact that this has been brought up twice now in a relatively short span of time is interesting to me, that's usually a sign it's not an unimportant plotpoint
But you know who would have had money to help fund the Army
A funny little warlord who would eventually go and build a fucking casino to run for funsies. A warlord who had to give the Government some of his Pirating Income to keep his warlord-status
Like Crocodile hated the Government anyways so why not help fund the Revolutionary Army in secret, out of spite if for no other reason
Vaguely related, but I keep on remembering this scene (post-Enies Lobby), which at first glance just seems like a basic Lore Dump
But then there's the
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(Or "however", she says "no ni" in Japanese and you could translate that in many ways, I would probably have gone with "however" but that wouldn't have fit into the speechbubble)
Mind you, the conversation just kind of ends there, next we see Garp realize he probably shouldn't have mentioned Dragon infront of such a massive audience, so wherever that "yet" was going to lead to we will never find out, because Oda conveniently changed the subject before we got to it
And you know. Like yes, Robin could be just expressing her shock over finding out that the leader of the Revolutionary Army had a child with someone
But also, Robin was a part of an organization that was trying to overthrow one of the founding countries of the World Government in an explicit attempt to go against said Government (compared to like, Blackbeard, who currently wants to make Fullalead into a "pirate country" that's a part OF the World Government)
Like you don't have to be a genius to look at Crocodile's ultimate goals and compare that to what Dragon is doing and find a few similarities here and there maybe
(Also like, Crocodile's equivalent in Romancing SaGa 2 is meant to be Wagnas, the queer-coded leader of the Seven Heroes (whom the OG Shichibukai are based on) who "hoped to help the world". You know, an interesting detail and all.)
Not to mention, during the time Robin spent with Baroque Works, if Crocodile was ever in contact with the Revolutionary Army at all, considdering she has the ability to easily spy on people and that she didn't trust Crocodile one bit, it wouldn't be unsurprising if she ever spied on Crocodile and/or just overheard a phone call or knew about Crocodile having secret spending habits or something
(Mind you, I'm not saying "she knew" Crocodile was involved with the Revolutionaries, more that she might've been Suspecting Things, that "yet" being about her connecting the dots while unsure if her conclusion was right or not)
Of course Crocodile's plans can't have been Dragon Approved by any means, especially considdering the Army had been looking for Robin for over 10 years (pre-timeskip)
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Four years of which were with Crocodile. Like if he was FULLY allied with the Army and KNEW they were looking for Robin, surely he would've called Dragon and been like "hey I found the kid from Ohara, wanna come hang out" or something. But no, he had bigger plans and kept Robin a secret from the Revolutionaries and the Government alike
Also like, I have seen people question why the Revolutionaries weren't involved with Alabasta's rebellion at all, and "Oda hadn't come up with the Revolutionaries yet at the time of writing" (/"OP was meant to end at Alabasta at one point so there would've been no reason to introduce the subplot at that point") aside Between Baroque Works being a secret organization working undercover (thus the Army might not have been aware of the civil war being manufactured), the framing of the King making him look bad and very much the type of monarch that deserved to be overthrown in the Army's eyes, and Crocodile maybe lying through his teeth about what was happening in the country... Yeah, the Army's lack of involvement with Alabasta suddenly makes sense
EDIT Minor addition: Just realized that because Crocodile was technically working for the Government, if the Revs ever did send forces to participate in Alabasta's civil army and taking down the throne, the Government could've easily ordered Crocodile to step in to stop the rebellion and take down the Revolutionaries, right? Because he was supposed to be on the Government's side, right? And surely the Army wouldn't have wanted to fight against Crocodile if they were secretly allied (Croc's secret betrayal aside), and if Crocodile refused to fight the Revs the Government could've seen that as a reason to revoke his Shichibukai rights (which wouldn't be great if they wanted to keep Crocodile in a position where he could fund the Army?). So it could've also been a case of it being for the best for everyone's sake to let this one play out "naturally"
But my point is
I'm just deeply intriqued by these little details and wonder if I'm Actually Masterfully Connecting The Dots Like a True Genius or just seeing a pattern where there's none. Like this is far from confirming the theory, I'm just saying, the pieces do kinda fit together do they not
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mimikusu · 14 days
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I hope you all need some sick showering Simon as much as I did!
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lxvvie · 18 days
pegging Graves but he goads you to do so.
Your asshole of a lover doing everything in his power short of actually doing something to piss you off—if only to see you take the reins.
See, you've entertained it, bought the damn strap and everything, but you always chickened out at the last minute. What's wrong, darlin'? You got a handsome man, willing and ready for ya, and you're turning tail on him?
Is that how this is, sweetheart? Graves thought you were made of tougher shit than that.
That smirk broadens when he's finally got you where he wants ya, but you know Graves, gorgeous. He has to have the last word. And it tips the balance.
"That's all yer made of, darlin'?" Oh, this bastard.
And that smirk turns into a chuckle and that chuckle turns into something else, halfway between a moan, and a breathy "Fuck..." and Graves wonders what took you so fuckin' long.
Shit, you didn't even fully undress him you were so amped up. But that's the point, darlin'.
Remind him to piss you off some other time. ❤️
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rissahs · 1 month
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All Hail the Princess!!!
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"She who Dances in a Silver of the Night Skies"
"The Angel of Stars"
"Child of Godzilla and Mothra"
"Princess of the Monsters"
"Avatar of the Star Goddess"
Princess Mothra Astra, the daughter of Godzilla and Mothra! Heir to the throne, and the Angel of Stars who foretold that she would one day become the ruler and protector of the Earth.
She is born on the twilight morning of the third day of April, where a single white star aligned above the heavens and the sunrise. She is revealed to be the Star Goddess' avatar, christening her blood and soul to the very beginning of her cycle. Both Godzilla and Mothra vowed to cherish her life and learning to become a protector and guardian at all times.
Until a terrible fate happens to the Princess. She was killed under the wrath of Ghidorah, the One who is Many in the eyes of the King and Queen. After Ghidorah's icy imprisonment, she made her final wish to her parents: she will be buried on the twilight eve from the parts of the island (the Philippines rather) where she will watch them and her people, and her promised about one day, she will be incarnated...
As centuries have passed after her death, the Princess' soul now resides on her human incarnation, Ma. Celestina, who would one day find the true meaning of the past and discovering her self.
Hello! And welcome to those who read my Godzilla fanfiction titled "Princess of the Monsters"!
The wait is over!
This is Mothra Astra. And this is also how I depicted her in her Titan form: she is a moth like Mothra, but has dorsal plates behind her wings like Godzilla and it acts like a carapace to protect her body from any danger. She also feeds on radiation, well, half of it. Crystals are her main power because of how resourceful and more powerful the Earth's core's radiation was; she can harness it by detecting 'a twinkling sound' and pinpoints it to the area she used to.
She is depicted to have a symbol of a six-pointed star on her forehead, indicating the avatar of the Star Goddess and supposedly rebirth.
Her appearance made her more ethereal and divine like. She is graceful, kind, loving and helpful like Mothra, and stubborn, strong, feisty, and equally powerful like Godzilla. One thing that describes her is her curiousity because of what was beyond the heavens wherein she could see those who died became stars, a belief she shared from her parents.
There are more stories for her to come. And I only posted this short background for her. Thank you all for liking my art! I work tirelessly just to come up with this!
This is now my official OC and Mothzilla fanchild!
@sassyassblog @mossizi @androgynouslovechopshop @magic-thing
Stay tune for the Princess of the Monsters story!
🌟~ @adm-starblitzsteel-4305
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patrice-bergerons · 2 months
Not to get lost in the narratives and such, but I think it's a wild thing to take a young player with fire in his belly who will be the first to admit that he was never even the best player in his junior teams made it to the NHL it's because he clawed his way thru via any means necessary, and to tell him, I want you to look at this example of all things beautiful about hockey, and do everything exactly as he does it.
And how all of that, instead of breeding resentment can turn into devotion. I'm thinking of faith and how Bergy will be the first to talk about all the ways in which Marchy made his game better, of two people who pushed and balanced and completed each other, who worked so well because they were so different in so many ways, two people who would suck at being each other. And what happens when, you say now you take over. Now you lead, on your own.
And I guess I'm also thinking of that 22 year old with a chip on his shoulder who was told: you will never be the best player on ice as long as he is on the ice, so I want you to be second best.
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evviejo · 6 months
friendly reminder that the only people jodie whittaker deserved better from were the fandom
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il-predestinato · 4 months
Charles repping all of us with this expression:
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theangrypomeranian · 2 months
if you don’t like a fic, just click out of it. leaving hateful comments is so unnecessary and demotivating.
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spindrifters · 11 months
We do not grow absolutely, chronologically. We grow sometimes in one dimension, and not in another; unevenly. We grow partially. We are relative. We are mature in one realm, childish in another. The past, present, and future mingle and pull us backward, forward, or fix us in the present. We are made up of layers, cells, constellations.
Anaîs Nin
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beautifulpersonpeach · 10 months
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He’s determined to become a problem.
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